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"Oil India Limited firmly believes that “Islands of Prosperity cannot survive in a Sea of
Poverty.” Unless it looks beyond business and gives back to the land and people from
which it has taken so much; empowers the disadvantaged communities and acts as
a catalyst of visible socio-economic development, issues like poverty, unemployment,
developmental disparity would have adverse impact on the Company. For Oil India
Limited, inclusive growth of its operational areas is not merely a policy statement but
an integral part of the Company’s corporate philosophy and culture - enabling OIL to
sustain its image as a ‘people’s company’ in the true spirit of the words. This Coffee
Table Book attempts to capture the spirit of OIL’s CSR footprint."


Am°`b B§{S>`m {b{‘Q>oS> H$m `h Ñ‹T> {dœmg h¡ {H$ Jar~r Ho$ AWmh g‘wÐ ‘| {H$gr Ûrn H$s g‘¥{Õ H$mo ~aH$ama Zht
aIm Om gH$Vm& O~ VH$ h‘ ì`dgm` Ho$ Ñ{ï>H$moU go D$na CR>H$a Zht gmoM|Jo Am¡a Bg YaVr Am¡a BgHo$ bmoJm|
H$mo g§nÞ Zht H$a|Jo; Cno{jV g‘wXm`m| H$mo geº$ Zht ~ZmE§Jo Am¡a gm‘m{OH$-Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Ho$ {bE àoaH$ H$s
^y{‘H$m Zht {Z^mE§Jo, V~ VH$ Jar~r, ~oamoOJmar, Ag‘mZ {dH$mg O¡go ‘wÔm| H$m H§$nZr na à{VHy$b à^md n‹S>Vm
ahoJm& Am°`b B§{S>`m {b{‘Q>oS> Ho$ {bE, AnZo àMmbZ joÌm| H$m g‘J« {dH$mg Ho$db H$moB© Zr{VJV dº$ì` Zht h¡
~pëH$ `h H§$nZr Ho$ H$m°nm}aoQ> {gÕm§V Am¡a g§ñH¥${V H$m EH$ A{^Þ A§J h¡ - Omo Am°¶b H$mo ghr ‘m`Zm| ‘| "OZ
H§$nZr' Ho$ ê$n ‘| AnZr N>{d H$mo H$m`‘ aIZo ‘| g‘W© ~ZmVm h¡& `h H$m°’$s Q>o~b ~wH$ Am°¶b H$s grEgAma
J{V{d{Y`m| H$mo ghr ‘m`Zm| ‘| Xem©Zo H$m EH$ à`mg h¡&

CIN: L11101AS1959GOI001148
©Oil India Limited, 2017 (www.oil-india.com) ©Am°`b B§{S>`m {b{‘Q>oS>, 2017 (www.oil-india.com) Acknowledgement A[^ñdrH¥${V
Published by Public Affairs Department, OIL, Duliajan Assam OZ g§nH©$ {d^mJ, Am°`b, Xw{b`mOmZ, Ag‘ Ûmam àH$m{eV (OIL’s CSR implementing partners) (Am°¶b H$m grEgAma H$m¶m©Ýd¶Z gmPoXma)
State institute of Rural Development (SIRD), Assam ñQ>oQ> B[ÝñQ>Q>çyQ> Am°’$ éab S>odobn‘|Q> (EgAmB©AmaS>r), Ag‘
Advisors nam‘e©XmVm
Pranjit Deka, Executive Director (HR & A) àmU{OV S>oH$m, H$m`©H$mar {ZXoeH$ (‘mZd g§gmYZ Ed§ àemgZ) IL&FS-Educational & Technology Services Ltd AmB©Eb EÊS> E’$Eg-ESw>Ho$eZb EÊS> Q>o³Zbm°Or g{d©gog {b.
Dilip Kumar Bhuyan, Deputy General Manager (PA) {Xbrn Hw$‘ma ^y`m§, Cn ‘hmà~§YH$ (OZ g§nH©$)
Construction Industry Development Council (CIDC) H$ÝñQ´>mH$eZ B§S>ñQ´>r S>odobn‘|Q> H$mC§{gb (grAmB©S>rgr)
Ms Deepshikha Deka, Deputy General Manager (PR), Corporate Office gwlr Xrn{eIm S>oH$m, Cn ‘hmà~§YH$ (nrAma), H$mnm}aoQ> H$m¶m©b¶
Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE)
B§{S>¶Z BpÝñQ>Q>çyQ> Am°’$ AmÝQ´>àZ{e©n (AmB©AmB©B©)
Editorial Team g§nmXH$s` Xb
St. Luke’s Hospital, Tinsukia, Assam
Editor: Tridiv Hazarika, Chief Manager (CSR & CC) g§nmXH$: {Ì{Xd hOm[aH$m, ‘w»` à~§YH$ (grEgAma Ed§ grgr) gÝV byH$'g hmpñnQ>b, VrZgw{H$¶m, Ag‘
Associate Editors: Nayana Madhu Dutta, Senior Public Affairs Officer (CSR) gh- g§nmXH$: Z`Zm ‘Yw XÎmm, d[að> OZ g§nH©$ A{YH$mar (grEgAma) Piramal Swasthya Management & Research
Jayant Bormudoi, Senior Public Affairs Officer (CC) O`§V ~a‘wX¡, d[að> OZ g§nH©$ A{YH$mar (grgr) nram‘b ñdmñ϶ ‘¡ZoO‘|Q> EÊS> [agM© BpÝñQ>Q>çyQ>
Assistant Editor: Shailesh Tripathi, Assistant Officer (Hindi) ghm`H$ g§nmXH$: S>m°. e¡boe {ÌnmR>r, ghm`H$ qhXr A{YH$mar
Institute (PSMRI)
(nrEgE‘AmaAmB©) Contents
Assam Agriculture University (AAU)
Ag‘ E{J«H$bMab ¶y{Zd{g©{Q> (EE¶y) Inspiring Initiatives 2
Produced by àñVw{V Centre for Social Reflection and Learning (CSRL)
Nanda Talukdar Foundation, Guwahati Z§Xm VmbwH$Xma ’$mC§S>oeZ, JwdmhmQ>r g|Q>a ’$a gmoeb [aâboH$eZ EÊS> b{ZªJ (grEgAmaEb) Message of Hon’ble Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan 6
www.nandatalukdarfoundation.org www.nandatalukdarfoundation.org Oil India Rural Development Society (OIRDS)
Am°¶b B§{S>¶m éab S>odobn‘|Q> gmogmB©Q>r (AmoAmB©AmaS>rEg) Message of Hon’ble Secretary, MoP&NG 7
OIL Hospital, Duliajan
Text nmR> Am°¶b hmpñnQ>b, Xþ{b¶mOmZ Messages of OIL Management 8-13
English: Rahul Karmakar A§J«oOr: amhþb H$‘m©H$a Neture Beckons
Hindi: Dinkar Kumar qhXr: {XZH$a Hw$‘ma ZoMa ~oH$Zg² The OIL Story 14
Assam Tourism Development Corporation (ATDC)
Ag‘ Q>çw[aO‘ S>odobn‘|Q> H$m°nm}aoeZ (EQ>rS>rgr) Transforming Lives 20
Photo N>m`m{MÌ Sasoni Merbeel Eco Tourism Development
Wild Trail & Muse & Memories dÝ` joÌ Ed§ H${dËd Am¡a ñ‘¥{V`m§ Committee, Dibrugarh gmgZr ‘oadrb BH$mo Q>çw[aO‘ S>odobn‘|Q> H${‘[Q>, {S>~«wJ‹S> Healthcare Focus 24
Moran Blind School ‘moaZ ãbmB§S> ñHw$b Sustainable Livelihood 34
Photography Team ’$moQ>moJ«m’$s Xb
Himadri Bhuyan {h‘mÐr ^w`m± Gram Tarang J«m‘ Va§J Education Emphasis 50
Bhaskar J Kalita ^mñH$a Oo H${bVm
Gyanjyoti Foundation
Safdar Arif Ahmed g’$Xa Am[a’$ Ah‘X kmZÁ¶mo{V ’$mC§S>oeZ Skill and Capacity Building 82
Alakesh Sarma AbHo$e e‘m© Pragati Edutech
Arpan Kalita An©U H${bVm
àJ{V ESw>Q>oH$ Promoting Sports 92
Dhritiman Chakravarty Downtown Charitable Trust
Y¥{V‘mZ MH«$dVu S>mCZQ>mCZ M¡[aQ>odb Q´>ñQ> Mission Environment 100
Bikash Kalita {dH$mg H${bVm Mrinaljyoti Rehabilitation Centre & Various local,
‘«rZbÁ¶mo{V arA{dbQ>¡eZ g|Q>a Ed§> {d{^Þ ñWmZr¶, joÌr¶ Abling Differently-abled 112
regional and national sports organizations
Designed by {S>OmBZ Am¡a amñQ´>r¶ Iob g§JR>Z
Government Departments at State and National
Infrastructure Development 118
N communication, Kolkata (ncommunication@gmail.com) EZ Šå`y{ZHo$eZ, H$mobH$mVm (ncommunication@gmail.com) amÁ¶ Am¡a amñQ´>r¶ ñMa na gaH$mar {d^mJ
level. Promotion & Preservation of Art, Culture & Heritage 122
Printed at ‘wÐU
Pragati Offset, Hyderabad (www.pragati.com) àJ{V Am°’$goQ>, h¡Xam~mX (www.pragati.com) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 130
Smokeless Village Campaign 134

All Rights Reserved. No part (picture and text) of this book is authorised to be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without the prior written permission of Oil India Limited (oilindia@oilindia.in).
Inspiring Initiatives
Led by the visionary leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, the Government of India has rolled out several significant initiatives with special
focus on the youth, women and girl child, unemployed and marginalised. Flagship projects like Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY),
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana
LPG connection scheme, Swachh Bharat Mission, Digital India, Make in India and Give it up (LPG subsidy) campaigns have ushered in new hope,
opportunities and possibilities for all round development of India and her citizens. The government has in recent years have introduced insurance
schemes like crop insurance for farmers, Atal Pension Yojana for the unorganised sector, affordable health insurance coverage, and the Jan
Aushadhi Yojana for retail sales of generic drugs. In addition, the government has re-launched Kisan Vikas Patra and introduced a PPF-equivalent
for girl child, the Sukanya Samriddhi Schemes.

Inspired by the several welfare schemes launched by the Government of India, Oil India Limited as a responsible PSU has made sincere efforts
in integrating the focus areas of the Government while designing the CSR projects of the Company. OIL’s CSR projects like Swabalamban for
placement linked skill and capacity building keeps in perspective the emphasis laid by the Hob’ble Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi in skilling
India’s youth. Noting that India will have a surplus manpower of 4 to 5 crore over the next decade, Hon ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi
emphasized the need to provide this youthful manpower with skills and ability to tackle global challenges.

This nation, our Government, our systems... Swachh Bharat Mission is another very significant campaign launched by The Government of India where Oil India Limited has participated in a
major way. It is India's largest ever cleanliness drive with 3 million government employees, and especially school and college students from all
they are all for the poor. Our aim is to empower
parts of India, participating in the campaign. The objectives of Swachh Bharat are to reduce or eliminate open defecation through construction of
the poor to fight poverty. We have shown how individual, cluster and community toilets.

the petroleum sector is for the poor. Through the pages of this CSR Coffee Table book, an attempt has been made to showcase the various flagship CSR projects and initiatives
of Oil India Limited. OIL’s CSR projects have been designed and implemented keeping in perspective the needs of the beneficiaries based on
comprehensive need assessment studies and to compliment the major welfare programs launched by Government of India.

Shri Narendra Modi

Prime Minister of India
Hydrocarbon Vision 2030 for North East is a step towards
benefiting the people of north east through a focused and time-
bound road map for developing the hydrocarbon potential of the
region enabling economic and social development. This document
has been developed based on inputs received from all stakeholders
namely oil and gas companies, state governments, ministries,
individuals, consultants etc. and hence is a document which is
based on ground realities and available possibilities.

The various initiatives, proposed under the vision document, will

warrant investment to the tune to Rs. 1.3 lakh crore in the north
east. The investment in upstream, midstream and downstream
segments of the Oil & Gas value chain is likely to be around
Rs. 80,000 crore, Rs. 20,000 crore and Rs. 30,000 crore respectively.
The resourcefulness along with investment, so proposed, is likely to
aid the overall development of the region.

Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon’ble Minister of State (IC), Petroleum & Natural Gas, Govt. of India inaugurating the 20 Mega Watt Gas based Power Plant at OIL, Duliajan – OIL’s commitment to clean energy!
Message from Hon’ble Petroleum Minister Message from Secretary, MoP&NG

amÁ¶‘§Ìr (ñdV§Ì à^ma) H${nb Xod {ÌnmR>r ^maV gaH$ma

noQ´>mo{b¶‘ Am¡a àmH¥${VH$ J¡g g{Md noQ´>mo{b¶‘ Am¡a àmH¥${VH$ J¡g ‘§Ìmb¶
^maV gaH$ma emñÌr ^dZ, ZB© {X„r - 110 001
ZB© {Xëbr-110 001 SECRETARY Government of India
MINISTER OF STATE (I/C) Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Tel: 011-23383501, 011-23383562
NEW DELHI – 110 001 Fax: 011-23070723
E-mail: sec.png@nic.in

Message Message

India is on a growth path and is well poised to become a global economic superpower in the near future. It is recognized as one India is the first nation in the world to mandate Corporate Social Responsibility by Law and has thus taken a lead in this direction.
of the leading developing nations, as well as one of the strongest emerging economies in the world, today. At the same time, The passage of the Companies Act, 2013 with Section 135 & Schedule VII within its ambit, has marked a major milestone in this
India is a country where there exist large disparities in the income levels among different strata of the society. regard. The coming of the Companies Act, 2013 has brought many corporates on board the CSR wagon, even those who have
hitherto not carried out socially / environmentally conscious efforts in this regard. This has also marked a major shift in the way
The Government of India has been working tirelessly towards bridging this gap and making the growth story of India more
CSR was being perceived in India and globally; instead of merely being a philanthropic exercise, CSR activities of a company have
holistic and inclusive. But, this is a task which the Government alone cannot accomplish without the active support from the
now assumed the shape of well-planned and time bound projects.
powerhouse of the Indian economy, i.e. the business corporations of the country. It is these corporations, both public and private,
which drive the economic growth of India and are responsible for much of India’s economic prowess. The Public Sector Enterprises engaged in the oil & gas sector in the country have been leading the way on the CSR front and Oil
Corporate Social Responsibility is that tool through which these corporations contribute towards achieving the national goals of India Limited is no exception to this. Oil India Limited has been practicing CSR since its very inception in and around its operational
equitable development and progress for all. Many corporations in India have been carrying out the work of social development areas in Assam which has been extended further to its operational areas in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan
voluntarily over the years and many more have come on board owing to the recent law on the subject. and Andhra Pradesh. The Company’s CSR efforts cut across major areas of intervention suggested in the Companies Act, 2013
and are laudable from this perspective as well.
It gives me a great sense of pride in noting that Oil India Limited, a Navratna PSU, is one of the few Indian companies which
have been carrying out social welfare activities in and around their operational areas since the time of inception. The company’s This Coffee Table Book on the CSR activities of the Company brings to surface the key role played by the Company’s CSR
CSR initiatives have been transforming the lives of local communities and have been growing from strength to strength over the activities in contributing towards nation building. I am confident that Oil India Limited will continue its journey towards bringing
years. These have been captured in their true element in this Coffee Table publication. about smiles and satisfaction to the people in and around its areas of operations and will carry on the excellent work it has been
doing in changing the lives of individuals and communities at large.
I take this opportunity to convey my best wishes to Oil India Limited to keep up the good work and to carry on strengthening its
CSR portfolio, so as to continue contributing towards nation building and setting benchmarks for others to follow suit.

