For Project Only
For Project Only
For Project Only
Course Description: This course deals with human in terms of its adaptations, structural framework, with emphasis on physiology regulations’ adaptive
mechanism, integrates lecture with laboratory experience which provides exercises and techniques necessary in clinical situations.
Course Credit: Theory: 3 Units (54 Hours lec time)/ RLE: 2 units (102 lab hours)
Pre-requisites: None
Program Outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing;
2. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups and community utilizing nursing process;
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care;
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles;
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally-appropriate language;
6. Document to include reporting up-to date client care accurately and comprehensively;
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra- and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care using a systems approach;
9. Conduct research with an experience researcher;
10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing and
health developments in particular;
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino;
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery;
13. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession; and
14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care.
Level Outcomes: At the end of the first year given simulated situations in selected settings, the learners demonstrate basic nursing skills in rendering
safe and appropriate care utilizing the nursing process.
Course Content
No. of
Learning Outcomes Content/Topic Outcomes- Based Methodology Hrs/Weeks
UNIT 1 ORGANIZATION OF THE BODY Lecture Discussion Identification of the body’s
Given relevant questions 1. THE HUMAN BODY: AN ORIENTATION -Pen and paper anatomical terms using
/diagrams / illustrations the Test the human anatomy
student will be able to: The form (anatomy) determines function
1. Define anatomy and The body’s organization ranges from atoms to Case analysis of negative
physiology correctly. the entire organism and positive feedback of Wk 2
What are the requirements for life the body’s mechanism in 3 Hrs
2. Explain the systems maintaining homeostasis 6 Hrs
approach as applied to
the human body. Anatomical Terms
3. Identify the different BASIC CHEMISTRY Microscopic Anatomy
organs in each system. Matter and energy
4. Define homeostasis and
explain its importance. Atoms bound together form molecules;
Lecture Discussion
different molecules can make mixtures -Pen and paper
5. Explain negative- The three types of chemical bonds test
feedback mechanism Chemical Reactions.
mechanism Inorganic compounds
Organic compounds
6. Describe negative and Carbohydrates
positive feedback Lipids
mechanism and their
relationship to
homeostasis. DNA and RNA
7. Describe directional
terms, planes/
sections, body
regions, body
cavities, serous
8. Differentiate the
abdominal quadrants
and regions
Given relevant questions 3. CELLS: THE LIVING UNITS Lecture Discussion Cell labeling thru cell
/diagrams / illustrations the PLASMA MEMBRANE -Pen and paper diagram (anatomy and
student will be able to: Cells Test physiology
1. Describe cell structure The fluid mosaic model depicts the plasma - Nucleus
and function membrane as a double layer of phospholipids - Plasma membrane
- Cytosol Wk 2 6 Hrs
2. Discuss the whole cell with embedded proteins
activity Passive membrane 3 Hrs
Labeling of organelles of
3. List four ways by which Active membrane the cells (anatomy and
substances cross the Selective diffusion physiology)
cell membrane Cell adhesion molecules and membrane
4. Differentiate mitosis How the nucleus produces
from meiosis proteins
5. Classify and give an
example of the major THE CYTOPLASM - Diffusion
types of epithelial tissue. Cytoplasmic organelles each - Osmosis
6. Classify connective Cilia and microvilli - Facilitated diffusion
tissues, and give - Active transport
examples on each type Nucleus
7. List the structural and
functional The cell cycle
characteristics of Messenger RNA
mucous and serous Apoptosis
8. State/describe the skin
and it’s appendages in 4. TISSUE: THE LIVING FABRIC
terms of: Tissue
Identification of different
8.1 Structure Epithelial tissue covers kinds of tissue and its
8.2 function Connective tissue Lecture Discussion physiology.
9. Discuss the role of the -Pen and paper
skin in sensation, Muscle tissue (anatomy workbook:
test tissues)
regulation of body Nervous tissue
temperature, absorption - Epithelial tissues
The cutaneous membrane,mucous and
and excretion - Simple squamous
serous membranes - Stratified
Tissue repair - Pseudo stratified
Given Relevant questions the 2. BONES AND SKELETAL TISSUES Lecture Discussion Skeletal system
students will be able to: Hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage help -Pen and paper presentation thru dummy.
