Lived Experience of Rice Producers in Sta Marcela
Lived Experience of Rice Producers in Sta Marcela
Lived Experience of Rice Producers in Sta Marcela
Nhea Joanna Ysabelle S. Duldulao, Julius B. Gaduang, Maricarl B. Vicente, Kevin B. Butac, John-
John T. Pitas
The purpose of the study is to describe the lived experience of rice producers in Santa Marcela. As such,
the following were sought to be answered: (1.) What is the life behind of every rice producers?, (2.) What
are the difficulties and challenges of becoming a rice producers?, (3.) What motivates them to continue
The study is qualitative in nature and uses hermenuetic phenomenology as research design. A total of 10
rice producers from sta. Marcela were identifed as subjects of the study. Interview and observation method
were used to gather the necessary data and approprite analysis were then made therefafter.
Based on the results of the study, the life of rice producers is generally difficult due to huge demands of
time, effort and resources nowithstanding the risk involved. However, rice producers still want to do so,
not just for them but for their family as a whole especially for their children’s education and needs since it
is their only and available source of income. And though their life is full of hardships, challenges and
sacrifices such as the lack of resources and the occurence of natural disaters, they still find motivation to
painstakingly continue the job by finding strenghts to their family and their dreams.
It is then recommended that the municipality must conduct programs that is deemed to improve the life of
Rice producers are endowed with nature that is fitted for agriculture. Rice producers can theoretically
experience success in planting a rice by following the right steps in planting a rice like planting on time,
using the best quality seed, weeding early, using water efficiency, harvesting on time, milling efficiently
However, in reality, rice producers are also endowed with all its natural resources, geographical, climatic
condition, and strong manpower being threatened by problems in profit, and manpower, technology and
industrialization. Oftentimes, this threats pose a great deal on rice production and efficacy of a certain
region which pose higher price of rice. This often raises a question, what is the status of rice production in
Overall, the Philippines is a rice producing nation. But, industrialization is all over the country, the natural
resources needed for the said production is depleting. In the desire of the government to give more
employment, farm land is being converted into a commercial centers and rice producers are more affected.
Rice producers are facing threats and challenges: First, the increasing population. Based on the ecological
profile of it and it suddenly increase of population happened in 1990. Second, Climate and global warming.
Rice production has two cropping season the dry season and wet season. The El Niňo phenomenon brought
increase in production along the other places, On the other hand, La Niňa phenomenon brought increase in
rice production in some areas that only rely on rain. Third, Capital, profit, technology and manpower.
Rice producers are struggling to survive on their own capacities with minimal government assistance. They
are in need of assistance from government, the private sectors (NGOs), and the business sectors for the
protection of the environment and resources in the countryside which are the great attributes to the
This study aims to describe the lived experience of rice producers in Santa Marcela since it was shared and
identified that the government and other authorities does not fully understand the challenges, the
difficulties’ and the life as a whole of being a rice producers. With the advent of the rice ratification bill
which aims to improve rice production and efficacy of the nation, it is deemed important that a research
must be conducted in order to determine what lies behind the agriculture sector.
The researchers intended then to describe and synthesize the lived experience of rice producers.
3. What motivates them to continue their work/business inspite of the difficulties and challenges?
Research Design
This study utilized qualitative research design using hermeneutic phenomenology as a method which aimed
to describe and synthesize the lived experiences of the rice producers in Sta. Marcela with regards to their
To produce a thicker description of the life of the rice producers, the researchers specifically identified rice
producers working as such for five years. The study were conducted at the barangay of Sipa and Imelda of
Sta. Marcela, Apayao since much of the population there primarily works at a rice field.
Sampling Procedure
A total of 10 rice producers were determined as the subjects of the study. Data saturation have not been
achieved at such point, however the researchers have determined and ensured that such number is sufficient
Research Instruments
The interview guide was the main instrument to gather all the necessary data for this research. The questions
were validated and peer reviewed by the advisers and the panel to ensure that such instrument would be
able to produce data that could describe the life of the rice producers.
The questions were divided into three broad sections: the first section focused on the life background of the
rice producers; the second part focused on the difficulties and challenges of a rice producer; and the third
video recorder if allowed by the respondent, was also suggested to be able to analyze the facial features and
actions that will be unconsciously made by the respondent during the whole interview.
Field notes for direct and indirect observations were the secondary instrument to gather other relevant data
to the research to provide further details of the responses and to qualitatively and holistically evaluate and
understand their life. As such an observation protocol was also made by the respondents.
Ethical Consideration
Beforehand, questions to be asked were rigorously reviewed to ensure that human dignity and rights were
protected. Further, the said questions were also presented to the respondents, and if they believed that such
question, would produce discomforts on their part, such question will not be asked during the actual
The subjects have also been given the option to participate in the observation activity. If they believed that
their right to privacy is violated, they have the option to withdraw from the study.
