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BTW 151

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Bioinformatics, 32(14), 2016, 2167–2175

doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw151
Advance Access Publication Date: 19 March 2016
Original Paper

Data and text mining

Characterizing gene sets using discriminative

random walks with restart on heterogeneous

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biological networks
Charles Blatti1 and Saurabh Sinha1,2,*
Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA and 2Institute of Genomic Biology,
University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Associate Editor: Alfonso Valencia
Received on November 12, 2015; revised on February 17, 2016; accepted on March 14, 2016

Motivation: Analysis of co-expressed gene sets typically involves testing for enrichment of differ-
ent annotations or ‘properties’ such as biological processes, pathways, transcription factor binding
sites, etc., one property at a time. This common approach ignores any known relationships among
the properties or the genes themselves. It is believed that known biological relationships among
genes and their many properties may be exploited to more accurately reveal commonalities of a
gene set. Previous work has sought to achieve this by building biological networks that combine
multiple types of gene–gene or gene–property relationships, and performing network analysis to
identify other genes and properties most relevant to a given gene set. Most existing network-based
approaches for recognizing genes or annotations relevant to a given gene set collapse information
about different properties to simplify (homogenize) the networks.
Results: We present a network-based method for ranking genes or properties related to a given
gene set. Such related genes or properties are identified from among the nodes of a large, hetero-
geneous network of biological information. Our method involves a random walk with restarts, per-
formed on an initial network with multiple node and edge types that preserve more of the original,
specific property information than current methods that operate on homogeneous networks. In
this first stage of our algorithm, we find the properties that are the most relevant to the given gene
set and extract a subnetwork of the original network, comprising only these relevant properties.
We then re-rank genes by their similarity to the given gene set, based on a second random walk
with restarts, performed on the above subnetwork. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this algo-
rithm for ranking genes related to Drosophila embryonic development and aggressive responses
in the brains of social animals.
Availability and Implementation: DRaWR was implemented as an R package available at veda.cs.il-
Contact: blatti@illinois.edu
Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

1 Introduction associating the gene set with other previously annotated sets. These
A common task in bioinformatics is to characterize co-expressed pre-existing gene sets may be defined from many diverse types of
gene sets using enrichment methods, such as Hypergeometric tests biological knowledge, such as shared protein domains, evolutionary
or gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) (Subramanian et al., 2005), origins, biological processes, etc. Public databases of curated

C The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press.

V 2167
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/),
which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
2168 C.Blatti and S.Sinha

annotations that enable this paradigm of gene set characterization still discards the specific details about the gene–gene relationships
are highly diverse and rapidly increasing. This work addresses the when constructing each affinity network. For example, the edges
challenge of incorporating heterogeneous data from multiple public within a Pfam protein domain affinity network indicate that a pair
resources into the task of characterizing the shared properties of a of genes share a protein domain sequence, but does not preserve
given gene set and identifying additional genes that are important which domain(s) it may have been.
and related. We developed the DRaWR (‘Discriminative Random Walk with
One broad approach employed to perform gene set analysis with Restarts) method to rank genes for their relatedness to a given gene
these different public resources is to represent the data as a biolo- set, using biological networks that maintain detailed information
gical network. Rather than using each data source one at a time to from public data sources. Our algorithm is explicitly designed to
analyze a co-expressed gene set, sources may be integrated within a work on heterogeneous networks with multiple node types that are
network and simultaneously leveraged to identify related genes. This able to represent a complete collection of public, genomic know-
idea was tested in the ‘MouseFunc’ challenge (Pena-Castillo et al.,

