Stela Manova
General Overviews
Affixation is a major morphological device, and a book-length study that provides an overview of affixation
is, as a rule, not titled affixation but morphology; that is, all morphology textbooks are actually general
overviews of the topic of affixation. Of the older sources, Nida 1949 introduces a very accessible
morpheme analysis and defines most of the affix types known in present-day morphological theory. The
more recent sources are allotted into three groups: Textbooks for Beginners, Intermediate-Level
Textbooks, and Advanced-Level Textbooks.
Nida, E. 1949. Morphology: The descriptive analysis of words. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press.
This book can be seen as a predecessor of all modern morphology textbooks. It is written within the
framework of American structuralist linguistics to which issues related to identification of affixes appear
central. 1 of 39
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The textbooks listed in this section assume only very basic prior knowledge. Aronoff and Fudeman 2010 is
a theory-neutral textbook, while Lieber 2010 presents a syntactic approach to morphology.
Aronoff, M., and K. Fudeman. 2010. What is morphology? 2d ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
A good starting point on how to do morphological analysis and identify affixes. This theory-neutral book
has two editions and is often used as a textbook for university courses in morphology.
Intermediate-Level Textbooks
The textbooks included in this section are more comprehensive and also more theory-oriented in
comparison to those listed in the previous section. Bauer 2003 pays special attention to a number of
morphological theories. Szymanek 1998 and Booij 2012 are generative-morphology textbooks.
Haspelmath 2002 discusses different theoretical proposals but can be seen as theory neutral.
Bauer, Laurie. 2003. Introducing linguistic morphology. 2d ed. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh Univ.
An accessible and comprehensive introduction to morphology and morphological analysis by a
morphologist who does not identify himself with a particular framework but considers different theoretical
proposals. Provides one of the most detailed descriptions of types of affixes in the literature.
Booij, G. 2012. The grammar of words: An introduction to linguistic morphology. 3d ed. Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press.
Written by a theorist interested in phenomena in the morphology–syntax interface, this introduction to
morphological analysis emphasizes the role of words in understanding morphology. 2 of 39
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Szymanek, Bogdan. 1998. Introduction to morphological analysis. 3d ed. Warsaw, Poland: PWN.
A clearly structured and easy-to-follow introduction to morphological analysis with a special part on
affixation; draws primarily on data from English and Polish, though other languages are also presented.
This is maybe the most cited East European morphology textbook in West Europe and North America.
Advanced-Level Textbooks
The titles in this section have a strong theoretical orientation. Plungian 2003 is written in Russian and
considers the western European and North American linguistic traditions along with the Russian sources.
Spencer 1991 and Fabregas and Scalise 2012 are entirely focused on the theoretical findings of the
research carried out in western Europe and North America.
Fabregas, Antonio, and Sergio Scalise. 2012. Morphology: From data to theories. Edinburgh
Advanced Textbooks in Linguistics 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press.
This textbook pays special attention to the morphology–syntax interface, including recent developments in
construction grammar and the Minimalist program. In the discussions of the topics, references to sources
are sparse, but there are lists of suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter.
Plungian, Vladimir. 2003. Obščaja morfologija: Vvedienie v prblematiku. Moscow: Editorial URSS.
This textbook of general morphology consists of two parts: (1) basic concepts in morphology and (2)
semantics of grammatical categories. Written by a typologist, the book draws on examples from various
languages. A revised version of the second part titled Vvedenie v grammatičeskuju semantiku was
published as a separate book in 2011 (Moscow: RGGU).
As a rule, morphology handbooks do not have special chapters on affixation. However, since affixes are
markers of morphological operations and occur in derivation, inflection, and compounding, various
chapters in a morphology handbook provide information pertinent to affixation. Booij, et al. 2000–2004 is a
very comprehensive source and contains much information on affixation. All chapters in Spencer and 3 of 39
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Zwicky 1998 tackle issues relevant to affixation. Štekauer and Lieber 2005 is on affixation in word
Booij, G., C. Lehmann, and J. Mugdan, eds. 2000–2004. Morphologie: Ein internationales
Handbuch zur Flexion und Wortbildung/Morphology: An international handbook on inflection and
word formation. Vols. 1 and 2. Berlin: de Gruyter.
This very comprehensive handbook contains articles written in English and German. Many chapters are
highly relevant to affixation (e.g., morphological operations, markedness, zero suffixation, iconicity). There
are also special articles on the different Types of Affixes such as infixes, transfixes, and so on.
Spencer, A., and A. Zwicky, eds. 1998. The handbook of morphology. Oxford: Blackwell.
The articles of the first handbook of morphology are written by leading specialists and cover different
aspects of affixation, but there is no special chapter on the topic.
Štekauer, P., and R. Lieber, eds. 2005. Handbook of word formation. Dordrecht, The Netherlands:
Springer Dordrecht.
This book tackles issues related to affixation in word formation, primarily derivational morphology, within
various theoretical frameworks, generative and nongenerative alike.
Almost all of the textbooks cited under General Overviews contain glossaries in which all terms necessary
for understanding affixation can be found. Additionally, there is a special glossary of morphology (Bauer
2004) that can be very helpful as it provides more detailed definitions and contains a selected
bibliography. The SIL Glossary of Linguistic Terms is another nice resource. 4 of 39
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Reference Resources
All encyclopedias of language and linguistics contain entries on affixation. The articles on affixation in the
encyclopedias listed in this section are all fairly long and clearly structured. The entries in Asher 1994 and
Brown 2006 are particularly profound. The article on affixation in Strazny 2005 contains a special section
on affixes and headedness. Another helpful resource that can be consulted on specific problems is The
World Atlas of Language Structures (Haspelmath, et al. 2005).
Haspelmath, M., M. S. Dryer, D. Gil, and B. Comrie. 2005. The world atlas of language structures.
Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
This highly innovative work with a great number of maps does not have a chapter on affixation but can be
used as a source of information on specific issues such as the use of suffixes and prefixes in inflection,
inflectional exponence, and so on. An interactive online version is also available.
Empirical research on morphology relies on dictionaries, databases, and corpora, among other things.
However, in comparison to the electronic resources available for syntax-oriented research and word-level
analyses, there are only very few corpora and databases annotated at a morpheme level, such as
Baayen, et al. 1995; the Corpus e Lessico di Frequenza dell’Italiano Scritto; and the Russian National
Corpus, which allow a search for affixes. Morpheme-level annotations of large corpora are still seldom
since they are difficult to perform and, in addition, significantly slow down the computational processing of
the corpus data. Thus as electronic resources for research on affixation currently serve either electronic 5 of 39
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versions of standard dictionaries, such as The Oxford English Dictionary 2004 or Digitales Wörterbuch der
Deutschen Sprache, or small morpheme-annotated databases and corpora. All corpora, databases, and
electronic dictionaries can, as a rule, be searched with wildcards. A wildcard is usually marked by an
asterisk (*), which stands for a letter or string of letters and replaces part of either the beginning or end of
a word. Xiao 2009 and Ostler 2009 provide information about the existing corpora of well-studied and
lesser-studied languages, respectively. The major corpora of English include the British National Corpus
as well as Corpus of the Contemporary American English. Another helpful resource for English is
Baayen, R. Harald, Richard Piepenbrock, and Leon Gullikers. 1995. CELEX lexical database.
CD-ROM. Linguistic Data Consortium, Univ. of Pennsylvania.
Morphologically annotated database. Contains general lexicons for English, German, and Dutch. The user
guides can be accessed online. There is also an interactive Web-based CELEX lexicon but it is not
completely reliable.
This is a neat online resource that has indexed over 1,000 English glossaries and dictionaries and allows
for different wildcard searches. 6 of 39
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Ostler, Nicholas. 2009. Corpora of less studied languages. In Corpus linguistics: An international
handbook. Edited by Anke Lüdeling and Merja Kytö, 457–483. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Introduces corpora of lesser-studied languages and discusses the problems related to their collection.
The Oxford English dictionary. 2004. 2d ed. 20 vols. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
Considered the most important reference resource for English. Provides information about the history of
individual words as well as their present-day meanings. Contains about 600,000 words and three Mio
quotations and is available in print, on CD-ROM, and online.
Xiao, Richard. 2009. Well-known and influential corpora. In Corpus linguistics: An international
handbook. Edited by Anke Lüdeling and Merja Kytö, 383–456. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Introduces over 100 corpora of well-studied languages.
