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A Comparative Study of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by Ultra High Strength Technology

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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

A Comparative Study of Reactive Powder Concrete

(RPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by
Ultra High Strength Technology

B.S.Sahani1, N.H.S.Ray2

Reactive powder concrete (RPC) is a new cement based material developed through micro structural
engineering. RPC is composed of very fine powders of sand, crushed quartz, rice husk ash and silica fume,
with the particle sizes comprised between 300µm and 0.02µm and low water content ratio (w/c < 0.20).
A very dense matrix is achieved by optimizing the granular packing of these powders. The densificication
of the mixture results from the optimization of the grain size distribution, the improvement of the
microstructure is achieved by post set heat treatment and finally a high ductility is obtained by the
incorporation of steel fibers. Mechanical properties of RPC compared to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
is high, which is generated as a result of the use of combination of fine powder materials (maximum
grain size of 600 microns), selected for their relative grain size and chemical activity.

RPC, OPC, Autoclave Testing, Compressive strength, Flexural strength, Rheometer, Pycnometer.

(Faculty, Dept. of Civil Engg. CEB, Bhubaneswar, Odisha) Email Id- bhabaniabc@yahoo.co.in
(Faculty, Dept. of Mech. Engg. CEB, Bhubaneswar, Odisha) Email Id- nhs.ray@gmail.com

A Comparative Study of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by Ultra High Strength Technology Page 524
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

I.INTRODUCTION program is to be conducted with the

application of the following basic principles.
The RPC was developed in France in early
1990s and the world’s first RPC structure in 1. Enhancement of homogeneity by
1997. RPC is an ultra strength and high elimination of coarse aggregates.
ductility cementitious composite with a 2. Enhancement of compacted density by
advanced mechanical and physical optimization of granular mixture and
properties. The concept of RPC was first application of pressure before and during
developed by P.RICHARD and M.CHEYREZY setting.
and RPC was first produced in early 1990s
by researchers a BOUGUES laboratory in 3. Enhancement of microstructure by post-
France.RPC has been successfully for set heat-treating.
isolation and containment of nuclear waste
4. Enhancement of ductility by
in Europe due to its excellent
incorporating small sized steel fibers.
impermeability. RPC is a high strength
ductile material formulated from a special 5. The utilization of the pozzolanic
combination of constituent materials. These properties of silica fume and rice husk ash.
materials include Portland cement, silica
6. Optimal usage of super plasticizer to
fume, quartz flour, fine silica sand, high
reduce w/c & improve workability.
range water reducer, water and steel
organic powders. The technology of the
materials is covered by one of many
patterns in a range known as Ultra-High- 2.1Property analysis of RPC and OPC
performance concretes, all under the trade
mark. 2.1.1Mechanical properties

The requirements for RPC used for the The RPC family includes two types of
waste containment structure of Indian concrete, designated RPC 200 and RPC 800,
nuclear power plant are moderate which offers interesting implicational
compressive strength, moderate E value, possibilities in different areas. Mechanical
uniform density and high durability. There is for the two types of RPC are given in the
a need to evaluate RPC regarding its table. The high flexural strength of RPC is
strength, durability permeability chemical due to addition steel fibers.
resistance and corrosion resistance as
compared to OPC and to suggest its use for
nuclear waste containment structures in
the Indian context. The RPC research

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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

Table-1 Mechanical properties of RPC aggregates, ultrasonic inspection at

according to composition frequencies ten to twenty times that of
traditional concrete inspections are
RPC Properties Curing at Curing at
possible. These properties make it possible
200c 900c
to evaluate anisotropy in the material using
Compressive 180 230
strength(MPa) ultrasonic waves, and there by measure
3-points flexural 40 to 50 50 to 60 quantitatively the elastic properties of the
strength(MPa) material. The research reported in this
Young’s 55 to 60 55 to 60 paper examines elastic properties of this
Modulus(GPa) new material as modeled as an orthotropic
elastic solid and discusses ultrasonic
Table-2 Mechanical properties of RPC methods for evaluating young’s modulus
compared to OPC nondestructively. Calculation of shear
moduli and Poisson’s ratio based on
OPC RPC ultrasonic velocity measurements are also
Compressive 20-50 180-230
reported. Ultrasonic results are compared
with traditional destructive methods.
Flexural strength 4-8 40-60
A new material has recently become
available in the United states that
The mechanical behavior of RPC has been demonstrates greatly improved strength
characterized for compression and bending. and durability characteristics compared
It has extremely high compactness as a with traditional or even high- performance
result of the rational use of silica fumes, concrete classified as ultra-high
silica powders& super plasticizers, makes it performance concrete(UHPC) or Reactive
possible to obtain a compressive strength of powder concrete(RPC).The material consists
200 MPa in the case of RPC 200 with of a concrete using sand as its large
Young’s modulus which can reach 66 GPa aggregate and fine steel fibers distributed
and a linear elastic limit in the range of 60% within the concrete .Compressive strengths
of ultimate strength. of 200 to 800 MPa have been achieved with
RPC,compared with maximum compressive
2.1.2 Elastic properties
strength of 50 to 100 MPa for high
RPC differs significantly from traditional performance concretes. Young’s modulus of
concretes. It has no large aggregates and 50 to 60 GPa are common for RPC, as
contains small steel fibers that provides compared with values of 14 to 42 GPa of
additional strength and in some cases can normal weight concrete (Mindness and
replace traditional mild steel reinforcement. Young 1981).Additionally, the material has
Due to its high density and lack of tensile strength of between 6-13 MPa that

