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Mof Company Shin Yang

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MOF COMPANY, INC., Petitioner, v.



On October 25, 2001, Halla Trading Co., a company based in Korea, shipped to Manila
secondhand cars and other articles on board the vessel Hanjin Busan 0238W.

The bill of lading covering the shipment, i.e., Bill of Lading No. HJSCPUSI14168303,
which was prepared by the carrier Hanjin Shipping Co., Ltd. (Hanjin), named respondent
Shin Yang Brokerage Corp. (Shin Yang) as the consignee and indicated that payment
was on a "Freight Collect" basis, i.e., that the consignee/receiver of the goods would be
the one to pay for the freight and other charges in the total amount of P57,646.00.

The shipment arrived in Manila on October 29, 2001. Thereafter, petitioner MOF
Company, Inc. (MOF), Hanjin's exclusive general agent in the Philippines, repeatedly
demanded the payment of ocean freight, documentation fee and terminal handling
charges from Shin Yang.

The latter, however, failed and refused to pay contending that it did not cause the
importation of the goods, that it is only the Consolidator of the said shipment, that the
ultimate consignee did not endorse in its favor the original bill of lading and that the bill of
lading was prepared without its consent.

MOF alleged that Shin Yang, a regular client, caused the importation and shipment of the
goods and assured it that ocean freight and other charges would be paid upon arrival of
the goods in Manila. Yet, after Hanjin's compliance, Shin Yang unjustly breached its
obligation to pay

MOF argued that Shin Yang, as the named consignee in the bill of lading, entered itself
as a party to the contract and bound itself to the "Freight Collect" arrangement.

MOF thus prayed for the payment of P57,646.00 representing ocean freight,
documentation fee and terminal handling charges as well as damages and attorney's

Claiming that it is merely a consolidator/forwarder and that Bill of Lading No.

HJSCPUSI14168303 was not endorsed to it by the ultimate consignee, Shin Yang denied
any involvement in shipping the goods or in promising to shoulder the freightage. It
asserted that it never authorized Halla Trading Co. to ship the articles or to have its name
included in the bill of lading.

Shin Yang also alleged that MOF failed to present supporting documents to prove that it
was Shin Yang that caused the importation or the one that assured payment of the
shipping charges upon arrival of the goods in Manila.
MTC RULED- rendered its Decision4 in favor of MOF. It ruled that Shin Yang cannot
disclaim being a party to the contract of affreightment, because it would appear that
defendant has business transactions with plaintiff. This is evident from defendant's letters.
[In] the mind of the Court, by analogy, a written contract need not be necessary; a mutual
understanding [would suffice]. Further, plaintiff would have not included the name of the
defendant in the bill of lading, had there been no prior agreement to that effect.

RTC RULED - affirmed in toto the Decision of the MeTC. It held that: MOF and Shin
Yang entered into a contract of affreightment which Black's Law Dictionary defined as a
contract with the ship owner to hire his ship or part of it, for the carriage of goods and
generally take the form either of a charter party or a bill of lading. The bill of lading
contain[s] the information embodied in the contract.

CA RULED - CA dismissed MOF's complaint and refused to award any form of damages
or attorney's fees. It opined that MOF failed to substantiate its claim that Shin Yang had
a hand in the importation of the articles to the Philippines or that it gave its consent to be
a consignee of the subject goods.

This Court is persuaded [that except] for the Bill of Lading, respondent has not presented
any other evidence to bolster its claim that petitioner has entered [into] an agreement of
affreightment with respondent, be it verbal or written. It is noted that the Bill of Lading was
prepared by Hanjin Shipping, not the petitioner. Hanjin is the principal while respondent
is the former's agent.

In the present case, petitioner did not only [refuse to] accept the bill of lading, but it
likewise disown[ed] the shipment. [Neither did it] authorize Halla Trading Company or
anyone to ship or export the same on its behalf.

It is settled that a contract is upheld as long as there is proof of consent, subject matter
and cause

In the case at bar, there is not even any iota of evidence to show that petitioner had given
its consent.

Whether a consignee, who is not a signatory to the bill of lading, is bound by the
stipulations thereof. Corollarily, whether respondent who was not an agent of the shipper
and who did not make any demand for the fulfillment of the stipulations of the bill of lading
drawn in its favor is liable to pay the corresponding freight and handling charges.

The bill of lading is oftentimes drawn up by the shipper/consignor and the carrier without
the intervention of the consignee. However, the latter can be bound by the stipulations of
the bill of lading when:
a) there is a relation of agency between the shipper or consignor and the consignee; or
b) when the consignee demands fulfillment of the stipulation of the bill of lading which
was drawn up in its favor

Keng Hua Paper Products Co., Inc. v. Court of Appeals, - we held that once the bill
of lading is received by the consignee who does not object to any terms or stipulations
contained therein, it constitutes as an acceptance of the contract and of all of its terms
and conditions, of which the acceptor has actual or constructive notice.

A consignee, although not a signatory to the contract of carriage between the shipper and
the carrier, becomes a party to the contract by reason of either:

a) the relationship of agency between the consignee and the shipper/ consignor;

b) the unequivocal acceptance of the bill of lading delivered to the consignee, with full
knowledge of its contents or

c) availment of the stipulation pour autrui, i.e., when the consignee, a third person,
demands before the carrier the fulfillment of the stipulation made by the consignor/shipper
in the consignee's favor, specifically the delivery of the goods/cargoes shipped.

In the instant case, Shin Yang consistently denied in all of its pleadings that it authorized
Halla Trading, Co. to ship the goods on its behalf; or that it got hold of the bill of lading
covering the shipment or that it demanded the release of the cargo. Basic is the rule in
evidence that the burden of proof lies upon him who asserts it, not upon him who denies,
since, by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof of it.17 Thus,
MOF has the burden to controvert all these denials, it being insistent that Shin Yang
asserted itself as the consignee and the one that caused the shipment of the goods to
the Philippines.

MOF failed to meet the required quantum of proof. Other than presenting the bill of lading,
which, at most, proves that the carrier acknowledged receipt of the subject cargo from the
shipper and that the consignee named is to shoulder the freightage, MOF has not
adduced any other credible evidence to strengthen its cause of action.
It did not even present any witness in support of its allegation that it was Shin Yang which
furnished all the details indicated in the bill of lading and that Shin Yang consented to
shoulder the shipment costs.

Here is also nothing in the records which would indicate that Shin Yang was an agent of
Halla Trading Co. or that it exercised any act that would bind it as a named consignee.
Thus, the CA correctly dismissed the suit for failure of petitioner to establish its cause
against respondent.

RULING: WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The assailed Decision of the Court of
Appeals dated March 22, 2006 dismissing petitioner's complaint and the Resolution dated
May 25, 2006 denying the motion for reconsideration are AFFIRMED.

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