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Double Trouble Managing Diabetic Emergencies in Patients With Heart Failure

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Short report

Double trouble: managing diabetic emergencies

in patients with heart failure
In this paper Dr Legate Philip and Pathophysiology Left ventricular impairment may
Dr Ruth Poole look at the patho‑ Diabetes is a multi-system disorder develop regardless of typical risk
physiology and epidemiology of affecting many organs both at a factors such as hypertension and
heart failure in diabetes, heart macro- and microvasculature level. coronary artery disease in the
failure drugs and their effect on Hyperglycaemia, associated glycated diabetic population and this is
diabetes; also covered are practical proteins and dyslipidaemia damage termed diabetic cardiomyopa-
aspects of management of hyper‑ macrovasculature leading to athero- thy.21,22 The precise cause for this
glycaemic emergencies in diabetic sclerosis and risk of cardiovascular has not been determined, but
patients with heart failure. disease.4,13 Diabetes also affects may include mitochondrial dysfunc-
healthy endothelial function by loss tion, increased fibrosis, impaired
Introduction of inherent anti-atherogenic and calcium accumulation and inflam-
Heart failure and diabetes fre- anti-inflammatory properties which mation.21,23,24 There is also some
quently coexist and recent evidence in turn further accelerates athero- evidence that cardiac contractility
suggests a bidirectional relationship genicity and macrovascular dis- is affected by impaired cardiac glu-
with an increased risk of heart fail- ease.13,14 This effect in coronary cose metabolism and increased free
ure in patients with diabetes but arteries leads to the increased risk fatty acid oxidation for energy
also an increased risk of developing of myocardial infarction and ischae- metabolism; this in turn can lead to
diabetes in patients with heart fail- mic cardiomyopathy. Furthermore, ventricular impairment.25
ure.1,2 Although the management of comorbidities commonly seen in Recently, it has become apparent
heart failure in patients with stable patients with diabetes, such as hyper- that the relationship between heart
glycaemia is relatively straightfor- tension, dyslipidaemia and renal failure and diabetes is more bidirec-
ward, the management of the two impairment, also accelerate the pro- tional in nature rather than just
conditions becomes difficult during gression of cardiovascular disease. diabetes leading to heart failure.1,2 An
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or The microcirculation has central observational study showed diabetes
hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (sympathetic and parasympathetic) developed in 29% of heart failure
(HHS). Diuretics and fluid restric- and local regulatory mechanisms.4 subjects compared with 18% of
tion are essential components of Endothelial dysfunction leads to matched control subjects over three
heart failure management while imbalance between the vasodilators years.26 One postulated theory is
aggressive intravenous fluid replace- and vasoconstrictors that it pro- that the decreased physical activity
ment is indicated in DKA and HHS. duces, leading to an inability to in heart failure patients may lead
promptly adjust the microvascular to decreased insulin sensitivity.2
Epidemiology flow to meet the metabolic needs of Furthermore, neuro-humoral activa-
The Framingham Heart Study3 the tissue.15 Subjects with diabetes tion, including increased catechola-
showed that diabetic men and have been found to have decreased mine levels and sympathetic activity
women were two and five times bioavailability of nitric oxide, a stimulate gluconeogenesis and gly-
more likely, respectively, to develop potent vasodilator, as well as cogenolysis leading to hyperglycae-
heart failure compared with control increased secretion of the vasocon- mia.27 Poor cardiac output and
subjects independent of age, hyper- strictor, endothelin-1.13,16,17 increased venous congestion can
tension, obesity, coronary artery Diabetic autonomic neuropathy cause hypoperfusion of the pancreas
disease and hyperlipidaemia. also leads to impaired autoregula- and the liver thereby weakening their
Data published as early as 2001 tion of blood flow.18 Diabetic potential to regulate metabolic home-
showed that every 1% (11mmol/mol) patients with disturbed autonomic ostasis.2 Indeed, results from a recent
increase in glycosylated haemoglobin function have a higher heart rate study suggest that left ventricular
(HbA1c) increased the risk of heart than non-diabetic patients due to assist devices improved glycaemic
failure by up to 10%.4–6 decreased vagal tone. Tachycardia control in patients with diabetes.28
In patients with chronic heart fail- increases myocardial oxygen
ure, the prevalence of diabetes is demand and reduces coronary Heart failure drugs and their
around 20%7–9 compared with 40% artery perfusion due to a shortened effect on blood glucose
in those hospitalised with worsening diastole which over time increases Diuretics
heart failure.10 There is evidence that the risk of arrhythmias and ventricu- Diuretics have a big role in symptom
hospitalised heart failure patients lar dysfunction.19 Cardiac auto- management of heart failure
with diabetes have a worse prognosis nomic dysfunction is also one of patients;29 however, studies have
with increased rates of cardiovascular the presumed causes of a ‘silent shown a positive association between
mortality and heart failure hospitalisa- myocardial infarction’ due to their diuretic use and the occurrence
tion post-discharge compared to decreased or even absent percep- of diabetes.30 Researchers have
patients without diabetes.11,12 tion of ischaemic pain.20 suggested many potential reasons

