A bank transfer of INR 15,000 was processed from an SBI savings account in Baloda, Chhattisgarh to an account at the Industrial Development Bank of India in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. The transfer was completed through NEFT with no commission charged. The purpose of the transfer was listed as payment of an education fee.
A bank transfer of INR 15,000 was processed from an SBI savings account in Baloda, Chhattisgarh to an account at the Industrial Development Bank of India in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. The transfer was completed through NEFT with no commission charged. The purpose of the transfer was listed as payment of an education fee.
A bank transfer of INR 15,000 was processed from an SBI savings account in Baloda, Chhattisgarh to an account at the Industrial Development Bank of India in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. The transfer was completed through NEFT with no commission charged. The purpose of the transfer was listed as payment of an education fee.
A bank transfer of INR 15,000 was processed from an SBI savings account in Baloda, Chhattisgarh to an account at the Industrial Development Bank of India in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. The transfer was completed through NEFT with no commission charged. The purpose of the transfer was listed as payment of an education fee.
INB Reference Number IRK4306807 07-Oct-2019 [06:34 PM IST]
Debit Transaction Status Processed
Debit Account Details
SBI Account No Account Type SBI Branch Amount Commission Amount Transaction Type UTR Number Savings BALODA 00000032438838368 INR15,000.00 INR0.00 NEFT SBIN419280237348 Account VB Credit Account Details Account No. Bank Branch Transfer Type Amount Purpose INDUSTRIAL Payment DEVELOPMENT of 0429104000138079 RAIGARH NEFT 15,000.00 BANK OF INDIA education LTD fee