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Parkinson’s Disease and Its Management, Part 1
activity.21 The variable prevalence of PD throughout the world suggested that their formation may be secondary to refrac-
suggests that environmental and genetic factors along with tory proteolytic processes involving abnormal breakdown or
ethnic differences may all play a role in disease pathogen- overproduction influenced by genetic mutations.45–47 Gene
esis.22,23 Biomedical research in individuals with PD continues mutations involving the alpha-synuclein (αSyn) protein have
and may help to identify additional risk factors and to guide been found to aggregate and form insoluble fibrils associated
future prevention and treatment decisions.24–28 with LBs;53 αSyn proteins have been identified as a potential
target for future PD therapy.54
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The formation of LBs involves excessive production of
PD is a disorder of the extrapyramidal system, which includes misfolded forms of ubiquitin proteins, which are involved in
motor structures of the basal ganglia, and is characterized by protein recycling. The accumulation of these proteins is sec-
the loss of dopaminergic function and consequent diminished ondary to malfunctioning of the ubiquitin proteasome system
motor function, leading to clinical features of the disease.4,30 (UPS).52,55 The formation of LBs appears to have a role in the
Research in the late 1950s identified striatal dopamine deple- neurodegeneration that is characteristic of PD, with various
tion as the major cause of the motor symptoms of PD, although lesion patterns seen at different stages of the disease. Lesion
the presence of nonmotor features supports the involvement patterns in the dorsal nucleus, medulla, and pons may support
of other neurotransmitters of the glutamatergic, cholinergic, early (premotor) olfactory and rapid eye movement (REM)
serotonergic, and adrenergic systems, in addition to the neuro- features of PD. Lesions in the nigrostriatal region during
modulators adenosine and enkephalins.39–44 Further evidence later stages of the disease contribute to the common motor
suggests that PD may originate in the dorsal motor nucleus features of PD.56,57 LBs are also associated with the dementia
of the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves and in the anterior of PD, similar to their presence in patients with dementia with
olfactory nucleus, suggesting a disease pattern that begins in LBs (DLB). PD and DLB are differentiated by their clinical
the brain stem and ascends to higher cortical levels.45 The histo- presentations in that motor features are more prominent and
pathological features of PD include the loss of pigmented dopa- occur earlier in PD compared with DLB.47,52,55
minergic neurons and the presence of Lewy bodies (LBs).46,47 Although amyloid beta 1-42 is associated with Alzheimer’s
Progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the disease (AD) and its pathology, recent data suggest that cere-
substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), which project to the bral spinal fluid containing this biomarker may predict cogni-
striatum (the nigrostriatal pathway), results in the loss of dopa- tive decline in PD as well.58,59 These data are consistent with
minergic function in individuals with PD. Typically, patients previous research, which reported that the pathology of AD
experience the motor features of PD only after 50% to 80% of contributes to cognitive impairment in PD and may have rel-
dopaminergic neurons have been lost, suggesting the involve- evance in predicting the cognitive decline associated with PD.58
ment of a compensatory mechanism in the early stages of The involvement of inflammation in the pathogenesis of
the disease. Two types of dopamine receptors, D1 (excitatory PD is also being studied, especially the role of cytokines and
type) and D2 (inhibitory type), influence motor activity in the other mediators. Inflammatory responses secondary to the
extrapyramidal system. Components of this system include degeneration of dopaminergic neurons may play a role in PD
the basal ganglia, which involves the internal globus pallidal and contribute to its pathogenesis. In vitro data have supported
segment (GPi) of the ventral striatum, and the pars reticulata the activation of microglia and astrocytes secondary to injured
portion of the substantia nigra (SNpr). These components are dopaminergic neurons.60–64
part of larger circuits located in the thalamus and the cortex. In summary, PD is a complex neurodegenerative disease
The loss of dopamine in the striatum of PD patients results in involving an array of molecular pathways, all of which may
