KRT V3.5 Eng
KRT V3.5 Eng
KRT V3.5 Eng
Table of Contents
1.8.1 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Set Mode of Analog Output 50
1.8.2 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Ramping mode 51
1.8.3 Result ...........................................................................................................................................................
Trigger Logic 51
1.8.4 Results...........................................................................................................................................................
view 52
1.8.5 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Impedance View 53
1.8.6 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Time Signal View 53
1.9 StateSequencer
................................................................................................................................... 54
1.9.1 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Set Mode of Analog Output 54
1.9.2 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Advance Parameter Setting 55
1.9.3 Trigger...........................................................................................................................................................
Condition 56
1.9.4 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Binary Output Setting 56
1.9.5 Result ...........................................................................................................................................................
Evaluation 56
Time evaluation
.................................................................................................................................................. 56
State evaluation
.................................................................................................................................................. 58
1.9.6 ........................................................................................................................................................... 58
Table View
1.9.7 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Time Signal View 58
1.9.8 ...........................................................................................................................................................
Impedance View 59
1.9.9 Wiring ...........................................................................................................................................................
View 59
1.10 Harmonic
................................................................................................................................... 59
1.10.1 Harmonic Characteristic 61
1.10.2 Result ...........................................................................................................................................................
Trigger Logic 61
1.10.3 Result ...........................................................................................................................................................
View 62
1.11 Frequency
Test 62
1.11.1 Under-Frequency mode 63
Frequency.................................................................................................................................................. 64
Time .................................................................................................................................................. 65
df/dt Latch.................................................................................................................................................. 65
Under-U Latch .................................................................................................................................................. 66
Under-I Latch .................................................................................................................................................. 68
1.11.2 Under-Voltage mode 69
Voltage .................................................................................................................................................. 69
Time .................................................................................................................................................. 70
dv/dt Latch
.................................................................................................................................................. 70
Under-I Latch
.................................................................................................................................................. 71
1.12 Transplay
................................................................................................................................... 72
1.12.1 Channels Combine 74
........................................................................................................................................................... 74
1.12.2 Binary Output
........................................................................................................................................................... 74
1.12.3 Advance
........................................................................................................................................................... 75
1.12.4 Information
1.13 Distance
................................................................................................................................... 75
........................................................................................................................................................... 75
1.13.1 Shot Test
1.13.2 Search...........................................................................................................................................................
Test 76
........................................................................................................................................................... 77
1.13.3 Test Parameter
........................................................................................................................................................... 79
1.13.4 Binary setting
1.13.5 Impedance View 79
1.13.6 Time Signal View 79
1.13.7 Z/t Characteristic Diagram 80
1.14 Overcurrent
................................................................................................................................... 80
........................................................................................................................................................... 80
1.14.1 Test Point
1.14.2 Setting...........................................................................................................................................................
Parameter 81
........................................................................................................................................................... 82
1.14.3 Binary setting
1.14.4 Overcurrent Characteristic 82
1.14.5 Time Signal View 83
1.15 Differential
................................................................................................................................... 83
1.15.1 Bias Curve Diff. 83
Shot Test ..................................................................................................................................................
tab 84
Search Test ..................................................................................................................................................
tab 84
General tab .................................................................................................................................................. 85
1.15.2 Harmonic...........................................................................................................................................................
Restraint 86
Shot Test ..................................................................................................................................................
tab 87
Search Test
tab 87
General tab
.................................................................................................................................................. 88
1.16 Zero
Sequence 89
1.17 Reclose
................................................................................................................................... 89
1.17.1 Test ........................................................................................................................................................... 90
........................................................................................................................................................... 91
1.17.2 Fault Transfer
........................................................................................................................................................... 91
1.17.3 Parameters
........................................................................................................................................................... 93
1.17.4 Binary Setting
1.17.5 Impedance View 93
1.17.6 Z/t Characteristic Diagram 94
1.18 Synchronizer
................................................................................................................................... 94
1.18.1 Action ...........................................................................................................................................................
voltage 95
1.18.2 Action ...........................................................................................................................................................
Frequency 95
1.18.3 Angle /...........................................................................................................................................................
Time 96
1.18.4 Electric...........................................................................................................................................................
Zero 97
1.18.5 Pulse Width Control-V 97
1.18.6 Pulse Width Control-F 97
1.18.7 Slips acceleration latch 97
1.18.8 Auto Synchronizer 98
........................................................................................................................................................... 98
1.18.9 Binary setting
1.18.10 Wiring ...........................................................................................................................................................
view 99
1.19 Power
Swing 99
........................................................................................................................................................... 100
1.19.1 Test Parameter
1.19.2 System...........................................................................................................................................................
Model 101
1.20 Energy
Meter 102
Diagram of KRT
A Relay receives the input signals from CT’s/ PT’s and its program
calculates the fault conditions as per application. It issues a trip
command to the Circuit Breaker on sensing a faulty condition.
Relay trip time (dT) is the time elapsed between the "Arrival" of
fault condition and "Issuing" Trip command
Step 2: Relay senses the fault & issues the trip command, its trip
timing must depend on the time characteristics of relay settings.
Step 3: Relay Testing Kit receives the trip command from Relay &
Stops the timer.
