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OV 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 MR1 User Guide

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User Guide

OmniVista 2500 NMS Enterprise
Version 4.2.1.R01
Maintenance Release 1

February 2017
Revision A
26801 West Agoura Road
Calabasas, CA 91301
+1 (818) 880-3500
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Table of Contents
1.0 Getting Started with OmniVista 2500 NMS...................................................................................................... 1-1
OmniVista 2500 NMS User Interface .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
Setting Up OmniVista 2500 NMS for Network Management ....................................................................................... 1-7
2.0 Analytics ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Using Analytics ........................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Configuring Analytics ................................................................................................................................................. 2-2
Reports ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
View Options .............................................................................................................................................................. 2-4
Profiles ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2-41
Summary View ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-42
Applications Management ......................................................................................................................................... 2-42
Anomalies ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-43
Settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 2-44
3.0 App Launch ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Edit Mode ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
4.0 Application Visibility ........................................................................................................................................ 4-1
Application Visibility Application ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Application Visibility Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 4-2
Devices Management ................................................................................................................................................. 4-2
Signature Files ............................................................................................................................................................ 4-3
Signature Profiles ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-4
Summary View ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-9
Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4-9
5.0 Audit .................................................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Log Files by Type ...................................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Viewing Log Files....................................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Downloading Log Files .............................................................................................................................................. 5-3
Log Central ................................................................................................................................................................. 5-3
Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5-3
6.0 Authentication Servers .................................................................................................................................... 6-1
LDAP Servers ............................................................................................................................................................. 6-1
RADIUS Servers ......................................................................................................................................................... 6-2
ACE Servers ............................................................................................................................................................... 6-2
TACACS+ Servers ...................................................................................................................................................... 6-2
LDAP Server Management ......................................................................................................................................... 6-2
RADIUS Server Management ..................................................................................................................................... 6-5
ACE Server Management ........................................................................................................................................... 6-7
TACACS+ Server Management .................................................................................................................................. 6-8
7.0 Captive Portal ................................................................................................................................................... 7-1
Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................. 7-1
Profile ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Profile Domain Policy List ........................................................................................................................................... 7-3
Domain Policy List ...................................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Captive Portal Customization ...................................................................................................................................... 7-5
Captive Portal View .................................................................................................................................................... 7-6
8.0 CLI Scripting ..................................................................................................................................................... 8-1
CLI Script .................................................................................................................................................................... 8-1
Logs............................................................................................................................................................................ 8-7
Terminal ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8-8

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Table of Contents (continued)

9.0 Control Panel .................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Watchdog ................................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Scheduler Jobs ........................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Scheduler History ....................................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Session Management ................................................................................................................................................. 9-4
10.0 Discovery ........................................................................................................................................................ 10-1
Discovery Screen...................................................................................................................................................... 10-2
Discovery Profiles ................................................................................................................................................... 10-11
Third-Party Devices Support ................................................................................................................................... 10-14
Import MIBs ............................................................................................................................................................ 10-15
Inventory ................................................................................................................................................................. 10-16
Ports ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10-17
Link ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10-18
11.0 Groups............................................................................................................................................................. 11-1
MAC Groups ............................................................................................................................................................. 11-1
VLAN Groups ........................................................................................................................................................... 11-2
Network Groups ........................................................................................................................................................ 11-2
Multicast Groups ....................................................................................................................................................... 11-3
Service Groups ......................................................................................................................................................... 11-3
Services .................................................................................................................................................................... 11-4
Service Port .............................................................................................................................................................. 11-5
12.0 PIM ................................................................................................................................................................... 12-1
PIM Global Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 12-1
PIM Interface ............................................................................................................................................................ 12-2
PIM Candidate .......................................................................................................................................................... 12-3
PIM Device View....................................................................................................................................................... 12-4
13.0 License Management ..................................................................................................................................... 13-1
Node Management License .................................................................................................................................... 13-1
VMM License ........................................................................................................................................................... 13-2
Add/Import a New License ...................................................................................................................................... 13-2
OmniVista Licensing Options.................................................................................................................................. 13-2
License Management ............................................................................................................................................... 13-2
Add or Import License ............................................................................................................................................... 13-3
14.0 Locator ............................................................................................................................................................ 14-1
Locate Screen .......................................................................................................................................................... 14-1
Browse Screen ......................................................................................................................................................... 14-2
Poll Screen ............................................................................................................................................................... 14-3
Locate....................................................................................................................................................................... 14-3
Browse ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14-6
Poll ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14-8
Settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 14-8
15.0 Notifications .................................................................................................................................................... 15-1
Notifications Home.................................................................................................................................................... 15-1
Trap Definition .......................................................................................................................................................... 15-4
Trap Responder ........................................................................................................................................................ 15-5
Trap Configuration .................................................................................................................................................... 15-9
Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 15-10

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Table of Contents (continued)

16.0 PolicyView ....................................................................................................................................................... 16-1
Creating Policies for Users and Groups ................................................................................................................... 16-2
Creating Policies for Resources............................................................................................................................... 16-2
Creating One Touch Policies ................................................................................................................................... 16-2
View/Modify Policies and Policy Lists....................................................................................................................... 16-2
Expert Mode ............................................................................................................................................................. 16-2
Creating Policies for Applications ............................................................................................................................ 16-2
QoS-Qualified Devices ............................................................................................................................................. 16-3
Saving Changes to the Switch ................................................................................................................................. 16-3
Required Traps ......................................................................................................................................................... 16-3
Policy Precedence and Conflicts ............................................................................................................................. 16-3
Creating Policies for Users and Groups ................................................................................................................... 16-4
Resource Policies ................................................................................................................................................... 16-13
One Touch Policies................................................................................................................................................. 16-15
View/Modify Policies and Policy List ....................................................................................................................... 16-21
Expert Mode ........................................................................................................................................................... 16-24
Applications ............................................................................................................................................................ 16-34
Application Visibility Policy Lists.............................................................................................................................. 16-41
17.0 Preferences ..................................................................................................................................................... 17-1
Locale ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17-2
Theme ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17-2
Inactivity Timeout ...................................................................................................................................................... 17-3
Table/List View Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 17-3
Temperature Unit ...................................................................................................................................................... 17-3
Device Naming Pattern ............................................................................................................................................. 17-3
Network Status Color Preferences ............................................................................................................................ 17-3
Alarms Color Preferences ......................................................................................................................................... 17-3
Quarantine Manager Color Preferences ................................................................................................................... 17-3
ProActive Lifecycle Management Color Preferences ................................................................................................ 17-3
Branding ................................................................................................................................................................... 17-4
Proxy ........................................................................................................................................................................ 17-4
ProActive Lifecycle Management .............................................................................................................................. 17-4
Videos ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17-5
Email ........................................................................................................................................................................ 17-5
Install Zulu CEK ........................................................................................................................................................ 17-5
ProActive Lifecycle Management Overview .............................................................................................................. 17-5
18.0 Quarantine Manager ....................................................................................................................................... 18-1
Quarantine Manager Requirements......................................................................................................................... 18-2
Candidates ............................................................................................................................................................... 18-3
Banned ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18-4
Never Banned ........................................................................................................................................................... 18-6
Disabled Ports .......................................................................................................................................................... 18-6
Rules ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18-7
Configuration .......................................................................................................................................................... 18-13
Responders ............................................................................................................................................................ 18-16
TAD Profile ............................................................................................................................................................. 18-17
TAD View ............................................................................................................................................................... 18-19
Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 18-21
19.0 Report .............................................................................................................................................................. 19-1
Report Configuration................................................................................................................................................. 19-1
Report List ................................................................................................................................................................ 19-2

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Table of Contents (continued)

20.0 Resource Manager.......................................................................................................................................... 20-1
Backup ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20-1
Restore ..................................................................................................................................................................... 20-5
Compare ................................................................................................................................................................... 20-6
Upgrade Image ......................................................................................................................................................... 20-6
Inventory ................................................................................................................................................................. 20-10
Auto Configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 20-11
Switch File Set ........................................................................................................................................................ 20-16
Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 20-17
Summary View ....................................................................................................................................................... 20-18
21.0 SIP ................................................................................................................................................................... 21-1
SIP Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 21-2
Active Calls ............................................................................................................................................................... 21-2
Ended Calls .............................................................................................................................................................. 21-4
One Touch Profile ..................................................................................................................................................... 21-6
SIP Profile................................................................................................................................................................. 21-8
Device View ............................................................................................................................................................ 21-17
SIP Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 21-19
22.0 Topology ......................................................................................................................................................... 22-1
Working with Maps ................................................................................................................................................... 22-1
23.0 Unified Access ................................................................................................................................................ 23-1
Unified Profile ........................................................................................................................................................... 23-1
Unified Policies ....................................................................................................................................................... 23-39
Unified Policy List ................................................................................................................................................... 23-46
mDNS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23-48
mDNS Configuration Screen ................................................................................................................................... 23-49
Premium Services................................................................................................................................................... 23-50
24.0 Users and User Groups ................................................................................................................................ 24-1
Security Levels ......................................................................................................................................................... 24-1
Default Groups, Users, Roles ................................................................................................................................... 24-2
Working with User Groups, Users, and User Roles.................................................................................................. 24-2
Role Management .................................................................................................................................................... 24-3
Group Management .................................................................................................................................................. 24-5
User Management .................................................................................................................................................... 24-6
Authentication Server ............................................................................................................................................... 24-7
25.0 VLAN Manager ................................................................................................................................................ 25-1
VLAN Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 25-1
VLANs Table ............................................................................................................................................................ 25-2
MVRP ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25-6
IP Interface ............................................................................................................................................................... 25-7
Spanning Tree .......................................................................................................................................................... 25-7
IP Router ................................................................................................................................................................ 25-11
VLAN Details .......................................................................................................................................................... 25-12
Device Selection ..................................................................................................................................................... 25-14
VLAN Configuration ................................................................................................................................................ 25-14
Default Ports Assignment ....................................................................................................................................... 25-15
Q Tagged Ports Assignment ................................................................................................................................... 25-15
Review.................................................................................................................................................................... 25-15
MVRP Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 25-15
Summary View ....................................................................................................................................................... 25-16

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Table of Contents (continued)

Global Parameters .................................................................................................................................................. 25-17
Port Parameters...................................................................................................................................................... 25-17
Devices/Ports ......................................................................................................................................................... 25-18
Review.................................................................................................................................................................... 25-18
IP Interface ............................................................................................................................................................. 25-18
Poll ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25-21
Multiple Virtual Routing and Forwarding ................................................................................................................. 25-21
26.0 VM Manager .................................................................................................................................................... 26-1
Virtualization/VM Manager Overview ....................................................................................................................... 26-2
Configuring VM Manager ......................................................................................................................................... 26-5
Hypervisor Systems .................................................................................................................................................. 26-6
VM Locator - Host Networks ..................................................................................................................................... 26-7
VM Locator - VM Networks ....................................................................................................................................... 26-9
Exclude VLAN ........................................................................................................................................................ 26-10
VM VLAN Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 26-11
VLAN Notification.................................................................................................................................................... 26-12
VMM Devices List ................................................................................................................................................... 26-13
Settings - VM Polling .............................................................................................................................................. 26-15
Settings - SBP ........................................................................................................................................................ 26-15
27.0 VXLANs ........................................................................................................................................................... 27-1
VXLAN Service ......................................................................................................................................................... 27-1
SAP Profile ............................................................................................................................................................... 27-3
Access Port Profile ................................................................................................................................................... 27-4
VXLAN Device View ................................................................................................................................................. 27-5
VM Snooping Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 27-6

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

1.0 Getting Started with OmniVista 2500 NMS

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise's OmniVista 2500 NMS uses a web-based user interface. The Web GUI is supported on the
following browsers: Internet Explorer 10+ (on Windows client PCs), Firefox 26+ (on Windows and Redhat/SuSE Linux
client PCs), Chrome 26+ (on Windows and Redhat/SuSE Linux client PCs). This Quick Start guide will get you up and
running with OmniVista 2500 NMS. The sections below provide an overview of the OmniVista 2500 NMS.

