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Illuminati War

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© 2014 Truthspoon.

Dedicated to all who value truth.
Anywhere, anytime.

Contents: Page:

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Machine. 5

Chapter 2: The First Steps on a Very Strange Trail. 9

Chapter 3: The Freemasons. 16

Chapter 4: More Freemasons! 25

Chapter 5: The Rise of the Anti-Truth. 38

Chapter 6: What is Life? 45

Chapter 7: Who’s in Charge Here? 50

Chapter 8: Illumination, What’s it all About? 63

Chapter 9: TOTAL Reality! 71

Chapter 10: So What IS Enlightenment? 76

Chapter 11: Sacred Language, Secret Language. 89

Chapter 12: The Hidden Rituals of Old Gods Part 1. 96

Chapter 13: The Hidden Rituals of Old Gods Part 2. 113

Chapter 14: Who the Devil? 129

Chapter 15: A Trip to the Woods! 138

Chapter 16: A Funny Thing Happened at the Cinema. 144

Chapter 17: Illusion Delusion Illumination and Confusion. 155

Chapter 18: The Mechanics of Mind-Control on the Big-Screen Part 1. 165

Chapter 19: The Mechanics of Mind-Control on the Big-Screen Part 2. 178

Chapter 20: How to Escape! 189

Chapter 21: Reality flux! 197

Chapter 22: Power-up! 206

Chapter 23: Appreciation of Truth through Meditation. 215

Chapter 24: Final Words. 221

Acknowledgements and sources: 222


Chapter 1

Welcome to the Machine.

Where to begin? Where is the beginning anyway? How did we all find ourselves in this odd pickle
we call modern life? What is modern life anyway? For the most part it seems to be made up of lots
of busy people, being herded about like sheep by a much smaller group of people who act like the
sheepdogs, barking ominous threats at the sheep to steer them in the right direction: ‘Failure to
repay the mortgage will result in repossession’; ‘A new terrorist event is imminent’; ‘If you can’t
meet the requirements you will fail the course’; ‘smoking cannabis linked to schizophrenia’.

Generally we find the sheepdog threats whenever we consider doing anything the system doesn’t
want us to do. The system doesn’t want us to lie in bed till noon, smoke a little joint and take a
leisurely bath until just after lunchtime; potter about the house drinking cups of tea and trying to
write a life changing masterpiece of a novel, or to sit playing the guitar and creating previously
unheard harmonies, before going for a short stroll and really taking time to enjoy the colours of the
world with fresh eyes. This isn’t on at all. You can’t do that. The sheepdogs will be barking louder
than ever! Maybe the job centre will be threatening to withdraw your benefit, which is odd because
since being forced into the social security system and exchanging your sovereign being status for
that of a Corporation , you have an unlimited supply of credit in your name whenever you provide a
signature. Whenever you see your name in ALL CAPITALS it means that they are communicating with
the corporation set up in your name, and not the living breathing souled human being that you really
are. This is why the job centre cannot give you any money without your signature. Your signature is
your golden ticket to access the funds inherent in your corporation. It’s the same with banks and
credit agreements, they use your signature to create the money in the first place. Of course the last
thing they want is for you to know this, so they bark all the louder. They find it quite useful to
repossess people’s houses just to prove that they can do it and that nothing really belongs to your
corporation that can’t be taken by other corporations. Business is business! Everyone knows that....
but why?

The term ‘business’ in essence is the manifestation of certain secret societies’ inherent pathology.
The Business world is a collection of tactics, dirty tricks and levers of control, that the secret societies
have used since time immemorial, to hold their members together under the rule of their superiors.

This is why our lives are steered alternately by the powers that be, between blackmail and bribery.
We are bribed into going to work by the opportunity to buy all the consumer items, whether they
are necessary to our lives or not, within this context we have a whole raft of human psychological
techniques which are used to make us spend our money on various trifles.

These psychological tricks while allowing the various businesses to sell their products, also have
negative fallout for society and create many of the ills which plague our modern lives. For anything
to have any value there must be people who must do without. Many items are made to appear more
desirable by the fact that the fewest people could possibly afford them. Not only sports cars, and
second homes in the south of France but whole lifestyles. These minority interests are constantly
being promoted in the media. The so called rise of ‘property porn’ on daytime television, where the
millions of households facing repossession or bankruptcy have to endure the spectacle of watching
people decide how much money they want to spend on a massively overpriced house in an exclusive
and idyllic location. It’s the sheep dog mentality again. Barking normalcy to the hypnotised TV
viewer. Creating the false impression that the lifestyle available to those who have become part of
the system and have thus been appropriately ‘bribed’, is the one available to all. We all know this is
untrue. People are rich only because they are a small minority.

The money which buys the sports cars, holiday homes and life of comfortable ease of this minority
comes from the majority. For every hour of hard work at minimum wage that a woman does in order
to pay the mortgage on her family home, say, looking after people with learning disabilities in a care
home, the boss or owner of the home who seldom seems to make an appearance of indeed is ever
seen to do any work as we would term it, nevertheless, is well on his way to making his first million.
While the people who do the ACTUAL work of caring for the people in the home are struggling to
fight back the daily tide of their overdrafts, the manager of the care home herself also seems to be
taking more time off and delegating more to junior staff members, but the one time the manager
makes a special guest appearance in her new convertible BMW, all anyone can think of is how nice
her car is and how they wish they had the money to buy one. A major cause of despair and
depression in the UK is vaunting of products, lifestyles and luxury items on television to a population
most of whom will never have access to those things.

Why is this? It’s simple. We are treated like donkeys and they hold the carrots or the sticks. They use
whichever method suits their aims, or both together. The stick we are beaten with is the constant
fear that we will not be able to support our families, so we see banks acting more mercilessly and
inhumanly, while the carrots are dangled from our television sets. We are alternately led by the nose
and beaten on the ass.

The inherent greedy selfishness of this system is clearly seen if one considers the effect on society as
a whole, of this kind of psychological manipulation. First of all, the media and education act in a
pincer movement to totally promote materialism. The major way they do this is by ceasing to
investigate and validate the spiritual aspect of ourselves. In this way, one road is chosen for us all.
The path of material acquisition above all else. What then happens is the media reinforce the ideal
of materialism with endless advertisements in which the only requirement to being sexy, powerful,
cool, clean, or loveable, is to spend your money on their product. The problem with this system is
that only a small minority will be able to afford all the products and lifestyles being paraded, while
the majority will work hard day in day out in an attempt to keep up with the many demands of

materialism while at the same time the government takes its cut of the con, its protection money
from all the various rackets, in the form of endlessly increasing taxes.

There is however another small minority which exists at the other end of the scale. This minority
wants the carrots offered by the media and the materialistic ideal, but for whatever reasons, is not
prepared or able to take the path which most people take, indeed, this minority isn’t even satisfied
with the middle path of acquiring some of the perks of modern life but sees no reason why it should
not have them all. They ask themselves why they should not have the same perks as the rich
minority. And so they attempt to take shortcuts into acquiring whatever money they can and as
soon as possible. These people become the criminals, gangsters, the underworld; they have become
so utterly brainwashed by the media into worshipping the God of materialism, that they will even
gamble with morality and what society considers right and wrong, they are prepared to risk their
liberty itself in order to acquire a certain level of comfort and a certain lifestyle. And so most of the
ills that plague modern life are created by the system itself. Crime is the inevitable outcome of a
society which vaunts universal materialism and excess, but which knows only too well that such a
thing is impossible and that the ideal of luxury and excessive wealth can only exist if there are
people from whom the wealth can be taken, whether through their labour, taxes, or through any
one of the expenses incurred in the effort to keep oneself alive. Why should we have to pay to stay
alive? Who are we paying this endless life tax to?

It is a system, a cold calculating machine which has a life of its own yet has no physical body. The
cells of this organism are human beings operating under orders from other parts of the organism.
The purpose of this organism is to keep itself going by feeding on those of us with the means to
produce wealth and services. It feeds from us, on our actual life force, to keep itself running in
perpetuity yet it is no more conscious or alive than a piece of stone. So what sense does it make to
drain the whole world of its life to feed and sustain and oil the cogs of what is a lifeless machine?
Why is it essential to exchange what is real and infinite, that is our lives and souls, for what is finite
and doomed to eventual destruction by its own paradoxes and inherent weaknesses? In a materialist
world morality and spirituality are not relevant values in themselves and in no way help the cause of
the machine. Indeed, if society lived under moralistic and spiritual values the machine could no
longer exist: the cutthroat, exploitative rules of ‘business’ have no place in a moral world. A world
where the good-will and the happiness of others is a prime concern would not be able to operate
crippling usury and things like those bank charges which target the people in most need and seem
intent on making them ever poorer.

Business operates under the principle that all people in the world must have whatever they possess
of value, brought into the ownership of the enterprise. It seems that business, in particular the banks
and commercial sector operate under the idea that the best thing to do with a ship with a leaking
hull, rather than repair it and make it seaworthy, would be to make the holes bigger to scuttle it
completely and rob it of its cargo before it finally sinks to the bottom of the sea bed.

We live in a world of sea wrecks. Every home in every county has its own wreck: a family member
who has been thoroughly sunk by the system until nothing of use or value remains for the system to
feed off. What happens to these people is of no consequence. Whether they commit crime, kill
themselves in despair, or merely give up on life becoming a burden to others is no concern to the
system. Indeed, such cases serve as remainders to others of what could happen to you. Almost like

the use of human sacrifice which hung over members of primitive cultures. The stick that says, we
will do anything we like to you and no one can stop us.

The aim of the system is continuity at all costs. It, lifeless and without consciousness or conscience,
must survive. It will survive by controlling the human population, it will survive literally at their
expense. The wars and massacres will always help its continuity and create new horrors which it will
proudly show in its history books and parade on the news as a further way to crush and scupper the
spirit of those who would seek to escape the system by the only known way. The only way to escape
the system is through the awareness that you are not a well oiled cog, you are not merely a meat-
sack, you are not just your physical body. There is a side to you that is being kept secret and is only
rarely revealed to you with strings attached. What is being kept from you is your true spiritual
nature. In the most corporately and materialistically developed societies this secret is kept further
and further from people because of the knowledge that it will interfere with the continuance of the
system. With an awareness of a possible next life of infinite potential, limitless happiness, and
miraculous possibilities, some people are going to seriously reconsider whether it’s worth waking up
in the cold and dark, to go to a job they hate, to make richer a person they hate, for a company
whose darkest secrets they are well aware of and have long since lost any belief in the task they are
doing. People go to work so as not to end up on the street, or so their families won’t end up on the
street. And in this way, through the natural human wish for companionship and family, we create for
ourselves a stick for the system to beat us with. We are now working not just for ourselves but also
for the security of our children which doesn’t come for free in this system, we have to pay for it. For,
the system will not tolerate anyone who won’t serve it. It is not possible to exist outside of society as
a free man in your own right, all must be controlled by our society whom we pay for the privilege of
our slavery. The one thing we can be sure of in our condition as slaves, our masters are always


Chapter 2

The First Steps on a Very Strange Trail.

I have rather a fortunate position regarding my ability to comment on the cult known as
Freemasonry and the social control collective known as the Illuminati. My family on my father’s side
have the cursed royal blood originating from the Yorkshire based Fitzwilliam family at Wentworth.
This was something that my late grandmother always talked about, and how someone told her
father that our family would always be ‘looked after’, needless to say like so many promises from
those in the establishment and in a position to confer unlimited wealth, it never materialised. And so
I forgot all about our aristocratic pretensions until some very strange things started happening to

Looking back on this period in my life feels like Alice returning to the Wonderland, albeit rather a
frightened and uneasy Alice: I didn’t quite have the natural fearless authority of Alice as she
negotiated the underworld. I was working as an English teacher at a very small language school in
the French Massif Central, when some six months after starting I was enrolled on a course called a
BAFA (Le brevet d’aptitude aux fonctions d’animateur) which allows you to supervise children and
run holiday camps, basically it’s a kind of scout leader qualification and an uncanny number of
French young people above the age of sixteen seem to have one. In my instance the course took
place in a very remote rural village deep in the volcanic mountains of the Massif central. The course
was to last eight days and was what they call ‘intensive’ which is a rather ambiguous new
euphemism for a particular peculiarly personally invasive kind of training. I have undertaken several
of these so called ‘intensive’ courses over the years but the BAFA was my very first and it was quite a
shock, it was in fact an initiation. The first step of a descending pathway that would have led me to
hell and the life of a slave robotised by terror, had I not finally woken up to where I was being taken.

Initially I had no suspicions that there was something unusual about the course, I arrived with my
bag packed with changes of clothes, towels, and the bathroom products I would need for the eight

day duration. I was shown to the dormitory which I shared with three others. Things started taking a
turn for the unusual after the third day. The course was very demanding and the amount of
information was intended to overload the mind. Each morning a new timetable would be put up on
the white board, the complexity of which was quite mind-blowing and it was necessary to study the
time table for about half an hour each morning in order to know what was happening that day and
where. Indeed, one session of study wasn’t enough and it was quite impossible to copy any details
from the timetable as it was simply too complicated so one constantly felt throughout the course
that one was perhaps not quite in the right place and one constantly wondered if one had missed
some important information or instruction from the timetable. In addition to the courses there were
assignments to complete and simulation activities to prepare. All in all, it was very exhausting: the
day began at six in the morning for no very good reason at all and lectures and activities went on
all evening. There was no time alone that wasn’t spend working on something or studying something
else. Looking back the first peculiarity of the course, that is when I first noticed something ‘special’
about the training was an activity where we, the thirty odd trainees were in a room and instructed to
move about the room without bumping into any of the other people; we were told to adopt a
special walk as we crossed and circled the room. The facilitator then made a sound, not of words but
more a collection of vowels, like a mantra, which we were to repeat as we walked around the room.
During this experience, about five minutes in, I started to feel unusual, slightly light headed but
happy, almost ecstatic. I realised then that there was slightly more to this training than I had initially
considered. It seemed that here was a kind of transcendental technique, or at the very least, a way
to relax people. Some years ago I communicated with a person who was involved in the Illuminati
through her grandmother and husband and she informed me that her grandmother had taken her to
the lodge where there was a strange kind of music being played while they walked around and
around while a variety of Hebrew characters were flashed to them. It seems to me that the intention
was to create a mild trance in order that the symbols permeate the subconscious mind in order for
use and recall at a later date.

After this experience I felt a closer bond with the people around me and relaxed my guard and
considered to myself that I might actually enjoy the training. And so the first objective had been
achieved by the trainers, namely that my guard had been dropped and I had begun to trust those
around me (not always a good idea in these fraught times, there are predators everywhere) and I
accepted the validity of the course and considered that it would do me some good. In retrospect the
course did me an awful lot of good but certainly not in the way intended.

The programme stepped up and rather than a feeling that I was getting closer to my fellow trainees
(following the trance inducing activity of the previous evening) I awoke up to find the pressure had
been doubled and there was even more work to be done. I also found that the people I shared a
dorm with and people who it seemed I was getting closer too, were suddenly cold, almost robotic, in
their speech and interaction with me. This confused me at the time and, as was intended, led me to
question myself, analyse my behaviour, and ask myself it there was something I had done to upset
them, or indeed if there was some fundamental failing in my personality that made people treat me
in this way. And so I became further disempowered by concerning myself with the opinions of the
other trainees. Later on in this book I will seek to concretise an awareness of how these techniques
work by deconstructing the film Shutter Island and its portrayal of trauma based mind-control.

Some days later it became clear that something like a full psychological test was being carried out
and my reactions and demeanour analysed and noted. The programme and behaviour of the other
‘trainees’ being modulated in line with the needs of the test and my responses. That evening we all
went out for a drink in one of the local cafe bars, the place was surprisingly crowded for a midweek
evening in a remote French village but at the time I thought nothing of it, everyone seemed pretty
determined to get drunk for some reason, I didn’t particularly fancy taking part in their heroic
endeavours as I have previously explained, the odd aloofness of most of the trainees made me feel
uncomfortable and I didn’t much fancy getting drunk in unfamiliar company. However, a drink was
offered to me and I asked for a verre de rouge. As soon as I asked for the drink there was an odd
moment, everybody looked at me and there were noises of disapproval, I felt myself turning red and
again examining myself and wondering what I had done wrong this time. Needless to say the
evening passed uncomfortably with people seeming to ignore my attempts at conversation and my
being more or less ostracised.

These methods are the tried and tested methods used in order to psychologically disrupt someone
in order eventually to break them completely. Break their sense of self, independence and pride. The
new age refers to this as breaking the down ego, in order apparently that we achieve some kind of
enlightenment. The techniques are as ancient as mankind itself, and harks back to shamanism and
the secrets of the ancient Egyptians, through to the Greek mystery schools such as the Eleusinian
mysteries where ancient allegories were re-enacted and sex and murder was actually part of the
rites which were witnessed by the inductee who was sworn to secrecy about what he had seen
under pain of death. Then there were the Roman subterranean cults such as Mithraism1 were the
initiate would be installed in a special underground pit while a full grown bull was placed above the
pit on a grille and was slaughtered releasing the blood into the underground pit. This is one of the
few secrets of Mithraism to have slipped through the millennia old secrets of the cult and no doubt
modern equivalents of these rites are still carried out today, particularly by Wiccan societies and
especially by Satanist groups. The effect of these rites were to terrorise and profoundly unsettle the
mind of the initiate and set the way for a gradual change in their behaviour and perception of reality
itself. The modern day secrets of the Freemasons (whose Kilwinning2 lodge 0 they proudly boasts
goes back to 1140, just twenty one years after the formation of the Templar Knights; Kilwinnning is
also a hot-bed of paedophile3 activity) were passed on from the Knights Templar4 and led to the
eventual rebirth of empire, signalled by the classical laurel 5 leaves whose symbol harks back to the
Roman empire and whose symbol has been successfully rewoven into the fabric (literally in the
instance of the Henri Lloyd logo) of modern society.

To resume the story, later that evening we returned to the centre, somewhat worse for wear, when
one of my roommates took me to one side and brought out a marijuana joint and asked me if I
wanted some. A ploy of entrapment and compromising the target frequently employed by the secret
societies. I smoked some of the proffered joint and we returned to the centre. To my surprise a last
minute seminar had been arranged, only somehow I had not been informed so when I returned to
the centre I found everyone in their seats and left me wondering why I had somehow been excluded
from being informed about it. As I sat down, in that characteristic self conscious, self negating way
that one does when one is acutely embarrassed at entering a seemingly important meeting late and
unprepared, I saw all eyes turn to me and I felt a sudden light headedness, the strangest thing of all
was that I heard a voice commenting on how I was feeling. The light headedness became a fuzziness
of self and I had the impression that somehow, by some mysterious psychological process, I was
merging with the group and losing my idea of self. I heard somebody say in French: ‘he’s feeling it
now, he’s joining us’. I knew they were referring to me and at that moment the proverbial penny
dropped and I realised that all was not as it seemed and I realised I had no idea at all what was going
on or what I was involved with. At that point my sense of self reasserted itself and rejected the
thought of becoming a part of this seeming group awareness. This seemed to be the evening of the
great revealing and the slight sense of embarrassment and unease I had been feeling turned more to
terror as my time in the centre deteriorated into a voyage to the Twilight Zone.

Back in the dorm I was feeling hemmed in on all sides, ‘trapped in a square’ as the Masons have it, a
phrase which refers to someone who is totally under control of his brother Masons and can turn to
no one for help or assistance. The psychological consequences of this situation where the individual
can no longer make choices of his own which will not somehow be detrimental to himself, where the
free will and ability to act independently become completely dissolved, lead to that person losing his
or her focus and ability to undertake any task that he or she are not specifically told to do. They
become a literal slave and their own psyche is their gaoler. Any attempts to break the programming
and assert their own wishes result in a feeling of disorientation, weakness and panic, until they give
up the attempt and settle back into the role of slave.

The initial stages of this condition were starting to develop in me. I assumed however that perhaps
by listening to some music on my walkman I would be able to relax and feel a little less strung-out.
What I heard as l put my headphones on and tuned in the radio shocked me and left me in a such a
state of nervous tension that I could not sleep at all that night, but instead lay there fearful of what
their next move would be. There was a looped techno style backing track, it sounded oddly sinister
like some kind of music that one would imagine would be used in CIA brainwashing, while a voice
repeated over and over again ‘Open the files on the FBI! Keep it a secret! Keep it a secret!’ as I tuned
throughout the frequencies of my radio I found the same track on every station, it was hard to
decide whether I was going mad or not at this stage but I knew what I was hearing at the time and
knew that it was real enough. Final confirmation was given to me as I came out of my bed and saw
the look on one of my dorm-mate’s face who was also listening to his walkman, the look on his face
was of pure guilt, as if he was knowingly involved in an unpleasant trick being played on myself and
which he knew to be wrong.

I have since heard from other sources that other people have been sent on similar training courses
and are told to listen to their radios at a specific time of day, they have reported similar strange
radio programmes being broadcast, doubtlessly by a local transmitter especially for the purpose. In

hindsight I suspect this is a fairly routine way for the Illuminati to recruit other members but at the
time I suspected I was slowly becoming involved in the French secret services as the messages on
the radio broadcast were decidedly critical of American hegemony. What came from this experience
more than fear was my sense of anger and how I had been tricked into coming here, clearly I would
not have come had I known that I was being involved in some strange initiatory conditioning
programme. I thought I was just going to be learning about how to keep a bunch of teenagers busy
and play a few games of table-tennis.

I was furiously angry yet I maintained composure and even a pleasant demeanour to the strange
characters around me. The key to the experience of the course was that the people one assumed to
be fellow trainees, the ones you bantered with, slept and ate with, were in fact the real trainers.
They were there to break your old character and help mould a new one. Eventually I decided to
leave, although I was in some fear that it might not be quite so simple to extricate myself after so
much of their methodology had been revealed to me. However, I made my intentions clear to the
overseer who offered me some kind of deal, I was in no mood to compromise with these creeps and
so I refused without even asking what the details of the deal would be. I called my then girlfriend
and informed her that I felt terrible and seemed to be losing my mind; she seemed reluctant for me
to leave the course and made a great effort of getting me to stick with it. I had the odd tinge of
paranoia at that point, and having been made to be weary and uncertain during my time at the
centre, these feelings of distrust began to include my girlfriend and the suspicion that she too was
somehow in on it.

I returned to the centre and informed them I would be leaving, they seemed very interested to know
what my girlfriend had said, some years later my girlfriend’s role in my life and my recruitment to
the ‘family’ became clear but at the time this intense questioning served to make me wonder in an
unstable and distraught way, whether my girlfriend was also involved with these people.

I returned home feeling strung out, annoyed and slightly unstable. I felt like something was going on
around me but I didn’t know what. At one point I visited the supermarket and found a couple of
French women pointing at me down the biscuit aisle and saying ‘he’s lost his mind, just look at him’.
Half of me attributed this to some kind of ‘follow up’ to the BAFA course, a sort of targeted
victimisation, while the other half didn’t know what to make of it at all.

Within a few weeks I had put the delusion that I was being recruited for some organisation behind
me, and I told myself that the reason the course had become so unpleasant was because I had
smoked that joint. Still it wasn’t my fault, it was entrapment, so with residual feelings of anger and a
feeling that my civil rights had been violated by these jokers, I wrote to the Minister for Youth and
Sports a detailed letter explaining my grievances. Some weeks later I received a reply and an
interview with the local government representative. Prior to this meeting I had imagined that the
stress and insidious nature of the course had made me go half mad and started imagining all sorts of
delusions: secret agent delusions, elite organisation delusion and another line of thought that I
couldn’t quite define, it seemed like I had undergone some kind of death and rebirth and that life
would never be the same again, indeed it was hard to know what ‘life’ was at all and what the
nature of the world I lived in was all about. This final thought process led me at times to believe that
all the things I had taken for granted as real and authentic, such as people places and relationships,
might not be what they appeared and that something odd was going on behind the scenes, someone

or something unknowable and invisible was orchestrating meetings and coincidences in a rather
unsettling manner.

At the time also I was watching a variety of metaphysical movies which seemed to deal with the
strange experiences and people I had met, a film such as Jacob’s Ladder for example, which will be
discussed along with the true purpose of many Hollywood movies in a later chapter. These films
served only to fuel my delusions even further and I soon started feeling as if I was somehow stuck
between two worlds but not at home in either of them.

Fortunately, the meeting, although I was basically tricked out of any right to complain I might have
had, helped me immeasurably to get back my natural grounding in reality. Even following the weeks
after the course and prior to the interview I was in two minds as to what had really transpired. Part
of me found it unbelievable that such a structure could exist and that so many people could be
enrolled to take part, the cost must be incredible, I wondered if I had imagined some things and read
too much into others. The letter I had angrily written accused the course designers of using Nazi
techniques to break the will of the person, not that I knew particularly what Nazi techniques
involved, but it seemed about the strongest most righteously indignant invectives I could fire at

As a result one of the first things he wanted to address was why I had accused them of Nazi
techniques, something I have since learned about people and perhaps a most valuable piece of
advice for getting through this life experience with a full set of marbles tiddlywinks and without
going to jail would be that the best way to lose an argument is to throw it away. By nature I am a
person always willing to compromise, almost to the point of surrendering my own opinion and point
of view, for the sake of peace and harmony. What happened in the meeting was that the good
regional director of the ministry of youth and sports had cleverly (although it is a common enough
psychological trick) directed the issue away from my complaint and instead wanted me to account
for why I had called them Nazis, in my moderating and naive frame of mind I went along with his
suggestion that my definition had been excessive and rather than holding my corner, the conciliation
genie got hold of me and agreed with him. Straight away I noticed I had lost my case completely,
there was a change in the air that spelt out clearly enough that the interview was over and I had
thrown in my hand. However, due to God’s grace or some innate good quality in the regional
director’s character he finished the interview with something that saved my sanity right there: He
said “We don’t do this special type of course for just anybody!’. It was a tacit understanding that
there was something going on, that they had modified the course for my own benefit and that they
were indeed trying to recruit me for something. It would take about seven years of uncertainty and
confusion before I finally discovered what it was.

Some months later I left the association and the strange secret little rural pocket of France and went
up to Paris to undertake another training course. This one was called one of the ‘better’ type of TEFL
qualifications and was described as ‘challenging’ and ‘intensive’. Fortunately the BAFA experience
had prepared me for what to expect and so I went through the course completely refusing to reveal
too much about myself and steadfastly refusing to trust any one of the other so called ‘trainees’.

I decided that I would go through the course and try to see if I could tell who was who. Who were
the trainers and who were the real trainees like me. There were approximately twenty other
trainees on the course, and though I easily spotted the ‘facilitators’ within the group, those who

seemed to always hold the ‘right’ view about everything and who the other people supported every
time, however the one thing that seemed to identify these facilitators is that there was a certain lack
of something in their character. They seemed friendly and could converse easily, they didn’t have
horns or the mark of the beast or any other particular identifying mark but there was something that
seemed missing about them. The fact that they were playing a part meant there was a certain lack of
passion in them, they just seemed to be rolling along with a programme.

Their eyes weren’t expressive of any positive emotion, they seldom laughed and indeed if you are
receptive to people’s emotions you would notice a distinguishable sadness in their eyes along with a
kind of cynicism. If you ever spot anyone who seems to suggest this to you be very weary that this
person may not be what they seem. They seem emotionally closed down. The course lasted one
month and ran from nine to five every day. There was the option to make it residential but I realised
that I would be in a much weaker situation in this instance so I made the rather lengthy commute
from my girlfriend’s quiet forest home to the centre of Paris every day. Probably was the only way I
could have stuck out the endless hypocrisy and downright deceit and subterfuge of the course. It
was galling to find that you were being moulded into being a good teacher using immoral means.
Straightaway the course held no joy or interest for me, it was just an endless slog, made bearable
only by the opportunity to walk around Paris at lunchtime and the return home to the forest and
fine wine and good French food in the evening.

Anyway when the month was up I was informed I had passed the course and immediately I left to
work abroad and while at the airport I came across the book that would for the first time clear up
the entire mystery of who these people were and how they could afford to run such a cost intensive
course on only a relatively nominal one thousand pounds fee. The book was The Biggest Secret by
David Icke and despite the book containing some rather dubious claims, it did contain a lot of the
answers I had been searching for and for the first time I became acquainted with the force that had
been pursuing me, training me and generally trying to scramble my brains: The Freemasons. The
relief I felt was enormous! Finally all the uncertainty and fear of going mad, all my delusions had
been proven right. I wasn’t deluded, something genuinely was going on.


Chapter 3

The Freemasons.

Mass murderer Tony B-Liar Masonically greets Emperor of the Sith and former pope, Joey Ratringer with his red-right hand.

Frank Bruno gives Masonic greetings to his honourable brother: mass-murderer Peter Sutcliffe AKA the Yorkshire Ripper,
although it is becoming more and more likely that he took the rap for honourable brother, paedophile, necrophiliac, friend
of royals, friend or Israel and possible psychopathic killer: Jimmy Savile.

They pull our strings, make our food, sell us clothes, build our houses, make our chemicals, poison
our world wage our wars, all in our name. They formulate chemical cocktails which they give to
children to make them loopy and hyperactive, they devise violent movie and TV entertainments of
all kinds to reduce us to the level of blood lovers brooding on bullets wounds and dark vengeance.
They edit and write our books, newspaper and movies, taking care to remove the truth and
substitute it for lies. They organise to shut down alternative-news broadcasters on the internet,
knowing full well they’re speaking the absolute truth, and truth is the one taboo word in this world.
The ‘truth’ is the one idea which cannot be transmitted and discussed. Lies, media spin and
‘entertainment’ are what we are given instead.

Most of them have no idea what they’re working towards, the most bovine and least spiritually
sensitive of them will imagine that they are indeed doing good and helping world progress as a
whole. In their lodges they will re-enact the various mummeries they have been taught, and they
may enjoy the convivial lunches, but something is eluding them, they may be sat with people who
they think they know, they may be part of a group they think they understand, but unsuspected to
them lies a whole other dimension of communication within the lodge, of looks and gestures, and
words unspoken but whose meaning is clear to their other brothers. Of secrets, of
compartmentalisation, of special meetings they know nothing about. This is the real business of the

Make no mistake, this is ‘their’ world. Everything in it is there because they’ve put it there. Their
bottom line is profit and if they can corrupt humanity along the way so much the better. They do
everything at cut price, polluting our food, our world and our minds. They tease us with visions of
semi naked women, driving our benign desires to an acrid frenzy, sexualising everything in the whole
world to make a buck, they give life and they take it away. They have instituted a fake twilight life
where most of us live through our TV’s in a virtual fantasy. They make us work, they make us buy,

we work, buy, on and on until we one day die. We do it all at their bidding, no wonder they act like
God, albeit the old testament version of God, when they have so many souls caught in their thrall
dancing to their tunes.

It was several years later from the time of my introduction to the awareness of Masonic techniques
and their use in training programmes of various kinds, and their involvement in the world of TEFL
teaching, that I myself was finally made a formal offer to join them, albeit an insinuating and
suggestive offer. It was a job interview to a far eastern country for a teaching job. It is said that the
secret services (which I later found to be entwined with Masonry when I arrived in Japan) recruit not
with a word but with a look. The look is a peering penetrating stare as if they are trying to look inside
you, I received the stare and just smiled back, this is it seemed was the correct response as I was
later told I had got the job. At the end of the interview I was also told that when I return back to the
UK in the summer I could visit my friends, but by then I’d have ‘something better than friends.’ It
was clear to me then that I was being recruited not just for a job but also to enter Freemasonry.

The first thing I considered about my ‘mentor’ when I arrived in Japan, was that that he seemed
somehow ill. Like terminally ill. He was a thin grey man who never seemed to sleep. I would watch
him teach English to children and though he bounded about with seeming energy and enthusiasm,
the smile never seemed to reach his eyes: he seemed to force the ‘happy’ expression onto his face
and this made me wonder. Was he a well man? What was the burden he was shouldering to make
him have to fake his way through life?

Things started off strange and grew inevitably stranger. The strange recruitment system of the
Illuminati Freemasons meant that I was never solicited directly to join the Freemasons, just hints and
allusions in a constant stream. For example, the man would roll up the trouser on his left leg
frequently for no apparent reason and ask me if I knew who I was. He would have these strange
imaginary phone-calls where he would be in the next room talking to someone, rather strangely,
about me. He would never explicitly talk about me but he would allude to things he must have
somehow found out about me, but then de-contextualise them so it would appear random and
more startling. In these phone calls he would loudly refer to himself as ‘Mr Mason’.

The odd thing about these Masonic people who have reached a certain level of initiation is that they
seem able somehow to read minds or at least use some highly accurate system based on uncanny
synchronicity. For example, in my mind I would wonder ‘what did he just say?’ and strangely in the
next room he would repeat it. I found that if he said something which I didn’t catch he would repeat
himself in his imaginary conversation next door. It was an unusual coincidence to say the least. This
was the first time I noticed this and on subsequent occasions have observed that some people are
very definitely capable of reading minds, but this is not strictly accurate, it would be more accurate
to say that they are ‘told’ what you are thinking. This is one of the results of serving what Manly P
Hall the Masonic philosopher termed: the "arcanum arcandrum6", the secret mystery. An invisible
and all encompassing awareness that knows all and communicates all to its servants in Freemasonry
and other walks of life. One speaks and acts without understanding, but is fed information and
instructions from this mysterious source, so that other people involved understand the words and
actions and their significance. When one serves these ‘invisible masters’ one is little more than a
marionette, acting for unknown purposes and without any concern for the consequences of their

actions; service to the unknown ‘force’ is the ‘be all and end all’ to these advanced Freemasons. This
force is what people generally know as spirits or demons.

The most unusual of these confirmations came in Egypt when I met a Nile delta farmer who provided
tomatoes and various salad vegetables to Sainsbury’s supermarket. He seemed very well off and
wore a suit, to say he was a farmer is probably over-stretching his role in the whole affair of growing
vegetables but the fact is he was the smooth faced affluent fluent English speaker who made all the
deals and got all the money. He owned the farm and since he said he was providing for Sainsbury’s it
must have been rather a large farm. Without remembering the specifics about the particular
conversation I came to the startling discovery as we chatted that he always seemed to say exactly
what I was thinking; it was unusual because our backgrounds had been vastly different, different
countries and cultures yet somehow he would say what was in my mind and a second later he would
gush it out. I felt peculiar as is sometimes the case during intense periods of metaphysical flux so I
did what I always did in these situations and entered a Zen state. I advise everybody in the world to
learn to acquire the Zen state, it instantly provides a safe ledge over the maelstrom of a turbulent
reality, when the world itself dissolves into madness and chaos and you feel the tendrils grasping
towards you, hack them off with pure silence peace and stillness. Nothing matters apart from the
still silence and the peace of the primeval void. It is the voice of nature. Harmonious in its perfection.

When I stilled my thoughts and literally had nothing going on inside my head he suddenly fell quiet
and shrugged. Until this point he had been carrying on a machine gun fire of conversation lifted
directly from my thoughts, suddenly he was still. He kind of looked at me as if beaten and shrugged.
He said nothing more and left shortly after. There was no information in my mind to feed on and as
such he had no instructions to follow. It seemed to me at that point that the man was wholly
possessed by the "arcanum arcandrum" his every thought and action being a mere series of
‘suggestions’ from this force; always a reaction to the thoughts of the person he was speaking to, he
simply had nothing of himself in any of his conversation because he no longer existed as an
individual, he was a just a human interface with the hidden power. Sounds weird, make of it what
you will, I just want to let you know that there are things, people and situations which are much
weirder than most of us are used to.

Anyway, back to Tokyo. Things came to a head when a lady came in, and, under the cover of being a
prospective new student, questioned me quite seriously about whether I wanted to join the secret
services and become a spy. And it seemed to be what I had always secretly wanted all along. I used
to have this nagging insecurity playing in the back of my mind like a computer subroutine. I had
reached a point in my life; for so long it seemed I had been moving to different countries and semi-
frantically crossing continents before it occurred to me that despite my travelling and my collection
of sights and souvenirs, I wasn’t actually going anywhere. I used to get these life panics from time to
time. The last time it happened to me I had just bought a single ticket from Madrid to Paris, and had
paid a premium for the dubious pleasure of watching Pocahontas on the video screen just above my
head. I had quit a job in Spain because it was a slave factory and I’d wound up skint and worried
about the fact that I was skint again. Sooner or later it seemed to me, I would have to start taking
responsibility for my life: I wasn’t young anymore, I couldn’t live a carefree existence counting on the
rewards of youth, and the spectre of an infirm and impoverished old age loomed, but I was more
haunted by the idea that I might in some way fail at life. I put it all down to reading John Paul Sartre
and getting sucked into all their bullshit Masonic angst-riddle literature.

That the fruits and pleasures of life might be denied me, that I might be one of the losers buried in
the seething underclass, my turn of mind denying me the simple folk pleasures such as football on a
Saturday afternoon, soaps and walking the dog. That life wasn’t for me; I had ideas above my
station. But the more knowledge I accumulated the further away the real world of money and
mortgages seemed until it was gone from my horizon. It was a ridiculous charade, and a painful
stressful one. There’s something about knowing too much, learning too much, that effectively
removes you from a culture where soaps and walking the dog are the order of the day. Like the Pulp
song Misshapes which I always loved:

“We weren’t supposed to be, we learned too much at school now we can’t help but see that the
future that you’ve got mapped out is nothing much to shout about.”

I should say that life failed ME and not the other way round. The dreams of childhood had stayed
with me through my early twenties like buoyant balloons full of hot air, some of them had been
bobbing along with me and now looked distinctly tired and deflated, such as Fighter Pilot! What the
hell was that doing there? A relic from a fourteen year-old’s Top Gun fantasy. Oddly enough there
was one fantasy left, one which remained intact and still existed within the realms of feasibility:
secret agent. Since being a child I had harboured a wish to be James Bond 007, to enjoy casual
international travel, to lurk under and over the radar of everyday life, to be a hero, to be strong, to
be....special. We all want to be special, we all have the possibility to BE special. The tragedy of life is
that everybody seems in a hurry NOT to be special. To be ‘normal’; to support a football-team and
have a common bond with other people. Human beings seem to be in need of the reassurance of
belonging to a herd of one sort or another. A family for instance is only one sort of herd. Some
cultures have huge extended families and while this is conducive to self support and independence
from the state, at the same time it cannot be denied that these large extended families always
impinge on the independence of the individual members.

I have no doubts that the media and the television is just another ‘herd’ which certain people belong
to. ‘I read the Guardian’; ‘I think Stephen Fry is such a genius’; ’Stewart Lee doesn’t believe in God
and neither do I!’ People learn to share the opinions of these hot-air balloons wafting out through
the media because these people are witty, charming and successful. People subconsciously take
their views and comments as authoritative and so a herd forms. The UK is really not a country made-
up of individuals, but herds of people who share similar ideas and probably even wear similar
clothes and behave in a similar way.

Ok, it all seems pretty naive looking back, but while in Japan I was offered the post I had always
dreamed of, or at least a ‘way in’. Trouble is the whole James Bond fantasy took a tumble when I
actually met the brave new generation of secret agents. It seemed that the main duty of a ‘spy’ in
Tokyo was not to save the world and cause heroic explosions, but instead to sit at tables in ex-pat
pubs and bars, and spend the whole time watching what all the other foreigners are doing.

Quite what they were looking for I do not know but there is something unmistakably craven and
contaminated about someone who literally, spies on other people. Perhaps if the people they were
spying on were dangerous or a threat to world peace but they weren’t, the spies just spied for the
hell of it. One gets the feeling that their bosses had nothing for them to do most of the time so they
just spend most of the time sitting in bars and spying on people drinking lager and watching sports.
They were spying on nothing but people like you and me hanging out in bars. They weren’t even that

good at it because you could tell they were watching you and half of you wanted to go up to them
and say ‘what you looking at pal?’ but the rest of you couldn’t be bothered. Then I expect they went
back and reported it all. Just sitting, watching, while pretending not to.

I don’t know about you but when I go to a pub I like to enjoy myself, these guys didn’t seem to be
allowed. They seemed grave, unhappy, and uncomfortable, there really is no word however to
describe the feeling one gets from meeting a spy, a kind of pity mingled with contempt. Pity at their
condition, contempt that they willingly signed themselves up for it. I expect they too wanted to be
just like James Bond one day.

Spies and operatives come in all shapes sizes and colours. The most intriguing but no less pitiably
lost group of soul slaves concern the Filipino child minders, or at least those operatives who work
under the ‘cover’ of being child minders. I shared a house in a quiet area of Tokyo called Hiro, it was
just around the corner from the Slovakian embassy in a three storied house. I don’t recall the
number of the house but strangely the Japanese landlord seemed to think it was ‘33’, it wasn’t
however, it was 27 or something more banal, but when people mention the number 33 it should
alert you that you may be dealing with Masons. The famous 33 degrees of the Scottish rite of
Freemasonry represent the 33 degrees of separation between the original 0 degree longitude
meridian point which passed through Paris, and the point at which the ‘watchers’ of the Old
Testament were said to have arrived on Earth at Mount Hermon 7 in Lebanon.

We went into the house and met one of the Filipino tenants, the room was on the third floor and
was reached by a door on the second floor and a private staircase, the door leading up was next to
the bathroom and as the landlord unlocked the door the Filipino lady said she didn’t know the room
was there. Odd I thought, it seemed clear enough that there was a door, fairly close to the
bathroom-door, the landlord made something of this and said, as he unlocked the door, that it was
‘a secret room’.

Often you find Masons trying to evoke mystery and mysticism at the slightest and most tenuous
opportunity. From the very first meeting with these people I thought they were daft, and despite all
of the extraordinary and unsuspected abilities of these Filipino women with their strong national
tradition of witchcraft and magic, I left the house five months later with my initial first impressions
intact. I maintain to this day that essentially the Masons are stupid. They simply do not have the
awareness to see what a paltry and embarrassing life they live.

Admittedly, some of them are downright dangerous and evil, as we shall see later, but it is necessary
that in order to be endangered by Masons, one must first be subservient and cowed by them, a trick
I have never learned as it not the dog that walks the man but it is the man who walks the dog, and
these Masons, by surrendering their free will to the orders of their hierarchy have lost their human
birthright as sovereign beings, they become something else, something slightly lower on the
evolutionary scale of things.

And so unwittingly I had stumbled upon a strange kind of Masonic Big Brother house. I don’t really
know how else to describe it, basically it seems that after leaving the pale bone demon at Christmas
time (a Tibetan bogey man who looks uncannily like my boss at the school in Tokyo) and refusing to
join the secret services, I had hoped to move out and move on but it seemed that his ‘people’ were
already one step ahead of me and I was back under their microscope.

There was a strange cast of characters at this house. There was a girl I nicknamed ‘Miss Snot’, an
Irish girl, who was always blowing her nose and creeping about outside my door having imaginary
conversations with people about me. I’ve noticed this is a tactic Masons like to use, this way they
have plausible deniability if you take them to task, they can just turn on you and say ‘are you
mentally ill or something? I’m talking to my friend’ because they never said anything directly to me I
decided not to say anything directly to them either. I think they got increasingly desperate as they
realised that I was neither particularly interested in joining them or even talking to them. At one
point as I came down from my room I noticed the girl was all dressed in white: white skirt white
jumper, she said ‘hold on a minute’ disappeared for a little less than a real minute and returned all
dressed in black. I knew what they were getting at, like the old Jackson song ‘It don’t matter if you’re
black or white.’ Like I say: daft!

I really didn’t see the point of these silly theatrics. Had she suddenly completely changed her clothes
to tell me something? Was it symbolic? Or were they merely trying to unbalance my sense of order
and sanity? I suspect all of the above are true. The girl had a relatively minor role to play compared
to the Filipino’s involvement in my ‘training’.

In the free Tokyo ex-pat newspapers and magazines one often finds advertisements and notices
which raise many questions in themselves. If you go there now and thumb through the classifieds
and jobs section, the chances are you will find offers of employment to Filipino women. One such
advert I found said something along the lines of: ”wanted, psychically gifted Filipinos for ethical
work in Tokyo area...” This raises two main questions immediately. Firstly, are there various agencies
who know that psychic powers exist and they can use them for some purpose? Secondly if it is
necessary for them to make the distinction that the work offered is ‘ethical’ then what else is going
on out there behind the scenes involving ‘psychically gifted Filipinos’ which is not ethical?

It seems that I was living with just such a sample, as to whether they were ‘ethical’ or not, I have my
doubts. Their cooking certainly was not. They seemed mostly to eat fish head soup and it smelt
extremely bad: more like a vile spell being brewed in a cauldron than anything anyone would
actually eat. But as to what these Filipino witches actually did in the house during the hours of
darkness I am almost reluctant to mention it. Metaphysical experiences of the kind the Masons are
involved in are so far removed from most people’s everyday reality as to be the best possible means
of defence against people escaping from their clutches and trying to tell other people what it’s like.
A picture soon emerges of seeming nonsense, science fiction mixed with fantasy and mental illness.
Anyone who can actually accept and itemise the process of training and eventual involvement in
Illuminated Freemasonry and, like me for example, manage to write it down, is finally held to
ransom by the incredulity of the reader. It is up to you dear reader to try to broaden your sense of
reality and what is really possible in order to accept the veracity of what I am saying. Some people
may have even experienced something similar but have since put it out of their minds for lack of
being able to explain what had happened to them. There may exist whole episodes of Masonic
chicanery, lost in a grey haze at the very back of people’s minds. An unexplainable and
uncomfortable mystery which lies there like a pearl growing inside an oyster.

What these witches seemed able to do, and indeed, a south African Shaman friend of mine later
confirmed this to me that it was something she could also do, was to be able to project their
consciousness into somebody else’s mind. Because this kind of thing is seldom mentioned on the six

o’clock news or in Eastenders, people have no awareness of it so it doesn’t exist. But there has
always been throughout culture and society, a suspicion, and the odd documented cases, that
something truly extraordinary lies sleeping just beneath the surface of our trivial and materialistic
society. As a child it was Arthur C Clarke’s World of Strange of Powers on TV which allowed me a
glimpse of this infinitely more interesting set of possibilities than Sunday roasts and the morning
papers. The thing is what we call being alive and conscious is the same thing for everyone.
Consciousness is not billions of separate blobs but it is one unified field. Our experience of life and
our awareness is within this field. Therefore, it only requires the right techniques, rituals and
initiations for the person’s awareness to be removed from an isolated point of view, into seeing the
bigger picture and being aware that distance, separateness and individuality, is a kind of illusion or
false perspective. In the true perspective we are all one consciousness.

The Filipino witches knew this and with this awareness they acted upon my own mind and
consciousness at night in a rather unsettling and unpleasant manner. I realise that there are very few
accounts of this process and many of my esteemed readers may be coming to the conclusion that
perhaps too much foreign sunshine has baked my brain but I would like to offer the following
intriguing volume as corroboration for my experiences.

The book is called The Chasm of Fire8 by Irene Tweedie and documents a woman’s journey to India
to study under a Sufi shaman. In the account she details the occurrence of her mentor actually
entering her mind at night time and projecting all sorts of unsettling and unpleasant images in her
mind. Most of the images are of a sexual nature and Tweedie fails to understand the process and
why her mentor is doing such a thing to her. Eventually she comes close to a nervous breakdown
and becomes very lonely and depressed to such an extent that she abandons the training. It’s a
strange book, and leaves one with the lingering impression that these so called ‘wise men’ are
actually expert torturers of the human psyche.

Suffice it to say I was subjected to similarly unpleasant visions and nightmares for many nights and
could actually see the Filipino women in my mind’s eye. They also spoke and shrieked along with the
subconscious journey I was being taken on, and the words I actually heard them say coincided with
what I was experiencing in my mind. This was all quite a surprise and was fairly stressful. Fortunately
for my sanity I had learned some techniques of psychic self defence. The first was to fire arrows at
the witches in my mind’s eye and it seemed to have an effect as they would cease their shrieking
and mind tricks. However, the second method was more satisfactory as it was non-aggressive and
more ‘ethical’.

I had taught myself Zen meditation and could close down my mind and cease all mental activity at
any time. Very useful if you are starting to lose control of what’s happening in your mind. There are
many people who attribute disordered thoughts or strange discarnate voices speaking to them, as a
technological method of attack, but my awareness is that all of these happen as a result of the
Masonic and Wiccan techniques of hacking consciousness which they have perfected over thousands
of years and kept secret mainly by flooding the world with materialism in order to direct most
people’s awareness towards a red herring.

From what I have observed of the higher realms of Masonry there is much that is very sinister
indeed. The mysteries of initiatic science: the birthright which is kept from the profane, is little short
of black magic and is used (again from what I have observed) to create nothing short of a mind

controlled international army which at any time can be mobilised to perform any task without
consultation of individual conscience and under strict, military style orders.

What better way to control someone’s mind than by actually being there? These people can literally
be present in your mind as you go about your business. This is a dark side to the new age goal of
‘oneness’. It all sounds very cosy but oneness with what? What they mean is ‘oneness’ with the
hierarchy: every person has their place and position and their psychic orders. You can imagine how
complete the slavery must be when you can’t leave the room where the master is giving orders, or
stick your fingers in your ears because the master is inside you forever.

I soon realised that if these people could get inside my head then it would be the death of freedom,
individuality, privacy, autonomy, and all the things that we treasure and enjoy. So I made my mind
up and flew out of there and came back to the UK. They were getting increasingly desperate though
in the last few weeks before I decided to leave and at one point the whole group gathered outside
my door and spoke of ‘initiation’. The secret agent dreams and the riches of success and wealth
would just have to go on hold. I would rather be poor and free than a rich slave. Any day.

In retrospect I am extremely glad I never joined the Masons, not only to hang on to my individuality,
but that, with research, I have uncovered the truth behind the disturbing rumours about their
various unpleasant activities.


Chapter 4

More Freemasons!

The following story appeared on the ICN North Wales news website,9 it has since been removed:

Former Birmingham police officer Raymond Ketland, 66, of Nant y Coed, Glan Conwy, became
involved with the girl after noticing sexual activity on Llanddulas beach.

He admitted two charges of sexual activity with a minor, taking indecent photographs of a child and
facilitating a child sex offence, and was jailed for two and a half years.

Ketland had become involved partly through a fellow Mason.

Andrew Thomas, prosecuting, said: "He recognised one of them as a fellow member of his Masonic
Lodge, who walked up to him and asked 'Do you want to have a bit of fun?' He pointed out a girl who
was with them."

Mr Thomas later confirmed Ketland had refused to divulge the identity of his fellow Mason to
investigating officers.

Catholic Bishop Gerard Crane, called as a character witness by Ketland's defence, said his friend was
"totally distraught" at what had happened.

Here we have substance to the rumour that the Masons run child abuse rings. The reason for their
doing so, apart from the sheer unbridled exercise of all things evil, is for control. If they can implicate

somebody in child abuse and paedophilia then they will have ammunition with which to blackmail
that person for the rest of their lives. If this person is powerful or in a position of authority it
provides perfect leverage for the Masonic organisation to operate on society. They used to
blackmail10 homosexuals in a similar manner before it was decriminalised, and the secrets services
often try to compromise foreign agents into working for them in a similar manner. Sex has always
been a good way for these people to incriminate people and hold them at their beck and call. For
instance, the threat of compromising pictures of a man with his bit on the side (who he incidentally
met through Masonic connections) being sent to his wife if he doesn’t do a ‘little favour’ for his
brothers. Not only does it seem in connection with Freemasonry that some of them practice
paedophilia, but indeed that they actively encourage it in others.

For these people the ends justify the means, and despite them using the most evil and disgusting
methods conceivable, for them, it is just a means to an end. This proves that all their high talk of
morality is so much cobblers designed to lure-in naive and fresh faced idealists. Nothing could be
further from the truth, the tree must be judged by its fruit and as we shall see, the harvest from the
Freemasonry tree is a fairly rotten one.

Here is another story which made the press, this time illustrative of the brutality and atmosphere of
terror which Masonry seeks to instil in its members. One can only surmise how the soldier died,
whether through drinking too much and suffering a sudden heart attack, or indeed, more sinisterly
but equally plausibly, that he was murdered by fellow Masons for either divulging Masonic secrets
or for attempting to avoid his proper initiation. One can only guess.

Mannheim soldier’s death has element of Masonic mystery

21 Year Old GI Freemason Killed in Masonic Mystery
GI found dead hours after scheduled secretive rite 11

Spc. Donald Anthony Wilder, 21, was found dead Jan. 8 at Spinelli Barracks in Mannheim, Germany.
Questions loom involving the details of Spc. Donald Anthony’s death. An autopsy was inconclusive.
The Masons are a secret society that dubs itself the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. Masons rise
in rank by performing degree-work.

MANNHEIM, Germany — Weeks before Spc. Donald Anthony Wilder was found dead in a barracks
shower, his parents say, he told them he knew he was going to be beaten.
On Jan. 7, Wilder, 21, was set to become a third-degree Mason with the Prince Hall Masons in
Mannheim. A radio communication security controller repairman with the 512th Maintenance
Company, Wilder had become active with the Prince Hall Masons in the fall of 2005.

Beatings for him Beatings for her.

In order to become a third-degree Mason, Wilder knew he would have to endure being beaten on his
buttocks with a paddle by fellow Masons.
His plan was to get so drunk for the Jan. 7 ceremony that he wouldn’t feel the pain of the beatings,
according to a friend, Spc. Tony d’Ercole. His mother, Diane Wilder, said her son told her that if he got
so drunk that he passed out, his fellow Masons would take his blows.

On Jan. 8, just hours after the evening ceremony that took place inside Mannheim American High
School at Benjamin Franklin Village, Wilder was found dead in a friend’s shower in the barracks at
Spinelli Barracks in Mannheim.
An autopsy performed last month at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center was inconclusive, pending
further studies, which are due back next week. Marie Shaw, a Landstuhl spokeswoman, said
preliminary findings show Wilder experienced a “sudden, unexpected death.”
He told them about the paddlings he took when he became a first- and second-degree Mason last
fall: how he would lie in his bed at Spinelli Barracks in Mannheim, icing his body after the paddlings,
his mother said.

“He talked about the beatings a lot … and he was very afraid of them,” Diane Wilder said from her
home in Seal Rock, Ore. “Prior to the … ceremony, he was throwing up because he was so nervous,
that’s what we were told.”

He said the beatings were to show the other Masons just how badly you want to be a member.
“ ‘If you can’t put up with a little discomfort for a little while in order to do some good for people, you
don’t want it that much,’ he told us,” she said.
On Christmas, Diane Wilder talked to her son twice. During those conversations, she says, Donald
Wilder expressed concern about the paddlings he knew awaited him.
“His plan was to get so drunk that he wouldn’t have to take all the beatings,” Diane Wilder said.
“There was something about it, obviously, we didn’t like,” Diane Wilder said. “It made us nervous. It
just didn’t seem right.”

The week before his death, the Wilders talked to their son every other day. On Jan. 5 — three days
before he died — Wilder promised his mother he would not go through with the third-degree
ceremony, she said.

Donald Wilder would not stay true to his word.

“I think he just decided not to tell us because we disapproved,” Diane Wilder said.
Also on Jan. 5, Wilder went to Murphy’s Law Irish Pub in Mannheim. He met friends that evening,
including Maria Testai, a German acquaintance, and d’Ercole, a soldier in Wilder’s unit who served
with him in Iraq.

The two soldiers talked for about an hour at the bar, d’Ercole said, and Wilder seemed relaxed. Testai
said Wilder told her that he would like to go to a movie with her during the coming weekend.
“I have another friend married to an American,” Testai said. “She told me about the Masons. She told
me that they would beat up the people and drink a lot when they have parties. I didn’t like it so I
didn’t ask for more.
“He sounded, I don’t know, not really nervous,” Testai said. “He talked a lot. I don’t know if excited is
the right word.”

The initiation ceremony took place inside Mannheim American High School. The group initially
requested to use the facility on Jan. 6. Because of school rehearsals, the high school was not
available, said Dennis Bohannon, public affairs officer for Department of Defense Dependents

A key to the school was checked out to the Masons on Jan. 5. The group used the key to enter the
facility without authorization on Jan. 7, Bohannon said.
When asked how school officials knew that the Masons were in the facility on Jan. 7, Bohannon said,
“someone in the school has personal knowledge.”
Sometime during the morning of Jan. 8, Wilder was found lying unconscious and unresponsive in the
shower of a friend’s room at Spinelli Barracks, said Diane Wilder. Medical professionals, military
police and the German police were called to the scene.
Shortly after noon, Spc. Donald Anthony Wilder, a 21-year-old veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom,
was pronounced dead.

To date, no charges have been preferred against anyone in relation to Wilder’s death. Until further
autopsy studies are complete, it is unknown whether Wilder died of alcohol poisoning or something

Officially, the command that Wilder’s unit comes under is working with the Army’s Criminal
Investigation Command, known as CID, to find out what happened.
“We have multiple, ongoing investigations to ensure that the facts are known and everything that
can be done to prevent this from happening to other soldiers,” said Maj. Allen Hing, 21st Theater
Support Command public affairs officer.

To protect the integrity of its investigation, CID is not releasing details of the investigation at this
time, said Christopher Grey, CID spokesman.
Soldiers are not prohibited from joining such groups as the Masons. D’Ercole estimated about six or
seven soldiers in his roughly 250-man unit are Masons.

To reduce a strong young man to such a state requires an extremely hard hand. This is a boy who got
through combat training with all its psychological and physical rigours.
This case reminds me of the recent series of deaths at the British army's Deep Cut12 barracks in the

UK. Again, we have a case where four young trainee soldiers are killed mysteriously in separate
incidents and the MOD refuses to hold an enquiry.

Is it a coincidence that all thirteen members of the British Army Enquiry board are Freemasons13?
This is the problem with 'secrecy'. The fact that we are told so little allows us to assume that
something quite bad is going on. I also know that the Freemasons and the military are intimately
connected. All the soldiers I know underwent a Freemasonic style initiation which involved being
followed around and physically attacked. A stress inducing exercise to create a climate of fear in the
candidate. Fear being essential for subservience.

Again, my opinions of Freemasonry are not sound-bites scrabbled from conspiracy writers (though
what's wrong with that?) but actual personal experiences of an attempted indoctrination into their
cult. I write for the simple reason of wishing to inform people that there are always two sides to
every story.

Here’s another example of unaccountable and sudden deaths while inductees are being subjected to

Freemason Shot Dead in a Masonic Ritual14

A secretive initiation ceremony in the basement of a Long Island Masonic lodge went "tragically
wrong" when a member mistakenly pulled out a loaded weapon and fatally shot an inductee in the
face, police said Tuesday.

William James, 47, of Medford, N.Y., was pronounced dead at the scene of Monday night’s shooting
inside the Southside Masonic Lodge, said Suffolk County Detective Lt. Jack Fitzpatrick.

... Fitzpatrick said the ceremony was designed to create "a state of anxiety" for the inductees. Police
also found a guillotine, rat traps, and a wooden board that Fitzpatrick surmised was used in some
type of "walking the plank" routine in the basement of the one-story building.

...While officials of the lodge denied that guns play a role in ceremonies, Fitzpatrick said members
told police the rite involving a gun with blanks goes back at least 70 years.

Or the truly chilling story of Sarah Paine who was snatched from a street in West Sussex on July 1,
2000. Her body was found 16 days later, ten miles away. A paedophile Roy Whiting was convicted of
her abduction and murder, and sentenced to life in prison.

Open and shut? Not quite. Because there's this painting15 Sarah left behind, displayed in her
classroom, which was reproduced in the Sun newspaper four days after her disappearance: a man
appears to be standing upon a 13-square chequered floor, between columns bearing Sarah's name.
He wears what appears to be an apron of 33 studs, and holds an object in his left hand. His right
sleeve is also missing. All suggestive of a Masonic ritual and the interior of a Masonic lodge.

It is quite apparent that the well-known 'initiation' procedure where the candidate is 'hoodwinked'
and has the point of a sharp compass thrust to his breast and is threatened with all manner of
torture and punishments if he reveals any secrets, is an example of hazing. Hazing is prevalent in
secret societies, rugby clubs, and well documented in the American University fraternities (which are
in effect secret societies).