M - Test Module
Eagle's Eye
1.Connect & Configure -:
"Connect" is the first step where user connects the relay test kit
hardware with the KRT software ( installed on PC), Once the kit is
connected user can see "connected" status on the top right
corner of the software .
KRT software is designed in a way that user can create the test plans
& test settings at each step . These settings/ test plans can be
easily imported in the software making relay testing an effortless job
to do .
In below schematic a user can clearly see the flow diagram during
relay testing using KRT , Please note that the Yellow Coloured Boxes
are the stages where user can save/ import the settings directly
1.2 Installation
See the Hardware instructions about Ethernet port, and TCP/IP
On the upper right corner of KRT Start page, will automatic show the
connection status.
Note: If the IP of the laptop and the relay test kit is not in the same
network segment, KRT software will show the IP of test kit, but
unable to get connection, only in a continuous attempt to be online.
The user needs to check the IP address of the local laptop and
whether the system firewall has adopted a policy of running access to
the network for KRT.
Right Upper corner showing the connection status, and national flags
for language switching.
17 26
See: Configure , Support Advance Additional
These are extra-optional functions. See the hardware instructions
about the "Optional Modules"
See: Test Center view.
1.4.2 Configure
Allow user define the relay test kit working mode, include:
Device Config
On "Device Config" tab of System Configuration allow set the test kit
output mode as Analog amplifier output ,Low-Level outputs,
IEC61850 mode
Output Type
Amplifier mode Define the voltages and currents outputs from the
amplifier channels.
Amplifier output mode have to selection. See:
Amplifier output connection 20
Low-Level output Define the voltages and currents outputs from the
mode Low-Level output ports.
Binary Type
Hard Define the Binary I/Os from the hard type I/O ports
(Banana or Combination ports).
Goose Define the Binary I/Os by the mapping GOOSE
channels (Fiber ports)
Ratio config
Ratio for Low-Level output mode:
"Ratio config" defined the ratios used for Low Level output and
IEC61850 modes.
Low Level output modes effective only Group1 and Group2, IEC61850
mode can effective up to 6 groups.
3-phase + 1-phase
1-phase + 3-phase
See: IEC61850-9-1 /2 IEC61850-9-1 /2
IEC61850-9-1 / IEC61850-9-2 is different protocol type of IEC61850.
user should set to correct mode according the actual IED device.
User can import from a defined SCD/CID/ICD file or load from a saved
file to quickly start the configurations.
The "Scout" button provide an online SV detection.
IED selection:
This area allow edit and mapping the SV channels to a logic channel
which displayed on all the test modules.
"Set as G1-6" are the shortcut button map to Group1 - Group 6.
User can import from a defined SCD/CID/ICD file or load from a saved
file to quickly start the configurations.
The "Scout" button provide an online GOOSE event detection.
User should select the correct GOOSE channel map to binary inputs. TCP/IP
Set and edit the IP address of test kit for communicate and control.
See: Communication Setting
Tabs description:
UserInfo: Defined user name and Company name used for
report generation.
Phase: Defined the ID and color of phases.
Default Value: Defined the default Vnom, Inom and Fnom. used for
initialize the test object default values.
Binary: Defined the ID of binary inputs / outputs.
Directory: Defined the default folders of Templates,
Parameters, Reports, Configurations and Test
Objects. easy to find and locate. AuxDC
Auxiliary DC output, simulate the battery supply.
See: Auxiliary DC Source (Battery Simulator) of hardware instructions.
Once AuxDC start output, on startup page and status bar of all test
modules will showing the AuxDC as Green color.
1.4.3 Support
Include Upgrade and License management.
2.Run the KRT software, enter to "upgrade" window, load the new
firmware "" and press upgrade. (do
not power off or disconnect the relay test kit during upgrading)
1,6. Menu & status bar
2. Main test setting area
3. Vector view. May converged into "Test view" by Menu: Theme ->
Vector view
4. Test Center view
5. Test View
Menu: Config -> Report config: User can define the report contents.
Status Bar
Run-time alert indicators. Red color means it during the alarm status.
Alert indication bar can hide/display while click the right arrow
V,H Voltage Amplifier overheating
V,I Voltage Amplifier wrong connected to external H.V
V,S Voltage output wiring shorted
I,H Current Amplifier overheating
P,B In-built power supply imbalance
L,I Low-level outputs wrong connected to external H.V
IA,IB,IC,Ia,Ib,Ic Correspond current outputs wiring opened.
A template file include the test objects information and all relative
test modules and user defined test points.
User can easy create or modify the template.
Add button: Add selected module to the list for performs the testing.
Remove, Clear buttons: Delete one or all modules from the list.
Module list:
Test Wait: while testing for multiple modules, the testing will
preforming one by one, if a module test wait set as
Yes, while the performing switch to this new
module, test kit will stop injecting and wait for a
manual intervention command.
Test Model: Default test model name.
Model name: Alias name of test module for identify the same
type model.
Note: For test template file safety purpose, all the settings
changed during the test will not auto-save to template, user have
to save it manually. We suggest user always save to a different
file name.
