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House Cleaning Robot: Digital Assignment - I Iot System Architecture

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House cleaning Robot

Digital Assignment – I
IoT System Architecture
Course Code : ECE - 3026
Slot : E1

Course Faculty:
Prof. Sujatha .R

Submitted By,

School of Electronics Engineering

VIT University, Vellore
Tamil Nadu - 632014

Fall Semester 2019 – 2020


By, Shivam gaur, Roshni singh

Abstract: In this paper, a new service robot wireless, GSM modules have been used in
automatic and manual for greater range. Motor
designed for cleaning tasks in home environments
driver circuit have been used to drive the motors.
is introduced. System has three subsystems:
Three motors have been used to perform
electrical, software and mechanical of which respected operations like to move the robot, for
Arduino, sensors and motor are the electrical and water pump, for cleaner. LM293D IC has been
mechanical subsystems respectively and the used to drive wheel motor. All the information
software subsystem is the brain of the robot. The displayed on Mobile screen for the user.
cleaning robot uses Ultrasonic sensor to detect
obstacles and manipulates its direction as per the BLOCK DIAGRAM
inputs. It is programmed to accept inputs to sense
obstacles around it and control the robot to avoid
any collisions. In case of an obstacle, or a potential LM298N(Motor
collision, the L293D IC controls the wheels of the driver)

robot by a motor driver to avoid collision. The Node-

MCU Power
detachable mop at the bottom of the robot performs Source
the cleaning process and sends data to user.
Sensor Dc-



Automatic floor cleaner is a system that enables

Robot is an electromechanical machine and used cleaning of the floor by the help of highly
for various purposes in industrial and domestic stabilized and rapidly functionalized electronic
applications. Robot appliances are entering in the and mechanical control system. Current project
consumer market, since the introduction of work targets to use automatic floor cleaner for
iRobots. Many related appliances from various large floor in house-hold purposes and office
companies have been followed. Initially the main floors. The cleaning purpose is specifically
focus was on having a cleaning device. As the time carried out by continuous relative motion
pass on many improvements were made and more between a scrubber and the floor surface. During
efficient appliances were developed. the cleaning and moving operation of vehicle a
In early, 2010 a new automatic floor cleaner robot propulsion mechanism such as driven wheels and
“Mint” was developed by Jen Steffen. Detachable guide wheels for the dry tracking on the floor
clothes were attached for sweeping and mopping surface to be cleaned. Preferably, a sweeper
purposes. For tracking mint used the GPS-like mechanism is mounted on the body forwarded by
indoor localization system. propulsion mechanism and operated with such
In this Project work a floor cleaner robot based on control system for advance sweeping of floor
Arduino Uno and leanardo have been developed. surface. The new automatic floor cleaner will
This cleaner robot is an electric home appliance, save huge cost of labor in future. The basic
which works automatically. It performs mopping advantage of this product is that it will be cost
operation. Detachable mop is used for mopping. It effective and no human control is needed. Once
works on 9V supply. In the automatic mode, robot put in on mode it will clean the whole room
performs all operations itself. Robot starts it moves without any omission of surface.
forward and perform cleaning action. For obstacle This floor cleaner robot can work automatically.
detection and to avoid hurdle Ultrasonic sensors All hardware and software operations are
have been used. If any hurdle detected then robot
change the lane automatically, does not stop and
starts cleaning action. To make whole system
controlled by Arduino. This robot can perform Almost every mechanical movement that we
sweeping and mopping task. GSM modules have see around us is accomplished by an electric
been used for wireless communication between motor. Electric machines are means of
user and robot. This robot is incorporated with converting conventional energy. Motors take
Ultrasonic sensor for obstacle detection. Three electrical energy and produce mechanical
motors are used, one for cleaning, and two for
energy. Electric motor is used to power
wheels. In the automatic mode robot control all the
operations itself and change the lane in case of hundreds of devices we use in everyday life.
hurdle detection and moves back. GSM module has An example of motor used in day to day life
been used to transmit and receive the information is automobiles, food blenders and so is
between remote and robot and send the information vacuum cleaner.
related to the cleaning on mobile. The whole
circuitry is connected with 9V battery. Ultrasonic Sensor
This sensor is a high performance ultrasonic
range finder. It is compact and measures an
WORKING amazingly wide range from 2cm to 4m. This
ranger is a perfect for any robotic
Automatic mode is guided by algorithms for path application, or any other projects requiring
planning of the robot. Path planning is an important
accurate ranging information. This sensor
factor because the efficiency of cleaning robot is
very much dependent on it. With every collision
can be connected directly to the digital I/O
with obstacle the turning direction of the robot lines of your
continuously changes under this mode. For this microcontroller and distance can be
algorithm, after every collision the robot has a measured in time required for travelling of
sequence of movements. Bot connected with 9V sound signal using simple formula as below.
power supply. Distance = (Echo pulse width high time *
Sound Velocity (340M/S)/2) or Distance in
cm = (Echo pulse width high time (in
HARDWARE USED us)*0.017) The module works on 5VDC
input and also gives an output signal directly
Motor Driving IC L298N for detection of any obstacle up to 4M.Power
A very easy and safe is to use popular L293D up the sensor by 5VDC using pins “VCC”
chip. It is a 16- pin chip. The pin configuration and “GND”. First of all a 10us trigger input
of a L298N along with the behaviours of motor has to be given to the pin named “Trig” on
for different input conditions is given in fig. 4. the sensor. This starts one cycle of range
The L298N is designed to provide conversion and sends 8 bursts of sound
bidirectional drive currents of up to 600-mA at waves from the transmitter. As soon
voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. When an enable as the signals are transmitted the “Echo” pin
input is high, the associated drivers are goes to high level and remains in high level
enabled. Also, their outputs are active and in until the same sound waves are received by
phase with their inputs. When the enable input the receiver. If the received sound waves are
is low, those drivers are disabled, and their same as what the same sensor transmitted
outputs are off and in the high-impedance then the Echo pin goes to low level. If no
state. With the proper data inputs, each pair of object is detected within 5M after 30ms the
drivers forms a full-H (or bridge) reversible Echo signal will automatically go to low
drive suitable for solenoid or motor level.