• OmniVista 2500 NMS User Interface

o Applications
o Customizing the Dashboard
o Configuration/Display Buttons
o Working with Tables
• Setting Up OmniVista 2500 NMS for Network Management
o Discovering Devices
o Editing Discovered Devices
o Configuring Traps
o Saving Changes

OmniVista 2500 NMS User Interface

The OmniVista 2500 NMS Home Page displays a dashboard with application widgets for a quick overview of key
applications. The dashboard is customizable. You can add/remove widgets, and drag and drop them into any order, as
well as close widgets and refresh widget content.

The following links are also available at the top of every screen in OmniVista 2500 NMS:

• Home - Returns the user to the Dashboard.

• Admin - Brings up the Local User Management Screen.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• Help - Brings up the OmniVista 2500 NMS Getting Started Guide.
• Videos - Launches the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise YouTube Demo Playlist.
• About - Displays basic OmniVista 2500 NMS information (e.g., Build Number and date).
• Logout - Logs you out of OmniVista 2500 NMS.

Applications in OmniVista 2500 NMS are organized as shown below.

• Discovery
• Topology
• Locator
• Notifications
• VM Manager (VM Manager License required)
• Analytics
• Application Visibility


• VxLANs
• IP Multicast
• CLI Scripting
• PolicyView
• Captive Portal
• Groups
• Application Launch
• Report
• Resource Manager

Unified Access

• Unified Profile
• Unified Policy
• Multimedia Services (mDNS)
• Premium Services (BYOD)


• Users and User Groups

• Authentication Servers
• Quarantine Manager


• Control Panel
• Preferences
• Audit
• License

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Customizing the Dashboard

You arrange widgets on the Dashboard by clicking on a widget and dragging it to a new location. You can also add or
remove widgets from the Dashboard and customize the Dashboard layout using the Dashboard Settings option.

Adding Widgets
To add a widget to the Dashboard, click on the Settings icon and select Add Widget. Select a widget from the list.
The widget will be added to the upper-left of the dashboard. Users may drag and drop the widget to any position in the
Removing Widgets
To remove a widget from the dashboard, click on the Delete (X) icon at the top-right corner of the widget. You can add
the widget back or add a new widget by clicking on the Settings icon and selecting Add Widget.
Additional Options Provided Within Widgets
You can configure Dashboard display settings for certain widgets (e.g., Analytics Statistics) by clicking on the Config
link at the bottom of the widget. You can then modify certain display options, such as the number of items displayed in
the widget, the time period displayed in the widget, etc. This modifies the display on the Dashboard only. It does not
modify the display within the application.
You can also hover over certain displays (e.g., Analytics to view more detailed information, and click on data within
certain widgets to display additional information (e.g., clicking on bar and donut graphs displays additional information
such as numeric values, clicking on Quarantine Manager topics at the bottom of the graph displays additional
information for each topic).

Click on the More link at the bottom of a widget to open the full application for the widget. To return to the Dashboard,
click on the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise logo at the top left corner of the screen.
The Favorites Widget and Adding Items to the Favorites Tab
The Favorites widget allows users to create a list of “quick links” for easy access to any OmniVista 2500 NMS
application. To add an application to the Favorites list, start typing the name of the application in the text box. As text is
entered, auto-complete displays a list of matching applications. Click an application to select it, then click the add icon

To replace an application in the list of Favorites, click the edit icon. Begin typing the new application name. Select the
application and click the Save icon.

Note: Once an application has been added to the Favorites widget, a link to the application will also display under
the Favorites tab in the OmniVista 2500 NMS Main Navigation Menu.

To remove an application from the Favorites widget, click the Delete (X) icon next to the application link.
Customizing the Dashboard Layout
The Settings option also enables you to customize the Dashboard layout. To customize the layout, click on Settings
icon and select Change Layout. The Change Layout Screen appears. By default, widgets are displayed in the
"Auto" layout. To change the layout, select an option on the left. When you select a layout on the left, the layout is
displayed in the Layout area. To choose that layout, click OK. The change takes effect immediately. If necessary, you
can re-arrange the widgets in the new layout, by clicking and dragging them to new locations on the Dashboard.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuration/Display Buttons
OmniVista 2500 NMS provides standard tools for interacting with configuration/display screens. These buttons include:

Configuration Buttons

Click the Create/Add button to create a new entry within the configuration screen.

To edit an existing entry, select the entry in the configuration screen and click the Edit button.
Used to duplicate an existing entry in a list or table. Select an entry in a table, and click on the
Copy/Duplicate button to bring up a configuration screen with the selected configuration. You can then
modify certain fields to quickly create a new entry. This can save time when creating multiple entries with
similar configurations.

To delete an entry, select the entry and click the Delete button.

Table Buttons
Table View
Table view organizes configuration screens in a table-based layout that is viewed and sorted similar to a
spreadsheet. Table data may be exported to CSV files.
List View
List View organizes information and configuration tasks in a list view. Note that information displayed in List
View cannot be Printed via the OmniVista 2500 NMS Print button. To print information from a particular
screen, switch to Table View (if available).
Used to configure the column headings to display in a table, Click on the Settings button and select the
column headings you want to display.

The Refresh button loads the latest data for an application table, chart or list.

Click on the Help button to load for a context-sensitive walk-through of an application, table or configuration

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Information displayed in List View may be sorted in alphabetical order, either ascending or descending, by
clicking on the Sort button. You can also click on the Up/Down arrows at the top of any table column in
Table View to sort the data in ascending or descending order based on the selected column.
Click the Search button and enter search criteria in the "Search..." field to display specific entries in the
table. Click on the "x" to the right to return to the original display.
Users can create custom filters for OmniVista 2500 NMS tables to display specific data. To create a custom

• Click the filter button.

• In the Filter screen, click Add.
• Enter a Filter Name for the custom filter.
• Enter a Filter Description for the filter.
• In the Conditions area, for “Filter elements where ... of the following apply”, specify the strictness
of the conditions (e.g., display results if ANY condition is encountered, or only display results if ALL
of the conditions are encountered).
• Select an option from the application-specific conditions list. This automatically enables the
• Next, fine-tune conditions by selecting options under the following pull down menus:
o have/not have
o Name - select a column heading to use in the filter.
o contains
 begins with
 ends with
 equal
 not equal
o [enter value] - enter a specific text string
o non-case sensitive/case sensitive
• Additional application-specific conditions may be added to the conditions outlined in the previous
step by clicking the “Add new Condition” link.
• You can also add a completely new group of conditions by clicking the Add icon and repeating the
steps outlined above.

Click the Reset button after filtering a table to return to the original display.
Export to CSV
Click the CSV button to download information displayed in Table View to a CSV (spreadsheet) file.
Add To Report
Click to create a report for the page. These reports are PDF versions of tables and reports generated in
certain OmniVista applications (e.g., Discovery, Locator, Analytics). Basically, in addition to viewing
information in real-time in OmniVista (e.g., Discovery Inventory List, Analytics Utilization Reports), you can
generate PDFs of the screens. When a report is generated, it takes a current snapshot of the application
information. These reports can be generated immediately or you can schedule them to be generated at
regular times/intervals (e.g., Daily, Weekly). You can also configure a report to be e-mailed when it is
generated. Reports are configured in the Report application.
Print Table View information by clicking the Print button. Note that information displayed in List View cannot
be Printed via the OmniVista 2500 NMS Print button (button is not available). To print information from a
screen, switch to Table View (if available).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Working with Tables

Information in OmniVista is primarily presented in table format. There are common functions/behaviors for tables in
OmniVista. the general functionality of each area is described below. Details for each button are provided in the
Configuration/Display Buttons section.

• Configuration Options - Used to create, edit, delete entries (e.g., create, edit, delete a CLI Script). Details for
each button are provided in the Configuration/Display Buttons section.
• Display Options - Used to change the table display from Table View to List view, to set the columns you want to
display, and to refresh the data in the table. Details for each button are provided in the Configuration/Display
Buttons section.
• Filter, Export, Print - You can filter the data that is displayed by clicking on the Filter icon and selecting/creating
a filter. You can also export the table into a .csv file, or print the table. Details for each button are provided in the
Configuration/Display Buttons section.
• Search - Enter search criteria in the Search... field to display specific entries in a table. As you enter criteria, only
those entries matching the criteria will appear in the table. Click on the Reset button to return to the original table
• Sort - Click on one of the arrows at the top of a column to sort the table in ascending or descending order based
on the column.
• Set Lines to Display/Page Through Table - Set the number of lines to display in the table using the Show drop-
down menu at the bottom left corner of the table. You can also page through a large table using the arrows at the
bottom right corner of the table.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Setting Up OmniVista 2500 NMS for Network Management

Discovering Devices
After you log into OmniVista, open the Discovery application to discover devices on your network. Click on the
Discover New Devices button and enter a range of devices to discover. You can use the Default Discovery Profile for
your initial discovery. (A Discovery Profile contains the parameters that are used by OmniVista when performing a
discovery (e.g., SNMP version used to discover devices, FTP/Telnet passwords needed to connect to a device). When
the discovery is complete, all devices discovered display in the Inventory List on the Discovery Screen.

Editing Discovered Devices

Once switches are discovered, you may want or need to edit entries in the Inventory List. To edit a discovered device,
select the device in the Inventory List and click on the Edit icon to display the Edit Discovery Manager Entry window,
shown below.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Why Edit a Discovered Device?

To Redefine the Primary IP Address
When switches are auto-discovered via a Ping Sweep or ARP discovery, each IP address in a range or subnet is
pinged. OmniVista uses the first IP address that responds to a ping as that device's primary IP address. However, if
multiple VLANs exist in the device, additional IP addresses in the device will also respond to pings. The Edit Discovery
Manager Entry window's IP Address field combo box lists these additional IP addresses and enables you to select any
address listed as the device's primary IP address.
To Specify the Correct Write Community Name
All devices that are discovered are initially specified to have the default write community name, public. If any
discovered devices in your network have a non-default write community name, use the Edit Discovery Manager Entry
window's SNMP Settings tab to specify the correct community name to OmniVista. If the correct write community name
is not specified to OmniVista, you will not be able to write configuration changes to the switch.

Please Note: Switches' SNMP write (set) community names are not configurable from OmniVista. SNMP read
(get) and write (set) community names can only be configured by logging onto the switch.

To Specify the CLI or FTP User Name and Password

Firmware configuration files for AOS devices can be saved to the OmniVista server and restored when desired. When
files are saved, they are FTPed from the switch to the OmniVista server. When files are restored, they are FTPed from
the server to the switch. New configuration files can also be installed via FTP. To FTP files, OmniVista must know the
FTP login name and password that is defined on the switch. The CLI/FTP User Name and CLI/FTP Password fields
on the Edit Discovery Manager Entry window enable you to specify this information to OmniVista.

Please Note:

• If you do not define the FTP login names and passwords and you attempt to save, restore, or update
configuration files for these devices, you will be individually queried for the FTP login name and password of each
individual switch for which configuration files are being saved, restored, or updated.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• The user names and passwords entered in these fields are used for FTP ONLY. They are not used for Telnet.
When you Telnet to a device, you will be queried for a user name and password.

To Redefine the SNMP Version or SNMP Parameters

The Edit Discovery Manager Entry window enables you to redefine the SNMP version that OmniVista uses to
communicate with AOS devices. You can also redefine SNMP parameters. The SNMP version or parameter settings
that OmniVista uses cannot be changed until OmniVista has connected to the switch. AOS devices support SNMP
version 1, SNMP version 2 or SNMP version 3.
Configuring Traps
It is necessary to configure the switches in the network to send OmniVista the traps that are needed by different
applications. Traps are configured in the Notifications application. The traps OmniVista needs for each application are
listed below.

