Solar Fuel
Solar Fuel
Solar Fuel
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Renewable hydrogen produced using solar energy to split water is the energy fuel of the future.
Accelerated innovation in both major domains of solar energy (photovoltaics and concentrated solar
power) has resulted in the rapid fall of the solar electricity price, opening the route to a number of
practical applications using solar H2. Referring to several examples as well as to new technologies, this
article provides insight into a crucial technology for our common future.
Broader context
Renewable hydrogen produced using solar energy to split water is the energy fuel of the future. Accelerated innovation in both major
domains of solar energy (photovoltaics and concentrated solar power) has resulted in the rapid fall of the solar electricity price,
opening the route to a number of practical applications using solar H2. New thermochemical water splitting using concentrated solar
power (CSP) as well as CSP coupled to electrolysis has the potential to convert and store solar energy into clean hydrogen using
a tiny fraction of the world’s desert area to meet our present and future global energy needs. Photovoltaics, in turn, has the versatility
required for supporting the creation of a distributed energy generation infrastructure in developing countries especially now that the
price of PV solar electricity has fallen to unprecedented low levels. In all these cases, solar H2 will be used to store energy and release
it on demand either for fuel cells (to power homes and boats) or internal combustion engines and turbines (for powering cars, trucks
and in thermoelectric power units). Referring to several examples as well as to new technologies, this article provides insight into
a crucial technology for our common future.
This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 279–287 | 279
Fig. 2 First in the world to operate on such a scale, the 12 MW
combined cycle plant in Venice’s industrial zone of Porto Marghera
fuelled by hydrogen by-products from local petrochemical industries.
(Photo courtesy of Enel).
280 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 279–287 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
where F is the Faraday constant measuring 1 mol of electricity
(96 485 C). Once locally available, hydrogen can be used to
generate electricity by the reverse of reaction 2:
which is the process that occurs in an H2–O2 fuel cell. Indeed, the
same cell can work as a fuel cell or as an electrolyzer, depending
on the operating conditions, which is not the case with other
competing reactions for the production of H2. Overall, the
process is able to locally create the required amount of hydrogen
needed to power a house or a small boat’s engine, such as in the
case of the commercial electric boat powered by an H2–O2 fuel
cell shown in Fig. 1.
Hydrogen can also be burnt in air within an internal
Fig. 3 Power densities for renewable fuels and energy consumers. Power combustion engine (ICE) such as in the case of the BMW
density is the rate of energy production per unit of the earth’s area, Hydrogen 7 automobile equipped with a hydrogen tank. Like
expressed in watts per square meter (W m2). (Reproduced from ref. 4, gasoline, hydrogen is highly flammable. Yet, Fig. 4 shows that
with permission). due to the buoyancy of hydrogen (14.4 time lighter than air,
rising at 20 m s1 rate), the flame shoots up vertically, whereas
is around 20 W m2 at peak power. Fig. 3 shows that the energy gasoline is heavy and spreads beneath the vehicle.
supply chain of today’s fossil-fuelled civilisation works by The solar method to generate H2 from water, better suited to
producing fuels and thermal electricity with power densities that addressing the energy-intensive needs of modern society, relies
are one to three orders of magnitude higher than the common on CSP and is a catalytic thermochemical process that makes use
power densities with which our buildings and cities use of concentrated solar radiation to create a large surplus of
commercial energies.4 hydrogen suitable for energy-intensive applications. Such solar
Solar energy is the only renewable energy source with the technology not only produces hydrogen but employs entirely
versatility to meet both intensive production needs (through renewable and abundant energy sources and raw materials: solar
concentrated solar power, or CSP) and localized energy distri- energy and water, respectively, without any CO2 emissions.
bution demands (through onsite installed photovoltaic (PV) Finally, one can use the CSP technology to produce large
modules), whose price in the last 18 months has fallen by 75% amounts of electricity and then store it as pure hydrogen through
(from 6 to less than 1.5 V/W). electrolysis. The convenience of this option will depend on the
In the past three decades, computers and telephones have
become decentralized and wireless. Solar energy will do the same
for the energy industry. In other words, PV distributed on a small
scale,5 instead of on today’s industrial-size electricity grids, will
begin to compete with the economies of scale that Edison’s
electricity transmission created over the last century. As the price
of solar electricity approaches that of fossil energy, developing
nations will adopt distributed solar generation as they did with
mobile phones, jumping over fixed-line phones. Hence, in place
of big fossil fuel power stations and a national electric grid, both
fixed infrastructures with large costs, these nations will develop
distributed generation.