Except for research and as reference resources for morphology classes, some of the dictionaries listed in
this section can also be used to facilitate the acquisition of the second/foreign language vocabulary of
learners of English and Russian. As Quinion 2002, Stein 2007, and Cubberley 1994 provide semantic
definitions of affixes, the reader is also advised to consult the section Mapping Meaning and Form.
Quinion 2002 and Stein 2007 list the English affixes, while Cubberley 1994 is a similar resource for
Russian. Kuznetsova and Efremova 1986, Tikhonov 1985, and Zaliznjak 1977 are all on Russian and
more abstract in the sense that they are more specialized and list affixes without semantics.
Kuznetsova, Ariadna I., and Tatjana F. Efremova. 1986. Slovar’ morfem russkogo jazyk. Moscow:
Russkij jazyk.
This is a morpheme dictionary in which one can search for prefixes and suffixes. The dictionary lists the 7 of 39
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combinations of an affix with all other affixes as well as all roots to which a particular affix or affix
combination attaches. It is a nice resource on affixation in Russian.
Quinion, Michael. 2002. Ologies and isms: Word beginnings and endings. Oxford: Oxford Univ.
This work lists all English affixes and contains over 1,250 entries and their semantics, illustrated by some
10,000 examples. An interactive online version is available online.
Stein, G. 2007. A dictionary of English affixes: Their function and meaning. Munich: Lincom.
Gives semantic definitions of all English affixes; affixes that derive the same meaning are listed together.
Tikhonov, A. N. 1985. Slovoobrazovatel’nyj slovar’ russkogo jazyka. 2 vols. Moscow: Russkij jazyk.
This is a word-formation dictionary of Russian organized in terms of word-formation nests; that is, it lists
roots and all possible (affixal) derivatives from them, step-by-step. The name of the author has alternative
spellings as Tihonov or Tixonov.
There are two peer-reviewed journals that are exclusively devoted to morphology, Morphology and Word
Structure. Most publications in these journals tackle issues related to affixation. Important articles on
various aspects of affixation have also appeared in Natural Language & Linguistic Theory (NLTT),
Linguistics, and Language. NLTT publishes primarily research couched within the generative paradigm.
Linguistics is a theory-neutral general linguistic journal. Language, the journal of the Linguistics Society of
America, has the ambition to publish articles that are of interest to the whole linguistic community. Two
special issues of Morphology, Manova and Aronoff 2010 and Aronoff and Manova 2010, have been
devoted to affix ordering. Manova 2011 is a special issue of Word Structure that discusses the relation
between affixes and bases.
Aronoff, Mark, and Stela Manova, eds. 2010. Special Issue: Affix Combinations, Part 2. Morphology 8 of 39
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Along with Manova and Aronoff 2010, this special issue constitutes the first-ever collection of papers on
affix ordering in typologically diverse languages.
The journal of the Linguistics Society of America, which publishes articles in all disciplines of linguistics.
Publishes articles in the traditional disciplines of linguistics, including morphology. Published by de
Manova, Stela, ed. 2011. Special Issue: Affixes and Bases. Word Structure 4.2.
This special issue introduces the notion of affix-based morphology; this is when affixes are combined
without relation to a lexical base. It is claimed that affix combinations, like morphological stems (or
morphomes), are hard to generate syntactically and provide evidence for independence of morphology.
Manova, Stela, and Mark Aronoff, eds. 2010. Special Issue: Affix Combinations, Part 1. Morphology
This is the first part of a collection of papers on affix ordering in typologically diverse well-studied and
lesser-studied languages.
Published by Springer, this journal is the successor of the Yearbook of Morphology and devoted to
morphology proper and its interfaces. Two of its special issues focus on affixation, Manova and Aronoff
2010 and Aronoff and Manova 2010.
Word Structure.
The scope of this journal is similar to that of the journal Morphology. Word Structure is published by
Edinburgh University Press. One special issue is devoted to affixation, Manova 2011. 9 of 39
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Theoretical Issues
This section discusses a number of theoretical issues pertinent to the proper understanding of affixation:
Item-and-Arrangement versus Item-and-Process approaches to morphology; the concepts of Markedness
and Headedness; Features and Exponence; the Mapping Meaning and Form in affixation; Subanalysis,
which assumes the existence of units smaller than morphemes; and Derivation versus Inflection, that is,
the nature of the different affixes in the word form. In the different subsections, a number of theories are
explained, such as A-morphous morphology, construction morphology, distributed morphology, minimalist
morphology, natural morphology, nanosyntax, paradigm function morphology, realizational morphology,
and split morphology.
Affixation usually means addition of an affix, as in book-s, the plural of book. Affixations such as books are
easy to account for in terms of compositional rules of the type book+-s. In morphology, this analysis is
known as the item-and-arrangement approach (Hockett 1954). However, not all affixations are of the
book-s type (e.g., mice, the plural of mouse, and sheep, the plural of sheep), do not contain additional
affixes, and are thus hard to derive in terms of item-and-arrangement. Thus an alternative approach was
suggested that assumes derivation by process and is therefore called item-and-process. The latter
approach does not necessarily need morphemes and appears to be the predecessor of the so-called
a-morphous morphology (Anderson 1992). Morphological phenomena that are most frequently explained
in terms of item-and-process are conversion, as in to cut—a cut (Bauer and Valera 2005), and subtraction,
as in the Russian derivation psixologija ‘psychology’—psixolog ‘psychologist’ (Manova 2011). The
alternative term for conversion is zero derivation and implies an item-and-arrangement analysis with
addition of a zero suffix (Marchand 1974; i.e., to cut → a cut + -Ø). Zero is a controversial type of affix, and
in derivational morphology many linguists speak of conversion instead of zero suffixation; see the
discussion in Bauer and Valera 2005. In inflection, the term syncretism is used for the description of cases
in which two forms coincide because no overt affix attaches. There is also the term zero exponence; see
Trommer 2012, cited under Features and Exponence. As regards subtraction, the situation with respect to
terminology is even worse (Manova 2011): There are a number of competing terms, one of which, namely
disfixation, is built by analogy with the term affixation. Manova 2011 maintains that even subtraction can
be treated in terms of item-and-arrangement.
Anderson, Stephen 1992. A-morphous morphology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Rejects the existence of morphemes in the classical sense (i.e., not morphs and morphemes but
word-forms are the basic building blocks). Uses processes like apophony, subtraction and metathesis as
an argument for a-mourphous morphology.
Bauer, Laurie, and Savador Valera, eds. 2005. Approaches to conversion/zero-derivation. New
York: Waxmann.
This is the first book-length treatment of conversion in the literature. 10 of 39
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Manova, Stela. 2011. Understanding morphological rules: With special emphasis on conversion
and subtraction in Bulgarian, Russian and Serbo-Croatian. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Mixes strategies from item-and-arrangement and item-and-process: Conversion is analyzed as a process,
though words, stems and roots can undergo conversion; subtraction is treated in terms of item-and-
arrangement as the subtracted material is either a morpheme or coincides with an existing morpheme
Marchand, Hans. 1974. Studies in syntax and word-formation: Selected articles, on the occasion of
his 65th birthday. Edited by Dieter Kastovsky. Munich: Fink.
This volume of selected papers contains Marchand’s most famous writings on zero suffixation.
Markedness is a concept taken from the Prague Linguistic School and was originally proposed to account
for phenomena in phonology. The trivial definition of marked in morphology reads: a morphological form
with an overt marker for a particular category (feature in other frameworks, see Features and Exponence);
for example, -s in book-s is the marker of the category [+pl]. Formal markedness (the addition of -s)
implies semantic markedness (the addition of the feature [+pl]). This is, however, not always the case; for
example in sheep—sheep [+pl], the second sheep is marked semantically but lacks a formal marker.
According to Battistella 1996, markedness follows universal logic, which allows establishment of
markedness hierarchies of morphosyntactic features (e.g., the hierarchy for gender is masculine <
feminine < neuter, meaning that masculine is unmarked relative to feminine and neuter). As demonstrated
in Croft 1990 and Ludwig 2001, markedness hierarchies play an important role in morphological typology.