Left side provide test objects management, user can add or delete
objects and change current active object in the list. Also provide the
"Edit" entry for relay parameter import and filter functions (Test
Object Converter 34 ).
The light gray font on the top tab bar, means this function does not
defined in the present active object at left side. parameters under
this function was set to a default parameters.
Save & Exit Save modified settings and exit to test center.
The Test Object Converter using a TOS filter to enter the relay data,
it's constructs similar to the relay manufacturers, include all the data
of the relay under testing, TOS filter allow user manually enter the
parameters or use import function copy the relay data from relay
parameter setting software, it will automatically converter the relay
data to KRT test parameters.
Import Function
A .KRT template file can inbuilt multiple different filters, and have
"Accurate" and "Fuzzy" modes allow for selectable.
PT location:
CT starpoint:
Dir. line: the current injecting flow from test kit into test object.
Dir. busbar: the current injecting flow from test object into test kit.
(180° phase shift)
Grounding Factor:
Note: KR & KX does not represent the real and imaginary
parts of the grounding compensation coefficient K, and the
conversion from KR & KX to K as below:
The zone list contains a listing of all specified zones for all fault
PT connection:
CT starpoint:
Overcurrent elements
Element list:
Active only activated elements are in-use when a test is
Element name Unique name for each element, double-click the cell
can rename it.
Characteristic Name of the tripping characteristic.
I pick-up Pick-up current of the element, specified as a
multiple of the Inom.
Time it given the trip time in seconds for definite time
characteristics and a time index for inverse
Direction it can be Forward, Reverse or Non-directional
Reset Characteristic:
Off no reset time defined
Definite time fixed reset time for all shot points.
Inverse time Automatically calculating the reset time tr(s) in
tr(s) = R*Td
R: definable constant
Td: Time index scaling the time axis of the
Reference Current
Calculate Model
Current Tolerances
Time Tolerances
Idiff> & Idiff>> values are taken from the Protection Device tab,
"Diff Current Settings".
Add Adds the segment defined by the Ibias & Idiff pairs.
Remove Delete present selected segment.
Tool... Auxiliary tools for segments generate.
No combined characteristic
If the relay measures Ibias and Idiff phase selectively, then the measurement
of one phase has a Idiff/Istab current twice as high as the other two phases
may occur for certain test objects, vector groups and zero-sequence
For relays that can filter out the high differential currents in the healthy
phases, so active "No combined characteristic" option to disable the use of
combined characteristic. this will allow for testing relays able to block the trip
decision for the healthy phases.
This side simulated the power grid, it will as the reference for synchronization
Rotation Sense: Set the Vs direction of the Vs side phase rotation
Synchronizer Characteristic
1.7 AC test
AC test module provide the basic function, allow user manually or
automatically output voltages, currents and frequencies statically or
as ramped outputs.
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Define the Set mode, Variable, Test mode, Prefault, etc in the "Test
Parameter" tab of main view.
Prefault & Fault Interval available only when "Auto Step" is activated
Enable this option to activate the prefault state in
auto-ramping mode.
The prefault output value allow custom settings,
usually V=Vnom, I=0.0A;
Enable this option will become as the pulse-
ramping mode.
Define the output time for prefault state.
Prefault state will switch to fault state by a Binary
inputs command or time was met.
Prefault state will switch to fault state by a
keyboard command.
Enable this option to add a state after the fault
The time and value of fault interval allow custom
settings, usually V=0.0V, I=0.0A;
Enable this option will become as the pulse ramping
Variable setting
User can use button to enter the advance mode, the advance
mode allow user add variables > 2; in advance mode, the border of
button will display in Red color .
UX config
Symbols description:
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode is automatically detects.
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode only acceptable the raise signal(0 -> 1).
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode only acceptable the drop signal(1 -> 0).
Means binary input is deactivated.
The status of each input ports are automatically saved while the
testing started. All of the ports are independent detects the turnover
trigger signals.
The turnover conditions of each binary inputs must fulfilled the
Deglitch time 36 .
Column explains:
When select the test mode as Z-I, Z-V, Z-Zs, Z%-I, Z%-V, Z%-Zs
Const modes, user can pickup a test impedance from the impedance
view with mouse click.
Place the focus on the signal view and scrolling the mouse can
continuous zoom in/out the signals. Hold down and drag the mouse
to draw a rectangular to zoom in the selected area.
1.8 Ramping
The Ramping module allow user to management a ramping table to
series ramping multiple states, each states equate an auto-mode
procedure of AC test module.
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip logic.
Define and managing the test states, and the variables, start value,
stop value, step value, ramping time etc in the state.
Column define:
Group Select the group apply to the variable.
Output Select the analog output channels apply to the
The selectable list will refresh as per to the test
mode changed.
Quantity A manifestation of the selected variable.
It will refresh as per the variable changed.
From Start value of the variable will ramping from.
To Stop value of the variable will ramping to.
Step Step value of the variable will changing during
ramping process.
Time Ramping time of each steps output.
Test time This time is automatic calculate as per to the From,
To, Step, Time settings.
Trigger The trigger only available when the prefault
UX config
Symbols description:
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode is automatically detects.
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode only acceptable the raise signal(0 -> 1).