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ledge. We believe that DRaWR is the first method of its genre with
2008), where nine algorithms for integrating heterogeneous genomic
this ability. We utilized the algorithm to perform the gene ranking
evidence on mouse genes were evaluated for their ability to discover
task and simultaneously return the most relevant network features.
genes related to a set of co-functional genes. Network-based algo-
Like many other network-based algorithms that rely on ‘guilt-by-as-
rithms have also been applied to other important bioinformatics
sociation’ approaches (Hofree et al., 2013; Hou and Ma, 2014; Ivan
tasks such as understanding causes of diseases and effects of thera-
and Grolmusz, 2011), our algorithm implements a modified random
pies (Chen et al., 2012; Greene et al., 2015; Hou and Ma, 2014;
walk with restart (RWR). However, unlike other methods, we em-
Jacquemin and Jiang, 2013; Vaske et al., 2010). Network-based
ployed two rounds of RWR: a first round of RWR on the large,
analysis of gene sets in particular has been designed to extend and
noisy network of all public data, which reports the network nodes
annotate gene functions and modules (Reimand et al., 2008; Wang
et al., 2015), quantify gene set enrichment for functional molecular related to the given (‘query’) gene set, and a second stage RWR on a
networks (Cornish and Markowetz, 2014; Tarca et al., 2009), iden- smaller network that includes only the query-relevant nodes from
tify subnetworks affected in or shared across diseases (Leiserson the original network. We evaluated our method’s ability to recover
et al., 2015; Shen et al., 2012), or cluster and find signatures of can- left out genes from the expression domain gene sets of Drosophila
cer subtypes (Hofree et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2014). embryonic development. We showed that our gene ranking method
Most gene set analyses performed on a biological network en- improves when multiple data sources are combined and when data
compassing heterogeneous data types lose a significant portion of from additional species are added to the original network. We also
the data during network construction. Frequently, the rich and di- found that the novel ‘two-round’ RWR approach performs better
verse public datasets are converted to homogeneous gene–gene net- than the more common single-round RWR. We finally applied the
works containing only nodes representing genes of a single species DRaWR algorithm to a multi-species study of intruder response in
and unweighted edges of a single type (Cornish and Markowetz, social animals (Rittschof et al., 2014) to identify subtle and shared
2014; Hofree et al., 2013; Hou and Ma, 2014). In these homogen- genetic ‘toolkits’ that underlie aggressive behavior.
ous networks, an edge only represents a relationship between a pair
of genes, but details about the different types of evidence for that re-
lationship are lost. Algorithms that rely on these networks assume 2 Methods
that all relationships in the network are as reliable as any other. 2.1 Building a heterogeneous network
Other algorithms rely on improved, weighted networks of gene– Our first task was to construct a heterogeneous network of biolo-
gene interactions that estimate the confidence of each edge by inte- gical knowledge, which represents prior information from multiple
grating the strengths and types (i.e. source database or experimental public resources. Our network was composed of ‘gene’ nodes repre-
assay) of the evidences for each relationship (Cornish and senting the corresponding gene and proteins from each of eight dif-
Markowetz, 2014). There are also some studies that utilize biolo-
ferent species (Supplementary Table S1) and ‘feature’ nodes that
gical networks containing more than one edge or node type (Chen
represent experimentally or computationally derived characteristics
et al., 2012; Li and Patra, 2010). However, the networks in these
or properties of genes or proteins. The first type of edge we added to
studies usually have a structure specific to their system of interest,
the network was an undirected ‘homology’ edge. These edges con-
most often containing nodes of two different types and three types
nect a pair of gene nodes with significant protein sequence similarity
of edges capturing similarity within each type of node sets and the
(BLAST e-value score < 0.01). Additionally, we assigned weights to
known relationships between them. Although they construct hetero-
the homology-based edges that are calculated from the z-transform
geneous networks, these studies strictly rely on the structure of the
of their e-value significance (maximum value is set to a z-score of 8).
problem and do not attempt to incorporate data from all possible
The other edge types we created connect feature nodes to gene
GeneMANIA (Warde-Farley et al., 2010) is a popular, network- nodes with undirected edges and weights proportional to the reli-
based gene ranking algorithm that performed well in the ability of the feature annotation. To incorporate protein structure
MouseFunc evaluations. Its approach specifically integrates data data into our network, we included 3700 feature nodes
from many different sources without sacrificing the edge source in- (Supplementary Table S2) representing different protein domains
formation. Data from each source informs the creation of its own from Pfam (Finn et al., 2014). We then connected each such feature
‘affinity’ network of gene–gene interactions. Different affinity net- node (called ‘prot_domain’ nodes) to all of the gene nodes whose
works are up- or down- weighted based on their relevance to the ori- protein contained that domain, as identified by HMMER (Finn
ginal functional gene set before being combined into a single et al., 2011) scans (e-value < 0.01). The weight of the new edge was
composite and homogeneous network (Mostafavi and Morris, the z-transform of the HMMER e-value score of that domain in that
2012). While the GeneMANIA approach works well and considers gene. Homology and protein domain information was included for
the types of sources that are most important to the ranking task, it every species included in the network.
Discriminative random walks with restart 2169

Additionally, in our application to Drosophila gene sets, we of how an RWR algorithm works is often understood with a
introduced hundreds of ‘motif’ feature nodes that represent distinct ‘walker’ that traverses the nodes of a network. With probability (1-
binding specificities of fruitfly transcription factors (TFs). A motif c), where c is the restart parameter, the walker follows an outgoing
node was connected to all genes whose 5 kb upstream regulatory re- edge to a neighboring node and with probability c, the walker resets
gion contain the motif, i.e. if the regulatory region includes one of the walk by transporting directly to one of the genes in the ‘restart
the top 0.5% of the highest scoring 500 bp windows genome-wide set’, defined as the query set Q in our algorithm. In properly formed
for that motif, as scored by the Stubb program (Sinha et al., 2006). networks in the long run, the probability distribution of the walker
The weights on these edges were the z-transform of that window’s over all nodes will converge to a stationary distribution. This distri-
empirical P-value (see Supp Methods SM1, Supplementary Table bution produces a ranking on all nodes that incorporates the con-
S3). Also for the D.melanogaster study, we incorporated 75 ‘ChIP’ nectedness of the node in the network as well as the proximity of the
feature nodes, representing TF occupancy obtained from separate node to the query set. In the first stage of our DRaWR algorithm,