Moreover, neglect of markedness relations may lead to doubtful analyses that reject the existence of
affixes (morphemes in Anderson 1992’s a-morphous morphology, cited under Mapping Meaning and
Form). Thus an analysis in terms of subtraction (the reverse of affixation because addition of meaning is
marked by subtraction of form, as in Russian biolog-ija ‘biology’—biolog ‘biologist’ with addition of the
feature [+person]) may entirely depend on whether markedness is considered. If we derive biologija from
biolog, the process will be a normal affixation by addition, the reverse direction (i.e., biologija → biolog)
means subtraction. An illustration of the same problem in inflection provide the frequently cited example of
subtraction in the formation of French adjectives: /blãš/ → blã/ ‘white’, /grãd/ → /grã/ ‘great, large’, /lõg/ →
/lõ/ ‘long’. In all these cases the direction of derivation is from feminine to masculine, though semantic
markedness requires a masculine-to-feminine direction; recall the gender hierarchy mentioned above.
Manova 2011 reviews the examples of subtraction from the literature with a focus on markedness.
Tiersma 1982 introduces the concept of markedness reversal; that is, markedness may be context-
sensitive. See also Waugh and Lafford 2000 on marked (+) and unmarked (-) features. In morphological 11 of 39
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theory, markedness has been extensively discussed in natural morphology (Dressler, et al. 1987; see also
Ludwig 2001). Another illustration of application of markedness in current morphology is research in terms
of feature geometry (Harley and Ritter 2002, cited under Features and Exponence) within the framework
of distributed morphology (Halle and Marantz 1993). Feature geometry like markedness has its origin in
phonology. Markedness plays an important role in minimalist morphology too; see Wunderlich and Fabri
1995, cited under Mapping Meaning and Form.
Battistella, Edwin L. 1996. The logic of markedness. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
This book defines a general theory of markedness. It also discusses the applications of markedness in
different theoretical frameworks.
Croft, William. 1990. Typology and universals. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Markedness is of particular importance to morphological typology, and in this book chapter 4 is devoted to
markedness. Chapter 5 discusses grammatical hierarchies of features with respect to markedness (e.g.,
the hierarchy for number is singular < plural < dual < trial).
Halle, M., and A. Marantz. 1993. Distributed morphology and the pieces of inflection. In The view
from building 20. Edited by Kenneth Hale and S. Jay Keyser, 111–176. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
The foundational work on distributed morphology where markedness is considered in feature-geometry
Ludwig, R. 2001. Markiertheit. In Language typology and language universals. Vol. 1. Edited by
Martin Haspelmath, Ekkehard König, Wulf Oesterreicher, and Wolfgang Raible, 400–419. Berlin:
Walter de Gruyter.
A fairly detailed review of research on markedness from a typological perspective, with much information
on the development of the concept in linguistics, including morphological theory.
Manova, Stela. 2011. Understanding morphological rules: With special emphasis on conversion
and subtraction in Bulgarian, Russian and Serbo-Croatian. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
The chapter on subtraction reviews research on the topic and critically assesses the examples of 12 of 39
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subtractive morphology known from the literature. Some of those examples neglect markedness and
misinterpret affixation as subtraction, which is then used as evidence for a-morphous morphology; see
Anderson 1992, cited under Mapping Meaning and Form.
Waugh, Linda R., and Barbara A. Lafford. 2000. Markedness. In Morphology. An international
handbook on inflection and word-formation. Vol. 1. Edited by Geert Booij, Christian Lehmann, and
Joachim Mugdan, 272–280. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
An accessible review of research on markedness, with discussion of controversies about markedness.
Affixes are exponents (markers or markings in other frameworks) of morphosyntactic features (see also
the section on Markedness). The term exponence comes from word-and-paradigm accounts of
morphology (Matthews 1972) and denotes the way in which morphosyntactic feature values relate to
(affixal) phonological form. Coates 2000 is an article-length review of the research on exponence.
Trommer 2012 is a collection of papers on exponence that present state-of-the-art research. Caballero
and Harris 2012 is a typology of multiple exponence, a topic not included in Trommer 2012.
Morphosyntactic features, as the term implies, has two aspects—morphological and syntactic. Corbett
2012 is an introduction to features and provides the morphological perspective; Adger 2003 is an
advanced-level account from the syntactic side, see also Adger’s paper in Kibort and Corbett 2010.
Combinations of features have been modeled within the framework of distributed morphology in terms of
feature geometry (Harley and Ritter 2002 and some of the papers in Trommer 2012). Kibort and Corbett
2010 is a set of papers on features from various theoretical perspectives.
Caballero, Gabriela, and Alice C. Harris. 2012. A working typology of multiple exponence. In
Current issues in morphological theory: (Ir)regularity, analogy and frequency. Selected papers
from the 14th International Morphology Meeting, Budapest, 13–16 May 2010. Edited by Ferenc
Kiefer, Maria Ladanyi, and Peter Siptar, 163–188. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 13 of 39
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This paper draws on data from ninety-five languages belonging to twenty-five families and gives the first
typology of multiple exponence—the occurrence of multiple realizations of a single feature, bundle of
features, or derivational category in the same domain.
Harley, H., and E. Ritter. 2002. Person and number in pronouns: A feature-geometric account.
Language 78.3: 482–526.
This article provides a minimalist account of morphosyntactic features in terms of feature geometry. The
analysis is accommodated within the theory of distributed morphology. It also relates morphosyntactic
features to fundamental cognitive categories, and its logic is thus similar to that underlying markedness;
see the section on Markedness.
Kibort, Anna, and Greville Corbett, eds. 2010. Features: Perspectives on a key notion in linguistics.
Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
This book is a set of papers that discuss features within different theoretical persuasions.
Matthews, P. H. 1972. Inflectional morphology: A theoretical study based on aspects of Latin verb
conjugations. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
This book is usually referred to as the first use of the term exponence in morphological theory.
Trommer, Jochen, eds. 2012. The morphology and phonology of exponence. Oxford: Oxford Univ.
State-of-the-art research on exponence. The analyses in the different papers are couched within
approaches such as optimality theory, distributed morphology, minimalist morphology, and nanosyntax. 14 of 39
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The notion of headedness comes to morphology from syntax. Roughly, the last added affix in a complex
word, whether a suffix or a prefix, defines its category and other features; for example, the head of help-ful
is the suffix -ful and it defines the lexical category (part of speech) of the whole word that is an adjective in
this particular case. Headedness is of importance to syntax-like item-and-arrangement accounts of
morphology that assume a hierarchical step-by-step composition of complex words. Williams 1981
proposes the right-hand head rule, Selkirk 1982 is a revision of Williams 1981, and Lieber 1981 rejects the
right-hand head rule and puts forward the principle of feature percolation as determining the head of a
complex word. The notion of headedness seems most relevant to phenomena at the morphology–syntax
interface such as compounds and particle verbs for which it is relatively easy to establish the head. When
applied to derivation and inflection, headedness appears a problematic concept (Bauer 1990); the
problems with headedness in inflectional morphology are also discussed in Stump 2001. Therefore not all
morphology textbooks pay attention to headedness. Bauer 1990 is a critical review of the headedness
debate in morphology, and Fabregas and Scalise 2012 provides an accessible overview of the research
on headedness. State-of-the-art research on headedness in affixation (not mentioned in Fabregas and
Scalise 2012) assumes that a morpheme (an affix) does not necessarily correspond to a single head but
can lexicalize a structured non-trivial set of heads (see Subanalysis). This type of analysis is typical of the
so-called nanosyntax (see Starke 2009 and Taraldsen 2010, cited under Subanalysis).
Fabregas, Antonio, and Sergio Scalise. 2012. Morphology: From data to theories. Edinburgh
Advanced Textbooks in Linguistics 2. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh Univ. Press.
This advanced textbook of morphology offers a brief but helpful overview of the issues surrounding the
adoption of the notion of head in morphology.
Lieber, Rochelle. 1981. On the organisation of the lexicon. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Linguistic
Rejects Williams’s right-hand head rule and proposes the principle of feature percolation: The outermost
affix, whether prefix or suffix, determines the category of the word and its features, that is, the head of the
word can be either the leftmost or the rightmost member. Thus the feature percolation principle explains
why en-large and en-case are verbs in English. 15 of 39
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The rules of word formation are the rules of syntax. Words have hierarchical structure similar to that of
syntactic expressions, and the notion of head thus becomes a major issue in morphology.
Selkirk, Elisabeth. 1982. The syntax of words. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Revises the right-hand head rule as proposed in Williams 1981. The revision accounts for instances in
which the right-hand member of the complex word does not seem to determine the category and other
features of the word as a whole as in a particle verb (e.g., grow up).
Stump, Gregory T. 2001. Inflectional morphology: A theory of paradigm structure. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge Univ. Press.