Traps Needed for Topology

coldStart, warmStart, linkUp, linkDown

Note: For proper link display in Topology, linkUp and linkDown traps must be enabled for each individual port.

Traps Needed for PolicyView QoS

Saving Changes
The directory structure that stores AOS image and configuration files in flash memory is divided into two parts:

• The certified directory contains files that have been certified by an authorized user as the default configuration
files for the switch. When the switch reboots, it will automatically load its configuration files from the certified
directory if the switch detects a difference between the certified directory and the working directory. (Note that you
can specifically command a switch to load from either directory.)
• The working directory contains files that may -- or may not -- have been altered from those in the certified
directory. The working directory is a holding place for new files to be tested before committing the files to the
certified directory. You can save configuration changes to the working directory. You cannot save configuration
changes directly to the certified directory.

Note that the files in the certified directory and in the working directory may be different from the running configuration
of the switch, which is contained in RAM memory. The running configuration is the current operating parameters of the
switch, which are originally loaded from the certified or working directory. Modifications made to the running
configuration of the switch must be saved to the working directory (or lost). The working directory can then be copied to
the certified directory if and when desired.

When changes are made to the configuration of an AOS device -- such as configuring the traps the switch should
transmit -- the change is written to the running configuration of the switch. However, if the switch is powered off, the
running configuration will be lost. To make changes to the running configuration persistent, you must save the running
configuration to the working directory of the switch. You should also then copy the working directory to the certified
directory, so the changes will be persistent when the switch is booted from the certified directory.
You can perform these operations in the Topology application by selecting a device(s) and clicking on the application
operation (Copy Working/Running to Certified).

PolicyView QoS
When PolicyView QoS is executed, it writes the address of the LDAP server to each QoS-enabled switch in the
Discovery Inventory List. (All AOS devices are QoS-enabled.) In the case of AOS devices, the LDAP address is written
to the running configuration of the switch. For this reason, once PolicyView QoS has executed, all AOS devices will be
left with their running configuration in the Unsaved state (indicating that the running configuration has changes that
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
have not been saved to the working directory). It is important to save the running configuration to the working directory
and then the certified directory after PolicyView QoS has executed. To do this, follow the steps in Saving Changes,

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

2.0 Analytics
The Analytics Application provides users with a comprehensive view of network resource utilization, including views of
users, devices, and applications. The application also provides information on usage trends, including predictive
analysis of future network resource utilization. The Reports Screen (shown below) is used to view Analytics Reports
and configure how the information is displayed.

Note: The Analytics Application provides real-time viewing of Analytics Reports. You can also
schedule Analytics Reports to be generated and stored as PDF documents using the Report
Application. This way, in addition to real-time viewing in the Analytics Application, you can
automatically generate and store Analytics Reports that you can view at any time.

Using Analytics
The Analytics application enables users to create different reports (e.g., Top N Applications, Top N Ports Utilization) that
provide a comprehensive view of network and device utilization. The following screens are used to view/analyze the
network using the Analytics application:

Reports - Used to configure reports that provide a comprehensive view of network resource utilization and
device status. Top N Applications, Top N Applications - Advanced, Top N Clients, Top N Switches, and Top N
Ports Utilization Reports can be configured to show network utilization over different time periods (e.g., daily,
hourly, monthly), and show trends in network utilization over those time periods.
The Top N Ports Utilization Report can also provide predictive analytics to show expected future usage. Other
reports can provide a "real-time" view of all discovered network switches (Network Availability, Alarms). The
following reports can be created:
Top N Applications - Displays information about the top applications being accessed on the network,
including which users are using an application, and which switches have the most traffic for an
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Top N Applications - Advanced - Displays information about the top applications being accessed on the
network based on Signature Profiles configured in the Application Visibility Application.
Top N Clients - Displays information for the Top Network clients including the number of traffic flows
for each client.
Top N Switches - Displays information for the top devices on the network in terms of the device's
resource usage. Devices are ranked based on the device's CPU usage, memory usage, and
Top N Ports Utilization - Displays network ports by utilization over time; and also provides
predictive analytics to show future port utilization trends.
Network Availability - Displays the current operational state of all discovered network devices
Alarms - Displays network alarms by severity level for all discovered network devices.
SIP Active Calls - Displays Active Call Record data for selected SIP-enabled switches. This report is
generated by the SIP application and is displayed in table format only. This report
SIP Ended Calls - Displays Ended Call Record data for selected SIP-enabled switches. This report
is generated by the SIP application and is displayed in table format only.
Profiles - Used to create Analytics Profiles. To generate an Analytics Report Top N Applications, Top N
Applications - Advanced, Top N Clients, Top N Switches, and Top N Ports Utilization Reports you must first
create an Analytics Profile that defines the switches/ports that you want to view and the type of information that
you want to view on those switches/ports.
Summary View - Displays basic information on all supported network devices, including any Analytics Profiles
defined for a device.
Applications Management - When generating a Top N Applications Report, the Analytics application uses port
numbers to identify application traffic. This screen is used to create port/application mappings to identify
applications traffic.
Anomalies - Displays any port utilization anomalies. An anomaly is a utilization data point that fall outside
of expected norms based on past usage.
Settings - Used to configure preferences for port utilization trending and anomaly detection in the
Analytics application.

Note: To generate Top N Applications, Top N Applications - Advanced, Top N Clients, Top N Switches,
and Top N Ports Utilization Reports, you must first create an Analytics Profile that defines the
switches/ports that you want to view and the type of information that you want to view on those
switches/ports. Data will only be gathered and displayed for those switches/ports included in the profile.
You do not need to create a profile for Network Availability, Alarms, or SIP Reports.

Configuring Analytics
The first step in generating analytics information for Top N Applications, Top N Applications - Advanced, Top N Clients,
Top N Switches, and Top N Ports Utilization Reports is to go to the Profiles Screen and create an Analytics Profile.
Analytics information is gathered by creating an Analytics Profile that specifies the information to be viewed (e.g., Top N
Applications, Top N Ports Utilization) and the network switches/ports that will be monitored. The Profile Type will
determine the type of Analytics Report that you can generate (e.g., Top N Applications, Top N Users). Reports will
generate data only for those switches/ports included in a profile.

Network Availability, Alarms, and SIP Reports provide a "real time view" of the network. You do not need to
create a profile for these reports. However, to view network alarms (Alarm Report) you must go to the Notifications
application and configure traps on the switches you want to monitor. Network alarms will then be displayed on the
Alarms Report Screen. (These alarms are also displayed, along with all network alarms, in the Notifications application.)

You can view all Analytics Reports on the applicable report screen. The information in the reports is presented in
graphical and linear format, depending on the report type.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Analytics Reports provide users with a comprehensive view of network resource utilization, including information on
users, devices, and applications. Reports can also provide information on usage trends, including predictive analysis of
future network resource utilization. Top N Applications, Top N Applications - Advanced, Top N Clients, Top N Switches,
and Top N Ports Utilization Reports can be configured to show network utilization over different time periods (e.g., daily,
hourly, monthly), and show trends in network utilization over those time periods. The Top N Ports Utilization Report can
also provide predictive analytics to show expected future usage. Other reports can provide a "real-time" view of all
discovered network switches (Network Availability, Alarms). You can view the reports in different formats and customize
how the data is displayed. The following reports can be created:

Top N Applications - Displays information about the top applications being accessed on the network, including
which users are using an application, and which switches have the most traffic for an application.
Top N Applications - Advanced - Displays information about the top applications being accessed on the network
based on Signature Profiles configured in the Application Visibility Application.
Top N Clients - Displays information for the Top Network clients including the number of traffic flows for each
Top N Switches - Displays information for the top devices on the network in terms of the device's resource
usage. Devices are ranked based on the device's CPU usage, memory usage, and temperature.
Top N Ports Utilization - Displays network ports by utilization over time; and also provides predictive analytics
to show future port utilization trends.
Network Availability - Displays the current operational state of all discovered network devices
Alarms - Displays network alarms by severity level for all discovered network devices.
SIP Active Calls - Displays Active Call Record data for selected SIP-enabled switches. This widget provides a
link to the SIP Active Calls Screen in the SIP application. The reports are generated by the SIP application and
are displayed in table format only.
SIP Ended Calls - Displays Ended Call Record data for selected SIP-enabled switches. This widget provides a
link to the SIP Ended Calls Screen in the SIP application. The reports are generated by the SIP application and
are displayed in table format only.

Note: To generate a Top N Applications, Top N Applications - Advanced, Top N Clients, Top N Switches, or Top
N Ports Utilization Report, you must first create an Analytics Profile using the Profile Screen that defines the
switches/ports that you want to view and the type of information that you want to view on those switches/ports.
Date will only be gathered and displayed for those switches/ports included in the profile. You do not need to
create a profile for Network Availability, Alarms, or SIP Reports. These reports simply show real-time information
for all discovered switches.

Note: Top N Apps & Clients Profiles use sFlow to gather information. When these profiles are created, the
OmniVista Server is automatically configured as the sFlow Receiver. However, sFlow can be configured on a
device outside of OmniVista (e.g., using the CLI). If sFlow is configured on a device outside of OmniVista and the
OmniVista Server is designated as the sFlow Receiver, the information for that device is sent to OmniVista and
included in Top N Applications and Top N Clients Reports. (Information will be displayed in these reports even if
no profile was created and assigned in OmniVista.) If the device is not known to OmniVista (or if the Analytics
Application is not supported on the device), sFlow information is sent to OmniVista, but the information is not
included in those reports.

The sections below describe the different report options and basic behavior for all reports. The report options vary
depending on the report type (e.g., Top N Applications, Top N Switches). Specific views/options are detailed in the
help pages for each report type. Click on a link above to view specific instructions for each report type.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Report Options
Analytics Reports can be viewed in different formats (e.g., pie chart, bar chart). You can also configure a custom view to
change the amount of information displayed (e.g., the number of Applications/Clients displayed), as well as the
timeframe that you want to view (e.g., last 24 hours, last 7 days). You can also view data trends by "drilling down" in a
Detailed Report. You can also print a report or download a report in PDF or PNG format, and even include the data as
part of a scheduled report that is automatically generated in the Report Application. These options can be configured
using the Options Bar (shown below) displayed at the top of every report.

View Options
By default, the Summary View is initially displayed for all reports. This may be displayed graphically as a pie chart (e.g.,
Top N Applications, Top N Ports Utilization) or in a list (e.g., Top N Switches). The Detail View displays a detailed
subset of the information in a bar chart format. While in the Detail View, you can also display an even more detailed
subset of the data to view data trends. For example, if a Summary View is displaying data for the last week, the Detail
view will display data for each day of the last week; and clicking on a day in the Detail view chart will display data for
each hour of that day, enabling you to view hourly data trends.

For "Top N" Reports (e.g., Top N Applications, Top N Clients), you can configure the amount of data displayed and the
time period you want to view. You can set the number of "top" (in terms of utilization) applications, clients, or switches
you want in the display. For example, you might want to see the top 10 applications displayed in a Top N Applications
Report; or the top 20 ports displayed in a Top N Ports Utilization Report. You can also configure the time period to
display (last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 4 weeks).

The chart legend to the right of each display labels each item in the chart by color and text. By default, information from
all switches/ports included in a profile is displayed. The number of entities displayed in the legend and the chart
depends of the number you configure for the profile (e.g., top 10, top 20). However, you can click on the Select Devices
button at the top of the screen to display only information from specific switches/ports.

Note: You may notice a category labeled "Others" in "Top N" Reports. Remember, only the "top"
applications, clients, or switches as determined by the profile (top 10, top 20) are displayed. There may be
many others in the profile that are not in the "top" 10 or 20. The "Others" category gives you an idea of all
of the other applications, clients, or switches in the profile with low utilization rates that do not qualify as a
"top" application, client, or switch.