(K.D. Tripathi)

(Dharmendra Pradhan)
2 3
Message from Chairman & Managing Director Message from Director (Finance)

It gives me immense pleasure to bring to you the CSR Coffee Table Book of Oil India Limited, the second largest National E&P India has held her head high amidst the global quest of nations for supremacy in the 21st century. The country has come a long
Company in India & a 'Navratna' PSU under the aegis of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India. The way in the seven decades since its Independence and seen remarkable levels of growth, economic prowess and prosperity.
Company since inception has had a rich legacy of contributing to the societal welfare of local communities in and around its Yet, India is a land of great paradoxes and polarities. It is a land where population-resource inequities force a large part of the

areas of operations, much before the buzzwords of "CSR" and" Sustainability" came in to the industry parlance. population to be out of the mainstream. We still have a long way to go. The country is faced with a multitude of challenges today,
one of most important of which is ensuring a balanced, equitable and sustainable development for all citizens of the country;
Over the last five and a half decades, the social welfare activities of the Company have undergone a transformative change. across geographical regions and throughout the social fabric.
Various projects and programmes under these heads are designed and oriented from the perspective of ushering in equitable
We at Oil India Limited believe that it is contingent upon the Indian industry to supplement the efforts of the Central and
growth in some of the remotest part of the country, especially the North Eastern region where the Company has been carrying
State Governments in this regard. Of course, the role of multilateral agencies, NGOs, the Media and the Civil Society, is very
out hydrocarbon exploration activities over the last five decades.
significant and we can only move ahead through a concerted and collaborative effort from all these key stakeholders. But, here

Today India stands at a critical juncture in its quest from becoming a developing economy to a developing nation. That is I would like to restrict myself on focussing on the role and responsibility of Oil India Limited, as a Corporate Citizen and as a
Navratna PSU.
possible only with the collaborative effort of the Government, PSUs, Private Sector, NGOs and Civil Society, so as to craft a truly
sustainable future for the country and the widening divide between the privileged and the underprivileged, or between Bharat
In this regard, I would not be exaggerating if I said that Oil India Limited has been one of the select Indian companies which
and India, be bridged. have been voluntarily doing social welfare activities in and around their operational areas since they came into existence; CSR
is embedded in our DNA. Over the years we have held on to the belief that doing good for the society and the community
The Company is committed to fulfil its role of a responsible corporate citizen and showcase the highest levels of Corporate Ethics
makes good business sense too, which is amply reflected in the fact that the Social Vision of our Company is embedded in its
and Stewardship, by staying on course of its focus on balancing the 3 pillars of its triple bottom line, i.e. Societal, Environmental
Business Vision.
and the Economic performance. This Coffee Table Book is a small but significant effort from our part towards showcasing some
of the CSR interventions of the Company, which adhere to the best practices in the domain across the world. We hope that the Through its CSR initiatives, Oil India Limited has been enhancing the quality of life of people from marginalised and vulnerable
Book will provide a glimpse of the Company's quest towards channelizing CSR as an enabler of holistic growth for the nation. We communities in and around its areas of operations and has been maximising the societal value for all its stakeholders.
would request you, the reader, to kindly go through the book in detail and post us your insights.
This Coffee Table Book covers these CSR initiatives and highlights the impact they have created towards enriching the lives
With Best Wishes, of the weaker and underprivileged sections of the society. I hope that the book is a good read and is insightful and exemplary
for persons from different walks of life, including Government Officials and CSR & Development Sector practitioners in India
and abroad.

(Utpal Bora)
With Warm Wishes,

(R.S. Borah)

4 5
Message from Director (Human Resourses & Business Development) Message from Director (Operations)

In the globalised world of the 21st century, where every country is vying to make its presence felt in the international arena, India It gives me immense pleasure to write my views in this significant publication on Oil India Limited’s Corporate Social Responsibility
has managed to carve out a niche for itself over the last few years. At Oil India Limited, it is our aim to contribute our bit for (CSR).This Book is meant to take the readers in to the realm of implementation of CSR at the ground level and help them come
achieving the Nation’s social and developmental goals in the short, medium and long term and help India build a sustainable, face to face with the Company’s efforts towards ushering in social development, from the ground up, in primarily rural & under-
equitable and financially strong future for itself. developed parts of the country, where it operates.

This Coffee Table Book has been written from the perspective of capturing the essence of the CSR initiatives of Oil India Limited, The core business activities of Oil India Limited include the exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbons. Over the
which are positioned from the ethos of bringing about meaningful change in the lives of the people in and around the operational years, the Company has been carrying out its business with focus on technological excellence & process efficiency, in its quest
areas of the Company; particularly in the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh, where towards contributing to the ever-increasing energy needs of the Country. That said, the Company has strived conscientiously
the majority of the Company’s operations exist. towards bringing its Corporate Social Responsibility at the same level of significance as its core business activities; thereby
mainstreaming the CSR initiatives to achieve a balance in its triple bottom-line.
Oil India Limited’s CSR portfolio cuts across the domains of healthcare, environment & biodiversity conservation, sanitation, rural
infrastructure augmentation, promotion of sports in rural areas, women empowerment and rural development; and has been Oil India Limited recognises the fact that its performance on the social and environmental axes of the triple bottom-line, have
ongoing from a number of years and growing from strength to strength. Each year, new interventions are added/ capacity of the a direct correlation on its reputation and image among its stakeholders. With sustained and well planned CSR interventions in
existing ones enhanced, with the objective of bringing in transformations in the lives of an increased number of beneficiaries and around its areas of operations in India, Oil India Limited has come to be recognised truly, as a people’s company. Today, the
from the underprivileged sections of the society. organisation enjoys a highly favourable goodwill and reputation among its key stakeholders, including the local communities
living in the areas where it operates.
Moving forward, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to Sri Utpal Bora, Chairman & Managing Director,
Oil India Limited for his guidance and leadership on matters pertaining to the function of CSR and Sustainable Development in It is also noteworthy, that Oil India Limited’s CSR interventions are closely linked with its sustainability performance, wherein the

the Company and during the course of preparation of this book. I would also like to thank my colleagues on the Board of Oil India Company strives to be an exemplary performer through its environmental and societal stewardship. Under its CSR, the Company

Limited for their guidance and support extended towards the CSR activities of the Company in general and specifically towards has interventions spanning across almost all the areas highlighted in the Companies’ Act 2013. From Healthcare & Education, to

preparation of this Book. Furthermore, I would also like to communicate my deep appreciation for the entire team of the Public Sanitation, to Rural Development, etc.,over time, the Company’s initiatives have had a transformational impact and have left an

Affairs Department (which is responsible for implementation of CSR in the Company), for their continued efforts in working indelible mark on the lives of the local people, living in and around its areas of operations.

towards making Oil India Limited’s CSR interventions impactful and for bringing out this very significant publication.
As the Company continues to forge ahead in its efforts of bridging the gap of economic & developmental disparity in its operational
areas, this Coffee Table Book comes at an apt moment in time; helping the stakeholders understand the efforts made by Oil India
To conclude, I hope that this Book will provide meaningful insights in the CSR interventions of the Company, which have been
Limited, while also working as a mirror for the Company to learn from the past and prepare for the battles ahead.
instrumental in making a change in the lives of the marginalised, underprivileged and underserved sections of the society.

I am sure that you would find this Book insightful and informative, and that it will make for an interesting reading.
With Best Regards,
With Best Wishes,

(Biswajit Roy)
(P. K. Sharma)
6 7
Message from Director (Exploration & Development ) Message from Resident Chief Executive

Corporate Social Responsibility is arguably one of the most commonly used buzzwords in the Industry and the Development For Oil lndia Limited, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has always been an integral part of the Company's vision much
Sector parlance in this century. The term has assumed enormous significance in India, after it was made in to a law in 2013, with before CSR became a mandated actionable area for corporate houses.
the passage of the Companies’ Act, 2013; and thereby it became mandatory for large and mid-sized profit making companies to
spend a minimum stipulated percentage of profits on CSR projects. Since the Company's inception after the discovery of lndependent lndia's first Oil Well in Naharkatiya in 1953, the
pioneering fathers of the company laid great emphasis on contributing towards community development in and around the
It gives me immense happiness to acknowledge the fact that Oil India Limited is bringing out this Coffee Table Book on its CSR operational areas.
initiatives; especially from the perspective that the Company has been carrying out social development related initiatives in
and around its operational areas throughout its long-standing and glorious history. Oil India Limited has laid equal emphasis With such a cherished legacy, OIL management took up various ambitious CSR projects which today encompass diverse areas
on achieving operational excellence as a leading E&P player in the country, and in being a responsible corporate citizen. The like health, education, skill building, livelihood generation, sports, development of rural infrastructure, women empowerment and
Company’s stewardship in the CSR arena is exemplary and serves as a beacon of light for the local communities in the remote various other meaningful interventions that are designed to achieve inclusive growth in the operational areas.
parts of North East India.
The Company has impacted the operational areas in upper Assam, which continues to be the most prolific area in terms of
The Oil & Gas industry, world over, has a significant impact on the environment and the society, and therefore it is of critical production of crude oil & natural gas in diverse ways. The focus always has been on implementing innovative community
importance that organisations mitigate the environmental and societal risks of their operations through pro-active and development projects that helps in creating avenues for self employment and livelihood generation and general well being of the
consciously designed interventions, keeping environmental preservation and social development at the centre of their way of local populace.
doing business. At Oil India Limited, it has been our unending quest, to contribute our bit towards making the lives of people living
in and around our operational areas, better with each passing year, and ensuring environmental preservation in and around our I am sure the CSR Coffee Table Book will go a long way in showcasing the efforts of the Company in a befitting manner for

operational areas. posterity, eloquently reflecting why OIL always projects itself as a "People's Company."

This Coffee Table Book sheds light on and takes the reader inside the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of Oil India With Best Wishes,

Limited. It brings to fore, the incredible difference brought to the lives of people living in far-flung areas of the North East, in
particular, through the myriad projects and programmes of the Company, which are designed to have a meaningful, sustained,
and transformational effect on the lives of people living in and around the areas in which Oil India Limited carries out its operations. (B. P. Sarma)

I trust that this book would add value to its erudite readers, and that the contents would serve as case studies for ready reference
for domain practitioners. We would also appreciate honest feedback from our readers, which would help us reflect, and improve
and strengthen our interventions in the future.

With Kind Regards,

(Dr. P. Chandrasekaran)
8 9
THE STORY of Oil India Limited (OIL) traces and symbolises Am°`b B§{S>`m {b{‘Q>oS> H$s H$hmZr Xoe Ho$ gwXya nyd© ‘| ^maVr` noQ´mo{b`‘
the development and growth of the Indian petroleum CÚmoJ H$s CÝZ{V Am¡a {dH$mg H$m àVrH$ h¡& df© 1889 ‘| {S>J~moB©, Ag‘
industry from the country’s far-east. From the discovery of ‘| H$ÀMo Vob H$s ImoO go boH$a EH$ nyU© EH$sH¥$V AnñQ´r‘ noQ´mo{b`‘
crude oil at Digboi, Assam in 1889 to its present status as
H§$nZr Ho$ ê$n ‘| ‘m¡OyXm XOm© àmßV H$aZo VH$ Am°`b (OIL) Zo ‘rbm| H$m
a fully integrated upstream petroleum company, OIL has
g’$a V` {H$`m h¡&
crossed many a milestone.
^maV Ho$ nydm}ËVa ‘| ZmhaH${Q>`m Am¡a ‘moamZ Ho$ ZE ImoOo JE Vob joÌm|
On February 18, 1959, Oil India Private Limited was
H$m {dñVma Am¡a {dH$mg H$aZo Ho$ {bE 18 ’$adar, 1959 H$mo Am°`b B§{S>`m
incorporated to expand and develop the newly-discovered
àmBdoQ> {b{‘Q>oS> H$m CX` hþAm& df© 1961 ‘| `h ^maV gaH$ma VWm ~‘m©
oilfields of Naharkatiya and Moran in India’s North East.
Am°`b H§$nZr {b{‘Q>oS>, `y. Ho$. H$s EH$ g§`wŠV CÚ‘ H§$nZr ~Z JB©&
In 1961, it became a joint venture company between the
Indian Government and Burmah Oil Company Limited, UK.
df© 1981 ‘|, Am°`b ^maV gaH$ma Ho$ nyU© ñdm{‘Ëd dmbm CÚ‘ ~Z J`m&
In 1981, OIL became a wholly-owned Government of dV©‘mZ ‘| Am°`b EH$ à‘wI ^maVr` Vob H§$nZr h¡ Omo H$ÀMo Vob Am¡a
India enterprise. Today, OIL is a premier Indian National àmH¥${VH$ J¡g H$m AÝdofU, {dH$mg, CËnmXZ VWm n[adhZ H$aVr h¡, gmW
Oil Company engaged in the business of exploration, hr EbnrOr CËnmXZ Ho$ ì`dgm` ‘| ^r h¡& Am°`b AÝdofU Am¡a CËnmXZ
development, production and transportation of crude oil go g§~§{YV {d{^ÝZ godmE§ ^r CnbãY H$amVm h¡ Am¡a BgH$s Zw‘mbrJ‹T>
and natural gas, and production of LPG. OIL also provides [a’$mBZar {b{‘Q>oS> ‘| 26% H$s {hñgoXmar h¡&
various Exploration and Production related services and
holds 26% equity in Numaligarh Refinery Limited. Am°`b Ho$ nmg AnZo AÝdofU Am¡a CËnmXZ J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ {bE EH$
bmI dJ© {H$.‘r. go A{YH$ nrB©Eb / E‘Eb joÌ h¢, Bg‘| go A{YH$m§e
OIL has over 1 lakh sq km of PEL/ML areas for its exploration nydm}Îma ‘| h¡, Ohm± go BgHo$ g§nyU© H$ÀMo Vob H$m CËnmXZ VWm A{YH$m§e
and production activities, most of it in the North East, which J¡g CËnmXZ hmoVm h¡& Am°`b H$m AÝ` CËnmXZ joÌ amOñWmZ h¡ Omo Hw$b
accounts for its entire crude oil production and majority of
J¡g CËnmXZ ‘| 10% H$m `moJXmZ XoVm h¡&
gas production. Rajasthan is the other producing area of
OIL, contributing 10% of its total gas production.

OIL’s exploration activities are spread over onshore areas Am°`b H$s AÝdofU J{V{d{Y`m§ J§Jm KmQ>r Am¡a ‘hmZXr Ho$ VQ>r` joÌm|
of Ganga Valley and Mahanadi too. The company has ‘| ^r ’¡$br hþB© h¢& H§$nZr Ho$ ‘hmZXr AnVQ>, ‘w§~B© S>rndm°Q>a, H¥$îUm
also participating interest in NELP exploration blocks in JmoXmdar S>rndm°Q>a Am{X Ho$ EZB©Ebnr (NELP) AÝdofU ãbm°H$m| Ho$
Mahanadi Offshore, Mumbai Deepwater, Krishna Godavari A{V[aº$ br{~`m, Jo~m°Z, A‘o[aH$m, doZoOwEbm, `‘Z, ‘moOmpå~H$, ê$g,
Deepwater, etc. as well as various overseas projects in
å`m§‘ma, ZmBOr[a`m Am¡a gwS>mZ Ho$ {d{^ÝZ {dXoer n[a`moOZmE§ ‘| ^r
Libya, Gabon, USA, Venezuela, Yemen, Mozambique,
^mJrXmar {hV h¡&
Russia, Myanmar, Nigeria and Sudan.

hmb hr ‘| hþE grAmaAmB©EgAmB©Eb-B§{S>`m Qw>S>o gd}jU ‘|, Am°`b H$mo

In a recent CRISIL-India Today survey, OIL was adjudged
Xoe H$s nm§M CËH¥$îQ> à‘wI nrEg`y ‘| go EH$ VWm VrZ CËH¥$îQ> D$Om© joÌ
as one of the five best major PSUs and one of the three
nrEg`y ‘| go EH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘| MwZm J`m Wm&
best energy sector PSUs in the country.

FOR OIL, social welfare is not only an expression of goodwill but a responsibility
towards nation-building and ensuring inclusive growth of the stakeholders. The
belief in innovating newer ways for a better society has made the company
invest in technology with a human face, and undertake massive educational,
health, sports, cultural and infrastructure development programmes. A “People’s
Company”, OIL has become a household name in the oil-rich districts of
Dibrugarh, Tinsukia and Charaideo of Assam. Outlined here are some of the
major CSR initiatives in OIL’s operational areas in North East India.

