DNA Probes in Diagnostic Pathology: Methods
DNA Probes in Diagnostic Pathology: Methods
DNA Probes in Diagnostic Pathology: Methods
Molecular pathology has become firmly established as a dis- Pathology Department, New England Medical Center
tinctive discipline in medicine. It has introduced radical Hospitals, Boston, Massachusetts
changes in concepts of disease causation and in classification of
disease states affecting humans and other organisms. In addi-
tion, molecular pathology represents a "new" diagnostic tech-
nology with many potentials that have been heretofore un- Methods
tapped. This overview provides a discussion of the use of DNA
probes in the study of human diseases. The role of detectable A variety of molecular probes are available (Table 1).
genetic abnormalities in pathogenesis will be considered, as In all instances, the strength of hybridization between
well as their possible impact on nosology and disease classifi- the nucleic acid sequences and probes is proportional to
cation. (Key words: In situ hybridization; DNA and RNA
probes; Nucleic acids) Am J Clin Pathol 1988;90:340-344 their degree of homology. Stringent conditions of hy-
bridization are set so as to ensure a high degree of speci-
Author Biography: Hubert J. Wolfe, M.D. ficity for the stable complexes formed. Among the cate-
gories of probes, double-stranded DNA probes are the
Dr. Wolfe graduated from the University of Louisville most commonly used. By comparison, single-stranded
School of Medicine and did his internship at the Boston cRNA probes are more sensitive but require RNase-free
City Hospital and his residency in Pathology at the conditions for their preparation. Synthetic oligonucleo-
Massachusetts General Hospital, where he was a Fellow tides may offer the ideal probes for the future because
of the Medical Foundation. He is currently Professor of they are synthesized de novo and therefore have an ab-
Pathology and Associate-Pathologist-in-Chief at Tufts- solute definition of nucleotide sequence, a high degree of
New England Medical Center. His research interests are consistency in production, and a total absence of vector
primarily in the field of endocrine pathology and pren- sequences. With all probes, sensitive labeling techniques
eoplasia and early neoplasia. Dr. Wolfe is a member of have been developed, usually with direct incorporation
the Editoral Board of Virchows Archiv. B. Cell Pa- of the label into the probe (Table 1). Currently, the most
thology. commonly used and most sensitive labels are radioisoto-
pic, but nonisotopic markers are being developed that
will soon match or exceed the isotopic methods for sen-
WE HAVE WITNESSED dramatic developments in sitivity and offer greater stability and ease of handling
the discipline of molecular biology. These advances and more rapid signal detection.
have revolutionized the field of genetics and placed the Molecular probes may be used effectively with a wide
human genome squarely at the center of molecular bio- range of methods, each exploiting the strategy of molec-
logic research.' The new concepts and molecular tools ular hybridization in a slightly different way.7 Four
have attracted increasing interest from pathologists, and commonly used methods are filter hybridization,
recent biotechnical advances have now firmly estab- Southern blot, Northern blot, and in situ hybridization.
lished molecular pathology as both a basic science and Filter hybridization is the simpliest of these techniques
diagnostic clinical entity. The speed of these advances and involves the placement of denatured DNA or RNA,
has exceeded expectations partly because of rapid pro- extracted from cells or tissues, on a membrane that acts
gress in recombinant DNA technology. Molecular as an inert support for the nucleic acid and makes it
probes are key tools of this technology. They have well- easily accessible for hybridization with the labeled
defined physical and chemical properties that govern the probes. The slot blot is the most effective modification
basic principles by which molecular hybridization of this technique, allowing for the rapid processing on a
occurs and make such probes sensitive and highly spe- single membrane of more than 70 different samples for
cific biologic markers of gene expression. detection and quantitation of nucleic acids.
Another more elaborate but very important method is
the Southern blot. High molecular weight DNA is di-
gested with restriction endonuclease enzymes that clip
. Address reprint requests to Dr. Wolfe: Pathology Department, New
England Medical Center Hospitals, 750 Washington Street, Boston, the DNA into different-sized pieces. The resultant re-
Massachusetts 02111. striction fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis
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Vol. 90 • No. 3 PATHOLOGY PATTERNS 341
Table 1. Molecular Probes and Labeling Techniques In many ways the most novel and potentially power-
ful of these methods is in situ hybridization. This tech-
I. Probes
a. Double-stranded DNA
nique is derived from the Southern and Northern blot
b. Synthetic oligonucleotides technology but offers the unique advantage of detecting
c. Single-stranded cRNA specific genomic DNA or specific messenger RNA se-
quences in intact tissue sections, dispersed cells, or chro-
II. Labeling techniques
a. Isotopic mosomal preparations (Fig. 2). In situ hybridization
32 33 3
P, S, H, l4C, l25I weds molecular biology and morphology into a single
b. Nonisotopic discipline and offers the pathologist the opportunity to
Biotin, fluorochromes, enzymes, and antibodies
study patterns of gene expression in heterogenous cell
populations. In addition, although the conventional
Southern or Northern blot analysis may require 10-20
according to size, with the longer fragments moving million cells to generate an adequate signal, in situ hy-
more slowly than the shorter fragments, thereby segre- bridization can detect hybridization signal at the level of
gating the DNA into a series of bands (Fig. 1). The re- the single cell in tissue sections and can detect signal at
sultant bands are transferred onto an inert membrane the level of single gene copy in chromosomal prepara-
for hybridization reaction with a molecular probe in a tions. The implications are enormous, and the potential
manner similar to that of the less sensitive but simplier applications to pathobiology are nearly limitless! The