Ramp measurements
The row of results generated as per the states and variables defined,
user can add the settings and deviations for automatic assessment.
Name It can be customized by the user to identify the
evaluated item in the output report;
Ramp, Group, Automatically corresponds to the corresponding variable
Signal channel of the current ramping state;
Setting Enter a reference value for evaluation; usually a set
value for a voltage, current, or impedance;
(corresponding to the current variable)
Dev. - Enter a value for the negative deviation range; (absolute
Dev. + Enter a value for the positive deviation range; (absolute
Actual The actual action value of the currently selected
variable; valid after the test finish;
Dev According to the setting value and the Actual value, the
calculation is obtained.
T.Trip Actual action time; (for reference only, without
Assessment The program automatically gives the evaluation
conclusion according to the setting value, the actual
value and the deviation value.
Calculated Condition
When there are more than one ramping state, it can be further
calculated by calculating the conditions, For example, in order to
calculate the return coefficient, the action value can be measured by
the ramping state one, and the return value can be measured by the
ramping two, and then the return coefficient can be calculated by
defining the formula "ramping two / changing one".
Six function equations are provided for the user to select, and then
the setting value and positive and negative deviation can be set like
the Ramp measurement to automatically evaluate the new results.
When select the test mode as Z-I, Z-V, Z-Zs, Z%-I, Z%-V, Z%-Zs
Const modes, user can pickup a test impedance from the impedance
view with mouse click.
Place the focus on the signal view and scrolling the mouse can
continuous zoom in/out the signals. Hold down and drag the mouse
to draw a rectangular to zoom in the selected area.
1.9 StateSequencer
This module allow a sequence of states to be defined. This can be
used for testing the trip times or other time measurements.
User can also set the closing angle of the current state and the
superimposed a DC offset with a constant time attenuation.
The time period of dv/dt and df/dt is limited by the total time
duration of the current state. If the state time is longer than that of
dv/dt, di/dt or df/dt, the Voltage or Frequency outputs will remain
the end value of dv/dt, di/dt or df/dt until the end of the state.
When the "Advance" settings are activated, the border of the
"Advance" button will turns red color.
dv/dt or di/dt:
Symbols description:
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode is automatically detects.
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode only acceptable the raise signal(0 -> 1).
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode only acceptable the drop signal(1 -> 0).
Means binary input is deactivated.
The status of each input ports are automatically saved while the
testing started. All of the ports are independent detects the turnover
trigger signals.
The turnover conditions of each binary inputs must fulfilled the
Deglitch time 36.
Name It can be customized by the user to identify the
evaluated item in the output report;
Ignore previous When "0-> 1" or "1-> 0" is selected in the "start" item, it
is optional to filter interference signals that are not used
in previous; by default is blank, it automatically starts
from beginning of state 1.
Start Select the state of starting timing, start timing at the
beginning of the state
You can also choose to start timing according to the
action logic "0-> 1" or "1-> 0"; (used in conjunction with
ignore previous)
Stop Select the state of ending the timing, start the timing at
the beginning of the state;
If the ignore previous option is activated, stop status
must be after the ignore previous state then the
evaluation results can be obtained;
T.nom Enter a reference value for evaluation; usually a set
value for trip time;
Dev (-) Enter a value for the negative deviation range; (absolute
Dev (+) Enter a value for the positive deviation range; (absolute
T.act Actual action time; after the test is completed, it is
calculated automatically by the``Start'' and``stop'' state
Dev According to the T.nom value and the T.Act value, the
calculation is obtained.
Evaluate The program automatically gives the evaluation
conclusion according to T. Nom, T.act and deviation
All states are automatically in this list, users can select the results
to be evaluated for each state, and after the test is completed, the
program is automatically evaluated according to the action logic of
the binary input.
No evaluation.
Evaluate whether the binary input logic of the current state is from
1-> 0 (from closed to open)
Evaluate whether the binary input logic of the current state is from
0-> 1 (from open to closed)
After test complete, the user can press "manual evaluation" to modify
the status evaluation results, the modified evaluation results only
affect the output report.
Place the focus on the signal view and scrolling the mouse can
continuous zoom in/out the signals. Hold down and drag the mouse
to draw a rectangular to zoom in the selected area.
When select the test mode as Z-I, Z-V, Z-Zs, Z%-I, Z%-V, Z%-Zs
Const modes, user can pickup a test impedance from the impedance
view with mouse click.
1.10 Harmonic
Harmonic test module allow user manually or automatically output 2
groups of voltages, currents and frequencies statically or as ramped
outputs with specify superposition harmonics.
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Columns define
Prefault & Fault Interval available only when "Auto Step" is activated
Enable this option to activate the prefault state in
auto-ramping mode.
The prefault output value allow custom settings,
usually V=Vnom, I=0.0A;
Enable this option will become as the pulse-
ramping mode.
Define the output time for prefault state.
Prefault state will switch to fault state by a Binary
inputs command or time was met.
Prefault state will switch to fault state by a
keyboard command.
Enable this option to add a state after the fault
The time and value of fault interval allow custom
settings, usually V=0.0V, I=0.0A;
Enable this option will become as the pulse ramping
Variable setting
User can use button to enter the advance mode, the advance
mode allow user add variables > 2; in advance mode, the border of
button will display in Red color .