A Comparative Study of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by Ultra High Strength Technology Page 526
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

is maintained after first cracking, where as 50 MPa) depending on the type of fibers
traditional concrete has tensile strengths on used. The ductile behavior of this material is
the order of 2 to 4 MPa that is lost when a first for concrete. The materials, has a
cracking occurs. capacity to deform and supports flexural
and tensile load even after initial cracking.
2.1.3 Durability
These performances are result of improved
RPC has ultra-high durability characteristic micro- structural properties of the mineral
resulting from its extremely low porosity, matrix especially and toughness and control
low permeability, limited shrinkage and of bond between matrix and fiber. The
increasing corrosion resistance. In durability properties are those of
comparison to OPC, there is no RPC its use impermeable materials. There is almost no
in chemically aggressive environments and carbonation or penetration of chlorides and
where physical wear greatly limits the life of sulfates, and high resistance to acid attack.
other concretes RPC is a high strength Resistance to abrasion is similar to that of
ductility and low porosity cementious rock
material.RPC properties are improved by
1. To determine the guide lines for the
fresh RPC samples, which can increase its
production of RPC i.e. selection of material
specific weight as high as 3000kg/m3.The
of mix proportion and curing.
high content silica fumes increase the
compressive strength and decrease the 2. To investigation to the compressive
density. The silica fumes produced high strength and tensile strength of concrete to
strength RPC with a specific weight as low determine its suitability for use in
as 1900kg/m3.The light weight reactive multistoried building.
powder concrete could be used in area
3. The aim of project is to produce to the
where substantial weight saving can be
RPC of the following properties.
realized and where remarkable
characteristics of the material can be fully Compressive strength -180 MPa to 230 MPa
Flexural strength - 40 MPa to 60 MPa
2.2 Experimental Programme
Young’s modulus - 55 GPa to 60 GPa
To obtain a good workability and minimal
secondary effects the synthetic polymer 4. Also to compare the results of RPC with
dosage can be optimized with a rheometer similar OPC Under same laboratory
which is specially designed for RPC.This new condition.
family materials has compressive strengths
of (170 to 230MPa), Young’s modulus (55
GPa to 60 GPa )and flexural strengths (30 to

A Comparative Study of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by Ultra High Strength Technology Page 527
Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol 2348

2.3 Experimental Procedures

1. The size of cube

ube taken is

2.6 Kg cement, 1.5kg silica fumes

fumes, 1.86 kg
quartz powder, 6.54 kg Ennur sand,
45mmsize 0.18 kg steel fiber, 0.09 liters
super plasticizers &2.1 liters waters are
used to make the cube.

3. The w/c is 0.35% for the 1st set of test

and 0.3 for the 2nd set of testing.
Figure-1 RPC Test Specimen 70X70X70mm
4. All the materials are hand mixed then
water and super plasticizers are added.
After attaining a homogeneous mix, the
concrete is placed in 70mmx70mmx
cube in 3 layers as per IS code 456

5. Compaction of concrete is done in 3

layers using vibrating table as per the IS

6. After 24 hours, the curing of concrete

started for the 1st set of 3 cubes. The next
set of the cubes are placed in the auto clave
for 8 hours under 900c temperature before
curing is started. Figure-2 Compression Testing Machine
7. The curing is done up to 28 days.

8. The cubes are tested for 7 days and 28

days compressive strength.

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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

2.4 Material and mix proportion 2.5 Particle size distribution (Ennur Sand)

Table-3, R.P.C-1 Table-5

Sl. MATERIALS MIX Sieve Wt. of % of Cumu % of

n PROPERTION size In sample soil lative passing
o. mm retained retain %
1 CEMENT 6Kg in gm ed retain
2 SILICA FUMES 1.5 Kg ed
3 QUARTZPOWDER 1.86Kg 4.75 0 0 0 100
4 ENNUR SAND 6.54Kg 2.36 0 0 0 100
5 45mm STEEL FIBER 0.18Kg 1.18 0 0 0 100
6 SUPERPLASTICIZER 0.09 Lts 600µ 0 0 0 100
7 WATER 2.1Lts 4.25µ 120 12 12 88
8 W/C 0.35% 300µ 80 8 20 80
150µ 50 5 25 75
pan 0 0 0 0
Table-4, R.P.C-1


2.6 Particle size distribution (Quartz
2 SILICA FUMES 2.5 Kg Table-6
4 ENNUR SAND 8.3Kg Sieve Wt.of %of Cumu % of
5 45mm STEEL 0.8Kg size in sample soil lative passing
FIBER mm retain retain %
6 SUPERPLASTICIZER 0.015Lts ed in ed retain
7 WATER 3.1Lts gm ed
8 W/C 0.3% 4.75 0 0 0 100
2.36 0 0 0 100
1.18 0 0 0 100
600µ 0 0 0 100
4.25µ 120 12 12 88
300µ 80 8 20 80
150µ 50 5 25 75
PAN 0 0 0 0

