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Short Communications: Giving-Up Densities and Habitat Preferences of European Starlings and American Robins

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The Condor 105:130–135

q The Cooper Ornithological Society 2003

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1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 West Taylor Street,
Chicago, IL 60607
2National Museums of Kenya, Department of Ornithology, P.O. Box 40658, Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract. In a field experiment, we measured the ron menores densidades de abandono cerca de sitios
giving-up densities and activity of co-occurring Amer- cubiertos (seguros) que lejos de éstos (riesgosos). En
ican Robins (Turdus migratorius) and European Star- términos de actividad, ambas especies fueron más ac-
lings (Sturnus vulgaris). Across six distances from tivas cerca que lejos de sitios cubiertos. La preferencia
cover, both species had lower giving-up densities near por sitios cubiertos fue más pronunciada en T. migra-
cover (safe) than away (risky). In terms of activity, torius. Ambas especies forrajearon más en la mañana
both species were more active near than away from que en la tarde, siendo este patrón más pronunciado
cover. Preference for cover was more pronounced for en S. vulgaris. Con relación al ambiente de fondo (pas-
robins. Both species foraged more in the morning than to cortado), T. migratorius prefirió los parches de ali-
in the afternoon. This pattern was more pronounced mento más que S. vulgaris. Generar la misma actividad
for starlings. Relative to the background environment de alimentación en un parche de 1 m2 con 210 gusanos
(mowed grass), robins favored the food patches more de la harina (Tenebrio molitor), tomó 72.6 m2 de am-
than starlings. For starlings and robins, respectively, it biente de fondo para T. migratorius y 382.3 m2 para
took 72.6 m2 and 382.3 m2 of background environment S. vulgaris. El más alto grado de herbivorı́a de S. vul-
to generate the same feeding activity in a 1-m2 food garis podrı́a explicar la mayor afinidad de T. migra-
patch filled with 210 mealworms (Tenebrio molitor). torius hacia parches de alimento (sólo invertebrados)
The greater degree of herbivory by starlings may ex- con relación al ambiente de fondo (invertebrados y
plain the robins’ greater affinity for food patches (in- plantas).
vertebrates only) relative to the background environ-
ment (both invertebrates and plants).
Optimal foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 1986)
Key words: American Robin, European Starling, can be used to investigate patch use by animals. Patch
foraging theory, giving-up density, habitat preference, use can indicate habitat preference as influenced by
patch use, predation risk. predation risk and competition (Brown 1988). This in-
dicator assumes that individuals make foraging deci-
Densidades de Abandono y Preferencias de sions in ways that maximize their individual fitness.
Hábitat de Turdus migratorius y Sturnus Assuming that a forager experiences no predation and
vulgaris has no alternative activities (such as territorial defense,
mate finding, resting, or nest maintenance), the amount
Resumen. En un experimento de campo, medimos of time spent in a given patch is determined by the
las densidades de abandono (i.e., ‘‘giving-up densi- marginal value theorem (Charnov 1976). An individual
ties’’) y la actividad de individuos simpátricos de Tur- should continue foraging in a depletable patch until its
dus migratorius y Sturnus vulgaris. A través de seis patch-specific harvest rate is equal to its average net
distancias a sitios cubiertos, ambas especies presenta- harvest rate across all patches. Brown (1988) extended
the marginal value theorem to include the effects of
predation risk and alternative activities on patch use.
Manuscript received 6 August 2001; accepted 11 A fitness-maximizing forager should cease harvesting
September 2002. a resource patch when the value of its harvest rate (H)
3 Present address: Department of Biological Scienc- no longer exceeds the sum of its energetic cost of for-
es, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 West Taylor aging (C), predation risk (P), and the missed oppor-
Street, Chicago, IL 60607. E-mail: joyugi1@uic.edu tunity cost (MOC): H 5 C 1 P 1 MOC.


When harvest rates are related to the remaining Food patches were provided for six days (23, 28,
abundance of food, the giving-up density (the amount 29, 31 July and 5, 6 August 1999), between 08:30 and
of food remaining in an experimental food patch fol- 14:30. At the end of each day, the remaining worms
lowing use by one or several foragers) estimates the in the tray were counted to give the giving-up density.
food density at which the animal has balanced costs All of the plots and trays within the study plots were
and benefits. The forager reveals its preference and checked for birds at intervals of 1 hr. We grouped the
assessment of the environment when it stops feeding hourly checks into AM and PM categories. The trays
in the food patch. The temporal and spatial differences were numbered and the following notes were taken:
in giving-up density can give insights into species in- time of day, species and number of individuals present,
teractions, habitat preferences, patch use versus rejec- and whether each bird was inside the tray or on the
tion, habitat quality, and species-specific foraging ef- ground within plots. We used activity in the trays (7