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ChIP-seq experimental datasets corresponding to the early fruit fly we applied RWR to find the highest-ranking feature nodes related to
embryo (SM2, Supplementary Table S4). Each ‘ChIP’ feature node the query set Q to extract a relevant subnetwork (those feature
represented an experimental assay and was connected to a gene nodes, all gene nodes G and edges involving them) of the initial net-
node if the TF binds to the gene’s 5 kb upstream regulatory region in work. The results of the second stage RWR on the subnetwork pro-
the developmental stage assayed. Edge weights were assigned in the vide us the final rankings of gene nodes in U. Both stages are
same way as ‘motif’-gene edges mentioned above. described in detail below and summarized in Figure 1.
For the network used to study aggression across species, we
defined 1827 ‘Gene Ontology’ feature nodes, each one representing
2.2.1 Algorithm design
a term from Gene Ontology (Ashburner et al., 2000). GO annota-
Before applying our DRaWR algorithm, we first must normalize the
tions for three species (human, mouse and fly) were downloaded
edge weights in the initial heterogeneous, biological network. We
from Ensembl (Cunningham et al., 2014) and only terms with at
normalized the weights of all edges of the same type (e.g. all hom-
least 20 annotated genes in each of the three species became feature
ology edges, or all edges connecting genes to feature nodes of a par-
nodes and were connect to their annotated genes in the three species
ticular type) to create the normalized adjacency matrix N. In terms
(Supplementary Table S5). GO-gene edges had weight 2 if the GO
of our notation in Equation 1, all the entries of each non-zero sub-
annotation was curated and weight 1 if it was inferred computation-
matrix MXY are normalized to sum to 1:
ally. Also for the aggression study, we added 12 mouse-specific
‘brain atlas’ feature nodes derived from gene expression information
ðNXY Þi;j ¼ ðMXY Þi;j P (2)
produced as part of the Allen Brain Atlas (Lein et al., 2007) i;j
ðMXY Þi;j

(Supplementary Table S6). Each ‘brain atlas’ node corresponded to

We did this to equalize the global probability of the walker fol-
a specific region of the mouse brain and was connected with an edge
lowing a specific edge type. For example, even though edges con-
of weight 1 to the 100 genes that are most specifically expressed in
necting genes to motif nodes might account for 10 times the total
that region.
weight as edges involving prot_domain nodes, this heuristic adjusted
For each application of our algorithm, we created a weighted,
the edge weights so the walker takes motif edges as often as prot_do-
undirected network, choosing some or all of the above-mentioned
main edges overall.
components, as appropriate (described in Section 3). Our initial net-
Next we normalized each of the columns the matrix N to form a
work was constructed with gene nodes G and sets of feature nodes
transition probability matrix, A.
for each different type, F1 ; F2 ; . . . Fk , (e.g. ‘motif’, ‘brain atlas’, etc.).

We represented the edges of this network with an adjacency matrix Ai;j ¼ Ni;j P Ni;j (3)
with the form i

2 3 The value Ai;j is the probability that the walker following an

6 7 outgoing edge will transition from node j to node i.
6 7
6 .. . 7
. We define vt to be the probability distribution of the walker over
6 MF1 G . . 7
6 7 all nodes in the network after t steps of the RWR algorithm. We ini-
M¼6 7 (1)
6 . . . 7 tialized this probability distribution, v0 ; to be the uniform distribu-
6 .
. . . .
. 7
6 7
4 5 tion over all nodes by default. A single step of the random walk
MFk G   MFk Fk follows the equation:

where all of the homology edges were contained in the submatrix vtþ1 ¼ ð1  cÞAvt þ ca (4)
MGG , while MFi G and MGFi were the submatrices that represent
where c is the restart probability and a reflects the probability of
(weights of) edges between all feature nodes of type i and gene nodes
jumping to a gene in the restart set. When the restart set is defined as
in G. There were no edges between feature nodes, meaning MFi Fj
the set of query genes Q, then
¼ 0 for all i, j.
( 1
Q jQj
for gene nodes in Q
2.2 Functional annotation from two-stage random walk ai ¼ (5)
0 otherwise
Given a heterogeneous biological network M, a gene set Q referred
to as the ‘query’ set, and the universe U of all genes to rank (U  G), As the random walk is irreducible and aperiodic, the iterative up-
we employed a two-stage algorithm based on a modified random date of this procedure is guaranteed to converge to the stationary
walk with restart (RWR) approach (Tong et al., 2006) to rank the distribution of the random walk regardless of the initial probability
gene nodes of U. The algorithm additionally ranks the feature nodes distribution v0 . We ran iterations of the RWR with the query set
in the network M by their relevance to the query set Q. The intuition defining the restart set (a ¼ aQ ) until the vector vt converged
2170 C.Blatti and S.Sinha

