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‘PAHARPUR) PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. HEAT EXCHANGER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: BHASA WORKS PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BOX PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BOX PROCEDURE NO. : PCTL/EIL-CANADA/UT-01 REV. : 0 CLIENT : EXCHANGER INDUSTRIES LIMITED CALGARY, ALBERTA ITEM: FRONT HEADER (40001) & REAR HEADER (40002) DRAWING NO. 14-5280 A-D : REV. 3 Prrekades Kasoroboe RNCARRI KARMAKAR {ASNT UT-LEVEL-II) PREPARED BY: Por PAHARPUR, ‘SAMBI ut ‘Manat JOLING TOWERS LTD. eo ie (\ aA ger (QA) | Ge (a ceteris fe] BIRENDRA NATH DHAN BIRENDRA NATH DHAN (ASNT UT-LEVEL-tI}) (ASNT UT-LEVELAIN) CHECKED BY: ra Nath Dhan “ASNT NDT Level il (RT UT, MT, PTV) Certificate No. 47164 & " Ra PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. HEAT EXCHANGER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: BHASA WORKS PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BOX Section Description Page No. 10 Scope 3 20 Reference Standard 3 3.0 Personnel Qualification 3 4.0 Surface Condition 3 5.0 Equipment as - 6.0 Procedure 4 7.0 Calibration 5 8.0 Examination 8 9.0 Evaluation 8 10.0 Acceptance 9 11.0 Post Examination Cleaning 9 12.0 Reporting 9 | S63, wees BIRENDRA NATH DHAN BIRENDRA NATH DHAN (ASNT UT-LEVEL-I) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-II) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-I) PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY Birendra Nath Dhan ASNT NDT Love (RT. UT. MT. PT. VI) Certificate No. 47161 Birendra Nath Dhan ‘ASNT NDT Lovell! (RT, UT, MT. PT, V7) Certificate No. 4716 For PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. Yy we (\y SAMBU sw, ‘Manager (QA) enna PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. HEAT EXCHANGER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: BHASA WORKS PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BOX 1.0 Scope This procedure specifies the requirements for contact ultrasonic examination on weld joints of header box of plate thickness ranging from 20mm to 63mm for detection of internal imperfection in the weldand weld joints between nozzles & headev bow (category D'). Pipe Hvickn igiaelaant eld inate betgeen mezales 2 eo bow Coategery 2.0 Reference Standards ASME Section V, Article 4, 2013. ASME Section VIII, Division 1, 2013 3.0 Personnel Qualification Personnel perform the testing shall be qualified to minimum Level-II in the method as per PCT’s written practice. Procedure No.:-QMI-001 Rev.4 ; Dtd. 21.03.2014. 4.0 Surface Condition Surface of weld with reinforcement and scanning surface on both side of the weld shall be free from any surface irregularities, weld spatters and other extraneous materials, which may interfere in scanning, may be accomplished by light grinding or by any other suitable method. 5.0 Equipment 5.1 Instrument Requirements A Pulse-echo type of ultrasonic instrument shall be used. The instrument shall be capable of operating at frequencies ranging between 1 MHz to SMHz shall be equipped with a stepped gain control in 248 or less. If the instrument has a damping control, it may be used if it does not reduce the sensitivity of \~ the examination. The reject control shall be in off position for all examinations, unless it can be demonstrated that it does not affect the linearity = DI | S&S REVIEWED serrssucre Qe orefou is Date & Signature be Mil achat Ratinakor- PANCHADRI KARMAKAR BIRENDRA NATH DHAN BIRENDRA NATH DHAN {ASNT UT-LEVEL-II) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-I) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-It} PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BYsnan Birendra Nath Dhan "ASNT NOT Level "ASNT NDT Lovel =I (RTUT. MT. PT, V1) (RT UTMT. PT, VT) _ Certiticate No. 47164 ‘* BAHARPUR CQO4.ING TOWERS LTD. Certificate No. 47161 Ede 20° ‘SAMBUDDHA DUTTA GUPTA ‘Manager (QA) _ PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. HEAT EXCHANGER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: BHASA WORKS PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BQX The instrument, when required because of the technique being used, shall have both send and receive jacks for operation of dual search unit or a single search unit with sending and receiving transducers. The instrument may be analog or digital type. Computerized imaging techniques type also may be used to perform the basic scanning functions required for flaw detection. 5.2. Search Units 5.2.1 The nominal frequency shall be from 1 MHz to SMHz depends on the material grain structure, penetration and resolution requires the use of proper selection of frequency. Search unit with contoured contact wedge or curve shoe may be used to aid the coupling with the part surface. 