Am°`b Ho$ {bE, gm‘m{OH$ H$ë`mU Z Ho$db gØmdZm H$s A{^ì`pŠV h¡, ~pëH$ amîQ´ {Z‘m©U Ho$ {bE
EH$ {Oå‘oXmar ^r h¡, VWm gmW hr `h eo`aYmaH$m| H$m g‘J« {dH$mg gw{ZpíMV H$aVr h¡& ~ohVa
g‘mO Ho$ {bE ZE-ZE VarH$m| H$s ImoO Zo H§$nZr H$mo ‘mZdr` nj H$mo Ü`mZ ‘| aIVo hþE àm¡Úmo{JH$s
‘| {Zdoe H$aZo, VWm ì`mnH$ e¡{jH$, ñdmñÏ`, IobHy$X, gm§ñH¥${VH$ Am¡a Adg§aMZm {dH$mg H$m`©H«$‘
ewê$ H$aZo Ho$ {bE ào[aV {H$`m h¡& EH$ ""OZ H§$nZr'' Ho$ ê$n ‘| Am°`b, Ag‘ Ho$ Vob g§nÝZ {Obm|-
{S>~«yJ‹T>, {VZgw{H$`m Am¡a MamB©Xod ‘| EH$ OmZm nhMmZm Zm‘ ~Z J`m h¡& nydm}ËVa ^maV ‘| Am°`b
Ho$ àMmbZ joÌm| ‘| MbmB© Om ahr Hw$N> à‘wI grEgAma nhbm| Ho$ ~mao ‘| `hm± C„oI {H$`m J`m h¡…

22 23
Project OIL Sparsha, a mobile dispensary service and n[a`moOZm Am°`b ñne©, EH$ Mb Am¡fYmb` godm h¡ VWm n[a`moOZm Am°`b
Project OIL Arogya for reduction of infant mortality Amamo½` {eew ‘¥Ë`w Xa (AmB©E‘Ama) Am¡a ‘mV¥ ‘¥Ë`w Xa (E‘E‘Ama) H$mo
rate (IMR) and maternity mortality rate (MMR) covers H$‘ H$aZo Ho$ {bE h¡, Omo D$nar Ag‘ Ho$ àMmbZ joÌm| VWm AéUmMb
OIL’s operational areas of Upper Assam and Miao and
àXoe Ho$ {‘`mAmo Am¡a ‘mZm^y‘ joÌ ‘| MbmB© Om ahr h¡&
Manabhum areas of Arunachal Pradesh.

Project OIL Sparsha
Started in early 1980s with in-house doctors of OIL Hospital, currently the
project is implemented in partnership with St. Luke’s (Tinsukia and Chabua), a
charitable hospital and Piramal Swasthya, a Pan-India NGO, in remote places
of OIL’s operational areas in Upper Assam and Arunachal Pradesh where
access to primary healthcare is a challenge. Annually, around 1,700 village
health camps are conducted under project OIL Sparsha, providing primary
healthcare to over 2.50 lakh people.

n[a`moOZm Am°¶b ñne©

Am°`b AñnVmb Ho$ {ZOr S>m°ŠQ>am| Ûmam 1980 H$s ewéAmV ‘| ewê$ H$s J`r `h n[a`moOZm dV©‘mZ
‘| Y‘m©W© AñnVmb, g|Q> ë`yH$ ({VZgw{H$`m Am¡a M~wAm) VWm ApIb-^maVr` EZOrAmo, {nam‘b
ñdmñÏ` Ho$ gmW gmPoXmar ‘| D$nar Ag‘ VWm AéUmMb àXoe Ho$ Am°`b àMmbZ joÌm| Ho$ Xya-
XamO Ho$ CZ joÌm| ‘| H$m`m©pÝdV h¡ Ohm§ àmW{‘H$ ñdmñÏ` XoI^mb H$s CnbãYVm EH$ MwZm¡Vr
h¡& à{V df©, bJ^J 1,700 J«m‘ ñdmñÏ` {e{da n[a`moOZm Am°`b ñne© Ho$ VhV Am`mo{OV
H$s OmVr h¢, {Og‘| 2.50 bmI go A{YH$ bmoJm| H$mo àmW{‘H$ ñdmñÏ` godm àXmZ H$s OmVr h¡&

28 29
Project OIL Arogya
Implemented in 20 villages of OIL’s operational areas of Upper Assam for reduction of
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) & Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), in partnership with IL&FS
Education & Technology Services (IETS), the project includes pre-natal and post-natal
health check-up camps sensitising women on maternal & child health and benefits
of institutional delivery, tracking & counselling of pregnant women, immunisation
of babies & pregnant women, training & awareness on community health for better
hygiene, sanitation & family planning. Since 2014-15 till 2016-17 fiscal, pre-natal & post-
natal health check-up camps were conducted in 20 villages screening around 3,500
women & children, 3,918 babies (0-5 yrs) were immunised, provided training to 866
women on community health, 831 ANC/PNC women and 590 children (0-5yrs) were
tracked, 3,080 home visits were carried out benefitting 1,378 women and baby care gift
pack given to 80 women who went for institutional delivery. In addition, a total of 1,275
adolescent girl students of four girls’ schools, adopted by OIL, were provided counselling
on menstrual hygiene, family planning, STDs and HIV/AIDS besides gynaecological and
anaemia tests.

n[a`moOZm Am°`b Amamo½`

n[a`moOZm Am°`b Amamo½`d: AmB©Eb E§S> E’$Eg {ejm Ed§ àm¡Úmo{JH$s godmAm| (AmB©B©Q>rEg) Ho$ gh`moJ go
{eew ‘¥Ë`w Xa (AmB©E‘Ama) Am¡a ‘mV¥ ‘¥Ë`wm¡ Xa (E‘E‘Ama) H$mo H$‘ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Am°`b àMmbZ joÌm|
Ho$ 20 Jm§dm| ‘| H$m`m©pÝdV Bg n[a`moOZm ‘| àgd-nyd© Am¡a àgd-nümV ñdmZñæ`mo Om§M {e{da, ‘{hbmAm|
H$mo ‘mV¥ VWm {eew ñdmH$ñæEb Ho$ ~mao ‘| VWm g§ñWmJV àgd Ho$ bm^m| Ho$ ~mao ‘| OmZH$mar XoZm, J^©dVr
‘{hbmAm| H$s {ZJamZr VWm nam‘e©, ~ƒm|§ VWm J^©dVr ‘{hbmAm| H$m Q>rH$mH$aU, ~ohVa gm’$-g’$mB©,
ñdbÀN>ZVm Am¡a n[adma {Z`moOZ Ho$ {bE gm‘wXm{`H$ ñdmñ϶ ‘| à{ejU XoZm VWm OmJê$H$ H$aZm em{‘b
h¡& {dÎmrJ` df© 2014-15 go 2016-17 VH$, 20 Jm§dm| ‘| àgd-nyd© Am¡a àgd-nümV ñdmñ϶ Om§M {e{da
Am`mo{OV {H$`o J`o {Og‘| bJ^J 3,500 ‘{hbmAm| VWm ~ƒm| H$s Om§M H$s JB©, 3,918 {eewAm| (0-5
df©) H$m Q>rH$mH$aU {H$`m J`m, 866 ‘{hbmAm| H$mo gm‘wXm{`H$ ñdmñÏ` na à{ejU àXmZ {H$`m J`m, 831
EEZgr/nrEZgr ‘{hbmAm| VWm 590 ~ƒm| (0-5 df©) H$s {ZJamZr H$s J`r, 3080 Kam| Ho$ Xm¡am| go 1,378
‘{hbmAm| Zo bm^ CR>m`m Am¡a AñnJVmb ‘| àgd H$amZo dmbr 80 ‘{hbmAm| H$mo {eew XoI^mb {JâQ> n¡H$
{XE JE& BgHo$ A{V[aº$, Am°`b Ûmam A§JrH¥$V Mma ~m{bH$m {dÚmb`m| H$s Hw$b 1,275 {H$emo[a`m| H$mo ór-
amoJ d EZr{‘`m narjUm| Ho$ Abmdm ‘m{gH$ Y‘© ñdÀN>Vm, n[adma {Z`moOZ, EgQ>rS>r Am¡a EMAmB©dr g§~§Yr
OmZH$mar Xr JB©&

30 31
Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB
OIL became the first Indian PSU to partner the Switzerland-based Global Fund for combating
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in OIL’s operational areas of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
Mizoram, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan for five years. Implemented by IETS, under project
OIL Arogya, the program had conducted health camps, carried out community sensitization
through various tools of behaviour change communication like street plays, display of
hoardings, filming of documentaries, distribution of leaflets and individual counselling.
Since 2014-15 till 2016-17 fiscal, in Assam and Rajasthan a total of 28 health camps were
conducted wherein 5,262 pregnant women and others were screened and tested for HIV/
AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

EMAmB©dr / ES²g, ‘bo[a`m Am¡a Vno{XH$ amoH$Wm‘

Am°`b Ag‘, AéUmMb àXoe, {‘Omoa‘, Am§Y« àXoe Am¡a amOñWmZ pñWV AnZo àMmbZ joÌm| ‘| EMAmB©dr/ ES²g,
Vno{XH$ Am¡a ‘bo[a`m Ho$ amoH$Wm‘ Ho$ {bE ñdrOab¡ÊS> pñWV ½bmo~b ’§$S> Ho$ gmW nm§M dfm] Ho$ {bE gh^mJrVm
H$aZo dmbm nhbm ^maVr` nrEg`y ~Z J`m h¡& AmB©B©Q>rEg Ûmam H$m`m©pÝdV Am°`b H$s Amamo½` n[a`moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V
ñdmñÏ` {e{dam| Ho$ Am`moOZ Ho$ gmW hr g‘wXm` H$s g§doXZm H$mo OmJ¥V H$aZ| Ho$ {bE ì`dhma n[ad{V©V H$aZo ‘|
gj‘ {d{^Þ g§dmX ‘mÜ`‘m| O¡go- Zw¸$‹S> ZmQ>H$, hmo{Sª>J H$m àXe©Z, d¥Îm{MÌm| H$m {’$ë‘m§H$Z, nÌH$ {dVaU Am¡a
ì`{º$JV nam‘e© {H$`m J`m& df© 2014-15 go 2016-17 VH$ Ag‘ VWm amOñWmZ ‘| Hw$b 28 ñdmñÏ` {e{da
Am`mo{OV {H$E JE {OZ‘| 5,262 J^©dVr ‘{hbmE§ Am¡a AÝ` bmoJm| H$m EMAmB©dr / ES²g, Q>r~r Am¡a ‘bo[a`m H$s
Om§M VWm CnMma {H$`m J`m&

32 33
Oil India Rural Development Society (OIRDS)
Registered under Society Registration Act XXXI of 1860,
OIRDS is one of the foremost social welfare projects of
OIL conceived with the principle objective of promoting
sustainable growth of rural economy and welfare of
rural people especially the unemployed youth of OIL’s
operational areas of Upper Assam. The society, guided
by a Board of Directors comprises of senior OIL officers,
agriculture experts from Assam Agriculture University
(AAU) and informed locals, envisages developing the
existing skills of the beneficiaries through handholding and
training providing knowledge of science and technology,
financial aid, and other knowhow. OIRDS focusses on two
core areas.

Am°`b B§{S>`m J«m‘rU {dH$mg g{‘{V (AmoAmB©AmaS>rEg)

J«m‘rU AW©ì`dñWm Ho$ {dH$mg H$mo ñWm{`Ëd XoZo VWm J«m‘rUm| Ho$ H$ë`mU,
{deof ê$n go D$nar Ag‘ Ho$ àMmbZ joÌm| Ho$ ~oamoOJma `wdmAm| H$mo
àmoËgm{hV H$aZo Ho$ ‘yb CÔoí` Ho$ gmW, gmogmBQ>r a{OñQ´oeZ EŠQ> XXXI,
1860 Ho$ VhV n§OrH¥$V Am°`b B§{S>`m J«m‘rU {dH$mg g{‘{V, Am°`b H$s
à‘wI gm‘m{OH$ H$ë`mU `moOZmAm| ‘| go EH$ h¡& {ZXoeH$ ‘ÊS>b Ûmam
‘mJ©X{e©V gmogm`Q>r ‘| d[aîR> Am°`b A{YH$mar, Ag‘ H¥${f {díd{dÚmb`
Ho$ H¥${f {deofk VWm ñWmZr` {deofk em{‘b {H$E JE h¢, {OZHo$ Ûmam
h|S>hmopëS§>J VWm à{ejU Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go bm^m{W©`m| Ho$ ‘m¡OyXm H$m¡eb
H$mo {dH${gV H$aZo, {dkmZ Am¡a àm¡Úmo{JH$s H$s OmZH$mar XoZo, {dËVr`
ghm`Vm CnbãY H$amZo VWm J«m‘rU bmoJm| H$mo AÝ` OmZH$mar CnbãY
H$amZo H$m H$m‘ {H$`m OmVm h¡& Am°`b B§{S>`m J«m‘rU {dH$mg g{‘{V Xmo
à‘wI joÌm| na Ü`mZ XoVr h¡&

Agriculture Project H¥${f n[a`moOZm
Started in the year 1991, the project entails introduction of df© 1991 ‘| ewê$ H$s J`r, Bg n[a`moOZm ‘| Ag‘ H¥${f {d^mJ Ho$ {deofk
modern methods of cultivation for maximizing farm yield by VWm Ag‘ H¥${f {dœ{dÚmb` Ûmam Cƒ JwUdÎmm dmbo {H$ñ‘ Ho$ ~rO, O¡d
extending in-field training by experts from Assam Agriculture ImX, IoVr Ho$ CnH$aU d Am¡Oma àXmZ H$a, IoV ‘| hr à{ejU Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘
Department and AAU providing high yield variety seeds,
go IoVr Ho$ n¡Xmda H$mo ~‹T>mZo Ho$ {bE H¥${f H$s AmYw{ZH$ nÕ{V`m| H$s nhMmZ
organic manure, farming tools and implements. The patterns
H$amZo na ~b {X`m OmVm h¡& Á`mXmVa ’$gbm| Ho$ àH$ma gmbr Am¡a a~r h¢&
of crops are mostly Sali and Rabi. In the last two fiscal, 28 new
{nN>bo Xmo {dÎmr` dfm] ‘| Hw$b 3,505 ~rKm H¥${f^y{‘ dmbo 28 ZE Jm§dm| H$mo
villages were adopted covering 3,505 bighas of cultivation
AnZm`m J`m, {Oggo 2,191 {H$gmZ n[adma bm^mpÝdV hþE& df© 1991-92
benefitting 2,191 farm families. Since 1991-92 till 2016-
17, OIRDS has adopted 118 villages under various farmers’
go 2016-17 VH$, AmoAmBAmaS>rEg Zo {d{^Þ {H$gmZm| Ho$ g‘yh Ho$ VhV 118
collectives, covering around 17,221 farm families. Recently, Jm§dm| H$mo AnZm`m h¡, {Og‘| bJ^J 17,221 {H$gmZ n[adma em{‘b h¢& hmb
OIL has also signed MoU with AAU to promote integrated hr ‘|, Am°`b Zo Ag‘ H¥${f {dœ{dÚmb` Ho$ gmW EH$ g‘Pm¡Vm kmnZ na
farming in villages of OIL’s operational areas in Upper Assam. hñVmja {H$`m h¡ {Oggo H$s D$nar Ag‘ Ho$ Am°`b àMmbZ joÌm| Ho$ Jm§dm| ‘|
EH$sH¥$V H¥${f (Integrated Farming) H$mo ~‹T>mdm {X`m Om gHo$&

38 39
Handicraft Training and Production Centre (HTPC) hñV{eën à{ejU Am¡a CËnmXZ Ho$ÝÐ (EMQ>rnrgr)
Established in 1984 as OIL’s Silver Jubilee Year Project ‘{hbm gepŠVH$aU Ho$ {bE Am°`b H$s aOV O`§Vr df© n[a`moOZm Ho$
for women empowerment, HTPC is located in Duliajan, ê$n ‘| 1984 ‘| ñWm{nV, EMQ>rnrgr Xw{b`mOmZ, Ag‘ ‘| pñWV h¡& `h
Assam. The centre provides young girls/women nine- Ho$ÝÐ Zd`wd{V`m| / ‘{hbmAm| H$mo ~wZmB©, H$‹T>mB©, H$qQ>J d {gbmB© ‘|
month stipendiary training in knitting, embroidery, cutting,
ñd-amoOJma Ho$ Adgam| H$m g¥OZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Zm¡ ‘{hZm| H$m d¡V{ZH$
tailoring and weaving for generating self-employment
à{ejU àXmZ H$aVm h¡& à{ejU g’$bVmnyd©H$ nyam H$aZo dmbr ‘{hbmAm|
opportunities. The women who complete training
H$mo H$aKm, {gbmB© ‘erZ, YmJo Am{X CnbãY H$amE OmVo h¢& EMQ>rnrgr
successfully are provided looms, sewing machines, thread,
Zo A~ VH$ 900 go A{YH$ ‘{hbmAm| H$mo à{e{jV {H$`m h¡&
etc. HTPC has so far trained more than 900 women.