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Fig. 1. Illustration of DRaWR Method. Given a set of genes called the query set, Q ¼ {G3, G4}, DRaWR will rank all remaining genes from the query species,
U ¼ {G1, G2, . . ., G5}, based on their relevance from a random walk with restart (RWR) in a heterogeneous network of biological knowledge. In this example, the
heterogeneous network contains gene nodes from two species (circles) and feature nodes from two public resources (squares) which are connected by gene–
gene sequence homology and by feature-gene annotations (edges). First, DRaWR will find the subset of feature nodes that are specific to Q, (P2, P3, P4 in this ex-
ample), by comparing the relevance (shading) of the nodes between (a) a ‘baseline’ RWR on the entire network with U as the restart set and (b) a ‘stage 1’ RWR
on the entire network with Q as the restart set. A subnetwork is created using only the feature nodes that are specific to Q and (c) a ‘stage 2’ relevance is calcu-
lated from a RWR on this subnetwork with Q as the restart set. DRaWR finally ranks the genes in U for their similarity to the initial query set, Q, based on the
‘stage 2 ’relevance scores

(vtþ1  vt  < 0:05). We notate this converged probability distribu- ~ Q (see Fig. 1C). The ranking of all nodes induced
relevance vector v
tion as ~v Q (see Fig. 1B). The ranking of all nodes of M by the proba- by this new relevance vector was called the ‘stage 2 query ranking’.
bilities of ~v Q is referred to as the ‘stage 1 query ranking’.
We wanted the ranking from the first stage to discriminate fea- 2.2.2 Evaluation of two stage RWR algorithm
ture nodes that are related to the query set Q from those feature We employed a cross validation scheme to evaluate the results of
nodes that have high ranking in ~ v Q simply due to their high connect- our ranking method. For each given query gene set, we held out
ivity in the network. To do this, we must also produce a ranking of 10% of the genes for testing, QTe , and the remaining 90% of the
nodes that does not depend on the query set. Therefore, in the first gene set are supplied to the algorithm as the query set QTr . With a
stage of DRaWR, we repeated the RWR procedure using the uni- query set QTr , we produced the ‘stage 1 query rankings’, identified
verse set U of all genes as the restart set (in place of set Q above). the relevant features nodes, extracted the query-specific subnetwork,
We thus arrived at a second converged relevance vector ~ v U (see and repeated the RWR to produce the stage 2 query ranking. From
Fig. 1A) and refer to the ranking it induces on all nodes as the ‘stage the calculated rankings and the held out test sets QTe , we produced
1 baseline ranking’. Note, ~ v U captures the overall relevance/import- receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and quantified the
ance of each node in the network without regard to the query set, performance of our algorithm with the area under these curves
whereas ~v Q incorporates overall network structure as well as prox- (AUROC).
imity to the query set. Therefore, to find the feature nodes most spe-
cifically relevant to the query genes, we examined the difference
between these vectors, ~ vQ  ~ vU . 3 Results
For the second stage of our two-stage RWR, we selected the 50
3.1 Applications to Drosophila developmental genes
 k (k is the number of feature types) most query-specific feature
We first applied the DRaWR algorithm to sets of genes defined
nodes, defined as having the greatest values in ~ vQ  ~ v U , and created
based on in situ hybridization images of gene expression in
a subnetwork M’ from the initial matrix M by removing all other
Drosophila embryos from BDGP (Tomancak et al., 2002). For this
feature nodes and their adjacent edges. Thus,
analysis, we focused on 92 spatio-temporal expression patterns (or
2 3
MGG MGF0    MGF0 ‘domains’) that contained between 100 and 1200 genes with the spe-
6 k 7
cific expression pattern. We applied the DRaWR algorithm to genes
6 7
6 .. 7
6 .. 7 of each expression domain separately and evaluated gene rankings
6 MF 0 G . . 7
6 7 with the AUROC on the held out test set. In this application, we
M0 ¼ 6
7 (6)
6 .. .. .. 7 tested the feasibility of our algorithm to find additional genes related
6 . . . 7
6 7
6 7 to each query set (using the AUROC measures described above).
4 5
MF0 G       MF 0 F 0 This application is important in instances where experimental anno-
k k k
tation of genes has a non-trivial cost (as with constructing and imag-
where Fi represented only the selected feature nodes of feature type ing in situ hybridizations). Predicting other genes that share the
i. Using the same normalization procedure as above, we renormal- expression pattern of the query set can provide investigators a man-
ized M’ by type and converted it to the transition probability matrix ageable number of additional genes to assay.
A’. We repeated the random walk using A’ and aQ (restart set We began by creating a Drosophila-specific heterogeneous net-
defined from the query set Q) until we converged to the new work that contained gene nodes connected by ‘homology’ edges as
Discriminative random walks with restart 2171