A lexeme is headed if and only if it is derived by a category-preserving word-formation rule, which allows
properties of the base lexeme to persist as properties of the complex lexeme that it defines; that is, rewrite
is headed (rewrite inflects for tense [rewrote] in the same way as write), while writer is unheaded.
Williams, Edwin. 1981. On the notions “lexically related” and “head of a word.” Linguistic Inquiry
Introduces the right-hand head rule: The head of a morphologically complex word is the right-hand
member of that word (e.g., the suffix -ion is the head of the noun instruct-ion).
This section considers the question of whether affixes have semantics. Complex words consist of pieces
of structure that are traditionally called morphemes (affixes are morphemes too). Morphology defines
morpheme as the minimal unit of language that relates meaning and form. The item-and-arrangement
approach (see Item-and-Arrangement versus Item-and-Process) builds on this understanding of
morpheme. Research on affix ordering that argues for scopal relations of affixes (see Rice 2000, cited
under Syntactic and Semantic Ordering) also treats affixes as meaningful units. However, at least after
Aronoff 1976, we know that morphemes do not associate meaning and form perfectly: There are
morphemes that seem to have no meaning and morphemes that should be associated with more than one
meaning. These problems have led to the development of approaches to morphology that separate form
from meaning in the morpheme (Anderson 1992 even denies the morpheme). Such approaches are
known as realizational morphology and are the mainstream in the current research on inflectional
morphology. Stump 2001 is the most profound articulation of the theory of realizational morphology that
sees affixes as markings without semantics. Semantics is assigned at the level of word; this is to every
cell of a paradigm. The recently developed construction morphology (Booij 2010) treats affixes in a similar
fashion. Affixes are meaningless units that receive semantic interpretation only when used in
constructions of words. Lieber 2005, in the spirit of minimalism, argues for minimal semantic specifications
of affixes. Distributed morphology (Embick and Noyer 2007), keeps form and semantics together only at
an abstract level; that is, morpheme (affix) refers to a syntactic terminal node and its content, not to the 16 of 39
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phonological expression of that terminal (e.g., -s in books and -en in oxen constitute the same morpheme
because they both express the same feature [pl]). The advantages of the distributed morphology approach
to meaning are best visible in the so-called feature-geometry analysis (see Harley and Ritter 2002, cited
under Features and Exponence). An alternative approach to inflection, the so-called minimalist
morphology (Wunderlich and Fabri 1995), assumes that each inflectional affix has its own lexical entry and
thus carries and projects categorical information.
Aronoff, M. 1976. Word formation in generative grammar. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
One of the foundational works of modern generative morphology. Among other things, this influential book
casts doubt on the usefulness of the traditional concept of morpheme.
Embick, D., and R. Noyer. 2007. Distributed morphology and the syntax/morphology interface. In
The Oxford handbook of linguistic interfaces. Edited by G. Ramchand and C. Reiss, 289–324.
Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
An informative and easy-to-follow outline of the theory of distributed morphology by two of its major
proponents. Affixes are abstract units; that is, particular semantics can have more than one affixal
phonological realization.
Lieber, R. 2005. Morphology and lexical semantics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Affixes are at least minimally specified in the lexicon.
Rice, K. 2000. Morpheme order and semantic scope: Word formation in the Athapaskan verb.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Based on the assumption that semantic derivation mirrors syntactic derivation, this book assigns
semantics to every morpheme and provides an analysis in terms of semantic scope. As affixes mark
categories, the approach is like that of distributed morphology. 17 of 39
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Stump, Gregory T. 2001. Inflectional morphology: A theory of paradigm structure. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge Univ. Press.
Affixes are markings without semantics. A lexeme has two paradigms—phonological and syntactic—and
every cell in the phonological paradigm is linked with a cell in the syntactic paradigm by paradigm-linkage
rules. The syntactic paradigm assigns the meaning, and the phonological gives the form.
Wunderlich, Dieter, and Ray Fabri. 1995. Minimalist morphology: An approach to inflection.
Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 14.2: 236–294.
An introduction to minimalist morphology, an approach to inflection comparable to distributed morphology.
However, while distributed morphology operates with abstract morphemes, in minimalist morphology
concrete morphemes project their categorical information onto complex units; that is, the English plural
suffixes -s and -en are the same suffix in distributed morphology but two different suffixes in minimalist
Some studies of morphosyntax operate not only with morphemes but also with parts of morphemes.
Müller 2006 terms this type of analysis “subanalysis” and demonstrates it with data from German verb
inflection. For a general discussion of submorphemic units in morphology, see Kubrjakova 2000.
Submorphemic analyses are at the heart of a newly suggested approach to the architecture of grammar
called nanosyntax. Nanosyntax maintains that with the growth of the syntax trees the terminal nodes of
syntactic structures become very small—smaller than a morpheme. Starke 2009 is an introduction to
nanosyntax, while Taraldsen 2010 illustrates nanosyntax at work and tests the approach against data from
Nguni (Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele, and Swati). 18 of 39
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Starke, Michal. 2009. Nanosyntax: A short primer to a new approach to language. Nordlyd 36.1:
An introduction to nanosyntax, a novel approach to the architecture of language that questions the very
basic assumption that syntax operates only on lexical items such as morphemes and words.
Taraldsen, Tarald. 2010. The nanosyntax of Nguni noun class prefixes and concords. Lingua 120.6:
A single morpheme (a Nguni noun class prefix or agreement marker) “spans” several syntactic terminals
and thus can lexicalize a “span” of heads rather than a single head. See also Headedness.
Some linguists assume that the affixes in the word form differ in nature and that a clear distinction
between derivational and inflectional affixes should be made. This claim rests on a number of
observations: Inflection follows derivation, inflectional affixes are relevant to syntax while derivational
affixes are not, and so on; see the discussion in Anderson 1982. The claim that derivational and
inflectional affixes should be treated separately is known as the split morphology hypothesis. Perlmutter
1988 is a an illustration of this hypothesis. Beard 1995 defines an approach to morphology called lexeme-
morpheme base morphology, which entails split morphology. Booij 1993 argues against split morphology
because some types of inflection (e.g., plural) can feed word formation. Most of the theories mentioned in
Theoretical Issues seem to make a principle distinction between derivational and inflectional affixes,
though not all theories confess the fact explicitly. Some theories have been tested only, or primarily,
against inflectional phenomena (e.g., realizational morphology [Stump 2001, cited under Mapping
Meaning and Form, and Aronoff 1994]; distributed morphology [Halle and Marantz 1993, cited under
Markedness]; nanosyntax [Starke 2009, cited under Subanalysis]). Other studies appear focused on
derivation (e.g., Lieber 2005, cited under Mapping Meaning and Form). Still others define themselves only
as theories of inflectional morphology (e.g., paradigm function morphology [Stump 2001, cited under
Mapping Meaning and Form] and minimalist morphology [Wunderlich and Fabri 1995, cited under
Mapping Meaning and Form]). A significant portion of the recent research in morphology is on inflection
and is of two major types: (a) that which analyzes the (peculiar) ways inflectional affixes pattern with the
help of the inflectional paradigm (Stump 2006) and (b) that which analyzes the same or similar
phenomena without paradigms (Bobaljik 2002). 19 of 39
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Postulates morphomes (stems of the type root + affix[es]), which are forms of purely morphological nature
that cannot be derived by syntax, as they are not associated with particular semantic meaning.
Beard, Robert. 1995. Lexeme-morpheme base morphology. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press.
A theory of morphology that treats derivational and inflectional affixes differently.
Bobaljik, Jonathan. 2002. Syncretism without paradigms: Remarks on Williams 1981, 1994. In
Yearbook of morphology 2001. Edited by Geert Booij and Jaap van Marle, 53–86. Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: Springer Netherlands.
A distributed morphology account of syncretism.
Booij, Geert. 1993. Against split morphology. Yearbook of morphology 1993. Edited by Geert Booij
and Jaap van Marle, 27–50. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Distinguishes between inherent and contextual inflection, as only the affixes of the former can be followed
by word-formation material, which the author sees as evidence against split morphology.
Perlmutter, David. 1988. The split morphology hypothesis: Evidence from Yiddish. In Theoretical
morphology: Approaches in modern linguistics. Edited by Michael Hammond and Michael Noonan,
79–100. San Diego, CA: Academic.
A defense of the split morphology hypothesis.