Bones important functions Test
1. Discuss the functions of Anatomy workbook
the skeletal system. Bones are classified by their location and Skeletal Dummy (Bones and skeletal
2. Explain bone Formation shape Presentation/labeling tissue)
3. Identify the different The gross structure of all bones consists of
bones of the body. compact bone sandwiching spongy bone
4. Describe the different Bones develop either by intramembranous or
types of bones, joints, endochondral ossification
and joint movements Bone remodeling
5. Demonstrate types of Bone Disorders
joint movements. Developmental Aspects of Bones Wk 4 6 Hrs
The axial skeleton 3 Hrs
8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones
The vertebral column
The thoracic cage
pectoral girdle
The upper limb
The hip bones
The lower limb
Developmental aspects of the skeleton
Three structural and three functional
categories of the joints
Fibrous joints
Cartilaginous joints
Synovial joints
The diversity of synovial joints
Joints are easily damaged by injury,
inflammation, and degeneration
Given Relevant questions the 5. MUSCLES AND MUSCLE TISSUE Slides Presentation Muscle identification thru
students will be able to: 3 types of muscle tissue diagram. Wk 5
Muscle labeling
1. Name the types of Skeletal muscle Types and functions of 3 Hrs 6 Hrs
muscles, their structure Motor neurons Video presentation: joints all around the body
(gross and microscopic) Wave summation and motor unit recruitment (anatomy workbook:
and functions ATP ch?v=rMcg9YzNSEs muscles and tissues)
2. Explains the physiology The force, velocity, and duration of skeletal
of muscle contraction muscle contractions Pen and paper test
3. Identify the muscles
How does skeletal muscle respond to
involved in each
movement and vital
Smooth muscle
4. Identify business Developmental Aspects of muscles
ventures relatedto the
muscular system. 6. THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM
For any movement muscles can act in one of
3 ways
How are skeletal muscles named?
Fascicle arrangements help determine
muscle shape and force
Muscles acting with bones form lever systems
Muscle’s origin and insertion determine its
12 pairs of cranial nerves
31 Pairs of spinal nerves innervate the body
Given relevant 6. THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Lecture Discussion – Pen Identification of each Wk 9 6 Hrs
questions/situations/films the The endocrine system and paper test organ, glands, and
student will be able to: hormones for endocrine 3 Hrs
The chemical structure of a hormone Organ labeling system
Hormones act through second messengers or
by activating specific genes Anatomy and physiology (anatomy workbook:
1. Describe the structure,
location and functions of Three types of stimuli cause hormone release Video presentation: view the
endocrine system)
the organs of the Cells respond to a hormone if they have a link 1. Hypothalamus
endocrine system. receptor for that hormone 2. Pineal gland
2. Identify the different The hypothalamus controls release of 3. Pituitary gland
hormones of the ch?v=f_Z1zsR9lFM a. Anterior
hormones from the pituitary gland in two
endocrine glands different ways b. Posterior
4. Thymus gland
3. States the effect of hypo The thyroid gland controls metabolism
secretion and hyper 5. Thyroid gland
The parathyroid glands are primary regulators 6. Adrenal gland
secretion of specific of blood calcium levels 7. Pancreas
endocrine glands. The adrenal glands produce hormones
involved in electrolyte balance and the stress
The pineal gland secretes melatonin
The pancreas, gonads, and most other
organs secrete hormones
Given relevant 3. THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: BLOOD Slides Presentation/ Lecture Physiology of circulation Wk 11
questions/situations/films the
student will be able to: VESSELS Discussion (anatomy workbook 3Hrs 6Hrs
3 layers of blood vessels cardiovascular system)
1. Describe the size,
shape, location, and Arteries and vessels Difference between the
orientation of the heart Capillaries veins and arteries
in the thorax. Veins
2. Name the coverings of Aorta – Arteries –
the heart arterioles
3. Describe the structure PHYSIOLOGY OF CIRCULATION
and functions of the four Veins – Venuole -
heart chambers. Name capillaries
Blood flow from high to low pressure
each chamber and
Blood pressure decreases as blood flows
provide the name and
general route of its from arteries through capillaries into veins
associated great Regulation of blood pressure
vessel(s). Intrinsic and extrinsic control
4. Name the heart valves
location, function, and
mechanism of
operation. Pulmonary and systemic Circulations
5. Trace the pathway of The Aorta and Major Arteries of the
blood through the heart Systemic Circulation
6. Name the major Arteries of the Head and neck
branches and describe
Arteries of the Upper limbs and thorax
the distribution of the
coronary arteries. Arteries of the abdomen
7. Describe the normal Arteries of the pelvis and lower limbs
heart sounds, and The venae cavae and the major veins of the
explain how heart systemic circulation
murmurs differ.
Veins of the Head and Neck
8. Name and explain the
effects of various factors Veins of the Upper limbs and thorax
regulating stroke volume Veins of the abdomen
and heart rate. Veins of the Pelvis and lower limbs
9. Describe
vasoconstriction and
10. Compare and contrast
the structure and
function of the three
types of arteries.
11. Define blood flow, blood
pressure, and
resistance, and explain
the relationships
between these factors.