5.2.2 Frequency and size of the search unit shall be chosen according to the path of travel. Smaller size 10mm diameter straight beam search unit for beam path 100mm and &x9mm angle beam search Unit for 200mm shall be used. High frequency 2 to 4 MHz shall be suitable for shorter beam path and for longer beam path, larger size and high frequency search unit shall be used for better penetration 5.2.3 Fordetection of discontinuities, which are parallel to the part surface shall be best detected by longitudinal wave and inclined discontinuities, which are parallel to the part surface shall be best detected by longitudinal wave and inclined discontinuities can be detected by using transverse wave. Propagation of transverse wave shall be selected in such a way that the fusion zone should be nearly perpendicular to the propagated angle beam. Selection of angle beam search unit shall follow the thumb rule 90-bevel angle and 90-thickness or as per the recommendation in specified 5.3 Couplant A suitable couplant, such as SAE 30 MOTOR oil or similar commercial ultrasonic couplant, shall be used to couple the search unit to the test surface. Other couplant may also be used but should not be detrimental to the material being examined. SED] REVIEWED eIpLAa METE Qivors Date Signatie SGSINDIAPVT 5, KOLKATA esc eae en 5 -- : Betara argisset se solbeat J PANCHADRI KARMAKAR BIRENDRA NATH DHAN BIRENDRA NATH DHAN (ASNT UT-LEVEL:I) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-I) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-II) fs I: APPROVED BY PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY | Birendra Nath DI "ASNT NOT Level ASNT NDT Lovell fn (RT UT. MT. PT VO 1 Contificate No. 47164 "AKARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. Cortiticate No. war PTA : ‘Manager (QA) Geena PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. 7 HEAT EXCHANGER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: BHASA WORKS. PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BOX 6.0 Procedure 6.1 Techniques 6.1.1 Techniques are intended for application either single or dual element search unit dependant on the thickness of the material to be examined. Normal incident longitudinal wave beam generally termed as straight beam shall be used for examination for thickness measurement, clad examination or lamination examination. 6.1.2 Angle beam shear wave, where the incident angle in the wedges produced only refracted shear waves in material under examination are termed as angle beam examination. Weld examination generally used contact angle beam shear wave scanning, 6.2 Scanning 7 6.2.1 Scanning of weld joints shall be manual contact testing using shear wave angle beam. Scanning shall cover full volume of the weld and shall be from both side of the weld perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of weld for detection discontinuities parallel to the weld axis and scan at 10°-15° to the weld axis from both side of the weld to the discontinuities transverse to the weld axis. 6.2.2 At least 10% overlap shall be maintained between the scan for full coverage 6.2.3 Scanning speed shall not exceed 150mm/sec. 7.0 Calibration 7.1 Sweep Range calibration For sweep range calibration, any of the lIW basic calibration-block either V1 or V2 block shall be used shear wave angle beam and straight beam calibration. 1 | sc BREvIEW=D 7.2 System calibration for distance amplitude techniques seuss ere GB a alg & Sonate ERRAERET o,xourn a cremas wae cumreteee aS Eeeaenerect tae Sa ere ity apse dors ae we Calibration shall be performed utilizing the calibration block shi PANCHADRIKARMAKAR BIRENDRA NATH DHAN BIRENDRA NATH DHAN (ASNT UT-LEVEL-II) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-I) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-!I) a ; APPROVED BY PREPARED BY: FHESSEPNEY: onan Birendra Nath Dhan ‘ASNT NDT Level ASNTNDT Level (RL UTM PT VD) (RT UT MT Pr VD Cegticate to. 47161 Certificate No. 47161 or PAHARPUR GOOLING TOWERS LTD. Y Arr’ hy” SAMBUDDHA DuTTA GUPTA | Manager (QA) HEAT EXCHANGER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: BHASA WORKS - -F 7 PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. » ~ PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BOK m FIG, 1-434.2.1 NON-PIPING CALIBRATION BLOCKS - ~ eo , Vr Minimum dimensions 7 De= "pin. (13 mm) With = 6 in. (180 mm) Length’s 8x Thicknass Cladding lf present) a Calbation Block Hole j ~ Weld Thickness, 4 Thicess, J, Diameter, Notch Dimensions, in. (mm) in, (vm) 'n. (nm) in, (om Up te 1 (25) Has ert my (255 Notch depth = 2% 7 Over 1 (25) through 2 (80) Yq 08) or t 4D Notch width= % (6 Cer 2 (50) trough 4 1100) 3195) oF ¢ Hy Nofcl ength = 2 (25) min, i208) oo (ESSED| EWED erupuere Qrvelos- Date & Signature fe GS INDIAPVT.L1D- KOLKA aa e Hyp oko on PANCHADRI KARMAKAR BIRENDRANATH DHAN RANATH DHAN f (ASNT