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Animal Kingdom

Scientists predict that only 15% of species are known to man from the
estimated 8.7 million species. That leaves almost 85% species yet to be
discovered. Only about 953,434 species of animals have been
catalogued in the Animal Kingdom. Let us study this classification of

Classification of Animals and Plants

There are millions of living organisms in this world. There are some
which are even yet to be discovered. These living organisms that are
known to man, very broadly include animals,
plants, microorganisms etc. All of them show great diversity. Yet, there
are some characteristics that are similar between groups of organisms
and this is what binds them together.

Classification of animals helps us to understand their characteristics, as

well as their differences with other organisms. The best-known
organisms are the animals. In scientific terminology, they are grouped
under the Kingdom Animalia, better known as the Animal Kingdom.
Let us learn more about this famous Kingdom!

Animal Kingdom
Kingdom Animalia consists of organisms that range from the simplest
of the animal forms to the most complex. At one end of this
classification of animals, you have the microscopic organisms. And at
the other end, you see animals that you probably come across in your
daily life. You and your friends, for example, are members of the
Animal Kingdom. Your pet dog, bird, cat or even those pesky insects
that you find in the gardens are all part of this gigantic kingdom.

Scientifically speaking, all organisms that belong to this Kingdom

are Eukaryotic organisms. They are all multicellular, with many cells
present. The cells do not have cell walls in them. Another important
feature is that they have a heterotrophic mode of nutrition, which means
that they cannot make their own food.

The Different Phyla

Classification of animals is termed as Kingdom Animalia. It is further

divided into different phyla. These are nothing but divisions in which
animals/organisms with the same characteristics are included under
them. Apart from the primary distinguishing features of the Animal
Kingdom (Eukaryotic, Multicellular, without a cell wall and
heterotrophic); each phylum has organisms that have common
characteristics. In the classification of animals chart, they move from
the simplest to the most complex.

The different phyla in the classification of animals are as follows:

 Phylum Porifera
 Phylum Coelenterata
 Phylum Platyhelminthes
 Phylum Nematoda
 Phylum Annelida
 Phylum Arthropoda
 Phylum Mollusca
 Phylum Echinodermata
 Phylum Protochordata
 Phylum Vertebrata
Let us now look at some important features of each Phylum.

Phylum Porifera

These are the simplest multicellular animals, found mainly in marine

habitats. These organisms have pores all over the body. They have a
canal system that helps in circulating water and food particles
and oxygen. The body design shows minimal differentiation and
division of tissues. Commonly called as Sponges, some of the examples
are Spongilla, Sycon etc.

Phylum Coelenterata

These organisms show more body differentiation. They live in water.

The body has a sac-like cavity, with a single opening for ingestion an
egestion. These animals have two germ layers and hence are called
diploblastic. You can see these animals living solitarily or n colonies.
Examples include Jellyfish, Sea Anemone, and Hydra.

Phylum Platyhelminthes

These are commonly called flatworms. Their bodies are flattened

dorsoventrally. They are the first triploblastic animals, with three germ
layers. The body is also bilaterally symmetrical, with both the left and
right halves of the body having the same design. Flatworms can be
either parasitic or free living. A few examples are Planaria, Liver Fluke,
and Tapeworm.

Phylum Nematoda
The bilateral symmetry and triploblastic nature continue in these
animals. The body, however, is more cylindrical and not flattened. The
body cavity is not a true coelom. And hence it is called a pseudo
coelom. Tissues are present, but organs are absent. These organisms
show a complete alimentary canal which is straight. Most of these
organisms belonging to this phylum are parasitic worms, which cause
diseases. Examples are Ascaris, Wucheria.

Phylum Annelida

Annelids are found in different habitats, such as land, fresh water, and
even marine mater. They have a bilaterally symmetrical body with three
germ layers (Triploblastic). A distinguishing feature here is that they
have a true body cavity. The body is also segmented with some organ
differentiation seen. Examples are Earthworms, Leeches.

Phylum Arthropoda

They make up the largest group in the animal kingdom. Most of the
insects are included in this phylum. “Arthropoda” means jointed legs.
The bodies of these animals are divided into head, thorax, and abdomen.
Apart from the jointed legs, they also have a pair of compound eyes.
Another distinguishing feature of these animals is the presence of an
open circulatory system. Examples are butterfly housefly, spiders,
mosquitoes, crabs etc.

Phylum Mollusca

The bilateral symmetry and the triploblastic nature of the body layers
are seen here too. Molluscans form a very diverse group and form an
important part of the ecosystem. These animals can be seen aquatic
habitats. They can be either marine or freshwater species. The body
does not show much segmentation and the coelomic cavity is also
reduced. The body is typically divided into anterior head, ventral
muscular foot, and a dorsal visceral mass. The foot helps in the
locomotion of the animals. Examples are Snails, Mussels, and Octopus.

Phylum Echinodermata

Moving on with the classification of animals we come to Phylum

Echinodermata. Echinoderms are animals with spiny skin. They live
exclusively in a marine habitat. They are free-living animals. The larvae
show bilateral symmetry whereas the adults show radial symmetry.
These animals are triploblastic and have a coelomic cavity. They have a
peculiar water driven tube system that helps them in moving
around. They also have a hard exoskeleton that is made up of calcium
carbonate. Examples are Starfish, Sea cucumber, Sea Urchin.

Phylum Protochordata

The protochordate animals are bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic.

They have a coelom. A new body feature that is seen in these animals is
the presence of notochord at some stage in their life cycle. Due to this
very presence of a notochord, they are called as chordates. However, it
is sometimes rudimentary. They are exclusively marine animals.
Examples include Herdmania, Balanoglossus.

Phylum Vertebrata

These are the advanced group of animals, showing some really

advanced features of a proper digestive system, circulatory system etc.
There is a complex differentiation of body tissues and organs. These
animals have a true vertebral column with an internal skeleton. All
chordates have the following features:

 Notochord
 Dorsal Nerve Cord
 Post-anal tail
 Pharyngeal slits
Phylum Vertebrata is classified into five classes. They are:

1. Pisces
2. Amphibia
3. Reptilia
4. Aves
5. Mammalia
Class Pisces

These are exclusively aquatic animals, commonly called as Fish. Their

skin is covered by scaly plates. The body is streamlined. A muscular tail
helps in the movement. Respiration occurs through gills. The heart is
present with two chambers. Examples are Tuna, Rohu, Anglerfish, and
Electric ray.

Class Amphibia

Amphibians can live both on land and in water. They have mucus
glands in the skin. The heart is three chambered, with respiration
occurring through gills or lungs. They are egg-laying animals, with a
distinctive head and trunk. Examples are Frogs, Toads, and Salamander.

Class Reptilia

Reptilians are cold-blooded animals, which have scales on their body.

They breathe through lungs. In most of these animals, the heart is three
chambered, with the exception of crocodiles, which have a four-
chambered heart. Examples are Snakes, turtles, Crocodiles etc.
Class Aves

They are warm-blooded animals with the body being covered by

feathers. The forelimbs are modified into wings. They have a four-
chambered heart. They breathe through lungs. And they lay eggs. All
birds are classified under this class. Examples are Parrot, Crow, and

Class Mammalia

Mammals are warm-blooded with a four-chambered heart. They have

mammary glands. Their skin has sweat and oil glands. They give birth
to young ones. Respiration occurs through lungs. Examples are human
beings, gorilla, and cow.

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