increased activity in the GPi/SNpr circuits and subsequent be implicated in the neuropathophysiology of the disease.60
gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) dysfunction, leading to
inhibition of the thalamus. The end result is the decreased DIAGNOSIS
ability of the thalamus to activate the frontal cortex, resulting in The differential diagnosis of PD should include a comprehen-
the decreased motor activity characteristic of PD. Accordingly, sive history and physical examination. Difficult or questionable
restoring dopamine activity in the striatum through D2 and D1 cases should be referred to a movement-disorder specialist for
receptor activation with dopaminergic therapies mediates clini- further evaluation. There are no definitive tests to confirm the
cal improvement in the motor symptoms of PD.48 In addition, diagnosis of PD; therefore, a clinical diagnosis requires the
dopaminergic loss results not only in reduced activation of the clinician to review the patient’s history, to assess symptoms,
thalamus but also in increased cholinergic activity due to the and to rule out alternative diagnoses, such as multiple-system
loss of dopamine’s normal inhibitory influence.49,50 Research atrophy, DLB disease, and essential tremor (Table 3).65–70
continues to support evidence that PD involves a diffuse global The cardinal motor features of PD—described as the “clas-
network dysfunction at multiple levels in the nervous system.51 sical triad”—include a 4-Hz to 6-Hz resting tremor, “cogwheel”
The other major histopathological feature of PD is the pres- rigidity, and bradykinesia (Table 4). These cardinal features
ences of LBs, described as intracellular cytoplasmic aggregates are often reported as the first clinical findings of the disease. A
composed of proteins, lipids, and other materials. LBs have fourth feature, postural instability (Table 4), occurs in approxi-
also been identified as major hallmarks associated with chronic mately 50% of PD patients within five years of diagnosis.71–77
neurodegenerative diseases, including PD.45,52 In patients with Although PD is considered to be a disease of the elderly, some
PD, LBs are found in dopaminergic neurons in the substantia genetic variants are present in younger patients. Clinically,
nigra as round bodies with radiating fibrils.46,47 Research has younger individuals (under 60 years of age) may present with
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Parkinson’s Disease and Its Management, Part 1
Table 3 Diseases and Conditions That May Require head involvement.71–77 DLB may present with features of PD,
although patients with DLB usually experience concurrent
Differentiation From Parkinson’s Disease65–79
cognitive changes and visual hallucinations.78 Many other
• Alzheimer’s disease conditions mimic PD and may require evaluations by experts
• Basal ganglia tumor in movement disorders to confirm the diagnosis. In addition,
• Benign essential tremor laboratory studies may be necessary to rule out nutritional
• Cerebrovascular disease deficiencies and other abnormalities, including thyroid disease,
• Corticobasal degeneration along with toxin screening when the patient’s history sug-
• Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease gests possible exposure. The measurement of plasma levels
• Dementia with Lewy bodies of copper and ceruloplasmin may also be warranted to rule
• Drug-induced parkinsonism out Wilson’s disease.71,72,75,79 Other diagnostic procedures
• Metabolic causes (e.g., hypoparathyroidism, thyroid dysfunction, include bedside dopaminergic challenge tests with levodopa
nutritional deficiencies) or apomorphine, although their use is not supported by some
• Multiple-system atrophy neurology experts.72–75 Additional diagnostic aids may include
• Normal-pressure hydrocephalus neuropsychiatric testing, sleep studies, and vision exams
• Olfactory dysfunction secondary to visual changes reported in some PD patients,
• Olivopontocerebellar atrophy such as abnormal color vision due to changes in intraretinal
• Post-traumatic brain injury Parkinson’s disease dopaminergic transmission.71,72
• Progressive supranuclear palsy Drug-induced parkinsonism (DIP) should be considered in the
• Shy–Drager syndrome differential diagnosis of PD because it is one of the few reversible
• Subdural hematoma causes of the disorder. Identifying DIP is important in order to
• Wilson’s disease avoid treating patients inappropriately and therefore necessitates
a complete medication evaluation in all patients suspected of
having PD. High-risk populations for DIP include elderly women,
Table 4 Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s
patients with multiple comorbidities, and patients taking multiple