Place the focus on the characteristic view and scrolling the mouse can
continuous zoom in/out the signals. Hold down and drag the mouse
to draw a rectangular to zoom in the selected area.
Symbols description:
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode is automatically detects.
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
mode only acceptable the raise signal(0 -> 1).
Means binary input is activated and the trigger
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Select test mode, setting the test values and times of states, add to
the test table to be performs.
Test Mode
Common parameters: Frequency
This function aim to check the tripping frequency value of under-
frequency protection.
The method of measuring the action time is: the frequency slides
from the start value to the stop value, and waits for the protection
relay met the trip condition. During testing, the stop value should be
set slightly less than the action frequency setting of the protection
relay to ensure the successful action tripping.
In the df/dt latch test, The frequency slides from the start frequency
to the stop frequency according to the defined df/dt slip value, this is
a test cycle; the df/dt is fixed in each cycle, and it ramping from
"start df/dt" to "stop df/dt" with "step df/dt" settings in every next
The process of this test is that when the test is started, the start df/
dt value set as great than the slips setting of the protection relay,
the protection is in the disallowed action status, and then the df/dt
value is adjusted to less than the slip latch value, while the
protection tripped, at this time, the currently df/dt value is recorded,
and the df/dt latch value to be calculated.
In the under-voltage latch test, The frequency slides from the start
frequency to the stop frequency according to the defined slip value,
this is a test cycle;
At the same time, there is a fixed voltage value outputs in every
cycle, and it is ramping from "start voltage" to "stop voltage" with
"voltage step" settings in every next cycles.
The process of this test is that when the test is started, the "start
voltage" set as less than the under-voltage latch value of the
protection, so the protection is in the disallowed action status, and
then the voltage value is move toward to great than the under-
voltage latch value, while the protection tripped, at this time, the
currently voltage value is recorded, and the under-voltage latch value
to be calculated.
In the under-current latch test, The frequency slides from the start
frequency to the stop frequency according to the defined slip value,
this is a test cycle;
At the same time, there is a fixed current value outputs in every
cycle, and it is ramping from "start current" to "stop current" with
"current step" settings in every next cycles.
The process of this test is that when the test is started, the "start
current" set as less than the under-current latch value of the
protection, so the protection is in the disallowed action status, and
then the current value is move toward to great than the under-current
latch value, while the protection tripped, at this time, the currently
current value is recorded, and the under-current latch value to be
Parameters: Voltage
This function aim to check the tripping voltage value of under-voltage
Parameters: Time
This function aim to check the tripping time of under-voltage
The method of measuring the action time is: the voltage slides from
the start value to the stop value, and waits for the protection relay
met the trip condition. During testing, the stop value should be set
slightly less than the under-voltage action setting of the protection
relay to ensure the successful action tripping.
In the dv/dt latch test, The voltage slides from the start voltage to
the stop voltage according to the defined dv/dt slip value, this is a
test cycle; the dv/dt is fixed in each cycle, and it ramping from "start
dv/dt" to "stop dv/dt" with "step dv/dt" settings in every next cycles.
The process of this test is that when the test is started, the start dv/
dt value set as great than the slips setting of the protection relay,
the protection is in the disallowed action status, and then the dv/dt
value is adjusted to less than the slip latch value, while the
protection tripped, at this time, the currently dv/dt value is recorded,
and the dv/dt latch value to be calculated.
In the under-current latch test, The voltage slides from the start
value to the stop value according to the defined slip value, this is a
test cycle;
At the same time, there is a fixed current value outputs in every
The process of this test is that when the test is started, the "start
current" set as less than the under-current latch value of the
protection, so the protection is in the disallowed action status, and
then the current value is move toward to great than the under-current
latch value, while the protection tripped, at this time, the currently
current value is recorded, and the under-current latch value to be
1.12 Transplay
The transplay module has the following functions:
Allow user import the Comtrade or Pcap format transient data file
and performs playback;
With manual trigger, binary trigger, GPS trigger, etc;
All data of any voltage or current channel are editable and
The output value of each current and voltage channel is adjusted
proportionally and convertible from primary value to the secondary
The data of the original record are interpolated and calculated;
By setting the repetition start time, repeat interval and repeat
times, repeat a certain section of the waveform;
Prolonging the output time of the normal state or repeating the
output of a certain fault waveform;
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Load the transient data file using the of toolbar, adjust the
ratios scaled the amplitudes of analog output channels.
Define the prefault state output area and trigger conditions of fault
Time Trigger Trigger by time settings.
Binary Trigger by binary input settings logic.
Key-press Trigger by keyboard command pressed.
GPS or IRIG-B Trigger by a GPS or IRIG-B time setting, usually is a
PPS or PPM signal.
Define a fixed value of the prefault state output.
If enabled this mode, the angle of waveform may
not continuous while the state switching to the
fault state.
Start Defined the prefault area from the transient data to
End be performed in prefault state.
Repeat Times of the defined prefault area to be repeats.
P-P = RMS * √2
Comtrade file use P-P value for record, but Relay
test kit always use RMS value to performing
PT Primary/ Available for all voltage channels, Transplay module
Secondary use this ratio to calculate the real output value
while performing playback.
