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I. Judul: Configuring Router-On-a-Stick Inter-VLAN

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Nama : Faizura Zadri

Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

I. Judul : Configuring Router-On-a-Stick Inter-VLAN

II. Teori Dasar

Gambar 1. 1 Inter-VLAN Routing

VLANs are used to segment switched networks. Layer 2 switches, such

as the Catalyst 2960 Series, can be configured with over 4,000 VLANs.
A VLAN is a broadcast domain, so computers on separate VLANs are
unable to communicate without the intervention of a routing device.
Layer 2 switches have very limited IPv4 and IPv6 functionality and
cannot perform the dynamic routing function of routers. While Layer 2
switches are gaining more IP functionality, such as the ability to perform
static routing, this is insufficient to handle these large number of
There are three options for inter-VLAN routing:
 Legacy inter-VLAN routing
 Router-on-a-Stick
 Layer 3 switching using SVIs
Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

Gambar 1. 2 Router-on-a-Stick Inter-VLAN Routing

While legacy inter-VLAN routing requires multiple physical interfaces

on both the router and the switch, a more common, present-day
implementation of inter-VLAN routing does not. Instead, some router
software permits configuring a router interface as a trunk link, meaning
only one physical interface is required on the router and the switch to
route packets between multiple VLANs.

‘Router-on-a-stick’ is a type of router configuration in which a single

physical interface routes traffic between multiple VLANs on a network.
As seen in the figure, the router is connected to switch S1 using a single,
physical network connection (a trunk).

The router interface is configured to operate as a trunk link and is

connected to a switch port that is configured in trunk mode. The router
performs inter-VLAN routing by accepting VLAN-tagged traffic on the
trunk interface coming from the adjacent switch, and then, internally
routing between the VLANs using subinterfaces. The router then
forwards the routed traffic, VLAN-tagged for the destination VLAN,
out the same physical interface as it used to receive the traffic.
Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

Subinterfaces are software-based virtual interfaces, associated with a

single physical interface. Subinterfaces are configured in software on a
router and each subinterface is independently configured with an IP
address and VLAN assignment. Subinterfaces are configured for
different subnets corresponding to their VLAN assignment to facilitate
logical routing. After a routing decision is made based on the destination
VLAN, the data frames are VLAN-tagged and sent back out the physical

III. Alat dan Bahan

1) 1 Unit Komputer yang sudah terinstall Software Cisco Packet

IV. Langkah Kerja

A. Membuat Topologi Jaringan
1. Buka Cisco Packet Tracert, setelah berhasil terbuka klik pada
bagian network devices lalu pilih Switch 2096. Drag Switch
yang sudah dipilih sebanyak 1 buah.

Gambar 1. 3 Insert Switch

2. Selanjutnya Drag Komputer ke lembar kerja Simulator Cisco

sebanyak 3 buah. Letakkan pada masing-masing router.

Gambar 1. 4 Insert PC

3. Hubungkan ketiga computer dengan menggunakan kabel

straight ke switch

Gambar 1. 5 Insert Cable

4. Selanjutnya masukkan Router 1941 ke lembar kerja. Lalu

hubungkan dengan switch menggunakan kabel straight.
Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

Gambar 1. 6 Insert Router

B. Configure The PC Interfaces

1. Klik PC-0, lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar dibawah

Gambar 1. 7 PC-0

2. Klik IP Configuration, lalu masukkan IP address, dan


Gambar 1. 8 Configuration Ip Address PC-0

3. Configure juga PC-1 dengan melakukan hal yang sama, namun

denga nip address yang berbeda
Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

Gambar 1. 9 Configuration Ip Address PC-1

4. Konfigurasi juga untuk PC-2

Gambar 1. 10 Configuration Ip Address PC-2

C. Configure Switch and Router

a. Configure Switch
1. Klik switch, lalu klik CLI. Ubah nama switch dengan
mengetikkan seperti perintah dibawah ini.
Switch #configure terminal
Switch (config) #hostname S1
S1(config) #
Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

Gambar 1. 11 Change hostname

2. Buat nama vlan sesuai dengan perintah dibawah ini.

S1 (config)#vlan 10
S1 (config-vlan)#name 1TK
S1 (config-vlan)#vlan 20
S1 (config-vlan)#name 2TK
S1 (config-vlan)#vlan 30
S1 (config-vlan)#name 3TK
S1 (config-vlan)#exit
S1 (config)#

Gambar 1. 12 Create name vlan

3. Cek apakah proses membuat vlan telah berhasil dibuat.

S1 (config)#do show vlan brief

Gambar 1. 13 show vlan

4. Selanjutnya hubungkan interface pada jaringan dengan vlan

yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya.
S1 (config)#interface fastEthernet 0/3
S1 (config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

S1 (config-if)#exit
S1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1
S1 (config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
S1 (config-if)#exit
S1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/2
S1 (config-if)#switchport access vlan 30
S1 (config-if)#exit

Gambar 1. 14 Menghubungkan vlan dengan interface

5. Cek apakah proses yang dilakukan sudah berhasil.

S1 (config)#do show vlan brief

Gambar 1. 15 show vlan

Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

b. Configure Router
1. Ubah nama hostname dari Router dengan mengetikkan
perintah sepeti gambar dibawah ini.

Gambar 1. 16 Change hostname Router

2. Selanjutnya aktifkan interface GigabitEthernet 0/0

Gambar 1. 17 active interface GigabitEthernet 0/0

3. Selanjutnya beri ip address untuk ketiga vlan yang sudah

dibuat pada switch.buat sub-interface pada interface
gigabitEthernet 0/0

Gambar 1. 18 Sub-interface gigabitEthernet 0/0.10

Gambar 1. 19 Sub-interface gigabitEthernet 0/0.20

Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

Gambar 1. 20 Sub-interface gigabitEthernet 0/0.30

4. Cek apakah konfigurasi sudah berhasil atau belum

Gambar 1. 21 show ip interface brief

D. Configure trunk pada switch

Gambar 1. 22 configure trunk

Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

V. Hasil
A. Topologi

Gambar 1. 23 Result Create Topologi

B. Test Send Packet to All Computer

Gambar 1. 24 Result configuration router on a stick

VI. Analisis
Konfigurasi inter-vlan dengan menggunakan Router-on-a-stick lebih
bagus digunakan dibandingkan dengan legacy.

VII. Kesimpulan
Dengan menggunakan Router-on-a-Stick Inter-VLAN akan
memudahkan kita dalam menghubungkan banyak VLAN.
Nama : Faizura Zadri
Kelas : Tekom 2 A
NIM : 1801081021
Laporan :

VIII. Referensi
Cisco Networking Academy.Routing and switching Essentials di
assets.s3.amazonaws.com/RSE6/en/index.html# ( diakses 06
November 2019).

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