Chapter - 1 Introduction, Research Methodology and Review of Literature 1.1: Introduction
Chapter - 1 Introduction, Research Methodology and Review of Literature 1.1: Introduction
Chapter - 1 Introduction, Research Methodology and Review of Literature 1.1: Introduction
Globalization has brought in border less economy into formation mainly
due to liberal economic policies and opening up of domestic economies to
foreign inflow of capital both in equity and direct investment form. This has
had an impact on the growth and structure of domestic industrial structure
especially in developing economies like India. Such an impact is felt more in
the pharmaceutical sector in India, which needs study and analysis. Such
studies involve two aspects:
1. Study of changing Industrial Structure
2. Analysis of Foreign Investment in the Indian domestic
pharmaceutical industry
Over the past decade there have been a number of changes in the policy
frame work developed since the late 1990s. Beside import liberalization
removal of restrictions on foreign firms, Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) has
been diluted as a part of economic reforms. The Intellectual Property Rights
(IPR) framework has undergone important changes as per India’s obligation
under Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)
Agreement of World Trade Organization (WTO) covering adoption of product
patents by 2005. All these trends of past decade viz. liberalization of trade,
investment and price regulation, and emerging changes in the intellectual
property rights are likely to have implications for the availability and price of
pharmaceutical products in India.
The industrial, trade and technology policy framework evolved over the
1950-1990 has considerably changed in the 1990s as a part of economic
reforms undertaken by the government and World Trade Organization
agreements. The important changes have been brought about in the industrial
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policy and foreign direct investment policy, trade policy, patent protection and
price controls.
The New Industrial Policy (NIP) was announced on 24th July 1991 the
main aim of the new industrial policy was;
1. To unshackle the Indian industrial economy from the cobwebs of
unnecessary bureaucratic control.
2. To introduce liberalization with a view to integrate the Indian
economy with the world economy.
3. To remove restriction on foreign direct investment as also to free
the domestic entrepreneur from the restriction of MRTP Act, and
4. The policy aimed to shed the load of the public enterprises which
have shown a very low rate of return or were incurring losses
over the years. 1
All these reforms of industrial policy led the government to take a series
of initiatives in respect of policies in following areas:
1. Industrial Licensing,
2. Foreign Investment
3. Foreign Technology Policy,
4. Public Sector Policy, and
5. MRTP Act. (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practice Act)
Under the New Industrial Policy (NIP) announced by the Government of
India in July 1991, under this policy licensing was abolished for all industries
except 18 industries which included coal, petroleum, sugar, metro cars,
cigarettes, hazardous chemicals, pharmaceuticals and some luxury goods. The
industrial policy was welcome because it took the bold decision to end the
licence permit raj. This step enabled Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practice
companies to established new undertaking and effects plans of expansion,
mergers, amalgamations and takeovers without government approval.
Under new industrial policy it has been decided to provide approval for
direct foreign investment up to 51 percent foreign equity in high priority
industries. The government has further clarified that it permits 100 percent
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foreign equity in the case the entire output was exported 2. Before 1990, India’s
foreign direct investment was less compared to other developing countries.
Foreign capital is permitted free entry, the distinction between high priority
industries to low priority industries would gradually disappear over time and all
lines of production will be opened to facilitate foreign investment. The new
industrial policy was able to attract foreign investment and give a boost of
domestic investment. The regulatory provision in the Monopolies and
Restrictive Trade Practice Act were removed through the 1991 amendments
with the view to giving effect to the new industrial policy of liberalization and
deregulation aimed to achieve economies of scales for ensuring higher
productivity and competitiveness.
The new industrial policy dismantled the industrial licensing system
by abolishing the requirements of obtaining an industrial license from the
government drugs and pharmaceutical. New industrial policy accorded a much
more liberal attitude to foreign direct investment than ever in the post
independent India. Another aspect of reforms has been substantial dilution of
price controls. A new Drug Price Control Order (DPCO) was notified in 1995
bringing down of number of drugs under the price controls to 74 from 166
under the 1987 order. These 74 drugs covered under Drug Price Control Order
1995 account for only about 40 percent of the total market thus setting the bulk
of the pharmaceutical market out of price controls. The government has
followed exclusion cum inclusion criteria, excluding drugs where there is
sufficient market competition and including those where there is a monopoly
situation. Secondly there is a single list of drugs under the price control with a
Maximum Allowable Post Manufacturing Expense (MAPE) of 100 percent.
