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Edited by David N. Gellner

With an afterword by Willem van Schendel

Duke University Press | Durham and London | 2013

© 2013 Duke University Press
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper ∞
Typeset in Minion and Franklin Gothic by Copperline Book Services

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Borderland lives in northern South Asia / edited by David N. Gellner ;
with an afterword by Willem van Schendel.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
isbn 978-0-8223-5542-7 (cloth : alk. paper)
isbn 978-0-8223-5556-4 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. South Asia — Boundaries — History.  2. South Asia — Politics
and government.  3. South Asia — Relations.  4. South Asia — 
Social conditions.  i. Gellner, David N.  ii. Schendel, Willem van
ds341.b67 2013
306.20954 — dc23

Preface vii

Introduction | David N. Gellner

Northern South Asia’s Diverse Borders,
from Kachchh to Mizoram  1

One | Anastasia Piliavsky

Borders without Borderlands:
On the Social Reproduction of
State Demarcation in Rajasthan  24

Two | Radhika Gupta

Allegiance and Alienation:
Border Dynamics in Kargil  47

Three | Nayanika Mathur

Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border
in Uttarakhand  72

Four | Sondra L. Hausner | Jeevan R. Sharma

On the Way to India:
Nepali Rituals of Border Crossing  94

Five | Rosalind Evans

The Perils of Being a Borderland People:
On the Lhotshampas of Bhutan  117

Six | Deepak K. Mishra

Developing the Border:
The State and the Political Economy of  
Development in Arunachal Pradesh  141
Seven | Vibha Joshi
The Micropolitics of Borders:
The Issue of Greater Nagaland (or Nagalim)  163

Eight | Nicholas Farrelly

Nodes of Control in a South(east)
Asian Borderland  194

Nine | Jason Cons

Histories of Belonging(s):
Narrating Territory, Possession, and Dispossession
at the India-Bangladesh Border  214

Ten | Annu Jalais

Geographies and Identities:
Subaltern Partition Stories along Bengal’s
Southern Frontier  245

Afterword | Willem van Schendel

Making the Most of ‘Sensitive’ Borders  266

Contributors 273

Bibliography 277

Index 303

The papers collected in this volume were first presented at the British Asso-
ciation of South Asian Studies (basas) annual conference in Edinburgh on
31 March 2009. This could not have happened without the support of the Brit-
ish Academy through a grant from its Area Panel for South Asia; I am grateful
for its support and encouragement of young ‘peridoctoral’ scholars. I would
also like to thank basas for helping us to invite Willem van Schendel to come
as the panel discussant and the British Embassy Kathmandu, which enabled
the journalist Prashant Jha’s participation. Their comments and presentations
greatly enriched our discussions.
Chapters 5 and 10 have appeared previously and are republished with permis-
sion (from Contemporary South Asia, Taylor and Francis, and Modern Asian
Studies, Cambridge University Press, respectively). The maps were drawn (ex-
cept where otherwise attributed) by Bill Nelson.
In this volume double quotation marks are used to indicate a citation from
an identifiable source, whether written or oral (even when pseudonyms have
been used). Single quotation marks are used for everything else (talking about
words, scare quotes, etc.). We have also adopted the convention that when
discussing the state as an idea or a nation-state the word ‘state’ remains uncap-
italized, but when mentioning the various States of the Indian Union (Uttar
Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, etc.), it is capitalized.

Northern South Asia’s Diverse Borders,

from Kachchh to Mizoram

The human being is the connecting creature who must always separate
and cannot connect without separating. . . . And the human being is
likewise the bordering creature who has no border.
— Simmel, “Bridge and Door” ([1909] 1994: 10)

This book proposes a new subregion: Northern South Asia.1 The locations of
the book’s detailed case studies are strung out along India’s mainly mountain-
ous northern borders that enclose this subregion. The authors address three
bodies of literature that have rarely been brought into conjunction before:
(1) new writings, largely (but not only) by anthropologists, that focus on how
ordinary people interact with, engage with, and experience the state in South
Asia (e.g., Fuller and Bénéï 2001); (2) recent work invigorated by a renewed
awareness of the dynamic relationship between upland and lowland peoples
or, as James C. Scott (2009) would have it, between people of the state and
people fleeing the state; and (3) work on borderlands, a topic that is old enough
to have spawned a whole subdiscipline in North America and to a lesser extent
in Europe, but which, as a focus of sustained academic investigation, is new
for South Asianists. Thus we are fortunate to have Willem van Schendel as the
author of the afterword to this volume, as he has done more than anyone to
demonstrate the fruitfulness of the academic study of borders in South Asia.
His publications are used and debated at numerous places in the pages that
2 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

The conjunction of these three themes puts both the state and its borders
under the spotlight and undermines the unthinking methodological nation-
alism (so common in academia and policy circles) that takes the nation-state
as the natural context and container for all social and political processes. In
this volume neither the existence of borders nor their exact positioning nor
what they imply for the movement of people, animals, or goods is taken for
granted. As will be seen, these matters are also very far from being taken for
granted by the people whose lives they affect, as we attempt to describe here.
In interaction with the representatives of the states concerned and with other
people they encounter on either side, Northern South Asians both produce
and suffer from that most paradoxical of human creations: borders.

Studying the State, Studying Its Borders:

Radcliffe-Brown, Scott, Anderson, and Beyond
In 1940 — a very different era — A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, one of the founding
figures of British social anthropology, denounced the idea of the state as “a
fiction of the philosophers.”2 Anthropologists should have nothing to do
with it, he wrote, and should restrict themselves to studying government and
politics. In an influential article, often cited as initiating a new turn in the
anthropological study of the state, the historical sociologist Philip Abrams
suggested that students of the modern state should follow Radcliffe-Brown’s
lead and dispense entirely with ‘the state’ as a category of analysis. Rather
they should study the “idea of the state.” Abrams argued that students of pol-
itics should no more be obliged to ‘believe in’ the state and accept its reality
than sociologists of religion are called on to believe in the system of gods
or spiritual beings whose existence they are studying and about which they
are attempting to give a coherent account (Abrams 1988: 79–80).3 There was
some irony in Abrams’s invocation of Radcliffe-Brown, since his theoretical
standpoint, general aims, and style of argument were all very different from
Radcliffe-Brown’s starchy high-colonial positivism. Radcliffe-Brown wished
to banish all talk of the state from serious empirical study; Abrams wished to
put talk of the state at the heart of his analysis. Despite this, Radcliffe-Brown’s
insistence on the unreality of the state has gone on to be endorsed by anthro-
pologists (e.g., Gupta 1995: 398n63) who are even further than Abrams was
from Radcliffe-Brown’s theoretical premises: functionalism comes full circle
to Foucault, one might say.
Introduction | 3

Today ethnographers everywhere are increasingly forced to think about the

state because it intrudes, far more forcibly than it did seventy years ago, on the
lives of the people they study (Trouillot 2001). People themselves are no longer
content to view the state as a necessary evil. Increasingly they make demands
of it and expect it to act positively to improve their lives. In the study of South
Asia this has led to what might appear, at first glance, to be two contrasting
trends: on the one hand, the study of the ‘everyday state,’ how people actually
interact with the state and what they expect from it (e.g., Gupta 1995; Fuller
and Bénéï 2001; Tarlo 2003; Corbridge et al. 2005), and, on the other, following
Abrams’s call, studies of the idea of the state, the ‘state effect,’ as it has been
called (e.g., Khilnani 1997; Spencer 2007; cf. Hansen and Stepputat 2001). In
fact, of course, the two kinds of study necessarily overlap: ordinary people
must have ideas about the state in order to interact with it, and any worth-
while ethnographic investigation must engage with both practices and ideas.
When people’s expectations of what their state can and should do for them are
frustrated, there is fuel for all kinds of movement and protest. Under certain
circumstances this is transformed into the aspiration to acquire a state (or
federal unit, i.e., State) of one’s own (as with the Nagas described in chapter 7).
Alongside people’s understandable desires to influence the state or control
it, there is also a long tradition — to which Scott (2009) has recently resensi-
tized us in The Art of Not Being Governed — of evading the state and adopting
ways of living that enable survival beyond its reach. Scott focused on high-
land areas as zones of resistance to state domination, particularly in Southeast
Asia. Following Van Schendel (2002a), Scott refers to the whole upland area of
Southeast Asia, stretching up to Tibet and including the eastern Himalayas,
as ‘Zomia,’ a historical and cultural region that is either rendered invisible or
carved up artificially by the usual area studies geographical divisions into East
Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. (On Zomia and area studies, see further
Farrelly in chapter 8, this volume.)
Scott has a (perhaps unrecognized) distinguished forerunner in his name-
sake, the novelist Sir Walter Scott. Walter Scott was fascinated by the his-
torical sociology of highland-lowland relationships in Scotland. He was very
far from being the early nineteenth-century combination of Braveheart with
Mills and Boon of popular stereotype; he was in fact a nuanced and sophis-
ticated observer of Scottish history and society (Kidd 1993: 256–67), capable
of seeing both sides and multiple points of view — as indeed should strike any
reader of Rob Roy. One of the epigrams chosen as a chapter heading in Rob
4 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

Roy is taken from the poet Thomas Gray’s “The Alliance of Education and
Government: A Fragment” (1748):

An iron race the mountain cliffs maintain,

Foes to the gentler genius of the plain . . .
Who, while their rocky ramparts round they see,
The rough abode of want and liberty,
As lawless force from confidence will grow,
Insult the plenty of the vales below.4

“The rough abode of want and liberty”: James Scott could have taken that as
the motto of his Zomian highlands.
James Scott explicitly excludes most of the Himalayas from his discussion
(perhaps because the Himalayas were home to small states themselves). But
there are good arguments for extending his mode of argument westward,
since these mountainous areas have also provided a home to plenty of refu-
gees from the state. Much of the behavior of Himalayan peoples in Nepal can
be interpreted within Scott’s ‘state-evading’ paradigm. As Shneiderman (2010)
points out, such state-evading strategies are still a deep part of the habitus of
many people in the Himalayas, even today. In that sense ‘Zomia thinking,’
contrary to what Scott himself sometimes seems to suggest, is, as argued by
Farrelly in chapter 8, far from wholly superseded.5 Though this collection
does not venture that far west, there would surely be mileage in extending the
argument into Pakistan and Afghanistan as well. Furthermore, as Piliavsky
points out in chapter 1, such state-evading behavior was formerly as salient
within the borders of the state, associated with its internal borders (in the In-
dian case, marking police jurisdictions); today the inheritors of these evasive
strategies have become so embroiled with the state that its borderlines deter-
mine the main outlines of their social organization.
There is a much longer tradition of thinking about borders within human
geography than within anthropology, but both disciplines have converged
on approaches that see borders as constructed through the action of states
and individuals, a process that some have named territorialization. Border-
land studies have tended to be dominated by North American and European
examples.6 Since the international (and indeed current internal) borders of
South Asia are so new, much can be learned of a general and comparative
nature by focusing on them. For a start, as Van Schendel has pointed out, a
critical focus on borderlands is a highly effective way to escape from the often
Introduction | 5

stultifying methodological nationalism of much conventional historical and

social scientific work on South Asia.7 This methodological nationalism takes
for granted national units that have in many cases existed only for a very short
time, leading to considerable distortions of the historical record and great
lacunae in what is studied. Instead borders, states, and the people who inhabit
all need to be taken as processes, not givens, and the manner in which they
are produced and made to appear as given needs to be studied critically and,
so far as humanly possible, dispassionately.
In order to understand this process of territorialization, it is necessary to
look at the history of neighboring peoples and states side by side and in inter-
action with each other (all the interactions, namely, of people and state, people
and people, and state and state, on both sides of the dividing line). The cre-
ation of the new nations of South Asia has had far-reaching effects on ordinary
people’s lives. This includes enormous suffering, not usually acknowledged in
dominant narratives, of people who have found themselves near to these mil-
itarily enforced and unaccustomed lines on the map (see, especially, chapters
2, 5, 6, 9, and 10).8 Evans shows in chapter 5 how listening to the narratives of
the ordinary borderland people caught up in the tragedy of expulsions from
southern Bhutan allows one to comprehend the seemingly completely incom-
patible accounts of the Bhutanese state and the refugee leaders in Nepal.
Following Scott, it is worth stressing that one key variable in determin-
ing how people experience and create borders is whether the terrain is in the
highlands (meaning that the population is generally sparse) or the lowlands
(where the population is usually dense and frequently culturally and linguis-
tically continuous across frontiers). A second key variable is the way people
imagine the border: whether as hard (modern) or soft (premodern). With all
due caution about the distinction and in full recognition that these are ideal
types — models, if you will — that will necessarily not correspond in every par-
ticular to the complexities of actual contemporary or historical cases, with
due allowance for all this, there is a key difference in the conceptualization of
borders between the premodern and the modern periods. Many have quoted
Curzon’s (1907) forthright statement: “The idea of a demarcated frontier is
in itself an essentially modern conception, and finds little or no place in the
ancient world.”
Benedict Anderson (1991: chapter 10) has famously analyzed the emergence
of the modern notion of territory in terms of the census and the map, and
Mathur (chapter 3, this volume) applies these ideas to the India-China (Tibet)
6 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

border. Thongchai Winichakul’s work (1994) on the history of maps and na-
tionalism in Thailand, earlier versions of which were heavily used by Ander-
son, also posits a radical difference in the ways borders and the nation came
to be understood once King Rama V established a mapping school in Bangkok
in 1882 and modern ideas of mapping were adopted. A telling example of the
clash between modernizing ideas of borders and those subject to them hold-
ing very different ideas is given by Peter Robb (1997: 263–64). In 1881 a British
colonial official in Assam led a punitive expedition against a village beyond
the border because one of its members had committed a murder of someone
living on the British side; the villagers all fled, so the soldiers burned the vil-
lage; neighboring villagers, impressed, came forward and offered tribute to
the British, but the official refused to accept it, on the grounds that the villag-
ers were not British subjects, being on the other side of the border. What the
villagers made of this strange refusal is apparently not recorded.
Boundaries in a broader sense — whether cultural, religious, linguistic, so-
cial, political, or various combinations — have always been there in South Asia;
the barriers they place between different categories of people and the ways
they are transgressed or ignored have long been the stuff of South Asian his-
tory and anthropology. The challenge, then, is to be as critical and construc-
tivist about national and internal borders as anthropologists have learned to
be about ethnic and other social boundaries, at least since the time of Barth’s
(1969) seminal intervention on ethnicity in Pakistan. Mitchell (1991) recom-
mends that studies of the state should problematize the state-society bound-
ary; this is even more necessary for the understanding of border regions,
where it may appear that there is a sharp distinction between state personnel
and everyone else (see Joshi, chapter 7, and Farrelly, chapter 8, this volume).
These state personnel, and their view of their world, must also be a part of
any understanding of the situation on the ground, as stressed in several of the
contributions to this volume (chapters 1, 3, 4, 6, and 6).9

Northern South Asia and Its Margins

Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Bangladesh face many challenges, and they
are not all the same. However, all four countries must confront one big prob-
lem that can be summed up in a single word: India. India’s size, power, mili-
tary strength, and latterly global economic success, all combine to make the
smaller countries in the region feel that it has simply inherited the mantle of
Introduction | 7

the former colonial power and adopts a paternalistic, not to say patronizing
and sometimes overbearing, attitude to its neighbors. What is incontestable is
that India inherited a colonial and indeed premodern set of borders along its
northwestern, northern, and northeastern frontiers. They are ‘premodern’ in
the sense that in practice — whatever the spurious precision of the lines drawn
or claimed in treaties and maps — they are fuzzy and contested, and also be-
cause in many places along the borders the local populations have strong ties
across them and often carry on daily life in disregard or even (in the past) in
ignorance of them.
If we focus on the region rather than the borders, the area that concerns us
here may be called ‘Northern South Asia.’ This regional expression was in-
vented by Hiroshi Ishii, Katsuo Nawa, and myself,10 when we were editing two
volumes at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 2004 (Ishii et al. 2007a,
2007b); there were contributions that ranged from Gujarat and Rajasthan in
the west to Bengal and Orissa in the east, taking in many parts of Nepal. We
argued that there were interesting cultural commonalities across the region
so named, despite its division into different nation-states.
Northern South Asia is in fact a region crisscrossed by international bor-
ders, as the maps in this book demonstrate. Apart from the Nepal-China
(Tibet) and Bhutan-China (Tibet) borders, they are all borders with India.
It is India’s international borders that present the most interesting and chal-
lenging variety — challenging both to the state and the scholar. Van Schendel
(2007) has usefully distinguished three categories of border issues that today
plague India and its northern neighbors: McMahonian (i.e., those between
India and China, resulting from the McMahon line of 1914), Radcliffean (dat-
ing from Partition in 1947, i.e., those between India and Pakistan and India
and Bangladesh), and Kashmirian (i.e., disputes thrown up by the merging of
the approximately five hundred princely states into India, of which Kashmir
was simply the largest and most intractable). All three types of dispute have
led to violence that politicians have struggled to control.
Premodern states, such as China in the nineteenth century, frequently re-
sisted attempts by colonial powers to establish unambiguous borders.11 Stiller
(1976: 217–27) has described how the Gorkhali state in the early nineteenth
century initially resisted the British East India Company’s attempt to fix the
borders, and how Prime Minister Bhimsen Thapa eventually came to under-
stand and use the British notion of an unambiguous dividing line to Nepal’s
advantage.12 China, although it now accepts the idea of clearly demarcated
8 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

borders, refuses to accept the McMahon line, both in the west and the east.
For this reason, and because of intractable problems in Kashmir, in most of
the west and northwest India’s frontiers are heavily militarized and move-
ment across the border is highly restricted or impossible.13 Notoriously fam-
ilies have been split in two and have not met for decades, with travel difficult
and only occasionally permitted. In chapter 2 Radhika Gupta describes the
situation in Kargil, where a strong Shi’a Muslim identity, looking to Iran for
religious leadership, is combined with Indian patriotism, strong identification
with the Indian state, and deep hurt at suspicions of their loyalty. A simi-
larly militarized situation exists in the northeast, where China claims parts
of Arunachal Pradesh. The Indian border with Burma, though equally mil-
itarily sensitive, is not closed in the same way; access for nonlocals is strictly
controlled, but locals can move across it at will. The Indian army is supposed
to control movement, but the ability of insurgents to move freely to and fro
across the border is a factor the army on the ground has to deal with on a
daily basis.14
Where India’s border with Nepal is concerned, there is a completely differ-
ent situation: an open border, a border that for many purposes is not what we
think of as a border at all. People move freely across it, and it corresponds to
no geographical, linguistic, religious, or cultural dividing line (Gaige [1975]
2009; Hausner 2007a). Indian rupees and Indian mobile phones work just
fine on the Nepalese side of the border. In April 2008, at a time when the
border was declared ‘sealed’ for the Nepalese Constituent Assembly elections,
I saw children walk from the Indian district of West Champaran into the
Nepalese district of Parsa and then back into India on their way to school. A
single large-bellied Indian policeman manned the border, and the crossing
was closed to vehicular traffic, including bicycles. But he permitted people on
foot to wander over to the other side at will.15
That India regards the Nepal-India and Bhutan-India borders as qual-
itatively different from its borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh is shown
by the fact that the former two are policed by its ssb (Sashastra Seema Bal),
whereas the latter are guarded by the bsf (Border Security Force, or Seema
Suraksa Bal in Hindi).16 Despite the fact that the names are easy to confuse,
they are two independent organizations. The ssb was founded in 1963 to win
the hearts and minds of people in the northeast and Himalayas following
the India-China war of 1962 and was entrusted with the guarding of borders
in 2001 and 2004.17 The bsf was set up in 1965 specifically in order to guard
Introduction | 9

India’s borders with Pakistan, subsequently also being used for antiterrorist
operations in Kashmir.18
Though it was once as open as the Nepal-India border, the situation on the
India-Bhutan border would seem to be evolving toward a ‘hard’ border of
the kind aimed at for contemporary Pakistan and Bangladesh. Access today
is strictly controlled by the Bhutanese army. Refugees sometimes cross the
border surreptitiously to visit their relatives in Bhutan, but it is an exchange
fraught with danger on both sides (see Evans, chapter 5).

The India-Bangladesh Borderlands:

The Anomalous Chhitmahals
Between these two extremes — highly militarized exclusion zones and borders
that are not borders — lies the India-Bangladesh border. In parts it is effectively
like the India-Nepal border, porous and ignored for many everyday purposes.
Yet in other places the Indian and Bangladeshi states are an ever greater pres-
ence, with India having built a fence to keep Bangladeshis out on over half of
the total 4,200-kilometer length (the longest border India has with any other
country; see figure Intr0.1).
The Bangladesh-India border also presents us with the intriguing and — 
for those who live in them — highly problematic phenomenon of chhitmahals.
These are islands of territory belonging to one country surrounded by the ter-
ritory of the other. There are in fact 123 Indian enclaves inside Bangladesh and
seventy-four Bangladeshi enclaves inside India (Van Schendel 2002b). They
are a leftover of the indirectly ruled princely state of Cooch Behar (which
had pockets inside Mughal territory) and, vice versa, of Mughal territory that
lay inside Cooch Behar (now Bangladeshi enclaves in India). There is also a
popular myth (repeated in Sunday supplements in the Indian press) that these
enclaves were created by the two rulers of the respective territories, who used
to gamble villages with each other over football matches. There do not seem
to be historical grounds for this story, but it is clearly still in circulation as it
was repeated to me in January 2009 in Kathmandu.
Van Schendel has argued cogently that if we are to study the state effect,
if we wish to understand Partition and what followed from it, we need to
take seriously the experiences and history of the people whose lives were
turned upside down by the creation of new international borders where none
had existed before. Without moving, without being consulted, many found
10 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

Figure Intro.1. Looking north along the India-Bangladesh border in South Tripura
district, Tripura, with Bangladesh on the left, behind the barbed-wire fence, 2011.
Photograph courtesy of  W. van Schendel.

themselves, from one day to the next, being turned into citizens of new states
and separated from relatives and neighbors in completely unexpected and
unprecedented ways. Where the border runs along a river, the same thing can
still happen overnight during the monsoon: people wake up to find that the
river — the border — has changed its course.
As a Bangladesh specialist, Van Schendel had to confront the fact that al-
most all the districts of Bangladesh, bar a couple of central districts, were and
are border districts. The entire frontier of what is Bangladesh today and was
East Pakistan in 1947 was created ex nihilo from areas that had never before
been international or even major regional frontiers. Van Schendel demolishes
the myth that the border demarcated Hindu (on the Indian side) from Muslim
(on the Bangladeshi) side; this was true for just 26 percent of its length. For
the rest of it there were either Muslims on both sides, Hindus on both sides,
non-Hindus on one or other or both sides, and so on (Van Schendel 2005a:
ch. 3). This sheer complexity means that one could write as many as a dozen
histories and anthropologies of the Bangladesh-India border (just two are in-
cluded here, chapters 9 and 10).
Introduction | 11

Jason Cons (chapter 9) has studied in one of the larger chhitmahals, Da-
hagram, home to sixteen thousand Bangladeshis, where the contrast is the
expected one, that is, it is largely between Muslims inside the Dahagram en-
clave and Hindus outside it. There the local experience has indeed been of ha-
rassment by Indians — both by locals who rustle their goats and by the Indian
Border Security Force — and attachment to Bangladesh. For years the people
of Dahagram have fought for a regularized crossing point so that they can
enter Bangladesh freely. At night they are effectively locked in their enclave.
In a formal sense, their situation is better than that of most other enclaves,
since at least they know (since 1992) that during the daylight hours they may
cross the 85-meter corridor to ‘mainland’ Bangladesh (Van Schendel 2002b:
139). In Dahagram Bangladeshi identity is strongly asserted, unlike in other
enclaves where ‘statelessness’ has become a kind of positively asserted identity
for some (139). However, in the smaller enclaves people also often manage to
hold citizenship of the surrounding country, so in that sense their situation
may be more livable than that of the Dahagram residents.
Summing up, Van Schendel (2002b: 141) concludes, “Although they appear
as ‘foreign’ bodies within the nation’s territory, each nation is able by means
of its own enclaves to penetrate the other’s territory. This interpenetration has
led the two nations to dance to the same tune, locked in a slow tango from
which they have been unable to extricate themselves.” The India-Bangladesh
border was produced in a hurry by people with no knowledge of the condi-
tions on the ground. Attempts to make it behave like a modern ‘hard’ border
are undermined not only by the existence of chhitmahals but by siltation,
shifting of rivers, and adverse possession (see Cons, chapter 9). As Jalais shows
in chapter 10, people on the ground have taken it into their own hands to tidy
up the process of nation building, harassing Muslims on the Indian side and
Hindus on the East Pakistan/Bangladesh side, until they are induced to leave.

A Sketch of the Premodern State

In order to understand this seemingly anomalous situation of the chhitmahals
we need to step back and put a little more substance into the contrast between
premodern and modern states. Anthropologists such as Geertz (1980), with
his sketch of the theater state, and Tambiah ([1977] 1985), with his theory of
the galactic polity, have built on classic accounts (e.g., Heine-Geldern 1942) in
writing about the monarchical states of South and Southeast Asia. The key
12 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

points about such polities were that (1) people were in scarce supply and land
was generally plentiful (land without people was useless), and (2) power radi-
ated out from the center; there was no conception that the ruler’s command
could or should be equally authoritative at all points of his realm. A third
point followed from these: boundaries were fluid and messy. Sovereignties
overlapped. It seems to have been in the interests of both rulers and ruled to
encourage a situation in which the map was pockmarked with alternating and
often multiple lines of allegiance.19
It is true that sometimes the state produced straight lines and even walls;
one thinks of the Great Wall of China and Hadrian’s wall. But the extent to
which these were ‘hard’ boundaries should not be exaggerated; often they
functioned more like glorified lookout posts. China’s Great Wall did not stop
the Mongols. In general, lines drawn on the ground were foreign to the pre-
modern polity. Even where nature appeared to draw a clear boundary, with
a sea, a broad river, or the foothills of a mountain range, people frequently
moved across it with impunity.
The consequence for border areas before the rise of the modern state is
that they simultaneously have multiple allegiances and none. If people are
mobile (i.e., they are pastoralists, swidden agriculturalists, or foragers), they
simply run away from rulers and are impossible to pin down. They may in-
teract with the state, they may imitate the state, they may have deep-rooted
and long-standing economic ties to the state, they may even raid or seek to
dominate nearby settled agricultural areas (Wouters 2011), but they cannot,
taken as a whole, be controlled or enslaved by it. As Scott (2009) has empha-
sized, where the terrain favors it, there are large areas that remain beyond the
effective control of the state.
The essential contrast is between (relatively) mobile uplanders and the rice
cultivators of the more densely populated lowlands. The latter leave their fields
only to escape the most severe tyranny. Because rice ripens at the same time
(unlike the staples of upland peoples), the representatives of the state need
only turn up at harvest time to collect tribute. Those who grow the crop have
no alternative but to accept the legitimacy of the demand and pay up. As a
strategy of resistance to the state, rice agriculturalists do not have the option
of flight and must instead cultivate social and cultural impenetrability, often
thickly camouflaged as deference.20 Geertz (1980) has described this well in
his description of the highly ritualized nineteenth-century Balinese state. The
Balinese peasants’ cross-cutting social ties were so complex that the rulers
Introduction | 13

had little chance of controlling village society effectively and had to try to
persuade them through sheer ritual and symbolic impressiveness to hand over
tribute and participate in state rituals. In such a society people had rights, but
there was absolutely no idea that everyone had the same rights; rights, owned
by specified groups, were handed down and validated by tradition.
Thus throughout Asia there was a contrast between urban civilization and
the wild people beyond. In South Asia the wild areas and people were known
as jangali (of the ‘jungle’ or wilderness) and could be found wherever there
were hills and forests. The British called them ‘tribes,’ a terminology inher-
ited, deepened, and turned into the basis of political classification and ac-
tion by the postcolonial Indian state.21 The most heavily tribal parts of India
are now the heartland of Maoist/Naxalite action, the so-called red belt from
Nepal in the north to Andhra in the south (‘Pashupati to Tirupati’) — an inter-
nal Other par excellence. Piliavsky in chapter 1 reminds us of modern fantasy
novels that associate borderlands with ghouls, witchcraft, and danger; these
same associations are made with borderlands in South and Southeast Asia
today, building on old stereotypes.
Historically most of the Himalayan foothills of Nepal fit the mobile uplands
pattern, even where people were rice cultivators in part. People moved all
the time. There have been continual waves of migration into and along the
Himalayas, and we can assume this must have been so even in prehistoric
times. Within historic times the dominant trend has been for migration to
be in a northwest to southeast direction along the Himalayan foothills. Thus
the Khas people, who are mentioned in textual sources (the Mahabharata,
among others) as inhabiting Kashmir, are to be found as the ‘indigenous’ and
majority group in western Nepal today. The predominant eastward direction
can be explained by the greater rainfall and greater fertility of the land the
farther east one goes (Whelpton 2005: 13). As the Khas moved southeast along
the Himalayan foothills they encountered peoples speaking Tibeto-Burman
languages who were already settled in the area we now call the Nepalese mid-
dle hills (having arrived centuries earlier either from the north or the east). In
addition to the overall macro west-to-east migratory trend, there have been
plenty of local eddies and countercurrents, as the mapping work by Dolfuss et
al. (2001) on forms of plows demonstrates. Furthermore, as mentioned in note
5, many Tharus, used to shifting agriculture in the Tarai plains, have moved
long distances east to west along the Tarai over the past fifty to one hundred
years in search of new land to settle. The end result of all these movements is
14 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

a pattern of ethnic settlement that is thoroughly mixed, not to say Balkanized

(P. Sharma 2008).
It is worth noting at this point that, in this tribal pattern based on shifting
agriculture, repeated movement is taken for granted. Rootedness to a place
since time immemorial is not particularly valued. This puts traditional tribal
values completely at odds with the modern ideology of indigenism and in-
digenous rights, which shares with modern nation-states what Malkki (1997:
61) calls ‘sedentarist metaphysics,’ that is, the assumption that there is and
must be an inalienable and primordial link between a people/culture and a
particular place.22
In general the ideals of the modern state invert those of the theater state. In
most modern cases people are plentiful, and it is land that has become scarce.
Power is supposed to be exercised equally and impartially at every point in
the state’s sovereign domain without exception. (One recalls Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher stating in 1979 that Ulster was as British as Finchley, her
suburban constituency in outer London — though the very fact that she needed
to say it out loud demonstrated the highly contested nature of the claim.) Of-
ficially all citizens are equal and should be treated equally. The state takes
on duties toward all its citizens. Ideally boundaries should be clear, straight,
unambiguous, and certainly not contain all kinds of enclaves, which by their
nature are anomalous. In this nationalist conception, movement of people
across these clear lines should be controlled by the state. People should have
unambiguous affiliations and loyalties, with associated citizenship rights, to
one or other of the two states, but not both. Borders are then essential “to the
creation and maintenance of the nation and the state,” as Donnan and Wilson
(1999: 5) point out. Many of the cases discussed in this book demonstrate ethno­
graphically how it is that, paradoxically, borders — those areas often thought of
as most peripheral — are central to the nation.
The British in India believed in the straight lines and unambiguous alle-
giances of the modern model, as we have seen already. Winichakul (1994: ch.
4) documents the misunderstandings that resulted when they tried to estab-
lished what they thought of as commonsense and straightforward bound-
aries between their territory in Burma and that of the Kingdom of Siam in
the mid-nineteenth century. However, both there and on the northern land
frontiers of their subcontinental colony they were forced, as Robb (1997: 250)
points out, to accept “many ambiguous edges. . . . There were layers of un-
certainty here not only because of British policy-disagreements, but from
Introduction | 15

political volatilities in regions where there were few proto-states to be con-

quered, and little sense of fixed property.” Internally, as Robb also notes, the
British allowed “a panoply of exceptions” to the notion of a single state ruled
by a single uniform law, of which one example would be the India-Bangladesh
enclaves discussed earlier. The extraordinary thing is that at no stage were
these enclaves ever ‘tidied up’ by the obvious solution of simply exchanging
them. Immediately following independence, while the two states dithered, the
inhabitants of the surrounding areas often took it upon themselves to do the
tidying up and indulged in what is now called, using the macabre euphemism
that the former Yugoslavia has given the world, ‘ethnic cleansing,’ driving
out Muslim inhabitants of Pakistani enclaves within India, while leaving the
Hindu inhabitants in place (Van Schendel 2002b: 131; Jalais, chapter 10, this

The Nepal-India Border Today: A Leftover of History?

In contrast to the India-Bangladesh border, with its increasing militarization
and anomalous enclaves, the Indian border with the Nepalese Tarai is far
more relaxed, though here too alleged Indian land grabs, water diversions,
and border police incursions are the occasion for outraged newspaper com-
ment and political protests in Kathmandu.23 For many ordinary purposes,
however, for the people who live there, the border hardly appears to exist at
all. People move to and fro on a daily basis to work and regularly shop or go to
school on the other side. They are used to handling two different currencies.
The language is the same on both sides. People read the same news­papers
and listen to the same radio stations on both sides of the border. Some dis-
tricts have Muslims as the largest single group on the Nepalese side, as on
the Indian side (Rautahat, Parsa, Kapilvastu, Banke); another five Nepalese
districts bordering Bihar (Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, and Sarlahi)
form a contiguous bloc where Yadavs are the single biggest group, just as they
are over the border.24 At the same time, in large parts of many Tarai districts
there are local majorities of hill people (Pahadi), encouraged to settle by the
Nepalese state after the eradication of malaria in the 1950s, and some Tarai
districts, such as Morang (at least in its northern part) and Jhapa in the east
and Chitwan in the center, have an overall majority of hill people, with signif-
icant consequences for local politics.25
Such invisibility of the border does not apply to most long-distance travelers,
16 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

however. Most Nepali hill people traveling to India do not have the choice of
taking an alternative route. Thus the movement of nonlocal people, unlike
that of those who live in the border region and possess local knowledge and
connections, is subject to control and intimidation, though often as much by
freelance gatekeepers as by the official agents of the state (though the two cate-
gories may work together, of course). This is vividly described by Hausner and
Sharma in chapter 5 on the rituals of border crossing. Hill people making the
journey for work to India (and it is usually for work, more rarely for pilgrimage
or other leisure purposes) must travel through the main checkpoints. There
they are subject to routine harassment and forced to take buses and rickshaws
on the other side by bullying touts. Women are subject to special surveillance:
they may be stopped by ngos, like Maiti Nepal, who try to test whether they
are being trafficked or not by inquiring about the identity of the men they are
traveling with.
Whereas people — at least local people — may go to and fro without let or
hindrance, the movement of goods, at least goods in any quantity, is supposed
to be subject to strict state control. There is therefore enormous scope for smug-
gling and corruption (see Mathur, chapter 3, this volume). Subsidized petrol,
kerosene, and fertilizer from Nepal are smuggled in vast quantities over the
border to India, costing the Nepalese state enormous sums. Vehicles go in both
directions and are given new number plates on arrival in the other country.
In spite of this large-scale subversion of the state, state controls on the
movement of goods are highly significant. It is tempting to say that the border
between India and Nepal is not a border, but in fact the existence of two dif-
ferent states does make multiple differences to everyday life. It is worthwhile
for Nepalis to cross to India to buy manufactured goods and foodstuffs, which
are cheaper there. Likewise for many years Indians traveled to Nepal to buy
Chinese goods that used to be unavailable in India. When the two states clash,
there are severe consequences for the movement of goods. This happened in
1989, during what Nepal called an Indian blockade and India saw as a hiatus
in negotiations of the Trade and Transit Treaty caused by Nepali intransi-
gence. India closed all but two of the permitted border-crossing points (see
map 5.1), and supplies of petrol and kerosene in Kathmandu quickly ran out.
The consequent protests in Kathmandu were part of what led to the revolution
or people’s movement of 1990 there.
The existence of two separate states also has serious consequences for pol-
itics. It was clear at the time of the election in Nepal in April 2008 that those
Introduction | 17

on the Nepalese side were fully engaged; they queued for hours in the sun to
cast their vote. People just over the border on the Indian side were indifferent;
they had their own member of the legislative assembly in Patna and member
of Parliament in Delhi. They were simply waiting for the election to be over so
that business would pick up again. There are, moreover, increasing numbers
of armed police from both states positioned at regular intervals along the bor-
der to check on the illegal movement of goods or ‘terrorists’ (Shrestha 2011).
Physically the Tarai region looks like India, and indeed it is culturally and
linguistically continuous with neighboring areas on the Indian side of the
border. The violent demonstrations and clashes in the Nepalese Tarai in Jan-
uary 2007 and January 2008 were viewed in Kathmandu as instigated by India
and as threatening national unity.26 What the riots in fact indicated was that
the Madheshis (people of Indian descent and culture in the Tarai) wished to
be a part of Nepal’s process of state restructuring and would no longer accept
being left out. The center (Kathmandu) was no longer viewed with fear, and
Madheshis were determined to seize the moment to overthrow a state system
that in their eyes was no better than a form of colonial domination.27 For their
part hill Nepalis can never be persuaded to see the Tarai as the Madheshis do,
much as the Sinhalese in Sri Lanka will never sympathize with the situation
of Tamils. Both hill Nepalis and Sinhalese can be described by that hackneyed
phrase ‘a majority with a minority complex,’ that is, a majority in their own
country liable to behave with all the insensitivity and indignant aggression of
an oppressed minority toward their own minority that is identified with the
majority in the next-door big neighbor.

A Four-Part Model of State-People Relations at the Border

The arguments I have been making can be summarized in a four-part model
of state-people relations at the border, as shown in table Intr0.1. This attempts
to capture some of the key differences between different types of borders and
different responses to power in modern and premodern situations in North-
ern South Asia. What is proposed is a rough-and-ready typology, put forward
in full awareness of the limits of such typologizing. The case studies in this
volume support the conventional wisdom (found equally in contemporary
anthropology and in human geography) that borders need to be understood
as social and historical processes (Paasi 1999); any attempt to forge a ‘bor-
der theory’ without simultaneously theorizing the state and society is neither
18 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

Table Intr0.1 State-people-border configurations in Northern South Asia

Population Premodern Modern

Thin People move or run away, Army presence ensures

state cannot extract much; frontiers; people either
no real borders, rather: fluid (i) display patriotism as a
borderlands (relatively state- counterbalance to cultural
free spaces) affinities across the border,
or (ii) are caught between
insurgents and the state

Dense Cultural and social State rules by day, mafias etc.

complexity (high levels of by night; there is often high
ritual and tradition) provides penetration of state apparatus
some protection from by local interests
oppressive rule

attainable nor desirable (Paasi 2011; cf. Piliavsky’s skeptical stance toward
‘borderland theory’ in chapter 1, this volume). Thus the model is not advanced
as a total explanation, nor does it aspire to be such, but it is put forward in the
belief that it has heuristic value as a point of depar ture for detailed investiga-
tions of particular places and interactions. All descriptions are, explicitly or
implicitly, comparative. To describe a border as ‘soft’ is to contrast it to borders
that are ‘hard.’ It is surely better therefore to reflect on the concepts we use and
to attempt some degree of conceptual clarity.
A processual and historical approach presumes that actual social and polit-
ical interactions are made up of complex mixtures of assumptions and expec-
tations. Little is gained and considerable confusion is engendered by pulling
apart social and political practices and sticking labels such as ‘modern,’ ‘feu-
dal,’ ‘backward,’ or ‘forward’ on the parts. Thus the oppositions that underlie
table Intr0.1 are relative and contextual. What counts as modern in one era
will appear as traditional in another. As discussed earlier, the colonial period
saw the very beginnings of modern ideas about fixed borders; from today’s
perspective, the actual practice of those times was highly traditional, and the
colonial state was often content to dramatize power, in practice allowing large
areas of relatively state-free space to remain on the frontier (which they called
a buffer zone).
Introduction | 19

Another target of the processual approach is another favorite trope of mod-

ernism: the frequently posited boundary between ‘state’ and ‘society.’ How-
ever, at the level of ideas of the state, the state-society distinction remains
powerful. Ethnographic study reveals that many people in South Asia see
themselves as part of groups deserving of special attention from the state,
while others, even today, show a surprising ability to resist the ideas and pres-
sures of modernist governmentality.
One key variable concerns the differences in both capacity and aspiration
between modern and premodern states. Premodern states, as Scott has em-
phasized, are interested in controlling people in order to maximize revenue.
The people, on the other hand, will either adopt state-fleeing or state-adapting
strategies (and sometimes a mixture of the two). In the premodern situation
there are only pockets of dense population where, typically, a single premod-
ern state will be based. Power radiates out from such centers; where exactly it
ends cannot be, and does not need to be, specified precisely. Ambiguity may
be an advantage to all sides. At the center, people adopt strategies of deference
and humility but above all give a high value to ritual, to cultural complexity,
and to traditions as guarantors of rights. These act as some kind of protection
from the oppression and arbitrariness of rulers.28
In the modern situation, even in areas of relatively low population, there are
much higher levels of population generally. The state now has the technology
to control people way beyond the dreams of premodern states.29 Nonetheless
there are strict limits to what the state can ensure. Where the population is
relatively thin, the army can dominate and local people are likely to identify
with the state (as described by Gupta in chapter 2, Mathur in chapter 3, and
Mishra in chapter 6; it was also a strategy adopted by some Lhotshampas
of Bhutan, described by Evans in chapter 5). Alternatively, where ethnically
based insurgent groups are well entrenched and can easily operate across the
international border, the population may have no option but to identify with
them and will be caught between these groups and the state. Farrelly describes
a variant of this situation for northern Burma (Myanmar) in chapter 8, as
does Joshi for Nagaland in chapter 7; this is part of the situation described by
Evans in chapter 5 as well. Where the borderland population is dense, on the
other hand, we have a situation like the Nepal-India border, where the state
is present but also in competition with many small armed and illegal groups.
These groups may be politically motivated or driven more simply by greed
(and the precise mix, not to mention perceptions of the mix, may fluctuate
over time and by context).
20 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

The chapters in this book illustrate, for a variety of Northern South Asian
cases, the two right-hand boxes of table Intr0.1. Chapters 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10
may be taken to illustrate the dense population options, and chapters 2, 3, 5,
and 8 the more sparse variant — though the interpretation of the Naga and
Bhutanese cases might well be contested. Even though all these cases lie,
grosso modo, within the two ‘modern’ quadrants, there remain plenty of fea-
tures of contemporary social practice — habits of avoiding the state or engag-
ing with it ritualistically — that can be understood only with reference to the
two ‘premodern’ quadrants. Past ‘state effects’ live on in the present, despite
the fact that the technology of the state has now changed beyond recognition.
The boundary between the state and society more generally, as all the chap-
ters here show, is no more clear-cut and easy to discern in everyday life than
the border between two states. State models have effects, and the idea of the
state is a powerful one; how the state operates at its borders is the outcome of
a complex historical dance and interaction between people(s) and state rep-
resentatives (who are sometimes deeply embedded in local networks them-
selves, sometimes not). The case studies assembled here demonstrate border
situations scattered along the arc of India’s northern borders, but at all of
them, even at the Nepal-India border, there is, as Van Schendel argues in the
afterword, anxiety, contestation, and fractiousness.30 There is also, I would
add, no easy consensus among scholars on how to interpret this anxiety and
contestation, and I have not attempted to impose consensus on the contribu-
tions to this volume.
Nonetheless, placing these diverse case studies and the different state con-
texts side by side is, I hope and believe, instructive. If there are important
methodological lessons to be derived from ethnographic approaches to these
questions, of the kind attempted in this book, they are (1) that the interpreta-
tion of life at borders cannot be deduced from state classifications or nation-
alist ideologies, (2) that borderlands are highly variable and need to be studied
from the bottom up, taking into account multiple points of view, and (3) that
therefore the study of local politics is too important to be left to political sci-
entists, legal scholars, or diplomats.31
Introduction | 21

Notes to Introduction
1. The history of the term is examined below. For helpful comments on earlier ver-
sions of this introduction, I would like to thank D. P. Martinez, W. van Schendel,
J. Whelpton, S. Subedi, R. Guha, J. Sharma, A. Piliavsky, R. Gupta, S. L. Hausner,
J. Cons, and two anonymous reviewers for Duke University Press. I would also like to
thank Kanti Bajpai for advice. None of them should be held even remotely responsible
for what I have written.
2. “The State . . . does not exist in the phenomenal world; it is a fiction of the phi-
losophers. What does exist is an organization, i.e. a collection of individual human
beings connected by a complex system of relations. . . . There is no such thing as the
power of the State; there are only, in reality, powers of individuals — k ings, prime min-
isters, magistrates, policemen, party bosses, and voters” (Radcliffe-Brown 1940: xxiii).
3. One may compare Shaw and Stewart’s (1994) recommendation that anthropolo-
gists should eschew the attempt to find syncretism and restrict themselves to studying
discourses of syncretism (and antisyncretism).
4. For Gray’s poem, see Thomas Gray Archive, www.thomasgray.org.uk; for Walter
Scott’s use of it, Scott (1998: 295). I have followed Scott’s slight misreading (‘Who,
while’ for ‘And while’). For a critique of simplistic views of the highland-lowland di-
vide in Scotland, see Pittock (2001: 14–18).
5. See Campbell (1997) on the way in which the Tamangs, who live both north of and
all around the Kathmandu Valley, view themselves as ‘people in between,’ outside state
schemes on either side (Tibetan Buddhist to the north, Indianizing and Hindu to the
south). See Krauskopff (2003) on the Tharus’ attempts to evade the state by migrating
to the far west of Nepal.
6. For example, Martínez 1994; Wilson and Donnan 1998a. See the website of the
Association of Borderland Studies (absborderlands.org) and their newsletter, La Fron-
tera. There are also various regional associations for the study of borders, most re-
cently the Asian Borderlands Research Network (asianborderlands.net). For useful
overviews of the literature, see Baud and Van Schendel 1997; Newman 2006a, 2006b;
Donnan and Wilson 1999; Wilson and Donnan 2012a. Wastl-Walter (2011) and Wilson
and Donnan (2012b) are two useful collections that survey the emerging global field
of borderland studies. Heyman (1994) is a critique of the woolly and ethnographically
unfocused way borders and boundary crossing are often invoked in some influential
anthropological theorizing.
7. Van Schendel 2005a: 366; afterword, this volume. On methodological nationalism
more generally, see Ammelina et al. (2012), and on methodological nationalism within
anthropology, Gellner (2012).
8. That there may be a particularly gendered aspect to this suffering is suggested by
Banerjee (2001) and Banerjee and Basu Ray Chaudhury (2011).
9. Heyman (1995) argues exactly this point for the U.S.-Mexico border.
22 | D A V I D N. G E L L N E R

10. As far as I know, we invented the term, but of course it is possible that we were
unconsciously recycling a nomenclature that one of us had encountered elsewhere.
After drafting these lines, I found that Kanak Dixit and others used the term ‘North
Southasia’ in 2009 to cover the area from Uttar Pradesh to Afghanistan (Himal 2009).
11. See Maxwell (1970) on the history of India’s northern frontiers. The British
wished to use the Chinese to limit Russian expansion southward, but “the Chinese
shied away from most British attempts to settle common boundaries with them” (20).
12. This did not prevent there being plenty of ambiguities and frontier disputes
between the Company and Nepal in practice. Michael (2007, 2009) records the frus-
trations of late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century officials of the East India
Company. On the ground, tenurial relationships could be multiplex, land moved in
and out of cultivation, and cultivators moved around according to the political situ-
ation, with the result that the officials could never be sure where the frontier between
Company territory and the Gorkhas’ land was.
13. Jayal (2013: ch. 3) describes the difficulties of those who do manage to get across to
India as refugees from Pakistan and their struggles to achieve Indian citizenship and
the benefits that brings with it (access to bpl — Below Poverty Line — ration card, etc.).
14. See Baruah 2009; chapters 6–8, this volume.
15. For an incident at the Hungary-Romania border illustrating how permeable it is
for local people, even when officials of the state maintain that it is sealed, see Donnan
and Wilson (2010: 10).
16. Yet a third force, the Indo-Tibet Border Police Force, guards the India-Tibet/
China border from Ladakh in the west to Arunachal in the east (see itbpolice.nic.in).
The border with Myanmar is guarded by the Assam Rifles, who come under the army;
replacing them with the bsf, who come under the Home Ministry, has been mooted,
and resisted, in recent times.
17. See Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, accessed 11 August 2012,
www.ssb.nic.in, under ‘about us’ and ‘history,’ accessed 11 August 2012.
18. See the bsf website, accessed 11 August 2012, bsf.nic.in.
19. Berti and Tarabout (2009) is a collection that seeks to establish that the notion
of territory was, contrary to conventional stereotype, important in South Asia and
that sometimes boundaries were precisely demarcated. The editors concede, however,
that “far from a lack of territory in pre-colonial India, it could be said that there was
an excess of them. But these territories were multiple, sometimes discontinuous, and
overlapping, as very different rights applied to the same tract of land” (28).
20. No doubt rice-growing peasants usually also, and where safe to do so, adopt
the foot-dragging and dissimulation described in Scott’s Weapons of the Weak (1985).
21. Van Beek (2001) describes how Ladakhis decided to claim Scheduled Tribe sta-
tus in the 1980s, a self-ascription of backwardness that evidently would have been
unthinkable in Ladakh twenty years earlier but had already begun in other parts of
India. I have explored the tribe-caste contrast in the context of the Kathmandu Valley
Introduction | 23

in Gellner (1991). See Shneiderman and Turin (2006), Kapila (2008), and Shah (2010)
on the politics of tribal status in India.
22. For more on the paradoxical ways in which Nepali ethnic activists’ indigenist
discourses invert traditional values, see Lecomte-Tilouine (2009).
23. See Shrestha (2011) for an overview of the border issues at stake between Nepal
and India. The ‘open’ border is not guaranteed by any treaty; it was simply, until re-
cently, taken for granted. The Nepal-India Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1950 guar-
antees the citizens of one country the same privileges as granted the citizens of the
other, that is, reciprocal equal treatment of each other’s citizens, without specifying
that the border will be open.
24. An obc (Other Backward Classes) movement has developed in these parts of the
Nepalese Tarai, which is in effect a movement against Yadav dominance. This is doubly
ironic because the language of ‘obc’ has no official standing in Nepal at all, and because
normally, in India, the Yadavs would themselves be considered paradigmatic obcs.
25. On ethnic geography, see P. Sharma (2008); for caste and ethnic breakdowns by
district according to the 2001 census, see cbs (2007).
26. The open border was blamed for the uprisings in Kathmandu, but, in view of
the advantages (easy access to India and its employment opportunities), Jha (2007)
concludes, “The border is the best thing to have happened for millions of Nepalis.”
27. Although there is a long way to go before Madheshis are fully incorporated into
Nepal’s state structures, the fact that in the new republican setup following the aboli-
tion of the monarchy in 2006 both the president and the vice president are Madheshis
is symbolic of a very real shift.
28. South and Southeast Asia do not seem to have developed the republican city
states, rejecting monarchical rule, that emerged in Europe, though kings often had to
contend with powerful aristocracies, as in Malla-period Lalitpur, Nepal.
29. See Mann (1993: ch. 3) for a theorization of the ever-increasing powers of the
modern state.
30. As he has put it elsewhere, “The state’s partially obscured view of borderland
activities, the gap between people’s understandings of what they are doing versus the
state’s, inconsistent notions of illegality, and the presence of other legalities across the
border, all make, for the state, the borderland an area where by definition criminality
is rife and sovereignty under constant threat” (Abraham and Van Schendel 2005: 25).
31. A cogent, book-length argument for the anthropological study of borderlands is
made by Donnan and Wilson (1999).

Borders without Borderlands

On the Social Reproduction of
State Demarcation in Rajasthan

*** Attention ***

Before entering the lift, check whether lift is present or not
— Sign in a multistory building in New Delhi

The Idea of the Borderland

Since the latter half of the nineteenth century ‘borderlands’ have been a pop-
ular subject in writings ranging from geographical, ethnological, and travel to
spiritualist, horror, and occult.1 Adopted from its original geographical usage
as a descriptor of frontiers of ecosystems or countries, the term has persisted
across disciplines, genres, and time. Over the past century and a half no-
man’s-lands on moors and marshlands, frontiers of empires and civilizations,
psychic realms between spirit and matter, and occult spheres dividing this
world from the next have each been referred to as ‘borderlands.’ In all these
genres they have been conceived as territorially and socially distinct regions
surprisingly like the ecosystems, psychic states, or nation-states at the fringes
of which they are found. Both Maud’s (1904) Abyssinian borderlands and
the ghostly borderlands of Hodgson’s (1908) The House on the Borderland
are spatially and socially separate lands, whether populated by barbarians
or by ghouls. In the course of the twentieth century, the concept of the bor-
derland obtained a new lease on life in the historiography of frontiers, par-
ticularly in the study of the American Anglo-Spanish, and more recently the
Borders without Borderlands  |  25

U.S.-Mexico, border regions.2 Since the 1950s it gained currency in work on

other parts of the world, passing over the course of the past decade into South
Asian studies.3 In this vast and rapidly proliferating literature the idea of the
borderland has retained the shape it assumed in older genres of writing: the
borderland of current historiography is a spatial unit, a sociospatially discrete
Baud and Van Schendel’s (1997) account of borderland theory typifies this
view.5 The authors tell us that borderlands are territorial units “determined
first and foremost by the spatial dimension. Borderlands are geographically
defined areas that can be drawn on a map like any other region” (221–22). They
further tell us that these areas are home to “borderland societies” with a dis-
tinctive sociocultural, linguistic, economic, and political character (227). In fact
Baud and Van Schendel argue that the “borderland people” are so different
from everyone else that they feel “ethnically and emotionally part of another,
nonstate entity” (227, 233). More specifically they claim that these zones are
home to a special “triangle of power relations between state, regional elite, and
local people”; distinctive political alliances between local elites and the state;
hubs of black economies; and “creole” or “synthetic” languages (219, 217, 234).6
The idea of a distinct entity is further consolidated with the anthropomor-
phic image: the authors describe the borderland as a geopolitical organism
with a distinctive character (that can be “quiet,” “unruly,” or “rebellious”) and
a life history that moves through “life-cycles” (from “embryonic” to “infant,”
“adolescent,” “adult,” and “declining”; 227–79, 223–24; see also Martínez 1994:
27–28). Though Baud and Van Schendel (1997: 225) themselves recognize this is
“not completely satisfactory because of evolutionary and deterministic implica-
tions,” the metaphor reflects their conception of borderlands as discrete entities
with lives of their own.
On closer inspection, however, borderlands have proven resistant to being
“drawn on a map like any other region” (Baud and Van Schendel 1997: 221),
forcing Baud and Van Schendel to resort to subdividing them into the “bor-
der heartland,” the “intermediate borderland,” and the “outer borderland”
on the basis of their spatial proximity to national borders and the extent to
which these regions “feel the influence of the border” (222). The edges of these
subzones and the relations between them have proven just as difficult to es-
tablish, prompting the authors to use a simile in place of a definition: “There
is the outer borderland, which . . . is affected by the existence of the border in
the same way that land protected by an embankment is affected by the sea.
26 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

In daily life the border hardly plays a role at all, but there is always a hint of
suspense, a slight tinge of uncertainty. Just as a tidal wave may sweep far into
the interior, so a political storm may suddenly engulf this zone and involve it
directly in border dynamics” (222, italics in original).
In their description the parameters of borderlands blur even further with
the admission that “borderlands may at times, though briefly, stretch to em-
brace entire countries” (222). Of course, when stretched to encompass an en-
tire country, the category of borderland loses all of its heuristic force. And
unless we assume linguistic and cultural homogeneity within states, the cre-
ole or synthetic language and culture (234) staked as a distinctive marker of
“borderland societies” will appear no different from life most anywhere else.
Neither are the “socio-political networks” characteristic of borderlands. Baud
and Van Schendel’s observation that historically in South Asia “borderland
elites [such as zamindars] were well integrated into networks of state power”
so as to “become important allies of the state in its efforts to control border-
land society” (217) is equally true of contexts throughout the territories of
South Asian states.7 Collusion between state officials and local elites, flagged
by Baud and Van Schendel as a special feature of borderlands, is another gen-
eral quality of the political landscape in South Asia (e.g., Brass 1984, 1997).
“Gangster rule” (Van Schendel 1993, 2002b) is likewise a trademark of politics
throughout the territories of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, not just on their
peripheries (e.g., Hansen 2001; Berenschot 2008; Michelutti 2008; Ruud and
Price 2010). Policy and administrative differences within nation-states often
affect economic processes no less than differences between them, so that an
excise tax differential between two districts may generate “borderland econo-
mies” within nation-states as much as on their margins. Neither is smuggling,
described as a quintessential borderland enterprise, confined to trade across
national limits: smuggling hubs are often located in the heartlands of states
rather than on their peripheries. While state rhetoric, as Baud and Van Schen-
del (1997: 231) themselves point out, “gives the entire border economy an air
of stealth and subterfuge,” smugglers know all too well that national border
crossing is only one part of business whose impulse lies beyond border regions
(de Wilde 2009).
The difficulties faced by borderland theorists in defining the object of their
analysis are not merely a matter of empirical imprecision, but are an import-
ant clue to the nature of the problem at hand. In their preoccupation with
defining the limits of borderlands as substantive entities — as territorially,
Borders without Borderlands  |  27

socially, linguistically, and politically discrete zones — borderland theorists

tend to forget about borders, which in their case really are the root analytical
objects. Borders are meant to enclose and divide. And sometimes they do just
that, producing a great variety of border scenarios, not all of which produce
frontier-like situations or “borderlands.” While some borders may function
as frontiers populated by distinct communities of border-crossers (Hausner
and Sharma, chapter 4, this volume), others are tightly sealed boundaries that
create distinct populations on either side. (The Berlin Wall did not gener-
ate a borderland, however menacingly it may have affirmed its idea.) Borders
are also conceptual objects that have different meanings in different circum-
stances; they can be perceived as fringes, frontiers, or national heartlands.
While people on the U.S.-Mexico border may feel that they are on the out-
skirts of both states and part of a frontier, nonstate society, Kargilians living
next to the symbolically significant India-Pakistan border think of themselves
as residents of the Indian heartland (Gupta, chapter 2, this volume). The sense
of border life may also permeate entire states; as Turner ([1893] 1920), the his-
torian who gave us the concept of a frontier society, argued some time ago,
life throughout the territory of the United States has been animated by the
frontier spirit from the country’s beginnings. The effect of national borders on
local life often differs neither in kind nor necessarily in degree from the effect
of other types of state demarcations on societies throughout the territories of
modern states.
In this paper I argue against the claim that national borders everywhere are
surrounded by borderlands imagined to be substantive, freestanding places.
Borders are entities of a fundamentally different sort. They are not like the
spaces they encircle and divide, and the moment they become spaces they
cease to be borders. Borders enclose, separate, and bring spaces into relation.
They are relational rather than substantive objects, which generate different
sorts of relations within and between communities around them. To say that
borders are relational rather than substantive entities is not to present them
as any less ‘real’ or decisive. Indeed the border is the primary tool of the mod-
ern state and of modernity at large (Abrams 1988; Mitchell 1991; Scott 1998).
And as we shall see in the ethnography that follows, the people in my study
live and breathe borders. My ethnography further undermines the blanket
application of the concept of borderland to regions around national borders
by showing that various features posited by borderland theorists as distinctive
markers of borderlands are just as present in the territorial heartland of the
28 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

Indian state. It shows that the effect of borders is not confined to the fringes of
national states but that it spans their territories. In my case borders do not pro-
voke their crossing but function as boundaries that in fact enclose and divide
communities. They shape local lives no less thoroughly than borders between
Mexico and the U.S.-Mexico or between Bangladesh and India, but they do
so in quite different ways from those ascribed to many borderland scenarios.

The Setting
My ethnography focuses on an Indian community, the Kanjar, a caste that
practices thieving (cattle rustling, household burglary, roadside burglary,
opium theft) as a hereditary, caste-based occupation. The success of Kanjars’
burgling business relies substantially on patronage by the police, with whom
Kanjars have intimate and very regular dealings. Through this relationship,
official demarcations — territorial and otherwise — have become not only a
prominent feature of Kanjars’ everyday lives but indeed a central structuring
force within the community.8 More specifically my study demonstrates how
official policing parameters configure matters ranging from marriage alli-
ances to professional relations, considerations of rank, and the nature of au-
thority in the community.9 Focusing on two key parameters of policing — the
territorial layout of police jurisdictions and the divisions of rank among the
staff of police stations — I show how the structural demarcation of the state,
including but not confined to spatial boundaries, is projected onto and re-
produced within the Kanjar community. With this order of administrative
divisions at the heart of Kanjars’ everyday lives and social organization, we
can think of the community as a sort of “borderland society,” but one that has
little to do with the physical periphery of the Indian state: they live in rural
Rajasthan, more than six hundred kilometers from the nearest national bor-
der. On a broader analytical level, my study suggests that the administrative
structuring of the state and local social life occurs simultaneously, making the
conceptual separation of “state” and “society” not only analytically problem-
atic but also empirically inaccurate.
There are approximately 200,000 Kanjars living in South Asia today. Most
of them can be found in the northern Indian State of  Uttar Pradesh, and nearly
forty thousand live in Rajasthan, where I conducted most of my field research
(Census Commissioner of India 2011). Kanjars constitute one of several South
Asian communities of professional thieves (Piliavsky 2011a). Professional
Borders without Borderlands  |  29

raiding and thievery has long been and continues to be a standard political
and governmental practice on the subcontinent, and communities of profes-
sional thieves continue to be employed as agents of protection, intimidation,
resource extraction, intelligence provision, and dispute negotiation.10 Under
British colonial law such groups were persecuted, along with nomadic and
otherwise “inconvenient” communities under the rubric of Criminal Tribe.
Those who were designated as Criminal Tribesmen were subjected to a regime
of special surveillance, “reclamation,” and penal measures.11 By 1952, when the
Indian Criminal Tribes Act was repealed, ties between such communities and
patrons among aristocrats and village communities were largely severed, and
the former Criminal Tribesmen became increasingly dependent on patronage
by police, with whom they had already become intimately acquainted in the
days of the Raj. Today, while Kanjar thieves continue to find employment with
local landholders, their most significant attachments are to the police, who
offer them protection (or minimize predation) in exchange for intelligence,
provision of muscle force, and a share of their spoils.
I conducted most of my field research in southeastern Rajasthan in a Kan-
jar settlement, which I will call Lakshmipura, in 2005 and again in 2007–8
(see map 1.1). For much of this time I lived in the home of a gang leader and a
village chief on the rise. My discussion focuses on Lakshmipura and on the
circle of its in-caste relations, which its residents refer to as their ‘brotherhood’
(biradari).12 All settlements in the Lakshmipura brotherhood are located in
Rajasthan, and most are in the southeastern district of Chittaurgarh. Their
distribution, which is now all but confined to a section of a single adminis-
trative district, is a fraction of the former territorial span of the community,
whose relations once stretched from Rajasthan to Punjab, Gujarat, and Paki-
stan. Reflecting on the recent history of Lakshmipura and its brotherhood, I
describe the ways in which some basic features of the community — the ex-
tent of matrimonial and professional ties as well as the nature of communal
authority — have been shaped along the lines that structure the work of the
police in particular and the order of the state at large.

Loss of Guts
The Kanjars of Lakshmipura often lament the loss of jigar in their community.
Jigar literally means “liver” but refers metonymically to “guts,” a metaphor
akin to our own. According to a local adage, “a man is only as big as his circle
30 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

of relations,”13 and a person who lacks bonds with brothers, patrons, and
friends is not just isolated but effectively socially absent. The concept of jigar
expresses this idea of a person who is not simply a part of but is essentially
constituted by a circle of relations, the reduction of which amounts to a per-
son’s social hollowing or “gutting”: the loss of jigar.14 A man with no relations
is no more than a dot on a social map.
Among Kanjars the lament of “lost guts” refers to some important recent
changes in the structure of the community. Prior to independence the Kan-
jars in Lakshmipura (much as in other places) practiced a variety of itinerant
trades, including genealogy, prostitution, and thieving. They often traveled
across great distances and engaged a wide and varied circle of relations with
patrons, relatives, colleagues, and friends. Although now most Kanjars in Ra-
jasthan live sedentary lives, members of one community in the south of the
province have remained itinerant genealogists and, as such, provide a present-
day example of a former way of life among Kanjars. The extent of this com-
munity’s travels and connections is comparable to that once engaged in by
the Lakshmipura brotherhood, to whose currently narrow circle of relations
it can be contrasted in its breadth. Every year these Kanjar bards travel as far
as Ahmedabad, Delhi, and Bombay to record and perform genealogies for
their patrons.15 Each year they traverse the distance of more than two thou-
sand kilometers and visit up to three hundred villages, settlements, and city
neighborhoods on their way, usually staying in one place for no more than a
night (see map 1.2).16 En route they forge and maintain relations of patronage,
friendship, and marriage, all of which are constitutive of their fraternity or
“society” (samaj), as they call it. Although formally settled, Kanjar bards still
exchange wives with communities in Bombay and Pune, retain patrons near
Delhi, and visit cousins in Gujarat. They speak a number of languages and
regional dialects and form marriage alliances with at least fifteen different
Kanjar patriclans, whose members are involved in businesses ranging from
alcohol distillation to the sale of watches and toys. The extent of their brother­
hood is measured not simply in terms of the distance traveled but in the num-
ber and variety of persons to whom they relate. Patrons, acquaintances, and
merchants with whom they trade on the way and families they marry along
the route form a linguistically, economically, and occupationally heteroge-
neous — and socially rich — circle. As one Kanjar bard put it, the community’s
“wealth” (daulat), material as well as social, “is in [its] relations.” “Our com-
munity travels far and has connections with all sorts of people and that is why
it has respect (izzat).”
Borders without Borderlands  |  31



Nagaur Baharapur
Jaipur Dhaulpur
Jodhpur Ajmer
Sawai Madhopur
Barmer Pali
Bhilwara Bundi
Jalor Rajsamand Baran
GUJARAT Dungarpur
Map Area

National border
State border
District border
State capital
District headquarters
Field research site 0 30 60 mi
Residence during fieldwork 0 50 100 km

Map 1.1. Location of field research sites in Rajasthan. (Lakshmipura is marked with a
black square.) Drawn by the Cartographic Unit of the Dept of Geography, University
of Cambridge. Reproduced with permission.

The reach of the Kanjar bard brotherhood stands in striking contrast

to that of the Kanjars of Lakshmipura. Over the past four generations, the
Lakshmipura biradari dwindled from a scale comparable to the Kanjar bards’
to a community comprising a handful of neighboring villages within a forty-
kilometer radius. The business of thieving and protection, in which most res-
idents of Lakshmipura are nowadays engaged, has likewise become limited to
a few neighboring villages and the jurisdictions of two police stations (thanas),
32 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

on whose protection the success of the thieving business relies. In contrast

to the Kanjar bards’ biradari, relations within the sedentary Lakshmipura
brother­hood are now restricted to a handful of villages and a few local pa-
trons, most of whom are officers in the local police.
Such truncation of the fraternity is tied, via relations with the police, to the
territorial demarcation of colonial India and its heir-republic.17 The Kanjars
of Lakshmipura were first settled in the area by the chief (rawat) of local no-
bility, who employed them in the early 1920s as a marauding force to aid in the
suppression of a peasant uprising.18 By 1930 the chief had lost the control of his
fiefdom (thikana), and his Kanjar clients became subject to Criminal Tribe ad-
ministration, which then assumed control over the newly declared Criminal
Tribes in the area. Lakshmipura was converted into a settlement for Criminal
Tribes and its residents were subjected to special surveillance and penal mea-
sures: regular roll call and irregular raids, a system of absentee passes, and
preemptive or warrant-free incarceration. Between 1930 and 1956, when the
Criminal Tribes legislation was at work in the area, the inspector in charge
of the settlement left some of the community members alone in exchange for
intelligence and a share of their spoils. A few Kanjar gangs were thus let loose
onto the territory within the jurisdiction of the police station. After indepen-
dence, police patronage carried on along similar lines, with thieves enjoying
protection in the territories of their police stations.
Thus over time, the spatial limits of the biradari shrunk, eventually becoming
effectively coextensive with the territorial limits of local police jurisdictions.
Although the Lakshmipura Kanjars have occasional dealings with Kanjars in
neighboring police jurisdictions, they now effectively imagine their community
as territorially confined to the land under the jurisdiction of the local station.
The continuous withering of ties with Kanjar communities elsewhere, which I
discuss below, suggests that the identification of the spatial limits of the biradari
with the police territory is not merely imagined. The official territorial markers
now organize the Kanjar community no less than they organize the police.
Relations with the police have led not only to the establishment of a rig-
idly territorial system of thieving beats (with much hostility arising from the
jealous guarding of their boundaries) but also to a significant reformatting
of their network of marriage relations. The increasing concentration of the
biradari within the jurisdiction of a single police station is reproduced in the
decline of marriage ties with Kanjars in other police territories. More than
half of the marriages that now take place in the biradari are confined to the
Districts, cities and towns visited
(in their order on route)
1. Bhilwara 12. Mumbai 23. Bikaner
2. Shahpura 13. Bhuj 24. Nagaur
3. Jahazpur 14. Gandhidham 25. Merta
4. Devli 15. Anjar 26. Nasirabad
5. Ajmer 16. Adipur 27. Kishangarth
AFGHANISTAN 6. Bundi 17. Ahmadabad 28. Jaipur
AND 7. Kota 18. Khabda 29. Dausa
KASHMIR 8. Indore 19. Udaipur 30. Delhi
9. Khandwa 20. Pali 31. Gurgaon
N 10. Khedki 21. Jodhpur 32. Tonk
11. Pune 22. Jaisalmer


30 31 NEPA
22 24 28 29 UTTAR
25 5 BIHAR
21 4 32
1 2 3 7 MIZORAM
14 15 8

12 10


National border
State border
TAMIL Cities, towns and districts visited
NADU Badi, village of residence
0 300 mi
LANKA 0 500 km

Map 1.2. Locations visited annually by the Kanjar bards of Chittaurgarh district.
Drawn by the Cartographic Unit of the Dept of Geography, University of Cambridge.
Reproduced with permission.

jurisdiction of a single station (see map 1.3). The recent shriveling of the terri-
torial stretch of marriage alliances follows a clear trajectory. Four generations
ago Lakshmipura exchanged four women in marriage with villages in the
nearby district of Bhilwara, four marriages were formed three generations ago
(this time in a more populous village), one marriage alliance was forged two
generations ago, and none was secured during the most recent nuptial round.
Thus alliances with villages outside of the Lakshmipura police territory have
dwindled from 24 percent and 17 percent of total marriage exchanges four
34 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

generations ago to 4 percent and none today. The same trajectory can be ob-
served throughout the State, where in some cases marriages are now all but
confined to a single village.
‘Closely allied’ villages, as shown in map 1.3, are connected by more than
ten marriages (over the past four generations) and are marked by frequent
contact and professional collaboration;19 ‘allied’ villages are connected by five
to ten marriages and regular contact; and ‘loosely allied’ villages are con-
nected by fewer than five marriages and occasional exchange. ‘Unallied’ vil-
lages maintain no regular contacts with the biradari.
The effects of territorial truncation of the biradari on the community go
beyond the limits of marriage possibilities; they impact deeply its social orga-
nization.20 The structural organization of the Kanjar caste (jat) hinges on the
opposition between two exogamous, complementary, and mutually defining
moieties.21 This is important for the everyday workings of the community.
The system of marital exchange between the two moieties creates a structure
of complementary difference with alliances between villages, supported by
the convention of cross-cousin marriage.22 The moiety opposition is foun-
dational to relatedness in the community: it forms the basis for most signifi-
cant types of relations. Women and bridewealth, information, resources, and
professional contacts flow primarily across the moiety divide. The truncated
brotherhood, which now effectively comprises only four patriclans, of which
three belong to one moiety, lacks appropriate marital partners in the oppos-
ing moiety. This deficit threatens the maintenance of cross-moiety marriage
exchange and moiety opposition more broadly, which Kanjars deem basic
to communal integrity. While the Lakshmipura Kanjars are still managing
to find marriage partners in the opposing moiety, some of the neighboring
biradaris, some of which are confined to a single village, started marrying
within their own moieties and even within patriclans, committing incest,
about which the Lakshmipura Kanjars whisper in tones of moral horror.

Policing and Raiding the Same Beats

The current shape of the biradari reflects the recent development of the ‘spe-
cial relationship’ between the residents of Lakshmipura and the police.23 In
1991 the Lakshmipura “Village Crime Note Book” on file in the thana re-
ported an abrupt drop in property-related crime in the village, a change that
Borders without Borderlands  |  35

Map Area


Chittaurgarh Kota

PRADESH State border
District border
Electorate constiuency border
Police stationterritory border
District (zila) headquarters
Block (tehsil) headquarters
Police station
Closely allied villages
Pratapgarh Allied villages
0 10 20 mi Loosely allied villages
0 10 20 30 km Unallied villages

Map 1.3. Villages of the Lakshmipura biradari and other neighboring Kanjar villages.
Drawn by the Cartographic Unit of the Dept of Geography, University of Cambridge.
Reproduced with permission.

coincided with a reported upsurge in thieving in a neighboring Kanjar village.