Further, the participants were assured that the information given by them would neither to be made in public
Data Gathering
Beforehand, the researchers sought an approval and guidance to the barangay captain of Sipa and Imelda
since they are the direct authorities responsible for the subjects and have direct access on the information
After which, the researcher sought an approval to the identified rice producers with regards to the interview
and observation. Necessary arrangements were then done accordingly regarding on the location in which
the interview and direct observation were made to avoid an obtrusive process of gathering data to create a
The manner in which the interview was done depends on the language in which the subjects are comfortable
at in expressing their ideas and opinions. However, most of the respondents preferred their native tongue
as their medium. As then, the researchers, during the interview, translated the interview guide into Ilocano
with proper care as to avoid producing different thought as what the interview questions wanted to elicit.
Two to three hours was allotted for each participant for the interview process. However, the participant or
the researcher may choose to end earlier if thick and clear descriptions were already provided.
Data Analysis
Full transcription method was used to reserve the full answers of the respondents. Additional responses and
information from the participants not related to any questions asked were also considered if it revealed
information supporting and explaining the original information regarding on their experiences.
In depth analysis of the answers, through process of bracketing, which includes reading between lines will
be made in order to determine fully the emerging themes on the answers. Facial features and mannerisms
were also analyzed to further determine the authenticity of the answers being by the respondents.
Open coding with single process using constant comparative analysis have been used in which data were
subcategorized, coded based on common themes, analyzed for commonalities, and highlighted for
After having the coding and single iteration process using category analysis, themes have emerged in the
Life Background
Theme 1: Most of the subjects started their farming work at an early age since the only source of the
Most of the rice producers started at the age of 14 to 21 and almost all of them grew up working on a rice
field doing related chores such as “agsikka” wennu “agbilag”. When the researchers ask them what brought
them to farming, some says it has been the work of their parents from the start which automatically makes
them as one. Some says, since they were not able to finish their studies, the only work availbale for them is
rice producing. Another one said that because of early marriage, their parents have given them the land to
Two respondents have stated that on the average, they must visit the farm twice in a day: 7:00 in the morning
and 5:00 in the afternoon to checked on the status or some possible problems that may arise beforehand
such as outgrowth of harmful weeds and pest. Some respondents reported on visiting the farm early on the
morning and staying up until early evening to ensure that no such major problems will occur especially
Three respondents have observed that there has been some major changes that occur in rice producing
practices especially with the mechanization and full production with regards to the agricultural sector. To
these times, rice farm is being prepared, maintained and harvested with the use of machineries, pesticides,
sprays, and fertilizers. Some says that there has been a considerable change in their lives such an
improvement in profit which delivers better standard of living of the family. However some also laments
on such improvements specially on the surging prices of the needed materials such as fertilizers which
Theme 1: Most of the rice producers experiences constant body pain and tiredness as a result of their
daily work.
Amost all fo the respondents agreed that rice producing is coupled with body pain. Since farming work
requires full body strenght such as “agarado” and “agsikka”, much of their body pains is on their upper
torso. And due to huge demands of time and effort during farming season, most of them experiences fatigue
which results to tiredness. However, some respondents, due to years doing the work, is already insusceptible
Theme 2: Rice producers often have to borrow money in order to finance their lacking resources.
Since rice producing is coupled with high risk especially on unpredicted wheather disturbances, most of the
rice producers have experience shortage of capital to start the farming cycle. As then, they have to borrow
money to people or cooperatives to buy “binhi” and “abono”. These lending instituitions or people usually
have a common interest rate which sometimes put the farmers in debt. This is in exchange of a hope, that
the next cropping season, they would be able to repay the loan amount becuase of predetremine profit.
However, if it still turns out bad, the same process repeats putting the rice producer in a greater debt than
ever before.
Theme 3: Weather disturbances such as typhoon and heavy rain creating flash floods create a more
All respondents agreed that typhoon and heavy rain creating flash floods makes rice producing a more
difficult job as compared to other works. Such disturbances often creates huge damages on the crops which
often resulted to them being broke since most of them, they have borrowed most of the capital, and none of
the remaining crops can be sold at a considerable price. However, most of them take the risk and continue
in becoming one.
Theme 1: The Farmers found inspiration to continue their farming through their family.
Respondents stated that their family is primarily their source of strength and inspiration to continue their
work inspite of their hardship and misfortune. They continue being inspired, though farming is difficult,
because it is their only source of income which caters their children’s education and needs hoping that when
they finish their studies, they would be able to elevate their life.
Theme 2: Good condition of crop and abundant harvest motivate farmers to continue their work.
Good condition of crops which results to abundant harvest primarily motivates the rice producers to contnue
their work. With the advent of agricultural innovation and mechanization, good rate of harvest is often
expected to farming resulting to a higher yield of income. This, more than any other, motivates them beyond
Based on the results of the study, the life of rice producers can be described as generally difficult due to
huge demands of time, great effort and big resources. Making the life more difficult are the weather
disturbances which put the farmers in great debt by borrowing money to lending institutions.
However, rice producers still pursues the job because of their family as a whole especially for their
children’s education and needs since it is their only and available source of income.
And though their life might be full of hardships, challenges and sacrifices, they still find motivation to
painstakingly continue the job by finding strenghts to their family and their dreams.
The Municipality of Sta. Macela is then suggested to conduct relative programs such as higher crop
insurance and establish lower interest rates which aims to lessen burden consequently improving the lives
of rice producers and their positive outlook towards rice producing as a whole.
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