Thirdly all formulations under Drug Price Control Order drugs sold whether
under branded or generics cannot price fixation. Lastly, exemption period for
new drug produced by indigenous research and develoment expenditure has
been increased from five years to ten years.
In the patent regime under the Act of 1970, India did not provide
product patent protection in pharmaceutical but did recognize process patents.
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Indian Patent Act of 1970, which excluded product patent coverage for
pharmaceutical products completely and limited process patents to a period of
seven years. With respect to process patents there are provision which
substantially limit the scope of protection.
1. First after three years from the date of sealing a pharmaceutical
process patent the License of Rights clause applies. Under this
clause the patent owner is obliged to license the patented process
to any interested party with a maximum royalty of 4 percent
payable by the licensee.
2. Second after three years from the date of sealing a
pharmaceutical patent the government can grant a compulsory
license if the patented drugs not available at reasonable price. The
terms of a compulsory license are set by the government unless
the patent owner and licensee find agreement between
3. Third a patented pharmaceutical process must be worked in India
three years from the date of sealing the patent. Importation of a
drug produced with the patented process is not considered as
working the patent.
4. Fourth the burden of proof in case of patent infringement rests
with patent owner.3
Under the 1970 Act, drugs could be patented only for a new methods or
process of manufactures not for the product. It is important fact that before the
introduction Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) India did not
provide product patent protection in pharmaceutical. Despite that the
pharmaceutical industry remained under developed in India because of lack of
the entrepreneurial spirit and technological skills to take advantages of the
absence of product patent protection. Indian generic companies had to develop
their own process patent. Another thing many of multinational companies
patented drugs will come off patent by 2012-2014: this again can be seen as an
opportunity to Indian pharmaceutical firms to enter the global market in a
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significant way due to their cost efficiency and competitive edge more is so in
the generic drug sector. Generic drugs means which patented drugs going to off
patent that time every body use formula of patented drugs and reformulate
them for sales. Product patent was introduced in pharmaceutical industry in
India from 1st January 2005. A product patent is granted for 20 years.
Diversification is a method of investment into new markets. It is a
process by which modern Corporations extend their activities beyond the
current product range and markets in which they operate. Diversification can be
achieved through internal expansion by investing into a new line of business
activity or by external expansion through mergers. It can be classified as
horizontal, vertical and conglomerate depending upon the industries in which
firm is operating and the industries which want to diversify. A firm would be
said to diversify horizontally if its new operations are in an industry of close
substitutes. In vertical diversification, the new industry has forward or
backward linkages with the firm present operations. In conglomerate
diversification the new industry does not operations of the firm through
diversification as shown in figure. A conglomerate merger involves a
predominant element of diversification of activities. This may consist of a
company deriving most of the revenue from a particular industry acquiring
companies or entities operating in other industries for one or more following
• Obtain greater stability of earning through diversification,
• Obtain benefit of economies of scales,
Globalization has also given opportunity for Indian pharmaceutical industry to
go for merger and acquisitions abroad. With the liberalization of Indian
economy in 1991 restriction of merger and acquisitions have been lowered. As
a result the government has introduced various measures to facilitate speedy
clearance of merger and acquisitions deals. The Competition Bill cleared by the
cabinet on June 01 is one such action for the centre. The Bill has exempted all
companies from informing the government about any merger and acquisitions
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Vertical rate
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This body would review only those merger and acquisitions cases which result
in post merger turnover of over Rs 30 billion and an asset base of over Rs 10
billion.5 The relaxation of foreign direct investment policy is another step in the
right direction. Increasing foreign direct investment limit in pharmaceuticals
has attracted foreign investment into the country. Out of the 73 acquisition
deals announced in August 01 over 50 percent of the acquirers were foreign
companies, constituting an estimated 60 percent of the total consideration of Rs
16 billion.3 Since 1991 Indian industries have been facing increasingly
domestic as well as international competition and competitiveness has become
an imperative for survival. Hence in recent times companies have started their
operations around their core business activities through merger and
In India prior to 1991 most firms especially those belonging to large
business groups undertook extensive diversification programme. The
government policies dictated the timing, the size and the location of the new
entrants and expansion of existing capacity. This was done to prevent
dominance through the preeminent of capacity. The economy wide targeted
capacity was thus split among several medium size units, which were not able
to exploit scale economies. As a result, most of an Indian firm remained
unfocussed due to distribution of operation.