Similarly, in wealthy nations where electricity costs are rapidly
rising, citizens and companies can greatly benefit from solar
energy, thanks to the now low upfront cost, and extremely low
ongoing costs, and whose overall cost of finance amortized over
the life of the equipment/capital investment vastly enhance the
economics of solar energy.
In this context of rapid change, H2 is an excellent storage
option for storing the excess energy during the day for night time
Fig. 4 On the left is a vehicle with a hydrogen tank, and on the right
and cloudy days uses. Two complementary methods exist which
a vehicle with a standard gasoline tank. Both tanks have been deliberately
rely on the two main solar energy technologies, namely photo-
punctured and ignited. The top panel shows the two vehicles 3 s after
voltaics (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP). The first ignition. The bottom panel shows the two vehicles 60 s after ignition. The
technology is water electrolysis using a photovoltaic current hydrogen supply has burned off and the flame is diminished, whereas the
(eqn (2)): gasoline fire has accelerated and has totally engulfed the vehicle on the
right. (Photo courtesy of the University of Miami, reproduced from
H2O + 2F / H2 + ½O2 (2)
This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 279–287 | 281
specific application. This article thus aims to provide insight into Table 1 Experimental parameters in alkaline electrolysis. (Reproduced
a crucial technology for our common future. from ref. 7).
H2O / H2 + ½O2
Water electrolysis Electrolyte: 25–30% KOH
DV ¼ 1.65–2.00 V, j ¼ 1–10 kA m2
The splitting of water into gaseous H2 and O2 by the action of Energy consumption: 4–4.9 kW h m3
Current yield: 98–99.9%
electricity is definitely an entirely clean process since no polluting H2 purity: >99.8%
by-products are formed provided that electricity is produced
using either photovoltaics, hydroelectric, geothermal or aeolian
power.6 In general, the product yield of reaction 2 is 100%,
Fig. 6 shows that conventional (alkaline) electrolyzers show
namely no electrical energy is wasted; and since the cost of water
high overpotential and a relatively small production rate,
is negligible, eqn (2) shows that the entire economics of the
whereas membrane and advanced alkaline electrolyzers display
process is driven by the cost of electricity. An electrolyte is dis-
a very similar performance, with lower overpotential and much
solved in water to enhance conductivity and thus the overall rate
higher production rates.
of the process of water electrolysis.
Typically, a commercial alkaline electrolyzer produces H2 by
In current commercial electrolyzers, the solution employed is
consuming 4.49 kW h m3 of electricity with current yield and
a 30% KOH at 80 C (alkaline electrolysis) and the electrolyte
hydrogen purity both close to 100% (Table 1).7
can be recovered and re-used. Alkaline electrolysis systems have
In 2009 the Austrian companies Fronius, Bitter and Frauscher
efficiencies of 55–75% and make use of a ceramic microporous
successfully presented Riviera 600: the first electric boat powered
separator, whereas the electrodes are usually made of nickel, with
by solar hydrogen fuel cells. The concept is that of a self-con-
the cathode coated in platinum and the anode coated in
tained energy supply provided by hydrogen simply obtained by
manganese oxide or tungsten oxide. Remarkably, the use of
photovoltaic electrolysis of water. The fuel cell makes it possible
intermittent PV electricity results in two shortcomings: (i) its
to use the solar power made available as H2 when the (weather)
activity decreases with time, and (ii) shutdown of industrial cells
conditions are optimal and to store the excess power so that it
provokes Ni dissolution at the cathode since this electrode is
can be made available for later use as required. Extracted from
driven to more positive potentials by short-circuit with the
water using photovoltaics and electrolysis, H2 is oxidised in the
anode. These shortcomings can be alleviated if Ni cathodes are
fuel cell and the only emission is clean water (Fig. 1), completing
activated, i.e. if they are coated with a thin layer of more active
a zero emission energy production cycle. The necessary invest-
and more stable materials (Fig. 5).
ment for the hydrogen infrastructure gains more economic
profitability with an increasing number of boats. The team
‘‘Future Project Hydrogen’’8 has created budget calculations for
the generation of hydrogen on site by use of photovoltaics under
the premises of 10 boats for commercial use, for example, within
a boat rental.
