Insert Kit TPHA
Insert Kit TPHA
Insert Kit TPHA
200 72503
500 72504
883683 - 2014/12
1. INTENDED USE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4. REAGENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6. SPECIMENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
7. PROCEDURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8. TEST LIMITATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
9. PERFORMANCES CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4 [EN]
TPHA kits are intended for use for the qualitative and semi-
quantitative detection of antibodies to Treponema pallidum in
human serum and plasma. The product may be used for the
screening of blood donors, and to aid in the diagnosis of patients
where syphilis infection is suspected.
Description 72503 72504
on label
200 tests 500 tests
Test Cells
Suspension of Avian
erythrocytes coated with 2 vials 2 vials
R1 Test Cells
antigens of T. pallidum, 7.8 ml 20 ml
containing Bovine Serum
Albumin (BSA)
Control Cells
Suspension of Avian 2 vials 1 vial
R2 Control Cells
erythrocytes, containing 7.8 ml 20 ml
2 vials 1 vial
R3 Diluent Saline solution containing
20 ml 125 ml
Rabbit serum
Positive Control
Human serum containing
antibodies to T .pallidum,
Positive 1 vial 1 vial
R4 negative for HBs Antigen,
Control 1 ml 1 ml
anti-HIV1/2, and anti-
HCV antibodies diluted in
phosphate buffer
Negative Control
Negative 1 vial 1 vial
R5 Rabbit serum in
Control 1 ml 1 ml
phosphate buffer
6 [EN]
For in vitro diagnostic use. For healthcare professional use.
[EN] 7
5.2. Precautions related to the procedure
5.2.1. Preparing
The reliability of the results depends on correct implementation of
the following Good Laboratory Practices:
• Do not mix or associate reagents from different lots within a test
• Do not use expired reagents.
• Before use wait for 30 minutes for the reagents to stabilize at room
temperature (18-30°C).
5.2.2. Processing
• Do not change the assay procedure.
• Use a new distribution tip for each sample.
Serum or plasma (EDTA, Sodium Citrate, Heparin and ACD)
specimens should be free of blood cells and of obvious microbial
contamination. They may be stored at +2-8°C for up to 7 days
before testing. Specimens needing longer storage should be frozen
at -20°C or lower. Frozen specimens should be thawed and well
mixed before testing. Do not repeat more than 5 freeze/thaw cycles.
Heated samples at 56°C during 3 hours do not impact the results.
REMARK: The kit Positive and Negative Controls (R4 and R5) must
be run with each run of tests.
7.1. Materials required but not provided
• Distilled water
• Sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) and sodium bicarbonate.
• Absorbent paper
• Disposable gloves
• Safety glasses
• Disposable tubes
• Automatic or semi-automatic, adjustable or preset pipettes or
multipipettes to measure and dispense 10 μl, 25 μl, 75 μl and
190 μl.
8 [EN]
• Microplate shaker
• U well plate format (96-well microplates) - Code 83375 (5 plates)
• Container for biohazardous waste
The TPHA 500 Kit (Product No. 72504) is intended for screening
large numbers of specimens and contains only a small volume of
Control Cells. It is intended that specimens are screened using only
Test Cells in the first instance, and the Control Cells should be used
when repeating tests on specimens giving a positive result when first
b. Test
Transfer 25 μl of diluted control or diluted specimen from dilution
step to test well.
Transfer 25 μl of diluted control or diluted specimen dilution step to
control well.
Re-suspend the Test Cells (R1) and the Control Cells (R2) by shaking
the vial Examine for complete suspension.
Add 75 μl of Test Cells (R1) to test well and 75 μl of Control Cells
(R2) to the control well.
Final specimen dilution is 1: 80.
Mix wells thoroughly.
Incubate at room temperature (15-30 °C) on a vibration-free surface
for a minimum of 45 minutes.
Read the settling patterns. Agglutination patterns are stable for at
least three hours if undisturbed.
Note: The Positive and Negative Controls (R4 and R5) must be run
with each lot of tests, using the procedure given below.