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Fig. 2. Comparison of Stage 1 and 2 Rankings on Drosophila Heterogeneous
Fig. 3. Comparison of RWR on Different Drosophila Networks. We compared
Network. We compared the rankings produced at the end of the first stage
the stage 2 rankings produced by our algorithm when the initial network was
random walk to the second stage random walk on query specific networks.
defined by single (‘Domain’, ‘ChIP’, ‘Motif’) or ‘Heterogeneous’ feature types.
We calculated the average stage 1 and stage 2 AUROCs for each of the 92 ex-
We calculated the stage 2 AUROCs for each of the 92 expression domains
pression domains and then plot the number of domains (y-axis) that were
and then plot the number of domains (y-axis) that were above each possible
above each possible AUROC threshold (x-axis)
AUROC threshold (x-axis). The inset shows more detail for the chart region of
high AUROC
well as three types of feature nodes with their corresponding edges,
‘prot_domain’, ‘motif’ and ‘ChIP’, as described in Section 2.1.
Nodes and edges derived from Gene Ontology were excluded since
the ChIP data was from the corresponding developmental stage.
they include information on the cell types corresponding to the 92
Interesting, the ‘prot_domain’ network is able to achieve very high
expression domains. Overall, this network had 17 482 nodes and
AUROC values (>0.8) for four expression domains, while the het-
580 270 edges (Supplementary Table S7). For each of the 92 expres-
erogeneous network leads to this high level of accuracy only for one
sion domain gene sets, we ranked the 13 609 gene nodes in this net-
expression domain.
work and reported on where the held out genes fall in this ranking.
We performed several tests to evaluate different components of
We also noted the most relevant feature nodes for each gene set. the DRaWR method. First, we observed that when we remove the
normalization procedure that equalizes the global probability that a
3.1.1 Results on Drosophila networks walker follows a particular edge type, the average AUROC results
Our first observation was that the rankings produced by two-stage of our two-stage method on the heterogeneous network are some-
RWR are better than those from the query-specific RWR in the first what worse (0.646) (Supplementary Table S10). We also examined
stage (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table S8). For instance, the the main parameter of the RWR method, the restart parameter, c.
AUROC of the two-stage procedure is >0.6 for 76 of the 92 gene We ran the two-stage procedure on the heterogeneous network with
sets, while that of the first stage alone is >0.6 for only 66 gene sets. six different values of the restart probability between 0 and 1. We
The improvement in the second stage RWR presumably resulted found the best performance with the relatively high restart probabil-
from removing features unrelated to the query gene set and perform- ity of 0.7 (Supplementary Fig. S1). The restart probability controls
ing the random walk on a more ‘relevant’ network. Since we do not the influence of the network structure and the proximity of the
know a priori which features may be important to any given set, this query set on the final relevance vector. A high restart probability
two-stage approach allows us to begin with all known data encoded may be needed in the first stage to select relevant feature nodes that
in the network, reduce to a relevant subnetwork and produce better are more proximal to the query set than those functioning as hubs in
rankings. This is an important improvement over a majority of the network. Finally, we tested whether incorporating additional
RWR algorithms that only produce rankings from the original net- gene–gene edges into the heterogeneous network (including protein
works that contain a large number of edges potentially irrelevant to and genetic interactions from BioGRID (Chatr-Aryamontri et al.,
the query gene set. 2015), DIP (Salwinski et al., 2004) and IntAct (Orchard et al.,
We next tested if and found that rankings are better due to our 2014)) affected the outcome (Supplementary Methods SM3,
use of a heterogeneous network that combines data from multiple Supplementary Table S11). As before, we found that adding add-
sources. Instead of the heterogeneous network (with four different itional edge types to the network overall improved the performance
edge types) that was used in the tests reported above, we produced (average AUROC of 0.69, Supplementary Fig. S2).
four separate networks each with edges of a single type. We ran our
two-stage algorithm on the 92 expression domain gene sets on each 3.1.2 Two stage RWR on multi-species networks
network and found that the heterogeneous network provides the Our algorithm is designed to work with large, heterogeneous net-
highest AUROC on average (0.656). In general, the heterogeneous works built from many public databases of biological knowledge.
network outperformed the homogeneous ‘prot_domain’ and homo- With improving high throughput sequencing techniques, the number
genous ‘ChIP’ networks, which were much better than the homogen- of publicly available genomes is rapidly growing. We next sought to
ous ‘motif’ network (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table S9). For test whether including additional genomes in our biological network
instance, the heterogeneous network leads to AUROC > 0.65 for 47 would improve ranking performance on the developmental gene
expression domains, significantly more than the 32 that the homo- sets. To this end, we constructed a ‘5 Insect’ network with gene
genous ‘prot_domain’ network achieves (32). The ‘ChIP’ only net- nodes representing genes from the fruit fly D.melanogaster, the mos-
work was expected to outperform the ‘motif’ only network because quito A.gambiae, the honeybee A.mellifera, the jewel wasp
2172 C.Blatti and S.Sinha

networks. The ‘5 Insect’ network contains many additional nodes

and edges that do not directly relate to the fruit fly genes being
ranked. However, the advantage of the network approach is that
many indirect connections contribute meaningfully to the rankings.
We speculate that the ‘5 Insect’ network provides more accurate
ranking of fruit fly genes because more meaningful ‘motif’ or
‘prot_domain’ features are conserved across orthologous genes in
multiple species and form dense subnetworks within the ‘5 Insect’
heterogeneous network.