One constable, who has been posted in the station for almost three decades,
explained this reported shift. Rather than reflecting an actual decline in the
thieving activities of the Lakshmipura Kanjars, the record indicates a trans-
formation in the nature of the relationship between policemen and the Laksh-
mipura Kanjars from hostile to cooperative. This change was prompted by a
large-scale pogrom that ravaged Lakshmipura in the summer of 1990 and the
scale of which attracted much media attention, not only to the incident itself
but also to the ‘Kanjar problem’— including police predation — in the area.
As a result of the ‘incident’ the police station staff, who stood by watching
Kanjars get murdered and their houses blasted with dynamite, became sub-
ject to monitoring ‘from above.’ ‘Coercive measures’— the filing of false cases,
unwarranted arrests, beatings, and other forms of intimidation — previously
36 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

exercised on the village residents (many of whom were therefore constantly

on the run), had to be abandoned.24
These were replaced with milder measures, and Lakshmipura was ‘adopted’
(inf. god lena) by the police. ‘Adoption’ is a widespread Indian institution of
patronizing criminals by the police; in Rajasthan it spread particularly rapidly
after the passing of the Human Rights Act in the State in 1985. By 2008, of the
sixteen Kanjar settlements in the local administrative block, twelve had been
‘adopted.’ Such an arrangement is typically initiated by senior house officers
(shos), who establish connections with village leaders, usually heads of thiev-
ing gangs (or ‘parties’), who become both informers (mukhbar) and mediators
between the village and the police. In exchange for intelligence and a share of
their loot, shos turn a blind eye to their informers’ activities, avoid filing false
cases against them, and ‘write off’ arrest warrants for a moderate fee.25 By now
the adoption process has been standardized to the point of bureaucratization.
It is expected, for instance, that the shos will ‘pass down’ to their successors
their informers, along with lists of reliable and unreliable informers, descrip-
tions of their gangs and thieving beats, and other details noted in secret files
of the police. It is expected that upon arrival in post the shos will pay a visit
to each of their inherited informers and villages to confirm the continuity
of the relationship. If faithfully nurtured, relationships between Kanjars and
shos can outlast a given officer’s tenure in post, with the result that the more
sophisticated gang leaders can develop far-reaching and durable patronage
bonds with officers beyond the limits of their block or even district.
As a result of police patronage, the more resourceful thieves become vir-
tually immune to policing and prosecution in the territory of a given station,
where their exploits are ignored, and indeed are often commissioned, by the
police. The alignment of thieving beats with police jurisdictions spatially in-
verts the old convention of patronizing thieves, which assumed that the rob-
bers employed by landlords and village communities would plunder outside
of their employers’ domains. Under police protection, robbers conversely run
their business within the territory of their patrons’ station. As a result, the
neighbors of ‘adopted’ Kanjars are subjected to constant and frequent pre-
dation; after the adoption of Lakshmipura, for instance, attacks on the four
immediately neighboring villages increased to a weekly average of four. The
victims, naturally, retaliate by regularly beating, periodically murdering, and
occasionally staging pogroms against their neighbors. Over the past twenty
Borders without Borderlands  |  37

years twenty-four Kanjars were killed in the administrative block alone, and
ten were murdered in the 1990 Lakshmipura pogrom.
Police patronage has further consequences for the structure of rank in the
community. One of the results has been a growing class stratification among
Kanjars. Adopted villages, families, gangs, and individual informers have
come to form a wealthier and more educated class that increasingly refuses
to mingle, marry, or even drink and eat with their lowlier caste-mates, whom
they deride as ‘orphans’ (anath) or ‘masterless men’.26 This is not to say that
the new conditions of police patronage have upset a prior state of harmony
in the community, which has always been fractious (Piliavsky 2011b: ch. 2).
Kanjar clans regularly bifurcate, villages split up, sons routinely leave their
father’s gangs, and brothers often quarrel.27 The fragmentation prompted by
current police patronage, however, is quite different. Whereas previously sec-
tions of the community would move away, today they remain in the same
village, where they are separated only by mutual silence or violent and at times
fatal conflict.
Such changes are inseparable from the territorial parameters of  local polic-
ing practice. Today, as in the 1860s, when modern policing was being consoli-
dated in colonial India, the distribution of police authority, the apprehension
and prosecution of offenders, and the recovery of property are territorially
structured (see figure 1.1). And the boundaries of police station jurisdictions
are so jealously guarded as to be virtually impermeable to officers from other
stations.28 If an officer observes a crime just beyond the limit of his own ju-
risdiction, he is neither held responsible for nor indeed permitted to pursue
it. This rigidly territorial system operates equally among Kanjars; their beats
coincide with the territories of the stations, so that one can say that gangsters
and the police operate within a shared territorial grid. Just like the officers,
Kanjars avoid operations in unprotected territories, which are guarded as
much by the police as by local Kanjars. Gangs do cross over into each other’s
territories, but they do so at the risk of being prosecuted and of initiating
a gang war. The police hold local Kanjars accountable for thefts committed
within their jurisdiction and lay claim to a share of the proceeds. When local
gangs are thus forced to pay for the actions of others, they retaliate by raiding
their neighbor’s beat, which can in turn set off a cycle of cross-beat raiding, a
chaotic and dangerous state of affairs that many would rather avoid.
38 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

Figure 1.1. Police map in

Rajasthan, 2008, showing
the jurisdiction of a police
station in southern Rajas­
than and its territorial
subdivisions (the boundary
lines correspond to outpost
jurisdictions and villages
within them); such maps are
usually displayed in police
stations. Photo courtesy of
A. Piliavsky.

Reproducing Divisions of Rank

Territorial divisions are not the only boundaries that shape the life of the com-
munity. The hierarchy of police ranks has likewise become a shaping force in
Kanjar villages and gangs. Like the ‘borderland peoples,’ whose lives are in-
exorably linked to border administration, the Kanjar biradari has been deeply
structured by the police ordering of rank.29 The territorial arrangement of
thieving beats in its own right reflects the hierarchical ordering of the staff of
police stations. While the activities of Kanjar brotherhoods normally spread
across the jurisdictions of one or two stations, the work of individual gangs re-
lies on their patronage by individual officers. Just as the jurisdictions of police
stations are subdivided into plots, each assigned to the care of one officer, the
biradaris’ territories are split up into beats belonging to individual gangs. The
stability of police protection inside individual beats depends on the duration
of officers’ tenure in post. The lowest ranking officers — constables, head con-
stables, and assistant subinspectors (collectively known as sipahis [sepoys, foot
soldiers] among Kanjars) — usually enjoy the longest tenure. While senior of-
ficers (inspectors and subinspectors) are frequently transferred, sipahis often
Borders without Borderlands  |  39

remain in the same posting for many years, if not for the duration of their
career.30 This allows them to develop long-lasting relationships with local
Kanjars. In fact because employment in particular positions (in the police as
in other government services) is often inherited, the patronage of Kanjars by
sipahi families can be maintained across several generations and even acquire
the status of ‘traditional’ (paramparik) bonds.31 Ties to individual officers fur-
ther confine gangs to small patches of land allocated to those officers.32 Kan-
jars protected by senior officers (‘in-charge sahibs’) have less stability, but their
protection can be more effective and can extend to a wider territory.
Senior officers also patronize Kanjars, but the reasons for their patronage
differ from those of their inferiors. While for subaltern policemen Kanjar ex-
ploits are primarily a source of immediate income, for senior officers Kanjars
are most useful as agents of intelligence that boost their statistics, which aids
their careers.33 While junior officers encourage more thieving among Kanjars,
senior officers promote informer activity. The roles of thief and approver are
often at odds: informers for superior officers are often either kept uninformed
or altogether excluded from gang activity by those allied with junior officers.
Relationships between Kanjars and their sipahi patrons are often so intimate
that the latter come to be thought of by Kanjars as members of their own
gangs. Kanjars refer to their patron officers as gang ‘chiefs’ (mukhya or sardar)
and call officers who betray them to rank seniors as ‘informers’ (mukhbar).
For their part, constables refer to their Kanjar informers by first names and
call them ‘friends’ (dost) or ‘our men’ (apane admi). The result is two classes:
low-ranking officers and their Kanjar clients on the one hand and senior po-
licemen and their informers on the other. The line of difference between the
two is drawn both in the police stations and in the Kanjar settlements. It does
not divide thieves from the police, but low-class of Kanjars and sipahis from
the high-ranking officers and their Kanjar clients. This line is often marked
by antagonisms that reverberate equally through Kanjar settlements and po-
lice stations. Senior officers protect their informers at the expense of junior
colleagues’ clients, and in turn junior officers compromise their superiors’
informers. While constables bemoan the fact that their superiors ‘spoil their
work’ (kam bigarte), shos complain that their cultivation of reliable sources
of intelligence is constantly undermined by subordinates.
Police patronage also precipitates changes in the nature of communal au-
thority among Kanjars. Although patronage by senior officers is commonly less
stable than alliances with sipahis, it often entails more substantial privileges.
40 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

Kanjars under the tutelage of senior officers are much better positioned to
have an arrest warrant written off, to settle a better deal when the need to
pay off the police arises, or to have kith and kin released on bail. Resourceful
Kanjars, who manage to maintain relationships with shos beyond the term of
their local tenure can secure protection in other jurisdictions in the state and
thus extend their beats and acquire greater political weight in the commu-
nity. One of the outcomes is that the old system of elected community elders
(patels) who acted as dispute arbiters is now being displaced by the new rule
of sardars (bosses, gang leaders), who wield increasing weight in decision-
making and resolution of disputes in the community. Successful clients of
senior officers are not only immune to police harassment, they can also em-
ploy their connections to intimidate caste mates. While appeals by Kanjars
(and other poor villagers) are typically ignored by the police, the sardars’
complaints are taken seriously and occasionally even pursued. The growing
presence of sardars in community councils (jat panchayats) also means that
disputes are increasingly referred to the police, a change that signals not only
a displacement of elders by gang leaders but a broader transfer of the commu-
nity’s legal apparatus to institutions of the state, on which the emergent class
of sardars relies. Just as the Kanjars’ thieving terrains replicate the territorial
parameters of police jurisdictions, so does the rank order within the commu-
nity replicate the hierarchies in police stations. Both police and Kanjar com-
munities are now subject to a common order of rank, which equally operates
in the populations of police stations and Kanjar settlements.

Borders without Borderlands

I share the borderland theorists’ suspicion of ‘state-centrism’ in social science 
— the tendency to treat national states as undisputed entities and borders as
their natural barriers (Baud and Van Schendel 1997: 235; Van Schendel and
Abraham 2005). Yet it is precisely this suspicion that makes me uneasy with
borderland theory, for I am not convinced that stretching borderlines into
borderlands helps to dispel the delusions of state ideology. True, analyses of
modern statehood cannot be conducted in the terms provided by the state
itself, and we cannot treat national borders simply as given. Yet what border-
land theory fails to recognize is the fact that the border is the key structuring
mechanism of the state and, as such, should stand at the base of its analysis.
This oversight leads to a paradox: instead of blurring borderlines, borderland
theorists end up with their reification, drawing them on maps with thicker felt
Borders without Borderlands  |  41

pens over and over again. As territorial entities with a distinctive political, eco-
nomic, and sociocultural life, borderlands appear like replicas of the nation-
states they circumscribe. Thus the implied proposition that everywhere na-
tional borders are flanked by distinct sociopolitical zones sharpens instead of
blurring the official geopolitical picture. In this picture, where national bor-
ders have been extended into border zones, the global grid of national states
retains its shape. While the statist narrative tells us that borders are substan-
tive, freestanding things — on maps and on land — ethnography suggests that
borders are a mechanism in the set of categorical distinctions we call the state.
Borders are structural entities and as such can generate different effects in dif-
ferent circumstances. They can enclose as well as relate; they can form barriers
as much as frontiers; they can facilitate their crossing as well as enclose and
divide, functioning equally well both as limits and prompts for movement.
On closer inspection it turns out that national borders generate different sets
of circumstances, and some are not surrounded by socially, linguistically, or
politically distinct zones that straddle them on both sides. Locally borders can
be understood as limits, heartlands, or peripheries. Whether dotted with gun-
men and lined with barbed wire or physically unmarked (as in the Kanjar case
I have discussed), borders do not necessarily generate cross-border bonds but
often produce differences, whether between Indian and Pakistani citizens or
between gangs. As I hope to have shown, processes observed around national
borders are also present deep inside the territories of states. In other words,
there is no difference of kind (and often not even of degree) between national
borders and the boundaries of provinces, administrative blocs, police juris-
dictions, or other administrative divisions. Aspects of ‘borderlands’ are as
vividly present deep within the territories of national states as on their periph-
eries. We may say that today we live in a world where the state is a borderland.
In conclusion I would like to suggest that in our study of border situations we
shift analytical weight from the imagined territorial entity of the borderland
to the structural phenomenon of the border, lest we find ourselves — as the
sign warns — in the wrong lift or, more disconcertingly, in thin air.

Notes to Chapter 1
Research for and the writing of this essay were made financially possible by the Rhodes
Trust, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Ada Draper Fund, the RE Katz Fund, the
Boston University Anthropology Department, the Oxford Institute of Social and Cul-
tural Anthropology, Wolfson College (Oxford), and King’s College (Cambridge). My
attendance at the British Association of South Asian Studies Borderlands Workshop,
42 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

for which this piece was originally written, was made possible by the British Acad-
emy. My field research relied on the generosity and patience of many, but I am espe-
cially indebted to the Karmawat, Chattrapal, Chundawat, and Nat families, as well as
B. L. Sisodiya and Mahendra Singh Mewar. I thank David Gellner, Jonathan Norton,
Alice Obrecht, Piers Vitebsky, John Dunn, the participants of the Research Associates’
Seminar in Cambridge, and two anonymous reviewers for their comments. I have
transliterated Indian terms phonetically and without diacritics.

1. In its earliest usage in the early nineteenth century, the term described moors and
wastelands, particularly between England and Scotland (oed), later coming to be used
interchangeably with ‘frontiers’ of the empire, such as the North-West Frontier (Hol-
dich 1901; Maud 1904; Ethnographical Survey of India 1909). In fin de siècle literature
across genres and subjects the ‘borderland’ was as widely invoked in descriptions of
frontiers of the British Empire as in spiritualist periodicals (D. Jones 2009). Stead’s
Borderland: A Quarterly Review and Index of Psychic Phenomena, for instance, en-
joyed very wide readership in the years of its existence between 1893 and 1897 (Baylen
1969). A wasteland populated by aliens, ghosts, and ghouls, the borderland became a
prominent feature of fantasy literature, where it still retains currency: consider such
diverse uses as Hodgson’s (1908) horror novel The House on the Borderland, Boyd’s
(1922) Borderland Experiences; Or, Do the Dead Return?, Windling’s (1986) urban fan-
tasy novel series entitled Borderland (set in a dystopian metropolis Bordertown on the
frontier between Elflands and the World), or a 2004 Star Trek episode by the same title.
2. This literature took its inspiration from the American historian Frederick Jack-
son Turner’s essay “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” published
in 1893, in which he advanced his famous thesis of the centrality of the frontier to
American history.
3. See, for instance, Asiwaju and Adenyi 1989; Berdahl 1999; Donnan and Wilson
1999; Rösler and Wendl 1999; Van Schendel and Abraham 2005. On South Asia, see
Samaddar 1999; Van Schendel 2002b, 2005a, 2005b.
4. This usage of ‘borderland’ draws on Bolton’s ([1921] 1996) seminal The Spanish
Borderlands, in which he defined the Spanish borderlands, the northern periphery
of New Spain (stretching from modern-day Florida to California), as culturally and
geographically distinct regions with a distinctive mixture of native and European
population. The monograph set out an analytical paradigm for generations of histo-
rians to follow (Weber 1986; Sandos 1994), with ‘borderland studies’ developing into
a field with its own professional associations, conferences and journals since then
(e.g., Gutiérrez-Witt 1990: 123; Frontera 1976–84; Journal of Borderlands Studies 1986–
present; Borderlands 2002–present). The sheer volume of such writing is reflected in
the number of books written on the subject on the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s
discovery of America: the three-volume Columbian Consequences (Thomas 1989–91)
and the twenty-seven-volume set of Spanish Borderlands Source Books (Thomas 1991).
For overviews of this literature, see Stoddard et al. 1983; Valk and Cobos 1988;
Borders without Borderlands  |  43

Adelman and Aron 1999; Segura and Zavella 2007; Wood 2009. For some examples,
see House 1982; Gibson and Renteria 1985; McKinsey and Konrad 1989; Martínez 1994.
5. Although varying in detail, Baud and Van Schendel’s (1997) model does not sub-
stantially depart from the maxims of borderland scholarship. Thus my comments
apply to the borderland theory at large, examples of which are too numerous to be
discussed individually here.
6. The idea of a culturally and linguistically mixed society goes back to Bolton’s
([1921] 1996) definition of Spanish borderlands and has remained a staple of borderland
studies. Herzog (1990: 135), for instance, refers to such mixing as the “transboundary
social formation.” For further examples, see Nalven, ed., “Border Perspectives on the
U.S./Mexico Relationship,” special issue of New Scholar 9 (1–2), 1984.
7. Historians of colonial India have written extensively about the relationship be-
tween local landed elites and the colonial state. See, for instance, Stokes 1978; Singh
8. I describe the given Kanjar community as ‘professional thieves’ not simply be-
cause theft is the main source of their livelihood or because the planning and execu-
tion of raids, the negotiation of spoils, and dealings with law enforcement authorities
are the main preoccupation of most men in the community. I do so no less because
being a thief locates Kanjars within the larger society. They are thieves in popular
and official rhetoric as much as in their own self-understanding. While being thieves
makes for common assumptions of their guilt among neighboring farmers, court of-
ficials, and the police, the designation also gives Kanjars an important role within
local society. It is precisely their reputation as thieves that gets them employed as
watchmen (according to the local maxim of ‘set a thief to catch a thief’), police inform-
ers, or ‘raiders’ by local communities (whether these be families, villages, or business
9. The ethnography is based on eighteen months of fieldwork conducted in incre-
ments between January 2005 and January 2009.
10. For historical writing on the politics of raiding, see Wink 1986; Kolff 1990; Gor-
don 1994; Guha 1999; Skaria 1999; Mayaram 2003.
11. For more on the history of special surveillance and policing measures used
under the auspices of Criminal Tribes legislature, see Nigam 1990; Radhakrishna 1992,
2001; Singha 1998.
12. The Kanjars of the brotherhood think of themselves as a distinct ‘society’ (samaj)
and accordingly avoid marriage and even commensal relations with other Kanjars. On
a daily basis, the conceptual integrity of this brotherhood is reified through the ex-
change of women, cattle, and information, through professional cooperation and its
spoils, as well as by means of mutualities of lending, borrowing, and bail.
13. Jitna badha rista, itna badha admi. A common expression, ek-jan, ek-jigar (same
birth, same guts), denotes “same caste, race, family, or sort; co-religionist; of the same
parents” (Platts 1884).
14. Among Kanjars this metaphor carries quite literal significance as (goat or sheep)
44 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

entrails are basic to the structuring of Kanjar society. Each major rite, whether post-
partum, marriage, or mortuary, is sealed with the exchange and sharing of sheep and
goat meat, where entrails are given central attention. The consumption of different
parts of the viscera expresses the binary division of the society into moieties. The
moieties are distinguished on the basis of their customary consumption of gall blad-
der (almoda), and one of the moiety patron goddesses is actually called Almodi Mata,
literally ‘Gallbladder Mother.’
15. In Rajasthan only five Kanjar villages continue to make their living through
bardic activities. However, at one time most Kanjars worked as genealogists. Some old
men can still align Kanjar clans with erstwhile patron castes, and fewer have preserved
‘copper letters’ (tamba pattars) inscribed with genealogies of their patron communi-
ties, once used as proof of their relationship to their jajmans. The withering of bardic
trade and its falling into disrepute is connected to the recent dwindling of patronage
ties between genealogists and their patrons. The production of family histories, which
once played a central role in the ‘Rajputization’ of hill communities such as the Minas,
Kolis, Gujars, and Bhils in the nineteenth century (Sinha 1962; Parry 1979: 118–23;
Kolff 1990: 110; Guha 1999: 114), has now lost much of its currency as a mechanism of
social mobility.
16. The Kanjar community to which I refer here is one of three remaining Kanjar
bard communities in southern Rajasthan and the only one practicing such trade in
the Chittaurgarh district.
17. An entire generation of colonial historiography has dealt with the significance
of territorial demarcation in the making of the colonial Indian state. Studies are too
numerous to be listed or summarized in a footnote.
18. The use of such communities as thieving parties and ‘intelligence agents’ (as one
Rajput patron put it) was (and to some extent still is) common practice among local
Rajputs, so that most local Kanjars were originally settled by their Rajput patrons.
19. The nearby cluster of ‘closely allied’ villages is within the territory of an adjacent
thana, which became a separate jurisdiction only in 1997.
20. One consequence of such shrinking is a narrowing of employment opportu-
nities and hence the near-disappearance of the possibility of finding sources of live-
lihood other than theft. Young men with some schooling who are keen to abandon
their fathers’ thieving trade are hard-pressed to find a job, their reputation as thieves
preventing their local employment as anything but watchmen or hired thieves; be-
sides, the confinement of their spheres of acquaintance to a few nearby villages makes
factory work in a town fifty kilometers away appear unthinkable.
21. Moieties are unified in their common relationship to the tutelary goddesses
Almodi Mata and Ashapal Mata and the distinctive rites associated with these.
22. Such village alliances are virilocally arranged settlements often composed of
members of a single clan or got. In marriage conventions, the structure of moiety op-
position is expressed in the isogamous cross-cousin marriage arrangement. This does
Borders without Borderlands  |  45

not, however, mean that all spouses are actual first, or ‘womb’ (saga), or even traceable
cross-cousins. In Lakshmipura marriages with womb cross-cousins (with mother’s
brother’s daughters and father’s sister’s daughters) constitute 17 percent (11 of a total
65 marriages) and marriages with secondary cross-cousins constitute 32 percent (21
of a total 65 marriages) of existing alliances. Prescriptions of alliance with persons in-
volved in such exchange (between maternal uncles, paternal aunts, and cross-cousins
in other moieties) classify all persons of the other moiety, so that parents-in-law (sasur
and sas), for instance, are commonly referred to as mama (mother’s brother) and dado
(father’s sister), as are older men and women of the opposing moiety at large.
23. I have discussed elsewhere the intimate link between the establishment of the
police and the criminalization of ‘protection communities’ in colonial India (Piliavsky
2013). Beginning in the early 1860s a number of policing measures (including the for-
mation of penal colonies to systems of roll call and recruitment of informers) were
applied to these communities, establishing connections of patronage between the
Criminal Tribes and the police (Chatterji 1981; Freitag 1991; Singha 1993).
24. Between 1956 and 1991 the relations between the police and the Lakshmipura
Kanjars were interrupted, the community no longer protected by the inspector of the
Criminal Tribe colony and not yet taken under the wing of the new Indian police. ‘Co-
ercive measures’ were halted after the Human Rights Act passed in Rajasthan in 1985.
25. Whereas unprotected thieves may get away after paying 100 to 200 percent of
the value of stolen (or presumably stolen) goods in order to be cleared of the charge,
protected thieves are normally expected to submit no more than 25 to 50 percent.
26. According to the Rajasthan Police Rules, a person can be listed as a ‘history
sheeter’ when his or her criminal record reaches or exceeds thirty offenses. History
sheeters are liable to random warrant-free searches and other otherwise illegitimate
policing measures. Indian Penal Code Sections 109 and 110 are commonly applied,
both prescribing preemptive penalties for supposed abetment of criminal activity. The
process of forming a new class after adoption can be traced to the colonial period. In
reformatory Criminal Tribes colonies headmen chosen from among inmates by over-
seers to help in the policing of the community received more land, were spared police
predation, and often capitalized on the bureaucratic procedures with which they were
entrusted (e.g., by selling absentee passes).
27. By established convention, boys between the ages of five and thirteen (before
they begin married lives) ‘abscond’ (bhag jate) to their mother’s natal villages, where
they join a thieving party and learn the tricks of the trade. After returning to their
home village, they maintain close professional ties to gangs in this village, whether
they operate together with its gangs or establish their own.
28. According to the Rajasthan Police Rules, even if in hot pursuit, officers must
obtain permission for the pursuit from the local police station, making tracking down
offenders across the boundaries of police jurisdictions effectively impossible.
29. While such intimate involvement with the police is specific to the Kanjar
46 | A N A S T A S I A PI L IAVS K Y

community, the lives of others in the area are no less (if less constantly) affected by
differences in judicial, taxation, or other policy differences between states, districts,
administrative blocks, police districts, or areas under judicial jurisdiction. For in-
stance, because a trade tax does not apply in the neighboring State of Madhya Pradesh,
the cash crops grown in the bordering districts in Rajasthan (making for the bulk of
the local economy) are transported for sale to the Madhya Pradesh markets. Such
transportation is often lengthy and costly. The goods may be sidetracked or fail to be
sold, resulting in losses. The tax differential, however, has established a convention
of sale, so that notwithstanding the risk (or even likelihood) of loss, farmers insist on
selling their crops in Madhya Pradesh.
30. This system inverts official prescription. Although the Rajasthan Police Rules
prescribe a maximum term of two years for these ranks, most commonly remain in
their posting for many decades, if not for life. The stringently competitive system
of promotions paired with virtually no financial incentives makes for virtually no
movement between ranks on this level. Moreover while Police Rules prescribe post-
ing outside one’s native Judicial Circle, the vast majority of low-ranking officers are
posted in their home villages. These days such administrative favors on the part of
the posting authorities are considered simply part of the deal in the routine purchase
of such positions.
31. In Rajasthan this trend of inheritance is particularly prominent in the Rajput
and Mina communities. In 2008, out of the sixteen sipahi — the constables, head
constables, and assistant subinspectors — in the local police station, twelve had been
acquainted with the local Kanjars for more than ten years, and four had multigenera-
tional relationships (two of these going back three generations) with them.
32. The strength of such alliances, however durable it may be at times, is rarely
guaranteed; the protection of gangs and their beats can often be volatile. If expecta-
tions are not met, officers can betray their clients, and, as allegiances are not always
seamlessly transferred, the transfer of shos often means a shift in the parameters of a
beat, so that the layout of beats does alter periodically.
33. While locals often blame policemen for their greed (bhuk, literally ‘hunger’)
and international observers are quick to describe such activity as ‘corrupt,’ the dire
underpayment of such officers makes such collusion virtually inevitable. For the first
five years in service, constables earn a monthly wage of 3,005 rupees. This is less than
half of an average government schoolteacher’s salary of 8,000 rupees. Senior officers
do not work in ‘the field’ but are preoccupied with administrative work. Their pro-
motion relies more heavily on their satisfaction of target quotas, or the percentage of
reported cases investigated and resolved and offenders apprehended.

Allegiance and Alienation

Border Dynamics in Kargil

Kargil entered the imagination of the Indian nation in a significant way only
after the 1999 war with Pakistan. It had been part of the much-contested line
of control (LoC) between India and Pakistan ever since the ceasefire that drew
up this de facto border in 1949. It was also a central battlefront in the two wars
of 1965 and 1971. Yet it was only after the Kargil war of 1999 that it found a
place on the mental map of the public in India. This is a map contoured by the
mighty and forbidding peaks of the Indian Himalayas, which the Indian army
recaptured from the ‘intruders’ across the LoC, colored by images of heroic
men in battle fatigues, and held forth forever after as the country’s victory
symbol, be it in the media or other writing on the area. Kargil is the iconic
border for those who believe the sovereignty of a nation-state is contained
unequivocally by its territorial borders.
When I was embarking on my fieldwork, the reactions of family and friends
amused me. Unfamiliar with the world of anthropology, some innocently re-
marked, “Could you not find any place to do your research in but a war zone?”
My tailor in Delhi, when asked to stitch clothes suitable for the mountain
climate, asked in puzzlement, “What will you do there? Are you going to do
something in relation to the army?”1 For all practical purposes, Kargil, even
a decade after the Kargil war, continues for most Indians to be an out-of-the-
way place inhabited only by sentinels. That there might be ordinary people
leading ordinary lives in this area does not quite fit into the received images
of the region. This chapter seeks to rectify this image and show that while
48 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

the presence of the military has an important role to play in configuring the
relationship of the people of Kargil both to the border and to the state, this
is only one part of the story. It does not do full justice to the reality of the
borderland in their lives. For that one must go beyond an understanding of
the border as only a geographical and political boundary that divides one side
from the other.
Unlike many other borderlands that are quite porous and thereby see both
licit and illicit flows of people and goods across them,2 heavy policing cou-
pled with the natural barrier of the mountainous terrain permits few border
crossings along the LoC in Kargil, especially after the 1999 war. The literature
on borderlands has shown that border crossings are important to understand-
ing the spatial and cultural organization of nation-states and the discourse
through which legitimacy is sought (Horstmann 2004). Through her work
in Northern Ireland Aretxaga (1998: 19) urges a reading of borders as spaces
“where national imaginings are rendered unstable.” In a similar vein, in her
ethnography on Muslim pastoralist Jatts in Kachchh living along the bor-
der with Sindh, Ibrahim (2009) shows that their relationship to the border
is dissonant with the official discourse of the the State of Gujarat in India.
Contemporary Gujarat seeks to define its identity through a regional vari-
ant of Hindutva ideology, which ignores the historical sociocultural relation-
ship between Kachchh and Sindh; however, the nomadic Jatts continue to
embrace Sindh in Pakistan both symbolically and through migration (52).
Thus whether through narratives of actual border crossings or symbolic at-
tachments to spaces that cut across the official demarcation of culturally and
ecologically homogeneous territories, work on borderlands has amply demon-
strated that the border offers a different vantage point from which to view
the nation-state (Wilson and Donnan 1998a). The analyses, however, tend to
place borderlanders either in a position of encapsulation and accommodation
within the bounded space of the nation-state or in a stance of resistance, often
of a violent kind. It is difficult to apply this dichotomy to the relationship of
people living in the Kargil borderland with the Indian nation-state. Kargilis
relate to the nation-state in a multiplicity of ways, structured both by alle-
giance and by alienation, through the reality and the rhetoric of the border in
their lives. This chapter attempts to convey the complexity of this relationship.
Allegiance and Alienation  |  49

From ‘Frontier’ to Border: Historical Background

It is useful to remember that Kargil was historically a ‘frontier,’ a region not
politically delimited by boundaries between states, nor was it a periphery or
margin to the Indian nation-state as it is perceived today in the wider public
imagination. Uberoi (1978: 74–75) writes, “A true frontier is an autonomous
region which represents the conjunction, the unity and the opposition of two
or more other regions, such that all of them together form a patterned whole
in some one or other aspect of society and history.” Said to be derived from
khar (fort) and rkil (center), Kargil denotes a place between many forts, a cen-
tral place where people could stay. Geographically Kargil is indeed located at
a crossroads, equidistant from Srinagar, Leh, and Skardu (Baltistan) (see map
2.1). Culturally the ethnoracial mix of the inhabitants of Kargil represents the
conjunction of all these regions. Sociopolitically, it represents the dividing line
or “opposition” (74–75) between the Muslim and non-Muslim parts of Ladakh
and Baltistan prior to the Partition of the subcontinent. Understanding Kar-
gil as a frontier enables us to move away from viewing it merely as a political
border between two nation-states and locate it within a longer historical span.
Prior to the Partition of India in 1947–48, Kargil, or Purig, together with
Baltistan and Leh constituted the Ladakh wazarat (province), sometimes re-
ferred to today as Greater Ladakh. A key gateway between Central Asia and
Tibet, it was a region with a long and rich history of cross-border ties forged by
trade, religion, and political alliances extending as far as Yarkand and Kash-
gar toward the north, Tibet in the east, and the Kashmir Valley to the south
(Rizvi 1996, 1999). This came to be reflected in the ethnic mix of people in the
region. According to local historians such as Kacho Sikandar Khan, the Pu-
rigpa, the people of central Kargil, are the mixed descendants of two races, the
Dards and the Mongols, who started intermarrying following the cessation of
warfare between the two groups in the tenth century.
Kargil even today is a mosaic of several different cultures and languages.
Three major ethnic categories make up its cultural fabric: the Balti and Pu-
rigpa (both a mix of Tibetan-Mongoloid and Aryan stock, speaking similar
Tibetan dialects); Dards and Brogpa (both of Indo-Aryan stock and speaking
an Indo-European language); and the Bhoto (Tibetan-Mongoloid, speaking
Tibetan-derived dialects). Of these various groups, the Purigpa and the Bhoto
are the largest. All these groups, along with other, smaller groups, some based
50 | R A D H I K A G U P TA




Line of Control

KASHMIR Drass Kargil
NG Leh
Zoji-la pass SK
Srinagar AR
Pensi-la A N
Islamabad Pass



0 30 60 mi
0 50 100 km

Map 2.1. The position of Kargil in relation to neighboring regions.

on occupational status, were accorded Scheduled Tribe status by the central

state in 1989.3
While much has been written about the cosmopolitan nature of Leh as an
important entrepôt for trans-Himalayan trade (Rizvi 1999), Kargil is perhaps
a frontier in the true sense of the term, for it represents the conjunction not
only of different ethnoracial groups but also of religious regions.4 While the
majority of the people of Leh are Buddhists, with spiritual and religious links
to Tibet, the people of Kargil and Baltistan are Muslims. Islam traveled to
Kargil via Baltistan with preachers from Khorasan from the sixteenth century
onward. Certain areas, such as Chigtan, remained Buddhist till as recently
as a hundred years ago. Family genealogies in Chigtan often reveal Buddhist
names just three or four generations back. Several villages in Kargil even today
are a mix of Muslims and Buddhists. While the majority of Kargilis belong to
Allegiance and Alienation  |  51

the Twelver Shi’ite sect of Islam, a sizable population of Dard Sunni Muslims
is found in the Drass area, whose genealogies can be traced to ancestors in
Gilgit. Thus in the current geopolitical frame, Kargil marks the dividing line
between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds: Kashmir valley to the south
over the Zoji-la Pass and Gilgit-Baltistan to the west are both Muslim, while
Leh (Ladakh) to the east is predominantly Buddhist.
These religious differences were ignored in the creation of administrative
units under the Raj. Ladakh and Gilgit came to be designated as wazarats,
their fate conjoined with Jammu and the Kashmir Valley into a single ad-
ministrative unit under the reign of the Hindu Dogra rulers of Jammu in
1901. Raja Gulab Singh, a feudatory of the Sikh Durbar in Lahore, had aligned
himself with the British in the first Anglo-Sikh war of 1856. With the vic-
tory of the British, the treaty of Amritsar was signed and Gulab Singh was
installed as the maharaja of the combined State of Jammu and Kashmir, in-
cluding Ladakh (Bray 2005: 16). During the Dogra reign, Gilgit wazarat was
leased to the British because of the strategic significance it held for them in
the Great Game. The Dogra era is often recalled by Ladakhis as a time of great
oppression. As an elder in Kargil put it, “The oppression was so great that
when Zorawar Singh [a general in the Dogra army] attacked Skardu, it is said
that women would jump off the fort into the Sindhu (Indus) River in order to
escape being raped.”

The Partition
As Sir Cyril Radcliffe was hurriedly dividing the pie between India and Paki­
stan, the question of the fate of the princely states came up. The majority
acceded to India or Pakistan by the time of the ‘transfer of power’ in August
1947, with the exception of Hyderabad, Junagadh, and Jammu and Kashmir.
Both Hyderabad and Junagadh had Muslim rulers over a largely Hindu pop-
ulation, while Jammu and Kashmir had Hindu rulers over a majority Muslim
population. Unlike these other two ‘problem’ States, Jammu and Kashmir
already possessed what Lamb (1997: 96) calls “an active and complex public
political life of its own.” After 1931 two major groupings in the Kashmir Valley,
the National Conference and the Muslim Conference, came into existence.
Both were opposed to the ruling Dogra dynasty, and their agitation produced
a certain degree of constitutional development leading to the formation of a
legislature, the Praja Sabha, in which franchise was organized on a communal
52 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

basis. Lamb classifies public opinion in Jammu and Kashmir over the issue of
accession into four broad categories:

1. Hindus in Jammu and Hindu Brahmin Pandits of the Kashmir valley

supported the Dogras.
2. In Ladakh, a new Buddhist political consciousness had begun to crys-
tallize, which tilted towards being with the Hindus.
3. The Muslim Conference, which represented the bulk of the Muslims in
Jammu, and the more hard-line Muslims of the Valley opposed the idea
of joining the Indian union.
4. The National Conference had a relatively secular outlook with a prefer-
ence for an independent Kashmir. (my summary of Lamb 1997: 96–97)

Exceptions to this categorization were the Gilgit wazarat and the Baltistan
portion of Ladakh, which generally subsumed the people of Kargil by virtue
of religious affinity. Gilgit, which had been on lease to the British, reverted to
the rule of the Hindu maharaja in 1947, without consultation with the people,
the majority of whom were Muslim. There was latent resentment against this
move, and thus, while the maharaja ruled, de facto it was the Gilgit Scouts (a
paramilitary force originally raised by the British in the Gilgit Agency) who
held real power in the region. The maharaja, in his prevarication over which
dominion to join, signed stand-still agreements on 12 August 1947 with both
India and Pakistan in a bid to maintain the status quo. In the meantime revolt
had erupted in Poonch in the Kashmir Valley against Dogra rule. To contend
with this, the maharaja, while packing his bags to retreat to the safe haven of
Jammu, appealed to Indian political leaders for military assistance. The Gilgit
rebellion finally broke out in early November 1947. A branch of the maharaja’s
army rebelled in Skardu, and groups of pro-Pakistani Gilgit Scouts entered
and occupied Kargil, Nubra, Sham, and Zangskar. After several months of
battle the Indian forces compelled them to retreat, and a cease-fire demar-
cating an arbitrary line of control was drawn up, fragmenting the Ladakh
wazarat between the two nations of India and Pakistan. Leh and Kargil came
under the administration of Jammu and Kashmir, while Baltistan and the
Gilgit wazarat came to constitute the Northern Areas of Pakistan. Until 1979
Leh and Kargil together constituted the district of Ladakh, after which Kargil
was designated as a separate district.
The LoC has been a flash point for the assertion of sovereignty by both
India and Pakistan ever since, as evidenced in the ongoing dispute over
Allegiance and Alienation  |  53

Kashmir, which has become central to the ideological opposition between

the secular and the Islamic in South Asia. The people of Leh and Kargil had
little say in their destiny being tied to the Kashmir Valley. The absence of the
voices of the people of Kargil is particularly conspicuous in the history of the
Partition in Kashmir. The sentiments of the Sunni Muslims of the Valley are
well known, as are those of Buddhist leaders of Leh, who launched a struggle
for autonomy from Jammu and Kashmir in 1989, alleging that the political
conflict in the Valley had been eclipsing their developmental and political
concerns (Behera 2000). While this feeling of neglect was shared by the Mus-
lims of Kargil, they have never supported the demand in Leh for declaration
of Ladakh as a Union Territory. The agitation for autonomy was framed in
communal terms by Buddhist leaders, leading to a rigidification of religious
boundaries and communalization of politics in Ladakh (Van Beek 1996;
Aggarwal 2004). However, before discussing the impact of regional politics
on the equation of Kargilis with the nation-state, I turn to a few Kargili voices
on the Partition — an event not limited to 1947–48 for them, but extending to
the subsequent wars between India and Pakistan in 1965 and 1971. The Kargil
war shook most Indians, if only for a brief moment, out of their complacent
assumption that the LoC was set in stone. For Kargilis, by contrast, the pre-
cariousness of this de facto border has always been a reality.

Partition Unfinished
People in Kargil were unaware of the first stirrings of Partition. In those days
many men from Kargil migrated to Shimla in Himachal Pradesh and areas of
Uttar Pradesh and Punjab in search of labor work. An elder in Kargil recalled
that they first heard about figures like Nehru and Jinnah from these migrant
laborers visiting home, while chatting at the changra, a place where the men of
the neighborhood gathered socially. It was only with the rebellion of the Gilgit
Scouts that the force of events struck Kargilis.
The Gilgit Scouts first captured Gilgit town and then, crossing Rong-yul,
moved toward Skardu in January 1948. In the rendition of local historians
in Kargil, the army of the maharaja of Skardu was besieged in Kharpo-Che,
the fort at Skardu, and as the fighting continued there, a segment of the Gil-
git Scouts moved toward Kargil.5 At this time a thousand men of the Indian
army came via Kashmir to Kargil. On 5 May 1948 Kargil was attacked. The
Indian army was small, and the men fled to the Suru Valley, facilitating the
54 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

movement of the Gilgit Scouts toward Leh. It is interesting to note the differ-
ence in the way the Gilgit Scouts are referred to. A Sunni intellectual whose
ancestors settled in Kargil as mulazims (those in government service) of the
Dogra regime referred to the Gilgit Scouts as the Pakistani army. A local Balti
intellectual whose ancestors were traders settled in Kargil referred to them as
those who freed them from the oppressive Dogra regime. According to him,
many Kargilis from villages like Hardas, Tambis, and Poyen also joined the
Gilgit Scouts. He added, “Up to then there was no Hindustan or Pakistan,”
suggesting that Kargilis were not participating in a coup against India. When
the Gilgit Scouts captured the area near Basgo, forty kilometers downstream
from Leh, detachments of the Indian army arrived. This, combined with the
onset of the winter, forced the Scouts to retreat, fleeing to Skardu, thus free-
ing Kargil too. According to the historian Abdul Hamid Tanvir, “The Indian
army attacked Kargil under the leadership of Brigadier Hiralal Atal via the
Tik-Tik-Mo route and, finding Kargil empty, captured it.” He added, “The
people of Drass and Matayen [the last village before the Zoji-la, en route to the
Valley] also helped the Indian army [see figure 2.1]. The people of Kargil also
supported the Indian army and started helping it.” The fighting continued
until a cease-fire was declared in July 1949.
As elsewhere in India (Butalia 1998), silence enshrouds the Partition in
Kargil. The subject seldom appeared naturally in the course of general con-
versations about the history of the region, as compared to the enthusiasm to
talk about the history of qadim (ancient) Ladakh. The absence in Kargil of
the violence and massive cross-border migration of populations that Punjab
experienced at the Partition may in part account for this silence.6 Another
reason, however, which reflects the way the people of this region relate to the
Indian nation-state, or ‘Hindustan,’ as they call it, may also offer an explana-
tion for the scant mention of this critical event. When I asked them, perhaps
unfairly, which side would the people of Kargil have chosen, had they been
given a choice, I got two strikingly different responses. After some thought,
the young Balti intellectual replied, “If the elders had been asked which side
they would have chosen at that time, the response would have been Pakistan
because of the zulm [oppression] of the Dogras.” He added, “But people in
Gilgit today are regretting that they went to Pakistan. At that time they were
under emotional stress under Dogra oppression. There was no Pakistani in
the Gilgit Scouts.”7 In contrast, the Sunni intellectual (of Kashmiri origin)
immediately said, “Kargil always wanted to remain with Kashmir. There were
Allegiance and Alienation  |  55

Figure 2.1. The Road to Drass, 2008. The mist-shrouded mountain in the background is
under Pakistani control — hence the warning on the signboard. Photograph courtesy of
R. Gupta.

trade relations, and most commodities came from Kashmir. The blockage
of the road in 1948 led to a lot of difficulties in Kargil — a famine broke out 
. . . dead bodies were buried without a kafan [funeral shroud]. When the In-
dian army finally arrived people were very happy, as the road from Kash-
mir was reopened. Further, employment was provided to the local people as
coolies, ponies [were] hired, and numerous appointments were made in the
civilian administration.”
It is clear that, despite the not so subtle difference in viewpoints, both his-
torians ultimately converged on emphasizing the loyalty of Kargilis to Hindu-
stan once the LoC had been drawn up. This loyalty to the Indian nation-state,
however, is not a simple story of allegiance or submission to its dominant dis-
course. Different contexts and borders of a nonterritorial kind, such as those
between different religious sects, enter the equation and complicate the rela-
tionship of Kargilis to the territorial border. Further, the story of the Partition
of India in the Kargil sector continued to be scripted even after the drawing up
of the LoC in 1949, as it shifted in two subsequent wars with Pakistan, in 1965
56 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

and 1971. Several villages experienced division and shuffling between India
and Pakistan. The stakes of sovereignty vested in this region are reflected
in the Kargil government website’s proud proclamation in a random list of
“highlights” or achievements of the district that villages like “Badgam, Lato
and Hundoorman were annexed and added to Kargil in 1971.”8 Take, for ex-
ample, the case of Badgam village.
The largely Shina-speaking village of Badgam, whose inhabitants claim
descent from the Indo-Aryan people of Dardistan and are said to have set-
tled there in qadim zamana (ancient times), lay within Pakistan until 1965.
During the 1965 war, half of this village was annexed to Indian territory, while
the other, marked off by a mere nallah (stream of water), continued to be
under Pakistani control. Both parts of the village were united in 1971, when
the second half was also brought under India. A much respected shaykh of
this village related how he was separated from his younger brother in this
shifting of territory between the two nation-states. His brother had been away
for ziyarat (pilgrimage) to Iran and Iraq when the 1971 war between India and
Pakistan broke out. Holding a Pakistani passport, he could never return to
his village, as it was annexed by India during the war. Ever since, there has
been a strong army presence. People say that sometimes their livestock stray
over, but they are not allowed to go and fetch them. They complain about the
meager compensation given for land lost to mining of patches by the Indian
army and that mobile phones do not work in the village. On the whole, how-
ever, there is general acceptance of their fate. There is no mention of any sort
of border crossing.

Living Close to the Line of Control

For villages like Badgam, Partition is not a ‘critical event’ that took place in
1947–48. Their recent inclusion in the Indian nation-state has left them in a
liminal space: part of India, but not quite within the full vision of the Indian
state. For the people of these villages, it is the army that is the predominant
face of the Indian state. Unlike the civilian administration, governed by local
politics, where the boundaries between state and society are blurred, there is
a clear-cut distinction between people and state when it comes to the army. In
the present day, for the most part, the army is seen as a benevolent force, iron-
ically revealing the very liminality of such areas with respect to mainstream
Allegiance and Alienation  |  57

governance. The Kargil war of 1999 brought about a transformation in the

relationship between the army and the people of Kargil.
As one crosses the Iqbal bridge over the Suru River while driving into Kar-
gil town from the direction of Leh, a rock face proclaims, “Jawan aur awam,
aman hai mukam” (Soldiers and people together and there is peace), signaling
the nature of the relationship that the army claims to share with civilians in
Kargil. This equation of brotherhood has been a recent development. Mistrust
characterized the relationship between the army and local people before the
Kargil war. Although the situation was markedly different from that in the
Kashmir Valley, where much has been written about human rights atrocities
committed by the armed forces, people in Kargil still feared the army.9 Elders
recall how, as children, they would run away and hide on seeing a soldier
or vehicle approaching. It was only hesitantly (according to one of the many
narratives surrounding the issue of local intelligence) that the people in the
Drass and Batalik region reported to the army that they had seen Pakistani in-
surgents in the winter of 1998, fearing that suspicion might be cast upon them
instead.10 During the Kargil war itself, locals were indispensable to the army
as guides and porters on the treacherous mountain terrain. Yet even then
the army looked upon them with suspicion, alleging that they were in league
with the insurgents. In a volume of recollections of reporting on the Kargil
war, the journalist Sankarshan Thakur (1999: 12) recounts that one day, while
driving back from Batalik to Kargil town, his driver, a local, was harassed and
searched next to a Bofor’s gun position near Apati, with the gunner saying,
“This is no ordinary war. We are fighting a hostile enemy from hostile ground.
There is little local support. You see this is not a war for Kargil; this is a war for
Kashmir. We have had to fight Kashmiris to keep Kashmir. Trust is a tough
thing.” Another journalist describes local politicians telling him that they felt
insulted when Kargilis were accused of being spies: “If we had not wanted the
Indian army here the troops would never have been able to stay even a single
day” (Jaleel 1999: 91).
This hurt runs deep, for even ten years later I was told the same thing time
and again: that Kargil is the only Muslim-dominated area of Kashmir where
militancy has not been able to strike root. When the Indian army realized
that they could not have won the Kargil war without the support of the locals,
the Sadbhavana (goodwill) program was established in 2001 under the lead-
ership of Lt. Gen. Arjun Ray with the objective of building bridges between
58 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

the army and civilians. Under this program, the army opened schools in re-
mote villages, a disability center, skills-training workshops for women, and an
apricot-processing center. Sadbhavana worked well as a confidence-building
measure between the army and civilians. The extent of its success in terms of
a sense of ownership by the locals is, however, questionable. While appreciated
by Kargilis, there is still a pervasive perception that it is the army’s program.
Unlike local ownership of development schemes routed through the civilian
administration, the sense of distance between Sadbhavana and civilians sug-
gests a clear-cut boundary between the army, as one face of the state, and the
people. In an analysis of the Sadbhavana program, Aggarwal and Bhan (2009)
rightly argue that development interventions by the army, although not new
as subsidiary to the role of the civilian administration in this domain, are
becoming a means to legitimize increased militarization of democratic soci-
eties. However, when viewed from the perspective of the people, some have
no choice but to rely on the military’s development largesse. For this reason,
despite the sense of distance from it, the army is an awkward but welcome
presence in some villages closer to the LoC.
The increased presence of the army after the 1999 war spawned a parallel
economy of goods sold on the black market to the benefit of locals and army
alike. In villages close to the border, in the Batalik sector, for instance, locals
found new avenues to earn income by driving taxis for the army, becoming
porters, and renting out rooms to accommodate the influx of migrant Nepali
workers. More important than this parallel economy, however, is the role that
the army has been playing in sectors normally under the purview of the ci-
vilian administration, in this case, primarily the Ladakh Autonomous Hill
Development Council. The case of Lato village demonstrates this.
The predominantly Balti village of Lato came into being after the 1965 war
between India and Pakistan. Driving about fifteen kilometers out of Kargil
town on the Srinagar Highway, the River Drass meets the Shingo. Near this
junction, an old, nonmotorable wooden bridge connects the highway to the
other side, leading to a rocky mule path that disappears into the mountain-
side. This is the road to Lato village, which lies four kilometers from the LoC.
The inhabitants of Lato were brought down from their village of Drelung on
the LoC as a temporary measure to protect them from Pakistani shells in 1965.
Later, however, a full-fledged army picket was established in Drelung, and the
people were permanently settled on an open plateau-like piece of land farther
Allegiance and Alienation  |  59

down the mountain, which is now the village of Lato. This land is uncultivable
for lack of water. Even though the emerald-green waters of the Shingo swirl
in the deep gorge below, the villagers lament that they are not able to use it for
lack of appropriate technology and infrastructure. The main source of suste-
nance for the people of Lato is portering work for the army picket in Drelung.
Water, a motorable bridge, and a road from the main highway constitute the
long-standing demands of the people of Lato from the civilian administration.
But their pleas have yielded only false promises. Inhabitants of Lato say, “Only
the army has stood by our side. We don’t exist on the map as far as the local
administration goes.” A young man commented rhetorically, “The authorities
do not even know if we are a part of India or not.”11
I visited the village of Lato on 16 August 2008, a day after witnessing the
enthusiastic celebration of Independence Day in Kargil town. Lato had orga-
nized its own little celebration in the ground of the middle school, with the
captain from the nearby army post acting as the chief guest to salute the pa-
rade of schoolchildren. Several people in the village gathered on my first night
there to show me a video-recording of this function. Speeches and poetry by
village intelligentsia reiterated the patriotism of the people of Lato to India.12
The next day I was escorted with much enthusiasm farther up the gorge to get
a view of the LoC, the pride evident among my companions at being the last
sentinels of India. Yet for the people of Lato, the fervor of their patriotism is
lost on the state. As long as they remain marginal to governance by the civil-
ian administration, there is a perception of their being incomplete citizens of
the nation. A military presence in the daily lives of people will always repre-
sent a ‘state of exception,’ even in the absence of violence.13
In his work on Siam, or modern-day Thailand, Winichakul (1994) has per-
suasively shown how the ‘geo-body’ of a nation is the effect of maps: the nation
as a discursive construct comes into being through its territorial demarcation.
He writes, “To a considerable extent, the knowledge about the Siamese nation-
hood has been created by our conception of Siam-on-the-map, emerging from
maps and existing nowhere apart from the map” (17). It is not surprising that
border villages like Lato and Badgam are invisible on maps of the region. But
with their absence on the map, not only is the fragility of the boundary of the
nation-state inadvertently acknowledged, but the inhabitants of these areas
are also effectively excluded from the geo-body of the nation, as alluded to
in the rhetorical statement from Lato about the civil administration not even
60 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

knowing the village belongs to India. Zones of classification within border

areas as being either ‘inner-line’ or ‘accessible’ thus allow certain regions to
enter the geo-body of the nation more than others.
The question that needs to be raised is to what extent the neglect of the
needs of Lato are entirely determined by their position as borderlanders. Is
there a certain amount of rhetoric in their narrative of alienation? Or do they
simply face a heightened version of the sociopolitical tensions experienced by
other marginalized communities across the country? When does the border
become a rhetorical, albeit legitimate, claim-making device? And how does
the ‘reality’ of the border enter lives in other symbolic ways? I examine this
question through the example of the Balti community in Kargil.

Symbolic Attachments across the Border:

Kinship, Poetry, and Music
The people of Leh routinely refer to all Shi‘a Muslims in Ladakh generically
as Baltis (Grist 1998).14 However, the Baltis are a distinct community whose
ancestors migrated from Baltistan to Kargil and Leh before Partition. Most
Baltis came to Kargil as traders, but some are also descendants of preachers
who came from Baltistan. Three villages in Kargil district — Hardas, Lato,
and Karkichu — situated on the left bank of the Drass, a couple of miles from
the main Kargil town, are predominantly Balti. These villages came under
the jagir (estate) of the raja of Kharmang, one of the valleys in the Skardu
Tehsil. According to a Balti elder, the raja brought people from Hamzigund
and Singkarmo and settled them in what is present-day Hardas. These vil-
lages provided a halting point for the raja during his travels. In Kargil town
itself there are about five thousand Baltis, mostly living in a neighborhood
called Balti Bazaar, one of the oldest bazaars of the area, where traders from
Kharmang settled.15 When the cease-fire was announced in 1948, the LoC cut
through Balti-inhabited areas, separating people living in Balti Bazaar and
villages like Hardas and Karkichu from their kin in Baltistan. The arbitrari-
ness of this political boundary is perhaps most starkly experienced by the
Baltis who continue to maintain strong symbolic attachments to their place of
origin. The political stalemate between India and Pakistan made legal travel
to their original homes impossible until the mid-1980s, and even today tele-
phone lines to Pakistan remain cut off from the Indian side.16 Despite these
difficulties of travel and communication, Baltis on both sides have maintained
Allegiance and Alienation  |  61

strong affective and cultural links. This world of cross-border Balti relations
brings forth the reality of the border in a way that is distinct from its political
As is characteristic of communities in exile, there is immense nostalgia for
Baltistan among those few of the older generation of Baltis who remember a
childhood unfettered by the border. Never able to return, they express a deep
sense of loss for their homes, lands, relatives, and friends on the other side.
Api Fatima,17 a seventy-three-year-old from Balti Bazaar, one of the few of
her generation still alive, came from Gandus village in the Kharmang Valley
of Baltistan to Kargil on getting married at the age of twelve to her husband,
who was a trader. She could never return to visit her natal family. A few years
ago her elder sister in Pakistan sent Api a video cassette of her family. Api’s
daughter recalled that her mother started crying when she saw her family
on the cassette, adding, “Now she keeps anything nice that she has for her
sister in Baltistan.” Meanwhile Api reminisced about her village in Baltistan,
recalling the apples and apricots of her childhood. Another old gentleman in
Balti Bazaar was more fortunate than Api Fatima. In October 2008 he had
returned from visiting his brother in Pakistan for the second time. Trying to
convey to me how “sweet” was the water of his village, Pari, in Baltistan, he
remarked, “The water of Pari is the best in the whole ilaqa [region]. . . . Even
black people become white after drinking it.” As I was leaving, Apo dipped
into his pockets and offered me a handful of dried apricots and small dried
black currants called basho, saying, “These are special; they are from Baltis-
tan.” I bit into an apricot and told Apo how delicious it was. His lined face
broke into a wide smile.
It is not only the older generation of Baltis who feel a strong attachment to
Baltistan. A combination of needing to reinforce their identity as a minority
and genuine curiosity have engaged the younger generation of Baltis in a vig-
orous cultural dialogue with their counterparts in Baltistan. This dialogue
takes place in a variety of mediums. Most popular among these is the writ-
ing and recitation of shairi (poetry), a genre becoming increasingly popular
in Kargil to express both personal and political sentiments. Poets like Sadiq
Ali Sadiq, Bashir Wafa, and Septe Hassan Kaleem have been producing Balti
verse that is much appreciated on both sides of the border. As people in Kargil
began to obtain visas in the 1980s to visit Baltistan, some of these poets trav-
eled there, returning with stories of the special mushairas (poetry sessions)
organized in their honor and lamenting the ‘shallowness’ of Kargil’s literary
62 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

culture in comparison with Baltistan. Recordings of these mushairas are

eagerly borrowed and circulated within the wider Balti community in Kargil,
as are photograph albums of their visits. One day a young poet showed me a
packet of souvenirs of his visit to Baltistan. Along with a cd of a mushaira in
which he was honored and a photograph album, there was also a brochure of
a shop in Skardu that makes furniture from local materials. The preservation
of seemingly trivial material like this is an indication of how poignant the
separation from Baltistan is for them.18
The Baltis in Kargil pride themselves on the preservation of their culture
and language. Extolling the adab of Balti culture,19 they would often joke that
even their friends across the border have at times remarked that they speak a
purer Balti, uncorrupted by the influence of Urdu, as has happened in Paki-
stan. Through vigorous cultural activism, the Baltis have been successful in
having their language recognized in the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution
of Jammu and Kashmir and have successfully lobbied for a weekly Balti pro-
gram on Radio Kargil. Complaining about the insufficient appreciation of
their language, a Balti activist lamented that this radio slot was given only
on the ground that it would help to counter Pakistani propaganda on Radio
Skardu. Such cultural activism is an example of how the Partition has shaped
new, more conscious identities.20
In recent years traditional Balti has also been set to pop music to popularize
and keep the language alive among the younger generation. Classical poems
as well as modern-day lyrics penned by poets in Baltistan are set to music in
Kargil, as religious disapproval of music is said to be less strictly enforced
than in Baltistan. The cassettes and cds produced in Kargil travel back to
Baltistan with pilgrims from both sides meeting on the hajj or ziyarat in Iran,
Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. A different genre of music travels from Baltistan to
Kargil. Qasidas and nauhas from Baltistan are extremely popular in Kargil.21
In fact the Baltis in Kargil take pride in having brought the ‘culture of Islam’
to Kargil. As the early preachers of Islam came to Kargil via Baltistan, the
language of religious expression, especially hymns and elegies sung in Kargil
even today, continues to be Balti. Radio Skardu has a wide audience in Kargil
and is heard with particular enthusiasm in Balti settlements, especially by
older uneducated women who do not understand Urdu. Another new me-
dium of communication between people on both sides of the border that is
becoming increasingly popular is the Internet. Some of the more savvy and
educated young Baltis regularly visit Internet cafés in Kargil bazaar to chat
Allegiance and Alienation  |  63

in real time with friends and relatives in Baltistan, often even striking up
cyber friendships with strangers through extended kinship and friendship
networks. Thus territorial limitations are transcended through new trans­
local sites, constituting new “pluri-local” spaces in the “transnationalization
of social space” (Horstmann 2004: 7).
For all the nostalgia for Baltistan, the vibrant cultural conversation between
the two sides, and a shared realization of the need to keep their culture alive,
there is no desire among the Baltis of Kargil to return to their original home-
land in any sort of permanent way. They consider themselves fortunate to be
Indian citizens. It is not just a comparison of the cultural and religious ambi-
ence between Kargil and Baltistan as related by those who made the journey to
Skardu and beyond that is voiced. Nostalgia for the past and longing for people,
places, and things from Baltistan and Gilgit are tempered by knowledge of the
pragmatic conditions of daily life, witnessed firsthand. Those who have been
to Baltistan come back shocked at the price of basic commodities like cooking
gas, for instance, in comparison to the prices in India. Further, there is an
acute awareness of political alienation among the people of Gilgit-Baltistan
and sectarian violence against the Shi‘a in Pakistan. Political marginaliza-
tion in Gilgit-Baltistan has given rise to nationalist movements demanding
autonomy from Pakistan, sometimes expressed through calls for the revival
of Greater Ladakh. A Balti writer in exile in the United States writes, “We
started a weekly magazine called Phayuli Spera, or Talk of the Fatherland.
We exposed the fact that Islamabad imprisoned and tortured Gilgiti freedom
fighters who had protested the 1948 annexation. We also informed our readers
that un resolutions actually demand that the Pakistan Army withdraw from
Gilgit and Baltistan” (Hussanan 2008).22
Responses to political alienation have also been manifest in less overtly
political forms, such as through cultural activism that seeks to distinguish
the identity of this region from that of Pakistan. MacDonald’s (2006) work
describes how tropes of Tibetan authenticity and ‘culture’ are being appropri-
ated from a transnational discursive realm to foreground Baltistan’s ‘Tibetan’
past in order to extricate the region from the dominant negative represen-
tations of Pakistan in the Western world. Efforts are being made in Skardu
to revive the Bodik (Tibetan) script and folk music and preserve remnants
of Buddhist monuments.23 While this cultural activism is echoed by Kargili
activists, their goals are entirely different from those in Baltistan. Activists in
Kargil are seeking to reclaim the region’s more ‘composite’ heritage from the
64 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

threat posed by purveyors of a more puritan reformist Islam, while cultural

activism in Gilgit-Baltistan is an expression of political alienation from the
Pakistani state.24 The cultural exchange between the two sides of the border,
or what MacDonald terms “trans-border incipient identity formation,” is often
expressed as a call for the revival of Greater Ladakh. From the perspective of
the Kargilis, this in no way poses a challenge to the sovereignty of the Indian
nation-state. In their perception, the revival of Greater Ladakh will enhance
trade across the border and ease overland travel to Baltistan and Gilgit. There
is little discussion of any dissolution of political boundaries in their imagina-
tion of Greater Ladakh.

The Border in Regional Context

The desire continually to reassure the state of their allegiance is not limited to
those who live close to the LoC and are often portrayed as ‘outsiders’ within
intraregional ethnic politics, such as the people of Badgam and Lato or the
Baltis. More than any other factor, it is perhaps this sentiment of straining
to belong and be accepted as loyal citizens of the Indian state that unites all
Kargilis. This is manifest not only in heightened displays of patriotism at of-
ficial state functions or in more quotidian forms of expression such as poetry,
but also in explicit endorsement of nationalist ideologies. The way Kargilis
constantly extol the doctrine of secularism, despite being aware of its contra-
dictions in practice, is particularly striking. This can only be understood by
seeing how the border dynamic in their lives is shaped by their relationship of
allegiance and alienation to the Kashmir Valley.
Kargil’s relationship with Kashmir has always been somewhat ambivalent,
colored by the sectarian difference with the predominantly Sunni Valley. Be-
sides the discrimination that Kargilis experience in their dealings with the
State administration or the generally negative attitude toward the Shi‘a, the
sectarian difference becomes paramount in their unequivocal condemna-
tion of separatist movements in the Kashmir Valley. Kargilis have sought at
every opportunity to distance themselves from the politics of the Valley in
this respect, of which their heightened displays of patriotism are a symbolic
expression. Yet at the same time Kargil sees its destiny as being entwined with
that of the Valley. This is evident in the fact that Kargil has never supported
Leh’s demand for Union Territory status, despite sharing with it the sentiment
that Ladakh’s development suffered needlessly from the political conflict in
Allegiance and Alienation  |  65

the Valley. However, the relatively rapid pace of development in Leh, coupled
with the communalization of politics in the region, has led to Kargilis feeling
underconfident, vulnerable, and insecure vis-à-vis the Buddhists of Leh. As
a result they derive a sense of security in the shelter of their religious affinity
with Kashmir, overriding the sectarian issue. They fear even greater perceived
marginalization by being clubbed together with the Buddhists of Leh in an
administrative entity independent of Kashmir. This sheltering aspect of Kash-
mir has, however, been a double-edged sword for Kargilis, as it has also been
responsible in large part for their invisibility to the Indian public. Until the
1999 war, when the people of Kargil were able to convince the state of their
patriotism to India, they were simply assumed to be Kashmiris, subsumed
under a pan-Muslim label and subject to the same sorts of discrimination,
prejudices, and suspicion that Kashmiri Muslims face beyond the confines of
Jammu and Kashmir.
Kargil’s double bind in relation to Kashmir became evident in the summer
of 2008, when the ruling Congress–pdp (People’s Democratic Party) coalition
allocated about forty hectares of forest land in the Valley to the Amarnath
Shrine Board to build shelters for Hindu pilgrims. This created a furor in the
State, and allegedly separatist parties in the Valley united to launch a protest
against what they deemed a communal act. This in turn instigated counter-
protests by Hindus in Jammu. Public support for demonstrations both in
the Valley and in Jammu was reported by the national press as being second
in scale only to the outpouring of people’s sentiments when the insurgency
was at its peak in the early 1990s. In August 2008, as thousands of Kashmiris
marched to the LoC, toward the Pakistani town of Muzaffarabad,25 people
in Kargil were much more preoccupied with the upcoming elections to the
local hill council. The Amarnath land transfer issue was a topic of discus-
sion but subsidiary to the council elections. While Kargilis remarked upon
the disproportionate killing of Muslims who violated curfews as compared
to the Hindu protestors in Jammu, clearly conscious of the breakdown of the
secular discourse of the nation-state, they generally adopted a quiet stance
toward the whole controversy, dismissing it as yet another instance of the
political manipulation of religious sentiments. One day in August, however,
all the shops in the bazaar suddenly closed their shutters in the middle of the
afternoon as Kargilis staged a march to express solidarity with the Kashmiris.
However, rumors had it that this march took place under pressure from the
pdp in Srinagar and not at the behest of the villagers. A few young men at the
66 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

head of the procession in the bazaar shouted condemnatory slogans against

India. Not only were these universally condemned by Kargilis across local
political factions and dismissed as being the work of youth who did not belong
to Kargil, but the protest was also quickly truncated for fear that it might go
astray. A rhetorical call to march toward Skardu was also made, but nothing
came of it. This instance clearly shows that Kargilis, despite their close re-
lation to Kashmir, do not want to be associated with separatist sentiments.
Even though there is an implicit acknowledgment that ultimately Kargil will
always want to be with Kashmir, regardless of the nation-state in which it is
located, by virtue of basic religious affinity, the preferred choice of Kargilis
is to be with India. And as long as Kashmir is with India, all the energies of
Kargilis are consumed by aspirations and plans to develop their own region.
Thus, despite the token protest march in solidarity with Kashmir over the
Amarnath Shrine Board issue, the attention of the people of Kargil was really
focused on the imminent hill council elections.

The Border Fades Away?

All major decisions and funding on regional development in Ladakh are taken
by the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (lahdc), with sepa-
rate branches in Leh and Kargil. Of the civilian developmental apparatus, the
lahdc is perhaps the most powerful state institution in the region. When the
provision for setting up the lahdc was first granted in 1996 in response to the
struggle for autonomy and Union Territory status by the Buddhists of Leh, it
was rejected by Kargil, fearing that it would threaten their ties with Kashmir.
Over the next few years, however, Kargilis saw the immense power and funds
vested in the council in Leh and decided to set up the Kargil Council in 2003.
At its inception, the majority of the people in Kargil did not really understand
the full import of the lahdc. By the time the second elections came around in
2008, an acute political consciousness had developed within Kargili society.
Kargilis have been able to assert their voice with much more confidence
after the Kargil war, which established their loyalty to the nation-state. This
has manifested itself in a search for the region’s own, unique identity, or what
might be termed a “creative project of self-definition” (Tsing 1993: 18).26 Con-
tinually underpinned by the desire to ‘catch up’ with Leh and the Kashmir Val-
ley, the quest for modernity has been central to this project of self-definition.
However, given the ethnic and cultural diversity in the region, the only com-­
Allegiance and Alienation  |  67

mon feature that offers coherence to the region is religious identity. Thus any
embrace of modernity must also be reconciled with notions of religiosity.
For if development as it is widely understood entails Western-style modern-
ization, how could Kargili society achieve this without losing their religious
identity and mooring? These questions instigated religious factional politics
in Kargil, wherein two factions, the Islamia School and the Imam Khomeini
Memorial Trust, appropriated different ideological strands from the wider
Shi‘a universe as they grappled with this issue. While the former initially sub-
scribed to a more quietist and traditionalist stance, advocating the separation
of religion from politics, the latter was more influenced by Khomeini’s ideol-
ogy, that religion and politics are inextricable. This factional struggle came
to play itself out within the arena of local democratic politics in the 2008
elections to the hill council. Every individual in Kargil was aligned with one
or other of these two factions. As a result, politics seeped into very basic social
units, whether at the level of the family, wider kin network, neighborhood,
or village. However, despite being enmeshed in factional politics, people in
Kargil were fully aware of the detrimental impact of religious politics on so-
ciety. They challenged political leaders to remain focused on issues of de-
velopment and governance. Religious discourse came to be expressed in the
language of politics and vice versa. It was rare to find mention of the border
as a significant factor influencing people’s everyday lives, except as a claims-
making strategy.27
Although both Kargil and Leh receive equal central government funding
through its various schemes, such as the Border Area Development Program,
Kargilis point to various issues of neglect. These include civilian flights being
allowed to operate from the Leh airport but not from Kargil, recruitment into
Ladakh Scouts (a division of the army which, before the Kargil war, allegedly
recruited mainly Buddhists), and the difficulty in getting the fcra permit
that allows local organizations to receive foreign funds, making it difficult
for already reluctant external ngos to work in Kargil, while Leh is overrun by
them. These issues dominated the promises that politicians made to people
while campaigning for the council elections. Increasingly Kargilis have been
attributing their perceived neglect by the central government to discrimina-
tion against Muslims. Although none of these allegations made by Kargilis
is false, they are imbued with rhetoric. Kargilis are well aware that their own
socioreligious compulsions have historically in part been responsible for their
‘late development’— which they admit to candidly in private conversations.
68 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

They also berate Kargili politicians for not being able to mobilize additional
central government attention using the sympathy that the Kargil war gar-
nered for the region. Although Kargilis lament that they have not been given
enough due recognition of their patriotism, the war nonetheless enhanced
the symbolic significance of their strategic border position. It is in such com-
plaints about politicians’ failures to mobilize resources that the border ac-
quires great rhetorical value.

Even though the history of Kargil as a frontier region, its symbolic at-
tachments and conversations across the LoC, and the presence of the army
all present a picture of it as the quintessential borderland, the concerns that
shape everyday life present quite another image, one in which the border is no
longer a ‘state of exception’ but a space where people face a heightened version
of the same socioeconomic and political tensions confronting citizens in other
parts of the country.
The factors at play in the hill council election of 2008 brought into the
open the latent tensions in Kargili society, many of which are a reflection of
issues visible in other parts of the country and the nation-state at large. Thus
the border for the most part fades into the background of the surrounding
Elections to the hill council reflected how a certain democratic space had
been seized by the people of Kargil to effectively blur the boundaries between
the people and the state (Gupta 1995). Unlike the relationship with the army,
the state in this guise does not remain a distant monolithic entity. Kargilis, I
suggest, have come to see in the hill council a possibility of ‘owning’ democ-
racy and thereby becoming ‘full citizens.’ To that extent the borderland no
longer remains a margin to any ‘center.’ Instead it lies at the heart of the socio-
logical project of the nation-state. From this perspective, often the invocation
of the border is rhetorical. But this rhetoric is as important as the reality of
the border, for it reveals the contradictions inherent in the discourse of the
nation-state through which it seeks to legitimate itself. Yet, as I have sought to
show, allegiance to the nation-state and its discourse is not simple and unqual-
ified. The contradictions inherent in the discourse of the nation-state emerge
particularly at the level of regional politics with Kashmir and Leh.
We have been urged to go beyond the concept of the margin in spatial terms
and to use it instead as a “device for critical thought” (Dube 2004: 23; compare
Das and Poole 2004). The reality and rhetoric of the borderland in Kargil
Allegiance and Alienation  |  69

make it a double signifier: it is a territorial margin that takes us to the center

of the state, revealing the contradictions that underlie its discourse. This rev-
elation, however, is not made through a simple narrative of alienation from
the nation-state. The relationship of borderlanders to the state in Kargil is
more nuanced. It defies any easy categorization of Kargilis either as manip-
ulated subjects of the state or as those offering a radical stance of resistance.
The stance offered is context-dependent as well as different in relation to the
various guises of the state.