[EN] 9
a. Specimen and Controls Dilution (to 1 in 20)
Add 190 μl of the diluent (R3) to one well.
Add 10 μl of specimen or Negative Control (R5) or Positive Control
(R4) to the same well.
Mix thoroughly.
b. Titration
Leaving the first well empty, add 25 μl of diluent (R3) to each of the
remaining 7 wells.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
190 μl (R3) + 10 μl
25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl
Specimen or (R4)
of R3 of R3 of R3 of R3 of R3 of R3 of R3
or (R5)
Specimen or
8 wells for titration
control dilutions
Then serially dilute along the well sequence, discarding the excess
25 μl from the final well.
25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Discarding
25 μl of 25 μl
190 μl (R3) +
25 μl of R3 +
10 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl 25 μl
diluted 25 μl of
Specimen or of R3 of R3 of R3 of R3 of R3 of R3
control diluted
(R4) or (R5)
or control 8 wells for titration
c. Test
Gently mix the Test Cells (R1) to ensure thorough resuspension.
Add 75 μl of Test Cells (R1) to each well.
Final specimen dilution range after addition of cells is 1: 80 –
1 :10240.
Mix thoroughly.
10 [EN]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
25 μl of
190 μl (R3) + 25 μl of 25 μl of 25 μl of 25 μl of 25 μl of 25 μl of 25 μl of
10 μl dilution dilution dilution dilution dilution dilution dilution
Specimen or + 75 μl + 75 μl + 75 μl + 75 μl + 75 μl + 75 μl + 75 μl
+ 75 μl
(R4) or (R5) of R1 of R1 of R1 of R1 of R1 of R1 of R1
of R1
[EN] 11
A sample where the Test Cell well is non-reactive should be
considered as negative for T. pallidum.
Reactivity less than equivocal is considered negative.
No single test or definitive reference standard is available for every
stage of the disease. Thus, Syphilis diagnosis relies predominantly
on serological testing, requiring results from both non-treponemal
and treponemal methods.
12 [EN]
All treponemal test results tend to remain reactive following
treponemal infection therefore they should not be used to evaluate
response to therapy. Because of the persistence of reactivity,
generally for the life of the patient, the treponemal tests are of no
value in determining relapse or re-infection in a patient who had a
reactive result. In this case, it is recommended to use other assays:
Syphilis Total Ab, Syphilis IgM EIA and RPR.
9.1. Precision Study
Precision study was realized by testing 3 samples (1 negative, 1 low
positive and 1 positive) in 10 replicates in the same run (repeatability)
and in 2 replicates during 5 days on 2 different lots and reading by
2 operators (Intermediate precision).
Repeatability: The 3 samples gave identical results when repeated
10 times.
Intermediate/ inter-lot precision: The 3 samples gave identical
results when tested in the different conditions (40 times).
9.2.1. Specificity
A total of 5032 samples from blood donors prospectively collected
in 2 different sites were studied.
The samples were either serum (3626), EDTA K2 (539) or Lithium
Heparin plasma (867) tested in a period of less than 7 days after
sampling and were compared to the screening assay used in the
[EN] 13
Table 1 : Blood donor population
99.72% 99.43% –
Site # 1 2519 18 7
(2512/ 2519) 99.89%
99.72% 99.43% –
Site # 2 2513* 20 7
(2505 / 2512) 99.89%
38 14
99.72% 99.53% –
Total 5032 (8 positive, (3 positive,
(5017/5031) 99.85%
30 equivocal) 11 equivocal)
9.2.2. Sensitivity
The sensitivity study was studied on 435 retrospective frozen serum
samples from the laboratory of Sexually Transmitted Disease
Center, or from frozen samples from vendors. These samples were
characterized positive by immunoassays, FTA assay, RPR/ VDRL
assay or TPHA assays according to their origin.
All the samples were tested first with the CE mark TPHA assay and
then with the Bio-Rad TPHA 500 assay (72504).
Sensitivity on this population is found at 100% (435/435) with a 95%
confidence interval at [99.2%-100.0%].
