Assure Model For Learner
Assure Model For Learner
Assure Model For Learner
ASSURE instructional Design model is one of the various design models, use for
instructional Design. ASSURE model is preferred in media and technology integrated
instructions. In addition to being organized, it is a strategy and idea to assist instructor on
designing and evaluation of the instruction (Asal, Hassan, Shewrwar) 2014.
The ASSURE model is an ISD (Instructional Systems Design) process that was modified to
be used by teachers in the regular class room. The ISD process is one in which teachers and
trainers can use to design and develop the most appropriate learning environment for their
students. You can use this process in writing your lesson plans and in improving teaching and
A stated in the definition of the model, it is important to use technology and media in this
instructional design model. The model is the acronym of six components which are analyze
learner ,state objectives, select methods, media, materials, utilize media and material, require
learner participation, evaluate and revise.
1 . the objective of this model that we can be used in assessing the success of the students,
perhaps for the grading process.
2. It can use them to let the learners know what they will accomplish through the class.
3. we select our teaching strategy, then its time to figure out which technology, media, and
materials best support the method of teaching that we are using.
The ASSURE model in corporate Roberts Gagne’s events of Instruction to assure effective
use of media in instruction.
A- Analyze learner’s
Analyse learner> state objectives> select media> use media> Require participation>
Evaluate and Revise
2. State objective- The second steps in the ASSURE Model is to state objective. The
stated objectives are statements describing what the learner will do as a result of
instruction. In order to developer objectives you must frame them in terms of desire
behaviour most objectives contain four parts.
a. Audience-who your learners are?
b. Behaviour to be demonstrated.
c. Condition under which the behaviour will be observed.
d. Degree to which the learner skill are to be mastered
3. Select strategies, Technology, method, and materials- The second ‘S’ in the
acronym stands for select strategies, Technology, method and materials. First we
should figure out what which delivery method will be best for our instructions. The
first of these are strategies such as lecture ,demonstration or showing a video. The
second are strategies such as group discussion or cooperative group work. Common
sense weighs in on the side of learning-centred strategies. Learning become more
exciting when there is more class participator .learning is at its best when the teacher
merely leads the student into discovering the correct answer to a problem themselves.
An effective teacher is merely a facilitator to the process of learning. Once you select
our teaching strategy then its tome to figure out which technology, media and
materials best support the method of teaching that we are using.
4. Utilize Technology, media and materials- This steps in the ASSURE process
concerns making a plain as to how you will utilize the technology, media and
materials that we have selected. As with in all of the instructional steps, we must sure
that our plans contribute towards producing the objectives that we have laid down.
6. Evaluate and Revise- The final step in the ASSURE process is just as crucial as all
of the other. It this step we evaluate the impact of your teaching learning. This
includes an evaluation the impact of your strategies and the technology, media, and
materials that you used. The following questions are useful to ask during this
Did your lesion meet the learning objectives that you planed ?
Conclusion- The ASSURE process really just a matter of common sense . how ever it is
good to follow regimented guide to improve your teaching technique. Any effective teacher
knows that the perfection of their technique does not come over night and there is always
room for improvement by following the ASSURE process you will be sure to improve your
teaching for many years to come.