Notes to Chapter 2
1. The bulk of the fieldwork for this research was undertaken between 2007 and
2009 for my DPhil thesis (Gupta 2011). Data were collected through participant ob-
servation and semistructured interviews. In some cases the names of my interlocutors
have been changed for the sake of privacy.
2. For examples, see chapters 3 and 4, this volume.
3. As Van Beek (1996: 122) has argued, this classification reproduced the census
categories developed by the colonial administration. However, the classification is
not faithful to self-ascriptions of ethnic identity among some groups of Ladakhis. Yet
even though the cataloguing of these identities had “little or no grounding in social
practice” (Van Beek 2001: 375), they have become an important means of accessing
state concessions and benefits. This has also led to an increasing consciousness of
ethnic identity in the region.
4. Aggarwal’s (2004: 14) general reminder that “Ladakh [should] be viewed, not
merely as a frontier of either peace or hostility, but also as a cultural crossroad; not
an isolated periphery, but a place located in an orbit of national and transnational
networks of travel, trade, migration, knowledge exchanges, political alliances, and
conflicts,” is particularly applicable to Kargil, given its predominant association with
the Kargil war in the national imagination.
5. The remarks here and in the rest of the paragraph have been culled from exten-
sive conversations in 2007 and 2008 with Abdul Hamid Tanvir and Sadiq Ali Sadiq,
well-known poets and historians in Kargil.
6. Van Schendel (2005a: 28) rightly points out that studies of the Partition have
taken Punjab as a model. He has argued for further research on this event as it was
experienced in other parts of the subcontinent.
7. Political alienation from the Pakistani state in Gilgit-Baltistan has led to the rise
of ‘nationalist’ movements that have reversed the meaning attached to the victory of
the Gilgit Scouts. Since 1992, the Jang-i azadi of 1947–49, celebrated as Independence
Day on 2 November every year, marking freedom from Dogra rule, has been redesig-
nated Yaum-i Shuhāda (Day of Martyrs) as a symbol of protest against the Pakistani
state (Sökefeld 1997: 77).
70 | R A D H I K A G U P TA

8. See “Main High Lights of District Kargil,” accessed 5 September 2010, kargil.gov
9. Basharat Peer (2008) provides an account of his childhood in Kashmir when the
insurgency was at its peak, describing numerous incidents of harassment and violence
by the army.
10. One version of the story on local intelligence is that people did not report it for
fear that the army would suspect them, while another story reported that some local
shepherds had pointed this out to the army, but the information was ignored.
11. Van Schendel (2005a: 59) describes a similar narrative of alienation in the village
of Malopara near the border crossing of Bongaon-Benapol in West Bengal, which is
completely at the mercy of the Bangladesh border guards for all their needs, as it has
been neglected by the Indian developmental apparatus since Partition.
12. The enthusiasm of the people of Lato for showing me the recording of the Inde-
pendence Day celebration in their village can be seen, in Aggarwal’s (2004: 17) terms,
as the “performance of border subjectivity.” She argues that celebrations of events
like Independence Day constitute the “performance of official nationalism,” which is,
however, “riddled with internal ambiguities” (31).
13. ‘State of exception’ is a phrase coined by Agamben (2005) to describe the suspen-
sion of a regular juridical order, characteristic of militarized zones.
14. The 1909 “Settlement Report of Ladakh and Baltistan” too refers to all Shi‘a
‘Mohamedans’ as Balti or Brogpa. This classification stands at odds today with the
rise of a relatively new Purigi identity, a contentious issue culturally and politically.
15. A rough estimate provided by Balti Bazaar inhabitants in 2008.
16. When it became easier to obtain visas to travel for the purpose of meeting rela-
tives, Kargilis lamented that they had to take a circuitous route from Kargil to Skardu
via Leh or Srinagar to Delhi, from Delhi to Islamabad, and from there to Skardu on
the Karakoram Highway, even though Skardu is a mere eight hours by road directly
from Kargil.
17. Api in Balti means grandmother and is used generically for old women out of
respect and affection. Similarly, Apo (grandfather) is used for old men.
18. While these objects attain significance through the meaning that ‘human actors’
give them, one could also consider them in their own right to view them as “things-in-
motion that illuminate their human and social context” (Appadurai 1986: 5).
19. Adab denotes an inherent sense of sophistication, courtesy, and depth of a
20. Compare Van Schendel (2005a: 33). The inclusion of Balti and not Purigi in the
Sixth Schedule of the Jammu and Kashmir Constitution is becoming an increasingly
contentious issue in Kargil, in the context of the recent rise of a Purigi identity. In-
terestingly Balti was included in the Sixth Schedule on the basis of the pre-Partition
census of 1941, which included Baltistan, and thereby showed a numerically larger
number of people who considered Balti to be their language.
Allegiance and Alienation  |  71

21. Qasidas are religious songs sung on joyous occasions, while nauhas are rhyth-
mic dirges that accompany mourning and flagellation during Muharram.
22. Note that the Gilgit Scouts are referred to here as ‘freedom fighters,’ reflecting
how meanings attached to the struggle for freedom against Dogra rule — Jang-i-azadi — 
by the Gilgit Scouts are being radically reversed.
23. The Tibetan script is referred to as Bodik in Ladakh and probably derives from
Bod-yig in Lhasa dialect, literally meaning ‘Tibet-writing/letter.’
24. Borneman (1997: 96) describes the relationship between East and West Ger-
many during the cold war as “asymmetrical mirror images of each other.” He argues
that “these states were involved in what Hegel . . . called a ‘struggle to death’: seeking
recognition of self without having to recognize the other in turn.” The relationship
between Kargil and Baltistan is the reverse. A large part of Kargili self-recognition
takes place through comparisons of differences and similarities that have emerged in
the lives of people from these two regions in the postcolonial state. In other words,
Kargil and Baltistan seek recognition of the self through recognition of the other over
the border.
25. Marching toward Muzaffarabad was symbolically significant, for it is the capital
of Pakistan-administered Kashmir just across the LoC.
26. In her ethnography of the Meratus Dayaks of South Kalimantan (Indonesia),
Tsing (1993) shows how the asymmetries created by administrative practices and re-
gional economic differences, which marginalize the Meratus, became the starting
point for the negotiation of their cultural identity.
27. I have dealt in detail with factional politics along religious lines in Kargil in my
DPhil thesis (Gupta 2011). Aggarwal (2004: 76–77, 78, 201–3, 210) also touches on the

Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border

in Uttarakhand

The Himalayas, running for 1,500 miles across the north of the Indian sub-
continent, are widely considered to form the ‘natural’ northern frontier of
the nation-state of India. The ‘abode of snow,’ the translation of the Sanskrit
word himalaya, encircles India, separating her from Central Asia. Textual
references to the delimiting of Hindustan by the mountain chain can be found
as early as the Vishnu Purana (ca. first century bce), which calls them the
“shield of India” (Woodman 1969). The Mahabharata and the Ramayana, two
key Hindu mythological texts, constantly refer to the holy Himalayas at the
periphery. Kautilya’s political treatise, the Arthashastra (ca. fourth century
bce), defined the natural boundaries of the dominion of a Chakravartin raja
(supreme wielder of the wheel of law or paramount lord) as “extending north
to south from the Himalayas to the sea and measuring [a] thousand yojanas
across” (quoted in Chakravarti 1971: 2).
The natural demarcation of India by the Himalayas is a trope that resur-
faces constantly in British colonial-era accounts as well. Thomas Holdich
(1901: 280), for instance, described them as “the finest natural combination
of beauty and barrier that exists in the world. . . . Never was there such a
God-given boundary set to such a vast, impressive and stupendous frontier.”
Lord Curzon (1907: 24), who had served as viceroy of India (1899–1905), in
his 1907 Romanes lecture entitled “Frontiers” said, “Backed as they are by the
huge and lofty plateau of Tibet, the Himalayas are beyond doubt the most
formidable natural Frontier in the World.” The postcolonial Indian state’s
self-representation of the ‘Motherland’ constantly refers to the naturalness of
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  73

her ‘god-given’ boundaries. For instance, the enormously popular Incredible

India campaign,1 launched by the government of India in 2002 to promote
tourism, begins its introductory description of India thus: “India is set apart
from the rest of Asia by the Himalayas, the highest, youngest and still evolving
mountain chain on the planet.”
In fact the Himalayan ranges do not constitute an unbroken wall but pos-
sess a number of traversable passes that have always facilitated contact in the
form of travel, migration, and trade beyond the Indian subcontinent. Donald
Moore (2005: 7) directs our attention to “political technologies” that “produce
territory including its presumed ‘natural frontiers.’ ” Following Moore’s in-
junction to analyze the production of territory, I suggest that the demarcating
effect of the Himalayas is the product of certain historical conjunctures and
of particular state policies. I locate my effort in studying the creation and
maintenance of a border within a small portion of the long Tibeto-Indian
interface: the district of Chamoli in the Garhwal Himalaya in the north In-
dian State of Uttarakhand. Over the ten months that I spent in Chamoli con-
ducting doctoral fieldwork, the ‘naturalness’ of the border with Tibet/China
was impressed upon me by state and nonstate agents alike. The current lack
of friction with China on the Chamoli border was considered a derivative of
precisely this aspect of ‘naturalness.’ The slightest historical research into the
formation of the borders of present-day Chamoli district, however, brings to
the fore what Moore describes as “the production of territory.” In this paper
I begin with a brief recounting of the history of present-day Chamoli to de-
scribe the colonial policies of conquest and mapping and the postcolonial ef-
forts to impose these very maps and boundaries. The border, it appears, is not
only not ‘natural’ but also remains a bone of contention between India and
China. Moving on from a brief historical exegesis, I ask how, on an everyday
basis, the imaginary of the ‘natural’ Himalayan border maintains itself in the
district by, once again, focusing on certain technologies, “technologies of the
imagination” (Sneath et al. 2009).

Historicizing Uttarakhand
Uttarakhand is a small Himalayan State in northern India bordering China
(Tibet) and Nepal (map 3.1).2 Present-day Uttarakhand comprises thirteen
districts divided into two administrative divisions, Garhwal and Kumaon.3
The boundaries of Garhwal and Kumaon have been modified with surprising
74 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

frequency over time. The ninth century saw the emergence of a large kingdom
spanning both Garhwal and Kumaon as well as western Nepal; it was headed
by the Katyuris, who ruled from Katyur-Baijnath. In the twelfth century there
was an invasion into this area by the Mallas, hailing from western Nepal. This
marked the liquidation of the centralized Katyuri kingdom and paved the way
for the rise of several smaller independent principalities in this region, each of
which was confined to a few valleys. The exact number of principalities is dis-
puted. Some say there were fifty-two in Garhwal, while others believe that the
principalities, which were known as gadha, exceeded sixty-four. In contrast,
in Kumaon there were only six principalities.4 These principalities existed, it
seems, in a state of constant struggle with one another until they were undone
by two large north Indian dynasties in the middle of the sixteenth century
(Joshi 1990). King Rudra Chandra (ca. 1565–97 ce) brought all of present-day
Kumaon under the sway of the Chandras (Atkinson 1881: 542–44), and in Gar-
hwal it was Ajaypala (ca. 1500–1547 ce) who subjugated the rest of the princi-
palities (Joshi 1990). This marks an important period in the history of Uttara-
khand as we know it now, for this is arguably the first time that the regions of
Garhwal and Kumaon surface as two distinct political entities. Henceforth the
boundaries of what constitutes Garhwal and Kumaon might change, but they
are recognized as two distinct sections of this central portion of the Indian
Conventional histories of Uttarakhand regard it as being subjected to two
different colonial regimes, first that of the Gorkhas, then that of the Brit-
ish. Beginning at the end of the nineteenth century, Gorkha rule in Kumaon
(1790–1815) and Garhwal (1803–15) is widely considered to be an oppressive
period of the region’s history.5 The British claimed to have “rescued the inhab-
itants of Kumaon and Garhwal from the yoke of their oppressors” when they
defeated the Gorkhas in 1816 (letter from Adam, secretary to the government,
quoted in Joshi 1990: 103), culminating in the Treaty of Sagauli. The defeat
of the Gorkhas brought all of Kumaon directly under the British East India
Company. A portion of Garhwal, the present-day districts of Tehri and Uttar-
kashi, were ‘returned’ to Sudarshan Shah, the son of the former ruler of Gar-
hwal. The British entered into an agreement with him whereby Shah was in-
stalled as king of a truncated Garhwal, west of the Alaknanda and Mandakini
rivers. Srinagar, the capital of undivided Garhwal, was also given to what was
now called British Garhwal, forcing Sudarshan Shah to construct a new capi-
tal at the confluence of the rivers Bhagirathi and Bhilangana at Tehri.6 Hence
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  75





0 300 mi
0 500 km

Map 3.1. Uttarakhand in India.

three new political entities came into existence in 1816: the princely state of
Tehri-Garhwal, British Garhwal, and Kumaon. Further, under the Treaty of
Sagauli of 1816, the eastern section of the Gorkha Empire was restored to Sik-
kim, and the Gorkhas were left with the territory that roughly corresponds to
present-day Nepal. The outcome of the Treaty of Sagauli of 1816 can be seen as
the carving out of a border between British India and the Gorkha Empire, or
what are now the states of  India and Nepal. All of present-day Uttarakhand
was included in what was then called the United Provinces.
76 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

Through control of Garhwal and Kumaon, the British acquired a common

frontier with Tibet and thus access to the lucrative trans-Himalayan trade
in pashm (cashmere wool), gold, borax, and salt from the trading cities of
Bokhara, Yarkand, Samarkand, and Lhasa along the old Silk Route (Rangan
2000: 73). While the Treaty of Sagauli had granted the British vast tracts of Hi-
malayan land, they were still quite unsure of what they had actually acquired
due to the severe lack of cartographic accuracy of the area. Britain’s interests,
it was believed, could be best served through the accurate measurement and
mapping of the territory under control, by etching out neat frontiers, “the
razor’s edge on which hang suspended the modern issues of war or peace, of
life or death to nations,” as Curzon (1907) put it. The Great Trigonometrical
Survey of India was set up in 1802 in order to map all of India, which was ac-
complished by 1870 by mathematically extending a web of triangulated forms
on the land surface. The Great Indian Arc of the Meridian, which this re-
sulted in, became the longest measurement of the earth’s surface ever to have
been attempted. Concluding in the Himalayas, the Great Arc was to “solve
the mystery of the mountains” (Keay 2000: 15). Mapping India, especially her
Himalayan frontier, was crucial to the British for a number of reasons, suc-
cinctly summed up by Zurick and Karan (1999: 103): “They gave an order to
the imperial space that was based upon European principles of cartography
and geometry, which allowed the British to construct a rational image of its
Indian empire. By defining the Himalayan periphery, the maps solidified the
power of the imperial core. They formally extended British hegemony to the
princely states and to the mountain tribes, showing them to be components
of a unified empire. The maps measured the trading routes that were such a
lucrative prize in the Himalaya. . . . In sum, the frontier maps were the colo-
nial keys to subjugating both the lands and the peoples of the mountains.”

Inheriting the Frontier

The maps that these politicohistorical processes produced were indeed con-
sidered by colonial administrators as “keys to subjugating” the lands and peo-
ples they governed. Maps are what James Scott (1998) has aptly termed “state
simplifications” or techniques that allow officials to grasp what are other­wise
complex realities through their reduction to schematic categories. State sim-
plifications such as maps do not depict ‘reality out there’— if such a task was
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  77

even possible. Yet such depictions of what is officially designated as being re-
ality have powerful effects (Scott 1998; Van Schendel and Abraham 2005). The
numerous maps drawn up during the colonial era created two realities: the
official establishment of the demarcation of British India and the distinction
between India and Tibet, at least from India’s perspective. As we shall see,
China had quite a different understanding of the mapping of Tibet and India.
I have offered a somewhat superficial history of the production of a very
specific portion of the border of a region that is aptly described as Northern
South Asia.7 This border was inherited by the postcolonial state, with the In-
dian Independence Act of 1947 defining the territories of India as those “under
the sovereignty of His Majesty, which immediately before the appointed day
(15th August 1947) were included in British India, except the territories which,
under subsection (2) of this section, are to be the territories of Pakistan.” At
this period Tibet served as a buffer between India and China. The Chinese
invasion and conquest of Tibet in 1950–51 was to erode this protective cush-
ioning between India and China, particularly as one of the avowed objectives
of the Chinese move into Tibet in 1950 was “to stand guard on the frontiers of
China” (Chakravarti 1971: 10).
In pursuance of a neighborly relationship China and India signed a treaty
in 1954, the Agreement on Trade and Intercourse between the Tibet Region
of China and India, which proclaimed eternal friendship between the two
on the basis of Panch Shila, or the five principles of peaceful coexistence, in-
cluding mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity. Despite the Panch
Shila agreement, very soon afterward a series of border disputes took place
between the two states over the question of what constitutes the boundary of
Tibet. The first of many disputes took place in Chamoli’s adjoining district of
Pithoragarh at a place that India calls Bara Hoti and the Chinese call Wu-Je.
This is a grazing ground about sixteen thousand feet above sea level, close
to the Tun Jun La Pass between present-day Uttarakhand and Tibet. To date
there is no agreement on the geographical location of Bara Hoti/Wu-Je. India
claims it lies two miles south of Tun Jun La; China says it is twelve kilometers
to the north of the pass. In the summer of 1954 the Chinese complained that
over thirty Indian troops armed with rifles had crossed over the Niti Pass;
India denied this claim. In 1956 both sides decided not to exercise jurisdiction
over this area until the dispute over it was settled (Woodman 1969: 229–32).
From 1959 onward there was a series of transgressions along what was
78 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

understood by the Indian government to constitute the Indian border, rang-

ing from Ladakh to Assam, with the most significant transgressions at Longju
to the south of the McMahon line. In response to the notes of complaint writ-
ten by the Indian side to China on 8 September 1959, Chou En-lai wrote a
letter to Nehru to say that the boundary between India and China had never
been delimited. The response to this statement by the government of India is
worth quoting in detail: “The Sino-Indian boundary, based on custom and
tradition, follows natural features, and for the major part this customary and
traditional boundary is also confirmed by treaty and agreement. This bound-
ary throughout has been fixed and well-known for centuries. According to
international usage and practice, a customary boundary which follows well-
known and unchanging natural features like main watersheds stands defined
and does not require further and formal definition” (White Paper No. iii, p.
85, quoted in Chakravarti 1971: 15).
Evidently China did not agree with what India understood to be the cus-
tomary boundary following ‘natural’ features, for in 1960 Bara-Hoti and other
neighboring Indian posts of Lapthal and Sangchamalla near Niti Pass in present-
day Chamoli district were claimed by China as forming one composite area of
two hundred square miles of Tibet without any intervening wedges of Indian
territory (Woodman 1969: 270–72). The growing rift in diplomatic relations
and the need to police what had until now been presumed to be an undisputed
customary border led to the creation of a series of smaller districts alongside
the Tibetan border in present-day Uttarakhand. On 24 February 1960 an area
of 9,125 kilometers on India’s frontier with Tibet was converted into a district:
Chamoli (Pahari 2005: 19). Present-day Chamoli includes the critical passes
of Niti and Mana. The creation of a smaller unit of governance on the border
with a hostile and powerful neighbor was done, according to those I inter-
viewed in situ, for greater ease of administration with an eye to increasing
surveillance, expanding state power, and quelling and controlling local dis-
satisfaction with the nation-state. The creation of Chamoli and other, smaller
districts right along the Indo-Tibetan border can be read as a mechanism to
relieve the anxiety of the policing of borderlands that the modern state has
to contend with. Two years later the Sino-Indian border war broke out. Even
though the war did not take place directly in Chamoli, it did have the effect of
sealing off the all-important passes of Niti and Mana from all forms of trade
or travel between India and Tibet. In one fell swoop the 1962 war converted
an ancient trading route into what Ispahani (1989: 3) terms an “anti route,”
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  79

Figure 3.1. Uninhabited Bhotiya summer village, near the border in Chamoli,
Uttarakhand, 2007. Photograph courtesy of  N. Mathur.

or what “creates pressure against movement — it limits, restrains, or ‘channels’

it — where routes facilitate broader movement.”
The Mana and Niti passes (map 3.2) are considered two of the most navi-
gable routes into Tibet, as is evident from the large number of travelers who
wrote of passing through them, as well as the large volume of trade that was
conducted via them. In recognition of this, both Mana and Niti were on the
list of the six mountain passes that the Sino-Indian agreement of April 1954,
the now infamous Panch Shila, had opened up for travel by pilgrims and
traders. The Bhotiyas of Kumaon and Garhwal traditionally conducted com-
mercial interactions with the Hunias of western Tibet (see figure 3.1).8 Local
accounts made it clear that trading relations continued between the Bhotiyas
of Chamoli district and Tibet through Mana and Niti right up until the Sino-
Indian border war of 1962. From being habitations on prominent border passes,
Mana and Niti have been converted, after 1962, into border villages. They have
become the Himalayan borderland not just politically and in the concomitant
representations on maps and other official documents but, perhaps more im-
portantly, in the narratives and imaginaries of the space of the Indian state
itself. It is to this imagination of the Himalayan borderland that I turn now.
80 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

The Imaginary of the Himalayan Borderland

Over 2006–8 I conducted sixteen months of doctoral research in Uttarakhand,
of which ten months were spent living in Chamoli district (see map 3.2). I re-
sided in the district’s administrative headquarters town of Gopeshwar, where
I was following through on the implementation of antipoverty legislation by
the local state. I spent vast amounts of time in government development offices
in Gopeshwar and in other scattered locations around the district, accompa-
nied officials to villages for events such as monitoring and evaluations, and
independently visited various villages in order to gauge the operations of the
development scheme I was interested in. My original research focus, then, was
not on imaginaries of space, nor had I chosen my field site due to its location
on the borderland. Over time, however, I grew increasingly interested in how
residents of Chamoli, officials and nonofficials, described what it felt like to
live in a ‘remote’ Himalayan borderland (see Mathur 2010). In this section I
dwell on the complete lack of ambiguity with which they considered the bor-
der between India and Tibet/China that coincides with the northern edge of
the district to be a ‘natural’ one. This frontier was, I was repeatedly told during
my time in Chamoli, entirely peaceful, as it has been since time immemorial.9
Because it was a ‘natural border’ it was not considered a “sensitive border”
(Van Schendel, this volume). This recurrent discourse of naturalness gives
rise to an ethnographic question: What allows for such an imaginary of the
Himalayan border to be constructed and maintained?
Prima facie, the answer would seem to lie in the scores of maps, some of
which I reproduce here, that produce powerful visual depictions. Scott (1998),
Van Schendel and Abraham (2005), and Keay (1983), as mentioned earlier,
refer to maps as tools that might not represent reality but do aid in the work
of statecraft through the clearing up of geography and the establishment of
neat schemas. Benedict Anderson (1991: 164) has studied maps as an “insti-
tution of power” that, along with the census and the museum, “profoundly
shaped the way in which the colonial state imagined its dominion.” Rather
than merely focusing on their utility, that is, the work that maps do in the
governance of states, Anderson focuses on how maps, disseminated in print
form, aid the very imagination of a national community. A recent work on
the anthropology of the imagination urges ethnographers to “explore the
heterogeneous processes through which concrete imaginings come about”
(Sneath et al. 2009: 9). In order to do so, the authors advocate a “focus on the
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  81

Mana Pass (Charpitya or Dungi La)


N Niti Pass

Kiungiang La

Tunjung La

Ghastoli Marhi La

R Shal Shal La
M Sangcha
Chauknamba Badrinath
(Badrinath) Bampa
3096 Valley of Flowers N.P.
Hanuman Chatti Hathi Parbat O
Pandukeshwar Malari
Govind Ghat Jelam

Joshimath ga

Auli Suraithola


7066 Dunagin

3076 Pipalkoti
Gopeshwar Chamoli Gohra Tal
Pokhri Nandprayag Nanta Devi N.P.

Karnaprayag Kanol
3007 Ghat
Pi n




3069 Harmal
G AR HWAL Gairsain
0 5 10 mi

0 5 10 15 km

Map 3.2. Chamoli district, Uttarakhand.

concrete processes by which imaginative effects are engendered, or, what we

call ‘technologies of the imagination’ ” (11). The term ‘technology’ is utilized
in a dual sense: colloquially, in order to refer to material artifacts, but also
more indeterminately, as a “particular kind of theoretical object” (18), as a
“wider repertoire of objects and practices that bring about imaginative effects”
(20). I have been arguing that the Himalayas are imagined in Chamoli as
82 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

constituting the ‘natural’ frontier of the nation-state of India. What technol-

ogies empirically allow for such an “imaginative effect” of naturalness to be
created and maintained?

The Sensorial Border

The first and most fundamental of such ‘technologies,’ if it is not sacrilegious
to term them thus, are the mountains themselves. The Himalayas are, as
is well known, the highest mountains in the world. As one travels north in
Chamoli, they exponentially grow in height, imbuing one with the sense of a
solid wall-like formation. As one nears the Nanda Devi (7,817 meters), the sec-
ond highest mountain in India and the patron goddess of Uttarakhand, for in-
stance, one is struck by a ring of mountains that stretch on as far as the eye can
see, with twelve of the surrounding mountains exceeding 6,400 meters. When
positioned within the northern edges of the district, one can clearly under-
stand what made Curzon (1907: 7) describe mountains as a “natural frontier,”
as “the earliest of all barriers,” “the most durable and the most imposing.” The
sheer gargantuan physicality of the seemingly insurmountable mountains of
the upper Himalayas is in itself enough to convince one — resident and visitor
alike — that there really is nothing that lies beyond these towering snow-clad
peaks. The narrative of the ‘naturalness’ of the Himalayas as a border, then, is
propped up by the affective experience of space.

The Mapped Border

Sensory experience finds affirmation in textual materials issued by the In-
dian state such as maps and school books. Bénéi (2000), following Anderson,
has studied the banal modes in which nationalist ideas are taught in Indian
schools with a focus on language deployed, the quotidian ritualization of the
worship of the nation, and the utilization of the student’s body itself as a ped-
agogical tool. Similar processes were evidently at play in schools in Chamoli,
and though I did not study them in detail, I was constantly struck by the
image of the map of India or Uttarakhand that was to be found everywhere in
the district: in the offices of senior officials; on wall paintings in government
buildings; on large billboards proclaiming the achievements of the state, with
a photo of the chief minister beaming down upon the viewer; in children’s
textbooks and storybooks; in newspapers and magazines; in pamphlets and
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  83

brochures issued by the state; on calendars that hung in shops. Many of these
maps were what Anderson (1991: 175) describes as “logo-maps,” a “pure sign,
no longer compass to the world,” with all political and physical features re-
moved from it. The shapes of India and Uttarakhand as pure symbols are
widely available all over Chamoli district. Just as popular as the logo-maps are
idealized maps depicting temples and other religious sites, tourist maps show-
ing areas of interest, and artistic maps beautifully portraying the state and
pointing out important places (see map 3.3). Interestingly most of these maps
depict nothing to the north other than a vast empty space called China and/or
Tibet. For Anderson, such logo-maps “unconsciously reinforce the developing
imagined ties” (176); I would argue they also create the effect of the end of
India. In the two border villages of Mana and Niti, named after their location
in the vicinity of the passes into Tibet, villagers proudly told me that they
stand on the nation’s frontier: they inhabit a space where Hindustan abruptly
terminates to give way to some distant and unknown world called China.
They substantiated their assertion by gesticulating to the towering mountains
that dwarfed us, by references to ‘any map’ (one young educated man told me
to look up Google maps), and, most critically, by invoking their centuries-long
role as forming the boundary of Hindustan.

The Traditionally Sacred Border

Maps, school curricula, and other such materials that emanate from state
sources can be seen as a technology contributing to the imagination of the
Himalayas as a natural frontier. I would argue, however, that of even greater
import was the diffuse ensemble of narratives and processes that impinged
upon everyday life in various oblique ways, thus creating and heightening
a sense of living on the borderland. Primary among these was what the In-
dian state took recourse to in its fraught dealing with China and what the
local residents take great pride in: ‘custom and tradition.’ ‘Natural’ geography
combines with tradition and custom to make the Himalayas function as the
northern protector of India. This is most clearly evident, residents of Chamoli
would argue, in the abundance of Hindu myths and legends about the
Himalayas. The district possesses one of India’s most ancient and vital Hindu
shrines, the Badrinath temple.10 Badrinath serves as a central identifier for
residents of the district, and they frequently refer to it as their place of origin
rather than saying they come from Chamoli district. The centrality of the
84 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R











Valley of














Malari i

li (W







ng a

Joshimath Lake







DEHRADUN Tehri Chamoli


L Nanda Devi Ku

Doon Valley (Inundated


i (E
by Dam) A CHAMOLI A Biosphere Taklakot



TISHRI Y Reserve Panchchuli (Purang)
Dehradun A Na A
(Provisional Capital) nda Range
Srinagar kini




Rishikesh Gairsain


Doodhatoli (Potential


Rajaii L Range

National Park E BAGESHWAR

S Gwaldam
Hardwar S
Roorkee B R Bageshwar Dharchula
Ram (E)

to Delhi G A
(W ) Ranikhet Y Pithoragarh
Ram Corbett A
National Park a ij



Uttarakhand, which encompasses the Central
Himalayan region, was established on Kathgodam
November 9, 2000 as the 27th state of the
Indian Union


Borders and river courses are not definite,
and are given here for representational Pantnagar Ka
Rudrapur ma
purposes only li

0 20 40 60 80 100 km

Map 3.3. Himalayan Uttarakhand. Map by Rajiv Rawat. Reproduced with permission.

Badrinath temple within the district and its importance as an imagined tip
of India cannot be overstated when seen from the perspective of Hindu cos-
mology. Diana Eck (1998) points out that in the eyes of the Hindu pilgrim the
entire land of India constitutes a sacred geography. The circumambulation of
the sacred land comprises the four dhams or “abodes” of the divine at the four
compass points: “Badrinath in the north, Puri in the east, Ramesvaram in the
south, and Dvaraka in the west . . . they are part of a very important symbolic
geography which constitutes what Hindus mean by ‘India’ ” (65).11
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  85

Prominent religious sites aside, every single bit of Chamoli is littered with
references to Hindu mythological tales. Sacredness is etched into the very
landscape, which has historically served to attract a variety of mythological
heroes. A prominent local tale, for instance, tells of the unhappiness the Hindu
god Shiva felt on living across the border in Tibet on Mount Kailash, which
is believed to be his original abode. Unhappiness with Tibet, the tale goes,
made Shiva cross over the border into India to set up a home near Badrinath.
At Badrinath his wife, Parvati, was outwitted by the naughty god Vishnu, and
they had to move house to a place near Kedarnath. At one place in Chamoli
there seems to exist an unnatural gap between two huge mountains near the
village of Malari. Legend has it that the gap arose due to the thievery of the
monkey-god Hanuman, who features prominently in the Hindu epic the Ra-
mayana. The local story describes Hanuman flying over to Chamoli to look
for a precious herb that can be found only here. Unable to distinguish the
many herbs that grow in this region, Hanuman actually picked up an en-
tire mountain and flew across to Lanka (present-day Sri Lanka), carrying the
mountain with him to deliver it to Lord Rama. So popular is this story that
an official sign recounting it has been set at a point from where one can view
the protruding space between two mountains. It is for this reason that all
references to Hanuman have been deleted in local Garhwali performances
of the Ramayana that take place annually during the festival of Dussherra,
which marks the return of Rama from exile. Valmiki himself, the author of
the Ramayana, is said to have written the epic while meditating in a cave near
the Badrinath temple. The heroes of the other major Hindu epic, the Ma-
habharata, are also believed to have visited Chamoli in their quest for nirvana
at the very end of their lives.
The number of local tales is endless, and I provide but a sample of them here
to point out how Chamoli is imagined simultaneously as central and eternal to
the Hindu nation even while it is positioned at its very edge. According to local
accounts, Hindu gods either lived here or came seeking something, be it a pre-
cious herb or salvation or the solitude to meditate and pen the greatest of all
Sanskrit epics. The sacred geography of the region does not remain the mere
stuff of legend but often slips into other avenues. The very name of the State
itself is an obvious instance. Uttarakhand, the name with which this region
was referred to in Vedic scriptures, means quite literally ‘a piece of the north,’
a signifier of the fact that since the Vedic period this region has been recog-
nized as a critical northern component of Hindustan. In Hindu scriptures the
86 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

Himalayas are called Devalaya or ‘the abode of the gods.’ Uttarakhand has
chosen the very same phrase as a sobriquet for itself, prominently on display
throughout the State on billboards and posters and in paintings, magazines,
newspapers, and the speeches of politicians and bureaucrats.

The Criminal Border

Sacred as the outer periphery of the Indian nation-state might be, it still pos-
sesses its criminal side. Criminality too in Chamoli was spoken of as a ‘nat-
ural’ feature of life on the (natural) border. The notion of “the borderland as
an area where by definition criminality is rife and sovereignty under con-
stant threat” (Abraham and Van Schendel 2005: 25) was accepted especially
by state officials. During my period of residence in Chamoli, the police and
the forest department of the district struggled to prevent the smuggling of
Yarchagumba (cordyceps sinensis), or what is referred to in Hindi as keed-
ajadi, a unique herb-cum-fungus believed to be an alternative to Viagra.
Keedajadi is to be found only in the upper reaches of the Himalayas, in the
districts of Chamoli and Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand. At the end of winter,
with the melting of the snow, it is to be found in abundance. ‘Smugglers’ or-
ganize villagers to pick this precious and rare herb, pay them some nominal
amount, and then take it across the border for sale at 100,000 rupees for one
kilogram in Nepal and China. Interestingly it is believed that this smuggling
is organized by Nepalis, who find it easy to cross the Indo-Nepal border in
Uttarakhand as well as to sell the smuggled goods in markets in Nepal or
China. During my stay in Chamoli such ‘Nepali smugglers’ were arrested
on several occasions. For example, on 14 June 2007 the Garhwal edition of
the Hindi language newspaper Amar Ujala carried a long story on the arrest
of three people for smuggling keedajadi. It included a color picture of three
chastened-looking men seated on the floor, the legs of their apprehenders vis-
ible directly behind them. The story identified them as “three Nepali people”
who were nabbed red-handed by the police, who had been tipped off on
their illegal possession of vast quantities of keedajadi on the Chopta-
Gopeshwar road. The police caught the three Nepalis with 330 pieces of kee­
dajadi, which would have sold for approximately 200,000 rupees in the interna-
tional market. On cross-examination it was found that the three were planning to
smuggle them to Nepal. The story ends by explaining that smuggling is a
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  87

common activity in Uttarakhand, even though the forest department and the
police are on full alert to stem the problem.
In my interviews with officials of the forest department in Chamoli as well
as in the reportage in the local media, it was clear that smuggling of medic-
inal plants and herbs is a regular feature of life in Chamoli. It was difficult
to control, claimed local agents of the state, due to the perennial problem of
‘understaffing,’ which leaves them without enough manpower to function as
a gatekeeper state that is capable of enforcing complete closure of its edges.
Further, the police and forest guards are often complicit in this illegal flow of
keedajadi, if not directly responsible for this lucrative trade, which exhibits
the incoherence of the state as a unified machine working, on the face of it, on
similar principles of legality and illegality. Veena Das (2004) has poignantly
described such blurrings as the “illegibility” of the Indian state, namely, mo-
ments when the zones between legality and illegality, state and nonstate melt
away. Officials in Chamoli located the problem of cross-border smuggling
of precious herbs squarely within what can be termed a ‘problem of place,’
with the character of the borderland constituting a problem in and of itself.
Smuggling, officials explained to me, is a problem that is endemic to life in a
The borderland that local state officials were referring to was not merely
Chamoli, the land on the border between India and Tibet/China, but, more
expansively, a space that falls between the wider contours of India, Tibet, and
Nepal. As I mentioned previously, Uttarakhand shares an eastern border with
Nepal. It was evident from the multiple stories emerging around the sale of
keedajadi that the goods were crossing over to Nepal in the hands of Nepali
‘smugglers,’ not to the closer border of Tibet, before they made their way into
China via Nepal. The Nepal border is not that far away, and it is easy for Ne-
palis to travel around Uttarakhand unnoticed. Unlike the seemingly imper-
meable Sino-Indian border in Chamoli, the Indo-Nepal border is considered
‘open’ (see Hausner and Sharma, this volume). The local state officials had a
broader notion of what constitutes a borderland than what one would get from
merely looking at maps in relation to a point or by thinking of the interna-
tional border as the one to be found in closest proximity.
The issue of the illegal smuggling of medicinal plants and herbs from Ut-
tarakhand remains a key problem for the state, so much so that in April 2008
the minister of environment and forests in the lower house (Lok Sabha) of the
88 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

Indian Parliament in New Delhi was asked what measures had been taken
to prevent this ‘illegal exploitation and smuggling’ out of Uttarakhand.12 In
May 2008 the Uttarakhand government decided that the one way to stem
smuggling was by legalizing the extraction and sale of keedajadi and empow-
ering the van panchayats (forest councils) to control it. In other words, the
manner in which the state countered an illegal flow was by partially legaliz-
ing the very same process that had until recently been totally banned. While
the vexed issue of illicit flows of keedajadi was handled by bringing the flow
into a state-recognized, legalized domain, no such action can be taken for the
sale of tiger and leopard skin and body parts. Poaching of big cats is an even
more pressing issue than the smuggling of medicinal herbs given the national
and international attention paid to these highly endangered animals. Further,
poaching of animals and birds is believed to be undertaken by ‘nationals,’
whereas the Nepali population is widely believed to trade in the sale of keeda-
jadi specifically. Also the impermeability of the Sino-Indian border comes up
for question on this front as it is widely believed that the flow of animals and
birds occurs across this border just as much as the Indo-Nepal border.
I merely flag the flow of poached animals here in relation to the flow of
keedajadi to show that the idea of ‘the border’ is complex and sometimes con-
tradictory. On the one hand, it is an extremely broad concept moving beyond
literal, proximate borders to encompass a wider imaginary of a region sus-
pended on the nation’s edges. Simultaneously each border is differentiated
and contextualized on the basis of parameters such as the sort of objects and
people that cross through them, on the degree of their ‘naturalness’ or con-
structedness, by the level of surveillance they require to be upheld, by their
permeability, their physical distance from one another, their historic roles in
shaping the lives of the region, and so on. Focusing on illegal flows of goods
shows the inherently destabilizing effects of the seemingly rationalized prac-
tices of state demarcation through official boundary making via simplifica-
tions such as maps, as well as the limits of state power to impose its official
writ. Simultaneously the everyday talk of criminality, its frequent reporting in
the local media, its discussion in the Indian Parliament, the changing of laws,
and cries for stricter regulation and policing of the borderland were all pro-
cesses that contributed to keeping alive and indeed enhancing local people’s
sense that they existed at the nation’s frontier.
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  89

The Empty, Remote Border

In conclusion, I posit narratives of place as a key technology that aids the
imagination of the Himalayan borderland.13 Daphne Berdahl (1999: 8), in
her ethnography of a village on the border between East and West Germany,
moves from analyses of the literal border to the figurative border, from an
analysis of the concrete wall to the “wall in our heads,” to demonstrate that
borderlands should be seen as “places of intense and inflexible lucidity.” The
border in Chamoli symbolized by the wall of the Himalayas was also a sym-
bol of the location of Chamoli as occupying the literal and metaphorical edge
of the Indian nation-state. The metaphorical understanding of the border as
signifying distance, to the point of exclusion from the Indian state, which is
seen to be residing in capital cities such as Dehradun (capital of Uttarakhand)
and New Delhi (the national capital), comes across clearly in the narratives
of state agents posted to Chamoli who lived and worked out of the district
headquarters of Gopeshwar.
‘A remote town on India’s border with Tibet/China high up in the Indian
Himalayas’— this is how Gopeshwar is almost universally defined. Substitute
‘town’ with ‘district’ and you get the regular definition of Chamoli.14 Given
the distance from large urban centers such as Dehradun and Rishikesh, the
difficult terrain, and the poor transportation infrastructure, it is not surpris-
ing that the adjective ‘remote’ was used most often to describe this town and
district. Initially I took it to be a description of a ‘fact,’ yet gradually I realized
that the utilization of such signifiers had multiple implications for the manner
in which this space is lived. Remoteness that arises from being placed on the
border leads to neglect, to an emptying out of the space, to being ignored,
to being forgotten from the national consciousness, and to a lack of ‘devel-
opment’ (vikas). In my very first conversation with the incredulous district
magistrate of Chamoli, he warned me off living in Gopeshwar as it is so ‘re-
mote.’ “Why would you, or anyone else for that matter, want to ever live in this
border district?” he asked me in shock. In official circles there is a well-known
‘fast fact’ about Chamoli, which is that only one of ‘the three Ps’ can bring
you here: promotion, probation, or punishment. Most commonly Chamoli
was a punishment posting, sometimes a promotion (as was the case with the
district magistrate, who was posted to Chamoli just before I left but who told
me that he wished he had not been promoted if living in Gopeshwar is what it
90 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

entails!), and often a probation to measure your guts and your willingness to
work. In other words, a posting to Chamoli was held in very low esteem by the
upper echelons of the bureaucracy. Senior officials carefully informed me of
how postings in the state are decided for civil servants. The most junior or the
ones in “need of being fixed or punished” were posted to the border districts as
far as possible from the action in Dehradun. The ones next on the seniority or
punishment scale would be posted in the belt adjoining the outlying district,
and so on in an increasing order of seniority and decreasing level of punish-
ment, as one came closer to the capital. Only the chosen few — the most senior,
the most deserving, and the ones with the best connections to their political
masters — get to remain in Dehradun. The hegemonic representation of the
mountains emanated from the large, powerful, heavily populated towns in
the plains that believe the mountains, especially the farther they are from the
centers, are ‘remote’ and ‘backward.’
In her analysis on the production of difference in Indonesia’s upland Su-
lawesi frontier, Li (2001) notes that hill people also judge each other by a set of
standards derived from and centered on the coast. Much like the mountains
of Uttarakhand, in Sulawesi too the farther away in the mountains people live,
the more backward they are considered to be. Li interprets such representa-
tions as “indicators of the hegemony of cultural standards defined on the coast
in hill people’s assessment of social worth” (58). Naturally such a representa-
tion of the ‘backwardness’ of the more ‘remote’ mountainous region, particu-
larly the borderlands, was not swallowed by all the paharis (mountain people)
in Uttarakhand, especially those who proudly identify themselves with the
pahar (mountains) and Chamoli. The more senior bureaucrats, however,
function within a world that is structured by and operates on the dictates of
Dehradun and Delhi. For them, even if they hail originally from the moun-
tains, it is these worlds that constitute the center. They themselves took their
borderland outposts as constituting a slight upon their professional capacities.
For them a posting to the frontier was akin to being sentenced to a metaphor-
ical prison. A posting to Gopeshwar was often described as being sent to kala
paani, another name for the notorious Cellular Jail, set up on the Andaman
islands in the Indian Ocean by the colonial British administration after the
Indian rebellion of 1857. Literally it means ‘black water’ and refers to exile. A
posting away from Gopeshwar was described metaphorically by officials as
a release from prison (jail se rihan hona). When I went around the various
offices in the town to make my farewells at the time of my own departure,
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  91

nearly all the officials congratulated me on having served my time in jail. At

farewell parties for officials, the speeches were always loudly congratulatory
on the richly deserved release from time out on the frontier, the escape from
the constraints of this remote, underdeveloped place. The relief was palpable
on the faces of those who were ‘escaping,’ the verb most often deployed to refer
to leaving this distant borderland. Descriptors such as ‘remote’ and ‘under­
developed,’ metaphorical comparisons of the district with grim prisons, and
long-winded narratives spun around the emptiness of this space by a par-
ticular class of the district residents contributed greatly to the imaginary of
a distant space on the very tip of the nation-state, an empty periphery from
which one must seek release at the earliest opportunity.
Through the course of this chapter I have elaborated on the manner in
which a border comes to be carved out as a product of historical and state-led
processes and how it continues to be maintained in the popular imagination of
local residents as a ‘natural’ border through the operation of an assortment of
material artifacts, narratives, and everyday processes. An eclectic assortment
of technologies — maps, pamphlets, the mountains themselves, local myths
and tales, prominent Hindu temples, illegal flows, and narratives of emptiness
emanating from local elites — do the work of maintaining the imaginary of an
Asian borderland constituted by the highest mountains in the world.

Notes to Chapter 3
Thanks are due to all participants of the Borderlands workshop. I am especially grate-
ful to David Gellner and David Sneath for their careful readings of drafts of this essay.
I hope the residents of Chamoli will find something of interest in my take on their
naturally exquisite borderland habitation.

1. See “Geography,” Incredible India, accessed 17 March 2009, www.incredibleindia

2. Uttarakhand became the twenty-seventh State of the Republic of India when it
was carved out of its ‘parent-State’ of Uttar Pradesh in November 2000. Containing
a population of 8.48 million, it is considered a Himalayan state, as 90 percent of its
landmass is officially classified as ‘hills’ (47,325 sq. km. is mountainous, with 3,800 sq.
km. falling in the Tarai plains). A sharp increase in out-migration from the hills to big
cities in the plains since the creation of the new State has been commented upon but
not yet substantiated with empirical studies. The census data, though not up to date
with trends since the creation of the State, give us some hints as to this pattern: taking
the case of Chamoli district, its population as per the 2001 census is 369,198. There has
been a substantial decline in the decadal growth rate, from 21.97 over 1981–91 to 13.51
92 | N A Y A N I K A M AT H U R

over 1991–2001. My own research in the region clearly brought home the aching desire
among most of the inhabitants of the district to escape to urban centers in the plains
to seek out education, employment, and a better standard of living.
3. In addition, the large plains district of Hardwar is not inserted into either of these
divisions but stands apart as a division-less district.
4. Interestingly local accounts as well as administrative records on Uttarakhand all
point to the comparative ease in governing Kumaon due to its large valleys, unlike the
more rugged, mountainous terrain of Garhwal.
5. The Gorkhas introduced a new land and revenue management system in the oc-
cupied territories, which included ten kinds of taxes (Atkinson 1881: 462). Inability
to pay the dues led to a form of slavery in which the defaulters were forced to sell
themselves or their relatives to the Gorkhas. The Gazetteer of the Garhwal Himalaya
quotes a figure of twenty thousand people sold during the Gorkha occupation (Walton
1989: 126).
6. After 190 years the town of Tehri was entirely submerged by Asia’s highest rock-
fill dam, named, with no awareness of tragic irony, after the very town it was drowning
out of existence. The 2400 mw hydro-power project, which officially started function-
ing in July 2006, is spread across forty-five kilometers of mountainous terrain and is
believed to have led to the eviction of at least 100,000 people resident in and around
what used to be the town of Tehri.
7. For a more detailed analysis of the production of the ‘colonial state space’ for all
of India, see Manu Goswami’s (2004) Producing India. Goswami builds on Lefebvre’s
conception of the state as a spatial framework of power to highlight the processes
whereby “the conception of India as a bounded national space and economy was
brought into being historically” (5).
8. Ramble (1997: 391) has written in the context of Nepal, “Literally, a Bhotiya (‘Bhote’)
is someone from Bhot. ‘Bhot’ in turn derives from the Tibetan word ‘Bod’ meaning
Tibet, via the late Sanskrit ‘Bhotah.’ ” Ramble’s analysis of the designator ‘Bhotiya’ in
Nepal holds true for the scenario in Chamoli as well: “As an ethnic term, Bhotiya has
traditionally included various ‘Tibetanoid’ populations, and it has also been used as
a non-ethnic legal designation” (409). In India Bhotiyas are currently listed by the In-
dian constitution as a Scheduled Tribe, which allows them access to certain positive
discrimination policies.
9. The skirmishes at nearby Bara Hoti and the still unresolved status of the two
hundred square miles of disputed Himalayan tracts were never mentioned during my
stay in Chamoli. In the everyday functioning of the local state’s outpost in Chamoli,
located at the district headquarters of Gopeshwar, this zone is a forgotten space where
herdsmen, primarily Bhotiyas, from the Indian side of the border still take their goats
for grazing as the seasons change. Despite their Scheduled Tribe classification, which
serves as a recognition of their legal status as bona fide citizens of India, the Bhotiyas
Naturalizing the Himalaya-as-Border  |  93

remain stigmatized by the majority non-Bhotiya population in Chamoli as faintly

foreign, which allows them to move in and out of nonstate spaces such as Bara Hoti.
10. Badrinath, along with Kedarnath, Gangotri (the source of the Ganges), and Ya-
munotri (source of the Yamuna River), is part of the Hindu char dham yatra (four
abodes pilgrimage) in the Himalayas. Of the four dhams, Badrinath (in which Vishnu
sits in a meditative pose) is widely considered the holiest, with Kedarnath (a Shiva
temple) just behind it in terms of the local evaluation of holy Hindu sites.
11. In 1997 the district of Chamoli was broken down to form the new district of
Rudraprayag. The division of Chamoli transferred the temple of Kedarnath from the
bounds of the district to Rudraprayag, which is still lamented as a singular loss by
local residents. Chamoli also possesses Hemkund Sahib, an important Sikh Gurud-
wara (temple) located en route to Badrinath temple.
12. “Lok Sabha Questions,” April 2008, accessed on 30 April 2009,
13. See Cons (this volume) for a comparable emphasis on narrations and what they
might tell us about the sense of belonging to a space.
14. Situated at a height of 1,308 meters above sea level, with a population of 19,775
according to the 2001 census of India, Gopeshwar is to be found at a distance of 280
kilometers from Dehradun and 235 kilometers from Rishikesh (the nearest railhead).
The patchy roads on which one has to navigate eight to ten hours of a rough car or
bus ride, zigzagging up and down mountains and valleys to reach the town, makes
Gopeshwar the quintessential “out-of-the-way place” so favored by anthropologists in
the past for their seeming pristineness (Tsing 1994: 280).
FOUR | S O N D R A L . H A U S N E R | J E E V A N R. S H A R M A

On the Way to India

Nepali Rituals of Border Crossing

National boundaries may appear clearly in the maps and documents of state
and other international agencies, but from the perspective of a migrant, a bor-
der looks different. Not only do borders mark the periphery of a state, but they
are an essential feature of national identity. As such, they become the locations
of state mechanisms that serve primarily to regulate population movements
and where, as every chapter in this volume shows, states can maintain and put
on display structures of difference. In this chapter, we attempt to understand
the state boundary between Nepal and India from the vantage point of those
actors whose movement transcends it and who thereby directly experience
and confront its authority. We could think of large flows of unskilled labor
migrants — often the poorest populations, and so the most dispensable but
also the least desirable — as a kind of tacit agreement between states about
where workers most benefit the market (Portes 2008). But that analysis would
not adequately consider the perspective of those who are doing the crossing,
namely those who by leaving are made to feel just how deeply they undermine
or betray the state’s raison d’être. From the perspective of the migrant, border
crossing should instead be seen as a ritual of mobility enacted against the
ideological authority of the state.
A national boundary is a necessary precondition for the integrity of state
coherence. Kearney (2004: 133) suggests that borders accomplish this in two
principal ways: first, they support the ‘classificatory’ mission that categorizes
the identities of persons on either side of the border (as well as those who
cross it); second, they filter forms of economic ‘value’ that flow across them,
On the Way to India  |  95

such that borders usually serve to uphold class structures. In short, borders
make sure that the right people stay in and the wrong people stay out. But by
crossing borders emigrants diminish the salience of national boundaries and
present a challenge precisely to republican ideology. Migrant mobility testifies
to the failure of the power that has let them down. To put it more strongly,
whether as victims or agents of the global market for labor, land migrants who
cross a national border effectively undermine the whole idea of statehood and
national boundaries; cross-border migration acts against the very defining
power of the state. Piliavsky (this volume) warns us not to consider interna-
tional borderlands as so very different from interiors, but here we suggest that
it is at international border crossings where the dynamics between a state and
its nationals (never mind its markets or its foreigners) are most apparent.
Most of the Nepali migrants we spoke with (between 2004 and 2007, at
five places along the Nepal-India border) would rather not have migrated to
India.1 With insufficient food, land, work, or cash income in their villages,
our informants sustained long-held patterns of cross-border labor migration
from Nepal to India. The decisions made by able-bodied men, women, and
families to leave their homes in search of work opportunities in Indian cit-
ies show in no uncertain terms that Nepal is unable to give its people work
or sustain them. If people vote with their feet, labor migration demonstrates
that the capacity of the Nepali state is diminished. Since Nepal is unable to
provide sustenance or support, migration to India becomes a self-preserving
move toward independence — a coming-of-age ritual — for the young unmar-
ried men who initiate their generation’s flow across the border. Later they may
marry (usually in Nepal), and if in due course they settle in India for extended
periods of time, they may ask family or village members to accompany their
wives to India to join them and mostly end up retiring back in their villages
in Nepal (J. R. Sharma 2008).
As far as women’s migration was concerned, public campaigns against traf-
ficking were so closely linked to mobility that for a woman to cross the border
was automatically to place her in a marked category of risk, which seemed to
justify the state’s taking control for her protection (and through the implicit
trope of purity). Trafficking was twinned with migration when it came to
women’s movement in both local and global discourse (and at every level in be-
tween) in the perception of female migrants’ willingness — or unwillingness — 
to traverse or transgress borders or boundaries. If it was feared that mi-
grating women were victims of trafficking, it was because the transnational
96 | S O N D R A L. H A U S N E R  | J E E V A N R. S H A R M A

governance agenda has prioritized the market as in some sense the only viable
challenge to the state. And if the labor market is the lens through which the
state may legitimately (in the transnational or globalized world) filter its cit-
izens at its border, women’s migration will similarly be regulated through
the discourse of labor or, as in this case, gendered or sexed work. Had the
trans­national development industry recalled the equally pressing imperatives
of kin relations at the level of people’s lived experiences (alongside the aspira-
tions for class mobility and the capacity to participate in a cash economy), it
might have anticipated just how many women crossing the Nepal-India bor-
der were going to India to meet fathers, husbands, and kinsmen.
For the purpose of our chapter, the border should be understood not just as
the boundary line demarcating two states — in this case, Nepal and India — but
also as the range of technologies, sociocultural instruments, and personnel
that define and patrol it. As Kearney (1995, 2004) has demonstrated, the bor-
der is a place where states may assert their independence from each other as
well as wield power over that which they still contain. Borders are not in fact
geographical lines in the sand, but rather emerging locations in the relations
between states and their peoples. Kearney differentiates between a border and
a boundary, but from the perspective of a land migrant, they are one and the
same, insofar as getting across them presents an enormous ordeal. Farrelly
(chapter 8, this volume) suggests that even in a borderless region “there is a
process of hardening the state in places that matter”; it is thus that the border,
a place that matters a great deal to the state (and indeed might be said quite
literally to define it), poses a journey with much at stake. For an overland labor
migrant, borders are where the state makes itself felt and must therefore be
approached with the right attitude: crossing might best be understood as a
ritual that involves delicate negotiation with an authority at the height of its
power. But once you make it to the other side, the state no longer has a claim
over you and stands to lose its veneer of transcendence, as when the curtain is
pulled aside to reveal the Wizard of Oz as a cowering figure standing behind
a velvet drape.
In the context of Nepal, and from the perspective of Nepali migrants, we
take three sets of state or state-sanctioned actors at the national border with
India — state police and customs officials, the ngo Maiti Nepal, and private
transporters and agents — to see how border crossing is negotiated, what dan-
gers are posed, and who might occupy the role of transcendent authority. If, as
we are suggesting, the ritual of border crossing subverts the dominance of the
On the Way to India  |  97

nation-state, we are interested in the interactions between migrants on the one

hand and the state and its representatives on the other. We ask whether these
interactions — taking place as they do at a heightened moment of spatial and
experiential liminality — might be usefully understood not only as rituals of
departure but also as rituals of transgression. If borders are places of signifi-
cance for both states and land migrants, it is because they are the last place the
former can claim any territorial sovereignty over the latter and the first place
a national can shake free of the state’s dominion.

A History of Border Crossing from Nepal to India

The unique arrangement of an open border between Nepal and India has fa-
cilitated population movement across the state boundary for centuries; people
living on either side of the boundary have always maintained economic,
cultural, and familial links. Following the typology constructed by Oscar
Martínez (1994), the Nepal-India border can be interpreted as ‘interdependent
borderlands’ “in which the societies on both sides of the border are linked
symbolically, leading to a considerable flow of economic and human resources
across the border” (Baud and Van Schendel 1997: 220). Significant numbers of
people cross the border into both countries from both directions; we focus on
Nepali migrants traveling from Nepal into India (see figure 4.1).2
Starting with recruitment into the army of the Sikh ruler Ranjit Singh
and then systematically into the British army in India in the nineteenth cen-
tury, migration from Nepal to India has been an immensely popular practice
among a very large number of men from rural Nepal. There is historical ev-
idence that state policies and agrarian relations during the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries forced peasants in the hills to move off their land and
seek their livelihoods elsewhere, including and most notably multiple Indian
cities (Regmi 1978). In contemporary times there are probably more than two
million Nepali migrant workers in India (compare Seddon et al. 2002, who
estimated one million a decade ago). About 90 percent of these migrants are
believed to be male (J. R. Sharma 2008). Remittances sent from India that
are largely outside the official banking system continue to contribute to the
economy and livelihoods in Nepal at very high levels.3
Migration and mobility in search of work is not a new phenomenon in
Nepal; there is historical and ethnographic evidence that Nepalis have long
been a mobile population (Hitchcock 1961; Hutt 1989; Pfaff-Czarnecka 1995).
98 | S O N D R A L. H A U S N E R  | J E E V A N R. S H A R M A

Figure 4.1. Indian gate marking the border at Biratnagar, viewed from Nepal, 2009.
The inscription on the gate, dedicated to the memory of Jayaprakash Narayan, records
that it was built by the mp Sukhdev Paswan. Photograph courtesy of  D. N. Gellner.

We might think of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries when the state
redistributed agricultural lands, thereby forcing peasants from the hills to
move off their land and either into the Nepali Tarai or across the border to
India as the first wave of migration. The second wave of migration, in the mid-
twentieth century, marks an even more dramatic rise in rural-to-urban mi-
gration both within and outside of the country (Gellner 2013).
The third wave of migration started in the mid-1980s, accelerated in the
1990s, and dramatically increased in the twenty-first century, when the Mao-
ist insurgency spread throughout Nepal. Hill men continued to migrate to
India and began to migrate to the Gulf and Malaysia, not only as a way to keep
money flowing to rural families but also as a strategy to protect young men
who might be vulnerable to forced recruitment by the Maoists (Bruslé 2010).
This period marks the age of rising expectations among young Nepalis, when
the aspiration to migrate and participate in the world of modernity and in
the consumption of commodities and global places was universalized (Liechty
2003). This is also the period when increasing numbers of Nepalis began to use
On the Way to India  |  99

labor recruitment agencies and agents to facilitate their migration out of Nepal,
especially when going beyond the traditional destinations in India.
Of course, neither historical nor contemporary Nepali migration to India
is exclusively about labor; a large number of Nepalis cross the border for other
purposes, including medical, educational, pilgrimage, and familial purposes
and for employment in multiple sectors. We have come across ascetics who
travel around the Indian subcontinent in search of excitement and fun (Haus-
ner 2007b) and many young men who migrate to Indian cities in search of
movies and other consumption opportunities in an environment of urban
bustle (J. R. Sharma 2008). But most male land migrants are intending to
find work. From the perspective of Nepali migrant laborers, travel to Indian
cities forms an important part of their life and livelihoods; migration provides
household income, to be sure, but also an opportunity to participate in the
consumption of regional and global markets, goods, and experiences (J. R.
Sharma 2008). We document our fieldwork with Nepali migrants crossing
the Nepal-India border to elucidate some of the ways the Nepali state enforces
its boundary. Interestingly, unlike the situation at many state boundaries or
immigration checkpoints in the world — consider the war-zone frontier that
Gupta describes in this volume — the Nepali state appeared to us less con-
cerned with monitoring the incoming flow of migrants from India than with
interrogating the steady outgoing flow of labor migrants from Nepal.

The Nepal-India Border

Such a history of migration shows in no uncertain terms that a border is more
than a physical demarcation between states; it is instead produced by a set of
dynamics that arise in response to regional and international labor relations.
Nevertheless the geography of Nepal as a state has contributed to the historical
production of this particular land border — a place where, ironically, it is very
apparent that there is no natural justification for a division between states: the
south of Nepal runs imperceptibly into the Indian Gangetic plain. As is well
known, Nepal is a landlocked country surrounded to the east and west by the
mountains of India and to the north by the formidable natural border of the
Himalayas. That Nepal’s only access to seaports is through India and that
Nepalis have depended on Indian labor markets for centuries has made Nepal
highly dependent on India. In contrast to the almost insurmountable bor-
der with its northern neighbor, China, Nepal shares an open 1,751-kilometer
100 | S O N D R A L. H A U S N E R  | J E E V A N R. S H A R M A

Fieldwork area
Major border crossing points



Baglung Pokhara
Kathmandu Gangtok
Nepalganj Siddharthanagar
Birganj Ilam
Janakpur Kakarbhitta
Lucknow Biratnagar
0 30 60 mi
0 50 100 km

Map 4.1. India-Nepal border crossing points.

border with India, which people of both countries may readily cross at any
point and at any time, ostensibly without producing an identity document.
The border between Nepal and India is marked by twenty-two official cross-
ing points that are patrolled and manned by Nepali and Indian security per-
sonnel; unlike the mountainous borders that Mathur describes on the north-
ern rim of Uttarakhand (chapter 3, this volume) or that Mishra describes in
Arunachal Pradesh (chapter 6, this volume), the balance of the border in the
Nepali Tarai is open, dry land, unfenced and unmonitored, through which
any Nepali or Indian citizen may pass without hindrance (see map 4.1).4
Historically speaking, the open border between the two states is as old as
the demarcation itself. The Nepal-India Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1950
formally gave citizens of both countries equal employment rights in the other
country and the right to unhindered passage across the border. The 1950 treaty
and the letters of exchange that followed state that neither country may uni-
laterally introduce travel provisions that might restrict free movement of peo-
ple across the border. Article 7 states, “The governments of India and Nepal
agree to grant, on a reciprocal basis, to the nationals of one country in the
territories of the other the same privileges in the matter of residence, owner-
ship of property, participation in trade and commerce, movement and other
privileges of a similar nature.”5 However, it should be noted that in practice
On the Way to India  |  101

Indians are not allowed to own property in Nepal and can set up a business
only with a Nepali partner. India has not formally protested this practice as
a violation of the 1950 treaty because similar stipulations operate in its own
border regions, such as Kashmir and Arunachal. The treaty of 1950 does not
explicitly discuss any issues relating to migrant workers and their rights; these
discourses emerged later, mainly in the 1990s, after the first wave of democ-
racy and decentralization.6
Neither the colonial regime in India nor Nepali rulers showed much in-
terest in controlling the border, thus giving rise to the waves of migration
described earlier, for at least two reasons. First, an open border facilitated the
flow of cheap labor from Nepal into India, especially the recruitment of hill
men from Nepal into the British Army (commonly known as Gurkhas; Des
Chene 1991). Second, it facilitated the flow of raw materials from Nepal into
India and, in reverse, the flow of commodities and goods manufactured in
India into the Nepali market (Blaikie et al. 1980). As a result, no official sys-
tem of formal record keeping was ever established, especially because people
crossing the border were not required to carry identity documents.
The contemporary monitoring of the border is much different. An increas-
ingly vocal national debate on ethnic politics and citizenship (in tandem with
a widely held public view in Nepal that personhood requires such paperwork)
has meant that most migrants feel obliged — and go to considerable effort and
expense — to procure identity cards. Issues surrounding the regulation and
flow of people across the border have become areas of public debate in Nepal
with the growth of civil society and ngos since the 1990s: discussions on the
economic consequences of migrants on either side of the border; the harass-
ment of Nepali migrants into India (or Indian migrants into Nepal); the traf-
ficking of Nepali women into Indian cities; the smuggling and illicit trade
across the border; crime and terrorism; the border encroachment by India,
among others, all point to the critical role the Nepal-India border plays in
conceptions of Nepali statehood.7
Similarly the Nepali media frequently reports on issues of Indian domi-
nance in Nepal — whether it be regime change, political processes, unequal
bilateral trade, unequal treaties, or violence and armed conflict in Tarai.8 The
first nine of the Nepali Maoists’ forty demands, with which they launched the
People’s War in 1996, were designated “concerning nationalism”; seven of the
nine points directly related to the border or to India or Indian domination
of the Nepali culture and economy (Thapa 2003; Sharma 2010).9 Although it
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might be seen as granting access to India, many Nepalis consider the treaty
to have served India’s interests exclusively, and it has generated heated debate
(Hoftun et al. 1999: 261). We might argue that Nepal benefits from the ability
of Nepali migrant workers to move to India for employment and other op-
portunities, but the dominant perception within Nepal is that the treaty has
facilitated large-scale immigration of Indians into Nepal and domination of
the Nepalese market by Indian goods and businesses and boosted the Indian
economy through a flow of cheap labor from Nepal. The conclusion among
the Nepali Maoists at least was that the treaty has been detrimental to Ne-
pal’s development and sovereignty; they have consistently demanded that it
be revised.
With the spread of the Maoist insurgency in Nepal after 1996, and in view
of their links to Naxalite movements in India, the Indo-Nepal border came
under intense bilateral scrutiny, with increased surveillance on both sides. In-
dian security personnel at the border began to ask for ‘citizenship cards’ from
Nepalis traveling to India after the 2001 State of Emergency in Nepal. In No-
vember 2001 the Indian government designated the Nepali Maoists a security
threat to India, labeling them a terrorist organization. On 11 September 2004
the Kantipur daily newspaper reported that both the Indian ambassador to
Nepal and the foreign secretary of India repeated that the Maoist insurgency
in Nepal was a threat to India as well as Nepal, after which the Indian state
established a further presence at the border by deploying more security forces.
Certain critical events like elections in either state or increased violence in a
border area results in the tightening and sealing of the border for a period of
time. Even without a legal requirement to do so, scrutiny at the border has

Migration as a Ritual between States

For some, the crossing of the border is an option, while for others it is an
existential issue. It is often the latter, those that must find a way across the
border if they are to survive, who find it the hardest to cross, if only because
they are deemed undesirable by the border gatekeepers who maintain
control over entry and exit.— Newman 2006a: 178

Jeevan: It was about eleven in the morning, in mid-October, and a Bahun man
of thirty-four with two of his nephews (about eighteen and twenty years old)
were about to leave for Delhi, India. He was returning to work in Delhi after
On the Way to India  |  103

the Dasain holidays.10 At this time he was taking two of his nephews for the
first time to Delhi, with the aim of finding them employment. He had already
found a job for one as a domestic worker; given the demand for domestic
workers in Delhi, he was hopeful that he would be able to find work for the
other one soon.
The departure was an emotional scene lasting about twenty minutes.
Around a dozen family members and neighbors gathered in front of the house.
The two boys in their new clothes were staring at their family members and
seemed both nervous and shy. At the same time, some members of the family,
neighbors, and friends were teasing the two boys for going to be lahures, the
term for those who sell their labor in a foreign country.11 Signifying good luck
for the journey, those who were leaving had red tika on their forehead and
carried fruit (guava).12 They were carrying only two small bags with a change
of clothes. The boys were asked to take care of themselves and not to become
involved in immoral work or behavior, to “do well” and send news regularly.
The uncle assured his brothers and sisters-in-law that he would take care of
their boys and that they need not worry about them. As they left, all the family
members and neighbors gathered and watched them walking away until they
disappeared along the trail that led to the main road. In response, the three
men turned back frequently and waved. One of the mothers had tears in her
eyes, but the grandmother said in an authoritative voice that she should stop
crying at the sait of travel.13 As soon as the three men had disappeared from
view, those left behind returned to their usual routines.
Whether or not accompanied by elders, the departure of young village men
is a common scene in the hill villages of western central Nepal. Playing loud
Bollywood music, the buses to Butwal in the plains depart every twenty or
thirty minutes from the noisy bus park, each carrying between twenty and
forty passengers. From Butwal their journeys continue to the Indian border
at Sunauli, where they separate, traveling to different destinations either by
train or by bus.
Let me turn now to my experience of  border crossing with a group of  Ne-
pali migrants traveling to the Indian city of Mumbai. During my doctoral
fieldwork in 2005 I accompanied a group of three Nepali migrants (one of
them was returning to work in India, while the other two were going to India
for the first time) who were excited to be going to India. As we prepared to
travel to the border town of Sunauli, the returnee migrant told us that it was
important to look confident at the border crossing, otherwise they might
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be harassed by police or other officials, including “strange-looking people”

who would try to cheat us. We were going to be confronted by the state or
state-sanctioned authorities. He told us that we needed to be extremely cau-
tious while traveling, as people could not be trusted at this juncture of the
journey. We were told not to panic and to avoid showing any signs of ner-
vousness. With the mounting pressure from the heat and the fear, there was
an uncomfortable anxiety in the group when we left Bhairahawa. My fellow
travelers avoided eye contact with border officials, including the police and
customs officers. As we were crossing the border, we were extremely conscious
of how we held our bodies and how we were being perceived by others.
Sondra: The vast majority of Nepali migrants are men,14 but women do
cross the border. In 2005 most women we met were traveling to join husbands
already working in India.15 They were excited about the prospect of new lo-
cations and family reunions, but tremendously nervous — and usually quite
ignorant — about the mechanics of travel. It was unbecoming for a woman to
travel alone, and most women migrants were accompanied by male family
members, who were charged with knowing the routes, destination addresses,
and modes of travel and who were also in charge of the money for the journey.
Almost all women migrants we spoke with were entirely inexperienced in the
ways of journeying; if for some reason a woman was separated from her male
kin, she would have no information or means to continue the journey, nor, in
some cases, would she know how to return home. Buying bus tickets, using
telephones, and articulating destinations fell entirely outside the purview of
More surprising were the straightforward interrogations that would take
place at the border. If a group of two included a young woman (seemingly
either a brother and sister or a young couple), each person would be taken
aside and interviewed separately. If the stories did not match, it was assumed
that the young man must intend to traffic the young woman, and they would
be summarily turned around. (This policy may sound sensible, but it is mis-
placed; if a young man did have plans to traffic his attractive young compan-
ion, he would likely just walk her through an open field and rejoin the main
transportation routes once they were safely in India, or wait until the border
guards were engrossed in interrogating someone else.) I saw one couple turned
around after their respective interviews — they were not permitted by the ngo
staff member to pass through the Bhairahawa border to Sunauli — because
their stated intentions were dubious. To me, it looked like they were trying
On the Way to India  |  105

to elope (they came from the same village, and they were young and holding
hands), but the ngo official decided that it was too risky. On another occasion,
in Kakarbhitta, an ngo staff member appealed to a border policeman to stop
a migrant couple who tried to dodge the booth.
Sometimes a large group of villagers would travel together through a border
post; if women were included in their number, they would be allowed free
passage only after marriage certificates were produced. With a widespread
cultural ethos that questions women’s movement (Bennett 2006), it was not
hard to get swept up in questioning female — especially girls’— mobility. On
one occasion I met a young girl of thirteen eating her rice alone. When asked
whom she was traveling with, she indicated a group of rowdy men drinking
whisky at another table in the border dhaba (roadside restaurant), and I found
myself raising the alarm bell. The girl was detained in the ngo transit home
at the border for four days while her father took time off from his job at a
restaurant in Delhi to come and retrieve her. Drunk as they may have been,
the rowdy men who were his village kin were doing him a favor. He had asked
them to accompany his daughter to Delhi — they were traveling from the vil-
lage to India in any event — and they were doing his bidding.
What emerges from our field experiences is that border areas are designed
to monitor and demarcate those people and goods traveling through them;
they are not just boundaries separating two nations. Nervousness about inter-
rogation or security procedures at checkpoints — clearly a constructed domain
of authority — was widespread, and both men and women who were crossing
the border experienced a combination of fear, pressure, and powerlessness. On
the other hand, excited anticipation about what lay ahead — India, a reunited
family, new work opportunities, and the possibility of wider life experiences
in new locations — made the tension and uncertainty worthwhile. Widely
publicized narratives of ‘girl trafficking’ made migration through the border a
particularly gendered experience; having a woman — especially a girl — in the
traveling party brought about heightened scrutiny, extensive interrogation,
and sometimes extended periods of detention.
Maintaining the border involves a range of bureaucratic, legal, and other
personnel to regulate citizen mobility and exercise (or at least perform) au-
thority over people who travel across or transcend the border. Such an ap-
paratus of state and nonstate actors sometimes engages with migrants in the
name of protection but sometimes poses a set of prohibitive or abusive dan-
gers themselves. Thus the border is a site where the state is made visible as an
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unquestioned or transcendent authority — and in anticipation of which young

travelers engage in ritual preparation — only to be revealed as a power that
cannot be sustained.

