House Cleaning Robot: Digital Assignment - I Iot System Architecture
House Cleaning Robot: Digital Assignment - I Iot System Architecture
House Cleaning Robot: Digital Assignment - I Iot System Architecture
Digital Assignment – I
IoT System Architecture
Course Code : ECE - 3026
Slot : E1
Course Faculty:
Prof. Sujatha .R
Submitted By,
Abstract: In this paper, a new service robot wireless, GSM modules have been used in
automatic and manual for greater range. Motor
designed for cleaning tasks in home environments
driver circuit have been used to drive the motors.
is introduced. System has three subsystems:
Three motors have been used to perform
electrical, software and mechanical of which respected operations like to move the robot, for
Arduino, sensors and motor are the electrical and water pump, for cleaner. LM293D IC has been
mechanical subsystems respectively and the used to drive wheel motor. All the information
software subsystem is the brain of the robot. The displayed on Mobile screen for the user.
cleaning robot uses Ultrasonic sensor to detect
obstacles and manipulates its direction as per the BLOCK DIAGRAM
inputs. It is programmed to accept inputs to sense
obstacles around it and control the robot to avoid
any collisions. In case of an obstacle, or a potential LM298N(Motor
collision, the L293D IC controls the wheels of the driver)