CT Primary/ Available for all current channels, Transplay module
Secondary use this ratio to calculate the real output value
while performing playback.
1.12.3 Advance
User can select different interpolation algorithm method to
performing the transient data.
The status of each input ports are automatically saved while the
testing started. All of the ports are independent detects the turnover
trigger signals.
The turnover conditions of each binary inputs must fulfilled the
Deglitch time 36.
1.12.4 Information
Display the general information of the loaded comtrade file.
1.13 Distance
The distance module provides the functionality to define and perform
tests for distance relays by zone ranges and the trip times defined in
the impedance characteristics.
The main test view area provides 3 tabs for set the parameters:
Shot Test 75, Search Test 76 and Test Parameter 77
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Define the Fault Model, Test time, Trigger config, etc in the "Test
Parameter 77 " tab of main view.
Tests are defined in the impedance plane, Adding test points can be
achieved by right click on the impedance plane, or enter the test
point parameters into the input fields "|Z|, Phi, R, X" by keyboard
All test points are added to a test table. This table will automatically
sorted by the defined fault type and linked to the impedance view.
Base on the selected fault type and test points and fault model (I
constant / V constant / Z constant), the voltages or currents at the
relay location are calculated automatically and displayed on the
Vector View.
Add add the defined point to the test table below.
Add Multi... quickly add multiple fault type of a defined test
If active, the impedance of test points will
recalculate after line angle changed.
If active, the impedance of test points will calculate
by the percentage of defined zone characteristics.
If active, the time of fault state will use the
"maximum fault time".
Exist points will not refresh when changed this
option, only effective for new test points.
Search line are defined by a terminal point (same like shot test) and
the line length and line angle, or direct drawing by mouse from the
impedance plane.
Base on the selected fault type and test points and fault model (I
constant / V constant / Z constant), the voltages or currents at the
relay location are calculated automatically.
Add add the defined search line to the test table below.
Add Multi... quickly add multiple fault type of a defined search
Sequence quickly add multiple search lines by step of an
angle and multiple fault type base on an origin
terminal shot point.
Remove delete the search line by currently selected test
point along of the search line.
Remove All clear the test list
If active, the impedance of test points will
recalculate after line angle changed.
If active, the impedance of test points will calculate
by the percentage of defined zone characteristics.
If active, the assessment of search procedure will
not refer the defined zone characteristics.
Fault Model
Test Time
Each shot consists of 3 states: Prefault, Max-fault and Postfault .
The exact prefault time becomes effective only the Fault Trigger
config set at "Time" mode.
Trigger Config
Define the fault trigger conditions.
Time Trigger by Prefault time
Key-press Trigger by keyboard command pressed
GPS or IRIG-B Trigger by a GPS or IRIG-B time setting, usually is a
PPS or PPM signal.
Delay Config
Simulate the circuit breaker trip delay and close delay time if the
result trigger signal connect from circuit breaker.
Load Setting
Fault Inception
This setting allow use specify the phase angle of the voltage, and
hence the angle of the fault current at the time of fault inception.
Before the fault become steady situation, it is possible to simulate
the DC offset transient behavior.
Random This mode allow use a random number generator
the fault inception angle.
Setting The fault inception angle can be freely adjusted by
enter a value in the close angle field.
DC offset Enable this option to activate the DC offset
transient behavior.
Atten Const Define the Tconstant of DC offset, during the
Tconstant, voltage output calculated by:
1/(10 ^ (Δt / Tconstant))
UX config
Place the focus on the signal view and scrolling the mouse can
continuous zoom in/out the signals. Hold down and drag the mouse
to draw a rectangular to zoom in the selected area.
1.14 Overcurrent
The Overcurrent module allows for testing of overcurrent relays with
inverse time, definite time, thermal I2T and customized curve
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Define the Max Fault time, Fault voltage, Load current, Prefault and
interval time in Setting Parameter tab.
All test points are added to a test table. This table will automatically
sorted by the defined fault type and linked to the Overcurrent
Characteristic view.
Base on the selected fault type and test points, the voltages or
currents at the relay location are calculated automatically and
Add add the defined point to the test table below.
Add Multi... quickly add multiple fault type of a defined test
Remove delete the currently selected test point from the
Test points list.
Remove Type delete all test points of the classified of the
currently selected fault type.
Remove All clear the test list
Check perform testing of currently selected test point.
Check Result
All test points assesses the Trip time and Pickup current should
between the tolerance bands set at Current and Time Tolerances at
Overcurrent tab of Test Object.
Max Fault time Definite time for fault output if the trigger condition
is not met.
Relative Max Maximum fault time relative to Td. consider with
Time the positive tolerance. This value have to be
compare with max fault time.
The system always uses the smaller one of these
time values.
(Td: Time index scaling the time axis of the curve.)
Fault Voltage
Enable Fault Select this option if you want to apply the fault
Voltage voltage during the fault state.
For directional relays, this option is always
For non-directional relays, voltage output may be
necessary to aviod tripping of other relay functions.
V Fault LN These fields defined the voltage applied to the
V Fault LL faulty phases during the fault state.
