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Fatawa Of The Rightly Guided
Imams On Mawlid
by Sh. G. F. Haddad
Ibn Taymiyya
Ibn Taymiyya said in his book Iqtida' Al Sirat Al Mustaqeem (Cairo, al-Fiqqi
1950 edition, pages 294 and 297)
This text is found in the 2nd edition (1369/1950) of Muhammad Hamid al-
Fiqqi at Cairo's Matba`at al-Sunnat al-Muhammadiyya.
This is a saying of someone who set fanaticism aside and sought to please
Allah and his Prophet . As far as we are concerned, we commemorate the
Mawlid for no other reason but what Ibn Taymiya said, "Out of love and
veneration of the Prophet." May Allah reward us according to this love and
Al Suyuti
In the same source previously mentioned, Al Suyuti said, "Someone asked
Ibn Hajar about commemorating the Mawlid. Ibn Hajar answered:
Al Suyuti then further writes, "Then what blessing is greater than the birth
of the Prophet , the Prophet of Mercy, on this day?"
"This is regarding the basis of Mawlid. As for the activities, there should be
only the things that express thankfulness to Allah, such as what has been
previously mentioned: reciting Quran, eating food, giving charity, reciting
poetry praising the Prophet or on piety which moves hearts and drives
them to do good and work for the Hereafter."
These are the derivations that those opposed to Mawlid call false
conclusions and invalid analogies.
Imam Al `Iraqi.
Al Mawlid al heni fi al Mawlid al sani.
In light of which, one should take care to commemorate it on the day itself
in order to conform to the above story of Moses and the tenth of
Muharram, those who do not view the matter thus do not mind
commemorating it on any other day of the month, while some have
expanded its time to any of the day of the year, whatever exception may
be taken at such a view.
Reference :
al Suyuti, Jalal al Din.
al Hawi li al fatawi al fiqh was ulum al tafsir was al hadith wa al usul wa al
nahw wa al i wa sa'ir al funun. 2 vols. 1352/1933 - 34 Reprint Beirut : Dar
al Kutub al Ilmiyya, 1403/1983. Quoted in The Reliance of the Traveller (
Ahmad ibn Naqib al Misri ) A Classical Manual of Islamic Sacred Law
translated by Noah Ha Mim Keller ( 1991 ) page w58.0 --> w59.0
According to the Mufti of Mecca Ahmad ibn Zayni Dahlan, in his book al-
Sira al-nabawiyya wa al-athar al-muhammadiyya, page 51: "To celebrate
the Mawlid and to remember the Prophet is accepted by all the Ulama of
the Muslims." Most of the following quotations are taken from that work.
Imam Shawkani
Imam Shawkani in his book al-Badr at-tali`, said, "It is permissible to
celebrate the Prophet's birthday." He mentioned that Mullah `Ali Qari held
the same opinion in a book entitled al-Mawrid ar-Rawi fi al-Mawlid al-
Nabawi, written specifically to support the celebration of the Prophet's
Imam Sakhawi
Imam Sakhawi said, "The Mawlid was begun three centuries after the
Prophet , and all Muslim nations celebrated it, and all `ulama accepted it,
by worshipping Allah alone, by giving donations and by reading the
Prophet's Sira."
Ibn al-Jawzi
Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597) wrote a booklet of poems and sira to be read at
mawlid celebrations. It is entitled Mawlid al-`arus and begins with the
words: al-hamdu lillah al-ladhi abraza min ghurrati `arusi al-hadrati
subhan mustanira: "Praise be to Allah Who has manifested from the
radiance of the bridegroom of His presence a lightgiving daybreak..."
In his Lata'if al-Ma`arif, a book on what Muslims should do for each month
and season of the years, the great hadith master Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali held
three lessons. The first two lessons concerned the birth of the Prophet and
the third and final lessons concerning his death. Allah bless him and his
family and give them peace. As a bare minimum, this shows that Ibn Rajab
considered teaching about the life of the Prophet Allah bless him and
give him peace) during the month of Rabi` al-Awwal to be something not
only permissible, but of such importance that it should be done in public.
While virtually no Muslims denies the permissibility of studying the
biography of the Prophet Allah bless him and give him peace), a vocal
minority claims that this is a [blameworthy] innovation. fn1 Mentioning the
birth and death of the Prophet Allah bless him and give him peace as
things that Muslims should do during the month of Rabi` al-Awwal is a
clear indication from Ibn Rajab that it is permissible:
1. to learn about the birth and death of the Prophet Allah bless him and
give him peace)
2. to gather in public to do so
[See: Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, Lata'if al-Ma`arif. Damascus: Dar Ibn Kathir.
1999/1420 AH. pp158-216]
Wa al-salamu `alaykum,
fn1: There are two taxonomies regarding things for which were not done
during the time of the Prophet Allah bless him and give him peace). The
most popular taxonomy places these things into five categories: obligatory,
praiseworthy, neutral, offensive, and impermissible. The other taxonomy
declares these things as being praiseworthy sunnahs or blameworthy
innovations. It is confusing to simply say "innovation".
• This Is A False - Bid`a Mawlíd
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latest update: 2017-09-15