Summary View
The Summary View displays information either in pie chart format, with each entity (e.g., application, client) displayed
at a percentage of the total for the configured time period (e.g., 24 hours); or in list format, with each entity listed from
highest to lowest. By default, data for the past 24 hours is shown. However, you can change the timeframe, as well as
the number of entities displayed (top applications, top ports). The examples below show an Hourly Summary View for
the Top N Applications Report.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Pie Chart Format

The Pie Chart Format displays information in a pie chart with each entity displayed as a percentage of the total. The
legend identifies each item in the chart by color and text. For example, the legend in a Top N Applications Report
(shown below) identifies the applications displayed in the pie chart. (The legend in a Top N Ports Utilization Report
would identify the switches/ports displayed.) You can hover over a section of the chart (or click on an item in the legend)
to view detailed information for that section. For example, in the Top N Applications pie chart below, you could hover
over an application in the chart to view the number of flows from that application. You can also click select/deselect an
item in the legend to add/remove the item from the display.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

List Format
The List Format displays information in list form (e.g., a list of Switches, Applications, or Users displayed from highest to
lowest). You can sort the display by specific criteria (e.g., name), sort in ascending/descending order by, or search for
and display specific information (e.g., display only a specific application or port number). The example below shows a
Top N Applications Report.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detail View
The Detail View displays a detailed subset of the information in bar chart format for the configured time period. For
example, if a report is configured to show data for the last 24 hours, the bar chart view would display data for each hour
over those 24 hours. The legend identifies each item in the chart by color and text. For example, the legend in a Top N
Applications Report (shown below) identifies the applications displayed in the bar chart. (The legend in a Top N Ports
Utilization Report would identify the switches/ports displayed.) You can hover over an area in a bar to view detailed
information for that item. For example, in the Top N Applications bar chart below, you could hover over an area in a bar
to view the number of flows from that application. Or you can click on an item in the legend to isolate the item in the
display and show the same detailed information. You can also click select/deselect an item in the legend to
add/remove the items from the display. You can also view data trends by "drilling down" on a data set to see a subset
of that data.

Data Trends
You can view data trends by "drilling down" on a data set to see a subset of that data. Click on a bar in the chart to view
the data trend for that selection. For example, if you selected one of the bars in an Hourly Detail View, the trend for that
hour would be displayed in 15 minute increments (as shown below). (If you selected one of the bars in a Daily Detail
View, the trend for that hour would be displayed in one-hour increments.) You can scroll forward or back through the
trending date using the arrows at the top of the chart.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Depending on the timeframe in the chart (e.g., Monthly, Weekly), data trend subsets are displayed as follows:

Monthly Details View - A Weekly Trending View

Weekly Details View - Daily Trending View Daily
Details View - Hourly Trending View
Hourly Details View - 15-minutes Trending View.

Configure a Custom Report

You can configure the report view by clicking on the Configuration icon and customizing the display. The
Configuration Screen for the Top N Applications Report is shown below. The configuration options vary depending on
the report type. Specific field descriptions are defined in the help pages for each report type. Once you update any
options and click on the Save button, reports will be displayed in the new format.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Download/Print a Report
You can download a report in PDF or PNG format or send the report to a printer by clicking on the Options icon in
the Options Bar and making a selection from the drop-down menu (Download PNG Image/Download PDF
Document/Print Image).

Schedule a Report
You can add the current report view to a Report that you create in the Report Application by clicking on the Options
icon in the Options Bar and selecting Add to Report. The Report Application enables you to create and schedule
Analytics Reports that can be viewed and stored as PDF documents. This way, in addition to real-time viewing of
Analytics Reports in the Analytics Application, you can automatically generate and store Analytics Reports that you can
view at any time. See the Report Configuration Help for more information.

Top N Applications
The Analytics Top N Application Report Screen displays information about the top applications being accessed on the
network. The Top N Applications are determined using sFlow. OmniVista identifies the applications using the TCP/UDP
port obtained from sFlow packets. In other words, traffic on a specific port is identified as coming from a specific
application. Well known ports (e.g., 161 for SNMP, 80 for HTTP) are automatically identified and labeled in the Top N
Applications Report. Other applications can be mapped to a port using the Applications Management Screen.

Note: sFlow packets cannot be sent through the EMP Port. If you want to gather Top N App data from a
switch you cannot use the EMP IP when discovering the switch.

By default, the Summary View is displayed (pie chart) with each application displayed as a percentage of the total
number of flows for the configured time interval (e.g., last 24 hours). Information from all switches in the profile is
displayed. However, you can click on the Select Devices button to display only information from specific switches. The
information can be displayed in different formats, and you can also configure the amount of information displayed.

Note: Report Views and configuration options are configured using the Options Bar located at the top of
the report. This help page contains view and configuration information specific to Top N Applications
Reports. For specific information on all of the options available, see the "Report Options" section of the
Analytics Reports Help.

Report Views
The Top N Applications Report can be displayed in a Summary View or a Detail View. The Summary View provides a
summary of application traffic for the configured time interval (e.g., last 24 hours (default), last 7 days). The Detail View
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
displays a subset of the data in a bar chart format. For example, if a report is configured to display data for the last 24
hours, the Summary View will display a summary of the data for the last 24 hours; and the Detail View will then display
data for each hour within those 24 hours.

Summary View
y default, the Summary View is displayed. This view provides a summary of application traffic for the configured time
interval (e.g., last 24 hours). By default, the pie chart format is displayed; however a list format is also available.

Pie Chart Format

By default, the Summary View is displayed as a pie chart, with each application displayed as a percentage of the total
traffic for all monitored switches for the configured time interval. By default, an Hourly Summary Report is displayed,
showing a summary of the data over the last 24 hours. (The Detail View will then display detailed information for each
hour.) However, you can configure the report to display different time interval s (e.g., last 24 hours, last 7 days).

The legend on the right of the screen identifies each application in the chart by color and text. You can hover over a
section of the chart to view detailed information for that section. Or you can click on an application in the legend to
isolate the item in the display and show the same detailed information. You can also click select/deselect an
application(s) in the legend to add/remove the application(s) from the display. The example below shows an Hourly
Summary View.

Hover the mouse over a section of the chart (or click on an application in the legend) to view the number of flows for that
application over the time interval displayed (e.g., last 24 hours). In the example below, hovering over the SNMP section
of the pie chart shows the total number of SNMP flows as 4851, or 90.34% of the totals number of application flows.
You can also view information on which clients are accessing an application, and which switches are passing traffic for
that application.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Client and Switch Information

When in the Pie Chart View of the Top N Applications Report you can view information about clients accessing an
application (by source IP address) or the switches passing the application traffic. Click on a section and select Clients
to view client information, or Switches to view switch information. The pie chart will be broken down by client or switch
for that application (as shown below). The legend identifies the client or switch by color and text, or you can hover over
a section to view the client/switch IP address (along with detailed flow information). You can also select/de-select
switches/clients in the legend to add/remove them from the display.

The example below shows client and switch information for the SNMP application. In this example, many clients are
using the SNMP application with the traffic passing between two switches. Click on the Back Arrow (<) above the legend
to return the default view.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

List Format
The list format displays a list of applications with packet count information for each one. By default, the list is displayed
by application name in alphabetical order; however you can select "Samples Count" in the Sort by drop-down menu to
display the applications by sample count. You can also search for and display a specific application by entering the
application name in the Search field.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detail View
The Detail View displays a detailed subset of the information in bar chart format for the configured time period. For
example, if a report is configured to show data for the last 24 hours, the Summary View will display a summary of the
data for the last 24 hours; and the Detail View will then display data for each hour within those 24 hours.

Note: You can also click on a bar to view usage trends for that time interval. For example, if you clicked on a
day in the chart below, you can view hourly usage trends for each application for that day.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
As in the Summary Pie Chart view, you can hover the mouse over a section of the chart to view the number of flows for
that application over the configured time interval (e.g., hour). In the example below, hovering over the SNMP section of
a bar shows the total number of SNMP flows as 27 out of a total of 38 flows for that hour, or 71.05% of the total number
of application flows for that hour.

Trending Information
When in Detail View, you can click on a bar in the chart to view usage trends for each application for the selected time
interval by "drilling down" on a data set to see a subset of that data. For example, if you selected one of the bars in an
Hourly Detail View, the trend for that hour would be displayed in 15 minute increments (as shown below). Click on a
data point in the trending view for more detailed information. You can scroll forward or back through the trending date
using the arrows at the top of the chart.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuring the Information Displayed

You can configure the amount of information displayed (e.g., the number of applications you want to view) as well as the
time interval that you want to view. To configure the report display, click on the Configuration icon to bring up the
Configuration Screen, then complete the fields as described below to configure how information displayed in the report.

Default Devices - By default, all top switches/ports are displayed. However, you can click on the
Select Devices button to display only information from specific switches.
Number of Top Applications - The number of applications you want to display (Range = 1 - 20, Default
= 5).
Interval Type - The time interval for the information:
Up Until Now - Displays all information in the selected time interval (e.g., last 24 Hours).
Custom - Set the start and end time for the information you want to display. You can display up to 3
months of data. When data reaches the 3-month maximum, it is overwritten with new data.
Time Interval - The time interval you want to display in the report (the past 24 Hours, 7 Days, or 4 Weeks).
Auto Refresh Timer - How often you want to refresh the data display, in minutes (Range = 15 - 60, Default = 15).
The configuration option is only available when "Up Until Now" is selected for Interval Type.

When you are done, click the Save button. The report display will immediately change to the new view. This will remain
the view until it is changed again.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Top N Applications - Advanced

The Analytics Top N Applications - Advanced Report Screen displays information about the top applications being
accessed on the network based on Signature Profiles configured in the Application Visibility Application. Signature
Profiles include the specific application groups/applications being monitored as well as the specific switches being
monitored, so the information displayed is determined by the applications and switches included in the profile. Only
information for those applications and switches is displayed. By default, the Summary View is displayed (pie chart) with
each application displayed as a percentage of the total for the configured time interval (e.g., last 24 hours). The
information can be displayed in different formats, and you can also configure the type and amount of information

Note: The Application Visibility Application and Top N Applications - Advanced Reports are supported on
OS10K Switches (AOS 7.3.4.R01 and later), OS6900 Switches (AOS 7.3.4.R02 and later) and
OS6860/6860E Switches (AOS 8.2.1.R01 and later).

Note: Report Views and configuration options are configured using the Options Bar located at the top of
the report. This help page contains view and configuration information specific to Top N Applications -
Advanced Reports. For specific information on all of the options available, see the "Report Options"
section of the Analytics Reports Help.

Report Views
Signature Profiles are created in the Application Visibility Application based on supported switch type (OS10K/OS6900
or OS6860/OS6860E). When you click on the Top N Applications - Advanced link, you have the option to select the type
of information you want to display (App Discovery or App Count). You can also select to view information for all switches
in a type, or select specific switches.

App Discovery - Displays traffic flow information for applications/application groups discovered on the network,
and the percentage of network resources being used by each application for the selected switches and
configured time period. OS10K/OS6900 Switches provide byte/packet information; not flow information.
OS6860/OS6860E Switches provide flow information (number of flows) in the App Discovery view and
packet/byte information in the App Count view. All switch types sample data.
For all 6900s/OS10Ks - Displays flow information for all OS6900/OS10K Switches.
For all 6860s - Displays flow information for all OS6860/6860E Switches.
Manually select devices - Click on the link, then click on the Select Device button to bring up the Device
Selection Window. Select a switch type from the Select OS drop-down menu (OS6860, OS6900/OS10K),
select the switch(es) you want to include in the report, and click OK. You can only include switches from
the same device type in the report. In other words, you can only select either OS6860 or OS6900/OS10K
App Count (Supported on OS6860/6860E Only) - Displays packet/byte count information for
applications/application groups discovered on the network over the configured period of time, and the
percentage of network resources being used by each application for the selected switches and configured
time period. You can also view application information by UNP Profile.
Manually select devices - Click on the link, then click on the Select Device button to bring up the Device
Selection Window. Select a switch type from the Select OS drop-down menu (OS6860, OS6900/OS10K),
select the switch(es) you want to include in the report, and click OK. You can only include switches from
the same device type in the report. In other words, you can only select either OS6860 or OS6900/OS10K
For all Devices - Displays packet/byte count information for all switches.
App Discovery
The App Discovery view displays traffic flow information for applications/application groups discovered on the network,
and the percentage of network resources being used by each application for the selected switches and configured time
period. The information can be displayed in a Pie Chart Format (Default) or in a List Format.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Pie Chart Format
By default, App Discovery reports are displayed as a pie chart, with each application displayed as a percentage of the
total traffic for the selected switches. By default, an Hourly Summary Report is displayed, showing a summary of the
data over the last 24 hours. However, you can configure the report to display different time intervals (e.g., last 24 hours,
last 7 days). The legend on the right of the screen identifies each application in the chart by color and text. You can
hover over a section of the chart to view detailed information for that section. Or you can click on an application in the
legend to isolate the item in the display and show the same detailed information. You can also click select/deselect an
application(s) in the legend to add/remove the application(s) from the display.