The LN voltage is applied for all fault types except
for two-phase faults.
The LL voltage is applied for two-phase faults only.
Nominal Voltage These fields are for information and the values set
LN in the Device tab of Test Object.
Nominal Voltage
Load Current
Place the focus on the signal view and scrolling the mouse can
continuous zoom in/out the signals. Hold down and drag the mouse
to draw a rectangular to zoom in the selected area.
1.15 Differential
The Differential software set of 2 test modules for testing the Bias
Curve Characteristic and Harmonic Restrain.
See: Bias Curve Diff. 83 and Harmonic Restraint 86 modules.
Each test mode creates a test list. The module will performing the
list determine the shot or search.
For a search point consists of several shots, the Ibias was given and
Idiff is calculated and searching for each search point.
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Define the Test time, Voltage output, Trigger config, etc in the
"General 85" tab of main view.
Place the focus on the Differential Characteristic view, Hold down and
drag the mouse to draw a rectangular to zoom in the selected area.
All test points are added to a test table. This table will automatically
sorted by the defined fault type and linked to the Differential
Characteristic diagram.
Base on the selected fault type and test points, the voltages or
currents at the relay location are calculated automatically and
displayed on the Vector View.
Add add the defined point to the test table below.
Remove delete the currently selected test point from the
Test points list.
Remove All clear the test list
Check perform testing currently selected test point.
In shot test, all test points assesses whether or not a trip occurs
during the test time set at Diff time settings at Differential tab of
Test Object.
All test lines are added to a test list, and linked to the Differential
Characteristic diagram.
Each test line consists of several shots, while search the line, the
Ibias is fixed, the Idiff calculated and control by the module, the final
boundary of inside and outside protected zone determine the Idiff
Base on the selected fault type and test points, the voltages or
Enable the "Ignore Nominal Characters" option will covering the Idiff
entire range of scans from 0 to Idiff>>, this option may need more
shot points for each lines.
Reducing the Resolution value can improve the accuracy of the result,
but need more shot points.
Add add the defined search line to the test table below.
Add Sweep add multiple lines from a start value to end value
by a step, the exact lines automatically calculated.
Remove delete the search line by currently selected test
point along of the search line.
Remove All clear the test list
Check perform testing currently selected test line.
In Search test, all test lines assesses the Idiff should between the
tolerance bands set at Current Tolerances at Differential tab of Test
Test Time
The Max Fault Time becomes effective only the shot point has non-
tripping time or the tripping time longer than this Max Fault time and
if the trigger condition is not met within this time.
By default, Max Fault time and Interval time equal the Max test time
and Reset time at Differential tab of Test Object.
The exact prefault time becomes effective only the Prefault option
enabled and set as "Time" mode.
The prefault current applied only in prefault state.
If prefault mode set as GPS trigger, the fault start trigger depends on
the GPS time setting, usually is a PPS or PPM signal.
Voltage output
Each test mode creates a test table. The module will performing the
table list determine the shot or search.
For a search line consists of several shots, the Idiff was given and
the Percentage of harmonics is calculated and searching for each
search line.
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Define the Test time, Trigger config, etc in the "General " tab of
main view.
Only one harmonic can be test at a time, you can add more harmonic
restraint instances to current test center for more harmonic counts.
All test points are added to a test table. This table will automatically
sorted by the defined fault type and linked to the Differential
Harmonic Characteristic diagram.
Base on the selected fault type and test points, the voltages or
currents at the relay location are calculated automatically and
displayed on the Vector View.
Add add the defined point to the test table below.
Delete delete the currently selected test point from the
Test points list.
Delete All clear the test list
Check perform testing currently selected test point.
In shot test, all test points assesses whether or not a trip occurs
during the test time set at Diff time settings at Differential tab of
Test Object.
Only one harmonic can be test at a time, you can add more harmonic
restraint instances to current test center for more harmonic counts.
All test lines are added to a test table, and linked to the Differential
Characteristic diagram.
Each test line consists of several shots, while search the line, the
Idiff is fixed, the Ixf/Idiff calculated and control by the module, the
final boundary of inside and outside protected zone determine the
Ixf/Idiff value.
Base on the selected fault type and test points, the currents at the
relay location are calculated automatically and displayed on the
Vector View.
Enable the "Ignore Nominal Characters" option will covering the Ixf/
Idiff entire range of scans from 0 to 100%>>, this option may need
more shot points for each lines.
Reducing the Resolution value can improve the accuracy of the result,
but need more shot points.The minimum resolution of Ixf/Idiff is
Add add the defined search line to the test table below.
Add To add multiple lines from a start value to end value
by a step, the exact lines automatically calculated.
Delete delete the search line by currently selected test
point along of the search line.
Delete All clear the test list
Check perform testing currently selected test line.
In Search test, all test lines assesses the Ixf/Idiff should between
the tolerance bands set at Harmonic Tolerances at Differential tab of
Test Object.
The Max Fault Time becomes effective only the shot point has non-
tripping time or the tripping time longer than this Max Fault time and
if the trigger condition is not met within this time.
By default, Max Fault time and Interval time equal the Max test time
and Reset time at Differential tab of Test Object.