The State of the Border at the Border of the State

The three sets of actors that we identify and discuss next occupy different
positions in their relation to statehood: the state itself, an ngo (which is state-
sanctioned, especially in this case), and private agents and transporters, who
have to receive state permission to function. We dub all three sets of actors
arms of the state (although they are so to varying degrees), in that they both
enable and are (therefore) enabled by the state. At the broadest level, we can
understand them as gatekeepers — quite literally — who serve to maintain the
coherence or integrity of the state (in the case of police, army, or customs offi-
cials, who stand to gain as much as anyone by its strengthening) or the explicit
values or priorities endorsed by the state (in the case of the ngo that acts with
local, state, and multilateral support of antitrafficking campaigns). Private
agents could be seen as more of a direct challenge to the state but could at the
same time be seen as expressions of the endorsement of market structures
(labor and otherwise) that the state now holds out to both the transnational
rule of global elites and to its citizens as its main legitimating promise.16

State Police and Custom Officials

Police and customs officials, particularly the Armed Police Force on the Nepal
side and the Indian paramilitary Sashastra Seema Bal, are clearly visible at
the border, possibly as the most prominent demographic and certainly as the
most apparent representatives and even icons of the state. Police and custom
officials from both India and Nepal occupy the no-man’s-land on the road
that crosses the border. They keep a constant eye on people and goods moving
across the border. Migrants are stopped and their bags are searched. These
uniformed officials speak to migrant travelers in a commanding voice, and it
is rare that someone migrating through the border will not face these officials
in transit. Such encounters mean that migrants are made to feel extremely
conscious of their vulnerable position.
Jeevan: After getting off the bus on the Nepal side of Sunauli border, we
took two rickshaws at the border to reach the bus station on the Indian side,
where we could get a bus to the train station in Gorakhpur. The combination
On the Way to India  |  107

of pressure to be seen as confident on one hand and fear on the other was pal-
pable as we approached. As our rickshaws headed toward the border crossing,
two Nepali policemen standing at the side of the road beckoned to us. They
stopped our rickshaw, looked through our bags suspiciously, and began to
ask questions. Where had we come from? Where did we want to go, and why?
Questioning by authoritative policemen was a regular feature at the border,
and yet it was nonetheless frightening and humiliating.
As we moved forward on the Indian side of the border, our rickshaw was
stopped initially by Indian police and then by Indian immigration officials.
Two policemen sitting on chairs on the left side of the road called us to them,
using their long stick. We went to them and stood obediently. Commandingly
they asked us in Hindi, “Where have you come from? Where are you going?
What are you carrying?” Without waiting for our answers, they searched our
bags. In an attempt to defuse the tension, one of them jokingly asked if we
were Maoists or had any links with the Maoists.
More recently, in 2010, I crossed the border in Mahendranagar by tanga
(a horse-drawn carriage) with three young men who were leaving for Delhi.
The tanga took an hour and a half to cross a twelve-kilometer border zone
from Mahendranagar, on the Nepal side, to Banbasa, an Indian market town
where we could get buses for our onward journey. Our tanga crossed the Ne-
pali checkpoint just before no-man’s-land. It was guarded by Nepali armed
police force, who did not stop us for checking. After the checkpoint on the
Nepal side, we continued on a dirt road. After about five minutes, the tanga
helper asked us to get off, and we had to stand in a queue to be questioned and
inspected by a member of the Sashastra Seema Bal. He looked inside my bag
and asked if I was a student. I told him that I was going to Naini Tal for my
holidays, and he let me go without further questions. Each and every traveler
was questioned and their bags inspected. As we remounted the tanga and
continued, we found that the border gate was closed. It was 6:15 p.m., and we
were told that the border gate closes at 6.00 p.m. We were told that this was a
regular occurrence and the gate would open after paying a bribe to the official
who controlled the gate. The helper of our tanga collected five Indian rupees
from each passenger and passed the money to the official, and the gate opened
after about twenty minutes.
On the same trip, as I was crossing the border to return to Nepal, my rick-
shaw was stopped by customs officials on the Indian side. They asked me to
get out of the rickshaw and enter the small hut where two customs officials
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had their office. After asking a couple of questions regarding where I had come
from and where I was going, one of them directed me to look at a cloth banner
which read both in Hindi and English that travelers into Nepal are not allowed
to carry Indian currency notes worth 500 rupees. Then he asked me if I had
read and understood the notice, and also whether I was carrying such paper
notes. As soon as I replied that I had understood the notice and did not have
any 500-rupee notes, he asked me to empty my pockets and started to frisk me.
He searched all of my pockets and asked me to remove my shoes. The other
official simultaneously opened my bag, emptied the contents on the table, and
looked inside all the clothes I had packed. I kept repeating that I did not have
any 500-rupee notes. They agreed to release me from their ‘inspection’ once
I told them that I work for a university and had previously studied in India.
After inspecting my id card, they finally let me go. I was quite relieved, as I
had heard rumors of customs officials ‘threatening’ and ‘looting’ money from
Nepali migrants. Once I reached the Nepal side, I met a middle-aged man who
had had 3,000 Indian rupees taken by the same customs officials, all in units
of 100 rupees. Border crossing involved encounters with various authorities
who made the travelers feel very vulnerable and powerless.

Maiti Nepal
Maiti Nepal is an ngo that has been running antitrafficking programs in
Nepal since 1993. Following the public proclamation that Nepali girl traffick-
ing to India was rampant (the oft-used figure was eight thousand Nepali girls
annually), Maiti Nepal (and a number of ngos following its lead) established
checkpoints in eight border areas, alongside police posts, to monitor any mi-
gration that might be a foil for smuggling a girl into India for illicit sex work.
There are at least two or three Maiti Nepal staff who carry out surveillance at
each of the eight border crossings; many of the staff are returned ‘rescuees,’
that is, girls or women who have worked in brothels in India and who have
either been unable or opted not to return to their home villages.
Supported by the police, Maiti Nepal staff question migrants and verify
their documents in order to gather information that will help them ascertain
whether a girl or woman is migrating under acceptable circumstances. None
of these procedures is a mechanism of state law; they are instead a testament
to the state’s commitment to combat trafficking. However, in practice, Maiti
border checkpoints require people who cross the border to prove their iden-
tity (although, again, there is no legal requirement to carry documentation
On the Way to India  |  109

at a formally open border), and the people are often interrogated. From the
perspective of migrants we spoke to, Maiti Nepal staff are “just like police,”
although the stated intention of these border agents is to protect women.
Sondra: For the women migrants with whom I spoke, and the male kin
who accompanied them, the greatest source of tension (and the most detailed
preparations for) crossing the border centered on what was viewed as an inev-
itable encounter with the Maiti Nepal girl-trafficking prevention checkpoint.
I was shown photographs and identity cards that were procured in district
headquarters, proving marriage, sisterhood, or daughterhood. The more evi-
dence that could be proffered to prove the legitimate status and relations of a
woman migrant and her companion, the higher the chances, it was felt, that
crossing the border would be permitted: the more formality the arrangement
appeared to have, the less Maiti Nepal would question the relationships or
motives for the migration.
Although there is no legal provision for the state, let alone a nongovern-
mental organization, to stop migrants, Maiti Nepal appeared to have an un-
written authority to which even state police would defer. I saw couples turned
around, disallowed from crossing a border that is legally open to everyone;
girls separated from village members for interrogation and eventual seques-
tering; and women who appeared to be practicing sex workers hotly pursued
by Maiti Nepal staff trying to prevent their crossing. The sheer potential of
the border as a checkpoint location is one reason Maiti Nepal antitrafficking
policies have centered there, but unquestioned assumptions about the safety
of the home state, the parallel dangers of the foreign state, and the inherent
transgression of cross-border travel are also at work. The border is a site of
passage, and so the obvious place, ostensibly, to divert the threat of the Other.
Jeevan: Maiti Nepal had a small office at the Sunauli border with two mem-
bers of staff constantly checking the movement of women and children over
the border. At the time of crossing the border, I saw a Nepali family (a man, a
woman, one son, and one daughter about sixteen to eighteen years old) ques-
tioned by a couple of Maiti Nepal’s staff, dressed in their uniform of a light
pink kurta surwal with a brown dupatta. There was also a couple crossing the
border who were stopped and questioned again. The frustrated husband was
trying to convince the staff that his wife was accompanying him to Mum-
bai, where he worked, but he was not believed. He had never had to prove
to anyone in the village that they were husband and wife. Initially the wife
kept quiet but later spoke in anger to the staff, saying that they were creating
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a problem unnecessarily. The couple did not have a recommendation letter

from the vdc (the office of the village administration), which the Maiti Nepal
staff requested. It was eventually the argument of the wife that allowed them
to move on. Other people crossing the border made remarks that this was a
typical scene. Later I met the couple in the railway station in Gorakhpur; they
told me that they were unnecessarily given trouble by “those people,” as the
wife referred to the Maiti Nepal staff. During our conversation, the wife asked
me, “Now you tell me, now we need documents to prove that we are husband
and wife. Why don’t they go to our village and ask for it?” The helpless hus-
band stood beside his wife and smiled at me as his wife continued to complain.

Private Transporters
As discussed earlier, transportation plays a key role in border crossing; mi-
grants have to take one vehicle to cross the border, followed by a separate
vehicle to continue to their destination. Border crossing is not served by a
single and straightforward transport system. Often migrants and other trav-
elers have to take at least three or four different modes of transport to cross
the border: a typical sequence involves (1) a bus to the nearest town or city
bus stop; (2) a small jeep that carries the travelers from the city bus stop to the
border town; (3) a rickshaw that carries the traveler from the border town to
the other side of the border; and (4) some mode of transport from the other
side of the border to the destination.
With this elaborate system in place, migrants must depend upon the net-
works of private transporters who in turn exercise authority — and sometimes
abuse them — as they cross the border; private transporters often cheat migrants
and use force. Migrants are often asked to pay the same fare more than once
and are frequently robbed; travelers take precautions by traveling in groups
and keep money hidden in inside pockets, by avoiding anything to eat given
by strangers, and by avoiding overnight stays in hotels. Migrants spoke about
being looted in the border areas when they were returning home with savings.
Places like Gorakhpur and Sunauli were considered to be the worst places for
being cheated and threatened.
Jeevan: Before we reached the bus stop on the Indian side of the border in
Sunauli our rickshaw was stopped by two threatening men who wanted us to
buy bus tickets from them to travel on their bus. Scared as we were, we said
that we would like to go by jeep (which is much faster and more comfortable
for the same price), but they forced us to buy tickets and travel on their bus.
On the Way to India  |  111

When I objected, they physically forced us to take the tickets and travel on the
crowded bus, standing for about three hours to Gorakhpur. While I had trav-
eled to India by road before as a student, I had never previously had such an
experience (probably because I always traveled with my middle-class friends
in good clothes and we spoke English to officials). When I resisted (in Hindi),
we were told, “Go, go, go back to Nepal. . . . There’s nothing to eat [in Nepal],
so you come here [to India]. . . . Go, go, get out of here.” (“Chalo. . . . Chalo
bhago Nepal jao. . . . Kuch khaneko nahi milta, phir chale aate ho. . . . Chalo 
. . . chalo . . . bhago.”) I was pulled aside by a fellow traveler who asked me not
to argue. He told me that this was a very common experience at the border
and advised me to keep quiet. The experience was frightening; we felt helpless
and forced to obey. The feeling of insecurity was deep.
On the bus there were many Nepalis (most of them were men, but a few
women accompanied their husbands) watching each other, which made me
feel more relieved. A loud Bollywood film song was playing in the back-
ground. A man working in the Indian army (lahure) was standing in the bus
next to me. Referring to the earlier use of force, he told the conductor that he
should have let the passengers choose which bus to travel on and so have the
chance of obtaining a seat. In reply, the conductor simply used abusive words
to insult him. It was a very tense and frightening moment as the conductor
with his associate tried to drag the lahure out of the bus. Realizing the difficult
situation, the humiliated lahure and the rest of the people kept quiet. Despite
the village meaning of lahure as a brave man, this lahure was in a vulnerable
position and he had no other choice but to keep quiet. In stark contrast to his
respectable position in his home village, he was humiliated here in front of
his fellow countrymen.

The Liminality of Borders

From the moment of departure, elements of ritual mark Nepali migration. If
we recall that rites of passage mark a transformation in status or lifestyle, then
clearly migration across the Nepal-India border, most commonly to alter one’s
economic status and gender identity, qualifies as a rites of passage. In referring
to the ‘sait of travel,’ a village member wishes to mark the transitional quality
of the journey. In adorning young men with tika powder and marigold gar-
lands, families acknowledge an upcoming migration as a ritually powerful
time. In the first stage, the migrant prepares for the change that will occur
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as a result of the departure, a process that involves bidding farewell to the

old life in the village. It involves carrying money, wearing new clothes, and
being accompanied by a known guide. The departure encompasses manifold
goodbyes and displays of love, tears, nervousness, shyness, and excitement.
Such a ritual to precede departure may be enacted in anticipation of the
dangers of encountering the state (as one of multiple transcendent forces that
may stand in the way of successful passage). Or the trials of border cross-
ing may conceptually map onto the already heightened transition of travel,
regardless of whether a particular journey is designated as a migration or
a pilgrimage. Either way, crossing the border marks the passage into a new
nation-state and a new status-state as well, such that an unemployed village
youth becomes a Nepali migrant worker in India and in turn has the opportu-
nity to become a lahure or a jagire (a successful man) rather than stay a phaltu
(a useless man) back in his village (J. R. Sharma 2008).
If travel is generally considered an experience of transition and therefore
a potential danger, crossing the state border may be seen as the literal mani-
festation of liminality. Migration through the India-Nepal border means de-
parture from a known home place and the performance of going through a
specific zone of checks, controls, and customs. That the border represents a
liminal passage — complete with somewhat altered experiences and fears of
the unknown — so that a new phase of life can begin seems clear. To return
to classic studies of ritual, migrants crossing the border can be said to be
“betwixt and between the positions assigned arrayed by law, custom, con-
vention and ceremonial” (Turner 1995: 95). Seen from the perspective of mi-
grants, borders may be interpreted as a site of deference to or defiance against
the state: passing through it may be or feel like a pilgrimage to transnational
In the internationally designated no-man’s-land between Nepal and India,
we see how the spatial dimension of liminality between nation-states is re-
flected in migrant experiences: by moving toward and passing into a liminal
zone, the migrant is marked as the ambiguous and vulnerable person that he
is. Consider how we were instructed to hold our bodies in a particular way,
to look confident and not panicky; we were asked not only to perform our
resistance to marginality but also to experience it. Humiliation was a pun-
ishment for crossing the border, a way of disciplining migrants as they were
about to became (low) wage earners in India. While it is ‘legal’ to cross the
border, the police, ngos, and private transporters dealt with migrants as if
On the Way to India  |  113

they were ‘illegal migrants’ or ‘criminals’— people who, by migrating, exposed

the ideological integrity of the nation as false.17 The state is shown to be unable
to adequately sustain its people and to be complicit with global labor flows
whereby the most marginal are the most expendable.
Nepal-to-India labor migration (and the marriage migration that follows
from it) is thus cast as legal but illicit (in Abraham and Van Schendel’s [2005]
terms) from the perspective of the state, even though it benefits all parties.
In order to obfuscate the weakness of the state as well as the complex market
and transnational dynamics that effectively undermine it further, the bor-
der becomes a zone of transgression and danger. The state and its operatives
may not prohibit crossing, but they may make it as difficult, frightening, and
foreboding as possible; if you want to engage in the illicit activities of depar-
ture or moving between states, you will need to pay the price. Simply leaving
Nepal is considered a dubious act — a kind of treason — and it thereby becomes
a treacherous affair in the lore that surrounds travelers (especially women)
who travel alone, the way migrants are roughed up at the border, and the
kinds of unchecked abuse agents and transporters may enact against those
who are seen as marginal not only in their socioeconomic status but in their
traveling state.
Borders pose a hypothetical contour to the definition of the state, and those
who wish to contain the nation will try to ensure that boundaries are mon-
itored, overseen, and maintained. Recall that there is no legal provision to
prevent crossing the Nepal-India border; all the charades of confidence, trust
in the returnee migrants, reliance on male gatekeepers for women migrants,
and elaborate preparations for the inevitable demands for identity documents
are constructions of the state that are in no way required or supported by law.
Control over migrants where there is no rule of law might therefore be seen as
the attempt to assert state integrity, such that the rituals of migrant departure
and transition are acted out against the ostensible but ultimately ineffective
power of the nation.
States make boundaries literal: a migrant who passes through a border to
the other side reminds the authorities of the state that it too may be tran-
scended. Migration challenges the underlying principle of the state, namely,
that people stay where they belong. Structures of authority are thereby ques-
tioned in the act of transgressing an international border; quite apart from the
material incentives to harass and humiliate migrant travelers, the operatives
of these structures will be invested in making the journey difficult. From the
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perspective of the migrant laborer or his family, however, even as they may be
humiliated, the latent power of freedom from the state’s inadequacies — and
the accordant danger of liminal passage and all that lies ahead — is directly
experienced by Nepalis on their way to India. Borders make liminality (and
the powers and dangers that attend it) real to migrants, just as cartographers
make borders real to politicians.
In the designation of no-man’s-land, in the experience of vulnerability, and
in the clear tussle of power between migrant and official (the migrant may
have to pay a bribe to a customs official or Maiti Nepal may prohibit a woman
from crossing), we see an actively re-created tension between the citizen and
the state. Will the traveler cross? At what cost to him — and at what cost to
the state, now shown up not only as too weak to provide sustenance but also
as corrupt, irrational, and prohibitive in the face of its failure? Are customs
officials who have to be bribed any different from the voracious demons that
have to be pacified in other South Asian rituals, or indeed from any upwardly
mobile civil servant? That Nepali laborers engage in a ritual of migration be-
tween states seems true both geopolitically and phenomenologically: the po-
litical and the personal are here again shown to be equivalent.

Notes to Chapter 4
1. Fieldwork was done by each of us in a series of border points, in somewhat dif-
fering contexts: Hausner (2005, 2007a) led a team for Save the Children’s Himalayan
Field Office that conducted research in Kakarbhitta, Bhairahawa, and Nepalganj at
the end of 2004; Sharma (2007) conducted extensive fieldwork in Bhairahawa-Suna-
uli in 2005 as doctoral research and in Dhangadhi-Gauriphanta and Gaddi Chauki-
Banbasa in February–March 2010. Sharma’s fieldwork focused on the lived experi-
ences of male migrants traveling to Indian cities and towns; Hausner led fieldwork
focused on migration and trafficking as linked discursive fields that moved between
the border town and the international development organization.
2. It is important to note that crossing the border in one direction is not the same
as crossing it in the other, since the border depends on two different regimes of state
power, which shape the experience of departure from and entry into their respective
national spaces. During our fieldwork we did not focus on Indian travelers crossing
the border to Nepal, and therefore we are unable to make any statement about their
3. Close to US$1 billion in total remittances to Nepal were reported through the
formal banking system in 2004–5, although this amount was not all from India (Singh
2006). An estimate in the mid-1990s suggested that the annual aggregate value of
On the Way to India  |  115

money sent (or brought) back to Nepal from India has been substantial, probably be-
tween 25 and 30 billion Nepalese rupees, or about US$450 million to US$500 million
(Seddon 2005).
4. These twenty-two are formal transit points where customs and security are pres-
ent, but people living close to the border cross it via many other small roads and
paths along the Nepal-India frontier. There are six formal immigration points along
the Nepal-India border: Banbasa/Gaddi Chauki, Dhangadhi, Nepalganj, Bhairahawa
(Siddharthanagar), Birganj, Kakarbhitta. The geography may in parts be similar to the
Bangladesh-India border, where the border is closed and has by contrast been heavily
monitored for close to forty years (see, for example, chapters 9 and 10, on the Bengal
borderlands, in this volume).
5. See www.nepaldemocracy.org/documents, accessed 30 May 2013.
6. The document from the International Organization for Migration that finally
ensured the rights of migrant workers and their families (according to the sending
countries, at any rate) was ratified by the un in 2003 (iom 2003; see also un res/57/201).
7. Mathur (chapter 3, this volume) discusses how the issue of illegal smuggling of
medicinal plants and herbs from Uttarakhand remains a key problem for the Indian
8. In his book Regionalism and National Unity in Nepal, Frederick Gaige ([1975]
2009; see also Friedman 2005) writes that the issue of national integration in Nepal is
directly related to India-Nepal border problems. In the context of national integration
and Nepal Tarai, he identifies four types of border-related problems: border demarca-
tion, outlaws and political terrorists operating on both sides of the border, smuggling,
and migration of settlers from one country to another. (Whether all — or which — of
these are perceived as problems by the state depends upon its political relationships
with its neighbor at a given moment in history, of course.)
9. See also “40 Point Demand,” accessed 20 May 2013. www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries
10. Dasain is the biggest festival among Hindus in Nepal. The festival is held on the
tenth day of the light fortnight of the month Asvin (September/October) in honor of
the goddess Durga.
11. This term is associated more specifically with Nepali men’s recruitment into
foreign armies or, derivatively, police forces (British, Indian, Brunei, etc.). The word
lahure comes from the name of the city of Lahore in Pakistan. It was originally used
to refer to the hill men who went to Lahore to enlist in the army of Sikh leader Ranjit
Singh in the early nineteenth century.
12. A tika is a small mark placed on the forehead as part of religious worship or
13. Sait means the ritually favorable time for a specific action. Her point was pre-
sumably that tears should be reserved for inauspicious occasions, such as mourning
a death.
116 | S O N D R A L. H A U S N E R  | J E E V A N R. S H A R M A

14. Indeed state and ngo concerns about the potential dangers of conflict-in-
duced migration were likely misdirected when they focused on the travels of women:
they should have been equally or more focused on the dangers faced by young men
(Hausner 2005).
15. I refer to members of my 2004–5 Save the Children-U.S. research team: Rita
Dhungel, Ganesh GC, Prerna Rai, Archana Thapa, and Luna Thakur.
16. Given that the entire stretch of the border was like a busy market — with stalls,
eateries, hotels, restaurants, telecommunication shops, and travel agents — it would
seem that consumer consumption is at the very least tolerated if not actively encour-
aged by the state. It is perhaps not too farfetched to see a parallel between the state’s
transcendent authority and that of the transnational marketplace.
17. We might view border-crossing Nepali migrants as homo sacer, in the language
of Agamben (1998).

The Perils of Being a Borderland People

On the Lhotshampas of Bhutan

This chapter responds to Baud and Van Schendel’s (1997) call for bottom-up
perspectives on borderlands, using oral history, by considering the experi-
ences of the Lhotshampas of Bhutan. Baud and Van Schendel compare border-
lands to “an accordion that contracts and expands to the pressures of social,
economic and political developments on both sides of the border” (225). While
an extensive literature addresses “how states have dealt with their border-
lands,” historians have “paid much less attention to how borderlands have
dealt with their states,” which results in the presentation of  borderland people
as “passive and reactive” (234). By contrast, the study of  borderlands “assigns
an active historical role to borderlands and their population” and redresses
“the imbalance of ‘state-centred’ studies” (234). Such research requires the use
of oral history to reconstruct borderland people’s self-images and perceptions
and to explore how these influenced their political, social, and economic be-
havior (242).
The Lhotshampas are an ethnic Nepali people who migrated from Nepal
and India to Bhutan, where they settled along the Bhutan-India border be-
tween 1865 and 1930 (Hutt 2003: 24). They are a typical ‘transborder people’
since they share cultural values and the Nepali language with ethnic Nepali
groups both India and in Nepal. As a transborder people the Lhotshampas’
national loyalties are questioned by dominant ethnic groups in Bhutan. Such
experiences are similar to the Madheshi people of Indian origin living in the
Nepalese Tarai, who are considered ‘foreigners’ and often face social discrim-
ination and difficulties accessing citizenship papers (Pradhan 2002: 17). Both
118 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

the Nepalese and the Bhutanese state have pursued nationalist policies de-
signed to homogenize the population through the imposition of the prevailing
group’s culture, language, dress, and religion. The dominant narrative told
in the refugee camps and by human rights groups presents the Lhotshampas
as victims of a cruel regime, which tried to ‘Bhutanize’ their ethnic Nepali
citizens. According to such accounts, the Lhotshampas responded to a new
‘one nation, one people’ policy by protesting against the government and de-
fending their right to maintain their distinct cultural and linguistic identity.
The Bhutanese government suppressed this dissent, precipitating the flight
of over eighty thousand Lhotshampas, who became refugees in Nepal in the
early 1990s. However, the oral histories, collected from refugee adults in Nepal
and presented here,1 demonstrate that this history becomes significantly more
complicated if the perspectives of southern Bhutanese villagers are considered
alongside those of the Bhutanese state and the elite and well-educated refugee
This ethnographic research was conducted among Bhutanese refugees in
Kathmandu and in camps in eastern Nepal for eleven months over two field-
work trips, from September 2006 to March 2007, and from August 2007 to
January 2008.2 During this period the refugee community was politically di-
vided over long-term solutions to their situation. This was precipitated by a
burgeoning Maoist movement in the camps and the U.S. government’s offer
of resettlement places for over fifty thousand refugees. However, by the time
I returned to Nepal and visited the camps and Kathmandu for two weeks in
January 2009, resettlement had begun and most refugees had applied for this
process. By mid-2011 over fifty thousand Bhutanese refugees had departed
Nepal for third countries.
My research participants included refugees of all ages living in the camps,
in addition to families and individual refugees living illegally in Kathmandu
and Damak. I moved regularly between these three field sites and lived with
a Bhutanese refugee family in Damak between September 2007 and January
2008. My research activities were conducted in both English and Nepali. I
used a number of different research methods to allow for the collection of
varied data and to enable cross-checking and triangulation of findings. These
included traditional ethnographic research methods, such as participant ob-
servation, genealogies, oral histories, and semistructured interviews, as well
as participatory research methods, which engaged young refugees in the re-
search process.
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  119

The Creation of a Borderland People

Although monastic Buddhism was introduced to Bhutan from Tibet as early
as the seventh century (Schicklgruber 1997; Pommaret 1997a), the country was
not unified until the arrival of the first shabdrung or dharma raja (religious
king), Ngawang Namgyal, in the seventeenth century (Rose 1977: 24). The
shabdrung, who was the first theocratic ruler, “created something akin to a
‘Bhutanese culture’ in the 17th Century,” and since this period “successive
rulers have made attempts to induce the many different groups of Bhutanese
to accede to a common cultural legacy and tradition” (Schicklgruber 1997:
16). Following the first shabdrung’s death, the various leaders who occupied
the throne “were more inclined towards religious than political activities,”
resulting in a period of internal instability and political turmoil (Pommaret
1997a: 206). In 1907, recognizing that the dual system of religious and secular
rule no longer worked effectively, the religious and secular leaders offered the
throne to the most powerful among them, Gongsar Ogyen Wangchuck. This
initiated a system of hereditary monarchical rule.
Borders and their control have long been sensitive issues in Bhutan, and
the northern border with the Tibet Autonomous Region continues to be un-
defined in spite of ongoing negotiations with the Chinese authorities con-
cerning its demarcation (Whitecross 2009). The country’s current southern
borders were formed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century partly
as a result of disputes with the British government in India. Conflict over
access to the Bengal Duars region resulted in the Anglo-Bhutanese war of
1864–65, which was concluded in the 1865 Treaty of Sinchula. This treaty gave
the Duars to the British, in return for an annual cash subsidy paid to the
Bhutanese. A further consequence of the Sinchula Treaty was British encour-
agement of large numbers of Nepali immigrants arriving in Darjeeling and
Sikkim, some of whom eventually settled in Bhutan (Sinha 2001: 27).
Bhutan’s people are collectively known as Drukpas, “a term which derives
from Druk Yul, the name of the country in Dzongkha” (Pommaret 1997b:
43). The majority of Bhutan’s people “are of Mongoloid stock” and speak lan-
guages belonging to the Tibeto-Burman family (43). The Ngalong in the west
originated from Tibet, and their language, Dzongkha, was decreed by the
king to be the national language in 1961 (van Driem 1994). The Sharchops
in eastern Bhutan speak another distinct language. Both the Sharchops and
the Ngalongs follow a Tibetan form of Mahayana Buddhism, although the
120 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

Drukpa Kagyü tradition is commonly practiced by Ngalongs in western Bhu-

tan, and the Nyingma is predominant in the east (Hutt 2003: 5). Many Nepali
and other non-Bhutanese authors assume that Bhutan’s royal family “belongs
to the ‘ruling’ Ngalong group that is counterposed to the Sharchopa” of east-
ern Bhutan. However, “the Wangchuck dynasty is mainly of a stock from the
central districts of Kurtoe and Bumthang” (Phuntsho 2006).
Since the early twentieth century “the ethnic and linguistic character of the
narrow southern belt has changed considerably due to the progressive arrival
in this region of people of Nepali descent” (Pommaret 1997b: 58). The southern-
dwelling Lhotshampas,3 sometimes referred to as Nepali Bhutanese, include
“peoples from a range of different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds” whose
ancestors migrated from Nepal itself or from the Nepali-speaking part of Dar-
jeeling in West Bengal a few generations ago. The Lhotshampas are predomi-
nantly Hindu, and some belong to caste groups, such as Brahmins, Chhetris,
and Dalits. Additionally, and as in the Nepali society from which they origi-
nate, there are other ethnic groups represented among the southern peoples,
such as Rais, Limbus, Gurungs, and Tamangs, some of whom practice Bud-
dhism. Despite these differences, Santosh (a Gurung) told me, “In Bhutan we
were all stuck together and we called ourselves Nepali-speaking Bhutanese
people. Sometimes we called ourselves Gorkhas.” Although Richard White-
cross reports that some southern Bhutanese self-identify as Drukpas (personal
communication, September 2009), my refugee informants always used the
term to refer to the northern, Buddhist peoples of Bhutan.
The initial policy toward the south was isolation, enacted by restricting the
Nepali Bhutanese to this region (Rose 1977: 47). Lhotshampas were not allowed
to own land in the north, and many did not learn to speak the Dzonghka
language. The king’s first official royal tour to the region occurred as late as
1957 (Dhakal and Strawn 1994: 146–47). By the time the Bhutanese authorities
became involved in the government of the south, “the Nepali Hindu south had
run its own affairs for more than half a century with minimal contact with the
Drukpa Buddhist north” (Hutt 2003: 145). This allowed the “area of Bhutan
most susceptible to rapid economic development and ideological penetration
from India” to be populated “with a community that had not been integrated
either socially or politically into the broader Bhutanese society” (Rose 1977:
47). The Lhotshampas experienced further differential treatment from other
ethnic groups. From the late nineteenth century onward, the Nepali popu-
lation was required to pay taxes in cash and labor, whereas the Drukpas in
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  121

the north provided their taxes in kind and labor until 1960 (Hutt 2003: 74).
The Nepali settlers were taxed more heavily (76) and, prior to the 1950s, were
not admitted to the police force and army on the same terms as other ethnic
groups (Rose 1977: 113). Their residence in the country was perceived by some
to be tenuous until official citizenship was granted to all Bhutanese (including
the Lhotshampas) in 1958 with the promulgation of the Nationality Law of
Bhutan (Rose 1977: 111; Hutt 2003: 134–37).
Regional political changes, including the British departure from India in
1947, inspired early political activism in southern Bhutan in the 1940s and
1950s (Hutt 2003: 113–16). Although accounts are contradictory, refugees in-
formed Hutt that agitation began because “at that time equal opportunities
were not given” (115) to the southern Bhutanese. In the late 1940s a movement
known as Jai Gorkha sought support for “an agenda of social reform and de-
velopment” in southern Bhutan (116). In 1952 the Bhutan State Congress (bsc)
was formed across the border in the Indian State of Assam by a group of
Nepali Bhutanese, who demanded a democratic system of government and
equal rights for Nepali Bhutanese with regard to taxes and recruitment to
government administration and military forces (122–23). The bsc organized
public demonstrations in Bhutan that failed to attract popular support among
the Nepali Bhutanese population (Rose 1977; Hutt 2003) but nevertheless were
repressed by the Bhutanese authorities (Joseph C 1999: 65).
The third king, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, acceded to the throne in 1952 and
introduced many reforms during his twenty-year reign, which transformed
Bhutan’s political and administrative structures (Rose 1977: 38). He estab-
lished the Tshogdu (a body of people’s representatives) in 1953 and initiated
the first five-year development plan in 1961, which put Bhutan on the road to
modernization. In 1965 he created the Royal Advisory Council, which enabled
members to “draw the king’s attention to matters of national importance”
(Hutt 2003: 133). It is likely that the bsc’s activities were “taken as a warning”
since the government’s attitude toward the borderland in the south notably
changed and “efforts were made to encourage the Nepali-speaking southern-
ers to identify with the nation” (Hutt 1993: 11), including the 1958 nationality
legislation, which Whitecross (2009: 13) argues was a direct response to the
bsc’s demands. Financial incentives were introduced to encourage marriage
between northerners and southerners. Southern Bhutanese were politically
represented and occupied many senior government posts, as well as being
recruited into the army and the police force (Hinton 1996: 26). In addition
122 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

to the government’s strategy of advancing the Dzongkha language, southern

schools continued to teach Nepali and Sanskrit (Hutt 1993).
The government’s attitude toward the southern Bhutanese changed under
the fourth king, Singye Dorji Wangchuck, who came to the throne in 1972.
During the 1980s the government began to push for a national identity that pro-
moted the idea of “a united and homogeneous Bhutanese populace” (White­
cross 2009: 15) and which was felt by the southern Bhutanese to reflect Drukpa
culture (Strawn 1994). This resulted in new government policies, including a
stricter citizenship law passed in 1985, which required people to be able to speak
the Dzonghka language and to prove their residence in Bhutan before 1958
to qualify for automatic citizenship. The 1985 Act made it more difficult for
non-Bhutanese women who married Bhutanese men to gain citizenship, while
their children were no longer entitled to citizenship by birth since they only
had one Bhutanese parent (Hutt 2003: 148–49). In 1988 a census in the south
reclassified many Lhotshampas who had previously been granted citizenship
cards as nonnationals. Lhotshampas brought their grievances about the census
process to Tek Nath Rizal, a southern Bhutanese member of the Royal Advi-
sory Council. After Rizal raised the matter with the king he was expelled from
the Royal Council and imprisoned for three days. He left for Nepal shortly
afterward (Hutt 2003: 197–200). Rizal was later extradited from Nepal and im-
prisoned and allegedly tortured in Bhutan.

One Nation, One People:

Imposing Bhutanese National Identity
The Lhotshampas may be considered a “transborder people” (Baud and Van
Schendel 1997: 233, citing Weiner 1985), since they share the Nepali language
and cultural practices with Nepali-speaking people both in India and Nepal.
In such situations, where citizens of a nation-state share an ethnic identity
with those across the border, their political loyalty is very commonly called
into question. Of central importance in borderlands is the division between
citizens invested with rights and duties, and aliens, who are excluded from
being members of nation-states (Baud and Van Schendel 1997: 214–15). In
southern Bhutan (and in many other places) the border does not coincide
with cultural or linguistic divides but cuts across them (see map 5.1). In these
contexts, Baud and Van Schendel assert, state policies “often evince a preoccu-
pation with establishing new cultural divides that coincide with the border,”
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  123

Bhutanese refugee camps

CHINA 1 Sanischare
2 Beldangi 1
3 Beldangi 11
N 4 Beldangi Extension
5 Timai
6 Khudanabari
Thimpu 7 Goldhap
Paro B H U TA N
Kalimpong Phuntsholing
3 4 5 Darjeeling
2 6
Damak 7 Jalpaiguri

BANGLADESH 0 30 60 mi

0 50 100 km

Map 5.1. Bhutan and neighboring areas. In December 2011 it was decided to move all
remaining refugees to Beldangi, as over half had left for third countries.

meaning that “symbols of national unity” (e.g., national language or dress)

“take on a special, more emphatic meaning in borderlands” (233). In keeping
with these trends, the southern Bhutanese experienced the state’s efforts to
promote a homogeneous national identity as an attempt to achieve the “Bhut-
anization” (Dhakal and Strawn 1994: 201) of the Lhotshampa borderland pop-
ulation. This involved the introduction of policies that not only sought to give
“the Nepali Bhutanese a separate identity — a feeling of being Bhutanese — 
from their neighbours across the border” but also aimed to produce differ-
ences in “the outward appearance and everyday activities between those
across the border and the citizens of southern Bhutan” (201).
In 1989 the government adopted a ‘one nation, one people’ policy, which
aimed to preserve a distinct Bhutanese national culture through the enforce-
ment of Driglam Namzha, a traditional Buddhist code of dress and etiquette.
The dress law was strongly imposed by local officials, with fines for those who
refused to conform, and was resented by many southern Bhutanese. Bidwan
recalled, “This was a new way of dressing. People had to buy new clothes,
which were expensive.” Nikhil told me that “some Lhotshampa people who
went to hospital without wearing national dress were not treated.” Apparently
others were prevented from getting married wearing traditional Hindu cloth-
ing. Some refugees assert that girls and women were required to cut their hair
124 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

short, although this is denied by the Bhutanese government (Hutt 2003: 175).
In 1989 the government removed the Nepali language from the curriculum of
southern schools, and Nepali textbooks were reportedly burned by govern-
ment officials (185).
According to the Royal Government of Bhutan (rgb 1992: 32), during the
1988 census the government became aware of “large numbers of illegal im-
migrants flooding the country,” who had been attracted by free health care,
education, and other development projects in southern Bhutan since 1961.
This demographic pressure rendered Bhutan’s Drukpa Buddhist culture at
risk of “extinction” (Thinley 1994: 72), which necessitated laws and policies
designed to address illegal immigration and to retain Bhutan’s distinct na-
tional cultural identity. Some suggest that the government’s fears also related
to the impact of rapid modernization in Bhutan (Joseph C 1999; Hutt 2003).
These changes are evidenced by the following figures. Hinton (1996: 18) notes
that in 1987 the economy of Bhutan was “based primarily on subsistence ag-
riculture, which provided a livelihood for about 90% of the population.” The
Bhutan government recently reported that “the share of agriculture in gdp has
dropped from the over 50% levels in 1986 (and before that) to 22% in 2006”
(rgb 2007: 3). The economic importance of the south, where many industries
(e.g., cash crops and hydroelectric power) are located (Hutt 1997: 139), suggests
that “politico-economic control of southern Bhutan became unavoidable to
help maintain the Ngalong dominance of the state establishment” (Joseph C
1999: 182). These issues highlight the necessity of attending to the relationship
between the political, economic, and cultural effects of borders. In this case,
the political and economic value of the southern borderland contributed to
clashes over what constituted ‘Bhutanese’ cultural identity and the nature of
citizenship rights and duties.
Since the Lhotshampas are part of a ‘transborder’ group of Nepali-speaking
people, regional political developments involving members of this ethnic
group in Sikkim, India, and Nepal intensified the perception of the southern
Bhutanese as a threat. In 1975 political unrest involving ethnic Nepalese in
Sikkim caused the former state, where Buddhist monarchs had also ruled, to
lose autonomy and be subsumed by India. In Sikkim the demographic changes
caused by large-scale immigration of ethnic Nepalese were perceived to have
resulted in the monarch’s loss of power, which fueled fears in Bhutan. However,
despite these similarities, there were also many differences in the political and
demographic situations in Bhutan and Sikkim (Rose 1977; Hutt 2003). Yet the
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  125

Bhutanese government feared that if their new citizenship laws were “circum-
vented,” the “indigenous” Bhutanese would be “reduced to a minority in their
own country, as has happened to the indigenous people of Sikkim and the
neighbouring hills of Darjeeling and Kalimpong” (rgb 1993: 40). These con-
cerns were exacerbated by a violent Gorkhaland movement in Darjeeling (for
a separate State within India, no longer part of West Bengal) between 1986 and
1988. This was led by ethnic Nepalis and “must have played a major part in con-
vincing the Bhutanese government that political activity among the Lhotsham-
pas should be prevented at any cost” (Hutt 2003: 195–96). The Gorkhaland
movement revived the fear in South Asia of a plot to create a ‘Greater Nepal,’
since its leader, Subhas Ghising, “used the idea of Greater Nepal in the late
1980s to extract political concessions from New Delhi” (Dixit 2003: 323). The
Bhutanese government justified their new citizenship policies on the basis of
the Greater Nepal conspiracy, arguing that members of the “minority ethnic
community” were attempting “to turn themselves into a majority through ille-
gal immigration in order to take over political power” (rgb 1993: 34).

Conflict in Southern Bhutan: “Two Sides to the River”

Following the introduction of new government policies in the late 1980s, polit-
ical tensions mounted in southern Bhutan. By 1992 over eighty thousand Lhot-
shampas had departed for refugee camps in eastern Nepal (ai 1992). There
are two opposing interpretations of the events that preceded their departure.
The rgb and its supporters allege that southern Bhutanese dissidents engaged
in violent and subversive activities against the state, which posed “a threat
to Bhutan’s survival as a distinct political and cultural entity” (rgb 1993: 1).
Therefore the rgb arrested a small number of criminals and ‘terrorists.’ When
large numbers of southern Bhutanese began leaving, the rgb expressed sur-
prise at this “disturbing trend,” claiming that “no force whatsoever has been
used against them” and that the king had made “appeals to the Lhotshampas
not to leave the country” (16).
In contrast, according to the refugees and their supporters, the southern
Bhutanese peacefully objected to the government policies, which they felt
directly attacked their distinct culture and language, and requested politi-
cal reforms. In response, the government branded “all the activists and the
supporters of the movement as anti-nationals” and “sent the Royal Bhutan
Army to crush the movement” (ahura 2000: 9). This resulted in “mass arrests,
126 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

flogging, torture, rape, arson, looting and plunder” (hurob 1992), which “com-
pelled the innocent Lhotshampa villagers to flee Bhutan” (Rizal and Yokota
2006: 124).
Drawing on the existing literature and refugees’ oral history, the following
account of “the southern Bhutan problem” (rgb 1993) attempts to make sense
of such contrasting interpretations by acknowledging that, in the words of
one southern Bhutanese man, “there are two sides to the river.” In response
to the government’s new policies, some southern Bhutanese established orga-
nizations to demand respect for their cultural rights. The Students’ Union of
Bhutan was formed in 1988 in Sherubtse College in eastern Bhutan. Between
150 and 200 southern Bhutanese members organized peaceful demonstrations
within the college and circulated pamphlets on human rights and democracy.
Students and lecturers at the National Institute of Education were involved
in the People’s Forum for Human Rights (pfhr). This organization was es-
tablished in June 1989 and headed by Tek Nath Rizal, who had already fled to
Nepal. The pfhr produced pamphlets encouraging southern Bhutanese to
unite to protect their culture, such as the following: “It is time for us to shout
to the power in Thimphu ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ and bring down
the ‘Bastille.’ It is time to say ourselves, Bhutanese Nepalese, unite, we have
nothing to lose but gain. The hour has struck for the historic conflict. We the
Bhutanese Nepalese have a culture we cherish, a language we speak, a dress we
wear, a religion we follow. They are all ours. They are part of our identity. We
shall not allow any power to take them away from us. We shall resist, we shall
fight to the last man of our race all repressive laws intended to wipe out our
identity. this document is a protest and a prophecy” (from pfhr pam-
phlet written in English and quoted in Hutt 2003: 200, original emphasis). In
addition to student-based organizations, one author records the reemergence
of the bsc (Parmanand 1998: 134), and at the village level, Bidwan told me,
“political leaders who were active in the 1950s gave out pamphlets on human
rights and democracy.”
Although Amnesty International (ai) did not consider the pfhr pamphlet
to be advocating aggression against the state of Bhutan, it has often been
quoted as evidence that the dissidents planned to overthrow the Bhutanese
government (Hutt 2003: 200), which referred to the pfhr’s literature as “sedi-
tious” (rgb 1993: 7). Whatever the early dissidents’ intentions, the Bhutanese
government acted swiftly to quell their resistance. Between October and De-
cember 1989, forty-five people active in organizations protesting against the
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  127

government policies were arrested, including Tek Nath Rizal, who was extra-
dited from Nepal with the assistance of the collapsing Panchayat regime (Hutt
2003: 201–2). Following these arrests, by late autumn 1989 several hundred
mostly male activists had fled Bhutan and “taken refuge in a tea plantation in
Garganda, West Bengal, whose manager, an Indian Nepali, was sympathetic
to their political cause” (202). It was here that the Bhutan People’s Party (bpp)
was formed in June 1990 and “plans were made for a programme of politi-
cal action across southern Bhutan” (203) to demand civil rights and demo-
cratic reforms. Contact was reported between the Bhutanese activists and the
Gorkhaland movement in India, and “during the early stages of the ‘move-
ment,’ some Lhotshampa activists adopted violent tactics similar to those
adopted by Gorkha National Liberation Front (gnlf) extremists in India.”
Such tactics included pressuring ethnic Nepalis to support the movement fi-
nancially and threatening them with violence if they did not attend protests.4
Allegations of “violent activities by government opponents, whom the gov-
ernment termed ngolops or ‘anti-nationals,’ ” were first reported in February
1990 (ai 1992). On 2 June 1990 the severed heads of two men, both southern
Bhutanese government officials, were found in a bag by the Gomtu River in
Samchi district (ai 1992; Zeppa 1999; Hutt 2003: 203). The rgb associates these
murders with the bpp’s inception and reports that an attached letter warned
that “all those who supported the Royal Government would meet the same
fate” (Hutt 2003: 203). According to refugees, this incident gave credence to
the bpp’s threats that nonsupporters would “lose six inches” (i.e., their head:
chha inchī ghatāune) or that they would find their “head in a bag, body in the
river” (tāuko jholāmā jīu kholāmā). From mid-1990 onward the government
claimed that the ‘antinationals’ (including members of the bpp) increased
their violent activities, including kidnapping and murdering civilians (ai
1992). While ai “is not in a position to confirm” government figures on such
incidents,5 the delegates were able to interview victims and their relatives,
“who reported incidents of kidnapping, beheading, extortion, torture, and
other abuses by opposition groups, which had occurred in the south mainly
during 1990” (ai 1992). Some refugees described a campaign of violence con-
ducted by the bpp to ensure support for their movement among the southern
Bhutanese population. Their methods included forced ‘donations’ in cash
and kind, the demand that at least one member of every household join the
party, kidnaps of and attacks on those perceived to be nonsupporters, and
theft of animals. They also engaged in military activities, such as bombing
128 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

government buildings. The ai report is consistent with these memories. It

states that villagers told delegates they were pressured into selling their crops
to pay ‘donations,’ were threatened if they refused to comply, and that threats
were sometimes carried out.
Refugees described a situation wherein they were caught between the gov-
ernment and the bpp: “If people did not give donations or take part in the
movement, the bpp said that they would shoot them with a gun. But if people
did give donations or took part in the movement, then they were targeted by
the government” (Manisha). These difficulties caused some southern Bhuta-
nese to leave Bhutan. Suraj recalled, “In the area where we lived, the villagers
were stuck between the antinationals and the Bhutanese government. My fa-
ther said we could not continue to live like this, so we left.” While Hutt (2003:
203) concludes that it is impossible to assess the scale of “the violent aspect of
the Lhotshampas’ resistance,” he correctly asserts that “the assassinations that
did take place can only have strengthened the position of hardliners in the
Bhutanese government.” Arguably the bpp violence played a significant role
in hardening the government’s attitude toward all southern Bhutanese. Ranju
certainly saw it in these terms: “If people had not done criminal activities like
this, then the government would not have chased us out.” She also explained
that the Bhutanese government had been more sensitive to the needs of ethnic
Nepalese than is often reported: “They made us wear gho and kira to school,
but the thick cloth was too hot for the climate in the south, so they changed it
to a cotton version, which was more comfortable.” She concluded, “If people
had slowly tried to ask the government to change the policies, instead of using
violence and trying to make huge changes all at once, then I think the govern-
ment would have listened and we might still be living in Bhutan.”
The government’s approach toward the ‘southern problem’ was further in-
fluenced by mass demonstrations in September 1990. These demonstrations
were called by the bpp and other organizations in all southern Bhutanese dis-
tricts and were attended by a large number of people, including children (Hutt
2003: 207). According to Hutt, the dissidents maintained that the “march-
ers’ purpose was to submit the bpp’s demands to district offices,” while gov-
ernment sources alleged that national dress items were burned and census
records were removed from offices (208). The government further claimed
that “all the male demonstrators, and even some of the women, came armed”
with khukuri knives and that “there were militants dressed in camouflage
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  129

uniforms and armed with guns and bombs amongst all the mobs” (Depart-
ment of Information, quoted in Joseph C 1999: 145). The political activists,
however, maintained that the protests were peaceful, yet “suddenly the rba
[Royal Bhutan Army] opened fire upon the crowd and charged them with
bayonets resulting in the deaths of several people and injuring scores of them”
(inhured quoted in Joseph C 1999: 146). Despite reports in the Nepali press
that the Bhutanese government killed over three hundred demonstrators in
Samchi district (Hutt 2003: 209), the ai (1992) delegation “found no evidence
to support these reports.”
There are further questions concerning the motivation of the demonstra-
tors. Hutt (2003: 207) acknowledges that “a measure of coercion” was imposed
on participants by the political parties yet judges that “it is unlikely that the
small number of activists . . . could have exerted this measure of control over
what was still largely a conservative agrarian population.” While it is true that
some people “willingly decided to come forward to take part in the procession”
(Santosh), other refugee informants, such as Siddharth, insisted they were
compelled to attend due to threats of violence: “I was forced to take part in the
demonstration because the bpp made threats that if people did not support
them they would lose six inches.” Schoolchildren too were also pressured to go:
“A group of Nepali people came to the school shouting slogans. The teachers
hid inside the toilets because they were scared. The teachers closed the school
and ran away. The protestors took students above Class 4 to the demonstra-
tions. They burned the students’ national dress in the market” (Bina).
Other refugees confirmed that bpp members forced southern Bhutanese to
burn their national dress: “We hid our gho and kiras, but the bpp party mem-
bers came to search our house and they found our national dress and burned
it” (Amita). Although informants described the demonstrations in some dis-
tricts as peaceful, in others refugees recalled that “all the boys were walking
at the front carrying weapons” (Sabita). These memories suggest that many
accounts of the ‘peaceful’ protests and indeed the wider political tensions in
southern Bhutan underestimate the level of coercion exercised by members of
the bpp over the Lhotshampa population.
After the 1990 demonstrations the Bhutanese government began identify-
ing and subsequently arresting participants and supporters, most of whom left
Bhutan following their release from detention (Hutt 2003: 214). Those arrested
reported torture and ill treatment in jail, including being forced to perform
130 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

incongruent acts that violated their cultural or religious beliefs (Hutt 2003:
215). Bina explained, “The army took one of our relatives to jail. He was vege-
tarian but they made him carry meat outside in the sun every day.”
Many “human rights and political activists and influential people in the
villages who were alleged by the government authorities of being involved
in the movement” began leaving the country in 1990, “fearing persecution
or because of continuous harassment” (ahura 2000: 77). Schools and health
facilities in southern Bhutan were closed; this was interpreted by Lhotsham-
pas as a collective punishment (Hutt 2003: 220). Development projects in the
south were halted; the government attributed this to the disruption caused by
“large-scale acts of terrorism unleashed by the anti-national elements” (rgb
1992: 48). New rules were introduced requiring people to produce a No Ob-
jection Certificate (noc) to access government employment and educational
institutions (Hutt 2003: 217). These certificates were acquired from the Bhu-
tanese police force and provided proof that the holders “had not taken part in
oppositional activity, and were not related to anyone who had” (217). Children
whose parents had participated in demonstrations or were suspected of sup-
porting the democracy movement had problems enrolling in school. Rumors
circulated that members of the Bhutanese army were raping girls and women
in the south, which contributed to the sense of insecurity among the Lhot-
shampas and was a factor in their decision to leave the country. In addition
to violence perpetrated by the bpp, there were also village militias formed by
northern Bhutanese, which were established to defend the country against
‘anti-nationals’ (219).
Beginning in 1991 it appears that “a systematic eviction of southern Bhu-
tanese” began through the government’s use of ‘voluntary migration forms’
(vmfs), which many southern Bhutanese were pressured to sign, sometimes
following physical violence and coercion (ahura 2000). Southern Bhutanese
report being advised by village leaders or ordered by government officials to
leave the country. Bina’s account of how her family came to leave Bhutan is
typical: “The Mandal [local headman] told my father that he had to fill in a
form to leave the country or he would be arrested. Many people were leaving
the country, and it was risky for my older sisters because of the army’s activi-
ties. After my father filled in the form in Dzongkha, we were taken for photos.
They told us to stand in a line and show our teeth [smile]. Later we realized
the statement said he was happy to leave the country and was going willingly.”
The Association of Human Rights Activists, Bhutan undertook a survey of
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  131

4,553 households (49,909 refugees) in the camps. The organization collected

information on reasons for leaving the country and time of departure and dig-
itized the nationality documents of the refugees. Their report stated that 99.82
percent of those surveyed possess “incontrovertible evidences of Bhutanese
origin and nationality” (ahura 2000: 76–78). The main reasons recorded for
leaving include harassment by security forces of those people who had paid
donations to the movement or taken part in demonstrations; family members
of those arrested were told to sign vmfs to secure the release of their relatives;
family members of those who had already fled the country were told to leave;
detainees were threatened with rearrest if they did not leave the country after
being released; village heads ordered certain families to leave on the instruc-
tion of the government authorities; and those deemed nonnationals in the
census or ‘antinational’ following agitation were evicted (82–83). Most refu-
gees left Bhutan in 1991 or 1992 (77).

Oral History:
Experiencing the ‘Southern Problem’ in Kharpani Village
Kharpani village is situated in southern Bhutan close to the Indian border.6
Villagers recall that problems started when the Bhutanese government intro-
duced new policies “almost overnight” (Bidwan). Beginning in 1989 people in
the south “suddenly had to wear national dress even if they were only going
to the market” (Bidwan). In school too the government changed the rules.
“Before,” Ranju recalled, “we wore skirts and shirts to school. But then we had
to wear gho and kira, and Nepali language was removed.” Students were also
intimidated by government officials. Ranju, who was a teenager at the time,
was taken to the police station since she was playing outside the school but
not wearing national dress. She and the other girls in her class were “given a
warning that if we hadn’t cut our hair by a certain date, the school would cut
it for us.” Long hair for women is valued in Nepali culture, while northern
Bhutanese women wear their hair short. Many southern Bhutanese began
to feel “frustrated with the way we were being treated by the government”
(Bidwan). Some Kharpani villagers became involved in underground human
rights groups.
Shortly after the bpp formed in June 1990, Ranju heard in school that the
heads of two southern Bhutanese government officials had been found by
the river: “It was clear that if people did not support the bpp, they would face
132 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

the same consequences.” The bpp were active in the area and built a training
camp just over the border from Kharpani in India. One Kharpani villager,
Ganaraj, became a local bpp leader. He started collecting ‘donations’ from
other villagers and recruiting new members. The bpp members also stole peo-
ple’s cows, hens, and other animals. Tarak was pressured to join the bpp as “it
was compulsory that from every household, at least one person had to join
the party. From my house I was the person who had to go. We knew that if we
refused to go, there would be serious consequences.” The bpp members said
that if people didn’t support them, “it would be like 2 June [1990] and people
would lose six inches.” Ranju’s younger brother, Umesh, who was fourteen
when he was forced to join the bpp, estimated that there were between eighty
and ninety people from Kharpani village living in the camp.
During the day the bpp recruits did military training. Every few days Tarak
engaged in “action and counteraction against the army.” He detonated bombs
that had been built with electric poles stolen by bpp members. At night the
recruits kidnapped southern Bhutanese who had not paid their ‘donations’
or who were accused of spying for the government. Umesh remembered,
“During the kidnaps there were thirty people surrounding the house. One
person would go to the door of the house and pretend to be a relative and
call the person to the door. Someone would grab the man and others would
threaten to kill anyone else who came out of the house.” The victims were
taken over the border to the training camp, where bpp members “asked them
questions and hit them and shouted allegations at them” (Tarak). The bpp
members “used to beat people mercilessly” (Umesh), breaking bones and
knocking out teeth. Some bpp recruits were forced to participate in kidnap-
ping their relatives and neighbors. Umesh was present when his great-uncle
was kidnapped because he could not afford to pay his donation. Another vil-
lager, Parul, had to show the attackers the way to his father’s house. On one
occasion Ganaraj had a disagreement with the Drukpa husband of a southern
Bhutanese woman from Kharpani. That evening, with the help of ethnic Nep-
alese Indians from across the border, Ganaraj came to his home, knocked him
unconscious, and brought him to the training camp, where he was murdered.
In 1990 the bpp organized demonstrations against the Bhutanese govern-
ment’s policies. Due to fear of repercussions, most Kharpani villagers felt
compelled to attend. Ranju’s father, Hari, a well-respected community leader
and religious man, was asked by the bpp to lead the demonstration in this
area. Ranju recalled, “That day we were told we shouldn’t go to school or we
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  133

would lose six inches. We marched across the bridge and shouted slogans.”
Shortly after the demonstration, Hari left the village to visit a temple in India.
Ranju felt scared when the army came to the village: “As I had taken part in
the protest, my mum sent me to hide in the bush when the army came to the
village because we heard they had taken photographs of the people in the
The army started arresting people who were involved in the demonstra-
tion and told others to leave Bhutan. When the first family left the village,
“the army came and used roti flour and banged gongs to force the family out.
The Drukpas use the same method to chase away evil spirits” (Ranju). Gov-
ernment officials began searching for Hari. Ranju’s brother Padam recalled,
“The government said my father was from the bpp. Our block head came in
the evening and informed my mother that our father should not come back
to Bhutan from India, as he would be arrested. The next morning Ranju and
I left for India to find my father. We met him and told him not to come to
Bhutan.” Ranju and Padam’s mother crossed the border later that day. After
spending some months in India, the family went to the refugee camp in Nepal.
While Hari’s family left before he could be arrested, others were not so
lucky. Parul was identified as a bpp member and was jailed for one year, during
which time he was tortured. Intimidation and extortion by the bpp continued.
Ranju’s grandfather regularly had to give donations to Ganaraj, who came
from the refugee camps. In return he ensured that Ranju’s grandfather’s house
was not raided by bpp members. Ganaraj was arrested by the Bhutanese gov-
ernment in 2000 and remains in jail. After individuals left for the refugee
camps, their remaining family members experienced harassment or arrest
and were not entitled to the nocs, which continue to determine access to jobs,
travel documents, and educational opportunities. Some family members lost
their government jobs due to having relatives in the camps. Of the fifty-five
households in the village prior to 1990, thirty-five became refugees in Nepal.
Their land was redistributed to eastern and northern Bhutanese people who
now reside alongside the remaining Lhotshampas.

A Borderland People in Exile: Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal

The Lhotshampas first crossed the border from southern Bhutan into India.
However, the Indian government was unwilling to grant asylum to the refu-
gees: “We asked the Indian government for shelter in camps. We went to the
134 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

district officer to ask for permission, but then the police came and dismantled
our camp. The Central Reserve Police loaded the refugees into vehicles and
sent us to Nepal” (Krishna). The first refugees from southern Bhutan arrived
in late 1990 in eastern Nepal, where they settled by the Mai River in Jhapa dis-
trict (Hutt 2003: 251). The number of refugees steadily increased throughout
1991, reaching a peak in mid-1992 of up to six hundred people arriving each
day (257). By mid-1994 over eighty-six thousand Lhotshampa refugees were
registered in Nepal (hrw 2003). A 2007 census determined that the number
of refugees had grown to 107,923 (wfp and unhcr 2008: 5), with the increase
in population due primarily to the refugee children born in the camps. Like
many other refugees around the world, the Bhutanese “are not legally per-
mitted to work, own land, leave the camps or engage in political activities”
(Muggah 2005: 157), enforcing their dependency on international aid.
Despite being extolled by the international aid community as model camps
(Muggah 2005), the Bhutanese refugees faced the social and economic prob-
lems common to protracted camp situations: “Now people are frustrated and
blame each other for mistakes. We live in jupāpātī [slumlike bamboo huts] in
a small area very close to each other. It is like keeping rice in a pot — it nat-
urally gives a bad result. Or if you keep bamboo shoots in a bottle the taste
turns sour. This is the same as living in the camps for seventeen years with no
hope — nothing is there” (Santosh) (see figure 5.1).
While the refugees demonstrated high levels of social (physical and edu-
cational) well-being, they also experienced “unusually high levels of mental
illness” (Muggah 2005: 159). Many were separated from parents, siblings, and
other relatives, heightening the emotional impact of living in exile: “I worry
about my mother because she feels alone, but living away from her I cannot
give her all my support” (Bidwan). The refugees were sometimes able to meet
relatives still residing in Bhutan at the India-Bhutan border, and some occa-
sionally crossed the border in secret to visit their former homes. However,
these encounters were fraught with tension, due to fears that the Bhutanese
authorities might find out and arrest those still living in Bhutan. Such meet-
ings were necessarily infrequent and in many ways intensified the emotional
distress at being unable to maintain close relations with their families. The
incidence of suicide among refugees was approximately four times higher
than in the local Nepalese population (hrw 2003). Refugees also frequently
reported other social problems, including alcoholism and domestic violence,
which were perceived to have increased with the length of their stay in the
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  135

Figure 5.1. Empty plot in Beldangi 2 refugee camp, now used to grow vegetables, January
2009. Once refugees have departed for a third country, it is compulsory to deconstruct
their dwelling. Behind the plot stands a standard toilet outhouse. Photograph courtesy
of  D. N. Gellner.

camps (hrw 2003, 2007; Muggah 2005). The frustration and social decay
caused by the protracted situation made finding a solution a priority for many
refugees, some of whom took political action to achieve this.
After the Lhotshampas fled to Nepal, numerous human rights committees
and political parties were formed, and these operated alongside the already
existing groups established in southern Bhutan. However, there were concerns
among some refugees about close associations between human rights groups
and political parties. A member of ahura said, “We felt that a human rights
organization should be independent and should not be a fundraising organi-
zation for political parties.” All the groups advocated repatriation and human
rights protection, while the political parties also campaigned for multiparty
democracy in Bhutan (Hutt 2003: 260). It should be noted that calling them-
selves human rights groups and distancing themselves from political parties
lent legitimacy to the activists who did so and served to draw international
attention away from the bpp’s acts of violence and intimidation in southern
136 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

Figure 5.2. Two young girls in Sanischare refugee camp, Nepal, standing next to a solar
oven provided by the Vajra Foundation as an alternative to coal or wood for cooking,
January 2009. Photograph courtesy of  D. N. Gellner.

Despite these differences over political strategy, attempts at cooperation

have been made under umbrella groups. In 1995 and 1996 camp-based refugees
initiated the Appeal Movement Coordinating Committee to hasten repatri-
ation, which included a ‘peace march’ from the camps to Bhutan (Hutt 2003:
261). According to a founding member of ahura, the march was intended “to
bring the refugee issue back into the radar as it had faded from international
attention.” Participants walked from the camps toward Bhutan, but most were
arrested after crossing the Indian border and sent back to Nepal. Those who
reached Bhutan were arrested or immediately ejected. The idea of the peace
march has endured, however, and similar attempts to return peacefully on
foot have been repeated by various refugee organizations.
For many years most refugees expressed a wish to repatriate to Bhutan, and
the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees emphasized return as
the most desirable solution. The government of Nepal has “always advocated
for an honorable and respectful repatriation of the refugees,” I was told in 2007
by an official working in the refugee section of the Home Ministry. It held a
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  137

total of fifteen bilateral meetings with Bhutanese government representatives

to this end between 1993 and 2003. The Bhutanese government claimed most
of the ‘refugees’ were “people of Nepali origin from the north-eastern states of
India and other areas,” invited by the ‘anti-nationals’ to “inflate” their num-
bers (rgb 1992). In 1993 the Bhutanese and Nepali governments established a
Ministerial Joint Committee to seek a solution (Hutt 2005: 48). In 2001 these
negotiations culminated in a process of joint verification (jv) to determine the
national identity of the camp residents. When the results of the jv process in
Khudanabari camp were finally announced in 2003, only 293 individuals (2.4
percent of the camp population) had been identified as genuine Bhutanese
with the right to return to their country (Hutt 2005: 49). Frustrated by this
outcome, some refugees attacked the Bhutanese members of the jv team. This
halted the process, which was never completed in the other six camps.
The failure of the jv process caused many refugees and international actors
to conclude that a negotiated repatriation to Bhutan was currently impossible
and inspired new activities aimed to reacquire citizenship for the refugees. In
October 2006 the U.S. government offered resettlement places for sixty thou-
sand Bhutanese refugees, and other countries committed to resettle smaller
numbers. Many refugees welcomed the chance to move to countries where
they would eventually be eligible for citizenship. However, others opposed
the proposal of any durable solution except repatriation. Motivated by the
political impact of the Maoists in Nepal, a Bhutanese revolutionary movement
was launched by camp-based refugees in 2003 and also operates in southern
Bhutan (Adhikari 2007). The Communist Party of Bhutan (cpb) asserts that
the monarchy must be overthrown by force in order to achieve civil rights in
Bhutan and opposes the resettlement process, which it terms a U.S.-Bhuta-
nese conspiracy “to stop the people’s war in Bhutan and protect the Wang­
chuk regime” (as reported to me by a refugee who attended a cpb meeting in
the camps in February 2007). While some refugees chose to support the cpb,
the party capitalized on the example set by the Nepali Maoists, whose brutal
treatment of individual nonsupporters was effective in achieving compliance.
One refugee man remarked to me, “Because the Nepali Maoists set a prece-
dent with people who did not cooperate with them, it is not necessary for the
Bhutanese Maoists to have to do the same.”
These contrasting perspectives on the refugees’ future produced severe
political tensions in the camps, resulting in collective violence against pro-
resettlement refugees in May and August 2007. Despite these hostilities, the
138 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

resettlement process quickly accelerated. The cpb continued to demand that

the Nepal government stop the resettlement process and threatened to launch
attacks if these demands were not met.7 However, by February 2009, over ten
thousand Bhutanese refugees had been resettled in third countries, includ-
ing the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.8 Meanwhile a Bhutanese
communist leader told me in January 2009 that 160 refugees had crossed back
over two international borders (Nepal-India and India-Bhutan) to begin their
revolutionary struggle in Bhutan: “We have five teams of guerrillas inside
Bhutan, working in the west, central and eastern side.” He confirmed that
these guerrillas receive support and arms from other communist groups op-
erating in India and depend on southern Bhutanese villagers for “rice, shelter,
shoes, and sleeping bags.” Based on the activities of the cpb in the refugee
camps and the methods employed by the Nepali Maoists, it is likely that some
southern Bhutanese villagers feel compelled to assist the cadres due to fear
of violent repercussions. These activities are likely to impact negatively on
those Lhotshampas remaining in Bhutan; indeed, by January 2009, according
to this same cpb leader, fifty Bhutanese citizens had been arrested for being
members of the party.9

This chapter has explored the experiences of the Lhotshampas of Bhutan,

offering an analysis of how the state’s presence is felt in borderland areas and
how borderland people interact with the state. The Lhotshampas are a bor-
derland people whose arrival in southern Bhutan coincided with the begin-
ning of a process of state building. When the Bhutanese government tried to
introduce a homogeneous national identity to match the country’s political
borders, some Lhotshampas protested against these policies, which they felt
attacked their ethnic and cultural identity. Lhotshampa political leaders, such
as Tek Nath Rizal, attempted to defend the southern Bhutanese people’s cul-
tural and citizenship rights to the government. After these negotiations failed
to achieve the desired result, some Lhotshampas engaged in peaceful and/or
violent protests against the ‘one nation, one people’ policy. When the govern-
ment crushed this dissent, the Lhotshampas crossed an international border
to escape political repression and eventually found international protection
as refugees in Nepal.
This conflict precipitated the flight of tens of thousands of Lhotshampas.
While refugee and Bhutanese government interpretations appear to be con-
tradictory, they are both partial versions, each containing and excluding im-
The Perils of Being a Borderland People  |  139

portant elements. As my informant suggested, there are indeed “two sides to

the river,” and “two things cannot be denied: the government discrimination
and the bpp pressure” (Bidwan). Yet in Bhutan only one side of this story is
told and accepted: the violence on the part of ‘antinationals’ and bpp mem-
bers. While in the camps across the Indian and Nepal borders it is the other
side of the story — the government oppression — that is the dominant narrative
of the past.
However, although the Bhutanese government’s and refugee political ac-
tivists’ accounts of the conflict are diametrically opposed, the oral histories
collected from refugee adults allow an alternative story to be told. As Baud
and Van Schendel (1997: 212) assert, “Rather than focusing on the rhetoric and
intentions of central governments, we look at the social realities provoked by
them.” The voices of refugee adults describe the experiences of a small num-
ber of people from a borderland village where political activists were able reg-
ularly to traverse an ‘invisible’ national boundary to promote political aware-
ness and the rights of Lhotshampa communities. Their memories emphasize
the perspectives of ordinary villagers caught between the Bhutanese state and
local political activists, demonstrating that, as Baud and Van Schendel argue,
it is necessary to consider “the triangular set up within border regions,” where
the state, the borderland elite, and local inhabitants engage in social and po-
litical struggle (241–42). These triangular interactions are missing from most
accounts of the Lhotshampas’ exodus, which usually favor either the govern-
ment or the refugee leaders’ version of events. This results in a lack of attention
to the experiences of ordinary citizens, many of whom have been residing in
long-term camps since the early 1990s and whose lives have been affected by
the political rhetoric and actions of the government and regional elite.
Finally, the Lhotshampas’ transborder identity, as members of a group of
Nepali-speaking people in this region of South Asia, highlights the impor-
tance of considering borderlands on both sides of an international border.
Regional developments such as demographic and political transformations
in Sikkim and the violent Gorkhaland movement in West Bengal contributed
to the Bhutanese government’s fears over the national loyalty of their Nepali-
speaking borderland population. These concerns were exacerbated by the
Lhotshampas’ cross-border connections, which allowed activists to establish
oppositional political parties (e.g., the bsc and the bpp) and receive support
from Nepali-speaking people on the Indian side of the border. Such cross-
border affiliations continue to influence social and political realities today,
140 | R O S A L I N D E VA N S

as the cpb receives training and arms from revolutionary groups in India
and from the Maoists in Nepal to further its goal of revolution in Bhutan. In
this case, the political, economic, and cultural impact of  borders encompasses
borderlands in three states: India, Bhutan, and Nepal. These nations are all
implicated in the conflict and its aftermath, which has resulted in the exis-
tence of  long-term camps in eastern Nepal and the refugees’ ongoing attempts
to return to their homeland and to instigate political change there.

Notes to Chapter 5
1. All names have been changed to protect the identities of informants.
2. The research was part of my DPhil in international development studies at the
University of Oxford. I am grateful to the Economic and Social Research Council U.K.
for funding this research.
3. Lhotshampa is the Dzongkha name for ethnic Nepali Bhutanese, meaning ‘south-
ern border dweller’ (lho — south, tsham — border, pa — suffix meaning people).
4. Desai’s (2006) award-winning novel includes an account of gnlf violence.
5. “An article in Kuensel on 7 March 1992 quoted the Home Minister as saying that
current figures for murder and kidnapping by ‘anti-nationals’ stood at 39 and 180
respectively” (ai 1992).
6. ‘Kharpani’ is a pseudonym to protect the identities of informants, whose names
have also been changed. I have chosen not to name the district in which this village
is situated. All these histories were collected in the Bhutanese refugee camps from
people I consider to be reliable informants, in Ranju’s case in November 2006, for most
of the others in November 2007.
7. See November 2008 cpb Press Release, in possession of the author.
8. See International Organization of Migration report, accessed 20 May 2009, www
9. The cpb is believed to have divided into two factions in 2008, led by Commander
Birat and Commander Vikalpa, respectively. While their anti-resettlement activities
in the camps have dwindled, the Bhutan News Services report that one branch has
since employed explosives in Bhutan (Mishra 2010).
SIX | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

Developing the Border

The State and the Political Economy of
Development in Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh, situated in the extreme northeast corner of  India, is char-

acterized by an extraordinary degree of ecological, institutional, and cultural
diversity. The State has undergone remarkable economic changes within a
comparatively short period of time. The relatively isolated economies of the
tribal communities of the area, which were later reorganized as Arunachal
Pradesh, were gradually integrated into the larger economy only after inde-
pendence, and more particularly after the Indo-China War of 1962. The State’s
economy has not only experienced a remarkable growth over the past decades;
it has diversified from a localized, nature-based subsistence economy into a
thoroughly integrated market economy, notwithstanding the continuing sig-
nificance of some of the traditional economic institutions. The predominantly
barter economy has been almost completely transformed into a monetized
economy within a relatively short time. Market institutions are still under-
developed in many respects, and there are many regional variations in the
degree of integration with the market economy, but a remarkable feature of
the transformation process is the way the ecological, historical, and policy-
induced specificities of the State have shaped the trajectories of economic
Arunachal Pradesh shares 1,746 kilometers of boundaries with the neigh-
boring countries: 160 kilometers on its western frontier with Bhutan, 1,146 ki-
lometers to the north with Tibet (China), and 440 kilometers to the east with
142 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

Myanmar. In the south Arunachal Pradesh has a State boundary mainly with
Assam and Nagaland (see maps 6.1 and 8.1). The overwhelming significance of
Arunachal Pradesh as a ‘border state’ has not only shaped the politics of gov-
ernance of the region; it has had significant implications for the development
process as well. Understanding the interactions and interdependencies among
the local state, the market, and the ‘community’ in the region provides fresh
insights into the diverse ways in which the ‘identity’ of the agents remains cru-
cial to the nature and outcomes of transactions, both economic and political.
In this chapter I focus on the interactions between the state, market forces,
and the communities of Arunachal Pradesh. Among the many specificities
that have shaped the transformation of Arunachal’s economy, three signifi-
cant dimensions deserve special mention: the ecological specificities of a hill
economy;1 the institutional complexity underlying the use of and access to the
various forces of production such as land, forests, and labor; and the historical
role of the state as the prime mover of economic transformation. I argue that
the nature of state intervention in Arunachal’s economy as well as the char-
acter of local governance have also been influenced to a considerable extent
by the perceived significance of Arunachal Pradesh as a sensitive border State.
Institutional diversity, which itself is an outcome of the specific ways the state,
market, and community institutions have interacted with each other, remains
a key feature of the economy in contemporary Arunachal Pradesh, and it plays
a central role in determining the nature of economic transformation in rural
Arunachal Pradesh.2 In the complex interplay of state power, market forces,
and the community, the strategies adopted by various agencies and actors
cannot be explained without reference to the proximity of borders.
I present a historical perspective on the borders with particular reference
to the recorded history of trade across the Himalayas. Contrary to the post­
independence perception of Arunachal as ‘isolated,’ historical evidence sug-
gests that trade between the Assam plains and Tibet flourished throughout
the region that is known today as Arunachal Pradesh. I briefly outline ad-
ministrative and political developments in Arunachal to bring out some im-
portant implications for the process of economic development. Subsequently
I discuss the nature of government intervention, its role in the creation of a
market economy, and the various ways community institutions have been
transformed as a result of these changes.
Developing the Border  |  143

District Boundary CHINA

State Boundary
District Headquarter
Yingkiong VALLEY

Along Pasighat Tezu
Koloriang LOHIT
WEST Seppa
PARE Changlang
BHUTAN Bomdila
Yupia Knonsa
0 30 60 mi
0 50 100 km

Map 6.1. Arunachal Pradesh and its districts.

