Mu Pi Tunning GA
Mu Pi Tunning GA
Mu Pi Tunning GA
Abstract: A new tuning method for robust decentralised PI controllers is given. The controller
tunings are obtained by minimising a robust performance criterion. The cost function to be
minimised is derived from the standard p-synthesis criterion and it takes into account the process
uncertainty and the desired performance. A constraint on the variations of the controller outputs
can also be added to the performance criterion. The two options, with and without a constraint,
respect the specifications in a minimal way to limit the controller output variations obtained from
the standard p-synthesis criterion. These two options and the standard p-synthesis criterion are
compared on an ill-conditioned two-input two-output (TITO) process example. The generalised
step response for TITO processes is used to analyse the time behaviour of closed-loop systems.
H(s)= P(s)C(s)[l+P(s)C(s)] - is the complementary (10)
sensitivity function, oXs) is the relative uncertainty and
1 + 10s 1 +1os
a d s ) is the desired performance weight. Note that C(s)
represents the controller transfer matrix and I the identity Fig. 1 shows the linearised generalised relative dynamic
matrix. The criterion is evaluated over k different fi-equen- gain on a 3D graphic (GRDGL 3D) for the combination of
cies. Eqn. 6 aims to minimise the gap between the robust the GRDGL elements Ibl1(s) and A22 (s) [9] when first-
performance and unity. The desired performance is then order dynamics are assumed in closed-loop for the process
exactly satisfied in the worst case if the robust performance outputs. The frequencies oC1 and wC2represent the band-
is equal to unity for all the frequencies. From a practical widths of the first and the second loop, respectively. A
point of view, it is useless to obtain better robust perfor- small interaction is observed for a small JGRDGLI value.
mance than the design specification because the variations Fig. 1 shows that smaller interactions are obtained when
of the actuators will then be stronger than necessary. both closed-loops have the same bandwidth. To respect this
condition the controllers would be identical. It is possible
that nonidentical controllers can give w,1z w , ~for some
2.2 Controller output variations tunings, but identical controllers warrant wC1= wc2 for all
To obtain information on the variations of controller possible tunings on the nominal process. Also, noniden-
outputs, the singular values of the transfer matrix between tical controllers can improve the robust performance for
the process input u(s) and the process output disturbance the process used in this example [lo], but the possible
290 IEE Proc-Control Theoory AppL, Vol. 146, No. 4, July I999
y" 25
0 20 40 80 80 100
Fig. 1 GRDGL3Dfor combination ofGRDGL elements i.ll(s) and A&) 'I
Fig. 3 Contour of standard p-synthesis criterion as function of PI gain
K, and PI integral TI
improvement is so small that it does not seem necessary to
used nonidentical controllers here.
Assuming an arbitrary uncertainty of 20% on each Using the standard p-synthesis criterion (eqn. 1) with
process input gives identical controllers, the decentralised PI controllers
obtained by optimisation are
0.2 0 +
= [ 0 0.21
WP(S) = [ ; 5s0+
5s+ 1
' (12)
subspace Kc > 0 and TI > 0. Although the criterion is not
very sensitive to the parameters of the PI controllers in a
large part of Fig. 3, the tuning given by eqn. 14 (Kc= 8.1 1
and TI=34.74) seems to be a global minimiser of the
criterion on the subspace Kc > 0 and TI > 0.
Using the criterion developed in eqn. 6 with identical Fig. 4 shows the robust stability (RS), nominal perfor-
controllers and a unitary penalty factor n, the decentralised mance (NP) and robust performance (RP) [8, 11-13]
PI controllers obtained by optimisation are curves for the tuning of eqn. 13. The RP curve follows
unity almost over the entire frequency window except in
2.63(1 10.53s) the o = 1 frequency area. This small overshoot involves
0 that the desired performance will be slightly violated in the
C(S) = 10.53s
' +
2.63(1 10.53s) (13) worst case for the uncertainty evaluated. The tuning
10.53s obtained is however optimal for the chosen criterion. Fig.
