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Hotel Management

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The document discusses the introduction, requirements, design, implementation and testing of a hotel management system.

The essential principles are to understand the problem, model and analyze the problem, validate requirements, and manage requirements changes as the problem evolves.

The techniques used are domain understanding, requirement collection, classification, conflict resolution and prioritization.


 Introduction of the Project “Hotel

management ”

 Software/System Requirement Study

 Objective of the Software

 Feasibility Study

 Software/System Design with description of

the following :-

a) Data Flow Diagram

b) Entity-Relationship Diagram

 Front-End Screen Shots with explanation

 List of Database Tables

 Source code

 Testing and Implementation

 Limitations

 Future Enhancements

 Conclusion

 Bibliography


For the module Principles and Practices of Software Production, the

assignment given for In Course Assessment was to effectively grow
completely useful programming to mechanize the Online Hotel Room
Booking System at "Asia pacific organization of data technology"(APIIT
SD India) which is set up with the goal of conquering the basic overall
interest for talented Engineering and Management Professionals. Today,
APIIT is a set up pioneer in the Asia Pacific area for giving the absolute
best in Engineering and Management training. Its vision is to love
understudies through its focal point of brilliance which are administered
by best practices in Quality Education.

Software/System Requirement Study
Requirement Analysis also called Requirement Engineering is the process
of determining user expectations for a new or modified product. It
involves frequent communication with system users. It is a process that
involves all the activities required to create and maintain system
requirements documentation.

The essentials principles for requirement engineering activities are:-

1. Understand the problem-The problems that user of HMS may face are
to be found out and should be solved. This can be done by performing
the data gathering techniques like questionnaire, interviews,
observation, etc.
2. Modeling and analyzing the problem- Structured analysis is used as
the modeling technique which helps in analyzing the problems found
in HMS.
3. Requirement validation- Requirement conflict, negotiations etc can be
solved, because users of the HMS may be of different background.
4. Requirement management- In the early phases of requirement
analysis, requirements continues to evolve software development
phase. So there is a need to manage the changes as the problem
5. Communication problem- The project managers of HMS are required
to establish information between the customer and the developer
which is achieved through project specification, documentation and
review meetings of the developer’s team.

Requirement Elicitation &Analysis

Requirements elicitation is the practice of collecting the

requirements of a system from users, customers and other
stakeholders. Requirement elicitation and analysis is an
iterative process with continual feedback from each activity to
other activities. The process cycle starts with domain
understanding and ends with requirements checking.

The techniques used for requirement elicitation and requirement analysis


1. Domain Understanding: This states that the developers of the Hotel

Management System should understand the domain and find out
exactly how such systems are working in other organizations so that
this system can be designed accordingly.

2. Requirement Collection: The users of the HMS are the executive,

customers and their requirements are to be known prior to the system
design process.

3. Classification: This activity takes the unstructured collection of

requirements and organizes them into logical group.

4. Conflict Resolution: Since this Hotel Management System is to be

used by different user groups so the possible conflicts of HMS are to
be found and resolved.

5. Prioritization: This technique enables the HMS designers to arrange

the requirements according to their priorities as per the customers.

6. Requirement Checking: The requirements are checked in accordance

with what customers really want from the system to discover if they
are complete and reliable.

Objective of the Software

 To provide a fully functional automated Hotel Management System

that will be an offline system but some work can be done online also.
 To provide a complete organizational and reliable system with least
possibility of any errors
 To taking the feedback from the customer so that the hotel can be
proved to be useful for their customers.

 Customer can easily register at any point of time sitting in their homes
and login for their purpose.
 To view the information regarding room’s availability, executive
should login with their unique ID.
 A central database has been designed which will help in removing the
issues/flaws associated with the existing manual system and also will
keep the records safely.

The objective of feasibility study is to determine whether or not the
proposed system is feasible. The feasibility is determined in terms of
three aspects. These are:-

 Technical Feasibility

In this, one has to test whether the system can be developed using
existing technology or not. We have used Visual Basic as front-end and
MS ACCESS as back-end. It is evident that necessary hardware and
software are available for development and implementation of proposed
system. We acquired the technical knowledge of working in Visual Basic
language, and then only we have started designing our project. à

 Behavioral Feasibility:

The hotels are already using various software for managing their
information and since it is acceptable by both hotel administration as well
as hotel staff, it is proven to be operationally feasible.

 Economical feasibility:

As a part of this, the costs and benefits associated with the proposed
system are compared and the project is economically feasible only if
tangible and intangible benefits outweigh the cost. The cost for proposed
hotel management system is out weighing the cost and efforts involved in
maintaining the registers, books, files and generation of various reports.
The system also reduces the administrative and technical staff to do
various jobs that single software can do. So, this system is economically
feasible. à

 Legal Feasibility:

Legal feasibility determines whether the proposed system conflicts with

legal requirements, e.g. the Data Protection Act. It will be done by some
legal advisers.

Software/System Design with description of the
following :-


Data Flow Diagram

Front-End Screen Shots with explanation

Home page:-

Login page:


Reservation form:



About us page:
List of Database Tables

Source code:

System Testing

Making sure the application delivers what it was made for. Test-is Application
testing. Description - The user browse through the categories and is adding and finally
checking out with hotels added to the payment.


i. Browse the categories and hotel. Add to select cart.

ii. Browse through the cart before checking out.

iii. Expected Result - If there seems to be no error in the coding then the user will be
directed to the register page, or if any error then the web will close by itself


Upon close deliberation, a few limitations that could very well be looked into and
enhanced in future were uncovered. They are:

i. Login and registration of user.

ii. Manage Account option not added.

iii. Payment options and check in options yet to be added.
iv. Less categories and more facilitates.

Future Enhancements

Future Enhancements these limitations, following enhancements could be a definite


i. User Account registration and management.

ii. More hotel and more categories.

iii. Linking user account to social media account.


In the conclusion to the project, following were the learning outcomes gained:

i. Identify a substantial research and/or development project including the

contemporary engineering, scientific or research fields.

ii. Combine and demonstrate synthesis of new knowledge with the application of
relevant underlying theory, skills, concepts and methodologies in relevant
engineering and/or scientific fields.

iii. Analyze, interpret, explain and evaluate results generated during the project and
compare and contrast to existing work.




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