Hover the mouse over a section of the pie chart (or click on an application in the legend) to view the number of flows for
that application over the time interval displayed (e.g., last 24 hours). In the example below, hovering over the Yahoo
section of the pie chart shows the total number of Yahoo flows as 362, or 2.11% of the total number of application flows.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

You can also view information on switches passing the application traffic. Click on a section of the pie chart. The pie
chart will be broken down by switch for that application. In the example above, clicking on the Yahoo section of the pie
chart shows that a single switch ( is passing 100% (362 flows) of the Yahoo traffic.
List Format
The list format displays a list of applications with flow count information for each one. By default, the list is displayed by
application name in alphabetical order; however you can select "Flows" in the Sort by drop- down menu to display the
applications by flow count. You can also search for and display a specific application by entering the application name in
the Search field. Click on an application in the table to display switch information for that flow (switch IP address(es)
passing the flow, number of flows per switch).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

App Count
The App Count view displays packet/byte count information for applications/application groups discovered on the
network, and the percentage of network resources being used by each application for the selected switches and
configured time period. The information can be displayed in a Pie Chart Format (Default) or List Format. Note that App
Count is only supported on OS6860/6860E Switches.

Note: In the App Count view, you can view information for all configured applications/groups
(Applications), or view applications/groups filtered by configured UNP Profiles (UNP Access Role Profiles).
By default, information is displayed for all applications; however, you can display application information
by UNP Access Role Profile by clicking on the UNP Access Role Profiles button at the top of the screen.
The sections below detail the display options for the Application View; however the display options for the
UNP Access Role Profile View are similar.

Pie Chart Format

By default, App Count Reports are displayed in Summary View as a pie chart (packet count), with each application
displayed as a percentage of the total traffic for the selected switches. By default, an Hourly Summary Report is
displayed, showing a summary of the data over the last 24 hours. However, you can configure the report to display
different time intervals (e.g., last 24 hours, last 7 days). The legend on the right of the screen identifies each application
in the chart by color and text. You can hover over a section of the chart to view detailed information for that section. Or
you can click on an application in the legend to isolate the item in the display and show the same detailed information.
You can also click select/deselect an application(s) in the legend to add/remove the application(s) from the display. You
can also display information in a detailed line graph by clicking on the Detail View button at the top of the screen

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Hover the mouse over a section of the pie chart (or click on an application in the legend) to view the number of
packets/bytes for that application over the time interval displayed (e.g., last 24 hours). In the example below, hovering
over the Google section of the pie chart shows the total number of Google packets as 7,089, or 4.13% of the total
number of application packets.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
You can also view information on switches passing the application traffic. Click on a section of the pie chart. The pie
chart will be broken down by switch for that application. In the example above, clicking on the Google section of the pie
chart shows that a single switch ( is passing 100% (7,089 packets) of the Google traffic.

Detail View
The Detail View displays detailed data in a line chart for the configured time period. Click on a data point for detailed
information. As in the Pie Chart view, the legend on the right of the screen identifies each application in the chart by
color and text. And you can also click select/deselect an application(s) in the legend to add/remove the application(s)
from the display.

List Format
The list view displays a list of applications with flow count information for each one. By default, the list is displayed by
application name in alphabetical order; however you can select "Packet Count/Byte Count " in the Sort by drop-down
menu to display the applications by flow count. You can also search for and display a specific application by entering
the application name in the Search field. Click on an application in the table to display switch information for that flow
(switch IP address(es) passing the flow, number of flows per switch).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuring the Information Displayed

You can configure the amount and type of information displayed (e.g., the number of applications displayed, byte or
packet information) as well as the time interval that you want to view. To configure the report display, click on the
Configuration icon in the upper-right corner of the report to bring up the Configuration Screen, then complete the
fields as described in the following sections. The available options vary depending on the view (e.g., App Discovery,
App Count, Packet Count, Byte Count).

Choose Chart - Select the information you want to display:

App Groups - Displays flow information for all application groups included in the Signature
Profile(s) of the selected switch(es) (Default).
Applications - Displays flow information for all applications included in the Signature Profile(s) of the
selected switch(es).
Data Interval - The amount of time, in minutes, between each data point in the Detail View (Range = 15 -
120, Default = 15).
Counter Type - Select whether you want to display data packet or byte count.
Data Unit - Select the date unit for the byte count (Default = MB).
Top (apps) - The number of application groups/applications you want to display (Range = 1 - 50, Default =
Time Period Type - The time interval for the information:
Hourly (Last 24 Hours) - Displays all information for the last 24 Hours. Use the Time Period field to
configure the number of hours of data to display (1 - 24).
Hourly (Any 24 Hours) - Allows you to display information for a specific 24-hour period over the last
week. Use the Time Period field to configure the 24-hour period you want to display.
Daily (Last 7 Days) - Allows you to display information for the last 7 days. You can use the Time Period
field to specify fewer than 7 days.
Updating Interval - How often you want to refresh the data display, in minutes (Range = 1 - 20, Default = 5).

When you are done, click the Apply button. The report display will immediately change to the new view. This will
remain the view until it is changed again.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Top N Clients
The Analytics Top N Clients Report Screen displays information for the top network clients including the number of
traffic flows for each client. OmniVista uses the the sFlow packet to determine the IP address of the client. By default,
the Summary View is displayed (pie chart) with each client displayed as a percentage of the total for the configured time
interval (e.g., last 24 hours). Information from all network switches in the profile is displayed. However, you can click on
the Select Devices button to display only information from specific switches. The information can also be displayed in
different formats, and you can also configure the amount of information displayed.

Note: sFlow packets cannot be sent through the EMP Port. If you want to gather Top N Client data
from a switch you cannot use the EMP IP when discovering the switch.

Note: Report Views and configuration options are configured using the Options Bar located at the top of
the report. This help page contains view and configuration information specific to Top N Clients Reports.
For specific information on all of the options available, see the "Report Options" section of the Analytics
Reports Help.

Report Views
The Top N Clients Report can be displayed in a Summary View or a Detail View. The Summary View provides a
summary of application traffic for the configured time interval (e.g., last 24 hours (default), last 7 days). The Detail View
displays a subset of the data in a bar chart format. For example, if a report is configured to display data for the last 24
hours, the Summary View will display a summary of the data for the last 24 hours; and the Detail View will then display
data for each hour within those 24 hours.

Summary View
By default, the Summary View is displayed. This view provides a summary of client traffic for the configured time interval
(e.g., last 24 hours). By default, the pie chart format is displayed; however a list format is also available.

Pie Chart Format

By default, the Summary View is displayed as a pie chart, with each client displayed as a percentage of the total traffic
for all monitored switches for the configured time interval. By default, an Hourly Summary Report is displayed, showing
a summary of the data over the last 24 hours. (The Detail View will then display detailed information for each hour.)
However, you can configure the report to display different time interval s (e.g., last 24 hours, last 7 days).

The legend on the right of the screen identifies each client in the chart by color and text. You can hover over a section of
the chart to view detailed information for that section. Or you can click on a client in the legend to isolate the item in the
display and show the same detailed information. You can also click select/deselect a client(s) in the legend to
add/remove a client(s) from the display. The example below shows an Hourly Summary View.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Hover the mouse over a section of the chart (or click on a client in the legend) to view the number of flows for that client
over the time interval displayed (e.g., last 24 hours). In the example below, hovering over the section of the pie for client, displays the number of flows from that client as 3864, or 74.58% of the total number of traffic flows
from that client. You can also view information on applications a client is accessing by clicking on a client section of the
pie. The pie chart will change to display all of the applications that the client is accessing. You can also hover over a
section of the pie to more detailed information about the application. The legend to the right will identify the applications
by color and text. Click on the Back (<) arrow above the legend to return to the previous view.

List Format
The list format displays a list of clients with packet count information for each one. By default, the list is displayed by
client IP address in order; however you can select "Samples Count" in the Sort by drop-down menu to display the
clients by Sample Count. You can also search for and display a specific client by entering the client IP address in the in
the Search field.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detail View
The Detail View displays information in a bar chart view. While the Summary View displays the information for the
configured time interval (e.g., last 24 hours), this view provides a detailed view of the specified time interval. For
example, if a report is configured to display data for the last 24 hours, the Summary View will display a summary of the
data for the last 24 hours; and the Detail View will then display data for each hour within those 24 hours.

Note: You can also click on a bar to view usage trends for that time interval. For example, if you clicked on a
day in the chart below, you can view hourly usage trends for each application for that day.

As in the Summary (Pie Chart) view, you can hover the mouse over a section of the chart to view the number of traffic
flows for a client over the time interval displayed (e.g., hour). In the example below, hovering over the
client of a bar chart shows the total number of traffic flows as 576 out of a total of 802 flows for that hour, or 71.82% of
the total number of traffic flows for that hour.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Trending Information
When in Detail View, you can click on a bar in the chart to view usage trends for each client for the selected time
interval by "drilling down" on a data set to see a subset of that data. For example, if you selected one of the bars in an
Hourly Detail View, the trend for that hour would be displayed in 15 minute increments (as shown below). Click on a
data point in the trending view for more detailed information. You can scroll forward or back through the trending date
using the arrows at the top of the chart.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuring the Information Displayed

You can configure the amount of information displayed (e.g., the number of users you want to view) as well as the time
interval that you want to view. To configure the report display, click on the Configuration icon to bring up the
Configuration Screen, then complete the fields as described below to configure how information displayed in the report.

Default Devices - By default, all top switches/ports are displayed. However, you can click on the
Select Devices button to display only information from specific switches.
Number of Top Clients - The number of clients you want to display (Range = 1 - 20, Default = 5).
Interval Type - The time interval for the information :
Up Until Now - Displays all information in the selected time interval (e.g., last 24 hours).
Custom - Set the start and end time for the information you want to display. You can display up to 3
months of data. When data reaches the 3-month maximum, it is overwritten with new data.
Time Interval - The time interval you want to display in the report (e.g. last 24 hours, last 7 days). Auto
Refresh Timer - How often you want to refresh the data display, in minutes (Range = 15 - 60, Default = 15).
The configuration option is only available when "Up Until Now" is selected for Interval Type.
When you are done, click the Save button. The report display will immediately change to the new view. This will remain
the view until it is changed again.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Top N Switches
The Analytics Top N Switches Report Screen displays information for the top switches on the network in terms of the
switch's resource usage. Resource usage is calculated based on switch's CPU usage, memory usage, and
temperature. If two switches have the same resource usage value, the switch with the highest value in another category
will break the tie. By default, the Summary View is displayed (list view). In this view, switches are displayed in a list view
from highest to lowest utilization based on the past 24 hours. By default, all monitored switches are displayed. However,
you can click on the Select Devices button to display only information from specific switches. The information can also
be displayed in different formats, and you can also configure the amount of information displayed.