4 also shows that the NP curve is smaller than unity for all
Fig. 2 shows the two-dimensional (2D) contour graphic of frequencies. It indicates that the performance for the
the criterion as a function of the PI gain K c and the PI nominal process will be better than the desired one. The
integral TI. It shows that the function seems convex on the RS curve is largely under unity. It indicates that the system
subspace K c > 0 and TI > 0. Therefore the tuning given by will remain stable in spite of an uncertainty of 20% on each
eqn. 13 (&=2.63 and TI= 10.53) is probably a global
minimiser of the criterion on the subspace KC.> 0 and
T I > 0.
0'4 t
- 3 2 1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10
Fig. 4 p-plots for tuning ojeqn. 13
....... RS
Fig. 2 Contour ofproposed criterion (eqn. 6) as firnction of PI gain K , ~ _ NP
and PI integral TI -RP
IEE Proc.-Control Theory Appl.. Vol. 146, No. 4, July 1999 29 1
Fig. 7 GSR ratio for set point change GSR with tuning of eqn. 13
Fig. 5 p-plots for tuning of eqn. 14 for the best case and in the worst case, C[u( 00)ld( m)],
....... RS o[u(O)ld(O)]= 56.77. Fig. 6 also indicates, as expected foi
- _ _ NP
-RP both tunings, that .[U( CO )/d(00 )] = g[u( 00 )id( CO )]. Thi:
is because the controllers are identical for each tuning.
To illustrate the previous frequency observations, the
process input. The gap between the RP and the NP curves time domain can be used with the generalised ster
indicates that the performance deterioration will be larger response (GSR) [9]. The GSR is a good tool to obtain i
at low frequencies for the uncertainty chosen. The infor- better feeling of the frequency graphics than a step in on14
mation given in Fig. 4 is of course true only if the one direction. As an example, the 20% uncertainty on each
controlled system is nominally stable [ 131. process input can be applied with a set point change GSR.
Fig. 5 shows the RS, NP and RP curves for the tuning of An interesting case for applying the uncertainty of 20% on
eqn. 14. The high frequencies are almost identical to the each process input is obtained by creating an error of
ones of Fig. 4. The low frequencies are a little worse with
the tuning of the standard p-synthesis criterion. But the
+ 20% on the first process input and an error of - 20% on
the other process input. Figs 7 and 8 show the results for a
major difference is that better performance is obtained in set point change GSR with an unitary 2-norm for the
the middle frequencies with the standard p-synthesis tuning obtained with the proposed criterion. One axis
criterion compared with the one proposed. However, this represents the time t, another the direction of the set
unnecessarily better performance in middle frequencies has point changes Q and the vertical axis represents the GSR
the disadvantage of increasing actuator wear. (Fig. 7) and the 2-norm of the
ratio I(y(t,e)((21((r(t,e)(12
Fig. 6 shows the u(s)ld(s) singular values, which have controller output vector Ilu(t,Q)llz(Fig. 8). Note that y is
been normalised to get g[u(O)ld(O)]= 1. It is observed that the process output vector and r is the set point vector.
g[u(C O ) / ~ CO)]
( is larger than Z[u(O)id(O)] for both These curves are in agreement with the information
criteria. Therefore the 2-norm of the initial controller obtained from the frequency curves of Fig. 4 and 6. Fig.