Project OIL Rupantar n[a`moOZm Am°`b ê$nm§Va
Growing unemployment, a major cause of social unrest, ~‹T>Vr ~oamoOJmar gm‘m{OH$ Aem§{V H$m EH$ à‘wI H$maU h¡, Omo Am°`b
threatens OIL’s long-term business goals. In its areas of Ho$ XrKm©d{Y Ho$ ì`dgm{`H$ bú`m| Ho$ {bE IVam n¡Xm H$aVm h¡& Am°`b
operation, OIL is seen as the only source of direct/indirect H$mo AnZo àMmbZ joÌm| ‘|, àË`j/ AàË`j amoOJma Ho$ EH$‘mÌ òmoV
employment. Committed to socio-economic development,
Ho$ ê$n ‘| XoIm OmVm h¡& gm‘m{OH$-Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Ho$ {bE à{V~Õ
OIL collaborated with State Institute of Rural Development
Am°`b Zo Ag‘ Ho$ amÁ` J«m‘rU {dH$mg g§ñWmZ (SIRD) Ho$ gh`moJ
(SIRD), Assam to launch Project OIL Rupantar
go df© 2003 ‘|, {deof ê$n go J«m‘rU ‘{hbmAm| Am¡a `wdmAm| Ho$ ‘Ü`,
(meaning transformation) in the year 2003 to overcome
àmW{‘H$, ‘mÜ`{‘H$ VWm V¥Vr`H$ joÌm| ‘| ñd amoOJma Ho$ Adga g¥{OV
unemployment especially amongst rural women and
H$aZo Ho$ gmW hr CÚ{‘Vm {dH$mg H$m`©H«$‘m| go Omo‹S>Zo Ho$ {bE àmoËgm{hV
youth by motivating them to engage in entrepreneurship
development programs exploring self employment
H$a, ~oamoOJmar go {ZnQ>Zo Ho$ {bE n[a`moOZm Am°`b ê$nm§Va H$s ewê$AmV
opportunities in the primary secondary and tertiary sectors. H$s& Bg n[a`moOZm Zo H¥${f-AmYm[aV CÚmoJm|, newnmbZ, aoe‘ H$sQ>-
The project has since encouraged many self-help groups nmbZ, ‘Ëñ` nmbZ, O¡{dH$ IoVr Am¡a hWH$aKm CËnmXm| Ho$ {d{dY
(SHGs)/joint liability groups (JLGs) to pursue agro-based H$m`m] H$mo H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$B© ñd-ghm`Vm g‘yhm| / g§`wº$ Xo`Vm g‘yhm|
industries, animal husbandry, sericulture, fishery, organic H$mo àmoËgm{hV {H$`m h¡& Xw{b`mOmZ pñWV AmñWm Zm‘H$ H«$` {dH«$`
farming and diversification of handloom products. Aastha, Ho$ÝÐ Zo ñd-ghm`Vm g‘yhm| H$s H«$` {dH«$` g§~§Yr Amdí`H$VmAm| ‘|
a marketing outlet in Duliajan adds value to the project by ghm`Vm àXmZ H$a Bg n[a`moOZm H$s Cn`mo{JVm H$mo Am¡a ^r ~‹T>m
providing support to the marketing needs of the SHGs. {X`m h¡& Xmohm ‘| {Xg§~a, 2011 ‘| Am`mo{OV {díd noQ´mo{b`‘ gå‘obZ
World Petroleum Congress held in Doha in December Zo n[a`moOZm Am°`b ê$nm§Va H$mo d¡pídH$ Vob Am¡a J¡g CÚmoJ Ûmam
2011 recognised Project OIL Rupantar as one of 12 best
12 CËH¥$îQ> grEgAma nhbm| ‘| go EH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘| ‘mÝ`Vm àXmZ H$s J`r,
CSR initiatives by the global oil and gas industry and
VWm Bgo gå‘obZ Ho$ EH$ ^mJ Ho$ ê$n ‘|, gm‘m{OH$ Xm{`Ëd dmbo EH$
showcased it in the Social Responsibility Global village, as
d¡pídH$ Jm§d ‘| àX{e©V {H$`m J`m&
part of the Congress.

42 43
Assistance to SHGs/JLGs EgEMOr / OoEbOr H$mo ghm`Vm
With infrastructural and other support from OIL, SIRD formed Am°`b go àmßV Adg§aMZmË‘H$ VWm AÝ` ghm`Vm go EgAmB©AmaS>r Zo
8,500 SHGs and JLGs since 2003. OIL exclusively formed df© 2003 Ho$ ~mX go 8,500 ñd-ghm`Vm g‘yh VWm g§`wŠV Xo`Vm g‘yh
2,450 SHGs/JLGs from 2008-09 to 2016-17, providing (OoEbOr) ~ZmE h¢& Am°`b Zo 2008-09 go 2016-17 VH$ 2,450 {d{eîQ>
farmers, women and youth – mostly in tea garden areas –
EgEMOr / OoEbOr g‘yh ~ZmE h¢ Omo ‘w»`V: Mm` ~JmZm| dmbo joÌm| ‘|
50% subsidy, other financial and material inputs. The last
{H$gmZm|, ‘{hbmAm| Am¡a `wdmAm| H$mo 50% AZwXmZ, AÝ` {dËVr` ghm`Vm
three fiscals saw OIL forming 1,300 SHGs/JLGs for poultry,
Am¡a gm‘J«r CnbãY H$amVo h¢& {nN>bo VrZ {dËVr` dfm] ‘| Am°`b Zo ‘wJu
piggery, handloom (weaving) and farm mechanisation (power
nmbZ, gwAa nmbZ, hWH$aKm (~wZmB©), VWm H¥${f `m§{ÌH$sH$aU (nmda
tiller) assisting 9,725 farm families.
{Q>ba) ‘| 1,300 EgEMOr / OoEbOr g‘yh ~ZmE h¢, {OZgo 9,725 {H$gmZ
n[adma bm^mpÝdV hþE h¢&

44 45
Computer centre H§$ß`yQ>a Ho$ÝÐ
SIRD with infrastructural support from OIL has been EgAmB©AmaS>r, Xw{b`mOmZ ‘| 2004 go Am°`b Ûmam àXÎm Adg§aMZmË‘H$
running a computer education centre since 2004 in ghm`Vm go EH$ H§$ß`ygQ>a {ejm Ho$ÝÐ Mbm ahm h¡& `h Ho$ÝÐ à{V df©
Duliajan. The centre offers subsidised short-term courses bJ^J 600 {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo ~o{gH$, S>rQ>rnr, do~ n¥ð² {S>OmBZ, Q>¡br,
to around 600 students annually in courses such as Basic,
gr b¢½domO, gr++, Omdm, {bZŠg, {dOwAb ~o{gH$ Am¡a {dOwAb ~o{gH$
DTP, Web Page Designing, Tally, C Language, C++, Java,
{b{n O¡go AZwXmZ àmá Aënmd{Y nmR>çH«$‘m| ‘| à{ejU àXmZ H$aVm h¡&
Linux, Visual Basic and Visual Basic Script. SIRD has also
EgAmB©AmaS>r gyMZm {ejm Am¡a g§Mma, n§Mm`Vr amO g§ñWmZm|, J«m‘rU
been training target groups in Information Education
{dH$mg Am{X ‘| b{jV g‘yhm| H$mo ^r à{ejU Xo ahm h¡&
and Communication, Panchayati Raj Institution, rural
development, etc.

Project OIL Jeevika n[a`moOZm Am°`b Or{dH$m
Launched in 2016-17 fiscal and implemented by Indian Institute of {dÎmr` df© 2016-17 ‘| ewê$ H$s JB© VWm B§{S>`Z B§ñQ>rQ>çyQ> Am°’$ E§Q>aàoÝ`moa{en
Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwhati, OIL Jeevika, a community-cluster (AmB©AmB©B©), JwdmhmQ>r Ûmam H$m`m©pÝdV `h n[a`moOZm g‘wXm` AmYm[aV ñWm`r
based sustainable rural livelihood promotion project, is currently J«m‘rU AmOr{dH$m g§dY©Z n[a`moOZm h¡, dV©‘mZ ‘| `h AéUmMb àXoe Ho$ Am°`b
implemented in OIL’s operational villages of Arunachal Pradesh
Ho$ àMmbZ Jm§dm| ‘| H$m`m©pÝdV h¡, {Oggo `hm§ Ho$ 400 Ka bm^mpÝdV hmo aho h¢& Bg
benefitting 400 households. The project aims at imparting skill
n[a`moOZm H$m CÔoí` ‘Yw‘ŠIr nmbZ Ed§ ehX àg§ñH$aU, gagm|, Hy$Qy> Am¡a ñWmZr`
development and up-gradation training to the targeted beneficiaries
Xmbm| Ho$ àg§ñH$aU na b{jV bm^m{W©`m| Ho$ {bE H$m¡eb {dH$mg Am¡a CÞ`Z à{ejU
on beekeeping & honey processing, mustard, buckwheat & local
àXmZ H$aZo Ho$ gmW-gmW Am` H$m d¡H$pënH$ òmoV V¡`ma H$aZo Am¡a AmË‘{Z^©a
pulse processing as well as providing handholding support to them
for generation of alternate source of income and formation of self
Or{dH$m g‘yhm| Ho$ {Z‘m©U hoVw CÝh| ghm`Vm àXmZ H$aZm h¡&
sustaining livelihood clusters.

44 49
OIL’s commitment to socio-economic development
encompasses EDUCATION as one of the most pertinent
areas indispensable for the overall development of an
individual and well being of the society at large.

EH$ ì`{º$ Ho$ gånyU© {dH$mg Ho$ {bE An[ahm`© VWm d¥hX ñVa na g‘mO
H$ë`mU Ho$ {bE gdm©{YH$ Cn`wº$ joÌm| ‘| go EH$ {ejm, Am°`b H$s
gm‘m{OH$-Am{W©H$ {dH$mg Ho$ à{V à{V~ÕVm ‘| em{‘b h¡&

52 53
OIL Merit Scholarships and OIL Awards Am°`b ‘oYmdr N>mÌd¥pËV VWm Am°`b nwañH$ma
The OIL Merit Scholarship Scheme (OMSS) and OIL Awards were Am°`b ‘oYmdr N>mÌd¥{Îm VWm Am°`b nwañH$ma Am°`b Ohm± AnZr AÝdofU VWm
instituted in 1997 and 2006 respectively to encourage meritorious CËnmXZ J{V{d{Y`m± MbmVm h¡ dhm± Ho$ à{V^membr {dÚmWu`m| H$mo àmoËgm{hV
students from areas where OIL carries out its E&P activities. The H$aZo hoVw Am°`b ‘oYmdr N>mÌd¥{Îm `moOZm VWm Am°`b nwañH$ma `moOZm H$s ñWmnZm
OMSS is a merit-based scholarship for students passing X and XII
H«$‘e: 1997 Am¡a 2006 ‘| H$s JB© Wr& `h `moOZm gr~rEgB©, AmB©grEgB©, Ag‘
exams under CBSE, ICSE, Assam and other State boards. The OIL
Am¡a AÝ` amÁ` ~moS>m] Ho$ A§VJ©V 10dt Am¡a 12dt narjm CÎmrU© H$aZo dmbo N>mÌm|
Awards honour all state rank-holders in HSLC and HSSLC from the
Ho$ {bE EH$ ‘o[aQ> AmYm[aV N>mÌd¥{Îm h¡& Ag‘ ‘| H§$nZr Ho$ àMmbZ joÌm| go
company’s areas of operation in Assam. Since 2012, OIL has also
EMEgEbgr Am¡a EMEgEgEbgr ‘| amÁ` ‘| a¢H$ àmá H$aZo dmbo g^r {dÚm{W©`m|
been honouring underprivileged students with special abilities
and needs. Till 2016-17 fiscal, OIL has awarded scholarships to
H$mo Am°`b nwañH$ma go gå‘m{ZV {H$`m OmVm h¡& df© 2012 go Am°`b {deof `mo½`Vm
around 22,000 meritorious students. Am¡a OéaV‘§X d§{MV N>mÌm| H$mo ^r gå‘m{ZV H$a ahm h¡& Am°`b Zo {dÎm df©
2016-17 VH$ 22,000 ‘oYmdr {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo N>mÌd¥{Îm àXmZ {H$`m h¡&

Project OIL Dikhya n[a`moOZm Am°`b Xrjm
Seven programmes under this project are implemented in Bg n[a`moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V D$nar Ag‘ Ho$ Am°`b àMmbZ joÌm| ‘| AmB©B©Q>rEg
collaboration with IETS and SIRD in the OIL operation areas of Am¡a EgAmB©AmaS>r Ho$ gh`moJ go gmV H$m`©H«$‘ Am`mo{OV {H$E OmVo h¢&
Upper Assam.

Computer Education to Schools
Launched in 2012 for students of rural schools after a
baseline study, the project is being implemented in 30
schools (classes VI to VIII) located in OIL’s operational
areas of Upper Assam. The program has so far benefitted
19,466 students via custom designed and fabricated
mobile education buses/vans. Value added sessions
on creative studies, environmental science, cleanliness
and behavioural science too are taught along with the
computer classes. Facility of mobile library is also provided
to the students.

ñHy$bm| ‘| H§$ß`yQ>a {ejm

AmYma^yV AÜ``Z Ho$ Cnam§V J«m‘rU ñHy$bm| Ho$ {dÚm{W©`m| Ho$ {bE df©
2012 ‘| ewê$ H$s J`r Bg n[a`moOZm H$m H$m`m©Ýd`Z D$nar Ag‘ Ho$
Am°`b àMmbZ joÌm| ‘| pñWV 30 {dÚmb`m| (H$jm nm§M go AmR>) ‘| {H$`m
J`m h¡& Bg H$m`©H«$‘ Ho$ VhV H$ñQ>‘ {S>OmBZ Am¡a {Z{‘©V Mb {ejm
~gm| / doZm| Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go A~ VH$ Hw$b 19,466 {dÚmWu bm^mpÝdV
hþE h¢& H§$ß`yQ>a H$jmAm| Ho$ gmW-gmW aMZmË‘H$ AÜ``Z, n`m©daU
{dkmZ, ñdÀN>Vm Am¡a ì`dhma {dkmZ go g§~§{YV ‘yë` g§d{Y©V gÌ Ûmam
^r {gIm`m OmVm h¡& Mb nwñVH$mb` H$s gw{dYm ^r N>mÌm| H$mo àXmZ
H$s OmVr h¡&

58 59
Knowledge-Yan with K-Class kmZ-`mZ Ho$ gmW Ho$-H$jm
Since 2014-15 till 2016-17 fiscal, OIL distributed 350 {dËVr` df© 2014-15 go 2016-17 VH$, Am°`b Zo D$nar Ag‘ VWm
comprehensive audio-visual education devices called Aê$UmMb àXoe Ho$ AnZo àMmbZ joÌm| ‘| kmZ-`mZ `m Ho$-`mZ
Knowledge-Yan or K-Yan in OIL’s operational areas of Zm‘H$ 350 ì`mnH$ Ñí`-lì` {ejm CnH$aUm| H$m {dVaU {H$`m h¡&
Upper Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Designed for
{dÚm{W©`m| H$mo ‘wpíH$b nmR>çH«$‘m| O¡go- {dkmZ, A§J«oOr VWm J{UV H$mo
students to help them understand difficult subjects like
g‘PmZo ‘| ‘XX H$aZo H$s ÑpîQ> go ~ZmE JE Ho$-`mZ ‘| CÞV H§$ß`yQ>a,
Science, English and Mathematics, K-Yan includes high-
CÝZV àmoOoŠeZ àUmbr, S>rdrS>r ßbo`a VWm A§V{Z©{hV Am°{S>`mo àUmbr
end computer, advanced projection system, DVD player
em{‘b h¡&
and in-built audio system.

Life Skills Education in Girls’ Schools ~m{bH$m {dÚmb`m| ‘| OrdZ H$m¡eb {ejm
A school based behaviour change program imparted to D$nar Ag‘ Ho$ Am°`b àMmbZ joÌm| Ho$ 75 ñHy$bm| ‘| gmVdt go AmR>dt
the adolescent girl students of classes VII to VIII in 75 H$jm H$s N>mÌmAm| H$mo ñHy$b AmYm[aV ì`dhma n[adV©Z H$m`©H«$‘ Mbm`m
schools of OIL’s operational areas in Upper Assam. Two OmVm h¡& ~m{bH$mAm| H$mo EH$ AÀN>m {ZU©`H$Vm© ~ZZo ‘| gj‘ ~ZmZo Ho$
levels of life skills program are delivered for all round
{bE OrdZ H$m¡eb H$m`©H«$‘ Ho$ Xmo ñVa gdmªJrU ì`{º$Ëd {dH$mg Ho$ {bE
personality development enabling the girls to become good
g‘{n©V h¢& BgH$m ñVa EH$ Iob na, VWm ñVa Xmo OrdZ H$s nH$‹S> na
decision maker. Level 1 is based on sports and Level 2 on
AmYm[aV h¡& 16 gÌm| Ho$ ‘mnX§S> ‘| gm¡hmX©-{Z‘m©U, ñdÀN>Vm, n`m©daU,
life anchor. The 16 session module, covers rapport-
O|S>a, {dËVr` gmjaVm, Am{X em{‘b h¡& df© 2014-15 go 2016-17 VH$
building, hygiene, environment, gender, financial literacy,
etc. Since 2014-15 till 2016-17 fiscal, a total of 16,333 girls
Hw$b 16,333 ~m{bH$mAm| H$mo Bg‘| gpå‘{bV {H$`m J`m h¡&
have been covered.