Note: Report Views and configuration options are configured using the Options Bar located at the top of
the report. This help page contains view and configuration information specific to Top N Switches Reports.
For specific information on all of the options available, see the "Report Options" section of the Analytics
Reports Help.

Report Views
You can view the Top N Switches Report in a number of ways. The Summary View provides a list of switches displayed
from highest to lowest utilization during the configured time interval (e.g., last 24 hours (default), last 7 days). The Detail
View displays a subset of the data in a bar chart format. For example, if a report is configured to display data for the last
24 hours, the Summary View will display a summary of the data for the last 24 hours; and the Detail View will then
display data for each hour within those 24 hours.

Note: You can also configure health thresholds for any device, by clicking on the Configure Health
Thresholds button. Health Thresholds are used to set limits for health traps. If a device has been
configured to send health traps, a trap will be sent whenever a monitored item's current utilization exceeds
the configured health threshold. Configure the CPU, Memory, or Temperature Threshold for the selected
device(s) and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot configure the Temperature Threshold on
OS10K, OS6900, or OS6860 devices. The Temperature Threshold is hard coded on these devices. Note
that changes made to health thresholds will not appear until the next polling cycle (up to an hour).

Summary View
By default, the Summary View is displayed. In this view, switches are listed from highest to lowest utilization during the
configured time interval (e.g., last 24 hours). The usage for each category (CPU, memory, temperature) is displayed as
a percentage of the total resources available for each switch.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detail View
The Detail View displays information in a bar chart view. The switches are displayed in order on each bar chart from
highest to lowest utilization. While the Summary View displays the information for the configured time interval (e.g., last
24 hours), this view provides a detailed view of the specified time interval. For example, if a report is configured to
display data for the last 24 hours, the Detail View will then display data for each hour within those 24 hours. Hover the
mouse over a section of the chart (or click on a switch in the legend) to view more detailed information. Click on the
Back (<) arrow above the legend to return to the previous view.

The legend on the right of the screen identifies each switch in the chart by color and text. You can hover over a section
of the chart to view detailed information for that section. Or you can click on a switch in the legend to isolate the item in
the display and show the same detailed information. You can also click select/deselect a switch(es) in the legend to
add/remove the switch(es) from the display. The example below shows an Hourly detail View.

Configuring the Information Displayed

You can configure the amount of information displayed (e.g., the number of users you want to view) as well as the time
interval that you want to view. To configure the report display, click on the Configuration icon to bring up the
Configuration Screen, then complete the fields as described below to configure how information displayed in the report.

Default Devices - By default, all top switches/ports are displayed. However, you can click on the
Select Devices button to display only information from specific switches.
Number of Top Switches - The number of applications you want to display (Range = 1 - 20, Default =
Interval Type - The time interval for the information :
Up Until Now - Displays all information in the selected time interval (e.g., last 24 hours).
Custom - Set the start and end time for the information you want to display. You can display up to 3
months of data. When data reaches the 3-month maximum, it is overwritten with new data.
Time Interval - The time interval you want to display in the report (e.g. last 24 hours, last 7 days). Auto
Refresh Timer - How often you want to refresh the data display, in minutes (Range = 15 - 60, Default = 15).
The configuration option is only available when "Up Until Now" is selected for Interval Type.

When you are done, click the Save button. The report display will immediately change to the new view. This will
remain the view until it is changed again.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Top N Ports Utilization

The Analytics Top N Ports Utilization Report Screen displays the top network ports based on utilization. By default,
the Summary View is displayed (list view). In this view, switches/ports are displayed in a list view from highest to
lowest utilization for the configured time period (e.g., day, week). By default, all top switches/ports are displayed.
However, you can click on the Select Devices button to display only information from specific switches. The
information can also be displayed in different formats, and you can also configure the amount of information

Note: Report Views and configuration options are configured using the Options Bar located at the top of
the report. This help page contains view and configuration information specific to Top N Ports Utilization
Reports. For specific information on all of the options available, see the "Report Options" section of the
Analytics Reports Help.

Report Views
The Top N Ports Utilization can be displayed in a Summary View or a Detail View. The Summary View provides a
summary of port traffic for the configured time interval (e.g., last 24 hours). The Detail View displays a subset of the data
in a bar chart format. For example, if a report is configured to display data for the last 24 hours, the Summary View will
display a summary of the data for the last 24 hours; and the Detail View will then display data for each hour within those
24 hours. The Trending View is used to view predicted future port utilization based on past utilization. Port utilization
predictions can be used to predict future usage from past trending patterns and provide valuable insight for capacity

Summary View
By default, the Summary View is displayed. In this view, switches/ports are displayed in a list view from highest to
lowest utilization for the configured time period (e.g., last 24 hours). Utilization for each port is displayed as a
percentage of the total utilization for all monitored ports for the configured time period.

Detail View
The Detail View displays information in a bar chart view. While the Summary View displays the information for the
configured time period (e.g., last 24 hours), this view provides a detailed view of the specified time interval. For
example, if the Summary View displays information for the last 24 hours, the Detail View will display information for
each hour within those 24 hours.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Depending on the number of ports you configured for display (e.g., top 10 ports, top 15 ports), any monitored ports that
qualify during the configure time interval (e.g., last 24 hours) are displayed. Ports are simply stacked numerically in each
bar by IP address and port number (the order is not based on utilization). The legend on the right of the screen identifies
each switch/port in the chart by color and text. You can hover over a section of the chart to view detailed information for
that section. Or you can click on a switch/port in the legend to isolate the switch/port in the display and show the same
detailed information. You can also click select/deselect a client(s) in the legend to add/remove a client(s) from the
display. The example below shows an hourly Detail View for a one day period.

You can hover the mouse over a section of the chart to view the number of flows for that application over the time
period displayed (e.g., hour). In the example below, which shows hourly usage, hovering over a section of a bar chart
shows switch, port 1/1/5 with a utilization of 91% for that hour.

If you want to isolate a port or ports, you can select/deselect the port(s) in the legend.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Trending View
The Trending View is used to view predicted future port utilization based on past utilization. Port utilization predictions
can provide valuable insight for capacity management. To make port utilization predictions, OmniVista samples past
port utilization for a period of time (Prediction: Training Timeout), and predicts future utilization within a configurable
error rate (Prediction: Training Error) using a machine learning algorithm.

To view future trending information, click on the Trending View button and enable the Prediction On slider. When you
initially enable the slider, the slider will display "Prediction in progress" while OmniVista samples and learns port
utilization rates. The predicted utilization will then appear in the display to the right of the current utilization. The
predicted usage area of the display will be slightly shaded to differentiate it from current usage. The amount of predicted
data displayed depends on the interval time configured for the report (e.g., last 24 hours, last 7 days). For predicted
data, OmniVista will display approximately one-half of the configured interval time, as shown in the table below.

Configured Time Interval Amount of Predicted Data

Last 24 Hours 12 Hours
Last 7 Days 3 Days
Last 4 Weeks 2 Weeks

If OmniVista is unable to determine future utilization, a message will appear at the top of the display with a link to the
reason(s) (e.g., 1/10. Message: Prediction Analytics for port could not be performed due to insufficient
data for Training).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

The information is displayed in the chart based on the trending configuration settings set in the Trending View
Configuration Screen. The screen is also used to set training parameters that OmniVista will use to learn about
past/current usage to predict future usage.
Configuring Trending Information
As with other reports, the Trending View Configuration Screen is used to configure how information displayed in the
report. It is also used to set training parameters that OmniVista will use to learn about past/current usage to predict
future usage. Detailed trending parameters are set in the Preferences Application on the Settings Screen. By default,
OmniVista will use these parameters to predict future utilization. Any parameters that you configure on this screen will
override the parameters configured in the Preferences Application. Click on the Configuration icon on the Trending
Screen to bring up the Trending Configuration Screen, then complete the fields as described below.

Prediction - Enables/Disables trending prediction.

Number of Top Ports - The number of top ports (in terms of utilization) that you want to display (Range
= 1 - 20, Default = 10).
Interval Type - The time interval for the information:
Up Until Now - Displays all information in the selected time interval (e.g., last 24 Hours).
Custom - Set the start and end time for the information you want to display. You can display up to 3
months of data. When data reaches the 3-month maximum, it is overwritten with new data.
Time Interval - The time interval you want to display in the report (the past 24 Hours, 7 Days, or 4
Auto Refresh Timer - How often you want to refresh the data display, in minutes (Range = 15 - 60). The
configuration option is only available when "Up Until Now" is selected for Interval Type.
Threshold - The threshold level you want to set for the display. A red horizontal line will display on the chart at
this threshold level to enable you to quickly see any data that has crossed the level. For example, a threshold
of 90, will show a horizontal line at 90% utilization parallel to x-axis of graph.
Prediction: Training Timeout - Specifies how long OmniVista will train, in seconds, by sampling past port
utilization. In other words, this specifies how long OmniVista will sample port utilization data before beginning to
predict future trends (Range = 15 - 600, Default = 60).
Prediction: Training Error - The target error percentage to which OmniVista will be trained (Default = 0.1 - 1.0,
Default = 0.5).

When you are done, click the Save button. The report display will immediately change to the new view. This will
remain the view until it is changed again.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuring the Information Displayed

You can configure the amount of information displayed (e.g., the number of ports you want to view) as well as the time
period that you want to view. To configure the report display, click on the Configuration icon to bring up the
Configuration Screen, then complete the fields as described below to configure the information displayed in the report.

Default Devices - By default, all top switches/ports are displayed. However, you can click on the
Select Devices button to display only information from specific switches.
Number of Top Ports - The number of top ports you want to display (Range = 1 - 20, Default = 5).
Interval Type - The time period for the information :
Up Until Now - Displays all information in the selected time interval (e.g., last 24 hours).
Custom - Set the start and end time for the information you want to display. You can display up to 3
months of data. When data reaches the 3-month maximum, it is overwritten with new data.
Time Interval - The time interval you want to display in the report (e.g. last 24 hours, last 7 days). Auto
Refresh Timer - How often you want to refresh the data display, in minutes (Range = 15 - 60, Default = 15).
The configuration option is only available when "Up Until Now" is selected for Interval Type.

When you are done, click the Save button. The report display will immediately change to the new view. This will remain
the view until it is changed again.

Network Availability
The Analytics Network Availability Screen displays the current operational state of all discovered network devices
(Up/Warning/Down). Each category is displayed as a percentage of all monitored switches. The information can be
displayed in different formats, and you can configure the information displayed.

Note: Report Views and configuration options are configured using the Options Bar located at the top of
the report. This help page contains view and configuration information specific to Network Availability
Reports. For specific information on all of the options available, see the "Report Options" section of the
Analytics Reports Help.

Report Views
You can view the Network Availability Report in a couple of different ways. Hover the mouse over a category to display
a brief summary of the category (the number of switches in the category, along with the percentage of all monitored
switches in that category). You can also click on a category to display a list of switches in the category, with specific
information about each switch. If you click on a category to display the list view, you can click on the "Back" link (<) to

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
return to the default view.

Configuring the Information Displayed

You can configure the refresh rate for the data displayed by clicking on the Configuration icon in the Options Bar to
bring up the Configuration Screen. Set the Auto Refresh Timer and click on the Save button. (Range = 1 - 10 minutes).

The Analytics Alarms Screen displays network status/traps for all discovered switches. By default, a graphical pie chart
view is displayed. The reported alarms in each severity level are displayed as a percentage of the total alarms reported.
You can click on a severity level in the pie chart to view the switch(es) from which the alarms originated, and the
number of those alarms received, along with the percentage of the total number of alarms received from that switch. In
addition, the information can be displayed in different formats, and you can also configure the amount of information

Note: Report Views and configuration options are configured using the Options Bar located at the top of
the report. This help page contains view and configuration information specific to Alarm Reports. For
specific information on all of the options available, see the "Report Options" section of the Analytics
Reports Help.

Report Views
You can view the Alarms Report in a number of ways. By default, the pie chart format is displayed. You can also view a
list of all alarms.