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ficiencies (Brown 1988). trays m22) and in the surrounding 20 m2 of mowed
Giving-up densities have been used to assess habitat grass to determine an exchange rate between our food
selection and community structure among desert ro- patches and the background environment for each spe-
dents (Brown 1989, Brown et al. 1994, Kotler and cies. Only robins and starlings were ever observed
Brown 1999). In seed-eating birds and small mam- feeding from the trays.
mals, giving-up densities have been used to assess mi- Giving-up densities were square-root transformed
crohabitat preferences (Brown 1988, Hughes et al. for analyses to normalize the data and remove the ten-
1994, Kohlmann and Risenhover 1996, Brown et al. dency for the variance to increase with the mean. We
1997) and animals’ assessment of habitat quality (Ols- used a partially hierarchical ANOVA to test for the
son et al. 1999, Morris and Davidson 2000). In this effect of day, habitat (canopy vs. shrub), transect nest-
paper, we conducted foraging experiments on Ameri- ed within habitat, and distance from cover (0, 2, 4, 6,
can Robins (Turdus migratorius) and European Star- 8, and 10 m from cover) on giving-up densities. We
lings (Sturnus vulgaris) in depletable food patches to also used an ANOVA to analyze the hourly data on
test for (1) the role of cover as safety in microhabitat the numbers of birds active within the plots. The anal-
preferences, (2) temporal habitat preferences, and (3)
ysis tested for the effects of time of day (AM vs. PM),
the habitat quality of mowed grass.
distance from cover (lumped into three distance cate-
METHODS gories of 0–4 m, 4–8 m and 8–12 m from cover),
species (robin vs. starling), and choice of feeding lo-
We conducted experiments at the greenhouse com- cation (food trays vs. adjacent lawn within plot). The
pound of the University of Illinois at Chicago numbers of birds for each combination of independent
(418509N, 878399W). The habitat comprised clumps of variables were calculated as the means from the six
shrubs and tall trees within open mowed lawn. We days of the experiment. These means were square root
filled nursery trays (53 cm long 3 27 cm wide 3 6 transformed for analyses. The means reported in the
cm deep) with 675 mL of vermiculate and 30 meal- results have units of birds per hourly check per food
worms (Tenebrio molitor). We began with a 10-day patch (or per 2 3 10 m plot) and are reported 6 SE.
training period during which birds learned about the All statistical analyses were carried out using SYSTAT
trays and mealworms. During the training period, the version 10.0 (SPSS Inc. 2000).
trays were placed at random in the study area and ob-
served at 2-hr intervals. We noted the number of robins RESULTS
and starlings and whether they were inside or outside
the tray. The giving-up densities tended to be lower for tran-
After the birds were trained, we established four sects associated with shrub cover than for transects as-
transects, two in each of two habitats: shrub-covered sociated with canopy cover (although this effect was
lawn versus tree-canopy-covered lawn. Transects ran not significant, P 5 0.1, probably due to too few tran-
from the edge of cover (shrub or tree canopy) into sects; Table 1). Giving-up densities were lowest near
open grass. Along each transect, we used string to cover (independent of cover type) and increased
mark the boundaries of six 2 3 10 m plots at 2-m steadily with distance from cover (Fig. 1). There were
intervals. These plots were adjacent to one another and no significant interaction effects among distance from
ran parallel to either the shrub or tree-canopy habitats. cover, habitat (shrub vs. tree cover) and day.
Within each plot, we placed one food tray. These There were two significant interaction effects on our
trays offered a food patch in which the longer a forager hourly check data. While both species foraged more in
spent the lower was the rate at which it found new the morning than afternoon, this effect was more pro-
worms (see Olsson et al. 2001 for similar food patches nounced for starlings than robins (Fig. 2A, Table 2).
with starlings). Because the worms were buried in the Relative to the background environment, robins used
substrate, the birds had to search for them. As the birds the experimental food patches (trays) far more than
continued to exploit the food patch, their harvest rates starlings (Fig. 2, Table 2). The main effect of species
eventually declined to a point at which they should indicated more starling than robin activity (n 5 24
seek another patch, or pursue other activities (Brown patches each, 0.12 6 0.03 vs. 0.06 6 0.01 birds per
1988, 1992). The number of mealworms left in the check per patch), more activity in the morning than in
resource patch after the foragers have quit exploiting the afternoon (0.14 6 0.03 vs. 0.04 6 0.01; Fig. 2A),
the patch (the giving-up density) provides a surrogate and more activity near cover than away from cover
for their quitting harvest rate and estimates habitat- (0–4 m: 0.15 6 0.03; 4–8 m: 0.07 6 0.02; 8–12 m:
specific differences in foraging costs. 0.04 6 0.02; Fig. 2B).