Not all morphological language types make use of affixation to the same extent; for example, extensive
affixation is typical of polysynthetic languages (Evans and Sasse 2002), but there are almost no affixes in
the isolating language type. Descriptions of the major characteristics of the different morphological
language types can be found in all general works on linguistic typology in the respective chapters on
morphological typology (Croft 1990, Haspelmath, et al. 2001). The typological observations about the
placement of affixes in the word form go along two dimensions: (a) closeness/distance to the root and (b)
preceding/following the root. The most popular observations with respect to (a) come from Greenberg
1966 and Bybee 1985. Greenberg 1966 points out that derivational affixes appear closer to the root than
inflectional affixes. Bybee 1985 provides an explanation of (a) in terms of semantic relevance (an affix that 20 of 39
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is more relevant, affects more significantly the semantics of the root, and is placed closer to the root than
an affix that is less relevant to the lexical semantics expressed by the root). With respect to (b), the
number of exclusively prefixing languages is small in comparison to the number of exclusively suffixing
languages (Mithun 2003). Carstairs-McCarthy 1994 and Spencer 2006 are articles on morphological
typology written by famous morphology theorists. Types of Affixes are discussed in a separate section.
Bybee, J. 1985. Morphology: A study of the relation between meaning and form. Amsterdam: John
This book deals with questions of affix order in the verb from a typological perspective.
Croft, William. 1990. Typology and universals. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
A famous book on typology and universals. Many of its sections are relevant to affixation.
Evans, N., and H.-J. Sasse, eds. 2002. Problems of polysynthesis. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Polysynthetic languages have very long words that contain many affixes. This volume is a typologically
oriented collection of papers on polysynthesis.
Greenberg, Joseph H., ed. 1966. Universals of language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Formulates a set of forty-five universals, most of them of the form “If a language has A, then it will have (or
is most likely to have) B.” A number of these universals relate to affixation, the most famous being
Universal 28 (on the order of derivational and inflectional affixes) and Universal 39 (on the order of
number and case affixes).
Haspelmath, Martin, Ekkehard König, Wulf Oesterreicher, and Wolfgang Raible. 2001. Language
typology and language universals: An international handbook. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Articles in English, German, and French written by leading typologists. For information pertinent to
affixation, see Section VIII: Morphological Techniques. 21 of 39
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Types of Affixes
Most types of affixes known today are defined in a very accessible way in Nida 1949’s famous Morphology
(cited under General Overviews). Suffixes, prefixes, and circumfixes (Hall 2000) are the most common
and most widely accepted types of affixes. Suffixes, prefixes, and circumfixes occur in derivation and
inflection, and every textbook-like introduction to morphology defines them; see the books cited under
General Overviews. Circumfixation is sometimes also called parasynthesis (Iacobini 2010). More
controversial are transfixes (Broselow 2000), infixes (Moravcsik 2000), interfixes (Bauer 2003, cited under
Intermediate-Level Textbooks), and zero suffixes (Marchand 1974, cited under Item-and-Arrangement
versus Item-and-Process). Aronoff and Fuhrhop 2002 defines closing suffixes.
Aronoff, Mark, and Nanna Fuhrhop. 2002. Restricting suffix combinations in German and English:
Closing suffixes and the monosuffix constraint. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory
Discussion of closing suffixes in German. Interfixes (linking elements in the literature written in German)
“reopen” stems closed by closing suffixes and thus make possible the attachment of further morphological
material, as in compounds. According to Bauer 2003 (cited under Intermediate-Level Textbooks), linking
elements are formal elements that do not represent morphemes (affixes) but empty morphs. 22 of 39
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Yu, Alan C. L. 2007. A natural history of infixation. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
A thorough investigation of infixation. Explores its prosodic, phonological, and morphological
characteristics as well as its different functions and origins. Draws on 154 infixation patterns from over 100
Multiple Affixation
This section deals with complex words that have more than one affix. Crucially, when more than one affix
occurs in a word, there are severe restrictions on the order of those affixes, and many combinations that
are semantically conceivable and phonologically possible do not exist, which has prompted linguists look
for the factors behind affix ordering. There is much research on affix ordering, especially in lesser-studied
languages of the polysynthetic type (see Typology and Universals), which are characterized by words
containing long sequences of affixes. Of the well-described languages, most research focuses on English.
Collections of papers on multiple affixation in typologically diverse lesser-studied and well-studied
languages have been published as special issues of the journals Morphology and Word Structure; both
cited under Journals and Special Issues.
Overview articles on affix ordering are rare. Nevertheless, Muysken 1986, Manova and Aronoff 2010, and
Rice 2011 review the existing research and define affix-order principles. Muysken 1986 is a critical
assessment of the literature on affix ordering, mostly in the generative paradigm and with emphasis on
template morphology (see Templates and Position Classes); the discussion draws on data from Quechua.
Manova and Aronoff 2010 is an attempt to model affix ordering in terms of type of information; the goal is
to generalize as much as possible and formulate principles relevant to typologically diverse lesser-studied
and well-studied languages. Rice 2011 is on affix ordering that does not change word class, as it is typical
of lesser-studied, primarily polysynthetic, languages. 23 of 39
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Manova, S., and M. Aronoff. 2010. Modeling affix order. Morphology 20.1: 109–131.
Based on the type of information that might be involved in affix ordering, a set of ordering principles is
predicted; for example, affix ordering that depends on phonological information is phonological, affix
ordering that relies on semantic information is semantic, and so on. All affix-order principles are illustrated
with research from the literature.
Rice, Keren. 2011. Principles of affix ordering: An overview. Word Structure 4.2: 169–200.
Analyzes word-class preserving affix ordering, primarily in verbs in lesser-studied languages, and explains
it in terms of phonological, morphological, semantic, and syntactic factors. A very informative and
well-organized paper.
Most of the research on affix ordering in understudied languages explores the mirror principle (Baker
1985) and thus provides a syntactic explanation of the order of affixes. The mirror principle argues that
morphological derivations directly reflect syntactic derivations and vice versa. Some researchers who
explain affix ordering semantically also assume that semantic derivation directly maps syntactic derivation
as both syntax and semantics mean compositionality (Rice 2000). Manova and Aronoff 2010, cited under
Principles of Affix Ordering, makes a clear distinction between syntactic and semantic affix ordering, as
the former relies on syntactic information, such as subject and object, whereas the latter depends on
information that involves semantic categories, such as ‘human’, ‘material’, and so on. Paster 2005 speaks
of semantic ordering if the order of affixes cannot be explained in terms of argument structure. Rice 2011,
cited under Principles of Affix Ordering, revisits Rice 2000 on the mirror-like mapping of syntax and
semantics. Semantic ordering by itself does not refer to syntax but looks for scopal relations between
affixes, since if affix X scopes semantically over affix Y, X is outside Y in the word form. Scopal semantic
ordering relies on cognitive principles (Muysken 1986, cited under Principles of Affix Ordering). Scopal
ordering is nicely illustrated for a whole language family (Athapaskan) in Rice 2000. Paster 2005 is a
revision of Rice 2000’s claim on the relation between template (see Templates and Position Classes) and
scopal ordering. Rice 2000 ranks scope over template, maintaining that template ordering applies when
scope is not operative. Explanations of affix ordering in well-studied languages in terms of syntax and/or
semantics are fairly rare, though see Svenonius 2004 on the ordering of the Slavic verbal prefixes.
Baker, Mark. 1985. The mirror principle and morphosyntactic explanation. Linguistic Inquiry 24 of 39
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A very influential paper that formulates the mirror principle: “Morphological derivations must directly reflect
syntactic derivation (and vice versa)” (p. 375).
Paster, M. 2005. Pulaar verbal extensions and phonologically driven affix order. In Yearbook of
morphology 2005. Edited by G. Booij and J. van Marle, 155–199. Dordrecht, The Netherlands:
This paper revisits the traditional phonological analysis of affix ordering in Pulaar languages and suggests
an alternative account in terms of semantic scope.
Rice, Keren. 2000. Morpheme order and semantic scope. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Provides an analysis in terms of semantic scope, templates, and phonology, though often misleadingly
cited as being an exclusively semantic account. Affixes that, for some reason, are not in a scopal
relationship are ordered by phonology and templates.
Svenonius, Peter, ed. 2004. Special Issue: Slavic Prefixes. Nordlyd 32.2.
A set of papers that explain the order of the Slavic verbal prefixes in terms of argument structure
alternations and scopal relations.