The following story is suggestive of strange goings on behind the closed doors of University

Goat was going to be used in Fraternity Initiation Ritual 16

Last month, police officers happened upon a Kentucky University fraternity party and found a live
goat cruelly kept in a storage room that was going to be used in an initiation ritual. In this case, a 19-
year-old was charged with a second-degree count of cruelty to animals. According to the report, the
university has had three hazing incidents on campus since 1996.

This procedure is only the public image of the initiation, much more is involved. Hazing is used to
disorder the thinking of the candidate to such a point that they become 'suggestible'. It is also a way
of breaking the candidate’s preconceptions about reality itself. This is not peculiar to Masonry
however, many of the major religious sects use this conditioning to 'illuminate' their disciples. It is
and was quite common in Christian convents and monasteries: flagellation, prolonged fasting, were
all forms of early hazing. It is used anywhere people seek to control other people’s minds for the
aims of the group as a whole.

On the right is violent extremist group Combat 18’s logo. On the right is one of the Wiccan logos.
Strange huh? Gangs such as Combat 18 and the various black street gangs which operate in society,
are equally part of this discipline. One finds that prospective members are often given an unpleasant
and dangerous task to undertake before they can become full members. The following news story is
suggestive of the kind of thing a gang member might be expected to perform. Of course, the future
member is assured that if he completes his task then he or she will be rewarded in some way,
whether by fame, fortune or an assured supply of their drugs of choice. One can see why the crack
phenomenon in the United States is so prevalent in the gang culture. It is their currency, it is also
their means of control.

Boy, 14, stabbed to death in initiation ritual 17 by samurai sword gang with members as young as 13

A boy of 14 was knifed to death by a gang of hoodies wielding a samurai sword, baseball bats,
knives, and a heavy chain as part of a initiation ritual, a court heard today.
Paul Erhahon was allegedly punched, battered and stabbed by 'youngers' on the orders of older boys
in the mob of up to 15 youths.
The schoolboy was heard desperately shouting, "You can't be shanking me, you can't be stabbing
me," as he was set upon in the foyer of a block of council flats.

With 'superhuman effort' he managed to scramble to his feet and sprint off, chased by a youth
armed with a baseball bat, but collapsed yards from his home.
His assailants then started attacking his 15-year-old friend, who cannot be named, and left him for
dead before running off to a park where they laughed and joked about the attack, the Old Bailey
heard. His friend, who was stabbed five times, survived but Paul died from a single seven-inch-deep
knife wound to the heart.
He moaned, "I'm dying, I'm dying" as his parents Paul and Ivie raced to his side. He was pronounced
dead half an hour later.

In a similar way to what was previously mentioned regarding sex of various kinds as a means of
blackmailing, controlling, and keeping gang members in their place, we can imagine how knowledge
of a hidden deed of an unpleasant and illegal nature, could also be used to assure absolute
obedience to the group. This is why so few, if any Masonic secrets, are revealed by dissatisfied
members: the bonds of secrecy and the threat of potential blackmail, are all strong enough to
ensure nothing but cowed silence on the part of the member.

I have personally met members of Combat 18 as friends of former school-mates. What I noticed
immediately is that among the fairly normal seeming working class lads who are involved, there is
always one other person who seems to stand out. He is often well educated and professional and
seems to be able to ‘arrange’ all sorts of things for his ‘friends’. This man is the Freemason who runs
and directs the street gang. It is also he who instils the culture and the ideology of the gang. The
members I knew would constantly talk in Masonic clichés, for example, if getting drunk and high,
they would describe the feeling as: ‘being on the level’. Goodness only know why but one of these
Combat 18 members decided to tell me that while in prison (for racially motivated assault) he was
further initiated and when he came out he was given instructions to burn a suspected paedophile’s
house down. Ok, we can hardly have much sympathy for paedophiles, but clearly having people
running around enacting a vigilante agenda and burning down the houses of people they are ‘told’
are paedophiles, whether they are or not18, is more than slightly dangerous and irresponsible. It is an
especially cynical tactic, when as we have seen, the Masons on the one hand encourage sexual
deviancy and abhorrent acts, and with the same hand they seem to think they have the right to
punish these acts. Acts which they themselves are responsible for. This is a little glimpse into the
schizophrenic ‘double-think’ mindset of the Freemasonic organisation.

This is what gangs do. They 'clean-up' things. They clean up drug pushers, they clean up each other.
They are an unofficial police force. They take their orders from Masons. They ask no questions; to
leave the gang means death. Street gangs of all kinds are the Masons' eyes on the street.
Many of these gang members have scars above their eyes, just like many Masons...they are usually
physically attacked with bottles or hard objects which leave specific scars so they can be identified
on the street by the police and other members. Know any Masons or gang members? Look for scars
on the forehead: the mark of Cain I suppose it’s supposed to represent. This sort of thing is very
common. I have a friend who was beaten-up as part of their induction into a secret society within
the British army as it helps set the tone of fear and intimidation under which they operate. This is
explicit in the initiation into the third degree:

"When a Freemason is being initiated into the third degree he is struck on the forehead in the dark,
falling back either into a coffin or onto a coffin shape design. His fellow Masons lift him up and when
he opens his eyes he is confronted with a human skull and crossed bones. Under this death threat
how can any Freemason of third degree or higher be trusted, particularly in public office? He is
hoodwinked literally and metaphorically, placing himself in a cult and under a curse."19

I also met a strange gang who call themselves ‘The Arthurs’. The gang is highly unusual in that it is
comprised mostly of homeless alcoholics who, according to my observations, have symptoms of
advanced schizophrenia. These poor destitute and broken-hearted people, seek to do some kind of
good turn to a world they feel has failed them and which they have failed. Because they are
schizophrenic, they have a strange ‘sense’ about people, and I was told by one of the ‘Arthurs’ I was
drinking with on the street late one night in Brighton, that they can sense when someone is on the
street who is what they would term ‘a bad man’ and they give chase. The men I met assured me that
they can make people disappear. It could have been bravado, but something about the menace in
the words as he spoke them assured me there was more to it than that. Again the example I was
given is that if they spot a ‘rapist’ they will take them down a dark alley and deal with them. We can
only guess as to how The Arthurs ‘know’ who is a rapist or not. It is possible that they are provided
with pictures of people to look out for. But again, as with the member of Combat 18 I spoke to in his

unguarded moments, there is no guarantee they’re going after people who are really guilty of what
is claimed.

It's got to the point now where nobody neutral can seriously deny that something very dark is at
work in Freemasonry. Those that do attempt this denial have an interest in protecting themselves
and their craft. Personally, my interest is in truth, I have no career riding on being a brother of good
report nor do I fear anyone arranging for me to have a little 'accident'. The pressures must be great
for the Masons however, under the constant burden of their anxiety. I feel quite sorry for them.

We know that many of our democratically elected leaders have been assassinated by a 'black-hand'
protecting its own interests. We know that Masons are involved in organised crime (exposure of
their crimes being one of the reasons they went underground in the UK).20We also know that
Masons are corrupt and involved in perverting the course of justice.21

The following article, from a Scottish newspaper, is very illuminating of just such a case, but first a
quick reminder of the reported details of the Dunblane massacre:22

The small Scottish town of Dunblane was racked with grief and horror last night as details emerged
of the killer who had lived in their midst until yesterday, when he shot dead 16 small children and a
teacher in three minutes of carnage in a primary school gym.

Thomas Hamilton, aged 43, a disgraced former Scout master whose behaviour had attracted the
attention of the police, turned one of his four guns on himself after killing or injuring all but one of a
class of 29 five- and six-year-olds at Dunblane primary school, near Stirling.

And here is an article from the Scottish press which seems to impart terrible mystery to a terrible
tragedy, and the magic-mystery word ‘Freemasonry’.23

LETTERS between Labour and Tory ministers and correspondence relating to Thomas Hamilton's
alleged involvement with Freemasonry are part of a batch of more than 100 documents about the
Dunblane mass murder which have been sealed from public sight for 100 years.

The documents include a letter connected to Hamilton, which was sent by George Robertson,
currently head of Nato, to Michael Forsyth, who was then Secretary of State for Scotland.

Until now it was thought that a 100-year public secrecy order had only been placed on one police
report into Hamilton which allegedly named high-profile politicians and legal figures. However, a
Sunday Herald investigation has uncovered that 106 documents, which were submitted to the
Dunblane inquiry in 1996, were also placed under the 100-year rule.

The Scottish Executive has claimed the 100-year secrecy order was placed on the Central Police
report, which was drafted in 1991 five years before the murders, to protect the identities of children
named in the report. Hamilton had allegedly abused a number of children prior to his 1996 gun
attack on Dunblane primary school in which 16 primary one children and a teacher died before
Hamilton turned his gun on himself.

However, only a handful of the documents, which the Sunday Herald has discovered to be also

subject to the 100-year rule, relate to children or name alleged abuse victims.

The most intriguing document is listed as: 'Copy of letter from Thomas Hamilton to Dunblane parents
regarding boys' club, and flyer advertising Dunblane Boys' Sports Club. Both sent to Rt Hon Michael
Forsyth, MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, by George Robertson MP.' Also closed under the 100-
year rule is a 'submission to Lord James Douglas Hamilton, MP, Minister of State at the Scottish
Office, concerning government evidence to the Inquiry'.

Another document relates to correspondence between the clerk of the Dunblane inquiry, which was
presided over by Lord Cullen, and a member of the public regarding 'possible affiliations of Thomas
Hamilton with Freemasonry ... and copy letters from Thomas Hamilton'.

SNP deputy justice minister, Michael Matheson, said: 'The explanation to date about the 100 -year
rule was that it was put in place to protect the interests of children named in the Central Police
report. How can that explanation stand when children aren't named? The 100-year rule needs to be
re-examined with respect to all documents.'

Matheson has written to the Lord Advocate, Colin Boyd, asking why the 100-year rule applies and
how it can be revoked. He has so far had no response. He also asked First Minister Jack McConnell to
explain the reasons for the 100-year order but received 'no substantial answer'. Matheson is to write
to Colin Boyd a second time, in the light of the discovery that more than 100 other documents are
also sealed, asking him to account for the decision.

A spokeswoman for the Crown Office said: 'In consultation with the Crown Office and the Scottish
Office, Lord Cullen agreed that in line with the age of some of the individuals involved and named in
the inquiry, the closure period would be 100 years. The Lord Advocate is considering issuing a
redacted copy of the productions, which would blank out identifying details of children and their
families. A decision on this has yet to be made.'

Other sealed key reports on Dunblane include:

A 'comparative analysis of Thomas Hamilton' by Central Scotland Police
Information about Hamilton's 'use and possession of firearms'
Pathology reports, Hamilton's autopsy report, and analysis by Glasgow University's forensic science
lab on blood, urine and liver samples from Hamilton's body
Details on firearms licensing policies
A review by Alfred Vannet, regional procurator fiscal of Grampian, Highland and Islands, of 'reports
and information in respect of Thomas Hamilton submitted to the procurator fiscals of Dumbarton
and Stirling by Strathclyde Police and Central Police'
A psychological report on Hamilton
Guidance from the British Medical Association on granting firearms licences
'Transcript of and correspondence relating to answering-machine tape which accidentally recorded
conversation between police officers at the scene of the Dunblane incident'
Correspondence and witness statements 'relating to allegations of sexual abuse made against

And here we see the curious obfuscation of government papers relating to this case. What are they
trying to hide? It does all seem rather strange, that is, until the magic word: Freemasonry is thrown
into the mix.
Furthermore I happened upon this internet news article connecting Freemasons to organised sex
slavery and yet more paedophilia:24

A paedophile Shriner makes-off with a freshly stolen child.

Once a man joins his local Masonic lodge, he can complete three levels to become a Master Mason
who can then join other "appendant" groups, such as the Shriners. Within the Shriners is a secret sub-
group called the Royal Order of Jesters, made up of invited Shriners. The Jesters have been linked not
only to this prostitution scandal but to the possibility that 19 others may have first hand knowledge
of child sex tourism after a fishing trip to Brazil.

According to a Department of Justice announcement, the task force was created in November, 2006
and "is a collaboration of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and non-government
service organizations working together to identify, rescue and assist victims of human trafficking,
human smuggling and other civil and human rights offenses in the 17 counties of the district, through
aggressive investigation, prosecution, training, education and outreach to law enforcement, non
government organizations, vulnerable and affected persons and the general public."

It seems that this conduct may be the result of Shriner by-laws that state "Shrine law does not include
the law of the land." Here is an update as to how the law of the land is being applied to a member of
the Royal Order of Jesters, which is a secret sub-group made up of invited Shriner leaders. This Jester,
retired police captain John Trowbridge, got caught by the FBI and pleaded guilty to one felony count
of violating the Mann Act. The following is, in part, about his sentencing date. The rest of the article
describes how a FBI application for a search warrant reveals how those Jesters caught by the FBI
were involved with more than prostitution.

This fifteen month investigation was initiated in September, 2006, by the FBI and US Border Patrol on
a tip that one of the acupressure businesses was a front for prostitution. Per the document, "full sets"
refers to sexual intercourse and "half-sets" can be used to refer to either oral sex or hand-jobs (that
is, anything less than intercourse). Other terms used are "mouth" or "oral," both meaning oral sex.

Here is another article which seems to hint of a connection between secret societies and child-
abuse, notice how the headmaster Jim Bazar appears to be at pains to defend the man by saying he
‘has had no other complaints against him’ as if to attempt to cast doubt on the accusations:

Teacher charged with Sex Crime. Affidavit: Robert Louis Rosseau Formed 'Secret Society'.25

SAN ANTONIO -- An eighth-grade teacher at Christian Academy of San Antonio is accused of forming
a secret society so that he could get intimate with young girls, an affidavit stated.
Robert Louis Rosseau, 37, is charged with sexual assault of a child, the affidavit stated. He was being
held in the Bexar County Jail in lieu of $100,000.

A student who attends another school told police that she was asked by two other girls to join
Rosseau's secret society, referred to as the "order" which was based on the occult, magic,
Freemasonry and Christianity, the affidavit stated.

In order for someone to become a member of the order, the pledge would have to "become intimate"
with Rosseau to establish trust, the affidavit stated.
The girl who went to police told investigators that she was being pressured to have sex with Rosseau
because he was "receiving pressure from his superiors to have her submit to him," the affidavit
stated.The girl got into a fight with two other girls who tried to recruit her into the "order," the
affidavit stated.

School Principal Jim Bazar told KSAT 12 News that Rosseau was placed on administrative leave.
Rosseau, a science and information technology teacher for three years, has had no other complaints
against him, Bazar said.

Freemasons are also involved in the multi-million pound drug industry, as portrayed in Chanel 4’s
Dispatches26 programme. The programme was about a convicted drug smuggler who now gives
lectures to criminologists and he clearly explained how Masonic lodges are used to penetrate
customs and bribe people and making the multi million pound drug shipments work.

My intention in printing these stories is to make some of the people who are considering Masonic
membership to seriously search their hearts and think again. This is a personal opinion based on my
personal experience of the Masons. What strikes me the most from taking part in various internet
forums is the number of people seemingly interested in joining the Masons and the seemingly
'kindly' Masons posting on various internet websites, drumming up recruits and subverting the truth

Unfortunately the Masons are the last people who are fit to represent the truth behind
Freemasonry, and what we tend to hear from these people online is a non-existent fantasy version
of their craft. Almost like the romantic tales of brave warrior knights that we are told from childhood
when the reality was that Knights were hired murderers, cutting swathes through populations of

civilians at home and abroad. You will never hear the truth from a Mason because it is more than
their lives are worth. And the truth is that Masons are in Hell. A Hell of their own making. It is the
price they pay for turning away from the true light of God. It is all however a false paradigm, a game
of Hegelian dialectics they are caught up in, and since these people rule the world, we unfortunately
are also caught up in this delusion.

On one side you have damnation for witchcraft and on the other, redemption by Jesus Christ. Both
sides are the same game. Even the Jesus character, who although a real and sincere prophet of God,
has had a whole demonic system based around him despite himself. This is why so many ex CIA men
are born again Christians27, he is the archetype who will save them. In reality they are being saved
from their own fear as fear itself has the remarkable effect of twisting reality out of shape and
creating a continuous nightmare world in which anything can happen. We will see in a later chapter
the precise chemical changes in the brain and body which take place as a result of prolonged
involvement with the Freemasons, and what the real significance of ‘enlightenment’ really means.


Chapter 5

The Rise of the Anti-Truth.

What is enlightenment? What is the Illuminati? What’s going on here? What’s with all the light?

For thousands of years and for thousands of miles around both ancient and more modern cultures
have cherished an ideal. An ideal which somehow seems to exist as an idea at the very edges of
society, an ideal known of and searched for by various mystics, misfits and bar stool prophets, but
do any of these people ever reach the fabled enlightenment they seek? The Greek Katabasis of
descent into the underworld. The changing. How many copies of the Bhagavad-Gita exist in the
world to the ratio of those who have really understood its wisdom? Likewise how many people can
actually browse through the Gnostic gospel of Thomas with complete understanding of what secret
wisdom Jesus is trying to transmit? Inevitably, Gnostic or hidden teachings are invariably never
understood by those who are not already privy to the secret, so one has to ask what is the point?
Well, there is a slight ironic subtlety to this business of so called ‘secret information’ and hidden
wisdom, in fact the irony is that it is not secret at all but actually in plain sight, the secret of
enlightenment is repeatedly time and time again elucidated in the story of Jesus and made clearer
and rephrased in the gospel of Thomas. It is clearly expressed in black and white and most of us
already have the code in our minds, the subtlety is that we would simply never believe it. What
makes something ‘hidden’ is not that it has been deliberately obfuscated or buried somewhere
where no one will ever find it, but our inability to see it.

This is the Illuminati technique which has become known as ‘hidden in plain sight’. In order for this
technique to succeed however something else other than the secret to be concealed is required: it is
necessary to create an anti-secret, something which directly contradicts the ‘secret’ word for word

and measure for measure. An entire thesis, continuum, political movement, ideology or lifestyle
which directly negates the secret and works against it consistently and constantly, and this has been
their technique of social control for thousands of years. In this first decade of the 21 st century the
system is moving into overdrive as the anti-secret has so far completely dominated life and thinking
on Earth, that we are fast heading into one of a hundred possible forms of self destruction as we on
Earth as a people, have largely completely forgotten what we are and what we are really doing here.

The method has been an effective way for our controllers and governments to raise money and
more effectively control people; not only has it been used for hiding metaphysical wisdom and the
meaning of life but also to control the food we eat and the entertainments and hobbies we indulge
in. For example, it is no secret that we need a certain amount of food in order to repair our physical
bodies and maintain our tissues, bone and muscle. If we eat healthy fresh unprocessed food then we
will maintain our physical processes more effectively and for a longer time. Yet somehow this very
simple piece of information has been lost to many people, or at least not lost, the ‘code’ as I
mentioned before is in us all. We ALL know it, yet many people have chosen an alternative and have
decided to ignore the ‘secret’. Instead of people generally eating food to maintain their physical
bodies people are eating for a thousand and one other reasons. The anti-truth, that food should
exclusively taste or look good, or be brightly coloured, or virtually wholly contain processed sugar, or
should be eaten when depressed or lonely or bored, or all three. That food should be more
entertaining than it is healthy. That the anti-truth should be inculcated in young children as soon as
possible to prevent them from being receptive to the truth. That sweets, liquid sugar drinks, or fat
and salt based tastes are being constantly forced down children’s throats leading to various
psychological and physical ailments later in life or in many instances much sooner. Obesity in
children, attention deficit disorder, are all new plagues and these all have ultimately destructive
results in society. As a school teacher I have had many enlightening conversations with children as to
what the powers that be are trying to do to us. A group of children who tell you that they scoff
sweets and fizzy drinks so that they can go ‘hyper’ from the effects of the sugar-rush, shows that
they have understood the secret intentions of the ‘anti-secret’ and are content, even happy to exist
within the distortions of its continuum.

The knock-on effect is devastating. From behaviour problems in class, leading to the break-down of
the education system and the eventual creation of a virtually uneducated majority with no
independent thought or cognitive ability whatsoever, except the ability to absorb and enact the
propaganda and instructions disseminated through the media. This one instance of an anti-truth has
the power to almost totally cripple humanity. But there are many many more. They are without
limit, for every sound, tried and tested natural law there is one or more anti-truths to stymie the
truth and reduce it to a murmured platitude of admonition. A modern occurrence is the gradual
criminalisation of victims and the victimisation of criminals. A couple of years ago a 13 year old, Balal
Khan28, was found guilty of the attempted murder and rape of a 20 year old woman, yet the
sentence he received was unduly lenient with the fact that Balal had ‘anger management issues’
being an apparently mitigating circumstance! It was also noted that he had said ‘sorry’. These cases
are becoming ten a penny and despite the amount of media condemnation and public outcry
generated, they continue to occur! Why? Why at schools are children who have money or items
stolen from them by persons known to the victim and even the teachers, are treat like they have
done something wrong by having subsequent money taken from them by staff to be collected at the
end of the day? This is their policy. Why does having money taken from a child by another child

result in that same child having their money taken from them by an adult regularly? As if this child
cannot be trusted, as if it’s the child’s own fault that they had their money stolen. All the while the
school has no protocol to deal with the thief. This kind of criminalisation of victims is a daily
occurrence in our schools.

The sense that the criminal is as much a victim as the victim, of their actions has now fully infested
our society. I read with dismay details of the Larry King interview with Chris Brown.29 They discuss
the violent assault of his then girlfriend Rihanna. Basically, Brown sets himself up as a figure of pity
and that the attitude ‘it wasn’t my fault’ seems to shine through.

On September 2, 2009, Brown spoke about the domestic violence case in a pre-recorded Larry King
Live interview, his first public interview about the matter. He was accompanied in the interview by
his mother and attorney Mark Geragos, as he discussed growing up in a household rampant with
domestic violence; his mother had been repeatedly assaulted by his stepfather. Brown said of hearing
details of what transpired the night of his own assault, his physical altercation with Rihanna, "I'm in
shock, because, first of all, that's not who I am as a person, and that's not who I promise I want to
be." Brown's mother, Joyce Hawkins, said Brown "has never, ever been a violent person, ever" and
that she does not believe in the cycle of violence. Brown described his relationship with Rihanna as
having been like Romeo and Juliet during widespread media reports of the domestic violence case,
and that it was the media that drove them apart following news of the assault. He said he did not
remember assaulting Rihanna but realized it occurred and is sorry for his actions that night.
Following criticism of saying he did not remember, Brown later said in a statement, "Of course I
remember what happened. Several times during the interview, my mother said that I came to her
right afterwards and told her everything." Brown said despite this, "[that night] was and still is a
blur". Earlier in the Larry King Live interview, he said that it is "tough" for him to look at the famous
photograph released of Rihanna's battered face, which may be the one image to haunt and define
him forever, and that he still loves her."I'm pretty sure we can always be friends," said Brown, "and I
don't know about our relationship, but I just know definitely that we ended as friends." In addition,
he stated he does not feel that his career is over.

This odious character even manages to avert the blame for their break-up away from himself when
he states that it was ‘the media that drove them apart following news of the assault’ So him
smashing her face in had nothing to do with it? Initially he tried the ‘feign’ ignorance approach of
escaping responsibility for his actions but apparently he was criticised for this so he modified his
stance it seems and described it as ‘a bit a blur’. More than anything this article tells us about
Brown’s true character, even an amateur psychologist could tell you what he is really thinking. He is
evading responsibility at all costs and now we should all feel sorry for him instead, how hard his
upbringing was and how his dad beat him and how ‘tough’ it was for him to have to look at what he
did to Rihanna.

Another aspect of this whitewashing of the victim is the apparent unconscious contradiction that
because something has apparently not happened before, then its impact is lessened when it DOES
happen:‘ Brown's mother, Joyce Hawkins, said Brown "has never, ever been a violent person, ever".
Sadly our world is full of these children pretending to be adults and there will always be an arsenal of
lackeys and hangers on, whether paid or unpaid, to massage their egos and tell them exactly what
they want to hear in order that they don’t have to face any uncomfortable truths about themselves
and can always find someone else to blame.

I have spoken to teachers who have tried to quieten a noisy or disruptive child in class, only to be
called a ‘racist’ by the student, the teacher who made a complaint to a senior member of staff found
that instead of any focus on the behaviour of the child there was a switch to looking at the
behaviour of the teacher and suddenly the teacher is being questioned on all sides as if the
accusation were justified and the teacher really is a racist. Teacher training now has moved so far
away from truth and common-sense guidelines that teachers are told explicitly that if students are
misbehaving then it is the teacher’s fault. The lesson is not ‘interesting’ enough, or the teacher is
ineffective, or the teacher is bullying the student, or any one of many slurs on the ‘victim’ while
victimising the perpetrator. All of this has arrived on the back of political correctness and what is
deceptively termed ‘human-rights’ legislation; in themselves there is nothing wrong with not being
offensive to other people and nothing wrong clearly with respecting human rights, but a trick has
been pulled, words, terminology and semantics have been used to usher in a new age of madness
and unreason under the guise of protecting people. The basic and reasonable truth that children
should not be hurt and should enjoy a happy life, is now being parasitized by an anti-truth, an
unreason, that children can do what they like without consequences, that children must be happy at
all costs and if they are not then someone to blame must be found. Clearly some children are in a
vulnerable position and child abuse of a most horrible kind takes place, and we know for the most
part who is behind most of that sickening stuff, but thankfully it is on a relatively small-scale. What is
happening now is that everyone in our whole society are being treat as potential child abusers and
the fears and legislation of society is being directly steered by the behaviour of a psychopathic and
often Masonic, minority. The final rotten irony of this is that the psychotic minority who actually do
all the really bad things which we as a society get legislated against and see our rights constantly
eroded, are actually working hand in hand with the secret rulers of our world, in fact they are one
and the same, government is a racket and nothing more than organised crime. We are caught in a
pincer movement with the psychopaths in government and the psychopaths on the street, directing
the destiny of the world between them.

Here’s another. One Helen Reece who works for the London School of Economics and is a trained
barrister. In an article published in the Guardian she calls for greater freedom to allow sex offenders
to work with and even adopt children! This strikes most right thinking people as insane and
tantamount to child abuse by proxy, however her justifications are that the inevitability of legal
action will force the issue. But why should it? It is only articles such as hers which will force the issue.

Below are two articles written by this lady and it seems clear that whatever forces are at work
attempting to destabilize society by turning common sense and decency on its head, she is a very
visible representation of what I would term ‘the grinning agents of chaos’.

Let sex offenders adopt and work with children, says report
London School of Economics family law expert calls for each case to be judged on merit

The government could face legal action if it continues to ban sex offenders from working with
children, according to research published today.
A report by a family law expert argues that some sex offenders should be allowed to adopt or foster
children, and claims that the current blanket ban is discriminatory.

"Sex offenders shouldn't all be tarred with the same brush," said Helen Reece at the London School of
Economics, who wrote the report. "People need to be carefully screened for adoption and fostering,
but each case should be taken on its merits.

"There shouldn't be blanket rules. What somebody has done before is not necessarily what he or she
will do again. When someone has served a sentence, as far as you can, you should treat them the
same as anyone else."
The report points to legal challenges that have overturned other blanket bans on adoption, including
a 2008 case in which the House of Lords said rules in Northern Ireland preventing cohabiting couples
from adopting children were discriminatory.

"If we believe that blanket bans are an effective and legitimate means to protect children then we
should no more allow cohabiting couples to adopt or foster than convicted sex offenders," said
But claims in the report that cohabiting couples can present more of a risk to children than sex
offenders are likely to provoke anger among groups concerned with child protection.

Responding to the report, the government said child and adult safety was its priority. "It is vital that
children and vulnerable adults are protected," a Home Office spokesperson said. "We are committed
to ensuring that decisions on who is suitable to work with the vulnerable are proportionate and meet
the test of common sense."

Sex offenders have been prohibited from working with, and adopting, children since 2006, when
measures were put in place to prevent a recurrence of the murder of schoolgirls Jessica Chapman and
Holly Wells by school caretaker Ian Huntley in Soham.

The "vetting and barring" scheme introduced by the 2006 law has divided opinion, and was halted by
the home secretary, Theresa May, in June after criticism that it was "draconian" and would deter
volunteers .

This month a group of nurses who had been automatically placed on the barred list after they
committed offences at work successfully challenged the scheme in the high court, claiming their
human rights had been violated.

"The vetting and barring scheme contradicts human rights legislation and is therefore
challengeable," said Reece. "I agree with this government that it should be brought back to
commonsense levels."

Helen Reece describes herself as a feminist but since when has feminism had anything to do with
putting children into the hands of convicted child abusers? You ladies out there who also consider
yourself feminists might like to ask her for a little clarification this is her email address:

This is one Helen Reece’s previous efforts, a strident attempt to help break-down the family unit by
insinuating that unmarried fathers shouldn’t have any paternity rights over their own children:
Unmarried fathers are granted parental responsibility to make them 'feel good', finds LSE academic

Unmarried fathers are being granted legal parental responsibility based on whether it makes them
'feel good' rather than the role they play in their child's life, an academic from the London School of
Economics and Political Science has found.

Helen Reece says a development in case law means judges are now basing decisions on whether to
grant the order on the feelings and emotions of the father, rather than the effect it would have in

An order gives an unmarried father official legal status equal to the mother and applications are
considered by court.

In her article Parental Responsibility as Therapy, recently published in the Family Law Journal, Helen
Reece, a reader in law, writes that there is a danger the increased focus on emotions rather than
actions 'implies a downgrading of what the father might do with his parental responsibility and an
upgrading of how he might feel about having parental responsibility.'

Previously the main reason given for granting parental responsibility was to give an unmarried father
more power to make decisions in his child's life.

Helen Reece argues the shift shows 'therapy culture' has pervaded this area of law. Therapy culture
encourages an individual to put themselves first and puts greater emphasis on feelings than actions,
she writes.

'Usually, a status in family law -- husband, child or mother – is awarded because the applicant has
met the requisite conditions, and those conditions do not generally include, let alone consist in, the
fact that the applicant will feel better if the status is granted," she says.

'It is a remarkable legal development that a legal order […] may be granted to make an adult "feel

The question is why? How could they act so in such a ruthlessly cold blooded deceptive way. One
word: control. They believe the ends justifies the means, at least that’s what the lower levels
believe, the higher levels believe something rather more sinister. And so we see the almost
perpetual sacrifice of our health, happiness and our very lives for some aim unknown to the general
public at the time. And it never seems to get better. Society changes this way and that: wars, forced
immigrations, social engineering, restrictive laws, all constantly rain down upon us but it never
seems to get better. Sure, we get new technological gadgets and better ways to waste our time such
as more entertaining horror films (many cinemas incidentally seem happy to allow children to watch
18 classified films) but the list of problems grows ever larger. There is a very simple reason for the
never ending range of new social problems and environmental problems, they are all caused by the
philosophy of ends justifying the means.

Solzhenitsyn who, spending time in a Siberian gulag, found himself very close to this particular
fallacy and he correctly identified the problem: “The means and the ends are the same. 32” The
means you use to achieve a certain goal will haunt and corrupt the final result. It’s like trying to use a
chainsaw to cut someone’s hair. When the lifeless blood spattered body of the socio-political victim
is brought out, the fact that they are dead and mutilated is moot, but that chainsaw certainly
managed to cut the hair is used as justification. Our leaders, or rather the strange diabolical cabal
which gives them all their orders, are the ones handing out the chainsaws. At the very highest levels
their true intentions are understood but to those to whom they hand the chainsaws, they merely
indoctrinate the philosophy of the ends justifying means and that the hair must be cut at all costs
without any concern for the effects of the chainsaw on the social body.

We started this chapter seeking enlightenment and in our quest, as is so often the case, it has
started to get dark and we have strayed from the path. In order to discuss something which by
definition exists only in the psyche and interior world of the enlightened we need to look at the anti-
enlightenment, like strange subatomic particles which exist only by definition of what they are not
but can scarcely be said to exist at all, we need to examine and analyse what we can see in our
visible world. Unfortunately what we see of the world and the system we live in at present has for a
very long time been made almost entirely of particles of the anti-truth. So in order to see the nature
and properties of enlightenment it is necessary to effectively look at what our world represents and
what qualities and lifestyles are being promoted and seek to the very opposite. Whatever is the
‘ghost’ of modern life, or the shadow, or it’s opposite, is the road to enlightenment. But this mystery
is no mystery, the path to wisdom has always been said to come from rejection of Maya or Samsara,
the Zen Buddhists have long known where the true life is to be found, and it is not available to the
five sense reality or in the daily papers.


Chapter 6

What is Life?

There are two principal and relatively discrete parts which make up what we know as consciousness
as a whole. The first is mistakenly what scientists and the western world at large refer to when they
talk about our consciousness and these misunderstandings arise from certain materialistic Greek
philosophers such as Aristotle who seemed obsessed with the idea of ‘thought’ being the be all and
end all of the universe, and who could see no further than beyond the concerns of mere humanity.
Aristotle’s narrowly human depiction of wisdom was echoed by the more modern, ironically termed
‘enlightenment’ scientist-philosophers such as Descartes who declared “Je pense donc je suis” I
think therefore I am. This sad piece of misunderstanding was somewhat typical of Descartes who
also referred to animals as being mere ‘machines’33.

Unfortunately Descartes was well connected and part of the 17th Century agenda to destroy the
church and usher in the modern materialistic order of things. These scientists were not theologians
nor experts in metaphysics, and were creatures of a tradition which does not understand the spirit
and so attempts to deny it. Hence reducing animals to unconscious machines and elevating humans
as ‘conscious’ solely because they can think in a human language. This simple piece of blasphemy
Jesus warned us about: ‘All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy
against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.34”, by which Jesus means our own spiritual
nature, if we deny that, then we literally deny ourselves all understanding of how the world really
works: it is no coincidence that we live in a literal world of confusion. Every now and then a scientist
claims to have found the mystery of life or the building blocks of life or some magical God particle
and every time it turns out to be just another piece of the puzzle. The mystery of life is that first of
all ‘life’ as we know it is actually a spirit which lives within matter for a duration of time, then when
the physical container breaks down with age the spirit returns to its origin. Many people have
trouble believing this to be the case and this is wholly thanks to the work of the modern scientists.
They see a cruel world full of pain and they say ‘how can God allow this to happen?’ well my answer

isn’t that God allowed this to happen, it’s that our so called leaders have made this happen. They
didn’t consult God on the matter at all. This is exactly what the Bavarian Illuminati of 1776 professed
to believe and within only two hundred years they have thoroughly achieved their goal of blaming
God for all the problems in the world and in revenge they encourage society to stop believing such a
thing as God even exists.35 This is also the belief of the Yezidi or devil worshippers of Iraq, it is also
the view of modern Satanists who believe that neither God nor the devil actually exists, however the
higher levels of Satanists know much better. We tend to find the sort of people who have started
these ‘satanic’ or God killing cults, were people who were severely traumatised at some point in
their lives.

The founder of the Spanish Catholic secret society the Society of Jesus, Ignacio Loyola, was injured
by a French cannonball during the siege of Pamplona36. His broken leg was badly set, and had to be
re-broken and reset again. This bad surgery left him deformed and made him walk with a permanent
limp. At this point he underwent his ‘religious’ conversion, but personally I believe the combination
of the battle and the trauma of the wound, turned him into some kind of crazed psychopath. And so
he created one of the most infamously deadly and duplicitous organisations to have plagued
mankind: The Jesuits. Likewise if you look at someone like Adolf Hitler, we find a childhood of
trauma inflicted by his overbearing, drunkard father 37 which seems all to swell to a crisis of hysteria
when he is temporarily blinded in a gas attack during World War One. Stalin too was mercilessly
beaten as a boy by his father, according to the memoirs38 of Stalin’s own mother the following
conversation took place:

‘“What are you now?” she asked.

“Remember the Tsar?” he asked. She did. “Well, I’m something like that.”
“So..” Stalin Asked, “why did you let Dad beat me so much when I was young?”
She shrugged. “We must have done the right thing-look how far you’ve come!”’

The image which his mother creates of the young Stalin, is of a little boy terrorised by the sound of
his father’s arrival at the family home, who hides behind his mother’s skirts to avoid his cruelty. A
boy plagued by poverty, crippled by a series of illnesses and accidents.

And finally perhaps, with this perspective we can (almost) begin to understand what has happened
to these tyrants to make them the evil bogeymen of our world. It is simply a cycle of abuse which is
being perpetuated. One comes a little closer to perhaps forgiving these monsters, but one wonders,
do these people even seek forgiveness? Have they been so far expelled by brutality, into the outer
darkness of existence to even understand morality anymore?

So many of these modern psychopaths are said to have had doting mothers who smothered them
with affection, contrasted with violent and often alcoholic fathers. In his studies of alcoholics
encountered at mental institutions, RP Knight comes to the conclusion that a major cause of
psychological dysfunction is:

“A parental background characterized by inconsistency and a lack of unanimity in parental discipline

resulting in conflicting unstable identifications in the son.”39

Perhaps it would be simpler to refer to someone like Carl Jung in seeking to find an explanation for
the root cause of evil people: “It is a fact that cannot be denied: the wickedness of others becomes
our own wickedness because it kindles something evil in our own hearts.”40

We will investigate the psychopathic personality more fully in a later chapter, but to return to
Descartes. The mistake he makes becomes obvious, at least with a little reflection. Namely that I
think therefore I am, presumably also means if I don’t think therefore I cease to exist. Thoughts are
made up of words, it is necessary to have some kind of language in order to think, language is a
collection of sounds used to convey and articulate a series of feelings, impressions, emotions and
labels, about the world we live in. Thinking is putting these together in different combinations in
order to analyse something about the world. However very young children have no language and
therefore it can be surmised that they don’t ‘think’ as such yet they are clearly very much alive. A
new born child will just absorb impressions of the world around them along with data from the
physical body, such as hunger, fatigue, frustration, but it cannot think yet because it cannot make a
collection of ideas and analyse them. The continuous trammel of thoughts that we all have going
through our heads pretty much constantly is not a prerequisite to being alive or even conscious. So
thoughts are a result of being alive rather than the other way around. So this tends to be what
happens when scientists who are more suited to analysing numbers and compounds in a crucible
attempt to expound on the nature of existence itself, they are simply not qualified to do so because
they focus solely on what is the physically observable phenomenon, they are not allowed to infer
anything from what they observe and they can only make things happen that they already
understand, they use inductive reasoning. Of course there are chance discoveries and serendipity,
but most scientists don’t plan for this to occur, nor do they even understand what chance and
serendipity are, and they certainly don’t go into investigating these phenomena, at least the
scientists in the public eye who shore up the illusion of materialism and that we live solely to
consume, reproduce, and die.

I’ve no doubt the secret government have a secret occult-science programme, just as the Americans
had with OTO black magician and rocket-engineer Jack Parsons who invented the first solid rocket
propellant and the Russians with their apparently successful experiments with telekinesis.41 But the
real scientists who make the really big discoveries have always worked very closely with the occult.
From Newton’s obsessive occult studies centring on the Jewish Cabbala 42 and with an apparent deep
interest in Solomon’s temple, to John Logie Baird inventor of the first television and William Crookes
creator of the cathode-ray tube, who between them, invented what we call television. At the time
they were both busy inventing machines in an attempt to contact spirits: maybe that’s why they call
it ‘changing the channel’; Logie Baird even claimed to be in contact with the spirit of Thomas
Edison.43 All these men of apparent scientific appearance, spent most of their spare time in
séances of one sort or another, channelling demons, spirits and who knows what. Is this where they
received their ideas and inspiration?

The fact that thoughts and consciousness are two different things clearly never occurred to
Descartes’ Cartesian mind and yet it is very simple to demonstrate through meditation. Zen
meditation is about trying to rid the soul of the constant overlay of random thoughts and emotions,
quelling the firing neurons and quietening the brain. It is at this point that something remarkable
starts to happen, however reaching this stage takes months and months of work, and is very
mentally tiring, but if you practice the technique of trying to silence your thoughts before bed, you
will find it such hard work, such a constant unending battle, that you will have no trouble falling
asleep pretty soon afterwards. However if you were to try it the next night you would start to notice
an appreciable improvement in your ability and with time even your ability to focus and concentrate
your attention on a task will improve. This is your ‘focus’ (or what various creepy Occult orders

would call ‘the will’) and it is very important that you maintain a strong ability to concentrate
throughout your life. All accidents are the result of someone’s loss of focus, whether a car accident
where the driver was distracted by something and not paying attention to the road, or when you cut
your finger peeling potatoes, we all know why they happen, it’s because we weren’t paying enough
attention, for one second we are somewhere else and suddenly ‘ouch’.

If we learn to improve our focus through meditation or yoga then immediately we see the benefits;
we feel less on edge and more relaxed, more able to drive your mind where you want it to go rather
than having your mind dictate to you how you should be feeling or what you should be doing. Toxic
emotions like jealousy, anger and hatred can be easily shaken away and dispelled from the mind,
instead of settling in and poisoning the body and soul. ‘But those things which proceed out of the
mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.’44 which means eventually what you
ruminate on will eventually come out in your words and conversation. If you have angry thoughts
then it goes without saying that these will inform your speech, probably to your detriment.

A clarification of Descartes ‘I am’ness, would be not to say I think therefore I am, but I am aware
therefore I am. If we allow ‘awareness’ rather than thought as a key indicator of something having
‘isness’, then we suddenly find that life opens up to us much more and some of the previous
mysteries of science solve themselves. If consciousness, rather than thought, were the motor of
existence then suddenly for the first time we start to understand Mother-Nature much better too.
We are told that plants are alive and we water them, see them grow, but apart from that the inner
sensation of the nature of this life eludes us. They certainly have no brain so no thoughts but they
are alive all the same, if they receive injuries then they attempt to repair themselves, when the sun
shines they stretch out towards it and open their leaves, how on earth can they carry out all these
complicated movements and reactions without any kind of motor? What is it that makes plants alive
and able to interact with their environment in a similar way to humans? They feed, they drink and
they move (within the confinements of their root system), they reproduce and they breathe. They
are literally alive without thoughts, or a brain, but in every other respect they exist just like we do.

The key word to solving this mystery is ‘awareness’. Plants may not think but they are aware. This
goes without saying. A plant is aware for example, of the nature of the soil it is planted in, some
plants change sex if the conditions of their pot are too cramped for example, anyone who has
successfully and unsuccessfully grown dope plants know that the oily potent THC yielding female
plants will turn male if they feel the conditions in the pot are not conducive to the growth of more
plants. Plants are aware of the sun, they are aware of the rain, and they react as a result. A plant
which was not aware of the sun, nor the rain, would simply not survive. In fact without any
rudimentary awareness, it is questionable as to whether it could be called alive in the first place.

Every living thing is aware to some degree. If we were to step up from the example of plants and
examine ants we would immediately see an extremely high level of constant awareness regarding
the condition of their nest, the proximity of predators and condition and feeding of the young. Yet
these tiny creatures are so much smaller than us and their motor for existence eludes us. Even now
scientists are stumped at trying to identify the motor which drives these creatures’ complex
societies, they have no books, no words and only very primitive brains so how is it possible that
these creatures are able to organise themselves so harmoniously so that every member is working
perfectly for the good of the whole. Where is the overview? Who is the organiser of the rabble of

ants, such an intelligence would be beyond that of most humans. The organiser is one thing like the
‘awareness’ of the nest of ants as a group consciousness. A hive mind! The mass of ants act as a
group awareness or group consciousness, the antennae of the ant being constantly used to tune into
this mass consciousness and receive their instructions. Hmmmm... antennae.... Are we going back to
TV’s and ghosts again?

So hopefully now we can appreciate that thinking is NOT consciousness but is actually a product of it
not the cause. “The human brain, for example, might be described in terms of cellular functions and
neuro-chemical interactions but that description does not explain human consciousness, a capacity
which far exceeds simple neural function.”45 This grandiose piece of rare scientific common sense
comes not from any well known real scientist, but from Data from Star Trek. TV shows of this type
fortunately invested science with a real awareness of its limitations, and this was a common theme
of the TV show Star Trek, acquiescent awe before the unknowable, such as the stalwart Mr Worf:
“There are things we do not understand, yet they exist nonetheless”46. Establishment scientists like
Darwin and Dawkins refute the unknowable by claiming it simply doesn’t exist and refusing to talk
about it. They have become so dependent on Maya that they no longer see it as an illusion but as
the only reality. Such is the nature of the illusion, the more you invest your focus in it the more real
it becomes. More of your awareness and consciousness becomes absorbed by the many millions of
trivialities and problems the world continually fires out at us, and yet this is how ‘the system’
survives; we live in a new emergent world empire, like the Roman empire it will drain the produce
and tax those it enslaves in order to feed itself and swell its dominion all the more. The production
arm of the empire needs our labour to sustain it, in return it allows us to live by giving us money. The
other arm of this empire is of a different nature however, this is the realm of the ideas which sustain
the empire and allow it to grow. These are disseminated in the media as the films, songs and
television shows bestowed on us by a sacred aristocracy of rich famous people who always seem
happy well fed and contented except when they’re acting, (while on the other hand there are
rumours about something very nasty at the heart of show business) these feed down to the public at
large who absorb these ideas and suggestions subliminally. The TV show Big Brother is intended to
acclimatise and implicate the viewer into a surveillance empire, which is happening more and more
concurrently in society along with the transmission of the show. Is it not a strange coincidence that
at the same time a TV show has cameras spying on people we now have councils spying on people
inside their own homes 47? Indeed it is no coincidence but merely the revelation of the method
through the media, once we accept the precept of intimate surveillance and even start to enjoy it as
entertainment, then it will become ingrained as one of the accepted norms of society.


Chapter 7

Who’s in Charge Here?

The ‘empire’ has a very powerful propaganda machine. We call it ‘the media’. The word ‘media’ is a
collective noun for the word ‘medium’ which literally means, medium of communication. But a
medium for whom? Who is talking to whom? It isn’t the media itself giving us these messages, by
definition they are only ‘mediums’ for the information. Clearly WE are the ones being addressed but
who or what is promoting certain programmes? Why is it normal for people to spend hours
absorbing light and sound from an electrical box? There’s a wonderful Roald Dahl poem 48 which
itemises the damage that television will do to a child’s mind and his words are more salient now
than ever, as we will see later in this chapter:

They sit and stare and stare and sit

Until they’re hypnotised by it

Until they’re absolutely drunk

With all that shocking ghastly junk.

There can be few doubts that watching violent and disturbing scenes on television is very bad for
children. But one asks oneself, at what point does it start being good for adults? You see, there are
many things we all take for granted and questions we don’t ask ourselves any more. A person from
just sixty years ago would be shocked and appalled by the levels of random violence and horror
coming out from a television in this age compared to the tame black and white images from the 50’s.
Somebody from even further back, say a Victorian family, would be not so much astounded by the
technology of the glowing box but more astonished by the type of images it would wantonly show.
Yet all our scientists seem to infer, indeed the whole ‘Empire’ infers constantly that we are going in

the right direction, the march is relentless to some future utopia where the Empire’s power becomes
absolute and unshakable, what would be termed a ‘New World Order’. But why did we need 33 new
laws every month49 under the previous government? This was the New Labour example of reigning-
in free will, if they can criminalise people then all the better, that way they’re easier to control, they
can be fined and imprisoned and have their possessions stripped from them by court order. The
degree of their slavery to the system is revealed, a revelation which sets the common man and
woman working all the harder so as not to fall into the law’s hands by being an obedient
unquestioning citizen and paying all their bills and taxes on time. It was no surprise that the
newspapers revealed the magic number 33 and so the Masons involvement in all this is exposed.
One often finds the number 33 coming up in media news stories: the 7th of July tube blasts initially
declared a death toll of 33 dead.50 For instance.

So the media is the propaganda arm of the powers that be, but not what they call ‘Her Majesty’s
Government’, the media works beyond the knowledge and ability of the government and the
government is frequently at its mercy. It has the power to make or break politicians by exposing
them or applauding them, it can defeat political parties with a simple rallying call to its own agenda
in its own paper51. It is the media which rules and directs the country, the government merely enacts
the reality depicted in the media by reacting to it. Cameron has to cow-tow not only to Rupert
Murdoch but also to X Factor. Politicians are fast being sidelined as the way the establishment
wishes to communicate its wishes and suggestions to the public: it is now the media itself which has
so completely been absorbed by the special interests of media barons, channel owners, and their
owners, the men in the shadows, that it serves a kind of de facto emotional and psychic dictatorship.
The television is constantly serving up a dreary materialistic world view, punctuated with The News
at various hours of the day like a veritable mortar strike on your inner light, your emotional self.

TV shows like Eastenders, Holby City and The Bill all echo this state of misery, these shows all work
by inducing anxiety, suspense and distress in the viewer by evoking one of the many semi mythical,

almost apocryphal ‘bad’ things that can happen to people. Fun-fairs burning down and killing
children at Christmas, someone you knew shooting someone else you knew, dead, and almost
everyone is having an affair with someone. The actual reality is that Eastenders is worse, much
worse than reality. But why would people spend time submerging their consciousness into such a
swamp of despair and constant anxiety? Simply they are hypnotised by the screen. The television set
induces low alpha waves52 in the human brain which is like a borderline trance, perhaps people don’t
really know why they’re watching it. ‘I want to see what happens’ is what my mother always used to

There can be little doubt that most television shows are a kind of addiction where one constantly
needs to stay hooked up to the screen to ‘see what happens’. These addictions last years and in
many cases are life-long, while the physical effects may include a lack of exercise the spiritual effects
are profoundly disturbing. These include anxiety, nervous disorders, anger management issues and
depression. A study53 by the British journal of psychiatry carried out by the Royal College of
Psychiatrists in 2002 shows a clear link between prolonged exposure to television and the genesis of
eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. The study showed that eating disorders were non-
existent in Fiji before the advent of adolescents watching television for long periods of time, and
reaches the conclusion that western media imagery has a very negative impact and leads to the
disordering of native societal norms.

To further cement this point, I wish to give the example of Bhutan. In 1998 the idyllic Himalayan
Kingdom of Bhutan decided, for some reason, that it was missing out on something. After
apparently being so taken by a communal viewing of the French World Cup final in 1998 in the
Bhutan’s national square, King Jigme Singye Wangchuk decided to open the doors of Bhutan to the
joys of television by starting the Bhutan Broadcasting service.

His words at the time were: ‘It is my sincere hope that the introduction of television will be
beneficial; to our people and country’ but with the caveat that ‘not everything you will see will be

Its original intentions were to inform the country about events taking place in the rest of the world
and also to highlight their own culture and traditions. However, hot on the heels of the BBS was
Rupert Murdoch’s Star TV which opened for business six months later and brought with it a diet of
pornography, wrestling matches and toxic celebrity nonsense.

Bhutan had for hundreds of years maintained a peaceful Buddhist civilisation where people thought
twice before even swatting a fly. Some three years after the introduction of television a crime wave
swept the country, murders, beatings, thefts and drug offences suddenly appeared from nowhere.
Each week people in Bhutan wrote to the national newspaper Kuensel expressing their concerns
about the new turn their previously untroubled society has taken: "Dear Editor, TV is very bad for
our country... it controls our minds... and makes [us] crazy. The enemy is right here with us in our
own living room. People behave like the actors, and are now anxious, greedy and discontent." Their
words are echoed by government minister Sangay Ngedup, one of the few members of the
government willing to voice their concerns, he says: ‘for the first time children are confiding in their
teachers of feeling, manic, envious and stressed’. The fact that that only a few members of the
government are willing to question the destruction of their own noble culture shows that they have
been bought off and possibly compromised along the way, and the New World Order has one more

victim slave country and its whole population to abuse and degrade. Business as usual for people like
Rupert Murdoch.

There is even a new anti-TV lobby and regular calls for television to be censored or banned
altogether. In a BBC news article55 from 2004 Bhutanese TV analyst Shockshan Peck was quoted as
saying, as a result of the introduction of television into the Kingdom that: “Young people are now
much more in tune with globalisation and what is happening around the world’. I assume that this
was meant as a positive thing, but to those of us in the west who actually understand the full
ramifications of globalism, the comments show with stunning clarity, that moral decay, crime,
violence and a general new found dissatisfaction with life, seem to be the cultural values of

Other in-depth studies of the effects television has on the mind do not make for encouraging
reading. In Dr Aric Sigman’s book ‘Remotely Controlled’56 he states: ‘Across the United States, as
different regions got their first television sets, there was a 10 to 15 year delay before violent crime
suddenly escalated to double what it had been.’ The reason for this demonstrable link between
increased criminality and the arrival of television is that watching a flickering television set puts the
viewer in a light trance.

In Daniel Reid’s book The Tao of Health Sex and Longevity57 he writes: “The stimulus is transferred
directly into the brain via the optic nerve, which in turn irradiates the hypothalamus. In scientific
experiments..rats exposed to colour TV for six hours a day became hyperactive and extremely
aggressive for about a week. Thereafter they suddenly became totally lethargic and stopped
breeding entirely.” And a commentary by Rixon Stewart adds: “In effect their endocrine systems had
been ‘burnt out’; equally significant was the fact that during the experiment the TV screens were
kept covered in thick black paper so that only the invisible rays came through. Thus the damage was
done, not by the visible rays, but by the invisible radiation.” 58

Not only does the actual content of images of the programme have a psychological effect on the
viewer, clearly, making the viewer happy, sad, angry or promoting aggressive feelings, but also the
actual electromagnetic radiation released by the television set has a direct detrimental physiological
effect on the mind and body. Reid goes on to say:

“When you watch TV, brain activity switches from left to the right hemisphere. In fact, experiments
conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman showed that while viewers are watching television, the
right hemisphere is twice as active as the left, a neurological anomaly.”

So the right brain, or what is commonly known as our subconscious mind is stimulated during
television viewing. This is extremely worrying because it is our subconscious mind that is the origin
of all our thoughts actions and beliefs. Television is a form of hypnosis which works by flickering light
signals at the retinas and creating a light trance, the television show is then overlaid, like a hypnotic
suggestion. Is it therefore unsurprising that if the Bhutanese people are exposed to violent hypnotic
suggestions through their television sets, that this information directly enters the subconscious mind
and they suddenly become violent themselves? Perhaps a film like David Lynch’s ‘Videodrome’
where specially contrived violent broadcasts harbour a malicious carrier-wave which is intended to
corrupt and eventually kill off the ‘low life’ portions of North America, is closer to reality than one
would have thought. The sheer complexity of the plot of Videodrome and the fact that real life

organisations like NATO are implicated in Lynch’s plot, tell us that perhaps his idea wasn’t entirely
fantasy, but based on reality. Examining the wholesale corruption of the Kingdom of Bhutan by
Rupert Murdoch’s Star TV network in this context seems eerily appropriate, with its broadcasting of
violence and pornography, against the BBS’s more benign fare of documentaries and interviews with

Dr Tanya Byron was commissioned in 2007 by the then British Prime Minister to investigate the
possible harmful effects of the internet and video games on children, in her report entitled: ‘Byron
Review – Children and New Technology’.59 It is only a shame she entirely neglected to investigate the
devastating effect of television on the behaviour of children, but then again ‘television’ is effectively
another ‘government’ drug along with the likes of tobacco and alcohol which suits entirely the suits
The Powers That Be’s ongoing agenda for total social control.

Unfortunately people have no suspicion that the television shows they are watching are literally
messing with their heads, and the television itself is unlikely to start broadcasting programmes
advertising this fact, such a thing would not be in the best interests of the establishment so their
science pawns are unlikely to be deployed to investigate their own pawns in the media.

So if we examine the media in the context of being run by the establishment and showing a
distorted, constantly negatively biased image of the world, then we begin to see that we are dealing
with more of the anti-truths and deceptions which strike against our own well-being. The 2009
swine flu propaganda strike managed to earn the pharmaceutical companies millions 60 and the
vaccine actually gave people the disease and other complications,61 rather than in any way
protecting them from it, because in all likelihood, there was no wild swine flu virus that had not
been conveniently placed there, either in the bodies of animals by local ‘research’ laboratories, or
introduced into the public by some other means. This was the real reason for the huge focus on
nurses taking the vaccine when half of the doctors themselves refused to be inoculated against it. 62
This was a serious blow for the credibility of the vaccine’s efficacy and safety. Although it wasn’t a
vaccine, it was the disease, it contained the live virus itself. And so they hoped that nurses in their
thousands would harbour the disease and pass it on to their weaker patients thus helping in their, as
yet, covert programme of eugenics present in hospitals all over the land. For instance, mentally
disabled patients who find themselves in hospital have been known to have a ‘do not resuscitate’
notice on their beds, a clear example of eugenics.63 I would actually call it murder. Another man I
spoke to told me how his GP told him that many of the medicines prescribed for heart ailments
actually exacerbate the symptoms rather than alleviate them, this same man was advised to stop
taking the Statin medicine for his heart by a medical friend of his and as a result feels vastly better.

That the media promotes materialism in spite of the health and social mal effects of the endless
adverts for junk food, the sexualisation of children by trampy and immoral grown women singing to
little girls about what sex feels like, to the over promotion of violence and death as a form of
entertainment. One has to realise that this is not merely the promotion of materialism but of a
needlessly excessive and corrupted form of materialism, one more concerned in protecting its own
tangled financial self interests at the expense of the health and happiness of the population. One
might ask oneself why promote such a needlessly corrupt and self destructive philosophy to the
country, well first of all it is not the needs of the country which the establishment now protects but
the needs of the empire which presently wants the UK subsumed into a greater Europe. In order to

achieve this they must first break-down the country’s independence from within: demoralising its
patriots; breaking the back of their communities and degrading its moral traditions and culture. This
has been amply achieved so far but the programme has some way to go before the UK is ready to be
federalised within the context of a greater Europe. It also helps them to degrade and pollute
western morals while having millions of Muslims being brought into the country in order to create
their Masih ad-Dajjal scenario of the antichrist raising from the corrupt and decadent west: this
creates a convenient side-show for the establishment, on the one hand they need to demoralise and
subvert British sovereignty, and at the same time they can ferment religious tension. What better
way to take the sting out of the British people by having people live here who regard them as a
degenerate and fallen people denying God? This can be kept on the boil for as long as they wish
while they stoke up tensions in the middle east leading to the World War Three, apparently
prophesised by 33 degree ‘super-Mason’ Albert Pike (and chief of ‘judiciary’ of the Ku Klux Klan), in
his correspondence64 with head of Italian Masonry Giuseppe Mazzini .

The result of all this ‘great work’ on the general public is to make them less likely to have strongly
positive emotions and ideas, but to absorb and relay those emotions that pervade the world of the
media, the result of the constantly grim stories which seem to make the world go around, is to make
people distrust their fellows and fear other people and their intentions. One goes from being a
happy member of the community to being suspicious of everyone else and to start to focus only on
your own welfare at the expense of the wellbeing of others. This is the hidden mantra of the
capitalist system going out of control and devouring itself as our financial institutions now seem to
be doing.

All of these pressures are being exerted on the public simultaneously: no less than an all-out attack
on the human spirit designed to break down our own personal sense of our own value and this is
being achieved every second of every day with more people becoming lost, confused, falling out
from society, losing their jobs and falling into poverty and despair. Still others have a worse fate,
these are the ones who join the system and become part of the enslaving empire. These people are
frequently trained, often in a similar way to the method I pointed out in the first couple of chapters,
these people will ultimately become involved in some secret society or other, or may find
themselves as one of the many new Common Purpose graduates which are presently extremely busy
in all corners of society, from education, health, to media and in particular, local councils. This
strange organisation runs on the standard pyramid model of hierarchy, with those at the bottom,
and it has been suggested by researchers such as former naval officer Brian Gerrish, that at the
bottom of the Common Purpose pyramid are all sorts of dubious characters including petty criminals
and perverts. This model is much more common in society than we are made aware of, and the fact
that often, businessmen often have dealings with organised crime, even Hollywood at one point had
links to the Mafia65 and likely still has. Again the common link here is Freemasonry. A criminal
underworld boss and chief inspector can both be members of Freemasonry without any apparent
conflict of interest. The Freemasons simply wish to dominate society and organised crime is just one
of the methods they use to raise revenue, recruit members and exert control. This means that
Masons have access to many different groups of human resources, and they can obviously use their
various pawns to influence and coerce their other pawns in order to exert more control over the
same pawns. Blackmail is a favoured tool and blackmail is everywhere in the Freemasons. I
personally was the victim of an attempted blackmail attempt to join the Masons, it was during a
course which I was told I would fail but that ‘if I became more square I would pass’ this otherwise

meaningless phrase is a Masonic code for becoming a Mason: to be more ‘square’ mean, in their
metaphorical language, to be a square block of stone, one they can shape and use it to build their
empire. Often the Masons are referred to by others in the know euphemistically as ‘builders’. It is
clear from their own terminology therefore that these guys are trying to construct something but

The Solomon’s temple imagery which the Masons have recently adopted for their ends, their tales of
the master builder of the temple of Solomon, killed by his apprentices, and apparently dying without
revealing the ‘word’ which subsequently became the ‘lost word’, took the place of an earlier
Masonic back-story, that of The Tower of Babel. The master builder this time was Nimrod, a God to
whom has been attributed the sacrifice of children. God’s views on the Tower of Babel are pretty
much known to everyone, and he decided to destroy the Tower reaching to the heavens, and scatter
the inhabitants of the earth, ‘confounding their language’ meaning they would no longer be able to
communicate and work together. With the recent appearance of the Burj Khalifa in the Emirates,
reaching towards the heavens like a Tower of Babel, one has to ask oneself, what was the point? And
would you feel entirely safe spending a night there? Especially considering it makes a creepy rattling
sound when the wind blows.