filter hybridization technique. New methods have been sensitivity of in situ hybridization is limited by several
developed to extend the sensitivity of Southern blot for variables, including preservation of nucleic acid during
the detection of smaller quantities of genomic DNA. fixation, accessibility of molecular probe to the nucleic
The technique of in vitro DNA amplification with the acids during hybridization, specific activity of labeled
use of the polymerase chain reaction has proved particu- probe, and the sensitivity of the detection system. Both
larly valuable in this regard. The method offers the op- isotopic and nonisotopic detection systems have been
portunity to detect a much smaller number of copies of used successfully with all types of molecular probes for
a specific genomic DNA sequence by undertaking in in situ hybridization. Radioisotopically labeled cRNA
vitro replication to amplify the sequence one million- probes currently appear to be the most sensitive, for the
fold before the Southern blot analysis. The amplification detection of low copy number (< 100) of specific mRNA
technique is based upon the use of two or more primers and DNA sequences in tissue sections. Single-stranded
flanking both ends of the selected fragment of genomic cRNA probes have several important characteristics, in-
DNA and then copying the DNA template with high cluding high specific activities, greater hybridization ef-
fidelity by use of the polymerase chain reaction in re- ficiency, and the opportunity to greatly reduce back-
peated amplification cycles.8 Such a method allows for ground noise by removal of all single-stranded nonhy-
the detection of mutant sequences of single copy genes bridized radiolabeled cRNA probes from tissues by
in a few hundred cells. Northern blot analysis is a very ribonuclease digestion.4 Different conditions may call
similar to the Southern blot, but the technique is tai- for different combinations of probes and labels. For the
lored for detection and quantitation of messenger RNAs use of in situ hybridization with flow cytometry, fluoro-
rather than genomic DNA. chrome labeled DNA probes have proved to be the most
successful with intact cells and offer great potential for cRNA cDNA
chromosomal preparations.2 The potential of flow cy-
tometry with in situ hybridization at the cellular and
chromosomal level is extraordinary and represents one
of the new rapidly developing technologies. In situ hy-
bridization studies require stringent positive and nega-
tive controls even with well-characterized molecular
probes. Positive controls include Northern and/or
Southern blot analysis of the same tissue and in most
instances immunocytochemical detection of gene prod-
uct coded for by the specific mRNA in positively hybrid-
ized cells. Negative controls include use of probes to
genes known to not be expressed in the cells and tissues
under study.
Infectious Diseases
Molecular probes are ideally suited for the study of a
wide range of infectious agents. These markers are rap-
idly becoming the gold standard for their detection and
classification and may be used in the future to similarly
determine sensitivity to antimicrobial agents. This tech- FIG. 2. A schematic representation of in situ hybridization. Asterisks
nology is particularly valuable in viral infections, in identify isotopic or nonisotopic probe labels used to detect and visual-
ize hybridization sites within the cell.
which probes have the ability to rapidly detect both ac-
tive and latent infections. Such probes have great poten-
tial to provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of
viral-induced cell injury and to determine the role of A less dramatic but similar situation exists in the gen-
viruses in developmental abnormalities, chronic degen- ital tract, where at least 14 different HPV strains have
erative diseases, and oncogenesis. The probes used may been detected but only a few seem oncogenic. Strains 16,
represent the entire viral genome or sequences homolo- 18, 33, and 35 are associated with cervical dysplasia, and
gous to only a portion of the viral genome, i.e., subge- 16, 18, and 33 have been detected in a high proportion
nomic probes. of invasive squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix. In
situ hybridization offers a unique opportunity to apply
Subgenomic probes have been particularly valuable strain-specific probes to exfoliative cervical cytologic
for strain-specific detection of viruses. Their use can studies and cervical biopsies for the simultaneous detec-
make Southern blot analysis for strain-specific identifi- tion of dysplasia and high-risk strain-specific infections.
cation far easier to interpret. In addition, these probes
may be used effectively for detection and typing by in
situ hybridization. Strain-specific detection is important Genetic Disorders
for both clinical and epidemiologic studies. Human pa- Although conventional cytogenetic techniques permit
pilloma virus (HPV) illustrates some of the advantages.5 the recognition of chromosomal deletions, transloca-
HPV is a heterogenous group of DNA viruses with a tions, or duplications, molecular biologic techniques
circular double-stranded genome well known to infect have contributed to the tools necessary for the detection
squamous epithelium and produce a wide range of pro- of much smaller but equally important genetic errors,
liferative lesions. Currently, more than 50 different even at the level of a single base pair alteration in DNA.
strains of HPV are recognized, each of which has had its Specially constructed oligonucleotide probes can now
DNA sequences cloned. Infection by some strains is directly target such point mutations on Southern blot
clearly associated with an increased frequency of malig- analysis of genomic DNA from affected persons. In situ
nant transformation in the infected epithelial cells. Pos- hybridization, which has emerged as the most powerful
sibly the most dramatic example is noted with epider- tool for chromosomal mapping of single and multiple
modysplasia verruciformis, where infection with HPV copy genes in the haploid genome, has also proved to be
types 5, 8, and 14 is associated with the development of of great value to the cytogeneticist for the delineation
squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in a high fre- and classification of many genetic diseases. The value of
quency. these techniques for prenatal and postnatal detection of