3.1.3 Query-specific feature nodes reveal shared properties of

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co-expressed gene sets
To create the query-specific subnetwork for the second stage RWR,
our method identifies the set of feature nodes that are the most rele-
Fig 4 Comparison between Single and Multi-Species Networks. We compared vant to the query gene set. If there are k feature types, it selects 50k
the stage 1 and stage 2 rankings when the initial network was defined as the feature nodes to be included in the subnetwork. Of the 150 feature
heterogeneous network either from a single species (‘Fly’) or from multiple nodes (k ¼ 3) selected from our heterogeneous Drosophila network
species (‘5Insect’). We calculated the AUROCs from each stage’s rankings for as being relevant to a specific query gene set, on average, 6 were
each of the 12 selected Drosophila expression domain genes sets and then
‘motif’ nodes, 107 were ‘prot_domain’ nodes and 38 were ‘ChIP’
plot the number of domains (y-axis) that were above each possible AUROC
nodes. This reflected a strong enrichment for ChIP feature nodes,
threshold (x-axis)
which only account for 2% of all feature nodes. This enrichment is
not surprising given that the ChIP features were derived from experi-
N.vitripennis and the beetle T.castaneum. As described in Section ments performed in the same developmental stages as query gene
2.1, the gene nodes within and between the five species were con- sets. This was a crude confirmation that our feature selection pro-
nected with weighted ‘homology’ edges when they share high pro- cedure is selecting query-relevant features. Some ChIP feature nodes
tein sequence similarity according to BLAST. Additionally, all were selected for many (>65) of the 92 different query gene sets.
‘prot_domain’ and ‘motif’ feature nodes were connected to gene These nodes corresponded to the DNA-binding of pioneer factors
nodes in all five species in the manner described in Section 2.1. Since TRL and VFL or important developmental regulators, such as TWI,
the ChIP experiments were only available for Drosophila, the ‘ChIP’ HB and EVE. At the level of protein domains, the zinc-finger,
feature nodes only connect to fruit fly gene nodes. The new network homeobox and helix–loop–helix DNA-binding domains appeared as
had five times the number of species, but thirteen times the number selected features for more than 50 of the 92 expression domains.
of edges (Supplementary Table S12). This was mostly due to the These were the most common DNA-binding protein domains, and
homology edges, which account for 78% of the edges in the ‘5 their appearance on the list of most relevant features is consistent
Insect’ network. with the understanding that transcription factors are a key compo-
Although there were 58 147 gene nodes, spanning five species, in nent of gene expression control during development.
this new network, our task was still to rank the 13 604 gene nodes
in Drosophila for their relatedness to a specific developmental gene 3.2 Comparison to GeneMANIA
set; genes from the other species were included in the network only We attempted to compare the performance of our two-stage random
to improve accuracy. For this reason, we calculated the stage one walk-based ranking procedure to the popular tool GeneMANIA.
‘baseline’ probabilities by defining the restart set as only the fruit fly This tool implements label propagation on a ‘gene–gene affinity net-
genes and therefore identifying the relevance of the features nodes work’ to rank genes on their similarity to a given set. The only fea-
with respect to the network and the Drosophila genes. This careful ture-gene data type from our analysis above that has already been
construction of the baseline ranking prevents features like the ‘ChIP’ preprocessed into a GeneMANIA affinity network is the
nodes that are Drosophila specific from always being selected as ‘prot_domain’ feature type, representing Pfam domain annotations.
relevant features for the second stage simply because they are only In the GeneMANIA affinity network, two genes are joined if they
connected to genes from the same species as the query genes. Apart share Pfam domains, but the exact number and types of the domains
from this modification, the two-stage RWR ranking algorithm and shared are lost in the representation. In our network, we explicitly
its evaluations were run on the ‘5 Insect’ network in the same man- connected gene nodes that share a protein domain to the feature
ner as the Drosophila network discussed above. Because of the node representing that protein domain, preserving the specific de-
increased size of the data, number of iterations required to converge tails of gene–gene relationships. Using 10% of each expression do-
and computational demands to perform the algorithm on the ‘5 mains as test sets and the AUROC evaluation metric, we compared
Insect’ network, we focused on only 12 of the 92 expression do- the GeneMANIA algorithm with its Pfam protein domain affinity
mains (Supplementary Table S13). network (SM4) to our two-stage RWR method applied to the homo-
The average AUROC value for the stage 2 query rankings using geneous ‘prot_domain’ network in Drosophila. We found that our
the ‘5 Insect’ heterogeneous network was higher (0.752) than the two-stage algorithm outperforms GeneMANIA at high values of
corresponding value on the Drosophila only heterogeneous network AUROC threshold (Supplementary Fig. S3 and Supplementary
(0.728) (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Table S14). Table S15). For example, at an AUROC threshold of 0.7, our RWR
As before, the stage 2 rankings in the ‘5 Insect’ heterogeneous procedure produced rankings that yield an AUROC > ¼ 0.7 for 17
network were also better than the stage 1 rankings. The improve- expression domains, while GeneMANIA rankings reach this level of
ment upon incorporating additional species was in addition to the accuracy for only 8 expression domains. We also performed a com-
improvement we observed with heterogeneous over homogenous parison between DRaWR and GeneMANIA on a heterogeneous
Discriminative random walks with restart 2173