TABLE 1. Effect of day, habitat, and distance from cover on giving-up densities of European Starlings and
American Robins foraging on mealworms, as shown by partially hierarchical ANOVA.

Variable df square F
Day 5 8.4 13.3***
Habitat (shrub vs. canopy cover) 1 18.9 12.91
Distance from cover 5 3.3 5.2***
Distance 3 Habitat 5 1.0 1.5
Habitat 3 Day 5 0.7 1.1
Distance 3 Day 25 0.4 0.7

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Transect (nested within Habitat) 2 1.5 2.7*
Error 93 0.6 —
*** P , 0.001, * P , 0.05, 1 P 5 0.10.

The food patches offered 210 mealworms m22, and terference competition. If anything, the starlings ap-
of these the birds harvested about 131 mealworms m22 peared more able to displace robins from food patches
day21. For starlings it took 72.6 m2 of background en- than vice versa.
vironment to produce the same activity level as 1 m2
of food patch (one food patch had 0.52 as much activ- DISCUSSION
ity as one 20-m2 area of grass). For robins, it took By using the giving-up densities as a measure of quit-
382.3 m2 of background environment to generate ac- ting harvest rate and foraging efficiencies (Brown
tivity equal to 1 m2 of food patch (1 food patch had 1988), robins and starlings revealed that microhabitats
2.72 times as much activity as one 20 m2 area of near cover provide safer feeding areas than those away
grass). Relative to background environment, robins from cover. Giving-up densities increased with dis-
found the food patches more valuable than did the star- tance from the edge of shrub or tree canopy. Although
lings. We do not believe that this effect is due to in- not statistically significant, there was a strong trend
suggesting that shrub cover provides greater safety
than tree canopies without understory vegetation. Giv-
ing-up densities were lower on the two transects as-
sociated with clumps of shrubs than the two associated
with clumps of tall trees (oaks and maple). Total bird
activity (in or out of the food patches) declined from
morning to afternoon, with starlings showing a steeper
decline than robins. Bird activity on lawns declined
with distance from cover, with robins showing a steep-
er decline than starlings. In terms of use of the food
patches relative to the background lawns, robins found
the food patches roughly five times more valuable than
starlings did. Both starlings and robins required large
amounts of lawn to generate the same feeding activity
as the food patches. During this study, predation
threats to the birds, though rarely observed, included
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), feral cats (Felis
catus), raccoons (Procyon lotor) and occasional human
disturbances. Giving-up densities and activity data pro-
vided information about current habitat suitability.
The difference in the foraging behavior of robins
and starlings may emerge, in part, from their social
behavior. Starlings occurred in flocks ranging from 6
to over 50 individuals. As such they cover much larger
feeding areas than solitary individuals or pairs of rob-
FIGURE 1. Mean 6 SE giving-up densities of Amer- ins. The decline in starling feeding in the afternoons
ican Robins and European Starlings foraging on meal- may reflect a shift in feeding location at scales larger
worms increased with distance from cover. The type than the greenhouse grounds. Furthermore, large flocks
of cover also influenced patch use, with lower giving- may promote a greater sense of safety through group
up densities near dense shrubs than near tree-canopy vigilance. This may explain the starling’s greater will-
cover. Giving-up density was measured as the number ingness to feed away from cover than the robins. The
of mealworms remaining per tray at the end of each broader diet of the starling, which includes shoots,
day of observation. seeds, and seedlings in addition to vertebrates and in-

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FIGURE 2. (A) European Starlings preferred to feed from mowed field (ground) over feeding from food
patches containing mealworms; the reverse was true for American Robins. Both species sharply declined in
activity from morning to afternoon in the food patches. Only starlings showed an activity decline from morning
to afternoon on the ground. (B) Both bird species were more active near than away from cover. This effect of
distance from cover was the same for food patches and background mowed field (ground). Starlings and robins
were equally active in the food patches, whereas starling activity was substantially higher than robin activity on
the ground.

TABLE 2. Results of ANOVA testing for the effects of species (American Robin vs. European Starling), time
of day (morning vs. afternoon), distance from cover, and feeding location (ground vs. tray) on the number of
birds counted during hourly checks of feeding trays and surrounding mowed lawn (ground).