Phonological Ordering
Manova and Aronoff 2010, cited under Principles of Affix Ordering, defines phonological ordering as
depending on phonological information. An example of a phonological-affix-ordering rule would be “If the
base terminates in a vowel, attach the suffix X to it.” Purely phonologically ordered affixal systems are
rare. Nevertheless, Hyman 2006; Bickel, et al. 2007; and Kim 2010 are usually seen as studies providing
evidence for phonological affix ordering. Hyman 2006 discusses data from a Bantu language (spoken in
Congo); Bickel, et al. 2007 is on a Kiranti language (spoken in Nepal), while the data in Kim 2010 come
from the language isolate Huave (spoken in San Francisco del Mar). Paster 2009 argues against
phonological ordering and reanalyzes some of the examples of phonologically driven affixation in the
Bickel, B., G. Banjade, M. Gaenszle, et al. 2007. Free prefix ordering in Chintang. Language 83.1:
“Free” in the title is misleading, since the article provides a phonological explanation of the variable prefix
order in Chintang; namely the authors see prefix permutations as a side effect of prosodic
subcategorization. 25 of 39
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Hyman, Larry. 2006. Affixation by place of articulation: Rare and mysterious. UC Berkeley
Phonology Lab Annual Report 2006:24–51.
A rare example of purely phonological affix ordering with data from Tiene. Most roots in Tiene consist of
C1V(V)C2 (VV = long vowel), and the way causative is formed depends on the place of articulation of C2.
Kim, Yuni. 2010. Phonological and morphological conditions on affix order in Huave. Morphology
20.1: 133–163.
Adopts a “P >> M” strategy within optimality theory where phonological (P) and morphological (M)
constraints are evaluated in parallel. The Huave affixes are suffixes by default. Depending on the
termination of the base to which they attach, that is if the base is consonant-final, some of the suffixes end
up as prefixes in order to avoid epenthesis.
Paster, Mary. 2009. Explaining phonological conditions on affixation: Evidence from suppletive
allomorphy and affix ordering. Word Structure 2.1: 18–37.
Makes an argument against phonological affix ordering, that is, against the ranking of phonology over
morphology (see Kim 2010) and claims for a phonology–morphology interface in which morphology
precedes phonology at each level of the grammar in a cyclic-type approach.
Morphological Ordering
According to Manova and Aronoff 2010 (cited under Principles of Affix Ordering), morphological ordering
relies on morphological information, and its rules are of the type “if affix X, then affix Y.” Two of the
approaches explaining the order of English affixes illustrate morphological ordering. The first approach
assigns affixes to different strata and is termed Stratal Ordering, while the second approach relies on
Selectional Restrictions.
Stratal Ordering
This approach distributes the English affixes into two classes—Class I and Class II affixes (classes are
also called levels or strata)—and assumes specific interactions between the two classes. Siegel 1974
uses phonology to differentiate between the two types of strata. The levels in Selkirk 1982 are defined in
terms of word structure such as roots and words. Kiparsky 1982 employs levels in terms of cyclic
application of phonological rules and possible ordering of morphological processes. Thus in the different
studies we find the following claims: Class I affixes tend to be phonologically less transparent than Class II
affixes; that is, Class I affixes cause stress shifts, resyllabification, and other morphophonological
alternations, whereas Class II affixes do not; Class I affixes frequently attach to bound roots; Class I
affixes are less productive and less semantically transparent than Class II affixes; and Class I affixes do
not occur outside Class II affixes. The last claim is a prototypical instance of morphological ordering. 26 of 39
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Kiparsky, P. 1982. Lexical morphology and phonology. In Linguistics in the morning calm: Selected
papers from SICOL-1981. Edited by Linguistic Society of Korea, 3–91. Seoul: Hanshin.
The foundational work on lexical morphology, a level-ordered model of morphology.
Selectional Restrictions
Of all possible combinations of English suffixes allowed by level ordering, only a few exist. This fact made
Fabb 1988 claim that it is not the relation of a suffix with a particular stratum but selectional restrictions of
individual suffixes that are responsible for the combinatorial properties of suffixes. Plag 1996 established
numerous counterexamples to Fabb’s affix-driven model and put forward an alternative proposal that is
base-driven and relies on phonological, morphological, semantic, and syntactic suffix-particular properties.
Fabb, N. 1988. English suffixation is constrained only by selectional restrictions. Natural Language
and Linguistic Theory 6:527–539.
Rejects the stratal approach and proposes affix-driven ordering based on selectional restrictions.
Postulates the following groups of suffixes: Group 1: suffixes that do not attach to already suffixed words;
Group 2: suffixes that attach outside one other suffix; Group 3: suffixes that attach freely; and Group 4:
problematic suffixes.
Plag, I. 1996. Selectional restrictions in English suffixation revisited. A reply to Fabb (1988).
Linguistics 34.4: 769–798.
Critical review of Fabb 1988’s proposal. Claims for base-driven affix ordering and that the sectional
restrictions (phonological, morphological, semantic, and syntactic properties) are responsible for the
possible and impossible combinations of an affix. 27 of 39
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For instances of affix ordering where no grammatical principles apply, linguists assume template ordering:
Affixes are arbitrarily assigned to slots and ordered in such a way that affixes occupying the same slot
never co-occur. There are many overviews of the properties of template morphology in the literature (see
e.g., Stump 2006) but Simpson and Withgott 1986 is usually pointed out as the first definition of templates.
Inkelas 1993 explains the Nimboran affix ordering in terms of position classes. In different studies,
template and position class are used as synonymous terms most of the time, though according to Inkelas
1993 they differ as the definition of “position” involves two dimensions (vertical hierarchical order and
linear template order) while templates are one-dimensional (linear ordering only). There is some debate in
the literature about whether template ordering exists and has any theoretical implications (Muysken 1986,
cited under Principles of Affix Ordering). Rice 2011 (cited under Principles of Affix Ordering) sees
templates as Morphological Ordering. Likewise, Hyman 2003 argues that Bantu affix ordering is largely
templatic and that this is evidence for the autonomy of morphology. Good 2011 is a typologically oriented
review of the research on templates in grammar (i.e., the author speaks of templates not only in
Good, Jeff. 2011. The typology of templates. Language and Linguistic Compass 5:731–747.
An attempt in defense of templates. The part on templates in mophosyntax is the one relevant to affix
Inkelas, Sharon. 1993. Nimboran position class morphology. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
Postulates position classes that differ from templates as each “position”’ is a distinct level in a
morphological constituent hierarchy, whereas templates are flat; that is, position classes are a sort of
complex templates but not all templates involve position classes. A difficult text, often misleadingly cited
as an illustration of template morphology.
Simpson, Jane, and Margaret Withgott. 1986. Pronominal clitic clusters and templates. In The
syntax of pronominal clitics. Vol. 19 of syntax and semantics. Edited by H. Borer, 149–174. New
York: Academic.
This article is considered the first definition of template morphology in the literature. 28 of 39
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Stump, Gregory. 2006. Template morphology. In Encyclopedia of language and linguistics. 2d ed.
Vol. 12. Edited by Keith Brown, 559–562. Oxford: Elsevier.
An accessible overview of research on template morphology.
According to Hay 2002 and Hay 2003, affixes order in such a way that more parsable affixes do not occur
within less parsable affixes, since the attachment of a less separable affix to a more separable one is
difficult to process. This claim is known as the parsability hypothesis. Parsability depends on different
factors such as phonotactics, Productivity, semantic transparency, and relative frequency and occurs by
gradations, which allows affixes to be ordered hierarchically according to their ability to parse. Plag 2002
demonstrates that suffix-particular properties that are Selectional Restrictions can override parsability and
suggests the label complexity-based ordering (CBO); that is, the complexity of word structure increases
outwardly—with the addition of an affix. Consequently, Hay and Plag 2004 orders English suffixes in a
hierarchy of juncture strength that depends on both parsability and selectional restrictions. The hierarchy
restricts affix ordering in the following way: If the affixes A, B, C, D, and E form a hierarchy, affixes that
follow—say C on the hierarchy—can be added to words already affixed by C, whereas affixes preceding C
on the hierarchy cannot be attached to words containing C (i.e., *CAD should be an impossible
combination whereas ACD should be a well-formed combination). Plag and Baayen 2009 is the latest
revision of CBO with English data. Manova 2010 applies CBO to Slavic data and shows that the model
cannot account for the order of the Bulgarian suffixes, especially in derivation.
Hay, J. 2002. From speech perception to morphology: Affix-ordering revisited. Language 78.3:
Changes the focus of the research on affix ordering from structural to psycholinguistic factors.
Hay, J. 2003. Causes and consequences of word structure. New York: Routledge.
This book defines the parsability hypothesis.