With a range of 80 kilometres with a full hydrogen tank and
having been awarded a safety certificate by Germany’s TUV, € the
boat is 6 m long, 2.2 m wide and weighs 1400 kg. Its 4 kW
continuous power electric motor has twice the range of conven-
tional battery-powered boats. The 47% efficiency of the noise-
free fuel cell engine should be compared to the 18%–20%
Fig. 5 Variation of overpotential (inversely proportional to activity) for
O2 evolution as a function of time for continuous and intermittent elec-
trolysis. Under the latter conditions, Ni-based cathodes need protection
by a thin layer of more active and more stable materials. (Reproduced
from ref. 6, with permission).
282 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 279–287 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
efficiency of a conventional (steel) internal combustion engine. installation is simple thanks to the ‘‘container construction’’
The main economic advantage compared with conventional design and can be carried out simply and quickly at many
electric boats is the fact that no time has to be spent charging the different locations. The station comprises electricity power
batteries. For conventional electric boats, 6–8 h of charging gives charger, hydrogen and payment units (Fig. 8). For comparison,
just 4–6 h of use. The hydrogen-powered electric boat requires storing power in batteries over long periods of time is linked to
only the time that it takes to change the cartridge: 5 min. The huge losses due to self-discharge (5–10% per month), while the
boat’s fuelling system consists of a 20 kg cartridge that can be energy density is a fraction of that for hydrogen, which means
charged with up to 0.7 kg of hydrogen kept at 350 bar. Re- that by storing energy in the summer in a battery of the same
fuelling is done using a standard filler coupling on the one hand capacity, one would have no more energy available in winter.9
plus a simple exchange of an empty cartridge for a full one on the Another example that shows that photovoltaic renewable
other (Fig. 7). hydrogen is far from being solely a research topic is given by the
The energy filling (‘‘Clean Power’’) station makes use of PV world’s first underground pipeline supplying H2 to customers in
modules integrated in a 250 m2 flat roof, and further connected to the Italian city of Arezzo (Fig. 9).10 At present, the pipeline serves
an electrolytic cell. Even at Austria’s cold latitudes the station is 4 companies and the HydroLAb with a main channel of around
capable of affording an annual yield of 823 kg hydrogen, 600 m where the whole network is around 1 km.
equivalent to 1100 cartridges with a 27 200 kW h energy content, Four goldsmith companies use it for industrial and energy
namely enough hydrogen to run a boat for 80 000 km. Its needs via four 5 kW fuel cells and two 1 kW fuel cells at the
HydroLAb, the laboratory for hydrogen and renewable energies
(Fig. 10).11
The aim was to set up a completely off-grid testing lab for
technologies in the renewable energy sector, collecting data to
test solar energy technologies linked with hydrogen production
and use. Hence, solar panels provide electricity, solar thermal
vacuum tube panels provide heat for room heating and feed
a 5 kW solar cooling machine (Fig. 10) in order to get zero-
emission air conditioning in summer. Waste water is completely
Fig. 8 The Clean Power Station makes use of a 250 m2 flat roof equipped
with PV modules whose electric power output feeds an electrolyzer
splitting water molecules. (Image courtesy of Fronius).
Fig. 9 Made of passivated steel and 1 km long, the first hydrogen Fig. 11 Sun and wind provide all the energy needed to power the
pipeline in the world has been built in the Italian city of Arezzo and HydroLab in Italy, and solar hydrogen is used to store the intermittent
delivers pure H2 at 3.5 bar to the fuel cells installed in 4 goldsmith energetic supply of solar irradiation. (Image courtesy of La Fabbrica
companies. (Photo courtesy of La Fabbrica del Sole). del Sole).
This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 279–287 | 283
recycled through a fito remediation dry technique and rain is
collected and stored (Fig. 11). The technologies implemented are
continuously monitored, with the aim of further optimization in
view of widespread commercial application in the building
Today, when solar panels generate more electricity than
a home is using, the excess is simply fed back into the grid,
essentially subtracting from the homeowner’s utility bill. In an
off-grid application, the excess is put into batteries. But fuel cells
are more versatile and their price is rapidly declining.
