English 2
English 2
English 2
does 'the old man' refer to as 'him'? Will the
2018 sharks come?
ENGLISH g) Who is 'the great DiMaggio'? What did his
[GENERAL] father do for a living?
Paper : IV h) 'For a long time after that everyone had
Full Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours
called him 'The Champion...' Who was called
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
'The Champion' and why?
Candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as far as practicable. i) 'He is my fortune, he thought.' Who thought
of whom as his fortune?
j) Give two instances of how the little boy used
1. Answer any eight of the following questions:
to help Santiago.
k) What do we find 'the old man' and 'the boy'
a) What does the word 'salao' mean? When was
doing at the close of the novella, The Old
'the old man' considered a 'salao'?
Man and the Sea?
b) How does Hemingway describe Santiago's
l) 'You are already a man'. – Who says this and
c) 'Now we are joined together and have been
2. Answer any one of the following questions:
since noon.' –Who are joined together and
a) Does Hemingway's portrayal of Santiago's
d) 'Let it open by itself and come back of its
character make him a tragic hero? Discuss.
own accord.' –What is being referred to here?
Why would it not open? b) Discuss The Old Man and the Sea as an
allegory of the human predicament.
e) 'I wish I was the fish.' –Who wished so and
[Turn over] 151/Eng [2]
c) Write an essay on the title of The Old man iii) I appreciated your performance.
and the Sea. (Use the verb form of 'performance')
d) Critically examine Hemingway's presentation iv) There is some doubt about the existence
of Santiago's relationship with the Marlin he of such an animal.
(Use the adjective form of 'doubt')
3. Answer any two of the following questions:
v) We reached our destination without
a) 'It is better to be lucky. But I would rather
(Use the adjective form of 'difficulty')
be exact?' Explain this statement with
vi) He did it with ease. (Use the adverb
reference to the context.
form of 'ease')
b) 'I am glad we do not have to try to kill the
vii) Her style has grace. (Use the adjective
stars'. Who thinks so and why?
form of 'grace')
c) Discuss the role of the sharks in The Old
viii) He behaves like a child. (Use the
Man and the Sea.
adjective form of 'Child')
d) Write a short note on Santiago's relationship
ix) She is able to do it herself. (Use the
with 'the boy' Manolin.
noun form of 'able')
e) How does the young fisherman's perception
b) Change the degree of comparison in the
of the sea differ from that of the old one's?
following sentences without altering the
4. a) Rewrite the following sentences as directed
sense (any five) : 1×5=5
(any five): 1×5=5
i) He is the greatest of all cricketers.
i) She shows great diligence in her studies.
(Change into positive degree).
(Use the adjective form of 'diligence')
ii) No place is more beautiful than this.
ii) Her ideas are still relevant.
(Change into superlative degree)
(use the noun form of 'relevant')
151/Eng [3] [Turn over] 151/Eng [4]
iii) She is as foolish as you. (Change into v) She asked a question that baffled me.
comparative degree) (Change into a simple sentence)
iv) Very few paintings are as enigmatic as vi) Everybody knows that he has succeeded
this. (Change into superlative degree) as a singer. (Change into a simple
v) He is hungrier than you. (Change into sentence)
positive degree) vii) Can you tell me the time of his death?
vi) No other question is as easy as this. (Change into a complex sentence)
(Change into superlative degree) viii) How beautiful! (Change into an assertive
vii) It is the funniest book I have read. sentence)
(Change into positive degree)
ix) This is the place where we were
viii) This is one of the busiest roads.
defeated. (Change into a simple
(Change into comparative degree)
ix) Ayan is not faster than Kamal. (Change
d) Change the narration of the following
into positive degree)
sentences (any five): 1×5=5
c) Transform the following sentences as directed
(any five) : 1×5=5 i) "Where did he go?" she said to me.
i) Why punish an innocent man? (Change ii) Manirul said, "I shall not go there
into an affirmative sentence) tomorrow".
ii) She was too sleepy to pay attention. iii) The teacher said, "Stop fidgeting and pay
(Change into a complex sentence) attention."
iii) There were few people in the room. iv) 'Have you read this book?' he asked me.
(Change into a negative sentence)
v) 'Please leave me alone', he said to me.
iv) He leapt onto a moving bus. (Change
vi) 'Happy birthday!' she said to me.
into a complex sentence)
vii) 'You should not neglect your studies,'
my father said to me.
151/Eng [5] [Turn over] 151/Eng [6]
viii) He told me that he had been thinking vii) He returned back to his home.
about it for sometime. viii) The man came here who is my teacher.
ix) He requested me to go with him. ix) She said that she feels sick.
e) Change the voice (any five) : 1×5=5 5. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper
i) He left me to myself. suggesting ways of preventing child-marriage in
ii) They kept me guessing. your locality. 10
iv) Do not tread on the grass. Write a letter to the principal of your college
requesting him/her to equip the library with new
v) I scolded him for his carelessness.
books and computers.
vi) Did he leave a message for me?
vii) You must answer my question.
Write a letter to the chairman of your municipality
viii) He is reading a book. drawing her/his attention to the miserable
ix) Am I being spied upon? condition of a road in your locality.
f) Correct errors in the following sentences 6. Write an essay on any one of the following topics:
(any five): 1×5=5 20×1=20
i) We look forward to see you. a) Your Favourite Film
ii) She look nervous. b) Importance of Tolerance in India
iii) The king, with all his retinue, were c) Politics and the Youth
killed. d) The Evils of Gender Inequality.
iv) None of the members were present.
v) I have been here since an hour. __________
vi) I have gone there yesterday.