Short report
Double trouble: managing diabetic emergencies in patients with heart failure

for this, which include hypokalae- sacubitril and valsartan) and ivabra- weakness, and weight loss can be
mia, changes in the autonomic dine have been shown to be effec- seen in both conditions. DKA
nervous system function, changes in tive in heart failure studies in patients usually present with vomit-
the beta-cell function and insulin patients with and without concomi- ing and abdominal pain.55
sensitivity as a result of diuretic tant diabetes.45,46 Heart failure patients with diabe-
use.2,31,32 Thiazides in particular tes are just as susceptible to develop-
have been shown to be associated Diabetes drugs and their effect ing these conditions as the rest of
with an increase in hyperglycae- on cardiac function the diabetic population. Some of
mia32 and therefore loop diuretics Glucose-lowering agents may pro- the common causes of DKA and
may be better tolerated in this group mote the development of heart HHS are infections, particularly
of patients. failure through several pathophysio- gastroenteritis; stress such as major
The symptoms of new-onset logical mechanisms related to surgery, myocardial infarction, pan-
diabetes, including polyuria, poly- increased insulin levels, water reten- creatitis or stroke; or insufficient
dipsia and weight loss in patients tion and low glucose availability for insulin.55 Previously undiagnosed
on diuretics, may be attributed to the myocardium. Tight glycaemic diabetes can present as DKA or
side effects of the diuretics them- control has not been shown to HHS. Certain medications such as
selves. This can delay diagnosis reduce incidence of heart failure in corticosteroids, thiazides, sympatho-
and potentially increase the risk of studies to date,5,47–49 while hypo­ mimetics, conventional and atypical
developing a diabetic emergency, glycaemia has been shown to be antipsychotic drugs can also precip-
particularly HHS. associated with worse outcomes.50 itate the development of DKA and
The thiazolidinediones lead to fluid HHS. It is important to note that
Beta blockers retention and, indeed, rosiglitazone no obvious cause of DKA and HHS
There have been concerns previ- was withdrawn because of the is identified in nearly one-fifth of
ously about beta blockers worsening increased risk of developing heart patients presenting with a hypergly-
glycaemic control and masking failure while taking it. Metformin51,52 caemic emergency.55
symptoms of hypoglycaemia;13,33 and empagliflozin53 have been The mainstay of treatment of
however, there have been no studies shown to be safe and effective in these diabetic emergencies is insu-
to date that prove this. On the other diabetic patients with heart failure lin, fluids and electrolyte correc-
hand, multiple studies have shown although caution needs to be exer- tion; ideally, these patients should
that beta-blockers improve survival cised when using metformin in also be managed in a high-care
and reduce heart failure hospitalisa- patients with renal impairment. setting. There are no specific
tions in patients with both diabetes The recent EMPA-REG OUTCOME guidelines to date on specific man-
and heart failure.34–36 There is some study has shown promising results agement of hyperglycaemic emer-
evidence that beta blockers can pre- with empaglifozin leading to signifi- gencies in heart failure although
cipitate diabetes especially when cant reduction in mortality and hos- UK guidelines suggest that ‘fluid
used alongside diuretics.4,6,32 Newer pitalisation from heart failure.53 replacement may need to be modi-
vasodilating beta blockers such as fied’.56 It is important to take a
carvedilol and nebivolol have less of Management of hyperglycaemic focused history from the patient or
an effect on glycaemic control.37 emergencies in patients with their family to try to identify what
heart failure might have triggered the decom-
Other medications commonly Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and pensation. In addition to reviewing
used in heart failure hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state the patient’s last HbA1c, it would be
ACE inhibitors (ACE-i) and angio- (HHS) are two acute and life-threat- helpful to find the patient’s latest
tensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) ening complications of diabetes echocardiogram, cardiology letter
are established therapies in heart requiring prompt recognition and and previous admission history as
failure. Randomised clinical trials aggressive therapy. If they have con- these may all give clues to their
have shown that they not only comitant heart failure, managing cardiac function, fluid status and
improve survival and reduce heart these patients may well pose many cardiac medication history. A weight
failure hospitalisation but can also challenges: managing haemody- taken in clinic may be helpful to
reduce incidence of new-onset dia- namic compromise; fluid manage- assess their current fluid depletion.
betes in heart failure patients.38–40 ment; and managing associated Assessing volume status in these
Mineralocorticoid receptor ant­ metabolic derangement such as patients can be difficult. Heart fail-
agonists (MRAs) have also shown kidney function, associated acidae- ure patients can have peripheral
prognostic benefits in heart failure mia and base excess. oedema and this does not reflect
studies.41,42 There have again been The development of DKA is usu- their intravascular volume. Patients
some concerns about the use of ally relatively acute, occurring in less are often intravascularly depleted
spironolactone (less so with eplen- than 24–48 hours, whereas HHS during the hyperglycaemic state
erone) and its effects on glycaemic usually develops over several days while appearing peripherally over-
control but there has been no con- to weeks and can lead to more loaded. Therefore care should be
clusive evidence to date and further profound dehydration.54 Symptoms taken while examining and inter-
studies are needed.43,44 Newer drugs such as polyuria, polydipsia, blurred preting volume status. Looking for
such as Entresto (a combination of vision, cognitive impairment, fatigue, jugular venous pressure, assessing