Clearly the point was for the Masons to immanentize the eschaton, or to externalise their reality and
show their control to the world, in line with the apocalypse of Saint John which apparently is a
precursor to the second coming of Christ. Well I have my doubts about that. What if it’s just another
swindle? We get the anti-Christ and the war and famine and pestilence and all the rest of it, but
instead of upping sticks and buggering off like a nice anti-Christ to let the kosher Christ take his
place, what if he refuses to play ball? What if we get the anti-Christ and are stuck with him forever?

The Masons are clearly playing on these myths and most people wouldn’t suspect that skyscrapers
are actually Masonic signs and secret messages from ancient history. If we look at many skyscrapers
from all over the world we see them being more and more symbolically designed. In Austin Texas
there is what Alex Jones describes as an Owl of Moloch overlooking the city, it certainly does look

like a very sinister sort of owl. Then there’s Canary Wharf which has a pyramid on its top with a
constantly flashing, symbolic red capstone at its apex.

The Burj Khalifa of course, has a form reminiscent of the traditional shape of the high ziggurat
buildings in Babylon and the middle east, and the spread of these skyscrapers across the world is a
signal that international business and banking has now moved into these cities and now reaches
throughout the whole globe; so the skyscrapers represent commerce and capitalism and as we have
seen the business world is an externalisation of the Masonic modus operandi and if we look deeper
we find these same rules promoted in ancient Babylon whereas texts such as the Jewish Torah and
Mishnah specifically warned against usury as an abominable sin.

‘He has lent on usury; he has taken interest; he shall surely not live, having done all these

‘But if a man be just, and do what is lawful and right...and has not oppressed any, but has restored
the debtor his pledge..He that has not given forth upon usury, neither taken any increases.’67

At the time of writing this there are presently 110 home repossessions due to defaults on usury bills
(mortgage .n from O.Fr. mort gaige (lit) death-pledge) so our banking system is sure to experience
what the Jewish prophet Ezekiel called ‘the second death’ on the strength of at least two
misdemeanours. It certainly seems to be in its death-throes at the time of writing this, just ensure it
doesn’t take you with it.

The Burj is also a way for the Masons to kindle the Shia Muslim Dajjal apocalyptic prophecy as well
as the Sunni belief that Jesus is soon to return, which would be a handy tool to enable the Masons to
unroll their final world war and usher in their new world order empire using religion and history as a
key spark to the fuse. Like the true psychopaths they are, they will adopt any number of ruses and
stratagems and pit ancient adversaries against each other because they know that they can extract
order from the chaos they create.

It also shows the nature of their origins and ideology and clearly they are very much wrapped up in
the lore of Mystery Babylon. The Muslims will be expecting the war and may be brought into it, of
course they would gladly fight, believing God is on their side.

The end result of any worldwide holy war pitting Islam against the so called ‘great Satan’, would fulfil
the UN Masonic creed of depopulation,68 create revenue for the Satanic Masonic military industrial
complex. Billy Bragg never said a truer word when he said : ‘War! What is it good for? It’s good for

These buildings then, are an external symbol to their members showing their level of activity and
dominance in the relevant countries.

Unfortunately every country in the world has Masons both in positions of political control and
woven within the fabric of society as teachers, doctors, nurses, shop keepers, and to the lower levels
of society such as criminal gang members and dangerous schizophrenics. They are literally
everywhere and it is very hard not to end up joining them if you wish to practise particular trades or
professions, particularly if you wish to rise to the top of any of them. The Masons control everything
and everyone and if you wish to succeed it must be on their terms, they cannot take the risk of
having any loose cannons who might jeopardise their aims, and this is the reason why no matter
how bad things become, a great many of our various rock and films stars refuse to comment about
anything not related to themselves and their work. More often than not these people are also
connected to Masonry via various occult off shoot organisations, particularly in the case of rock and
pop stars, the Order of the Oriental Temple: The OTO. The recent mysterious death of Peaches
Geldof and the strange cryptic messages about her death such as one from her former nanny who
said, by way of eulogy ‘My brave beautiful girl, you almost made it. 69’ Made what? Did she nearly
escape the clutches of the OTO which a tattoo indicates she had previously joined? What is the
connection to Peaches Geldof’s revealing70 the names over the internet of two women who allowed
Ian Watkins of the Lost Prophets to abuse their children. Did this ‘indiscretion’ and possible
disloyalty to the OTO have any bearing on her death? It’s all conjecture at this stage, but hopefully
with time, the truth in this dark cases will be revealed.

So they control everything and everyone and they also control what they say. There have been rare
instances in the past of people ‘speaking out’ but they are generally compromised by the system in
some way and discredited, or threatened in some way, so very few voices from the celebrity
kingdom, make it out of the media. The media itself can also downplay certain emerging news

stories which go against the establishment and they themselves will also attempt to discredit the

And now we have Common Purpose, a Masonic front organisation. The curious logo of Common
Purpose is somewhat reminiscent of the characteristic 666 logo of the Cern ‘God particle’
laboratories in Geneva, itself apparently borrowed from the Lucius trust (formerly the Lucifer trust)
who are apparently quite deeply involved with the United Nations as their ‘spiritual wing’.71

But it also evokes something else, a bullet hole in glass. Whether it’s a bullet hole or not there is still
something discordant and negatively evocative in the logo. It also, as another researcher pointed
out, resembles the 33 degree medal of the Freemasons.

Common purpose’s intentions within British society have been likened to the Communist Party and
it is no coincidence that they have the same initials. It has also been suggested that the word
Common Purpose is really a Trojan horse hiding another word ‘compass’ in its first and last syllables.

The compass is another Masonic symbol and refers to the control of other people. The Masons use a
compass to inflict pain during their initiations, and the word compass has another meaning which
the Mason operatives themselves fulfil literally. We find it, like so many Masonic traditions, in the
Old Testament, ‘But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed
the house round, both old and young, all the people from every corner’ 72. The meaning of ‘compass’
here is used as a verb and means to ‘surround’, because the arc drawn by a compass surrounds the
point from which it originates. For the Masons the compass is a crucial symbol because it reflects
the ability of the brotherhood to completely dominate the life of another brother, literally enclosing
him in an impenetrable wall, also by the same token, they can inflict pain on that person who seeks
to escape the circle.

There is radio station serving the Lincolnshire area called Compass FM, a subsidiary of Links FM.
Another local radio station Viking FM, is a confirmed Common Purpose infiltrated organisation (as
seen in the list of Common Purpose clients below). Listening to Compass FM I have heard one of the

deejays say the phrase ‘common purpose’ in an apparently random discussion, and I have also
heard this word mentioned on ITV Yorkshire regional television. If you hear the phrase being
mentioned by someone be alert that it may be that person trying to gain publicity or credit for
something Common Purpose are involved in. There are a great many covert common purpose
graduates in the most unlikely of places.

There are many organisations controlled by Common Purpose, a sample from an Excel file which was
leaked onto the internet from an unknown source some years ago:

Partial list of Common Purpose UK clientele:

Aylesford Newsprint Ltd, Aylesford
BAE Systems, Rochester
Bayer CropScience, Norwich
Begbroke Science Park, University of Oxford, Yarnton
British Petroleum, Grangemouth
BSkyB, Dunfermline
Indian Muslim Welfare Society, Batley
The Grimsby Institute of Further & Higher Education, Grimsby
The Recovery Project, Brighton
University of St Andrews
Viking FM, Hull
West Midlands Fire Service, Coventry, Radford Road Community Fire Station
West Midlands Police, Coventry, Little Park Street Police Station
West Yorkshire Police, Bradford South
Wintringham School, Grimsby
Yorkshire Bank PLC, Leeds
Yorkshire Water, Esholt Hall
Young's Bluecrest Seafood Limited, Ross House, Grimsby
Zurich Commercial, London and Swindon

David Cameron himself was quoted using the phrase ‘common purpose’:
‘This is a government that will last despite these differences because we are united by a common
purpose for the job we want to do.’73

The common purpose website also proudly trumpets:

‘David Cameron visits Common Purpose in Bangalore.’74 While showing him in ‘deep and serious’
conversation with some Indian Common Purpose graduates.

We see from the list that every corner of society has been infiltrated by this Common Purpose
organisation. Education, media, food, banking, social work and healthcare. The advantage of
creating this Masonic front group is that many people, while aware of the nefarious intentions of
Freemasonry, from media and other sources, will have their guard down when hearing
about a ‘training organisation’ called Common Purpose. There also seems to be no limit as to what
kind of people can join this group: no gender or age preferences, no particular entry requirements,
men women and children of all race religion and creed can join. In fact, so much the better for
Common Purpose if they do, that way CP will have achieved what other Empire organisations always
fail to achieve, infiltration into the heart of religious and ethnic groups. With such a spread their
power will be absolute and omnipresent, reaching the empire into every single interaction between
the citizenry and society itself.

Common Purpose is a registered charity and as such has received huge amounts of public money
and tax exemption status. But what does it do? Does it feed hungry dogs? Or does it send resources
and set up water pumps in Africa? Charities as we understand them usually do something
‘charitable’, yet the charitable aim of CP cannot be ascertained. Why then is it a registered charity?
Simple. It’s a loophole. It allows CP to act as an NGO, without restriction, shareholders or public
accountability, it also allows it to operate in secret, and this again is typical of Masonic organisations.
In 2008 there was a newspaper story in The Daily Mail entitled: Freemasons open a lodge at
Buckingham Palace... but the Queen isn't amused. The following excerpt shows a thorough
understanding of what Freemasonry involves as a bare minimum:

‘A Palace insider said: “There's a lot of consternation and rightly so. People fear a lot of business will
now be conducted behind closed doors so that those who don't sign up to Freemasonry can't have
any effect on it. They are concerned that Masons will be preferred and those who aren't Masons will
be written out of the script. Backstairs life is already complicated enough – there are all sorts of
allegiances and cliques and cabals. People fall in and out of favour and there's a lot of whispering in
ears. The last thing the household needs is a secret society, especially one with the reputation of

There is another registered ‘charity’ called ‘Mosaic’76 based on the south coast which I am personally
aware of from having spoken to someone who was involved with it. She said this was a gateway into
Freemasonry for black men and women who had often newly arrived into the country and as such
she herself got initiated into Freemasonry as a result of this charity. Something she dearly regrets.
But to return to the question “What is enlightenment?” like any paradigm in this world society has
created another anti-truth to combat it. If the dogma of materialism is not a sufficient deterrent for
people who wish to find enlightenment in this world, then there is a final line of defence for the


Chapter 8

Illumination: What’s it all About?

The fake enlightenment or Illumination (commonly termed Luciferian) usually ends in absolute
obedience to the establishment, in particular to the secret group which practices this ancient piece
of witchcraft. The aim of Illumination is to break-down the ego and create a change in brain
chemistry of the cult member or the person wishing to be inducted. This is effected by creating great
waves of stress, fear and uncertainty in the mind of the person targeted by this technique. What
follows is a chemical reaction, as uncertainty grows fears become irrational and a panic starts to rise,
a flight or fight paradigm, chemicals are released by the brain to supercharge the body to get out of
the perceived dangerous situation, adrenalin is released for the duration of the panic and if the panic
can be sustained and a sudden shock comes into play, then a permanent chemical imbalance takes
place, the adrenalin in the blood breaks-down and is converted into adrenochrome which if you
remember, Hunter S Thompson actually ingested in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. His attorney
rather illicitly obtained some which he hoped to use as a psychedelic.

“The adrenaline glands from a living human body,” “I know, but the guy didn’t have any cash. He’s
one of these Satanism freaks. He offered me human blood-said it would make me higher than I’d ever
been in my life...They nailed this guy for child molesting... 77” In this sentence we have an exposure of
Satanists involvement in child abuse, blood drinking and human sacrifice, much like the kind of thing
Bill Schnoebelen78 talks about in his extraordinary Interview with an ex-vampire DVD’s which I advise
you to purchase and watch as soon as possible, despite what the cyber-trolls and obvious disinfo
merchants say about it. The greater the campaign of disinformation against a guy the more likely it is
that what he’s saying is true.

The effects of Illumination are very similar indeed to LSD consumption except LSD eventually wears
off and you can go to sleep and break the spell. However the Illumination is not designed to wear off
and is the reason why Masonry and witchcraft has degrees: it is a continuous process, mind control
must be reapplied, the narrative of the person in question’s psyche must continue to be moulded by
the secret society and its agents.

I reached these conclusions myself but during some research for a post I was making on an internet
discussion forum I found details of scientific study dating from the 1950’s outlining and
substantiating the link between adrenochrome and schizophrenia. The research carried out by Dr.
Humphrey Osmond79 however has been largely ignored by the establishment as many doctors and
pharmaceutical companies feel the search for an elusive schizophrenia ‘toxin’ to be either an
unprofitable venture, or a road less travelled. Osmond discovered that the symptoms of
schizophrenia were so similar to mescalin or LSD use, that he theorised that the schizophrenia toxin
must be some form of hallucinogen substance. He concluded that because mescalin (as a
methylated derivative of phenylethylamine) was similar in molecular structure to adrenalin, that
possibly adrenalin was the source material for this as yet unknown hallucinogenic schizophrenia
toxin. This theory was further strengthened by one of the test subjects who suffered from asthma,
reporting that the deteriorated adrenalin which he had inhaled had prompted a psychoactive
episode similar to mescalin. Serotonin is a neuro-transmitter: a chemical which allows electrical
impulses to pass from one nerve cell to the next. Produced by the pineal gland, it regulates sleep
patterns, makes us feel happy, comfortable or sleepy. It is this neuro-transmitter which anti-
depressants try to stimulate the production of; in a more extreme instance, MDMA
(methylenediozymethamphetamine) or ‘ecstasy’ increases the release of three neuro-transmitters,
serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. At university I knew a person who was an habitual user of
ecstasy, often taking it two or three times a week and often taking five or more pills each time. With
time this person started exhibiting the symptoms of full-psychosis, such as insomnia and extreme
paranoia. Suffice it to say, I expect many people of my age (39) know or remember someone who
took WAY too many pills, way too often, during the halcyon days of the UK rave and techno scene,
and will remember these friends who seemed to be having more and more trouble functioning
without the pills and seemed to need more and more each time to release their meagre supplies of
serotonin. Fortunately time heals all, but psychosis is a habit it’s hard to break and one can only
hope that most of these hardcore ravers got through their trouble and are now to be found sipping
cups of teas and living perfectly banal lives but with always with a fondness for the glory days at
places like the Blue Note and the Complex, and with a slightly hazier memory when it comes to the
come-downs. Rather disturbingly, phenylalanine, which is being added to a wide range of soft drinks,
children’s sweets and gums, in large doses, interferes with serotonin production and becomes a
neuro-toxin, which means the electrical signals of consciousness are not being sufficiently
transmitted through the brain, and this leads, in the same way as the pill head on a comedown with
raging paranoia, to psychosis. Some commentators say this is why there is an inexplicable increase in
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) among children 80, and combining the serotonin
depleting aspartame/phenylalanine soft drink and candy diet along with the alpha trance inducing
TV hypnotising kids and implanting violence and death directly into the core of their subconscious
mind, is it any wonder our kids are going nuts?

What we have here is a precise chemical formulation of schizophrenia, according to Osmond:

‘When the concentration of serotonin is lower than the concentration of adrenalin, adrenochrome
formation is accelerated. When the ratio is reversed, oxidisation is inhibited.. When too little
serotonin is present the formation of adrenochrome is accelerated’81

Furthermore Osmond reports that : ‘if the body lacks antioxidants (free radical scavengers) more
adrenochrome will be formed.’ This is the first indication that the unpleasantly psychotropic effects

of schizophrenia can be reduced and mitigated by the use of dietary supplements! A connection is
also made by Dr Friedman into the relationship between the amount of the B vitamin: Niacin present
in brain synapses and the rate of adrenalin which oxidises to adrenochrome.

Dr Abram Hoffer further develops this relationship and in his 1998 book entitled Schizophrenia:
Discovery, Recovery, Controversy82, he related how in 1952 he effectively proved in double-blind,
placebo controlled tests, that niacin (vitamin B3) could cure schizophrenia. But of course, such a
simple and cost effective solution to one of the modern day plagues of society would never be
popular among the profession itself, especially when a wide range of chemical compositions
designed to hide or mask the symptoms of schizophrenia rather than cure it, provide a limitless well
of revenue for the economically motivated pharma companies, not to mention the psychiatric
institutions, the counsellors, psychiatrists and a whole raft of professionals of one grade or another,
who would be somewhat lost if their very raison d’etre were suddenly replaced by a handful of
cheap and natural vitamins.

Adrenochrome in the blood has many effects on the human body, these include: inability to sleep,
hallucinations and heightened senses. The brain works much faster as the adrenochrome has an
amphetamine type effect on the brain, so thoughts come very quickly and there are often different
thought paths occurring at one time, the result of this is to make synaptic connections and be more
aware of things that most people wouldn’t notice or perceive. The person becomes much more able
to read a person by looking at their gestures, movements, even their sweat reveals information that
the quickened mind can detect. The senses eventually become overcome with the onslaught of
information and the associating thought patterns continually being drawn, suddenly a veil is lifted
and the sight that the ego protected you from, namely all the boundless fear and pain in the world,
is seemingly absorbed into them, the world becomes a nightmare and a permanent bad trip, the
broken ego cannot rally its forces and create sense of the chaos of ideas associations and
hallucinations, madness follows. They are then put to work. These Illuminated people are extremely
useful in an empire. They will pledge themselves to any group which will protect them from the
uncertainty and perceived dangers of the outside world and the associated fears they have. If they
work hard they will be richly rewarded when they retire and will be able to pass their madness in
relative luxury and ease.

Many world leaders have been said to have heard ‘voices’ including Winston Churchill who was told
where to sit by a voice at important meetings of world leaders, ‘sit here’ or ‘sit there’ it would
command him83. More recently, and rather more alarmingly, during the 2003 Israeli-Palestinian
summit which took place at Sharm el-Sheikh, George W Bush informed a senior Palestinian politician

that: ‘I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me “George go and fight these terrorists
in Afghanistan” And I did. And then God would tell me “George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq” And
I did.’84

But dear George and Winston are not alone, other notable members of God’s coffee morning club
are a wide range of infamous serial killers, all strangely, parroting a similar ‘divine mission’, and that
their undoubted evil deeds, are somehow twisted so as to appear to be something approaching
difficult but essentially moral work.

Herbert Mullin was caught shortly after he killed his thirteenth victim. He had been resident in
mental hospitals since 1969 for burning himself after hearing voices. Apparently he had ceased
taking his anti-psychotic medicine and heard a voice inciting him to kill. Extraordinarily his murder
spree was justified as the highest possible good in that he believed, or was probably ‘told’ by these
voices, that if enough people weren’t killed according to a required ‘death rate’ then the earth
would have to take things into her own hands by triggering a huge earthquake which would restore
the population balance85. As with the homeless schizophrenic street gang called The Arthurs we
encountered in chapter three, Mullin also believed that his victims psychically conveyed to him that
they must be killed. Similarly, Freemason and friend of Jimmy Savile: Peter Sutcliff, the ‘Yorkshire
ripper’ heard God’s voice apparently emanating from a grave he was digging (he was a mortuary
worker) which commanded him to take part in a ‘divine mission’ to murder prostitutes 86.

Albert Fish, arguably one of the most evil serial killers to have ever lived, and often known as ‘the
real Hannibal Lector’ was the son of 32nd degree Freemason Captain Randall Fish87. Fish came from a
family which was said to have a long history of mental illness. Fish began his career in New York in
1890 and began raping children and committing bizarre sexual acts. Apparently Fish junior got a
taste for human flesh while staying in China in 1894 where there was a famine of such proportions
that young children were regularly bought and sold for meat in butchers. Fish seemed to be
obsessed with cooking and eating the ‘sweet ass’ of a child. Fish believed he was a reincarnation of
Abraham, and reasoned that if what he was doing was ‘wrong’ then an angel would have stopped
him just as one had supposedly prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac. He also reported
hearing the voice of John the apostle when his wife left him instructing him to wrap himself up in a
carpet and claims that no less a personality than God instructed him to torture and castrate little
boys. Apparently just before he was electrocuted in the electric chair he was reported to have said:
‘I don’t even know why I am here.’88 One can almost imagine that the possessing demon had finally
abandoned Albert Fish’s body after a lifetime of using it to perform evil outrages, and left the
indigenous consciousness to finally wake up and wonder what it was doing sat in an electric chair.

Recently in the news there was the sad story of Michael Brea, a famous actor and Freemason who
killed his mother with a Masonic sword after hearing voices making insinuating suggestions. It is no
coincidence that he had just returned from the Harlem Masonic Prince Hall Lodge before he
committed the killings, my speculation is that Masonic lodges are places where some form of
hypnosis takes place, and instructions implanted in the Mason operative which he then carries out.

Michael Brea: ‘I didn’t kill her. I killed the demon inside her’ 89
An unhinged actor Thursday calmly described
hacking his beloved mother to death with a sword
because he believed a demon had taken hold of her
"I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her,"
Michael Brea said in a chilling hour long interview
with the Daily News in the prison ward at Bellevue
When told his mother, Yannick Brea, 55, had died in
the grisly assault early Tuesday, Michael was

"So be it. It was the work of God," he said.

Speaking with white-hot intensity and unflinching confidence, Brea described a shadowy descent into
a world filled with Masonic symbolism and black magic beginning late Sunday when he snapped
"I was sleeping in my bedroom. God came above my bed and reached his arm to me," said Brea,
wearing a light-blue prison jumpsuit and slippers. He told his tale while sitting un-handcuffed on a
blue chair behind a wood table.

"I said, 'God, is my time on earth over?' I heard a voice say, 'Yes Michael, today is your last day.' I
asked if I could say goodbye to my family."
The 31-year-old Brea said he told no one about the dream, but the following afternoon, he said he
received another sign while at the Prince Hall Masonic Temple in Harlem, which he'd joined a week

There, he said, a man approached and tried to put a curse on him.

"[He] kept trying to put something in my hand but wouldn't show it to me. I kept opening my hand. It
was a Freemason pin. I wouldn't touch it," Brea said.
Felt like Neo from 'The Matrix'
He began feeling ill and left, and while riding the train back to Brooklyn Brooklyn, he said, strangers
began speaking to him about his mother.

"I felt like Neo from 'The Matrix.' I began hearing voices and feeling powerful," Brea said. "They were
asking about the difference between mom and mother. It was a sign."
When he returned to the family's Prospect Heights apartment, the bit-part actor who once appeared
on "Ugly Betty," hugged his mother, a God-fearing Haitian immigrant with whom relatives say he
had long been very close.
"I knew I would never see my mother again," he said. "I gave her lots of love."
He went to his room and lit candles, placed a dagger and a 3-foot ceremonial Freemason sword by
his side.

Investigators said he had stolen the sword from the Masonic lodge, but Brea insisted his father had
given it to him when he was a child.
"It's a powerful sword," he said.
Brea also arranged three saint cards around him - including one of Saint Jude holding a sword.
His mother then knocked on the door and asked him to go to the kitchen and pour water from a pot
in which she was cooking three chickens.
"I looked at these chickens lying dead in the pot and a voice told me it was a sacrifice. It was black
magic," he said.

Brea left the chickens alone and went back to his room. When his mother asked why he did not do
what she had asked, he said she spoke with a different voice.
"She had the voice of the demon. I opened the door with the dagger at my side and the sword," he
"I asked, 'Do you believe in God?' She said, 'No, Michael no,' and began screaming. I began slashing
her like this," he said, bringing his right hand down in a violent hacking motion.
Brea chased his mother from room-to-room, repeatedly swinging the sword, leaving a sickening trail
of blood in his wake.

"I didn't want to kill her right away. I wanted to give her time to get right with God," he said.
By this point police had arrived outside the apartment, but Brea said he had no doubt he would be
able to finish the job.

"I was slashing my mom and I heard the police knocking on the door yelling, 'Michael, open up,
Michael, open up,' but I knew they wouldn't open the door and stop me because the spirits were
protecting me," he said.
"I just kept cutting her. No one could stop me. I was doing the work of God," he said.
"I'm named after a saint myself - Saint Michael. He was protecting the house from the police. They
weren't allowed to enter the apartment."

Neighbors complained that the officers who initially responded failed to do enough to get inside and
stop the sword-wielding maniac before his mother died.
Police officials said the officers handled the situation properly and were waiting for better equipped
and trained Emergency Service Unit cops to arrive.

When they finally broke the door down, cops found a trail
of bloody footprints and handprints on the walls and
floors, and Yannick Brea crumpled on her knees in the
Her son stood amid the carnage with the sword in one
hand and a Masonic Bible in the other.
"I heard voices telling me how powerful I was, saying 'Oh
he's good,'" Brea said.
While recounting the gruesome murder, Brea showed no
remorse, and his eyes stayed locked on a reporter.

His intensity only broke for a moment when he said he

was thirsty and his mouth was dry. Guards gave him a
wet towelette to dab at his lips.
Brea said he is convinced he did the right thing.
"Grand Architect of the Universe means God," he said,
referring to an expression neighbors said he shouted as
he was being removed from the bloody scene. "I was praising God. To you it might sound silly, but in
my culture demons are very real."

Clearly the sword pictured was NOT a Samurai sword as some news reports stated. Any guess why
they might not want to advertise the fact that it was a ‘Masonic’ sword? Answers on a postcard.

And so again we have the same recipe for murder: voices in the killer’s head, a certainty that they
are doing ‘God’s work’ and in this instance we have a specific connection to Freemasonry. This

ingredient seems to be the most elusive and most difficult to prove, particularly when this is the
secret which Masons most want to keep. But we saw it as a background in the Albert Fish case, in
the murder of Sarah Paine in her drawing of the inside of a Masonic lodge, and also in the Dunblane
massacre by Thomas Hamilton: the conspiracy view being that the murder of the children at their
primary school was carried out to cover up a paedophile ring involving some of Scotland’s most
senior politicians. The Masonic cover up was attempted in the Michael Brea case: early reports for
example stated that it was a Samurai sword which Brea used to carry out the murder. One only has
to look at the sword to realise it looks absolutely nothing like a Samurai sword. Fortunately the
police investigating the case explicitly stated it was a Masonic sword. Even so in the previous news
article we can see evidence of the whitewash in action. For example the ‘investigators’ claim Brea
stole the sword from a Masonic lodge, yet Brea himself states that his father gave it to him. Masons
who I have communicated with online, in order for them to account for Brea’s actions, bluntly deny
that he is even a Mason, despite the testimony of Sylvan Benoit (omitted in the previous report but
shown as an excerpt below in the New York Post article by Benny J Stumbo) who states that he is a
member and had just attended a meeting.

‘Brea, 31, who had roles in "Ugly Betty" and the movie "Step Up 3D," was heard repeatedly through
the door shouting about the "architect of the universe," a term used by Freemasons to refer to a
supreme being. Long time family friend Sylvan Benoit confirmed that Brea was a member of the
Freemasons and had been to a meeting earlier in the evening.’90

Something else I noticed about this case is its similarity with the Canadian occult ritual murder of
Tim Mclean of which we will read more in a later chapter, in the fact that the murderer seemed to
have all the time in the world to carry out his ritualistic killing:

Neighbors complained that the officers who initially responded failed to do enough to get inside and
stop the sword-wielding maniac before his mother died.

"I didn't want to kill her right away. I wanted to give her time to get right with God," he said.

By this point police had arrived outside the apartment, but Brea said he had no doubt he would be
able to finish the job.

"I was slashing my mom and I heard the police knocking on the door yelling, 'Michael, open up,
Michael, open up,' but I knew they wouldn't open the door and stop me because the spirits were
protecting me," he said.

"I just kept cutting her. No one could stop me. I was doing the work of God," he said.

Ignatius Loyola, Socrates, Joan of Arc, Ghandi and modern day celebrities such as Brian Wilson and
Anthony Hopkins all report hearing voices, often voices which are extremely critical, as in Hopkins’
case as he relates hearing during a television interview the voice saying: ‘Who the hell do you think
you are. You’re just an actor, what the hell do you know about anything?’ 91 John Forbes Nash, the
mathematician who devised ‘Game Theory’ and whose life was dramatised by Silvia Nassar in her
book A Beautiful Mind92, explains relative to his condition as a schizophrenic that he could: ‘no
longer sort and interpret sensations or reason or feel the full range of emotions.’

Mark Chapman, the murderer of John Lennon, was an Illuminated assassin, doubtless ‘trained’ by
the very groups we have been discussing. Before he shot Lennon he reportedly heard a voice in his
head saying ‘Do it! Do it! Do it!” over and over again 93. But all of his life Chapman had been speaking
to what he termed ‘little people’ and saw himself as their God.94

It is the origin of these voices which must pique our interest now. Where do they come from and
what are they? Do these voices originate in the person’s subconscious? Or do they come from
elsewhere. And what is a subconscious? What is meant by the term ‘unconscious?’ Is it not another
misleading anti-truth?


Chapter 9

TOTAL Reality!

When we sleep we are commonly termed to be unconscious. This one single piece of semantic
nonsense is one of the greatest obstacles and anti-truths to understanding who and what we truly
are. Consciousness is everywhere and exists in differing degrees of intensity. A cat for example is
conscious of his hunger and his desire to watch and chase birds, he is also conscious of the nice
feeling he gets when his mistress strokes his tummy, he is conscious of laying in the sun, purring and
feeling contented with his life as a cat. The humble little cat however is not conscious of what time
the football match between Liverpool and Arsenal is on, nor is he conscious of the written word and
the history and traditions of mankind. He might be aware of a little more fun and activity and the
sudden appearance of a tree in the house which signals the Christmas season, but as to the reason
why, as to the person of Jesus or the Roman church’s appropriation of pagan festivals he is entirely
ignorant, nor would it be of any interest whatever to him: it is entirely outside his sphere of
conscious awareness so as not to even exist for him.

The plants we also share our world with are conscious too, albeit on an exponentially restricted level
compared to the cat. The humbler plant sits in its pot or in the garden seeming to mind its own

business and seemingly not getting too excited about anything, unlike the cat peering out of the
French windows and miaowing with impatience to get at the birds. The plant may not seem
particularly conscious of anything, but the plant’s needs and requirements are rather simpler than
ours: he doesn’t celebrate Christmas, or chase birds or DO anything much, except grow. For the
plant to grow however he needs to be alive and conscious of the things which will help him to grow.
Namely sun and water. He will seek out water with the digging down of his roots and he will find the
sun by sending up branches and leaves to capture the light energy. Therefore, consciousness is what
it is to be alive, it is an indispensable condition to life as, without rudimentary consciousness there is
no awareness of the environment and no growth, in short no life. All life has verifiable and
quantifiable intelligence. Intelligence is the ability to survive in an environment. Consciousness is the
awareness engine which makes intelligence possible. To be ‘unconsciousness’ is without awareness,
therefore not alive and never having been so. Why are people describe as being ‘unconscious’
merely because they are asleep? Rocks, elements and chemical compounds can be described as
unconscious, but not a living breathing mammal which is having a dream.

The human brain as it is termed is in reality two brains connected by the corpus callosum (which is
the largest ‘white matter’ structure of the brain; the left hemisphere of the brain or left brain is
dedicated to firing electrical signals around the brain, making synaptic connections and creating
electrical patterns via a series of electrical switches or neurons, these are essential for allowing the
physical being to move around its environment; make cups of tea; go shopping and communicate
with friends. We live in a physical world on a physical planet which revolves around a physical sphere
of high energy: the purpose of the left brain is to allow the electrical signal that is our consciousness,
to manifest itself in a physical environment. The grey and white matter of the brain is composed of
what are called myelinated axons. Axons are nerve fibres which are used to conduct electricity away
from the neuron’s cell body , and myelin, which is an electrically insulating material. In these facts
alone we have the key to what we really are and the true nature of consciousness.

The right hemisphere of the brain, or right brain, serves rather a different purpose and is distinctly
underused in our daily to-ings and fro-ings in the physical environment. The fact that we can count a
‘day’ is a facet of our left brain’s analytical activity. The fact of experiencing time is a left brain tool.
The right brain however, creates a timeless and infinite world, a very different universe from the one
we wake up to each morning.

The right brain is commonly termed the origin of the subconscious mind, another misnomer. As if
the right brain is somehow ‘below’ consciousness or somehow a poor cousin to it. The reason for
these errors is that modern science has struck again and has propagated this anti-truth for a set
purpose: in order to deny the unknown, the mysterious and the un-measurable. Science has simple
ignored it and pretended it doesn’t exist and sought to reaffirm what is known, understood and
measurable as the only reality. Our scientific definitions are more like partisan propaganda for the
cause of materialism, than anything else, they are not even remotely disinterested or unbiased to a
particular philosophy; despite the fact that science pretends to be neutral and objective it isn’t, it is
more akin to a political group with a set of beliefs or a policy which it must propagate to the general

The ancient Greek word for sleep was ‘hypnos’, named after the Greek God of sleep whom one
‘invoked’ in order to fall asleep. Interestingly, Hypnos was depicted by the Greeks as a winged God,
similar to his half brother Thanatos who was the God of death. Therefore the knowledge that death
and sleep were similar states of consciousness is revealed through Greek myth. In Latin he is known
as Mors, which is the root of the English word ‘mortal’. The word conscious had its origins in the
Latin word conscious which meant simply ‘knowing, aware’. The modern meaning as in awake and
active comes only from 1837. Therefore the actual meaning of the word is ‘being aware’. So when
we sleep do we somehow cease to be aware? Certainly not, we have dreams don’t we?

The reason for the existence of nonsense words like subconscious and unconscious is because these
states are not judged and defined from a holistic perspective where the whole is viewed and its parts
can be defined, no, instead these concepts are being judged solely from the point of view of the
waking, materialistic physical state. Again this is largely due to effect of the French revolution when
materialism was firmly implanted in Europe with a degree of fascism and violence equalled only by
Hitler’s own Nazi materialists. Simultaneously undertaken by the revolutionaries was the deliberate
transformation of the French language by people like the Jesuit schooled Abbe Henri Gregoire95; a
rare example of a Catholic clergyman in high office within the machinery of the revolution: perhaps
his Jesuit allegiances helped raise him to his lofty station. Abbe Henri was in great pains for some
reason to stamp out other languages and dialects in France and create a standardised language. Like
a linguistic New World Order; and since words power thoughts the very fact of standardising
language meant in effect that patterns of thoughts; memes and manners of expression could better
controlled by the government. Earlier on in history and a few miles from Paris, Sir Francis Bacon
was creating a new language, one which we would recognise as English. Bacon encoded certain
symbolic secrets within the language which we will observe in a later chapter, and used his
‘Shakespeare’ plays as their popular vehicle. It is no coincidence that so many words and expression
in current use are attributed to ‘Shakespeare’. Sir Francis Bacon is also considered to be the father of
modern Jurisprudence,96 and when he wasn’t drafting legal terms and the English language, he was
actively working toward creating The New Atlantis in the New-World.

So the deeper meaning of words which had persisted for thousands of years were all suddenly
‘redefined’ to fit into the present exclusive scientific world-view. Scientists will tell you that the
purpose of dreams is a quasi mystery but there is no mystery in the process of allowing the spiritual
aspect of yourself free reign to explore its own nature. This is what happens when we sleep, we do
not become unconscious or cease to exist in some strange way, we dream, and often we remember
our dreams. So how can this be un-conscious? We certainly feel aware during our dreams,
sometimes more so than during waking life. Often dreams can be just as bright, real and tangible.
Often we do all the things which we can do in waking life with a few exceptions, for example we
seldom seem to eat or drink anything in our dreams but there are things we can do, such as flying,
moving instantaneously to different locations or chatting with people many miles away from the
present physical location of the body. All of these things are much more the kind of things usually
attributed to spiritual beings and the capabilities of the astral body. In short this is what the right
brain represents for us. It is the container for our astral body which we move into when we sleep.

When we sleep we have no physical form and often we may find ourselves changing into different
people or different forms in a highly disorienting manner which leaves us often confused and

puzzled when we awake. The reason we so often fail to remember our dreams is commonly because
our rational, physically oriented, left brain, is unable to understand the abilities and level of
awareness of the spiritual body. So as night is divided from day, so too is our consciousness divided
into two equal parts, waking and sleeping consciousness. When we are asleep we are in a
completely different level of reality from when we are awake, when asleep we have no awareness of
our sleeping physical body whatsoever, it is all completely forgotten and the only awareness is of the
present moment of the dream consciousness.

It is extremely difficult to retain any awareness of the physical state while asleep, just as it is
extremely difficult to retain any awareness of our sleeping state while we are awake. The fact is that
our ‘total reality’ has been divided into two parts, just as our consciousness is divided between two
states and the day into light and dark. The two realities are mutually exclusive but the mistake
science makes is to attribute all reality to the one and deny reality to the other. We are beings of
two states, both of which are real valid expressions of consciousness, and both take place in
different energy states. The question is, if we, when awake, are here on Earth in a material physical
existence, where do we go when we sleep?

When we sleep our physical body lies in our bed resting and repairing its structures, yet our
consciousness is not in bed with it (so to speak). The consciousness, the awareness that makes us
‘us’ is elsewhere. If your consciousness were in bed then that is all you would dream about, ironically
I personally do not believe I have ever had a dream about being in bed. It’s more frequent to dream
about people and locations you have visited while awake, but also suggestions and hints of things to
come, in my case anyway.

One instance of this I can readily recall was when I received a job in a very high performing school in
Essex. The behaviour of the children I was told would be exemplary and so when I had a dream a
couple of weeks prior to starting the post, where I was in a classroom of extremely rude and
unpleasant students, I couldn’t make sense of the dream and started to consider that it was just a
meaningless jumble of impressions. There was something so vivid and realistic about the dream that
I couldn’t quite put it out of my mind.

However all became clear when I started the job in question and discovered some of what they had
not told me. It appeared that the previous teacher had been suspended for assaulting a student, and
that rather than the classes being well behaved, they were on the verge of chaos because of what
had happened previously. Then, during one lesson in particular, I found myself in the very classroom
I had been in my dream, feeling the very feelings of the dream, even the personalities of some of the
obnoxious students seems to have been revealed to me in the dream, and I found myself recognising
people I had never actually met before. This has not been the first time such strange events have
occurred but they happen so infrequently that one tends to forget the effect, until it happens again.
In my dreams I have also heard voices telling me things that I did not previously know, oddly I have
also found myself in strange ethereal Masonic lodges, where I stayed until a strange and disorienting
chanting was started up, then I started feeling I was losing my own sense of identity so I zapped
myself out of there.

The process by which you can consciously control your dreams is known as lucid dreaming. Some

people have more control over what happens to them when sleeping and hence where and what
they can experience there. There are some dangers while sleeping as anyone who has had a
nightmare will be able to testify, however there are ways to travel in the dream world without
incurring any kind of stress. It’s just a question of teaching the astral body that it can do things which
the physical body cannot do. For example, a dream where one is being chased by someone or
something is a common enough nightmare, and usually, when one’s astral body is caught one
immediately wakes up so as to protect the self from any permanent damage. But another option is
to be able to use the limitless possibilities of the astral body and do any one of a thousand possible
dream-wonders to prevent the malefactors of the nightmare from threatening you.

For example, a common trick I have learned in dreams is to teleport away from trouble. This part of
the book seems to have developed somewhat into a manual on psychic and astral warfare. By
writing this book I am attempting to explain as much as possible about the life we experience, the
life of our dreams is just another part of life and equally valid, and with further research into this
fascinating area, new insights will continually occur which hopefully may enlighten you that the
sleeping, astral state, is just as valid and real, potentially more-so, than this semi-static world of clay.

I believe that in the sleeping state, our true spiritual nature is manifested along with special
supernatural abilities, mystical insights, and the ability to relive the past and foretell the future. The
big HOWEVER in all this is that the quality and nature of our dreaming experience will depend on the
colour of the thoughts and emotions running through the mind prior to falling asleep. Having
watched a horror film or played a violent computer game prior to sleeping will almost certainly
guarantee ‘nightmares’ (n. OE nigt-mare, an evil spirit afflicting sleepers with a feeling of suffocation
, maere ‘goblin, incubus’) and a poor quality of physical rest and psychic refreshment, leaving the
feeling upon waking in the morning, of not having had enough sleep or not having slept at all. This is
because when we sleep something happens to our astral body: it receives energy, enough energy to
drive the body through another day on the material plane before it rests again. Without sleep and
the acquisition of the vital energy needed for life, then life on earth would be impossible.

The material plane is a place where energy is expended, the astral plane, where it is acquired. Food
and drink provide energy for the body but not for the mind and a mind which is insufficiently
nourished on the energy acquired while asleep, will not function properly. Without a night’s sleep
the focussing power of the mind deteriorates, after around three days hallucinations occur and
beyond this insanity in the form of schizophrenia develops. After a week without sleep death can
even occur. So clearly dreaming and as the scientists call it the ‘unconscious’ realm is clearly much
more important to us than our culture is ready to admit and in ways strange, metaphysical and
completely uncharted by mainstream science.


Chapter 10

So What IS Enlightenment?

Earlier on we saw that one method of preventing people from finding the truth is to submerge it
within a pool of deception. This pool is what we call modern life and the deception is what passes for
modern spirituality, wisdom and art. Another way of diverting people from the reasonable truth is to
set up flags at extreme ends of the spectrum, with the reasonable truth lying somewhere
undistinguished in between. By offering up extremes they can also set people seeking the truth off
against each other, and therefore trap them in dogma, diatribe and they soon forget that they were
looking for the truth and instead focus on their feelings of anger that the people hanging around the
other flag don’t share their views.

This way they can polarise people into this camp or that camp, while their agents insinuate
themselves into both camps, thus controlling both factions and having the possibility of pitting them
against each other when and as required. This has been the pattern of wars and politics for
centuries. As the late great comedy philosopher Bill Hicks said of US politics:

“We’ll elect Clinton there’s hope in Clinton, There’s no fucking hope in that guy. I’ll show you politics
in America, here it is, right here: ‘I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs,’ ‘I think the
puppet on the left is more to my liking.’ ‘Hey , wait a minute, there’s one guy holding both puppets!’
‘Shut up! Go back to bed America, your government is in control!’”

Of course a certain amount of tribalism is only natural to humanity, but our so called governments
know a good thing when they see it and see ample opportunities for social and emotional control by
exploiting and encouraging any latent prejudices which we may have.

Leaders surely, especially leaders exhorting a global economy, should be among the first to dissuade
people from their prejudices but they need them. They need them because these elite leaders
themselves are very much beings of prejudice, namely that they and only they, the Freemasonic
world brotherhood, know how to run the world. This means indigenous traditions and alternative
cultures such as Islam, among others are not invited. And this is why we are effectively witnessing a
genocide against the Muslims at this stage in history, I don’t know what your definition of genocide
is but one million dead Iraqis97 seems pretty close to me.

Few people remember now the wars the Conservative government fought against its own citizens all
through the early 90’s. Culminating in the two criminal justice Bills, one drafted by the government
of John Major and aimed squarely at stamping out any alternative way of life to that of the
established economic system. The steady erosions of basic civil liberties which had remained
unmolested for centuries continued apace under this Conservative government with new powers of
stop and search for the police, the criminalisation of anti-hunt and ecological protesters, the loss of
the public right to assemble in groups and listen to ‘repetitive beats’. A whole youth culture was
suddenly destroyed and we realised that we as servants of the government no longer had the right
to camp or walk and assemble in groups, on this land of our fathers.

As well as the colourful tribes of ravers and crusties, the new restrictions hit the travelling
community particularly hard. How and why should a government tell people where and when they
can’t meet? This wasn’t only an example of party pooping by government but it was also a strident
example of our slave masters telling us that we have no right to freedom on our own terms. Many
people rebelled and there were many protests and marches throughout London as the awareness
that our masters had decided to tighten the leash began to sink home.

This was perhaps the government’s most blatant revelation of their ultimate intentions to oppose all
alternative ways of life which seek to exist outside the system. A similar thing has happened in the
metaphysical realm. We previously saw how the secret societies claim ownership of so called
enlightenment and use this as a lure to bring in recruits under the promise of some profound
spiritual wisdom and ultimately, due to the nature and results which come from their brand of
Luciferian enlightenment, exerting total control over the person. If we look at the Rosicrucians for
instance, who claim to be able to develop the psychic powers of their initiates, we will find clues as
to what really might be going on behind their closed doors. The difficulty in many of these
organisations is discovering their secrets and just what the nature of the secrets is that they claim to

The following is an excerpt98 from the associate (1st) degree discourses, from the Martinist order, a
group associated with the Rosicrucians. It is interesting in that it shows that they acknowledge the
changes in brain chemistry which higher initiates undergo. What they dress up in colourful terms like
‘astral visions’ however I would term psychotic episodes.

A very interesting point worth mentioning at this time is that the

circulation of the nervous force within man puts him in communication with

the universe. In highly evolved mystics, there occurs what in occultism
is sometimes called the circulation of astral images. These astral images
generally appear to be coming from the back of the head. This is
not altogether exact, but it will give an idea as to the nature of this
phenomenon. We must wait until another Degree for a fuller development
of this thought, but at this point we shall say that the so-called eye of
the plastic envelope is just level with the nape of the neck; that is, at
the point where the back of the head and the neck meet. By concentrating
and seeing in imagination this physical spot, one can bring into activity
the functions of this center more quickly. This will be important when
we study the actions of the invisible world so important to every Martinist.

Personally I have experienced these so called ‘astral images’ and am flattered that they would
consider me to be a ‘highly evolved mystic’ but I can tell you that I felt like I was turning into a raving
madman and I became increasingly aware that there was some odd invisible force which seemed to
be making things happen around me. It wasn’t a good force. It was the force of people trapped in a
madness they couldn’t make sense of. There were people around me who seemed to be part of my
new consciousness, there was a sense somehow that we were sharing a reality continuum, instead
of being separate individuals. I suspect I may have experienced the Theosophical doctrine of so
called ‘Oneness’ which the new age constantly parrot and tell us is the ultimate goal.

I felt I was losing my individual will and somehow dissolving into the will of others. And again, as I
had experienced in Tokyo, I noticed one or two people around me would talk about me, actually
offering me deals and promises if I joined them. What I was experiencing was extreme, distilled
coincidence, but with a slightly negative uneasy twinge. I believe that synchronicity as it is called, the
odd timing of events which coincide together and seem to create mystical meaning at the oddness
of the coincidence, is used by the hidden forces for both positive and negative purposes. With it they
can bring people together from miles apart and involve certain people in teaching lessons or
initiating someone, totally without the prior knowledge of the person thus targeted or even the
person doing the targeting. This explains much of the recent ‘gang-stalking’ phenomenon. This I
believe is a method used in various politically motivated assassinations such as those of Princess
Diana and John F Kennedy. I won’t go into the unnerving and I would say: ritualistic coincidences
involved because it has been done before. But for more information about who may have been
behind these assassinations, at least on a temporal level, I will suggest that you try to track down a
copy of Keith Allen’s film Unlawful Killing which is out there in internet land if you know where to
look and the Oliver Stone film JFK which is very instructive and seeks to unravel the mystery while
apparently leaving an even bigger mystery.

These ‘astral visions’ are waking hallucinations, and as the Martinists claim and as I also believe,
they have their origins in the invisible spiritual power which is attempting to negatively control
Earth. While I was personally under the spell of the Freemasons, and navigating the ‘underworld’ I
remember looking at the title of the book someone was reading in front of me while on a train, I
could only see it reflected in the window next to him and as I tried to decipher the inverted letters it
appeared to read ‘Remote control humans‘ and I had an odd feeling of some extra terrestrial force
which is seeming to use and control humans for their own entertainment. I also saw a shopping
centre from the train which seemed to resemble a Wicca man effigy. It was pyramid shaped and
seemed to have oddly stylised human features like a giant Lego man. I wondered at the time if

perhaps one day there would be a deadly fire or bomb blast in this shopping centre, in which case its
shape would be perfectly in keeping with the ideas of pagan human sacrifice such as have been
described in ancient history and alluded to in modern times. I also saw a big red church which was
designed to subtly resemble a dragon. It was fairly large and of red brick, but from a certain
illuminated perspective it seemed to have been designed to project a certain image. These things I
saw as clearly as if they were real and actually in front of me, but I accept that they may have been
‘astral images’ or visions, or frankly, hallucinations. What was odd is that for this period of three
days during which I had these visions, they seemed to be trying to tell me a story and teach me
something, but in a series of symbols. The red dragon which seemed to be hiding in the very
architecture of the church for example, told me that the church was a vehicle for further corruption
of the ‘Beast’, but what I also realised when I saw ‘the Beast’ was that even this was a beautiful
creation of God. The red dragon church was beautiful, it was also harmless, perhaps it contained a
threat, but in my state of mind I had already passed so far beyond terror in the early stages of this
journey that there was nothing left to fear. The shopping centre which I saw from the train and
which resembled a sacrificial Wicca man alter swallowing up shoppers, taught me about the
blindness that most people suffer from and how completely unaware they are of the nature of the
world around them and how they are almost literally being devoured by this world.

These visions were so real and I have since returned to these locations in the North West of England,
although the buildings still contain the ‘hint’ of what I saw, they are far less obvious compared to
how I perceived them at the time. It may seem far-fetched and unlikely that there could be
messages and meanings hidden in buildings but I would ask you to look at the churches below which
seem to project an image of a face in stone surveying the community, which I believe is the very
intention these architects and stone masons wished to project into the mind of the town’s folk. One
of not too subtle dominance and oppression.

There is another vision I had at this same time and this was arguably the most bizarre I had ever
experienced. The train slowed down in a substantially rural area with small woodlands and large
open pastures, suddenly into my vision came a crowd of golf players, they all seemed to swing their
golf clubs at the train at the same time and they were only a couple of meters away from the train
tracks. As they did this a thought and a word flashed into my mind with astonishing clarity, the word
was ‘Retirement’ and at that I realised that in some odd way I was being offered some kind of deal.
However I don’t negotiate with hallucinations and feel that bargains made on the basis of a
psychotic episode are probably not safe deals. I also asked myself ‘retirement from what?’ and
wondered if retirement could be some kind of loaded term which might mean any number of
unpleasant things, like ‘retirement’ from life itself. You see I was totally locked into the schizo-
Gnostic frame of mind at that time and yes, I was scared, not of any outside force, but of myself and
the possibility of my making a wrong-move. Which is basically the only essential thing we should fear
in life: Ourselves.

There was something odd going on and had been for years in my life, right now it was all coming to a
head and it involved Freemasonry and the occult and I had heard very few good things of either of
the two. The experience I had was a mixture of psychic and physical symptoms, for instance there
was often a severe cramping pain in the back of the head concurrent with actual these visions, this is
the part of the brain associated with vision, but what would ‘trigger’ this pain and the resultant
visions? These experiences started in real earnest after submitting to initiation by the ‘hidden
masters’. The hidden masters are not the figment of Madame Blavatsky’s imagination but they are
quite real and the initiate is followed everywhere by a ghostly entourage who are continually
whispering dangerous suggestions and indeed, prompting these ‘visions’ by some unseen influence
on the person’s brain.

“A very interesting point worth mentioning at this time is that the circulation of the nervous force
within man puts him in communication with the universe.”

Notice the phrase ‘being put in communication with the universe’. Doesn’t it all sound wonderfully
exciting and like some jolly intergalactic adventure? The kind we all dreamed about as kids from
watching the endless repeats of Star Wars, Star-Trek and all the other mystically inspired

shenanigans designed no doubt for the very purpose of playing on this human desire to meet and
communicate with our alien brothers from a galaxy far far away.

Well sometimes, in fact surprisingly often on this small lonely planet of ours, fact and fiction meet in
a most disconcerting manner. Take for example the popular and long running TV show Star Trek.
Gene Rodenberry was the genius behind this remarkable programme which seemed to seamlessly
combine the prophecy of technological advances of a distant future, while always highlighting
themes prevalent on the Earth of the present day along with characters from our history and the
same endless moral conundrums which have plagued our greatest thinkers. With one crucial
difference, the humans of the future always get it right. They are humble yet wise with human
sagacity: often the crew of the Enterprise seem to foil even the demi-gods they meet, it is clear that
this is a utopian vision of the future but it is not entirely based on fiction for Gene Rodenberry had a
very interesting life and found himself eager to help humanity to live out the fictional reality he had
created. He became involved in a strange cult known as the ‘Council of 9’, what appeared to be a
race of aliens using human beings of great power, like Uri Geller (who later dismissed them as a
‘civilisation of clowns’99) to announce their imminent return to Earth in a fleet of flying saucers, but
what actually appeared to be, after a series of suspicious deaths, nothing more than an
extraordinarily devious, complex and extremely unusual CIA mind control programme which seemed
to harness elements of the supernatural and strange human psychic abilities100. Some of the odd
characters involved in this odd mixture of the occult and the secret services are still active in the
alternative media today: people like Richard Hoagland and his fake ‘Face on Mars’ scam, along with
Palden Jenkins (crop circle guru who advises his followers to allow themselves to be possessed by
aliens when they enter a crop circle) who admitted to me in his pride that he was presently advising
the Bilderbergers. Even global-warming hot-airbag Al Gore is said to be influenced by ‘The Nine’.
This CIA occult mind control is still very much active it seems, despite the noble efforts of one of its
past protégées, Uri Geller101, to help expose it as a fraud, albeit a very occluded and mysterious one.

Now to return to this wonderfully empowering phrase ‘communication with the universe’, this is in
the very best tradition of the wishes and prophecies of Gene Rodenberry and his Council of Nine
friends. But does it really mean we will all become brave Captain Kirks flying around the galaxy
banging green skinned alien chicks and saving worlds from their own folly with a little touch of
human nous? No of course it doesn’t. What they really mean by contacting the universe is
contacting spirits.

The Freemasonic Star-Trek empire

Straightaway it doesn’t sound quite as much fun does it? If you’re in any doubt at this stage that
contacting spirits may not be fun then you need only look into the tragic but extremely instructive
example of poor Joe Fisher in his book The Siren Call of the Hungry Ghosts 102 in which he details

being the victim of very complex and prolonged deception, not at the hands of spiritualists, who he
says were just as much dupes as he, but in fact the architects of deception in this instance were the
spirits themselves who for some reason, wanted at all costs to be involved in any way in the human
realm, to the extent that they would invent personalities and tell people what they wanted to hear,
in order to create an existence for themselves. I’ll say nothing more except to profoundly
recommend that you read the book. Also be aware that the author became so intimidated by the
spirits who apparently became angry at being exposed as being behind some kind of inter-
dimensional con game, that he took his own life. So already those contacting the galaxy shenanigans
don’t seem to be quite so much fun. Turn off the engines Scotty: I’m staying-in tonight.

I can testify to the experience of having spirits take rather an over active interest in one’s activities.
This was all within the timeframe of my whacky three weeks of enlightened madness. I found myself
becoming more and more psychically tuned to a higher frequency, I felt less need to eat, sleep and
started feeling giddy and lightheaded. I had all the symptoms of the enlightenment or ascension, or
Kundalini and you will be able to find this ‘symptom list’ in one of the thousand occult themed new-
age websites out there in cyber-web land. As day turned to night I began to feel increasingly aware
of a stronger and stronger feeling of fear. It was something invisible which seemed to be moving
closer to me with the falling darkness.

At this time I became aware of their real agents of control for the first time. Prior to this I has
encountered their street theatrics whereby themes prevalent in my life, such as my attachment to
the ideals of Jesus and early Christianity would be externalised and I would emerge from the tube
station to see someone ranting about Christians going to heavens and non believers being sent to
hell, a kind of ridiculous pastiche of Christianity designed to turn me against ideas of religion. These
people were easy to spot. Some people can smell a fake, a provocateur and a phoney from a mile off
and I am one of those people. As I walked out the man winked at me. Such events happened several
times during this period. There are many more Masons out there on the streets than most people
ever dream of. They constantly patrol other people and watch their own members, they will only let
you know if they want you to know and the only people they can afford to let into the secret are
their own members who they police mercilessly.

I felt afraid that I was about to become a Freemason despite part of me knowing that perhaps their
ethics and morals left a lot to be desired. They were actively trying to recruit me at the school where
I was training, indeed they had been trying to get me to join them for the past eight or so years from
France to Japan. But I has always brushed off their hints and insinuations and moved on, now it
seemed I was finally cornered and blackmailed that unless I joined I might fail the course, and I
didn’t want to fail the course.

As for the policing aspect: for instance, they don’t much like their members to be seen running
anywhere. I suppose because it draws attention to yourself and they avoid that at all costs. A few
times I had been admonished by various of their agents for running in the street. Once indeed I ran
across the road between cars, as you do, only to find a Mason on the other side move into my
direction and attempt to push me back into the road. Fortunately I had enough will power to get
through him but a weaker person would have found their earthly adventure terminated right there
and then. And this is how they do it, so many so called accidents are often anything but, but are
carefully concealed and orchestrated Masonic murders. This is such a new area of research that it is

difficult to provide anything which may pass for proof. You can take my word, I feel enough of what I
have written here has the ring of truth. If not you can disbelieve this as unlikely and implausible, I
won’t hold it against you. Just watch out and be aware that things are not always as they seem and if
you ever find yourself in a perilous situation and for some reason a total stranger seems to have it
against you and is trying to end your life, don’t panic and don’t cry. Just stay strong and keep moving
and into safety. Often in these cases the biggest paralysing factor is fear, surprise and confusion.
Don’t go out like a punk to be an energy snack for a Masonic vampire who thought he could jump
out at you can go ‘boo!’ and consign you to the ‘also rans’ of history! You’ll never be able to live
with yourself as a ghost for stumbling like a sucker into the jaws of an untimely death. Just keep
your will and focus intent on surviving and you ought to get through ok. I know I have. I can’t tell
you what you know but I can tell you what you ought to know by telling you what I know, if you
know what I mean.

So street theatre is something to watch out for, avoid being a have-a-go hero, particularly when a
black street gang of around twenty members (for example) suddenly rock up and single someone
out for a beating. I was present at just such an event and it seemed to me that all again was not
quite as it seemed.

My story was that I had just come from the cinema with my girlfriend at a late night showing of the
then new Sweeney Todd film with Johnny Depp. During the film I had the most uncomfortable
feeling of being party to some kind of ritualistic sacrifice film. The manner in which the blood was
released from Todd’s victims evoked something of stylised symbolic blood sacrifice and I felt that
the film was, to overuse one of my favourite phrases, not quite what it seemed. Upon leaving the
cinema I had a heavy sense of foreboding, I felt that watching the film had deprived me of a certain
amount of my spiritual energy and that I had been temporarily corrupted: I felt something coming,
something bad, both from outside and from within myself, I was therefore in quite a hurry to get
home, have a spliff and get to bed and sleep it off. However, despite my best attempts at getting
both me and my girlfriend home safely, she decided she really wanted to roll a cigarette, despite
the fact we were only about seven minutes’ walk from home.