network defined from Pfam domain edges as well as genetic and Table 1. Ten query-specific features
protein interaction edges (SM5 and Supplementary Table S16). We
Rank Feature node name Feature node type
found that our random walk based approach on type-normalized
heterogeneous networks produces similar average AUROC (0.7051) 1 Striatum Brain Atlas
to the GeneMANIA label propagation method on the weighted com- 2 Retrohippocampal Brain Atlas
bination of the corresponding gene–gene affinity networks 3 Hippocampus Brain Atlas
(Supplementary Fig. S4). In both analyses, our algorithm was also 4 Pallidum Brain Atlas
5 MRJP Prot Domain
able to report the most relevant protein domains, a capability that
6 PMP22_Claudin Prot Domain
GeneMANIA lacks.
7 JHBP Prot Domain
8 Globin Prot Domain
3.3 Application to multi-species behavioral aggression 9 Olfactory Brain Atlas

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sets 10 Claudin_2 Prot Domain
Finally, we applied our DRaWR algorithm to experimentally
The top ten feature nodes selected with our algorithm on the ‘3 species’
derived gene sets that are challenging to analyze with common exist-
query set and multi-species, heterogeneous aggression network. Each node is
ing tools. In a recent study (Rittschof et al., 2014), the authors at-
listed along with its feature type.
tempted to understand if there are conserved neuromolecular
mechanisms that underlie the common behavior of aggressive re-
that need to be ranked by our procedure), comprising genes from
sponse to territorial intrusion in social animals. This study examined
only the corresponding subset of species.
the transcriptomic state of brains in three greatly diverged social ani-
mals, the mouse M.musculus, the stickleback fish G.aculeatus and
the honeybee A.mellifera. The analysis in the original study separ- 3.3.2 Aggression related features
ately examined data from each species to find Gene Ontology terms Application of the DRaWR pipeline to the multi-species query set
and cis-regulatory elements significantly associated with differen- comprising aggression-related DE genes from mouse, fish and bee
tially expressed (DE) genes in each species, and then honed in on as- revealed feature nodes that are most related to the query set (greatest
sociations that are shared across species. Our method, on the other value of ~
vQ  ~v U ) (Supplementary Table S18); we report the top ten
hand, offers the potential for studying DE gene sets from the three features in Table 1.
species in an integrated framework that may enable more subtle sig- The feature node corresponding to the ‘Striatum’ brain region
nals of shared genetic ‘toolkits’ to reveal themselves. was ranked first. This is consistent with the striatum being the part
of the brain responsible for coordinating movement with motiv-
ation, an important component of an aggressive behavior response
3.3.1 Construction of network and definition of query sets
to an intruder. It has been demonstrated that damage to the striatum
To construct the network for analysis of this dataset, we incorpo-
can result is aberrant social behavior (Glenn and Yang, 2012;
rated heterogeneous information from all three of the species in the
Johansson and Hansen, 2001), and that the ventral striatum is active
study (mouse, stickleback fish and honeybee) as well as two add-
in maternal defense (Hansen et al., 1991) and punishment behavior
itional, highly annotated species D.melanogaster and H.sapiens. We
constructed a weighted network with nodes and edges described in against a rival (Buades-Rotger et al., 2015; Cikara et al., 2011). The
detail in Section 2.1. We connected the gene nodes within and be- next most relevant feature nodes include the retrohippocampus, the
tween species with ‘homology’ edges defined from all-pairs BLAST hippocampus and the pallidum, which are known to be involved in
results. We connected 3671 ‘prot_domain’ feature nodes to gene emotions and movement or motivation and behavior. We also found
nodes in all five species based on the corresponding HMMER scans the protein domain feature nodes for major royal jelly protein
results. We also included ‘Gene Ontology’ feature nodes for 1827 (MRJP) and juvenile hormone binding protein (JHBP) domains in
GO terms, connecting them to nodes representing human, mouse our top ten list. Genes containing the MRJP domain have been pre-
and fruit fly genes, as per available gene annotations. We did not in- viously implicated in behavior because of their expression in the
clude any edges between ‘Gene Ontology’ feature nodes and genes mushroom bodies of honeybee brains (Drapeau et al., 2006;
nodes of stickleback fish or honey bee because most of their GO an- Kucharski et al., 1998). JHBP domain genes have also been corre-
notations included in Ensembl (Cunningham et al., 2014) are lated with hygienic behaviors in honeybees in response to infest-
derived from orthology rather than direct annotation. Finally, we ations of parasitic mites (Parker et al., 2012). There were several
added ‘brain atlas’ nodes and edges that connected these feature ‘Gene Ontology’ features identified by our method as relevant to
nodes to mouse gene nodes that are specifically expressed in one of our multi-species DE query set that were ranked in the top forty fea-
twelve brain regions defined in the atlas. This new five species net- ture nodes. These included terms involving the plasma membrane,
work (Supplementary Table S17) has 76 060 genes and over 13 mil- protein binding and ribosome. The fifth most related Gene
lion edges, with homology edges accounting for 95% of all edges. Ontology feature node was for the term ‘Hormone activity’, which
We obtained one gene set of differentially expressed (DE) genes was also discovered in the original study (Rittschof et al., 2014).
from each species from the aggression study (Rittschof et al., 2014).
These included 153 bee genes, 499 fish genes and 883 mouse genes 3.3.3 Observations about gene rankings in aggression study
deemed to be differentially expressed in the brains of the social ani- In addition to identifying the features most relevant to the DE genes,
mals when exposed to an intruder. Each of these three species-spe- we also evaluated the gene ranking produced after the second stage
cific gene sets was to serve as a query gene set for DRaWR. Since we of DRaWR, conducting our tests on 10% of the genes held out from
were interested in ranking genes and features for their relatedness to the query set. As Supplementary Table S19 (column ‘3 species’)
all three DE gene sets simultaneously, we additionally created a sin- shows, we found the heterogeneous multi-species network (AUROC
gle gene set by combining all 1535 DE genes. For each of the four 0.690) to yield better rankings than any homogeneous, multispecies
DE gene sets, we created an appropriate gene universe set (genes network containing a single feature type. Our method successfully
2174 C.Blatti and S.Sinha