14 [EN]
9.4. Analytical Specificity / Cross Reactivity Study
210 potentially interfering samples containing antibodies against
pathogens that could lead to infectious illnesses (Cytomegalovirus,
Epstein Barr virus, VZV, Rubella virus, Hepatitis C virus, Hepatitis B
virus, HIV 1/2, HTLV 1/2, Toxoplasma gondii, Dengue, Malaria,
Leptospirosis), samples from pregnant women and multiparous
women or samples from patients with immune system disorders
(autoantibodies (SLE), Rheumatoid factors), were tested with the
TPHA assay. Four (4) true positive samples were discarded from the
One sample was found repeatable positive with the TPHA test.
The specificity observed on this target population of 99.5 %
(205/206) was similar to the specificity of clinical samples.
[EN] 15
9. Sluis J.J. Van Der. - Laboratory Techniques in the diagnosis of
syphilis: a review. Genitourin Med. 1992 ; 68 : 413-9.
10. Stability of selected serum proteins after long-term storage in
the Janus Serum Bank. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2009. 47:596-606.
11. Tomizawa T, Kasamatsu S. - Haemagglutination tests for
diagnosis of syphilis. A preliminary report. Japan. J. Med. Sci.
Biol. 19, 305-308, 1966.
12. Tomizawa T. Kasamatsu S. Yamaya S. - Usefulness of the
haemagglutination test using Treponema pallidum antigen
(TPHA) for the serodiagnosis of syphilis. Jap J Med Sci Biol
1969 ; 22 : 341-50.
16 [EN]
(BG) • Този продукт съдържа човешки или животински ком-
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(CZ) • Tento výrobek obsahuje lidské nebo zvířecí komponenty.
Zacházejte s ním opatrně.
(DE) • Dieses Produkt enthält Bestandteile menschlichen oder tie-
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(DK) • Dette produkt indeholder humane og animalske komponen-
ter. Skal behandles med forsigtighed.
(EE) • Käesolev toode sisaldab inim-või loomseid komponente.
Käsitseda ettevaatlikult.
(EN) • This product contains human or animal components. Handle
with care.
(ES) • Este producto contiene componentes humanos o animales.
Manejar con cuidado.
(FI) • Tässä tuotteessa on ihmisestä tai eläimistä peräisin olevia
osia. Käsittele varovasti.
(FR) • Ce produit contient des composants d'origine humaine ou
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(GR) • Αυτό το προϊόν περιέχει ανθρώπινα ή ζωικά στοιχεία.
Χειριστείτε το με προσοχή.
(HR) • Ovaj proizvod sadrži ljudske ili životinjske sastojke. Pažljivo
(HU) • A készítmény emberi vagy állati eredetű összetevőket tartal-
maz. Óvatosan kezelendő.
(IT) • Questo prodotto contiene componenti umane o animali.
Maneggiare con cura.
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(MT) • Dan il-prodott fih komponenti umani jew tal-annimali. Uża
(NL) • Dit product bevat menselijke of dierlijke bestanddelen.
(NO) • Dette produktet inneholder humane eller animalske kompo-
nenter. Håndteres med forsiktighet.
(PL) • Niniejszy produkt zawiera składniki pochodzenia ludzkiego lub
zwierzęcego. Należy obchodzić się z nim ostrożnie.
(PT) • Este medicamento contém componentes de origem huma-
na ou animal. Manuseie com cuidado.
(RO) • Acest produs conţine materiale de origine umană sau ani-
mală. Manevraţi-l cu grijă.
(SE) • Denna produkt innehåller beståndsdelar från människa eller
djur. Hantera produkten varsamt.
(SI) • Izdelek vsebuje človeške ali živalske sestavine. Rokujte pre-
(SK) • Tento výrobok obsahuje ľudské alebo zvieracie zložky.
Narábajte s ním opatrne.
3, boulevard Raymond Poincaré
92430 Marnes-la-Coquette - France
Tel.: +33 (0)1 47 95 60 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 41 91 33 2014/12 883683