As we ducked into an alley off the City Road and she took out her smoking paraphernalia, I tried to
dissuade her as I had had an even stronger presentiment that something bad was about to happen
but she would not be moved. Anyway at that point my fears materialised in the form a huge
rampant black gang surging across the road and all bundling into the alley, a couple of them took a
look at myself and my girlfriend, a white boy and a black girl, and said ‘they’re safe’, which
apparently meant that we were not going to be the victim of any murdering that night. The situation
inevitably developed and one person tried to snatch someone’s handbag, another guy stepped in to
help get it back and ended up getting pummelled and his head stamped on. The odd thing is the guy
who was attacked actually came from the gang itself so I had to ask what it was all about? In fact it
seemed that the person they were beating actually originated in gang horde itself and it was made
to look as if they were picking on an ‘innocent’ bystander. What was actually taking place was a gang
initiation and the initiate was just as surprised himself as we hapless bystanders who had just had a
few drinks in Islington and where walking either up or down the City road to home.

Where they some kind of provocateurs hoping to involve an outsider in the confrontation and
therefore attack them? I wasn’t sure but I sensed set-up and street theatre and I refused to get

involved. Fortunately the guy, despite the beating he received, ended up looking not too bad, he
stood up and looked straight at me afterwards and I gave him a sort of pitying look, sure the guy
would have some nasty bruises, but it can’t be that they had tried too hard to hurt him. I have
noticed that these odd events materialise when I am in a certain spiritually depleted frame of mind,
feeling a little fretful, fearful and negatively charged somehow. Something bad therefore happens at
this point, as I suspect is the case with most people, only perhaps they haven’t joined the dots yet.

Another instance was on a tube journey one time, two odd bumbling sort of schizophrenics boarded
the train, ostensibly friends, they started chatting to each other, and within minutes they were
trying to knock the crap out of each other, however they didn’t seem to do too much damage to
each other and unbelievably and rather tellingly, at the end as the train arrived at the next station,
one of them bowed and said ‘I hope you enjoyed the performance.’ Very odd.

Another instance came during my illumination phase when I was properly flying into the astral
world. If you’ve seen the remakes of classic 60’s show The Prisoner then you may be aware that the
idea of the Prisoner is that he is trapped in a collective astral unconsciousness, like a waking group
dream. Well folks, it’s all true. The inner village really exists. Of course its outside manifestation is
Schizophrenia and we have already seen the uncanny similarities between schizophrenia and
enlightenment. While I was ‘in the Village’ frame of mind, namely that to all intents and purposes
the outside world is going on as usual and they feel part of it, but inside the person is an in elaborate
and totally real fantasy world of implanted delusion, astral realities and bubbling ideas from the
unconscious mind. While crossing from Covent Garden to Piccadilly, I discovered that my thoughts
became instantly manifest in a most alarming manner. While in Japan my elderly Masonic mentor
drove around in a deluxe four wheel drive with two ambassadorial flag poles above each of the front
lights. I wondered at the time what they signified and had often seen expensive cars around London
with perhaps a maximum of one of these flag poles. I wondered at that point while floating through
the astral village of Covent Garden why I had never seen a car with two of these flag poles but since
returning to the UK had only seen the odd car with one of these poles. At that point as I turned my
head and a car pulled out onto the road with two of these odd ambassadorial poles. Furthermore,
as I was reflecting on these alarming instant manifestations, in my disordered state I thought in a
naive and slightly silly way ‘I am a king of reality’ at that very point a shambling wandering street
schizo came tramping along and shouting out as loud as he could, he pointed to me and said ‘he’s a
king!’ I hurried on. Something radical had happened to reality and it was a bit scary.

What had set all this in motion was my own naivety. I had called out, just as Lady Macbeth did, to
the unseen spirits, not to unsex me (although this does happen to be one of the side effects of
Luciferian enlightenment) but to give me the psychic awareness I was missing out on, because
during the University course it had been subtly revealed to me that there were many people who
were part of this group with higher awareness and hidden psychic powers. I had encountered people
who, one way or another, were able to report on exactly what I was thinking at any time. And so it
occurred to me that, in the manner of The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer-Lytton103 and The Sky
People by Brinsley Poer Trench 104 (a curious book which is ostensibly addressed to psychic people to
warn them of the consequences of the rabble finding out about their abilities) that there was an
elect group of people who were not like everyone else and that these people hid remarkable powers
and ultimately ran the whole world.

So one night of ‘should I’s?’ and ‘what ifs?’ had finally allowed me to put all my doubts about joining
the Masons behind me and I was ready to receive what they had to bestow on me. I opened myself
to the spirits which had congregated around me and as I lay down in my bed it felt like a Jean
Michelle Jarre light show was going off in my brain, with a final sudden flash I knew I was changed. It
felt like I had suddenly swallowed a tab of acid.

Initially all this seemed a lot of fun, I felt exhilarated, supercharged and giddily happy, what slowed
me down and put a curb on my enthusiasm was the discovery of all my brothers and sisters in
London, particularly in the Square Mile of the city of London. Suddenly I was hyper aware and could
see the truth of anything and everything instantly. I saw that there were many more people like me
out there than I ever imagined and what’s more, they were not the wise and kindly chosen ones but
instead grumpy surly and vicious. At the time I didn’t understand quite how this beautiful and
remarkable enlightenment could turn people bad but it didn’t take long to realise that this psychic
world was very strongly policed and by a force who had no qualms about doing anything in order to
control you. This ranges from drafting doctors in to question you in the middle of the night while
you’re on your way somewhere; he held a walkie-talkie and looked me ‘squarely’ in the eyes as he
made a pretence of asking me for directions. It was clear to me that he was testing to see if I was
mentally ill: I was terrified and at one point he almost seem to make a move to apprehend me but
he thought better of it and his eyes told me that I had only just proved that I wasn’t a certifiable
schizophrenic. As I say, this was a while back during my ‘enlightenment’ Kundalini crisis. Rest assured
dear reader that your faithful narrator is sound as a pound and as bright as a button these days.
Please don’t get the impression that you are reading the diaries of a madman or anything, but I
daresay, some of what I am saying here does sound a bit mad. But anyway, it’s out there. You can
choose whether to accept it or not.

As I said, the enlightenment allows you to ‘read’ the purpose in someone’s eyes and tell exactly what
they are thinking, whether I had true psychic ability at that point or whether I could just sense
something unusual and tell by the physical cues such as body movement and tone of voice, what
someone was thinking, I cannot tell. I think to some extent one can read people’s intentions by
looking at their eyes. Eyes are extremely expressive, not for nothing are they known as ‘the windows
of the soul’.

I knew without question however that the process of psychic development was speeding up apace
and before long I started to have the ‘astral images’ which the Martinists talk about. Of all these
changes one of the most telling is the total disappearance of the sex drive. This led me to conclude
that what I had experienced was the so called Kundalini enlightenment as this is commonly
mentioned as one of the ‘symptoms’. Another possible side effect of Kundalini enlightenment is
schizophrenia, indeed I personally think schizophrenia is actually the outcome of all of these odd
sorts of experiences, just as Osiris was dismembered by Set, and re-membered by Isis, his psyche
was fractured and put back together but his sexual potency, represented by the phallus, was never
found. In the Hindu concept of Kundalini enlightenment, it is said that the Kundalini energy
originates in the sacral chakra, or the tail bone at the very base of the spine. This energy is also that
which is apparently used for reproduction and to create the life and energy of sperm or ovum.

With the use of certain techniques, such as prolonged periods of stress, uncertainty and sleep
deprivation, it is possible for this energy to rise from the sexual centre and, as chi, to energise the

higher chakras or glandular centres of the body, making them work harder to produce physical and
mental characteristics not normally encountered. This is the Kundalini enlightenment and in itself
has the potential to be a force of good. Unfortunately there are a great deal of very bad people
around who have hijacked this knowledge for their own use and have taken measures which mean
that anyone undergoing enlightenment will, one way or another, fall under their control.

The enlightenment is policed! Whether they can get them on ‘mental health’ grounds, and I suggest
that our mental hospitals are full of shamans who see too much and might be in danger of revealing
their insights, were they not handily dismissed as ‘nut-jobs’ and locked up for our ‘protection’.
However there are schizophrenics who do represent a genuine danger to the public, yet these
people are often released back into the community to kill/stab again105. They themselves are part of
an unofficial occult police force and it is for this reason that we often find schizophrenics involved in
murders and attempted murders where either ‘the devil told me to do it’, ‘God told me to do it’ or ‘a
voice told me to do it’. I also noticed a 2010 press release in a tabloid paper (I think the now defunct
News of the World which explains the lack of available source) which detailed the case of a newly
released schizophrenic who murdered an elderly man in an apparently unmotivated attack. The one
puzzling fact about the case is that the murderer said to his victim ‘I know you’ before he brutally
murdered him.

‘I know you!’, like ‘how’s your mother?’ and ‘how old are you?’ not to mention ‘Are you Mark?’, are
all typically cryptic forms of Masonic greeting and identification. Like secret-agent passwords and
counter signs, but these phrases are designed to blend into normal conversation and appear
completely innocuous, or at most, like a case of mistaken identity. I suggest therefore that the
schizophrenic murdered the elderly gentleman as part of a targeted occult murder. I mentioned this
to a family member who also knows a great deal about the Freemasons and he told me that this
sheds light on the recent death of a very prominent local Freemason’s son out in China. It appears
that the Mason in question, despite being the grand poobah of the region was also universally
unpopular with other Masons. Therefore it was hypothesised that his son’s mysterious death abroad
could be attributed to some kind of Masonic vengeance. Whatever the truth, it is clear that signing
the Devil’s bargain has seriously unpleasant consequences for those rash enough to sign it. If you
want a long and happy life then don’t join the Masons, if however you long for a life of pain and
uncertainty, confusion, degradation and slavery then the Masons will make your every dream come

But is it all bad news? Where are the good guys in this rather sorry tale of tricks traps and cons? Well
unfortunately the good guys don’t have the same level of organisation and unscrupulousness as the
bad guys and therefore it may appear that the bad guys are all there is, or worse, that the bad guys
may appear to some people to be the good . Frankly if you have become aware of this information
and the work of the bad guys and you want at all costs to stop it and you will do all in your power to
save us all from the shenanigans and evil plots of the baddies then you are one of the good guys.
There is no group to join, no oaths or passwords or secrets to keep. All you need to do is follow the
truth and tell as much of it as you can to others. Be an advocate and apostle of the truth. There
really isn’t much more to it than that: if we had enough people prepared to tell the truth then the
lies would have nowhere to hide and suddenly we would find ourselves in a radically more pleasant

Pretty much the only rule you need to follow if you are prepared to join the good guys is ‘don’t be
afraid’. It is very simple. If you are fearless you are indestructible. Fear is the key to your own
destruction. This is one of the oldest truths known to man but it, like so many others, has been
covered up by a growing wave of terror, through movies, TV shows and news releases which seek
ardently to scare the shit out of the public rendering them feeble and insecure. The tale of Horus
and Set, aside from being evidence of the nature of a subtle hidden code in the English language
which we will examine in the next chapter (Horus representing the ‘hours’ of the day and Set the
end of the day when the sun sets), is also a powerful message revealing the nature and possibilities
of reality control. To avenge his father’s death Horus pursues Set and despite having his right eye
damaged (his left eye was the sun, his right eye the moon) Horus does not want to kill his uncle Set
entirely, he is family after all, thus allegorically showing that the power of evil and illogical chaos will
remain on earth purely on account of the nature of goodness itself which spares its enemy and is
always prepared to give mercy. However he does manage to castrate him, thereby rendering evil a
force without strength or potency of its own. In order for evil to be effective, the victim is drawn into
a trap or trick of some kind, perhaps compromised, perhaps given to fears, either rational or
otherwise, or drawn into a situation beyond the victim’s control. But there is no need to be afraid as
long as we have enough knowledge and inner strength to protect ourselves. It is possible that bad
things may happen to us for reasons we cannot understand, in these instances it is vital that we do
not give way to the evil and allow it to pollute us either through excessive anger, rage, fear or
excessive grief. These things will only bring the victim deeper into the thrall of an evil fortune.

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to the forces of good is simple materialism. Materialism creates the
perfect conditions for the dominance of unscrupulous, money oriented human beings who are
prepared to let no evil remain undone for the sake of higher profits. Yet ultimately all of the evil
things of the world are done in the name of fear. Fear for the welfare of one’s family will lead people
to do pretty much anything at the expense of their conscience. In my opinion that is quite a high
price to pay for having kids. Once one’s conscience is damaged then a slow decent into depression,
despair and even madness may follow. The conscience is our own inner voice of God and once we
silence this we silence God in ourselves. As Jesus said, ‘whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit
will never be forgiven...’106

Even worse, once someone has silenced their conscience they are even more dangerous. Their own
soul is now lost and there is now nothing they won’t do. These are the corrupters of the world, the
high level Freemasons and Illuminati themselves. Totally insane, totally corrupt and wholly in the
thrall of the powers of evil. However they may still have the power to convince other people and
even themselves, that they have only the good of others at heart. My mother would always blame
the troubles of the world on the ‘do-gooders’, a phrase I initially ascribed to her being a reactionary
unreconstructed Conservative, but which I later realised signified the meddlers in society who tell
themselves and others they are doing good but in reality are doing anything but. In short I realised
she was talking about the Masonic ‘do-gooders’.

That’s why people fall again and again for the promises of governments and it is governments who
are the biggest gang of mass murders throughout history, yet it is government which constantly
seems to legislate against its citizens as if WE were the dangerous ones. If government was
concerned with public safety then it would outlaw itself and make government a seditious and illegal
activity. Just recall that the Nazi party were a government; the Khymer Rouge were a government;

the US Republicans who bombed two Japanese cities with nuclear weapons and murdered 200,000
people were a government. The Labour party killed at least one million people in its new Middle East
Templar crusade in Iraq and now it seems the Conservatives are trying to sacrifice more souls for
Satan in Iran. They were foiled on the question of authorising direct Syria-intervention by a rare
instance of British democracy,107 but that won’t hold them off for long.


Chapter 11

Sacred Language, Secret Language.

There is more to language than meets the eye (or ear) and to delve into its mysteries will reveal
some extraordinary truths about the world we live in. Language is not only a tool but it is also a key.
There is something remarkable about our language waiting to be discovered. This chapter doesn’t
pretend to have discovered the ultimate secret of language, only hopefully, to alert my reader that
there is a secret to be discovered and the hope that perhaps one day it will be revealed.

Let us look at the word ‘live’. It has often been observed that the true meaning of the word ‘evil’ is
that which is contrary to life and if you read the word ‘live’ backwards it makes ‘evil’ Both words are
from the same linguistic Germanic roots. Indeed the word ‘devil’ is only the word Evil with a D in
front of it. The Semitic consonant letter D was originally a pictogram which represented a ‘door’ 108
and suitably ‘D’, is still the first letter of this word.

Similarly, the letter C was original called ‘gimel’ and etymologists claim that the C pictogram
represented had two meanings: ‘Camel’ and ‘throwing stick’. Indeed the Arabic word for camel is
gamal. This became what the Greeks called ‘Gamma’, the third letter of the Greek alphabet. This
word also shows how the guttural G sound has softened over the millennia to a C sound. For the
word ‘Gamal’ has softened to a C, just as the G of ‘gamma’ has softened to the modern day C. Still
the third letter of the alphabet.

If we observe we can see that the letter C, just like other letters of our alphabet, has a similar form
in some of the most ancient languages including ancient Egyptian, Hebrew and Arabic, and we
perhaps realise that our languages are not quite so alien to one another as we may previously have

Egyptian Phoenician Arabic Hebrew Greek Etruscan Latin

Below is the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for a curved boomerang style throwing stick, notice the
proto letter 'C' in the final part of the hieroglyph which represents the shape of the object itself, the
bird symbol represents the flying aspect of the stick.

word: "Ga”.

It has been postulated that this shape represents a throw stick, as seen below.

We consider the boomerang to be an essentially aboriginal hunting weapon but the same
technology was used by the ancient Egyptians to hunt wild fowl in the marshes of the Nile delta:
many examples were found buried with the pharaoh Tutankhamen. The Egyptian throwing sticks
were designed to be thrown so as to return to the feet of the thrower for a second attempt at
hunting birds.

Below is a throwing stick as found in the funerary goods of Tutankhamen.

So the humble letter C has just shown us that the ancient Egyptians and the Aboriginals both used
boomerangs, which should lead us to wonder how the boomerang ended up all the way in Australia.
And this is but a small example of the many mysteries which our language alludes to, but hidden in
plain sight where no one would think to look for it.

Originally each letter was what is called an ideogram. A little like hieroglyphs and the Chinese Kanji
script: each symbol is both a letter and a word or an idea. Our alphabet, like all European alphabets,
has its origins in the Middle East. It is said that the Phoenicians created the first alphabet

The word ‘Live’ is very close to ‘love’ and differs only in the vowel, or ‘breath of life’ which animates
the word. The difference is only one vowel and each vowel has its own properties and origins.

The way the word God seems to be contained within Good. A correspondence which also exists in
German with their Got and Gut near homonyms. There is something unusual about the English
language. The fact that the word ‘Spell’ describes a magical incantation but also the fact of putting
the correct letters together to make a word. When you spell a word you are putting together the
correct utterance to make a magical form, full of meaning and power: a word.

There are further mysteries: Son / Sun, Temple (as in the area of the side of the head and the stone
religious building) Solar plexus / Sol / Soul, Re-member109 (tale of Osiris) Light (as in sunlight) Light
as in buoyant, Grave as in dead and gravity as in heaviness.

A whole hidden initiatic instruction can be reconstructed from these secrets locked in the English
language. Language is a living museum of ancient lore custom and teaching, but one which few
people little suspect even exists. Language is the DNA of our culture and history, and from a single
letter we can recreate a whole people and history. Perhaps by examining the whole alphabet and
the questions it raises perhaps many mysteries of the world and our origins can be clarified, but this
is another task for another time.

English is not an entirely naturally grown language like perhaps Latin, French and say Turkish are, but
is in particular a consciously created language through the selective pruning and cross pollination of
several different languages. Writers such as Geoffrey Chaucer who basically created ‘Middle English’
as a new synthesis of Romance French (which was the language of the court) and Germanic Old
English (the language of the people) and Sir Francis Bacon and his ‘Shakespeare’. The process of the
creation of English as we know it began in roughly the 14th Century when the old thoroughly
Germanic Anglo-Saxon tongues spoken by the populace became combined with the more courtly
French dialects spoken by the court and the nobility: a clear and oft cited example of this contrast
are the words ‘beef, lamb and pork’: and the Anglo-Saxon words which are used for the animals
themselves: ‘cow, sheep and pig’, indicating that it was the non-French speaking peasantry who
reared the animals their French speaking Lords ate.

I feel certain that many of the strange synchronicities in English are not coincidental but are actually
an attempt to encode some of the ancient teachings and mysteries of the ages by the sages and
scholars of the past. The opportunity was certainly there and one thing we can be sure of about this
strange cabal running the world then as they are now, is that they never miss an opportunity. So we
have the word ‘holy’ and its relationship with being ‘whole’, whole-ly or wholeness or whole-liness.
Being ‘whole’ and one with God and no longer divided or separated from the awareness of God. It is
essential that you become ‘holy’ or whole again, through contact with the solar (soul) light in the
area of the solar plexus and also the third eye. While the heart chakra or solar plexus, allows you to
feel the light with the centre of your being, the third eye allows you to directly see the light in your
mind. When you experience this you are more or less awake but at the same time in a state of rest
and relaxation and happiness, the vision seems dreamlike, then suddenly alarmingly real and
powerful, often one breaks off one’s focus at the magnitude of the awareness that the sun has just
spoken to you and it seem a little overawing, not to mention bright and piercing. Any negative
thoughts at this point such as irreverence or over self-criticism, will break off the connection and the
vision will drop out of consciousness. Marijuana makes this process much more readily available
however, it is perfectly possible without weed, it just takes rather longer and requires more
concentration. That is concentration on ‘nothing’ in order to achieve emptiness and true
transcendental bliss: Nirvana, heaven, whatever its name.

What we have very much forgotten about words is not just their dual and hidden natures but also
their sound. The music of the spheres, or the ‘forgotten tongue’ the original ‘lost name’ of God. The
tongue of Mordor, or the ‘black tongue’ is a language littered with swear words and their hard
edged consonants. Listen to the word ‘friction’ is this word not a clear example of a word sounding
like what it means. The hard saw-tooth waveform of the ‘f’, the word ‘friction’ is made by the friction
of the air from the lungs blowing across the lips.

The Masonic concept of the ‘the lost word’ indeed the Biblical Judeo Christian concept of ‘the word’
rely on the hidden and forgotten power of sound, in particular sounds produced by the tongue:
language. Words resonate not only on the semantic level but also on the sonar. Draw two ven
circles. Now repeat various words of your choosing to yourself. Try not to think about the literal
meaning of the words as this will try to dominate your perception and you will fail to hear the
sounds of the words. Which words actually sound nice and which sound harsh? After completing this
exercise you will probably have your ‘nice’ circle filled with: ‘love’; ‘sang’; ‘word’; ’world’; ‘sea’;
‘seek’; ‘search’. And many more. The words in your harsh circle will invariably be: ‘stain’, ‘stab’

‘stamp’ in fact pretty much anything beginning with ‘st’ or short abrupt consonants. Words like: ‘cut’
and ‘tear’, ‘pain’ and ‘sad’. While longer words with more vowels, words like :’Harmonious’ are
clearly positive in their sound and meaning. Just try it. Read out all the vowels. It creates a tune. Like
notes of the musical scale. Being aware of this as newspaper journalists are only subconsciously
aware, leads them to create headlines with an onslaught of consonants and few vowels in order to
‘strike’ and ‘attack’ the reader’s perception.

The phonetic combination ‘mass’ seems also to be evoke pleasing and healing sensations. Just try it.
Repeat the word to yourself in your mind again and again. Compare your sensations on the sound of
the word in contrast to a word like Cat. Although Cat is a word which shows no particularly negative
connotations (except for people who dislike cats perhaps) it is clear that the bluntness of the two
consonants and the shortness of the vowel lead to a feeling, not one of harmony and melody, but of
blunt sound. As if the word is trying to tell us something about the animal. Although I am fond of
cats I realise that the word ‘cat’ is not a nice word, like the word ‘dog’, although dogs are popular
animals the word ‘dog’ is still a word which evokes little of value. The hard consonants are almost
redolent of a term of abuse.

Mass is a very different word. And let is look at the words which have the harmonious ‘mass’ as
prefix: We have massage, and the word itself feels very much like a kind of sonic massage. However
from the same root we have the word: ’massacre’. Notice the ‘cr’ combination, a combination which
many words of a particular ‘negative’ meaning seem to have. For example: creep, crime, cripple,
crook. What we have here is not a series of odd coincidences, but instead a reminder of the origins
of our language, and possibly ALL Earth languages. Namely that letters or more specifically: sounds
themselves represented particular ideas. English originates from the proto-Canaanite languages
which include Arabic and Hebrew and there are many examples of shared ideas.

Look at the Arabic letter B. The Arabic letter B was originally the design of a house with a door and a
window, and indeed the Arabic word for house is Beet (notice how it is nearly identical in sound to
the Greek letter Beta). This tradition is still alive in languages which have retained their pictographic
alphabet like Chinese but English seems to have forgotten this connection even if it is still very much
present. That is why our society is pretty much falling apart. We basically are all driving a runaway
train of culture and history which few people understand how to operate and so we can expect
nothing more than to steam from one crash to another. Notice the ‘cr’ in the word crash which
creeps up again. It is no exaggeration to say that words are spells and this is why the word ‘spell’ is
used to describe the correct formation of words from letters. We are so used to words and they
have become so mundane and commonplace that they seldom hold any magic for us, except
perhaps for those who appreciate the harmonious and near magical qualities of some poetry and
the plays of Shakespeare. However whether we are awake to the possibility or not, language affects
our thoughts, our minds and ultimately, our state of being.

The letter F in particular is arguably the most resonantly negative letter in the English language and
indeed many others. Words such as fight; fist; fail; fall; fallow; fraught; frail, and many more, all
depict something of the character of the F pictogram which originally represented a weapon.

As the Hebrews and Arabs are aware, the vowel is the breath of life, this is the fairly well known
reason that these languages are written without vowels. The Japanese written language of Kanji is
the same. The reason being that the breath of life is something sacred, and in a similar way of
thinking to the Iconoclasts and Muslims, is too holy to be reproduced or symbolised by man’s art.

The intentional symbolism and deeper significance of language is a known fact by Hebrew scholars
and this explains why is the book of Genesis we are told ’Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because
she was the mother of all living.’110 The sentence seems to be a bit of a non-sequitur to the
contemporary English reader but in Hebrew the name Eve is ‘Chavah’ yet it is also the word for the
verb ‘to breathe’ . Some remnant of the original linguistic code remains in English but it is harder to
find due to the inevitable entropy of the original code by new words, neologisms and changes in
usage which develop over time and have altered the original interconnected structure and symmetry
of the language. But still we notice the word ‘Live’ and ‘Eve’ both have the ‘ve’ ending and Eve even
rhymes with the word ‘breathe’. In the next chapter of Genesis we find the story of Cain and Abel,
and so from the name ‘Abel’ who was preferred by God because he was able to rear animals and
provide a sacrifice for Jahweh, so we have the homophone ‘able’.

Indeed we see the word ‘rainbow’ has retained its symbolic meaning for the thousands of years
since the writing of the book of Genesis, both in English and in French and other languages. In
French the word is ‘arc-en-ciel’ which translates as arch-in-the-sky. The word ‘bow’ is
interchangeable with ‘arch’ and this is why in archery the archer uses a bow. After the flood Jahweh
promises Noah and the rest of humanity that he will never again destroy mankind and the rainbow is
a sign from God of this new covenant or agreement: ‘And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud
over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: and I will remember my covenant, which is
between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a
flood to destroy all flesh.’111

Some famous stars are also aware of this strange magic. When commenting on Mark Radcliffe’s BBC
radio Two rock n’ roll show,112 Iggy Pop commented on why he chose the name The Stooges for his

band. Apart from commenting that they felt like the Three Stooges and so named themselves after
them, he also added:

‘it’s got the double O, it’s magical, when you do that ‘ooooooh’, you’re already letting us in.’

Clearly Iggy Pop understands much about these kind of things, perhaps said in jest or half seriously,
shows nevertheless that clearly our rock n’roll heroes are really clued up to mystical and
metaphysical possibilities.


Chapter 12

The Hidden Rituals of Old Gods Part 1.

The high place of sacrifice in Petra, Jordan. The Goddess Al-Uzza, worshipped by Nabataeans and equated to the Greek Aphrodite by her
link with the planet Venus, received sacrifice of young children. These pools and gullies collected and channelled the blood for the
completion of the ritual.

All of the nefarious groups such as the Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Rosicrucians, Wiccans, Satanists,
and the corrupted elements of the Christian church, are all in a strange and rather unprofitable way,
caught in a frozen theology. The ancient world practised child abuse, human sacrifice and sexual
slavery all in the name of their particular idea of religion. For the ancient Greeks, the initiatic rites of
the Cretans which introduced young males into the military cult of the state were homosexual and
pederastic113 in nature. As too were the cult rites of Poseidon and Pelops where the old God of the
sea falls in love with a boy and takes him up to Olympus to be with him.

Illustration of typical ancient Greek pederasty. Ritualised to form a religion which is still being practised to this day.

Human sacrifice was carried out extensively in the ancient world, for example, upon the death of
high ranking Egyptian dignitaries, those who served them in life were ritually murdered so that they
might continue to serve them in death.114 Carthage, the ancient rival to Rome's power in modern day
Tunisia, was widely criticised in the ancient world for the existence of Tophets (roasting places) were
children were ritually sacrificed to Bal. It is reported by Diodorus Siculus that: "There was in their city
a bronze image of Cronus (Saturn) extending its hands, palms up and sloping toward the ground, so
that each of the children when placed thereon rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled
with fire."115

Matthew Henry, born in 1662, was a Presbyterian minster and was famous for his Bible
commentaries. Here he comments on Jeremiah chapter 7 verse 31 which highlights the abominable
acts of the pagan Canaanites in their service to Baal:116

“They have particularly built the high places of Tophet, where the image of Moloch was set up, in the
valley of the son of Hinnom, adjoining to Jerusalem; and there they burnt their sons and their
daughters in the fire, burnt them alive, killed them, and killed them in the most cruel manner
imaginable, to honour or appease those idols that were devils and not gods. This was surely the
greatest instance that ever was of the power of Satan in the children of disobedience, and of the
degeneracy and corruption of the human nature. One would willingly hope that there were not many
instances of such a barbarous idolatry; but it is amazing that there should be any, that men could be
so perfectly void of natural affection as to do a thing so inhuman as to burn little innocent children,
and their own too, that they should be so perfectly void of natural religion as to think it lawful to do
this, nay, to think it acceptable. Surely it was in a way of righteous judgment, because they had
changed the glory of God into the similitude of a beast, that God gave them up to such vile affections
that changed them into worse than beasts. God says of this that it was what he commanded them
not, neither came it into his heart, which is not meant of his not commanding them thus to worship
Moloch (this he had expressly forbidden them), but he had never commanded that his worshippers
should be at such an expense, nor put such a force upon their natural affection, in honouring him; it
never came into his heart to have children offered to him, yet they had forsaken his service for the
service of such gods as, by commanding this, showed themselves to be indeed enemies to mankind."

Child sacrifice was also practiced in Arabia before the arrival of Mohamed and Islam, as is made clear
from the Qu'ran:117

‘Thus were the idol worshipers duped by their idols, to the extent of killing their own children. In fact,
their idols inflict great pain upon them, and confuse their religion for them. Had GOD willed, they
would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.’

Religion for the ancient world seemed to have been a combination of two principle motivating
factors. In the first instance religion was a series of measures and tactics to appease the volatile and
unpredictable wrath of the various spirit beings which they called ‘Gods’.

Every aspect of the natural world and even the artifices of mankind, soon acquired an interested
party of Gods of various kinds who wanted a piece of the action, and so sacrifices were made to the
Gods. In most cases animals were offered up to the Gods in the form of a pious barbecue. In other
Mediterranean cultures, such as Carthage and Canaan, children were offered up to their spirit
overseers in times of national crisis.

Secondly, their religion also allowed them to create an underground militia of agents sworn to
absolute secrecy. The ancient mysteries, unfortunately, were little more than peep shows. Initiates
would undergo their various trials but would also be afforded the opportunity to watch the
enactment of a ‘mystery’. Sad to say, my research and the words of various commentators on the
occult throughout history, inform us that the mysteries were really little more than a pornographic
peep-show! Of the various initiations into the mysteries one has been preserved to us in the form
of a painting. What we see here are not ‘Gods’ in ‘congress’ but other mystery school initiates

(actors) who are performing in a burlesque porn film in fancy dress. Take a look and you will clearly
notice that apart from the two Gods about to get jiggy with it, we notice somebody peeping, an
observer to the show! If you consider that the ancient Greeks seemed obsessed with sexuality of all
kinds and commonly depicted heterosexual and homosexual acts in their art and pottery and often
those artists were merely trying to show what had been transmitted to them during their initiations:

“The original Reason of such figures being exposed
to View, and had in Veneration, in the Mysteries, we
learn from others. Clemens Alexandrinus giveth a full
account of this religion of the Mysteries, too prolix
to be transcribed ; -— 'Of their wicked Institution,
Cruelty, Stupidity, Madness, making Goddesses of
Harlots, corrupting Mankind : — the Mysteries of
Ceres are nothing but representations of incestuous
Deities : — their ridiculous Exclamations upon Admission
were, I have eat out of the Timbrel, I have drank
out of the Cymbal, I have carried the Chest, I have
crept into the secret Chamber. ' In the Chest Pudendum
Bacchi inclusum erat. — Cistam et veretrum nova Religione
colenda tradunt. — It is a shame to mention the
filthy circumstances in the story of Ceres...

In the Old Testament, Deut. xxiii. 17 (not indeed

in the Hebrew, but in the Septuagint) after the Words,
' There shall be no Whore, — nor Sodomites of the
Sons of Israel, ' we find added Words of this Import,
' There shall not be an Initiator, nor an Initiated, of
the Sons or Daughters of Israel. ' ' Tis possible this
additional Clause may have been inserted by the
Seventy, by Way of Interpretation of the preceding
Words. They knew the Nature of the Mysteries full
well; and we are led to this Meaning by the Impurities

forbidden, and by the Price of the Dog in the next
Verse ; the Egyptian God Anubis being usually figured
with a Dog's Head. (Edit. Daniel. Schol.)

" For further Proof of the Turpitude in the Mysteries

of Isis and Osiris, and that it was so from the Beginning,
we need only consult Diodorus Siculus, Lib. I.
' Isis being overwhelmed with Grief for the Loss of
her Husband Osiris, took particular Care in deifying
him to consecrate his Pudenda ; which she ordered to
be peculiarly honoured and adored in the Mysteries.
And the same holy Institution was observed with the
same Ceremonies, when carried into Greece by Orpheus :
where the common People, partly from Ignorance,
and partly from a Love of the new god (Phallus), were
very fond of being initiated. '

" One contrivance for ' giving the Initiated a Sight

of the Divinities, was by means of a Looking-glass,
wherein none could see their own Faces, but had a
clear View of the Gods and Goddesses. ' This we have
from Pausanias : and Eusebius relates the same Thing.
- So easily might weak People, and under the utmost
Astonishment, be deluded by Figures behind a glass,
in a proper Habit and Posture ; and especially by living
Persons, personating the Deities in any Manner they
thought fit.

Apelles, being extremely desirous of drawing a Venus from the

famous Phryne, could find no Opportunity of seeing
her naked, without going to the Eleusinian and Neptunian
Games ; where she stripped herself in the Sight
of all the Men, and went into the sea to wash herself...'
" I apprehend therefore that no great Stress is to
be laid upon those initiated Authors, who have thought
themselves obliged to say nothing but what was good
of the Mysteries ; or have talked of the Unity of the
Deity, as the great Secret of them; perhaps to avoid
the Shame of being thought Dupes to a foolery, or
inquisitive into something worse."

It seems clear from the above extracts from the remarkable Lady Queensborough’s Occult
Theocracy, that the mysteries are little more than pornographic peep shows and indeed that the
initiations themselves actually involve the candidate being subjected to sexual acts of one kind or
another, including homosexual acts. This chimes with the great work of Dennis Wheatley119 whose
exposures of Satanic and Wiccan initiations show clearly that females who wished to join a satanic
coven were expected to be essentially gang raped by the other males present. Isn’t it ironic that
many women, particularly feminists I have met, are also Wiccans because they believe it a ‘religion’
which empowers women? Nothing could be further from the truth, and just like feminism, simply
serves to further enslave women.

Famously Socrates himself refused to get initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries because doing so
would mean he would no longer be permitted to openly discuss them, and secondly, if the mysteries
were shameful and had something scandalous about them, then he would not be able to keep the
secret of them.120

The sculpture below was found in a private house Villa dei Papiri in the preserved Roman city of Herculaneum. It clearly hints at what kind
of things may have been involved in the mysteries of the cult of Pan, and perhaps explains what was intended for the fraternity goat
documented in chapter three.

Perhaps it also gives to the famous 'are you a Mason?' posters and the term ‘riding the goat’’, a new meaning.

Why would anyone go in for this? Well I suspect few people would knowingly allow themselves to be
raped or in any way sexually abused or humiliated, so perhaps this is why the whole process is so
wrapped in mystery. Is it possible that by the time the initiate discovers what is going to happen to

them that it is already too late to back out? They have no one to turn to and no one they can tell.
How disgraceful that these cults actually rape someone, then demand absolute silence on pain of
death. Doesn’t this remind us of the testimonies of victims of child abuse who are told if they tell
anyone something terrible will happen to themselves or their families? Further proof that child
abuse as a phenomenon has spawned from the evil ancient mysteries which are still very much alive
today as we shall see.

Just as sinisterly, what is well known that Platonic Love is actually not what we think it is at all! When
we hear the evocative phrase ‘Platonic Love’ we think it means a love between two people without a
sexual element. What it really is, is the sexual relationship between a man and a boy. Oh dear! That
can’t be quite right can it? But it is!121And so clearly when boys are abused by men, inevitably they
start to associate their sexuality with male partners and thus they become homosexual. It is no
secret that ancient Greece was a primarily homosexual society where sexual relations between men
were seen as a way of both binding men together and keeping women out of the lives of men so
men could share their various strange secrets and confide in each other the machinery of the state,
while women were strictly intended to produce children for the state. The following extract from
Walter Burkert and John Raffan's excellent book Greek Religion: archaic and classical, depicts the
institutionalisation of the myth pederasty Gods such as Poseidon and Zeus, into civil life: 122

"Fully fledged initiation rituals are known from Dorian Crete and from Sparta. For Crete, the principal
source is a fourth century report by Ephorus, who already attests the decline of the custom. Men are
organised in clubs which meet regularly for communal meals (syssitia) in the men's hall (andreion) at
public expense. Boys who have outgrown childhood are first summoned to the men's hall in order to
perform menial services; clad in simple robes they sit on the floor. What appeared as a scandal to the
other Greeks was the institutionalized homosexuality: a man from the men's hall would carry off a
beautiful boy, as Zeus carried off Ganymede. For the chosen lad this actually meant a distinction. The
man made known his intention in advance, and the boy's relatives arranged for a mock pursuit that
ended at the men's hall. Presents were then distributed, and the man with his boy, accompanied for
some distance by his now gift-laden pursuers, retired in some place in the countryside for two
months. The days were spent in hunting and feasting. Finally the lover had to present the boy with a
warrior's robe, an ox, and a wine cup; thus he was dismissed, being now famous, kleinos."

Various artists throughout the ages have depicted Ganymede's abduction by Zeus. An early 5th century BC terracotta figurine, with
clearly Etruscan facial features, where Zeus is seen carrying off Ganymede who seems to resemble a small child:

This later expression of the Prometheus myth is by Rubens. Here Ganymede is shows as a young, effeminate boy, his size relative to Zeus
shows that he is still far from being considered a man.

The depiction by Rembrandt which follows is extreme in that it shows Ganymede as virtually a baby.
Unfortunately there are such cases in modern times of paedophile perverts preying on the
extremely young. Perhaps Rembrandt shows Ganymede here as a baby in order to better convey the
terror felt at his abduction, and indeed, the terror felt, and still felt, by those young boys involved in
these strange fetishistic initiation rites. His painting is entitled The Rape of Ganymede and gone are
the erotic hints in previous paintings such as those by Rubens, gone is the suggestion of the feminine
beauty of the young boy but in its place is the stark image of abuse. Perhaps he is hinting in the
symbolic painting of dark deeds of paedophilia similar to those which currently take place behind the
closed doors of some of the most powerful figures in our society.

So if we can now assume that the ancient mysteries were actually enacted as a sort of porno cinema
show, then we can examine specific mysteries and wonder what may have transpired in such a case.

The mystery of Proserpina or Persephone as she is also known, was the central myth of the
Eleusinian mysteries, and tells the story of Proserpina who is tricked into becoming the mistress of
Pluto, the embodiment of darkness, in the same way Set was the archetype for darkness and chaos
for the Egyptians. While Horus represented the light of the day. I’m sure you may have already heard
that the word ‘hour’ originates in the word Heru (Horus), in French the similarity is even more
apparent in the word ‘heure’, while the word Sunset coincidentally at least, features the
Anglicisation of the Egyptian word Sothis (Set).

The story of Proserpina is an agricultural allegory for the seasons of the year and the tendency to
have colder darker winter months, and hotter sunnier months, essential of course, for sowing and
reaping crops. The story goes that Proserpina is seized by Pluto who invites her to a lavish feast,
Proserpina eats six pomegranate seeds without knowing that if she accepts Pluto’s hospitality she is
consciously agreeing to be kept by him. However because of the fact that she has only eaten six
pomegranate seeds she is allowed to spend six months of the year in the real world of light and six
months in the underworld. Hence we have the summer and winter months, or at least it is a
simplified approximation anyway.

In Greek Proserpina is also known as Cora:

Noun 1. Cora - (Greek mythology) daughter of Zeus and Demeter; made queen of the underworld by
Pluto in ancient mythology; identified with Roman Proserpina Despoina, Kore, Persephone.

Cora is also apparently a popular name in the ‘adult-entertainment’ business. Go to Google Images
and type: ‘Cora’ and see what happens! How strange then that there is a so called charitable
foundation based in Scotland calling itself the Cora foundation which deals specifically with troubled
young girls. Why would a charitable foundation apparently devoted to caring for homeless and
troubled children name itself after the Queen of the Underworld and sexual slave of the Greek
Satan? Even stranger that it calls itself ‘Christian’. Hmmmm, I get the distinct impression someone is
playing fast and loose with terms here.

Somehow, despite newspaper articles condemning the home and despite widespread calls for its
closure, it managed to stay open. How can such things happen? Are there no police and social
workers, local councillors or MP’s who have authority here? Well, in theory there are. But when a
group of people enjoy a special exalted status due to their Masonic connections, they become
literally, above the law. And this is what we have an example of right here, in this news story from
October 2009:

"Two girls jump from a bridge in Scotland after absconding from a Christian care home which has
been previously linked with abuse"
This care home was supposed to have been closed on 31st march this year due to previous claims of
abuse. Maybe if it had been, these girls would still be alive.

"Bridge tragedy.
The Good Shepherd Centre in Bishopton, Renfrewshire, is to be investigated
Breaking news: Care home to be investigated after suicides of teenage girls

Authorities are to investigate a residential unit that allowed two teenage girls to leave at night and

take their own lives by leaping hand-in-hand from the Erskine Bridge.

Neve Lafferty and Georgia Rowe died on Sunday when they plunged 125 feet into the River Clyde.

Neve, 15, from Helensburgh, and 14-year-old Georgia, from Hull, had met at the Good Shepherd
Centre in Bishopton, Renfrewshire, a residential unit for troubled youngsters, less than four miles
from the bridge.

Staff had seen the girls heading to their rooms in their pyjamas to watch TV and only noticed they
were missing after carrying out a routine check.

The Care Commission and Argyll & Bute Council said they would investigate the circumstances
surrounding the tragedy, which police have already ruled was not suspicious.

Neve’s family in the Dunbartonshire town were yesterday struggling to come to terms with their loss,
and a close relative said the girl’s mother was “just totally in shock” and “numb”.

The tragedy was completely unexpected, the relative said, adding that Neve had appeared “happy
and well” on a family day out two weeks ago.

Neve had been staying at the Good Shepherd Centre for only a few months, but had previously been
in contact with other institutions offering help and support to emotionally unstable youths.

The relative, who did not wish to be named, added: “I’m quite angry at the fact she’s been able to get
out. Places like that should be secure – they go there to be looked after, not to get out and take their

The Good Shepherd Centre, a Christian residential unit that provides care and education for troubled
girls, was investigated by police and care authorities last year after a critical report and an
anonymous complaint were brought to light. Though the centre has “secure” accommodation for the
most at-risk teens, neither Neve nor Georgia were understood to have been staying in this particular

Ronnie Hill, the Care Commission’s director of children’s services regulation, said: “The police are
currently carrying out an investigation into the incident, and once this is completed, the Care
Commission will also be investigating the matter. It would be inappropriate to comment further at
this time.”

Argyll & Bute Council said in a statement that it would also be investigating the “distressing case.”

The strange thing about the previous article is that there was no mention that the home was due to
be closed in March 2009 due to past accusations of abuse. Strange that the same press which had
previously reported the closure of the care-home, failed to mention it in this instance. Why such an
obvious and apparent journalistic omission? Surely this is a story and a half? 'Care home to be
investigated after suicides of teenage girls'. But the home had already been investigated and was
due to close. Yet there is no mention of this nor any explanation as to the fact of why the home was
still open. If such a home were seen to have subverted the usual legal channels to remain open, then
questions about why this home is being protected in some way must come to the fore.

As we will see in later chapters the logos of these organisations often reveal occult and symbolic
meanings which they wish to transmit to their members as a signal of their true intentions. The
Good Shepherd centre's logo shows what appears to be a shepherd's crook, which seems
appropriate when one considers the name of the organisation. However one should immediately ask
oneself why is the crook green? For me it is suggestive of a snake and brings to mind the Biblical
incident of Moses before the Pharaoh:

"When Pharaoh says to you, 'Perform a miracle,' then say to Aaron, 'Take your staff and throw it
down before Pharaoh,' and it will become a snake." 124

This dual nature of the crook as both a support and a serpent, is symbolic of the mentality of the
Freemasons who, on the one hand do deeds of charity, but on the other, are involved in some of the
most brutal and murderous deeds of human history.

It has been suggested by researchers that this organisation is an MK Ultra centre, more of which we
will see in a later chapter and we will see the precise subtle methods used in their psychological
attacks on vulnerable people.

St Phillips another 'school' run by the same guy Franck McCormick has the same green emblem
suggestive again of a snake:

Below notice the logo for the UK teacher development agency, the green snake and 6 sigil,
suggestive of 666 is here combined, but there's something else...I'll give you a moment to spot

Do you see joined letters? What letters are they?


‘ C’and a ’P’. CP! Common Purpose. Those guys again!

The Good Shepherd centre and St Philip's is run by a 'charitable' Scottish education body called The
Cora Foundation.

The Good Shepherd Centre together with St John's, St Philips and St Mary's form the Cora
Foundation, a centralised strategic management company. Within the Core Foundation the care,
education and control offered to young people is based on Christian values, standards and principles
and within the Good Shepherd Centre this is promoted by the Board of Managers 125.

Above is the logo for the Cora foundation, it is hard to tell what the logo is trying to represent. If I
were to continue the snake theme I would say that perhaps the two descending knife shaped
symbols were fangs, and that the image shows the stylised approach of a snake with it mouth open:

However could the logo also be a symbolic representation of the female sexual organs? After all it is
an established fact that obelisks and domes represent the reproductive power in humans. I would
like you to consider this possibility which, if we connect the name 'Cora' with the mythical Cora who

is carried off and raped by Pluto, then this interpretation starts to make sense. Also remembering
the popularity of the name ‘Cora’ in the adult entertainment industry.

Why would a seemingly charitable foundation, where child abuse has taken place in the past, be run
by a foundation whose pagan name specifically evokes female abuse and abduction?
“The Rape of Proserpina is a large baroque marble sculptural group by Bernini. It depicts
Proserpina being seized and taken to the underworld by Pluto.
A detail from the right side of the sculpture, showing Pluto's fingers pressing into Proserpina's flesh.

The twisted contrapposto or figura serpentinata pose is reminiscent of Mannerism, and allows the
simultaneous depiction of the abduction (as seen from the left, with Pluto striding to grasp her), the
arrival in the underworld (as seen from the front, he appears triumphantly bearing his trophy in his
arms) and her prayer to her mother Ceres to return to the real world 6 months a year (as seen from
the right one, with Proserpina's tears, the wind blowing her hair, and Cerberus barking). Pushing
against Pluto's face Proserpina's hand creases his skin, while his fingers sink into the flesh of his
victim. Proserpina’s lips are slightly opened, as if she were screaming and begging for help."

Probe call over Erskine Bridge death leap girls 127

AN MP has called for an inquiry after two teenagers jumped 125ft to their death...
AUTHORITIES are to investigate a residential unit that allowed two teenage girls to leave at night
and commit suicide by leaping hand-in-hand from the Erskine Bridge.
Neve Lafferty, 15, and Georgia Rowe, 14, were killed on Sunday when they plunged 125ft into the
River Clyde.
Neve, from Helensburgh, and Georgia, from Hull, had met at the Good Shepherd Centre in Bishopton,
Renfrewshire, a residential unit for troubled youngsters, which is 3 miles from the bridge.
Staff had seen the girls heading to their rooms in their pyjamas to watch television but noticed they
were missing after carrying out a routine check.

The Good Shepherd Centre, a Christian residential unit that provides care and education for troubled
girls, was investigated by police and care authorities last year after a critical report and an

anonymous complaint were brought to light.
Although the centre has "secure" accommodation for the most at-risk teens, Neve and Georgia were
understood to have been staying in the centre's Open Unit.
Politicians called for an inquiry into how the girls were able to leave the home without being spotted.

Jim Sheridan, Labour MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire North, said: "This is a terrible tragedy.
"The Good Shepherd is a fine organisation but we need to see an internal inquiry to find out why
these two girls were out unsupervised."

Ronnie Hill, the Care Commission's director of children's services regulation, said: "The police are
carrying out an investigation into the incident. Once this is completed, the Care Commission will also
be investigating the matter. It would be inappropriate to comment further at this time."
Argyll & Bute Council said it would also be investigating the "distressing case".
The Good Shepherd centre, a Catholic Church care home for vulnerable and out-of-control teenage
girls, has previously faced allegations pupils were abused at the centre.
Two years ago, the Sunday Herald, the Evening Times' sister title, revealed a secret internal report
had described the Bishopton organisation as a threat to the safety of children and highlighted a
series of failures.

These included strangers gaining access at night, standards falling short of those expected from a
care home, and living accommodation that was not fit for purpose.
The report said there were also numerous health and safety breaches, and staff-to-children ratios
that undermined the care and support they were meant to provide.
It added: "It is difficult to imagine a more inappropriate environment in which to manage a group of
emotionally charged adolescent girls.
"It has the feel of an institution and falls well short of the standards now set for residential

Ronnie Hill said today: "We subsequently partially upheld the complaint and issued two requirements
to improve standards of care at this service.
"This mainly focused around the need for this service to improve its staff practice, understanding,
training and recording of restraint procedures.
We asked this service to provide a plan to show how and when these requirements would be carried
out. The requirements were subsequently met."

Another story about the youth ‘care’ home:

Ex-Pupil's 48 Hours Of Hell At Good Shepherd Centre 128

A FORMER pupil at an abuse scandal residential school claims she was locked naked in a punishment
room for two days. She said yesterday she was stripped, forced to sleep on a freezing concrete slab
and had to urinate in a steel bucket. The Good Shepherd Centre is being probed over an ex-worker's
claims that girl pupils were mistreated.

And yesterday a 49-year-old woman - who was 13 when she was sent to the school - said the abuse
was going on as far back as the 1970s, when the Good Shepherd was run by nuns.
The Record revealed this week that police had swooped on the Good Shepherd, in Bishopton,
Renfrewshire, after a tip-off from an ex-worker to the Care Commission.
Yesterday, we told how teenager Ashley Johnston, now 16, claimed she had been beaten black and
blue by staff in a catalogue of assaults.

The latest alleged victim to come forward, who wants to remain anonymous, was sent to the school
for 21 months from 1973 to 1975 because she was playing truant.
She said: "It was a living hell in the Good Shepherd and my time there will haunt me for the rest of my

"When I read the Record, I couldn't believe all those terrible things were still going on in this day and
"It should have been stopped a long time ago and maybe if I had spoken up at the time, it would
have helped highlight it.
"When I got released at the age of 16, I tried to block out the abuse and pretend it never happened.
"But no matter how hard I try, the memories of humiliation and degradation always come flooding
The woman said her shoes and socks were taken away from her the minute she walked through the
door of the Good Shepherd.

She added: "I had to do without them for three months - this was to stop me running away.
"We also had a punishment room which we called the detention room, but it was like a prison cell
and the girls who didn't obey the nuns were stripped and locked up naked.
"If you refused to take your clothes off, they would throw you on the floor, hold you down and haul
your clothes off. It was humiliating and degrading.
"Inside the detention room there was a steel bucket to pee in, an old army blanket and a cold slab to
sleep on.

"The feeling of being locked up in there for 48 hours will never leave me. I shudder to this day."
The woman claimed that if any girl held in the room asked for anything or complained about the
cold, the nuns would beat them with a cane or slap and punch them.
She said: "I feel so sorry for the girls who are in there now because it doesn't sound as if it has
improved since I was there.

"There must be a full, open inquiry into what has been going on.
The centre is no longer run by nuns but by the Cora Foundation, a Catholic charitable organisation
who take in girls referred by councils.
A spokesman for the centre said: "The management are proud of their record in creating an
environment where young people with complex social, emotional and care issues can have their
needs met."

And finally, the report that the school was apparently all set to close, dated January 2009:

Exclusive: Good Shepherd abuse probe school to close down after cash crisis 129

A SCHOOL for troubled girls at the centre of a police probe over abuse claims is set to close.
Police moved into the Good Shepherd Centre in Bishopton, Renfrewshire, in February last year after a
tip-off from a former worker to care watchdogs.

Former pupils also reported that they suffered sickening abuse in a "punishment room".
A police investigation found no evidence of any illegal behaviour.
But the residential unit of the school has this week been axed to save funds.
Last night, an insider at the school said: "The unit relies on referrals for girls by local authorities. It is
a 36-bed unit but during recent months there have only been about nine to 12 pupils.

"The 11 girls staying there at the moment were told the place was shutting on Monday.
"As you can imagine, they were quite upset because these are girls who need stability in their lives."
The Good Shepherd Centre also includes a secure unit and a day unit, which will remain open. All
three units were investigated last year.

At the time, former pupil, Ashley Johnston, 16, told the Record she had been punched in the face and
body, kicked and dragged across the floor by her hair.
Another 49-year-old woman said abuse was going on in the 1970s, when the centre was run by nuns.

But police and the Care Commission found no evidence to back the claims.
The Good Shepherd Centre is an independent unit owned and managed by its own voluntary board of

Last night, a spokesman said: "The whole centre was investigated and was totally exonerated. The
claims have nothing to do with this.
"The unit has incurred a deficit of almost half a million pounds in recent months.
"Our hope is that we may be able to re-open the facility when funding conditions ease.
"It is heartbreaking, both for the young people and for the staff whose commitment to the girls is
The unit will close on March 31, with up to 40 redundancies."

But it didn't.....And incredibly this unit is STILL open to this day! The cycle of systematic abuse of
vulnerable teenagers is being allowed to continue, and ultimately, provide more human sacrifice for
the hidden dark priests of the ancient mysteries.


Chapter 13

The Hidden Rituals of Old Gods Part 2.

So what’s going on here? Well, there are two distinct and by no means mutually exclusive
possibilities. The first possibility is that all of this was an elaborate swindle by the priesthood: the
occult priesthood have since the dawn of history always had a highly privileged position and they
successfully managed throughout the thousands of years from the earliest days of Dynastic Egypt
through to the depraved Greek, Druid and Roman mysteries, to maintain an elaborate con trick and
charade foisted on millions of people, placating and mystifying the population while they tuck into
the treats offered up at God’s barbecue.

Does this seem likely? Are humans really so easily tricked with that a select band of spooky priests
can totally dominate human culture history and spirituality for thousands of years? Personally I don’t
think it’s the whole story. This brings us to the second hypothesis.

The second possibility is that there are indeed a whole host of spirit operatives of various kinds,
which choose to involve themselves in our human environment and the priests have become their
agents and representatives within the human population. Perhaps a sort of quid pro quo has been
arranged whereby the priests are promised earthly power and satisfaction of various material
desires in exchange for representing their invisible superiors to the people and convincing them by
various pieces of dubious theology and myth, in addition to certain parlour tricks and mysteries
which the priests had perfected over time, particularly in the mysteries of Eleusis and whereby for
example we have acquired the word ‘Illusion’. At least, this hypothesis is more reasonable than the
official etymology of the word ‘Illusion’ which is said to come from the latin word ‘iludere’ to mock,
but I can’t see it myself. Not sure how they jumped from ‘Illudere’ to ‘Illusio’. However the Greek
town Eleusis which was famous for its mysteries which typically depended on tricks ‘Illusions’ and
hallucinations, makes more sense.

The mysteries of Eleusis recounted the rape of Persephone as we have seen, and involved the
initiate, or ‘mystae’ actually entering the a temple of Hades, or hell itself, again, this mystery

involved watching a play unfold, likely a sexual scene enacting the rape of Persephone (Kora), and
the consumption of a heavily intoxicating preparation made from water, barley, mint, and a strongly
psychoactive hallucinogen, likely ergot from the fungus infected barley 130. Ergot is the natural
substance from which LSD was later synthesised. Indeed, it is reported by history that rather
irreverently the psychoactive brew: the ‘kykeon’, was stolen by the military general and orator
Alkibiades131 in 415BC and apparently was the first recorded instance of the use of ‘recreational
drugs’. In the terminology of the time Alkibiades was charged with profaning the mysteries and the
story lends credence to the theories of famous entheogenic researchers such as Terrence Mckenna,
that the kykeon did indeed have a strong narcotic effect on the human brain. This is further
strengthened when one considers that in all of the mystery initiations of the ancient world, the
candidate is instructed to fast prior to experiencing the mysteries. Anyone who’s ever dabbled with
entheogenic substances will know that the experience is much more profound effect on an empty

Not only did the kykeon have a very profound effect on the mystae’s mental processes, but so too
did the performance of the mystery play itself. Indeed, what we nowadays take for granted as
television and movie entertainment, was considered to be a mystical and psycho-spiritual education
thousands of years ago. Aristotle wrote of drama in his Poetics of the ‘catharsis’ or ‘purification’
experienced by experiencing tragedy in the context of a dramatic enactment and analysis the
machinery of the psychological changes which take place in the spectator:

‘Fear and pity may be aroused by spectacular means; but they may also result from the inner
structure of the piece, which is the better way, and indicates a superior poet. For the plot ought to be
so constructed that, even without the aid of the eye, he who hears the tale told will thrill with horror
and melt to pity at what takes place. ’ 132

The mysteries of Eleusis depended on absolute secrecy. The participants were sworn to silence on
pain of death not to reveal any ‘spoilers’ to anyone. In addition the priesthood were sworn to
secrecy of course not to reveal to anyone the ‘secret’ of the ergot infected barley which was the key
to the quasi-divine, ‘death experience’ which the mysteries were said to unlock. It is said that
“anyone who was `anyone', was an initiate of the Mysteries’ and today with Freemasonry just as
then with the mystery cults, we see the importance of belonging to a secret society in order to
guarantee success and renown in life. Crucially, it is the secret priesthood who had the full secret
knowledge of the experience, and how to achieve it, and it is likely that the mystae took the it all at
face-value, and would have no doubt believed that there was some divine-power causing his or her
extraordinary experiences, while the priesthood would have known that it was merely the result of a
special fungus. One can assume this because of the consistency and repeatability of the Eleusinian
mysteries. The priests knew what they were looking for when they harvested or chose the barley
and knew the results which this would provoke. One could say that while the initiate has a mystical
understanding of the experience, the priesthood had the scientific understanding of the experience.

Not only were there at least two levels of understanding between the mystae and the priest, but
also amongst the alumni of the mysteries. In the inferior degrees of the mysteries of Eleusis, the
conventional understanding was that the pomegranate seeds referred to the seasons and the
division of the year into lighter and darker months. The highest degree of understanding in the
mysteries however, as surmised by Manly P Hall in his book ‘The Secret Teachings of all Ages’133,

reveals that the half a year spent in captivity with Pluto, or Hades, was allegorical for the equal
division of day and night, and the time spent here in the material world ‘awake’, was the ‘captivity’
to the human physical body and the lower realms of Pluto, while the other half being spent, asleep,
in the liberated spirit-form, where our soul is released and we can gain the higher realms.

So where does leave the second view? Do we have any proof to support the view that invisible
beings are communicating with certain people and prompting them to perform certain deeds and
misdeeds. Is there any evidence? Or is it all clever tricks and magic-mushrooms? Well, there’s plenty
and it never ends. It comes thick and fast at us from the news, but because of the dogma of our
materialistic society we ignore it as the ravings of madmen. But those whose minds are slightly
opened and whose horizons extend that little bit further beyond the narrow confines of our zoo-
cage modern life, may detect other subtle possibilities which may explain, for once, a heck of a lot
about what’s wrong with our world.