Existing electrolyzers are expensive. Hence, the challenge is
devising a system that is efficient enough to make energy inex-
pensively. In general, however, PV electricity should be used as
such, for electricity is the highest quality energy available; but
this will require in its turn the introduction of new generation
batteries able to recharge rapidly with large amounts of energy. Fig. 12 Scheme for the solar thermo-chemical water splitting cycle.
Yet, the idea to use the PV energy to crack water molecules into (Reproduced from, with permission).
hydrogen and oxygen and used later in a fuel cell to make elec-
tricity when the sun is not shining is general. The concept is water-splitting materials that are heated by concentrated solar
a closed-loop system in which hydrogen oxidized with air in the radiation using a set of mirrors that is used to concentrate the
fuel cell creates water, which is captured and used again. solar energy, increasing the temperature in the reactor (Fig. 12).
A promising alternative process to split water into its elements In the first step of water-splitting, the activated redox reagent
is a based on a cobalt phosphate catalyst developed by Nocera (usually the reduced state of a metal oxide) is oxidized by taking
and co-workers which can operate in plain water at atmospheric oxygen from water and producing hydrogen, according to
pressure mimicking photosynthesis.12 The system makes use of reaction (4):14
a traditional anode (positively charged electrode in an electro- MOx1 þ H2 OðgÞ/MOox þ H2 exothermic (4)
lytic cell) consisting of indium tin oxide for the splitting of water
by electrolysis upon which the ‘‘cobalt phosphate’’ solid catalyst During the second step the oxidized state of the reagent is
is absorbed when current is passed through a solution containing reduced, to be used again (regeneration), delivering some of the
Co2+ cations and HPO42 anions. The catalyst forms in situ as the oxygen of its lattice according to reaction (5):
amount of charge passed during the course of an 8 h electrolysis MOox /MOx1 þ ½O2 endothermic (5)
far exceeds what could be accounted for by stoichiometric
oxidation of the Co2+ in solution. The researchers, however, have The advantage is the production of pure hydrogen and the
worked only on one half of the problem (the anode) and at removal of oxygen in separate steps, avoiding the need for high-
present this solution offers no alternative to the platinum-based temperature separation and the chance of explosive mixture
cathode. A company (Sun Catalytics) was established to formation. The active redox material is in fact capable of water-
commercialize this new versatile, and affordable catalyst that splitting and regeneration, so that complete operation (water-
splits water into oxygen and hydrogen fuel. Despite the advan- splitting and redox material regeneration) is achieved in a closed
tages, water electrolysis and hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell tech- solar reactor.
nology still face challenges. For instance, the electrodes used in The concept has been proven experimentally for pairs of
water electrolysis are currently coated with platinum, which is oxides of multivalent metals or metal/metal oxide systems (for
not a sustainable resource, and researchers are currently inves- example, in the case of the highly promising ZnO/Zn system
tigating the employment of nanomaterials with a large reduction studied by Steinfeld and co-workers).15 However, even though
on the amount of precious metal needed. Indeed, the main water splitting is taking place at temperatures lower than 700 C,
advantage of Nocera’s catalyst that splits the water molecules material regeneration (i.e. reduction) takes place at much higher
using cobalt phosphate is that it is far cheaper and more abun- temperatures (>1600 C). In addition, despite basic research with
dant compared to expensive metals such as platinum. respect to active redox pairs, solar reactors reported in the
literature are based on particles fed into rotating cavity reactors,
concepts that are complicated and costly to operate.
Thermochemical water splitting
The uniqueness of the HYDROSOL approach is based on the
On the larger scale required to make solar-based H2O splitting combination of two novel concepts: nanoparticle materials with
using only the energy of the sun a practical technology in terms of very high water-splitting activity and regenerability (synthesised
quantity and cost, the thermochemical redox-cycle process using by novel routes such as aerosol processes, combustion techniques
a simple and robust materials is necessary, with manufactur- and reactions under controlled oxygen pressure) and their
ability on a large scale at competitive costs developed in the incorporation as coatings on special refractory ceramic mono-
context of the EU-funded Hydrosol project.13 The process—an lithic reactors whose geometry first emerged from traditional
endothermic reaction that requires an energy input—employs chemical engineering with its most familiar application to auto-
a multichannel ceramic honeycomb reactor resembling the mobile catalytic converters. The solar thermo-chemical reactor
familiar catalytic converter of automobiles, coated with active for the production of hydrogen from water splitting is
284 | Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 279–287 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010
temperature processes will be a viable way to produce large
amounts of hydrogen at a reasonable cost without any green-
house gas emissions, paving the way for a purely renewable solar
hydrogen economy. Further scale-up of the technology and its
effective coupling with solar concentration systems are in prog-
ress to demonstrate large-scale feasibility of a solar hydrogen
production plant.18
This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 279–287 | 285
solar power is virtually unlimited and the collector technology is In Iceland, where abundant geothermal energy is freely
low-cost. As the sun delivers 5000 times our present global power available and the country is facing a most serious economic crisis,
needs, as little as a 500 by 500 km2 area is needed to supply the H2 manufactured by water electrolysis is increasingly used to
world’s energy needs (a tiny fraction of the world’s desert area); power private cars, public buses and boats with the aim of
using mirrors, focused sunlight can viably heat water for gener- expanding its use in the large fishing fleet of the country.25 And in
ating electricity via a conventional steam turbine. As put by Berlin there are two hydrogen filling stations open to the public.