Primary School Teacher Training àmW{‘H$ ñHy$b {ejH$ à{ejU
Better teachers produce better students. This was the ~ohVa {ejH$ hr ~ohVa N>mÌ H$m {Z‘m©U H$aVo h¢& AVEd, Am°`b Zo
reason OIL trained 600 primary school teachers of 300 {dËVr` df© 2013-14 go, 300 ñHy$bm| Ho$ 600 àmW{‘H$ ñHy$b {ejH$m|
schools with innovating teaching methodologies since H$mo A{^Zd {ejm nÕ{V`m| ‘| à{e{jV {H$`m& H$m`©H«$‘ H$mo ewê$ H$aZo go
2013-14 fiscal. Before the programme was rolled out, a
nhbo, à{ejU H$s Amdí`H$Vm H$m {díbofU H$aZo Ho$ ~mX A{YJ‘ Am¡a
module for maximising learning and teaching experiences
AÜ`mnZ AZw^dm| H$mo A{YH$V‘ H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ ‘mnX§S> {dH${gV {H$`m
was developed after a training need analysis. The
J`m& H$m`©H«$‘ H$s ê$naoIm {ejH$ Ho$ ‘m¡OyXm kmZ, H$m¡eb VWm AZw^d
programme is designed to build on the existing knowledge,
~‹T>mZo Am¡a ì`dhma ‘| gwYma H$aZo Ho$ gmW hr ì`mdgm{`H$Vm n¡Xm H$aZo
skills and experiences of a teacher, improve attitude and
instil professionalism.
Ho$ AZwgma ~ZmB© JB© h¡&

Adding Dimensions
A new initiative in 2015-16 fiscal, Adding Dimensions was conceived to make learning English, Maths and Science fun and interactive.
It is also aimed at improving creativity/thought process and life skills through interventions focused on health and hygiene, self-
expression, optical illusion, games, etc. Adding Dimensions has seen classrooms in 30 schools being equipped with interesting
teaching-learning aids benefitting 6,957 students till 2016-17 fiscal.

Am`m‘ {dñVma
{dËVr` df© 2015-16 ‘|, A§J«oOr, J{UV Am¡a {dkmZ {df`m| H$mo amoMH$ Am¡a nañna g§dmX Ûmam grIZo Ho$ {bE Am`m‘ {dñVma Zm‘H$ EH$ ZB© nhb H$s AdYmaUm
~ZmB© JB©²& BgH$m bú` aMZmË‘H$Vm/qMVZ à{H«$`m VWm OrdZ H$m¡eb ‘| gwYma H$aZm VWm ñdmñÏ` Ed§ ñdÀN>Vm, AmË‘-A{^ì`pŠV, ÑpîQ> ^«‘, Iob Am{X na
Ü`mZ Ho$Ý{ÐV H$aZm h¡& Am`m‘ {dñVma Ho$ VhV 30 ñHy$bm| H$s H$jmAm| ‘| {ejm H$mo amoMH$ T>§J go grImZo Ho$ {bE CnH$aU CnbãY h¢ {OZgo {dÎmr` df© 2016-17
VH$ 6,957 {dÚmWu bm^mpÝdV hþE h¢&

Distribution of Learning Kits
A new initiative in 2016-17 fiscal, interactive learning kits on English, Science and Maths were distributed
in 30 schools of OIL’s operational areas of Upper Assam promoting activity based teaching & learning.
The English relay program, Science kits and Math Master use the kit based approach (constructive
approach) for building foundation skills in curricular subjects through games & activities, where learning
happens through experimentation, trial & error and joyful experiences. The program has covered 6,957
students of 30 schools.

b{ZªJ {H$Q>m| H$m {dVaU

EH$ ZB© nhb Ho$ VhV, {dÎmr` df© 2016-17 ‘|, J{V{d{Y AmYm[aV A{YJ‘ VWm AÜ`mnZ H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {bE A§J«oOr,
{dkmZ VWm J{UV Ho$ {bE B§Q>a¡pŠQ>d b{ZªJ {H$Q> D$nar Ag‘ Ho$ àMmbZ joÌm| Ho$ 30 ñHy$bm| ‘| {dV[aV {H$`m J`m& A§J«oOr àgmaU
H$m`©H«$‘, {dkmZ {H$Q> Am¡a J{UV ‘mñQ>a, Iob d J{V{d{Y`m| Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go nmR>`H«$‘ Ho$ {df`m| ‘| ~w{Z`mXr H$m¡eb {Z‘m©U Ho$
{bE {H$Q> AmYm[aV nÕ{V (aMZmË‘H$ nÕ{V) H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo h¢, Ohm§ narjU, à`mg d Ìw{Q> VWm AmZÝXXm`H$ AZw^dm| Ho$
‘mÜ`‘ go grIZm hmoVm h¡& Bg H$m`©H«$‘ ‘| 30 ñHy$bm| Ho$ 6,957 N>mÌm| H$mo em{‘b {H$`m J`m h¡&

68 69
Adult Education
A course module for illiterate and semi-literate people of rural and tea
garden areas of Upper Assam has benefitted 4200 adults in 30 areas
since 2012-13 till 2016-17 fiscal. The course, based on Sarva Shikshya
Abhiyan textbooks approved by Assam government, also includes
awareness on women empowerment, health, hygiene, sanitation and
available government schemes.

àm¡‹T> {ejm
{dËVr` df© 2012-13 go 2016-17 VH$, D$nar Ag‘ Ho$ J«m‘rU Am¡a Mm` ~mJmZm| Ho$
BbmH$m| Ho$ {Zaja Am¡a H$‘ n‹T>o-{bIo 4200 bmoJm| Ho$ {bE EH$ nmR>çH«$‘ ‘m°S>çyb bmJy
H$aZo go 30 joÌm| H$mo ’$m`Xm hþAm h¡& Ag‘ gaH$ma Ûmam AZw‘mo{XV gd© {ejm A{^`mZ
nmR>ç nwñVH$m| na AmYm[aV Bg nmR>çH«$‘ ‘| ‘{hbm gepŠVH$aU, ñdmñÏ`, gm’$-g’$mB©,
ñdÀN>Vm VWm CnbãY gaH$mar `moOZmAm| Ho$ ~mao ‘| OmJê$H$Vm n¡Xm H$aZm em{‘b h¡&

70 71
OIL Shikshya Ratna Puraskar Am°`b {ejm aËZ nwañH$ma
This award, started in 2013, recognises the all-round df© 2013 ‘| ewê$ {H$`m J`m `h nwañH$ma Ag‘ Ho$ g^r àm§Vr` ñHy$bm|
contribution of teachers from provincialized schools and VWm ‘hm{dÚmb`m| ‘| H$m`©aV g^r {ejH$m| Ho$ AZwH$aUr` `moJXmZ H$mo
colleges of Assam. So far, 23 teachers have received ‘mÝ`Vm àXmZ H$aVm h¡& A^r VH$ 23 {ejH$m| H$mo `h nwañH$ma àXmZ
this award comprising Rs 100,000 in cash and a silver
{H$`m J`m h¡, {Og‘| 1,00,000 énE ZH$X Ho$ gmW hr Mm§Xr H$m àepñV
salver each.
nÌ àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡&

Oil India Super 30
Started in 2010-11, OIL has engaged Centre for Social Responsibility and Leadership (CSRL), a New Delhi-based
NGO, for a free 11-month (July to May) residential coaching for meritorious students from disadvantaged
sections in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. Such students are prepared for JEE Mains, Advanced
and other Engineering entrance examinations. Guwahati, Jorhat, Dibrugarh, Itanagar and Jodhpur have a
residential coaching centre to accommodate 30 students in each centre. Till academic year 2016-17, out of
the 647 students trained, 615 have been well placed in various reputed colleges (e.g. IITs/ISRO/BITS/NITs/
IIITs/ State Engineering colleges/Medical colleges, etc.).

Am°`b B§{S>`m gwna 30

df© 2010-11 ‘| ewê$, Ag‘, AéUmMb àXoe Am¡a amOñWmZ Ho$ {nN>‹S>o BbmH$m| Ho$ à{V^membr N>mÌm| H$mo 11 ‘mh (OwbmB© go ‘B© VH$)
H$s Amdmgr` H$moqMJ àXmZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE ZB© {Xëbr pñWV gm‘m{OH$ Xm{`Ëd Am¡a ZoV¥Ëd Ho$ÝÐ (CSRL) Zm‘H$ EZOrAmo Ho$ gmW Am°`b
g§b¾ h¡& BZ {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo OoB©B© ‘oÝg, CÝZV Ed§ AÝ` B§Or{Z`[a¨J àdoe narjm Ho$ {bE V¡`ma {H$`m OmVm h¡& JwdmhmQ>r, OmoahmQ>,
{S>~«yJ‹T>, B©Q>mZJa VWm OmoYnwa ‘| àË`oH$ Ho$ÝÐ na 30 N>mÌm| Ho$ ahZo Ho$ {bE Amdmgr` H$moqMJ Ho$ÝÐ h¡& e¡j{UH$ df© 2016-17 VH$,
à{e{jV 647 {dÚm{W©`m| ‘| go 615 {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo {d{^Þ à{V{ð>V H$m°boOm| (O¡go AmB©AmB©Q>r / Bgamo / ~rAmB©Q>r / EZAmB©Q>r /
AmB©AmB©AmB©Q>r / amÁ` B§Or{Z`[a¨J H$m°boO / ‘o{S>H$b H$m°boO Am{X) ‘| ñWmZ {‘bm h¡&

74 75
Making a difference n[adV©Z H$m {Z‘m©U
“I come from Puran Bijni, a small village in western Assam’s Chirang district. ""‘¢ npíM‘r Ag‘ Ho$ {Mam§J {Obo Ho$ EH$ N>moQ>o go Jm§d nyaZ {~OZr ‘| ahVm hÿ±²& df© 2002 ‘|
Our family struggled for survival after our father lost his job in a spinning H$VmB© {‘b Ho$ ~§X hmoZo Ho$ ~mX ‘oao {nVm H$s Zm¡H$ar Mbr JB© Am¡a h‘mao n[adma H$mo OrdZ-
mill that shut down in 2002. I was in Class IV then. Things improved after `mnZ Ho$ {bE g§Kf© H$aZm n‹S>m& Cg g‘` ‘¢ Mm¡Wr H$jm ‘| Wm& 2007 ‘| ‘oao ~‹S>o ^mB© Ho$
my elder brother joined the Indian Navy in 2007 but pursuing a career in
^maVr` Zm¡goZm ‘| em{‘b hmoZo Ho$ ~mX h‘mar hmbV ‘| gwYma hþAm, bo{H$Z B§Or{Z`[a¨J ‘|
engineering seemed a distant dream even though I had secured 91.8% in
H¡$[a`a ~ZmZm EH$ Xya H$m gnZm Wm, O~{H$ ‘¢Zo {Mam§J Ho$ EH$ {Z:ewëH$ Amdmgr` ñHy$b,
my higher secondary from Chirang’s Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, a free
Odmha ZdmoX` {dÚmb` go CÀM ‘mÜ`{‘H$ narjm ‘| 91.8% A§H$ àmßV {H$`m Wm& ‘oao {nVm
residential school. My father had saved Rs 1 lakh for my higher studies,
Zo ‘oar CÀM {ejm Ho$ {bE EH$ bmI énE ~Mm H$a aIo Wo, bo{H$Z ‘¢ Cgo ‘h§Jr H$moqMJ na
but I did not want to spend it on expensive coaching. One day, after I had
reluctantly taken admission in B.Sc course, I got a call from OIL Super 30.
IM© H$aZm Zht MmhVm Wm& ‘¢Zo AnZr ‘Ou Ho$ pIbm’$ ~r.Eggr H$mog© ‘| XmpIbm bo {b`m&
I got selected after a written test and interview, completed the coaching V^r EH$ {XZ ‘wPo Am°`b gwna 30 go ~wbmdm Am`m& {bpIV narjm Am¡a gmjmËH$ma Ho$ ~mX
programme and cleared the All India Engineering Entrance Examination. ‘oam M`Z hmo J`m& ‘¢Zo H$moqMJ H$m`©H«$‘ nyam {H$`m Am¡a ~mX ‘| ApIb ^maVr` B§Or{Z`[a¨J
I joined National Institute of Technology, Silchar in Civil Engineering àdoe narjm CËVrU© H$a br& ‘¢Zo amîQ´r` àm¡Úmo{JH$s g§ñWmZ, {gbMa ‘| {g{db B§Or{Z`[a¨J
department. {d^mJ ‘| XmpIbm {b`m &

I was one of five selected from NIT Silchar by OIL during campus recruitment. H¡$ång ^Vu Ho$ Xm¡amZ Am°`b Ûmam EZAmB©Q>r {gbMa go M`{ZV nm§M N>mÌm| ‘| ‘oam ^r Zm‘
It was the greatest moment of my life. I made my family proud, and it was em{‘b Wm& `h ‘oao OrdZ H$m g~go ‘hËdnyU© båhm Wm& ‘oao n[adma H$mo ‘wP na Jd© h¡ Am¡a
all because of OIL. I have joined the company as an executive trainee. I am `h g^r Am°`b Ho$ H$maU hr g§^d hmo gH$m& ‘¢Zo H$m`©nmbH$ à{ejw Ho$ ê$n ‘| H§$nZr ÁdmBZ
determined to work whole-heartedly and contribute to this company to the {H$`m& ‘¢ AnZo nyao ‘Z go Bg H§$nZr ‘| H$m‘ H$aZo Am¡a AnZr nyar j‘Vm go `moJXmZ XoZo Ho$
best of my capability”. {bE Ñ‹T> g§H$pënV hÿ±²&''

Md Jeherul Islam,
‘mo. Oohoê$b Bñbm‘,
Executive Trainee Production Project Department, OIL
CËnmXZ n[a`moOZm {d^mJ, Am°`b

Career Counselling & Guidance
Title sponsored by Oil India Ltd., and implemented by the Assam Tribune
Group, Edufair, an annual event of career counselling and guidance organized
at Guwahati, Shillong, Silchar & Dibrugarh is one of largest and prestigious
educational events of North East India wherein several reputed institutions
affiliated to government bodies and universities from across the country
participate with over 10,000 students/parents at all the locations taken
together. The fair provides excellent opportunity to the students to learn
innovative career options along with interaction with reputed institutions
with valid recognition/affiliation to government/universities under one roof.
The most important features of the fair are the career guidance workshops
including a psychometric test, information on educational institutions,
admission procedures, fees structure, educational loans, etc.