Short report
Double trouble: managing diabetic emergencies in patients with heart failure

the extent of peripheral oedema,

Practice points for fluid management in patients with heart failure presenting with
evidence of lung congestion (clini-
hyperglycaemic emergencies
cally and on X-ray), inferior vena
cava size and collapsibility on echo, • Fluid management can be difficult in these patients; accurate and recurrent assessment of
central venous pressure measure- fluid status is crucial
ment (if available), sensation of • Remember heart failure patients may appear peripherally overloaded while being
thirst and mucous membranes intravascularly depleted during the hyperglycaemic state
appearance can all help in assessing • Previous records of weight, echo findings and fluid status may be helpful
volume status. Haemodynamic • Normal saline with potassium is the fluid of choice
status can be assessed by blood pres- • A more cautious approach of giving 1–1.5 litres of normal saline over 1–2 hours with
sure/mean arterial pressure and frequent haemodynamic and clinical monitoring could be attempted as initial
assessment of end-organ perfusion resuscitation in patients with heart failure
(urine output, conscious level, • Fluid resuscitation should be tailored to patients’ clinical status and response. If there are
capillary refill time). It is important signs of worsening haemodynamics, then this might warrant use of vasoactive drugs and
to remember that some of these escalation of treatment to a critical care setting
patients have a chronically low
blood pressure due to reduced required is the preferred fluid in targets with only half of the volume
cardiac output and effects of medi- both DKA56 and HHS,54 as the main infused. However, more concen-
cations; therefore looking at their electrolyte losses are of sodium, trated dextrose infusions can be an
baseline blood pressure reading chloride and potassium. A Cochrane irritant to veins so this needs to be
from clinic letters may guide assess- review recommended use of crystal- done through a large vein such as in
ment. A high urine output reflects loid fluids rather than colloid in the ante-cubital fossa rather than
the hyperglycaemia and does not ill patients.57 The use of Ringer’s the back of the hand or ideally
mean the patient is well hydrated. lactate (Hartmann’s solution) in through a central venous catheter.
A low urine output suggests poor HHS54 or in DKA58 failed to show
renal perfusion. Blood tests may benefit compared to normal saline. Renal impairment
include venous blood glucose, In patients with heart failure a Blood tests in these patients may
ketones, blood gas, serum osmolal- more cautious approach is required. reveal renal impairment. This could
ity (calculated or measured) and Giving 1–1.5 litres of normal saline be due to many reasons including
troponin if clinically indicated. The over 1–2 hours with frequent haemo- diabetic nephropathy, heart failure
role of brain natriuretic peptide dynamic and clinical monitoring (i.e. cardio-renal syndrome), dehy-
(BNP) in these situations would be could be attempted as initial resusc­ dration and medications. It is