medications at high doses for extended periods.80,81
Cardinal Motor Features (“Classical Triad”) The drugs most commonly associated with DIP include
• Bradykinesia those with dopamine receptor–blocking properties, such as
the antipsychotic agents haloperidol, thiothixene, and risperi-
°° Occurs in 80% to 90% of patients
done.82–85 If PD patients require antipsychotic agents, those
°° Slowness of movement
with a lower risk for DIP, such as quetiapine and clozapine, are
°° Decreased amplitude of movement
• Rigidity recommended.84,85 Antiemetics that contain a phenothiazine
core (e.g., prochlorperazine or promethazine) and the gastro-
°° Occurs in 80% to 90% of patients
intestinal prokinetic agent metoclopramide are also associated
°° Resistance to passive movement in both flexor and extensor
muscles with limb relaxed with DIP.80,81,86 Many other medications may also cause DIP,
including some antihypertensive agents, such as methyldopa
°° Often accompanied by “cogwheel” phenomenon
• Tremor at rest and calcium-channel blockers, along with antidepressants,
lithium, and anticonvulsant drugs.80,81,87
°° Common initial symptom (70% to 90% of patients)
The management of DIP involves identifying and discontinu-
°° Often resolves with action or during sleep
ing the contributing medication(s), which usually resolves the
°° Primarily distal, involving hands
symptoms, although in some cases these may linger for a few
°° May also involve jaw, tongue, lips, chin, or legs
months or up to a year or two.81,82
Other A challenge in diagnosing PD is that the disorder’s clinical
• Postural instability motor features may not present until approximately 50% to 80%
°° Predisposes patients to falls and injuries of dopaminergic neurons are lost. Unfortunately, at this point
°° Occurs in later stages of Parkinson’s disease significant disease progression may already exist.88–90 Adding
°° Results from loss of postural reflexes to this problem is the need to identify subtle motor features
• Dysarthria that can easily go unrecognized, such as the absence of arm
• Dystonia swing or jerking motions.91–93 Further complicating an early
diagnosis is the presence of nonmotor comorbidities, including
less rigidity and bradykinesia, and this may result in a delayed depression, anxiety, fatigue, constipation, anosmia, and sleep
or missed diagnosis.76,77 disorders (Table 5), which the clinician may not recognize
Identifying diseases that have presentations similar to those as being associated with PD.4,94–97 Early recognition of these
of PD is an important component of the diagnostic process. features and their possible association with PD may facilitate
Table 3 lists some of the diseases and conditions that should an earlier diagnosis.90–93 Since the onset of motor features
be a part of the differential diagnosis and that may require is the point at which PD is usually diagnosed and treatment
additional diagnostic tests to rule out their involvement. Benign is initiated, investigators continue to search for biomarkers
essential tremor, a common presentation, usually appears as an that may allow a more expeditious diagnosis.101–111 Once the
intention-type tremor (tremor with movement) and has greater diagnosis of PD has been confirmed, patients who receive
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Parkinson’s Disease and Its Management, Part 1
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Parkinson’s Disease and Its Management, Part 1
compared with the other cardinal features—rigidity and influence the progression of PD. For example, patients who
bradykinesia.122,125 present with tremor as the initial clinical feature may experi-
Bradykinesia is a core clinical motor feature of PD and ence a slower disease course and experience a longer response
has been defined as a reduction in the speed, gait, and ampli- to drug therapy. Men who present with PD in their late 50s
tude of a repetitive action involving voluntary movements.126 or older, or patients who experience motor features and gait
Bradykinesia is the most common clinical feature observed problems along with postural instability early in the disease,
in patients with PD and is considered to be a key diagnostic may experience faster disease progression. Patients who experi-
criterion. The disorder usually appears later than tremor, ence a poor response to drug therapy and significant dementia
although in some cases it may be the initial symptom and often require early institutional placement.125,131 Mortality is
tremor may never develop (i.e., the akinetic–rigid subtype of often associated with complications related to immobility, such
PD).123,125 A common clinical presentation associated with this as pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, and falls.10,11,75