Abbot: In general, the required infrastructure to support the use of
‘‘The point about solar energy is that there is so much of it hydrogen as a fuel will have to be developed.26
that you only have to tap 5% of it at an efficiency as tiny as 1% Bettiol argues that renewable energy will be a local, hi-tech
and you already have energy over 5 times the whole world’s business with a global impact.27 And it is remarkable to see how
present consumption. There is so much solar that all you have in practice this is occurring. For example, all three companies
to do is invest in the non-recurring cost of more dishes to drive involved in the ‘‘Future Project Hydrogen’’ are based in Austria,
a solar-hydrogen economy at whatever efficiency it happens very close to each other. Scientific and technical advice was
to sit at.’’ provided by the Technical University of Graz, whereas the
For Abbott, pure H2 (ready for combustion) should be project was realized with support of the European Union regional
preferred to both electric batteries and hydrogen fuel cells as the programs and further funding from one of Austria’s regions. The
latter are not scalable due the use of expensive membrane tech- first 600 Riviera boat is commercialized at 150 000 V, with the
nology as well as the expensive metal catalysts (platinum) or first exemplars to be delivered to customers in early 2010.
conducting metal ions (lithium), respectively. As the number and reach of similar successful projects
With the same logic, solar energy concentration systems inte- implemented worldwide grows, the huge potential of solar energy
grated with systems capable of directly splitting water will have in both developing countries endowed with ample solar energy
an immense impact on energy economics, as they require no like China as well as in wealthy countries such as the US or
electrolysis to provide affordable, renewable solar hydrogen with Australia will become self-evident. We add to this our idea that
virtually zero CO2 emissions. Such plants can offer new oppor- further progress will increasingly make use of alternative forms
tunities to regions of the world that have a huge solar potential, of financing whose ethical core on financing socially and envi-
like countries of Maghreb, that can become important local ronmentally sound projects will naturally have a great impact on
producers of clean hydrogen. the solar energy business. This will further accelerate adoption of
The intrinsic versatility and the fall of the price of PV elec- solar hydrogen and solar electricity until when solar energy will
tricity supports the option to use solar PV stations to locally be the most economically and technically convenient option,
produce electricity as well as relatively small amounts of H2 to replacing our dependency on fossil fuels.
power cars or boats powered by fuel cells. If a 250 m2 solar
station like the one shown in Fig. 8 in Austria can produce 823 kg
of pure H2 per year, in European regions like Sicily where PV
electricity has already reached the grid-parity,21 this figure should Thanks to Derek Abbot, University of Adelaide, for his insight on
be doubled at a fraction of the cost. Furthermore, new genera- the first version of this manuscript. Stefano Trasatti, University of
tion batteries and fuel cells will be nanotechnology-based,22 Milan, has shared valued information on water electrolysis. We
requiring ever less amounts of ‘‘exotic’’ metals and ensuring owe Claudia Bettiol for a grandiose vision on the future of
unprecedented performance in terms of power delivered or rate renewable energy. Special thanks are due to all the members of the
of charge. HYDROSOL team that made possible the project’s achieve-
But when will our global energy needs likely be met with the sun ments. This paper is dedicated to the children of all the world,
using solar farms distributed throughout the world?23 Very who will reap the benefits of massive adoption of solar energy.
shortly, we argue and namely within the next decade. And this is
based on pure economic and national security reasons. What is,
for example, the interest of a country like the US, the world’s
largest economy, to go ahead with a dependence on foreign oil 1 G. W. Bush, State of the Union Address, 2006,
when it owns huge desertic regions that are exceptionally suited to stateoftheunion.
