Destoner Machine
Destoner Machine
Destoner Machine
Excellent separation degree.
Efficient cleaning.
Destoner MTSC.
Execution with one screen deck.
Application The lower layer with the heavy particles flows upward
For separating stones from a continuous product stream. and is fed to the final separation zone of the bottom
Reliable removal of high-density impurities such as stones destoning screen. Final separation of the stones from
and pieces of metal and glass is achieved on the basis the grain is accomplished by a countercurrent of air.
of differences in specific gravity. Design: with or without The stone-free product streams on the two screens float
air-recycling system. on cushions of air, flowing slowly toward the product
outlet. Discharge is effected through rubber squeeze
Mode of operation valves.
The gravity-fed grain is spread by a feeder, which at the The sieve box is supported by hollow rubber springs and
same time acts as an air seal, across the entire width of is caused to oscillate by one or two vibrators depending
the machine. On the preseparation screen, the product on machine execution.
stream is stratified according to its specific gravity by the The inclination of the screens, the air volume and final
oscillating motion of the screen and by the air flowing separation can be individually adjusted to achieve the
through the product from bottom to top. The light par- optimum degree of separation. For capacities below 6 t/h,
ticles collect at the top, and the heavy ones including the the machine is applied with a single screen deck.
stones at the bottom.
High capacity.
Clean end products.
Destoner MTSC.
Execution with air-recycling system
and two screen decks.
1 Fan
2 MANU air-recycling separator
3 Airlock
4 Air return duct
5 Product inlet
6 Product outlet
7 Stones
8 Aspiration connection
(necessary for dust-free operation of the machine)
Capacity table. The capacities specified refer to dry grain in the first cleaning stage.
Bühler AG
CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland
T +41 71 955 11 11
F +41 71 955 66 11