enabled us to integrate experimental results from different species There are several limitations to the random walk based ap-
with knowledge from many different sources in a single framework. proach. First, we are only able to represent positive information.
We also examined the aggression-related DE gene set of each Edges are only able to convey how closely related two nodes are and
species separately to check if these gene sets have varying levels of nodes are only allowed to be annotated as belonging to the given
coherence that may make it more or less difficult to identify related gene set. However, proper use of negative information may perhaps
genes. For each species, we tested ranking accuracy on held out DE create a more nuanced network and produce better outcomes. For
genes, using either the 5-species network or a single-species network example, we may want to add edges that represent mutual exclusiv-
appropriate for that species. In general, we found that the species- ity or strong anti-correlation between two nodes in the network. We
specific DE gene sets that were the most difficult to correctly rank may also have negative examples of a property of interest that we
their related genes using only the appropriate single species network would like to incorporate to make rankings more accurate. Many of
showed the greatest improvement when using the multi-species net- these properties may be addressed by remapping our random walk

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works. In particular, we poorly ranked the mouse DE genes in the on a connectivity network algorithm into an application of belief
mouse single species heterogeneous network. However, when incor- propagation on probabilistic graphical models (Kang et al., 2011;
porating information from additional species, we see a great im- Koller and Friedman, 2009). Additionally, although we normalize
provement (AUROC in heterogeneous, multi-species network our edges by type, the RWR does specifically treat different types of
0.788). edges in a distinguishable way. Some studies have attempted to con-
trol how information is passed through different edge types by defin-
ing specific meta-paths (Yu et al., 2014) that dictate a sequence of
4 Discussion node types that must be followed to inform a relationship between
We have developed the DRaWR method to rank genes for their re- two nodes. Our simple, two-stage RWR algorithm for gene ranking
latedness to a given gene set in the context of extensive, heteroge- provides a solution to and highlights the challenges of performing
neous information represented as a network. We showed that the analysis of experimental data on massive, heterogeneous networks
rankings improve when more sources of information are incorpo- of biological knowledge.
rated into the network and when data from additional species are
appended. Our algorithm applies a two-stage RWR to rank related
genes and, as a byproduct, produces a list of features that are specif-
ically related to the gene set. We have shown its application in char- This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health Big Data to
acterizing embryonic expression domains in Drosophila and Knowledge (BD2K) initiative [1U54GM114838 to SS] and by the Cohen
Graduate Fellowship awarded to CB.
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