Variable df square F-test
Species 1 7.5 7.2**
Time 1 26.5 25.5***
Distance from cover 2 15.1 14.5***
Feeding location 1 0.1 0.1
Species 3 Time 1 9.2 8.8**
Species 3 Distance 2 0.04 0.03
Species 3 Feeding location 1 11.3 10.8**
Time 3 Distance 2 0.2 0.2
Time 3 Feeding location 1 1.1 1.1
Distance 3 Feeding location 2 0.2 0.2
Error 33 1.0 —
*** P , 0.001, ** P , 0.01.

vertebrates (Feare 1984), may explain the two bird with greater predation risk may come an increase in
species’ differing exchange rates for background lawn energetic demands (e.g., increased vigilance).
and food patch. The food patches offered only inver- Measures of feeding activities among the microhab-
tebrates while the lawn provided both invertebrates itats showed that there were more European Starlings
(favorable to starlings and robins) and plants (favor- than American Robins in the study area. Despite their
able to starlings). abundance, starlings were more likely to reject the op-
Association of risk with closed versus open habitats, portunity to forage in a tray than were the robins. Thus
or with distance from cover, varies among bird species the giving-up densities more likely indicate the for-
(Lima 1998). For example, Schneider (1984) provided aging efficiencies of robins than of starlings. Further-
ad libitum peanut hearts at wooden feeders to test more, starlings were common only in the mornings,
whether the White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia al- and rare in the afternoon. Robins were widespread

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bicollis) preferred feeding in sites close to cover. Un- throughout the day giving them more opportunities to
der these conditions, it was not possible to measure visit the food patches.
quitting harvest rate. Regardless, out of 249 samples In summary, giving-up densities revealed spatial and
in which only one individual occupied the feeder, 199 temporal habitat preferences of robins and starlings.
times the bird occupied the square closest to cover, 44 Both species had lower giving-up densities near cover
times it was in the next most distant row, and 6 times than away, and near shrub cover than tree canopy cov-
it was farthest from cover. Grubb and Geenwald (1982) er without understory shrubs, and presumably per-
and Lima (1987) found that House Sparrows (Passer ceived the habitat as safer. The concepts and methods
domesticus) favored food patches closer to the protec- involved in this experiment are relatively accessible,
tion of cover. Similarly, Willow Tits (Parus montanus) inexpensive and straightforward. This method holds
preferred to feed in patches close to cover (Hogstad promise for the understanding of habitat preferences,
1988). When food patches provided identical net en- habitat quality, and foraging decisions of easily ob-
ergy returns, birds selected sites with greater protection served animals such as diurnally foraging birds.
from predators. We thank Ken Schmidt and Douglas Morris for
In contrast to these results, Lima et al. (1987) found valuable comments on the manuscript. We also thank
that Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis), Song Spar- Leon Bennun, Nobby Cordeiro, Gitogo Maina and
row (Melospiza melodia) and Eastern Towhees (Pipilo Rowland Kays for helpful comments on earlier drafts
erythrophthalmus) rarely fed as close to cover as pos- of the manuscript. This research was conducted during
sible. Caldwell (1986) found that various heron species a Terrestrial Session of the Conservation Training Con-
(Ardeidae) avoided areas of high vegetation that might sortium at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Wendy
conceal attacking hawks (Buteo spp). These birds per- Jackson, the course director, provided valuable advice.
ceived cover as a source of attacks. This research was supported, in part, by grants from
In studies of giving-up densities where birds were the National Science Foundation.
allowed to trade food and safety in depletable food
patches, Kohlmann and Risenhoover (1996) found that LITERATURE CITED
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The Condor 105:135–139

q The Cooper Ornithological Society 2003



Department of Biological Sciences and Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall,
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Abstract. I quantified the foraging ecology of om- aging behavior, this method tends to underestimate the
nivorous Tangara tanagers with three methods com- importance of highly rewarding but scarce food types
monly used in the study of foraging behavior. The rel- in time budgets and tends to overestimate the same
ative importance of two food types, arthropods and food type in the number of food items in birds’ diets.
fruits, varied largely depending on which method was Key words: duration, Ecuador, foraging behavior,
used for data analyses. Arthropod foraging was more frequency, omnivorous birds, Tangara.
important than fruit foraging when calculated using the
duration of foraging. In contrast, fruit foraging was
more important when characterized by the food taken
Importancia Relativa de Artrópodos y Frutos
at initial observation and the total number of food en el Comportamiento de Forrajeo de las
items taken. This bias was probably caused by the dif- Tangaras Omnı́voras (Thraupidae):
ference in distribution and abundance of these two Comparación de Tres Métodos
food types. Although numerous studies have used the Resumen. Cuantifiqué la ecologı́a de forrajeo de
frequency of initial observations to quantify bird for- las tangaras omnı́voras del género Tangara con tres
métodos comúnmente utilizados en el estudio del com-
portamiento de forrajeo. La importancia relativa de dos
Manuscript received 20 May 2002; accepted 8 No- tipos de alimento, artrópodos y frutos, varió signifi-
vember 2002. cativamente dependiendo de qué método se utilizó
1 E-mail: knaoki@lsu.edu para analizar los datos. El forrajeo de artrópodos fue

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