Hay, J., and I. Plag. 2004. What constrains possible suffix combinations? On the interaction of
grammatical and processing restrictions in derivational morphology. Natural Language &
Linguistic Theory 22:565–596.
This paper argues for complexity-based ordering whereby parsability works in conjunction with selectional
restrictions. 29 of 39
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Plag, I. 2002. The role of selectional restrictions, phonotactics and parsing in constraining suffix
ordering in English. In Yearbook of morphology 2001. Edited by G. Booij and J. van Marle,
285–314. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
Reviews the various approaches to affix order in English, including the parsability hypothesis, and shows
that suffix-particular restrictions (Selectional Restrictions) should also be considered. Suggests the label
complexity-based ordering (CBO), as morphological complexity increases from the innermost to the
outermost morphological layer.
Plag, I., and H. Baayen. 2009. Suffix ordering and morphological processing. Language 85.1:
With behavioral data from lexical decision and word naming, it is argued that CBO has been one-sided
and that the role of memory should be considered as well. The space of existing suffix combinations is
conceptualized as a directed graph, which is acyclic, with very few exceptions. Thus acyclicity is
hypothesized to be functional for lexical processing.
Variable Ordering
Variable affix ordering, that is, AB–BA order of affixes, is also referred to as affix permutation. The
research on variable affix ordering is still sparse, and it is unclear how affix permutations relate to affix
ordering that relies on grammatical factors, including scopal relations, though see the discussions on
variable ordering in understudied languages in Ryan 2010 and Rice 2011 (cited under Principles of Affix
Ordering). Variable affix ordering has been reported in well-studied languages and lesser-studied
languages alike. Manova 2010 points out cases of AB–BA ordering of derivational suffixes in the Slavic
language Bulgarian. Zirkel 2010 provides examples of variable ordering of the English prefixes. On
variable affix ordering in understudied languages see Bickel, et al 2007 (data from Chintang); Caballero
2010 (data from Raramuri); and Ryan 2010 (data from Tagalog). On the basis of the examples of affix
permutations reported in the literature, it seems that variable affix order is more frequent in prefixation
than in suffixation.
Bickel, B., G. Banjade, M. Gaenszle, et al. 2007. Free prefix ordering in Chintang. Language 83.1:
Variable affix ordering is mistakenly called “free.” The authors provide an explanation of the variability of
the order of affixes in terms of Phonological Ordering. 30 of 39
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Ryan, Kevin. 2010. Variable affix order: Grammar and learning. Language 86.4: 758–791.
Review of the existing research on variable affix order in lesser-studied languages. Analyzes the variable
ordering of a Tagalog affix and develops a theory of morpheme ordering based on local morphotactic
restrictions encoded as weighted bigram (two-suffix combinations) constraints.
Zirkel, Linda. 2010. Prefix combinations in English: Structural and processing factors. Morphology
20.1: 239–266.
Gives examples of variable affix ordering of English prefixes. Variable ordering is less typical of English
suffixes; see examples in Plag and Baayen 2009 (cited under Parsability Hypothesis and
Complexity-Based Ordering)
Productivity refers to the ability of an affix to form new words and is thus particularly pertinent to affixation.
Productive affixes have a number of characteristics that differentiate them from unproductive affixes; for
example, productive affixes are more transparent semantically than less productive ones; they are also
more easily parsable and tend to have more peripheral position in the word form, and so on. A great deal
of the existing research on productivity is related to the name of Harald Baayen, who has studied the
quantitative aspects of productivity for years and suggested different measures of productivity (Baayen
2001). Baayen maintains a website that gives much information about his past and present research and
can be very helpful to all interested in productivity, statistical matters, and formal presentation of results
related to productivity of affixes. Other well-known studies on morphological productivity include Bauer
2001 (a book-length study of the different aspects of morphological productivity), Rainer 2005 (which
discusses constraints on productivity), Aronoff and Gaeta 2003 (a collection of papers on specific issues
related to productivity in derivation and inflection), and Dressler 2003 (which proposes a qualitative
approach to productivity, with a focus on inflectional morphology). 31 of 39
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Aronoff, Mark, and Livio Gaeta, eds. 2003. Special Section: Morphological Productivity. Italian
Journal of Linguistics 15.1.
A set of papers on morphological productivity written by well-known specialists.
Bauer, Laurie. 2001. Morphological productivity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Critical assessment of research on morphological productivity by a leading morphologist.
Origins of Affixation
The explanation of the origins of affixation is part of the debate on the evolution of morphology (Carstairs-
McCarthy 2010), which relates affixation to either Phonology or Syntax and Grammaticalization. However,
according to the literature on affixation, Borrowing of bound morphology can also feed affixation.
Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew. 2010. The evolution of morphology. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
This book considers the evolution of the grammatical structure of words in the more general contexts of
human evolution and the origins of language. It challenges the conventional view of the relationship 32 of 39
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between syntax and morphology, that is, the claim that all morphology is grammaticalized syntax. See
Syntax and Grammaticalization.
Although the conventional view (see, e.g., Comrie 1992) relates the emergence of affixation to Syntax and
Grammaticalization, it is hard to imagine that all types of affixes are grammaticalized lexical items. At least
the origin of suprafixes (as in ímport–impórt), infixes (as in sing–sang) and transfixes (as in ktb ‘write’ →
katab ‘he wrote’) should have something to do with phonology. The existence of such affixes made some
linguists claim independence of morphology from syntax in the course of language evolution. The latter
claim can be found in Carstairs-McCarthy 2005 and Carstairs-McCarthy 2010. Outside the debate on the
evolution of morphology, Yu 2007 (cited under Types of Affixes) considers metathesis one of the
diachronic sources of infixation.
Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew. 2010. The evolution of morphology. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
This book discusses affixation in the more general contexts of human evolution and the origins of
Comrie, Bernard. 1992. Before complexity. In The evolution of human languages. Edited by J. A.
Hawkins and M. Gell-Mann, 193–211. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Affixes originated as items whose behavior was to be accounted for syntactically.
Heine and Kuteva 2007 claims that bound morphology such as affixes frequently arises from independent
words (lexical morphology). This type of diachronic morphological change is known as grammaticalization
and is discussed extensively in Hopper and Traugott 2003 and Narog and Heine 2011. Grammaticalization
is a continuous change, and linguistic forms such as particles and clitics that are at the morphology–
syntax interface are only partly grammaticalized and exhibit characteristics of both lexical and bound
morphology. Los, et al. 2012 is on particle verbs in Germanic languages. Although the Germanic family is
considered the typical ground of particle verbs, Iacobini and Masini 2007 provides evidence for the
existence of particle verbs in Italian as well. Spencer and Luís 2012 is a profound study of the various
aspects of cliticization in a number of languages. Yu 2007 sees grammaticalization in terms of entrapment 33 of 39
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Heine, B., and T. Kuteva. 2007. The genesis of grammar. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
This book argues that grammar arises through the process of grammaticalization of affixal morphology
from full lexical items.
Hopper, P., and E. Traugott. 2003. Grammaticalization. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
One of the best-known books on grammaticalization. From-words-to-affixes and from-affixes-to-words
scenarios in a language.
Iacobini, Claudio, and Francesca Masini. 2007. The emergence of verb–particle constructions in
Italian: Locative and actional meanings. Morphology 16.2: 155–188.
The authors make an argument for verb–particle constructions in Italian.
Los, Bettelou, Corrien Blom, Geert Booij, Marion Elenbaas, and Ans van Kemenade. 2012.
Morphosyntactic change: A comparative study of particles and prefixes. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge Univ. Press.
A comparative and historical study on particle verbs. Such verbs are termed “separable complex verbs” in
the literature on German and Dutch and “verb particle combinations” in the literature on English. The
analysis postulates a new morphosyntactic category—that of the optionally projecting word (i.e., a
Narog, Heiko, and Bernd Heine, eds. 2011. The Oxford handbook on grammaticalization. Oxford:
Oxford Univ. Press.
A number of articles in this very comprehensive handbook are relevant to affixation.
Spencer, Andrew, and Anna R. Luís. 2012. Clitics: An introduction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
Univ. Press.
Chapter 5, titled “Clitics and Morphology,” puts forward a set of criteria for differentiation of affixes and
clitics. 34 of 39
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Yu, Alan C. L. 2007. A natural history of infixation. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
Among other things, this book explores the range of diachronic pathways that leads to different kinds of
infix. One of those pathways, namely entrapment, involves grammaticalization (see chapter 5).