H¡$[a`a nam‘e© Ed§ ‘mJ©Xe©Z…

Am°`b B§{S>`m {b{‘Q>oS> Ûmam àm`mo{OV erf©H$ Am¡a Ag‘ {Q´ã`yZ J«wn, ESw>’o$`a Ûmam H$m`m©pÝdV,
JwdmhmQ>r, {ebm§J, {gëMa VWm {S>~«yJ‹T> ‘| Am`mo{OV hmoZodmbr H¡$[a`a nam‘e© Ed§ ‘mJ©Xe©Z H$m
`h EH$ dm{f©H$ H$m`©H«$‘ h¡ Omo nydm}Îma ^maV H$m g~go ~‹S>m Am¡a à{V{ð>V e¡{jH$ H$m`©H«$‘m| ‘| go
EH$ h¡ Ohm± na nyao Xoe ^a go 10,000 go A{YH$ N>mÌm| / A{^^mdH$m| Ho$ gmW gaH$mar {ZH$m`m|
Am¡a {dœ{dÚmb`m| go g§~Õ H$B© à{V{ð>V g§ñWmZ BZ g^r ñWmZm| ‘| EH$ gmW ^mJ boVo h¢& `h
‘obm {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo EH$ hr N>V Ho$ ZrMo gaH$ma/{dœ{dÚmb`m| Ûmam ñdrH¥${V àmá/‘mÝ`Vm àmá
à{V{ð>V g§ñWmZm| Ho$ gmW ~mVMrV Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go A{^Zd H¡$[a`a {dH$ënm| H$mo OmZZo H$m ~ohVa
Adga àXmZ H$aVm h¡& ‘obo H$s g~go ‘hËdnyU© {deofVmE§ h¡- H¡$[a`a ‘mJ©Xe©Z H$m`©embmE§,
{Og‘| gmBH$mo‘o{Q´H$ Q>oñQ>, e¡{jH$ g§ñWmZm| na OmZH$mar, àdoe à{H«$`m, ’$sg g§aMZm, e¡{jH$
F$U Am{X em{‘b h¢&

78 79
General Nursing Midwifery (GNM) Training OZab Z{gªJ {‘S>dmBµ’$ar (OrEZE‘) à{ejU
The nursing school in Duliajan’s OIL Hospital, established df© 1991 ‘| Xw{b`mOmZ pñWV Am°`b AñnVmb ‘| Z{gªJ ñHy$b H$s
in 1991, conducts four and half years (one and half years ñWmnZm hþB©& `hm± gm‹T>o Mma dfu` (S>o‹T> df© H$m Am°Z Om°~ à{ejU)
on job training) GNM training that is recognised by the OrEZE‘ à{ejU àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡, Omo {M{H$Ëgm {ejm {ZXoemb`,
Directorate of Medical Education, Government of Assam.
Ag‘ gaH$ma go ‘mÝ`Vm àmßV h¡& A~ VH$ 200 `wd{V`m| Zo g’$bVmnyd©H$
Around 200 young women, 20 per batch with a seat each
à{ejU àmßV {H$`m h¡, {Og‘| AZwgy{MV Om{V Am¡a AZwgy{MV OZOm{V
reserved for SC and ST candidates, have successfully
{OZHo$ {bE EH$-EH$ grQ> Ama{jV h¡, Cå‘rXdmam| g{hV àË`oH$ ~¡M ‘|
completed training and have been employed in various
20 `wd{V`m§ Wt, {OÝhm|Zo g’$bVmnyd©H$ à{ejU nyam {H$`m VWm Ag‘
health institutions across the state of Assam. Each trainee
is given a stipend besides hostel accommodation, uniform
Ho$ H$B© ñdmñÏ` g§ñWmZm| ‘| amoOJma àmá H$aZo ‘| g’$b hþB© h¢& àË`oH$
and protective clothing. à{ejmWu H$mo N>mÌmdmg, `y{Z’$m°‘© Am¡a gwajmË‘H$ dñÌm| Ho$ gmW-gmW
dOr’$m ^r {X`m OmVm h¡&

80 81
OIL’s thrust on placement linked skill and capacity building ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam H$m¡eb {Z‘m©U na Omoa VWm {d{^Þ Am¡Úmo{JH$ d godm
is in view of the large number of unemployed youth in joÌm| ‘| Hw$eb OZe{º$ H$s ‘m§J H$mo XoIVo hþE Am°`b AnZo àMmbZ joÌm|
OIL’s operational areas, emphasis on skill building by Govt. ‘| ~‹S>o n¡‘mZo na ~oamoOJma `wdmAm| H$mo amoOJmamoÝ‘wI H$m¡eb Ed§ j‘Vm
of India and the demand of skilled manpower in various
{Z‘m©U na ~b XoVm h¡&
industrial and service sectors.
Bg n[a`moOZm H$mo {d{Îm` df© 2013-14 Ho$ {Xg§~a ‘| àmaå^ {H$`m
The project was launched in Dec 2013-14 fiscal for
J`m Wm Vm{H$ Am°`b Ho$ àMmbZ joÌm| Ho$ ~oamoOJma `wdmAm| H$mo {d{^Þ
providing sustainable employment opportunities to the
CÚmoJm| go g§~§{YV amoOJmamoÝ‘wI H$m¡eb Am¡a j‘Vm {Z‘m©U H$m`©H«$‘m| Ho$
unemployed youths from OIL’s operational areas through
O[aE ñWm`r amoOJma H$m Adga CnbãY H$amE Om gH|$& AmB©Eb E§S>
various industry relevant placement linked skill and
capacity building programs. The project is implemented
E’$Eg {ejm d àm¡Úmo{JH$s godmAm| (ZB© {X„r), {Z‘m©U CÚmoJ {dH$mg
through signing of MoUs with IL&FS Education & n[afX (ZB© {X„r), ^maVr` CÚ{‘Vm g§ñWmZ (JwdmhmQ>r), àJ{V ESw>Q>oH$
Technology Services (New Delhi), Construction Industry (JwdmhmQ>r), kmZÁ`mo{V ’$mC§S>oeZ (JwdmhmQ>r), J«m‘ Va§J (JwdmhmQ>r)
Development Council (New Delhi), Indian Institute of Am¡a S>mCZQ>mCZ M¡[aQ>o~b Q´ñQ> (JwdmhmQ>r) Ho$ ‘Ü` g‘Pm¡Vm kmnZ na
Entrepreneurship (Guwahati), Pragati Edutech (Guwahati), hñVmja Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go Bg n[a`moOZm H$mo H$m`m©pÝdV {H$`m J`m h¡& Bg
Gyanjyoti Foundation (Guwahati), Gram Tarang (Guwahati) n[a`moOZm Ho$ VhV EZEgS>rgr VWm ^maV gaH$ma Ûmam à‘m{UV H$B©
and Downtown Charitable Trust (Guwahati). A number of Aënmd{Y Ho$ nmR>çH«$‘ / Q´oS> g§Mm{bV {H$`m OmVm h¡, O¡go- {Z‘m©U
short-term courses/trades were offered under the project CÚmoJ Q´oS> (nmBqnJ, ‘ogZar, ~‹T>B©Jrar, dopëS§>J, Am{X), hmCgH$sqnJ
like construction industry trades (plumbing, masonry, d Am{VÏ`, ^moOZ d no` nXmW©, {gbmB© ‘erZ Am°naoQ>a, BboŠQ´r{e`Z,
carpentry, welding, etc.) housekeeping & hospitality, food ~rnrAmo / dm°`g H$m°qbJ, gm‘mÝ` S>çyQ>r ghm`H$ Am{X& {dÎmr` df©
& beverages, sewing machine operator, electrician, BPO/
2013-14 go 2016-17 VH$, Hw$b 8,680 Cå‘rXdmam| H$mo g’$bVmnyd©H$
Voice calling, general duty assistant, etc. certified by
à{e{jV {H$`m J`m VWm nyao Xoe Ho$ {d{^Þ CÚmoJm| ‘| 6,790 Cå‘rXdmam|
NSDC, Govt. of India. Since 2013-14 till 2016-17 fiscal, a
H$mo amoOJma {‘bm& BgHo$ Abmdm, Am°`b ñdm~bå~Z Ho$ VhV ñHy$bm|
total of 8,680 candidates were successfully trained and
d H$m°boOm| Ho$ {dÚm{W©`m| Am¡a {ejH$m| Ho$ {bE CÚ{‘Vm {ejm H$m`©H«$‘
6,790 have been placed in various industries across the
Am`mo{OV {H$E JE, {Oggo 4,290 à{V^mJr bm^mpÝdV hþE&
country. Further, entrepreneurship education programs
for students and teachers of schools and colleges were
conducted under OIL Swabalamban benefitting 4,290

Success stories g’$bVm H$s H$hm{Z`m§

“I work in ITC Fortune, a five-star hotel in Pune. But there was a time when “I am from Moran. After graduation, I was sitting idle at home. I was tired of
my life had no direction. I lacked confidence, knew not what to do. My father, looking for a government job. It was tough for my mother to sustain the family
a farmer, asked me to join the OIL-backed Pragati Institute in Guwahati that after the death of our father, who was a teacher. Of the Rs 9,000 she gets as
offered a skill development programme. I emerged well groomed, smart and pension, she pays Rs 4,000 as EMI for the loan she took from a bank to marry
confident. The job has given me financial independence to help my family in a off my three sisters. She was finding it hard to pay for my younger brother’s
remote village. Thank you OIL for changing my life”. education. Hope came in the form of a hospitality management course by
Pragati, and sponsored by OIL today I am working at St Laurn Hotel in Pune. I
– Dip Sonowal thank OIL from the bottom of my heart”.

– Hironmoyee Chutia

""‘¢ nwUo Ho$ EH$ nm§M {gVmam hmoQ>b AmB©Q>rgr ’$mÀ`y©Z ‘| H$m`© H$aVm hÿ±²& bo{H$Z H$^r Eogm dŠV ""‘¢ ‘moamZ go hÿ±²& ñZmVH$ {ejm àmßV H$aZo Ho$ ~mX, ‘¢ Ka ‘| ~oH$ma ~¡R>r Wr& ‘¢ gaH$mar Zm¡H$ar
^r Wm O~ ‘oam OrdZ {XemhrZ hmo J`m Wm& ‘wP‘| {dídmg H$s H$‘r hmo JB© Wr Am¡a ‘wPo nVm H$s Vbme H$aVo H$aVo WH$ J`r& ‘oao {nVm {ejH$ Wo Am¡a CZH$s ‘¥Ë`w Ho$ ~mX ‘oar ‘m§ Ho$ {bE
hr Zht Wm {H$ Š`m H$ê$& ‘oao {H$gmZ {nVm Z| ‘wPo JwdmhmQ>r ‘| Am°`b g‘{W©V àJ{V g§ñWmZ n[adma H$mo MbmZm H$m’$s ‘wpíH$b hmo J`m& n|eZ Ho$ ê$n ‘| àmßV 9,000 énE ‘| go dh 4000
Ohm§ XjVm {dH$mg H$m`©H«$‘ Mbm`m OmVm h¡, ‘| XmpIbm boZo H$s gbmh Xr& ‘¢ Cg g§ñWmZ go énE F$U H$s B©E‘AmB© H$m ^wJVmZ H$aZo ‘| MwH$m XoVr Wr, Omo CÝhm|Zo ‘oar VrZ ~hZm| H$s emXr
~ohVarZ V¡`mar Ho$ gmW, hmo{e`ma Am¡a AmË‘-{dídmgr ~Z H$a {ZH$bm& Bg Zm¡H$ar Zo ‘wPo Xya- H$aZo Ho$ {bE ~¢H$ go {b`m Wm& CÝh| ‘oao N>moQ>o ^mB© H$s {ejm H$s ’$sg XoZo ‘| ^r ‘wpíH$b hmo
XamO Ho$ Jm§d ‘| ‘oao n[adma H$mo Am{W©H$ ê$n go ‘XX H$aZo ‘| gj‘ ~Zm`m& ‘oao OrdZ ‘| Bg ahr Wr& àJ{V Ûmam g§Mm{bV Ed§ Am°`b Ûmam g‘{W©V hm°pñnQ>o{bQ>r à~§YZ nmR>çH«$‘ Ho$ ê$n ‘|
~Xbmd Ho$ {bE Am°`b H$m YÝ`dmX&'' ‘wPo Cå‘rX H$s {H$aU {XImB© Xr, Am¡a AmO ‘¢ nwUo ‘| g|Q> bmCZ© hmoQ>b ‘| H$m`© H$a ahr hÿ±²& ‘¢
Am°`b H$m Vho {Xb go ew{H«$`m AXm H$aVr hÿ±²&''
- Xrn gmoZomdmb
- {haU‘`r gw{V`m

86 87
Success stories g’$bVm H$s H$hm{Z`m§

Naksen Chakhap, son of a farmer of Tinsukia district, Assam who could barely Today Sukanya is a Marketing Manager of Medical company, but till a year
earn Rs 2000 per month. But he had the determination and a quick learner. He back she was an unemployed graduate, desperately looking for a job for more
chooses the garment stream in the IL&FS skill centre and quickly became a than 8 years, to support her ageing parents and the education of her only
master tailor. After successful completion of the course, he joined Devidhan younger sister. Though Sukanya, from Sonarigaon, Jorhat, Assam, completed
Apparels, Kerela as an SMO Executive with a starting salary of Rs.8100 per her graduation in 2009 she was not able to get any job and had, therefore, even
month with incentives approximately amounting to 2000 on an average. Not enrolled for an Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM) course which did not help her
“I am from Chengelijan and have been working at St Laurn, Pune for more than only he is enjoying his job but he could become the major bread wineer of the in anyway. Without a job even after completing her graduation, Sukanya lost
a year now. Graduation did not earn me a job in my state, but the hospitality family back home. all hope and was almost about to give up till she got skilled under the patient
management course under OIL’s Swabalamban ensured me a livelihood. I am care assistant program. She completed her course with good marks and got
Naksen Chakhap selected at her first interview as Marketing Manager cum Team Leader with
now able to save money for my own besides helping my family in need. OIL
has given me confidence and the realisation that there is no substitute for Covidien Surgical Company and today earns a healthy pay check of Rs 15000
hard work”. pm month.

Satyabrat Chutia Sukanya Barpuja

‘¢ M|Jo{bOmZ go hÿ± Am¡a A~ EH$ df© go A{YH$ g‘` go g|Q> bmCZ©, nwUo ‘| H$m`© H$a ahm hÿ±²& ZH$goZ MImn Ag‘ Ho$ {VZgw{H$`m {Obo Ho$ EH$ {H$gmZ Ho$ ~oQ>o h¢, Omo {H$ à{V ‘mh ‘wpíH$b AmO gwH$Ý`m ‘o{S>H$b H§$nZr H$s ‘mH}$qQ>J à~§YH$ h¡, bo{H$Z EH$ gmb nhbo do EH$ ~oamoOJma
ñZmVH$ hmoZo Ho$ ~mX ^r ‘wPo ‘oao amÁ` ‘| Zm¡H$ar Zht {‘br, bo{H$Z Am°`b Ho$ ñdm~b§~Z Ho$ go 2000 én`o hr H$‘m gH$Vo Wo& bo{H$Z do Ñ‹T> {Zü`r VWm ~w{Õ‘mZ {ejmWu Wo& AmB©Eb E§S> ñZmVH$ Wt²& AnZo d¥Õ ‘mVm-{nVm H$s ghm`Vm H$aZo Am¡a AnZr BH$bm¡Vr N>moQ>r ~hZ H$s {ejm
A§VJ©V hm°pñnQ>o{bQ>r à~§YZ nmR>çH«$‘ Zo ‘oar AmOr{dH$m gw{ZpíMV H$s& A~ ‘¢ Oê$aV n‹S>Zo na E’$Eg H$m¡eb H|$Ð ‘| CÝhm|Zo n[aYmZ Ho$ nmR>çH«$‘ H$mo MwZm Am¡a OëX hr do EH$ Hw$eb XOu ~Z Ho$ {bE dh 8 gmb go A{YH$ g‘` VH$ Zm¡H$ar H$s Vbme H$a ahr Wr& Ag‘ Ho$ OmoahmQ> {Obo
AnZo n[adma H$s ‘XX Ho$ Abmdm, AnZo {bE ^r n¡gm ~Mm gH$Vm hÿ±²& Am°`b Zo ‘wP‘| AmË‘- JE²& nmR>çH«$‘ g’$bVmnyd©H$ nyam hmoZo Ho$ ~mX, CÝhm|Zo Xo{dYZ Enoaëg, Ho$abm ‘| EH$ EgE‘Amo Ho$ gmoZmarJm§d go gwH$Ý`m Zo 2009 ‘| ñZmVH$ H$s Cnm{Y hm{gb H$s bo{H$Z dh H$ht ^r Zm¡H$ar
{dídmg OJm`m Am¡a `h Ahgmg H$am`m {H$ H$‹S>r ‘ohZV H$m H$moB© {dH$ën Zht h¡& H$m`©nmbH$ Ho$ ê$n ‘| Ádm°BZ {H$`m Ohm§ CÝh| 8100 ê$nE à{V ‘mh H$s ewéAmVr doVZ Ho$ gmW nmZo ‘| gj‘ Zht hþBª Am¡a Bg{bE CÝhm|Zo EH$ ghm`H$ Zg© àgy{V {dÚm (EEZE‘) Ho$ nmR>çH«$‘
bJ^J Am¡gVZ 2000 én`o VH$ àmoËgmhZ am{e {‘b OmVr h¡& Z Ho$db do AnZo Zm¡H$ar H$m ‘Om Ho$ {bE ^r Zm‘m§H$Z {H$`m Wm, {Oggo CÝh| {H$gr ^r Vah H$s ‘XX Zht {‘br& ñZmVH$ ñVa H$s
- gË`d«V gw{V`m
bo aho h¡, ~pëH$ do AnZo n[adma Ho$ à‘wI CnmO©ZH$Vm© ~Z J`o h¢²& n‹T>mB© nyar H$aZo Ho$ ~mdOyX ^r H$m‘ Zht {‘bZo na gwH$Ý`m Cå‘rX Imo MwH$s Wr Am¡a bJ^J hma
‘mZZo hr dmbr Wr {H$ V^r CÝhm|Zo ‘arO H$s XoI^mb H$aZ| dmbo ghm`H$ H$m`©H«$‘ Ho$ VhV IwX
ZH$goZ MImn
H$mo Hw$eb ~Zm {b`m& CÝhm|Zo AnZo nmR>çH«$‘ H$mo AÀN>o A§H$mo Ho$ gmW nyam {H$`m Am¡a H$modr{S>`Z
g{O©H$b H§$nZr ‘| ‘mH}$qQ>J à~§YH$ gh Q>r‘ brS>a Ho$ ê$n ‘| AnZo nhbo hr gmjmËH$ma ‘| MwZr
J`r Am¡a AmO do à{V ‘mh 15,000 én`o VH$ A{O©V H$aZo ‘| gj‘ h¢²&