UT-LEVELAI) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-I) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-I) PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: ‘APPROVED BY . = > / PAHARPUR GOO4NG TOWERS LTD. Se v , eZ Mp u A YY SAMBUDDHA DUTTA GUPTA ‘Manager (QA) ‘or PAHARPUR oh ‘TOWERS LTD. ee PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. HEAT EXCHANGER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: BHASA WORKS PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BOX 7.2.1 Reflectors Specified reflectors (side drill holes, flat bottom hole, notches) shall be used to establish the primary reference response of equipment. An alternative reflector may be used to establish sensiti equa to or greater than the specified reflector (e.g, side drilled hole in lieu of notch or flat bottom hole in lieu of side drilled hole), 7.2.2 Material 4 The material of the block shall be same as the material used in production job or equivalent P no. Grouping as one of the materials being examined. If the component weld at the time of examination has been heat treated, block shall receive the same heat treatment. 7.2.3 Quality Prior to fabrication, the block material shall be completely examined with straight beam search unit. Areas containing any indication exceeding remaining back wall shall be excluded from the beam path required to reach various calibration reflectors. 7.2.4 Heat Treatment The calibration bock shall receive the minimum tempering treatment required by the material ‘specification for the type and grade. 7.2.5 Surface Finish The surface finish of the block shall be representatf je Scanning SfGkp mination surface | VIEWED of the component to be examined. c arvswere Qs owns ate 8 inate $08 INDIPVT LTO, KOLKATA oe 7.3.1 Angle beam shall be directed towards thazaslibration sreléemsrthat Vfel4s the maximum response in the area of interest. The gain control Shalbhe'aavsa tie this response is 80%+5% of full screen height, This shall be the primary reference level. Then the search unit shall be manipulated without changing the instrument setting to obtain the maximum responses from the other calibration reflectors at their beam paths to generate the distance amplitude correction (DAC) curve. This —.._ calibration shall establish both the distance range calibration and distance amplitude correction. 7.3 Angle beam calibration Bien La KessmtkKos. ky a PANCHADRI KARMAKAR BIRENDRA NATH DHAN BIRENDRA NATH DHAN (ASNT UT-LEVELAN) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-II) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-tI}) : ‘APPROVED BY PREPARED BY: Bee Birondra Nath Dhan ‘ASNT NDT Lovel if ‘ASNT NDT Level (RUT. MT PT VD) (Rr UT ur Pr vy ame ‘No. 47161 + Certificate No. 47164 aul SAMBUDDHA DUTTA GUPTA ‘Manager (QA) Keone PAHARPUR COOLING TOWERS LTD. HEAT EXCHANGER QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT: BHASA WORKS ~ PROCEDURE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION ON WELD JOINT OF HEADER BOX 8.0 Examination , 8.1 Reflector parallel to the weld seam : The angle beam shall be directed at approximate right angle to the weld axis from both sides of the . weld on the same surface. The search unit shall be manipulated so that the ultrasonic energy passes through the required volume of weld and the adjacent base material “ 8.2 Reflector transverse to the weld seam The angle beam shall be directed parallel to the weld axis on the weld if the weld surface is smooth or flash, otherwise at 10°-15° to the weld axis from both sides. The search unit’shall be manipulated so that the ultrasonic energy passes through the weld and the adjacent base materials. . 8.3 Restricted access welds The weld that cannot be fully examined from two directions using the angle beam technique shall also ’ be examined, if possible, by straight beam technique. This restricted access shall be noted in the report. ; 8.5 Inaccessibility welds The welds that cannot be examined from at least one side using angle beam technique shall be noted in the examination report. 9.0 Evaluation 9.1 Sizing of indications The size of indication shall be established by comparing the amplitude from the discontinuity with » respect to the reference level of DAC and examination of indications shall be evaluated in terms of nat acceptance criteria of the standard. Any indication greater than 20% of the reference level shall be evaluated by moving the search unit to the level of 50% (6 dB drop) of the highest level of reference level, which shall be considered as extension of ste & Signet ATA Ess mae eae Gone =| Sees, Swe * Resend aren AI ce me BIRENDRA NATH DHAN BIRENDRA NATH DHAN (ASNT UT-LEVEL-II) (ASNT UT-LEVEL-III), (ASNT UT-LEVEL-III) |EPARED BY: CHECKED BY: Bon " rer Ne Dhan pearignbee aonr not cove

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