Felix Bernardo Je Ann Cabantugan
Felix Bernardo Je Ann Cabantugan
Felix Bernardo Je Ann Cabantugan
Felix Bernardo
Je Ann Cabantugan
Jayson Cabibihan
Paloma Castillon
Students in the mountain village
of Kumpur, a village in distress, walk
across the mountains of the highest
situated country on earth, Nepal. They
go to the city almost on a daily basis
and are immediately forced to cross the
dangerous river with a ramshackle
The village community Kumpur is
spread across 18 farms on the Dhap
Nepal the highest country on earth runs Mountain. Their families have lived on
through mountain ranges and sometimes reaching their land now for thousands of years
heights of more 4000 meters above sea level. The herding their life-sustaining cattle
Kanpur mountain village in the province of Bagmati, without electricity, running water or
whoever wants to make it to school time, must go contact to the outside world. Although
unusual ways under extreme conditions. The they constantly ask themselves if the
destination which is the Shree Adarsha School with promise of an education justifies the
650 students, some of them have the most danger of the path involved, they send
extraordinary ways to school with daily adventure their children day after day to school.
trip, walking through mountains on foot, risky
hitchhiking across the highway, and twice a day
crossing the most dangerous river of the area with a
ramshackle ropeway.
They constantly ask themselves if the promise
of an education justifies the danger of the path
involved they send their children day after day to
school for them to have a brighter future.
There is only one way for the pupils to cross the river
through the use of tuin – a basket on two old wire cables. A
numbers of students have fallen to the rivers while trying to
reach the other sides. In times of the monsoon, sudden rain
showers make the water level rise dramatically. At each
goodbye there is a touch of fear. The children from Kanpur
always stick together and help each other to cope with their
dangerous way to school. One and a half hour before the class
starts, from all over the Kanpur village the children gather
Kumpur, Nepal together at the foot of the mountain. They are on their way to
Ajit and Rabindra climb onto the ropes to bring the basket to their school in the city. Today the children go to the city almost
the other side. Towards the middle of the river, the rope in a daily basis and are forced to cross the dangerous river to
rags. The tuin, on the other hand is the only chance to arrive gained knowledge.
at school at time but a life threatening for the children. By Thus, the government of Nepal should take a step in
now the tuin is in quite a tilted position. Over the years, the reaching out to the situation and life of the students. Activities,
rope has loosened little by little and with every passenger particularly those regarding planning and decision making of
could have lost their balance a bit more. Recently, the tuin development, are distributed or delegated away from the
had a third rope in the middle and it made it easy to push center. Construction of a bridge could be a great help to
the basket. And many used it to pull themselves closer to provide passage over the obstacle on their way to school.
the other side on the last meters. But then it ripped apart
and since then they need to cope with two ropes only. For
years, students and parents had been hoping the
Government would build a bridge. But in the truth
everybody believes in the village that until there is no one
died nothing will happen.
Their days end with a hope and a
satisfaction. Ajit and his friends will once more get
up with the first rays of sunshine and head off on
one of the world’s extraordinary and dangerous
way to school.