gwH$Ý`m ~anwOmar

88 89
Brand RASMI ~«m§S> apí‘
Under project OIL Swabalamban, IIE, Guwahati had trained 60 students Am°`b ñdm~b§~Z n[a`moOZm Ho$ VhV, AmB©AmB©B© (IIE) JwdmhmQ>r Zo AŠVy~a, 2014 go AnZo
exclusively in gemstone cutting, jewellery designing & making since October Am^yfU BÝŠ`y~oeZ Ho$ÝÐ ‘| {deof ê$n go aËZ H$mQ>Zo, Am^yfU {Z‘m©U d {S>OmBZ ‘| 60
2014 at their Jewellery Incubation Centre. Apart from exposure trips to
{dÚm{W©`m| H$mo à{e{jV {H$`m h¡& O`nwa ‘| Am^yfUm| H$m {Z‘m©U H$aZo dmbr ’¡$ŠQ>[a`m| H$m
jewellery factories in Jaipur, theoretical and practical training is provided in
AZw^dr Xm¡am H$aZo Ho$ Abmdm, Q>oamH$moQ>m, ~rS>, ‘mH«$m‘o, Vma, H$mJO, H$m°na, ‘rZmH$ar Am¡a
terracotta, bead, macramé, wire, paper, copper, meenakari and Assamese
Ag{‘`m nma§n[aH$ Am^yfU ‘| g¡Õm§{VH$ Am¡a ì`mdhm[aH$ à{ejU àXmZ {H$`m OmVm h¡&
traditional jewellery. The students were also prepared for jobs in jewellery
{dÚm{W©`m| H$mo Am^yfU CÚmoJm| / emoê$‘m| ‘| Zm¡H$ar H$aZo `m ñdamoOJma Ho$ {bE ^r V¡`ma
industries/showrooms or be self-employed. OIL-IIE exhibited and sold the
{H$`m OmVm h¡& Am°`b-AmB©AmB©B© Ûmam OZdar, 2015 ‘| ewê$ {H$E JE ~«m§S> apí‘ Ho$ A§VJ©V
products made by the students under brand RASMI launched in January
2015. The exhibitions provided a platform to the students to interact with
à{ejU Ho$ Xm¡amZ {Z{‘©V CËnmXm| H$mo àX{e©V Ed§ {dH«$` {H$`m OmVm h¡& `h àXe©{Z`m§
jewellery manufacturers and buyers. The profits earned through exhibitions {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo Am^yfU {Z‘m©VmAm| VWm IarXmam| Ho$ gmW g§dmX ñWm{nV H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ ‘§M
helped the students to procure raw materials or to start their initial H$m H$m‘ H$aVr h¡& àXe©{Z`m| Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go A{O©V bm^ go {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo H$ÀMr gm‘{J«`m| H$s
entrepreneurship ventures. IarX `m CZH$s àma§{^H$ CÚ‘r ì`dgm` H$mo ewê$ H$aZo ‘| ‘XX {‘bVr h¡&

OIL HAS since 2001 involved local youth clubs and school Am°`b df© 2001 go EWbo{Q>Šg na Ü`mZ Ho${ÝÐV H$aVo hþE IobHy$X H$mo
children for promoting games and sports with focus on ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {bE ñWmZr` `wdm Šb~m| Am¡a ñHy$br N>mÌm| H$mo em{‘b
athletics. H$aVm ahm h¡&

Rural Sports
OIL has organised 22 rural sports events in Dibrugarh and Tinsukia districts of Assam since
2014-15 till 2016-17 fiscal. Envisaged to provide a platform for budding athletes at the village
level, such events have helped unite communities, mobilise, inspire and instil responsible
behaviour among the children and youth. The events are held in collaboration with social
groups, district administration and sports bodies. These OIL-sponsored rural sports events
have produced young athletes who are now participating at district, state and national levels.

J«m‘rU Iob
{dËVr` df© 2014-15 go 2016-17 Ho$ Xm¡amZ Am°`b Zo Ag‘ Ho$ {S>~«yJ‹T> Am¡a {VZgw{H$`m {Obm| ‘| 22 J«m‘rU
Iobm| H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m h¡& Jm§d ñVa na CXr`‘mZ pIbm{‹S>`m| Ho$ {bE EH$ ‘§M àXmZ H$aZo H$s n[aH$ënZm go,
Eogo H$m`©H«$‘m| Ho$ Am`moOZ Ûmam g‘wXm`m| H$mo EH$OwQ> H$aZo, ào[aV H$aZo Am¡a ~ÀMm| VWm `wdmAm| Ho$ ‘Ü` CÎmaXm`r
AmMaU n¡Xm H$aZo ‘| ‘XX {‘bVr h¡& BZ H$m`©H«$‘m| H$mo gm‘m{OH$ g‘yhm|, {Obm àemgZ Am¡a Iob {ZH$m`m| Ho$
gh`moJ go Am`mo{OV {H$`m OmVm h¡& Am°`b àm`mo{OV BZ J«m‘rU Iob H$m`©H«$‘m| Zo Eogo `wdm pIbm‹S>r {Z{‘©V {H$E
h¢ Omo A~ {Obm, amÁ` Am¡a amîQ´r` ñVa na ^mJ bo aho h¢&

96 97
Contribution to other sporting events
OIL has provided financial assistance to several schools, colleges and sports organisations for
development of playground playing equipment, gears etc. Many districts, state and national-level
sports associations and events have also been funded. These include All Assam Tennis Association,
Assam Sports Journalists’ Welfare Association, All Assam Chess Association, Guwahati, Assam
Badminton Association, Bodousa Sports Club, Dibrugarh District Taekwondo Association, Upper
Assam Golf Association, Bordoloi Trophy, National Games, South Asian games etc.

AÝ` Iob H$m`©H«$‘m| H$mo `moJXmZ

Am°`b Zo AZoH$ ñHy$bm|, H$m°boOm| Am¡a Iob g§JR>Zm| H$mo Iob CnH$aU, gm‘J«r Am{X VWm Iob ‘¡XmZm| Ho$ {dH$mg Ho$ {bE {dËVr`
ghm`Vm àXmZ H$s h¡& H$B© {Obm, amÁ` Am¡a amîQ´r` ñVa Ho$ Iob Egmo{gEeZm| Am¡a H$m`©H«$‘m| H$m ^r {dËV-nmofU {H$`m J`m
h¡& BZ‘| ApIb Ag‘ Q>o{Zg Egmo{gEeZ, Ag‘ Iob nÌH$m[aVm H$ë`mU Egmo{gEeZ, ApIb Ag‘ eVa§O Egmo{gEeZ,
JwdmhmQ>r, Ag‘ ~¢S>q‘Q>Z Egmo{gEeZ, ~moS>mogm Iob Šb~, {S>~«yJ‹T> {Obm Vm`¹$m|S>mo Egmo{gEeZ VWm D$nar Ag‘ Jmoë’$
Egmo{gEeZ, ~aXb¡ Q´m°’$s, amï´>r` Iob, X{jU E{e`mB© Iob Am{X em{‘b h¢&

A wildlife NGO, an eco-tourism society and an Assam dmBëS> bmB’$ EZOrAmo, nm[apñW{VH$s-n`©Q>Z g{‘{V VWm Ag‘ gaH$ma
government corporation are implementing OIL’s Ho$ EH$ H$m°nm}aoeZ Ûmam Am°`b H$s n`m©daU n[a`moOZmAm| H$mo {H«$`mpÝdV
environment projects. {H$`m Om ahm h¡&

Hoolock Gibbon and Rainforest Biodiversity Conservation hþbm°H$ {Jã~Z VWm dfm©aÊ` O¡d-{d{dYVm g§ajU
The critically endangered Hoolock gibbon (Hoolock {MÝVmOZH$ ê$n go {dbwáàm` hþbm°H$ {Jã~Z (hþbmoH$ hþbmoH$ `m hmBbmo~oQ²>g
hoolock or Hylobates hoolock) is India’s only ape species
hþbm°H$) Ag‘ Am¡a AéUmMb àXoe Ho$ A§{V‘ eof dfm©aÊ` ‘| nmB© OmZo
found in the last remaining rainforests of Assam and
dmbr ^maV H$s EH$‘mÌ dmZa àOm{V h¡& OZdar, 2014 ‘| Am°`b Zo
Arunachal Pradesh. In January 2014, OIL entrusted green
dmZa n`m©dmg H$m g§ajU H$aZo VWm {S>~«yJ‹T>, {VZgw{H$`m, JmobmKmQ>
group Nature’s Beckon with its project for protecting the
ape’s habitats and creating awareness about the animal’s
VWm OmoahmQ> {Obm| Ho$ ñHy$bm| Am¡a Jm§dm| ‘| newAm| H$s nm[apñW{VH$s
ecological utility in schools and villages of Dibrugarh, Cn`mo{JVm Ho$ ~mao ‘| OmJê$H$Vm n¡Xm H$aZo H$s AnZr n[a`moOZm H$m
Tinsukia, Golaghat and Jorhat districts. The areas covered H$m`© J«rZ J«wn ZoMag² ~oH$Z H$mo gm¢nm Wm& Bg‘| {S>qhJ nmVH$mB© ZXr
are on the fringes of Dihing-Patkai, Nambor-Doigrong H$m {H$Zmam, Zm‘~ya-S>moB©J«m|J Am¡a hmobm|Jmnma {Jã~Z dÝ`Ord Aä`maÊ`
and Holongapar Gibbon wildlife sanctuaries and Dibru- VWm {S>~«y-g¡Imodm amîQ´r` CÚmZ em{‘b h¢& BZ nhbm| ‘| H$m`©embmE§
Saikhowa National Park. Initiatives include conducting Am`mo{OV H$aZm, gyMZm nwpñVH$m H$m {dVaU VWm OZg§nH©$ ‘mÜ`‘ H$m
workshops, distributing information booklets and use of à`moJ H$aZm em{‘b h¡&
mass media.

104 105
Sasoni Merbeel Eco-Tourism Project gmgmoZr ‘oa~rb nm[apñW{VH$s n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZm
Implemented by Sasoni Merbeel Eco-Tourism Development Committee, gmgmoZr ‘oa~rb nm[apñWH$s-n`©Q>Z {dH$mg g{‘{V Ûmam H$m`m©pÝdV, Bg n[a`moOZm ‘|
this project has the potential of creating rural entrepreneurs besides joÌ H$s dZñn{V d Ord-O§VwAm| H$s gwajm Ho$ Abmdm, J«m‘rU CÚ{‘Vm g¥OZ H$s j‘Vm
protecting flora and fauna of the region. OIL has funded solar lighting, h¡& Am°`b Zo gm¡`© àH$me-ì`dñWm, n¡S>b Zm¡H$m, ~m°`mo S>mBOoñQ>a VWm ~¡Q>ar Mm{bV
pedal boats, bio digester and battery-driven eco-friendly vehicles and
nm[apñW{VH$s AZwHy$b dmhZm| VWm AÝ` Amdí`H$VmAm| Ho$ {bE {dËV-nmofU {H$`m h¡&
other requirements.

OIL CMD, Shri Utpal Bora, inaugurating 40 KW solar plant in Sasoni Merbeel Eco Tourism Project in Assam
Eco-Tourism Project in Kaziranga H$mOra§Jm ‘| nm[apñW{VH$s n`©Q>Z n[a`moOZm
OIL and Assam Tourism Development Corporation Ltd Am°`b VWm Ag‘ n`©Q>Z {dH$mg {d^mJ {b{‘Q>oS> Zo dÝ`Ordm| H$m n[aajU
signed an agreement on July 24, 2014, for a roadmap for gw{ZpíMV H$aZo Am¡a CZHo$ ~mao ‘| OmJê$H$Vm n¡Xm H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$mOra§Jm
strengthening the tourism industry in and around Kaziranga amîQ´r` CÚmZ ‘| Am¡a CgHo$ Amgnmg n`©Q>Z CÚmoJ H$mo gwÑ‹T> H$aZo Ho$ {bE
National Park while ensuring preservation of wildlife and
EH$ amoS>‘¡n V¡`ma H$aZo hoVw 24 OwbmB©, 2014 H$mo EH$ H$ama na hñVmja {H$E
awareness thereof. Based on a feasibility study, a detailed
Wo& nm[apñW{VH$s-AZwHy$b n`©Q>Z Adg§aMZm V¡`ma H$aZo, H$bm d g§ñH¥${V H$mo
project report is expected to create sufficient eco-friendly
~‹T>mZo, n`©Q>H$m| H$s g§»`m ~‹T>mZo VWm ñWmZr` `wdmAm| Ho$ {bE amoOJma Ho$
tourist infrastructure, promote art and culture, increase
Adgam| H$m g¥OZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE, ì`dhm`©Vm AÜ``Z Ho$ AmYma na EH$ {dñV¥V
tourist footfalls and create employment opportunity for the
local youth.
n[a`moOZm [anmoQ>© H$s Cå‘rX H$s J`r h¡&

108 109
Adoption of rhino calves J¢S>o Ho$ ~ÀMm| H$mo JmoX boZm
OIL was one of the first PSU to adopt rhino calves orphaned Am°`b gmd©O{ZH$ joÌm| ‘| nhbm h¡ {OÝhm|Zo nhbr ~ma H$mOra§Jm amîQ´r`
by the devastating floods of 2016 in Kaziranga National CÚmZ ‘| df© 2016 ‘| AmB© {dZmeH$mar ~m‹T> go AZmW hþE J¢S>o Ho$ ~ÀMm|
Park. The rhino calves are undergoing rehabilitation for H$mo JmoX {b`m h¡& J¢S>o Ho$ ~ÀMo A^r nwZdm©g ‘o h¢ ~mX ‘| BÝh| O§Jb ‘|
reintroduction in the wild later.
N>mo‹S> {X`m Om`oJm&

Support to Assam state Zoo Ag‘ ampÁ`H$ {M{‹S>`mKa H$mo ghm`Vm

Oil India Ltd had provided financial assistance towards Am°`b B§{S>`m {b{‘Q>oS> Zo ~Mm`o J`o OmZdam| Ho$ nwZdm©g Am¡a Amdí`H$
meeting the cost of construction of a Quarantine House XoI^mb d new {M{H$Ëgm CnMma àXmZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Am¡a gmW hr EH$
and Fabrication of squeeze and transportation cages for n¥WH$ ^dZ H$m {Z‘m©U, ñ¹$sO (squeeze) H$m {Z‘m©U Am¡a OmZdam| Ho$
rescued animals and their rehabilitation after providing
n[adhZ qnOam| Ho$ {Z‘m©U H$s bmJV hoVw {dÎmr` ghm`Vm àXmZ H$s h¡&
necessary care and veterinary treatment.