feature is difficulty getting started or initiating movements
and a slow, shuffling gait. Patients with bradykinesia may also GENERAL APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT
demonstrate hastening of their gait, in which their walking The primary goal in the management of PD is to treat the
speed increases with small, rapid steps in an effort to “catch symptomatic motor and nonmotor features of the disorder,
up” with their displaced center of gravity.123–126 Patients may also with the objective of improving the patient’s overall quality of
experience immobility associated with bradykinesia, typically life. Appropriate management requires an initial evaluation and
when confronted by the need to turn or enter through a narrow diagnosis by a multidisciplinary team consisting of neurologists,
door.121 Episodes of “freezing” are an extreme manifestation primary care practitioners, nurses, physical therapists, social
of PD and usually occur in advanced disease.125 workers, and pharmacists.14,132 It is also important that the patient
The third major cardinal feature of PD is rigidity, which and his or her family have input into management decisions.133–135
presents as increased muscle tone or amplified resistance to a Effective management should include a combination of non-
passive range of motion. The term commonly used to describe pharmacological and pharmacological strategies to maximize
this phenomenon in PD patients is “cogwheel rigidity.” 72,73,123 clinical outcomes. To date, therapies that slow the progres-
This is best described as tension in the muscle, which displays sion of PD or provide a neuroprotective effect have not been
small jerks or a ratchet-like quality when moved passively. identified.135,135 Current research has focused on identifying
Cogwheel rigidity requires an unambiguous diagnosis, since biomarkers that may be useful in the diagnosis of early disease
benign essential tremor may also present with a cogwheeling and on developing future disease-modifying interventions.136,137
phenomenon.71,74 The rigidity of PD can affect other body
parts besides the limbs, such as the face, which can display a SUMMARY
“masked” expression (hypomimia).73–75,125 PD is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease
A fourth clinical feature that usually occurs later in the course characterized by both motor and nonmotor features.1–3 Striatal
of PD is postural instability. This symptom has a multifaceted dopamine depletion has been identified as the major cause of the
etiology related to other motor symptoms, such as rigidity disorder’s motor symptoms,39–44 which include resting tremor,
and neural degeneration in the hypothalamic brainstem or “cogwheel” rigidity, and bradykinesia.71–77 Nonmotor symptoms
peripheral nervous system. Postural instability can be seriously include sleep disorders, depression, and cognitive changes.4
disabling because of its association with the loss of balance The differential diagnosis of PD should include a compre-
and the risk of falls.94,120,127 hensive history and physical examination.65–70 Identifying
Other unique features of PD include difficulty with handwriting diseases that have presentations similar to that of PD is an
(e.g., micrographia) and soft speech (hypophonia).73,74,119,123 important component of the diagnostic process.71–77 There
Various staging tools are used to assess the progression of are no definitive tests to confirm a diagnosis of PD.65–70 The
PD and to provide parameters for the use of different manage- UPDRS is the most commonly used scale for assessing the
ment strategies. The most commonly used scale for assessing clinical status of PD patients.129
the clinical status of patients with PD, including both motor The primary goal in the management of PD is to treat the
and nonmotor symptoms, is the Unified Parkinson’s Disease symptomatic motor and nonmotor features of the disorder,
Rating Scale (UPDRS). This four-part tool assesses motor with the objective of improving the patient’s overall quality of
features, psychological features, and activities of daily living life.14,132 Therapies that slow the progression of the disease or
in addition to complications related to therapy.129 Increases provide a neuroprotective effect have not been identified.134,135
of 2.5 and 4.3 points in the UPDRS motor and total scores, In the next issue of P&T, part 2 of this five-part article will
respectively, have been recognized as clinically relevant.129 discuss the pharmacological management of PD, with a focus
Another tool that is not commonly used in clinical practice on the use of dopaminergic agents.
is the staging scale developed by Hoehn and Yahr, which has
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