“The devil told me to do it!”; “God told me to do it!” and most recently: “Jesus told me to do it!”
These are all phrases spoken by perpetrators of the most inexplicably savage, shocking and
undoubtedly evil acts which confuse confound and dismay our spirits on an almost daily basis. Again
and again we ask what drove the killer to do what he did? How can humans act in such an inhumane
way? And on and on, leading us all to suspect that there might be something intrinsically wrong with
‘us’ as a race because of the actions of some of our fellows. And on and on for thousands of years we
have had to attempt to field and explain and answer for these terrible blots on the copy book of
human culture, and we can’t, because somehow we discount the testimony of the perpetrator

This relatively recent pyscho-nugget blames Jesus for his multiple murders: one time, aspiring ‘horror-core’ rapper Syko
Sam otherwise known as Richard McCroskey, who in 20th September 2010, pleaded guilty to four counts of murder.134

McCroskey murdered his girlfriend, her parents (pastor Mark Niederbrock, university professor
Debra Kelly and Emma's 18 year old friend Melanie Well). Apparently McCroskey got into an
argument after attending a horror-core concert on the 14th of September and murdered all four
victims as they slept the following morning.

In McCroskey's 'song' My Dark Side, this satanically possessed simpletons intones:

"You're not the first, just to let you know. I've killed many people and I kill them real slow. It's the
best feeling, watching their last breath. Stabbing and stabbing till there's nothing left,"

Interestingly McCroskey is a Scottish Clan name of the once ruling nobility of Ireland and Scotland
and the name was originally Mac an Chrosain and has been conventionally translated as 'the son of
the cross', interesting given the murderer's own comments about his apparent, perhaps only half-
joking, inspiration for murdering the four people. But a deeper and more enlightening analysis of
this strange surname is given in Tadhg MacCrossan's 1993 book135 about paganism and witchcraft:

The Truth about Druids. In this book, MacCrossan explains that the name Mac an Chrosain,
MacCrossan and indeed McCroskey, are all actually the same druidic name. In her book, Tadhg
explains that Mac an Chrosain means 'son of the satirist'. Where the Gallic and druidic word
'Chrosain' meant, not cross but 'satirist’.

Is it possible then that Richard McCroskey murdered these four people and claimed 'Jesus told me to
do it' is a dark act of satanic satire? Clearly Richard could not be aware of his part in this game, of the
history of his name and the druidic connection. The man is clearly a ginger haired simpleton of the
worst kind, however, if this 'tool' were used in a pan dimensional game of planetary politics by
hidden and nefarious forces then the pieces start to fit and these insane and seemingly senseless
crimes start to almost make a kind of sense.

Hitler was one of the biggest despoilers of human dignity and again and again we are seemingly
clueless as to his motives. Why did he kill all those Jews? As children we hear silly stories about his
mother dying due to the medical intervention of a Jewish doctor. Even more laughably we hear from
‘serious’ TV humanists that Hitler was motivated by the murder of Jesus by the Jews. As if enough
water hasn’t passed under that particular bridge already. But no, like so much else, this
disinformation is put out there as a typical anti-truth decoy.

From Hitler’s own words we find a clue to the real reason for his despicable acts, it has very little to
do with any real ideological convictions of personal bigotry but has more to do with following orders
from invisible and mysterious superiors. If we examine Hitler’s own statements as reported by
Hermann Rauschning in his book of apparently recorded private conversations, called Hitler
Speaks136, we will be in a better position to understand the nature of his own particular brand of evil:

“One cannot help thinking of him as a medium. For most of the time, mediums are ordinary,
insignificant people. Suddenly they are endowed with what seem to be supernatural powers which
set them apart from the rest of humanity. The medium is possessed. Once the crisis is passed, they
fall back again into mediocrity. It was in this way, beyond any doubt, that Hitler was possessed by
forces outside of himself – almost demoniacal forces of which the individual man Hitler was only the
temporary vehicle. The mixture of the banal and the supernatural created that insupportable duality
of which one was conscious in his presence... It was like looking at a bizarre face whose expression
seemed to reflect an unbalanced state of mind coupled with a disquieting impression of
hidden powers.”

“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of
overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great
mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the
conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and
exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak... but of all these plans the militant members will know
nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a
secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.”

We also discover in John Toland’s biography of Hitler 137 that Hitler was also a disciple of the Norse
chaos god Wotan, the following poem was written by Hitler in 1915 while he served as a corporal on
the Western Front.

I often go on bitter nights

To Wotan's oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union -
The runic letter the moon makes with its magic spell
And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!

In his essay entitled Revolting Julius Evola and the Blood Axis Fascists138, William H Kennedy explores
the fascist legacy of Evola and indicates that certain terrorist events of the twentieth century were
directly inspired by his thinking, including the acts of various fascist and neo-Nazi organisations
throughout the world, and how a whole new horde of devotees have become motivated as a result
of Evolian thinking. Michael Moynihan, musician of the band Blood Axis, high priest in Anton’s Le
Vey’s Church of Satan and writer of the book Lords of Chaos: The bloody rise of Satanic metal
underground (1999) is analysed in the following terms by Kennedy:

"In Lords of Chaos the authors contend that avatism has a spiritual and psychological
component, namely, the emergence of unruly old Norse gods into the minds and bodies of
Black Metalists. In their reckoning such recently reported occurrences of Black Metalists
committing acts of destruction and violence can be attributed to the integration of Norse
deities into individual Nazi-Satanists (aka evil spirit possession). This metaphysical process
is catalyzed by a combination of ritual Satanism, neo-Nazi indoctrination and the harsh
rhythms of Black Metal music... Moynihan further states that the entire Third Reich was a
manifestation of the ancient Norse god Wotan in the German masses."

However unlikely such a thing may appear to the Times reading and tea drinking general public the
fact that certain of the chief operators within Black Metal and Satanism themselves believe this
should be warning enough that even if such talk is delusion and hyperbole, that certain people are
advocating that violence and various other outrages be performed, without the usual restraints of
guilt and morality, because somehow it fits into a ancient Nordic theology.

Once you start researching these strands of insanity and violent extremism of various kinds, one
soon starts to find the threads merge and an overall picture emerges. Typing in the band name
'Blood Axis' in the hunt for interesting images to accompany this rather long bit of un-illustrated text
I came across the preceding picture, representing what I suspect is a stylised representation of a
Teutonic knight. I found the image on the blog of one Brad Miller139, which has since had all
references to Satanic metal apparently expunged. One wonders if my publishing of this article on the
web had brought him unwelcome publicity. Along with the Teutonic knight were the following
images for a performer known as ‘Sleepchamber’.

Sleep chamber seems to allude to the Canadian Mind control centre which was centred around the
Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal Canada and depicted in the 1998 film The Sleep Room.
Apparently it was here that forms of treatment for certain types of mental illness was researched,
but in reality it was likely a cover for government mind-control. Is it possible that these performers
of satanic metal were recipients of this type of treatment and are alluding to it?

It emerged that the CIA experimented on Canadian citizens: Ed Broadbant MP raised questions in
the house to the prime minister Brian Mulroney Canadian about the practices of Dr Ewen
Cameron140 and was eventually granted an interview with CIA liaison John Hadlan. The Cooper
report exonerated Dr Ewen Cameron for his use of electroshock and the surreptitious administering
of LSD and lobotomies. The surreptitious administering of LSD? Haven’t we suddenly returned to
ancient Eleusis and the surreptitious administering of Ergot? Plus ca change.. Cameron was funded
by the CIA and it seems more likely that perhaps his methods were more related to perfecting and
practising techniques of torture, interrogation and ultimately, the neutralisation of suspected
threats to national security. One wonders how many ‘enemies’ of the state may have found their
way into the Allan institute and whose servants were conveniently allowed full reign of techniques
learned, as we will see later, from the Nazis (as well as the ancient priests of Eleusis) for modifying
psychological behaviour and mind control.

Funnily enough, the blog on which I found the Blood-Axis image was entitled: 'Because God told me
to do it'. Is this blogger aware that he is signpost and a pawn in the same spiritual war which
McCrossan and as we will soon see, another relatively well know horror-core performer are also
involved in?

It gets even better, at least from a researcher's perspective as this was the blogger's profile message
before he expunged all references to Satanic culture:

"I was born in Great Falls, Montana to a British Jewish father and Thai mother. While I was quite
young, my mother moved back to Thailand to live permanently, and my father, sister and I moved to
San Francisco, California. Once in San Francisco my father raised my sister and I without assistance. It
was in San Francisco that my father became obsessed with the Freemasons. My father, who was
named Chaim, had made enough connections within the Masonic order to obtain a position on the
Trilateral Commission by the mid 1970's. This position took my dysfunctional family to the East coast
where I attended school. I worked during the early 90's as a dancer at several go-go bars in the state
of New Jersey. My look and personality were obviously very special by Jersey go-go bar standards...
Nowadays I am realizing I need to decide what I want to be when I grow up before I am dead.
Although I am usually a fraud, I am honest about it. I am generally happily medicated. I believe
everything that I am told, let me live vicariously through you."

Quite a goldmine of connections waiting to be made don't you agree? Obviously I’ll take the ‘go-go-
dancer’ bit with a pinch of salt however.

His website contained all the usual hints about Nazi ideology, Aleister Crowley, promos for the
Institute of Thelemic culture and waffle about the apparent holiness of sacrificial stones. There
seemed to be allusions to blood and connections with European pagan folk groups who also share a
stage with far right metal bands and advocate a strange and nebulous blood loving magical

Who’s this creepy character? More random pagan oddness.

When commenting about the cover art for a lecture by the Institute of Thelemic culture in Oregon in
1984 the blogger had mentioned the significance of the wolf of Wotan in Nazi mythology, my own
blog is now the sole recorder of these comments:

"The Psychick Cross also incorporates the 23 mythology. The number 23 is total neither-neither
territory (Austin Osman Spare's mindfuck technique - comparing opposites separate, together, then
absent). Adding the Wolf in a crucifixion is probably an extension of that.

As far as the wolf's symbolism... it depends on what type of magick Genesis was projecting. Many
Pagans believe the wolf signifies a teacher. Many who follow old Norse traditions believe that the
wolf is what Odin will ride in on to victory...”

There are other possible interpretations too. The Nordic angle ties into Nazi Germany's use of the
werewolf and even the inverted sun. Once one starts to investigate the frequent inexplicable and
horrible satanic crimes which appear on our TV and in our newspapers, and if we can find the time
and inclination to tie up the loose ends, then a general, satanic plan of action seems to be revealed,
and its atrocities are stimulated and incubated, in what we call entertainment media.

For instance, the group Insane Clown Posse have the following entry written in the internet based
user encyclopaedia Wikipedia:141

“The themes of Insane Clown Posse and other acts on Psychopathic Records centre on the mythology
of the Dark Carnival, which the duo claim is a spiritual force that has revealed a series of stories
known as Joker's Cards. These stories each offer a specific lesson designed to change the "evil ways"
of listeners before ‘the end consumes us all.’ Insane Clown Posse has a dedicated following, often
referred to by the group as Juggalos and Juggalettes.”

So far so weird, but surely this is just little more than spooky hyperbole and harmless fanaticism
from what is essentially a form of entertainment. But why would the band adopt the strangely
moralistic tone? What do they mean by changing the ‘evil ways’ of their listeners? Well, the
following news stories may help demonstrate that there is something far from harmless about the
activities of its followers, and that the music itself seems to be sowing a particularly destructive type
of seed in the minds of young people. In the news for instance there are frequent news stories
detailing the violence and mayhem which seems to follow the band’s fans around wherever they go.

“Local police turn a wary eye to controversial band's followers 142
Insane Clown Posse fans have been classified as a gang in Monroe County. Group will play in
Allentown on Dec. 5.

September 20, 2009|By Matt Birkbeck and Manuel Gamiz Jr. OF THE MORNING CALL

Police throughout the country are becoming increasingly familiar with the violent lyrics of rap metal
duo Insane Clown Posse, which is booked to play at an Allentown club in December.
In Monroe County, where authorities have identified up to 1,000 fans, the district attorney's office
has joined police in Arizona and Utah in listing band followers as a gang. And the Wisconsin Justice
Department has labelled the band a security threat.
The controversy surrounding Insane Clown Posse, a Detroit duo, hit Schuylkill County last week when
four band followers were charged with killing a friend and follower who may have broken an ICP

Police said Anthony Locascio, 21, of Hazleton, was lured into the woods and struck with metal
baseball bats 60 to 80 times for ratting on a fellow follower of a hip-hop group that police would not
identify. A source close to the investigation said all five were devoted fans of Insane Clown Posse.
Locascio's killing is eerily similar to lyrics in "Imma Kill U," a recently released ICP song:
First, I smack your head with a bat
The bloody splat, crack with impact

While most fans simply listen to the music, which speaks of murder, rape and other violent acts,
Monroe County Detective Emmanuel Varkanis said followers -- known as Juggalos and Juggalettes
after an ICP song --have been arrested there for burglary, assault, and homicide.
The increased criminal activity led Monroe to be the first county in Pennsylvania to validate the
Juggalos as a gang, putting them in the same category as the Bloods and Crips.

The band, whose two members wear black-and-white clownish makeup and go by the aliases Violent
J and Shaggy 2 Dope, could not be reached for comment. A call and e-mail placed to one of its
promoters was not returned.
Schuylkill County District Attorney James Goodman said until last week's arrests, the county had not
seen a link between Juggalos and crime.
"I've heard of the group, but we've never had any problems with anyone associated with this group,"
Goodman said Friday.
The four charged there with homicide, conspiracy and aggravated assault are: Jeffrey A. Gombert,
19, and Curtis T. Foose, 25, both of Hazleton; Andrew A Tutko II, 19, of McAdoo, and Shane D. Roof,
20, formerly of Palmerton.
Two of the four, Gombert and Foose, and Locascio referred on their MySpace pages to ICP.

Perhaps the most shocking and unpleasant news story of 2008 was the murder by decapitation and
apparent eating of a young Canadian called, Tim McLean, another old Druid/Scots name, on July 30th
2008, by a schizophrenic Chinese migrant who may have been programmed by his church group, or
perhaps before he arrived in Canada. 143

What struck me about the murder was that this wasn’t any ordinary murder which may perhaps
have been motivated by some genuine and uncontrollable feeling of resentment or revenge, but
that it was a totally motiveless attack and, by its extremely barbarous nature, something told me
there was more to this than met the eye. For me, to behead Mclean who was initially sleeping on a

bus, then start to cut off parts of his body and eat them, informed me that this was some kind of

I looked into the character of McLean and found his Myspace page and various links which suggested
the poor young man was completely enfolded in satanic imagery; listened to violent satanic music
and visited a satanically themed nightclub called Ozzy’s in Winnipeg. The following images were on
his now defunct Myspace page, of course they are only images, but they are certainly suggestive of
this young man’s unknowing involvement in a satanic industry one way or another. In particular I
noticed his favourite band was Insane Clown Posse and found the following promotional material for
the band:

“The Insane Clown Posse claim that they were visited by the spirit of the Dark Carnival and were
shown six revelations in the form of Jokers Cards; the first Jokers Card being unleashed on the world
in 1991. Each Jokers Card is more than an album... each has a specific message telling the world to
change their evil ways before "the end consumes us all". Will this be the end of the Jokers Cards, of
ICP, or "the crumbling of time itself"? No one can be sure. 2004 marked the unveiling of the last of
the Jokers Cards, the culmination of the Six. A Calm has settled on Humanity, but they have little time
to prepare for what is next in store for them from the Insane Clown Posse!"

McLean even tagged himself: JoKAwiLd. Was HE one of the Insane Clown Posse’s joker cards?

What’s more the murder took place during the pagan festival of sacrifice known as Lammas and
there are historical precedents for the practice of human sacrifice during this apparently religiously
significantly period, again connected to the seasons and the harvesting of crops. One example it is
said, at least by well known witch and Egyptologist Margaret Murray, was that William the
Conqueror’s son King William the Red, otherwise known as William Rufus, who was murdered in the
new forest as part of a ritual murder144. During this time pagans make gingerbread men and corn
dollies, and this is the period which is famous for the ‘wicker man’ and story of John Barleycorn:

There was three men come out o' the west their fortunes for to try,
And these three men made a solemn vow, John Barleycorn must die,
They ploughed, they sowed, they harrowed him in, throwed clods upon his head,
And these three men made a solemn vow, John Barleycorn was dead.

John Barleycorn was an archetype of death and rebirth and also the fertility of the land, however he
was also played by real people during the pagan rites which I argue continue to this day and the
rituals are relayed to an unsuspected public, through the mainstream media. It was necessary for the
person playing John Barleycorn to be subjected to torture and eventually killed. It was said that his
blood was then drunk. It is no coincidence that small dough effigies of Barleycorn were made and
eaten after Barleycorn’s death. Could this be the ritual re-enacted by Vince Weiguang Li?

Shortly after the murder, on the 2 nd of August 2008, and during the weekend of the Lammas sacrifice
festival, rather coincidentally, in Thailand, a satanic metal concert known as a ‘God Beheading ritual’
took place, rather strangely by a group known as ICP666 which seems to refer to Insane Clown Posse
again, but apparently instead is a group called InCoffin Productions, all rather charming I’m sure:

During the few days after his murder a very strange group started to crawl out of the woodwork. The
following story details a US church which has some very strange ideas about the death of Tim
McLean. Much stranger than mine. My idea is that he was killed by a satanic power using a hapless
and confused Chinese migrant as its vessel, this Church goes one further and claims that God itself
had a hand in the murder of Tim Mclean! Well I sure didn’t read that in the Gospels.

“The church group, described in a British documentary as ‘the most hated family in America,’ told
CTV.ca earlier Thursday that it planned to protest at the funeral of 22-year-old Tim Mclean on

The daughter of the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, based in Topeka, Ka., told CTV.ca she
and several other church members will go to Winnipeg on Saturday to demonstrate against what she
described as McLean's "filthy way of life." Shirley Phelps-Roper said his life was emblematic of

Canada's moral decay.

‘(His death was) supremely unemotional. You got God shaking in rage. There is no emotional
component ... He was a rebel against God. He was taught to be a rebel by his parents. He came from
a rebel country ... They brought this wrath upon his head. And it sucks to be him and it sucks to be
them,’ Phelps-Roper said. She said his brutal murder was a sign from God.

"You gotta connect the dots, people ... from your idols to your filthy way of life," she said.

"Here's what I know. He is dead and God does not do that to people that serve in his truth."

Phelps-Roper described McLean -- who she had never met -- in an insulting, insensitive and graphic
manner. Her crudest descriptions of the 22-year-old are not printed.

"I haven't met him personally, but he has nothing going on," she said dismissively.

"(His life) was all about him. Blah, blah, blah ... He was a rebel ... I don't need to know anything else
... I don't need to know the minutia. Everything you need to know is right there."

If we take the rather heartless and ill-thought out words of Phelps-Roger from the previous item:

"You gotta connect the dots, people ... from your idols to your filthy way of life,"

And we compare his use of words with the words used in promotional material by the Insane Clown
Posse we start to realise in some way that Phelps-Roger seems to be singing from the same hymn
sheet as the infamous horror-core rappers:

“each has a specific message telling the world to change their evil ways before "the end consumes us

Then the singer of ICP waxes strangely moralistic at times and offers a totally contradictory message
to the message in his songs:

"In my definition, it doesn’t matter what creed, religion, or group you belong to. If you’re doing
what’s right and are a good person, then you're right with God."

Does he see himself as some kind of 'tester' of humanity? This is a well known Illuminati paradigm,
where they sin themselves and promulgate sins of all kinds in order to test humanity, while they
themselves know all along what is right and wrong but somehow, because they are damned (at least
they are mind-controlled into believing this) then they see no purpose in their life except to try to
act as moral testers by using immoral means, since these immoral means is the only course of action
available to immoral people. If you remember in the Biblical book of Job this was the role of Satan,
whether you believe the Old Testament has any relevance to your life is moot, because the
crackpots who run the world most certainly do.

And the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on
the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil."
Then Satan answered the LORD, "Does Job fear God for nothing?
"Hast Thou not made a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? Thou hast
blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
"But put forth Thy hand now and touch all that he has; he will surely curse Thee to Thy face."

Then the LORD said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power, only do not put forth your
hand on him." So Satan departed from the presence of the LORD. 146

As for the murderer, it is my belief, and one that perhaps most people will share, that he was
severely mentally ill. Clearly he was under some kind of delusion as is evidenced by when he was
approached by police officers he said ‘I have to stay on this bus forever’. 147 This seems to be some
kind of programming, perhaps by actual human agents, or by the forces of delusion operating in his
own mind. Schizophrenics often harbour various delusions and they suffer from a suspension of the
belief in what you and I would call everyday reality and may believe in any number of incredible
things. Whether they are Gods, monsters, living in hell for their crimes or anything imaginable under
the sun. For instance I met a man in Poland who was a Freemason who believed he was a ghost
walking the earth and he tried to convince me I was one too. Odd I know. But something the
gentleman had done in his life and the consequences of it, troubled him so much that he seemed a
broken man and believed from now on that his new life was a kind of twilight half- life in the
shadows, far from love and happiness. I know it sounds odd but if you’ve never visited this strange
state of perception then it will seem odd, but the human mind can convince itself of any number of
strange realities, given enough reason to do so, much like in films like ‘The Matrix’ where people live
in a virtual world which is not real and have to break out into a higher and more valid reality.
Schizophrenics have in a sense totally broken out of the matrix, but they realise too late, that their
bodies are still trapped in the matrix there even if their minds are not. This results in them feeling
trapped and ‘in hell’. A common delusion of the schizophrenic mind.

Illumination is schizophrenia. It's all to do with portals of perception. The Illuminati by which I mean
high level Freemasons, metaphorically die many times in one lifetime and are reborn into the same
life many times. Sounds weird to the uninitiated I'm sure. But then what is reality? The core theme
is this: How do I know this world is real and that YOU really exist? The only thing which can be
proven to be real is your own perception of the world, nothing else can be experienced directly. So if
enough clues and cues are provided to you to make you reach a different conclusion based on your
experiences of this world, ie: that you are in a purgatory and are being punished, or that you are a
ghost which only lives in an illusionary recreation of the world, or perhaps a more modern delusion
such as your whole life is an artificial construct of a giant super computer, then you will follow the
directions of this suggestion and lead your life accordingly. If a certain group can dictate your reality
to you, and believe me they try, then your soul and life is theirs. And this is what the ancient mystery
schools discovered thousands of years ago.

As we have saw in Chapter 6, many schizophrenics and world-leaders have reported hearing voices
of one kind or another issuing instructions to them. At the end of that chapter it was concluded that
we need to find the origin of these voices and decide what they are, whether figments of the victim’s
imagination of something more. I believe that the phenomenon of Satanism is very real and a very
great danger to us in these times and we are in need of modern day writers like Dennis Wheatley
who took great care to expose the crimes and methods of satanic covens. They certainly exist and
they certainly inspire and provoke various crimes and murders under the term: ‘blood ritual’. As to
whether you believe Satan exists I leave this to your discretion. But something unnatural, evil and
intent on corrupting the whole human race DOES exist. For some people it may be more plausible
for them if they consider this influence as an alien, or extra-terrestrial force. However, I am
personally undecided whether this force comes from another planet or comes from our own. What
is certain is that for millennia there have been strange tales and the appearances of Gods, spirits,
demons, fairies, and all manner of spiritual beings. Perhaps one day this mystery as to the origin of
these creatures will be clarified. The one mistake we mustn’t make is merely because we cannot

identify them is to pretend they don’t exist, they certainly do exist and they are after us in a big way.
Or at least, ‘something’ is out there, bringing all these strange diverse strands together to utterly
control the human race. In my opinion the level of omniscience, organisation and malevolence,
presently at work here on Earth, is simply beyond us humans.

It is my contention that Tim Mclean perhaps attracted this character to him by listening to what I
would term 'evil' and 'violent' music. Where attention goes energy flows as they say.
Here are some examples of the satanic and occult themes of Insane Clown Posse's songs, these
songs also depict the schizophrenic mindset and we see evidence for many different delusions
throughout the songs, more interestingly there is even a specific reference to witchcraft and

“How many times you gonna say I need help

Who gives a f**k if i murder myself
I’m thinkin’ suicidal thoughts I shot a gay preacher
I didn’t do my homework so I shot my teacher

What’s really happenin’ reality is pretend

You can blow my f**kin head off I’ll just grow another
My brain and my self we don’t even know each other
Someone’s in the darkness crawling out of my closet door
That’s what the nines in the mattress is for

Warlocks and witches come and learn from the master

The walls of my home feature bodies in the plaster
The dead butt sticking out like Han Solo when he flows
With my favourite weapons hanging off their fingers and toes

But wait why do I have all this blood on my hands

Blood on my clothes blood on my shoes
I’m on the 10 o’clock news for steady
Murdering crews and their point of views

I once met a hooker and she did it for free

On the west first bus number 73
All the way in the back she was humping on me
Until I strangled the bitch and stuffed her under my seat
I got off on my stop without as much as a drop of blood
But then I remember I forgot to wear gloves
Now I’m chasing the bus my finger prints are on her neck

I was one of those monsters in the video thriller

Known to the world as the pop star killer
I’m the stink on your toes I’m the weed to your rose
Not one of your friends but one of your foes
And spittin’ the wicked shit is the life I chose
Do a spin grab my nuts then b boy pose”

"The Witch
The witch told me my girlfriend was a demon, and all this fallin' in love shit, I'm dreamin' and it's pain
to the angels if I don't deliver, I sealed her off in a barrel and rolled her in the river the witch told me

my left arm is possessed, so I broke it at first and then I went to confess but they put me in a home
my arm still wouldn't leave me alone, finally had to chew it off at the bone. The witch told me to
crawl under my house and just wait... don't panic if I suffocate. I bit the tail off a possum down there
at one point, it's so boring and it's dark but the witch is my light

Something is standing between me and my sanity they say my witch is just a dream, morbid fantasy
I say wake the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em! Wake the dead, wake the dead wake 'em! I say wake
the dead, wake the dead, wake 'em! Wake the dead, wake the dead wake 'em!

The witch taught me how to cut up a body, it's nasty and wretched and hella bloody but it's gotta get
done and somebody's gotta do it, I kick the fuckin' face in and put my knife through it. The witch
jumped on me again here we go, laying in my bed I can't breathe any more laying in my bed I can't
move anymore, there's a demon floating in my face clamping my jaw the witch told me I gotta
murder this one kid... K well maybe the witch didn't then but I did with the ninja suit, crept through
like a black widow with the crossbow, stuck him in the neck? Like ditto. the witch told me about
blood that rains outta the neck and what particular veins and about murder, witnessing death settin'
in and it ain't no heaven that's lettin me in.”

The power of Satan is so far woven into the strands of our society that once we start to investigate
this conspiracy the results are startling, and for some people, so unsettling that they give up and
return to the automated TV Alpha trance lifestyle which makes them a virtual emotional and mental
slave but at least they feel they won’t have to deal with the terrifying reality that their world is not
what they thought it was. Like a child who lifts up the big old stone in their garden and is shocked
and horrified to see all the creeping grey creatures scurrying around underneath, he drops the rock
with a scream and runs indoors to the comfort of the familiar. For an example of the depth of
Satan’s (whatever ultimately Satan is) involvement in the affairs of planet earth consider the
following. Black and red, the colours of roulette, the colours too of the Nazi flag, are also according
to reports, the colours used inside a Satanic temple. Even stranger, if you add up all the numbers of
the roulette wheel the total comes to six hundred and sixty six.


Chapter 14

Who the Devil?

What do these people really believe and what are we dealing with? There appear to be two different
realms of light, at least from what I have observed during meditations. It seems that in addition to
the clear white light which seems to be located in the heart of the sun, there is also a secondary light
realm which I have experienced. The overriding colour of this dimension is a dull smoky sort of red
and all around is fire. I suppose this fits in with classical descriptions of hell. However I found the fire
very restful and enjoyed being in the heart of the flames while all burned around me. Rest assured
that I am not a pyromaniac, it’s just that as a meditation zone, this fiery environment is just the

The flames burn continuously and without end with endless power and that is just the sort of thing
to capture a wandering perception and create a soothing trance. I soon realised however that if I
were walking around with a mind full of soothing flames it is quite likely that sooner or later my
inner thoughts would manifest and I would be in danger of being a danger to the world. I say this
because whatever is in your heart usually comes out of your mouth eventually no matter how hard
you try to hide it, and whatever is in your head often becomes the pattern of your life. I also realised
that somehow this place wasn’t as bright as the other sunny realm. Indeed there was light here but
not the multi-spectral and nourishing sunlight, but instead the secondary light of fire, without all of
the higher wavelengths. This fire however is the same fire that burns houses and cities, it is the same
fire which was traditionally used as a means to offer a burnt sacrifice of both human and animals,
and yes, it is the same fire which we use to cook our bangers. You’re probably wondering what I
mean by all this. Maybe you’re having doubts about this bit. But ask yourself why the Illuminati
seem so obsessed with fire in their symbolism and statues, and also consider the old cults of
Zoroastra and Greece and Rome. Some time after discovering this realm of fire I came across the

following, apparent insider account of Devil worship, by renowned occultist Arthur Waite in his book
Devil Worship in France or the Question of Lucifer, in which he attempts to ‘deny’ the existence of
black magic cults, but strange to say, he denies them with such apparent detail of the cults
themselves and brings such life to the description of their activities, that for me it creates precisely
the opposite effect, and also, he rather handily summarises most of the charges made by 19 th
century researcher and writers about the existence of Satanic cults, so the following passage serves
admirably as a distillation of the key ideas we wish to focus on, despite it apparently having been
written with a contrary purpose:148

“..... Hence, to say that there is Black Magic actively in function at the present moment; that there is
a living cultus of Lucifer; that Black Masses are celebrated, and involve revolting profanations of the
Catholic Eucharist; that the devil appears personally; that he possesses his church, his ritual, his
sacraments; that men, women, and children dedicate themselves to his service, or are so devoted by
their sponsors; that there are people, assumed to be sane, who would die in the peace of Lucifer; that
there are those also who regard his region of eternal fire, a variety unknown to the late Mr Charles
Marvin, as the true abode of beatitude, to say all this will not enhance the credibility or establish the
intelligence of the speaker. But this improbable development of Satanism is just what is being
earnestly asserted, and the affirmations made are being taken in some quarters most seriously. They
are not a growth of to-day or precisely of yesterday; they have been more or less heard for some
years, but their prominence at the moment is due to increasing insistence, pretension to scrupulous
exactitude, abundant detail, and demonstrative evidence. Reports, furthermore, have quite recently
come to hand from two exceedingly circumstantial and exhaustive witnesses, and these have created
distinctly a fresh departure. Books have multiplied, periodicals have been founded, the Church is
taking action, even a legal process has been instituted. The centre of this literature is at Paris, but the
report of it has crossed the Channel, and has passed into the English press. As it is affirmed,
therefore, that a cultus of Lucifer exists, and that the men and women who are engaged in it are
neither ignorant nor especially mad, nor yet belonging to the lowest strata of society, it is worth
while to investigate the matter, and some profit is possible, whatever the issue.

If the devil be actually among us, then for the sake of much which has seemed crass in orthodox
religion, thus completely exonerated; for the sake of the fantastic in fiction and the lurid in legend,
thus unexpectedly actualised; and, further, as it may be, for the sake of our own souls, we shall do
well to know of it. If Abaddon, Apollyon, and the Lord of Flies are to be understood literally; above all,
if they are liable to confront us in propria persona between Free Mason’s Hall and Duke Street, or
between Duke Street and Avenue Road, then the sooner we can arrange our reconciliation with the
one Church which has consistently and invariably taught the one full—grown, virile doctrine of devils,
and has the bona—fide recipes for knowing, avoiding, and at need of exorcising them, why the better
will it be, more especially if we have had previously any leanings towards the conception of an
universal order not pivoting on perdition...

The earliest rumour which I have been able to recall in England concerning existing occult practices to
which a questionable purpose might be attributed, appeared in a well—known psychological journal
some few years since, and was derived from a continental source, being an account of a certain
society then existing in Paris, which was devoted to magical practices and in possession of a secret
ritual for the evocation of planetary angels; it was an association of well—placed persons, denying
any connection with spiritualism, and pretending to an acquaintance with more effectual
thaumaturgic processes than those which obtain at séances

.... the specific character of the Palladian cultus is so clearly defined in the depositions that it cannot
pass as a presentation of magical doctrine distorted by prejudice. It is almost stripped of
correspondence with any existing school of occult teaching, and it is either the true statement of a

system founded by Pike, or the deliberate invention of malice. The thaumaturgic phenomena
tabulated in connection therewith are of an extremely advanced kind, including the real and bodily
presence of Lucifer at frequent and regular intervals. When Mazzini died he indicated to Albert Pike a
possible successor in Adriano Lemmi, who became in due course the chief of the Executive
Department, and when in the fulness of years the pontiff of Luciferian Freemasonry himself passed
on to the higher life of fire, which is the Palladian notion of beatitude, and in the peace and joy of
Lucifer, the sovereign pontificate itself, after resting for a short period upon incompetent shoulders in
the person of Albert George Mackey, was transferred to the Italian; the seat of the Dogmatic
Directory was removed to Rome; a split in the camp ensued, inspired by a lady initiate, since famous
under the name of Diana Vaughan, and to this we owe most of the revelations.”

On the subject of more contemporary devil-worship the following article appeared relatively
recently in the Australian press:149

In November last year, one of the world's leading exorcists quietly slipped into Sydney at the
invitation of the Catholic Church.

It was a long journey for Father Jeremy Davies, exorcist for London’s Westminster Archdiocese, but
there was important business afoot for the grey-haired 74-year-old, reports The Australian.

The destination for Davies, co-founder of the International Association of Exorcists in Rome, was
Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney, where the tomb of Australia’s only saint lies.

Waiting for him were 27 other priests, including Bishop Julian Porteous, the Auxiliary Bishop of
Sydney, second only to Cardinal George Pell in the Sydney Archdiocese.

For the next two days Father Davies led a discreet forum on the ancient rite of exorcism: the
expulsion of demons and evil spirits from those who fear they are possessed.

“It was done quietly,” Bishop Porteous says. “Some of those who attended were not officially
exorcists, but I brought together those who had some involvement in this area. Priests who work in
this area have little support and so I wanted them to reflect and talk about it.”

The underlying reason for Father Davies’ visit is one that is usually only talked about in whispers
within the church.

For reasons no one can be quite sure about, a growing number of people are approaching the church
to seek help in expelling what they believe are demonic spirits.

“Many of these people who approach the church for exorcism have got involved with various new-
age or occult practices,” says Bishop Porteous.

“What starts off seeming innocuous and not creating any difficulties at some stage turns dark. They
start to experience quite frightening personal phenomena and it is at this stage that they turn for

Bishop Porteous sees a link between the growing demand for exorcisms and the spiritual
adventurism of young Australians.

He says the growth of non-Christian alternative relaxation techniques such as yoga and reiki, as well
as forms of divination such as tarot cards, fortune-telling and séances, pose temptations that could

invite demonic trouble.

He also points his finger at popular culture, saying the Harry Potter books and films, and the vampire-
themed Twilight series, have revived curiosity with the supernatural.

“While Twilight and Harry Potter are not in themselves demonic, they can lead to a fascination in this
world and young people can be drawn and become more attracted to these things.”

Critics scoff at such claims and say the church is simply trying to discredit rival forms of spirituality.

But Bishop Porteous believes the challenge is real and says the church needs to respond by training
more exorcists. “I would like to normalise, rather than sensationalise, the ministry of exorcism,” says
Bishop Porteous, who performed dozens of exorcisms himself before recently appointing an official
exorcist to his Sydney Archdiocese.

So we can see the devil worship and witchcraft is very far from being a dusty and curious 19th
century phenomenon but is just as much a cause for concern as it was previously. Indeed, possibly
even more so, however just as in the 19th Century there are voices in the media who have
successfully stifled debate and discussion in the media. ‘Award-winning’ and ‘respected’ Jewish
feminist writers such as Debbie Nathan, who for some reason, have their fingers in both feminism
pies and ritual sexual abuse pies have successfully confused the clarity of these issues and led to
years of inactivity into investigating these crimes 150, all serving to protect the Freemasons and
related secret cults. These people, I say ‘people’ because there seems to be quite a significant
number of them deployed for action in this area, have successfully dominated the debate into
satanic ritual abuse and relegated it to myth and hysteria. Nathan has also been heavily involved in
the False-Memory Syndrome Foundation, an organisation committed to the idea that the victims of
child-sexual abuse are largely inventing their experiences. As we can see in the media, these
perspectives are largely becoming diminished by the sheer weight of testimony, evidence and actual
criminal convictions of perpetrators, some of them hitherto highly respected media celebrities and
politicians. One has to wonder though, to what extent the work of agents such as Debbie Nathan
have impeded and continue to impede, justice and the protection of vulnerable people from these
sexual predators. And indeed raises the question, why do so many feminists seem to work to an
agenda so completely at odds with the interests of women? Similarly, Jewish feminist writer
Meredith Maran wrote an article for feminist journal Salon, debunking child sex abuse using her own
case as an example151. Clearly the inference is that ‘because I made it up, so too have all the other
victims’. Apparently Meredith Maran lead a ‘feminist’ campaign to expose molestation, now
apparently she is leading a ‘feminist’ campaign to debunk molestation. One has to be astonished
really, only in feminist circles could such a sudden and abrupt volte-face make any kind of sense.
Perhaps the agenda has changed and so Meredith’s narrative too has changed. It’s all rather
unpleasant and I don’t wish to dwell too much on Jewish feminists and their noxious agendas, but it
is certainly something worth following up. Myself however I can only take some much evil, and for
me, the kind of evil which would use the weight of feminist academia (is there really any other
kind?) to criminalise the victims and use the slur of mental illness on people just seeking justice and
a fair-hearing, is something I do not like to spend too much time thinking about. It is proof positive
for me, that female ‘evil’ is just as real as male ‘evil’, it just uses vastly different means to express
itself. Men may use war and guns, women use universities and publishing houses.

Moving away from specifics into a general picture, for the bad guys to be truly in control it is
necessary for them to control both sides of a narrative, and if the narrative is Satanic abuse then
they need to be involved in both Satanism and the Church, and for this job the gentleman known as
John Hagee is a good representative. Hagee is a strange man, he calls himself a Christian yet he
believes that America and Israel should carry out a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Iran152 (one in
which most Jews in Israel will incidentally be killed). I don’t remember Jesus saying anything about
pre-emptive strikes. I think he said something about ‘love your enemy’ but never mind, Hagee is still
a Christian apparently. Hagee descends from a long line of Anabaptist Mennonite pastors whose
central beliefs are pacifism, forgiveness of enemies and an aversion to war. So it would appear the
fruit has fallen pretty far from the tree in this instance.

The problem with people like Hagee and indeed his many millions of supporters across the United
States, is that they are very much bound to the Old Testament and all the blood and thunder; God
smiting this nation and that nation. Indeed, in the news story below one of the replies from the
public was just the following two Bible verses.

"But realize this: that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of
money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving,
unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those who are good, traitors,
headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but
denying its power. And from such people turn away!"153

"For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far
as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and
intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and
laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."154

It’s highly telling that both verses quoted to support Hagee are from the Old testament and this is
essentially the kind of creature Hagee is, a fire and brimstone blood and thunder agent of the
Apocalypse. If these so called Christians only lived by the words of Jesus rather than the words of
three thousand years old deranged Jewish crazy beards forever casting judgement and damnation
on the world then perhaps we might finally get a little peace around here. But no. Yet these people
call themselves ‘Christians’. Hagee’s true allegiances are fairly clear, at his Cornerstone church in San
Antonio Texas, prominently displayed in the main auditorium is a full sized flag of Israel.

Double deception: Flag of Israel AND Masonic hand-signal. Is this man really a Christian?

What is odd about Hagee is that he perfectly externalises the Illuminati viewpoint better than
anyone I have ever heard speak, yet he exists in the public eye, having access to nearly 100 million
homes through his extensive media coverage on some 160 TV channels, 50 radio channels and 8
networks. Clearly he hides behind the term ‘Christian’ as this gives him cover and a certain amount
of license to air his opinions. But again I state that his opinions have nothing in Jesus, they are the
views of the Pharisees, the elite groups of Jewish priests who claimed that they spoke for God and
enacted revenge and judgement in his name, on any who challenged their power.

He is not afraid to speak for God and apparently the movements of God are no mystery to Pastor
Hagee. Indeed God, according to Hagee even saw fit to kill thousands of people in New Orleans,
apparently because a few homosexuals were planning a parade. This is odd because I was under the
impression that it wasn’t God who destroyed the levees which held the flood water at bay but FEMA

“All hurricanes are acts of God, because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a
level of sin that was offensive to God, and they are — were recipients of the judgment of God for
that. The newspaper carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was
to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the Katrina came. And the promise of that
parade was that it was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the
other Gay Pride parades. So I believe that the judgment of God is a very real thing. I know that there
are people who demur from that, but I believe that the Bible teaches that when you violate the law of
God, that God brings punishment sometimes before the day of judgment. And I believe that the
Hurricane Katrina was, in fact, the judgment of God against the city of New Orleans.” 156

Simply put God has no time for this sort of thing. God is the source of life throughout the whole
universe and the universe is a pretty big place. If there were only one God in the whole universe
would he really have time to devote to killing homosexuals in New Orleans? Unlikely. The other
possibility then is that someone or something or even some group, is impersonating God. Whether
this group or person exists on Earth or in ‘the next world’ or indeed straddles both simultaneously
cannot be proven completely. But perhaps, as in the days of the Pharaohs when God was embodied
in the person of the Pharaoh, or when the Greeks would incarnate the Gods during their mysteries,
perhaps there is some person living today who thinks they are God and is giving his henchmen,
people like Hagee and Hitler, their orders on how best to ferment an Apocalypse on Earth. If this is
the case then this God would be very much in the Jewish mould of Jehovah from the Old Testament,
and so with Hagee we see a strong Jewish connection. Hagee has been accused of anti-Semitism in
the past as a result of his comments that the Holocaust happened because of the sins of the Jews,
the Jerusalem Post itself even discusses this bizarre theory.157

Yet the man is apparently held in very high esteem by Israel. He is the founder and National
Chairman of the Christian Zionist organisation and Christians United for Israel and regularly talks at
AIPAC conferences. He was awarded the Zionist organisation of America Israel award by the late UN
ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick and awarded the title ‘Humanitarian of the year’ by the San Antonia
B’nai B’rith (Jewish elite Freemasonry). He has even been defended by various high profile orthodox
and conservative Jews after his comments about the holocaust being God’s will.

His fervent fermentation of Apocalyptic dogma comes to light in his book Jerusalem Countdown: A
Warning to the World158, in which he predicts that Russia and the Arab world will invade Israel but
they will ultimately be destroyed by God. As a result, the Antichrist (who Hagee claims will be the

head of the European union) will stir a confrontation over Israel between China and the West.
Ultimately leading to World War Three. I daresay millions need to die before Hagee’s messiah can
then return to Earth. In the same book, in the chapter entitled ‘Who is a Jew?’ Hagee states of Hitler:

"It was Esau’s descendants who produced the half-breed Jews of history who have persecuted and
murdered the Jews beyond human comprehension ... Adolf Hitler was a distant descendant of Esau."

Hagee went on record in the late 1990’s saying that the Nazis had operated on God’s behalf to chase
the Jews out of Europe and force them to settle in Palestine.

"Theodore Herzl is the father of Zionism. He was a Jew who at the turn of the 19th century said, this
land is our land, God wants us to live there. So he went to the Jews of Europe and said 'I want you to
come and join me in the land of Israel.' So few went that Hertzel went into depression. Those who
came founded Israel; those who did not went through the hell of the holocaust.”

"Then god sent a hunter. A hunter is someone with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter. And
the Bible says -- Jeremiah writing -- 'They shall hunt them from every mountain and from every hill
and from the holes of the rocks,' meaning there's no place to hide. And that might be offensive to
some people but don't let your heart be offended. I didn't write it, Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth
and it is the truth. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen?
Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of
Israel." 159

Of course none of this would be even slightly alarming and in a better world such cranks would be
incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals where they can’t harm anyone, but what ought to give us cause
for concern is the fact that he works very closely with the American conservative right, which until
very recently held the reins of power in the United States. One commentator, the journalist Bill
Moyers claims that Hagee’s brand of apocalyptical theology was very well received in the Bush

"Someone who didn't know better could imagine from the very name Christians United For Israel—
CUFI—that pastor John Hagee speaks for all Christians. Well, he doesn't... What these fellows have
forged is a close connection between the [George W. Bush] White House and the religious right."160

Indeed Senator and presidential candidate in the 2010 election John McCain actively sought Hagee’s

"I admire and appreciate his advocacy for the state of Israel, the independence of the state of

Indeed John Hagee married McCain and his wife (as a pastor of course) and baptised their children.
He is apparently one of McCain’s greatest spiritual advisors and has been his pastor for some
seventeen years.

I would argue that any ‘God’ who would sanction the Holocaust and use agents like Hitler to do his
bidding must be none other than the devil himself. And this then is my contention, that these ‘so
called’ Christians are in reality servants of some other power, some millennia old deranged and evil
power which revels in blood sacrifices and holocausts. So what is it? If not God then what or who?

What if this ‘God’ character is merely some kind of extra-terrestrial meddler and all these people
who speak for him and hear his voice like George Bush and the people who suddenly decide to go on
a killing spree, are not hearing God at all, but just a ‘consciousness’ which has access to different
dimensions and can thus access human beings in unseen ways?

What these people worship is Lucifer, traditionally associated with the planet Venus, a dull smoky
light which has consciousness and awareness and can take form given the volition of the person who
is calling on it. A sacrifice is usually required to invoke the presence of this force because it uses
these energies to manifest itself in this physical dimension. It however does not produce light
through the interaction of energetic particles as our sun does, it captures light, or ‘souls’ (solar
energy): the electromagnetic energy which makes up our consciousness: this is harvested and used
to perpetuate its presence and existence, without these souls it would not exist. So when you ‘sell
your soul’ and many do, people whom we would never suspect, there is where you go, a kind of
fiery, smoky realm where all energy is eternally borrowed from each other by mutual torment. This
is the vision that people have witnessed throughout the ages and what we have commonly learned
to term ‘Hell’. Some occult practitioners glimpse this realm in their inner eye and claim they are
enlightened, but this is the false light which they see.

Any discarnate voice which presents itself as God is no such thing, and this should be the first clue, it
is more likely an agent from the hell realm which is seeking to steal some energy or attention from
someone in order to strengthen its own existence. God is goodness, peace, forgiveness, grace, hope,
the way white light contains the entirety of the colours of the spectrum within itself, God contains
the sum total of all positive attributes. It is positivity, it is happiness, these qualities do not feed off
others or drain energy from the outside, on the contrary they produce it. Anger, resentment,
jealousy all seek to restore a perceived energy imbalance by stealing it from the object of the
emotion somehow. A violent person who feels slighted or angered will feel inner imbalance and may
attack someone to steal their strength to restore their own inner balance and make themselves feel
stronger. In another instance someone who is jealous of someone may spread malicious gossip
about that person and gain inner strength from the fact that they are stealing energy from the
person by an awareness that they are creating a negative view of that person. These are all negative
principles of an inner disturbance which seeks to quell itself at the expense of others. The problem
with this approach clearly is that it has a negative and destructive affect on the world around it,
however, it is even more destructive for the person themselves as they may little suspect that they
are creating harmful habits for themselves which if sustained lifelong without any ‘repentance’ or
moment of self awareness will lead to taking this inability to create their own energy to the grave
and thus an afterlife of what we would term ‘hell’. The habits of stealing energy from others will
continue into the next world and so this being will never become aware of the inner source of

energy, or God which was always within, the goodness, the energy giving principal which exists and
can sustain others and itself indefinitely. The true energetic light.

On a sunny day try this: Close your eyes, still your thoughts and turn your head towards the sun.
How do you feel? Something seems to wash into you, just focus on the warmth and the light and
forget everything else, free of fear, free of pain, feel only love and gratitude at the God given gift of
life, energy and consciousness.


Chapter 15

A Trip to the Woods!

One hundred years ago, the first motion picture was filmed in the area which only a little of twenty
years previously had been christened Hollywood. Some accounts claim that H J Whitley, the real
estate developer who turned the dry sunny fruit laden hills into a hotel and recreation centre,
dreamed up the name while on Honeymoon with his wife.162 Perhaps the name originates from the
distinctive local shrub Toyon, which due to its small red berries became known as Californian Holly,
this shrub covers the hills of the surrounding area. But the precise reason for naming the area
Hollywood has never been discovered. The land was owned by Harvey Henderson Wilcox and his
wife, some say they named their ranch Hollywood and claimed to have heard the name from a lady
on a train but others assert that she heard the name from a neighbour who in turn had heard the
name mentioned by H J Whitley himself.163 All very convoluted. However it was Harvey who
registered the name and was the first to record its name on a title deed. The reasons for the
uncertainty of the origin of the name ‘Hollywood’ could be because in truth its name has rather
different origins and a perhaps un-guessed significance

What is known with certainty however is that some very well connected gentlemen had big plans for
this particular piece of land. His business partners were media tycoons General Otis and Harry
Chandler who owned the Los Angeles Times and railroad magnate M.H. Sherman. 164

As we have previously seen, the physiological effect of watching television is to induce alpha waves
in the brain; these waves are produced when the brain is awake but in a restful state with the eyes
closed . We must try to remember that there is nothing ‘natural’ or ‘normal’ about sitting down for 2
hours or more, in a darkened room watching a collection of moving images moving around a brightly
lit screen. Of course we are so used to the idea of going to the movies, and the media parading all
the latest Hollywood stars to us, that we see these people as heroes and saviours of the modern age.
But surely a hero, someone to respect and admire, is someone who does something ‘real’ to make
the world a better place, the fact is that all people like Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis and all the rest of
them do, is ‘pretend’ to be heroes. They ‘pretend’ to do brave and courageous things. They ‘pretend’

to do good things and make the right decisions; everything has been written for them, they rarely
even do their own dangerous stunts. As far as we know, apart from their fictional acts of bravery and
heroism, there is nothing good about these people at all! Would we admire someone who told us
how he had climbed up a tree to rescue a cat, or how he had fought with a terrorist trying to plant a
bomb in a busy London shopping centre? We probably would, but what if he later told us he was
lying about it and he had done no such thing, but that he had been given a reward all the same
because people enjoyed the story he had told them?

Hollywood stars do just this. They lie and they pretend to do things. They pretend to be in love. They
lie to us so we feel sorry for the characters they play. They move us to tears, or they make us tense
with their shenanigans, but the chances are they feel nothing at all. They are ‘actors’ paid to deceive
us. What if actors were to migrate into other walks of life, that is assuming they haven’t already.
How do we know that George W Bush’s sadness over the deaths of the people who were killed on 9-
11 is even genuine? Do we have any reason to believe it is. Bush it must be said, was a very poor
actor. We are used to seeing a better class of sympathetic fraud on out TV screens and most people
saw straight through Georgie boy’s B movie performance. In fact when watching George W perform I
had the distinct impression that the man had trouble keeping a straight face and was on the verge
of corpsing and fluffing his lines at any instant, indeed, he frequently DID fluff his lines.

Now we have a new president who doesn’t need to be a particularly good actor, he just reminds us
that he is a black man and that the people who disagree with his policies are hampered by their
‘reptilian brain’ into being racist. 165 Well, it doesn’t matter what kind of actor you are as long as you
roughly follow the script.

But what is it with this adoration of film stars? Well perhaps a major part of it is the physiological
brain changes which take place while we are watching the moving lights on the screen. Our brain
switches from using the left analytical hemisphere of the brain, to the right hemisphere, thereby
ensuring that we are held in the spell of the movie screen and on a subconscious level, we ‘believe’
what we are seeing. The is the right hand side of the brain, as we saw earlier, is our core
programme. It is essential that on a subconscious level at least, we believe the film because
otherwise we would not be at all engaged in the storyline or the plot. The fact that the viewer
subconsciously believes what they are seeing is essential to the film’s success and our emotional
response. Whether it be fear, tension, or tears. The film gets under your skin and interacts with the
human mind in ways we are not consciously aware of.

Why are such vast sums spent on producing Hollywood films, and even vaster sums spent by the
public to watch these films when nothing in the film is real, but the labour and time and energy
needed to create the money to either make or watch the film is? This is an example of something
real tangible and above all USEFUL being wasted on something which doesn’t even exist, worse, on
something which can actually have a negative effect on the human mind.

The story of the film doesn’t exist in reality, the character Tom Cruise is playing doesn’t exist in
reality, the people who are murdered in the course of the film don’t exist in reality. The 125 MILLION
dollars spent to make the film however DOES exist as does the 500 MILLION spent on the film by
viewers worldwide. This is a lot of money and this is only one movie of hundreds a year that are
produced. Without wanting to sound like a bleeding heart liberal I will refrain from mentioning how
many real and tangible things like hospital beds etc this amount of money would pay for. But isn’t it

a wonder that we blithely accept this situation and consider it normal? Especially as most of the
world seems to be having trouble with not enough money for one reason or another.

Because we are so used to Hollywood films and because the media constantly promotes them we
are habituated to this state of affairs; but would you call up a plumber who ‘pretends’ to fix the leak
in the bathroom? Would you pay a man who pretended to fix your car? Why do we so admire and
respect these people who pretend to do things? Why are they given such incredible regard and
respect and paid such huge sums of money? Well, the reason is because the leaders of our society
consider it useful. Remember Hollywood stars work in the ‘media’ and this is the medium of
communication between the ‘rulers’ and ourselves. Most Hollywood films are promoted because the
rulers, for whatever reason, WANT us to see them and absorb their values and the ‘message’ being

Holly wood is the wood of choice for a certain type of magic wand used by druids. Obviously druids
used to be taken much more seriously by society, and indeed they used to pretty much run the
show, until the Romans came and became so disgusted at their practice of human sacrifice that they
chased them all the way through Wales, to their stronghold at Anglesea where eventually the
Romans followed them and destroyed their barbarous culture. However this wasn’t the end of the
druids, they merely ceased to appear as a force in public. They went underground and became a
secret cult. They became what we would now know as Wiccans. People professing magic powers,
jealously guarding their meetings with passwords and secret signs, holding their ceremonies in
woodlands under cover of darkness. Holly wood is a noticeably white wood, perhaps an evocation
of its particular colour are the famous Hollywood letters in the Californian hills. In the 14th century
Arthurian legend poem: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Gawain, the oak king, fights the green
knight armed with a holly bush representing the power of winter. Holly, in pagan lore, symbolises
sleep, death and rebirth since it is a shrub which famously has red berries in winter time. One can
still purchase Holly wood wands either on-line or at specialist shops, and it is a particular wand
which is recommended for the casting of spells which relate to rest or sleep. 166

Could there be an occult meaning behind the name Hollywood? What if there is a hidden purpose to
the film industry, and that it is actually designed to model and modify the viewers’ sense of reality,
in order that you form an opinion about things based on what the people who made the film want
you to think. Are you being secretly hypnotised or ‘put to sleep’ when you watch a Hollywood film?

The fact that film has been used to re-programme people’s minds is not a new one but it is not really
discussed as part of our modern culture, however it is certainly accepted by media commentators as
being one of the methods used by ‘the enemy’. It is fairly common knowledge that during the Nazi
and soviet era, film was highly prized for its propaganda value and the Nazi film maker Leni
Riefenstahl for instance, was often seen close to Hitler, a clear indication of her apparent
importance to the Nazi machine.

Leni Riefenstahl’s films were essential to conditioning the German people to accepting Nazism and in
particular the idea of the racial inferiority of the Jews.

Similarly in Soviet Russia, film makers such as Sergei Eisenstein were instrumental in glorifying the
leaders of the newly formed Soviet republic and in creating the myths and half truths which were
used by the Soviet machine to cement their authority as rulers of Russia. Many of the techniques
used back then are still in use today by Hollywood and it is no exaggeration to say that film makers
such as Riefenstahl and Eisenstein, were early pioneers of a propaganda device which the Americans
have now perfected. It is all the more perfect a tool for control and suggestion because people are
completely unaware that it is being used as such. Riefenstahl’s technical ability was so effective that
she made Hitler into a messianic cult leader. She invented what are today known as ‘tracking shots’
were cameras are mounted on cranes; the use of telephoto lenses, used to give a false sense of the
proximity of Hitler to his supporters for example and make him seem more a man of the people.167
She would use smoke bombs to create drama; she would use montage and cross cuts to create
specific impressions in the mind of her viewers. In short, she pioneered many of the effects in use
today including the use of semiotic codes which communicate a specific message to a select
audience. In the instance of the Nazis, the message was of the purity and innate superiority of the
German people over all other races.

The dastardly Nazis weren’t the only government to use film for propaganda purposes and social
control. The British secret service employed Alfred Hitchcock to make propaganda films during the
second world war, and it is hardly surprising that he went on to have such a meteoric post-war film
career. His 1940 film Foreign Correspondent was a film specifically released in order to encourage
American public opinion to support a war they had hitherto hoped not to get involved in. The film
depicts extremely heroic and entirely fictitious characters engaging in unlikely and heroic acts. But
there are subliminal messages which the director weaves into the narrative of the film which the
viewer will not consciously be aware of, but will make the connection on a subconscious level. This is
known as subliminal stimuli. For example, at the end of the film the character of Stephen Fisher as
head of the Universal Peace organisation clearly means well but is at odds with the reality of dealing

effectively with Nazi Germany, it is for this reason that in a symbolic gesture at the end of the film,
when he realises that there is not enough room on the downed plane’s wing to support all survivors,
he ducks underwater and voluntarily drowns himself. This is an example of the art of semiotics, and
while people will not consciously be able to say what the significance of Fisher’s death are, on a
subconscious level they will know that it means that the high ideal of peace must surrender itself for
the greater good of helping save more lives through war. It’s very clever but highly manipulative.

There were a whole raft of such films during and prior to the war. Before the war, films featuring
stars like Gracie Fields and George Formby were aimed at maintaining the present class structure
and status quo despite the terrible poverty being experienced in places like Salford and Rochdale. It
was necessary to improve the public’s moral in spite of dreadful hardships, so they promoted
Northern stars who would be able to relate to the impoverished inhabitants of the North. Their films
depicted a cheerful type of carefree poverty were, despite the worst of times, the hero always
managed to get their lucky breaks. Gracie’s films had titles such as: Looking on the Bright side and
We’re Going to be Rich, to encourage the public that happiness was only around the corner. While
Formby’s film Off the Dole, sees our hero told that he hasn’t made any serious attempt to find work.
This film was a response to the high unemployment rate in some parts of the North where as many
as twenty-three percent of workers were unemployed (this figure reflects only those entitled to
support, the actual rate was nearer seventy percent168). At this time hunger marches from all over
England to London were common, and their protests were aimed at means tests which effectively
denied many of the poor any income to provide for themselves. In the film John Willie (George) is
signed off the dole without any money things look bleak and for a moment his plight echoes that of
many of the unemployed of the real world, however, we do not remain long in the real world
because fortunately for John, his uncle owns a detective agency and reluctantly allows George to
become its manager. What a stroke of luck! Throughout the film the audience is thrown empty
musical platitudes designed to make them bear their lot in life, songs such as ‘the nearer the bone,
the sweeter the meat’ are scarcely believable in their assumption that living off scraps is preferable
to eating well. And ‘I’m going to stick by mother’ contains the odd line ‘you’re safer with your
mother than a wife’ presumably imbues male viewers with the message that in these economically
fraught times it may be better to not consider having a family of your own.

I hope I have managed to convince you at least that the British Film industry was essentially a
propaganda arm of the British government in those days and although we now recognise these films
and songs as rather amateurish attempts, there is no reason to assume that various kinds of subtle
messages are not still contained in the various Hollywood films of today.

Joseph Goebbels at the time called the film Foreign Correspondent: ‘a masterpiece of propaganda, a
first-class production which no doubt will make a certain impression upon the broad masses of the
enemy countries’.169 Of course, as Nazi minister for propaganda himself, he knew what he was
talking about, and aside from the argument that we Brits were the ‘good guys’ and those Nazis were
‘the bad guys’ it is vital to realise that propaganda is not merely a tool used by a sneaky and devious
enemy, but a tool which is used by all governments, up until the present day.

And so we return to Hollywood. Why would Hollywood wish to use techniques of mind control on
the civil population? Well the simple answer is control. The cabal of world rulers would like their
system to remain in place, and it is clear that we do indeed live in a ‘system’. The governments of

varying countries may change periodically every four years or so, but it is still the same ‘system’. A
system they refer to as ‘democracy’ when it is more like an oligarchy. An oligarchy is government by
select individuals who are not chosen by any form of public suffrage, the same people who have
been highlighted in earlier chapters.