The exact prefault time becomes effective only the Prefault option
The prefault current applied only in prefault state.
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Or use "Add to..." button to quickly add multiple test points for any
zero-sequence segments and fault types.
1.17 Reclose
This module used for testing the auto-reclosing processed together
with a line protection, which can simulate the previous and post of
reclose state with post-acceleration.
Define the Fault Model, Test time, Trigger config, etc in the
"Parameter 91" tab of main view.
1.17.1 Test
Tests are defined in the impedance plane, Adding test points can be
achieved by right click on the impedance plane, or enter the test
point parameters into the input fields "|Z|", "Phi", "R", "X" by
keyboard entry.
All test points are added to a test table. This table will automatically
sorted by the defined fault type and linked to the impedance view.
Base on the selected fault type and test points and fault model (I
constant / V constant / Z constant), the voltages or currents at the
relay location are calculated automatically and displayed on the
Vector View.
Shot add the defined point to the test table below for
shot test.
Zone Verify quickly add multiple fault type of a defined
sequence points for fixed value verification.
Delete delete the currently selected test point from the
Test points list.
Delete All clear the test list
Check perform testing currently selected test point.
If active, the impedance of test points will
recalculate after line angle changed.
If active, the impedance of test points will calculate
by the percentage of defined zone characteristics.
set fixed value for the coefficient of DPFC relay.
Enable this option for permanent fault simulate, the
fault still exist after reclose state. by default,
module is set as transient mode.
All test points given a trip time, reclose time and second trip(post-
acceleration) time.
Transfer fault impedance defined at the input fields "|Z|", "Phi", "R",
"X" by keyboard entry.
Transfer time defined the start reference, it may happened in the first
fault state or reclosed state.
Turn time defined the transfer time from the start reference.
1.17.3 Parameters
Test Time
The exact prefault time becomes effective only the Fault Trigger
mode set as "Time" mode.
The maximum fault time limited the fault from start to end.
Fault Model
Delay Config
Simulate the circuit breaker trip delay and close delay time if the
result trigger signal connect from circuit breaker.
Load Setting
UX config
Fault Inception
This setting allow use specify the phase angle of the voltage, and
hence the angle of the fault current at the time of fault inception.
Before the fault become steady situation, it is possible to simulate
the DC offset transient behavior.
Random This mode allow use a random number generator
the fault inception angle.
Setting The fault inception angle can be freely adjusted by
enter a value in the close angle field.
DC offset Enable this option to activate the DC offset
transient behavior.
Atten Const Define the Tconstant of DC offset, during the
Tconstant, voltage output calculated by:
1/(10 ^ (Δt / Tconstant))
User can pickup a test impedance from the impedance view with
mouse click.
After completion of the test, "Passed" points will display as green
color, "Failure" points are shown as "red" color.
1.18 Synchronizer
This module simulate an environment aim to connection a generator
to the network or power grid or performing a synchronism check.
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Select a test item and parameters settings then add to test table for
System 1 (Vs This is the reference system, hence its phase angle
Side) is set to 0 degrees. The amplitude and frequency
value from the "Device" tab of the test object.
The wiring type combo defined the voltage channels
of hardware to be represent the power grid.
System 2 (Vg This is the generator side, according the test item
Side) to initial these values.
The wiring type combo defined the voltage channels
of hardware to be represent the generator side.
Time setting
In this function test, the frequency of Vg side must set as met the
synchronization condition.
A "V step" value defined the ramping voltage range of each steps.
Process on Vg side:
In this function test, the voltage of Vg side must set as met the
synchronization condition or equal to Vs side.
A "F step" value defined the ramping frequency range of each steps.
Process on Vg side:
In this function test, the voltage of Vg side must set as met the
synchronization condition or equal to Vs side.
A "F step" value defined the ramping frequency range of each steps.
Process on Vg side:
In this function test, the voltage and frequency of Vg side must set
as met the synchronization conditions and the frequency should not
equal to Vs side.
In this function test, the voltage of Vg side should set as not met
the synchronization conditions.
In this function test, the frequency of Vg side should set as not met
the synchronization conditions.
In this function test, the voltage and frequency of Vg side must set
as met the synchronization conditions.
The ramping df/dt value defined by the "From", "To" and "Step"
Process on Vg side:
Define the hardware, the routing and wiring and trip commands.
Parameter settings:
Fault on oscillate
Fault time Fault trigger time, which takes the entry oscillation
as the reference point of the time scale
Fault type Seven types of faults are provided: AN, BN, CN, AB,
BC, CA, and ABC;
Software automatically calculates the voltage and
current values of A, B, C three-phase according to
the setting of the system model and the
corresponding fault impedance parameters.
Fault current Fault short circuit current
Fault impedance Short circuit point F to protection installation (K
point) short circuit impedance Zf.
Polar coordinates form: amplitude, angle
System Impedance
Em/En potential
Oscillate parameters
Binary Inputs
Binary output
First, set the energy meter type, pulse constant, CT/PT ratio, pulse
type, etc on the "Meter" tab page;
Configure hardware type, wiring mode; (The pulse I/O ports refer the
hardware introduction of relay test kit)
Set the number of pulses and deviations for the test and add them to
the test list to be tested.