It is well known that languages in a contact situation (Aikhenvald and Dixon 2007) may borrow free
(lexemes) and bound (affixes) morphology. The exact mechanism governing the selection of borrowed
material in language contact is still unclear, but according to what has been reported in the literature, the
borrowability of an affix seems to depend on a complex range of factors, including the morphological types
of the languages in contact (Bakker and Hekking 2012). Traditionally, borrowability scales are assumed
(Seifart 2012): Derivational affixes are more likely to be borrowed than inflectional affixes; within inflection,
the affixes of inherent inflection are more likely to be borrowed than those of contextual inflection (see
Derivation versus Inflection); and noun and adjective affixes are more frequently borrowed than verbal
affixes. Seifart 2012 criticizes the use of such hierarchies, since they imply random collection of borrowed
material. Thomason and Kaufman 1988 refers to this and related problems as “picking out of the mass of
data only those data that support the model” (p. 331) and also shows that in a contact situation many
factors count. According to Seifart 2012, a contact situation usually results in borrowing of a number of
morphological markers that are grammatically related. Some linguists report heavy constraints on what
can be borrowed (Bakker and Hekking 2012), whereas, according to others, it seems that everything can
be borrowed, including contextual inflection (Meakins 2011).
Bakker, Dik, and Ewald Hekking. 2012. Constraints on morphological borrowing: Evidence from
Latin America. In Copies versus cognates in bound morphology. Edited by Lars Johanson and
Martine Robbeets, 187–220. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Discussion of the borrowing of morphology from Spanish by three unrelated and typologically different
American-Indian languages: Quechua, Guarani, and Otomi. The authors argue for strong constraints on
the transfer of bound morphemes in a contact situation. Borrowed affixes enter a language as parts of
borrowed lexical items that are complex words; afterward, those affixes may be eventually attached to
native lexemes.
Johanson, Lars, and Martine Robbeets, eds. 2012. Copies versus cognates in bound morphology.
Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
This book discusses the origin of bound (affixal) morphology. Two hypotheses are advanced: Cognates 35 of 39
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are affixes that arise due to influence from genealogically related languages, while borrowed affixes are
copies and come from genealogically unrelated languages.
Meakins, Felicity. 2011. Borrowing contextual inflection: Evidence from northern Australia.
Morphology 21.1: 57–87.
This paper discusses the borrowability of contextual inflection, since it has been argued in the literature
that this type of inflection is hard to borrow. It is shown that in a situation of intensive language contact, all
types of morphology can be borrowed.
Seifart, Frank. 2012. The principle of morphosyntactic subsystem integrity in language contact:
Evidence from morphological borrowing in Resígaro (Arawakan). Diachronica 29.4: 471–504.
Proposes the principle of morphosyntactic subsystem integrity: When various grammatical morphemes
are borrowed, they tend to be morphosyntactically interrelated.
Thomason, Sarah G., and Terrence Kaufman. 1988. Language Contact, crelization, and genetic
linguistics. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
A thorough discussion of the various aspects of borrowing based on surveys of well-documented cases.
Affixes, whether having only form or both form and semantics (Mapping Meaning and Form), should be
stored in some way in the mind and accessed during comprehension, processing, and production. All of
these fall in the scope of psycholinguistics. As introductory readings on the role of psycholinguistics in
morphology can serve the respective chapters on morphology in the mind in Bauer 2003 and Booij 2012
(both cited under Intermediate-Level Textbooks). The references listed in this section are meant to provide
more detailed information and are organized in two subsections: The first, Comprehension and
Processing, is on the organization of the mental lexicon, more precisely on how affixes are represented
there; the second, Child Language, is on the acquisition of derivational and inflectional affixes. Of the
other issues discussed in this article, Parsability Hypothesis and Complexity-Based Ordering as well as
Variable Ordering are particularly relevant to psycholinguistics.
Questions of comprehension and processing of bound morphology have been the subject of extensive
research for the past thirty years. Baayen and Schreuder 2003 and Marslen-Wilson 2007 reveal more
about the theoretical-morphology perspective of that research, whereas the other two papers cited in this
section provide the cognitive-neuroscience perspective. Diependale, et al. 2012 is a review of
experimental research on processing of derivational morphology. Woollams and Patterson 2012 reviews 36 of 39
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neuroscience research on the single–dual-route debate (in a dual-route model regular and irregular
morphology are dealt with in different ways—irregular morphology is stored, and the regular forms are
produced in real time).
Baayen, Harald R., and Robert Schreuder, eds. 2003. Morphological structure in language
processing. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
A set of papers dealing with various aspects of morphological processing and written by well-known
Diependale, Kevin, Jonathan Grainger, and Dominiek Sandra. 2012. Derivational morphology and
skilled reading: An empirical overview. In The Cambridge handbook of psycholinguistics. Edited
by Michael J. Spivej, Ken McRae, and Marc F. Joanisse, 311–332. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ.
The paper reviews experimental research on morphological processing carried out in the past thirty years
or so. Overview of the main theoretical questions and empirical results with a focus on derivational
Woollams, Anna, and Karalyn Patterson. 2012. The neural basis of morphology: A tale of two
mechanisms? In The Cambridge handbook of psycholinguistics. Edited by Michael J. Spivej, Ken
McRae, and Marc F. Joanisse, 333–350. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
This paper assesses cognitive neuroscience research on the single- and dual-route mechanisms in
morphological processing. It discusses the representation of both inflection and derivation in the brain, but
more attention is paid to inflection, the subfield that became the starting point for the single–dual-route
Child Language
The research on the acquisition of affixation is primarily on inflectional morphology. Dressler 2012 is a
state-of-the-art collection of papers on the acquisition of inflection. The acquisition of derivational
morphology starts much later, and only a very few studies provide evidence for how derivational affixes
are mastered in first-language development. Clark 1993 is the most famous investigation of the acquisition 37 of 39
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of derivational morphology. However, in languages with productive diminutivization, diminutive suffixes are
acquired as early as the inflectional suffixes. Diminutivizers seem to facilitate the acquisition of inflectional
morphology, as it is shown in Savickiene and Dressler 2007.
Clark, Eve. 1993. The lexicon in acquisition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
This book nicely illustrates the emergence of the English derivational suffixes in first-language acquisition.
In the different chapters, data from Icelandic, Hebrew, German, Romance, and Slavic languages are also
Dressler, Wolfgang U., ed. 2012. Special Issue: Acquisition of Inflectional Morphology. Morphology
State-of-the-art research on the acquisition of inflection from a cross-linguistic perspective. Articles by
leading specialists in the field of child language.
Savickiene, Ineta, and Wolfgang U. Dressler, eds. 2007. The acquisition of diminutives: A cross-
linguistic perspective. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
On the acquisition of diminutive affixes in a number of languages with productive diminutivization.
Diminutive affixes are the first word-formation affixes to emerge. The early acquisition of diminutive affixes
is argued to facilitate the acquisition of inflectional affixes as diminutives are semantically transparent and
related with (a) particular inflectional class(es).
Computational Modeling
With the development of corpus linguistics, the focus of computational linguistics has somehow shifted to
syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, and there has not been much research on morphology recently. Trost
2005 is an overview of the existing research on computational morphology, whereas Beesley and
Karttunen 2003 and Evans and Gazdar 1996 represent important steps in the development of the field.
Mahlov and Piotrowski 2009 is a set of state-of-the-art articles.
Beesley, K. R., and L. Karttunen. 2003. Finite-state morphology. Stanford, CA: CSLI.
This book introduces finite-state morphology. The model is used in most computational accounts of
morphology and is particularly successful in handling concatinative (i.e., affixal) morphology.
Evans, N., and G. Gazdar. 1996. DATR: A language for lexical knowledge representation.
Computational Linguistics 22:167–216. 38 of 39
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The introduced computer language DATR relies on defaults and seems very suitable for computational
implementations of morphology (affixation).
Mahlov, Cerstin, and Michael Piotrowski, eds. 2009. State of the art in computational morphology.
Berlin: Springer.
State-of-the-art research on computational morphology (affixation), with a focus on systems for a specific
language (German).
Trost, Harald. 2005. Morphology. In The Oxford handbook of computational linguistics. Edited by
Ruslan Mitkov, 25–47. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
An accessible account of computational morphology. There is an explicit discussion on issues related to
the computational modeling of affixation. Provides an overview of existing approaches and compares
finite-state automata with alternative formalisms such as that described in Evans and Gazdar 1996.
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