Arduino Uno FEATURES

The Arduino Uno board is a microcontroller
based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital • Cleaning every corner with the help of i-
input/output pins in which 6 can be used as Adapt that is an advance software system and
PWM outputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, an sensors
ICSP header, a USB connection, 6 analog • Three-stage cleaning ensures the whole
inputs, a power jack and a reset button. floor cleaning following one by another
DC Motor • Opportunity of pre-scheduling that make
regular duty round the week
• Docks and self-recharging without human autonomous cleaner robot we can enable
intervention artificial intelligence in cleaning.
• Robotically adjust to all type of floor for
clean-up the home floor
• Cleaning capacity of hard to reach area like REFERENCE
under most furniture
• Easy to clean and emptying the robot [1] Ryo Kurazume, Shigeo Hirose,
• Durable battery provides long time cleaning “Development of a Cleaning Robot System with
capability Cooperative Positioning System” in
Autonomous Robots (2000) Volume 9, Issue: 3,
• Huge dust grasping capability
Publisher: Springer, Pages: 237-246
[2] Sewan Kim, “Autonomous cleaning robot:
Roboking system integration and overview” in
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
RESULT Automation 2004 Proceedings ICRA 04 2004
(2004) Pages: 4437-4441 Vol.5
We have developed the robot which will [3] Chih-Hao Chen and Kai-Tai Song:
improve the quality of cleaning in our college, “Complete Coverage Motion Control of a
Vellore Institute of Technology, VIT. The Cleaning Robot Using Infrared Sensors”,
robot developed will be of great help to Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International
workers to get to complete respective work in Conference on Mechatronics July 10, 2005,
Taipei, Taiwan.
time. The testing of the robot showed that it
[4] Charles A. Schuler, Willam L. Mcnamee,
can achieve almost all the functionalities "Industrial Electronics and Robotics," Mcgraw-
which were planned to implement originally. Hill International Edition, Industrial Electronics
When this robot completes the whole path it Series, 2003.
automatically cleans itself in the station from [5] Manreet Kaur, Preeti Abrol “Design and
where it started cleaning and sends Development of Floor Cleaner Robot (Automatic
information to user through smartphone. The and Manual) “International Journal of Computer
evaluation shows that our model is reliable and Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 97– No.19,
cost effective. It works with less energy July 2014.
consumption. Its results also showed that this [6] A Study on Development of Home Mess-
product is user-friendly. Cleanup Robot McBot- YoungkakMa,
Seungwoo Kim, Dongik Oh and YoungwanCho.


This research facilitates efficient floor cleaning

with sweeping and mopping operations. This robot
works automatically. This proposed work provides
the hurdle detection in case of any obstacle that
comes in its way. It reduces the labor cost and
saves time also and provides efficient cleaning. In
automatic mode, the robot operates autonomously.
The operations such as sweeping, mopping and
changing the path in case of hurdle are performed
automatically Nevertheless, there are still new
ideas to improve the developed system and to add
new functionality to it. This autonomous cleaner
robot is GSM control system using mobile phones
for cleaning process.

The additional feature that may be added by

controlling the robot by Bluetooth or zigbee. And
by implementing solar panel in the robot we can
charge the battery using light energy which can
enhance the robot to operate in power failure
condition. By implementing the fuzzy logic in the

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