Borders in Historical Perspective

The tribal communities of Arunachal Pradesh are generally described as iso-
lated from the mainstream, but long before the present day there were signif-
icant exchanges and contacts both among these communities and with the
Tibet in the north and Assam in the south (Ray 2005). As the region wit-
nessed continuous migration flows from both Tibet and Myanmar, many of
the ethnic groups had strong kinship ties with their relatives living beyond the
borders. The borders, for them, were artificial constructs imposed by distant
powers.3 Moreover, as chronicled by anthropologists, the borders that mat-
tered most for indigenous communities were village boundaries or the moral
and social boundaries of the community.4 Physical boundaries between states
were, by all accounts, fluid. With colonization came the need and justification
for clearly demarcated, cartographically supported borders. In this part of
India at least, the borders did not exist on the ground for those living near
them, even after lines were drawn and defended by the ‘modern’ nation-states.
People living near the borders maintained their ties with their neighbors, un-
less physically prevented from doing so (see map 6.1).
144 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

Historical records and folk narratives point to the exchange of goods of var-
ious kinds among and through the tribes of present-day Arunachal Pradesh.
The region acted as a continuum in the economic and cultural space that
linked present-day Assam and Tibet. There were various established trade
routes through which people and goods traveled, negotiations and trans­
actions were carried out, conflicts and feuds were encountered, and links were
The composition and volume of trade depended upon the resource base
of the tribes and their needs and surpluses. But the economic ties were not
limited to trade alone. The livelihoods in this mountainous region were in-
terdependent and were linked to resources available at different locations, al-
titudes, and geographical spaces. The pastoral communities, for example, had
to move across different altitudes and territories depending upon the seasonal
availability of resources.
It is interesting to note that, while in various postindependence discourses,
the Northeast region in general, and Arunachal Pradesh in particular, is rou-
tinely described as a remote, exotic, and distant frontier and the history of
the region ‘since time immemorial’ is described in narratives of isolation and
stagnation, the economic, social, and cultural disruption that has been en-
gineered by the creation of borders, has hardly been discussed. India’s inde-
pendence and the partition of the country dislocated and created hardships
for peoples living across the borders. While the violent and forced eviction
of people across the western border has remained a constant reminder of
the pains of nation making, the Partition in the northeastern frontier has
remained obscured for a long time, at least in official narratives.
The significance of borders for present-day Arunachal Pradesh is obvious.
But it is important to note that the severity with which borders restricted the
movement of people and commodities was not the same everywhere. Depend-
ing on the nature of relations between India and its eastern neighbors, which
has not remained constant over the past six decades or so, and the degree
of strategic significance of the borders, some of them were relatively strictly
monitored and others were allowed to remain porous. This continues to be
so even today.
In order to make sense of how the indigenous populations living along
the borders perceive these borders, it is important to take note of the his-
tory of migration and trade in the region. Historical evidence shows that the
tribal communities of Arunachal Pradesh have had a long tradition of trade
Developing the Border  |  145

relations with the neighboring populations of Tibet, China, Myanmar, Naga

Hills, and Assam.5 While Assam is called the Eastern Gateway for the pas-
sage of people, commodities, and ideas between India and China (Chatterji
1955), before the British period through which all the border countries were
connected Arunachal Pradesh was a commercial and military route.6 During
the precolonial period the hill tribes carried on barter trade with Tibet, China,
Bhutan, Myanmar, and Assam due to ethnic ties, Nyetsang (family friends
and trading partners), and geographical proximity (Bhattacharjee 1997, 2002;
Mibang 2002; Salam 2008). Trade through hill passes, or duars, contributed
to the affluence of the chiefs who controlled them.7
There were two trade routes from Tawang to Tsona in Tibet: the Bumla
route and the Zemithang route. A market was appended to each duar through
which trade was carried on. Besides the periodic markets, annual fairs were
held in some of the duars, like Udalguri and Daimara. There were also two
other principal trade routes in the Siang district that passed through Bori and
Bokar countries to the Tibetan plateau (Kumar 2002). Pangsu Pass in Pakai
Hills was one of the trade routes to India from the upper part of Myanmar.
Although the extent of early border trade across the Pangsu Pass was not as
voluminous as trade with Tibet, the trade route connecting Sadiya, Hookong
Valley, Mougong, and Bhamo went up to Ava and onward to southwest China
(Sebastian 2002). The tribes of Arunachal Pradesh not only bartered their
own products to Tibetans and others across the borders and in the marts; they
also acted as intermediaries between different trading communities of Assam,
Tibet, and Burma. Thus trade relations along both the eastern (Myanmar) and
western (Tibet) borders were an important aspect of the tribal economy in this
region even before the colonial period (Government of Arunachal Pradesh
2009: 45–48).
Silk, tussa, rice, iron, lac, skin, buffalo horn, pearl, and more were brought
from Assam to Tibet, while Arunachalis bartered pepper, ginger, wax, ivory,
cotton, wool, gold, yak tails, rubber, elephants’ tusks with Assam for salt, cloth,
glass beads, utensils, and agricultural implements. In a traditional cross-country
trading system, traded items also varied from tribe to tribe. Bhuyan (1974,
quoted in Bhattacharjee 2002: 35) writes that “the Mishimis living in the hills
to the north of Sadiya brought with them Lama swords and spears and the
vegetable poison known as Mishimi tita, and these they exchanged for glass
beads, clothes, salt, and honey. The Abors and Miris brought pepper, ginger,
munjit, and wax. The Singphos used to bring ivory in considerable quantities.”
146 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

In the Tawang belt of the Mon region, where maize, millet, and barley were the
staples, rice was procured from Udalguri and other places and was bartered
with rock salt from Tibet (Dutta and Jha 2002). The periodic bazaar of Tsona
was usually held on the fifth, seventh, and eleventh months of the Tibetan
calendar. Apart from the rice and rock salt trade, the items traded at Tsona
Bazaar included chili, millet, chhurpee (dried smoked cheese), dry meat, an-
imal fats, dye, local paper, incense sticks, vegetables, fruits, wool and woolen
garments, blankets, and other traditional local garments. Thus the traded
items included not only immediate necessities but also culturally significant
items used in religious rituals. Within the tribal communities of Arunachal
Pradesh, these items were often markers of social prestige and status.
However, these exchanges and the social interactions underlying them were
not entirely smooth. For example, Mibang (2002) points out that, although
the Adis, particularly Boris and Bokars, had a traditional barter system with
Tibet for articles like raw hides and chilies in exchange for rock salt, woolen
clothes, swords, vessels, and ornaments, the Minyong group among the Adis
were very suspicious of contact with others, presumably due to the absence
of related ethnic groups across the border. There is little evidence about how,
if at all, trade was regulated; perhaps the market was controlled by the local
administration. In the Mon region in western Arunachal Pradesh, trade was
supervised by Dzongs (the local administration), and the Tawang monastery
regulated the rock-salt trade (Salam 2008). The expansion and consolidation
of colonial rule to these frontier areas altered the context of trade across the
Himalayas. Annual trade fairs were organized by colonial authorities as part
of the strategy of maintaining cordial relations with tribal chiefs and also to
expand trade to Tibet through the region (Sikdar 1997). Gradually the tradi-
tional payment of posa to tribal chiefs was monetized and they were encour-
aged to buy different commodities from the fairs.8 During the colonial period,
trade with Tibet declined significantly due to the supply of salt by the British,
which was the most important item of Tibetan export. The opening up of
regular permanent markets and shops as well as domestic trade hastened the
decline of this trade.9 Although the British initially wanted to open up the
trade routes and rail link from Sadiya to western China via the Mishimi Hills,
the idea had been abandoned due to strained Sino-British relations in the early
years of the twentieth century.
Trade was only one of the means of interaction among the people across
the present-day borders. Pilgrimage, inter- and intraclan social interactions,
Developing the Border  |  147

movement of people in search of better livelihood options, and the seasonal

migration of pastoralists constituted other dimensions of cross-border link-
ages. In relatively isolated habitations across the Bhutan and Myanmar bor-
ders such interactions continue to be a significant aspect of people’s survival.
So far as the Indo-China border is concerned, the 1962 Indo-China War was
definitely a watershed. Movements across the borders were severely restricted,
and it was the pastoral people who were most severely affected by this devel-
opment. In Tawang district in western Arunachal Pradesh, for example, many
of the tribal people depending upon livestock lost their grazing grounds as the
border management was tightened. On the other hand, in many places trade
in livestock and movements of herders across the border continue, although
to a lesser extent than before. Notwithstanding the posturing of the respective
states, on the ground borders remain porous and negotiable in many contexts.
The consolidation of security and military establishments has meant a dis-
ruption of these flows, but sporadic and clandestine contacts continue among
the people living on either side. The nature of these contacts varies from the
trade in legal and illegal goods to social visits. Some of these transactions are
regulated and monitored through border posts, but many are informal and
illegal. Occasionally such transborder contacts have led to conflicts as well.10
To sum up, contrary to the assumptions of isolation, fixity, and remoteness,
many of the tribal communities of Arunachal Pradesh have long been interact-
ing with each other as well as with the people living in the Assam plains and
Tibet. Permanent and semipermanent migration of populations has always
been and remains an important aspect of the economic and social landscape
of the region.

Consolidation of Administration
During the colonial period the area was largely unadministered. Hence the
governance structure of the tribes, which itself was very diverse, remained
significant for a longer period in these areas than in other parts of India.
Though the colonial encounter had a profound and long-term impact on the
local economy and society (Sikdar 1982), village councils and chieftainships
continued to be important.11
The Inner Line Regulation, enacted by the British Indian government in
1873, restricted the entry of outsiders to the area. As per the provisions of this
Act, people from other parts of the country cannot enter the State without the
148 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

permission of the government. They also cannot own any fixed assets in the
State. Colonial interests and perceptions dictated this restriction, which was
aimed at keeping the tribal populations free from unwanted migration from
other parts of India.12 In the context of the Chittagong Hill tracts, where a
similar policy was followed, Van Schendel (1992: 111) writes, “Far from being a
charter for regional autonomy or a protection of ‘tribal’ rights (as some would
have it) it marked the onset of a process of ‘enclavement’ in which the hill
people were denied access to power and were subordinated and exploited di-
rectly by their British overlords.” Arunachal Pradesh remained less closely
integrated into the empire than the Chittagong Hill tracts, but the implica-
tions of the policy of exclusion have remained significant, even during the
postindependence period.
Thus modernization is, for the most part, a postindependence phenome-
non in Arunachal Pradesh, beginning gradually with the establishment of a
direct administrative structure in the State (Luthra 1993). For many years after
independence, the area earlier known as North Eastern Frontier Tracts and
renamed North Eastern Frontier Agency (nefa) in 1954, was under the Minis-
try of External Affairs of the government of India. Although constitutionally
nefa was a part of Assam, the nefa administration was not fully integrated
with that of Assam. It was administered directly by the governor of Assam,
who acted as the representative of the president of India. The Legislative As-
sembly of Assam did not have the authority to enact laws for nefa. Although
the first general election in India was held in 1952, the adult franchise was not
extended to Arunachal Pradesh for a long time because of a special provision
of the Representation of People Act of 1951.13 The Bordoloi Subcommittee,
which was appointed in 1950 to recommend an administrative framework
for tribals of Assam and other unrepresented people, was also not in favor of
extending the franchise to the people of nefa on the grounds that the level of
consciousness among the tribals was very low (Chaube 1999: 193). The Pan-
chayati Raj institutions of local democratic governance introduced modern
participatory political processes to the State only in 1969.
The 1962 war with China exposed the vulnerability of the Indian state in
the region (Maxwell 1970). The Indian leadership made concerted efforts to
address the weak administrative integration of the area in its policies for the
region in subsequent periods. In 1972 nefa was made a Union Territory and
was named Arunachal Pradesh under the North Eastern Reorganisation Act
of 1971. This Act provided Arunachal Pradesh with one seat in the Rajya Sabha
Developing the Border  |  149

(upper house) and another in the Lok Sabha (lower house), to be filled by pres-
idential nomination. It was only in 1977 that the first general elections on the
basis of universal adult franchise took place.
In 1987 the Union Territory became the twenty-fourth State of India. With
the granting of the statehood, the establishment of institutional infrastructure
in this hilly and sparsely populated land was further consolidated (Govern-
ment of Arunachal Pradesh 2006: 3–9). The State was granted special status in
the constitution, which entitles it to receive liberal financial assistance from the
center. The special powers enjoyed by the governor of Arunachal Pradesh have
continued to be a bone of contention between the center and State leadership.

The Political Economy of State-Induced Transformation

For a number of historical, political, and strategic reasons, the state has played
a central role in modernizing and thereby increasing the productive capacity
of the economy. There are basically three sources of the liberal grants that
Arunachal receives from the center. The first is the statutory transfers made
on the recommendation of the Finance Commission. The second is the plan
assistance by the Planning Commission. Third are different centrally spon-
sored schemes by different ministries of the central government.
As an example of Arunachal’s economic dependence on central govern-
ment, in 2008–9 the percentage share of own tax revenue to gross state do-
mestic product (gsdp) was only 3 percent.14 During the seventeen years from
1986–87 to 2002–3 the real inflow to the State increased at a constant annual
growth rate of 2.55 percent. The inflow of funds from the center constituted
about 80 percent of the total revenue of the State (Government of Arunachal
Pradesh 2006). So far as the composition of the central inflow is concerned,
the share of grants in total inflow has increased in recent years, from 68 per-
cent in 1997–98 to 82 percent during 2002–3.
Jairam Ramesh (2005), a politician from the Congress Party and a min-
ister in the central government, argues that the central policies toward the
Northeast have passed through four different phases: the Culture Paradigm,
influential in the 1950s and the 1960s, viewed the Northeast as a “phenome-
nally diverse mosaic of cultures which have to be preserved and enriched”;
the Security Paradigm, which came into greater prominence in the wake of
the Chinese invasion of 1962, saw the Northeast as a “strategically significant
region not only in a geographical sense but in a larger geopolitical sense of
150 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

India’s role in East Asia and Southeast Asia”; the Politics Paradigm, which
acquired relevance in the 1970s, was based on the presumption that lack of
political representation in ‘mainstream’ democratic processes has led to the
alienation of people of the region. Thus the creation of new States was part
of a policy to accommodate subnationalist and ethnic aspirations within the
broad framework of parliamentary democracy; the Development Paradigm
of the 1980s is an economic response premised on the belief that “if we build
schools, bridges, internet centers, iits [branches of the Indian Institute of
Technology] and refineries, the people will be happy. Give them development
and they will forget about problems of identity, problems of assertion, prob-
lems associated with creating a nation out of essentially tribal communities.
Thus the 1980s was the period marked by a substantial increase in public ex-
penditure in this region.” Since the 1990s, one may add, another phase in the
dominant thinking about the Northeast has been added: the neoliberal para-
digm, linked with the much-hyped transnational dimension through India’s
Look East Policy (compare Farrelly, in chapter 8, this volume). For entirely
different reasons, both critics and policymakers for the region seem to agree
that once international trade and markets take over, the highways linking the
booming economies of Southeast Asia and China with that of India through
the Northeast will also bring peace and prosperity to the region.15 Ramesh
(2005) himself argues that “the future of the Northeast lies in political integra-
tion with India and economic integration with Southeast Asia.”
Many analysts believe that the political decision to create a number of small
States in the region did not pay adequate attention to the question of their eco-
nomic and fiscal viability (Sachdeva 2000; Rao and Singh 2004). The States of
Northeast India, including Arunachal Pradesh, have been heavily dependent
upon central government assistance and are routinely described as States fac-
ing a severe “fiscal crisis” (Sarma 2005), mainly because of their low internal
revenue-generation capacities. While this ‘asymmetric federalism’ has acted
as a means of preserving the unity of India in the face of secessionist move-
ments (Rao and Singh 2004), the center’s policy has also been blamed for the
crisis of state finances in India, particularly in the case of the special category
States.16 Political commentators like Sanjib Baruah (2003a), however, argue
that this policy of creation of unviable States, which are perpetually dependent
on the center for their day-to-day survival, has given rise to a ‘cosmetic’ re-
gional federal order, in which the center retains sufficient control to achieve its
strategic and developmentalist objectives. The heavy dependence on central
Developing the Border  |  151

assistance has also meant that there is little local control over development
schemes. The centrality of the government sector in general and public ad-
ministration has shaped the growth trajectory of the State to a great extent.
The other significant aspect of the ‘developmentalist’ vision in this bor-
der state is the interrelationship between the security and developmental as-
pects of government spending in general, and in infrastructure in particular.
As noted by Baruah (2004a), the state has always placed heavy emphasis on
building roads. Poor connectivity to the plains was a major reason for the
military debacle in the 1962 war with China. In subsequent decades consid-
erable effort was made to develop road connectivity in this difficult terrain,
a process that has been termed ‘nationalizing space’ (Baruah 2003a, 2004a).
The construction of roads, mostly by the Border Roads Organisation, has had
many significant consequences for the State’s economy, both intended and un-
intended. First, most of the roads were developed in a north-south direction,
connecting the borders with China to the plains of Assam, which probably
makes sense from the security point of view, but it also means that to visit one
district headquarters from another, the people of Arunachal have to travel a
long distance through Assam.17 Second, these roads have become so signif-
icant for the people that the settlement patterns in the uplands have under-
gone significant changes. Many villages have shifted from old sites to newer
sites nearer the roads. This has led to the creation of multiclan, multitribe
villages with several implications for control and management of community
resources, including land and forests. Third, in the construction of roads local
people were employed as contractors, which not only cemented the relation-
ship between the locals and the administration but also played a catalytic role
in creating a local contractor class.

State, Market, and Community

These specific characteristics of Arunachal Pradesh play an important role in
creating the overall context in which the political economy of development
is shaped by the actions and inactions of various forces — local, national, and
international. In this analysis, I attempt to understand these processes by
looking at the ways the local State, market forces, and ‘community’ interact
with and influence each other.
As discussed earlier, in Arunachal Pradesh most villages had some institu-­
tional mechanism such as a village council to manage and safeguard property
152 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

rights in land and forests. While in some areas the institution of chieftainship
was well developed and individuals derived their rights of ownership from the
village chief, in many areas the village council, consisting exclusively of adult
males, was the basic institution of decision making, conflict resolution, and
collective action (Misra 1979; Das 1995; Dutta 2003; Pandey et al. 1999). The
traditional shifting cultivation system was based upon elaborate networks of
informal contracts and on cooperation, as well as on resource pooling, risk
sharing, and mutual insurance mechanisms. Verrier Elwin, an anthropologist
and advisor to Prime Minister Nehru on tribal affairs, firmly believed in the
democratic ethos of these institutions. He advocated that state policy should
encourage these micro-institutions as the building blocks of democratic gov-
ernance of this region (Elwin [1957] 1999). The Nehru-Elwin policy was un-
equivocal in its belief that tribals should not be overwhelmed with change.18
The anxieties and the utopian vision of the Indian administration in these
border regions are best captured by Elwin ([1957] 1999: 146, emphasis added)
in A Philosophy for nefa: “Every official is an ambassador and the frontier
people’s idea of India will largely depend on his behaviour. They will judge
not by what they are told, but by what they see. India is becoming real to them,
and if they can blend a pride in their own culture with a pride in the greater
Indian culture of which it forms a part, they will be not only politically but
psychologically integrated with the rest of the country. This task of emotional
integration is of special importance in the remote areas along the international
boundary.”19 Although this policy was advanced primarily at the level of rhet-
oric, particularly after the 1962 war,20 the anxieties of managing and con-
trolling a border region remained at the core of the administrative practices
on the ground. A significant outcome of this process was that involving the
locals, however superficially, became one of the conscious strategies of the
State administration.21 In the absence of a representative governance structure
at the beginning, this involved inviting the local chiefs and influential persons
to be part of the governance structure ‘informally,’ a policy that had its origin
during the colonial administration. As the institutions of democratic gover-
nance started taking root in the State, the older generations of leaders were
gradually replaced by the ‘new elites.’ However, the elites, both old and new,
derived their legitimacy as representatives of their respective communities.
To a great extent, contemporary politics in Arunachal Pradesh continues to
operate in this broad framework of communal representation (Ghosh et al.
Developing the Border  |  153

2005). Hence the politics of identity and difference plays a long-enduring and
important role in such a framework of governance.
To put this argument in context one needs to understand the historical tra-
jectories of the politics of identity and difference in Northeast India, which,
as elsewhere, has a long and complex history. The colonial project of building
the empire and the postcolonial politics of nation building are the broader
processes in which the ethnic landscape of Northeast India has taken shape.
The extraordinary ethnic diversity in the region makes its politics complex
and fragmented, but the roots of the fragmented nature of the polity do not
emanate from the coexistence of diverse ethnic groups alone. It also has re-
sulted from the multiple ways external forces such as the state and capital have
interacted with this diversity. One of the ways state and markets have inter-
acted with and changed the ethnic landscape of the region, at least since the
encounters with colonialism, is the way property rights over crucial livelihood
resources have been altered or created. The micro-ethnic communities had
their respective institutions of governance at the community level, and these
institutional arrangements not only regulated the religious and social life of
the members but also governed access to a range of tangible and nontangible
resources that were crucial for the survival of the people. Depending upon
the resource endowment position and the particular history of the commu-
nity, its rules might be well defined or ambiguous, strictly or loosely applied.
But the state-induced move toward modernization and integration of the local
economies with the broader regional and national economies led to significant
alterations in the way property rights were created, destroyed, or rearranged
to suit the demands of the changing economic and political contexts. These
ethnically inflected property rights were protected by various policies, includ-
ing restrictions on land transfer and mobility of labor and reservations in jobs,
government contracts, and business licenses, all of which give people a strong
vested interest in communal identities (Harriss-White et al. 2010). There is a
common tendency to view these changes through the binary prisms of ‘de-
struction of the old and creation of new’ institutional forms. A detailed study of
the changes in various dimensions of property rights and institutional mech-
anisms, however, shows that the transition has been complex (Harriss-White
et al. 2009). It involved destruction, survival, adaptation, and modifications of
the precapitalist institutional structures, along with the creation of newer in-
stitutional forms. The institutional diversity and complexity that underlie such
154 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

transitions are to be seen not simply as leftovers of the past but as the defining
characteristics of the nature of capitalist transition in the region. Adding to
the specificities of the situation is, of course, the continuing significance of
the traditional institutions governing access to natural resources. The state
and market forces are constantly interacting with and, by implication, chang-
ing various dimensions of the resource-management practices in Arunachal,
but, as of now, the institutional milieu is defined more by heterogeneity and
hybridity than by institutional convergence. In a recent field survey in eleven
villages in five districts of Arunachal Pradesh, Harriss-White et al. (2009: 512)
found that “institutional adaptation, continuity and hybridity are as integral
to the emergence of the market economy as are the processes of creation of
new institutions and demise of others. There is no necessary correspondence
between the emerging commercialization of the different productive dimen-
sions of the agrarian economy. These uneven processes are deeply influenced
by existing and emerging power relations and by the state.”
As noted, in Arunachal Pradesh nearly 63 percent of forests categorized
as ‘unclassified state forest’ are in fact in the hands of village communities
and clans. However, the effective control of these forests varies considerably
among different communities. Individual property rights over land in prac-
tice coexist with de jure collective rights in forests. Irrespective of the precise
nature of property rights regimes operating at the ground level, there is an
unmistakable tendency toward de facto privatization of the ownership or at
least use rights over forests. The individual ownership rights, particularly in
regard to alienation rights, are necessarily subject to community control in
many areas (D’Souza 2001: 46; Mishra 2006; Harriss-White et al. 2009), but
the exploitation of forest resources, particularly timber, before the imposi-
tion of restrictions by the Supreme Court of India has certainly weakened
the ethos of collective management. Apart from the environmental impact
of deforestation, induced by the wanton exploitation of the ‘common’ for-
est for private gain, the institutional impact was that the traditional rules of
resource use, which had been designed in a resource-abundant context and
hence involved almost no cost for monitoring, became redundant so rapidly
that communities did not have the social capital to address the problem. The
emergence of a labor market itself transformed the labor-sharing practices,
and since most of the traditional institutional mechanisms were based upon
the implicit assumption of labor shortage, their distributive egalitarianism
lost the capacity for conflict-minimization (Mishra 2002, 2004).
Developing the Border  |  155

The transformation of property relations has hastened the processes of

peasant differentiation. Landlessness has increased, although there is a great
degree of unevenness in the process.22 It is important to note that this shift
from a communal economy to increasing economic and gender differentiation
did not occur primarily because of factors like internal population growth (al-
though migration from outside has played a significant catalytic role) but be-
cause of state interventions in terms of discouraging shifting cultivation and
the provision of incentives to ‘progressive’ farmers to grow commercial crops.
In such contexts the state, on the one hand, has facilitated the emergence of
private property rights through a series of direct and indirect measures, while
on the other hand, by not taking cognizance of the move toward privatization,
by remaining at best a passive observer of it, the state has virtually left the
process in the hands of ‘traditional’ community institutions. These institu-
tions, notwithstanding their other strengths as institutions of decentralized,
local-level governance, are hardly ‘participatory’ when it comes to women and
other socially marginalized groups (Krishna 2004; Goswami 2002; Mishra
and Upadhyay 2007).
An important dimension of the development process in Arunachal Pradesh
is the reworking of the ‘traditional’ community identities under the influence
of the state-led modernization drive. It is widely recognized that “ethnicity is
not a primordially given essence, but the outcome of complex socio-cultural
and political processes of labelling and identifying people” (Peters 1998: 400;
see also Collier 1998). The politics of identity and difference in Arunachal
Pradesh, as elsewhere, involves considerable rediscovery and invention of the
past in the light of the present. It has been influenced not only by the introduc-
tion of electoral democracy but also by the unequal distribution of the fruits
and burdens of economic prosperity. Ethnic politics in Northeast India have
been an important aspect of the transition in the region, particularly in the
context of the heavy military presence of the state and its relative inability to
protect the life, livelihoods, and dignity of its citizens (Baruah 2003b, 2004b).
The relative weakness of the state in safeguarding property rights and enforc-
ing contracts typically creates the space for the emergence of ethnic groups to
provide private means of securing property rights (Bates 1998).
Unlike in many of the northeastern States, where this has resulted in the
proliferation of numerous insurgent groups defending the interest of specific
ethnic communities, in the case of Arunachal Pradesh it has led to competi-
tion and bargaining among different tribal groups to acquire a larger share of
156 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

government resources — a form of ‘quiet pressure’ exercised from within the

system (Mishra and Upadhyay 2007). In contrast to the Naga movement for
secession and autonomy, and many similar movements across the northeast-
ern region (see Joshi, this volume), Arunachal Pradesh has witnessed ethnic
tensions operating within the framework of popular democracy. Not that
there has never been any attempt to create pan-Arunachal military groups.
Several little-known groups, such as the Arunachal Dragon force, have been
formed in the past, but none of them has been successful in creating dura-
ble, violent, secessionist or ethnic movements in the State. Ethnic tensions
between numerically dominant ethnic groups such as the Nyshi and the Adi
have emerged as a distinctive feature of local politics. The demand for sep-
arate autonomous area councils for the Buddhist communities in western
Arunachal Pradesh (Tawang and West Kameng), the eastern ‘Naga’ tribal
areas bordering Nagaland, and also for the tribal groups in central Arunachal
Pradesh symbolizes the struggle for better resource allocation in the frame-
work of ethnic competition. Although so far these tensions have been rela-
tively free from the extreme forms of violence witnessed in other parts of the
region, there have been reports of coercion and violent attacks against individ-
uals belonging to particular groups during periods of ethnic tensions in the
State. Such incidents, with the sole exception of the actions of Naga militant
groups in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, have not been able to or even attempted
to seriously challenge the legitimacy of the Indian state.23 Nevertheless the
overall framework of ethnic politics has weakened the ‘universal’ principles
of civic rule to a considerable extent and has provided substantial scope for
community leaders and elites to exercise control over the everyday politics of
survival and accumulation.
As elsewhere, the benefits of the identity-based mobilization of public opin-
ion have not necessarily been shared equitably within the groups in whose
name the demands for more resources from the governments have been
placed. Ethnic claims and ethnic action, although purporting to be designed
to serve the ethnic collectivity, may in practice serve the mobilizers more than
the collectivity they claim to represent (Das Gupta 1988: 145–46). It is generally
the traders, politicians, and bureaucrats who corner a substantial proportion
of the gains of such collective articulation of demands. It often happens that
the principles of democratic rights, equality, and justice, which are invoked
when claiming benefits for ethnic or identity-based groups, are not necessarily
Developing the Border  |  157

considered legitimate when the rights of underprivileged groups of individ-

uals within the ethnic group itself are at issue (Mishra and Upadhyay 2007).
The other significant dimension of this transition, noted in Harriss-White
et al. (2009), is that it is basically the nonagricultural surplus that has been
the moving force behind this transition. Access to political power and re-
sources of the state acted as key factors in the creation and sustenance of this
surplus flow. Another source of surplus for the local elites, until recently, was
the huge profits from the timber trade. Although timber was by and large
controlled by large-scale business from outside the State, the local business
class, as junior partners and facilitators, managed to corner a substantial share
for themselves. Some of them invested the surplus in establishing sawmills,
plywood factories, and transportation businesses. “Although in the first in-
stance the timber trade appears to be independent of the state, the manner in
which the state allowed the plundering of the commonly owned forests for
private profit makes it clear that state support and protection was essential
for the timber trade. While the forest department of the State government
retained control over the supply of permits to cut trees, these permits were
issued with such frequency and under such a framework of political patronage
that community control over forests remained at best a minor irritant . . . for
the traders,” whether from indigenous tribal groups or from outside the State
(Harriss-White et al. 2009: 537).
Since state support was crucial for the surplus extraction activities of the
elites and access to the resources of the State was being governed within the
framework ethnic politics, it was quite natural for the elites to protect the insti-
tutional diversities that provided scope for them to exercise control and power
at the local level. To put it rather crudely, the ability of the local elites to draw
a share from the State’s resources or to extract a rent from the State or from
outsiders, depended upon their ability to perpetuate the politics of ethnicity
and difference and also on their capacity to represent their ‘community’ in
the competition over tangible and nontangible resources. Thus while the State
has been influential in initiating the capitalist transition and also in chang-
ing community institutions in diverse ways, the overall framework of ethnic
politics has created the context in which the politics of democracy and state
intervention is being played out today.
158 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

The status of Arunachal Pradesh as a ‘frontier’ and a ‘border State’ had a

profound impact on its political economy of development. From the early years
of the postindependence period the Indian state has taken a cautious and spe-
cial approach to this mountain State. This paper has focused on some import-
ant aspects of this process by looking at the interactions among the local state
and market forces and the community at the grassroots level. I have argued
that historically this region was part of a trade route through which there was
a continuous flow of people, goods, and ideas, but the consolidation of admin-
istrative and security structures reduced such flows. Although, in practice,
people living in relatively isolated pockets have contacts with those living out-
side the borders, the frequency of such contact varies from locality to locality.
The state has tried to consolidate its position not only by strengthening its
military presence along the borders but also by making special efforts to bring
the tribal communities and their organizational structures within the fold of
the civil administration. In its anxiety to gain legitimacy and acceptability
among the people in the border areas, it has made many special provisions that
have resulted in a situation wherein the politics of identity and difference have
come to play a very significant role. The state has not only modernized the ad-
ministration; it has also acted as the prime mover of economic transformation.
This has altered the very foundations of the local economy and has resulted
in the creation of new types of property rights over resources that are crucial
for the survival and accumulation strategies of individuals and households.
Institutional diversity and complexity has helped the small tribal elite to take
advantage of the situation. This elite has managed to acquire resources both
from the state and from the community through negotiations at various lev-
els. Being a ‘border’ region has, in many significant ways, shaped the political
economy of development in Arunachal Pradesh.

Notes to Chapter 6
This paper draws upon the ongoing collaborative research undertaken by the author
with Barbara Harriss-White, Department of International Development, University of
Oxford, and Vandana Upadhyay, Department of Economics, Rajiv Gandhi University,
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh. Some of the arguments presented here have been dis-
cussed at greater length in Harriss-White et al. (2009). This paper was written when
the author was a Commonwealth Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Department of Inter-
national Development, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University. It has benefited
from the comments from participants at the basas annual conference at Edinburgh
University. Special thanks are due to David Gellner and Barbara Harriss-White for
Developing the Border  |  159

their insightful comments and support. Thanks to Dr. Padmini Pani of crsd, jun, for
help with drawing the original map for Map 6.1.

1. The total geographical area of Arunachal Pradesh is 8,374 hectares. Of the total
reported area under land utilization about 94 percent is covered by forest. Mountain
specificities, such as inaccessibility, fragility, marginality, and diversity, have signifi-
cant implications for the local economies (Jodha 2001).
2. Against the claim that rapid economic changes and capitalist transformation of
the economy result in increasingly anonymous, depersonalized, and voluntary eco-
nomic exchanges among agents, Harriss-White et al. (2009) argue that the ‘identity’
of the individual remains key to the economic transactions that take place.
3. This assertion is based on interviews with village heads and elders in West
Kameng and Tawang districts in western Arunachal Pradesh carried out in 2002 and
2007. Several scholars, however, point to the frequent ‘boundary disputes’ among
tribal chiefs and the Ahom rulers, hinting at the possibility of emergence of nascent
states even during the precolonial period (Jha 1997). Mishra and Thakur (2004), while
discussing the conflicts between the Ahom kings and the Noctes over salt wells in
the latter’s region, argue that even during the thirteenth century there was already a
crystallization of the territorial state of the Noctes.
4. Intervillage, interclan, and intertribal warfare, feuds, raids, and kidnappings
were the rule rather than the exception in those days.
5. Salam (2008) provides a detailed account of the traditional trade routes through
Arunachal Pradesh. On the international boundary line, Arunachal Pradesh has as
many as thirty-five natural passes, but the main trade routes passed through just eight
of them: the Beelting/Namstring Pass near Lumla with Bhutan, the Kenzamanee near
Zimithang with Tibet, the Bumla Pass near Tawang with Tibet, the Lola Pass near
Mechuka with Tibet, the Domla Pass near Monigong with Tibet, the Landupgo, Sim-
ula, and Lusala passes near Gelling with Tibet, the Thochu Pass near Kibithow with
China, and the Pangsu Pass near Nampong with Myanmar.
6. See Pemberton 1835; Gait (1905) 1926. On the basis of Pemberton’s report, Ham-
ilton described the trade relations between Assam and Tibet: “Tibetan caravans con-
ducted by 20 persons used to come down annually to a mart of Chouna to the Assam
border after two months’ journey from Lhasa and conveyed silver bullion to the
amount of about one lac [100,000] of rupees, and a considerable quantity of rock-salt
for sale to the Assam merchants at Geegunshur, four miles away. The large quantities
of rice brought by the merchants at the latter place were purchased and imported into
Tibet from Assam by the merchants. Tussa silk cloth, iron and lac found in Assam,
skins, buffalo horns, pearls and corals, first imported from Bengal, were traded by the
Assamese merchants. The Tibetan merchants brought woollens, gold-dust, salt, musk,
horses, Chinese silk, etc. The annual fair was temporarily stopped due to Burmese
occupation. Attempt was made to revive it in 1833. The fair was started at Udalgiri later
on” (Mackenzie 1884 quoted in Kumar 2002: 52).
160 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

7. The most important of the duars were Kariapara, Charduar, Naoduar, Chaiduar,
and Sadiya (Bhattacharjee 2002).
8. During the reign of the Ahom ruler Pratap Singh (1603–41), “the Akas, the Duf-
flas, the Miris, and the Abors” were granted the right of levying posa, which, apart
from the annual collection of goods in specified areas, included labor service of the
Assamese peasants for which they were given corresponding remission from the
state’s revenue demand (Mackenzie 1884: 27 cited in Mishra 1983). With the advent of
British rule attempts were made to fix the amount of commodities to be paid to each
of the tribes (Bose 1979: 136–46; for a discussion of posa, see Jha 1997). The British, who
referred to posa as “blackmail, blackmail levy or compensation levy for blackmail . . . 
within a short period of 25 years of their rule, commuted it into money terms and
made the tribal chief and leaders agree to receive the amount each year directly from
the Deputy Commissioner’s office” (Mishra 1983: 1838). Other scholars have viewed
posa differently, regarding it as a ‘rent’ for using the plains that belonged to the tribal
people. Fürer-Haimendorf (1982: 27), for example, writes, “The officers of government
had generally considered posa as a form of tribute with which in the early days of Brit-
ish rule the hillmen had been bought off from raiding the plains, but I am convinced
that in this they were mistaken and posa was really a kind of rent for land belonging
to the Miris and other hillmen by right.”
9. Later the Indo-China border conflict put a complete halt to the already low-scale
border trade.
10. An officer in charge of a subdivision on the India-Bhutan border disclosed that he
was in regular touch with his counterparts across the border. They try to solve minor
disputes among the people, mainly through informal negotiations. The conflicts gener-
ally relate to disputes over grazing rights, transborder land rights, and trade in livestock.
11. Outlining the transformation of Kebangs, the traditional institution of Adis,
during the British period, Elwin ([1957] 1999: 158–59) wrote: “Official Gams, as the
Headman are called in Siang, were appointed, one for every clan in the village. . . . 
Their appointment changed the Kebang to some extent, for they naturally became
members and caused the authority of the priests to decline. They introduced the offi-
cial element that had previously been absent. . . . [A] more elaborate institution known
as the Bango was introduced under official inspiration. The Bango represents a num-
ber of villages and . . . is mainly concerned in settling inter-village disputes.”
12. In the words of Elwin ([1957] 1999: 66), “The Inner Line Regulation was enacted
in 1873, not with the aim (as is so often thought) of isolating the hill people from the
plains, but to bring ‘under more stringent control the commercial relations of British
subjects with the frontier tribes.’ ”
13. Constitutional orders VII and VIII withheld from nefa the right of representa-
tion to Assam and central legislatures.
14. “Own Tax Revenue as % of gsdp from 1997–98 to 2008–09,” Databook for dch,
Developing the Border  |  161

28 March 2011, accessed 22 April 2011, planningcommission.nic.in/data/datatable

15. The Vision 2020 document that has attempted to provide a road map of devel-
opment in the region also emphasizes the scope for making the northeastern region
the eastern gateway of India (Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and
North Eastern Council 2008). Situating the Look East policy in the context of devel-
opment policy in the Northeast, Baruah (2004a: 22) writes, “If the Look East policy is
to live up to its potential of becoming Northeast India’s road to peace and prosperity
we will have to face up to the risks that exist and actively assess and manage them.
That would mean taking a long-term view and synchronising our foreign policies
towards China, Myanmar, asean — as well as towards Bangladesh and Bhutan — and
our domestic policies vis-à-vis Northeast India. Building roads can deliver results only
if they are part of a comprehensive transnational region-building project informed
by a long-term strategic vision.” It is important to note that even authors like Baruah,
who have criticized the ‘developmentalist’ vision that characterizes state interven-
tion in the region, tend to believe that market-led integration of the Northeast with
neighboring economies will, in the final analysis, be good for the people of the region.
16. In 2001–2, Rao and Singh (2004: 15) pointed out, “non-special category states
on average raised revenues to finance over 50 per cent of their current expenditure
whereas in special category states it was just about 20 per cent. Thus, central transfers
financed more than 80 per cent of the expenditures of special category states. In per
capita terms, transfer to special category states is more than four times that of the
average transfer received by general category states.” Rao (n.d.: 11) has noted that al-
though the per capita gsdp of the special category states is higher, the tax/gsdp ratios
in the special category States are lower than in the general category States. “This is
partly because, in these States there is not much production activity and the govern-
ment administration is the major determinant of the gsdp. Further, size of their tax
base is smaller than what is indicated by the gsdp, because a significant proportion
of government spending spills over the jurisdictions.” Although “the revenue bases
in the special category States are low, their average per capita current expenditure
are higher than not only the all-State average but also the average of high income
States. . . . Of course, the higher than average per capita expenditures in special cate-
gory States cannot be entirely attributed to their inherent cost disability. This may also
be due to bad fiscal management.”
17. Geogang Apang, one of the key politicians of the State and a long-serving chief
minister, often complained about the rule that he has to get permission from the army
authorities to construct roads in the border areas.
18. The Nehru-Elwin policy specified five fundamental principles of development:
“1) People should develop along the lines of their own genius and we should avoid
imposing anything on them. We should try to encourage in every way their own
162 | D E E P A K K. M I S H R A

traditional arts and culture. 2) Tribal rights in lands and forests should be respected.
3) We should try to train and build up a team of their own people to do the work of
administration and development. Some technical persons from outside will no doubt
be needed especially in the beginning. But we should avoid introducing too many
outsiders into tribal territory. 4) We should not over administer these areas or over-
whelm them with a multiplicity of schemes. We should rather work through and not
in rivalry to their own social and cultural institutions. 5) We should judge results not
by statistics or by the amount of money spent but by the quality of human character
that is evolved” (Jawaharlal Nehru, foreword to Elwin [1957] 1999: xiii).
19. Nehru, Elwin claimed, was in complete agreement with him on this. He quotes
Nehru: “An officer in the tribal areas . . . must be prepared to enter [local people’s]
huts, talk to them, eat and smoke with them, live their lives and not consider himself
superior or apart. Then only can he gain their confidence and respect, and thus be in
a position to advise them” (Elwin [1957] 1999: 147).
20. After India’s defeat in the Indo-China War of 1962, the Nehru-Elwin policy of
gradual integration of the nefa, often called ‘isolationist’ and ‘a legacy of the colonial
policy’ toward the region, came under severe criticism (Baruah 2003a: 919). The post-
1962 period witnessed a rapid expansion and consolidation of administration in the
region (Government of Arunachal Pradesh 2006).
21. The need for such a policy arose from the fact that the subjects, at least in the
beginning, did not necessarily identify with the Indian administration. Asan Riddi
(2004: 54), an indigenous scholar from Arunachal, reflects upon the attitude of the
older generations of elders from his Tagin community toward education: “Their belief
was that if their children get education, they would become Nyeme-Nipak-Ni (Tibetan
and Indian government people); in that case, (they) would not be able to own the
Geda-Eshi (land and water) of their parents.” I too noticed this ambivalent attitude
toward both Indian and Tibetan authorities while interviewing older village chiefs in
the villages of  Tawang and West Kameng districts.
22. See Fernandes and Pereira 2005; Salam 2007; Harriss-White et al. 2009; Mishra
23. The emergence of an ‘Arunachalee’ identity has been a complex process inter-
twined with the political economy of development through state intervention. Nu-
merous tribal groups residing in then North Eastern Frontier Agency were brought
under the State of Arunachal Pradesh by state intervention from above. During the
movement against the Chakma refugees in the late 1980s and early 1990s, student
groups such as All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union tried to forge unity among all
tribal groups of the State against the ‘outsiders.’

The Micropolitics of Borders

The Issue of Greater Nagaland (or Nagalim)

As an Indian national, every time I go to Nagaland I have to make a man-

datory visit to Nagaland House in Aurangzeb Road, situated at the heart of
Lutyens’ New Delhi to obtain an Inner Line Permit, known in common par-
lance as an ilp, to enter the State.1 Once inside Nagaland State, I am also
required to go to the district commissioner’s office within a seven-day period
to get the permit extended for a period of three months. Each time I have to
supply my photograph and the name of my local guarantor and host. The
very fact that as an Indian citizen I need an ilp to enter a border area in my
own country speaks volumes about the nature of the northeastern border and
how the colonial legacy has continued to keep the area inaccessible and under
state control.
This chapter delineates how the situation of Nagaland on the borders of
Indian territory has had a determining influence on its people, its politics, and
the development of ethnicity, which at its extreme is expressed in the desire
for sovereignty. The development of such political sentiment can be traced
throughout the postcolonial history of the past seventy years. The internal
competitiveness for hegemony along ‘tribal’ lines within the Naga national-
ist movement in conjunction with the obsession of the different sides — the
government of India; the Indian Federal States of Assam, Manipur, and
Arunachal Pradesh; and the Naga nationalist groups — with where the borders
of Nagaland/Nagalim should be, and the modern demand and assumption
that there should be clearly marked and unambiguous borders, are what keeps
the conflict so intractable.
164 | V I B H A JOSHI

The Inner Line

The Inner Line and excluded territories were administrative measures de-
ployed by the British to keep a check on the usurpation of land by entrepre-
neurs during the nineteenth-century ‘tea rush’ in Assam in the area bordering
a loosely demarcated territory known as the Naga Hills district (Baruah 2005:
92–93). The Inner Line regulation also distinguished the administered terri-
tory from the fuzzily defined unadministered area which lay beyond British
control (Yonuo 1974: 94). The Inner Line was a constantly shifting ‘boundary’;
as the ‘frontier’ moved, so did the Inner Line.
In the 1830s the British East India Company began to explore the eastern
borders of Assam for possible tea plantation.2 They secured the region by re-
stricting entry to what was declared in official terms ‘wasteland’ (Baruah 2005:
91–95; Guha 1991; Gangopadhyay 1990). The communities living in the ‘waste-
land’ beyond the ‘frontier,’ including the ancestors of the present-day Naga,
did not have any say in this expansion. After the 1850s the presumed ‘empty
tracts’ were also used for settling migrants from other parts of India who
worked as seasonal labor in the tea plantations as well as to settle migratory
groups such as the Kuki people from the neighboring Manipur Kingdom.3
The administered part, known as the Naga Hills district in the colonial
period, along with the unadministered territory, is mountainous and covered
with thick tropical forest and lies between the plains of the Brahmaputra River
in Assam and the Chindwin River in Myanmar (Burma).4 This region has
been home to many different communities, which formed a buffer between
Burmese, Assamese, and Manipuri kingdoms (Roy Burman 1968). James Scott
(2008; see also Scott 2009) describes the upland northeastern region of India
as part of a nonstate space, which is one way of contrasting village republics
with larger kingdoms. Based on the historical literature and colonial archives
it would seem that this buffer zone was not specifically under any one king-
dom’s control; rather it was at the margins, with some villages having recip-
rocal relationships with the kingdoms (Barpujari 1992).
The historical records, or Buranji, of the twelfth-century Ahom rulers, a
Tai people who had conquered parts of Assam, mention land deals with the
neighboring hill communities identified by the name of their villages (Bar-
pujari 1992; Baruah 1999). In the eighteenth century the Burmese defeated the
Ahom kingdom and then were themselves defeated by the British in the first
quarter of the nineteenth century. The Anglo-Burmese Treaty of Yandabo
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  165

in 1826 also included transfer of the hill region between Assam and Burma
to British India. With a view to finding a direct land route to Burma from
Assam, British exploratory expeditions were sent into what later came to be
known as the Naga Hills. When British interests conflicted with the villages,
several punitive expeditions were sent into the hills to coerce the communities
to enter into a settlement with the British.
Franke (2009) reiterates the point that annexation of the northeastern re-
gion by the British was not a reluctant act but was part of the imperialist
strategy of expansion and search for new resources to increase revenue (see
also Baruah 2005; Yonuo 1974: 95; Hilaly 2007). The nineteenth century was
the time of exploration and survey. The discovery of oil reserves in 1889 at
Digboy in Assam and coal in the surrounding region resulted in the building
of the railways in the northeast (Hilaly 2007).
That the railway network in this part of India, Northeast Railways, was
renamed Northeast Frontier Railways in 1958 raises the question of whether
the northeast is a frontier only for the railway network or remains a frontier
region, preserving the old sense of a moving border between a known territory
beyond which lies as yet unknown land. Certainly since precolonial times
this geographical area has been a ‘frontier’ region in sharing borders, but also
cross-cutting trading networks, with what we now know as China, Myan-
mar, and Bangladesh (see Baruah 2005, 2009; Van Schendel 2005a; Robb 1997;
Mishra, this volume). In other words, when and how do such regions become
regarded as borders at one time and as part of a nation-state at another?
Nagaland, one of the seven northeastern States of India, shares its border
with Myanmar and, for the government of India, is strategically located as
part of a buffer against neighboring China and Myanmar. Since the Sino-
Indian War of 1962, China has laid claim to the Indian State of Arunachal
Pradesh, which lies to the north of Nagaland and borders Tibet, China, and
Myanmar. It ignores the McMahon line, about 885 kilometers long, drawn
in 1914 during the British colonial period as an outer line and international
border along the northeastern Himalayan crest, which brought the trade cen-
ter of Tawang (now in Arunachal Pradesh) into British Indian territory. The
various ‘frontier tracts,’ identified as Balipara, Sadiya, Mishmi, and Tirap by
the British colonial administrators, were renamed North East Frontier Agency
by independent India in 1954 and now form the State of Arunachal Pradesh.
Unlike the formation of West Pakistan and East Pakistan (Bangladesh since
1971), where the ‘known’ land was divided between two countries, causing
166 | V I B H A JOSHI

tremendous upheaval, leading to mass movement as well as large-scale massa-

cres of people, the formation of India’s northeastern border is said to have been
more speculative. In the popular imagination an arbitrary line was drawn over
the Patkai ranges when Jawaharlal Nehru, prime minister of India, and U Nu,
the prime minister of Burma, flew over the area to determine the international
boundary, thus unwittingly dividing villages perched on the mountaintops
between the two nations. On both sides the area is envisaged as remote, with
freedom of movement by local communities for sixteen kilometers on either
side of the border. In recent years the Myanmar junta has helped the govern-
ment of India by destroying the camps of two Naga nationalist groups on their
side of the border. This tacit understanding between India and Myanmar is
perhaps the basis for the government of India’s diplomatic silence on issues of
democracy in Myanmar.
Compared to India’s northwestern border with Pakistan, which has been
in national and international focus since 1947, the northeastern border with
Myanmar has received only intermittent attention. The formation of East Pa-
kistan (now Bangladesh) took away a large tract, leaving only a thin corridor
strip about twenty kilometers in breadth that connects the rest of India to the
seven northeastern States. At a conference on Asian borderlands held in Gu-
wahati in 2008 an Assam government minister claimed that the northeast is
equidistant to Hong Kong and Delhi and questioned the very term ‘northeast,’
asking, “ ‘Northeast’ of what?”5 Of course, in nationalist narratives distance is
measured from the capital city of the country. But ‘the northeast’ has always
evoked the idea of a very distant place. As Baruah (2005) rightly points out,
a posting to the northeast still carries a stigma of ‘punishment’ imposed on
central government employees, despite the fact that they enjoy a hardship al-
lowance and an income tax break.6
The seven northeastern States (earlier constituting most of undivided
Assam) now have an equal status with other States in India. On the one hand,
some of these northeastern States (e.g., Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pra­
desh) can be regarded as nonstate spaces according to Scott’s (2008, 2009)
argument in that they were not previously part of any kingdom. On the other
hand, the large number of rebel movements in the northeast seeking auton-
omy or sovereignty demonstrates that they no longer wish to remain nonstate
systems and that the days of viable nonstate space are gone. The demand for
a ‘greater’ Nagaland (or Nagalim) is intended as a move toward formation of
a nation-state of their own.
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  167

Figure 7.1. On 18 November 2006 a special reconciliation ceremony was held in Naga­
land between the clans of A. Z. Phizo and T. Sakhrie. T. Sakhrie, the first general
secretary of the Naga National Council and Phizo’s trusted lieutenant, was murdered
in 1956 after he rejected violent rebellion (see chapter 7, note 7). Photograph courtesy
of  V. Joshi.

Riots and Reconciliation

On 22 February 2009 a mass convention for reconciliation was held in Kohima,
the capital of Nagaland.7 This was a part of the ongoing attempt by Naga civil
society organizations, comprising the Naga Baptist Church Council, Naga
Mothers’ Association, Naga Students’ Federation, Naga Ho Ho, and Naga
People’s Movement for Human Rights (npmhr), to bring together the differ-
ent rival factions of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland/Nagalim — 
nscn(im), nscn(k), nscn(Unification) — and Naga National Council (nnc-Ac-
cordist and nnc-Non-Accordist).8 As one unit they would then be able to
negotiate with the Indian government. Among those present were also in-
ternational representatives of the Quaker group and Baptist World Alliance.
However, factional killings and attacks have continued between nscn(im) and
nscn(k), indicating the arduous process of reconciliation and the difficulties
that the sharing of power poses for nationalist groups, especially the two main
nscn factions (see figure 7.1).
168 | V I B H A JOSHI

In 2010 the Indian government was engaged in negotiations with only one
group, the nscn(im), concerning sovereignty and the unification of the Naga
area, although it had cease-fire agreements with both nscn groups. In 1997 a
cease-fire was announced with nscn(im) and ground rules were laid. In 2001
a cease-fire was also agreed between the Indian government and the nscn(k)
group. There is a Ceasefire Supervisory Group, led by a chairman (the first
chairman until 2008 was Lt. Gen. [Ret.] R. V. Kulkarni) from the government
of India, personnel from the Assam Rifles and Indian Army that are stationed
in Nagaland, Nagaland State home commissioner, Nagaland State police chief,
and the representatives of the two nscn factions. Cease-fire talks are also held
separately with each faction.9
These were followed in the same year, 2001, by revised ground rules for the
cease-fire agreed with both nscn factions:

• nscn will notify list of all its camps to the [Cease Fire Monitoring
Committee] who after due consultation would declare them as the
designated camps. In the interest of promoting peace process, there
would be no parading (either in groups or individually) of nscn cadres
in uniform and/or with arms. For the present, this would cover all
populated areas, public transport and Highways.
• The concern that forcible collection of money on essential supplies and
intimidation of individuals including Government officials were taking
place was denied by the nscn. However, in the interest of promoting
the peace process, the nscn representatives agreed that the above ac­
tivities would be prevented.10

The cease-fire with both factions was limited to the territorial boundaries of
the present State of Nagaland. The attempt by the nscn(im) group to extend
it to “all the Naga inhabited area” was rejected by the government of India on
the following grounds:

In a federal structure, the Union Government is required to consult

the State Governments, and at the time of the first agreement with the
nscn(i/m), such consultation has taken place only with the Government
of Nagaland. . . . The term ‘Naga areas’ is vague and has not even been de-
fined. nscn’s repeated references to the Naga areas have given a feeling of
unrest and apprehension in the minds of the other State Governments, as
indicative of your claim for Greater Nagaland directly or indirectly. While
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  169

agreeing with the cease-fire between the Govt. of India and the nscn as
two entities, it has never been the intention of the Govt. of India that it
should be interpreted by nscn(i/m) as a step directly or indirectly towards
recognition of any claim to Greater Nagaland. The intention was only to
maintain peace with the nscn as an Organisation, and to extend the area
of peace in the North East.
Yet, the Govt. of India stands by its commitment to the cease-fire
agreement with the nscn(i/m) as an entity with a view to furthering the
cause of peace. The Govt. of India would consider extension of cease-fire
with the nscn(i/m) to other areas in the North East subject to the condi-
tion that nscn(i/m) accepts and agrees to issue a statement that extension
of cease-fire to other areas will not be interpreted by them as a step to-
wards recognition of their claim to Greater Nagaland.
As mentioned above, extension of cease-fire to other areas would re-
quire consultation with the concerned State Governments. The Govt. of
India agrees to hold this consultation process in an agreed time-frame.11

Then, also in 2001, the government of India issued a statement to the effect
that the cease-fire would be extended to all Naga-inhabited areas in the north-
east. This was received with trepidation by the Manipur State government
and was interpreted as the central Indian government’s agreeing to the nscn
demands for a ‘Greater Nagaland.’ A series of violent riots in Manipur resulted
in the hasty removal of the offending phrase.12 The Cease Fire Monitoring
Committee’s jurisdiction is limited only to Nagaland State. There are desig-
nated camps for the nscn(im) and nscn(k), but the factions have neverthe-
less allegedly extended their camps in Naga areas in Manipur,13 Arunachal
Pradesh, and North Cachar Hills district of Assam. Extortion, violent clashes
between the two nscn factions, and the killing of civilians have continued in
these areas as well as within Nagaland.14
By 2010 Nagaland had a putatively democratically elected State govern-
ment, which was a coalition between regional and national parties and sepa-
rate parallel governments that are run by three Naga factions. Both the nscn
factions call their parallel governments the People’s Republic of Nagalim,
while the nnc’s body calls itself the Federal Government of Nagaland, or fgn.
English-language newspapers in Nagaland provide daily reports on the intra­
factional fighting, as well as publishing rejoinders issued by factions and ap-
peals by civilians to stop the extortion and killings.
170 | V I B H A JOSHI

The power structures of the elected government have been weak from the
very inception of the State of Nagaland. As Baud and Van Schendel (1997: 228)
note, “The position of the regional elite weakens because it is exposed as an
agent of the state rather than a protector of local rights and concerns.” Naga-
land State before its inauguration was governed by an interim body of ‘tribal
representatives’ comprising councilors from the dominant Ao, Angami, and
Sema (now Sumi) communities who were members of the Naga People’s Con-
vention and were not supportive of sovereignty. The first government was
formed by these representatives. The first Legislative Assembly elections in
1964 were contested by two parties but won by the party considered closer to
the central government of India. However, internal divisions among the Naga,
that is, between the nationalists (who were known as the ‘undergrounds’), and
those who were ‘overground’ and trying to run the Nagaland State, over the
issue of sovereignty were also augmented by suspicion that the former had
been ‘bought’ by the government of India. The increase in armed ‘insurgency’
during the mid-1960s to the late 1970s resulted in the imposition of President’s
Rule in Nagaland, that is, the suspension of the State Legislative Assembly. In
the past thirty years the national political parties, such as the Indian Con-
gress, have found a foothold in the State. Most Naga politicians (including the
chief minister of the State in 2011) have at one point or another been members
of the Nagaland Congress Party. The State politicians have made alliances
even with the so-called Hindu national parties, such as the Bharatiya Janata
Party, when it was the ruling party in India.

The Quest for Sovereignty

How the Naga national movement has reached this juncture has been a long,
winding process. Sifting through the literature on Naga politics written by
both Naga and non-Naga writers is like opening a Pandora’s box — or per-
haps a can of worms. The literature is full of details of various rounds of ne-
gotiations, the signing of accords, and programs.15 Most such accords have
succeeded only in dividing the Naga, creating suspicion, and causing the as-
sassination of moderate Naga by their radical comrades. Since the early years
of Indian Independence in 1947, alleged Indian high-handedness in political
negotiations and the forceful suppression of the Naga movement have simply
fueled Naga demands for sovereignty. There is some truth in the claim that
the alienation of the Naga peoples is directly related to blunders committed
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  171

first by the India Committee and then by brutal army action by the Indian
government to quell the Naga armed uprising.16
At present, and despite some autonomy secured in 1963 through the creation
of the State of Nagaland within India, many Naga are divided over the issue of
full independence and sovereignty. My impression is that most Naga believe
that full sovereignty (i.e., independence) is ultimately the only answer. But
for many also the long decades of factional strife, intimidation, and extortion
by the Naga ‘nationalists,’ all of which have continued despite the cease-fire
agreement, does not portend a bright future for an independent Nagaland. The
present atmosphere is such that very few are able to express critical opinions
openly. Those who do are immediately threatened for having put themselves
before the greater Naga cause.
As an indication of this, the nnc/fgn’s Yehzabo (constitution) declares that
“a Naga who undertook oath of allegiance to the Indian Constitution clearly
betray[s] Naga nation” and “cannot serve the interest of Nagaland.” It asserts
that it is the Naga people who occupy Nagaland and that India cannot resolve
the conflict through the creation of an administrative entity with no basis in
history. It further cautions that whoever attempts “to subvert the authority of
the fgn and nnc shall be judged according to the National Resolution passed
on 27 April, 1955 at Lakhuti.”17
By contrast, in 2000 a pamphlet appeared entitled “Bedrock of Naga So-
ciety,” produced by the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee and written
by S. C. Jamir (2000), a former chief minister of Nagaland. The pamphlet
criticized the demand for Naga sovereignty and challenged the assumption
that Naga existed as an independent nation before the British annexed parts
of their territory. It began with the following statement: “The 16-Point Agree-
ment of 1960 came about when the Naga were going through the worst of
times. But it was also one of the best things to have happened to the Naga
people because it led to the birth of Statehood — on whose firm foundation
our society is built. In a larger form of things, due to the Agreement, for the
first time, the world recognised the territory of the Naga as Nagaland.” The
pamphlet was vehemently denounced in Nagaland by the political parties and
the nationalist factions for distorting historical facts and as an attempt to
divide the Naga (Baruah 2005: 111–12). The protestors staged public burnings
of the pamphlet. The Naga Students Federation office in Kohima displays a
framed burned copy of the pamphlet to denounce the “divisive politics” of
Jamir (Lotha 2008: 55). One of the bureaucrats who allegedly coauthored the
172 | V I B H A JOSHI

document has been threatened by the nscn(im) group. The publication came
at a time when peace negotiations between nscn(im) and the Indian govern-
ment were taking place. It is alleged that, in 2004, Jamir was sent out of the
State to become governor of Goa in order to allow for smoother peace talks.
Such was the controversy that by the time of the 2008 general elections in
Nagaland the pamphlet had been withdrawn by the Congress Committee.
However, the pamphlet touched on two sensitive issues at the heart of the
present Naga movement: sovereignty and the unification of all Naga-inhabited
areas — that is to say, an independent Greater Nagaland. The precise area cov-
ered by greater Nagaland, or Nagalim, as it is now called by nscn(im), is quite
vague. Contradicting their earlier position in the pamphlet, the Nagaland
Congress Party included the demand for Greater Nagaland in its 2008 elec-
tion manifesto. The present coalition government of the State of Nagaland,
known as the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland, has also taken on the agenda
of Greater Nagaland.18
The present quest in the Naga movement for sovereignty and the forma-
tion of Nagalim or Greater Nagaland clearly invokes a narrative not only of
an imagined community but one based on continual reconstructions of his-
tory. Van Schendel (2005a: 4) notes that “dominant historical narratives may
sacralize borderlands and make them pawns in the ‘performance’ of sover-
eignty. Borderlanders may develop counter-narratives (e.g. irredentist ones)
in which the historical significance of the border that separates them is min-
imized. In other words, borderlands are often battlefields of historiography,
of the politics of selective remembering and forgetting.” Despite the many
internal differences, there is broad agreement among the various strands of
Naga nationalism that Naga sovereignty and unification should be based on
the following points:

1. The Naga were always independent and were a nation before the Brit-
ish annexed part of their territory.
2. The Naga are one people but divided into many groups that have sim-
ilar cultural traits. Naga have common ancestors and arrived at their
present habitat after migrating from the north and/or from the east
(Burma). Ptolemy is quoted as the oldest source mentioning hill tribes
living on the northeastern fringes of Assam.
3. The Naga are Christian and speakers of Tibeto-Burman languages.
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  173

4. As far back as 1929 Naga had submitted a memorandum to the Simon
Commission declaring their intention to be independent. This was
signed by educated Christian Naga, mostly from the Angami com-
munity, who worked for the British administration as clerks and

Invoking an ‘Ethnie’
These claims are far from uncontroversial. The argument that Naga are one
people, a nation, and were always independent before the British annexed part
of their territory may be regarded as part of the process of constructing an
‘ethnie’ (Smith 1984, [1994] 1998: 709). As is often the case in such situations,
the term ‘Naga’ has no known or agreed origin.19 Conjectural suggestions
abound: that the name was derived from the Sanskrit nāg meaning ‘mountain,’
or nangā, the Hindi/Sanskrit for ‘naked,’ or from the Kachari nok, meaning
‘a warrior,’ or from Burmese nā kā meaning ‘those with pierced ears.’20 The
Naga themselves never had a common term for the different communities that
occupied the hilly tracts. Some of these communities had different terms for
themselves from those used by their neighbors. The term ‘Naga’ itself was used
by outsiders, especially the British, when they came in contact with hill com-
munities during the surveys for tea plantations in Assam from the 1830s on-
ward. The Naga were divided into pakka (real) and kachcha (raw, half-baked)
by the British during their first contact with the hill communities. The pakka
Naga resided in the northern areas and “went naked,” whereas the kachcha
lived in the southern areas and wore a “short black hobbled kilt” (Hutton 1965:
16). The oldest documents that mention contact with the hill communities
living on the east of Assam are the twelfth-century chronicles, or Burunjia,
of the Ahom rulers (Barpujari 1992). The hill communities were named after
their villages or the dominant village in the cluster and further divided into
Bori (tame) and Abori (untamed), depending on the distance from the Assam
plains and their relationship with the Assamese.21 The Ahoms were Tai people
who moved westward, passing areas inhabited by the hill communities now
known as Konyak, Tangsa, and Nocte. The legends and folklore of these hill
communities also provide an oral account of such contact. Ptolemy’s mention
of hill tribes in the area (150 ce) is taken as further confirmation of early Naga
presence (Shimray 2005; Sanyü 1996; Iralu 2000).
174 | V I B H A JOSHI

Currently the name Naga is used as a suffix after the individual name of the
group, for example, Ao Naga, Phom Naga, Konyak Naga, which asserts both
the individual identity of the group and their collective ethnic identity. What
constitutes the collective identity of the entity Naga is based on certain insti-
tutional similarities and on material culture (Lotha 2008). But some groups
sharing similar cultural traits do not identify with the Naga nationalist move-
ment. Depending on the benefits of exclusion and inclusion and the coercive
tactics used by the Naga nationalist groups, some groups identify themselves
as Naga and others do not (see also Longkumer 2010).
The legends reinforce this sense of diversity counterbalanced by common
identity. Some of the central and southern Naga, for example, the Angami,
Lotha, Sema, Chakesang, and Rengma, share a common legend of origin; their
ancestor, Koza, is said to have come from the south, settling at Kezakenoma,
with the community then dispersing in various directions from Chiteba,
where an old pear tree is said to mark the site of dispersal (Joshi 2012; Lotha
2008). On the other hand, the Ao, Sangtam, Yimchungrü, Phom, Chang, and
Khiamniungan of north and northwest Nagaland believe that they migrated
from the east. The Ao and Sangtam, in addition, also have the same myth of
origin, which claims that their ancestors emerged from the six sacred stones
at Longtrok. Recent excavations at the place have indeed revealed ancient set-
tlement patterns and artifacts belonging probably to the Neolithic period.22
A common theme in the various tales of migration is of emergence from the
mouth of a cave or an opening in the earth. Here it is interesting to note that
we have oral genealogical evidence from the recent past of people having a
common origin but within a few generations developing some linguistic, rit-
ual, and material cultural diversity. If such diversity could arise from a com-
mon origin so swiftly within living memory, it certainly could have happened
less recently, as indicated in the older legends of origin of certain Naga groups.
A common feature in some legends is that ancestors of Naga peoples as well
as those of the plains people were brothers. A number of folktales illustrate
the cunning of the plains people. The Tangkhul of Manipur trace the origins
of the Meitei and Tangkhul as well as other Naga groups (in Nagaland) to a
pair of brothers who migrated from the east (Myanmar). The younger brother
settled on the fertile plains, while the elder brother went to the hills to avoid
heat and mosquitoes. The descendants of the elder brother thus spread north-
ward, becoming the ancestors of all the Naga communities, and those of
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  175

the younger brother became ancestors of the plains-dwelling Meitei people

(Horam 1975: 25–26). This view of all the varied Naga communities coming
from a single direction suits the nation-building aspirations of the nscn(im)
group and is quoted frequently in the writings on Naga nationalism by
Tangkhul scholars (see Horam 1975, 1988; Vashum 2000; Shimray 2005). This
is in contrast to the early colonial writings. Hodson (1911: 8–9) mentions that
there are three different legends of migration among the Tangkhul, and one
of them points to Naga, Kuki, and Meitei having a common ancestor who had
three sons. Other myths of origin and migration that have become popular in
recent Naga writings point toward a possible migration of some groups from
the north (i.e., from China). Thus the website of the Unrepresented Nations
and Peoples Organisation (unpo) claims that “the Naga are [a] racially and
ethnically distinct people. Today there are 16 major and 20 minor tribes with a
total population of a little over 3 million. About 95% of the Naga are Christian.
The Naga people originally came from Mongolia, migrating to Nagalim in the
10th century b.c.”23
Any scholarly writing that is seen as a challenge to the rhetoric of unity
based on an oral history of migration is rejected by most Naga decision makers.
For example, a book by Purtongzuk Longchar (2002), an Ao historian, which
deviated from the Ao Naga myth of origin and dispersal from the Longtrok
site near Chungliyimti village, was not accepted by the Ao council even though
the writer had based his conclusions on oral narratives collected from different
Ao villages. Longchar was eventually forced by the Ao Council to apologize
publicly and withdraw his book.
Diversity is further evident in the plethora of languages and dialects in use
among Naga. The official language of the proposed Nagalim is English, as is
already the case in the present Nagaland State, in recognition of the many
Tibeto-Burman languages and dialects spoken by Naga. The other, more ex-
tensive lingua franca spoken by Naga in Nagaland is Nagamese, derived from
Assamese, an Indo-Aryan rather than Tibeto-Burman language, whereas in
Manipur the Naga lingua franca is Meitei or Meiteilon, the Tibeto-Burman
language of the Vaishnav Manipuri/Meitei population. In the past few years
concerns have been voiced by public intellectuals regarding the preference
for Nagamese over English as the language of conversation among people
belonging to different tribes, and of Nagamese over Naga languages in urban
families. The objection is essentially political because Nagamese is seen as an
176 | V I B H A JOSHI

extension of Indian hegemony by virtue of its basis in Assamese and Hindi.

On the other hand, T. Muivah of nscn(im), recognizing the popularity of Nag-
amese in Nagaland, has begun to address his meetings in Nagaland in both
English and Nagamese.
Naga see themselves as distinct from the rest of India, while recognizing the
internal complexity of their identity as a people. Some Naga scholars (Sanyü
1996; Lotha 2008) identify unifying traits, such as the erstwhile practice of
cloistering or genna,24 status-gaining ‘feasts of merit,’ an egalitarian social
system based on age sets, clans, and the past tradition of headhunting. Some
of these features are in fact common not only to Naga groups but also to a
number of neighboring communities within northeast India as well as those
farther afield in Southeast Asia (Kirsch 1973; Woodward 1989; Lehman 1989;
Blackburn 2007). At a micro level some Naga communities have dissociated
themselves from their earlier colonial classification, in some instances co-
alescing different groups into one unit. The group classified by the colonial-
ists as Eastern Angami thus declared themselves a separate tribe from other
Angami in the 1960s. They took on the name Chakesang, comprising Chakro,
Kheza, and Sangtam. (Sangtams have since left the union, but the group name
of Chakesang continues to be used by the other two.) Three groups, Zeme,
Liangmei, and Rongmei, came together in the 1970s to form the Zeliangrong
‘tribe’ under the influence of Gaidinliu, the charismatic Heraka leader. The
group labeled as the ‘naked’ Rengma in colonial writings are now a separate
group called Pochuri, distinct from the rest of the Rengma grouping. The
Tikhirs, who are claimed as one of their clans by the Yimchungrü, have been
striving for separate group status since the 1990s.25
The difficulty in discerning the boundaries of Naga groups extends to over-
laps in material culture and language. Moreover it is difficult to demarcate
physically Naga territory from that of the neighboring groups who live in
mixed villages at the boundaries of the Naga nation or Nagalim as proposed
by the nscn(im). The situation regarding the proposed Assam-Nagalim bor-
derlands is no different from that of the Indo-Myanmar border (Goswami
2007, 2008). Where the Naga area ends and non-Naga area begins is a question
that cannot be easily answered. There are overlaps between neighboring com-
munities. We can agree with Van Schendel (2005a: 9) that “borders not only
join what is different but also divide what is similar.” Naga nationalists claim
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  177

that Naga communities are spread over an area of 120,000 square kilometers
(map 7.1). The unpo website describes Nagalim as

situated between China, India and Burma. Nagalim occupies a compact

area of 120,000 km² of the Patakai range between the longitude 93º east
and 97º east, and in between the latitude 22.5º north and 28º north which
lies at the trijunction of China, India and Burma. The part of Nagaland
ruled by India consists of territory which today is administered by four
different administrative units, the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh,
Manipur and Nagalim.
The eastern part of Nagalim, ruled by Myanmar (roughly 100,000 km²)
has been placed under two administrative units, those of the Kachin state
and of Saganing [Sagaing] division.26

Religious Reinforcement
A key part of the rhetoric of contemporary pan-Naga identity focuses on the
dominant religion of (mainly Baptist) Christianity.27 Christianity is seen as
the unifying force that has brought together Naga from different groups in
an evangelistic mission. The Christian character of independent Nagaland
was first put forward by the nnc, although the Constitution of the Naga Fed-
eral Government gave equal rights to the animist Naga. The present nscn(im)
leadership emphasizes Christianity in their motto “Nagaland for Christ.”
When Nagalim was inducted as a member of unpo, the leaders presented the
president of the organization with a cloth inscribed with this motto. Thuin-
galeng Muivah, the leader of nscn(im), has been quoted as saying that his is
an evangelistic mission,28 a statement that has been criticized by some church
leaders as having a ‘jihadi’ connotation. Though almost 90 percent of Naga
are Christian, not all of them follow Baptist Christianity. Since the 1950s other
denominations have made their way into Nagaland; Catholics and various
Revival churches, such as Pentecostals, Seventh Day Adventists, and Jehovah’s
Witnesses, have churches in several towns and villages, especially in the
southern Naga area.29 The 10 percent of the non-Christian Naga follow ani-
mism. A large percentage of Zeme Naga who live in Peren district of Nagaland
and the North Cachar Hills district of Assam are followers of Heraka, a char-
ismatic cult begun by Gaidinliu in the 1930s.30 This has brought the Zeme into
confrontation with the nscn(im), who are keen for them to convert to Baptist







Naga ancestral domain
Similar ethnic groups

TRIPURA 0 30 60 mi
0 50 100 km

Map 7.1. Nagaland and area claimed by Naga nationalists as part of Nagalim or Greater
Nagaland and based on a map available at www.nagalim.nl (accessed 12 September 2012).
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  179

Christianity.31 Across the border in Myanmar, nscn has been instrumental

in the Christian conversions among Myanmarese Naga (Jacobs et al. 1990).
The Christian discourse is such that Vashum (2000: 99–100), writing on the
Naga national movement, states that nscn’s split into two factions in 1993
was linked to the inability of the then vice chairman of nscn, Sagwan Sankai
Khaplang, to follow the strict discipline of the Christian life and give up the
use of alcohol and narcotics.
Much earlier the issue of religious differences became a feature, though not
the only one, in Naga attempts to gain recognition and of colonial responses
to such claims. In 1927 the Conservative government in Britain appointed an
Indian Statutory Commission, popularly known as the Simon Commission
after its chairman, to decide the political future of India. The Simon Com-
mission was boycotted by the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League,
and other organizations as no Indians were included. However, the Naga, who
were not a part of the mainland Indian freedom movement, sent a letter to the
Simon Commission in 1929 expressing their wish to be recognized as sepa-
rate from the rest of India and sought an independent status at the end of the
British rule. The argument they put forward was similar to that expressed
separately by Robert Reid, who was the governor of Assam, and also by J. H.
Hutton, an anthropologist and former district commissioner of the Naga Hills,
that the Naga peoples were different in their customs, religion, and governance
from the mainland and plains Indians (see Elwin 1961).
The 1929 memorandum by the Naga to the Simon Commission declaring
their intention to be independent is put forward as an argument in support
of the claim that the decision to be independent had been made by Naga even
before India itself became independent in 1947. The memorandum cited fear
of Hindu hegemony and ‘forcible’ conversion, singling out their concern that
they would be discriminated against both by Hindus and by Muslims over
their diet of pork and beef. The memorandum was signed by a group of ed-
ucated Christian Naga, mostly from the Angami community, who worked
for the British administration as clerks and interpreters. Among them were
two pastors. At that point in Naga history only some 13 percent of Naga were
Christian (Baptist).32 About two thousand Naga men had already experienced
World War I when they were sent as part of the French Labor Corps in 1917
(see Balfour in Hutton 1921: xvi–vii). A group of Naga who returned from
France, together with those who were employed as government officers and
interpreters (Dobashi), formed a society called the Naga Club in 1919. Major
180 | V I B H A JOSHI

conversions to Christianity took place after the 1944 Battle of Kohima in

which Allied forces, with the help of the Naga, halted the Japanese incursion.
Many Naga also converted to Christianity in the mid-1970s, when a massive
Christian revival wave swept through Nagaland coinciding with brutal Indian
army action against Naga nationalists and civilians (Luen 2009).