Pie Chart Format

By default, the pie chart view is displayed. The reported alarms in each severity level are displayed as a percentage of
the total alarms reported. You can hover over a section of the chart for more details about the alarm category, or click
on a section in the pie chart to view the switch(es) from which the alarms for that category originated.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Hover over a section of the pie chart to display the number of alarms generated for that category. Click on a section of
the chart to view information about the switches generating the alarms for that category (the legend will change from
Severity Level categories to identify the switches. You can then hover over a section to display detailed information for a
specific switch. Click on the Back Arrow (<) above the legend to return to the default view.

List Format
The list format displays the exact alarm count for each severity level. By default, the list is displayed by alarm count;
however you can select "Severity" in the Sort by drop-down menu to display the applications by sample count. You can
also search for and display a specific severity level by entering the name in the Search field.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuring the Information Displayed

You can configure the amount of information displayed (e.g., refresh timer). To configure the display, click on the
Configuration icon to bring up the Configuration Screen, then complete the fields as described below to configure the
information displayed in the report.

Number of Switches - The number of switches you want to display (Range = 1 - 10).
Auto Refresh Timer - How often you want to refresh the data display, in minutes (Range = 15 - 60).

When you are done, click the Save button. The report display will immediately change to the new view. This will remain
the view until it is changed again.

Active Calls
The SIP Active Calls Screen is used to display Active Call Record data for selected SIP-enabled switches. To display
Active Call Records, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker or Use Topology), then click on the
Select Devices button to select the switches you want to view. The Active Call Records for the selected switches will be
displayed in the table.

By default, the aggregated call records are displayed. The data is an aggregate of all Active Calls on SIP- enabled
switches. You can also click on the View Detailed Call button at the top of the table to display detailed call records the
selected switches.

Viewing Active Call Records

As described above, you can display aggregated or detailed call records in the table. You can also click on a switch(es)
in the table to display a graphical representation of the call records.

Aggregated Records
Aggregated Records are call data for any active calls on the network. The data is an aggregate of all active calls on SIP-
enabled switches.

• Device - The device name.

• Start Time - The call start date and time.
• Calls Count - The total number of calls processed for SIP Snooping.
• RTCP Packet Count - The total number of Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) packets received by
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• RTP Packet Count - The total number of Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet received by device.
• Avg Pkt Loss - The average number of SIP packet received by device.
• Avg Jitter - The average jitter, in milliseconds.
• Avg RTD - The average Round Trip Delay (RTD). Avg RFactor - The average RF Facto.
• Avg MOS - The average MOS.

Detailed Records
Detailed Records are detailed call data for any active calls on the network. The tab provides detailed data for each
Active Call.

• Device - The Device name.

• Call ID - The call ID.
• Tag A - The call tag for call direction A to B.
• Tag B - The call tag for call direction B to A.
• IP Addr A Type - The IP type for call direction A to B type (e.g., IPv4).
• IP Addr A - The IP address for call direction A to B.
• IP Addr B Type - The IP type for call direction B to A type (e.g., IPv4).
• IP Address B - The IP address for call direction B to A.
• L4 Port A - The call L4 port for call direction A to B.
• L4 Port B - The call L4 port for call direction B to A.
• SIP Medial Type - The SIP Media Type (e.g., Voice, Video)
• Start Time - The call start date and time.
• RTP Count A - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction A to B.
• RTCP Type A - The call Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) packet count for call direction A to B.
• Rule Name A - The policy rule name for call direction A to B.
• RTP Count B - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction B to A.
• RTCP Count B - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction B to A.
• Rule Name B - The policy rule name for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Violations A - The call RTCP jitter violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Violations B - The call RTCP jitter violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• RTD Violation A - The call round trip delay violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• RTD Violation B - The call round trip delay violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Violations A - Call packet loss violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Violations B - The call packet loss violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• MOS Violations A - The call MOS violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• MOS Violations B - The call MOS violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Violations A - The call RF Factor Violation (%) for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Violations B - The call RF Factor Violation (%) for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Max A - The call maximum jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Min A - The call minimum jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Avg A - The call average jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Max B - The call maximum jitter for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Min B - The call minimum jitter for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Avg B - The call average jitter for call direction B to A.
• RTD Max A - The call maximum round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Min A - The call minimum round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Avg A - The call average round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Max B - The call maximum round trip delay for direction B to A.
• RTD Min B - The call minimum round trip delay for direction B to A.
• RTD Avg B - The call average round trip delay for direction B to A.
• Pkt Loss Max A - The call maximum packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Pkt Loss Min A - The call minimum packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Pkt Loss Avg A - The call average packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Pkt Loss Max B - The call maximum packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• Pkt Loss Min B - The call minimum packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• Pkt Loss Avg B - The call average packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Max A - The call maximum RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Min A - The call minimum RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Avg A - The call average RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Max B - The call maximum RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Min B - The call minimum RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Avg B - The call average RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• MOS Max A - The call maximum MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Min A - The call minimum MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Avg A - The call average MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Max B - The call maximum MOS for call direction B to A.
• MOS Min B - The call minimum MOS for call direction B to A.
• MOS Avg B - The call average MOS for call direction B to A.

Graphical View
You can view a graphical representation of Active Call Records by selecting a switch or switches in the table. By default,
the data for "Jitter" is displayed in bar chart format. However, you can select a different variable from the Variable drop-
down menu; and also change the display to a pie chart by selecting the "Pie" radio button in the Chart Type area.

Ended Calls
The SIP Ended Calls Screen is used to display Ended Call Record data for selected SIP-enabled switches. To display
Ended Call Records, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker or Use Topology), then click on the
Select Devices button to select the switches you want to view. You can also configure a Start Time and End Time to
only display records from a specific time period.

By default, the aggregated call records are displayed. The data is an aggregate of all Active Calls on SIP- enabled
switches. You can also click on the View Detailed Call button at the top of the table to display detailed call records the
selected switches.

Viewing Ended Call Records

As described above, you can display aggregated or detailed call records in the table. You can also click on a switch(es)
in the table to display a graphical representation of the call records.

Aggregated Records
Aggregated Records display call data for any ended calls on the network. The data is an aggregate of all ended
calls on SIP-enabled switches.

Device - The device name.

Start Time - The call start date and time.
End Time - The call end date and time.
Calls Count - The total number of calls processed for SIP Snooping.
RTCP Packet Count - The total number of Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) packets received by device.
RTP Packet Count - The total number of Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet received by device.
Avg Pkt Loss - The average number of SIP packet received by device.
Avg Jitter - The average jitter, in milliseconds.
Avg RTD - The average Round Trip Delay (RTD).
Avg RFactor - The average RF Facto.
Avg MOS - The average MOS.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detailed Records
Detailed Records are detailed call data for any ended calls on the network. The tab provides detailed data for each
ended call. The data is an aggregate of all ended calls.

• Device - The Device name.

• Call ID - The call ID.
• Tag A - The call tag for call direction A to B.
• Tag B - The call tag for call direction B to A.
• IP Address A - The IP address for call direction A to B. IP Address B - The IP address for call
direction B to A. Port A - The call L4 port for call direction A to B.
• Port B - The call L4 port for call direction B to A.
• Medial Type - The SIP Media Type (e.g., Voice, Video) Start Date - The call start date and time.
• End Date - The call end date and time.
• RTP Count A - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction A to B.
• RTCP Count A - The call Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) packet count for call direction A to B.
• Rule Name A - The policy rule name for call direction A to B.
• RTP Type B - The RTP type for call direction B to A.
• RTCP Count B - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction B to A.
• Rule Count B - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction B to A.
• Rule Name B - The policy rule name for call direction B to A.
• End Reason - The end call reason.
• Jitter Violation A - The call RTCP jitter violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Violation B - The call RTCP jitter violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• RTD Violation A - The call round trip delay violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• RTD Violation B - The call round trip delay violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Violation A - The call packet loss violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Violation B - The call packet loss violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• MOS Violation A - The call MOS violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• MOS Violation B - The call MOS violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Violation A - The call RF Factor Violation (%) for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Violation B - The call RF Factor Violation (%) for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Max A - The call maximum jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Min A - The call minimum jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Avg A - The call average jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Max B - The call maximum jitter for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Min B - The call minimum jitter for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Avg B - The call average jitter for call direction B to A.
• RTD Max A - The call maximum round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Min A - The call minimum round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Avg A - The call average round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Max B - The call maximum round trip delay for direction B to A.
• RTD Min B - The call minimum round trip delay for direction B to A.
• RTD Avg B - The call average round trip delay for direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Max A - The call maximum packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Min A - The call minimum packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Avg A - The call average packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Max B - The call maximum packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Min B - The call minimum packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Avg B - The call average packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Max A - The call maximum RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Min A - The call minimum RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Avg A - The call average RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Max B - The call maximum RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Min B - The call minimum RF Factor for call direction B to A.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• RF Factor Avg B - The call average RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• MOS Max A - The call maximum MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Min A - The call minimum MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Avg A - The call average MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Max B - The call maximum MOS for call direction B to A.
• MOS Min B - The call minimum MOS for call direction B to A.
• MOS Avg B - The call average MOS for call direction B to A.

Graphical View
You can view a graphical representation of Active Call Records by selecting a switch or switches in the table. By default,
the data for "Jitter" is displayed in bar chart format. However, you can select a different variable from the Variable drop-
down menu; and also change the display to a pie chart by selecting the "Pie" radio button in the Chart Type area.

The Analytics Profiles Screen displays currently-configured Analytics Profiles, and is used to create, edit, and delete
profiles. The first step in generating analytics information for Top N Applications, Top N Applications - Advanced, Top N
Clients, Top N Switches, and Top N Ports Utilization Reports is to create an Analytics Profile. A profile consists of the
type of information you want to view (Profile Type) and the switches/ports that you want to analyze.

Creating a Profile
Click on the Create icon . Complete the fields in the Create Profile Wizard as described below:

Configuration Screen

Profile Name - The user-configured name for the profile.

Profile Type - Select a Profile Type from the drop-down menu:
Top N Apps & Clients - This profile gathers information about the top applications being accessed on
the network, including which clients are accessing an application, and which switches have the most
traffic for an application. Data from this profile type is displayed in both the Top N Applications Report
(displays application information) and in the Top N Clients Report (displays client information).
Top N Resources Utilization - This profile gathers information about the top devices on the network in
terms of the device's resource usage. Devices are ranked based on the device's CPU usage, memory
usage, and temperature.
Top N Ports Utilization - This profile gathers information about port utilization
Sampling Rate (Top N Apps & Clients Only) - The ratio of packets observed at the data source to the samples
generated. For example, a sampling rate of 100 specifies that, on average, 1 sample will be generated for every
100 packets observed.

Note: You can click on the Create button to create the profile without specifying switches/ports. At a
later time you can edit the profile to add switches/ports. Otherwise, click on the Next button to assign
the profile to the switches/ports you want to analyze.

Device/Port Selection Screen

Add/Remove Switches - Click on the Add/Remove Switches button. From the list of switches, select the
switch(es) you want to analyze, then click OK. The selected switch(es) will be displayed. Click on the Next
button to specify ports. Note that if you are creating a Top N Resources Profile Type, you do not have to specify
ports. For this Profile Type, just click the Create button.
Add/Remove Ports - Select a switch and click on the Add/Remove Ports button. From the list of ports, select
the port(s) that you want to analyze, then click OK. If you selected multiple switches, select the next switch and
repeat until ports have been selected for all switches. Click on the Create button.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
After clicking on the Create button, the status of the operation will be displayed in the Results Table. Click
OK to return to the Profiles Screen.

Note: A switch can only be in one profile of a particular Profile Type.

Note: If you change the IP address of a switch after assigning a "Top N App & Clients Profile" to the
switch, you must re-assign the profile to the switch.