With the New Industrial Policy of 1991, there were many changes in the
regulations governing firm expansion. There was simplification in the
procedural rules and regulations, industrial licensing was abolished except for a
short list of related to security and strategic concerns. The pre entry scrutiny of
the investment decision under the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practice
Act 1969 was abolished. No prior approval of the central government was
required for expansion establishment of new undertaking merger and takeovers.
The opening up of the consequent increase in competition meant that a business
group had to reassess to portfolio activities. In their public statement, the
companies1 claimed they would concentrate on a core business reflecting a
strong specialization. However, as will be seen later, the trend was towards
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The present study attempts to review the growth and composition of
Indian pharmaceutical industry, during the period 1991 to 2006. The period of
study spans seventeen years because we have studied the progress and changes
after New Economic Policy was introduced in India since 1991.
The present thesis is entitled, “A STUDY OF THE CHANGING
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10. Centre For Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt Ltd ( CMIE ),Mumbai
11. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI),
12. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producer of India (OPPI), Mumbai
13. Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi.
Necessary secondary data is collected from following official sources.
1. Indian Economy Survey, published by Ministry of Finance,
Government of India.
2. Economic Intelligence Service, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
Private Ltd, Report on Industry, Financial Aggregates and Ratio.
3. Economic Intelligence Service, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
Private Ltd, Report on Monthly Review of the Indian Economy.
4. Economic Intelligence Service, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
Private Ltd, Report on Foreign Trade, Trade and Balance of Payment.
5. Economic Intelligence Service, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
Private Ltd, Report on Corporate Sector.
6. Economic Intelligence Service, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
Private Ltd, Report on Industry, Market Size and Share.
7. Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producer of India.
8. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, PhRMA
Annual Membership Survey.
9. Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce
and Industry, Government of India.
10. Indian Planning Experience – A Statistical Profile; Planning
Commission, Government of India, New Delhi
11.; for total public health expenditure,
ministries of health and family welfare.
12. Annual report of Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Department of
Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Government of India.
Data collected from the above sources is tabulated and interpreted with
the help of appropriate statistical tools. Compound growth rate, ratio analysis
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and percentage methods are used for data analysis. Graphical presentation of
data is made wherever necessary.
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1 – Pradeep Agrawal, and P. Saibaba, in their paper “TRIPS and India’s
Pharmaceuticals Industry”, Economic and Political Weekly, September 29,
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2001, undertake a broad review and present a brief analysis of how the Indian
Pharmaceuticals industry might have been affected new patent laws that came
into force from January 1, 2005 as a part of the Trade Related Intellectual
Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement, negotiated under the World Trade
Organisation regime.
In this paper the authors have built up an important argument offered by
the supporters of Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
agreement regarding the world welfare in the medium to long run. It is that
increased patent protection for inventors is necessary in the increasingly
gobalised world economy where flow of products among countries may have
serious consequences for the overall profits of pharmaceutical firms. In the
long run the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights agreement
may bring benefits for developing countries like India in the form of research
and development expenditure in inventing drugs for diseases that are specific to
developing regions.
The authors are of the opinion, that India is relatively better off than
many other developing countries because it has a reasonably well developed
pharmaceuticals sector. They argue that we must do our best to help make
Indian firms more capable of undertaking research and development and to be
more competitive in exports. This can be facilitated by providing generous tax
incentives for undertaking research and development and by allowing liberal
imports of raw materials with minimum import duties. Export procedures
should also be further simplified so that they do not become a hindrance to the
growth of export. We should also actively encourage technological
collaboration with foreign firms and the inflow of foreign direct investment, in
the pharmaceutical industry as ways to brings new technology, research and
managerial capabilities into this important sector of the economy.
2 – Nilesh Zacharias and Sandeep Farias,7 in their paper “Patent and the Indian
Pharmaceutical Industry” argue that the process of liberalization initiated in
1991 has helped develop policies that are focused on attracting capital from
overseas and making India a global industrial base. The resultant inflows of
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firms have found less costly modes of technology acquisition than the earlier
entrants in the market for firm acquisitions.