The Origins of the Nationalist Movement

After the battle of Kohima in 1945, Charles Pawsey, then deputy commissioner
for the Naga Hills, formed the Naga Hills District Tribal Council to bring the
Naga together for the postwar reconstruction program (Ghosh 1982; Singh
[1972] 1995; Hutton 1945). Within a year it acquired political overtones and
in January 1946 changed its name to the Naga National Council (nnc; Singh
[1972] 1995: 89). Allegations and counterallegations have been made against
each other by the Naga since the inception of the nnc. The diaries of Mildred
Archer, who accompanied her husband, W. G. Archer (posted as additional
deputy commissioner), for six months to the Naga Hills in 1947, reveal the
developments that led to the demands for independence by the Naga National
Club.33 The Ao and Lotha members of the nnc were initially not in favor of
independence as proposed by the Angami, fearing Angami hegemony in an
independent nation. In 1947 the nnc members agreed to autonomous status
within Assam with a ten-year interim government at the behest of the Ao
members, who stated their apprehension regarding the viability of an inde-
pendent Naga nation with no source of revenue and no armed forces to control
the unadministered territories, where ‘headhunting’ raids were the norm.34
Finally, in this stalemate, and at the suggestion of the deputy commissioner
for Naga Hills that the Naga should present a united front to the All India
Constituent Assembly, the nnc then turned in support of the Angami de-
mand for independence to take effect after ten years of being an interim part
of Assam. “This interim government was to have full powers in respect of tax-
ation, legislation, the executive and the judiciary, while a guardian power was
to give it a financial subvention, and to place some armed force at the Nagas’
disposal.”35 However, the subcommittee on the constitution of Naga Hills of
the All India Constituent Assembly (which included only one Naga among its
seven members), rejected this proposal of a Naga interim government.
After much deliberation between the nnc leadership and the last British-
appointed governor of Assam, Sir Akbar Hydari, a nine-point accord for an in-
terim government for ten years was signed in June 1947. The Naga communities
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  181

represented by the signatories were the Western Angami, Eastern Angami,

Kuki, Kacha Naga (Zeme), Rengma, Sema, Lotha, Ao, Sangtam, and Chang.
These communities were within the British administrative boundaries. The
sixth point of the accord on boundaries stated, “Boundaries — That present
administrative divisions should be modified so as (1) to bring back into the
Naga Hills District all the forests transferred to the Sibsagar and Nowgong
Districts in the past, and (2) to bring under one unified administrative unit as
far as possible all Naga. All the areas so included would be within the scope
of the present proposed agreement. No areas should be transferred out of the
Naga Hills without the consent of the Naga Council” (Yonuo 1974: 174). The
ninth point of the accord regarding the future of Naga at the end of the ten-
year period was, however, disputed by the members of the Naga Council. It
was seen as ambiguous and was interpreted by some members as equal to their
gaining independence from India at the end of the ten-year arrangement. The
ninth point stated, “Period of Agreement — The Governor of Assam as the
Agent of the Government of the Indian Union will have a special responsi-
bility for a period of 10 years to ensure the observance of the agreement, at
the end of this period the Naga Council will be asked whether they require
the above agreement to be extended for a further period or a new agreement
regarding the future of Naga people arrived at” (174–75).
Angami opinion was divided on this. The Kohima group of Angami agreed
to go with the accord, whereas the Khonoma group demanded full indepen-
dence at the end of ten years and rejected it. A delegation led by Zapu Phizo,
an Angami from Khonoma village, went to Delhi to put forward their case to
Gandhi as well as talk to Jinnah. However, within a few days of signing the
accord the Delhi Committee visiting Assam allegedly brushed aside the agree-
ment, suggesting that Naga should send a delegation to Delhi. The Naga were
then left with no clear idea as to the future of Naga Hills. In the meeting of
the nnc that followed just before Indian Independence, the Naga once again
disagreed over the issue of their own independence. On 14 August 1947 Zapu
Phizo, leading the breakaway section, declared Naga independence. How-
ever, the telegrams he sent to the newspapers, the United Nations, and the
Indian government were intercepted at the Kohima post office, and thus never
reached their destination.36 The Naga declaration of independence therefore
went unnoticed by the press. Meanwhile in Kohima, the non-Naga (Mizo)
wife of the British government employee Kevichusa (who was then assistant
to the deputy commissioner as well as a leading Angami from Khonoma vil-
lage) hoisted a black Angami Lohe cloth as the independent Naga national
182 | V I B H A JOSHI

flag in the compound of their house, situated below Kohima village, near
Mission Compound. This angered the Kohima Angami, who did not support
independence and who also interpreted the hoisting of a Khonoma cloth as
an extension of Khonoma village’s hegemony over Kohima territory. Charles
Pawsey, then district commissioner for Naga Hills, had the cloth taken down
to disperse the angry mob.37
In 1950 Zapu Phizo was made the leader of the nnc. In 1951 the nnc con-
ducted a plebiscite on the issue of Naga independence. It is alleged that 99 per-
cent of Naga supported the ballot with their thumbprint. However, the pleb-
iscite did not include eastern Naga (currently Tuensang, Longleng, and Mon
districts). The issue of the colonial division of Naga into administered and
unadministered has continued to be relevant to the present political divisions.
The Eastern Naga Peoples Organization and Eastern Naga Students Organiza-
tion strive to gain an equal footing in decisions regarding the political future of
Naga by emphasizing that they have always been independent, even of British
colonial rule. During the army action by the Indian government in the 1950s,
the eastern groups of Naga along the Indo-Burma border had also joined the
fight against the Indian army, and this is put forward as a counterargument
to those who question the inclusion of all Naga in the plebiscite by nnc (Iralu
2000: 78). Naga training camps were also established among the eastern Naga
By the mid-1950s there was once again a division between moderates and
radicals among the nnc, which eventually resulted in the resignation of high-
profile members such as T. Sakhrie and Dr. Imkongliba, who were against the
use of violence for gaining independence. Both were assassinated by Phizo
loyalists for their moderate views in support of autonomy within the Indian
Union. In 1960, after protracted army action,39 a peace accord was signed be-
tween the Naga People’s Council and the Indian government which became
the basis for the formation of Nagaland State in 1963. The State comprises the
erstwhile Naga Hills and Tuensang Area, which includes parts of unadmin-
istered territory that lay between the Naga Hills district and Burma during
British rule.
The Thirteenth Amendment Act of the Constitution of India (1962) gives
more autonomy to the Naga through special safeguards, which cannot be
withdrawn unless the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland decides to pass a res-
olution against them. Thus the Nagaland State Assembly retains authority
over (1) religious and social practices of the Naga; (2) Naga customary law and
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  183

procedure; (3) the administration of civil and criminal justice involving de-
cisions according to Naga customary law; and (4) the ownership and transfer
of land and its natural resources (Singh [1972] 1995: 101). With these constitu-
tional safeguards, the Naga are in a privileged position, as they have private
ownership of the land, forest, and water resources, unlike in the rest of India,
where water and forest resources are owned by the government.
However, the formation of the State yet again divided the Naga into those
who supported the State and those who wanted independence and unifica-
tion of all Naga areas.40 By then the Tangkhul, Mao, and the non-Naga Kuki
of Manipur had joined the Naga national movement.41 The Nagaland State
boundaries did not include these areas. The new State also did not get the land
that had been transferred to Assam during colonial rule. Thus two kinds of
government came into existence in Nagaland: the elected State government
and the parallel ‘underground’ government, called the Federal Government of
Nagaland, with their leader, Phizo, living in exile in London. The protracted
conflict continued. Two more accords were signed: first, the Peace Accord in
1964, and then the Shillong Accord in 1975, which was formulated during the
Emergency Rule in India. Both these accords created further divisions. Phizo’s
silence on the Shillong Accord, in which Naga signatories had agreed to abide
by the Indian Constitution, resulted in the formation of a breakaway group
in 1980 called the National Socialist Council of Nagaland, which was led by
Thuingaleng Muivah, Isak Chishi Swu, and Sagwan Sangkai Khaplang. In
1993 nscn itself split into two groups following an allegation by Khaplang that
Thuingaleng Muivah and Isak Chishi Swu were making a deal with the Indian
government. (As noted earlier, Khaplang’s personal commitment, or lack of it,
to Christian standards of behavior was also said to be an issue.)
Differences in ideology as well as ‘tribal’ group identities have played a part
in these fissiparous nationalist politics. The nnc at its inception was domi-
nated by the Angami and Ao members. The first split in Zapu Phizo’s nnc saw
the separation of the Sema group, which eventually surrendered in the 1964
Peace Accord. In the 1980s the formation of nscn passed on the leadership of
the nationalist movement to Naga who mainly hailed from communities that
live outside the boundaries of the present State of Nagaland.
At present Naga are divided along party lines, with each party adhering
to different aims with regard to the political status of Nagaland. The moder-
ates believe in more autonomy within the Union of India, which the present
State of Nagaland currently enjoys, while the extremists favor secession and
184 | V I B H A JOSHI

Figure 7.2. Memorial to A. Z. (Zapu) Phizo (1904–90), Kohima, Nagaland, 2011. It reads,
“Father of the Nation, here rests the man who gave his all for the nation.” On the plinth
is a quotation in Tenyidie and English: “Our land is our heritage, to none shall it be
surrendered: as whetstone our opponents sharpen us.” Photograph courtesy of  V. Joshi.

independence. At present there are at least five different State-level political

parties (some of which are linked to the national parties of India, such as
the Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party, and Rashtriya Janata
Dal) and three main underground organizations. It is common local knowl-
edge that during State elections the nscn factions back candidates from rival
groups. nscn(k) is said to side with the Congress Party, whereas nscn(im) has
its sympathy with the present State government of Nagaland formed by the
coalition Democratic Alliance of Nagaland.

The Demand for Redrawing Borders

In recent years the demand for redrawing the borders of  Nagaland has be-
come a key issue for Naga nationalists with differing views on where the bor-
ders should be. As mentioned earlier, at the inception of the Naga movement
in the 1940s the demand for the unification of Naga areas did not specifi-
cally include the hill districts of Manipur and the villages across the border
in Burma (Myanmar). However, over the past two decades the inclusion of
these areas has become central to the demands for an independent Greater
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  185

Nagaland or Nagalim. In the internal politics of the nationalist movement

this demand for a Greater Nagaland has further consequences that go beyond
independence claims and fuel the regional politics of leadership, ‘tribal’ he-
gemony, and the continued political stalemate with the government of India.
Paradoxically this nonresolution of the conflict prolongs and so benefits the
fundraising efforts of insurgent groups and delays the intractable problem of
which of the rival groups would assume power in an independent Nagaland.
The divisions are evident in the visualization of Nagalim or Greater Naga-
land by each of these groups. The nscn(im) in its negotiations with the Indian
government is demanding the consolidation and unification of all Naga areas
within the Indian union. These comprise two districts of Arunachal Pradesh
(Tirap and Changlang), three districts of Assam (North Cachar Hills, Karbi
Anglong, and parts of Sibsagar, Jorhat, Tinsukhia, and Dibrugarh, includ-
ing the oil fields), and four districts of Manipur (Ukhrul, Senapati, Chandel,
Tamenlong — almost two-thirds of the present State). The northern Naga
areas in Myanmar are not part of the demand made to the Indian govern-
ment but are shown on the Nagalim map of nscn(im). The Naga villages in
the northern Myanmar portion are controlled by the nscn(k) faction, but the
southern Naga regions in Myanmar include some Tangkhul villages. The in-
clusion of the Assam oil fields, especially the region explored by the Indian Oil
and Natural Gas Commission (ongc) and found to have substantial reserves,
is aimed at capturing the revenues from their exploitation. In the popular
imagination in Nagaland it is claimed that Nagalim has immense natural re-
sources of crude oil, natural gas, coal, and semiprecious stones. No evidence
has yet been offered to support these claims. However, crude oil exploration
by ongc in the Champang region of the Lotha Naga-dominated district of
Wokha was stalled after nscn(im) cadres threatened ongc employees in 1994.
The Khaplang-led nscn, on the other hand, demands a Greater Nagaland
that does not include Manipur, especially the Tangkhul-dominated Ukhrul
district, Tangkhul being rejected for fear that they might take control of an
independent Nagaland. Naga within the State of Nagaland support integra-
tion with the areas in Assam, but in what can only be called ‘kitchen talk’
or private views, they are not in favor of integration with other Naga areas,
especially Tangkhul. Most are now weary of the constant demands made
by the two nscn groups. They complain that the leaders are both from out-
side Nagaland State: Muivah is a Tangkhul, and Khaplang is a Heimi from
Myanmar.42 Since Zapu Phizo’s death in 1990, the nnc has dwindled in scope,
186 | V I B H A JOSHI

overshadowed by the larger and better organized nscn groups. As mentioned

earlier, in Nagaland State–level politics the demand for Greater Nagaland has
been included in the manifesto of both the Nagaland Congress Party and the
present coalition government, the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland.
The three major factions have parallel governments, each with its own
constitution and departments of finance, publicity and information, foreign
affairs, and defense. So far negotiations have taken place only between the
Indian government and the nscn(im) group. The latter wants all negotiations
to be unconditional and outside the scope of the Indian Constitution. To this
effect it has proposed a ‘federal’ system in which Nagalim will have its own
way of governance (apparently not based on democratically elected govern-
ment), with a separate flag, its own army to maintain law and order, but using
the Indian currency and allowing the Indian government to be responsible
for foreign affairs and defense.43 However, the Indian government insists on
reaching a solution within the framework of the Indian national constitution.
The result is a persisting stalemate. The Indian Constitution has provisions
for changing the boundaries of constituent States of the federation, allowing
decrease or increase of a State’s area as long as both houses of Parliament agree
on the issue and India’s overall territorial integrity is maintained, as stated in
the Preamble to the Indian Constitution.
The nscn(im) maintains that it is the sole representative of the Naga
peoples. On this basis it had previously rejected any demands for reconcili-
ation with other factions. It has publicly denounced the Khaplang-led group
as being antistate and accepting funds from the Indian Intelligence Agency.
Similar allegations have been made against the nscn(im) leadership by the
Khap­lang group.
In 1992 nscn expelled the Kuki of Manipur from the Naga nationalist
movement, simultaneously issuing a notice to all Kuki residing in southern
Nagaland to leave. Prominent Kuki civilians were killed. In 2006 the nscn(k)
group issued a quit notice to the Tangkhul Naga living in Nagaland. Such quit
notices inadvertently ignore the social realities of the present State of Naga-
land. For while there are divisions along tribal lines, in urban centers there are
intertribal marriages between Kuki and Naga and between Naga of Nagaland
and Manipur. Some Nagaland State bureaucrats hail from other northeastern
States as well from ‘mainland’ India.
Since the cease-fire agreement of 1997 the nscn(im) has increased its support
base in Nagaland and, against the cease-fire rules, has continued to recruit
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  187

cadres and collect taxes from all households, businesses, and government de-
partments. About 25 percent of the salary of a government employee is claimed
in taxes by the factions. Taxes are also collected from people living in the areas
claimed as part of Nagalim. Ransom demands from both Naga and non-Naga
(in common parlance, ‘nonlocals’) have continued. There have been claims
that countries sympathetic to the Naga nationalists have supplied them with
funds as well as arms, even from across the Indian Ocean (Shimray 2005).
The flow of money from the center to the northeastern States provides a con-
stant supply and inadvertently finances the insurgency (Nag 2008). Ramesh
(2005) illustrates the total dependence of the northeastern state economy on
the central funds (see also Mishra, this volume). Eighty percent of the Naga-
land State budget is financed by the central government. On top of that, funds
for development are constantly given to the States. If not claimed, these funds
do not lapse but go back to the corpus, unlike the yearly funds available to
other Indian States. The present ‘Look East’ policy of the Indian government
has meant that northeastern States are now in an even better position to de-
mand funds for infrastructural development, which may indirectly go into
funding the insurgency (compare Farrelly, chapter 8, this volume). This is in
contrast to the beginnings of the nationalist movement, which was based on
what Elwin (1961: 75) saw as the “simplistic” claim by Naga that they could
sustain themselves through hard work by tilling their land, depending on a
subsistence economy.

What sustains the Naga nationalist movement is the colonial experience,

conversion to Christianity, and education of a people projected as a Christian
population distinct from their Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist neighbors. This
is combined with the living memory and memorialization of sustained brutal
army action by India during the 1950s and 1970s and the deployment of the
controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act since the 1960s, which has not
been repealed.44 In addition the geographical advantage of the mountainous
landscape, forest cover, proximity to the international border, and guerrilla
war tactics have helped the nationalist movement in the past to evade the In-
dian armed forces after the ambushing of army convoys and during the army’s
‘combing’ operations against the insurgents.
The Naga secessionist movement has continually raised issues of ethnicity
and identity. Paradoxically, while seeking overall Naga autonomy, the move-
ment has experienced rivalry and competition among its members, which
188 | V I B H A JOSHI

have been expressed through, and so have reinforced, internal boundaries

and distinctions of ‘tribe.’
Underlying the fragmented quest for sovereignty is the relationship between
the plains and valley dwellers and the hill dwellers. The legends relate the sep-
aration of brothers and the cunning of the plains people, which is reflected
in the demand for independence by a section of Naga. Coexisting with this
is what Van Schendel calls selective remembering and forgetting, a distortion
of history into modern time. As Van Schendel (2002a) has emphasized, the
northeastern borderlands of India sit at the confluence of three world areas:
South Asia, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. The communities that live in
this ‘Zomia’ region all fall in the margins of their main area.
On the one hand, as Van Schendel (2005a: 12) points out, states presume
that “the borderland is considered to be ‘known.’ ” At the same time, “state
elites of the region have displayed a pervasive concern with sovereignty, secu-
rity and territorial control. They have kept the borderland fairly inaccessible
and this also has dissuaded academics from studying it” (12), thus creating
“geographies of ignorance” (Van Schendel 2002a). This view is clearly ap-
plicable to the Naga area. The Inner Line Permit that was introduced in 1853
by the British colonial administration was retained, initially, at the behest
of the Naga leaders (Yonuo 1974: 174). Its continued use in the northeastern
States, especially Nagaland, is a direct consequence of the political situation.
It dissuades Indian academics from entering an area out of fear for their se-
curity. It creates suspicion of ‘Indian’ researchers as being covertly engaged
in intelligence gathering.45 Any research on the politics of the Naga move-
ment that is not explicitly in favor of nationalist demands may also be viewed
with suspicion by the vigilantes of the movement (such as the Naga Students
Thus alongside the paradox that borders are at the center of state definition
and reality, there is a second paradox that applies to situations such as that of
Nagaland. In the struggle over borders between competing secessionists on
one hand and the federal state on the other, prolonged nonresolution of the
conflict may benefit both sets of combatants. Thus the regional factions can
defer the seemingly impossible task of converting severe political division into
a unity government, and the Nagaland State government can continue to reap
economic benefits in the form of subsidies from the central government (a
considerable percentage of which is siphoned off to the rebel movements as a
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  189

‘tax’). At the same time the federal state of India exploits this political uncer-
tainty by continuing to deploy armed forces along its national borders, and so
preserves a buffer zone between itself and other nation-states.

Notes to Chapter 7
1. An Inner Line Permit is needed by Indians to enter some of the northeast Indian
States. Foreigners require a Restricted Area Permit (rap), which is obtained through
the Indian Consulates. Beginning in January 2011 the rap requirement for foreigners
(except from Afghanistan, China, Bangladesh, and Pakistan) for Nagaland was lifted
provisionally for one year to improve tourism in the State. However, ilp regulations
for Indian citizens continued. Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, faqs
on Protected Area Permit and rap, accessed 19 October 2011, mha.nic.in.
2. After the Indian Sepoy Mutiny of 1857–58, the East India Company was dissolved
and the administration of India passed to the British government. The capital of Brit-
ish India was moved from Calcutta to Delhi.
3. Land was given to tea plantations under the Waste Land Grant Rule of 1838. The
conditions were liberal, and revenue rates were very low (Gangopadhyay 1990: 134;
compare Baruah 2005: 92). Guha writes that by 1901 tea gardens occupied nearly one
fourth of the total settled area in Assam (Guha 1991: 191; cf. Baruah 2005: 93). Carving
out tea plantations restricted the movement of the local population to forest paths. See
also Joshi (Patel) (1994).
4. In 1989 Burma was renamed Myanmar by the new military regime.
5. “Northeast India and Its Transnational Neighbourhood,” Asian Borderlands
Research Networks Conference, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, January
6. It has to be remarked that even today non-Naga do genuinely find conditions
difficult in Nagaland.
7. Reconciliation among warring factions and between the families of victims of un-
derground violence and the underground is now seen as essential for any meaningful
unity among the Naga. In October 2008 a football match was organized by the Naga
Baptist Church Council between a united team of Naga nationalists and Naga civil
society members. In November 2006 a large gathering of all the clans from Merhema
ward (khel) of Khonoma village and the representatives of civil society organizations
was held to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of  T. Sakhrie’s death. The occasion
also highlighted the reconciliation between the clans of Sakhrie and Phizo (Dolie).
An elder of Dolie clan apologized to the Sakhrie clan for the assassination. Sakhrie
was the right-hand man of Phizo until his fallout and was brutally tortured and killed
(Nibedon [1978] 1983: 70–72). He was labeled a traitor on account of his moderate views
supporting autonomy within the Indian Union. See also the website of Unrepresented
190 | V I B H A JOSHI

Nations and Peoples Organization, www.unpo.org; Sanjoy Hazarika, “Let the Blood-
shed End,” www.hardnewsmedia.com, accessed 10 November 2008.
8. nscn(im) is the National Socialist Council of Nagaland/Nagalim — Isak Chishi
Swu and Thuingaleng Muiwah (at Camp Hebron, Diphupar, Dimapur); nscn(k) is
National Socialist Council of Nagaland–Sagwan Sankai Khaplang; nscn(Unification)
comprises members of the im and k factions who came together to form a united Na-
tional Socialist Council of Nagaland (at Camp Khehoi, Dimapur).
9. I happened to be at the venue of two such meetings in January 2008, a govern-
ment guesthouse in Kohima, where I stayed with a colleague. On our arrival we were
stopped by the armed guards outside the gates of the guesthouse to allow the “im-
portant meeting” to finish and to wait until after the “parties” had left. Later we were
told in hushed tones that the meeting was between the representative of the nscn(k)
group and the Ceasefire Monitoring Committee’s chairperson. A couple of days later
we chanced upon a large gathering for another “important” meeting. On this occasion
the semicircular space in front of the guesthouse building was surrounded by vehi-
cles with red lights on top, pilot jeeps, and several men sporting ak-47 assault rifles.
It turned out to be the Ceasefire Monitoring Committee’s High Command meeting
with the nscn(im) group representative, ‘Brigadier’ Phunthing, and some of his com-
rades. The High Command comprised the army chief of staff, the director general
of Nagaland Police, the Nagaland home commissioner, the Assam Rifles chief, and
the chairperson of Ceasefire Monitoring Committee. These meetings had urgency
as President’s Rule (the suspension of the State Legislative Assembly) had been de-
clared in Nagaland on 4 January 2008, after a no-confidence motion was passed in
the Nagaland Legislative Assembly against the ruling coalition just months before
the Assembly elections were due to be held. Meetings were to assure that no untoward
activity should take place in the run-up to the elections. The Nagaland public was vis-
ibly relieved at the imposition of President’s Rule as there had been rampant extortion
of money in the preceding months by the ‘national workers’ (as the insurgent outfits
call themselves).
10. From Fault Lines: Writings on Conflict and Resolution, South Asia Intelligence
Review, South Asia Terrorism Portal, retrieved 20 January 2009, www.satp.org.
11. Fault Lines, South Asia Intelligence Review. See K. Padmabhaiah, “Territorial
Cease Fire with nscn im,” South Asia Terrorism Portal, accessed 19 January 2009,
12. R. Koijam, “Naga Ceasefire and Manipur,” The Hindu, 13 July 2001, accessed 19
January 2009, www.hinduonnet.com.
13. See news report on nscn(im) camp in Shirui, Ukhrul district, Manipur and the
clash in January 2009 with Assam Rifles: “ar-/nscn-im Gun Battle in Ukhrul,” Mo-
rung Express News, 12.08.2009, accessed 23 May 2013, www.tangkhul.tangkhul.com.
14. In February 2009 the subdivisional officer and his two staff members from
Kasom Khullum in Ukhrul district were abducted and then killed by the nscn(im)
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  191

cadres. After public protest at these “senseless brutal” killings, the nscn(im) from
Camp Hebron in Nagaland issued a statement that they had set up a “fact-finding
committee and exemplary punishment will be meted out to the cadres who have
committed the crime.” See “A New Definition of Barbaric Killing Invites 48 hrs Gen
Strike” and “nscn(im), Naga Organisations, Others Decry Slaying of sdo and Two
Employees,” The Sangai Express, 17.02.2009, e-pao.net/GP.asp?src=1. .180209.feb09;
‘Finally, im Hands over Hopeson Ningshen to cbi, Remanded to 15 days,” The Sangai
Express, 29.05.2009, e-pao.net; “Naga Army not to Spare any Cadre Involved in sdo
Killing,” Hueiyen News Service, 21.02.2009, e-pao.net/GP.asp?src=20.220209.feb09;
“Manipur Protests Continue,” Assam Tribune, 26.02.2006, www.assamtribune.com;
‘sdo Murder: People Want nscn (i-m) Cadres to be Taken to Task,” Times of India
News, articles.timesofindia.timesofindia.com; all accessed 23 May 2013.
15. For examples, see Nuh and Lasuh 2002; Vashum 2000; Horam 1975, 1988; Shim-
ray 2005; Iralu 2000; Rammuny 1988; Nibedon (1978) 1983, 1981; Luithui and Haskar
1984; Rustomji 1983; Sema 1986; Singh (1972) 1995; Maxwell 1979; iwgia 1986; Yonuo
1974; West 1999.
16. See Luithui and Haksar 1984; Iralu 2000; Chasie 1999. The brutality of the In-
dian army is also the subject of Naga literature, for example, These Hills Called Home:
Stories from a War Zone by Temsula Ao (2000). She was awarded the Padam Shri, a
civilian honor, in 2007 by the government of India.
17. Shevohü Keyho, “Let Our People be Aware,” Morungexpres, accessed 23 May
2013, www.nagalim.nl/news/00001139.htm. See also Nuh and Lasuh 2002.
18. In early 2010 the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland government again addressed
the demand for a return to Nagaland of the areas in Assam that had been transferred
during the colonial period. However, when the central government asked for submis-
sion of the original maps, these could not be found, so the issue remains unresolved.
19. I have sometimes been asked in Nagaland whether I knew the first usage and ori-
gin of the term ‘Naga’ as I am a researcher. Such queries are not unusual: Burling (2007)
writes that he was often asked about the origin of the Garo by the Garo themselves.
20. See Hutton 1921; Elwin 1961; Ao 1970.
21. See also Hutton 1965: 16. The labels for objects collected for European museums
from these hill communities in the nineteenth century show a similar trend. While
some objects are identified as Ao, Angami, or Rengma, others bear Assamese village
names for hill communities such as Bordoria or Namsangia. See Joshi 2008a.
22. Excavations were carried out around Longtrok in 2006–8 by a team of Naga
archaeologists led by Tiatoshi Jamir (Jamir and Vasa 2008).
23. See ‘Nagalim’ www.unpo.org (retrieved 10 December 2008). See also Burling
(2007) for similar views on the migration of the Garo peoples of Meghalaya.
24. The term genna derives from the Angami word kenyü, denoting prohibition on
movement and cloistering. It has now become part of the Naga lingua franca.
25. This insistence on a separate identity is also related to positive discrimination in
192 | V I B H A JOSHI

terms of reservation in government jobs for backward tribes that Nagaland State fol-
lows as part of national policy in India for the integration of the ‘backward’ communi-
ties into the mainstream. The Naga themselves are part of the Scheduled Tribe classifi-
cation and benefit from reservations in government jobs and educational institutions.
26. See “Nagalim,” accessed 10 November 2008, www.unpo.org. Nagalim became a
member of unpo in 1993 after concerted efforts by nscn(im).
27. For a comparable case from Myanmar, see Gravers 2007; Sakhong 2007.
28. See also Shimray 2005: 158–60.
29. See Joshi (2007, 2008b, 2012) on Christianity among the Angami Naga.
30. See Kabui 2004; Yonuo 1974; Longkumer 2007.
31. A similar line of argument is dominant among the Mizo, who have marginalized
the non-Christian communities in Mizoram since the signing of the Mizo Accord
with the Indian government and the subsequent formation of Mizoram state in 1987
(Das 2007: 40–42).
32. Eaton (1997: 246) provides comparative statistics from the census of India for the
percentage of Naga that were Christian in 1881–1990.
33. See Mildred Archer, “Journey to Nagaland, An account of six months spent in
the Naga Hills in 1947,” typescript, Pitt Rivers Museum Archives, University of Ox-
ford. They are also available online in the Naga database at www.alanmacfarlane.com.
Of course, such writings are selective, subjective, and open to debate for the accuracy
of their historical content.
34. See M. Archer diaries, 1947, and W. G. Archer papers and tour diaries, 1946–48,
Naga database, www.alanmacfarlane.com.
35. Mildred Archer, “Journey to Nagaland.”
36. The postmaster passed the telegrams to Charles Pawsey, the last British district
commissioner of Naga Hills, who in turn decided not to send them. W. G. Archer
diaries 1946–48, Naga database, www.alanmacfarlane.com.
37. W. G. Archer manuscript notes and diaries 1946–48, Naga database; Sentsi
2004. Anungla Aier and Easterine Iralu helped me confirm that the Angami cloth
that was hoisted was in fact black-colored Lohe, which is common to both Kohima
and Khonoma Angami villages.
38. See Lintner (1990) for his account of travel through these camps to reach the
Kachin Independence Army in Burma.
39. According to reports by human rights groups (iwgia and npmhr), in the 1950s
and 1960s ruthless actions, including the burning of villages, were undertaken by the
Indian army. Monuments to those who died fighting the army are prominent among
the Angami. In Jotsoma village the martyrs’ graveyard overlooks the village. In the
same village, in a thehuba (public meeting place), is a lasting inscription on a flat rock
that informs readers that Jotsoma village was burned by the Indian army in 1956. Such
monuments are a constant reminder to the younger generation of the ongoing war
The Micropolitics of Borders  |  193

for Naga freedom. The brutality of the Indian army is also the subject of recent Naga
literature (see Ao 2000).
40. Sema 1986: 59–72; Singh (1972) 1995: 98; Rustomji 1983: 69; West 1999: 38–39;
Gundevia 1975; Horam 1975, 1988. Elwin (1961: 670) writes that when demand for
Nagaland State was accepted by the Indian government, the pastors in the radical nnc
group used the biblical text of Exodus 32 to denounce the move and draw parallels
between those who accepted the creation of Nagaland State and the worshiping of the
Golden Calf by the Israelites while Moses was away in the mountains.
41. The Tangkhul considered themselves exploited and marginalized by the Meitei
of Manipur. However, Baruah (2005: 115), writes that this claim is contentious, as Ma-
nipuri kings have had Tangkhul generals and since the formation of Manipur State
there have been two Tangkhul chief ministers.
42. Khaplang has sometimes been erroneously identified as a Konyak, a group that
is similar to the Heimi.
43. See “India’s Hidden Wars in the North East Nagas Float Federal Model,” unpo,
06.10.2006, accessed 2 February 2009, www.unpo.org.
44. See Figures 7.1 and 7.2. Names of nationalist martyrs on public memorial stones
and epitaphs are a constant reminder of the nationalist movement.
45. A Naga researcher working in the Northeast in a community different from his
own was under suspicion by both the Indian army and the Naga nationalists (Long-
kumer 2009).

Nodes of Control in a South(east)

Asian Borderland

Asia: South by Southeast

It is a peculiar feature of contemporary scholarship on the regions that we
habitually know as ‘South Asia’ and ‘Southeast Asia’ that there is little traf-
fic between their respective epistemic cohorts. In the past, scholarship that
vaulted across the imaginary dividing lines between the Indian subcontinent
and the countries of mainland Southeast Asia was relatively common. As re-
cently as Hall (1955), Coedès (1968), and Mabbett (1977), scholars developed
a deep understanding of the connections between the two regions. Knowl-
edge about South Asia, particularly with respect to the texts and languages
of ancient civilizations, was once considered almost essential for scholars of
Southeast Asia. Moreover writing on India, both during and after the Brit-
ish colonial period, naturally carried much scholarly interest to Burma and
beyond.1 Anglophone scholars in particular were engrossed by the ongoing
histories of contact and conflict that distinguished so much of the common
experience in those parts of Asia subject to British colonial ambitions. Shared
linguistic, historical, cultural, and religious experiences once guaranteed that
from Colombo to Kengtung and from Pegu to Bodhgaya there was strong ap-
preciation of shared inheritances. Such appreciation has not dissolved entirely,
but in an era when contemporary geostrategic and political concerns generally
take precedence, the cross-fertilization of scholarship between South Asia and
Southeast Asia has been on the wane. There is instead a persistent tendency to
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  195

focus on contemporary cohesions and divisions without sufficient attention to

historical connections and fault lines.
This tendency challenges today’s scholars who hope to find new ways of
exploring the borderlands of South Asia and adjacent regions. For instance,
among many scholars it is commonly taken for granted that the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (asean) and the South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation (saarc) delineate distinctive regional, indeed associ-
ational territories that are mutually exclusive and coherent to the extent that
they should be relevant to current political, economic, and cultural concerns.
But are such accidents of history and strategy really the best we can do? We
could, with good reason, start by asking what such regions look like when seen
from their respective borderlands. What is the difference between saarc and
asean, or between India and Burma, when we try to straddle their shared
frontier? Simply taking aim at the arbitrariness of these modern groupings — 
and their curious logics of geostrategic togetherness — is not the point. At-
tacking the construction, cohesion, and consistency of these groupings is a
largely fruitless exercise.
Rather scholars should analyze what the presuppositions and implications
of particular geopolitical groupings are, and why they become accepted.2
What is most striking about such regional groupings is precisely that the ar-
bitrariness of dominant international relations logics is often uncritically rep-
licated in academic discussions and structures. Conversations, for instance,
between scholars focused on Bangladesh and Thailand are far less common
than the relative global positions of those two countries would suggest. South
Asia and Southeast Asia can appear to be very far apart. So can we imagine
studies of the South(east) Asian borderlands that bring knowledge about both
South Asia and Southeast Asia into a full and useful conversation?
These are not entirely original questions; they draw their inspiration from
the contrarian framework introduced by the Dutch social scientist Willem
van Schendel’s (2002a) article on regional knowledge in Asia. That article is
now famous for its provocative effort to challenge area studies knowledge by
suggesting that between South and Southeast Asia, and East and Central Asia,
there may be an alternative region: the area Van Schendel dubs ‘Zomia.’ For
Van Schendel, Zomia seemed to have “missed out” when the scramble for
scholarly prestige occurred during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Few if any academic programs were built on explicitly ‘Zomian’ foundations,
196 | N I C H O L A S F A R R E L LY

and, as a result, the highland ‘peripheral’ areas that fall within Zomia failed
to garner significant attention. An anthropologist of highland Southeast Asia,
Jean Michaud (2010: 199), insists that “what is commendable about Willem
van Schendel’s idea is his call to academics to pay more attention to areas and
societies dwelling on the periphery of bona fide states and civilizations, which
are otherwise neglected as merely peripheral, exotic, or backward.”
What Van Schendel could not have foreseen is that within a decade of pub-
lishing his contrarian, even heretical ideas about area studies in Asia, Zomia
has gone on to generate a new subgenre of debate about spatial control, cul-
tural politics, and social change in the areas that fall between the standard
blocks of area studies. The resulting debate has seriously stretched the original
terms of his Zomia argument. And the apotheosis of Zomia came with the
publication in 2009 of James C. Scott’s award-winning The Art of Not Being
Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia.3 This chapter is
not the appropriate place to review Scott’s evidence and argument in full, but
needless to say he has produced a book of such scope and ambition that it is
difficult to imagine the argument that I make here without some reference to
his intervention and its aftermath.4 In one of the most impressive surveys of
the Zomia topic, the anthropologist Hjorleifur Jonsson (2010: 196) suggests,
with a cadence that is very relevant to my argument here, that “to [a] consid-
erable extent, area scholars are confined to one side of the border(s) and not
interested in hinterland regions.”
Why are scholarly specialists of South Asia or Southeast Asia so apparently
disinclined to take on the challenge of studying borderland and interstitial
areas or to cross regional borders completely? There are some obvious expla-
nations that are a consequence of the ways junior scholars are funded and sup-
ported, which are then reinforced by the difficulty of learning new languages
and the reluctance of senior scholars, conscious of rising standards of cultural
competence and faced with numerous administrative burdens and little time
for scholarship, to carve out new areas of research. Shifting a research focus
from, say, Bangkok or Kolkata to an adjacent borderland area happens often
enough, but it is far rarer for scholars to leap entirely away from their existing
comfort zones. Justifying such flagrant border hopping can prove difficult,
especially when crossing the prevailing regional boundaries of scholarship
almost always opens up new vulnerabilities for those who come to a field with
fresh ideas but perhaps without the requisite area studies training.
Why does this matter? Zomia is central to the interstitial zone where China
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  197

and India rub together. Anyone intrigued by the future of any Asian region
must be interested by this geographic reality. Moreover anyone intrigued
about the future of war, counterinsurgency, postconflict development, narcot-
ics production, people trafficking, migration, disease, or capitalism will also
want to understand Zomia. It sits at a strategic crossroads of what we currently
understand, and yet the way the world is carved up hides it from view. That
is the original, polemical point Van Schendel wanted to make about the area
studies knowledge we take for granted.

An Argument about Nodes of Control

My justification for introducing this chapter in terms of the politics of area
studies knowledge is that the rest of my argument, drawing on Van Schendel’s
and Scott’s contributions about Zomia, is really part of a conversation about
borders — in our minds and on our maps. Is it acceptable for a self-styled
Southeast Asianist (trained in the languages, politics, and histories of that
region) to write with any authority on South Asian topics? I sometimes won-
der whether the very foundations of what we think we know in the social
sciences is so heavily conditioned by an inheritance of concepts and language
and politics that it remains difficult to realistically stretch the boundaries of
the existing regions. In response, this chapter is an attempt to explore places
that fall, somewhat inconveniently, between dominant areas of study — in this
case the borderlands between South Asia and Southeast Asia.
The focus in this chapter is two such places: Myitkyina, in northern Burma,
and Miao, in northeast India. The local lingua franca of both towns is a
Tibeto-Burman language incomprehensible to Burmese speakers or to speak-
ers of Assamese. These are also places heavily connected to government proj-
ects and to the nation-state-making endeavors of postcolonial Asia. Both
towns have experienced the arrival of outsiders from other parts of Burma
and India, respectively, and the cultural influences that new settlers, media,
and education have dispersed. These two towns are also tied up with a number
of local antigovernment movements, some of which still maintain insurgent
(or potentially insurgent) militias. The paradox of control and conflict defines
government efforts to manage potentially rebellious parts of Zomia.
My argument is that in the borderlands where South and Southeast Asia
meet, governments have sought to impose what I call ‘nodes of control’ to
manage the potential challenges to their rule in these somewhat unruly areas.
198 | N I C H O L A S F A R R E L LY

One of the key points made by both Van Schendel and Scott is that in Zomia’s
interstitial borderlands it is the governments from lowland centers that have
often struggled to exert full control. For hundreds of years there have been
regular rebellions and revolts that have challenged such rulers. Scott goes so
far as to assert that “state-repelling” cultures have evolved to make the peoples
of Zomia less “legible” to the governments that hope to govern them. It is such
ambitions of government — in conceptual, historical, and contemporary terms 
— that are the focus of this chapter.
In considering these arguments we should begin in Southeast Asia ‘proper’
with Thongchai Winichakul’s influential discussion of Thailand during the
colonial period. He introduced the memorable and widely cited point that a
regime of mapping shaped the “geo-body” of Thailand. According to Wini­
chakul (1994: 129), in the triumph of this new logic the “ultimate loser was
the indigenous knowledge of political space. Modern geography displaced it,
and the regime of mapping became hegemonic.” In the Thai case, the new
logic of modern geography brought a number of disparate political realms
into a single national embrace called chaat thai, the Thai nation.5 For Wini­
chakul it served to make heterogeneous peoples ‘Thai’ and allocate them a
supposedly cohesive, even uniform national identity. Even more significantly
for Winichakul’s argument, this historical process gave the Thais a map. The
distinctive shape of Thailand was made possible only when technologies of
mapping helped to define rigid national borders. And as other technologies of
government in the region improved, the obvious ambition of central author-
ities (and not just the Thais) was to consolidate and demarcate their spatial
control (as described also by Sturgeon 1997). This spatial control legitimized
and maximized other opportunities for remaining in authority.
This ‘geo-body’ (of  Thailand or of other states) displaced a system of spatial
organization that predated these colonial impositions in the region. Indeed
one of the points that Scott reinforces in The Art of Not Being Governed is that
before the imposition of fixed borders many peoples of the region were free to
wander, anarchically if you will, in ways that defy today’s firm classifications.
This idealized, borderless, transnational realm of interchange and conversa-
tion can be positioned as the antithesis of the border-mapping, fence-building
world that Winichakul described so well. Sturgeon (2004, 2005) shows how
the Akha traverse the borderlands between Thailand and China; she presents
them as effective and flexible negotiators of border arrangements, undermin-
ing the supposed rigidity of some national frontiers. Van Schendel (2002a), as
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  199

noted earlier, made a key intervention in this discussion when he pointed out
that South, Central, East, and Southeast Asia, as imagined by scholars, are
historical and geopolitical accidents. He then outlined a huge area between
the ‘areas’ of scholarly attention and, more important, in between the various
nation-state political systems: this area he named Zomia.
In Van Schendel’s argument, it is countries like India, Bangladesh, Burma,
Thailand, and China that have historically struggled, and struggle even today,
to rule the parts of their territory that fall inside Zomia. He posits that people
in Zomia, whether they live in Thailand, India, or Bangladesh, perhaps have
(or had) more in common with each other than with their lowland neighbors.
Thus the Lahu (in southern China) and the Naga (in northeast India) share
commonalities that they may not share with their immediate lowland (i.e.,
Han Chinese and Assamese) neighbors. Such matters have now been explored
by Scott (2007, 2009), who, for the better part of the past decade, has devoted
his attention to explaining the historical details of Zomia. He actually focuses
on something more specific: a region he calls “eastern Zomia.” The two towns,
Myitkyina and Miao, that I discuss in later portions of this chapter are right
at the heart of this region.
The eastern Zomia region, for Scott, is a “state-repelling” space where the
locals went to great lengths to minimize their legibility by government. He
calls the locals — the Jinghpaw, Lisu, and others — “ barbarians by choice.”
With titles like “Why Civilizations Don’t Climb Hills” and “Zomia: The Last
Great Enclosure Movement and Stateless Peoples in Southeast Asia” Scott
toured the world lecturing on his conceptualization of this region and its his-
tory. Scott’s (2009) monograph makes it clear that for him, at an uncertain
moment, perhaps sixty years ago, the dynamics of Zomia were fundamen-
tally changed by the implementation of new systems of government, with new
technologies of control, mobility, and power projection.
Until that moment Scott is relatively comfortable with an exposition that
prioritizes the state-evading practices and the state-repelling spaces of a
Zomia that are beyond the easy control of governments. His anarchist re-
sistance paradigm may warm the hearts of those who assume that a pattern
of resistance to the nation-state is at the heart of local lifestyles and cultures.
His enunciation of state-resisting forms in eastern Zomia is clarified by what
he describes as the “last great enclosure” (Scott 2009: 11). In his neat explana-
tion this enclosure, mimicking what happened in Europe in centuries past,
was a “truly imperial project, made possible only by distance-demolishing
200 | N I C H O L A S F A R R E L LY

technologies (all-weather roads, bridges, railroads, airplanes, modern weap-

ons, telegraph, telephone, and now modern information technologies includ-
ing global positioning systems).” Scott goes on to argue that this project “is
so novel and its dynamics so different that my analysis here makes no further
sense in Southeast Asia for the period after, say, 1950” (11). He emphasizes that
the history of state evasion he describes appears to end in almost all areas
with “modern conceptions of national sovereignty and the resource needs of
mature capitalism” (11).
What has happened to Zomia — the land in between South, East, Southeast,
and Central Asia — over the past sixty years? I suggest that it has been slowly
and quite surely displaced: in all the places that matter to them, the govern-
ments are in charge. Zomia has been pushed out by what I prefer to describe
as relatively muscular nodes of government authority. These sites of control,
centered on towns like Myitkyina and Miao, have made for a stark change
of circumstances in areas where a long-standing (i.e., Zomian) political and
cultural orientation has been rapidly changed by the needs of governments
that feel compelled to implement, and then maintain, new forms of spatial
governance. Zomia may, as such, remain in isolated places far from sites of
economic, strategic, and other significance. Wherever the government decides
it does not need a presence — in unimportant hamlets, by the sides of little
creeks, on lonely mountain passes — it can afford to withdraw. In the political
systems of contemporary Zomia there is a process of hardening the state in
places that matter and withdrawing from places that do not.
It follows that nodes of control have been established in the parts of the
South(east) Asian borderlands that are most important for the survival of the
central government systems. This is not a unique situation, but in the context
of both the Zomia model and our understanding of area studies knowledge it
is significant. A borderless realm that serves to disrupt nation-state frontiers
and goes beyond area studies boundary-making projects is an intuitively at-
tractive idea. What I hope to show, however, is that Zomia’s borderless ideal
has now been managed by nodes of control and that area studies in Asia must
reconcile the difference in knowledge that follows scholarly inquiry in dif-
ferent but adjacent parts of the world. The idea of nodes of control helps to
describe power projection and maintenance in the ‘geo-body’ in a way not
captured by Winichakul’s analysis. These nodes of control are the middle
ground (as hinted at in works on borderlands like Jonsson 2006 and Giersch
2006). And as strategic nodes — along the various borders, the major transport
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  201

and commercial routes, and the main population centers — they serve as sites
where the governments have firmly fortified themselves. Thus Scott was right
that something changed with the arrival of modern state-making technolo-
gies; the area he calls eastern Zomia is no longer what it was. But he misjudges
contemporary Zomia if he imagines that Zomian forms of action and think-
ing are no longer found and no longer relevant today. State control is still
incomplete and fragile in some border areas, even while it is relatively secure
at the nodes.

Nodes of Contest and Control

Myitkyina and Miao sit on opposite sides of a national border close to the edge
of what is usually considered South Asia, where the mountains and forests
blur into Southeast Asia and into the southernmost areas of Tibetan settle-
ment. At this far frontier, in areas where South Asia knowledge starts to fray,
there is a long border between India and Burma. That border — which snakes
1,463 kilometers from Arunachal Pradesh in the north down past Nagaland,
Manipur, and Mizoram — not only separates the Republic of India and the
Union of Myanmar but serves to delineate two regions of area studies concern.
One side of the border, on Indian soil, has tended to be the preserve of South
Asia expertise, while the other side is supposedly captured by Southeast Asian

Happily, from the Myanmar government’s point of view, Myitkyina is one
place where Zomia (and all it arguably represented) has been thoroughly dis-
placed. With a name that means ‘near the big river’ (on the eastern flank of
the town the Ayeyarwady River is almost one kilometer wide), Myitkyina is
a bustling entrepôt of approximately 150,000 people and the capital of the
Kachin State. It is also the heart of the Myanmar government campaign to
control northern Burma in a context where decades-old cease-fire agreements
are being tested by robust government efforts to finally remove potential
armed opposition from Burma’s soil.6 Those efforts led, on 9 June 2011, to
the breakdown of the seventeen-year cease-fire between the Kachin Indepen-
dence Army and the Myanmar government. Once fighting recommenced,
Myitkyina became ever more important as a node of control. It is ringed
by large Myanmar military bases, with the headquarters of light infantry
202 | N I C H O L A S F A R R E L LY

battalions, regional air force units, and special operations elements all nested
in the immediate vicinity. Myitkyina is, in that sense, a garrison town. How-
ever, one quarter, Shatapru, was dominated under the cease-fire by the local
Jinghpaw elite,7 including many Kachin Independence Army commanders
and their families. Elsewhere in Myitkyina the population is more or less
evenly split between Jinghpaw and ethnic Burmese, with smaller numbers of
residents hailing originally from China and India. Because it is a node of con-
trol, government efforts to entice ethnic Burmese migrants continue, and in
many parts of Myitkyina the Burmese are now in the majority; they continue
to arrive in greater numbers than any other group (see map 8.1).
A series of northern commanders of the Myanmar Defense Force (tat-
madaw) have increasingly controlled all of the important aspects of the town
on behalf of the Myanmar state. Zomia, that historical region of rebellious
sentiments, requires vigilance on the part of a Myanmar government that
has sought to neutralize its most ferocious opponents, including some of the
locals in the Myitkyina area. Throughout the period of cease-fire negotia-
tions, which began in 1989, Myitkyina was a key site for making truces and
agreeing to terms. In these dealings, the overarching authority of the northern
commander stands in stark contrast to the lack of political power allowed
any ethnic minority group, especially the populous and militarily competent
Jinghpaw. In most cases, the Myanmar government succeeded in its efforts
to discourage the resumption of armed conflict, but in 2011 the government
provoked a confrontation, whether or not they intended to. The northern
commander may have initially anticipated the Kachin would comprehen-
sively avoid a new conflict. Instead they defended their territories against
government incursions, precipitating ferocious offensives and counterattacks.
Kachin Independence Army guerrilla units were dispatched to target strategic
sites, including in Myitkyina.
During the years of cease-fire the Jinghpaw leadership and their Myanmar
government counterparts could meet and do deals in Myitkyina. In Myitkyina
the local ethnic armies (the Kachin Independence Army, the New Democratic
Army–Kachin, and the Lasang Awng Wa Peace Group), their commercial
partners, and intelligence networks all had a substantial presence, as did some
companies from elsewhere in Burma closely associated with the Myanmar
government. During those years business in northern Burma was explicitly
bilateral, and everyone, no matter how much they disliked the government,
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  203

© Australian National University

C H I N A CAP EMS 12-094
International boundary
Yarlung Zang State/region boundary
0 20 40
N kilometres








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94°E 98°E

Map 8.1. Kachin State within Burma. Original map by Australian National University,
College of Asia and the Pacific, Education and Multimedia Services. Reproduced with

was forced into a pattern of government-centric collaboration. This is one fac-

tor that continued to reinforce the negotiated nodular control that the Myan-
mar government claimed. The resumption of hostilities has reemphasized the
need of the Myanmar authorities for the control of this node. Even, or espe-
cially, under conditions of civil war they do not claim authority to the same
extent on every inch of their territory but have instead chosen to concentrate
their interests and defenses. Based on my discussions with individuals who
Figure 8.1. Kachin Chinese tourists, who have come over the border into Burma to
celebrate the pan-Kachin Manau festival in Myitkyina and are dressed in Kachin
costume, pose with Myanmar Army soldiers, January 2011. Photograph courtesy of
N. Farrelly.

Figure 8.2. Soldiers of the Myanmar Army’s Northern Command guard the entrance
to the Manau festival grounds in Myitkyina, January 2011. The banner reads (in both
Jinghpaw and Burmese), “Kachin cultural Manau festival.” Photograph courtesy of
N. Farrelly.
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  205

are key players in this system, such collaboration ultimately requires that the
government never takes too much. During the cease-fire, compromises flowed
in both directions; those arrangements ended with the new civil war.
One of the explanations for such substantial compromise was that lucra-
tive commercial interactions were premised on a degree of cooperation. The
major jade mines at Hpakant, in the western part of the Kachin State not far
from the border with India, were controlled by a set of interlocking Jinghpaw,
Chinese, and Myanmar corporate interests, with oversight from the Myan-
mar government authorities. Under these circumstances a small number of
local tycoons, called Sutdu in Jinghpaw, proved most adept at managing their
competing loyalties and, in particular, their relationships with the Myanmar
government authorities based in Myitkyina. Fortunes were built on the skill-
ful management of logging, mining, agricultural, and transport businesses in
a situation wherein collaboration helped to make all sides wealthy. The cease-
fire between the Kachin Independence Army and the Myanmar government
(agreed in 1993) was the linchpin for these activities. It is telling that in 2010,
at a time when this cease-fire agreement looked like it might end, there were
dozens of key meetings between Kachin Independence Army commanders,
other senior members of Jinghpaw society, including Sutdu, and the Myanmar
government leadership. Most of these meetings were held in Myitkyina, the
node of control and site for negotiation.
Such ongoing collaboration also required that the government cannot be
perceived to be weak, but such preference for dominance can clearly lead to
war. In the node of control that was fortified at Myitkyina there was always
a recipe for the ‘state-repelling’ Zomia of old to make a return. Weakness,
particularly in a place like Myitkyina, would be fatal, metaphorically, for the
Myanmar government. Even before the new civil war the average Myanmar
government commander in northern Burma did not need to read The Art of
Not Being Governed to appreciate the extent to which resistance is embedded
in local societies, histories, and cultures. Very crudely, to arrive half-hearted
in Myitkyina, without adequate backup or commitment, was always to tempt
fate with Zomia’s potentially rebellious future reincarnations. In the new con-
flict the Myanmar government is learning difficult lessons about Zomia and
its capacity to test their military and political resolve. Hundreds if not thou-
sands of Myanmar troops have already been killed, most in their efforts to
venture far from their nodes of control in clashes in eastern Kachin State and
northern Shan State since June 2011.8 In response, in Myitkyina today there
206 | N I C H O L A S F A R R E L LY

are no half-measures, and security is the only government priority. Nonethe-

less for the future there must be partners in peace to keep the cogs of business
turning; Myitkyina would not survive if the Myanmar government was un-
willing to make deals. Future deals will clarify the subtleties that make nodes
of control governable.

Compared to Myitkyina, the town of Miao is a much smaller government
center. A main town in the ‘disturbed’ (i.e., insurgent) Changlang district of
northeast India’s Arunachal Pradesh, its population is only a few thousand.
Miao is wedged between mountains and the Nao-Dihing River. The strategic
location makes it a key site for ambitions that the Indian government is keen
to reinforce at any opportunity. As part of Arunachal Pradesh, Miao is almost
inevitably caught up in ongoing Sino-Indian border disputes, especially as
played out in Tawang, a district of Tibetan culture and history claimed by
China, at the other end of the State. It is the ambiguities and multiple alle-
giances that prevailed in the spaces between state centers that give substance
both to Chinese claims and to those who oppose them.
In response to this Zomian history, and to the Chinese claims, the Indian
government has sought to dominate and control Arunachal Pradesh. What
is striking to any visitor to Miao is that the only people living there are those
who have official permission, either through their ‘tribal’ affiliation and iden-
tity documents or, more often, through their government affiliation. Inter-
nal permits dictate who has an official right to cross into Miao. Such strict
management of access means that the government has a particularly strong
role in local society. There are a number of specific areas that are designated
as ‘colonies’ for government employees. There is, for example, an Engineers’
Colony and a Teachers’ Colony. This system serves to structure the residential
pattern of the town by occupational category. It also reinforces the preeminent
role played by the government in the life of the town.
Why is Miao such an important node of control? First, as mentioned earlier,
by emphasizing its connection to India the authorities hope to neutralize any
claim that Arunachal Pradesh could become part of China. Second, and just
as important, Miao is integral to an area of Zomia that has seen generations
of antigovernment activity. Stretching way back to British colonial efforts to
deter local rebellions and to more recent examples of insurgency from the
United Liberation Front of Asom and various Naga resistance movements, it
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  207

Figure 8.3. An Indian government checkpoint on the road to Miao, in Changlang

district, Arunachal Pradesh, 2008. Photograph courtesy of N. Farrelly.

has tended to be a flashpoint for conflict. Unsurprisingly this node hosts army,
police, and intelligence functions. The Central Bureau of Investigation moni-
tors who enters Miao, but the most high-profile security presence around the
town is provided by the Central Reserve Police Force, which was established
by the Central Reserve Police Force Act of 1949 and is organized into seventy
battalions. The force is lightly armed, at least compared to the army, and is
designed to provide support to local police in difficult or unduly dangerous
situations. Some of the border districts of Arunachal Pradesh (such as Chang­
lang) that are near Nagaland and have seen incursions from Naga insurgents
fall into this category. As the Indian government has made it more difficult
for insurgent groups to operate in Assam and in their traditional strongholds,
some have sought to exploit the relative ease of movement provided by the
mountains of Arunachal Pradesh.
At the same time the senior local civilian officials, such as the additional
district commissioner and the extra district commissioner, all have substantial
local clout and influence. Some of these officials hail from within Arunachal
Pradesh. Others are Assamese or Bengali or from elsewhere in India. They still
208 | N I C H O L A S F A R R E L LY

deal in thick paper files bound with red tape and are direct inheritors of many
of the mechanical aspects of the colonial bureaucratic system. One further
way that Miao’s nodular character is confirmed is through the government-
owned guesthouses. The most habitable of these official residences is the Cir-
cuit House provided by the Public Works Department. Circuit houses were
established in India (and in Burma) during the British colonial period. They
have always served as a base for traveling officials who require accommoda-
tion in far-flung outposts. They have been retained in the postindependence
era, and many new ones have been built, to support the functions of the ex-
panding bureaucracy.
In a context where there is little other economic activity it is the govern-
ment, almost alone, that structures local practice. The presence of the army
and the many other government agencies means that taxes paid elsewhere
in India are redistributed to this distant corner (as described by Mishra, in
chapter 6, this volume). High-quality roads, often maintained for the ben-
efit of security agencies as much as for any local traffic, are a strong sign of
the strategic implications of accessing nodes of control like Miao. When con-
trasted with Myitkyina, the investment that benefits Miao does not have the
same commercial dimension, but it still serves the same basic function in
terms of lubricating and reinforcing nodular control. Zomia, under these cir-
cumstances, starts to fade away, just as Scott suggests it has over the past sixty
years. There may be particular times and places when a Zomian character
briefly reemerges, but most of the time there is no such revival of resistance in
Miao. Scott’s assertions about efforts to repel governments and state-making
projects with strategies of illegibility start to look quite different under these
conditions. In fact lucrative relationships with the government, particularly
with respect to government contracts and concessions, mean that it can be
wise to cultivate connections and to endorse the structure of the Miao node
of control.

Nodes of Control Today

These examples of Myitkyina and Miao clarify how nodes of control are main-
tained in the part of the South(east) Asian borderlands where the Myanmar
and Indian governments make their claims. For those governments, taking
charge of Zomia requires an awareness of the limitations of their own power.
With so many other rebellious and potentially rebellious Zomian portions to
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  209

take care of, the governments have sought to impose themselves as firmly as
they can in the places that count.9 This system of selective dominance is a key
way that systems of quasi-colonial rule survive in the areas of the ‘geo-bodies’
that I discuss in this chapter.
In order to control anarchic Zomia, the full ‘geo-body’ need not be ‘con-
trolled.’ Instead of asserting total control everywhere, the Myanmar and In-
dian governments have taken on roles as the nodular rulers of the key pressure
points. For Zomia more generally — and here I am also thinking of certain areas
of Thailand and Laos, Nepal and Bangladesh — it is these nodes of government
control, some of which are very old, some of which are new, that are defended
and maintained at any cost. From strategic but rickety bridges in obscure val-
leys to the airports and markets of the major towns, it is usually clear where a
government sees its interests at stake. In areas where there is a lingering percep-
tion that local people detest the government, there is a possibility that without
these muscular impositions the ambitions of the central state systems would
collapse. Whether any categorically different local form of the state could rise
in place of these systems is a point of hypothetical speculation. The system
imposed by the Kachin Independence Army in its former cease-fire Special
Region suggests that replicating the Myanmar government approach to strate-
gic nodular control would also be their aim.10 In frontier regions where wealth
and power mix carelessly, with much frustration, there is perhaps no other way.
The response of local elites (such as the Kachin Independence Army and
the ethnic elite in Miao) to the implementation of nodes of control is, it ap-
pears, a key reason why they survive. Even after the breakdown of the cease-
fire in northern Burma there has been no aggressive Kachin effort to dislodge
the Myanmar authorities from their Myitkyina node of control. There is an
acceptance that such a direct confrontation would be imprudent, and so in-
stead symbolic, lightning assaults are preferred. More generally many mem-
bers of the local elites across these South(east) Asian borderlands have been
the most keen (and most able) to explore opportunities for profit and prestige
that come from aligning with governments. These alignments are not always
robust, and there are many cases where local power-sharing arrangements
have moved in and out of official favor. The advantage that members of the
local elites often have is access to wealth and social capital that is beyond
the scope of figures who do not share their local affiliations. In Arunachal
Pradesh, for instance, the central government has sponsored the formation
of elected local political elites to defend its own interests in the borderlands.
210 | N I C H O L A S F A R R E L LY

These comparatively wealthy men are drawn from a range of ethnic groups
and can use their connections and influence to direct the largesse of the gov-
ernment to key constituencies.
The maintenance of such ethnic activities at these nodes in the borderlands
provides some hope for those whose political aspirations lie with alternative
government forms, such as an autonomous Kachin ‘substate.’ Nonetheless in
the borderlands where they share a common border it is difficult to envisage
a time when India or Myanmar would give up the lucrative and strategic in-
terests that they have painstakingly defended at their nodes of control. Both
governments hope to harvest greater shares of the spoils as better infrastruc-
ture combines with more open borders to create a new growth hub in these
borderlands. Their local collaborators will, as this chapter has described, be
playing their own roles at the margins of national control. It is they, ultimately,
who have largely given up dreams of independence to allow the presence of
the nodes of government control.

Knowledge of Zomia
It is clear that contemporary Zomia cannot be explained by state-repelling
narratives alone. Nor can it be understood through a dialectic of hegemonies
and counterhegemonies as sketched by Winichakul in his analysis of polity
formation. This region can, however, be illuminated by a middle path that
takes Van Schendel’s Zomia as a starting point and the ‘geo-body’ ambition
of  Winichakul and finds some middle ground. It is in this middle ground that
nodular control, exercised by the Myanmar and Indian governments, offers
a way forward for the understanding of contemporary politics in northeast
India and northern Burma. In this middle ground there is not merely control
and authoritarian imposition. In fact the nodes of control that have evolved
bring opportunities that are not available outside of the government structure.
Obviously the two nodes described in this chapter are different, and their
differences have much to do with the political cultures from which they have
evolved and from the scale at which they are implemented. Nonetheless, taken
together, they offer a stark rebuttal to purely antistate interpretations of the
ways that spatial control is exercised in these borderlands. Giving the appro-
priate weight to such nodes is arguably the only way that the contemporary
social and political dynamics of the borderlands will be fully understood.
Each of the different forms of nodes has evolved to serve the interests of its
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  211

government sponsors and, while they retain favor, the local elites who rely
on them for contingent patronage. Such contingency is understandable while
these nodes are a strategic intervention in areas where the central govern-
ments naturally feel quite ill at ease. Government frustration with intractable
political conflicts in these specific borderlands (whether in Assam or Naga-
land or the Kachin or Shan States) has forced them to take an approach to local
contexts that generally serves their purposes. These state efforts to minimize
the chances of future insurrection have been managed through the nodes.
Some would see such resistance to these patterns of power and politics emerg-
ing from tradition (i.e., from Zomia). However, the situation that emerged after
the collapse of the Kachin Independence Army cease-fire in 2011 suggests a
different pattern. The resistance paradigm associated with Zomia now requires
different interpretations of economic and political conditions. Any respatializa-
tion of these borderlands will be predicated on the accumulation of sufficient
capital and resources by ethnic elites to challenge governments with their own
proto-governmental forms (as also shown in Joshi’s discussion of Nagaland, in
chapter 7, this volume).
For now, the borders between India and Burma are in fact real and unreal,
demarcated and unmarked, conflicted and uncontested. The borders that
scholars determine matter in the study of various parts of Asia are of a simi-
lar form. Indeed we may sometimes find that there are epistemological nodes
of control that have direct relevance to the ways that areas studies specialists
govern the knowledge about their specialist areas.11 There is the intriguing
possibility that such nodes of control exist not only on our maps but also
in our minds. This epistemic observation about Van Schendel’s and Scott’s
Zomia could serve to make the ambiguous South(east) Asian borderlands
worthy of study, argument, and reflection for generations to come.

Notes to Chapter 8
1. It remains somewhat awkward that there is lingering contention about the no-
menclature of the country once known as Burma but now, in the eyes of its govern-
ment and the United Nations, officially called the Union of Myanmar. In light of such
ongoing contention my recent academic practice has been to reserve ‘Myanmar’ for
contemporary (post-1989) references to the government and to retain ‘Burma’ for the
country as a whole. This is one way of clarifying the enduring contest about Myanmar
government claims to rule certain parts of the country, especially areas discussed in
this chapter.
212 | N I C H O L A S F A R R E L LY

2. In fact in the parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia discussed in this chapter
there are a number of other geopolitical groupings that also require close scrutiny.
While some organizations, such as the Greater Mekong Subregion, include involve-
ment from China, there are other groupings, like the Bay of Bengal Initiative for
Multi­sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation and the Mekong-Ganga Cooper-
ation, which include members from both South Asia and Southeast Asia. It is perhaps
relevant that both the latter two groupings have failed, in spanning South Asia and
Southeast Asia, to develop the profile or status of asean or saarc.
3. The same critical impulse that has informed Van Schendel’s and Scott’s work is
now driving new waves of discussion about their ideas. This is perhaps the first time
since the publication of Edmund Leach’s Political Systems of Highland Burma (1954)
that the social, historical, and political dimensions of these borderlands between
South, East, Southeast, and Central Asia have been a hot scholarly topic. To empha-
size the thrust of this new discussion Jonsson (2010: 195) has offered a tough-minded
analysis: “As van Schendel suggested, the construction of an area-knowledge runs the
risk of creating its own unthinkables. Zomia as a field of study is open to various reifi-
cations. . . . A one-dimensional sense of the highland area will only replicate previous
analytical problems of regional history making.”
4. I am not alone in taking on the challenges of responding to Scott’s and Van
Schendel’s work (see, e.g., Giersch 2010; Shneiderman 2010; Michaud 2009, 2010;
Jonsson 2010; Lieberman 2010; Sadan 2010). Even some Austrian School economists
have now taken up this issue (see, for intriguing examples, Stringham and Miles 2012;
Powell and Nair 2010). My former Australian National University colleague Nicholas
Tapp (2010), who built his anthropological/‘Zomianist’ reputation on the study of
the Hmong in northern Thailand and southern China, calls The Art of Not Being
Governed a “glorious romp.” In another brief review Scott is attributed “a venerable
anarchist perspective” (Clarence-Smith 2010: 185).
5. An etymological quirk is worth noting at this juncture. The Thai word chaat
(nation) is derived from the South Asian jati (for ‘species’ or ‘birth group’). In South
Asian languages this commonly refers to caste communal units such as Rajputs, Ya-
davs, and so on, although it can also mean ‘nation’ (as it does in Bengali). In Thailand
it most commonly means ‘nation’ and is also a homonym for ‘birth’ (i.e., incarnation).
There are obviously countless such linguistic and cultural connections that tend to
be overlooked by scholars habituated to one side or the other of the prevailing area
studies boundaries.
6. In 2009 and 2010 the Myanmar government attempted to implement local Border
Guard Force agreements in areas where cease-fire armies have continued to operate.
While some ethnic armies (such as the New Democratic Army–Kachin) were con-
vinced to become Border Guard Forces subordinate to Myanmar military command,
others continued, at the time of writing, to assert their independence. The United
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland  |  213

Wa State Army in the Shan State and the Kachin Independence Army were the most
significant groups that resisted these new agreements.
7. There is no single or neat way of referring to the peoples who are often called
Jinghpaw in Burma and Singpho in India. These are the dominant local populations
in both Myitkyina and Miao. One option is to refer to them all as ‘Kachin’ (which is
a Burmese term), but my preference is to use the locally relevant ethnonym whenever
8. The number of combatants killed during the war that commenced on 9 June 2011
remains a matter of some dispute. Discussions of the number of dead are provided by
a range of sources, including the Kachin News Group (2012) and Farrelly (2011, 2012).
At the time of final revisions, mid-2012, there is no final tally of the dead and injured.
9. Some of those areas include the Shan and Chin States of Burma, not to mention
Karen and Karenni areas, that have experienced decades of war. In India, of course,
there are low-level conflicts in many parts of the country.
10. In the Kachin State, the former Special Region 2 is controlled by this insurgent
army. Its ‘capital,’ a small border town called Laiza, is the closest the Kachin have to
their own independent node of control. It is, however, so beholden to China for access,
and to Chinese gamblers for much of its local economic activity, that it has a long way
to go before it rivals government nodes like Myitkyina for status or power. After the
collapse of the cease-fire it became a destination for Kachin refugees fleeing fighting
elsewhere in northern Burma.
11. The concentration, for instance, of knowledge about particular regions in cer-
tain well-known institutions is perhaps part of this same story. A discussion of nodes
of control, or whatever we want to call them, in the wider realm of area studies projects
is one that I hope to return to at some later stage.

Histories of Belonging(s)
Narrating Territory, Possession, and
Dispossession at the India-Bangladesh Border

The date 26 June 2007 marked the fifteenth anniversary of the opening of the
Tin Bigha Corridor, a narrow strip of land running through Indian territory
that connects the Bangladeshi chhitmahal of Dahagram with mainland Ban-
gladesh.1 Dahagram is the largest of a series of chhitmahals, or enclaves — 
literally pieces of India inside of Bangladesh and vice versa — scattered along
the northern part of the India-Bangladesh border.2 These enclaves have
emerged as persistent problems in the relationship between India and East Pa-
kistan and later Bangladesh.3 Situated at the margins of both state and nation,
they are at once symbols of an incomplete and ongoing Partition (Chatterji
1999) and spaces that complicate easy equations of nation, identity, and terri-
tory (Van Schendel 2002b). Within the broad complexity of the chhitmahals,
Dahagram is particularly marked. Its peculiar history, especially the long and
acrimonious debate over the Corridor, has marked it as an exceptionally un-
stable and sensitive space,4 one where people continually struggle both for
forms of belonging and to maintain their belongings. The instabilities of life
within Dahagram are contingent on a range of shifting relations: the political
climate between two countries, the vagaries of policing and securing the bor-
der, and local communal politics and struggles over territory. The history of
the enclave, seen from the ground level, shapes, articulates with, and differs
from national histories of struggle over space and territory in postcolonial
Bengal. It is this complexity and the local histories of claiming various forms
of  belonging that I propose to examine here (see map 9.1).
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  215

Mekhliganj Patgram
Town Town

ha N

rla River

X Angarpota


Tin Bigha Panbari




International boundary
District boundary
Boundary between Angarpota and Dahagram
X Roads cut by Partition
Rivers Kuchlibari
0 1 2 mi

0 1 2 3 km X

Map 9.1. Dahagram, Angarpota, and Tin Bigha. Based on a map by Brendan Whyte,
2002. Reproduced with permission.

