Sub: Web Security Name: Shubham Sati ROLL NO: 17BCA1100 Class: Bca5C
Sub: Web Security Name: Shubham Sati ROLL NO: 17BCA1100 Class: Bca5C
Sub: Web Security Name: Shubham Sati ROLL NO: 17BCA1100 Class: Bca5C
SQL injection usually occurs when you ask a user for input,
like their username/userid, and instead of a name/id, the
user gives you an SQL statement that you
will unknowingly run on your database.
• and released is 1.
ans: The XPath Injection Security Scan tries to attack the web
service by replacing the TestStep's original parameters with
malicious strings, designed to expose potential flaws in web
services that are using user input in XPath expressions. By using
assertions, you can assure that the attack didn't expose sensitive
data, return a session ID, etc.
How to prevent it :
• The user input needs to be sanitized such
as quote(‘) can be replaced with “'”. The validation
has to be added both in client and server side.
Unsanitised Input
Out-of-Band Injection