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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

2.7 Specific Gravity of Ennur Sand 2 Room temp 260

Table-7 3 Mass of 705
Sl. Observation Determination No.
no & calculation 1 2 3
4 Mass of 857
1 Pycnometer 401 402 403 empty
2 Room temp 260 C pycnometer
3 Mass of 705gm and dry soil
empty (M2)
pycnometer 5 Mass of 1318
(M1) pycnometer,s
4 Mass of 1200 oil,and water
empty gm (M3)
pycnometer 6 Mass of 1540
and dry soil pycnometer
(M2) and water
5 Mass of 1800 (M4)
pycnometer,s gm 7 Calculation 222
oil,and water M2-M1
(M3) 8 M3-M4 152
6 Mass of 1500 9 G=(7)/(7)-(8) 2.58
pycnometer gm
and water
(M4) Specific gravity of inner sand at
7 Calculation 495 0
26 C=2.58
8 M3-M4 300 2.9 Specific Gravity silica fume
9 G=(7)/(7)-(8) 2.65

RESULT: Specific gravity of inner sand Sl. Observation & Determination

at 26 c=2.65 no calculation No.
1 2 3
2.8 Specific Gravity of Quartz powder Observation
1 Pycnometer 401 402 403
Table-8 2 Room temp 260
Sl. Observation Determination
3 Mass of empty 705
no & calculation No.
1 2 3
4 Mass of empty 865
1 Pycnometer 401 402 403 pycnometer

A Comparative Study of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by Ultra High Strength Technology Page 530
Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol 2348

and dry soil AT 7 DAYS

5 Mass of 1540 FOR CUBE
il,and water Sample -1=load/area =160x1000/
160x1000/ (70x70)
(M3) =32.65N/mm
6 Mass of 1440
and water (M4) =44.89N/mm2
7 Calculation M2- 260
8 M3-M4 100 290x103/(70x70)
9 G=(7)/(7)-(8) 2.6

Specific gravity of inner sand at 260c=2.6
2.10 Mix proportion of RPC and OPC
CEMENT 1 1 1
QUARTZ 0.31 0.31 NONE
ENNUR 1.09 1.09 NONE
45mm STEEL 0.03 0.03 NONE
SUPER 0.015 0.015 NONE
W/C 0.35 0.3 0.4



A Comparative Study of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by Ultra High Strength Technology Page 531
Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol 2348


Sample 1=27.75N/mm2

Sample 2=26.50N/mm2



Compres RPC 1 RPC2 OPC

sive (Ordinary) (Auto N/
strength N/mm2 clave) m2
(7/days) N/mm2
32.65 36.73 22.44
Figure-3 Autoclave Cube Testing at 90 C 0 44.89 47.73 20.4
AT 7 DAYS Compres 59.18 50.02 27.75
sive 49.0 57.0 26.50
FOR CUBE strength 58.1 25.00
=47.93N/mm Compressi Size weight
AT 28 DAYS strength
RPC 180MPa 70x70 0.745
to 230 mm kg
=50.02N/mm MPa
OPC 50 MPa to 150x150 1.96
60 MPa mm kg

TEST RESULTS OF SAMPLES WITH OPC The compressive strength of RPC can be
AT 7 DAYS recorded accurately if;

=100x103/ (70x70)
Sample-1.Stress=load/are=100x10 1. Curing is done under pressure of about
=22.44N/mm2 20psi.

Sample-2.Stress=load/area=100x10 2. Mixing is done in high speed mixture
(70x70) =20.40N/mm2 machine.

A Comparative Study of Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by Ultra High Strength Technology Page 532
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-6, July 2014 ISSN 2348-6848

3. If high tensile fibers of aspect ratio 1 in 5 laboratory condition that we produce the
is added to increase the tensile strength. RPC of 60 MPa strength. If we can improve
the mixing, curing and post heating setting
IV-CONCLUSION methods, we can improve the compressive
strength up to 200MPa.If low alkali cement
The project is carried out under ordinary
is used with w/c of 0.2 .we can also improve
atmosphere has yielded the following
the compressive strength. The elimination
results. It is able to produce a RPC of
of coarse aggregate combine to
compressive strength of 44.89N/mm2 in 7
optimization granular mix allows obtaining
days and 59.18N/mm2 in 28 days.
and homogeneous and dense of
Under the same laboratory conditions the cementious matrix, that exhibits high
OPC cubes of mix proportion 1:2:4 is tested. mechanical properties. Application
The compressive strength at 7 days and 28 conforming to the fresh concrete combine
days are recorded, Compressive strength of to excess removal of water furthers
22.44N/mm2 in 7 days and Compressive improves its density. Induced micro
strength of 26.5N/mm2 in 28 days. cracking does not impede compressive
strength enhancement. Addition of small
The researches as shown with the locally size of steel fibers of ratio 2 to 2.5% of
available material under ordinary volume gives RPC ductile behavior.

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