difficult to interpret and as such itation. Further fluid resuscitation important to go through previous
there is no role currently in BNP should be tailored to the patient’s results and identify baseline renal
guided management. An ECG clinical status and response. If there function. Depending on the degree
should be performed in all patients. are signs of worsening haemodynam- of derangement and clinical assess-
ics, for example low blood pressure or ment, it may be necessary to with-
Specific management of evidence of poor perfusion such as hold some of the prognostic heart
associated abnormalities cool peripheries or poor urine out- failure medications such as ACE-i
Fluid balance put, then this might warrant use of and MRAs and adjust diuretics to
Both DKA and HHS are associated vasoactive drugs and escalation of aid patients’ recovery from the acute
with large fluid and electrolyte defi- treatment to a critical care setting. phase. Measuring urine output and
cits. The severity of dehydration is It is also important to keep in mind recording daily weights (if possible)
greater in HHS than in DKA. Fluid that non-cardiogenic pulmonary further aids management. When the
replacement is crucial for the resto- oedema55 can develop in DKA patient is stable and over the acute
ration of intravascular, interstitial patients from excessive fluid replace- phase, it is important to restart and
and intracellular volume and renal ment or capillary-alveolar leaks (adult to up-titrate these drugs to target
perfusion. The average fluid deficit respiratory distress syndrome) even doses as tolerated. The hospital heart
is approximately 5–7 litres in DKA56 in patients without renal or cardiac failure team should be involved in
but may be as much as 22 litres in problems. This can further compli- the patient’s management as soon
HHS.54 For DKA, UK guidelines cate fluid resuscitation and manage- as possible.
suggest one litre of fluid over the ment; fortunately, this is a relatively
first hour then 500ml/hour over the rare complication.56 Metabolic derangement
next 4 hours.56 In HHS, the guide- In DKA, once glucose has fallen It is important to remember acidosis
lines suggest replacing half of the to target levels but where ketones/ and acidaemia are cardiac suppres-
fluid deficit in the first 12 hours acidosis have not yet resolved, a sants.59 Some degree of acidosis can
and the other half in the following 10% dextrose infusion is usually be seen in HHS and DKA patients
12 hours.54 Such large volume commenced to prevent hypoglycae- owing to their poor cardiac output,
administration can decompensate mia.56 In patients with heart failure increased anaerobic metabolism,
heart failure patients. where fluid overload is becoming a glucose and ketones, metformin,
Normal saline (0.9% sodium worry, this can be substituted with poor renal function and liver hypo­
chloride) with potassium added as 20% dextrose to maintain glycaemic perfusion. It is also important that

Short report
Double trouble: managing diabetic emergencies in patients with heart failure

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