Thus, the paper highlights the role of new economic opportunities in
inducing experimentation in strategy and in inducing strategic change. While
managerial vision appears to direct strategy when there is uncertainty about
which strategy best targets the economic opportunity, imitation is rapid when
uncertainties disappear. The paper shows that incumbent firms drew upon
firms’ own strengths, vision and managed risk in different ways. They also
showed considerable entrepreneurial behavior in pursuing new opportunities.
8 - Keshab Das, in his paper “The Domestic Politics of TRIPs:
Pharmaceutical Interests, Public Health, and NGO Influence in India, examine
some of the political implications of the coming into force, in 2004 of
provisions of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. These are serious implications for
India’s pharmaceutical industry, as well as for the political environment within
which pro-poor policy change can be effected. The historical backdrop to this
change is an important contextual feature: operating within India’s homegrown
patent system which covers not the product itself, but only the process by
which it was made India’s pharmaceutical industry managed, over the course
of several decades, to make the country self-sufficient in the production of a
considerable range of drugs and (crucially for the poor) to make them widely
available at affordable prices.
The World Trade Organisation provisions now coming into force are
likely to have different impacts on different groups associated with the
pharmaceutical sector. Some of this stems from the nature of the provisions
themselves, but an important part of the story concerns attempts by state elites
to co-opt external stakeholders. This latter development is itself an important
change in the nature of trade policy formulation in India.
The author observes that as part of a global campaign to loosen the
strictures of the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
Agreement, in the interest of making medicine more widely available to the
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The author concludes that the main aim is to impose the conditional ties
of World Trade Organization and to change the Indian Patent Act as
Multinational Companies need more markets and are eyeing Asia which is the
largest continent of the world where 60 percent of the world population lives
but contributes only 20 percent of the world pharmaceuticals business. With a
high rate of population growth it is expected that the need of drugs will
tremendously increase in the third world countries including India in the next
millennium. India contributes 16.1 percent of the world population, but it
produces only 1.2 percent of world drug production. Hence the Multinational
Companies are trying to have more control over the pharmaceutical markets of
the developing nations. Developed countries are backing their own big
companies to capture markets in other countries even at the cost of the interest
of the people there. The United States has successfully battled for the inclusion
of strict intellectual property rules in international trade agreements such as
NAFTA and GATT. Often the U.S. position has literally been drafted by
PhRMA. These trade agreements disregard public health considerations and
have forced dramatic changes in the intellectual property rules the world over.
Still PhRMA is not satisfied. And when PhRMA is not happy the office of U.S.
Trade Representative (USTR) is not happy, says the editorial comment of
multinational monitor.
11 - Aradhna Aggarwal, in the study entitled "Strategic Approach to
Strengthening the International Competitiveness in Knowledge Based
Industries: The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry;” identifies the factors that
determine the export competitiveness of firms in the Indian pharmaceutical
industry. Her findings suggest that the competitiveness of firms depends not
only on firm specific advantages but also on government fiscal incentives.
Among the firm specific factors own research and development efforts
emerged as one of the prime factors influencing export competitiveness.
Technology imports on the other hand did not play a significant export-
enhancing role. Brand promotion and lower costs were other important
determinants of the export competitiveness. The study also finds that the
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2. Second, the price-control regime means that Indian firms are highly
efficient manufacturers, as is shown by the 40 percent share of output
being exported.
3. Third, a few Indian firms have determinedly moved away from their
origins as reverse-engineers of patented medicines, and are now
investing a growing research and development budget in their new drug
discovery programs, aimed at building their own internationally
patented intellectual property rights. Two firms, Ranbaxy Laboratories
and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories (DRL), have already filed their first
molecules internationally, and in 1999, received the all-important Food
Drug Administration approval to conduct clinical trials upon them.
These companies have also indicated that they have discovery pipelines
that enable them each to file for one molecule per year.
4. Fourth, mergers and acquisitions have become increasingly common.
By matching companies with complementary strengths, the merger and
acquisitions process promises to better equip Indian companies to
compete with Multinational Companies in years ahead. To the extent
that merger and acquisitions activity has occurred between Indian and
multinational firms, the distinctions between the two groups are
increasingly blurred.