2 A. Z€ uttel, Materials for Hydrogen Storage, in Catalysis for
a massive adoption of solar energy?24 Despite the 2008–2009 (and Sustainable Energy Production, ed. C. Bianchini and P. Barbaro,
continuing) global economic recession in which the world’s Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2009, pp. 235–269.
manufacturing output dropped by 30%, the price of oil remains 3 J. J. Romm, The Hype about Hydrogen: Fact and Fiction in the Race to
Save the Climate, Island Press, Washington D. C., 2004.
>70 $/barrel. This can only accelerate the transitions to solar
4 V. Smil, 21st century energy: Some sobering thoughts, OECD
energy as many countries have the urgent need to reduce the Observer, 2006, 258/59, 22.
public debt that exploded following the public bailout of the 5 T. Bradford, Solar Revolution The Economic Transformation of the
financial system. Hence, they need to reduce the import of foreign Global Energy Industry, MIT Press, Boston, 2006.
6 E. Guerrini and S. Trasatti, Electrocatalysis in Water Electrolysis, in
oil and natural gas that even in a relatively small country like Italy Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Production, ed. C. Bianchini and
costs 60 billion V/year. Similarly, other oil-free semidesertic P. Barbaro, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2009, pp. 235–269.
countries such as Jordan, Israel or Morocco have no interest to 7 H. Wendt and G. Kreisa, Electrochemical Engineering, Springer,
continue their dependence on foreign fossil fuels. Indeed, all the Berlin, 1999.
latter countries have announced detailed plans for adoption of 9
large-scale solar energy projects. download/FAQ_fuel_cell.pdf.
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10 P. Fulini and E. Cecchini, Hydrogen Project for Arezzo. Build up an 18 A. G. Konstandopoulos, Solar Hydrogen from Thermochemical
underground hydrogen pipeline testing fuel cells in industrial areas. Water-Splitting: The HYDROSOL process and beyond, in The Fuel
Hydrolab – The link between hydrogen and renewable energies, Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative, Stakeholders
World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, Montecatini Terme, General Assembly, Brussels, 2009.
Italy, 2007, pdf/konstandopoulos.pdf#view¼fit&pagemode¼none.
file/WHTC2007.pdf. 19 D. Abbott, Proc. IEEE, 2010, 98, 42.
11 20 U. Bossel, Proc. IEEE, 2006, 94, 1826. This paper does not consider
12 (a) M. W. Kanan and D. G. Nocera, Science, 2008, 321, 1072; (b) the case of using sun to generate the hydrogen.
M. W. Kanan, Y. Surendranath and D. G. Nocera, Chem. Soc. 21 W. Hoffmann, president of the European Photovoltaic Industry
Rev., 2009, 38, 109. Association, commenting the study SET For 2020, 2009. See also:
13 Co-ordinated by the Greek Aerosol and Particle Technologies
Laboratory, the consortium consisted of; the German Aerospace solar-to-become-cost-competitive-in-italy-next-year/.
Centre, Stobbe Technical Ceramics from Denmark and Johnson 22 M. Pagliaro, Nano-Age, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2010.
Matthey Fuel Cells from the UK. 23 N. Armaroli and V. Balzani, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 52.
14 C. Agrafiotis, M. Roeb, A. G. Konstandopoulos, L. Nablandian, 24 This is the aim of the Desertec project first conceived in Germany and
V. T. Zaspalis, C. Sattler, P. Stobbe and A. M. Steele, Sol. Energy, now being advanced by a consortium of German enterprises: http://
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15 L. Schunk, P. Haeberling, S. Wepf, D. Wuillemin, A. Meier and 25
A. Steinfeld, J. Sol. Energy Eng., 2008, 130, 021009. 26 S. Pogutz, A. Russo and P. Migliavacca, Innovation, Markets and
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17 C. C. Agrafiotis, C. Pagkoura, S. Lorentzou, M. Kostoglou and Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2009.
A. G. Konstandopoulos, Catal. Today, 2007, 127, 265. 27 C. Bettiol, Il Futuro, Seminar ‘‘Marcello Carapezza’’, CNR, Palermo, 2009.
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