Usually 26 June is a day of celebration for Dahagram’s sixteen thousand

residents, commemorating the long political struggle over the opening of
the Corridor. Friends had been telling me for months about the festivities
that would accompany the Corridor Open Day. You must come. There will be
music, sweets. Indians will parade in the Corridor to protest and we will also
protest back, demanding a full opening of the Corridor.5 Traveling to the en-
clave from Patgram, a busy market town in northern Lalmonirhat district in
Bangladesh, in a light summer rain, I was looking forward to this spectacle of
territorial belonging. As I arrived, there was a crowd of Indian protesters in the
Corridor itself, yet there was no corresponding crowd from Dahagram. Curi-
ous, I proceeded directly to my friend Tariq’s tailoring shop to find out what
had happened.6 As it turned out, the celebrations had fallen victim to the ban
on political gatherings put in place by the Emergency Administration, which
had come to power after the collapse of Bangladesh’s interim government in
January 2007.7 “We spoke to the uno [upazila nirbahi officer],”8 Tariq sourly
told me after whisking me away for a cup of tea, “and decided that because of
216 | J A S O N CONS

the Emergency, this year we wouldn’t have any celebrations.” And so, while
activist groups from the surrounding Indian village of Mekhliganj protested
the existence of the Corridor, and indeed the enclave itself — shouting slogans
of  “United we stand, united we fight” and “Leave Bharat [India]!”— Dahagram
residents gathered in tea stalls and grumbled.
This discontent marked more than a lost holiday or inability to counter the
taunts and jeers of Indian protesters. The 26 June anniversary, even with the
paltry media coverage it usually draws, is an annual opportunity to reassert
the enclave’s claim of belonging to Bangladesh. This is so critical to enclave
residents because, despite sixty years of struggle, such claims remain highly
partial and, at moments, debated. During the time of my fieldwork, the Corri-
dor was open only during daylight hours and enclave residents were effectively
‘locked in’ at night.9 The Corridor itself runs through sovereign Indian terri-
tory and is controlled by the Indian Border Security Forces (bsf) (see figure
9.1), who many believe might close the Tin Bigha for good at any moment.
What is more, Dahagram residents know that the enclave itself plays a largely
symbolic role in concepts of state, nation, and territory within Bangladesh.
The enclave is more important as an idea of territory ‘saved’ from the clutches
of a ‘spatially greedy’ Indian state than as a material geographic reality that is
complicated, problematic, and economically and socially marginal from the
perspective of the central government. Belonging is a question, as such, that
is rarely taken for granted within the enclave.
The issue of understanding life in areas such as Dahagram has recently
reemerged as central problematic in social science and historical research.
The outpouring of literature on borders and frontiers has highlighted the im-
portance and the possibilities of engaging borders as “privileged site[s] for
assessing the power and limitations of the nation state” (Aggarwal and Bhan
2009: 521).10 As many of these studies show, life for borderland residents is
often one of tenuous negotiation.11 At the same time, debates over rights and
sovereignty set against the backdrop of the global war on terror have fore-
grounded the contingency of membership within nations and states, thus
reviving Arendtian (1968) concerns about how tenuous rights are for those
identified as ‘stateless.’12
Despite these critical interventions, the methodological and linguistic ap-
proaches to understanding and describing life in unstable and sensitive border
areas such as Dahagram are often overdetermined by broad and abstract con-
cepts such as citizenship, statelessness, and, in the wake of Agamben’s (1998)
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  217

Figure 9.1. A bsf (Indian)

watchtower, viewed from
Dahagram, 2007. The
buildings at the base of the
tower in the grove are a bsf
encampment. Photograph
courtesy of  J. Cons.

influential Homo Sacer, exception and ‘bare life.’ Though such concepts have
been productive in thinking through the processes and practices of securing
border areas (Basaran 2008; R. Jones 2009a), they often get in the way of un-
derstanding how residents of such spaces frame their own struggles, histories,
and concerns (a common concern of contributors to this volume). In a recent
critique of the paucity of language for exploring such conditions, Butler ar-
gues, “I think we must describe destitution . . . but if the language by which we
describe [it] presumes, time and again, that the key terms are sovereignty and
bare life, we deprive ourselves of the lexicon we need to understand the other
networks of power to which it belongs, or how power is recast in that place or
even saturated in that place” (Butler and Spivak 2007: 42–43). As Butler sug-
gests, the reliance on such tropes limits our ability to describe complex con-
ditions of statelessness and the ways that people who live in such conditions
forge their own claims to rights and resources as well as the ways they frame
their own conditions, histories, and political possibilities.
218 | J A S O N CONS

What, then, is the grammar with which we should begin to reconstruct

such histories and claims for those who live in places such as Dahagram? My
modest response to this question is that a critical starting point is to explore
the ways that such issues are framed by those who live in such conditions
themselves. To do this, I draw on thirteen months of ethnographic and his-
torical fieldwork conducted in 2006 and 2007. The bulk of my ethnographic
work focused on Dahagram, where I collected oral histories; engaged as a
participant observer in the day-to-day social reproduction and negotiation
of borders and boundaries; and conducted unstructured interviews with res-
idents of the enclave, government officials, and members of both Indian and
Bangladeshi border security forces.
In exploring histories of belonging(s) within Dahagram, this chapter sheds
light on how people frame particular claims to membership — in communi-
ties, in nations, in states — and how they seek to actualize rights. The land-
scape of Dahagram is historically sedimented with histories of belonging
(Moore 2005). Citizenship, displacement, security (both national and per-
sonal), and rights are all subsumed within a range of notions of belonging
and indeed belongings (material goods). Movement and the ability to hold and
dispose of possessions — land, clothing, houses, crops, livestock — are central
to my exploration. Yet belonging is more than purely a question of possession.
It is also one of community and identity: who has the right to belong and why
(compare Joshi, this volume). I explore history from within the enclave, exam-
ining the intertwined political economies and cultural politics of  belonging(s)
in Dahagram largely as its residents told them to me. Rather than establishing
the ‘facts’ of Dahagram’s history, I argue that these narrations are both the
memories of possessions and dispossessions and the bases for ongoing claims
to belonging. These claims in turn structure particular notions of nation and
community that govern who is a legitimate member and what such member-
ship means.
My opportunistic adoption of the homonym ‘belonging’ is intended to
draw attention to the ways that the politics of membership within the enclave
are inseparable from debates over and claims of ownership. Enclave residents
would occasionally use Bengali words and phrases such as ami oi barir lok,
gramer lok, or more often chhiter lok (I belong to that household, village, or
enclave) to denote belonging as membership, and jinishta amar (that is mine)
or dokhol kora niechi (I [forcefully] took) to denote belonging as possession.
The limited usage of these terms per se is not what interests me here. Rather
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  219

I am suggesting that broadly exploring ways that membership and property

are linked in narrations of Dahagram’s history is a more productive way to
understand the dilemmas of life in unstable and sensitive spaces than more
narrowly defined concepts such as ‘statelessness’ or ‘citizenship.’

Tensions of Belonging
Prior to Partition in 1947, the chhitmahals were discontinuous landholdings
dating back to the Mughal incursion north from Dacca (Dhaka in contem-
porary spelling) into the Kingdom of Koch (Cooch) Behar in the late seven-
teenth century. According to Whyte (2002), Mughals were unable to dislodge
a number of powerful chieftains from the lands around Boda, Patgram, and
Purvabhag — areas on the frontier between Koch and Mughal rule — that were
granted to them by treaty in 1713. These lands remained officially part of the
Kingdom of Koch Behar while becoming enclaves within the Mughal Empire.
Similarly Mughal soldiers had occupied lands inside of Koch Behar, lands
that became a discontinuous part of Mughal territory. During the colonial
period, many of these enclaves were spread along the border between Rangpur
district, under direct colonial administration, and Koch Behar, an indirectly
ruled princely state. Though the existence of such territorial ambiguities
caused confusion for colonial administrators (Glazier 1873; Vas 1911), projects
and proposals to ‘solve’ the chhitmahal issue either ran into administrative
complications or simply came to no fruitful end. Roughly two hundred chhit-
mahals became state enclaves — in the sense of being completely bounded by
another sovereign state — at and shortly after Partition in 1947 with the acces-
sion of Cooch Behar to India in 1949.13 Of these, Dahagram was the largest in
terms of both land and population. Situated on the banks of the Tista River, it
is, at its closest point, roughly 170 meters from what became the official border
between India and East Pakistan.
While the Partition boundary in West Bengal, known as the Radcliffe Line,
was nominally drawn by separating majority Hindu districts from majority
Muslim districts, this process was much more complicated on the ground.
As Van Schendel (2005a: ch. 3) argues, very little of the border actually sepa-
rated majority Muslim and Hindu districts, and in practice the border more
frequently ran through areas where there was a majority of the same religious
group on both sides. Further, “the clear lines that appeared on the maps used
by colonial officials, including the Bengal Boundary (or Radcliffe) Committee,
220 | J A S O N CONS

did not correspond with anything visible ‘out there.’ There was no way un-
equivocally to recognize the new border on the ground” (55–56) (see figure
9.2). In practice the border was worked out through lengthy and often conten-
tious legal and political negotiations between India and Pakistan. Many of the
ambiguities resulting from this process, including the enclaves themselves,
continue to plague border residents and are the source of ongoing conflicts.
Though punctuated by moments of violence and open conflict, the history
of Dahagram during the East Pakistan period (1947–70) is perhaps best de-
scribed as a story of uncomfortable belonging to both India and Pakistan.14
From Partition, or more specifically from the accession of Cooch Behar
to India in 1948, the complicated border configurations in the Patgram-
Mekhliganj region meant that residents of Dahagram had to illegally cross
one and often two borders simply to take their goods to market. In the years
following Partition, and even after the introduction of the official passport
system in 1952,15 movement across the border was not heavily regulated (Chat-
terji 1999; Murayama 2006; Rahman and Van Schendel 2003). There was reg-
ular travel back and forth along the length of the Bengal border, as many
border residents had lands and even families bifurcated by the haphazardly
drawn Partition boundary. Yet as tension between the two countries grew,
the number of border incidents skyrocketed.16 Regulation and control along
the border became more intense and the border itself more formalized with
the establishment of boundary commissions to settle territorial controver-
sies and the creation of paramilitary organizations to patrol and secure the
border, such as the Ansars in East Pakistan and the Bangiya Jatiya Rakshi
Bahini (West Bengal National Volunteer Force) in West Bengal (Van Schendel
This gradual formalization ossified an asymmetrical relationship of rights
and power inside the enclave drawn along communal lines. Van Schendel
(2002b: 127) argues that notions of citizenship in the post-Partition period
had a general character of transterritoriality: “Both states saw themselves as
being in charge of the populations living in their own territory, but also of
a [religious] category of people living in the territory of the other state.” Da-
hagram’s population was roughly divided between Hindus and Muslims. As
movement across the border became more and more legally precarious, the
ability of Muslims living within Dahagram to travel freely and safely to mar-
ket in surrounding areas decreased. Such informal or unstated policies meant
that Hindus in Dahagram were residents of India in all but address. At the
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  221

Figure 9.2. A border post in Dahagram (viewed from India) announces “Bangla,” for
Bangladesh. The opposite side of the pillar reads “Bharat,” for India. “4, 2-s” is
the identifying number of the pillar. Photograph courtesy of J. Cons.

same time, Muslims were doubly alienated from membership within Paki-
stan, legally residing within sovereign East Pakistani territory yet hemmed
in by another state and residing side by side with others who effectively held
more rights than they. While Hindus in Dahagram were able to live largely
as though they were actually residing in India, Muslims had to negotiate the
vagaries of paramilitary forces, police, and often hostile neighbors simply to
buy and sell goods.
As with Indian enclaves in East Pakistan, daily navigation of such issues
posed intermittent problems. When disputes arose over ownership of live-
stock or crops, Muslim residents had little recourse, as those who could le-
gally represent and protect their rights were situated across an international
border. With the 1958 Nehru-Noon Accords that made provisions to exchange
the enclaves — provisions that were fiercely challenged and ultimately never
implemented — these situations became more precarious. As tensions rose,
Dahagram became a zone of contention; monitoring of and hostility toward
its residents grew. An Indian border security camp was established near what
222 | J A S O N CONS

is now the Tin Bigha Corridor,18 and both residents of the surrounding Indian
Thana of Mekhliganj and border security jawans (soldiers) began to patrol its
Dahagram residents characterize this period as one of suffering, when the
act of going to market was fraught with risk and life within the enclave was
one of extreme instability. Residents recall that it was common practice for
the bsf to require a payment or bribe for passage in or out of the enclave. As
Akkas Ali, a smallholder farmer living in the north of Dahagram, described
it, “Whenever we crossed into Indian territory, we had to go through bsf
scrutiny.19 The bsf would note our name, put some mark on our shoulder, as
when branding cows. They even compelled us to do work for them, doing such
chores as cleaning their lavatories, cutting their lawns, sawing wood for them,
et cetera.” While residents in the south of the enclave, closest to Bangladesh,
frequently dodged security forces to reach the East Pakistani mainland, others
residing in the north would more frequently make the trip into India. This
trip was more risky as it made one vulnerable longer. Many were arrested in
the haat (market) in Mekhliganj.20 Enclave residents frequently reminded me,
There is not a single family in the enclave who has not suffered [koshto] while
a household member was detained in an Indian jail. Beyond the problem of
moving into and out of the enclave, Muslim residents faced vulnerability from
looting by both Indians in Mekhliganj and Hindus living within the enclave.

The Dahagram War

Such tensions of belonging characterized life for (Muslim) Dahagram resi-
dents both before and after the Liberation War in 1971. Indeed this situation
substantively changed only with the opening of the Tin Bigha Corridor in
1992. However, this is neither to say that the difficulties of life within and
movement out of the enclave were unchanging nor that they were purely re-
flections of local struggles over the status of the enclave and its residents. Cer-
tain moments in agricultural cycles — rice harvests, for example — were more
violent than others. Conflicts regularly arose over the exact location of the
border, and raids were carried out on both sides of the border to carry off the
fresh harvest. Moreover the politics of belonging within the enclave were in-
dexed to broader debates and struggles over territory, sovereignty, and space
between India and Pakistan. In moments of tension, for example during the
debate over the Nehru-Noon Accords, daily practices of regulating movement
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  223

periodically flared up into moments of crisis and open violence. In such mo-
ments, residents of the enclaves, and indeed residents of the border region
more broadly, were more likely to experience expropriation, thefts, and vari-
ous forms of organized communal attacks.
Perhaps the most vividly remembered of these incidents within Dahagram
occurred in the spring of 1965 and resulted in the destruction of much of
the enclave. This incident, which came to be known as the Dahagram War,
continues to resonate in enclave politics today. The war was set against the
backdrop of increasing tension between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. As
the dispute intensified, there was a marked buildup of Indian and Pakistani
troops along border regions in both the East and West.21 Beginning in Janu-
ary the bsf began to mass troops and dig trenches in the area along the Tin
Bigha, by far the closest point of the enclave to the mainland. This effectively
cut Dahagram residents off from Patgram Thana in East Pakistan and forced
them to make the more risky crossing into Mekhliganj in India to buy and sell
goods.22 Tension in Dahagram reached a dangerous height following India’s
buildup along the Rann of Kachchh — another space that had been conten-
tious and sensitive in the relationship between India and Pakistan, situated
on India’s west coast — in early March and a series of incursions along the
East Pakistan border.23 Violence seemed inevitable to residents of Dahagram.
On the morning of 13 March 1965, in the Dangbari neighborhood of An­
garpota, a small herd of goats were rustled by a group of Indians from Mekh-
liganj. Such back-and-forth rustling was a common occurrence, particularly
along Dahagram’s northern border.24 Yet in periods of tension, disputes could
quickly escalate to overt violence. Bachao Miah, the goats’ owner, crossed the
border to demand their return and was shot in the leg by a man who was
repeatedly described to me as a ‘bsf officer.’ Miah, assisted by his sons, re-
treated back into Dahagram. That night Indians surrounded Dahagram on
three sides. With the support of the bsf, they began moving from the border
in toward the enclave’s center, burning Muslim homes as they went.25
For most, the memory of the outbreak of the war is one of confusion and
chaos. Kolim Hyder, who was a boy of eight in 1965, tried to explain the con-
fusion and rupture of that night:

It was around eight in the evening. We saw people north of the village
crossing the road. Everybody was carrying bundles, gripping their
children, and walking fast. . . . People were carrying pillows, quilts. . . . 
224 | J A S O N CONS

I remember we hadn’t taken our evening meal, though usually we ate ear-
lier. My father took the rice pot [bhater hari]. A few days earlier, we had
harvested mashkalai dal.26 Our yard was filled with kalais [seed pods].
Do you know how to collect kalais from [the] field? The roots come out,
not just the plant. Kalai bunches were lying scattered in the yard where
during the day ten or twelve people labored to husk them.
My father rushed to the cowshed and untied all of the cows, so that
they could save their lives and also eat the dal. In those days, we used to
grow plenty of kalai. We had vast plots of land [anek jomi] near the char
[siltation island in the riverbed], which have now gone under the river.
My father took hold of the rice pot. We kids were walking alongside my
mother. We reached Tin Bigha.
When we arrived at the Tin Bigha, the bsf weren’t allowing us to pass. 
. . . The bsf was firing to prevent people from crossing Indian territory,
but we were desperate, and by 10 p.m. we passed Tin Bigha and reached
the mainland. Not everyone could pass. Others had to wait until the next
night. . . . We went to Patgram. We took shelter in a school and we had
no food that night. My father threw away the rice pot he carried in the
rush across the Tin Bigha, as he had to grip us children. There was a huge
crowd. My father threw the rice pot when the bsf fired in Tin Bigha. I
walked all the way to Patgram [eleven kilometers away]. My mother took
hold of my young sisters while my father looked after the older pair. During
the crossing, my father held tight so that I would not be lost in the crowd
[Par howar shamoi, abba amar hat dhore rhakse, jano ami harai najai].

The themes of chaos in Kolim’s vivid remembrances were echoed by almost

all who recall the war. Only a few were able to escape through the Tin Bigha on
that first night. Most were held there for another twenty-four hours in terror
of an attack from the front by the bsf or from behind by the same villagers
who had burned their homes.
Perhaps what are most vivid in Kolim’s narrative are the loss of means to
eat and the trauma of separation from places and belongings. His description
highlights the stark contrast between the bounty of the dal harvest and the
sudden loss of even a pot to cook rice in. Indeed the story of rescuing a rice
pot from a burning house only to lose it in the panic of flight was repeated,
in various ways, by many people. Some simply could not carry their cooking
pots on the mad dash south. Some report saving their pots only to lose the rice
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  225

that was in them. Some remember a fortunate and generous few, mostly those
with homes situated close to Tin Bigha, who were able to salvage some rice and
share it with those huddled together in hunger and fear, waiting for more than
a day for clearance to cross into safety. These collective memories seem to
symbolize and encapsulate the loss of homes and the flight from the enclave.
For Kolim, the forced discarding of the pot seems to mark a stripping away
of belongings, reducing the residents of Dahagram to refugees dependent on
the hospitality of others. The loss of the pot presaged the difficulties to come.
The large influx of refugees into Patgram dangerously stretched the town’s
resources. Refugees from Dahagram were billeted in impromptu camps set up
in Patgram’s schools and railway stations. The day after residents fled, fighting
began between the East Pakistan Rifles post in Panbari and the bsf post near
the Tin Bigha in Mekhliganj. Heavy fire was exchanged almost continually
for the next two weeks.27 As demands for a withdrawal of aggression were
swapped between India and East Pakistan, troop buildups continued in the
border regions around Patgram, along the length of the Rangpur Division
border (i.e., the whole northwest of Bangladesh), and around other border
districts such as Kushtia in the west and Sylhet in the northeast.28 Meanwhile
waves of Muslim refugees living in the Indian district of Cooch Behar began
moving across the border amid reports that they were being forcibly expelled
by the bsf.29
On 1 April a cease-fire arrangement was reached and Dahagram residents
began to return to their homes from Patgram.30 As part of the arrangement,
the Indian government agreed to provide basic compensation for victims
of the attack. These included essentials such as a small amount of rice and
cooking oil and a cow for every family that had lost their home so that they
could retill their fields. These meager supplies were inadequate to carry most
residents through the next harvest cycle. Many had lost not only their homes
and possessions but also the stores of rice and dal necessary for both income
and household self-sufficiency. What is more, many of the fields planted with
rice for the boro [rice] harvest in midsummer had been burned or damaged.
Tensions along the border remained high. The declaration of war between
India and Pakistan in June caused further military buildup along all of
East Pakistan’s borders. Though there was no further direct military action
against Dahagram, residents of the surrounding Mekhliganj Thana enacted a
blockade of the enclave, preventing Muslim residents from traveling either to
Mekhliganj or to Patgram markets. As one resident bitterly recalled, “We used
226 | J A S O N CONS

to wait for rain or darkness so that we could rush through [the Tin Bigha] to
Patgram to buy essentials. Life was very hard in those days. There was noth-
ing human in that vast India.” Others remember sifting through the dirt and
remains of their burned homes to recover even tiny amounts of rice. Many
families were forced to slaughter the cows provided as compensation for food.
Most supplemented insufficient diets by fishing the Tista River.
The loss proved to be one that many families were unable to recover from.
Jasmine Begum, now an elderly woman living in a rundown home built on the
site of her family’s original property, bitterly recalls the war as the beginning of
her family’s long descent into poverty. They had been moderately wealthy, with
livestock, enough rice to run a self-sufficient home, and jute to sell in the Mekh-
liganj and Patgram markets. “During the fire, we were unable to take anything
away with us. We survived on whatever relief we got. We have never recovered
from the fire. We learned fear then. Fear has been part of our life since.”
The Dahagram War marked a moment of trauma that laid bare the va-
garies of life for enclave residents in the years before the Liberation War. In
memories of this moment, the stakes in imagining forms of belonging within
nation and state as linked to possession are clarified. The inability of the East
Pakistani state to protect residents in their own homes, the loss of the very
means to cook food, and the meager recompense for loss of homes, crops, and
livestock all speak to memories and experiences of instability, uncertainty,
and anxiety that were part of daily life within the enclave. Yet it also marked
the way that questions of territorial belonging resonated both within and in
relation to Dahagram. Not only were the stakes of national belonging high for
enclave residents, but the space of the enclave itself was imbricated in broader
questions of territory. While it may be an exaggeration to claim, as many
enclave residents do, that the 1965 India-Pakistan War broke out first in Da-
hagram, it is certainly true that the fate of enclave residents and their ability
to live within and move into and out of the space of Dahagram was intimately
linked to broader conceptions of national space. Such conceptions were to
form the basis of future claims for inclusion and membership.

Belonging to Bangladesh
If the East Pakistan period was characterized by periodic violence and territo-
rial uncertainty, the period after Bangladesh’s independence in 1971 leading up
to the opening of the Corridor in 1992 was the most unstable and contentious
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  227

period in Dahagram’s postcolonial history. During this time the lines of be-
longing and exclusion were starkly drawn, and the complications that shaped
the lives of residents during the East Pakistan period more frequently became
open conflicts. Though not far from areas that saw intense fighting during the
Liberation War, Dahagram escaped direct involvement. In any case, the Lib-
eration War, at least initially, led to significantly more relaxed conditions for
Dahagram residents. Following India’s military and humanitarian interven-
tions in the Liberation War, a climate of cooperation emerged between India
and Bangladesh. During this period residents moved more freely both across
the border to trade in Indian markets in Mekhliganj and to the Bangladeshi
mainland to trade in Patgram.
This relaxing of tensions began to end with the controversies surrounding
the Indira-Mujib Pact in 1974. The Pact, also known as the Land Boundary
Agreement, conceived of a range of long-standing territorial disagreements
between the two countries as fundamentally linked to animosity between
India and Pakistan. In the wake of the Liberation War — when the border
had been effectively, if temporarily, erased — the Pact sought to address these
issues. Among the range of agreements reached in the Pact were provisions to
resolve outstanding disputes over demarcating the border and the exchange
of all the enclaves with the exception of Dahagram and Berubari Union, a
disputed area along the border with Jalpaiguri. To address these two con-
tentious spaces, the Pact proposed to cede the disputed area of Berubari to
India in exchange for the leasing of the Tin Bigha Corridor to Bangladesh
into perpetuity.
The Pact transformed Dahagram into a focal point and symbol of territorial
tension and political dispute between Bangladesh and India. In Bangladesh
the Mujib administration fell under immediate criticism for failing to address
the question of the Farakka Barage and water sharing on the Ganges — 
a long-standing dispute and issue of pressing concern for Bangladesh resi-
dents living downstream of India.31 Moreover, opposition parties cited the
decision to hand over Berubari as a “serious attack on the national interest
of the country [that] chopped Bangladesh’s interest with an axe.”32 A writ to
block the Berubari handover was turned down by the Supreme Court, and
the disputed territory was handed over to India shortly thereafter.33 In India
a similar dispute emerged over the legality of leasing land to Bangladesh. As
the representative of Cooch Behar argued in the Lok Sabha, “This type of gift
of Tinbigha to Bangladesh must be stopped at all costs. Certainly, we want
228 | J A S O N CONS

friendship with Bangladesh, but not at the cost of our motherland. No more
appeasement. No more surrenders. No more cessation of our motherland.”34
While the Berubari issue was resolved by constitutional amendment within
Bangladesh that allowed for the acceptance of the conditions of the Pact, the
leasing of the Corridor remained both politically and legally problematic and
unresolved in India.35
As legal disputes over the Corridor began to grow, movement again be-
came complicated for Dahagram’s Muslim residents. The bsf imposed a five-
kilogram limit on goods moving into and out of the enclave. This effectively
meant that residents could not sell enough crops to purchase household es-
sentials. Residents describe being forced into positions of compromise as it
became harder to access markets without negotiating with border security
forces. Yet for many residents, memories from this period are also framed as
claims of stoic resistance to territorial aggression. As Bashar, who grew up
during this period as a member of a politically influential, though compara-
tively less wealthy family in the enclave, put it:

The bsf would come, demand mangos, wood, or timber, and take any-
thing away they wanted. Anything. A goat, a hen. We had no way to say
no. They would bring in their laborers with them. If we said no, the next
day they would punish [shasti] us on our way to Mekhliganj. Believe me,
we were just like prisoners [ashami]. Worse than prisoners. A prisoner is
not in want of food or medicine. We had want of everything. Moreover we
had no freedom to move. The period from 1982 to 1992, we were in a con-
dition that is not describable in any language [bhashai bola jai na]. For ex-
ample, if you take Ethiopia, though they are in want of food or medicine,
they at least have the freedom to roam around. We had nothing. No free-
dom, no essentials. Children died of diarrhea. They were buried without
clothes [kafoner kapor chara]. . . . But, brother, still Dahagram people did
not give their allegiance to India [India ke kono chhar die ni]. They didn’t
surrender. Even after such severe torture and blockades.

The equation of life inside Dahagram to a prison was a frequent analogy

I heard during my research. Here this metaphor is extended to suggest that
Dahagram was worse off than a country beset by war and famine. Though
hyperbolic — male residents did regularly leave Dahagram to access both
Mekhliganj and Patgram — the narrative’s ultimate claim to belonging is clear:
despite deprivation and suffering, Muslim residents persevered and refused to
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  229

surrender their land and allegiance to India. The communal claim to belong-
ing repeatedly positioned residents as stoic sufferers holding their land in the
name of a Muslim Bengali state.
The challenges posed by these regulations of movement led to increased
‘illegal’ border crossings by often desperate residents. Many tell stories of
men waiting for dark, rain, or fog to cross the Tin Bigha to reach Bangladesh.
Others tried their luck in the Mekhliganj markets. Both these activities had a
risk of arrest, for which the standard penalty was a fine and one month in jail,
though many were detained longer. During this period detainees had no way
to communicate with their families to inform them of their arrest, leaving
their households in a state of anxiety until their release. But if the position
for men was complicated, women were in an even more vulnerable and com-
promised position. Movement into and out of the enclave was markedly gen-
dered. While men would periodically risk crossing to India or Bangladesh — 
frequently returning with boastful tales about near misses and bold evasive
ploys — women rarely left Dahagram. Their movements were confined not
only by religious prohibitions on their leaving the home but by the added
belief, much repeated by men, in their inability to flee from pursuers. During
this period many women died of complications related to childbirth, as access
to medical facilities was impractical if not impossible. The threat of violence
from hostile neighbors and security forces created further arguments for the
cloistering of women within the enclave.
Yet there were more complications and dangers of living in the enclave than
just the restriction of movement. Kidnapping and rape were common features
of life in Dahagram during this period. Women from within the enclave were
periodically taken by villagers from surrounding areas and tortured for days
before being allowed to return. Men within the enclave also engaged in the
kidnapping of women from Mekhliganj. Indeed these kidnappings were oc-
casionally remembered as celebrations of resistance by Muslim men who had
been regularly humiliated by bsf tolls on movement, insults in Mekhliganj
haats, and Hindu neighbors who accentuated such insults through the very
freedom of their own movement. The gendered violence involved in territory
making in the post-Independence and pre-Corridor years marked women’s
bodies as both belongings (objects within the political and spatial economy
of territory) and belonging (symbols of nation and community in need of pro-
tection, preservation, and purity).36 Women in Dahagram were thus regularly
caught up in the multiple and violent politics of possession and inclusion.
230 | J A S O N CONS

The Dahagram Movement Committee

If the Bangladesh period saw an increase in projects seeking forcibly to exclude
Muslim residents within Dahagram, it also saw a renewed interest in claiming
Dahagram as part of Bangladesh. This movement was intimately linked to the
political shift away from secularism in the wake of the assassination of Mujib
in 1975 and the assumption of the presidency by Ziaur Rahman in 1977.37 This
period saw an extension of the communal politicization of territory signaled
in the debate over the Indira-Mujib Pact in 1974. In 1977 the Zia administra-
tion issued sixteen ‘civil guns’ to Dahagram. These guns, nominally for use in
defense, were given to the enclave’s unofficial Union Parishad governing body
and seem to have been distributed to wealthy and politically influential Mus-
lim families within the enclave. This endorsement of violent defense marked,
for many, the first concrete step in Bangladesh securing the enclave as a part
of its national territory. If, from the perspective of the administration, the
distribution of these guns marked territorial sovereignty over Dahagram, for
residents, they signified a political acknowledgment that Dahagram belonged
to Bangladesh and could be defended as such. While it is not clear how or
if the weapons were used (many residents told me stories wherein the guns
played significant roles in intimidating Indians, though none shared stories
of their being fired), the guns are spoken of almost reverentially as critical
symbols of belonging. While representatives of the state could not directly
‘administer’ the enclave, they could encourage residents to claim and defend
their own territory.
Zia’s awarding of the ‘civil guns’ presaged a series of events in the early
1980s that would bring the question of belonging and the issues around the
Corridor to a head. In July 1981 the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics attempted
to conduct a census in the enclave as a first step in negotiating the terms of the
Tin Bigha Corridor’s lease. For Bashar Hassan, this census was a catalyst for
galvanizing political elites in the enclave into broader advocacy and protest for
realization of the Indira-Mujib Pact. At the time, he was one of the privileged
few within the enclave whose families could afford to send them to school in
Patgram. Bashar’s memories position the census as a focal moment of both
suffering and of resistance.

Dahagram’s first census happened in 1981. If you hear the stories, you
will simply tremble. Bangladesh decided to conduct a census to show
the world that “Dahagram is ours and we are controlling it [Dahagram
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  231

amader neontrone].” We who were studying here [in Patgram], were

trained as enumerators. . . . However, we were blocked on the way in.
Indians came with bows and arrows. . . . Indians were saying that though
the enclave belongs to Bangladesh on paper, they would not allow the
possession of it. Then the two dcs [district commissioners] of the neigh-
boring districts sat again. Indian politicians suggested that “if you have
to do a census, then go through Changrabhanda [far to the north of the
Tin Bigha].”
Three census officials entered Dahagram by that round-about way. We,
however, were instructed by the Bangladesh authorities to do our field-
work earlier, going through the Tin Bigha in the night as we used to when
going to and coming from Patgram. However, after the census, Indians
[who were maintaining the blockade] only allowed the officials to return.
We fieldworkers had no way to come back. They were on guard on all
corners of Dahagram with bows and arrows. They imposed a total block-
ade which lasted for a long twenty-two days. These days were the most
sad and helpless days of my life. None was able to get out of Dahagram.
During these twenty-two days, twenty-six of our people died from a scar-
city of medicines and other essentials. We had to bury them without any
cloth or with old clothes.38

As Foucault (1991) has argued, modernity is characterized by a political

paradigm primarily concerned with the management of populations through
technologies of governance. The census is one strategy by which govern-
ments make populations “legible” and “manageable” (Scott 1998). As such, it
is both a technology of governance and a tool of inclusion and incorporation
(Markowitz 2007). In Dahagram, the very process of conducting the census
became a battleground of belonging. To mark residents of Dahagram as mem-
bers of Bangladesh through enumeration would be to solidify their claims of
national inclusion. Bashar’s narrative emphasizes this. The purpose of the
census was to officially claim, “Dahagram is ours, and we are controlling it.”
In this same sense, the protests and attempts to block the census offered a
counternarrative. An article in the Bangladesh Observer reported at the time,
“What happened on July 6 when Bangladesh officials in their third bid went
to conduct [the] census inside these enclaves was a naked attempt by India to
foil the census and show the world that people of these enclaves no more want
to remain with Bangladesh” (quoted in Whyte 2002: 134).
232 | J A S O N CONS

Following the census, the group of students who were trained as enumer-
ators decided that direct political action was needed if the enclaves were to
be claimed for Bangladesh. To this end, they formed what came to be known
as the Dahagram Shangram Shomiti (Dahagram Movement Committee, or
dss). All of these students were from elite and powerful families within Da-
hagram, families that had been involved in the enclave’s politics for a long
time. The link between the census and the Movement Committee is striking.
Cohn (1987) points out that the census in British India was perhaps most sig-
nificant for politicizing its enumerators. Though the politics were different in
Dahagram than they were in nineteenth-century colonial India, the stakes in
classification and inclusion and the political significance of the census were no
less apparent to the enumerators who formed the dss. Indeed for this group
of students, the census and the blockade following it offered a clear message
that spurred them to find other ways to forcefully assert their inclusion in
Bangladesh. Bashar recalls, “We proceeded with the demand that we should
be given back our territory, the territory which belonged to us according to the
’74 treaty. After the formation of the Committee, Bangladeshi administration
began to evaluate us. Prior to that, we were just like dogs and foxes.” In other
words, through the actions of the Committee, residents of Dahagram would
not only reclaim their territory but also achieve the status of belonging within
Bangladesh, and its residents would be recognized as rights-bearing citizens
as opposed to marginal people beyond the bounds of the state.
The dss began to raise public awareness of the situation in Dahagram.
Mohammad Yusuf, another member of the dss, described their activities as
claims not just for membership in Bangladesh but also for the dignity of the
residents of  Dahagram. The dss, as such, argued not simply for implementing
the Indira-Mujib Pact, but also that residents were deserving members of the
nation. In Yusuf’s words:

We didn’t take any subscription or monetary help from anybody outside

the Committee. We did it on our own [ja korsi, nijera korci]. One day,
three of us were on our way to Ishwardi Junction to stick handbills over
a train there that was headed to Chittagong. We only had three taka
[rupees] with us and no tickets. It was our decision that we wouldn’t
extend our hand, as no movement can be run with money earned by beg-
ging. What a movement needs is self-confidence. While we were return-
ing, the ticket collector found me. I began showing our handbills
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  233

and saying, “You see, we are from Dahagram, we are running our move-
ment.” He was convinced. He fed us pao rutti [toast]. I realized that who-
ever fights for his country gets respect. Those were good days. A kid like
me, who was just in his tenth grade, would go before the dc [district com-
missioner] and say, “Sir, I am from Dahagram Shangram Shamiti. We are
fighting to realize the ’74 Treaty.” And the dc would pay attention to me,
extend his hand to shake with me, and say, “Sit down, my son.”

Yusuf tells a story of both inclusion through struggle and the recognition
by other Bangladeshis of the righteousness of their cause. Moreover he nar-
rates a decidedly local negotiation with institutions of local government. As
this local history illustrates, renderings of populations and territory engen-
dered dynamics within Dahagram that would prove integral to the shaping
of belonging and life within it and, more broadly, within the nation-state. As
Chatterjee (2004: 57, emphasis in original) argues, a central strategy in the
negotiation between populations who are, at best, contextually members of
the nation-state and the institutions that seek to govern them is to “give to the
empirical form of a population group the moral attributes of a community.”
Yusuf’s emphasis on the dignity of the movement’s activities, made through
earnest appeal as opposed to begging, stakes out this territory both for move-
ment members and for the residents they represented. He describes Daha-
gram residents not as downtrodden burdens on the state but rather as active
political citizens, ready to struggle for their territory and their belonging. In
other words, he asserts their belonging in the nation as a means of making a
claim for administrative inclusion in the state.
The dss began to draw the notice of authorities in both Bangladesh and
India. In Mekhliganj the police mounted an effort to locate and arrest members
of the Committee, while the already existing Kuchlibari Shangram Shamiti
[Kuchlibari Movement Committee; kss] in India, which opposed the opening
of Corridor, and its companion organization, the Tin Bigha Shangram Shamiti
[Tin Bigha Movement Committee; tbss], began to increase their own protests
and activities.39 Tensions rose and blockades and arrests became more frequent.
As the dss’s activities became more and more visible, their Indian counterparts
in the kss expanded their campaign by reaching out to the Hindu nationalist
Bharatiya Janata Party (bjp) to help renationalize the question of the Corridor.
In response, the dss contacted the Jatiya Ganotantri Party (jagpa) in Bangla-
desh, an ardently nationalist party led by Shaiful Alam Prodhan.40
234 | J A S O N CONS

In 1984, with jagpa’s support, the dss organized its most dramatic and vis-
ible protest, which they called the Long March. Riaz, another member of the
Movement Committee, described the march: “Twenty-two youths from Da-
hagram joined jagpa members in a procession wearing funeral robes [kafoner
kapor]. First, we performed a Janozah [funeral rites] prayer in Dhaka. Then we
began the Long March. We said that by any means necessary we would march
through the Tin Bigha, as it should have been Bangladeshi land according to
the treaty. Our march got huge attention because of jagpa’s participation. At
Lalmonirhat, more than 100,000 people came out of their homes to join us.41
It was a huge procession, looking like it was just waiting to explode.”
Riaz’s description highlights the symbolic import of the march. Cut off from
the Bangladeshi mainland, Dahagram residents were slowly dying. By formally
conducting funeral rites and marching with the intent to pass through the Tin
Bigha, dss members were intent on forcing an international event that would
highlight the debate over the Corridor and emphasize their willingness to con-
front death in defense of territory, rather than a slow starvation at the hands
of the bsf and residents of Mekhliganj. In other words, the Long March drew
attention to Dahagram not simply as a moral community in Chatterjee’s sense
of the term, but also as a moral obligation to the Bangladeshi state and nation.

Opening the Corridor

The dss’s activities coincided with the rise to power in Bangladesh of Gen-
eral Hossain Mohammad Ershad following the assassination of Zia in 1981.
Ershad, whose controversial tenure as head of the Bangladesh government
lasted from 1982 to 1991, radically curbed democratic liberties and persistently
blocked efforts to overturn military rule and restore parliamentary democ-
racy within Bangladesh. Further, his regime continued the move initiated
by Zia away from secular Bengali nationalism and toward a more overtly
Islamist Bangladeshi state. Against this backdrop the political relationship
between India and Bangladesh remained strained. This relationship was fur-
ther stressed by the increasingly virulent rhetoric of the bjp in India against
the threat of illegal immigration from Muslim Bangladesh and pressuring of
the Congress Party to take action against it. This pressure led, among other
things, to the 1986 Indo-Bangladesh Border Roads and Fences Project (Van
Schendel 2005a: 212–13).42
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  235

In 1982, in a conference to resolve border issues, technical experts and se-

curity forces from India and Bangladesh reached an agreement on lease terms
for the Tin Bigha. Contrary to the terms of the Indira-Mujib Pact, this new
agreement stated that sovereign control over the Corridor would remain in
the hands of Indian officials. Despite this clarification, no direct action to
open the Corridor was taken, though an active debate reemerged in India
over the legality of the creation of Tin Bigha.43 This debate was deployed in
different ways by different parties. The Left Front in West Bengal, and no-
tably Amar Roy Prodhan, pressed for the full exchange of all the enclaves,
as opposed to the partial solution of addressing just Dahagram.44 The bjp
enthusiastically adopted the cause of opposing the opening of the Corridor
on nationalist grounds. Claiming to defend a country marred by Partition
and betrayed by its political leaders, the bjp began to use the Tin Bigha issue
as a whip to beat both Congress and West Bengal’s left-front government.45 A
pamphlet published in 1992 mirrored much of the rhetoric deployed in public
and in the Lok Sabha: “bjp [was] not there in 1947 to resist that evil design,
but today, in 1992, things have changed. Today we, the general people, refuse
to be a mute party to the sinister design of transferring Tinbigha Corridor to
Bangladesh by Rao Govt.-Jyoti Basu combine.”46
Nationalist claims to territory and territorial defense were no less prevalent
in the Ershad government. Ershad, originally from Rangpur himself and a
supporter of all causes linked to the betterment of north Bengal, championed
the cause of Dahagram and the Tin Bigha Corridor as a nationalist issue,
using the 1982 lease as a basis to pressure the Indian administration over Da-
hagram. As the dss’s activities gained attention, Ershad began to bring the
debate over the Corridor to a head. In 1986 and again in 1988 he made per-
sonal visits to the enclave. These visits remain among the most celebrated and
fondly remembered moments in Dahagram’s history. Sharif Udin Talukdar,
who was a member of the dss, a prominent political player in the enclave,
and a future Union Parishad chairman, remembers the visit as a moment of
extreme emotions: “He was the first high-profile leader to step into Dahagram.
He came here by helicopter. After Ershad’s arrival, we were quite speechless. It
was as though we helpless folks got our father. We began weeping before him.”
Ershad’s visit did indeed mark a turning point in enclave politics. During
his visit he distributed over 25,000Tk-worth of goods to needy households. He
also made Angarpota and Dahagram into an official Union Parishad within
236 | J A S O N CONS

Patgram Upazilla, giving it formal political standing within the Bangladesh

administrative system, despite its territorial dislocation from the Bangladeshi
mainland. He further allocated funds for the development of schools and
medical facilities in Dahagram. What is more, Ershad began actively advocat-
ing for a solution to the Corridor problem, proposing, among other things, the
construction of a fly-over for the Tin Bigha, so that residents could effectively
pass from Dahagram to Panbari without ever having to touch Indian soil.
Yet his visits also increased the tensions over belonging within the enclave.
As Riaz explained it to me, “Seeing the emotional outburst on our part at Er-
shad’s visit, Indians understood our true desires and where our commitments
lay. After realizing that we were truly Bangladeshi, Indians escalated their
tortures. Earlier, they believed that some day we may be India-minded. They
hoped that there would be a new generation in Dahagram that was pro-India.
After Ershad came, those hopes were gone.”
Thus while Ershad’s visit brought renewed hope to residents, it also marked
an increase in tensions with Mekhliganj. Residents spoke of numerous block-
ades from the mid-1980s on. Many echoed Bashar’s comment on the impossi-
bility of even acquiring kafan cloth to shroud dead bodies in accordance with
Islamic funerary rights. We had nothing to bury our dead in and were forced to
cover them in banana leaves. Along with an increase in violence between Mus-
lim residents and surrounding areas, Hindus living within the enclave began
an active campaign to demonstrate that Dahagram residents ‘desired’ to be
part of India. Muslim residents recall that they were often forced or extorted
to sign petitions and documents claiming allegiance to India by Hindus liv-
ing within the enclave, themselves formulating their own claims of belonging
to India.
Tensions between the dss and the kss, as well as the regular blockades and
increases in arrests, continued throughout Ershad’s presidency. Yet in 1991
the relationship between India and Bangladesh again briefly thawed with the
collapse of the Ershad regime under joint pressure and activism from a coa-
lition of parties and public protests within Bangladesh.47 As the Bangladesh
National Party (bnp) assumed power and a series of court cases blocking the
Corridor in India were resolved, the possibility of opening the Corridor be-
came real. On 26 June 1992, amid protest by the kss and the bjp, the Corridor
finally opened.48 While this was seen almost uniformly within the enclave as
a major and important victory, the Corridor has also created new and com-
plicated configurations of sovereignty, sensitivity, and belonging within the
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  237

enclave. Further, the opening of the Corridor has served to ossify the borders
of Dahagram. Traveling to Mekhliganj in India is now unambiguously illegal,
and to get there one must negotiate frequent border patrols and the panoptic
bsf watchtowers that now surround the enclave. Access to Bangladesh is now
similarly restricted except through the Tin Bigha Corridor, which, until 2011,
remained open only during daylight.49
Many members of the dss feel that the partial and contingent fulfillment of
the Indira-Mujib Pact is a betrayal to those who fought and struggled for the
Corridor. Riaz told me, “The government that was in power then, the Khalida
Zia government, did it wrong to receive the Indian suggestion [that the bsf
would control the Corridor]. What could we people of Dahagram do? We
had no options. We were helpless. We have no political representation at the
national level. We have no strong lobby. We have no strong voice to raise the
issue at some international level. In 1982 President Ershad said to India, “Give
me my territory.” What Khalida Zia did in 1992 was cheap politics [shasta
rajniti].”50 Riaz’s claim marks frustration at the partial fulfillment of the
Indira-Mujib Pact but also another statement of inclusion within Bangladesh.
Riaz speaks of heads of state claiming “their” territory. A failure to defend the
rights of enclave residents is a lack of commitment to “national” interest. At
the same time, the “cheap politics” of the bnp administration highlight that
despite long struggle, belonging in Dahagram remains partial, contingent,
and contested.

Understanding the Politics of Belonging

The opening of the Corridor transformed the landscape of politics in Da-
hagram in many ways. Yet the enclave remains an unstable place where the
stakes of various forms of uncertain belonging remain high. When it opened
in 1992, the Corridor was open for only one hour a day. Since then the amount
of time has increased, and during my fieldwork the Corridor remained open
during daylight hours, a reality that posed a range of uncertainties and anxi-
eties for residents — among them, complications accessing urgent medical care
at night. Inside the enclave the political fault lines have shifted. Following the
opening of the Corridor, the majority of the Hindu families within Dahagram
left, leaving a glut of land that residents had little money to purchase. Much
of this land was snapped up by new migrants moving from elsewhere in Ban-
gladesh. If the pre-Corridor history is remembered largely along communal
238 | J A S O N CONS

lines, many of the contemporary political struggles in the enclave are between
long-term residents and these newer migrants, many of whom were able to
purchase large amounts of land and have become prosperous smallholder
farmers. The opening of the Corridor has allowed for the Bangladesh Rifles
(Bangladesh’s border security force) to establish several camps within the
enclave. It has also led to the establishment of a range of bsf camps around
Dahagram’s perimeter and the construction of ten panoptic watchtowers
staffed by armed bsf soldiers. Despite and in part because of such changes,
the question of belonging remains acute for residents.
It is no surprise, then, that the enclave’s history is remembered and nar-
rated as a claim both to membership and to the right and ability to hold and
possess belongings. The manner in which Dahagram’s pre-Corridor past is
remembered and talked about constitutes stories of possession and disposses-
sion and at the same time advances ongoing claims — claims that the partial
belonging afforded by the Corridor is inadequate and insufficient for those
who have struggled, persevered, and suffered for Bangladeshi territory. This
is not to claim that such narratives are uniform or that they constitute and
encompass all of Dahagram’s fragmentary narratives and pasts. Rather it is to
say that the history of Dahagram as told by its residents is an ongoing and un-
finished project of transforming and redefining Dahagram’s ambiguous and
liminal position within the Bengali state and nation — of asserting Dahagram
as a moral community worthy and deserving of inclusion within Bangladesh.
Chhitmahal residents are frequently referred to as ‘stateless,’51 yet their history
has also been an ongoing negotiation with what such a term might mean. If
residents are stateless, their lives are also overdetermined by the Indian and
East Pakistani/Bangladeshi state and the tension between symbolic and more
grounded forms of belonging within and to them. The histories that I have
recounted are both narrations of Dahagram’s past and projects to claim a
national belonging as a means to actualize political membership within the
Bangladeshi state. These claims and negotiation go beyond, as they partially
encompass, liberal normative notions of rights and citizenship. At the same
time, they cannot be understood solely from the perspective of statelessness
or bare life. Such terms fail to capture the ways that enclave residents have ac-
tively resisted attempts to limit their rights and struggled to frame their own
notions of belonging at both national and local scales.
In sensitive, unstable, and contentious zones such as border regions, upland
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  239

areas, and enclaves, such histories of belonging(s) are more than simple narra-
tions of the past. They also form the basis of ongoing struggles over how such
spaces and their residents fit or do not fit into constructions of nation and
state. Attending to such histories and taking seriously the ways that residents
of these zones frame them can provide critical insights into the terrain of ne-
gotiation between states and groups and spaces that only imperfectly fit into
categories of ‘citizen’ and ‘national territory.’ Gellner (introduction, this vol-
ume) suggests that ethnographic encounters with the state must grapple with
both sides of Abrams’s (1988) problematic of the ‘state-system’ and ‘state-idea.’
I would suggest that the histories of belonging I engage in this chapter are cru-
cial sites to begin unraveling this problematic. These emic understandings of
the past are thus critical in rethinking the politics of inclusion and exclusion
that frame the ideas of nation and state, as well as the broad networks of power
within which they are inscribed.
Seen in this light, discontent over the inability to celebrate such anniver-
saries as Corridor Open Day in Dahagram acquires a different meaning.
Residents rarely have the opportunity to publicly articulate their histories of
suffering for territory (Moore 2005) or their ongoing demands for full inclu-
sion in Bangladesh. Belonging, for residents of Dahagram, determines their
ability to move into and out of the enclave and the ability to go to market to
sell and purchase essentials; belonging confronts the constant specter of vio-
lence and fear that haunts those who lived through the long struggle to gain
substantive as well as formal membership within the territory of Bangladesh.
The stakes of articulating claims to belonging are thus more than symbolic.
They are about the ongoing negotiation of life in a sensitive, contingent, and
unstable space.

Notes to Chapter 9
Support for this research was generously provided by a Social Science Research Coun-
cil International Dissertation Research Fellowship. Generous feedback, direction, and
assistance were provided by Jaideep Chatterjee, Dia Da Costa, Shelley Feldman, David
Gellner, Sayeed Hassan, Reece Jones, Erin Lentz, Xulhaz Mannan, Nayanika Mathur,
Philip McMichael, Yasmin Saikia, Eric Tagliacozzo, Brendan Whyte, and especially
Townsend Middleton. Thanks especially to Brendan Whyte for permission to use
his excellent maps. This chapter appeared originally in Modern Asian Studies and is
republished with permission and slightly adapted.
240 | J A S O N CONS

1. The official name of the enclave is Angarpota-Dahagram, denoting two separate

but conjoined enclaves. By shortening the name to Dahagram, I am following the
convention adhered to by residents.
2. This paper deals primarily with the history of Dahagram. The literature on the
chhitmahals is limited, but for more on enclaves beyond Dahagram see Van Schendel
2002b; Whyte 2002; Butalia 2003; R. Jones 2009b, 2010; Sen 2002.
3. See, for example, Ahmed (2006, 2007), who identifies the enclaves as one of the
seven persistent barriers to amicable relations between India and Bangladesh.
4. By ‘sensitive,’ I mean a political process that both regulates knowledge about
sensitive spaces and structures actions, behaviors, and possibilities within them. The
‘sensitivity’ of the enclaves has tangible effects not just for residents of these fraught
areas but also for government officials, security forces, and researchers seeking to
understand them. See Cons (2014).
5. I use the convention of italicizing quotations and discussions from my field notes.
Verbatim quotations from recorded interviews are not italicized.
6. I have changed the names of my informants to protect their identity.
7. The Emergency was declared after months of political chaos leading up to the
general elections. On the Emergency Administration’s goals, see Lt. Gen. Moeen U.
Ahmed, “The Challenging Interface of Democracy and Security,” Daily Star (Dhaka),
4 April 2007. On the suspension of democratic liberties during the Emergency,
see Odhikar Report, Due Process of Law Must Be Followed, 12 March 2008, www
.odhikar.org/documents/14monthsofstateofemergency.pdf; Freedom House, Freedom
of the Press 2008 — Bangladesh, 29 April 2008, http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid
/4871f5ee2.html, both accessed 24 May 2013.
8. Upazilas are Bangladesh’s second-smallest administrative unit in Bangladesh
above the union parishads (councils) and below districts. In this case, Patgram upazila
is a subdistrict in Lalmonirhat district. The uno is the upazila’s chief executive officer.
9. On 8 September 2011 the governments of Bangladesh and India signed a protocol
to keep the Corridor open twenty-four hours a day. On 19 October 2011 this protocol
was put in place to great fanfare within the enclave. See “Dahagram Celebrates While
Other Enclaves Unhappy,” Daily Star (Dhaka), 8 September 2011; H. Habib, “Freedom
from Virtual Captivity,” Hindu (Delhi), 2 November 2011.
10. I draw from concerns within this exhaustive literature on ways to understand
the relational production of state, society, security, and identity in borderlands (Gell-
ner, this volume). See also Baud and Van Schendel (1997) and the collections of essays
in Wilson and Donnan 1998a; Donnan and Wilson 1999; Rajaram and Grundy-Warr
2007; Diener and Hagen 2010a; Zartman 2010.
11. And not one that need necessarily always be cast in the negative. See Walker
12. See, for example, essays in Hansen and Stepputat 2005.
13. Numerous other enclaves, particularly those falling between the districts of
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  241

Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar — both districts within West Bengal, India — posed few
administrative problems and were eventually simply absorbed into their bounding
district. Princely states were nominally given a choice as to which state, India or Paki-
stan, they wished to join at independence. In practice this choice often boiled down to
territorial contiguity. After a brief period of hesitation, Cooch Behar opted for India.
On the accession of Cooch Behar, see Ghosh (1993).
14. In other words, in the period following Partition, in which Bengal was split into
West Bengal (in India) and East Pakistan and before the Liberation War in 1971, in
which East Pakistan gained independence from West Pakistan and became Bangladesh.
15. Indeed the passport agreement made specific provisions for enclave residents,
though in practice this freedom was short-lived (see Whyte 2002: appendix 1–22).
16. See numerous accounts in the Home Political Confidential Records from 1948–
60, Bangladesh National Archives (bna: Home cr List 119, bundles 1–52).
17. These paramilitary groups were the predecessors of and were eventually super-
seded by the East Pakistan (later Bangladesh) Rifles in East Pakistan and the Indian
Border Security Forces (bsf).
18. Though I have not been able to verify the exact date that this camp was put in
place, residents agree that it was before 1965 and after 1958. This suggests that the camp
was initially established by the West Bengal Rifles, before they became incorporated
into the new, national bsf in 1965.
19. No residents of Dahagram that I spoke with made any distinction between the
bsf and the various paramilitary groups that preceded their formation.
20. As Whyte (2002) notes, residents of the enclave could frequently get a better
price for agricultural products in East Pakistan as prices in India were fixed. As such,
there was a double incentive to make the crossing to Patgram Thana.
21. For a detailed exploration of the 1965 war, see Gupta 1967.
22. “India Deploys Dogras, Jats, Rajputs along Ranpur [sic] Border,” Pakistan Ob-
server, 20 March 1965.
23. There is a marked link between the Rann of Kachchh and the enclaves on the
other side of the subcontinent. Both were areas of political and geographical ambigu-
ity that emerged out of the post-Partition reshuffling of the princely states. Both are
areas of continuing ambiguity and intrigue that have led to frequent violence between
border security forces and within communities living on either side of the border.
Indeed on 20 March, six days after the outbreak of the Dahagram War, fighting broke
out in the Rann between India and Pakistan. The two regions are further similar in
that they have both been the focus of intense negotiations over the meaning of space,
identity, and nation and are critical sites in the construction of contested borders. For
more on the Kachchhi frontier, see Ibrahim 2009. See “Pakistan Warns India Vacate
Aggression in Dahagram,” Pakistan Observer, 18 March 1965.
24. For a classic study of communal social conflict in Bangladesh around livestock,
see Roy 1994.
242 | J A S O N CONS

25. It is worth noting that there is some controversy over what exactly happened
during the Dahagram War. Indian papers reported that Muslim residents burned
Hindu residents’ homes, forcing them to flee the enclave. These reports claimed that
the bsf entered the enclave in defense of or retaliation for this attack (Whyte 2002).
26. A type of lentil grown widely in North Bengal.
27. None of the newspaper coverage of the war that I was able to locate reported
any casualties.
28. “India Sternly Told: No Talks without Restoration of Status Quo,” Pakistani
Observer, 28 March 1965; “Pakistan Warns India Vacate Aggression in Dahagram”;
“India Deploys Dogras, Jats, Rajputs along Rangpur Border”; “Intruders at Kalirhat
Driven Out,” Pakistani Observer, 19 March 1965; “Indian Forces Fire on Sylhet Border,”
Pakistani Observer, 18 March 1965; “India Deploys More Troops along East Pakistan
Border,” Pakistani Observer, 25 March 1965; “Indian Troops Deployed along Kushtia
Border,” Pakistani Observer, 28 March 1965; “In Patgram-Baura Sector: Indiscrimi-
nant Firing by Indian Troops,” Pakistani Observer, 29 March 1965.
29. “Fresh Influx of Refugees: Evictions from Cooch Behar,” Pakistani Observer, 25
March 1965.
30. “Cease Fire at Dahagram,” Pakistani Observer, 1 April 1965.
31. “Ae Porajoyer Glani Dhakben Keamon Korey [How Will You Cover Up the
Shame of Such Defeat?],” Ganokantha (Dhaka), 18 May 1974; “Jukto Ghoshonay
Vashanir Protikriya [Vashani’s Reaction to Joint Decision],” Ittefaq (Dhaka), 18 May
32. “Shimanto Chukti o Jukto Ghoshona Proshongay jsd-er Oveemot: Desh ke
Noya Uponibeshe Porinoto Korar Padokkhep [jsd–Jatiyo Samajtantrik Dal/National
Socialist Party–on Border Treaty and Joint Declaration: Attempts to Turn the Country
into a New Colony],” Ganokantha (Dhaka), 19 May 1974.
33. “Berubari Shongkranto Reet Aebondon Nakoch: Apeeler Onumoti Daan [Writ
Petition on Berubari Dismissed: Appeal Approved],” Ittefaq (Dhaka), 21 May 1974; “Be-
rubari Shomporke Injunction Aabedon Supreme Court-ey Utthapito [Berubari Injunc-
tion Appeal Placed before Supreme Court],” Shangbad (Dhaka), 21 May 1975; “Berubari
Mamlar Churanto Shunanir Din 14-ey June [The Final Hearing Date of the Berubari
Case is on the 14th of June],” Ganokantha (Dhaka), 30 May 1974.
34. Quoted in Jacques (2000: 45). Of particular concern to the representative was
that the leasing of the Corridor to Bangladesh would potentially create an enclave of
the village of Kuchlibari cut off from the rest of Mekhliganj Thana. See note 44 below.
35. “Constitution (Third Amendment) Act, 1974, 27 November 1974,” appendix 1–42
in Whyte (2002: 381). For a full description of the legal battle in India over the Corri-
dor, see Whyte 2002.
36. On the violent and gendered politics of nation making and territory, see Saikia
(2004), Mookherjee (2006), essays in Chatterjee and Jeganathan (2000), Menon and
Bhasin (1998), and Butalia (1998).
Histories of Belonging(s)  |  243

37. In 1977, after a period as chief martial law administrator, Ziaur Rahman became
president. On 22 April he pushed through a martial law ordinance to amend the offi-
cial principles of the Bangladesh state by removing “socialism” and “secularism” from
the constitution and inserting “economic and social justice” and “trust and faith in
Almighty Allah” (Anisuzzaman 2001).
38. This assertion was echoed in a Bangladesh Observer report that claimed that
people in Dahagram had died due to blockades which prevented medical assistance
and food from moving into the Corridor. As the report claimed, “Equipped with guns,
arrows, lathis [clubs] and hand bombs, the Indian nationals are patrolling around
these enclaves preventing helpless Bangladeshi nationals of Dahagram and Angar-
pota to come out and enter Bangladesh main soil to purchase essential commodities”
(quoted in Bhasin 1996: 808).
39. The kss was not simply opposed to the opening of the Corridor on ideological
or communal grounds. The Corridor, if leased to Bangladesh, would have effectively
enclaved Kuchlibari, a district of Mekhliganj. Kuchlibari is bordered on the east by
Bangladesh and on the west by the Tista River. Residents feared that if the narrow
strip of land connecting them to the rest of Mekhliganj was closed, they would be
in the same territorially dislocated situation as Dahagram. Though the terms of the
Tin Bigha Lease proposed in 1982 (see below) and the eventual agreement to open the
Corridor made it clear that sovereign control over the Corridor would remain with
India, the kss and tbss, with the support of the bjp and the break-off Forward Bloc in
West Bengal, aggressively opposed the opening of the Corridor.
40. jagpa regularly participated in and organized protests in relation to a range
of border controversies throughout the 1980s. See documentation in Bhasin (1996).
41. Such numbers are likely exaggerated.
42. On bjp rhetoric over ‘infiltration’ from Bangladesh, see Gillan (2002) and
Ramachandran (1999). For details of the debate over fencing beginning in 1983 be-
tween India and Bangladesh, see Bhasin (1996).
43. For details of this lease, see Whyte (2002: appendix 1–42).
44. “Tin Bigha Corridor Hostantore Forward Blocker Tibro Apotti [Strong Objec-
tion by Forward Block in Handing over the Tin Bigha Corridor],” Ittefaq (Dhaka), 28
September 1991.
45. For a discussion of the ways the bjp deployed rhetoric over the sundering of
national territory throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, see Krishna 1996.
46. Pamphlet reprinted in Whyte (2002: 384–85). The political reference here is to
the Narasima Rao–led Congress Party government and the Jyoti Basu–led cpi(m) gov-
ernment in West Bengal.
47. Though this represented a return to democratic rule, it did not necessarily mean
a move back to a secular pan-Bengali political stance. For more on the opening of the
Corridor, see Whyte (2002). For more on Bangladesh’s emergence from Ershad’s rule,
see Van Schendel (2009).
244 | J A S O N CONS

48. A report collected in Bhasin (1996) claims that more than three thousand anti-
Corridor activists were arrested in Cooch Behar and adjoining districts and that at
least one death resulted from skirmishes between Indian activists marching to stop
the opening of the Corridor and members of the local police and the bsf.
49. For more on the current state of Dahagram and the Tin Bigha Corridor, see
Cons 2007.
50. Zia was the bnp prime minister of Bangladesh at the time.
51. For example, Van Schendel 2002b; Sen 2002; R. Jones 2009b.

Geographies and Identities

Subaltern Partition Stories along
Bengal’s Southern Frontier

Because a bottle of oil broke

You get angry with the young girl
All you fat guys
You break and divide India
Regions are broken, districts are broken,
Fields, houses and homes,
Roads, storehouses, granaries,
Factories and railways.

Subaltern Narratives of Partition

Haripada read this poem aloud one evening from his diary.1 A fisherman by
day, he often wrote poems by night. We kept meeting each other in two very dif-
ferent settings. The first was in the informal surroundings of fishing or walking
through the village; the second was in the highly formalized locale of literary
seminars. Haripada, about fifty-five years old, was a keen participant in these
gatherings. He never sought me out in the first locale, when silent and taciturn;
he would keep a steely glance on his net, chain-smoke bidis, dressed in only a
loincloth, while his thin, dark body was speckled white by the dried squirts
from walking in the cloying grayish mud of the river bank. The other times, the
times he sought my companionship, was when we were both at an ‘up’ island,
246 | A N N U JAL AIS

participants of literary seminars organized on certain special weekends or aus-

picious days, both with notebook and pen, groomed and well-dressed, he in his
white terry-cotton kurta pyjama and me in a starched saree.
He’d call me over: “Khuki [young girl], come and sit here next to me.” The
others were mostly schoolteachers, although, like the two of us, there were a
few oddballs, such as Rakhal, more popularly known as Rakhal-dadu (Rakhal
grandfather), the blind elderly poet who made a living by also composing
poems on the great and the good, which sometimes included the ngo lead-
ers and socialites visiting the area, and Binod Bera, famous for persisting in
writing poetry even though he was a small cultivator and cursed, in the eyes
of the islanders, with five daughters and no sons. There was also, from time
to time, Sudharani Mridha, the wife of one of the schoolteachers, who was
a keen politician. She shared with her husband not simply a love for lyrical
words but also an interest in the workings of the state and was eager to join
these meetings to further her literary leanings, buff her contacts, and gain
greater political mileage.
I’d go, like many of the others, to relieve the boredom of everyday life on
the islands. It was an opportunity that allowed one to travel to an ‘up’ island,
which meant a more ‘developed’ one, usually Rangabelia (next to Gosaba)
or Basanti, and once the seminar was over, visit shops, sit under a fan, make
phone calls. Haripada was an avid partaker of these meetings, but I rarely saw
him share space with the schoolteachers when they assembled in small groups
to smoke or drink tea either at the seminar or during the weekly bazaar day.
His dark skin, oiled for the event, was so taut on his face that below his cheek-
bones two grooves caved in and one could make out the contours of his skull
every time he took a drag. He stuck out in a room where people were generally
lighter skinned and fatter. I suppose he sought me out because we were both
oddities and we knew each other ‘from the village,’ where I was conducting
anthropological fieldwork for my PhD; the others could sense we both had
other lives, that he was a fisher with practically no formal education and I a
PhD student with a foreign background who was nonetheless unmarried and
far from home.
Later, when we would all be sitting in rows on benches in front of our plate-
fuls of rice, he’d focus on his food and keep very quiet. Sometimes he would
smile and nod at what the schoolteacher sitting next to him had said. Yet
when it was his turn to read his piece, he strove to adhere to the canons of
respectability. Mouthing the words, he declaimed carefully so that they did
Kolkata INDIA
Canning Parghumte
N Kalinchi

B AY O F B E N G A L Forested area

Map 10.1. The Sundarbans in West Bengal and Bangladesh.

not come out garbled and rustic. His subjects were always popular rehashed
topics like ‘the beauty of the forest,’ ‘the plight of the Sundarbans islander,’ ‘the
Partition of Bengal.’ He did not live very far from where I had set up house
and, sometimes, when we came across each other at the marketplace or on the
roadside, he’d whisper, “Come over this evening, I’ve written a new one.” I’d
usually buy time before heading to his place, as his readings, one poem after
another, would often stretch in an unstoppable flow for a couple of hours.
On my last visit to the Sundarbans, I decided to pay him a visit to tell him I
was now working in Bangladesh, where his family was from. He just replied,
“Khuki, listen to this,” and he read out the famous poem by Annadashankar
Roy that opens this chapter.
Once he had ended, he lit a bidi. He asked me to write it down — “It will
be important for your work on Bangladesh”— and while I was doing so he
muttered, as if to no one in particular, “And yet, when one small bottle of
oil breaks, it’s the poor young girl that gets beaten up. They play dice, we get
pawned.” I knew Haripada had firsthand experience with dice being cast, re-
gions being broken, and people being pawned. His family was from “the other
side of the river,” and he and his parents and eight siblings had to leave their
East Bengali homestead as udbastu (literally, ‘uprooted from one’s homestead,’
a common term for refugees) sometime in the 1960s, “after the riots.” Haripada
never told me that the Muslim inhabitants of the village he now lived in had
been chased away. Neither had anyone else spoken about it in the first few
248 | A N N U JAL AIS

months I was there in late 1999. This time I asked, “What happened here? Tell
me, whose land was this, the land where your house stands today? Why are
they no longer here?” Silence.
On my more recent fieldwork, conducted along the West Bengal–Bangladesh
border between 2007 and 2009, for a project on the Bengal Muslim diaspora
which is currently being written up with Joya Chatterji and Claire Alexan-
der, I would come across similar blaming of the ruling elite for the division
that had ensued between eastern and western Bengal and an analogous reti-
cence to talk about what really happened in their neck of the woods (compare
Gupta’s observations on the silence around Partition in the Kargil region,
chapter 2, this volume). I was traveling in Bangladesh’s Dinajpur in the north
when I came across a nonagenarian, Abdul Rahman Biswas, who had wielded
some power in his younger days, when he lived in India. He now found him-
self a refugee in Bangladesh, having had to flee West Bengal after riots against
Muslims in his village. I repeat what he said:

When Lord Mountbatten was the big lat [corrupt form of ‘lord’] of this
place, the oppression started, so people rebelled against him. He com-
plained to Churchill about this when he traveled to London. So Churchill
called an Indian, Gandhi, and told him “Okay, I’ll return you your coun-
try and you can stop complaining.” But inwardly he thought, “I’ll divide
the place so that they’re forever consumed in fire.” People started to fight
because of this curse of Churchill’s, and the fire that was lit then has since
never been extinguished. Nehru and Jinnah started to fight, three annas
[sixteenth parts] for Pakistan and thirteen annas for India.
Radcliffe was summoned to divide the country. He started cutting up
regions. He split Punjab into two and then Bengal, and five thanas [dis-
tricts] of Malda ended up in Pakistan: Bholahat, Shibganj, Chapai-
Nowabganj, Nachol, and Gomosthapur. My land was divided into two.
I had some in Pakistan but most of it was in India. So I initially stayed
in India.

As I came to know later, if the loss was a personal one, speakers on both sides
of the border consistently blamed the elite for what had befallen the ‘common
people’ after Partition. When I mentioned riots, for example, people would talk
about the national riots, rarely mentioning the violence that had taken place in
their own backyard or village. It was as if Partition and its bloody aftermath
was willed and its divisive politics perpetrated by the ruling elite — first by the
Geographies and Identities  |  249

British ruling elite and later, after Independence, by the Indian — and they, the
rural folk, were simply the pawns in the divisive designs of this elite. When I
pressed victims of Partition who lived along the border to give me details, they
usually talked of the “hordes of migrants” who had come “from the other side,
invited by the politicians” and had taken over their land, cattle, homesteads.
It was never the neighbors themselves who were blamed or introduced in the
narrative. And the chapter had to be quickly closed — “Those were so many
years ago.” Nobody wanted to dwell on those memories. Whether Hindu or
Muslim, whether from this side or that, the official story was that they were
all desher lok, here meaning from the same region as well as stressing one’s
rural identity. In Malda they called themselves Maldoiyas (usually referring to
people who practice shifting cultivation on chars [suddenly appearing river­
beds]); when from the south, they referred to themselves as ‘tide people’
(bhatir lok), united in their primary identity as the people of the godforsaken,
and usually state-forsaken, islands of the Sundarbans.
And yet, below the veneer, just as Nayanika Mathur, following Li (2001: 58),
argues in this volume, the way the rural people judge each other is ordained by
a set of standards derived from and centered on, in this case, the urban. Much
like the mountains of Uttarakhand, in the Sundarbans too the farther away
from the plains the islanders live, the more backward they are considered to
be. Here too a denigration of one’s ‘backwardness,’ particularly when living
in the dangerous borderlands of the state, makes one aspire to greater respect-
ability, and unfortunately that means giving up on certain shared practices
such as qawali singing during the Urs of a Sufi saint or the veneration of the
forest deity Bonbibi. These practices, lying at the interstices, make one look
‘uneducated’ because these are not shared by the urban elite. Similarly the
messy stories of Partition, when there weren’t necessarily heroes and villains,
did not fit the grand nationalist narratives of Partition and were therefore
seen as unfit to be told. Besides, for many, it wasn’t an event in the past; it was
something they were still living.
As Cons (chapter 9, this volume) shows in relation to enclave dwellers, “be-
longing is a question, as such, that is rarely taken for granted.” Indeed belong-
ing is never taken for granted and is always an ongoing and unfinished pro-
cess. The Muslim minority in the rural areas are still made to feel the brunt of
this separation between a ‘Hindu’ India and a ‘Muslim’ Bangladesh, especially
by the Hindu immigrants who are still making inroads into West Bengal’s
hinterland. This caginess or reserve in relation to talking about one’s history is
250 | A N N U JAL AIS

totally linked to one’s identity and status in relation to the majority community
of the village. Even today the chief minister of West Bengal/Paschimbanga has
few qualms about conflating West Bengal’s Muslims with an Urdu-based iden-
tity, thus making them feel even more as if they are the epitome of the ‘other’
in West Bengal. The Trinamool Congress’s “Vision Document,” published
in 2011, prior to the State Assembly elections that brought the ruling party
to power, announced in its “Action Agenda” that the chief minister would
create Muslim universities and colleges, more madrasas, and Urdu schools
for West Bengal’s Muslims.2 At this point, it is important to remember that
most Muslims of Pashchimbanga have no connection to Urdu whatsoever:
“To create this association willy-nilly is a high-stakes game for this game has
a flip-side. The people of the majority faith are also being fed this rubbish that
implies some intrinsic connection between Muslims in Pashchimbanga and
Urdu. For right-wing bigots in the majority community of Pashchimbanga,
this only helps consolidate their long-standing charge of Muslims of Bengal
being less Bengalee than their Hindu counterparts” (Chatterjee 2012). And
the same is true on the Bangladeshi side of the border, where to be Bengali is
conflated with being Muslim, and Hindus are considered secret India-loving
‘traitors’ to the Bangladeshi nation.
This reticence toward narrating one’s Partition story in the Bengali hinter­
land is very different from the outpouring of stories of shock and loss I grew
up hearing from the families of my better-off friends in West Bengal’s Kol-
kata. The theme of Partition, especially among Hindu West Bengalis, was
always exclusively about the Hindus who had had to leave their homes in East
Bengal to come to West Bengal, more specifically to Kolkata, and live in rela-
tives’ homes or in camps. Besides, it was always seen as a deed in the past, one
that was sealed off, dealt with, and from which one had moved on. As Rahman
and Van Schendel (2003: 555) point out, the literature focuses on two aspects of
Partition; the first is the relationship “between the refugees and the state, both
in terms of state policies toward the newcomers and in terms of the effects that
refugees had on politics in Calcutta and the rest of West Bengal.”3 The second
theme, which I would argue is more dominant in popular urban conscious-
ness, is formed by “the voices and identities of a particular group of refugees
to West Bengal, the Bengali bhodrolok (the educated upper and middle class),
with their often traumatic and nostalgic memories of a lost homeland in East
Bengal” (556).4 Rahman and Van Schendel rightly argue that “concentrating
on refugees within these specific parameters, scholars have presented us with
Geographies and Identities  |  251

a partial picture of post-Partition population movements” and that we need

“additional research” (556). Baud and Van Schendel (1997: 212) have urged
students of borders and borderlands to go beyond legal, geographical, and
geopolitical questions and to look at “the historical effects of borders,” espe-
cially on people “from the periphery.”
As highlighted by Nilanjana Chatterjee (1990), the left’s master narrative for
Hindu-Muslim conflict lay in explaining away the violence by highlighting
the economic disparities between the two communities, the exploitation of
one by the other. The expropriation and attack on the Bengali Muslim by the
Bengali Hindu is understood by the left as an aberration that can be corrected
by ‘consciousness raising.’ “The fact that the Congress and the cpm [Commu-
nist Party of India (Marxist)] insist on a small figure for Muslim out-migration
to Pakistan (relative to east Bengali Hindus) and take pride in the state’s ap-
parent restitution of property to Muslim ‘returnees,’ posits secularism as nor-
mative in India as a policy and an objective condition” (Chatterjee 1990: 22) — 
a story fitting into bhadralok narratives of Partition. In his work with Rah-
man, Van Schendel goes beyond these bhadralok narratives by presenting us
with stories of people who migrated from India into Rajshahi, a town that
lies today in Bangladesh. Rahman and Van Schendel (2003) identify four
groups of migrants: (1) “the Optees,” those who were employees of the colonial
state and who migrated within days of Partition in August 1947; (2) “the dis-
placed by education,” people who opted for East Pakistan as the labor market
for university graduates was much better there; (3) “the Riot refugees,” those
who were violently expelled or fled, especially during the bloody riots of 1950
and 1962; and (4) “the displaced by exchange,” people who moved only after
they could exchange their immovable property with that of others from the
other side.
In this chapter, in a bid to look at the historical effects of the Bangladesh-
India border on those who were ‘peripheral’ to the whole process and the
product of “condescension and erasure” (Chatterjee 1990: 22), I present Par-
tition stories narrated by those who were ‘riot refugees.’ Those mentioned
here were not from the urban elite or the middle classes but from a poorer
background and from the rural areas, especially those areas along the West
Bengal–Bangladesh border. There is a huge disparity between the way they
remember, narrate, or silence Partition and its aftermath and those stories that
have been passed down by the states’ ruling elites. I also look at how Partition
stories still very much color relations between communities living along the
252 | A N N U JAL AIS

border. What we can learn from these more rural and ‘peripheral’ narratives
is that they are, finally, not just about Partition and its aftermath; they are also
a reflection of the ways people have to live their social and religious identities
along the Bengal borderland today.