5. Fifth of the twelve firms in the sample for this paper were Multinational
Companies subsidiaries. Accordingly, the paper also offers insights into
these companies’ 2005 related strategies. Most Multinational
Companies that already have a presence in India are building up the
capacity to localize further their post 2005 Indian operations, pending
the specific nature of the new patent environment.
The study in the final analysis, feels that changes in the Indian
pharmaceutical sector will permanently alter its structure. Fears that
Multinational Companies will capitalize on increased patent protection and
wipe out local competition appear to be exaggerated, although consolidation is
inevitable with 16,000 companies, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is
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currently one of the most fragmented in the world. However, the industry is
certain to grow increasingly efficient and productive in the coming years. India
may become a center of global importance in pharmaceutical production and
research and thereby, enhance its position in the world economy.
15 – Sunil Mani, in the study of “The Sectoral System of Innovation of
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry”, undertakes a detailed mapping out of the
sectoral system of innovation of India's pharmaceutical industry. The industry
is one of the most innovative industries in the Indian manufacturing sector. The
innovation system of the industry has three strong pillars: very pro active
government policy regime especially with respect to intellectual property right,
strong government research institutes and private sector enterprises which have
invested in innovation. The Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights compliance of the intellectual property right regime making it
mandatory for pharmaceutical products to be patented has not reduced the
innovation capability of the industry although it has not made them work on
research and development projects that may lead to the discovery of drugs for
neglected diseases of the developing world.
The study concludes that, India's innovation system is dominated by the
pharmaceutical industry. The industry has achieved self sufficiency in most
drugs, although a number of active pharmaceutical ingredients are still being
imported. It is very well understood that the old patents regime has enabled the
pharmaceutical industry to enhance its domestic technological capability. This
capability to reverse engineer known pharmaceutical products have given some
of the firms sufficient learning to engage in the development of new chemical
entitiy (NCEs) in a Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights compliant
product patent regime. However, none of the firms is doing research on the
neglected diseases. In sum, the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
compliant patent regime does not appear to have dampened the innovation
capability of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, and on the contrary, they
have both increased their research budgets and patenting.
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spillovers of backward linkages with foreign firms care noticed. The reason for
this is the large technological gaps between domestic firms are foreign firms.
The paper emphasis that if firm in all countries has to gain from a
globally competitive scenario then it is very necessary to reduce the technology
collaboration across nations from technological efficient firms to less efficient
firms. However, this the paper feels will not happen, if the patent regime is
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1 – Ruddar Datt and K.P.M. Sundharam (2006), Indian Economy, S.Chand and
Company Ltd, Fifty Second revised edition, pn.176 to 187.
2 - Ibid
3 – Carsten Fink (2006), How Stronger Patent Protection in India Might Affect
the Behaviour or Transnational Pharmaceutical Industries, policy research
working paper 2352, Development Research Group the World Bank, pn. 4.
4 – Mergers: The Only Survival Route, Sectoral Report 12th October 2001,
5 - Ibid
6 – Pradeep Agrawal, and P. Saibaba (2001), TRIPS and India’s
Pharmaceuticals Industry, Economic and Political Weekly, September 29,
2001. Vol XXXVI, No- 3787 to 3790.
7 - Nilesh Zacharias and Sandeep Farias, (2002) Patent and the Indian
Pharmaceutical Industry, Business Briefing: Pharmaceutical 2002, pn; 42 to 47
8 - Kalpana Chaturvedi and Jonna Chatawy, (2006) , Strategic integration of
knowledge in Indian pharmaceutical firms: creating competencies for
innovation, International Journal Business and Research, Vol. 1, Nos.1/2, pp -
27 to 50.
9 - Gehl Sampath, Padmashree, (2006), Indian Pharma Within Global Reach?,
Published in Jo Chataway, Dinar Kale and David Wield (editors), The Indian
Pharmaceutical Industry before and after TRIPS, Special Issue of the Journal of
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, September 2007, pp: 1 to 42.
10 – Larry Davidson and Gennadiy Greblov, (2005), The Pharmaceutical
industry in the Global Economy, Information Services via the World Trade
Atlas, U.S. State Export Edition, pp: 1 – 34
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