110 111
OIL is supporting the differently-abled through Mrinaljyoti Am°`b ‘¥UmbÁ`mo{V nwZdm©g Ho$ÝÐ, Xw{b`mOmZ Am¡a ‘moamZ A§Y {dÚmb`, ‘moamZ
Rehabilitation Centre, Duliajan and Moran Blind School, Moran. Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go {Xì`m§Jm| H$s ghm¶Vm H$aVm h¡&

Project OIL Sakshyam n[a`moOZm Am°`b gj‘
OIL pays special attention to special people or the Am°`b {d{eîQ> bmoJm| `m emar[aH$ ê$n go {Xì¶m§Jm| bmoJm| na {deof Ü`mZ
physically challenged. The company provides financial XoVm h¡& H§$nZr D$nar Ag‘ Ho$ Xmo {deof g§ñWmZm| ‘| {Xì`m§J N>mÌm| Ho$ {bE
support through annual scholarship for differently-abled dm{f©H$ N>mÌd¥pËV Ho$ O[aE Am{W©H$ ghm`Vm àXmZ H$aVr h¡& Am°`b Zo
students in two special institutes of Upper Assam. OIL
{dÚm{W©`m| H$mo Ka go ñHy$b VH$ AmZo-OmZo Ho$ {bE ‘¥UmbÁ`mo{V nwZdm©g
also gave Mrinaljyoti Rehabilitation Centre a van for the
Ho$ÝÐ H$mo EH$ d¡Z ^r {X`m h¡& XrKm©d{Y pñWaVm Am¡a gepŠVH$aU Ho$
students to travel between home and school. For long-
{bE Am°`b Zo {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo Cn`moJr Ed§ ñdV§Ì ~ZmZo ‘| ‘XX H$aZo
term sustainability and empowerment, OIL conceptualised
H$s {Xem ‘| n[a`moOZm gj‘ H$s AdYmaUm ~ZmB© h¡& VXZwgma, A§Y
Project Sakshyam towards helping the students become
productive and independent. Accordingly, the annual
{dÚmb` Ho$ g§MmbZ H$s dm{f©H$ bmJV H$m dhZ {H$`m OmVm h¡, O~{H$
running cost of the blind school is being taken care of while nwZdm©g Ho$ÝÐ H$s H$Ý`mAm| Ho$ {bE Aml` ñWb H$m {Z‘m©U H$aZo VWm
the rehabilitation centre received funds for constructing godmAm| Ho$ {dñVma Ho$ {bE dm{f©H$ AZwXmZ {X`m Om ahm h¡& {dÎmr` df©
a shelter home for girls and annual grant for extension 2016-17 ‘| EH$ ZB© nhb H$s ewê$AmV H$s JB©, Am°`b Ho$ àMmbZ joÌm|
of services. A new initiative started in 2016-17 fiscal, 20 Ho$ A{V[aº$ Ag‘ Ho$ AÝ` {hñgm| go 20 {Xì`m§J Cå‘rXdmam| H$mo {gbmB©
differently abled candidates were trained in the trades of ‘erZ Am°naoQ>a Ho$ Q´oS>m| ‘| Am¡a {¹$H$ g{d©og aoñVam§ ‘| à{e{jV {H$`m J`m
sewing machine operator and quick service restaurant h¡& 20 ‘| go 15 Cå‘rXdmam| H$mo nyao Xoe ‘| {d{^Þ CÚmoJm| / aoñVmoam§ ‘|
from OIL’s operational areas as well as other parts of {Z¶w³V {H$¶m J¶m h¡&
Assam. Out of 20, 15 candidates were placed at various
industries/restaurants across the country.

116 117
OIL HAS invested towards developing rural infrastructure Am°`b Zo ~w{Z`mXr AmdmJ‘Z ‘| gwYma H$aZo Ho$ {bE 1500 {H$.‘r. go A{YH$
such as more than 1,500 km of roads to improve basic bå~r g‹S>H$ {Z‘m©U O¡gr J«m‘rU Adg§aMZm Ho$ {dH$mg na ^mar {Zdoe {H$`m
communication. Over the years, the company has constructed h¡& dfm] go H§$nZr Zo nydm}ËVa ^maV Ho$ AnZo àMmbZ joÌ ‘| gmd©O{ZH$
many public stages, auditoriums, libraries, lecture halls,
‘§M, g^mJma, nwñVH$mb`, ì`m»`mZ hmb, H§$ß`yQ>a Ho$ÝÐ, àVrjm eoS>, CÝZV
computer centres, waiting sheds, upgraded and developed
Am¡a {dH${gV J«m‘rU AñnVmb, J«m‘rU ñHy$b Am¡a CÀM {ejm g§ñWmZ H$m
rural hospitals, rural schools and institutes of higher education
{Z‘m©U {H$`m h¡& {nN>bo Xmo dfm] ‘| 350 {H$.‘r. go A{YH$ J«m‘rU g‹S>H$m|,
in its operation areas across North East India. The score in
100 go A{YH$ J«m‘rU ñHy$bm| H$s MmaXrdmar-gh-~m‹S>, ñHy$bm| ‘| 70 go
the last two years has been more than 350 km of rural roads,
A{YH$ H$‘am|, 60 go A{YH$ g‘wXm` a§J‘§M-gh-g^mJmam| VWm bJ^J
boundary wall cum fencing of more than 100 rural schools,
more than 70 school classrooms, more than 60 community
20 àVrjm eoS>m| Ho$ Abmdm, Iob Ho$ 20 ‘¡XmZm| H$m {dH$mg {H$`m h¡&
stage cum auditoriums and around 20 waiting sheds besides
development of 20 playgrounds.

120 121
OIL has been contributing towards promotion and
preservation of art, culture and heritage, especially in the
states where the Company has operational activities. In the
state of Assam, OIL has always supported the local dance,
music, theatre, art & craft, helping the artistes to preserve the
traditional art forms.

Am°`b H$bm, g§ñH¥${V Ed§ {damgV Ho$ g§dY©Z Am¡a g§ajU H$s {Xem ‘| `moJXmZ
Xo ahm h¡, ImgH$a CZ amÁ`m| ‘| Ohm§ H§$nZr H$s àMmbZ J{V{d{Y`m§ h¢&
Ag‘ amÁ` ‘|, Am°`b Zo h‘oem go hr ñWmZr` Z¥Ë`, g§JrV, a§J‘§M, H$bm
d {eën H$m g‘W©Z {H$`m h¡, {Oggo H$bmH$mam| H$mo nma§n[aH$ H$bm ê$nm| Ho$
g§ajU ‘| ‘XX {‘b ahr h¡&

110 125
Mission Majuli
Majuli is one of the largest inhabited river islands as well as the hub of Neo-Vaishnavite culture since 15th century
in Assam. The government is also making efforts to help Majuli get recognition as a UNESCO heritage site. Besides,
providing financial assistance to many Satras (monasteries) for promotion of art and culture, dance & music, very
recently, OIL had extended financial support to Auniati Satra for construction of a museum to preserve the rich and
diverse cultural heritage of the Missing community of Majuli at Jengraimukh. In order to promote tourism, OIL had
also provided financial assistance towards construction of waiting sheds and folding tubular structures at Nimati
Ghat and Kamalabari Ghat for convenience of passengers crossing river Brahmaputra.

{‘eZ ‘mOwbr
‘mOybr Ag‘ H$m g~go ~‹S>m Amdmg `mo½` ZXr Ûrnm| ‘| go EH$ h¡ gmW hr 15dt eVmãXr Ho$ ~mX go hr Zd-d¡îUddmXr g§ñH¥${V H$m H|$Ð ^r ahm h¡&
‘mOybr H$mo `yZoñH$mo {damgV ñWb Ho$ ê$n ‘| ‘mÝ`Vm {XbmZo ‘| ‘XX H$aZo Ho$ {bE ^r gaH$ma à`mg H$a ahr h¡& BgHo$ Abmdm, H$bm Am¡a g§ñH¥${V,
Z¥Ë` Am¡a g§JrV H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ {bE H$B© gÌm| (‘R>m|) H$mo {dÎmr` ghm`Vm àXmZ H$aVo hþE hmb hr ‘|, ‘mOybr Ho$ O|J«mB©‘wI Ho$ {‘qgJ g‘wXm`
H$s g‘¥Õ VWm {d{dY gm§ñH¥${VH$ {damgV H$mo g§a{jV aIZo Ho$ {bE Am°`b Zo EH$ g§J«hmb` {Z‘m©U Ho$ {bE AmC{ZAmVr gÌ H$mo {dÎmr` ghm`Vm
àXmZ H$s h¡& n`©Q>Z H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo Ho$ CÔoí` go, Am°`b Zo ~«÷nwÌ ZXr nma H$aZo dmbo `m{Ì`m| H$s gw{dYm hoVw {Z‘mQ>r KmQ> Am¡a H$‘bm~mar KmQ>
‘| àVrjm eoS> Am¡a ’$mopëS§>J Q>çy~ba g§aMZmAm| Ho$ {Z‘m©U H$s {Xem ‘| ^r {dÎmr` ghm`Vm àXmZ H$s h¡&

126 127
Tarun Duvarah Memorial Oil India Award VéU Xwdam ‘o‘mo[a`b Am°`b B§{S>`m nwañH$ma
The award, instituted in the memory of eminent artist, à»`mV H$bmH$ma, Jm`H$ d A{^ZoVm, VéU Xwdam H$s ñ‘¥{V ‘| ñWm{nV
singer and actor Tarun Duvarah, consists of a cheleng Bg nwañH$ma ‘| Mob|J MmXa, ñ‘¥{V {MÝh, àepñV nÌ Am¡a 1.5 bmI
chador, a memento, a citation and a cheque of Rs 1.5 lakh. én`o H$m MoH$ em{‘b h¡& `h H$m`©H«$‘ Jm¡hmQ>r H$bmH$ma g§K (GAG)
The event is organised by Gauhati Artists’ Guild (GAG) in
Ûmam Am°`b B§{S>`m {b{‘Q>oS>, Ag‘ {Q´ã`yZ Am¡a gm§ñH¥${VH$ ‘m‘bm| Ho$
association with Oil India Limited, Assam Tribune and the
{ZXoemb`, Ag‘ Ho$ gh`moJ go Am`mo{OV {H$`m OmVm h¡& Bg dm{f©H$
Directorate of Cultural Affairs, Assam. The annual award
nwañH$ma Ho$ ‘mÜ`‘ go amÁ` H$s g‘¥Õ H$bm Ed§ g§ñH¥${V H$mo ~‹T>mdm XoZo H$s
honours and felicitates personalities from Assam for their
{Xem ‘| CZHo$ `moJXmZ Ho$ {bE Ag‘ Ho$ {d{eï> ì`{º$Ëdm| H$mo gå‘m{ZV
contribution towards promoting the rich art & culture of
VWm nwaîH¥$V {H$`m OmVm h¡&
the State.

110 129
INSPIRED BY Honourable PM Narendra Modi’s call in 2014 df© 2014 ‘|, ‘mZZr` àYmZ ‘§Ìr lr Za|Ð ‘moXr Ûmam df© 2019 VH$
for a clean India by 2019, OIL has taken part in Swachh Xoe H$mo ñdÀN> H$aZo Ho$ AmˆmZ go ào[aV hmoH$a Am°`b B§{S>`m {b{‘Q>oS>
Bharat Abhiyan In the last three fiscals under Swachh Zo ñdÀN> ^maV A{^`mZ ‘| {hñgm {b`m& {nN>bo VrZ dfm] ‘|, ñdÀN>
Vidyalaya Abhiyan had constructed 1,471 toilets for
{dÚmb` A{^`mZ Ho$ VhV Am°¶b Ûmam Ag‘ Ho$ gmV {Obm| Ho$ gaH$mar
boys and girls in government schools in seven districts
ñHy$bm| ‘| b‹S>Ho$ Am¡a b‹S>{H$`m| Ho$ {bE 1,471 em¡Mmb`m| H$m {Z‘m©U {H$`m
of Assam, toilets for adults in two villages of Rajasthan,
J`m, amOñWmZ Ho$ Xmo Jm§dm| ‘| d`ñH$m| Ho$ {bE em¡Mmb` ~Zm`m, Ho$Or
provided 20 RO/UV drinking water plants in KG Basin
~o{gZ n[a`moOZm joÌ ‘| 20 AmaAmo / `ydr no`Ob g§`§Ì CnbãY H$am`m
Project area, 1,000 garbage bins and two garbage disposal
J`m, JwdmhmQ>r ZJa {ZJ‘ H$mo 1,000 Hw$‹S>mXmZ Am¡a Xmo Hy$‹S>m {ZñVmaU/
trucks to Guwahati Municipal Corporation, renovation of
13 nos. School & AWD Centre Toilets under Araimuria GP,
{ZnQ>mZ Q´H$ ‘wh¡`m H$am`m J`m, A[a‘w[a`m Ornr Ho$ VhV 13 ñHy$b Am¡a
constructed toilets in several other areas of Assam and ES>ãbyS>r H|$Ð em¡Mmb`m| H$m ZdrH$aU hþAm, Ag‘ Am¡a AéUmMb àXoe
Arunachal Pradesh besides cleaning and maintaining of Ho$ H$B© AÝ` joÌm| ‘| em¡Mmb`m| H$m {Z‘m©U {H$`m J`m Am¡a BgHo$ Abmdm
Bondajan water body in Guwahati and training of sanitation n[a`moOZm AZw^d Ho$ VhV JwdmhmQ>r ‘| ~moÊS>mOmZ Ob {ZH$m` H$s g’$mB©
workers under Project Anubhav. Further, under Ministry of Am¡a aIaImd VWm ñdÀN>Vm l{‘H$m| H$mo à{ejU {X`m J`m& AmJo ^r,
Drinking Water and Sanitation and Swachh Bharat Mission, no`Ob Am¡a ñdÀN>Vm ‘§Ìmb` Am¡a ñdÀN> ^maV {‘eZ Ho$ VhV, Ag‘ Ho$
Kamakhya Temple in Assam is selected as one of the site H$m‘m»`m ‘§{Xa H$mo H$m`© ñWb Ho$ ê$n ‘| MwZm J`m h¡ Am¡a Am°`b B§{S>`m
and Oil India Ltd has taken the opportunity to contribute {b{‘Q>oS> H$mo Bg nhb Ho$ {bE `moJXmZ XoZo H$m Adga àmßV hþAm h¡& BgHo$
towards the said initiative. Additionally, OIL took up a toilet A{V[aº$, {d{^Þ ñHy$bm| ‘| nyd© {Z{‘©V em¡Mmb`m| Ho$ Cn`moJ na Am°`b Zo
utilization assessment survey of the already constructed em¡Mmb` Cn`moJ ‘yë`m§H$Z gd}jU H$m H$m`© ^r AnZo hmWm| ‘| {b`m h¡ &
toilets in various schools.

In response to the initiative of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Vob Am¡a J¡g g§ajU nIdm‹S>m, 2016 Ho$ Xm¡amZ, noQ´mo{b`‘ Am¡a àmH¥${VH$ J¡g ‘§Ìmb`
Gas towards converting villages into smokeless villages which was Ûmam Jm§dm| H$mo YwAm§- ‘wŠV Jm§dm| ‘| n[ad{V©V H$aZo H$s nhb H$s AZw{H«$`m ‘|, Am°`b
launched during Oil and Gas Conservation Fortnight, 2016, OIL has Zo Bg A{^`mZ hoVw nm§M Jm§dm| H$mo AnZm`m h¡& Bg n[a`moOZm Ho$ VhV, {dÎmr` df©
adopted five villages as a part of this campaign. Under this project, till
2016-17 VH$, Am°`b Zo AéUmMb àXoe Ho$ M§Jbm§J {Obo Ho$ BZmC Jm§d ‘| 131
2016-17 fiscal, OIL distributed free LPG connection to 131 households
n[admam| H$mo, Ag‘ Ho$ ZJm±d {Obo Ho$ A‘X§Jm Am¡a VobwJw[a Jm§dm| ‘| 117 n[admam| H$mo
at Innao village in Arunachal Pradesh’s Changlang district, 117
Am¡a amOñWmZ Ho$ VZmoQ> ao{JñVmZ Ho$ 49 n[admam| H$mo ‘wâV EbnrOr (LPG) H$ZoŠeZ
households in Amdanga and Telulguri villages of Nagaon district,
{dV[aV {H$`m h¡& BZ Jm§dm| H$mo 2015-16 Ho$ gd}jU Ho$ ~mX MwZm J`m Wm, {Og‘| `h
Assam and 49 households in Tanot desert village in Rajasthan.
nVm Mbm h¡ {H$ A{YH$m§e n[adma ^moOZ ~ZmZo hoVw AñdmñÏ`H$a bH$‹S>r / ~m`mo‘mg
The villages were chosen after a 2015-16 survey which revealed
H$m à`moJ H$aVo Am aho h¢& OmJê$H$Vm VWm EbnrOr {H$Q> H$m ì`dhma ^r Bg A{^`mZ
the majority of the households were using unhealthy firewood/
biomass for cooking. Awareness and handling of LPG kit is also part
H$m {hñgm h¡& Am°`b H$s Bg ‘hmZ nhb H$m bú`, Ka Ho$ A§Xa Ho$ YwE§ H$mo VWm
of the campaign. This initiative of OIL, aims to reduce indoor smoke n[admam| H$s Oê$aVm| H$mo nyam H$aZo dmbr J¥h{U`m| Ho$ H${R>Z l‘ H$mo H$‘ H$aZm h¡&
and the drudgery of the homemakers while catering to the needs of
their families.

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