There are films which have been made by Hollywood which show how brave and noble war is. There
are endless films which glorify the lifestyle of Italian gangsters and make extreme violence into an
art form which the viewer is supposed to revere. There are movies which make a virtue of casual sex
with strangers, there are even films which manage to make American police look good. But I
particularly wish to focus on films which may have a far more harmful psychological effect on the
viewer than mere fluff about cops and robbers.

I wish to examine Hollywood movies which deal with metaphysical uncertainty. These films are a
fairly recent phenomenon and have much in common with the science-fictions genre in that there
are often unaccountably strange things happening: there are often sighting of monsters; the laws of
physics are often distressed, and often the film’s events do not unfold according to a normal
sequence of events, but in a technique borrowed from people like Jean Luc Goddard and the French
new-wave cinema, events are non linear. This leads to confusion in the character who is
experiencing time in a disordered fashion and also confuses the viewer as well who is trying to make
sense of what they are seeing. This technique which surfaced in France in the 50’s and 60’s forces
the audience to concentrate more on the film and demands more of an intellectual involvement
with the material, in most instances it is an entertaining and interesting use of ‘mise en scene’ but I
believe its use in Hollywood has more sinister implications.

It is my conviction that many of these films seek to undermine the viewer’s sense of reality itself. I
have no doubts that the actors in these films have no idea what kind of psychological experiment
they are being involved in.


Chapter 16

A Funny Thing Happened at the Cinema.

One of the most disturbing films in recent times is a film called Jacob’s Ladder written by Bruce Joel
Rubin and directed by Adrian Lyne an expert in moral sabotage (4 previous counts of moral
corruption: Lolita, Indecent Proposal Fatal Attraction, and Nine and a Half weeks). Lynes’ first film
was a short film entitled Mr Smith in which we are rather charmingly allowed to view the last half an
hour of Mr Smith’s life before his own suicide. Anyway regardless of Lyne’s dubious artistic merit,
back to Jacob’s Ladder. Tim Robbins plays a character called Jacob Singer, a Vietnam veteran who
seems to be plagued by frightening hallucinations, it appears to be a case of post traumatic stress
syndrome: a form of schizophrenia caused by the terrible emotional stresses suffered in the war
zone. There is a clear link between psychotic illness symptoms and PTSD and the connection is
clearly made by expert on veteran’s mental health Dr Matthew Tull:170

“It has been suggested that the experience of psychotic symptoms in those with PTSD may be
connected to the experience of dissociation. Frequent dissociation may increase the risk for the
development of psychotic symptoms. And studies have shown that people with PTSD who experience
psychotic symptoms, as compared to those who do not, may be at greater risk for a number of
problems, such as suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and greater overall distress.”

From early on in the film we are subjected to various types of sudden shock. The name of the film
comes from the Biblical story of Jacob, otherwise known as Israel (Yisra’el - he who wrestles with
God)171. This passage is particularly significant for the Jewish people because it is in this passage
from Genesis that God apparently promises the whole Earth to the Jewish people during a dream
Jacob has where he sees God and the angels at the top of a staircase who tells him: “Your
descendents will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to
the north and to the south. All peoples will be blessed through you and your offspring. I am with you

and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you
until I have done what I have promised you.’172

Jacob had twelve sons, Reuben, Dan, Judah and so on, who in turn became patriarchs of the twelve
tribes of Israel. Jacob’s ladder is also a key symbol of Freemasonry and represents the arduous
journey to perfection, or at least what passes for Masonic perfection, which as we have seen , is
probably a form of mental illness where morality ceases to exist and they run around abusing
children for ‘charidee’. A well known Masonic allegory is ‘To be a star, you must shine your own
light, follow your path, and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine
brightest’. Obviously, if a Mason is advised not to ‘worry about the darkness’ apparently darkness
being indispensible to the condition of a star shining brightly, then we see that due to confusion and
misunderstanding, the Masons are encouraged to engage in unpleasant and evil acts and we return
to the idea of ‘moral relativism’ which we first encountered in the Eleusinian mysteries.

At the top of Jacob’s ladder we see a star representing the sun, the sun being the Masonic pinnacle
of wisdom and they themselves style themselves sons of light or sons of the sun.173 According to
Masonic writer William Tyler Olcott , the word Freemason may originate in the ancient Egyptian
words for Children and Sun: Phre Mas, hence Freemason 174. There is certainly some truth in the Sun
being the source of all good and all light in the solar system, it is quite another to be aware of this
ultimate ‘good’ yet continue to enjoy amoral and despicable pleasures because you have become
aware that God is an impersonal being who won’t judge you.

And so we have Hollywood stars like Tim Robbins who shine in their own light, without worrying
about the darkness they sow in their midst through the nature of the entertainments they produce.

But to return to Jacob’s Ladder, we have a man named Tim Robbins pretending to be a man named
Jacob Singer and Tim Robbins is also pretending to be suffering from what appears to be PTSD. How
‘Jake’ apparently has some army buddies, but they are in reality, just more actors pretending to be
his army buddies. Tim Robbins who is playing the entirely fictitious and fanciful character of Jacob
Singer also talks to another actor who is pretending to be his psychiatrist because if you remember,
Tim Robbins is pretending to be a character who appears to have PTSD.

It may seem odd for me to relate the plot synopsis of Jacob’s Ladder in the above very facetious
manner, but this is precisely how you yourself should be viewing the film if only you engaged the
analytical left hemisphere of your brain while you were watching it. You wouldn’t be sucked in by
the illusion of the things happening on the screen because you would always be aware of the fact
that none of it was real. However due to the nature of the electromagnet radiation emanating from
the screen, you are slightly hypnotised and as a result you end up watching the film with more or
less your right brain engaged and your left brain silenced. Therefore you go along with the story, and
you believe in the characters and their interrelationships and you start to enjoy the film only
because your right brain is taking in the emotional content and telling you it is real.

The effect of watching a glowing screen is somewhat similar to the relaxing and comforting feeling
you get from looking at a real fire. Similarly your feel comfortable, secure and your brain starts to
release dopamine as part of an ancestral old reward circuit for getting yourself next to a source of
light and warmth.

The film Vanilla sky is very similar to Jacob’s ladder as there seems to be a current of malaise
throughout the film as to the simple fact of the hero’s existence and just what is happening to him.
The BBC television show Ashes to Ashes, written by Ashley Pharaoh bravely exposed Freemasonry in
its previous series by reminding viewers of what was common knowledge in the early eighties,
namely their connection to organised crime after the perpetrator of the Brinks Matt bullion robbery
Kenneth Noye was found to be a Freemason175. The second series of Ashes to Ashes made it clear
that the ongoing phenomenon of police corruption has less to do with the odd copper taking a back
hander and turning a blind eye, but more to do with the machinations of an international secret
society which involves itself equally with the law, with crime, with the sex industry (the legal, the
immoral, and the highly illegal sides) and with metaphysics.

It is quite appropriate that a gentlemen named Pharaoh wrote Ashes to Ashes as there is something
of the initiation school drama about its content. Indeed, all of the films I have just mentioned:
Jacob’s Ladder; Vanilla Sky, and I am going to add Fight Club to the list, are all examples of mystery
school initiations which the viewer becomes involved in. If you recall, in a previous chapter I mention
that the ancient Greek mystery school religions had the initiate view the re-enactment of a scene
from Greek myth and usually involving the Gods in one way or another. Great effort was made by
the priests to make the scene appear not only realistic, but utterly convincing, the initiate had to
believe they were in the company of the Gods otherwise the initiation would not have the required
effect. Indeed, after the ceremonies of the Eleusinian mysteries the initiate was asked if they
believed what they had seen to be real, apparently a ‘no’ answer would spell death for the initiate
who could not be allowed to remain alive to tell others the mysteries were frauds perpetrated by
mere actors.

The purpose of the initiations, was mainly twofold. Firstly the sealing of the initiate in a common
bond or mutual understanding (and for this reason the initiations were either shocking, terrifying,
blasphemous or indeed all three). A fairly well-known example of bonding men in mutual blasphemy
would be the initiations of the Knights Templar who were said to have spat upon the cross and
apparently engaged in homosexual acts 176. Some modern day Masonic commentators attempt to
defend the Templars’ reputation177 by imputing these confessions to the manner in which they were
extracted, namely through torture sanctioned by the church, but homosexual rites would be
perfectly in keeping with the ancient Greek pagan secret societies and are echoed in the rites of
more modern societies like the Ordo Templi Orientis.178

A second principal purpose of the initiation was to affect a change in the thought processes and
attitudes of the initiate and modify his mind in tune with what the secret society required of him.

Now television and film have a major advantage over the early pagan mystery schools and modern
secret societies who attempt to instil the belief in the candidate that what they are seeing is real. All
sorts of special effects, illusions, trickery and perhaps even forms of hypnosis, were and are used in
the secret rites of the secret societies. But it is hard work and not one detail can be out of place
because in a second the spell could be broken when the initiate realises it is all imposture.

By nature of the technology of film and television, the mind is already partially hypnotised and
made extremely suggestible by the radiation coming from the screen. Of course, the actors must be
good actors, get their lines right, and the sets and scenery must be authentic enough and true to life.
But basically by the time the film or TV show starts, the viewer’s mind is ready to suspend his or her

disbelief and immerse themselves in the unfolding drama because we are no longer using our
analytical left brain when engaging in television content, as Wes Moore’s research in his article
Television: Opiate of the Masses:179

“The right brain processes information in wholes, leading to emotional rather than intelligent
responses. We cannot rationally attend to the content presented on television because that part of
our brain is not in operation.’

So we are ready to absorb and digest whatever frightful, disturbing or unpleasant messages they
have in store for us, completely without the defence of our left brain which would be able to remind
us ‘it’s not real.

The films Vanilla sky, Fight Club, Jacob’s Ladder and the series Ashes to Ashes, all have plots where
the main protagonist no longer knows what is real. At the start of these films everything seems
pretty much tickety-boo: In Vanilla Sky, Tom Cruise’s character enjoys casual sex with a character
played by Cameron Diaz without the apparent need of committing himself to her in any way. Jacob
Singer is immediately introduced as a veteran of the Vietnam war, despite the obvious ‘right and
wrongs’ of war there is no doubt that there is a certain amount of prestige and respect which comes
from being involved in a theatre of war; he also seems to be an eminently likeable person with a
ready and charming smile. Edward Norton’s character from Fight-Club is a well heeled yuppie with a
fabulous condo with all mod-cons; he is also the narrator of the entire film so we immediately
acquiesce to him as the ‘story teller’. To some extent all these characters have a measure of stability
which we as viewer can relate to: most of us have achieved a measure of stability because we have
striven for it. We know we need a steady income and a pleasant place to live and be around people
we like, this is largely a reasonable and achievable goal for most people and it is probably the best
definition of ‘normality’ I can think of. So immediately we identify with the characters, or we even
slightly envy them and would like to be more like them. This also is a psychological trick for further
encouraging us to lower our guard relating to the film’s content and message because not only are
the characters played by Tim Robbins and Tom Cruise in these films, attractive and generally good
natured, but the persona of the actors themselves is that they are seen as ‘good guys’. So we feel
reassured by them, we like them, and we believe that anything Tom Cruise is involved in, must be
good to watch. Quite why we should trust people based on the imaginary characters they play or the
script that has been written for them should be analysed. Not only that but do any of us really even
know if Tom Cruise is a good person? All we even see of him is the carefully stage managed photo
opportunities and guest appearances on TV shows, we certainly only ever get to see his ‘good side’
so not only is our perception of Tom Cruise a myth, but our perception of him through the
characters is a further myth within a myth.

The esoteric aims of secret societies has always been to help the initiate transcend their present
reality. Some call it union with God, Illumination, enlightenment, oneness, transcendence.

Religions have a similar aim, but are content to merely remind their adherents that this world is
illusory, they refrain however from trying to prove the fact with an actual first hand experience, this
is the domain of the esoteric cults.

In Christianity the world is described as being the domain of Satan: ‘Hereafter I will not talk much
with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and he hath nothing in me.’ 180 And again:

‘Now is the judgement of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.’ 181

In Islam, the world is described as ‘unreal’.

‘The life of this world is nothing but an illusion.’182

In Sikhism and Buddhism, the term ‘Maya’ refers to the fundamental unreality of this apparent
physical existence:

‘You are squandering this life uselessly in the love of Maya’ and also ‘for that which we cannot see,
feel, smell, touch, or understand, we do not believe. For this we are merely fools walking in the
grounds of great potential with no comprehension of what it is.’ 183

Socrates himself considered the world of forms to be an illusion which mankind seems unable to see
beyond. In his famous allegory of the cave184 Plato records Socrates describing a situation where a
group of prisoners are shackled to the ground, unable to move or turn their heads in any direction,
and thus reduced to staring at the wall of a cave. Far behind them is a burning fire, and in front of
the fire but still behind the prisoners, is the movement of real objects and people parading back and
forth continuously. The image of these objects and people is projected onto the wall of the cave,
along with the sound produced, which echoes off the wall and reaches the ears of the prisoners.

Socrates’ contention was that someone who had been staring at these images on the wall all of their
lives would assume that this was the ultimate reality and would have no suspicion that what they
took for reality was merely the shadow, or projection of a much deeper and authentic reality. He
also goes on to say that so entranced would the whole society become by the illusions on the wall,
that what passed for intelligence among these people, would be the prisoner’s ability to guess which
shadow would appear next. This metaphor is particularly apt today with the dominance of dogmatic
scientific humanism and its conceited cleverness at being able to predict and analyse the shadows
on the wall, but its complete inability to really track down the source of life itself and the deeper
significance of our life on earth.

While religion teaches people to seek to be aware of the transitory and illusory nature of our Earthly
experience, secret societies go one step further and seek to directly show their initiates this fact.
This is what is known as ‘Gnosis’, from the Greek term ‘knowledge’. This Gnosis has been the key of
secret society teachings since time began, but the practice of Gnosticism has always been frowned
upon by the religious movements of history. Whether it is the semi heretical Islamic mystical
movement of the Sufis who seek direct knowledge of God without the intermediary of Mohamed,
contrary to the Qur’an’s teaching, or similarly the Gnostic Christians who have strayed so far from
the practise of Christianity that Gnosticism is now revered as a key term among pagan and Wiccan
groups. One can now be a ‘Gnostic’ without being a Christian and without even believing in Jesus,
indeed it is perhaps a decided advantage.

The secret societies teach their chosen initiates ‘gnosis’ or what they consider ‘knowledge of God’.
They learned the techniques from Sufi groups such as the Assassins of Prince Hasan ibn-al-Sabbah185
who they encountered in Persia during the early crusades 186. It was from him that Europe relearned
the ancient methods of initiation and transcendence which had been extremely common in ancient
Greece and Rome, and which had enabled them to perfect a social order based on empire, trade and
exploitation. This is why the Islamic empire formed within such a relatively short period of time after
the invading Islamic armies swept into North Africa and how the Muslims achieved such astonishing
scientific feats and had advanced knowledge of astronomy. Most people today don’t know that
many of the stars in the night sky were given names by Arab astronomers. Aldebaran, Altair,
Betelgeuse are all Arabic words meaning ‘the follower’, ‘the eagle’ and ‘the giant’s shoulder’
respectively. Many of our English words are words which we have derived from Arabic terms:
algebra, chemistry, and even alcohol. The word chemistry shows the extraordinary and convoluted
descent of this knowledge. Chemistry comes from alchemy, an Arabic term, which in turn is derived
from the ancient Greek ‘Chemia’ which in itself was a version of the ancient Egyptian word ‘Keme’
which meant ‘black earth’. This word alone shows the vital ‘bridge’ that the Arab civilisation formed
between our present day civilisation and the ancient knowledge of the past which would otherwise
have been lost.

So these techniques of Gnosis were retained by the Arabs, personally I was told while I was living in
Egypt that the Arabs learned the ancient secrets from deciphering the murals and hieroglyphs on the
walls of the ancient temples.

All of this is quite ironic considering the efforts of the present day cabal of Masonic politicians who
seem to have their hearts set on demonising Islam and trying to instigate as many wars in Muslim
countries as possible. Indeed, we note that it was the Sufis who were instrumental in deciphering
the temple hieroglyphs and allowing the Muslim world access to the ancient secrets of science and
astrology. Perhaps if those early scholars: Sufis such as Dhu Al-Nun Al-Misri187 and Abu Ja’far Al-
Idrisi188 (who wrote about the great pyramids and their connection to the celestial bodies) had not
been so conscientious in their work then the modern West would not be here today to threaten
their countries with war and revolution.

What we are seeing in the stills taken from the early part of Jacob’s ladder is a subliminal suggestion.
When a camera focuses on a particular shot in a film it means that it is important to the
development of the story, much more so if the shot is prolonged for more than five seconds or so.
The shots below are intended to implant in the viewer’s mind the idea that something is not quite
right about the environment is which Jacob Singer finds himself. At face value we have an advert for
a drug advice hotline and in the second instance we simply have a women who neither speaks nor
understands English. However because a series of events arise in quick succession which almost sees
Jacob run down by an underground train, we are led into sharing Jacob’s disordered state of mind
and a search for coherence and meaning from environmental clues. Clearly Jacob is suffering from
post traumatic stress syndrome as a result of his time spent in Vietnam; this condition is similar to
schizophrenia in that ordinarily banal events take on a more sinister meaning. To the schizophrenic,
the sign below might trigger a delusion that the sufferer is actually in a metaphorical or literal hell,
the silent woman also would engender a negative connotation.

Below we see Jacob trying to communicate with the receptionist at the hospital which he visits as
part of his Veteran Affairs counselling. It seems that the receptionist does not know the name of the
counsellor Jacob is referring to, and it is then that Jacob starts to lose control of his speech and has
trouble articulating, this is one of the classic, principal symptoms of schizophrenia, indeed, a
diagnosis of schizophrenia can be made by a doctor if this symptom is present along with at least
one other. The nurse then bends over her records causing her nurse cap to fall off, exposing some
sort of bone tumour, Jacob sees this and appears shocked and loses balance. It is clear that what are
fairly commonplace and plausible occurrences, in combination like this and with a man suffering
from a psychological condition, are likely to affect a schizophrenic much more profoundly than a
normal person, and more worryingly, since he is the protagonist and we are seeing the world
through his eyes in many instances, then we as the viewer are sucked into his delusions as well. We
the viewer start to share his schizophrenic perception of reality.

Jake then goes to the nightclub where there is a strong strobe light and has hallucinations of a
serpent tailed man dancing with and then killing his girlfriend. It is worthwhile pointing out that my
experiences with LSD as a student inform me that hallucinations are much more likely to take place
in a darkened room where the actual form of objects is indistinct, and particularly if there are strobe
lights present, indeed one of the major appeals of the acid house and later ecstasy raves, would be
the ‘visuals’ and hallucinations one could expect while tripping. As we have seen previously,
schizophrenia involves production by the body of adrenochrome which is a psychoactive
hallucinogen and is responsible for many of the distinctively uncomfortable symptoms and feelings
of ‘unreality’ which are so distinctive of schizophrenia. He speaks to a fortune teller who looking at
his palm jokingly tells him: ‘you’re dead sugar.’

Afterwards, and in a state of some confusion and bewilderment after a heated argument with his
girlfriend Jake visits his chiropractor Louis. He is a reassuring presence throughout the film and as he
starts massaging him and he tells him to ‘relax, this is going to be a little strong’ at that point Jake
has a flashback and ‘I found one, I think he’s still alive’ is heard. It seems that Jake and the viewer
draw an association between the chiropractor’s actions and the fact that Jake has had a flashback;
the fact that Louis replies ‘I had to get in there: it’s a deep adjustment’. Jake then mentions the
weird flashes he’s been having and Louis nods sagely as if he understands. As you can see in the
image, the character Louis is bathed in white light, and is intended to represent an angel apparently
fighting for Jake’s soul.

He tells Louis he looks like an ‘angel, an overgrown cherub’. At a later point Louis tells him: “If
you’re frightened of dying and you’re holding on, you’ll see devils tearing your life away, if you’ve
made your peace, then the devils are really angels freeing you from the Earth.” And the film
progresses in a similar way with more hallucinations and demonic faces appearing from time to
time, more strange nightmares and more feelings of loss and regret from Jake over his dead son and
his lost wife. The movie talks an interesting detour via military drug induced experiments involving
mind control, and it appears that finally Jake has a solution to what has been happening to him all
along. However this seems to be just another fantasy or illusion, and Jake discards it. As the film
draws to a close he hears Louis’ words playing in his head, and Jake seems to realise something,
perhaps that he misses his son so much that life is meaningless without him. After one of his army
buddies is killed in a car bomb it is Jake’s turn to get some attention from the spooks and he is
bundled into a car and threatened to keep his mouth shut, however he fights back and falls out of
the car and into the street. Due to his back injury he lays paralysed in the street. He then finds
himself being wheeled through a hospital, into a strange back room and is told that he is dead by the
doctors around him and that his believing himself to be alive is a delusion. He is subsequently
rescued by Louis his chiropractor/guardian angel. He is then told the military ‘hippy chemist’
involved in the military drugging experiment that his unit killed each other.

In the denouement of the film he finds himself in a cab with the semiotic key of a crucifix hanging
from the ignition. The crucifix is a symbol which represents, on a basic level, virtue and salvation.
The presence of this symbol in the cab is clearly intended to represent Jake’s quest for salvation and
that he is in a cab indicates that he is going there. At least, this is how the film wishes the viewer to
‘read’ this situation. But why should we? Why, when we watch a film, are we expected to adopt this
quasi-schizophrenic attitude of analysing symbols and drawing conclusions from something as
mundane as a crucifix swinging from a car ignition? Ordinarily we would think nothing of a crucifix
swinging from a car’s ignition but at this point we have been primed to read a deeper meaning into
everything which is presented on the screen, in our quest for an explanation to what is happening in
the story. We have started to look for things that may not be there. The reason for this, as we have
seen, is because when we watch a film we are not engaging our analytical and rational left brain

anymore, we are held to ransom by our metaphysical and mystical right brain and so as soon as we
sit down to watch a film we are involved in a mystical experience.

Clearly this is trying to suggest to the viewer that he is now on the way to heaven. Jake asks the
cabbie to take him home, to which the cabbie replies ‘where’s home?’ Jake finds himself driven to
his old family home where he reconciles himself with the idea that he is dead, that he was killed by
his own men in Vietnam due to an army experiment using psychoactive drugs to improve the
fighting ability of soldiers, and at this point he sees his young son who was killed. The final shot has
Jake going upstairs into the light and presumably ‘heaven’.

There are many things which make me deeply uncomfortable about this film Jacob’s Ladder. First
and foremost I would say that during my mercifully brief period of what might either be termed
Kundalini enlightenment, Luciferian consciousness, or psychosis, I was seeking to understand what
was happening to me and why reality itself has suddenly become very very weird indeed and the
only references I seemed able to find to explain what was happening to me were Vanilla Sky and
Jacobs’ Ladder. I seemed to be suffering from hallucinations, the people I lived with seemed to be
acting very strangely and were unaccountably harsh, just like Jake’s and David Aames’ girlfriend from
both films, and it seemed that there were messages everywhere around me and somehow there was
a deeper hidden meaning to everything I saw. The experience was genuine and was something like a
cross between true wisdom and real madness. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference, especially
as most of our planet are still stuck in Plato’s cave. The final message of the films was that you are

either dead, or that this ‘reality’ is false and that the hallucinations you may be experiencing are the
result of a false reality breaking down around you.

Is the intention of this film to disturb people’s minds to such an extent that they take drastic action?
We shall see in the next chapter that this may well be the case.


Chapter 17

Illusion Delusion Illumination and Confusion.

The word ‘illusion’ ‘delusion’ and ‘illumination’ are all words which are different prefixed forms of
the Latin word light: ‘Lucis’ itself a great grandson of the proto-Indo-European word ‘leuk’.

I admit frankly to going through the mystical sequence recounted in previous chapters and am
happy to say that I’ve still got a full set marbles and all screws are still fully tightened. However it
took a lot of luck to get me through it. But when I look at the word ‘luck’ I find it way too small and
casual a word to really describe how I feel about having escaped from the darkened underworld into
the light of true awareness. The word ‘grace’ seems a little better, but that too has negative
associations of being part of God’s chosen elite or something.

I will freely admit that for one brief moment I entertained the possibility that maybe I was ‘dead’. In
my disordered state I imagined that perhaps a lot of what had subsequently happened was not real
but the result of a kind of purgatory. The fact that I had a girlfriend at this time whose name in Gallic
meant ‘White angel’ and that since meeting her, a lot of strange occurrences had taken places, led
me in my irrational state to imagine that perhaps I had died. Many puzzling and seemingly
miraculous things had happened to me during the years, strange and unaccountable coincidences
which at the time seemed rather cool but looking back at them in my new state I wondered if
perhaps they had been too good to be true, and that is they too were somehow part of some unreal
fantasy that I have been involved in without quite knowing it.

One time I had arranged to go to the Phoenix festival in 1996 with my girlfriend but my ticket had
somehow disappeared, I since learned that a rather unpleasant flatmate had stolen it, but to be
honest, even his act of thievery helped me find the way to something extraordinary. Searching
desperately around the flat the ticket was nowhere to be found but my girlfriend was all ready to
leave and so it could be put off no longer and off we drove down to the festival. We arrived,
somewhat perplexed about my ticketless state and there seemed to be none available to buy at the
site. We camped up because fortunately the camp site and access to the festival ground itself was in
a separate area and my ticket was required only to enter the music arena. So we hung around. As

time ticked on the festival had started and it appeared that I would miss the legendary Frank
Sidebottom. Another band I really liked ‘Gene’ were due to play and it appeared they too would be
missed. My girlfriend and her friends started getting restless and said that they would have to go
into the festival, they had been very sympathetic to my plight but they had to start enjoying their
weekend. I got up from our camping spot and decided to go on a disconsolate little wander around
the campsite, not quite knowing why or where I was going. I imagined that by the time I got back my
friends would be in the festival and at least they would be having a good time. So I wandered
around and saw something shiny on the ground, I had that feeling when you maybe find a £5 note,
you can’t quite understand what it’s doing there and you can’t quite believe it, but all the same you
pick it up and put it in your pocket. I kicked at this shiny thing on the ground and stooped to turn it
over. It was two full tickets to the Phoenix festival! This was strange!

At this moment in time I became convinced of a deeper hidden significance to life and that this was
no mere coincidence. I returned to the tent with the tickets to the delight of my friends. I promptly
sold one of the tickets to a tout and made enough money to ensure we would have a great
weekend. One of my girlfriend’s friends observed sagely ‘it looks like this is your festival!’ Not only
that but I arrived in perfect timing to see Gene start their set and not only that but it turned out that
Frank Sidebottom has rescheduled his appearance to the following day. It really was ‘my festival’. It
was almost as if, going for that aimless stroll around the tents I had asked a question or searched for
a sign and one had arrived just in time.

There are two subsequent times when I had asked for a sign and they too had dully arrived. One was
sat in a cinema in France with my then French girlfriend. The film we were watching was Men in
Black. I was feeling a little insecure about the future and my own life: I didn’t have a job nor could
see much hope of any kind of meaningful profession for myself; I used to suffer from occasional
bouts of existential melancholy such as this. So I stared at the screen and then and there asked for a
sign. This is what came up on the screen next:

It was my own name. A similar thing happened when I was about to start university again to
complete a post graduate course. I was standing exactly on the intersection of Longbridge road and
Upney Lane and I again felt this trepidation for the future and this irrational worry that maybe I had
not made the best of my life so far and that I had missed some opportunity here or there. The kind

of worries we all have I suppose. So I asked God for a sign. I walked a few meters and looked up and
saw this:

I took this as a friendly sign from some pan dimensional power. Hopefully God or someone close to
him. But I hardly think I got carried away in this instance. I mean, if you had asked for a sign and at
that very moment you look up to find your own name just in front of you, you might be forgiven for
feeling a little bit excited and rather happy. And so this is how I seek to live my life, with an
awareness that God or something positive, is watching over me and trying to connect with me on
some level. I would be reluctant to totally connect with this unknown force while on Earth because it
would make life rather a strange experience. I think perhaps this is what happens during the ‘Gnosis’
experience, that basically your consciousness breaks through to the other side (to paraphrase Jim
Morrison) but , since my rather frightening and uncomfortable adrenochrome experience, I feel that
this is not a state we should reach for while alive and living in physical material bodies. I feel that
although Earth is a fairly interesting place with plenty of potential and lots going on, it is not a very
spiritually aware place and the first place a fully spiritually enlightened person would end up would
be, if they were lucky, a psychiatric home, if unlucky, torn apart by the mob. Though perhaps times
are finally changing. When people go out in public with anything the public isn’t prepared to hear
they are usually ridiculed or ostracised in some way. But the voice of the truth seekers is growing
and there are many who are actually willing to hear the strange and apparently unlikely sounding
stories and take a look at the evidence, rather than let a robotised TV brain dictate their reality. If
we want a better world and maybe, if we are willing to open our minds to new possibilities, we
might just get it.

What I learned in this state was that I was far from being the only one to exist in some kind of
ongoing delusional state. It takes one to know one as they say and with my changed brain chemistry
I became aware that the world was quite a different place to what I had hitherto believed.

The thousands of daily symbols and signs we walk past everyday and think nothing of, now shone
and burned with a dark and sinister significance. For example, I noticed the logo on my ‘3’ mobile
phone and something dawned on me. Why did my phone have a 666 sigil on it? This was the old logo
from around 2004 which has subsequently changed. How long had I lived in a world in which the
Biblical mark of the Beast was right under our noses and I hadn’t noticed it before? My new
awareness wasn’t restricted to noticing symbols around me, but something else had happened and I
noticed that in this new perceptual world I wasn’t alone. Some very strange things started

happening and suddenly I found myself living in a Jason Bourne style wonderland. I went out of the
house for a jog through London; as I passed through the financial city I went down an alleyway near
the main offices of Merrill Lynch, I stopped to catch my breath and suddenly three suited business
men turned to face me as I walked down the alley, looking straight at me they said in unison ‘Join
us!’ No joking. I knew they were Masons because prior to this my tutor had put pressure on me to
join the Masons. I had been told I ‘wasn’t square enough’. I knew what this meant because since my
adventures in Japan I had learned to recognise Masonic key words and insinuations. In retrospect I
managed to make sense of all this, just as I had made sense of the strange indoctrination course in
the remote French village, but at the time, having people I’d never met before in the street directly
addressing me to ‘join them’ was rather surprising and I wondered what strange parallel universe I
had strayed into. At around the same time I received a phone call from my ex French girlfriend, I’d
always suspected that she wasn’t always being perfectly frank with me while I lived with her in
France (she has since told me that she was indeed a member of something but still stubbornly
refuses to tell me what) much more so after the strange BAFA course which had opened my eyes to
the potential that some of my relationships where not what they seemed. She phoned me during
these couple of weeks when the tension and uncertainty of the past couples of years: the Masons
and spies in Tokyo; the odd radio messages during the French teaching course, and the strange
fellow trainees on the Paris Celta course who seemed to be wanting me to acquiesce to them in
some way and join something in order to be part of the group, all of this had come to some kind of
incredible crescendo and all seemed about to be revealed. Now she phoned me and asked me
frankly, ‘are you going to join the Masons then?’ At this point I was not surprised, despite my having
mentioned nothing of recent developments to her: but at a certain point with Masonic involvement
in your life you start to assume that anything is possible and everybody knows your business. The
final awareness that my former girlfriend too was also involved in this strange international
conspiracy came as no surprise and was in fact quite a relief that finally she was being ‘square’ with

She then passed me on to her father who is the president of one of the French sports federations, he
also asked me if I was going to join, and it seemed to me that the size, organisation and hidden
means and methods of this secret group meant that I felt like a very small cog in an immense and all
powerful machine, I told him I didn’t think I had much choice. Then, even more bizarrely, he passed
me onto my exes Grandparents who happened to be there as well. Her dear old grandmother
seemed extremely pleased that I was going to become a Mason, her enthusiasm was almost
contagious and it seemed that perhaps becoming a Mason was a good thing. But it all seemed so
staged. It was odd that her grandmother should also be at the house as they lived nearly fifty miles
away and rarely visited except on special occasions. Was this a special occasion? My final
admittance/acquiescence into the Freemasons.

During the daylight hours my new ‘illuminated’ consciousness seemed to have few drawbacks: I felt
slightly trippy and as I said reality had suddenly become a lot more uncertain and unpredictable.
Total strangers would appear in the street and suddenly ask me questions, it was weird. People
would also look at me and wink knowingly. If I didn’t know better I would say I had entered some
kind of communal consciousness and in the London streets on the outskirts of the financial city,
there were a lot of fellow Masonic inmates with whom I was now sharing my new reality. It was very
weird. A shopkeeper would see me passing and make a private sign of acknowledgement to me. I’d
never seen the man in my life but apparently we had something in common, rather like the film

Fight Club where the nameless Edward Norton character sees total strangers in distant cities
acknowledging him and cannot understand it, this is exactly what it’s like to enter the Freemason
domain. When your consciousness undergoes the change in perception there must be some
undetectable character trait or mannerism, or even a way you walk, that makes you recognisable by
your brothers. Personally speaking, as a private person who values his individuality, I wasn’t quite
sure I fancied the idea of suddenly being a part of this secret community within a community,
particularly as one of the things I liked about London was its ability for one to remain anonymous
and vanish into part of the crowd. I am someone who can think of nothing worse than having
neighbours one is obliged to talk to everyday and people who notice your comings and goings.

However it seems that certain members of this group: people you’ve never met before in your life,
know as much about your private business as you yourself do, as I found in Tokyo when my
employer would hold imaginary phone conversations in the next room mentioning things about me
and my life while pretending it had nothing to do with me. Subsequently while working at a Catholic
school some months later another Mason was talking aloud to no one in particular, but was using
coded language and advising me to join the Masons, he said: ‘we know all about you so you’d better
join or else’ without actually addressing me specifically: he would sort of stand near me and speak to
me as if there were someone behind me, when of course there was no one there. Again I had never
met the man before, but it seemed my reputation preceded me wherever these creepy crawly
Masons are lurking about. In another school a Mason addressed me and cryptically asked me: ‘are
you a rebel of are you part of the Empire?’ Of course I answered ‘I’m a rebel’ and he said ‘well I’m
part of the Empire.’ I don’t know if this was an attempt at intimidation of some kind, but it was
genuinely difficult to be intimidated by this rather disgusting and fruity looking fat man who could
well have been the school paedophile. There was something oily about the fruity smile that played
on his face whenever he was near the kids.

So my life had generally been rather strange for at least ten years with strange and unaccountable
occurrences and some often inexplicable things happening to me. And so in seeking to explain what
was happening to me these two films: Vanilla Sky and Jacob’s Ladder seemed to offer something like
an explanation. Vanilla Sky is near identical to Jacob’s Ladder but instead of merely offering the
solution to the riddle that weird things are happening to you, things which go against what most
people consider ‘reality’ therefore you are no longer living in reality and in fact that you are dead but
don’t know it yet, it suggests a radical solution. I will not attempt to disguise the fact that as a result
of the Masonic attention and the mystical enlightenment I had undergone, I would say I had entered
a borderline psychotic state. As I have previously endeavoured to show, the mystical Illumination
and result of Masonic initiation is the psychotic schizoid state due to the excess production of
adrenalin by the body which becomes adrenochrome as it breaks down in the body.

Vanilla Sky features a character played by Tom Cruise who is successful and generally envied by his
friends until one day his girlfriend decides to drive her car with Aames inside, off a bridge in a fit of
jealous rage, leaving him terribly disfigured. His life becomes a nightmare without his good looks and
he slips into despair, until one day he wakes up to find the girl he loves takes him in hand and wants
to help him. However the reality around him starts to break-down: he hears voices; music playing in
his head; people act strangely and people even transform into other people while he is with them.
Like Jacob’s Ladder, some of his symptoms such as hearing and seeing things which are not there,
and reading too much into his environment and making erroneous connections, are all symptoms of

a psychotic episode or schizophrenia. And if we return to Jake Singer from Jacob’s Ladder who is
enrolled in a programme of veteran care, is it not more reasonable to assume that his odd
hallucinations are the result of post traumatic stress disorder rather than the result of him being
dead and trapped in purgatory?

There is a curious branch of ancient Greek philosophy called Solipsism whose main contention is that
the there is no objective way to prove the existence of anything else in the world apart from
yourself. That one can only be sure of oneself and that the whole of reality around could be some
kind of unreal fantasy. This train of thought has been attacked and discredited over the years of
course because it is very close to a dangerously psychotic line of reasoning, but the fact remains that
if you tell yourself that all of the stimuli available to the bodily sense may also be faked and could
equally be a fantasy, then the imperviousness of this delusion would be complete. Someone in the
grip of such a line of thought, who believed everyone else was fake and didn’t really exist, would be
totally unreachable to reason because anything you said and did to try to prove your own reality
would be dismissed as an illusion. Many schizophrenics actually think like this. Films like The Matrix
also play on this particular malaise. While The Matrix is empowering and actually tries to teach us
something about how we humans are being used as a power source by the Empire it is also likely to
implant dangerous delusions in susceptible people. The film tells us that what we are seeing with
our eyes may not even be real and that a deeper reality is available but one needs to meet the ‘right
people’ in order to be correctly disconnected from the false reality. Who are the ‘right people’? May
not someone involved in a Masonic courtship be led to believe that they are the right people? It
certainly very nearly happened to me. And it was films like those discussed which set me on this
particular road in the first place.

So the solution offered to someone who may be having slightly unusual experiences and indeed
may be developing schizophrenia, as outlined in the film Vanilla Sky, would be to run around
shouting out ‘Tech Support’ at the top of your voice, before convincing yourself that none of your
friends are real and throwing yourself from a tall building. Anyone who has researched schizophrenia
to some small degree will know that death by jumping from high buildings is the most common
cause of suicide amongst schizophrenics.189

“John Joyce and Simon Fleminger in their research paper entitled Suicide Attempts by Jumping found
that from the period of September 1990 to November 1994 there were 962 admissions to the Royal
London Hospital in Whitechapel via the London Air Ambulance. Of these 77 were identified as being
involved in some form of self-harm of these a large proportion 61, of these 61 who self harmed
though jumping from a height, 51 already had case notes and a history of various psychological
disturbances. In their study a clear link is drawn between psychological disturbances and suicide
attempts by jumping.”

Indeed, research carried out by the university hospital of psychiatry in Bern Switzerland, indicates

“Persons who jumped from heights in general were more likely to suffer from schizophrenia than
those who used other methods.”190

In the next image we see how David Aames becomes convinced that neither Doctor McCabe nor his
friend Brian Shelby are real. There is no doubt that this is a relatively common schizoid delusion.

This apparent confirmation of the illusory nature of his reality leads him to throw himself from the
top of a very tall building in order to end the virtual reality programme he is apparently involved in.
Such a line of delusion, that someone is involved in a ‘virtual reality’ simulation of one kind or
another has always been a common symptom of schizophrenia. Some schizophrenics think they are
‘dead’ or in a hell of some kind, usually this thought comes to them as a result of guilt about
something they did or something that was done to them in the past and which they find impossible
to put behind them. They often believe they are being punished in some way. I spoke to
schizophrenia sufferers on the streets of Brighton and found this attitude that they feel they have
been ‘bad people’ and that they somehow deserve to be on the streets as part of their purgatory. It
is very hard to break such a way of thinking, particularly as the human brain tends to select the
evidence in the world around them to suit and support the conclusions they have already reached.
For example, somebody who thinks all men are pigs or a person who had been hurt by women, will
actively search for examples which fit their prejudices in order to make them feel correct in their
beliefs. Other evidence which does not suit their ideas will either not be noticed or be discarded as
anomalous. Not only this but you must surely have noticed that if you are feeling insecure or a little
sensitive, then suddenly the world seems more threatening and dangerous. Or conversely, if you’re
in love then the world suddenly appears a much more sympathetic place and wherever you look you
see only happy couples and happy contented people. If you’re happy you attract good things, if
you’re feeling depressed or down you will attract things which will only deepen your condition.
Some people call this ‘the law of attraction’, and it is true to some extent that we do create our own
reality. On one level this is nearly a mystical phenomenon which defies explanation by our current
scientific methods, on another level it is totally obvious that say a happy friendly person has more
chance of making friends and living in a happier reality than say a depressed and reserved person
has of making new friends and meeting people.

So my question is what is the purpose of making films like this? Let’s forget the science fiction
storyline for a minute because virtual reality of this type simply doesn’t exist, but mental illnesses
where crazed maniacs suffocate their girlfriends (see next image) because they don’t ‘recognise
them anymore’, sadly do exist.

Or people running through public places shouting ‘I wanna wake-up!’ or ‘It’s a nightmare!’ or other
seemingly incoherent rantings, also exist. Is this film a hidden way of managing potentially
dangerous schizophrenics by encouraging them to kill themselves and hence no longer be a danger
to society? Who knows? It seems unlikely perhaps so there may be a second possibility for the
sudden trend in these odd sort of metaphysical films.

The effect on myself of these films was to prime me for the Luciferian awareness of the Illuminated
Freemasons. The next scene from Vanilla Sky is one of the key scenes and is the first time the viewer
and indeed David Aames himself, becomes aware that things are really not as they seem at all. At
this point the viewer still doesn’t know about the virtual reality world he is trapped in since signing
up with the Life Extension corporation (whose curious jingle ‘I have the universe inside me’ evokes
many of the metaphysical beliefs of many of the world’s cults and Gnostic mystery religions). What
we see in the scene takes place on two levels simultaneously: the character Edmund Ventura
(played by Noah Taylor) is ‘tech support’ for the lucid dream which Aames is involved in. Ventura
introduces himself in the quasi mystical manner of the new-age self-help guru. It is as if we the
viewer are being addressed directly by Ventura, and the viewer awaits this moment as the great
unveiling that will finally explain what has been happening all along, not just to Aames but perhaps,
to certain of us who have had encounters with strange metaphysical events and Masonic theatrics.

‘You must overcome your fears, regain control, take a hold of your life again.. What if I were to tell
you that you can take control of all of this, everything? Even me. David look at all these people,
seems as though they’re just all chatting away, doesn’t it? Nothing to do with you? And yet, Maybe
they’re only here because you wanted them to be here.. you are their God! not only that but you can
make them obey you, or even destroy you.’

It seems clear that Venture is trying to implant a delusion in Aames’ mind. Again I would ask you not
to accept the plot-line of a futuristic technology which can create an artificial reality because this is
simply a fantasy, but instead ask yourself, in the similar manner of Jacob’s Ladder and the soldier
traumatised by war and having strange hallucinations, to look at what elements of this situation
could be real and stage-managed for various purposes. While I lived in Tokyo and was being
recruited to join the Freemasons and also become a spy as detailed in a previous chapter, I would
find that I was more or less constantly shadowed. I would often go into an empty bar or restaurant,
and within about ten minutes I would have people sitting all around me; or if in a bar, the place
would suddenly fill with people who seemed to be watching me. It happened so consistently and
repeatedly that it wasn’t mere coincidence but it was an example of Masonic targeting and
shadowing of selected individuals. If you can accept my claim that I was being recruited by the
secret services then it stands to reason that the first thing they would do would be to track my
movements and secondly, to give me the feeling that I no longer had any privacy in order that I
eventually learn to police myself and act with the discretion required of a spy. This is what they do
and forms just a part of the overall training of secret operatives. They have to convince the spy that
everything they do is watched and that they can have no secrets from the organisation they are
working for.

Could not the above scene be recreated with Masonic operatives filling the restaurant and could not
the character of Ventura be a Masonic recruitment agent? Particularly if Aames’ movements were
fairly regular and he tended to visit the same bars, it would be quite a simple thing for a group to
gradually descend on the restaurant and give the impression of being discrete and unconnected
individuals but in fact they had all been called to this restaurant in order to initiate this character
Aames into a new form of consciousness. Namely the consciousness that ‘you are a God’. This is how
they do things and have always done it since the earliest mystery cults. They implant delusions and
because of the power of the human brain, what a person sincerely believes with all their heart and
soul becomes totally real for them. I have no doubt that the Kings of Europe and before them the
Roman Emperors, and particularly the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, underwent a similar experience
which changed their outlook of the nature of reality and made them become convinced that they
were Gods. Many schizophrenics believe they have God-like power, and the distortions of reality

which their misfiring neurons and poorly insulated neural pathways produce, convince them this is
true. But what of the ancient Egyptians and Kings who actually possessed the genuine temporal
power of thousands of humans, would not it be almost difficult to believe that they weren’t special
in some way?

But how far does this go today? What about Presidents and Prime-Ministers, even film stars and pop
singers? Do they secretly harbour delusions of grandeur which explain their exalted status?

Do some of these stars of our world share the same problem as Tom Cruise’s character who admits ‘I
don’t know what’s real!’? Are our leaders living in a world of their own ‘made-to-order’ delusions?
Does this explain why a person like George W Bush can claims to speak to God and work for him?
Just how nutty are these people?

‘Can you tell the difference between dreams and reality?’ Dr McCabe asks Aames, again this is a
common symptom of schizophrenia. McCabe is, quite reasonably, treating Aames as if he were a
schizophrenic. Which without the futuristic storyline of virtual reality, is exactly what he appears to
be. So again, any schizophrenics watching this movie, particularly the moment when Ventura seems
to directly address the audience, may find themselves following the further suggestions in the film,
to the final moment of the film where the only way to resolve their problem and get rid of their
symptoms is to face what Ventura calls the ‘true moment of choice’ and kill themselves and ‘wake
up’ to an apparently ultimate and more authentic reality.

What got me through the madness was a combination of things: primarily the awareness that
something strange had happened to my mind and that if something in me had changed then there is
no reason it could not be changed back. My dabbling with LSD as a student at university told me that
somehow my body was producing dopamine and psychoactive compounds. At one point I thought I
was being spiked by someone but I cast that idea away as being truly paranoid.

So I survived, and find myself neither in the mad-house nor in the Masons but here to tell you an
extraordinary tale of what has been going on here on Earth for thousands of years.


Chapter 18

The Mechanics of Mind-Control on the Big-Screen Part 1.

Successful psychological manipulation involves:

“Manipulator concealing aggressive intentions and behaviours. Manipulator knowing the

psychological vulnerabilities of the victim to determine what tactics are likely to be most effective
Manipulator having a sufficient level of ruthlessness to have no qualms about causing harm to the
victim necessary.” Dr George K Simon. 191

Sometimes the truth gets out: often screenwriters and novelists may write a bestselling book which
is dramatised into a bestselling movie. Such is the case of Dennis Lahane who wrote Mystic River
which was then made into a film directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tim Robbins (hello again
Tim! What a small world!) The film is a predictable example of the art of how to traumatise and
depress people. If you want to have your will to live sucked out of you and have it replaced by a
feeling of forlorn futility, then go and watch Mystic River. It’s just needlessly traumatic and
depressing and despite its pretensions of investigating child-abuse, it really doesn’t go anywhere
near the truth of who is really behind it. It just does what the media does and blames the church,
without investigating whether these members of the church themselves might also be a member of
something else as well. No mention of course of satanic ritual or occult abuse of course because
there is a media blackout on that. So on the strength of its traumatising and weakening effect on the
public, and also its squarely blaming the Church for all instances of the sexual abuse of minors, just
as the Illuminati said it would do in Weishaupt’s Spartacus letters 192, it seems Lahane managed to
get another of his stories made into a film.

Shutter Island193 however is a very different proposition. As the novel Mystic River deals with the
hidden reality of child abuse by certain factions of so called community leaders like police officers,
Shutter Island deals with the hidden reality of psychological abuse by certain factions of the so called
medical profession.

Shutter Island is the story of a Federal Marshall Teddy Daniels and his investigation into the
disappearance of a psychiatric patient named Rachel Solando from an extremely high security
psychiatric facility based on an Island off the coast of Boston.

What we are watching in Shutter Island is a fictionalised account of the type of brainwashing and
mind control programmes which were carried out during the 1950’s under the name of the US
government’s top secret MK-Ultra project based on New York’s Long Island. There are techniques
which were brought into the US after World War Two when as part of the now declassified
Operation Paperclip, Nazi rocket scientists such as Wernher Von Braun, and experts at various
species of torture such as Dr Josef Mengele and Kurt Blume (a chemical and biological expert who
experimented on human patients in concentration camps but was acquitted at the Nuremburg
trials), were spirited away from the crumbling ruins of Germany and safely ensconced within top
secret government facilities to continue their research. 194

The facile conclusion which many people come to when watching Shutter Island is that Teddy Daniel
isn’t really Teddy Daniels but is actually Andrew Laeddis who apparently killed his own wife after she
had drowned their three children. They are often fairly vigorous in their certitude that this is the
correct interpretation of the film and that anyone who offers a different view of the film’s story is
paranoid. Indeed at the time of writing, Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB and Wikipedia, have entirely
erroneous synopses for Shutter Island, and perhaps this fact more than any other, shows the true
power of mind control.

If even a presumably semi-intelligent movie-viewer has sat through two hours of the film and
followed the story of Teddy Daniels, yet within the last ten minutes of the film, has had their
recollection of events so totally modified by the smooth talking and persuasive Dr Cawley, then
indeed, what hope was there for poor Teddy Daniels and the thousands of other people, in the real
world, who are daily subjected to extremely invasive and unscrupulous techniques of mind control?

“That's the Kafkaesque genius of it. People tell the world you're crazy, and all your protests to the
contrary just confirm what they're saying. Once you're declared insane, then anything you do is
called part of that insanity. Reasonable protests are denial. Valid fears, paranoia. Survival instincts
are defence mechanisms.”

There are so many obvious inconsistencies and so many clearly transparent tricks between the
reality of Teddy Daniel’s character and the mind control fantasy which Dr Cawley conjures out of the
air, that one wonders if the film’s audience themselves weren’t perhaps more profoundly
hypnotised than DiCaprio’s federal marshal.

Looking through CIA documentation on MK Ultra I noticed the following areas which seemed to
serve as a sort of ‘wish-list’ or a focus for their research. Much of this ties in quite well with the
events of Shutter Island and my analysis of the film. On the CIA Christmas list for 1953 were the
following items:

“A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol,
etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types
on an ad hoc basis.”

“Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered
in undetectable amounts.”

“Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of
surreptitious use.”

The first thing which is slightly out of the ordinary for Teddy Daniels comes at the ferry crossing from
Boston Harbour to Shutter Island. As he steps on the deck he meets his new partner for the first
time, and finds also that his cigarettes have mysteriously disappeared. As a result he is obliged to
smoke one of Chuck’s cigarettes, at the time Chuck comments:

‘Government employees will rob you blind.’ Says Chuck, but Daniels little suspects that his cigarettes
have indeed been stolen in order that he becomes dependent on Chuck’s adulterated cigarettes.
What I wish to demonstrate, is that from here on, Daniel’s is the unwitting victim of a concerted and
extremely well organised programme of very brutal mind control.

Mind control works by destabilising the victim’s sense of reality and making them reach a point
where they start to abdicate their own will to the direction and suggestion of others. At such a point
a person becomes a virtual slave of any person providing directions or cues which seem to fit with
the perceived ‘new’ reality. In order for this technique to succeed the most important thing is to
gradually sap the strength of mind and sense of authority which the person has. Thus enfeebled they
will simply be unable to defend themselves and will be at the mercy of their captors. In short it is a
form of hypnosis.

However, it is necessary, if this technique is to succeed, for the victim to voluntarily surrender his
own will, because a battle of wills would only strengthen the victim’s resistance and resolve.
Therefore, it is necessary for the manipulator to create the ‘good appearance’ of a reason for the
victim to acquiesce, and in the film the process begins before Teddy has even entered the compound
where he is obliged to suppress his own feelings on the matter and indeed, his legal entitlement as a
Federal Marshall to always bear a firearm while on duty, when he is told he cannot enter the
compound with his firearm. This is the first step of Teddy surrendering his own will and provides an
apt metaphor of how the technique of mind control can succeed.

In order for mind control to become effective on someone, like hypnosis, it is necessary for the
person targeted to acquiesce to it. It is a well known fact among professional hypnotists that it is
impossible to hypnotise someone who doesn’t want to be hypnotised. But there are ways and tricks
which can be pulled off to force someone to become suggestible and lower their defences and
effectively allow the manipulator to recreate a reality for them, just as the hypnotist-entertainer
does during his stage show. These methods include: inducing feelings of unbearable guilt or shame;
inducing the feeling that the manipulator knows what they’re doing and can be trusted; inducing
confusion and disorientation. The aims of these methods are that the victim finally acquiesces
through fear of the consequences of non compliance. As we will see as we further examine the film
Shutter Island and explore the events as the plot unfolds, all of these techniques are used on Federal
Agent Teddy Daniels.

Fairly early on in the film Teddy realises that things are not quite as they seem on the island when he
interviews Mrs Kearns who has been incarcerated for murdering her philandering husband. During
the interview she asks Chuck to get her a glass of water and during his absence she quickly writes
something in Teddy’s note book. After the interview Teddy expresses his suspicions to Chuck that
things are not quite as they seem:

“She was coached. She used practically the same words as Cawley and the nurse, like she'd been told
exactly what to say.”

This is because Mrs Kearns says the same sentence, word for word, as Dr Cawley:

“She believed her kids were alive. She thought she was still living in the Berkshires, and we were all
her neighbours, the milkmen, postmen..Deliverymen.”

After the interview, Teddy reveals the note which Mrs Kearns had written to him while he was away.

This is the first suggestion that Teddy is in some kind of danger, although at this stage, he still has
the self confidence and sense of authority not to take the warning seriously and he unwisely decides
to stay on the island and investigate the wild goose chase of Rachel Solando’s disappearance.

It is necessary to explode the myth that somehow Teddy Daniels is a fiction of the imagination of
someone called Andrew Laeddis, which is the mind control fantasy which Teddy is seemingly
convinced of at the end, or at least, that he has become sufficiently confused and his world

ambiguous enough, to knock the fight out of him and make him no longer sure quite who he is. At
the end Chuck calls after him: ‘Teddy?’ but for once he doesn’t respond to the name. This is the
signal that he IS actually now insane and that he can now be legally lobotomised because he no
longer sees himself as Teddy Daniels. This is why he is taken to the lighthouse at the end and
lobotomised. Teddy reaches a point where he starts playing the game on the Doctors’ terms and
wants to know what he has to do in order not to get lobotomised. He imagines that if he pretends to
be Andrew Leiddis and ‘plays along’ then he will not be lobotomised by the operation Paperclip Nazi
Dr Naehring. However by assuming the role of Andrew Laeddis he actually shows the contrary. He
has been tricked: It is only when he begins to accept or ‘play along’ with Dr Cawley’s schizoid
suggestions, that he isn’t really who he thinks he is, that he does become a genuine patient, and
immediately we notice a change in Dr Cawley’s tone:

“Who's Teddy Daniels?”

”He doesn't exist. Neither does Rachel Solando. l made them up. l killed them.”

“Here's my fear, Andrew. We broke through once before, nine months ago, and then you regressed.
You reset, Andrew. Like a tape playing over and over on an endless loop. l hope that what we've done
here will be enough to stop it from ever happening again, but l need to know you've accepted

It is only when he accepts the insane reality being offered by Dr Cawley that he can legally be
classified as insane and they can therefore neutralise him with irreversible brain surgery.

As Dr Cawley himself says:

“l swore before the Board of Overseers that l could construct the most radical cutting-edge role-play
ever attempted in psychiatry, and it would bring you back.”

It is quite correct to say that he has created a cutting-edge role play, but its intents were not to
bring Teddy Daniel’s back, but to neutralise a threat to their experiments.

I wouldn’t say Daniels becomes convinced himself, but feels sufficiently disorientated and deranged
by his experiences on Shutter Island, to be able to offer no more resistance to his captors. His final
words in the film are

“Which would be worse? To live as a monster or to die as a good man?” at this point he briefly looks
straight into the eyes of Doctor Sheenan who is still impersonating his partner Chuck Aumes, before
he is led away. The ‘good man’ refers to himself about to be made dead to the world, he is
comparing himself to his evil captors who have used personally invasive psychological techniques to
neutralise the threat to their ongoing experiments by carrying out a lobotomy on Teddy. He asks if it
is better to die as a victim of evil men or to live on as an evil man? He asks this because he himself is
going to ‘die’ a good man, the lobotomy will effectively kill any sense of Teddy Daniel’s identity, yet
Dr Sheenan, Dr Cawley and the other ‘monsters’ will have to live on with full awareness of the
terrible evil they have perpetrated upon an innocent man.

For anyone who has seen the film and still has doubts that I have made the correct interpretation of
the film, I would ask you to remember the early scenes of the film where Teddy has just met Chuck,

and remembers his dead wife. She is shown as a blonde haired blue eyed woman and she reappears
at frequent intervals as Teddy begins to hallucinate as a result of him being spiked with psychoactive
drugs .

Compare this with the implanted mind control version of reality which Dr Cawley successfully
hypnotises Teddy into believing near the end of the film. We see a completely different woman who
is in fact known as Rachel Solando who Teddy had come to search for on the Island and who herself
was said to have killed her three children. None of this is true however and the woman Rachel
Solando is fictional just as Andrew Laeddis is fictional. The significance of both names is used in the
final stages of Teddy’s mind control. Because of the drug induced nightmares which have become
schizoid hallucinations, all of the stimuli of Ashecliffe Hospital is entering his subconscious and
attempting to supplant the reality already within. At the stage below he sees Solando as his wife, but
as his hypnosis develops he starts to transmigrate the acts of Rachel Solando (who in the book is
revealed to be a doctor impersonating this character and she gives him a sedative shot as he is taken
to the Ward C in shackles and incarcerated) into the real person of his wife Dolores Chanal.

As we can see, in the later stages of the film, due to the drugs he has been spiked with, Teddy starts
having traumatic dreams, visions and hallucinations. Trauma is the key to mind control. As is
explained later in the film, as an excuse for institutionalising the victim and also as a weapon to
wield to further damage the victim’s psyche.

“Let me ask you. Any past traumas in your life? Because they're gonna point to some event in your
past and say it's the reason you lost your sanity. So that when they commit you here, your friends
and colleagues will say, ''Of course he cracked. ''Who wouldn't after what he'd been through?''
The point is they're gonna say it about you. How's your head? Any funny dreams lately? Trouble

Dr Naehring, the Nazi doctor explains the connection between Teddy’s strange dreams, the strange
and unsettling events of Ashecliffe and Teddy’s advancing susceptibility to mind control.

“Did you know that the word ‘trauma’ comes from the Greek for ‘wound’? And what is the German
word for 'dream'? Wounds can create monsters, and you...You are wounded, Marshal. And wouldn't
you agree, when you see a monster, you must stop it?”

The German word for dream is of course ‘traum’ as in trauma, and it is believed that the origin of the
word dream comes from the German word ‘traum’. It seems clear that Teddy’s dreams or rather his
nightmares while on the island, are the result of the series of traumas which are inflicted on him,
beginning right back at the beginning of his encounter with Dr Cawley when he shows him the
picture of the dead little girl and tells him the story of how Rachel Solando murdered her three
children. From this point on these traumas start to enter his consciousness through his dreams until
he starts to have waking visions of his wife Dolores who actually starts to become the mythical
Rachel Solando and at this point he becomes mind controlled and by extension, actually insane.

The doctors are at this point well aware of his life-story and know exactly the effect their role plays,
dramas and drugs will have on Teddy’s psyche, as these are ‘scientific’ repeatable techniques with
measurable results which the Nazis developed and transmitted to America.195 This is occult ritual
become science. Like any other scientific process, there are certain predictable outcomes which are
assured when several different variables are known and specific psychologically provoking stimuli
can be applied. This is why psychology is actually classed as one of the sciences because it is
predictable and it is entirely possible that if enough variables can be controlled, then a person’s
mind can be radically altered.