Given relevant 11. THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM AND LYMPHOID Slides Presentation/ Lecture Lymphatic system labeling
questions/situations/films the ORGANS AND TISSUES Discussion thru diagram
student will be able to:
The lymphatic system structure Pen and paper test
Lymphoid cells
1. Locate the different Lymph nodes
lymphatic organs. The spleen
2. Describes the structural MALT
characteristics and Lymphocytes
functions of the spleen, 12. THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: INNATE AND
thymus, and tonsils. ADAPTIVE BODY DEFENSES
3. Differentiate active and INNATE DEFENSES
passive immunity.
Surface barriers Wk 13
4. Describe ways to
acquire adaptive Innate internal defenses
3 Hrs 6 Hrs
B and T lymphocytes and antigen-
presenting cells
Humoral Immunity
Cellular Immunity
Immune Respones
Upper respiratory system
5. Describe the structure
Lower respiratory system Slides Presentation Respiratory system
and functions of the
Pleural cavity Video presentation:
respiratory organs. 1. Organs involved
6. Trace the pathway of air 2. Functions of each
Volume changes ch?v=hc1YtXc_84A organs
from the outside to the
alveoli. Measuring respiratory volumes, capacities 3. How lungs
and flow rates oxygenates the
7. Differentiate inspiration
Gases exchange by diffusion blood and the
from expiration whole body
8. Explain the mechanism Oxygen transportation
4. Process and blood
involved in ventilation. Respiratory centers in the brain stem circulation of the
9. Describe the nervous Respiratory adjustments during exercise
and chemical control of lungs and the
respiration/factors respiratory system
influencing respiratory 5. Disorders of the
rate and depth. respiratory system
6. The role of the
lungs and the
respiratory system
in maintaining
Given relevant 14. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Interactive Discussion/Slides Digestive system labeling
questions/situations/films the OVERVIEW OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM presentation Wk 14 6 Hrs
student will be able to: Anatomy Workbook
Major processes of digestive system
View the link: (digestive system) 3 Hrs
4 Layers of GI tract
1. Identify the organs of Enteric Nervous system 1. Organs involved in
ch?v=zo0bGkkqJGo digestive system
2. State the functions of 2. Functions of each
SYSTEM Pen and paper test
the organs of the organs
Ingestion from the mouth 3. Physiology and
digestive system.
3. Identify the regions of Pharynx and esophagus importance of each
the abdomen and Stomach organs
organs of the digestive Liver and Pancreas 4. The process of
system found in each digestive system
Small intestine
region and its importance
4. Define deglutition, Large intestine in maintaining
digestion, absorption, Physiology of Digestion and absorption homeostasis
metabolism and Digestion process
elimination Process of nutrition
5. Discuss the mechanism 15. NUTRITION, METABOLISM, AND ENERGY
involved in deglutition,
digestion, absorption,
metabolism and NUTRIENTS
elimination Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
6. Describe vomiting and Vitamins and minerals
defecation METABOLISM Interactive Discussion/Slides
7. Describes the functions
Metabolism reactions in the body presentation
of the digestive
enzymes and Carbohydate metabolism
Pen and paper test
hormones. Lipid metabolism
8. Discuss the digestion, Amino acids
absorption, and Energy
transport of nutrients.
Liver process in metabolism
Neural and hormonal factors
(anatomy workbook:
Urinary system)
Ovarian Cycle
Female Reproductive System
The female sexual response
Learning Environment:
Instructional Resources includes: Films/movies, Case Vignette, Multimedia equipment, Reflective exercises
Course Requirements:
Grading System:
A. First half(Preliminary - Midterm)
Preliminary test 20%
Class Performance 40%
Midterm examination 40%
B. Second half(Finals)
Class Performance 40%
Final Examination 60%
C. Final Grade
Prescribed textbook:
Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn (2016) Human Anatomy & Physiology, 10th Edition Pearson
Martini, F and Bartholomew, E. (2010) Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. 5th edition.
Tortora, G. and Derrickson, B. (2007) Introduction to the Human Body; 7th edition. Manila: John Wiley & Son’s
Gunstream, S. (2006). Anatomy and Physiology with Integrated Study Guide; 3rd edition. Manila: Mc Graw Hill
Marieb, E. (2006). Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology; 8th Edition.
Mader, S. (2004). Human Biology; 8th Edition. Manila: Mc Graw Hill.
Martini, F. and Bartholomew, E. (2007), Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology; 4th Edition
Shier, D. (2004). Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology; 10th Edition
Selley, (2009) Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology.
Thibodeau, G. and Patton, K. (2004). Anatomy and Physiology; 5th Edition.
Prepared by/date: Approved by/date: Noted by:
Jan Jarrel B. Gillego, RN, MAN Ma. Cecilia Ortiz-Quibel, RN, PhD Dr. Ramon C. Maniago