Silencing Everyday Indignities and

Marking Religious Geographies
At the beginning of my fieldwork in Kalinchi, Satkhira, Bangladesh, I vis-
ited eighty-five-year old Jalal Gazi. I had been given the usual generic story
about elites dividing Bengal among themselves, Partition, the loss of  land and
honor, and the experience of being dropped into second-class citizenry. After
a few visits the old man began to share more about his personal experience
of Partition:

We are originally from Kalitola. The East Bengalis kicked us away from
there so we came to Dokkhin Parghumte, where we had family. Our
whole place in Kalitola used to be Muslim. Then one day, sometime
during the early ’50s, some refugees who had come from the other side
announced that Muslims wouldn’t be allowed to live here, that they would
have to leave. Our zamindar, Krishnapada Chattopadhyay, was on our
side and said he’d take our defense. But then the police started aligning
themselves with the refugees, and slowly the locals sided with them as
well, and they all started pressuring us.
They went from house to house, sometimes raped and looted, at other
times burned down our homes and our granaries. They made things
very difficult for the zamindar, and so he called us to him and said, “All
these years I’ve been protecting you, but now I can’t any more,” and he
left for Kolkata the next day. When the zamindar left we felt we wouldn’t
be able to keep our honor, so some of us left for Pakistan. At that time all
the Muslims of Jogeshganj, Parghumte, Kalitola, Samshernagar, Gobin-
dokati left together. But before leaving for Pakistan we went to Dokkhin
Parghumte, where we had family and where we were a Muslim-majority
But the refugees from the other side of the river started to come in
hordes to Dokkhin Parghumte too. Our maternal house was set on fire;
poison was mixed with the straw used to feed our buffaloes; only four of
Geographies and Identities  |  253

our seventeen buffaloes survived. Our family’s land used to stretch all
the way to the river; now, the last time I visited about fifteen years ago,
it ended with the small field that surrounds my nephew Fakhruddin’s
homestead. Gradually the physical threats were growing, houses were
burned, women defiled, lives threatened. When nothing more worked,
we stole away in the dead of night on our boats to Pakistan to save our
skins and in hope of a more equal future. Little by little we all left except
my eldest brother, Shahid Gazi, who stayed back “to look after the mosque
and the graves of our ancestors.”
My elder brother Shahid and his immediate family stayed on to protect
the graves because Hindus have no respect for graves. They just dig out
our bones and chuck them into the river and start tilling our graveyards
as if they were crop fields. You know, Fakhruddin’s paddy stack was
burned down. It burned for four or five days nonstop. We kept dowsing
the fire with water but it wouldn’t subside and die out. But Fakhruddin
said, “I’m ready to give up my life, but I can’t give up the graves of my
father and mother.” And so he stayed back with Shahid.

Later, on the other side of the border, in India, I tracked down Jalal’s brother’s
family and paid them a visit. Ninety-three-year-old Shahid Gazi, Jalal’s brother,
still lived in West Bengal’s Dokkhin Parghumte. Everybody told me the old
man had gone mad. I was also introduced to his relatives, who were now re-
duced to a mere fifty people. Originally the village had been mainly Muslim.
I asked Jalal and Shahid’s sixty-year-old nephew Fakhruddin to tell me more,
but he was reluctant as “it was so many years ago.” I realized there were neigh-
bors squatting or standing around us. A teenager blurted that the local mosque
had been destroyed five years earlier, and Fakhruddin nodded in acquiescence
but said nothing. A young man in his mid-twenties came forward and said,
“Those were many years ago, we all get along fine now, there is no use to dwell
on old memories. We have nothing to report to journalists from this village.”
I remonstrated, saying I was not a journalist, but did not press the matter.
In a place where the hierarchy of age usually supersedes that of  level of formal
education, this young Hindu man felt he could talk in the name of the little
group that had by now assembled in Fakhruddin’s courtyard. I started feeling
what Jalal had said when he had talked of the daily indignities they had had
to live with before leaving for East Pakistan. I later asked if the young man
had politically important relatives, but I was told it was not so. I did not want
254 | A N N U JAL AIS

Figure 10.1. Jalal Gazi showing his grandchildren a picture of his brother on the author’s
laptop, 2009. Photograph courtesy of A. Jalais.

Fakhruddin or his family to face new affronts, whether verbal and physical,
so I let it be. When later I went to the village next door in Gobindokati and
started to ask questions about a mosque that had recently been destroyed, an-
other group of young men came and told me to stop asking “Hindu-Muslim
questions.” “Everyone is fine now,” they said, “all living happily together.”
Both times, the people I had been speaking with went completely quiet. I
realized the young men wanted me to leave, to stop me from asking questions
by their presence. I said, “These people are from the older generation, they
know what happened. How would you know these stories? You’re too young.”
They answered, “We know all there is to know, nobody else needs to know.”
Annoyed at such blatant intimidation and maybe to get back at them, I re-
marked out loud, “You’re from the other side, aren’t you? When did you guys
come over?” “Yes, but we’re Hindu, and we’re in Hindustan,” they shot back,
chillingly unfazed. Their majoritarian religious identity now allowed them to
take on a position they saw as superior to the usual Bengali hierarchies of age
and education.
Geographies and Identities  |  255

From a conversation I serendipitously had with Fakhruddin, when we

found ourselves traveling together a few days later, he mentioned the loss of
his thirteen buffalo and his land. He explained that Shahid had refused to
follow the rest of the five brothers because he deemed himself “too old to call
a new place ‘home.’ ” His village, where he had settled as a young man to tend
his childless maternal uncle’s land, was his “homeland,” he said, and it was be-
cause he continued to live there that Fakhruddin, who had then been a young
man, had risked staying on. But staying had become increasingly difficult with
every new departure:

When even the Union Board president, Dr. Sofed Ali, went missing, many
of us had felt that they had nobody who could protect us any more. A few
more families then left, and our village, from being a Muslim-majority
one, became a Hindu-majority one. Geographies became religious — you
were either in ‘Hindustan’ or ‘Pakistan,’ and depending on your religion
you were either in the ‘right’ or the ‘wrong’ country, whatever the major-
ity of your village.
Becoming a ‘minority’ is about losing the link to power and status.
With community leaders replaced by leaders of the majority religion,
posts started to disappear, mosques started to be attacked. More than our
lives we feared losing our dignity. I was young and headstrong and I loved
my uncle Shahid so I stayed, but the others, my uncles, they were respect-
able and established people, and when they started losing their jobs to
young upstarts who had half their degrees and qualifications, they left.

Jalal and Shahid’s family had counted a doctor, a school headmaster, and a
couple of teachers. Shahid and Fakhruddin’s children and grandchildren had
left the area to try to make a living as, despite their education and qualifica-
tions, they had been passed over for jobs and opportunities. On the other side
of the border, in Bangladesh, Jalal’s children were rich but barely educated;
they had amassed a different kind of social capital. Jalal had spent his money
not so much on education as on buying land and fisheries, going on the haj,
and building a mosque. This was also what many East Bengali refugees to West
Bengal’s borderlands had done — they were the most ardent Hindus of the vil-
lage, the ones to build and take care of temples, organize Vaishnavite kirtans
(hymn-singing), and travel to the various sites of pilgrimage across India.
Borders, as Baud and Van Schendel (1997: 214) argue, become markers in
two ways: First, they reveal “the territorial consolidation of states. Most states
256 | A N N U JAL AIS

try to curb regional autonomy and [are] no longer content with ‘rough edges.’ 
. . . By taking possession of disputed or unclaimed areas, state elites tried to
resolve the problem of loosely defined border regions to which two or even
more states might lay claim. In this way, they drew sharper lines between citi-
zens, invested with certain rights and duties, and ‘aliens’ or ‘foreigners.’ ” New
migrants have to prove their ‘allegiances’ to their chosen state, and it seems
that in the border areas the best way one can do that is by laying claim to the
religious symbols of the majority.
What was indeed surprising to note was how the most important aspect of
one’s identity when acquiring a homestead in the new ‘homeland’ was to mark
it with the more important indicators of the majority religion. With this went
a necessary silencing of the minority — a minority now perceived as not fitting
into this new ‘religious geography.’ If those who migrated into the new coun-
try were seen as ‘sons and daughters of the nation coming home,’ those who
were leaving were seen as the deserters of the nation (Van Schendel 2005a:
192). The minorities who were left behind were the “citizens by proxy” (Van
Schendel 2002b). Loss and trauma are shared by all of those who have been
marked by Partition. But the historical repercussions and the narratives are
not shared equally. Speaking of loss is easy among the more urban, middle-
class, or elite Bengalis of both Bangladesh and West Bengal, but Partition
remains an area of silence and of fear for those living in the more rural and
border zones of the two Bengals.

Deltaic South Bengal: Religion and Class

This separation by religion is a new departure. Socioculturally, the people liv-
ing in the Sundarbans region north of the forest and on either side of the bor-
der share not only the same language, culture, and ethnicity but also certain
forms of worship. In pre-Partition Bengal the Sundarbans region was shared
equally by both Hindus and Muslims. After Partition the western side became
predominantly Hindu and the eastern side Muslim. Historically the region is
probably the principal borderland for the encounter of Islam and Hinduism in
Bengal. Richard Eaton (1993: 310) has described how, from 1200 onward, Sufi
holy men and their converts cleared the forests of the northern parts of the
Sundarbans and how agriculture came to be intimately linked to the spread of
Islam in Bengal. The local religious practice of venerating Bonbibi, the lady of
the forest, was undertaken both by Hindus and by Muslims who work in the
Geographies and Identities  |  257

Figure 10.2. Teashop posters on the West Bengal–Bangladesh border, 2009. A poster
of the Jamuna bridge (a well-known landmark in Bangladesh) happily coexists with
pictures of Hindu deities and a film poster advertising Abbajaan’s Hindu Daughter
(‘Abba’ being the term of address used by most Bengali Muslims for their father).
Photograph courtesy of A. Jalais.

forest. Similarly both Hindus and Muslims venerate the tombs of certain pirs
(Muslim saints). People often spoke of how they felt they were at the margins
of mainstream Bengali society, with their rustic-sounding names and rural
occupations, sharing more in common with each other than with those who,
on either side of the border, at the regional or national level, represented what
it meant to be Bengali.
Let me take the example of the region I know best: the Sundarbans. Like
many parts of rural West Bengal or rural Bangladesh, it is a ‘forgotten’ region.
Not much happens there. It used to be, and in many places it still is, one of the
poorest regions of South Asia, and people often talk of how they used to go
hungry in the olden days. Not only is the economic scene bleak, but there is
also very little opportunity for social mobility. People who have ‘respectable
jobs’ such as teaching are rarely from the area originally and often leave for
the suburbs of Kolkata or Dhaka or small towns north of the region as soon
as they retire. There is very modest scope here for the fishers or those working
in the forest to gain social status. With few radios and even fewer tvs (there is
no electricity) there is very little opportunity to learn to become a ‘respectable’
258 | A N N U JAL AIS

Bengali by mastering the ability to speak or write proper Bangla, sing Tagore’s
songs, know English, and get a ‘pen-and-paper’ job. There are no libraries and
therefore no access to the icons of Bengali literature. Often authors are just
names most islanders have heard of but never actually read. Schools are few
and far between, and not many offer secondary education.
It was therefore strange to see Haripada, a fisherman, participate in these
literary meetings. He was eager to share his poetry and be given a chance to
belong to that rarefied category of learned Bengalis, but it was evident that
he was, in some ways, considered an impostor. He remained uncomfortable
around schoolteachers, who never allowed him to gain social capital. He
would constantly be made to feel ‘small.’ This was something I often heard the
islanders talking about: how the ‘better-offs’ who had connections to towns
or were from the city mocked their rural ways and treated them as inferior.
Haripada’s brother Krishnapada, who had done well in life and was now the
proud owner of a boat, told me one day about their early days, after they had
newly arrived from East Pakistan.
After they had come from ‘the other side’ they were so poor that they often
went hungry. Two of Haripada’s siblings died of hunger; after much searching,
their father found someone who could place two of his sons as servants in the
city. Haripada, being older, had been kept at home to help his father and work
as a fisherman, but Krishnapada and Shyamapada were sent off to Kolkata.
Krishnapada told me:

I worked with our brother Shyamapada for the Kolkata bhadraloks as a

child servant, working my bones in a master’s house. My brother and I
were in different places. But we both had to finish our household chores
before we got any food. This would often be late afternoon. But, you
know, I didn’t mind that, nor the fact that after six months my father
was only given eighty rupees for my work, no. What I really resent is
the humiliation I was made to feel.
This was through small things, you know, like having to eat from an
aluminum plate when everyone else ate from steel ones, being given the
ration shop rice while the others ate fine rice, being given the smallest
piece of fish; sometimes that too was cut in two so that I had half a tiny
piece for lunch, the other half for the next day. The sweets brought as
gifts would rarely be shared with me, or they gave them to me when they
had turned sour. Every day I was made to drink a pot of rice water [phan]
Geographies and Identities  |  259

before meals under the supervision of my mistress, who said, “Drinking

rice water will make you strong,” but it was just to make me feel full so
that I ate less rice.
But still these were nothing; after all, when we had arrived in this vil-
lage we too begged to be able to drink the phan of those more fortunate
who had been able to cook rice. And so what if my masters thought that
phan was actually fit only to be drunk by cows and servants, this was
nothing compared to the mortifying shame I was made to feel when
my father came to visit me one day to take me back to attend my sister’s
My master did not serve any food to my father, he just gave him my
salary of a few rupees and sent me off with him on an empty stomach.
We then went to my brother’s place of work to pick him up. There we
were coldly received and given a small half-pound bread as dinner to
share between the two of us. My father had left home at daybreak without
eating and had not even been served rice after traveling the whole day.
It was as if we are some kind of ‘subhumans’ for the babus. Thinking of
this still burns my insides.

The term babu in West Bengal, akin to shaheb in Bangladesh, is a term of

respect for social superiors. The English-language use of the term is tinged
with negativity; however, in Bangla, ‘babu’ is commonly used to address
Hindu schoolteachers and other social superiors, considered to be part of the
bhadralok in West Bengal. ‘Bhadralok’ is often also understood as synony-
mous with people living in Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal. It is difficult
to find an equivalent for the Bangladeshi side; people use ‘shaheb’ for the
equivalent of ‘babu’ and talked about the opor moholer lok (people of higher
status). The rural hinterland is exoticized by this urban elite, who use desher
lok (people from the hinterland) or gramer lok (village people) with slight con-
descension when referring to rural people. The use of ‘desher’ or ‘gramer lok,’
sometimes even by those who were village dwellers themselves, indicated both
one’s superior learning or education and one’s distance from those involved
in ‘rural occupations’ such as fishing or cultivating. It is very difficult to gain
social status when one comes from the backwaters of rural West Bengal or
Bangladesh. Stories abound of being made to feel inferior by the urbanites
from Dhaka and Kolkata or by those who have ‘pen-and-paper’ jobs.
260 | A N N U JAL AIS

Partition History of the Rural Subaltern Delta-Living Bengali

The main theme of ‘Bengali identity’ for West Bengalis is arguably the 1947
Partition and its bitter legacy, whereas for Bangladeshis it is the birth of Ban-
gladesh in 1971. If, in West Bengal, there is an extensive literature on the rea-
sons for Partition and the trauma it caused, there is practically nothing on
the trauma caused by 1971; it is exactly the opposite in Bangladesh. As Rah-
man and Van Schendel (2003) point out, the literature on personal histories of
Partition has mainly focused on the wealthier Hindus who had to leave East
Bengal to come to West Bengal’s Kolkata, as well as on those Hindus who
found themselves unwanted minorities in East Pakistan. There is little place
in writings on Partition for people like Haripada or Jalal, people who lost their
leaders and had to leave their homes for a new homeland. Similarly there is
little place in the history of 1971 for those who were not from an educated and
socially superior background.
The upper-caste landed elite started migrating from East Bengal to what
would become West Bengal already in the 1930s and 1940s. In the 1951 census
of India it was recorded that 27 percent of Kolkata’s population was composed
of East Bengali refugees, and subsequent migrants (mainly rural middle-class
cultivators and artisans, and later the landless) came after Partition. Some
found a niche with relatives and friends in Kolkata, while the poorest squatted
on public and private land and tried to resist eviction. Migration continued
in large numbers right up to the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971; it increased
during periods of particular communal unrest such as the 1964 riots and the
1965 India-Pakistan War, when it is believed that 600,000 refugees left East
Pakistan for India. Estimates of the total number of refugees up to 1970 are
over five million (about one-fourth left for East Pakistan and the rest for West
Another 10 million East Bengalis entered India during the early months of
the Bangladesh War of Independence (1971), and two million of them stayed
back after Bangladesh became independent. Unlike their richer counterparts,
who were backed by family and caste connections, many of the poorer fishing
and cultivating migrants did not find shelter or ways of making a living in
Kolkata. Some managed to stay and lived in abject poverty along railway lines
or under bridges, but many were sent to various camps far from West Bengal
in inhospitable and infertile areas, the most famous being those of Umerkote,
Geographies and Identities  |  261

Malkangiri, Paralkote, and Kondagoan in the Koraput and Kalahandi dis-

tricts of Orissa and Bastar district of Madhya Pradesh. Termed the Danda-
karanya Project, these camps for East Bengali refugees were situated in the
semi-arid and rocky place between Orissa and Chhattisgarh and were entirely
removed, both culturally and physically, from the refugees’ known world.
Partition is understandably a common subject among the urban intelligen-
tsia of Kolkata because more than a third of the people who are settled in that
city, the fount of bhadralok identity, are from East Bengal. But the historical
moment that defined those I worked with in the West Bengal Sundarbans was
Morichjhanpi. Morichjhanpi is part of the Sundarbans forested islands which
had been reclaimed from its wilderness for tamarisk and coconut plantation
by the government of West Bengal. After December 1977, when the Left Front
government came to power, about thirty thousand of the refugees who had
been put in the Dandakaranya Project camps returned to West Bengal and
settled there. They built schools, dug ponds and tube-wells, and organized
themselves into communes.
To cut a long story short, a year and a half later, in May 1979, Morichjhanpi
island was encircled by government forces; the refugees were fired at, their
houses burned down, and they were packed into trucks and forcibly taken
back to their camps in central India. The argument for chasing them away was
that the Sundarbans forest and tigers had to be protected. The Sundarbans
islanders, witness to this brutal eviction, often referred to this episode as ‘the
massacre of Morichjhanpi’; for some of them, it marked the beginning of a
politics of betrayal by what they saw as a government run by the urban elite.
That the communist government, which came to power especially with the
backing of refugees, had put greater importance on the protection of wildlife
and had used force against impoverished refugees (resulting in at least two
hundred deaths), was seen as a total betrayal of the poor and the marginalized.
I was given a firsthand account of the Morichjhanpi story by Jayanta, one
of Haripada’s brothers. He had settled there when the refugees came. The
islanders had bonded with the refugees not only because they shared a com-
mon place of origin (eastern Bengal) but also because they could identify with
the terrible hardships the refugees had gone through. Stressing his affinity
with the refugees, Jayanta recounted that during the time they had settled
in Morichjhanpi they had “all become one big family,” as they had “the same
hopes, went through the same ordeal, fought on the same side.” That was until
262 | A N N U JAL AIS

the moment “Kolkata let us down.” After that, he said, “we each went back to
the islands or camps we had come from with broken hearts and bloody hands,
a broken, disunited, and utterly weakened group.”
The chapter was quickly closed. A few journalists questioned the capacity
of the upper classes, whether they called themselves communists or some-
thing else, to represent the poorest strata of Bengali society. A journalist in
the Bengali paper Jugantar wrote, “The refugees of Dandakaranya are men of
the lowest stratum of society. . . . They are mainly cultivators, fishermen, day-
labourers, artisans, the exploited mass of the society. . . . So long as the state
machinery will remain in the hands of the upper class elite, the poor, the help-
less, the beggar, the refugees will continue to be victimized.”5 “Why have our
dead remained unaccounted for and unmourned, forced to hover as spirits in
the forest?” Jayanta asked rhetorically and with bitterness.6 It was while work-
ing on Morichjhanpi in the early 2000s that I was confronted by the question
“What does it mean to be a Bengali but not a bhadralok?” (Jalais 2005).

Bengali, but Not Bhadralok

Haripada’s poetry and writing was a way for him to gain, as much as possible,
not just social capital but also an entry into the body politic of ‘the nation.’
The messiness of his Partition story was something he refused to share as,
in a way, it did not fit the grander Partition narrative of the Bengali elite.
His story of Partition had links to Morichjhanpi, and yet he never mentioned
Morichjhanpi in his poems. As discussed earlier, for the urban elite, Partition
is a story of betrayal. Growing up in West Bengal I learned in school that Par-
tition occurred because “the Muslims preferred to separate and have their own
homelands.” For individual school friends whose parents were ‘Bangal’— a
term used for those from eastern Bengal — the stories were mainly about loss
and about the ‘disloyalty of Muslims,’ but it was rarely about the specific Mus-
lim cultivators who had worked for generations on their lands.
For the islanders of the Sundarbans on either side of the border and of the
religious divide, with little access to formal education, Partition referred to
very distinct events they had lived through: Morichjhanpi, or the time the East
Bengali refugees were sent to Dandakaranya, or when their buffalo had been
killed or their field set ablaze or their mosque torn down. It wasn’t a grand
overarching narrative; it was what had struck an individual family, a village,
Geographies and Identities  |  263

or an island ‘lot.’ (Sundarbans villages were often given ‘lot’ numbers.) But
these little stories had difficulty fitting into the nationalist narrative that is
constitutive of Bengali elite identity (and here I include both East and West
Bengalis). When one’s small story does not fit the national narrative, then
what are the historical stories that hold together a nonelite, and necessarily
fragmented, Bengali identity?
It was during both of these historical moments (1947 for West Bengalis and
1971 for East Bengalis) that people on either side of the border were faced with
what it means to be a Bengali. As those I met in Dandakaranya asked, “Was it
because we were lesser Bengalis that we were dumped in Dandakaranya and
allowed to rot here, far from our Bengali roots and brethren?” That question
took on new meaning with my more recent work (2007–9) in the Bangla-
desh side of deltaic Bengal, where I heard many disgruntled peasants who had
joined the liberation army but had never been celebrated for the role they had
played. The bravery awards, medals, prize money, and medical care for the
1971 war veterans had gone to those from the cities or those from the villages
who had been better connected. I conducted fieldwork in Bangladesh during
the ‘caretaker government.’ This was after many years of infighting between
the two major parties, during which no social redistributive measures had
been undertaken. The divide between the rich and the poor is immense. As
an old and sickly war veteran in Satkhira said bitterly, “We fought as Bengalis.
But have our leaders ever respected our jat [race, nation]?”
While working along border areas in Bangladesh more recently, I was curi-
ous to find out what constituted the idea of (a) particular Bengali identity(ies)
vis-à-vis the celebrated nationalist Bengali identity steeped in the rhetoric of
1971. As Joya Chatterji (1996: 16) has argued, “The Bengali Muslim has long
been regarded as a living oxymoron, his Muslimness vitiated to the extent
that he is a Bengali.” After India was partitioned in 1947 and eastern Ben-
gal became East Pakistan, the West Pakistani administrative elite pushed
for greater ‘Islamization’ of east Bengal. They forced Urdu to be the national
language and banned Tagore songs because they felt these were ‘too Hindu.’
Rabindranath Tagore is the writer and philosopher most revered by Bengalis
on both sides of the border and, as such, one of the most important symbols
of Bangladeshi nationalism. Bangladesh’s national anthem, “Amar Shonar
Bangla” (My Golden Bengal), was composed by Tagore.
The rallying call for the creation of independent Bangladesh was the Bengali
264 | A N N U JAL AIS

language. Jibanananda Das’s sonnets, published posthumously in Bengal the

Beautiful, “came to symbolize for many within the ranks of the Mukti Bahini,
the Bangladeshi freedom fighters, the very essence of what they were fighting
for. The book was reissued more than once during the eight-and-a-half-month
span of the liberation war in 1971” (Seely 2008: 248). International Mother Lan-
guage Day, 21 February, originated in recognition of the Language Movement
Day, which has been celebrated in Bangladesh since 1952, when a number of
university students in Dhaka were killed by the Pakistani armed forces. What
meaning did these icons have for the illiterate working classes of both sides of
the Bengali border?
Scholars such as Rafiuddin Ahmed have worked extensively on how Bengali
Muslims define their linguistic and regional identity and what it means to be
both Muslim and Bengali. However, as Chatterji shows, this relationship has
remained an uneasy one. Over the past fifty years, more mainstream and or-
thodox strands of both Hinduism and Islam have slowly become the primary
markers of identity along both sides of the Bengali border. This started with
Partition and has gained importance with the ever-increasing numbers of
Bangladeshi migrants to the Gulf States and of West Bengali Hindus to other
parts of India. Now ideas of religion and what it means to be a ‘proper Muslim’
or a ‘proper Hindu’ have become not just more widespread but also more rigid.
Why the Bangladesh-Paschimbanga borderlands? Why look with partic-
ular attention today, more than six decades after Partition, and four decades
after the birth of Bangladesh? The historical moment defining ‘Bengali iden-
tity’ for most Bengalis living in Paschimbanga is, as noted, the 1947 Partition
and its bitter legacy; for Bangladeshis, the moment that defines their identity
is the birth of Bangladesh in 1971, the result of the language movement that
started in 1952. If in West Bengal there is a considerable amount of literature
on the reasons for Partition and the trauma it caused among the elite, there is
very little literature on Partition by subalterns or on the trauma caused by 1971.
In contrast, in Bangladesh one often hears about 1971 but rarely about 1947.
Most Bangladeshis see the period after 1947 as a time when they continued re-
maining under colonial rule. True freedom, Bangladeshis argue, came in 1971.
Along with the growing importance of a more orthodox form of religion for
the working classes of both Bangladesh and West Bengal, there has been a gen-
erational shift in the way social capital is now accumulated. It is less through
Haripada’s way of reading and writing poetry and the perfecting of a Bengali
diction coming from Kolkata or Dhaka and more through the adoption of
Geographies and Identities  |  265

religious piety. The terms of entry into a superior social status have changed. It
is now, on both sides of the border, more dependent on how well one practices
one’s near ‘nationalized’ form of religion rather than on how well one can read
or sing Tagore songs.

Notes for Chapter 10

1. I have changed the names of people and field sites to protect their anonymity.
2. For the “Vision Document,” see All India Trinamool Congress, “West Bengal: A
Change for a Better and Brighter Tomorrow,” 2011, accessed 11 November 2011, aitmc
3. For example, Chakrabarti 1999; Dasgupta 2001; Kudaisya 1998; Mallick 1999;
Pakrasi 1971.
4. For examples of this kind of writing, see Chakrabarty 1996; Ghosh 1998; Ray
2001. For the beginnings of similar research on refugee memories and identities
in East Pakistan/Bangladesh, see Zaman 1999; Murshid 2001; Guhathakurta 2001.
Bhadralok is Bengali for ‘gentle-folk,’ from bhadra, translatable as a mix of ‘polite,’
‘civil,’ and ‘cultured,’ that is, bearing resonances of middle-class sensitivity to culture
and refinement, and lok, meaning ‘group’ or ‘people.’ ‘Bhadralok’ carries connota-
tions not only of landed wealth but also of education, culture, and Anglicization and
of upper-caste exclusiveness (Chatterji 1994: 5). It refers to the rentier class, called
zamindar, who enjoyed tenurial rights to rents from land appropriated by the Per-
manent Settlement introduced by the British in 1793. The Permanent Settlement set
up a system of parasitic landlordism that led to the sub-infeudation of the peasantry.
Shunning manual labor, the bhadralok maintain their status by keeping a careful
social distance between themselves and those they consider their social inferiors, the
nimnoborno, literally meaning ‘inferior color’ and denoting those who were leather
workers, liquor dealers, boatmen, or fishermen, that is, those who were classified as
Untouchables in British Bengal (5).
5. Sikar (1982: 2), quoting Jugantar, 29 May 1979.
6. The events around Morichjhanpi have been developed at greater length in my
book, Forest of Tigers (Jalais 2010).

Making the Most of ‘Sensitive’ Borders

It is past midnight. The village is quiet, except for frogs croaking

in the rice fields. But listen! Do you hear the faint clinking of metal?
That’s the smugglers on their way to the border. Their bicycles are
laden with huge bundles and they try to be as unobtrusive as they
can. Listening nervously for the sound of patrolling boots, they
slowly approach an invisible line in the landscape and slip across.
Then they spot a flash of light in the darkness and heave a sigh of
relief. Their partners are waiting for them. Mission accomplished.

The modern world is webbed with international borders, and scenes like this
can be observed in many places. The ubiquity of borders makes them key sites
for comparative social research because it is not just smugglers but all of us
who feel the effects of borders on our lives and our thoughts. Modern borders
share many characteristics, and yet they defy easy categorization. If there is
one thing that the contributions to this book demonstrate, it is that borders
vary locally in terms of regulatory regimes, symbolic significance, permeabil-
ity, social advantage, and change over time.
So what could be the rationale for bringing together these particular border
case studies in one volume? As David Gellner argues in the introduction, it
is their relative proximity to each other. All of them are located in what he
calls ‘Northern South Asia.’ In addition, each deals with the state of India.
Jointly they explore connections across India’s international borders with
China, Burma/Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Pakistan/Kashmir,
as well as provincial (‘State’) borders within India. They show that it makes
little sense to think of a border as an unambiguous entity encasing a country’s
Afterword | 267

territory. It is always compound, if only because each country may maintain

several regional border regimes concurrently. Today, on the Indian side alone,
different stretches of the border are the domain of different bodies of bor-
der guards, contrasting regulations and practices regarding the treatment of
foreigners (e.g., Pakistanis and Nepalis), unequal levels of control, and di-
vergent narratives. It is this variation that makes the study of the Northern
South Asian borderlands so valuable. Until recently, however, social scientists
showed very little interest in studying them — let alone in studying them com-
paratively. As this book shows, that neglect is now a thing of the past.
Why have borderland studies been so slow to develop in South Asia com-
pared to other regions in the world? There are two principal reasons. On the
one hand, social researchers had a firmly national mind-set; on the other,
politicians and bureaucrats created an overarching security discourse. The
former is largely a result of the partitioning of scholarship following the po-
litical breakup of the region in 1947. The latter is the outcome of an official
way of thinking in which the region’s postcolonial borders were defined as
‘sensitive.’ As a result, state officials made it very difficult for social scientists to
collect data. In the name of national security they restricted access to border
zones, even for their own nationals (as Vibha Joshi describes in chapter 7) and
declared basic knowledge to be classified information. Such attitudes persist.
Even today the Indian Ministry of Defense sees itself as the owner of Indian
geographic data and enforces severe restrictions on their public use.
What causes this feeling of sensitivity about borders in South Asia? Un-
deniably, in one way or another, every modern state considers its borders to
be problematic, vulnerable, and in need of special policy measures. This is
simply a result of the centrality of territory in state self-definition. Control of
space, or rather the practice of territoriality, is at the core of the modern state.
Territoriality, a strategy to control resources and people by controlling area,
becomes problematic at the edges of that area, where it is challenged by the
neighboring state’s territoriality. In this sense national borders are always a
central state concern.
But states in Northern South Asia stand out from the crowd. Their territo-
riality is acutely apprehensive; they have been described as “fearful states” (Ali
1993) that suffer from “cartographic anxiety” (Krishna 1996). This shows up in
many forms. South Asian states continue to hang on to rigorous visa regimes
toward each other, unlike their neighbors in Southeast Asia. Whereas nation-
als of asean countries can visit each other’s countries without visas, members
268 | W I L L E M VA N S C H E N D E L

of saarc countries do not have that luxury. And for some, notably Pakistanis
wishing to visit India and vice versa, visa rules continue to be draconian. In
South Asia the only exception is the relationship between India and Nepal,
based on a bilateral agreement dating back to 1950.
Apprehensive territoriality is the result of many different factors in South
Asia. Some are linked to a long history of uncertain border making. The chap-
ters in this book indicate that decisions that were taken decades or centuries
ago continue to shape life in today’s borderlands, and well beyond. South
Asian border issues can be categorized by the period in which they first ap-
peared. Jason Cons (chapter 9) describes the enclaves dotting the northern
India-Bangladesh borderland. These represent the oldest issues; they are rem-
nants of precolonial border making. The border between India and China,
as discussed by Nayanika Mathur (chapter 3) and Deepak Mishra (chapter
6), is a colonial relic; it is the contested result of failed negotiations between
British India, Tibet, and China in the early twentieth century.1 The India-
Bangladesh border, discussed by Jason Cons (chapter 9) and Annu Jalais
(chapter 10), came into being when British India was partitioned in 1947.2 And
the border between India and Pakistan in Kashmir, discussed by Radhika
Gupta (chapter 2), did not materialize till after decolonization.3 These four
historical layers are not separate but may interact, as in the case of the en-
claves. Here almost forgotten precolonial borders were ‘reactivated’ by cross-
cutting Partition borders.4
It is not the layering of border issues as such but the contested nature of
their legitimacy that leads to sensitivity. Contested borders lead to opacity
regarding the territorial dimensions of the state. Such opacity translates into
confusion about the limits of sovereignty as well as about the distinction be-
tween what is domestic and what foreign. Where does ‘my’ society end and
‘yours’ begin? From a state point of view, such confusion must be avoided at
all cost and, if it crops up, needs to be resolved by bilateral talks, capture, or
international mediation.
Northern South Asia is a world region where this confusion has been al-
lowed to continue for so long that many now consider it almost intractable.
This is a region especially rich in border contestation between neighboring
states, or, put differently, a region in which states have remarkably frayed edges.
Strangely the case that seems to stand out as the most bizarre — the two-
hundred-odd minuscule enclaves shared by Bangladesh and India — is not
one of contested borders at all. Both states actually agree on the legitimacy
Afterword | 269

of enclave borders. The long-standing and considerable diplomatic tension

between them revolves around access to and future exchange of enclaves, not
with the ‘correctness’ of their borders. At the other end of the spectrum are
two cases in which disagreement between states is so intense that the very
term ‘border’ cannot be used. The best-known case is the India-Pakistan bor-
der in Kashmir. To all intents and purposes this has been acting as an inter-
national border for over six decades, and yet in official parlance it is not. It
started out as a United Nations brokered ‘Cease-fire Line’ in 1949, and in 1972
Pakistan and India agreed on changing its name to ‘Line of Control.’ Similarly
the India-China border is referred to as the ‘McMahon Line’ and (in Kashmir)
as the ‘Line of Actual Control.’ These international borders are in permanent
legal and diplomatic limbo, and military confrontations may occur there at
any time. This is also the case for stretches of the long Bangladesh-India bor-
der, which is dotted with ‘flash points’ of uncertain possession that experience
recurrent cross-border violence.
Uncertain sovereignty and apprehensive territoriality lead to sensitive
borders. Since sensitive borders tend to be patrolled by armed men in state
uniforms, the result is volatile borderlands. Volatile borderlands are fearful
places; here a standoff is never far removed from a showdown. In South Asia
such volatility is generally understood in terms of state security or foreign
policy. It can also be understood in local terms, however, and it is this perspec-
tive that this book’s chapters focus on. The result is a new way of approach-
ing Northern South Asia’s borders, more concerned with the anthropology
of frayed edges than with the geography of lines. Such studies of the human
relations that create, maintain, undermine, and evade borders challenge the
idea of a national homeland “viewed as a divinely sanctioned stage upon
which a national drama” plays out (Diener and Hagen 2010b: 192).5 Instead
they conceive of the borderland as a place of interaction, meeting, struggle,
exchange, belonging, and transition, sometimes despite vigorous attempts at
state interdiction. They look across the borderline (contested or not) to take
in both sides of the borderland (e.g., Rosalind Evans, chapter 5). They convey
the lifeworlds of borderlanders, their ideas about the border, and the technol-
ogies available to various borderlanders to give shape to their life (for example,
Annu Jalais, chapter 10). They show that the state as it manifests itself at the
local level may not fit the models that inspire social science theorizing. Here
the state can be seen habitually flaunting its own regulations. Its democratic
institutions may stand by as other state personnel intimidate and kill fellow
270 | W I L L E M VA N S C H E N D E L

citizens who happen to be border residents or unauthorized traders. Or its

sentinels may temper the state claim to monopolize the legitimate ‘means of
movement’ by relegating some border checks to a nongovernment organiza-
tion (Hausner and Sharma, chapter 4).6 This is what links all chapters of this
book: each explores how people make the most of the sensitive borders and
the local state practices they interact with.
The sensitivity of borders fluctuates, in space and time. In Northern South
Asia it has been high for decades.7 High sensitivity makes the study of bor-
derlands difficult yet urgent and revealing because the effects of borders are in
no way restricted to border zones. On the contrary, borders fashion societies
and states. As Radhika Gupta (chapter 2) reminds us, a borderland can be seen
as “a territorial margin that takes us to the center of the state, revealing the
contradictions that underlie its discourse.” This has been a central point in the
recent emergence of borderland studies worldwide: to provide a fresh and im-
portant vantage point for the study of societies, offer a corrective to the many
nation- and state-centered approaches that drive social science research, and
force us to confront what Nicholas Farrelly (chapter 8) calls our “epistemo-
logical nodes of control”— for example, the container model of state-society-
The study of international borders in Northern South Asia demonstrates
how border sensitivity reverberates throughout state territories and translates
into a host of social processes that at first appear to have little to do with bor-
ders: state evasion (chapter 1), developmentalism (chapter 6), protracted non-
resolution of secessionism (chapter 7), nodal forms of political control (chapter
8), claims to national belonging and citizenship (chapter 9), and struggles over
local and national narratives of the past (chapters 9 and 10). The very sensi-
tivity of most of Northern South Asia’s borders creates opportunities for a
better understanding of how these social processes connect with strategies of
territoriality and border making.
Jointly these chapters constitute the beginning of an important conver-
sation that was impossible just a few years ago, essentially because of a lack
of relevant empirical research. As this conversation develops, it will need to
address certain concerns, for example Anastasia Piliavsky’s (chapter 1) fear
that privileging international borders may make us lose sight of their similar-
ity with borders within national territories. This is especially relevant in the
context of India, where provincial borders can be highly ‘sensitive,’ as Vibha
Joshi (chapter 7) explains. Another concern is the development of an adequate
Afterword | 271

language with which to do justice to the complexities that face social scientists
studying borderlands in Northern South Asia. We are still groping for narra-
tive perspectives and analytical notions to capture those complexities. There
are various suggestions in these chapters, for example, state-people-border
configuration, sensorial border, liminality, transborder identities, nodes of
control, and histories of belonging(s). There are also new developments in
sociospatial theory that may be helpful.8 As more research becomes available
and enriches the conversation, we can expect the testing of such concepts
regarding borderlands — in Northern South Asia and well beyond.

Notes to Afterword
1. The Nepal-India and Bhutan-India borders (chapters 4 and 5) are other exam-
ples of this category, created earlier in the colonial period. Another — now defunct — 
example was the Sikkim-India border. It was an international border from 1947 to
1975, when India annexed Sikkim. These international borders, formalized during
British rule in India, sometimes partly coincided with older, precolonial boundary
2. The border that separates Burma/Myanmar from India and Bangladesh falls
between these colonial and Partition categories. A provincial border within British
India until 1937, it became a border between two colonies, British Burma and British
India, that year. A decade later the Partition of Pakistan and India (1947) and Burma’s
independence (1948) turned this border into an international one.
3. Elsewhere I have tried to elucidate South Asian border issues by categorizing
them as McMahonian, Radcliffian, and Kashmirian (Van Schendel 2007).
4. For another example of interaction, see Ludden 2003.
5. See also Nayanika Mathur’s analysis of the ‘sensorial border’ and the ‘tradition-
ally sacred border’ in chapter 3.
6. On state monopolization of the legitimate means of movement, see Torpey 2007.
7. Even the apparently most relaxed, the Nepal-India border, has been embroiled
in conflict after 1962, when India occupied the Kalapani region, which Nepal claims
as its own.
8. See, for example, the suggestion by Jessop et al. (2008: 389) that territories, places,
scales, and networks be viewed as “mutually constitutive and relationally intertwined
dimensions of sociospatial relations.” They present a framework to study these more

Jason Cons is an assistant professor in the Department of International Relations

at Bucknell University. His PhD is from Cornell University’s Department of Devel-
opment Sociology. He has published in a number of venues, including Modern Asian
Studies and Third World Quarterly.

Rosalind Evans completed her doctoral research on the experience of young Bhu-
tanese refugees in 2009 within Oxford’s Department of International Development,
following an MSc in forced migration. She is the cofounder and chair of trustees of a
small volunteer-led charity, Refugee Youth Project, which supports young refugees in
the United Kingdom, Lebanon, and Nepal. Since finishing her doctorate she has been
working with young refugees and asylum seekers in London and Manchester.

Nicholas Farrelly is a research fellow in the Australian National University’s

College of Asia and the Pacific. He completed master’s and doctoral degrees at the
University of Oxford and has undertaken field research in northeast India, northern
Burma, and southwest China.

David N. Gellner is a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oxford

and a fellow of All Souls. He has worked on Nepal and the Himalayas since 1981. His
most recent edited volumes are Varieties of Activist Experience: Civil Society in South
Asia (2010) and Ethnic Activism and Civil Society in South Asia (2009). His most recent
monograph (with Sarah LeVine) is Rebuilding Buddhism: The Theravada Movement
in Twentieth-Century Nepal (2005).

Radhika Gupta obtained her DPhil in social anthropology from the University of
Oxford in 2011, following which she took up a postdoctoral research fellowship at the
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen. As
part of this fellowship she initiated a new project in Mumbai on urban religiosity and
political subjectivity among Shi’a Muslims in the city. Her research interests include
the anthropology of religion (especially Islam), nationalism, urbanization, postcolo-
nial public cultures and politics in South Asia, and the Himalayas.
274 | Contributors

Sondra L. Hausner is a university lecturer in the study of religion, University of

Oxford, and a research associate at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society. Her
monograph, Wandering with Sadhus: Ascetics in the Hindu Himalayas (2007), won
the Joseph W. Elder Prize from the American Institute of Indian Studies. She has also
published on migration, border towns, and religious practice. Her research focuses on
Himalayan and South Asian religions in the region and globally; current work is on
ritual, migration, and diaspora religion.

Annu Jalais is an assistant professor in South Asian studies at the National Univer-
sity of Singapore. She obtained her PhD from the London School of Economics in 2004
and has since continued working on Bangladesh and West Bengal, India. She is the
author of Forest of Tigers: People, Politics and Environment in the Sundarbans (2010)
and the coauthor (with Joya Chatterji and Claire Alexander) of The Bengal Muslim
Diaspora (2013).

Vibha Joshi is visiting professor and research leader at Tuebingen University, Ger-
many, and research associate at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology,
University of Oxford. She was formerly research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Goettingen, Germany. She was cocurator
of the exhibition and coeditor of the accompanying publication titled, Naga: A Forgot-
ten Mountain Region Rediscovered at the Museum der Kulturen, Basel in 2008–9. She
is the author of The Land of the Nagas (2004) and the monograph, A Matter of Belief:
Christian Conversion and Healing in North-East India (2012).

Nayanika Mathur is a research fellow at Centre for the Arts, Social Sciences and
Humanities at the University of Cambridge. She obtained her PhD in social anthro-
pology from the University of Cambridge in 2010, and her revised thesis is to be pub-
lished as a monograph entitled Paper Tiger: Bureaucracy and the Developmental State
in Himalayan India. Her work is centered on the anthropology of the state, bureau-
cracy, law, development, big cat conservationism, and capitalism. Currently she is ex-
ploring the effects of new technologies on statecraft in India and is coediting a volume
entitled The New Public Good.

Deepak K. Mishra is an associate professor at the Centre for the Study of Regional
Development, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He
has worked in the areas of agrarian relations, gender, migration, and livelihood di-
versification in mountain economies. He is the coauthor of The Unfolding Crisis in
Assam’s Tea Plantations: Employment and Occupational Mobility (2012).

Anastasia Piliavsky is a Zukerman Research Fellow at King’s College, Cambridge.

She holds a doctorate in social anthropology from Oxford and has written on secrecy,
India’s Criminal Tribes, and contemporary vernacular politics in South Asia. She is
currently leading a team research project on the cultures of democracy in South Asia
and editing a volume on Patronage in South Asia (forthcoming).
Contributors | 275

Jeevan R. Sharma is a lecturer in South Asia and international development at the

University of Edinburgh. His research interests include labor migration, social change,
livelihoods, the state, political violence, and humanitarian and development issues in
South Asia. 

Willem van Schendel is a professor of modern Asian history at the University

of Amsterdam. He also heads the South Asia Department of the International In-
stitute of Social History. Among his books are The Bengal Borderland (2005); Illicit
Flows and Criminal Things (2005, coedited with I. Abraham); A History of Bangla-
desh (2009); and The Bangladesh Reader (Duke University Press, 2013, coedited with
M. Guhathakurta). He invented the now much-used concept of Zomia in his paper
“Geographies of Knowing, Geographies of Ignorance: Jumping Scale in Southeast
Asia,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 20 (2002): 647–68.

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Adhikari, D. 2007. “Red Army in the Dragon Kingdom.” Naxal Resistance, July–
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Page numbers followed by f indicate illustrations.

Abrams, P., 2–3, 27, 239 199, 209, 234, 247, 266; -India border,
Afghanistan, 4, 22n10, 189 7–11, 15, 28, 70, 115n4, 214f, 248f, 264,
Agamben, G., 70n13, 116n17, 216–17, 238 268–69. See also Liberation war
Aggarwal, R., 53, 58, 69n4, 70n12, 216 Bangladesh Rifles, 238
Ahmed, R., 264 Baptist Christianity, 167, 177, 179
Ahom kingdom, 159n3, 160n8, 164, 173 Barth, F., 6
Amarnath Shrine Board, 65–66 Baruah, S., 150–51, 155, 161n15, 164–66
Anderson, B., 2, 5–6, 80, 82–83 Baud, M. See Van Schendel, W.
Angami (Naga), 170, 173–74, 176, 179–83 Bénéï, C., 1, 3, 82
Ao (Naga), 170, 174–75, 180–81, 183 Bengal, 7, 120, 125, 127, 214, 220, 235, 248,
Archer, M., 180, 192n33 258. See also enclaves; Partition
Arendt, H., 216 Berubari, 227–28
Aretxaga, B., 48 Bhairawaha, 100, 104, 115n4
Arunachal Pradesh, 8, 33, 100–101, 141f, Bhutan, 5, 6, 9, 19–20, 117f; Army, 9, 121,
163, 165–66, 185, 201, 203, 206–7, 209; 125, 129–30, 132–33
economics of, 149–51, 157 Bhutan State Congress (bsc), 121, 126, 139
asean, 161n15, 195, 212, 267 Biratnagar, 98, 100, 123
Assam, 78, 121, 147, 203, 207, 211; and bjp (Bharatiya Janata Party), 170, 184,
Arunachal, 142–45, 147, 151; center of 233–36, 243nn39,42
Northeast, 151, 166; and Nagaland, Bonbibi, 249, 256
163–66, 169, 172–73, 176–81, 183, 185; borderlands, 216–17; as occult, 13, 24;
relation with nefa, 148; trade with US-Mexico as model, 21n9, 24–25,
China/Tibet, 142, 145–46, 159n6, 165; 27–28, 42n4, 43n6; borderland stud-
under the British, 6, 164–65, 173 ies, 21n6, 25–27, 40–41, 216
Assamese, 175–76, 197 borders: as liminal and frightening, 104,
Assam Rifles, 22n16, 168, 190n9 111–14, 226; as relational, 27–28, 40–41,
71n24 (see also territorialization);
Badgam, 56, 59, 64 closed, 8–9, 16, 48, 56, 78–79, 87; con-
Badrinath, 81, 83–85 tentious 8, 20, 78, 80, 214–15, 220–21,
Baltistan, 49–52, 60–64 226–28, 236–39, 268–70; economics of,
Bangladesh, 6, 26, 160n15, 165–66, 195, 142f (see also smuggling; trade); fluid
304 | Index

borders (continued) class, 37, 39–40, 96, 111, 151, 156–57, 250–
7, 12, 18, 22n12, 143, 164, 269 (see also 52, 256–60, 262, 264
frontier; Zomia); “natural,” 72–73, 78, communalism, 52–53, 63, 65, 152–53, 155–
80, 82–83, 91, 99; “open,” 8–9, 87, 97, 57, 163, 173f, 187–88, 236–37, 250, 253
99–101, 104, 109, 210, 215–16, 220, 239; Congress, Nagaland, 170–72, 186
quiet, 25, 73, 77, 80; and roads, 151, Congress, Trinamool, 250
234; types of, 5, 7, 9, 18, 25, 97, 143, 269; Congress Party (India), 65, 149, 170, 179,
words for, 269. See also frontiers 184, 234–35, 251
bsf (Border Security Force), 8–9, 11, Cons, J., 11, 93n13, 249, 268
22n16, 216–17, 222–25, 228–29, 234, criminality, 23n30, 45n26, 86–88, 113,
237–38 125, 128. See also extortion
Buddhism, 21n5, 50–53, 65–66, 119–20, Criminal Tribes, 29, 32–33, 36
123–24, 156, 187 Curzon, Lord G., 5, 72, 76, 82
Burma. See Myanmar
Butler, J., 217 Dahagram, 11, 214f
Dahagram Movement Committee,
Calcutta. See Kolkata 232–37
cease-fires, 52, 54, 60, 168–69, 170, 186, Damak, 118, 123
201–2, 205, 209, 211, 225, 269 Das, V., 68, 87
census, 5, 69n3, 70n20, 80, 91n2, 122, Delhi, 17, 31–33, 47, 70n16, 88–90, 163,
124, 128, 131, 134, 260; in Dahagram, 166, 181; metonym for India, 125;
230–32 migrant workers in, 102–3, 105, 107
Central Reserve Police, 134, 207 democracy, 166, 186, 269; and elites, 156–
Chamoli district, 73, 77–87, 89–90 57; local, 67–68, 148–50, 152, 156, 169,
Chatterjee, N., 251 269; movements for, 101, 121, 126–27,
Chatterjee, P., 233–34, 243 130, 135, 234; tribal, 152, 155, 186
Chatterji, J., 214, 220, 248, 263–64, Democratic Alliance of Nagaland, 172,
265n4 184, 186, 191n18
Chhitmahal. See enclave Dhaka, 219, 234, 257, 259, 264
China, 50, 75, 123, 177, 212n2; as empty Donnan, H., 14, 21n6, 22n15, 23n31, 43n3,
space, 83; claims to Arunachal, 8, 48, 240n10
165, 206; and keedajadi, 86–88; and Drass, 50, 51, 54–55, 57–58, 60
Kachin, 202, 213n10; and Nepal, Drukpa, 119–20, 122, 124, 132–33
99–100; premodern, 7, 12, 145, 165, 175; dss. See Dahagram Movement
relation to India, 5, 7–8, 73, 77–78, 80, Committee
89, 150, 161n15, 196–97, 266, 268; and Dube, S., 68
Zomia, 196, 198–99, 212n4. See also
Assam (trade); Indo-China war East India Company, 7, 22n12, 74, 164–
Chittagong, 148, 232 65, 189n2
Chittaurgarh, 29, 31, 35 Eaton, R., 192n32, 256
Chou En-lai, 78 Eck, D., 84
Index | 305

elites: global, 106; local, 25–26, 91, 139, genealogy, 30, 50–51, 96, 105, 118, 174
152, 156–58, 170, 202, 205, 207, 209–11, Gilgit, 50–54, 63–64
230, 232; national, 188, 248–49, 251–52, Gilgit Scouts, 53–54
256, 259–64. See also patronage; state Gopeshwar, 80–81, 86, 89–90
Elwin, V., 151–52, 179, 187 Gorakhpur, 100, 106, 110–11
enclaves, 9–11, 15, 70n11, 148, 214f, 249, Gorkha (ethnonym), 121
268–69 Gorkhaland movement, 125, 127, 139
Ershad, H. M., 234–37 Gorkhali state, 7, 74–75
“ethnic cleansing,” 5, 11, 15, 130, 223, 225, Gray, T., 4
237, 252–53, 255. See also refugees Gujarat, 7, 29–30, 33, 48
Evans, R., 5, 9, 19, 269 Gupta, A., 2
extortion, 12, 29, 108, 110, 127, 133, 169, Gupta, R., 8, 19, 27, 99, 248, 268, 270
171, 185, 187, 223, 228, 236
Harriss-White, B., 153–54, 157
factionalism, 66–67, 140n9, 167–71, 179, Hausner, S. L., 8, 16, 27, 87, 270
184–88 hill-plains interaction, 4–5, 13, 18–19, 90,
Farrelly, N., 3–4, 6, 19, 96, 150, 187, 270 95, 145, 147, 151, 164, 173–75, 188, 199.
federalism, 3, 163, 168, 186, 188–89; See also remoteness; trade; Zomia
asymmetric, 150–51; proposed by Himalayas, 8, 47, 72f; migration in, 13;
Naga groups, 169, 177, 183, 186 as natural frontier, 72–73, 76, 82–83,
forests, 159n1, 164, 187, 247, 249; associ- 89, 99, 165; as remote, 47, 80, 89; as
ated with remoteness, 13, 201, 256–57, sacred, 72, 83–86; trade across, 50, 73,
261–62; disputes over, 65, 181; gover- 76, 142, 145–46, 159n6, 165; and Zomia
nance of, 86–88, 142, 151–52, 154, 157, 3–4, 13
162n18, 183. See also timber Hinduism, 21n5, 72, 83–85, 91, 120, 123,
Foucault, M., 2, 231 179, 183, 219; and Bengaliness, 249–51,
Franke, M., 165 253–57, 260, 263–64
frontiers, 158, 216; as border, 5, 8, 10, 18, Hindu-Muslim tensions, 10–11, 15, 51, 65,
72–73, 76–78, 80, 83, 99, 141, 195, 198, 220–21, 229, 236–37, 249, 251, 253–54
200; as fuzzy zone, 7, 14–15, 18, 24, 27, “Hindustan,” 54–55, 72, 83, 85, 254–55
41, 49–50, 68, 90, 148, 164, 209; as re-­ Hindutva, 48, 170, 233
mote, 90–91, 144, 146, 165, 201. See also Holdich, T., 42n1, 72
borders; hill-plains interaction; nefa Horstmann, A., 48, 63
Hutt, M., 117, 120–22, 124–25, 127–30
Gaidinliu, 176–77 Hutton, J. H., 173, 179–80
Gaige, F., 8, 115n8 Hydari, Sir A., 180
Gandhi, M. K., 181, 248
Garhwal, 73–76, 79, 81, 85–86 Ibrahim, F., 48, 241n23
Geertz, C., 11, 12 India, 13, 26, 125; –Bangladesh border,
Gellner, D. N., 98, 239, 240n10, 266 7–11, 15, 28, 70, 115n4, 214f, 248f, 264,
gender, 21n8, 104–5, 108–13, 155, 229 268–69; –Bhutan border, 117, 121–22,
306 | Index

India (continued) Jinghpaw. See Kachin

131–34, 136, 138–39, 271n1; British in, Jinnah, M. A., 53, 181, 248
6–7, 13–15, 29, 51–52, 74–77, 119, 146–47, Jonsson, H., 196
164–65, 173; insurgents in, 8, 57, 155–56, Joshi, V., 6, 19, 156, 211, 218, 267, 270
185, 187, 197, 206–7; –Myanmar bor-
der, 8, 145, 164f, 197, 201f, 211, 271n2; Kachchh, 48, 223
–Nepal border, 8–9, 15–17, 19–20, 85– Kachin, 145, 177–78, 199, 201–5, 209–11
87, 95f, 100f, 138–39, 271nn1, 7; North- Kachin Independence Army, 192n38,
east policy, 148–52, 158, 161n15, 165–66, 201–2, 205, 209, 211
168–70, 187; northern borders of, 1, 5, Kanjars, 28f
7–8, 20, 72f, 80–83, 87–90, 141–42, 145; Kargil, 8, 27, 47f; poets of, 62; relation to
–Pakistan border, 7–9, 27, 48, 51f, 223, Kashmir, 53, 57, 64–66, 68; relation to
266, 268–69; Pakistanis in, 267–68; as Ladakh, 49, 51–53, 64–66
regional hegemon, 6–7, 101, 176, 216, Kashmir, 7–9, 13, 33, 49–55, 62, 101, 223,
266–67; rejection of, 65, 173, 176, 179f, 266, 268–69; Kargil’s relation with,
226, 228–34, 236; sacred geography 53, 57, 64–66, 68
of, 72–73, 83–86. See also bsf; China Kathmandu, 16–17, 100, 118
(relation to India); Himalayas; “Hin- Kearney, M., 94, 96
dustan”; Nepalis; Partition Keedajadi, 86–88
Indian army, 8, 47, 53–59, 67–68, 111, 168, Khalida Zia, 237
171, 180, 182, 187, 208 Khan, K. S., 49
Indira-Mujib Pact (1974), 227, 230, 232, Khaplang, S. S., 179, 183, 185–86
235, 237 Khonoma (Naga), 181–82
Indo-China Trade Treaty (1954), 77 kinship, 9–10, 30–34, 60–63, 67, 96,
Indo-China War (1962), 8, 78–79, 141, 104–5, 109, 131–34, 143, 253–54
147–49, 151–52, 162n20, 165 Kohima, 167, 171, 178–82, 184
Indo-Pakistan War (1965), 47, 53, 55–56, Kolkata, 189n2, 196, 247, 250, 257–62, 264
58, 223, 225–26, 260 Kuki (Naga/non-Naga), 164, 175, 181, 183,
Indo-Pakistan War (1971), 56, 226. See 186
also Liberation War Kulkarni, R. V., Lt. Gen., 168
Indo-Pakistan War (1999), 47–48, 57–58, Kumaon, 73–76, 79
Indo-Tibet Border Police Force, 22n16 Ladakh, 22n16, 49–54, 58, 60, 63–64, 66,
Inner Line Regulation, 60, 147–48, 78; Greater, 63–64
160n12, 163–64, 188, 207 Ladakh Scouts, 67
Internet, 56, 62–63, 150, 175–76 Lahore, 51, 115n11
Iran, 8, 56, 62 Lamb, A., 51–52
Ishii, H., 7 Lato, 56, 58–60, 64
Leach, E., 212n3
Jalais, A., 11, 268–69 Leh, 49–53, 54, 57, 60, 64–68
Jamir, S. C., 171–72 Lhotshampas, 117f
Jhapa district, 15, 134 Li, T. M., 90, 249
Index | 307

Liberation War (1971), 222, 226–27, 260, Mitchell, T., 6, 27

264 Mizoram, 33, 166, 178, 192n31, 201
LoC, 47–48, 50, 52–53, 55–56, 58–60, 64– Moore, D., 73, 218, 239
65, 68, 269 Morichjhanpi, 261–62
logging. See timber Muivah, T., 176–77, 183, 185, 190n8
Look East policy, 150, 161n15, 187 Mujib (Sheikh Mujibur Rahman), 227,
230. See also Indira-Mujib Pact
MacDonald, K., 63–64 Mumbai, 30, 103, 109
Madheshis, 17, 117 Muslim Conference, 51–52
Mahabharata, 13, 72, 85 Muslims, 48, 179, 187; in Kargil, 8, 49f;
Mahendranagar, 100, 107 on India-Bangladesh border, 10–11, 15,
Maiti Nepal, 16, 96, 108–10, 114 219f, 234, 236, 247f, 262–64; in Nepal,
Malkki, L., 14 15; Shi’a, 8, 51, 60, 63–64, 67. See also
Mana pass, 78–79, 81, 83 Hindu-Muslim tensions
Manipur, 163–64, 169, 174–75, 177–78, Myanmar, 8, 14, 19, 33, 143, 145, 147,
183–86, 201, 203 165–66, 174, 184–85, 201f, 266; border
Mann, M., 23n29 with Nagaland, 176–77; and South
Maoists/Maoism, 13, 98, 101–2, 107, 118, Asia, 194–97
137–38, 140 Myitkyina, 197, 199–206, 208–9
maps, politics of, 5–6, 41, 59, 76–77,
80–83, 91, 197–98 Nagaland, 19–20, 33, 142, 145, 163f; and
Martínez, O., 21n6, 25, 43n4, 97 Assam, 163–66, 169, 172–73, 176–81,
Mathur, N., 5, 16, 19, 100, 115n7, 249, 268, 183, 185; and center, 182–83; “Greater
271n5 Nagaland,” 166, 168–69, 172, 178,
McMahon line, 7–8, 78, 165, 269 184–86
Meitei, 174–75 Nagas, 3; as Christians, 167, 172, 175,
Mekhliganj, 215–16, 220, 222–23, 225–29, 177, 179–81, 187; internal complexity,
233–34, 236–37 176–77; nationalism, 156, 163, 166,
Miao, 197, 199–201, 203, 206–9 170–75, 180–88, 206; origins, 172–76.
Michaud, J., 196 See also nscn
middlemen. See elites, local Naga Students Federation, 167, 171, 188
migration, 13, 48, 73, 101f, 130, 147, 155, National Conference, 51–52
197, 237–38, 249; female, 95–96, 101, nationalism, 6, 70n12, 101, 232–34; and
104, 148, 108–9, 229; “illegal,” 113, Bengal, 250, 263–64; everyday, 82–83;
124–25, 229, 234, 237; labor, 53, 58, methodological, 1–2, 5, 267, 270. See
91n2, 94–99, 101–2, 114, 164, 264; or- also communalism; Nagas
igins, 60, 117, 120, 143, 172, 174–75; at Nawa, K., 7
Partition, 54, 251, 260; and the state, nefa, 148, 152, 162n20, 165
95, 97, 103f, 113–14, 119, 202, 256; types, Nehru, J., 53, 78, 152, 166, 221–22, 248
98, 251, 260 Nepal, 4–8, 13, 15–17, 73–75, 94f, 209, 266;
Mishimi, 145–46 refugees in, 118, 122–23, 125–26, 133–38,
Mishra, D., 19, 100, 165, 187, 208, 268 140. See also Maoists; Nepalis
308 | Index

Nepal-India Treaty (1950), 23n24, 100– Pawsey, C., 180, 182, 192n36
102, 268 peace accords, 77, 100, 166–70, 172,
Nepal-India Trade & Transit Treaty, 16 180–83, 192n31, 202
Nepali language, 118, 120, 122, 124, 131, Peer, B., 70n9
139 Phizo, A. Z. (Zapu), 167, 181–85
Nepalis: in Bhutan, 117f; in India, 58, 101, pilgrimage, 16, 56, 62, 65, 79, 84, 93n10,
103, 127, 137, 267; and Indian border, 99, 112, 255
8–9, 15–17, 19–20, 85–87, 95f, 100f, 138– Piliavsky, A., 4, 13, 18, 270
39, 271nn1,7; as smugglers, 86–88 poetry, 4, 59, 61–62, 64, 245–47, 258, 262,
Newman, D., 21n6, 102 264
Niti pass, 77–79, 81, 83–84 police, 4, 15, 28–32, 36–40, 109
nnc, 167, 169, 171, 177, 180–83, 185 posa, 146, 160n8
North Cachar Hills, 156, 169, 177, 185 Punjab, 30, 33, 54, 248
Northern South Asia, 1–2, 6–7, 17–20, 77,
266–71 Radcliffe, Sir C., 7, 51, 219, 248, 271n3
nostalgia, 61–63, 250 Radcliffe-Brown, A., 2
nscn, 167–69, 172, 175–77, 179, 183–86 Rajasthan, 7, 24f
Ramayana, 72, 85
Orissa, 7, 33, 261 Ramesh, J., 149–50, 187
Ray, A., Lt. Gen., 57
Paasi, A., 17–18 refugees, 5, 9, 22n13, 54, 118, 120f, 225,
Pakistan, 4, 6, 26, 29, 33, 41, 50, 75, 77, 247–48, 250–52, 255, 260–62
165, 255; alienation from, 54, 63–64; remoteness, 13, 47, 58, 80, 89–91, 144, 147,
Army, 54, 63, 264; East, 10–11, 15, 166, 152, 166, 201, 256–57, 261–62
214, 219–22, 225–27, 241, 251–53, 258, Rizal, Tek Nath, 122, 126–27, 138
260, 263; -India border, 7–9, 27, 48, roads, 151, 200, 208, 234
51f, 223, 266, 268–69; Kargil relations Robb, P., 6, 14–15, 165
with, 54–55, 60–65. See also Indo- Rudra Chandra, King, 74
Pakistan War; Partition
Partition: in Bengal, 245, 247–52, 256, saarc, 195, 268
260–64; and enclaves, 214–15, 219–20, Sadbhavana program, 57–58
235, 268; effect on scholarship, 69n6, Sagauli, Treaty of, 74–76
166, 250, 260, 264, 267; in Kargil, 49, Sakhrie, T., 167, 182, 189n7
51–56, 60–62, 248; in Northeast, 144, Scott, J. C., 1, 3–5, 12, 19, 27, 76–77, 80,
165–66; silence about, 54, 144, 248–51, 164, 166, 196–201, 208, 211, 231
256, 262, 264; suffering of, 5, 144, 245, Scott, Sir W., 3–4
247–48, 250, 256; Van Schendel on, 7, secularism, 52–53, 58, 64–65, 119, 230,
9, 69n6, 220, 250–51, 256, 260, 267–68 234, 243nn37,47, 251
pastoralism, 12, 48, 144, 147 securitization, 8, 102, 147, 149–51, 188,
Patgram, 215, 219–20, 223–28, 230–31, 236 206–8, 217–18, 222, 267, 269
patronage, 28–32, 36–39, 157, 211 Sema (Naga), 170, 174, 181, 183
Index | 309

Sharma, J. R., 16, 27, 87, 270 Tarai, 13, 15, 17, 91n2, 98, 100–101, 117
shifting agriculture, 12–14, 152, 155, 249 Tawang, 143, 145–47, 156, 165, 206
Shi’ism. See Muslims tea plantations, 127, 164, 173
Shneiderman, S., 4 territorialization, 4–5, 17–19, 59, 73, 80–
Sikkim, 33, 75, 119, 123–25, 139, 271n1 81, 99, 113, 117, 211, 267. See also borders
Simon Commission, 173, 179 (as relational)
Sinchula, Treaty of, 119 Thailand, 6, 14, 59, 195, 198–99, 209
Singpho. See Kachin Thakur, S., 57
Sino-Indian War. See Indo-China War Tharus, 13, 21n5
Skardu, 49–54, 60, 62–63, 66 Thongchai, W. See Winichakul
smuggling, 16, 26, 86–88, 101, 108, 197, Tibet, 3, 7, 72–73, 76–80, 83–85, 87, 89,
266 119, 201, 206, 268. See also trade
South Asia, 1–6, 13, 26, 125, 139, 188, Tibeto-Burman languages, 13, 49, 119,
194–97, 268 172, 175, 197
South Asian studies, 1–2, 5–6, 25, 194–95, timber, 154, 157, 205, 228
201, 267 Tin Bigha Corridor, 215–17, 222–27,
Southeast Asia, 3, 11, 13, 150, 176, 188, 229–37
194–201, 267 trade, 16, 49–50, 76, 78–79, 142–47, 150,
Sri Lanka, 6, 17, 85 157, 165. See also smuggling
Srinagar (Garhwal), 74, 84 trafficking, 95, 101, 105–6, 108–9, 114n1,
Srinagar (Kashmir), 49, 50, 58, 65 197
ssb (Sashastra Seema Bal), 8, 106–7 tribes, 13–14, 76, 206; in Arunachal,
state, the, 2–3, 12; at the border, 40–41, 143–48, 150–52, 156–58; “Criminal
48, 68–69, 107f, 238; fleeing/evading, Tribes,” 29, 32–33; in Nagaland, 163,
1–4, 19–20, 199, 205; idea of, 2–3, 14, 170, 172–73, 175–76, 180, 183, 185–86,
19–20; nonstate space, 25, 27, 93n9, 188; Scheduled, 22n21, 50, 92nn8–9,
164, 166; premodern, 5, 7, 11–13, 18–20; 192n25, 206
role in development, 66–67, 149–51, Tripura, 10, 33, 178
199, 207–8. See also maps; Zomia Tsing, A., 66, 93n14
state of exception, 15, 59, 68, 217 Turner, F. J., 27
Stiller, L., 7
Sturgeon, J. C., 198 Uberoi, J. P. S., 49
Sunderbans, 247, 249, 256–57, 261–63 United Nations, 63, 136, 181, 211n1, 269
Supreme Court, 154, 227 unpo, 175–77
swidden. See shifting agriculture Urdu, 62, 250, 263
Swu, I. C., 183, 190n8 Uttarakhand, 33, 72f, 100, 115n7, 249
Uttar Pradesh, 22n10, 28, 33, 53, 75, 84,
Tagore, R., 258, 263, 265 91n2
Tambiah, S. J., 11
Tangkhul (Naga), 174–75, 183, 185–86 Van Schendel, W., 1, 4, 20, 26, 80, 148,
Tanvir, A. H., 54 165, 176; Abraham and, 23n30, 40,
310 | Index

Van Schendel, W. (continued) Wilson, T. M., 14, 21n6, 22n15, 23n31,

77, 80, 86, 113; on Bangladesh-India 43n3, 48, 240n10
border, 9–11, 15, 70nn11,20, 214, 219– Winichakul, T., 6, 14, 59, 198, 200, 210
20, 234, 255–56; Baud and, 21n6, 25–
26, 40, 97, 117, 122, 139, 170, 251, 255; on Yadav, 15
historiography, 172, 188; on Partition, Yandabo, Treaty of (1826), 164
7, 9, 69n6, 220, 250–51, 256, 260; on
types of border, 7, 25, 266–67, 269; Ziaur Rahman, 230, 234, 237
on Zomia, 3, 188, 195–99, 210–11 Zomia, 3–4, 188, 195–202, 205–6, 209–11
“Zomian thinking,” 4, 19–20, 200–201,
Whitecross, R., 119–22 208. See also hill-plains interaction
Whyte, B., 215, 219, 231, 241n20 Zurick, D., 76

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