Due to the overall disordered state of his mind at this point his subconscious mind has started to
accept the hypnotic suggestion that Rachel Solando was actually his wife Dolores Chanal, as we can
see in the previous image, Teddy himself is becoming increasingly unsure of what is real and what is
not, but the fact that he now ‘remembers’ his wife killing their children, when his wife actually
appears to be the same woman who he was apparently sent to the island to find, and who it was
said, murdered her three children, but who was certainly alive and well, should tell us there is a
certain logical inconsistency in the whole scenario. Many viewers simply miss these clues that the
‘reality’ which Daniels is being forced to accept is simply a fabrication.

The person playing Rachel Solando above is engaging in a combination of psychological techniques
designed to destabilise and confuse the victim. If you recall, earlier in the film, Dr Cawley had told

“She believes we're all deliverymen, milkmen, postal workers. To sustain the delusion that her
children never died, she's created an elaborate fictional structure, and she gives us all parts to play in
that fiction.”

When she first sees Teddy she creates the fiction that he is her dead husband, Teddy plays along
because it seems to be what is expected of him in this situation, and perhaps he is slightly projecting
his own feelings of loss onto her, suddenly however, ‘Solando’ turns on him, verbally and physically
attacking him:

“l buried you. l buried an empty casket. Your body rained down, lumps of flesh splashing into the sea,
eaten by sharks. My Jim's dead, so who the fuck are you? Who the fuck are you? Who are you?”

The sudden change around from ‘Solando’ playing the ‘poor me’ victim role, and demanding
sympathy at one moment, then turning into a violent rage and blaming Teddy, is a complex
psychological attack which combines a great many of the techniques of psychological harassment as
defined by psychological harassment expert, Dr Simon. He has identified nearly twenty individual
techniques which can be used by unscrupulous people to upset and disempower their victims and
Teddy has unknowingly walked straight into a programme of extremely advanced mind control.
Remember as I previously mentioned, if you read the book version, ,it is made clear that this fake
Rachel Solando is actually a doctor at Ashecliffe Hospital engaging in role-play:

“’It was you. With dye in your hair. You’re Rachel.’ She said ‘Don’t flinch,’ and sank the needle into his
arm. He caught her eye. ‘You’re an excellent actress. I mean you really had me, all that stuff about
your dear dead Jim. Very convincing Rachel.’... ‘It was you,’ he said. The nod didn’t come from her
chin. It came from her eyes, a tiny downward flick of them...’

Many techniques which Dr Simon alludes to have been compounded in the individual set pieces and
role plays which Teddy inadvertently stumbles into. As former psychology student, the character
George Noyce tells him later in the film:

“They knew! Don't you get it? Everything you were up to. Your whole plan. This is a game. All of this
is for you. You're not investigating anything. You're a fucking rat in a maze!”

The techniques of psychological manipulation as defined by Dr George Simon in his book In Sheep’s
Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People are all played out on Shutter Island.
For example Rachel Solando initially ‘elicited sympathy’ by pretending to think Teddy was her
husband, she then moves on to ‘seduction’ of Teddy by holding him close and drawing comfort from
him, then there is the shock and sudden surprise as she turns on him and ‘brandishes anger’ to
destabilise a now emotionally off-guard Teddy, she then goes on to ‘vilify the victim’, ‘blaming and
shaming’ him for pretending to be her husband in the first place when he was actually seduced into
the role by her and before this, by the advice of Dr Cawley. As Dr Simon observes the effect of such
guilt tripping and shaming are:

“... an effective way to foster a sense of inadequacy in the victim. . This usually results in the victim
feeling bad, keeping them in a self doubting, anxious and submissive position.’

Teddy is visibly traumatised by the experience as we can see in the next image, further weakening
him psychologically.

Following this covert attack on Teddy, he is ordered by Dr Cawley to go down to the basement. At
this point he is no longer the one giving the orders, he is being led around and looked after like a sick
child. Compare the assertive and blunt Teddy of the first few hours on the island to what he has
been reduced to by drug induced migraines and a catalogue of unsettling shocks and surprises.

Below is the shot immediately following Teddy’s traumatic encounter with Rachel Solando. The
statue in Dr Cawley’s room is a representation of the Greek God Pan. From the name Pan we have
the origin of the term ‘panic’. It was said that during battle Pan had to the power to instil disorder
and fear. I believe Scorsese as the film’s director, is trying to show the occult connection between
techniques of mind control and the practises of the ancient mystery schools, which as I have already
tried to show earlier in this book, were created to sow disorder and confusion into the mind of the
initiate and make him or her more pliable to furthering the goals of the group.

The fact that this statue is found in Cawley’s quarters, shows clearly that Dr Cawley sees himself as a
modern priest of the cult of Pan, after all one would only harbour a statue of the ‘God’ Pan if one
had a particular allegiance to that God, just as seeing a figurine of Jesus, or a crucifix on the wall of
someone’s house clearly shows that they are a Christian.

As the story develops and the mind control programme is cranked up into overdrive, the initial
veiled threats and hints about how ‘dangerous’ Shutter Island would be if somehow the patients
escaped, becomes a reality:

“The backup generator's failed. The whole place has gone crazy.” Patients are released and let loose
leading to pandemonium all over the island in the attempt to further break Teddy’s will and make
him ever more defenceless and ever more fearful.

Daniels is seen visibly wringing his hands in fear as he looks around at the scenes of chaos all around
him. Guards chasing escaped patients, trees blown over by the storm, useless fences which have
been knocked down and cut electrical security wires.

“Christ. You think the whole electrical system is fried? All the electronic security, the fences.. ...the
gates, the doors.” He looks around nervously and clearly his own fear is increasing with every
moment he remains on the island.

All throughout the film you will remember that Daniels is continually complaining about the
brightness of the lights and he keeps developing migraines as a result, thus providing Dr Cawley with
an excuse to give him some unidentified pills which he claims will reduce the pain.

The following scene, where Chuck and Daniels enter the infamous ward C finally gives some clues
into the significance and cause of the strange photosensitivity which Daniels is suffering from. Later
on in the film, in the final denouement and final battle for Daniels’ freedom, the headaches and
photosensitivity are used by Dr Cawley as proof that he is the mentally deranged Andrew Laeddis
and that the symptoms are actually withdrawal symptoms from no longer taking his prescribed anti-
psychotic medicine.

As he enterers the compound everything is arranged to startle and subtly unnerve him: from the
huge branch of a storm felled tree being cleared from the roof and falling to the ground with a crash
just as he happens to arrive. As they enter Ward C a guard jumps out at them and we see the odd
recurrent light effect of a power surge going through a bulb and we hear the crackle of electricity.

Indeed, certain types of incandescent light bulbs are known to trigger migraines in an estimated 12-
14 percent of the population who suffer from Irlen syndrome196 whose symptoms are increased light
and contrast sensitivity: health workers are advised not to have exposed light bulbs for fear of
triggering symptoms in those susceptible. But, throughout Ashecliffe Hospital on Shutter Island, we
have just that and this is the reason for the peculiar lingering close up and accompanying sound
effect of the crackling of the electric light early on in the film: Scorsese is hinting about the true
meaning of the film and the deliberate nature of all these triggers.

A guard then jumps out at them and reads the riot act to Chuck and Daniels, while bright lights
continue to flash on and off.

“We got most of the bugsies locked down now ,but some of them are still loose .And if you see one,
don't try to restrain him yourselves. These fuckers will kill you. Clear? All right, get your asses moving
then. Go on.”

Everything that happens to Teddy is prearranged and set up. Everyone else in the film is engaged in a
role play to destabilise Teddy. As they progress through Ward C Chuck becomes separated from
Teddy. At which point a bald patient named Billings jumps out at Teddy and nearly strangles him to
death. He then fights back in order to defend himself and is caught by Chuck and admonished by
both Chuck and the guard:

“Jesus Christ, Teddy. Jesus! Oh, you got Billings. What the fuck's the matter with you guys? Catch
them, not kill them! Gotta get him to the infirmary!”

At which point Daniels, still clutching his throat where he had been strangled by Billings walks
forward to go with them, assuming they are referring to him:

“ God damn it. No, no! Not you, not you. Take a walk. Come on. Cawley's gonna have my goddamn
balls for this.” This manipulation technique we have already seen and is known as ‘vilifying the
victim’ and also shaming is specifically applied by the guard’s words and actions as he lays an
admonishing hand on Daniels, and by the admonishing looks which Chuck directs at Teddy.

Dr Simon mentions the psychological manipulators tool of ‘shaming’ and defines it thus:

“Shaming: Manipulator uses put-downs to increase fear and self doubt in the victim. Manipulators
use this tactic to make others feel unworthy and therefore defer to them. Shaming tactics can be very
subtle such as a fierce look or glance, unpleasant tone of voice, rhetorical comments, subtle sarcasm.
Manipulators can make one feel ashamed for even daring to challenge them. It is an effective way to
foster a sense of inadequacy in the victim.”

This is later used as further currency to intimidate Daniels and to insinuate that he himself is now in
real physical danger and that the escaped inmates are specifically after him:

“They heard an orderly went bat-shit on a patient. They're looking all over the place for him and
they're on their way to the roof.”

At this point Daniels is totally in the thrall of the created narrative and in full acquiescence, for he
believes his life is in danger. It is of course, but not in the way he has been led to believe. The people
who he believes are protecting him are the very people who are persecuting him. Perhaps the film
can also be read as an apt metaphor for the so called ‘War on Terror’.


Chapter 19

The Mechanics of Mind-Control on the Big-Screen Part 2.

Few people would doubt that people like the Dr Josef Mengele, Adolf Hitler, and maybe even people
like George W Bush, are historical examples of functioning psychopaths. The problem is that
psychopaths manage to quickly rise to the top by being able to read people particularly well and act
without conscience or compunction. This gives them a significant advantage over normal
conscientious and ethical people who may find that the moral shortcuts that the psychopath is
willing to take to be personally unacceptable. The functioning psychopath will frequently don a
mask in order to become popular and ingratiate themselves with people who will be able to favour
them for advancement later in their careers. In Chapter four of the book Snakes in Suits,197 Dr. Hare
and Dr. Babiak perfectly describe the cunning and unethical manipulation which a psychopath will
engage in. It is my conviction that the person playing Chuck who later reveals themselves to be Dr
Sheenan is, along with Dr Cawley and the former Nazi Dr. Naehring just such an example:

"As interaction with you proceeds, the psychopath carefully assesses your persona. Your persona
gives the psychopath a picture of the traits and characteristics you value in yourself. Your persona
may also reveal, to an astute observer, insecurities or weaknesses you wish to minimize or hide from

If you recall Daniels reveals the most intimate details of his life to Chuck who is then able to inform
the other doctors at Ashecliffe in order to create a tailor-made mind control programme.

Hare continues:

As an ardent student of human behaviour, the psychopath will then gently test the inner strengths
and needs that are part of your private self and eventually build a personal relationship with you by
communicating (through words and deeds) four important messages.

These ‘four important messages’ somewhat evoke ‘the rule of four’ which was found written on a
piece of paper in the room in which Rachel Solando was said to live. Although at the end of the film
the rule of four is revealed to be a psychological trick by which to finally snare Teddy Daniel’s mind
once and for all. At this point it is worth examining what is meant by ‘four important messages’ in
terms of psychological manipulation because they fit in with the profile of the character of Chuck so
well. They are:

1) I like who you are; 2) I am just like you; 3) Your secrets are safe with me; and 4) I am the perfect
friend or lover or partner for you. That is why psychopaths so often feel like soul-mates in a
relationship - they project your own persona back to you in their 'assumed' personality.

This is made more explicit in the book where Doctor Sheenan is actually the narrator of the story and
at one point says of Teddy during his first meeting with his alter ego Chuck:

Teddy suppressed a laugh, liking this guy a lot now. This shows how Dr Sheenan is aware that he
need to be ‘liked’ by Teddy in order for their scripted scenario to succeed: it is essential that Chuck
be trusted in order that Teddy reveal enough information about himself which they can use against
him and also that Teddy be led astray by his own feelings of responsibility toward Chuck as his
partner which is later used to bring Teddy to the lighthouse and the final showdown between his
own will and the mind control doctors’.

Chuck presents himself as Teddy’s partner and he plays on this relationship as being a sure basis for
trust and he even admonishes Teddy at one point when he refuses to let him know what he is
thinking. Chuck deceptively tries to gain trust from Teddy through seduction, by claiming a certain
level of relationship with Teddy which in fact does not exist: when Daniels refuses to give Chuck the
full details of his suspicions of the case, Chuck acts with mock outrage and hurt:

“What the hell, boss? l'm your partner, for Christ's sake.” to which Daniels pointedly replies: “We just
met, Chuck.”

Dr. Hare and Dr. Babiak explain the nature and mechanics of the bond between the psychopathic
manipulator and their victim:

..the persona of the psychopath-the "personality" the person is bonding with-does not really exist. It
was built on lies, carefully woven together to entrap you. It is a mask, one of many, custom-made by
the psychopath to fit your particular psychological needs and expectations... the relationship is one-
sided because the psychopath has an ulterior--some would say "evil"--and, at the very least, selfish
motive. The victimization goes far beyond trying to take advantage of someone on a date or during a
simple business transaction. The victimization is predatory in nature; it often leads to severe
financial, physical or emotional harm for the individual. Healthy, real relationships are built on
mutual respect and trust; they are based on sharing honest thoughts and feelings. The mistaken
belief that the psychopathic bond has any of these characteristics is the reason it is so successful.

And indeed it is the false bond created and Teddy Daniel’s attachment to Chuck which ultimately
prove to be his undoing. Despite receiving visions and dreams that Chuck is not to be trusted,

Daniels is charmed by the persona that Chuck has created and also the bond and responsibilities
which he perceives as natural to his ‘partner’.

The next image shows Dr Cawley hypnotise Daniels into accepting his version of reality; namely that
the entirely fictitious Rachel Solando, was actually Dolores Chanal: his real wife. Throughout this
scene Ben Kinglsey who plays Dr Cawley stares hard into DiCaprio’s eyes, and with sheer force of will
attempts to convince Daniels that what he is saying is true. He also shocks him by showing him the
picture of a dead girl which reminds him, not of the girl his wife supposedly killed because this is a
complete fiction, but which reminds him of the dead children he saw in Auschwitz. Hypnotism is
simply attempting to exert your will power over someone in order to so dominate them, that they
fall under the spell of your suggestions. Hypnotism has been successfully used in psychiatry for many
years and is used successfully as an aspect of encouraging patients to deal with trauma or break
harmful habits and patterns of behaviour. In this instance however, all of Dr Cawley’s fake sincerity
and concern for Teddy is nothing more than one of the psychological manipulators’ techniques.

Below the enigmatic ‘rule of four’ is explained. Teddy finds a piece of paper in ‘Rachel Solando’s
room with the phrase ‘rule of four’ written on it. It appears now that this was a plant in order to
prime Teddy’s mind for the final revelation which would finally seek to convince him of the reality of
the illusion which has been woven all throughout the film. The idea being that the irrefutable logic
that the name Edward Daniels IS an anagram of Andrew Leiddis, and that Rachel Solando IS an
anagram of Dolores Chanal, would be enough to convince Teddy that he is not really Edward Daniels
but is in fact Andrew Laeddis and that similarly, his wife was not called Dolores Chanal but Rachel

In fact neither Rachel Solando nor Andrew Laeddis even exist but are invented characters created to
allow this very moment to take place. This is why earlier Teddy states of Laeddis that:

“ Ugly-looking son of a bitch. Huge scar from his right temple down to his left lip. Eyes different
colours. Not the type of face you'd forget. He burned down a schoolhouse, killed two people, said
voices told him to do it. First he went to prison, then he got transferred here. Then nothing. He
vanished like he never existed. After Laeddis vanished, l started doing some checking on Ashecliffe.”

The reason being that the person known as Andrew Laeddis was just a character in the long term
role play. He didn’t in fact exist, but his face had to be distinctive enough that Teddy would
remember him. It is probable that this Andrew Laeddis character had been watching Teddy for a
long time and was acting under the orders of secret agencies unknown but was just another fictional
persona. Just like Chuck says of Solando:

“We came here for Rachel Solando. Where's one shred of evidence she even existed?”

Chuck as we know, is also part of the mind-control programme, and initially he masquerades as
Teddy Daniel’s partner, and later assumes the role of Teddy’s long -term personal psychiatrist. The
techniques of psychological manipulation which Chuck indulges in are many and varied and all lead
to trying to elicit a sense of trust and comradeship from Teddy, before finally turning on him at the
end and providing another voice to the chorus telling Teddy he is actually insane and none of the life
he believes he is living is even real. He also consistently reveals the truth about the situation Chuck
finds himself in in order to foster a sense of fear in Teddy. Just as the ‘other’ Rachel Solando who
Teddy meets in the cave contributes further to terrorising Teddy and making him feel powerless,
hopeless and that he has already lost.

“You haven't taken any pills, have you? And you ate the food in the cafeteria and drank the coffee
they gave you? You tell me, at least, that you've been smoking your own cigarettes. lt takes 36 to 48
hours for neuroleptic narcotics to reach workable levels in the bloodstream. Palsy comes first, first
the fingertips, then eventually the whole hand.”

The ostensible purpose of Teddy Daniels going to the island was to help locate an escaped mental
patient, this is questioned roughly half way through the film when Daniel’s real business as a federal
marshal is made plain when he reveals his real intentions and intent on the island:

“A lot of people know about this place, but no one wants to talk. You know, it's like it...lt's like they're
scared or something. You know, this place is funded by a special grant from The House Un-American
Activities Committee?”

Daniels then explains that he believes ‘experiments on the mind’ are taking place on the island and

“Like l said, no one would talk, right? Till l found somebody who used to be a patient here. Guy's
name is George Noyce. Nice college kid. Socialist. He gets offered some money to do a psych study.
Guess what they were testing? So, he starts seeing dragons everywhere. He almost beats his
professor to death. Ends up here in Ashecliffe, Ward C. They release him after one year, right? And
what does he do? Two weeks on the mainland, he walks into a bar, stabs three men to death. His
lawyer pleads insanity, but Noyce, he stands up in the courtroom and he... He begs the judge for the
electric chair. Anywhere but a mental hospital. Judge gives him life in Dedham Prison.... it's pretty
clear from what he tells me. They're experimenting on people here.”

The above narrative about the life of George Noyce reflects an actual reality of what was taking
place in the US at the time with the top-secret MK-Ultra programme. Therefore the subsequent
charge made by Dr Cawley that all of this is a fantasy dreamed up by Teddy is a total impossibility as
this kind of information about illegal drug testing would not have been available to anyone, unless
they had access to genuine top secret information: perhaps through investigation into someone they
knew personally, and what is more this information would certainly in no way have been made
available to a psychotic patient as Teddy as he is apparently portrayed to be. Someone like a Federal
marshal would most certainly be one of the few people around at the time who might have the
inside scoop on the kind of things senator Ted Kennedy exposed, many years later on the Senate
floor in 1977:

“The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in
an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program which included covert drug tests on unwitting
citizens ‘at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign.’ Several of these tests
involved the administration of LSD to ‘unwitting subjects in social situations.’ At least one death, that
of Dr Olson resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little
scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers.”

The film dialogue continues:

“Wait a minute. You started asking around about Ashecliffe, waiting for a chance to get out here,
and then suddenly they need a U.S. Marshal?”

“Yeah, l got lucky. There was a patient escape. lt was the perfect excuse.”

“No, no, no, boss. Luck doesn't work that way. The world doesn't work that way. They got an
electrified fence around a septic facility. Ward C is inside a Civil War fort? A Chief of Staff with ties to
the OSS? Funding from HUAC? l mean, Jesus Christ, everything about this place stinks of government
ops. What if they wanted you here? - You were asking questions. What if while you were looking into
them, they were looking into you? All they had to do was fake an escape to get you here, and now
they have you. Now they have us both. Here! Now!”

It is worth while nothing that the peculiarly loud volume and the accent with which Chuck shouts the
word ‘Now’ timed to coincide with the sudden opening of the tomb in which they had been hiding

along with the appearance of deputy warden McPherson, indicate that Chuck himself may have
been signalling their location and that his shouting the word ‘now’ indicated to the staff the
optimum moment for them to make their appearance. It is also odd that Chuck could have come to
the conclusion that ‘they were looking into you’ as there is simply no evidence or reason for him to
come to such a conclusion. Simply it is a further attempt to disorder and sow a feeling of panic into
the Marshall’s mind. McPherson calls with a bullhorn and bright lights shine into their location. How
could McPherson have known where to find him and how could the lights have been so arranged as
to shine directly into the tomb if somehow Teddy’s location had not been given away by Chuck?
Straightaway Teddy adapts the mentality of the hunted, and seems to wince visibly from the sound
of the bullhorn and the bright glare of the lights shining on them.

It is also worth pointing out that at this stage when they are ‘captured’ their clothes are confiscated
and they are forced to wear the white orderlies’ uniforms. Without his own clothes it seems that
Teddy has suffered a major setback in getting off the island and this symbolically start the process of
institutionalising Teddy and reducing his freedom and making him more and more dependent on
Ashcliffe and acquiescing further to Dr Cawley’s instructions. He is effectively locked in the
basement and imprisoned and also given more unidentified pills.

“l'm gonna have to ask you to go down into the basement. There's food, water and cots. lt's the
safest place to be when the hurricane hits. Are you all right? You look pale.”

“l'm fine. lt's just...lt's just so goddamn bright, isn't it?”

“Photosensitivity, headaches sometimes. Take the pills, Marshal.”

On Shutter Island Daniels later comes across ‘the real Rachel Solando’ who claims to have once been
a doctor at Ashcliffe before she was incarcerated as a patient herself when she started asking too
many questions. Although she is just another plant involved in a deeper level of the role play, she
serves to increase his sense of panic and general insecurity and the sense that there is nothing he
can do. However, despite her being just another agent of the mind control experiment, she tells him
the secret of the island:

“Recreate a man so he doesn't feel pain or love or sympathy. A man who can't be interrogated,
because he has no memories to confess. You can never take away all a man's memories. Never.
Marshal, the North Koreans used American POWs during their brainwashing experiments. They
turned soldiers into traitors. That's what they're doing here. They're creating ghosts to go out in the

world and do things sane men... Sane men never would. Fifty years from now, people will look back
and say, here, this place, is where it all began. The Nazis used the Jews, Soviets used prisoners in their
own Gulags, and we tested patients on Shutter Island.”

One incident in the public record of someone being involved in a mind control programme which
modified the victim’s behaviour to such a degree that this person went from child prodigy accepted
by Harvard University at 16 years old to Unabomber at 36, killing 3 people and injuring 23 others.

While at Harvard university Ted Kaczynski found himself selected without his knowledge to take part
in MK Ultra experiments on behaviour modification.198 From August 1959 through to Spring 1962,
Ted was subjected to personal attacks and techniques of psychological manipulation directed by
former OSS (CIA precursor) officer and head of mind-control experiments Henry Murray. The
possible format of these experiments may not have been wholly dissimilar to what we have seen in
this chapter and in chapters two and three of this volume. The upshot of this method of attack was
that during seminars he was accompanied by what appeared to be other students but who were in
fact plants, and these plants were there to monitor and assess his reactions to their attacks and

Eventually Ted started having psychotic episodes and became a fully paranoid schizophrenic raving
about strange machinations and secret groups. But he wasn’t paranoid. Like the old joke goes:
you’re not paranoid if they ARE out to get you.

For the final showdown with Dr Cawley and the final unveiling of the fact that Teddy is indeed ‘a rat
in a maze’ he is taken to the meeting by the psychotic and intimidating looking Warden of Ashecliffe
who addresses Teddy as a fellow psychopath:

“Did you enjoy God's latest gift? The violence. We wage war, we burn sacrifices, and pillage and
plunder and tear at the flesh of our brothers. And why? Because God gave us violence to wage in his
honour. l thought God gave us moral order. There's no moral order as pure as this storm.”

This is straight out of the little book of Nazi ideology. The Nazis often spoke of a ‘moral world order’
and the Warden’s words seem to evoke the attitude of Hitler as expressed in Mein Kamp:

“Either the world will be ruled according to the ideas of democracy, or the world will be dominated
according to the natural law of force; in the latter case the people of brute force will be victorious.” 199

The Warden also seeks to suitably weaken and terrorise Teddy before the critical meeting with
Cawley which will finally decide the fate of Daniels and the continuation of psychological
experimentation on the island:

“ lf the constraints of society were lifted, and l was all that stood between you and a meal, you would
crack my skull with a rock and eat my meaty parts. Cawley thinks you're harmless, that you can be
controlled, but l know different.-Oh, l know you. We've known each other for centuries. lf l was to
sink my teeth into your eye right now, would you be able to stop me before l blinded you?”

According to Harriet Braiker in her book entitled Who’s Pulling Your Strings? How to break the Cycle
of Manipulation, this is known as: ‘Traumatic one trial learning: using verbal abuse, explosive anger,
or other intimidating behaviour to establish dominance or superiority; even one incident of such
behaviour can condition or train victims to avoid upsetting, confronting or contradicting the

Although Daniels is tough, he is being shown that there is someone who is tougher, and that he will
not escape by violence alone. He is receiving a lesson on ‘violence’ and this because Daniels used
violence to defend himself against attacks by inmates and Dr Naehring trying to drug him. He is
being made to feel guilty about using violence and that somehow doing so puts him on the same
level as the obvious psychopathic warden.

Another psychological technique identified is known as ‘feigning innocence’. This tactic is particularly
effective when wielded expertly and, as Dr Simons describes, can have dramatic effects.

“Feigning innocence: Manipulator may put on a look of surprise of indignation. This tactic makes the
victim question his or her own judgement and possibly his own sanity.”

Teddy is now adamant that he wants to leave immediately and carry out his threat to ‘blow the lid of
this place’ however now the storm is over and the Rachel Solando mystery has been cleared up
there is one last trick which is played to keep Teddy chained to the island. The mysterious
disappearance of his partner Chuck to whom he has now become quite attached and learned to
trust. However, in reply to his enquiry about the whereabouts of Chuck Dr Cawley now tells him:

“You don't have a partner, Marshal. You came here alone.“

For the first time in the film, Cawley now explains and attempts to justify himself to Teddy, along
with a final veiled threat:

“ You know, l've built something valuable here, and valuable things have a way of being
misunderstood in their own time. Everyone wants a quick fix. They always have. l'm trying to do
something that people, yourself included, don't understand. And l'm not going to give up without a
fight. l can see that. So, tell me again about your partner. What partner?”

‘The fight’ is the series of psychological games they are playing with Teddy in order to deprive him of
his mental strength and sanity to such an extent that they can control, restrain and eventually
neutralise him. Cawley’s bald faced lie that Daniels never had a partner and came to the island
alone, show that he is prepared to use any and all shamelessly manipulative and duplicitous tactics
to save what he has ‘built’ and must now act in order to prevent Daniels from ever reaching the
mainland and filing his report.

This is the same project which real life MK Ultra neurophysiologists like Dr Jose Delgado would later
publicly comment on:

"We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical
control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his
personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.
Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great
appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by
electrical stimulation of the brain."201

Similarly the revelations made to Teddy in the cave echo a covert reality of the use of
pharmaceuticals to modify a patient’s mood. This was a major research focus for MK Ultra.

“l started asking about these large shipments of sodium amytal and opium-based hallucinogens.
Psychotropic drugs.”

In an interview found on the former website: freegovreports.com 202and apparently dated 25th
February 1952 between a CIA agent and a professional hypnotist, the following extremely
interesting and suggestive facts come to light relating to the possible use of sodium amytal as an
agent for hypnosis and mind control. The fact that this interview was carried out just one year
before the MK Ultra project, headed by Sidney Gottlieb which officially commenced in April 1953,
shows that this interview was probably a prelude to the more invasive and prolonged research
carried out on both willing and non willing participants at various locations around the United States
including Long Island, Deep creek Lake and for which Shutter Island is clearly an analogy:

“Q: Do you have any special techniques that you think are valuable?

A: All techniques are valuable. I use about eighteen different approaches to individuals ranging from
fear to anxiety, to deception, etc., etc. All individuals are different and a hypnotist always studies his
subjects carefully, psychologically and otherwise, before attempting hypnosis with them. Only skilled
professional hypnotists have proper training and work at it often enough to be skilled hypnotists. I
would be glad to show you all my techniques when we have time to discuss them.
Q: Have you ever had any experience with drugs?

A: Yes, many times. I have worked with doctors using sodium amytal and pentothal and have
obtained hypnotic control after the drugs were used. In fact, many times the drugs were used for the
purpose of obtaining hypnotic control...sodium amytal and pentothal are the weapons used. If I had
to tackle a case, tough and unwilling, I would rely on sodium amytal. I do not know of any "wonder"
drugs. I do not believe they exist and none of the psychiatrists and doctors I work with use anything
but those I have mentioned.”

Are you convinced that Shutter Island is a film about CIA mind control techniques learned from Nazi
doctors spirited away from Nazi Germany under the name Operation Paperclip? Or do you think I’m
paranoid and am reading too much into it?

Well the book itself is much less ambiguous than the film, and perhaps the film is deliberately
ambiguous for various reasons. It begins with Dr Lester Sheenan, the man who impersonated Chuck
Aulle throughout the film. He narrates the story as an old man and he expresses his sorrow about
poor ‘Teddy Daniels and his poor dead wife those twin terrors Rachel Solando and Andrew Laeddis

and the havoc they wreaked on us all.’ His first page of narration concerns the early life of Teddy
Daniels with his father visiting off-shore islands by boat, ironic consider his later fate. Perhaps the
most striking admittance of Dr Sheenan’s guilt in this whole affair are the following words:

“I want to write these things down, then. Not to alter the text so that I fall under a more favourable
light. No, no. He would never allow that. In his own peculiar way he hated lies more than anyone I
have ever known.”

Clearly the account is from a Dr Sheenan who, plagued by feelings of guilt for his part in Teddy
Daniel’s downfall, finally wants to in some way atone for his crimes by exposing them by writing
them down.

Sadly for us all these methods ‘perfected’ by the Nazis and many others including the North Koreans
and now the US are now widely used by in many corporate and government training courses
described as ‘intensive’. Apparently these techniques are also used in some forms of drug
dependence therapy. This was revealed in Philip K Dick’s remarkable novel: Valis203 about a friend of
the schizoid narrator (who narrates his own life story in the third person) Horse-Lover Fat’s who
committed suicide by throwing herself from the tenth floor of an office building (death by heights
yet again!):

“’What happened was that Gloria walked in the front door of Synanon and they gamed her right off.
Someone, on purpose, had walked past her as she sat waiting to be interviewed and had remarked
on how ugly she was. The next person to parade past had informed her that her hair looked like
something a rat slept in. Gloria has always been sensitive about her curly hair. She wished it was long
like all the other hair in the world. What the third Synanon member would have said was moot,
because by then Gloria had gone upstairs to the tenth floor.’

‘Is that how Synanon works?’ Fat asked.

Bob said, ’It’s a technique to break down the personality. It’s a fascist therapy that makes the person
totally outer-directed and dependent on the group. Then they can build up a new personality that
isn’t drug oriented.’”

In fact Valis in generally a very remarkable novel, and in a sense, is probably the one science fiction
book which comes closest to solving the many riddles of existence and so called ‘mental illness’.
Dick’s definition of ‘Gnosis’ is particularly apposite:

“The external information or gnosis, then, consists of disinhibiting instructions, with the core content
actually intrinsic to us – that is, already there (first observed by Plato; viz that learning is a form of

My own personal metaphysical fear is that there may be some particular reason why part of
ourselves has ‘chosen’ to forget what we are doing here. And I believe I alluded to it earlier. Namely,
that with full Gnosis of who and what we are we suddenly realise we should not be here and that by
being stuck here in material reality, trapped in a physical body, we are missing a seriously good party
up there in the heavenly realms. Perhaps this Earth is a kind of purgatory, limbo, or ‘quarantine’
which we must sit through while we endeavour to make ourselves suitable and spiritually fit enough
to return to the ‘authentic reality’.

Don’t let these thoughts disturb you. The irony of this situation is that when you become fully aware
of the full facts about your situation it has such a negative effects on your view of Earth that in many
cases people become even less likely to escape and render themselves spiritually fit. And so we have
the army of psychopaths and secret-society schizophrenics who are continually being sucked into
hell by the pain of their own awareness that they are fallen angels. While the rest of the world who
have no such suspicions live their lives relatively contently without acquiring too heavy a karmic
debt, and thus have more chance of being freed when their sentence has been served. It seems to
me that the Masons and our rulers are trying to show us this vision, and that is why they treat us
with such utter contempt and disdain and why our culture these days is so luridly Satanic.

Dick goes on to refer to the interesting chemical processes of the brain involved in so called
‘enlightenment’. What he terms Gaba fluid apparently decreases in the mind of the enlightened
person leading to the ‘disinhibiting’ of Gnosis. It seem to me that Dick’s Gaba fluid is Serotonin.
According to Dick:

“The Gaba fluid of the brain blocks neural circuits from firing; it holds them in a dormant or latent
state until a disinhibiting stimulus – the correct one.”

Indeed, further on in the passage Dick even refers to sodium pentathol, the mind control drug, being
essential in this process of so called ‘disinhibiting’:

“All these events took place in March 1974. The month before that, Fat had had an impacted wisdom
tooth removed. For this the oral surgeon had administered a hit of IV sodium pentathol.”

Apparently he later answered the door to receive his prescription and had a strange kind of vivid
flashback upon seeing a fish necklace around the neck of the pharmacy delivery person:

“Touching the golden fish with one slender finger , the girl said, ‘This is the sign used by the early

Instantly, Fat experienced a flashback. He remembered - just for half a second. Remembered ancient
Rome and himself: an early Christian; the entire ancient world and his furtive frightened life as a
secret Christian hunted by the Roman authorities burst over his mind... and then he was back in
California 1974 accepting the little white bag of pain pills.”

From which point Horse-lover Fat becomes what modern society would classify as mentally insane.
He starts to believe he is living in two different time planes simultaneously; starts hearing the voice
of another ‘him’ one who apparently also speaks Koine Greek. Then all sorts of far-out stuff starts
happening when Fat realises that information is being fed to him by an orbiting computer, anyway I
suggest you read it for yourself. It amply represents the ambiguities and paradoxes of
enlightenment/schizophrenia and the nagging suspicion that perhaps madness and true wisdom are
totally indistinguishable. It is certainly ‘their’ idea of ‘enlightenment, but it needn’t be ours.


Chapter 20

How to Escape!

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood - as he said

- but against the world rulers of this darkness and the spirits of wickedness."204

Our own thoughts are set against us. The world of the spirit is completely at odds with what this
world has become. Our spiritual identity must compromise itself in our human form: there are
things which we as humans must sacrifice in order to exist in this static and relatively unchanging
physical world. Even speech and articulating our consciousness into the narrow and specific tiny
alleyways of everyday communication reflects very little of our actual real identities as spiritual
beings. We are two different perceiving agents: by day we fit into our physical bodies and spend our
days seeking to accomplish little tasks and seek to solve the everyday riddles and conundrums that
fill our earthly lives. By night however there is nothing to learn, we already know everything. In
some cases we may find ourselves in a dream trying to solve a problem which has followed us from
the physical world. In those instances we have nightmares and our sleep is not refreshing as we
have not succeeded in totally disconnecting our consciousness from the concerns of everyday life.

Sleeping seen from the perspective of the material physical world refreshes and energises the
physical body but have the scientists ever asked how this is possible? If physical existence is seen as
the only default setting in our known universe then what of this ‘other’ parallel existence we have
when asleep which seems such an extraordinary state of being that from this source we manage to
acquire all the energy we need to sustain waking consciousness? Sleep and rest have the power not
only to relieve and wash away all our fatigue, but also to repair the body and fight disease and
infection. On the subject of which, have you ever noticed that when ill with a minor ailment such as
a cold or flu, that while asleep all the symptoms of the illness seem to have disappeared and it is
only when we awake that out pains confront us again? An extreme example of the seemingly
remote nature of this other consciousness, this so called ‘unconsciousness’ is during anaesthesia
while the body may be being cut and chopped any which way, the inner self is blissfully unaware
and apparently sleeping right through it! Indeed how could such a thing be possible if during the
period of unconsciousness we didn’t go to a place or state which was very far removed indeed from
the physical self.

We seem to be two different people and we often have the greatest difficulty connecting the two
worlds. For example we seldom remember our dreams and what we do remember tends only to be
the rare scraps that we are able to make sense of or assess logically and report on. Similarly when

asleep we tend to have a very reduced awareness of our everyday life; perhaps the odd few people
from our physical lives appear from time to time, but it is also true that we may also see people who
we have not seen for many years. At other times we meet people who are not even in our physical
lives, people and faces we have never met nor ever will meet in waking reality.

While asleep we tend to forget about the many details of who we are while awake, and so when
asleep we can suddenly find ourselves in situations that are entirely at odds with our personal
situation in real life. We have dreams that we consider odd when we wake up because suddenly we
find ourselves living in an entirely different house: we may find ourselves in company with other
people that our waking self doesn’t even know.

Often we awake and are surprised that our lives in the dream were not real and we feel that on
waking we have returned to reality and that it was just a silly dream. But can we not say the same
about our waking reality? The only reason we seem to prefer this reality and consider it more real is
because it is more concrete and unchanging, and provides an ongoing narrative or story which tends
to run along the same lines every day. Therefore habits and routines develop and so too does
science, education and systems of control. The waking consciousness is something which can be
controlled because it is easily predictable and confined within a narrow band of possibilities of

In the same way the people we meet in our physical lives tend to remain with us and so
relationships are built up, whether good or bad, and the rigidly unchanging nature of these
relationships become the source of many of our problems. Not so in the dream state where every
night tends to bring different events and a different cast of characters. Also in the dream state there
are no needs which require fulfilling; it is only during our physical existence that we need food and
water and warmth. In the dream world there tends to be no physical manifestation of any of the
basic human needs. We never feel hungry or cold or hot or thirsty while asleep. This is further proof
that while asleep we are no longer in physical reality.

Perhaps one of the greatest riddles is the fact that when we are asleep and having a dream we
seldom become aware of the fact that we are dreaming: the dream seems as real and tangible as
everyday life despite the great many seemingly impossible and implausible things which take place.
If even we ourselves cannot tell that it isn’t real then maybe in a sense it is real after all. Surely our
own senses should be the ultimate judges of the reality we experience and our dream senses tell us
pretty much every night, that what we are experiencing is, in its way, perfectly real and
indistinguishable, odd as it may seem, from everyday reality. It is only when we awake and return to
this world that we are able to assume that ‘it wasn’t real’ because, after all ‘this is reality’, isn’t it?

Perhaps not entirely. What if our consciousness during sleep were actually closer to reality than our
waking lives? As Einstein said ‘This world is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one’. Such statements
are not merely metaphysical science fiction but rigid science fact. It is well known now that matter is
mostly empty space and that objects only appear solid and hard because of the forces interacting
between atoms. It is known also that most of the universe around us is entirely unknown to us.205
Visible matter accounts for less than five percent of the mass of the universe and visible light only
0.0035% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum;206 basically we are fumbling around in a very
poorly-lit corner of reality and that leaves us a very great margin of error as to what else may be
around us. On the basis of these figures we have to seriously ask ourselves how much do we really
think we know about reality? Is our world all there is? Certainly not, but our problem is it’s all we
can see and so, in order to expiate the terrors of the unknown, modern science has pretended that
the unknown doesn’t even exist.

Problems with our world as a whole and problems we personally experience are exclusively caused
by the day to day activity and friction of this world. When we are awake we go through the day
constantly fielding problems caused by either ourselves or other people. Life as we know it is a
never ending catalogue of problems: the expenses we incur through the act of our being alive such
as food, rent, taxes and transport, which we must find a way to mitigate for, and so we are obliged
to go to work. A strictly involuntary activity: very few people would choose to go to work if they had
a choice, and the reasons are obviously apparent. When we go to work we lose any personal sense
of identity and autonomy and become a cog in a bigger machine. We perform tasks and instructions
which we are told to do with very little regard for what might be the right way of doing things. But
eventually such habits become so ingrained in us that we rise in the morning and return in the
evening, without a murmur, and accept this circumstance as entirely natural and correct. These jobs
we undertake always revolve around a central axis: money. Whether there are budgetary
constraints and it is our unfortunate task to save the company some money by cutting back, by
deciding who to fire or finding or inventing a pretext to fire someone; or whether to reduce
company expenditure by reducing in some way the use of facilities designed to improve in some
way the effectiveness of the organisation.

The biggest problem we face while at work and the cause of so much stress and unhappiness and
ultimately, disease and illness, are problems beyond our control. These are generally issues and
concerns, generated by someone else either by their being ineffective or unstable, and which we
must deal with. This applies equally to the tasks which are generated by the day to day running of
the organisation, and also the many interpersonal concerns which arise when human beings are
gathered together, under financial duress, to do tasks which they ordinarily would not choose to.
Some people may feel unhappy that they have to go to work, they may feel that waking up at six in
the morning means they haven’t had enough sleep, maybe they were running late and had no time
for breakfast. Maybe they had a few drinks last night in their own time but are now summoned to
appear at work on the company’s time, and they don’t quite feel one hundred percent fit and able.
These are but a few of the possible impacts on effectiveness that may arise.

Nevertheless we are all expected to be fit and healthy and happy slaves while at work. Anything less
will probably result in threats that the means by which you keep yourself alive such as warmth and
food will be kept from you unless you can conform more adequately to the needs of the company. If
we were all doing our own work and were responsible only for ourselves then there wouldn’t be a
problem. We would do our work happily because we had chosen it, we would manage our time and
our inclination to match what we could and couldn’t do.

It is only in our artificial modern life where we are all basically factory workers working for a series
of bosses in unnecessarily and uncomfortably intensive conditions. Offices are little more than
human factories, teaching, policing and most of the other professions have all become repetitious
and automatic. Employees are given orders, and told to stick to the mould. Any divergence from
doing what you are told, despite the echoing of either your own conscience regarding the fact that
things are being done in entirely the wrong way, and as a former school teacher this was my own
particular area of dissatisfaction with my metier. Or indeed that people more highly placed than you
were involved in some kind of sharp practice which also unsettled you or led you to feel dissatisfied.
It is clear that nearly everyone who goes to a job must have at least once, and in some cases far
more frequently, been aware of either or both of the two problems above.

What we need to be aware of first of all is that corruption and inefficiency both come from the same
source: the secret societies which protect their members from any kind of accountability in
whatever they do. All in order to protect the ‘good name’ of the Freemasons from calumny. Often
these people are given highly paid jobs with positions of responsibility when they are quite clearly

incapable of carrying them out effectively. Indeed, it is often the case that such people are given
such jobs because it is known they will carry them out ineffectively, and so we move more into the
territory of the groups with the aims of The Illuminati such as the Marxist Fabian groups. The name
Fabians comes from the Roman general Fabius who adopted a particular military strategy of
avoiding all out frontal conflicts but instead chose to wear down the enemy by engaging in a series
of skirmishes. And so we have the raison d’etre of these groups: namely to dismantle the existing
machinery of capitalism by throwing enough spanners in the works at all levels of its operation, in
order that they can affect enough dissatisfaction with its methods that a new system is introduced.

We are currently in the very midst of this process and we see it operating in full force in our health
service, police and schools in particular. In schools for example, despite recent education acts giving
teachers reasonable powers to deal with problems, the schools themselves do their very best to
disempower the teachers completely.

They do this by taking the side of the student against the teacher and demanding that the teacher
be accountable for the student’s misbehaviour. Never mind that the student refused to do any work
and disturbed other students; wouldn’t sit somewhere else when asked by the teacher politely to do
so, or indeed that the student called the teacher a fucking arsehole, seem always to be moot.
Similarly in policing and the legal system, the rights of the perpetrator are upheld and increased, for
example why is it deemed suitable to release the personal details of the victim yet not the
perpetrator? There seems to be some magic law in society these days that the bigger the criminal
the higher the praise. Little has really changed since eighteenth century London when the city’s
greatest criminal mastermind, Jonathan Wild, was also its greatest saviour as it was he who
organised the hundreds of criminal acts around the city and also stepped in, to inform the
authorities of which of his particular minions did the deed. Of course he eventually came to a sticky-
end but not before a lifetime of sabotage and destruction against society itself and the perpetration
of a million injustices.

There were many odd brotherhoods and criminal secret societies active in the early eighteenth
century such as The Mohocks (or Bloods), The Hawkubutes, not to mention the Hellfire Club. One
report by Lady Wentworth says of the Mohocks:

"They put an old woman into a hogshead, and rolled her down a hill; they cut off some noses, others'
hands, and several barbarous tricks, without any provocation. They are said to be young gentlemen;
they never take any money from any."207

Alas history cannot inform us whether Jonathan Wild was working for some secret group or other
whose aim was the destruction of society and the gradual replacement of its values by the values of
the secret group, but judging by the odd amount of freedom and protection allowed him
throughout the years of his ambiguous career as public order official and at the same time one of
the biggest criminal masterminds in London, it seems, as the French say of Mason ‘son bras est

Interestingly, if we examine the popular commentaries on the street gang known as The Hawkubites
at the time in the form of an anonymous pamphlet we find the following intriguing text:

“An Argument, proving from History, Reason, and Scripture, that the present Race of Mohocks and
Hawke-bites are the Gog and Magog mentioned in the Revelations; and therefore that this vain
and transitory World will shortly be brought to its final Dissolution. Written by a reverend Divine,
who took it from the Mouth of the Spirit of a Person who was slain by the Mohocks.”208

Now recall the chapter The Hidden Rituals of the Old Gods, does not this description evoke the self
styled mission of the Insane Clown Posse? What if we factor in to this that George Bush Senior’s
Skull and Bones name was Magog.209 There are dots to connect. I will leave you the pleasure of
finishing off this particular puzzle. Except one wonders why the Mohocks seemed so keen to disrupt
protestant England during Queen’s Anne’s reign, were these mobs an element of the Jacobites, and
might there be a connection to the murderous Jacobins of the French revolution some years down
the line? It appears possible:

“According to some versions of Masonic history, James was ensconced in the Chateau of Saint-
Germain by his friend, French King Louis XIV where he established a system of Masonry that became
known as the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.”210

Often these people are not knowingly involved in the destruction of education but are just carrying
out their training. It is the training providers and the various institutions which give the ‘leadership’
training to aspiring teachers who are to blame and always in these organisations we find groups
such as Common Purpose and Freemasonry, firmly implanted, parasiting our institutions; injecting
their tawdry venom in order to rot away the tree of state: create enough confusion and chaos in
places where genuine order is required to function as a healthy society, then when society has
sufficiently broken down to a mess of broken homes and families, rising unemployment and
violence, then they usher in their form of law and order which history has told us, is always left wing
or right wing fascism. We are currently living within a period of fascism. For proof of this look no
further than the story211 which emerged in 2010 of a grandmother convicted of selling a goldfish to a
teenager, apparently as part of a ‘sting-operation’ which resulted in an absurd eight month trial
which cost the tax payer over twenty thousand pounds. The grandmother faced a possible
maximum prison sentence of 12 months but was finally fined £1,000 and forced to wear an
electronic tag!

The most important thing about fascism is that people do what they’re told contrary to what is right
or reasonable or makes common sense. When we find ourselves punished for being reasonable and
making the right decision then there is no doubt we are in fascism. Likewise when even the most
banal activities of human existence seem to require permits and licenses, whether looking after a
friend’s children or removing fish from a pond, we are in fascism.

As a striking example of how bad things have become may I present the fact that during the term
Labour were in power a total of 4,300 new crimes were ‘created’ in what Daily Mail writer James
Slack terms ‘unprecedented-legislative-diarrhoea’. 212 This averages out at 33 (notice the Masonic
number) new statutes every month during their term in office. These include:

Swimming in the wreck of the Titanic.... Talk about ruining my holiday plans!
Selling game birds killed on a Sunday or Christmas Day.
Selling non-native species such as a grey squirrel, ruddy duck or Japanese knotweed.
Not having a licence for a church concert.
Keeping a dog on a lead longer than a maximum length in a designated area.
Obstructing an authorised person from inspecting apple, pear, peach or nectarine orchards
for the purposes of ascertaining whether grubbing up has been carried out.
Disturbing a pack of eggs when directed not to by an authorised officer.
Causing a nuclear explosion. Well that last one I’m glad they’ve spelled it out. In case there was any

So what can we do about it?

Well we need to realise the ultimate goal of this ancient and ongoing conspiracy and thwart its
ultimate aim which is to disempower us and render us little more than economic units powering a
vast and soulless semi-automatic reality. Its intention is to make us forget what we really are, not
just on an individual basis, but culturally, ethnically, nationally and globally. The system wants us at
all costs to remain convinced of the delusion that this physical world is all there is to existence, and
that we must work as hard as we can, in the hope of acquiring financial security one day, and
therefore, true happiness. The greatest thing we can do to stop the system in its tracks is to cease
playing ball. Unfortunately almost everything in this world is controlled by outside forces and these
forces do not have our best interests at heart. We have been born into this world and since we are
here we will have to make the best of it, but I would advise that you make it your number one
priority to ensure that you manage to escape this prison of the soul, and perhaps think long and
hard before you decide whether to bring children into this world.

Again, because we have been robbed of our spiritual awareness we feel that this world is all there is,
furthermore we imagine that the act of conceiving and giving birth to children is actually creating
new life and bringing a new being into this world. It isn’t. The universe is full of consciousness and
life vibrating at a higher frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum. The act of child birth is simply
the act of consciousness moving from one dimension to another. So we put a name on this
consciousness like Liam, or Chloe, or something similarly ghastly, and before you know it, this
beloved fragment of consciousness is glued to the TV inhaling scenes of cartoon violence and
mayhem, being chemically poisoned by toxic amounts of processed sugar and subjected to a
veritable selection of weaponised food chemicals and additives designed to damage the immune
system and poison the brain. One need only spend five minutes researching Aspartame but you see,
no matter how much certain people pretend to love their children, they never quite love them
enough to feel it important to bring them up properly and to have a healthy diet. At a certain point
many parents must think 'sod it' I'll turn on the TV give ‘em a bottle of coke and a bag of crisps and
hopefully it'll shut 'em up. And so this generation of infants will grow into the next generation of
adults who are slightly more subtly retarded than the previous one.

Doubtless the life you had planned for your little one will not quite work out as planned, and sooner
or later the innocence will drop from them like a wilted flower drops its petals and what was once
infinite potential and angelic consciousness, becomes an institutionalised human being.

Once the innocence and joy drops from them they run a very real risk of making such a mess of life
in this world, that when they return to infinite consciousness and the source of infinite potential,
they are limited and confused. So used are they to the human experience with all its attendant
limitations that they have no idea how to navigate the afterlife. And so may become lost, and
ultimately, may require several return life times on Earth in order to remember the information they
were born with.

There is no doubt that children are more in touch with the spirit world than we are. You can prove
this yourself relatively quickly by asking the little children of your family whether they have seen any
people that the adults don’t seem to see, particularly in their bedroom at night time. It may seem
spooky but children seem to see people who aren’t there with alarming frequency. The best age to
ask them is probably from about 2, (because at this point they will be able to tell you verbally) until
about four, because at this point it is likely that the materialistic nature of the world and the five
sense dominance of this world will take over and any spiritual gifts will probably fade away with
further child development.

I tried this with a friend of mine, in fact he gave me the idea when he told me that his daughter
frequently sees an old woman in her bedroom and sometimes an old man. My friend believes the

old man is his grandfather as a spiritualist told him that his grandfather is watching over him and his
daughter also mentioned that she can often see an elderly man accompanying my friend.

So what we mustn’t do is become a human drudge for the system. We must seek to rediscover our
true selves and our spiritual nature. It is no easy task and on this planet in these present
circumstances, it could take us all of a lifetime to achieve. However this should be our main
preoccupation while here and so we should avoid any acts which may compromise our spiritual
strength. Any negative acts harm our connection to our higher self, hurting others is really hurting
ourselves as when we involve ourselves in negativity, a fading of the connection occurs and clouds of
obscurity and fear start to invade the spirit. This is why the curious maxim ‘Do unto others as you
would have them do unto you’ appears in every single world religion in various forms. For example:
"Golden Rule": "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the
rest is the explanation; go and learn."213

When we die we become the conscious electrical-light energy which was contained in our bodies.
However because this energy is conscious it can change its state and its frequency. Commonly we
are told there are negative beings called ‘Earthbound spirits’ which haunt our Earth. These beings
actually liaise with the secret society people when they are calling on their spirits or summoning
their hidden masters. This is actually what Shakespeare was getting at with his play The Tempest.
His story sees a high level Masonic magician planning his revenge on those who deposed him while
using black magic and mind control on his slave Caliban, while he also controls and manipulates
subtle spirit beings like elementals and fairies, which are really different aspects of the Earth-bound

What people don’t realise is that these beings are all around us but because their consciousness is
preoccupied with concerns on Earth, they find themselves stuck here and going round and round, in
confusion and dissipation. In order that the same fate doesn’t befall us we need to be clear about
the existence of our soul and clear also that there is a far better place for us to go when we leave
this world.

The Sun is the source of all energy and matter in our solar system. All trees, animals, rocks and
chemicals, all contain solar energy locked within them. This is why animals eat grass and are
nourished by it, because the solar energy entered the grass seed and made it grow. So plants are
reservoirs of this solar energy, it is locked within the cells and released when digested by the
animals which eat it. Similarly, by eating the vegetation and being exposed to the sun, the animals
themselves become reservoirs of this solar energy and therefore they hunt one another and eat to
provide energy for themselves. Wood and fossil fuels burn and release energy because they have
this solar energy locked inside their very molecular structure, the energy that was dormant for many
thousands of years becomes released once again when ignited by a fire. All matter originates from
the high energy giant molecular cloud from which came the sun, all the elements of the periodic
table, even the hairs on your head. We are literally made of stars.

We need to be troubled by as few things as possible. Simplify our lives. It is worry, stress and
unhappiness alone which make our lives difficult, not just the unfortunate events which happen to
us. It is more how we react to the events of our lives, more than the events themselves which
decide whether or not we are happy and contented. The two major causes of unhappiness are the
past and the future. Unhappiness caused by regret and dwelling on the past; the other cause is
looking apprehensively to the future. CS Lewis was an extraordinarily perceptive gentleman with an
extremely interesting past. He dabbled in the occult and the dark arts for a while in his youth and
was strongly influenced by W B Yeats, however, something must have happened to him during this
period as he abandoned all practice of the occult and became a Christian after conversing with

J.R.R.Tolkien. His book The Screwtape Letters214 details the correspondence between a senior
demon in the infernal hierarchy and a subordinate demon in his attempt to seduce a human to the
dark side and thus gain his soul. This book shows a great understanding of the kind of themes
explored in this book and shows the awareness of a mind which fully understands the tricks and
snares which await us poor humans here on Earth:

MY DEAR WORMWOOD, I had noticed, of course, that the humans were having a lull in their
European war--what they naïvely call "The War"!--and am not surprised that there is a corresponding
lull in the patient's anxieties. Do we want to encourage this, or to keep him worried? Tortured fear
and stupid confidence are both desirable states of mind. Our choice between them raises important
The humans live in time but our Enemy destines them to eternity. He therefore, I believe,
wants them to attend chiefly to two things, to eternity itself, and to that point of time which they call
the Present. For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity. Of the present moment, and
of it only, humans have an experience analogous to the experience which our Enemy has of reality as
a whole; in it alone freedom and actuality are offered them. He would therefore have them
continually concerned either with eternity (which means being concerned with Him) or with the
Present--either meditating on their eternal union with, or separation from, Himself, or else obeying
the present voice of conscience, bearing the present cross, receiving the present grace, giving thanks
for the present pleasure.

Our business is to get them away from the eternal, and from the Present. With this in view,
we sometimes tempt a human (say a widow or a scholar) to live in the Past. But this is of limited
value, for they have some real knowledge of the past and it has a determinate nature and, to that
extent, resembles eternity.

It is far better to make them live in the Future. Biological necessity makes all their passions
point in that direction already, so that thought about the Future inflames hope and fear. Also, it is
unknown to them, so that in making them think about it we make them think of unrealities. In a
word, the Future is, of all things, the thing least like eternity. It is the most completely temporal part
of time--for the Past is frozen and no longer flows, and the Present is all lit up with eternal rays.
Hence the encouragement we have given to all those schemes of thought such as Creative Evolution,
Scientific Humanism, or Communism, which fix men's affections on the Future, on the very core of
temporality. Hence nearly all vices are rooted in the future. Gratitude looks to the past and love to
the present; fear, avarice, lust, and ambition look ahead.

But we want a man hag-ridden by the Future--haunted by visions of an imminent heaven or

hell upon earth--ready to break the Enemy's commands in the present if by so doing we make him
think he can attain the one or avert the other--dependent for his faith on the success or failure of
schemes whose end he will not live to see. We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the
rainbow's end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using as mere fuel wherewith to
heap the altar of the future every real gift which is offered them in the Present.

It follows then, in general, and other things being equal, that it is better for your patient to
be filled with anxiety or hope (it doesn't much matter which) about this war than for him to be living
in the present.


Chapter 21

Reality flux!

The world we live in only exists as long as one or all of our sense organs are there to interpret it. In a
sense our imaginations are also a sense organ, though as we know sometimes the imagination is not
a perfectly accurate measurer of reality and sometimes the view of reality can become distorted due
to inherent influences of the mind and so conditions like chronic paranoia and other mental
disorders may develop. As we have seen with the various sad tales of murderers and serial killers
doing ‘God’s work’ as they term it, these people have become psychologically damaged at some
point and thus their minds and imaginations are an imperfect reader of reality, the case in point is
the sad tale of Freemason bit-part actor Michael Brea who saw three chickens being cooked in a pot
by his mother and his damaged imagination saw them as some kind of sacrifice and proof that his
mother was some kind of witch.

A more commonplace example might be the person who was subjected to a serious assault by a man
in a previous relationship; this person as a result may harbour an irrational fear of intimacy with
men: the previous experiences of the past tend to colour what you see in the present and even what
you project for yourself in the future. For example such a person may see men as untrustworthy and
all potentially violent, it is therefore unlikely that they will be able to forge strong bonds of intimacy
and thus their views will remain unchallenged as they will have a mindset which perpetuates itself.
This is one of the curses of Feminism and its agents are all operating under just such a form of self-
fulfilling mind-control.

However when people become convinced of something, even though it may seem incorrect to other
people, it becomes reality itself for them. This is why mental disorders are so hard to treat because
the vision of the psychotic mind is the very reality they are experiencing. There is an extra
metaphysical element in all this which currently eludes our modern scientific understanding. The
fact that the inner reality experienced by someone becomes so powerful that it also becomes the
external reality. An example we can rationalise quite easily would be the example of the depressive.
The depressive really wants friends and company and wants to be happy, however there is some
stream of thought operating in this person’s mind which presently prevents this. The thought
becomes a habit and brain chemistry changes to render the condition chronic. It is now not only a
thought or idea which triggers a bout of depression but indeed the whole world, everything
depresses this person because of their change in brain chemistry which now interprets all stimuli as

negative or potentially so. Furthermore the fact that this person always looks so gloomy and
unhappy and seems to lack the pleasant volubility which people generally enjoy, will lead to people
consciously avoiding him or even being outwardly unpleasant to him. All of which of course will
further prejudice his outlook on the world. Conversely the happy, confident person who always
smiles and makes people feel good to be with, will enjoy more positivity in their lives from their
relationships as people will generally be attracted to them.

The extra element to all this is rather harder to put into words however. There is a certain luckiness
which self confidence brings, the certainty that things are going to work out well for that person,
generally but not always, leads to the desired result. Double sixes, a winning hand, the perfect goal.
Sportsmen know of this phenomenon and I spent some time with professional archers in France and
at that time the world’s number one archer was a Frenchman. At the time I thought that archery was
just a matter of lining up the target and firing the arrow but they told me that there was much more
to it that that; a kind of inner mastery was needed to hit the centre of target which I was told, was a
physical impossibility using only the physical senses: the centre of the target can only scarcely be
seen and there is no physical way to make the arrow hit the middle of the target. Instead it was all
done with the mind. A sense of certainty and confidence being necessary; an inner stillness required
to tell the body how best to fire the arrow to strike the centre. Again and again I was informed of
this quasi-mystical side to the sport of archery and by extension, to all sports, indeed this was more
or less proven to me by the fact that unfortunately for France archery, the world number one had
recently had a dramatic drop in form and was underperforming in every competition he entered. It
seemed his time was coming to an end. Yet he was still a young man so what could have been the
reason? I asked around and was told, to prove their hypothesis of the inner stillness, that he was
having relationship problems and that this had caused his drop in form.

