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Basic Block Diagram of MTI Radar System:: 1-Transmitting Section 2 - Receiving Section

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Basic Block Diagram of MTI Radar System:

Dig: 01 Block diagram of MTI Radar System

MTI radar has two main sections:

1- Transmitting section
2- Receiving section

In transmitting section we give input signal generated by Continuous wave oscillator and it is
given to power amplifier with pulse modulator. Pulse modulator is having fixed pulse frequency
which is repeating at fixed interval of time and during that pulse only we are getting signal. It is
represented by “ft” so, ultimately we send signal with transmitting section with this frequency
Suppose we have a target at a certain distance which has frequency “fd”. Based on motion of
target we receive frequency “ft+ fd” We have to focus on duration of signal transmitting from TX
and receive to RX. From this time duration we will be able to calculate Range. Here the Range=
2R due to Transmitting to Target and Receive at receiving signal. We need to use Doppler’s
effect. By this we are able to calculate motion of target. As target is moving in the direction of
radar system then, in this case reflected signal from target is “ft+ fd”. If it is moving away from
radar system then“ft- fd”. Frequency will be subtracted. It is identified by fd= 𝝀 𝒓 . So, our agenda
is to find out this drift frequency. Once we are able to find out this drift frequency we will be
able to find out target
The difference between MTI radar and Normal Radar is a Reference Signal. After receiving
signal there is a delay line canceller, which subtract original signal with delayed Signal. We will
receive Doppler information through it which will further indicate in an indicator.

Types of MTI Radar

There are two types of MTI Radar.

1- Coherent MTI Radar

2- Non Coherent MTI Radar.

 Coherent MTI Radar

Dig:02 Block diagram of Coherent MTI Radar System

Mechanism of Coherent MTI Radar
From the Block Diagram we can see there is a Duplexer which acts as a Transmitter/ Receiver
switch. At the time of Receiving it won’t allow Transmitter to pass signal and vice versa. So that
it maintain isolation between Transmitter and Receiver for Power reasons. Duplexer is fed by the
Power Amplifier. At its place we can also use Magneto Oscillator as Transmitter. But we are
using Power Amplifier because it is much more stable than Magneto Oscillator. In MTI
configuration there is a Reference signal generated. i.e. the coherent reference is supplied by an
oscillator called the “coho”, which stands for “coherent oscillator”. The coho is a stable
oscillator whose frequency is the same as the intermediate frequency used in the receiver. In
addition to providing the reference signals the output of the coho is also mixed with the local-
oscillator frequency. The local oscillator must be a stable oscillator and is called “stalo”. The RF
echo signal is heterodyned with the stalo signal to produce the IF frequency. They serve in both
the receiver and the transmitter mode.

The characteristic feature of coherent MTI radar is that the transmitted signal must be coherent
(in phase) with the reference signal in the receiver. The function of the stalo is to provide the
necessary frequency translation from the IF to the transmitted frequency. Although the phase of
the stalo influences the phase of the transmitted signal, any stalo phase shift is canceled on
reception because the stalo that generates the transmitted signal also acts as the local oscillator in
the receiver.

The reference signal from the coho and the IF echo signal are both fed into a mixer called the
phase detector. The phase detector differs from the normal amplitude detector since its output is
proportional to the phase difference between the two input signals system as shown in Fig2.

Non Coherent MTI Radar

It does not use Phase Detection. However, it uses amplitude Fluctuations. It compares both
Transmitter and Receive amplitude then it compares frequencies and given it to Delay line
Canceller. The reference signal is clutter here itself. If there is no clutter, it will not detect the
moving target.
Dig:03 Block diagram of Non Coherent MTI Radar System

Delay Line canceller

The delay line canceller is a filter in the time domain that rejects stationary clutter
at zero Doppler frequency.

Block Diagram

Dig:04 Block diagram of Delay Line canceller

A Pulse repetition frequency (PRF), which is the reciprocal of time between two
consecutive pulses, is stored in a Delay-line provided by the single pulse from the
receiver. It is then electrically inverted (i.e., flipped 180 degrees out of phase from
the original) and mixed with the next received pulse. The result was that the signal
from any objects (e.g., ground or sea clutter) that did not move during this interval
was mixed with the inverted stored signal and was effectively cancelled (sort of
like noise-cancelling headphones) - hence you only detect objects that are moving.

Frequency Response of Delay Line Canceller:

Dig:05 Frequency response of Delay Line canceller

The above frequency response shows that the MTI Filter, filter out object at
frequencies which are an integral multiple of these frequencies. It basically
filter echoes of target, i.e Radial frequencies at fd=nfr.

The frequencies at which frequency response of Delay line Canceller become

zero called “Blind Speed”. It creates Range Ambitious.

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