output vector will always be larger than the 2-norm of 7 shows that the system is stable in all directions of the set
the steady-state controller output vector, when a set point point change. Fig. 8 shows that in the 2.3 radians direction
change or an output disturbance step affects the nominal (best case for the actuator variations), the 2-norm of the
process. From Fig. 6, in the best and worst cases ‘respec- initial controller output vector is 2.47 times larger than the
tively’ for the actuator variations with the criterion 2-norm of the steady-state controller output vector. In the
proposed, o[u(C O ) / ~ ~~)]lCr[u(O)ld(O)]
( = 2.63 and 0.7 radian direction (worst case for the actuator variations),
6[u(C O ) / ~ (0 0 ~ / ~ [ u ( O ) l d ( O=) ]18.41. With the standard the initial 2-norm is 18.45 time lager than the steady-state
@-synthesis criterion, g[u( CO )id( CO )]l~[u(O)/d(O)] = 8.1 1 2-norm. If there were no process input errors, the ratios
would be 2.63 and 18.41, which correspond to the ratios of
Fig. 6. It can also be noted that the 2-norm of the initial
controller output vector is independent of the set point
change direction, as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 Normalised singular values of u(s)ld(s) for tunings of eqns. 13
and 14
-eqn. 13 Fig. 8 2-norm of controller output vectorfor set point change GSR with
_ _ _ eqn. 14 unitary 2-norm for tuning of eqn. 13
292 IEE Proc.-Control Theovy Appl., Vol. 146. No. 4, July 1999
where the subscript p indicates that the maximum singular
values are normalised with the parameter p defined by eqn.
1.o 9. This bound warrants that
-E-= 0.6
- 0.4 Defining ui (s), i = 1, 2, . . ., as the controller outputs and
sx- 0.2 assuming that Ild(s)l12 = 1, then
which constrains the controller output variations. There-
fore the proposed criterion is
Fig. 9 GSR ratio for set point change GSR with tuning of eqn. 14
3.2 Example
In this example the same process as the one defined by eqn.
10 is used. The same uncertainty and performance are
specified with the same structure for A(s), but a constraint
on the controller output variations is added. From Fig. 6,
Cr[u(O)ld(O)]is equal to seven and is fixed by the process.
The constraint in this frequency region cannot be smaller
Fig. 10 2-norm ojcontroller output vector for set point change GSR than seven. Then, suppose that the desired constraint is
with unitary 2-norm for tuning of eqn. 14 defined as
with the criterion proposed (Fig. 8). 0.1414(1 2.748s)
C(s) =
0.1414(1 2.748s)
3 Tuning with constraint 2.748s
3.1 Criterion
Fig. 11 shows the RS, NP and RP curves for that tuning.
The criterion of eqn. 6 can decrease the variations of the The NP and RP curves are largely over unity at low
actuators, but it cannot. warrant that the variations will be frequencies. This means that the desired performance has
less than a fixed threshold. A solution to limit the varia- not been respected owing to the optimisation constraint on
tions of the actuators consists in using a constrained the controller output variations. The system is slower than
criterion. To be able to fix a constraint on the variations the desired one. The RS curve is however well under unity.
of the actuators, it is necessary to obtain a measure of these The system will then remain stable in spite of an uncey-
possible variations. As previously explained, a good tainty of 20% on each process input. Fig. 12 shows the
measure is obtained from the normalised singular. values u(s)/d(s) normalised singular values (solid line) for the
of u(s)/d(s). Therefore the constraint on the controller tuning given by eqn. 20. The dashed line-is the constraint
output variations can be defined by setting a maximum defined by expr. 19. It is clear that the controllers have been
bound on the normalised maximum singular values of U @ ) / optimised to reach the desired performance without violat-
d(s). The following equation shows a simple form of the
ing the constraint.
constraint that can be used: Fig. 13 and 14 show the results of a set point change
GSR with an unitary 2-norm. The 20% uncertainty on each
(15) process input has, been applied by creating an error of
+ 20% on the first process input and an error of - 20% on
IEE Proc -Control Theory Appl, Vol 146, No 4, JUG 1999 293
3.5 .
3.0 .
m 2.5
2 .
I....., ..,.
”. ...,...,,.
0 0
Fig. 13 GSR ratio for set point change GSR with tuning of eqn. 20
6 ,,
5 , I
c I
0, ,,
-2 1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 Fig. 14 2-norm of controller output vector for set point change GSR
frequency with unitary 2-norm for tuning of eqn. 20
Fig. 12 Constraint of eqn. 19 and normalised singular values of
u(s)ld(s)for tuning ofeqn. 20
-__ eqn. 19
~ eqn. 20 5 References
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