Everyone has experienced this but has not known to put it into words. On the other hand the person
who feels hopeless and the world is set against them will generally always throw double noughts in
whatever they intend to do. This confidence and certainty in the self is one of the surest ways to
succeed in any undertaking and is the key to what people call ‘magic’. It still exists, and some people
take it very seriously: the Freemasons for one. There are forms of magic which have become more or
less domesticated and entered the mainstream, such as hypnotism.

Hypnotism is achievable only when the person acquiesces to have their will dominated by another.
Hypnotism is the act of having someone else control your reality for you by the exertion and
projection of their will on to you. I have read a book about hypnotism, written by a long time
practitioner, who says the most important thing needed in order to hypnotise someone is to believe
you can do it in the first place. 215 Hypnotism is a kind of distillation or essence of what we know as
charisma or charm; when we see someone who is supremely confident and assured, without being
cocky, we generally trust them, whereas people who are disordered and appear to mumble and lack
confidence we might pity but certainly never would we place our confidence in them.

Perhaps this hearkens back to our early tribal human history when we banded together and always
sought the strongest most able member of the tribe to lead and defend our tribe against the
incursions and attacks of the other groups. The member with the surest aim when hunting and
defending the tribe; the one whose step was always the surest and always knew how to deal with
any emergency which struck the tribe, was sure to be highly esteemed and deferred to in matters of

authority. Just as surely as dogs fight amongst themselves to find the pack leader, it is a natural need
to find the leader. Arguably we have the same thing today in politics, however it seems only
necessary these days for politicians to have the appearance of authority and skill without actually
possessing them.

So hypnotism is the impact one person can have on totally dictating the reality of another person. It
is a strange phenomenon and one that above all else should alert us to the fact that reality as we
term it is not always quite what it seems. For example during some stage shows, members of the
public can be hypnotised to edit out people from their reality field altogether, often with comic
results. A wife or parent can be stood right in front of the hypnotised person and yet they will not
see them, yet their eyes are open and they are looking directly at them.

What has happened in that the overall flux of reality has been edited out by the subconscious at the
instigation of the hypnotic instruction. This isn’t as rare as it seems: we are constantly editing and
modifying the overall flux of reality to suit what ideas are already in our minds.

Look below and read the sign, what does it say?

Here’s another one coming up, keep ‘em peeled.

So our minds are constantly modifying reality to suit what our minds think should be there.

We can never really know to what extent this filtering totally dominates our perceptions because by
nature we cannot see what doesn’t exist outside of our perception. Often very young children are
known to talk to people who are not apparently there, and I’m sure everyone has at least heard
about such instances in their own families.

So there exists a flux of reality and our minds select what they want us to see. This applies to colours
and even the perception of time itself. Some animals have a totally different perception of time to
ours: insects see colours which we cannot see and flies always seem able to dodge our best efforts
to swat them because in their perception we lumber around slowly and are easily outwitted.
Elephants on the other hand seem to lumber around slowly to our eyes but in their perception of us
we seem to wiz around like flies. It’s strange to say but if a fly had a wristwatch, the second hand
would move very slowly for them, while the elephant’s mantle clock would have a second hand
which to their perception would be whizzing around the clock-face. This same phenomenon takes
place in the human mind; time is not absolute, our perception of it changes according to the
circumstances we find ourselves in. Time flies when you’re having fun is often seen as little more
than a platitude but reveals a certain hidden truth about the world we live in. Time drags on slowly
when we are bored, just as when we were younger time seemed to pass much more slowly, yet with
age our perception of time changes and although a day surely still contains twenty four hours, it is
how we experience those hours which has changed.

This is to do with our physical metabolism which slows down noticeably as we age. The best way to
visualise this is to imagine a camera set on a fast shutter setting; this is akin to the faster metabolic
rate that children have. If conversely you set the camera to a slower shutter speed and within the
same time frame took a series of pictures you would find that although the camera operated within
the same time period the higher shutter speed would have taken more photos than the slower
shutter speed. These pictures are analogous to our experience of reality: the more ‘pictures’ or
snapshots of reality we take with our perception the more we appear to have experienced in that
time frame, thus the sense that the timeframe appeared busier and more full: in short that time
seems to pass more slowly.

Therefore we cannot talk of an absolute reality: we all see things differently yet we agree on several
fundamental ideas, however there are things we do not yet agree on such as religion and spirituality,
and for our governments since time began these have been causes for war because a government is
in the business of ensuring that everyone agrees with what it tells them to believe.

The Empire’s sole wish is to have absolute homogeneity throughout the world; this is what we know
as ‘globalisation’. The reason for this is control: the government, and ‘New World Order’s’ wish is to
control all aspects of our lives, from what we eat (Monsanto GM food patents, Codex Alimentarius
being pertinent examples) to what we believe. The reason for this is for the satanic powers hidden
behind the scenes to show their superiority to God by presenting a case that it ‘owns’ the human
race. Since human beings have something of God within them too, the Satanists will also imagine
that they are ‘owning’ God and dominating this force.

The prime weapon in this battle for our souls is ‘fear’. Ours fears weaken us: they use this as a tool.
FEAR Everywhere, at least the cause and manifestations of it. If we can reach the point that there is

nothing left to be afraid of, then we will be free from so many of the petty miseries which affect us
from day to day. This was the intended effect of many of the mystery school religions which have
since become subsumed by Freemasonry and special ops techniques of mind control, but so far it
seems to have mostly produced killers for hire. And obviously the art of being fearlessly able to kill
someone while useful to psychopaths perhaps, wouldn’t, in an ideal world, be something most of us
would consciously wish to be involved in.

And indeed it takes a lot of effort to partially brutalise someone and make them excited by the
prospect of firing firearms at other people. And so their dear friends at Hollywood help them out by
producing streams of movies each more violent than the last, in order to completely cut our soul
connection to higher emotional states. Most film goers are subjected to violence, pain, loss, tension,
murder, confusion, anger, terror, and the end. A lot of films are specifically about revenge and this is
the very anti-thesis to contentment. To watch a film about someone who is the victim of something
often needlessly unpleasant, and then to be doubly subjected to him furthering the list of
unpleasant things and somehow making you feel good about it all. The ‘feel good’ part of a film is to
revel in and offer praise to violence and experience Aristotle’s catharsis. We’ve all been there. When
the good guy kills the really nasty bad guy because he really deserved it, don’t we feel good about
that? Don’t we just love to see that particular cliché endlessly repeated by Hollywood and co? I
wonder just how crafty our government is and do surmise that possibly they try to have various wars
in foreign countries on the basis that the whole country somehow needing to express this ‘revenge’
factor on some poor sand blown country or other. Whether it was the feel good revenge moment of
the UN killing all those nasty Serbs who had been so nasty to those Muslims. All of these films show
extremely unlikely things happening to various highly paid actors, who pretend to be extremely cross
or angry, then kill with relish as they achieve their goal. The worst sorts of films are simply the horror
films, where they merely present for your entertainment pleasure, the spectacle of most of the
characters from the film being killed in a variety of ways. Something quite like the absurd initiation
rituals of the ancients. Basically the idea of watching a film is, obvious as it may sound, the act of
being an observer to a spectacle.

It is by no means a natural state. Strange as it may seem the phenomenon of watching films of
people who are ‘pretending to do something’ to each other is in no ways necessary to the positive
development of our species. It is essentially a mendacious activity. Not to mention genuinely cruel.
Why would anyone want to do what an actor does and lie to people and try to lie so well that they
actually make the viewer feel the emotions that they’re only pretending to feel? What a strange
thing to do. And very seldom are any of the positive possibilities of film exploited; namely the
possibility that people might get paid huge amounts of money to pretend to be happy and be getting
on fine with just everyone, in the hope that the people watching will actually feel those emotions
and become happy themselves and start getting on with just everyone. How many genuine feel good
films are there out there? Actually very few. One finds that even films that are touted as feel-good
films are simply nothing of the sort. They may have a happy ending but that is no guarantee. Often a
so called ‘feel-good’ film just has a few pleasant moments of warmth and joy, but in nearly all cases,
the rest of the film, in order to put the happy and ‘uplifting’ bits in better relief, contains
proportionately more moments of tension, loss, sadness and anyone of a hundred negative and
enfeebling emotions. For it to be a feel good film it seems a precondition that there should be
something to feel bad about in the first place.

Often many fantasy based films are ostensibly feel-good films, but they often have a slightly dark
side, particularly something like Disney which frequently confronts children with shocking and
unpleasant circumstances, such as Simba’s guilt for him believing he caused the death of his father.
Simply put, these nasty little ideas aimed at children are mini psychological tortures. Indeed, from a
psychological point of view I suspect one of at least two things happen to the child as a result of
being presented with these cruel situations, one, they react by becoming slightly melancholy, or they
react by cutting themselves off emotionally.

I believe this is what has happened to psychopaths. At some point in their lives they have faced a
traumatic and terrible event in their lives. It could be something monstrously unpleasant which has
happened to them, or which they’ve been a party to; perhaps as a result of the terrible psychological
trauma they react with damage control by switching off their emotions. They simply have nothing
left to hang on to so they hang onto nothing. This would explain a lot of the riddles of the
psychopath and how it has been surmised that these people don’t have souls or are somehow a race
apart. They’re also a mystery because they do not announce themselves. They keep their condition a
secret, at least if they are successful psychopaths they do; often they can go for years undetected
and their damage to society is only later discovered. I’ve little doubt that psychopaths can sense
their ‘fellows’, because if they know how to emulate the conventions of society most of the time,
then surely they also know what the difference is between real and phoney, so presumably they
would be aware when a fellow psychopath is just faking it like they do.

To return to films, what is really much worse is that we have no reason to feel these emotions. Not
only is it not happening to us but it is not happening at all! In many instances I genuinely believe
that many viewers actually dissolve themselves into the unreality of the character, somehow making
it real and imparting genuine life to it!

Those people watching the show are breathing life into it whenever their minds, emotions and
thought patterns, start to be centred around the fake spectacle they are watching. This is a kind of a
magic. Kind of like hypnotism. I wonder if during an episode of Eastenders, some Mitchell or other
started directing hypnotic commands at people, would they even notice? If, during a lull at the
Queen Vic, Barbara Windsor started looking at the camera and gently crooning, ‘you’re feeling
sleepy’, how many would make the leap from partial hypnosis by the TV to full hypnosis? Probably

Why are the people watching the big-screen paying for the strange privilege of going to watch
something that will either make them feel unnecessarily sad, angry, tense, or, if the viewer has been
watching people being killed, then brutalised and ultimately degraded?

This lowers our inner strength. I have felt it myself. Particularly during scenes where there is a very
quick and unexpected execution. They are particularly shocking, and several times I have watched
such scenes and at that very moment of being shocked with a sudden brutal killing, I have felt the
distinct feeling of having a cold coming on. We need to have a default feeling of warm and peaceful,
just like cats napping in the sun, there is no reason why we shouldn’t be encouraged to enjoy more
positive thoughts and be exposed to more pleasant and in fact, real stimuli. It’s a case of so called
actors inflicting their characters and their thousand and one calamities on us.

This is one of the very things we all take for granted. We assume films, like politicians, are important
to our lives and that we should take notice of them. Why? They only feed us lies and fears. They only
enfeeble our minds and play on our thoughts and preoccupy our ideas. Often people think a lot
about a film they have seen and it plays upon and traumatises their minds in a hundred different

The sum total of all of these acts of psychological manipulation on the human mind at all stages of
its development is to cut off our perception of any higher ideas, or at least to reduce their impact, to
trammel our minds into a what is commonly known as a ‘low vibratory’ domain of blood crime and
general anxiety.

So our field of reality is being deliberately reduced so we focus only on the negative aspects of life.
This is the media and the government’s job. They feed us a reality we can all agree on, sadly it
happens to be a lowest common denominator reality of the very lowest wishes and pulsions: greed,
avarice, wealth, fame are all shown as laudable by our media. Our government tell us that obedience
and conformity is the key to fitting-into their system; anyone who seeks to transcend this and think
for themselves will soon find themselves relatively isolated as those around him will tend to
subscribe to the general definition of reality. Fortunately things are changing: more and more
people are becoming aware of the fabrications of governments and how they use fear as a tool for
social control, indeed there was a particularly successful three part TV series on BBC 1 within the
past few years or so called ‘The Power of Nightmares’ which basically exposed the lie of the war on
terror and how it was little more than a way for governments to reassert the social control and
deference that has gradually been slipping from them in the years since World War Two.

The world is not composed of terrorists and muggers, nor of WAGS and pop-stars, but primarily of
light. WAGS and pop-stars are only a product of the first cause. The world of so called reality is a
collection or signals of light which are vibrating, it is only when we perceive these light signals that
our brains create the appearance of a pop-star or a television set or whatever sight our gaze has
lighted on. Television is a useful metaphor for the way we perceive reality. Just as a TV set receives
electromagnetic signals from the air. Take the example of the TV: there are TV signals constantly
flowing through the air, however it is only when we turn on the TV (which perceives the signals) that
we actually get a picture. Without the ability to perceive the signal there are only invisible
electromagnetic waves, or disordered flux.

This is also the reality which we find ourselves in; all around us is the disordered flux of the full range
of the electromagnetic spectrum of which we can only perceive the smallest portion; the visible light
spectrum is only four hundred nanometres long yet the full length of the electromagnetic
spectrum is the size of the universe itself.

We are bathed in fog of light within which we see the familiar forms and shapes of our daily world,
but the rest of us remains wholly invisible and its existence totally unsuspected. There are unknown
colours shapes and even potential realities hidden in the electromagnetic flux but if we cannot see
them they effectively do not exist to us. A useful analogy is the tree which falls in the forest with no
one to hear it. Does it make a sound as it falls? With no one to hear it or perceive it with their senses
not only does it not make a sound but cannot be ascertained whether it has even fallen in the first
place. This is the central tenet of quantum physics. That only physical observation of a phenomenon
can bring the phenomenon into a state of reality. The classic scientific example is the quantum box

containing Schrodinger’s cat, within the box is a device which may kill the cat if the cat accidentally
touches it. However it is only upon opening the box that the state of the cat, alive or dead, can be
ascertained, prior to actual observation the cat is said to exist in both states simultaneously, it could
be either alive or dead, quantum physics merely alters its perception to say that the cat is both alive
and dead. The cat is in a state of metaphysical flux. It is only when one’s perception, as Einstein
terms it, becomes ‘entangled’ with the object that it takes on a reality in space and time, until then it
exists in flux as undefined potentiality.

When you leave a room, providing there is nothing there to perceive the room at any level, the
room will enter a state of flux or potentiality. In a manner of speaking it ceases to exist. I have been
involved in debates on this concept and some people find the whole idea artificial and hard to
accept; one challenge is that it is wrong to talk of flux because if a CCTV camera were to film the
inside of a room then when the door was closed and the observer left the room could still be shown
to exist in its apparent ‘real’ state. One response might be that the CCTV camera doesn’t have any
consciousness so it doesn’t perceive the room in any way: it merely records the metaphysical flux as
a series of signals. It is only when you actually unscramble the digital signal and have the recording
put through your TV and watch it that the potentiality of the room becomes reality. Remember the
camera doesn’t watch anything: it can’t, it doesn’t perceive, it merely records the level of flux within
the ability of its technology, as an electromagnetic signal which can be later decoded and the reality
of the room established.

How can something be seen when no-one is there to see it? Light has several interesting qualities,
one of which is that it needs an observer to exist in one form or another. Every school kid does the
diffraction grating-experiment at some point, this experiment actually proves that light behaves only
how it is measured to behave. Measure light in a different way and it will change its behaviour to
conform to the observer, either as a particle or as a wave.

This is all in line with quantum theory. Another challenge was that if a torch were switched on in a
cupboard for a few days, the batteries will still be dead after a few days, therefore apparently
proving that there was an unobserved light phenomenon taking place. My response in this instance
was to say that an electrical connection has been made, therefore electricity will run in the circuit
but the light itself from the torch will enter a state of electromagnetic flux and will become just a
signal of potentiality. The battery will be dead but no one saw the light! So it won't exist, only as an
effect; a flat battery will be the only observable reality from opening the cupboard door after two
days. Without being seen, even an operating torch will enter the state of quantum flux, with no real
reality until the door is opened.

However if there is any kind of observer inside the cupboard, be it even a small insect or a spider,
then the light will be perceived, at least in the way a small insect or a spider perceives light. In a
similar way if we leave a room and close the door while a dog or mouse remain inside, then the flux
will be ordered according to the perceptions of the creature, suffice it to say that will have a
different view of reality to ourselves. For a start the dog will perceive odours which we will not be
aware of, and the colours and forms we see will have a totally different meaning for the dog. The
dog will be aware of the sofa for example as somewhere he can sit but as to the meaning of the
television with its buzzing sounds and lights he will have no idea. The mouse’s reality field will again
be totally different: the forms and shapes it sees will have a different meaning, none of the

associations of objects we have as humans will mean anything to a mouse so it will likely see only
lines and edges of objects rather than the objects themselves in their complete self existence. A
table for instance would not be ‘a table’ to a mouse because a table is an object and a series of
concepts: it would only be a collection of edges, sides and materials. Its involvement with the object
would not be with the object itself but only with its composite parts, thus it would be seeing a
different reality of the same objects that we are seeing.

What if we ourselves have a similarly limited perception of the whole universe? What if instead of
seeing the universe in all its complete self existence we are only seeing edges, sides and its
composite materials? Everything in nature is a question of scale and one can hardly deny that we
humans are only creatures which exist on a different scale, of colour size and time perception to
other forms of life. Just as we see animals below us on the scale, it is only natural that there exist
beings above us on the scale, which we cannot directly perceive as we are limited to perceiving only
the human world we have been told is real. Sometimes we get the same phenomenon when we see
an unfamiliar object, or go into an unfamiliar place, particularly if navigating, it takes a while to build
up an overall knowledge of the place and be able to understand what is where and build up
complete spatial awareness. Operating a new camera or exploring a new town, our awareness of
how to operate the object or find our way around, is in flux until we can record enough information
about it that we can be certain of its qualities. We are ‘in the dark’ so to speak. An appropriate
metaphor considering it’s all about light.

To extrapolate this idea further, if the universe were suddenly somehow to become completely
devoid of life and consciousness it would cease to exist. However there is consciousness all
throughout the universe and always has been, even in its earliest stages of formation, a non
corporeal awareness that drives on and creates all physical life as we know it; this explains the
seeming inherent intelligence of nature and how creatures likes bees and ants are able to create
complex societies; it also explains evolution and how animals adapt to their environments over time,
despite these changes taking place over many lifetimes of individual animals, it is the motor of life
and it is intelligent: it reacts, learns and grows, perhaps too this is what we may call God.


Chapter 22


While busy on an internet conspiracy theory networking website, and as a result of the strange and
startling revelations during my period of full awakening, and after having read a thousand new-age
tracts about our ‘limitless potential’ and our ability to ‘create our own reality’, it seemed to me that
perhaps it was time to put these ideas to the test and see what we can do if we put our heads
together. Can we really change reality merely by the application of our thoughts and attention? It
was time to see.

I found a collection of news stories on the internet which I posted hoping to inspire and encourage a
belief that there is indeed more to us than mere flesh and bone and dialectic materialism. For
example, a gentleman named Roy Cleveland Sullivan, a former Forest Ranger in Virginia, seems to
have been struck by lightning seven times in his life and survived every strike. Sadly, poor Roy
survived lightning but couldn’t survive his own heart and killed himself over an unrequited love.216

Vladimir Durov was a Soviet era ‘clown’ and animal trainer, whose brain was kept by the Soviet
authorities at the Brain Institute after his death, and was said to be able to use telepathy to talk to
animals. The claims were tested by Professor W Bechterev who created a list of tasks for Durov’s
dogs to perform, it was then said that Durov would stare directly into the dog’s eyes and psychically
transmit his thoughts and instructions after which the dog would then bound off and perform the
tasks set for it.217

Other historical oddities include the story of the magnetism of Normandy peasant girl: Angelique
Cottin, who in 1846, for ten weeks, apparently made needles and compasses spin wildly. Heavy
objects such as tables, would move away from her as she approached them.

She was studied by a group of scientists at the academy of science and a Dr Francoise Arago wrote a
report on her condition: “under peculiar conditions, the human organism gives forth a physical
power which, without visible instruments, lifts heavy bodies, attracts or repels them, according to a
law of polarity, -overturns them, and produces the phenomena of sound.” 218

Nina Kulagina219 was one of the most famous psychics of the firmly dogmatic and seemingly
materialistic Soviet Union. In films she is shown levitating small objects by the power of telekinesis.
Her powers were taken so seriously by the authorities that she was even called in when in her
seventies to help cure Nikita Khrushchev. Old and formerly top secret videos showing her

accomplishing her feats are now available to watch on Youtube. One thing about this case which
makes me think that perhaps her ability was somehow connected to the Kundalini energy
phenomenon was her description of the process of performing telekinesis which cause ‘searing heat’
to rise up her spine. Before performing the various feats she is known to have cleared her mind
through meditation.

Kulagina claimed that she first recognized her ability, which she believed she had inherited from her
mother, when she realized that items spontaneously moved around her when she was angry

There are many examples of unexplained phenomena throughout history which elude the
understanding of our modern day dogmatic scientists who as a choir, seem to be singing from the
hymn-sheet of materialism. As we have seen this is the highest possible form of intellectual vanity:
claiming that because ‘they’ do not know about something and because ‘they’ cannot explain it, it
does not exist and is a thing of fantasy and delusion.

At least Russian scientists still had the genuine scientific spirit of genuine un-prejudiced exploration
and investigation and as such, for the Russians, it has doubtless yielded much fascinating data as to a
possible empirical set of information as to the origins of what we are forced to term the
‘supernatural’. Magic is after all, only that which science cannot yet explain rationally but it is only
for the want of correct investigation and a full set of data. If one were to travel back in time and set
up an electricity generator and connect it to a hairdryer and a range of common place household
appliances, or indeed if one appeared in a Ford Fiesta and started driving around at fifty miles an
hour, there is little doubt their science would be insufficient to explain these things in terms of their
present technological level and thus would be considered the most startling and spellbinding magic.
If furthermore you were to attempt to explain electricity to them, and explain that it is essentially an
invisible force, then how should we be surprised if they started piling up logs of wood and starting a
fire to burn these new found witches.

So we live in a world of magic: invisible radio waves, the power to see inside a person’s body for
medical diagnosis, the power of electricity which seems to give life to machines of plastic and metal.
Yet our scientists tell us ‘this is the limit’. This is all there is when we have discovered so much and
harnessed so much magic from this world. Surely there is so much more to discover! Clearly the
issue is one of monopoly. The scientists want an intellectual monopoly, they want to own all ideas,
wisdom and possible ways to interpret the universe.

And so with this in mind I attempted to bring a fuller awareness of these abilities to the attention of
people involved in the truth seeking community. Many thought I was raving mad and full of bullshit
but fortunately there were enough people also who knew for themselves that this world and our
consciousness are in fact of limitless potential.

When this stuff first started, believe me, I accepted every other possibility than me being
'POWERFUL'... I thought how can I do these things? Strange things started happening, bizarre
coincidence, at times I only had to think of something and it would happen, mundane stuff like being
stuck in a supermarket queue and thinking I wish this would hurry up and suddenly people would
pull out of the queue and I would suddenly be served. Also being able to affect the weather in a
strange way, I only had to look up at the clouds and wish for the sun to shine and it would burn
through the clouds and start to shine. Surely then if this was all fake then what did it mean? Was I
being tested, was nothing real except for me? How come nobody else had experiences like this? I
nearly went mad with thoughts like that. Then I really broke through and reality just fell apart
completely. It was a nightmare, It got to a point where I would think a thought and someone would
say what I was thinking a few seconds later. Like I'd made them say it. I thought God knows what

then but I learned to handle it. Signing up on the original David Icke forum made me realise I wasn't
alone with this but had the ability to talk about my experiences and this made me more rational and
scientific about my thoughts and experiences as I sought to explain what the mystics for thousands
of years had known implicitly, that this world IS an illusion, though Tempered with Einstein’s
comment that it was however ‘a persistent one’. Now all this stuff is perfectly normal and has been
going on for thousands of years, it's just been 'kept' from people.

It's no big deal and the sooner people realise this the sooner they'll be able to do it too. As it
happens I come from a rough part of town myself, and even the people in town are aware of this
power. I overheard a conversation between a couple of blokes where they talked about cursing
people and quite believing that their cursing would work and hurt them somehow, fortunately they
showed reticence about using this form of black magic but many people have tried things and found
that they worked. One day of course the bad things we do in our lives will have to be accounted for
by our own higher self who accepts no lies and bullshit because it is US and we can see right through
ourselves. This is why ‘repentance’ is such an important idea because it allows the self to accept the
bad things they have done and feel sorry for them rather than seek to continue lying to themselves
in an attempt to justify them. This is an endless twisted path of confusion and self delusion and will
lead to utter confusion and weakness in the next world.

Of course that's quite a bad thing to do and it's a shame that the only knowledge people have of
magic is black magic. Still I think the more people who believe 'there's more to this world than meets
the eye' will result in more freedom for the human being, stronger as a result of ceasing to fear
death. If only they could throw the TV away and use the internet for all the news and entertainment
they need, choosing what images and ideas they are subjected to. Then people wouldn't have their
reality dictated to them and be told that the dullest most mind numbing mundane and tedious life, is
the only reality.

My programme is to intervene whenever I feel there is some kind of 'threat' being circulated in the
media. I did this with the bird flu scare in 2004, when they predicted the coldest winter of recent
time (perfect bird flu weather) I tried to manifest a warm winter. Every morning on the way to work,
I would fight the clouds away and let the sun burn through the sky. Ultimately it was one of the
warmest and brightest winters of recent times. Sunlight is the best tonic in the world: when the sun
is shining it is very hard to circulate a deadly flu outbreak as the sunlight naturally destroys such

I continually try to deescalate conflicts, am trying to prevent WW3 and the invasion of Iran. Help is
always appreciated but thanks to the work of various people in the truth community I hope that this
will continue to be prevented. Hindsight is always 20-20 so if you are reading this in the midst of a
nuclear winter don’t judge my words and optimism too harshly. However it doesn't help that many
people see war as inevitable: the Masons actively want it, even when I lived in Egypt people there
thought and probably still do think that it’s all going to kick off soon. But it doesn't have to. If we can
get the 'critical mass' of powerful people preventing war psychically and enough activists working
tirelessly through the media, then we will have stopped the millennia old insanity machine in its
track and the powers that be will have to think again.

That would be great wouldn't it? Just say 'bollocks' to all their stupid self fulfilling prophecies and
their stupid two thousand year old system written by bearded wild eyed madmen who are just
shuffling us from one apocalypse to another. Like when you were at school and you've had enough
of the football game: you just took your ball back. Let's take our balls back (figuratively speaking).
War is over if you want it, as a certain Scouser once said.

When I was in Africa it would rain whenever I got angry. One day when the boss at the school I was
working for tried to take a shit on me, I quit the meeting feeling really angry, then clouds started to
appear and suddenly the sky was black: thunder and lightning struck the dusty streets of New Cairo
and it rained all night.

When I was in London during 2005 I was in an extremely frustrating job with people who just
messed with my head all day, this was during my training as an English teacher and I was sent to a
heavily Mason infested high school in East London. There was Masonic newsletters in the English
staffroom for instance and the head of department would say riddles to me like ‘it’s better to reign
in hell than serve in heaven’.

As a result of my resistance to their inculcation on the worst days there would be thunderstorms
and lightning, and it would rain almost every day, but the thing was I never ever took an umbrella to
work because when I walked to school the day was bright and sunny, but throughout the day as my
frustration increased the clouds would build up and boil in the sky and it would rain, yet as soon as
my day was over I would look out of the window and the clouds would break up and the sun would
come streaming out. I never got wet once. Incidentally this was the same time Blair's private plane
got struck by lightning220 when he said "If I lied about Iraq may God strike me down" remember that
one? Priceless. Some people would say this is just a coincidence but I have long since ceased
believing in the meaningless unnuanced word ‘coincidence’, I have discovered a more rational ‘cause
and effect’ system, one which mainstream science however has yet to factor into their calculations.

So I created a post on the forum suggesting that we form some kind of ‘X-men’ unit and I wondered
what would be our first executive act. I suggested that we could perhaps attempt to manifest a
miracle somewhere in the world, and I asked for suggestions.

The thing to realise is that it’s all an illusion anyway, or at least, that the causes and effect of reality
are more pliable than they appear. If you get to really 'see it' as an illusion, or at least, a swirling
nexus of energy, which is the root cause of everything, then you can really start bending reality. If we
could get enough people with an open mind on board we could probably work together to 'focus' on
a particular thing at a particular time. The same way people in various cities can meditate as a group
and the crime rate mysteriously drops off.

‘A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Social Indicators Research Social reports on one of
the most dramatic sociological experiments ever undertaken. Researchers predicted in advance that
the calming influence of group meditation practice could reduce violent crime by over 20 percent in
Washington, D.C., during an 8-week period in the summer of 1993.

In fact, the findings later showed that the rate of violent crime--which included assaults, murders,
and rapes--decreased by 23 percent during the June 7 to July 30 experimental period. The odds of this
result occurring by chance are less than 2 in 1 billion. Rigorous statistical analyses ruled out an
extensive list of alternative explanations, according to John Hagelin, lead author of the study and
director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of
Management in Fairfield, Iowa.

"This work and theory that informs it deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy
makers alike." Dr. David Edwards, University of Texas- Austin.
The demonstration project involved assembling nearly 4,000 practitioners of the Transcendental
Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs from 81 countries. Participants were housed in hotels and college
dormitories throughout the District of Columbia and at the University of Maryland.

Hagelin says previous research had shown that these meditation techniques "create a state of deep
relaxation and coherence in the individual and simultaneously appear to produce an effect that
spreads into the environment, influencing people who are not practicing the techniques and who
have no knowledge of the experiments themselves.

Drawing on terminology from quantum field theories, Hagelin, an eminent physicist, refers to the
findings as a field effect of consciousness.

"It's analogous to the way that a magnet creates an invisible field that causes iron filings to organize
themselves into an orderly pattern. Similarly, these meditation techniques have been shown to create
high levels of coherence in EEG brain wave patterns of individual practitioners. This increased
coherence and orderliness in individual consciousness appears to spill over into society and can be
measured indirectly via changes in social indices, such as reductions in the rate of violent crime. We
call this phenomenon a field effect of consciousness," says Hagelin.

The admittedly novel experiment was rigorously analyzed by a 27- member project review board
composed of independent scientists and civic leaders who approved the research protocol and
monitored the research process.

Anne Hughes, a professor of sociology and government at the University of the District of Columbia
and a member of the project review board, feels that the findings of the study have significant
implications for resolving inner city violence.

"What we are looking at here is a new paradigm of viewing crime and violence," says Hughes, a co-
author of the study. "I would like to recommend that this new model, which is supported by a number
of exhaustive and very carefully controlled studies, be seriously considered, and that we think about
ways that it might be implemented in the inner city."

According to the researchers, more than 42 studies conducted during the past 25 years have verified
the field effects of consciousness. A study published in 1988 in the Journal of Conflict Resolution
reported on an experiment conducted in Jerusalem where a group of Transcendental Meditation and
TM-Sidhi program experts had assembled during the war in Lebanon.

As the number of TM group practitioners peaked on several occasions during the two-month
experimental period, war deaths in nearby Lebanon were found to drop correspondingly.
The Washington, D.C., experiment was especially significant because it was a "prospective study,"
according to Maxwell Rainforth, a co author of the study and statistician at Maharishi University of
Management (M.U.M.)

"The predictions were lodged in advance with a panel of prominent social scientists and civic leaders,
including members of the District city council and metropolitan police force. Statistical analysis
considered the effect of weather variables, daylight, police patrolling, historical crime trends and
annual patterns in the District of Columbia, as well as trends in neighboring cities.
"Consistent with previous research, violent crime was correlated with weekly weather patterns.
However, time series analysis of FBI crime data, controlling for temperature, showed that violent
crime dropped significantly during the demonstration period," Rainforth says.
While the notion of using group meditation to lower crime may seem unusual at first, Rainforth says
that this response is common with new approaches.

"Ordinarily, we think we can reduce violence through more police, gun control, stiffer penalties, etc.
But everyone knows that these conventional approaches are inadequate because violence and crime

continue to be a major problem in our society. On the other hand, however novel this Transcendental
Meditation program approach may seem, evidence consistently shows that it can reduce violent
crime," Rainforth says.

David Orme-Johnson, lead investigator and former chair of the psychology department at M.U.M.,
says that the "violence in society is caused by the buildup of stress in collective consciousness," just as
the buildup of stress in the individual is known to cause disease in the body.
"The conventional scientific model has assumed that individual consciousness is completely separate
from that of others, and that there is no common field linking us together. But the most advanced
understanding in physics has shown us in the past century that subtle energy fields are at the basis of
everything in the universe. Why then shouldn't we expect that human consciousness also has field
characteristics at more fundamental levels?" questions Orme- Johnson.

According to Hagelin, historical precedents shed light on understanding the field effects of
consciousness. "Early scientists such as Edison and Marconi discovered technologies like the light
bulb and radio wave transmission that began to tap the hidden potentialities of the electromagnetic
field. The electromagnetic field had always existed before, but it took these and other discoveries of
the past 150 years to demonstrate this invisible field's enormous practical value for society.
"Similarly, the field of consciousness has always been there, beyond the conscious thinking mind of
everyone Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I rediscovered ancient techniques to access this field, and now
scientists are beginning to validate its tremendous practical value for society.
"No one disputes the value of modern computers, televisions, cellular phones and countless other
technologies utilizing the electromagnetic field. However, 100 years ago people would have thought
we were crazy if we talked about these technologies," Hagelin says.
According to Orme-Johnson, there's a common misunderstanding that the Transcendental
meditation technique involves positive thinking, or prayer, or self-hypnosis.
"These other practices involve some kind of activity of the mind. In contrast, the TM technique allows
mental activity to settle down and transcend to a completely silent state, which is the underlying field
of consciousness.

"When the mind quiets down to this field level of consciousness, qualities inherent in this underlying
field become enlivened in individual consciousness, such as perfect order, balance, harmony, and
infinite correlation. As a result, the individual becomes as if a transmitter of orderliness and peace in
society, analogous to the way that a television or radio transmitter enlivens the electromagnetic field
in a specific manner and then transmits waves through the field that can be picked up at a distance,"
Orme-Johnson says.”221

So with the help of fellow board member and owner of a lime grove in Australia known as Limelady,
a date was decided on to manifest some unusual event somewhere in the world: 23rd March 2007.

So I prepared by clearing my mind and not allowing myself to get distracted by the day to day
rubbish whether in TV or in my job or anywhere else. On a side-note, about getting ‘distracted’.
Something very weird I've noticed. If you turn your attention 'off' from the world for a sustained
length of time, like up to an hour or so, I find that 'the world' tries to attract you back. You may hear
your name called in the street, or just random activity tries to get you 'involved' in reality. Like a
group of kids shouting near you or people you don't know wanting to talk to you.
Also, if you turn off your attention, try blanking your mind and meditating, then when you finally get
involved again in reality (looking at people and things around you) your action is so much more
powerful for having your power of intention 'stored'. This was something which was echoed in the
experience of Nina Kulagina, of whom it was said, if you remember, and it is worth remembering
“Before performing the various feats she is known for she had to clear her mind through meditation.”

I have to say I practised various feats of attention and reality control with dogs and birds. You have
to start somewhere. I used to have very noisy chirpy birds hanging around outside my Hoxton
council flat window at stupid o-clock in the morning. I got so sick of them waking me up that I
started to visualise myself firing little arrows at them (cruel I know but woe betide anyone who stops
me getting my sleep). After a day or two they never bothered me again. They only disappeared once
I'd started the visualisation thing. The same with dogs, you can stop them barking but you need a
much stronger concentration, if you slip for a minute and cease to believe you can do it then the
bleeders will start yapping again. I've tested all this stuff quite rigorously and it's true. So anyway I
was hoping for something a bit more impressive on the 23rd than shutting up a few yapping dogs
and early morning chirping birds.

Eventually after some discussion I suggested we create a weather event somewhere as this seemed
to be something I could do and it was a non invasive non harmful form of reality manipulation.
However one poster felt that sending a lighting storm to the Great Pyramid of Giza and that having
the lightning repeatedly strike the pyramid and blow a hole in the pyramid to reveal a hidden
chamber, would be a good idea, needless to say we didn’t find this act of psychic vandalism one to
which we could all happily subscribe, on the grounds that it would be effectively a destructive act,
but nevertheless it was an amusing and entertaining suggestion. Limelady herself had thoughts of
trying to help missing children in some way, but realised at this stage, such a task would be difficult
as there seemed to be no definite thing to focus attention on. Since several of us had professed
quasi-shamanistic weather changing abilities, Limelady suggested that we do something to help all
the people and the wildlife hit by the harsh conditions the drought in Australia had brought. In some
parts of Australia it hadn’t rained for five years or more.

So we decided to break the drought in South Eastern Australia which had ravaged the region for
many months. The area we decided to focus on was known as Wagga Wagga. So we set about the
task, with perhaps about fifty people actively involved in this, what we called ‘the forum experiment’
or termed a ‘positive intention exercise’.

In the lead up to the date we realised we would need something to focus our attention on:
something tangible that we could see and concentrate on so Garth posted up maps and satellite
weather images of the whole area. At the time I was living in Egypt, and like Wagga Wagga I hadn’t
seen a drop of rain myself for quite a while.

On the fateful day, 23rd March 2007, we started getting forum reports on the present weather
situation. One of the first was a posters was named ‘Freethinker’:

23-03-2007, 06:09 PM I spoke to a friend in Melbourne today. it is raining and he explained it was
unusual for this time of year - and that the rain was needed.

Then a forummer named truthcommission: Yes it was quite unusual. Thursday was hot 36 degrees
Celsius (96.8 F) and today it is a cool 19 degrees and RAINING!

Then Limelady: Hi to all on the forum

According to the current weather stats for Wagga Wagga NSW Australia, and after confirmation
from a friend who lives in Wagga, Not only is it steadily raining there for the first time in a very long
time as I type with a band of rain stretching over a massive area, they have had more rain in the last
week than they have had for years.

All of us involved in the experiment had no doubts this would be the case, yet it is really difficult to

not be excited about what we have achieved here

We are planning more forum experiments and hope that more will join to give their support.....We
can achieve anything we want...LETS DO IT!

More reports steadily came through during the day:

Hi All,

I have just received confirmations from a friend from Wagga. I guess this is nothing new to most of
you anyway, since you already know it did rain. =) However, she said it was pouring so much for the
entire Saturday. It was gloomy and cloudy as well. According to her, it was abnormal for Wagga
standards as the weather is usually consistent. And the past few days have been relatively dry. She
did say herself and her friends were very surprised with the suddenness of rain though.

I'm just wondering, if it happened on Saturday in Wagga, could it be because of the difference in
time-zone factors? So some of you people in Europe and the US may be experiencing Friday at the
time, but it was Saturday over here? Just a thought though. Maybe we could take a little extra notice
of time-zones in the future.

Personally I wanted to find further evidence that it had indeed rained in Waga Waga on the 23 rd
March so I typed into the internet ‘Rain Wagga Wagga 23 rd March 2007’ and found the following:222

Friday, March 23, 2007, 08:38 PM

At about 4pm the Rural Fire Service two-way radio chatter alerted me to an approaching Storm front
at Wagga Wagga so I grabbed my camera to go out as lightning starting fires are always a worry
with summer storms. I was able to then take a series of photos showing a Dust Storm developing,
growing & sweeping over the landscape to the town of Junee & beyond.

We tried other forum experiments subsequently but none seemed to have the same level of
coordination, detail and passion which was manifested during the Wagga Wagga rain making
exercise. There was also a fair amount of scorn from other members despite the evidence being
available that we did achieve what we intended to do. As time went on and the early days of our
small and sincere forum community came to an end, the forum started to change its character, some
of the most supportive members with the most ‘belief’ disappeared from cyberspace and went

about their business in the real world. However the experiments still continue in different forms and
with a different set of characters. My utmost hope is that the people who witnessed or were
involved with the Wagga Wagga experiment have taken this new awareness with them as they
travel through life and perhaps try the same thing elsewhere with different people. Or if they only
bring these techniques of concentrated attention into their own lives, such would signal progress for
the human race and an early awareness that we are not merely the batteries of the Empire’s vast
machine or its economic units. I know it’s a cliché but I do believe it really is time to take the power

Sometimes it doesn’t even take strange mystical shenanigans to change things: eighteen people with
telephones can change the course of human history. On August 11th Peter Walker of the Guardian
reported that the Advertising Standards Authority had banned223 what it deemed an ‘offensive’ anti-
terror hotline advert which had been previously broadcast on the radio station Talk Sport. The
advert was designed and broadcast as part of an effort to set-up something like a Stasi style citizen
spy ring in which citizens were encouraged to spy on each other and report anything deemed
suspicious to the authorities by phoning the ‘anti terror hotline’. Suspicious activities according to
the advert consisted of ‘paying cash’ and a man ‘liking to keep himself to himself’. The transcript of
the advert was as follows:

"The man at the end of the street doesn't talk to his neighbours much, because he likes to keep
himself to himself. He pays with cash because he doesn't have a bank card, and he keeps his curtains
closed because his house is on a bus route. This may mean nothing, but together it could all add up to
you having suspicions."

The Guardian reported: “The advert attracted 18 complaints from listeners who considered it
offensive to encourage the reporting of those doing nothing illegal, or who thought it could cause
harassment or victimisation.” 224

The advert was banned on the grounds of causing serious offence and the fact that if those eighteen
people had not registered complaints then perhaps we would now be hearing many more calls to
spy on our neighbours who are doing nothing wrong. One can imagine the kind of climate of fear
and mutual suspicion that such a programme would engender and we would be moving ever more
quickly to something approaching the totalitarian tyranny which the bleakest prophecies of our
present day are always forecasting. It needn’t be so. As long as there are a few people willing to
make their voice heard and say ‘no!’. Sometimes it only takes a thought or a phone-call to make the
world a better place.


Chapter 23

Appreciation of Truth through Meditation.

I include this chapter to provide details of a hitherto neglected technique to instantly improve your
quality of life. in these fraught and stressful times it is essential that we regain full control of our own
minds because without control over our emotions, moods, and thoughts, we are at the mercy of
those who know how to push our buttons: whether they be the government trying to tax us within
an inch of our lives; the banks fiddling the interest rates leading us to worry about whether we can
still afford to make the payments on our family home, or the local malcontent trying to infect us
with their own misery. We need to defend ourselves and truly the most effective way of doing this is
to ‘not let things get to us’. We all know this. But we also know it is easier said than done.

We need to learn to put some distance between our true selves and the outside world of
uncertainty, pain, worry and stress. It is not the events of life which dictate whether we are happy or
not but how we deal with those events. Some people can have all the money and luxury in the world
but be deeply unhappy and depressed; they take things for granted. While others may have only
enough money to live on a day by day basis but may be very happy with their lives. Such was the
case of the many people I met in Egypt.

From visiting third world countries like Egypt I have learned that it isn’t what objects and wealth you
possess in the outside world that dictates your level of happiness, but what you have on the inside.
What I’m talking about is inner peace. Many people in third world countries can scarcely afford to
feed themselves but they have inner peace in abundance. This is largely due to the fact that many of
the third world countries have not become wholly materialistic because there are not the markets
and capital or need for these products: so people retain their native sense of spirituality. It seems to
me that the more one focuses on what one can own and buy in the outside world the more one
neglects ones inner wealth.

The more you own the less you are. You define yourself by the things you own but they start to own
you. You think fondly of your new digital high definition 3D TV; your new car. Your thoughts and
your consciousness get projected into machines and gadgets which inevitably soon lose their lustre,
become common place and are soon superseded by new models. They are not permanent. No doubt
it is enjoyable to think about some new gadget you’ve bought but sooner or later you will get used
to it and it will no longer evoke the same feeling of excitement. This is the same psychology involved
in becoming a so called ‘shopaholic’: the initial thrill of buying new clothes for example disappears
within a couple of days of their purchase as the clothes have been worn and no longer feel new,
particularly with their first wash the sheen of newness disappears, and the genuine shopping addict
will need to buy something else to regain the transitory feeling of happiness. Of course, it goes
without saying that this is a pretty fruitless way to attain happiness but for some people it really is all
they have: precisely because they have forgotten to ‘be’ happy themselves. They cannot achieve
happiness from within so they constantly need something to make them happy.

Many people replace the quest for ‘something’ with the quest for ‘someone’. This is a perfectly
normal and natural human impulse: to have a partner, to feel love for someone and to know they
are loved in turn and perhaps start a family. But due to the pressures and temptations of modern
life, often the strains and pressures of life get between the loving couple and the relationship cannot
weather the storm or the world. Some people have a materialistic attitude to loving relationships
and find, just like the shopaholics, that after a few months or years, the sheen of newness and
excitement of the relationship, seems to fade, and so they dash off in search of someone new who
will allow them to feel the fleeting thrill of the ‘new’ again.

So many marriages these days end in divorce because people are so desperate to find their
happiness in other people when really they need to find it in themselves first. You cannot find love in
others: you must have the love in yourself first. If you depend on another person for your emotional
wellbeing, then whenever you perceive that they are not giving you what you need or feel entitled
to, you will either feel frustrated and suffer in silence, or move on to the next partner in order to get
your supply. Again, this is another form of addiction. All of these people running around looking for
some feeling that they have been told they can either buy somewhere or obtain from other people,
but they are not told that the surest supply of this wonder product comes from within: happiness.

All we have to do in order to be completely and perfectly happy is to obtain genuine inner peace. To
be at peace is to be happy. When we are deeply in love with someone and we wrap our arms around
them in a cuddle we feel at peace. Time seems to fade into irrelevance and no pressure or worries
plague us. This is the feeling of love and it is the same as true peace. We feel comforted by our
partner and their presence gives us confidence and a feeling of total security; but we are perfectly
able to obtain this feeling ourselves without the necessity of either obtaining it from the presence of
another person or the presence of material goods.

I suspect also that our habit to rely less on our own inner resources and more on other people, leads
people to rush headlong into relationships which perhaps on a deeper level they know are not ideal,
or not really what they want, yet they feel the alternative of being alone and hence a lack of security
and confidence, to be something they cannot contemplate. So they enter into an ill advised
relationship with someone who won’t be able to supply them with all their needs and fill their innate

sense of inner emptiness. And so we have divorces; broken homes; confused and unloved children,
and a perfect recipe for the breakdown of society.

It could not have been planned any better. It begs the question: Is our world ruled by fools or by
cunning and malicious psychopaths? Our society is falling apart; love is fading from homes and
relationships at the same rate with which the lusts of materialism are pumped into our homes by the
plasma flat-screen high definition 3D TV set. We see beautiful men and women on our TV,
immaculately made up and styled, and this only serves to make us more aware of the imperfections
of our own partners. We see the homes and lifestyles of the rich and famous and our own lives and
homes seem drab in comparison; our lives seem less real and less valuable than those of the stars
we see. We have seen how the introduction of television leads to the phenomenon of crime, as in
the example of Bhutan, not just because people want the things they see on the screen but because
the things they see on the screen actually make them unhappy, unhappy with themselves. Happy
people do not commit crime.

We can produce all the happiness we need in our lives: we can have instant peace and a sense of
security on tap without spending a penny or without asking anyone to give it to us. As the title of this
chapter suggests the answer lies in Zen meditation. There are many forms of meditation and all sorts
of things which people are asked to visualise, but by far the simplest and most effective is Zen.
However the one thing that Zen meditation is not is an instant-fix. However you will see results
almost straight away. The other thing that it isn’t is easy. It requires you to do something that they
don’t want us to do and something many of us simply find ourselves unable to do effectively or for
prolonged periods of time. That is: concentrate.

When you start Zen meditation and if you commit to it and do it three times a week for at least half
an hour then within three months you will be smarter, happier, more serene, less irritable, less
stressed. You will sleep better, be able to think better and you will also notice dozens of other new
mental skills that you will amaze you. The potential for development is limitless because no one
really knows what the limits of the human mind are, but for the first time since your early childhood,
you will truly be using your full mental faculties to their full potential.

As we have seen before, our consciousness is NOT our thoughts. Very young children do not ‘think’
because they do not have the words to construct thoughts. Similarly animals do not think for the
same reason. However both are certainly perfectly conscious. Instead of thoughts children have
completely untroubled and pure minds. They may cry because they are hungry or tired or because
they are affected by negative stimuli around them, but a baby or a small child has no concept or
worry or concern about the future. They just exist in a perpetual present. They do not project
themselves into the future and worry about it the way we do. They do not project themselves into
some other reality because they are dissatisfied with their own reality. Most babies, small children
and animals exist in the easy untroubled happiness of the Zen state.

We can return to this state if we want to. All we have to do is start to separate our awareness of
who we are from the thoughts constantly going through our minds and ultimately learn to stop
thoughts at will. With Zen meditation the angry, sad, jealous or painful thoughts will be stopped
because we will be aware that they are not good for our happiness; we will be able to control our
mind fully and not be at the mercy of the constant chatter of worry, anxiety, uncertainty or concern.

The constant chatter of thoughts in our mind is only a habit we have acquired because of the
stressful nature of life: whether at school and the various rivalries and power struggles there, or the
demand to quickly answer the questions demanded by the teacher or to think of an excuse for not
being able to answer it. Or if someone seems upset with us for some reason we search our thoughts
to find a reason to explain their attitude. And so we all acquire a certain level of constant mental
activity in order to solve the various puzzles of social living and human relationships. In extreme
cases, where stress is elevated to an extreme level then the trammel of thoughts becomes
uncontrollable and sometimes several trains of thought take place at once. This is a sure sign that if
this level of stress continues then serious mental illness can follow when the brain becomes
overloaded with ideas and associations and physical illness often develops as a result of high
emotional stress.

Schizophrenics often claim to hear voices telling them to commit various terrible crimes and the
surprise is that one would do so merely at the behest of a voice in your head, but this is how
powerful our inner world is. You may yourself have noticed that if there is someone you particularly
dislike, and you allow yourself to think negative thoughts about this person, then inevitably your
thoughts will externalise into speech and either you will express your dislike of the person to
someone else, or indeed you will find yourself directly expressing your feelings to the person
themselves, leading no doubt to conflict of one kind or another.

As Jesus said when addressing the ancient equivalent of the Freemasons: the Pharisees, he said: ‘You
brood of vipers. How can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which
fills the heart!’ 225 and “Those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart; and they
defile the man.’226

Although it is difficult to control your feelings about someone, it is possible to control your thoughts
about them. With practice, the next time you see that person in your mind’s eye and start to think
negatively you will be able to stop yourself and say to yourself: ‘why am I thinking like his?’ ‘what
purpose does this negativity serve?’. Indeed it serves none at all. Negativity only makes you yourself
feel bad, angry or aggressive, and increases the likelihood that you will project these emotions on
the people around you who have done nothing to offend you in the first place, damaging other
relationships in turn. In an emergency conflict situation remember the words of Thomas Jefferson:

“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled
under all circumstances.”227

The practice of Zen meditation is very simple and involves simply trying to stifle your thoughts
completely until you reach the Zen state of the mindlessness of Nirvana. With continued practice
you could attain ‘real’ Nirvana in less than 6 months. It is the best feeling in the world, better than
any drug intoxication you can imagine.

Find yourself somewhere very quiet to carry out your meditation. There must be no audible activity
around you at all because this will certainly break your concentration.

Sit cross-legged on the floor and close your eyes. The purpose of this meditation is to reach a point
where you no longer have a constant dialogue going on in your head. Initially it will be very difficult
to do this, in fact the task will seem impossible and it will be mentally exhausting, but the plus side is

you’ll feel very relaxed afterwards. You could also try this if you have trouble sleeping: it certainly
helps sufficiently tire the mind so that it seeks rest and is ready to relax.

Just try initially to sustain inner silence in your mind for a few seconds, it will be tiring, but persevere
and over the next few days and weeks the periods of sustained silence and total inner peace will
become longer and longer. If any thought comes into your head RESIST the temptation to explore it
or become involved in it. Actively attempt to block it out. Some meditation techniques advise you to
observe the thoughts and watch them come and go but this doesn’t achieve a great deal in my
experience: you need to learn to master your own mind and no longer be at the mercy of the many
negative thoughts and feelings of anxiety and worry about the things society is forever trying to
make us worry about. The news and certain TV shows work very hard to create a fevered pitch of
worry, anxiety and high drama because if we are infected by these thoughts then we are in their
playground and we can be controlled. For example the government will be able to introduce more
CCTV cameras and more stringent infringements on our liberty because we will have been infected
by the same degree of panic as they have as schizophrenic robber barons who are unfolding their
New-World Order control agenda and hoping that the public as a whole don’t decide to do
something about it.

So they need us scared of terrorists, that way they can have their naked body scanners at airports
and random police identity checks so we start learning to become scared of them too. Then they will
have their power over us and essentially this is all they need. They already have all the money in the
world but they don’t have total carte blanche to do what they want and in order to get this they
need us to learn to do as we’re told. It seems many of us are learning to do just that at an alarming
rate of knots. When I learned that naked body scanners had been introduced at not just London
Heathrow and Manchester airports, but also at many other regional airports too, I asked myself why
no one protests these terribly invasive things. I needn’t have bothered myself because I later found
out that that 90% of people asked apparently supported naked body scanners in airports. It is clear
that the endless threats and fears pumped out by the media have terrorised the British people to a
level where they are willing to acquiesce to anything if they are told it will make them safe. What a
sad bunch we have become. Did we defeat Nazi Germany and totalitarianism only to have it follow
us home and move in with us?

Those to blame are the media for scaring us with a hundred ways to die every week. If it isn’t the
meteor from space it’s swine flu, or bird flu, or SARS, or mad-cow disease, or a pole shift, or melting
glaciers flooding the planet, or a plague of zombies, or anthrax in the mail, or any one of a thousand
promoted terrors designed to weaken our minds and make us stand in line and do as we’re told. Line
up and take your shoes off! Line up and take this vaccine full of mercury! Line up and get a dose of
dangerous X ray radiation! Line up and bend-over for the cavity search. For your security of course!

It will get much worse if we let it and the way things look right now with the whole population stuck
to their TV sets drinking up the fear, it’s going that way. There was a time when to be fingerprinted
meant you’d been arrested by the police for breaking the law and they had the right to add your
fingerprints to their lists of felons. Now if you happen to be a child of three or above at school who
wants to borrow a library book you also risk being fingerprinted.

The next logical step in this chain is for schools to collect children’s DNA. Then what? Perhaps with
developments in technology they will be able to read our whole lives just from our DNA sample.

When we die; how much we weigh; the colour of our eyes; what our favourite movies are; whether
we are likely to be a good citizen or whether we will insist on trying to maintain our privacy and
oppose their plans.

Yet the things we ought genuinely to be worried about such as a new World War are the very things
our rulers seem to want. Whether politicians stirred for some reason into calling for tough new
sanctions for Iran and claiming that they already have nuclear weapons, when Israel’s nuclear
weapons seem to have become bit of a blind-spot ever since JFK’s assassination. The next step in
the rhetorical rise to Armageddon is for public opinion to join US hawks like Hilary ‘I’m not a witch!
I’m not a witch!’ Clinton. Or now she’s gone they roll-out their replacement ghoul: John Kerry. I
wonder what he got up to in the ‘Tomb’ during his initiation into Skull and Bones and do Israel have
the tapes?

In 2007 Hilary voted on the Kyle-Lieberman amendment supporting military action against Iran.228 In
2008 she threatened to ‘obliterate’ Iran if they invaded Israel.229 A bit like saying going up to a blind
man and saying ‘I will smash your teeth in if you look at my girlfriend’. Clearly psychotically
aggressive and deranged and clearly not taking any advice from Thomas Jefferson. And now Obama,
the black messiah himself is in a bullying mood because of the goading of his Wall-street pals who
know that the only future for the financial system of United States of America is preservation
through the spoils of foreign conquest.

We need to remove ourselves from this toxic and hypocritical system and that means disengaging
our minds and attention from the million and one harmful illusions, lies and new horrors they fire at
us. Do it now!


Chapter 24

Final Words.

Never harbour evil thoughts of any kind at any time.

The only way to get through life is to try to keep remembering who you really are.

When you remember each time who you are, to quote the Devendra Banhart song ‘can’t help but
smiling’. We must at all times remain accountable to our higher-self otherwise we are likely to
subconsciously use these negative thoughts to colour our judgement of things to come. Often when
we are angry with someone we need to let it go and be truly free and untroubled not caring about
it. People who practise hours of Zen meditation from time to time are more likely to have total
mastery of their own thoughts.

Already this chapter is becoming much longer than I originally intended. I had intended to write
merely ‘Don’t harbour evil thoughts’ but specially embossed in bold and underlined, because I think
it is the key to surviving this material experience in one piece. If you do no evil, nor even think evil.
Then nothing or no one can reproach you on any level. You are one of the good-guys. Well done.

Sometimes brevity is best and too many words sometimes complicate things, but I hope at least that
this book made some things a bit clearer.

Acknowledgements and Sources:

Christ, Karl, The Romans, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1984 pp. 164-5
Beard,M., North,J., Price S., Religions of Rome, Vol. 1, Cambridge Press, Cambridge England, 1988, pp. 203, 272, 279-308, 282



M. Evans & Company; Reprint edition (September 16, 2009)
Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry Paperback by John J. Robinson (Author) PAGE 8


Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction to Practical Ideals, p. 433, Published by Philosophical Research Society,
Incorporated, 1984

Chapter 13 of the Book of Enoch

The Chasm of Fire: A Woman's Experience With the Teachings of a Sufi Master (Element Classic Editions) Paperback – July 1, 1993 by Irina


Mask of Treachery. Anthony Blunt - The Most Dangerous Spy in History
John Costello (Author) HarperCollins Publishers Ltd; 1st edition (17 Nov 1988)



p. 167, 'Inside the British Army', by Antony Beevor, Corgi books 1991, ISBN 0 552 13818 5.



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Architects of Deception Part VI The Highest Degrees Referent Publishing (2004) by Jüri Lina (Author)




Dunblane Secret Documents Contain Letters by Tory and Labour Ministers
Neil Mackay - The Sunday Herald, News, 2 March 2003 http://www.whale.to/b/dun3.html

to-sex-trafficking Sandy Frost July 29, 2008 Starbucks,WA

Defunct: http://www.ksat.com/news/21437213/detail.html

Our Drugs War broadcast 2nd August 2010 Episode 1. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/our-drugs-war/4od#3109766 25.20
minutes in.





Publisher: Vintage Classics; New Ed edition (1 May 2003)
Cancer Ward [Paperback] Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Renes Descartes Discourse on Method

King James Bible, Matthew 12-31

Proofs of a Conspiracy... John Robinson p121 p124


For Your Own Good: The Roots of Violence in Child-Rearing Alice Miller pages 142-16

My Dear Son: The Memoirs of Stalin's Mother
Keke Jughashvili

Robert K Knight quoted in: The Mask of Sanity: An Attempt to Clarify Some Issues About the So Called Psychopathic Personality William
a Dolan; 5th edition (Nov 1988) Hervey M. Cleckley

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Ezekiel 18:13 King James Bible

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Genesis 19:4 King James Bible





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Job 1:8 King James Bible


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My Lie: A True Story of False Memory September 14, 2010, Meredith Maran


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Hebrews 4:12-13 King James Bible




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The Encyclopaedia of Witches and Witchcraft – By Rosemary Ellen Guiley

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Ephesians 6:12 King James Bible



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Social Indicators Research - Volume 47, Issue 2, June 99




Matthew 12:34 King James Bible

Matthew 15:18 King James Bible

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 19 , page 242 April 1, 1974by Thomas Jefferson (Author), Julian P.Boyd (Editor)




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