Editing a Profile
Select the profile in the Profiles Screen and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Profile Wizard. Note that you
cannot edit the Profile Name or Profile Type. Depending on the Profile Type, you can you can add/remove switches
and/or ports to/from a profile on the Device/Port Selection Screen.

To add/remove switches to/from a profile, click on the Add/Remove Switches button and select the switches you want to
add/remove to/from the profile. Note that removing a switch automatically removes any ports associated with that
switch. To add/remove ports from a profile, select a switch, click on the Add/Remove Ports button and select the ports
you want to add/remove to/from the profile. When you are done editing, click on the Update button. The status of the
operation will be displayed in the Results Table. Click OK to return to the Profiles Screen.

Deleting a Profile
Select the profile(s) in the Profiles Screen and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt. The
status of the operation will be displayed in the Results Table. Click OK to return to the Profiles Screen.

Viewing a Profile
Click on a profile in the Profiles to view details of the profile. The Profile Name and Profile Type will be displayed. You
can expand the Switches area to view information about Switches associated with the profile.

Summary View
The Analytics Summary View Screen displays basic information for all discovered network switches, including any
Analytics Profiles to which a switch might belong. Click on a switch to view detailed switch information. If the switch is
included in an Analytics Profile(s), the Profile Name(s) is displayed in the Profiles field. Click on the View button to go to
the Profiles Screen and view profile details. From the Profiles Screen, you can view, edit, or delete the profile.

Switch Information

Address - The switch IP address.

Name - The user-configured switch name.
Location - The user-configured switch location (if no location was configured by the user, the field will display
MAC Address - The switch MAC address.
Version - The switch AOS version.
Type - The switch type (e.g., OS10K, OS6900-X20).

Applications Management
When generating a Top N Applications Report, the Analytics application uses port numbers to identify application traffic.
In other words, traffic on a specific port is identified as coming from a specific application. The Analytics Application
Management Screen is used to create, edit, and delete application/port mapping. Well known ports (e.g., 161 for SNMP,
80 for HTTP) do not need to be mapped. By default, these ports are automatically mapped and are displayed on the

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Creating Application Mapping

Well known ports (e.g., 161 for SNMP, 80 for HTTP) do not need to be mapped. By default, these ports are
automatically mapped and are displayed on the screen. To map other ports to an application follow the steps below.

Note: If you have an existing application ports mapping file (.json file), you can import the file rather
than creating individual mappings as described in the steps below.

1. Click on the displayed mode button (Range Based/Enumerated) to select the Mode to use for monitoring/mapping.
When you click on the button, select the Mode on the Select Mode Window and follow the instructions below:

Range-Based - This mode is used to set a range of ports that are monitored by the Analytics application. Traffic
on these ports is monitored and can be displayed in the Top N Applications Report. Information for all of these
ports is available to be displayed (depending on how you configure the report), however, only those ports that
you have mapped will be labeled with the application. Other ports will be labeled "Unknown". If you select
Range Based Mode, enter a range of ports to be monitored, then click OK.
Enumerated - This mode requires that you define specific ports to be monitored. Only those ports you define
when you create a mapping will be monitored. If you select Enumerated Mode, click OK.

2. Click on the Create icon . On the Create Application Mapping Screen, complete the fields as described below:

Application Name - Enter the name of the application (e.g., SNMP) .

Ports - Enter the port or port range to be associated with the application. If you are entering a range of ports,
separate the port numbers with a "-" (e.g., 20-21).

Importing/Exporting an Application Ports Mapping File

If you have an existing application ports mapping file (.json file), you can import the file into OmniVista 2500 NMS. Click
on the Import button to bring up the Import an Applications Ports Mapping File window and click on the Browse button.
Locate the file and click OK. The port mappings in the file will appear in the list on the Applications Management
Screen. Note that this new mapping will override your existing mapping.

You can also create an application ports mapping .json file by exporting your existing mapping list. To create/export
the file, click on the Export button. At the prompt screen, select Save File and click OK. The file will be downloaded
to your default download area.

Editing Application Mapping

Click in the checkbox next to a mapping entry and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Application Mapping
Screen. Edit the Application Name and click on the Update button. The updated entry will appear in the list on the
Application Management Screen. You cannot edit the ports. To map a different Application to a port, you must delete the
mapping entry and create a new one.

Deleting Application Mapping

Click in the checkbox next to a mapping entry and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the
confirmation prompt.

The Analytics Anomalies Screen displays any anomalies that are discovered in established port utilization trends. The
information is displayed in a list that describes the anomaly and its origins (e.g., IP address, Port). Anomaly detection
uses Z-Score to check for anomalies in the latest port utilization data gathered from hourly polling over the past 30 days.
Z-Score is a statistical measurement of a score's relationship to the mean in a group of scores. In other words, it
measures utilization for a port for a specific hour to determine its relationship with utilization for the same hour over the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
sampling period (30 days). A data point that deviates considerably from an established pattern is flagged as an anomaly
and displayed on the Anomalies Screen. Z-Score parameters are configured on the Preferences - Analytics Screen.

You can configure the information displayed by clicking on the Configuration icon to bring up the Configuration
Screen and set any or all of the displayed columns. Click on the Add To Report button to create a report in the Report
Application (see the Report Configuration Help for more information).

Note: A minimum of 11 days of data is required for anomaly calculation. Also, seasonal variation for
periods of more than 30 days cannot be adequately learned using this method. For example, an annual
usage pattern would be affected by lower usage due to holidays/vacations.

The Analytics Settings Screen is used to configure preferences for port utilization trending and anomaly detection in the
Analytics application. When you have configured the value(s), click the Apply button. The change takes effect

sFlow Port - The sFlow port used to gather analytics data (Default = 6343).
Outlier Detection: Lower Threshold - Used for anomaly detection. The threshold value used to
determine if new port utilization is lower than mean utilization for that port:
BEYOND2Z-SCORE - Any value that falls outside 2 times Standard Deviation from mean on a normal
distribution curve.

BEYOND2.5Z-SCORE - Any value that falls outside 2.5 times Standard Deviation from mean on a normal
distribution curve.
BEYOND3Z-SCORE - Any value that falls outside 3 times Standard Deviation from mean on a normal
distribution curve. (Default)
Outlier Detection: Higher Threshold - Used for anomaly detection. The threshold value used to
determine if new port utilization is higher than mean utilization for that port:
BEYOND2Z-SCORE - Any value that falls outside 2 times Standard Deviation from mean on a normal
distribution curve.
BEYOND2.5Z-SCORE - Any value that falls outside 2.5 times Standard Deviation from mean on a normal
distribution curve.
BEYOND3Z-SCORE - Any value that falls outside 3 times Standard Deviation from mean on a normal
distribution curve. (Default)
Prediction: Training Timeout - Used for port utilization trending. Specifies how long OmniVista will train, in
seconds, by sampling past port utilization. In other words, this specifies how long OmniVista will sample port
utilization data before beginning to predict future trends (Range = 15 - 600, Default = 60).
Prediction: Training Error - Used for port utilization trending. The target error percentage to which
OmniVista will be trained (Default = 0.1 - 1.0, Default = 0.5).
Top N Ports Purge - The amount of time, in months to retain analytics port utilization data before it is purged
from the OmniVista Database (Range = 1 - 8, Default = 6).
Top N Switches Purge - The amount of time, in months to retain analytics switch resource data before it is
purged from the OmniVista Database (Range = 1 - 8, Default = 6).
Top N Apps Purge - The amount of time, in months to retain analytics application data before it is purged
from the OmniVista Database (Range = 1 - 100, Default = 6).
Top N Clients Purge - The amount of time, in months to retain analytics client data before it is purged from the
OmniVista Database (Range = 1 - 100, Default = 6).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

3.0 App Launch

The App Launch Screen enables you to launch web-based (e.g., OpenStack) applications using OmniVista. You can
add/edit/delete application links and arrange the links on the page. Once a link is added to the page, you can click on it
to open the application in a new browser tab.

Edit Mode
To add/edit/delete an application link or arrange links on the page, click on the Edit Mode slider to change the mode to
On. The Create icon will appear next to the slider, and any existing links on the page will display in Edit Mode.
Adding a Launch Icon
To add a launch icon, click on the Create icon to bring up the "Add New Application" Window. Enter an Application
Name and the URL needed to access the application. If you have an image for the icon, click on the Browse button to
locate the image file. (If you do not have an image, a generic image will be used along with the Application Name you
entered.) When you are done, click on the Add button. The icon will appear on the App Launch page. When you are
finished, change the Edit Mode slider back to Off.

Note: Images can be .jpg, .gif, or .png files, with a maximum size of 60 x 60 pixels. Note that if you add a
large number of links you can use the search feature to search for a specific application link on the screen.
Enter the name of the application in the Search field. The other links are temporarily removed and the link
you are searching for is isolated on the screen.
Editing a Launch Icon
To edit a launch icon, change the Edit Mode to On and click on the edit symbol in the corner of the icon to bring up
the "Edit Application" Window. Edit the necessary fields and click on the OK button. The updated icon will appear on the
App Launch page. When you are finished, change the Edit Mode to Off.

Deleting a Launch Icon

To delete a launch icon, change the Edit Mode to On and click on the delete symbol in the corner of the icon. Click
Yes at the confirmation prompt. When you are finished, change the Edit Mode to Off.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Arranging Launch Icons

Change the Edit Mode to On, you can also arrange the icons on the page. Click on the Setting icon to bring up the
"Settings" Screen. Configure the display options as described below.

Items per Page - Select the maximum number of icons you want displayed on the page (15, 30, 45).
Sort By - Select Name to display the icons alphabetically by name. Select Creation Date to display the icons
chronologically by when they were added to the page. Select Custom to sort the icons manually by dragging
them to new positions.

After making your selections, click OK. If you selected Name or Creation Date, the icons will be automatically displayed
in the order selected. If you selected Custom, you can then drag the icons to their new positions. When you are
finished, change the Edit Mode to Off.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

4.0 Application Visibility

The Application Visibility Application supports monitoring and QoS configuration of Application traffic flows, and
performs statistics profiling on the collected data. OmniVista simplifies Application Visibility configuration for the network
by enabling you to quickly configure Application Visibility on switches throughout the network.

Application Visibility is supported on OS10K Switches (AOS 7.3.4.R01 and later), OS6900 Switches (AOS 7.3.4.R02
and later), and OS6860E Switches (AOS 8.2.1.R01 and later). It is also supported in a virtual chassis of
OS6860/OS6860E Switches where at least one OS6860E is present.

Note: OmniVista must be able to FTP to a switch to gather information for the Application Visibility Application.
When you initially discover network switches using the Discovery Application, make sure to specify the CLI/FTP
User Name and Password for the switches in the Discovery Profile. If you do not specify the CLI/FTP User Name
and Password during discovery, you can specify them anytime using the Topology Application. Go to the
Topology application (Network - Topology), select the switch in the Topology Map that you want to monitor, click
on the Discovery - Edit Device option in the Operations panel to bring up the Edit Discovery Manager Device
Screen and edit the fields.

Application Visibility Application

The Application Visibility Application identifies application/protocol flows based on Application Signatures that identify an
associated application or protocol. To enable Application Visibility, you create a Signature Profile that includes all of the
signatures for applications/protocols that you want to monitor/control, and apply that profile to network switches/ports.
Once Application Visibility is enabled on switch ports, the switch can identify traffic flows included in the profile. You can
then use the Top N Applications - Advanced Report in the Analytics Application to monitor network usage for each
application/protocol; and use the Application Enforcement feature in Application Visibility to assign QoS/UNP Policies to
the traffic.

The page links on the left side of the screen (shown above) are used to view and configure Application Visibility:

Devices Management - Displays all network switches supporting Application Visibility. In addition to the name, IP
address, and operational status of each switch, the screen indicates whether or not an Application Visibility
Profile has been assigned to the switch. You can also select a switch to display more detailed information and
enable/disable automatic Signature Profile updates. (Automatic Signature Profile updates are only supported for
8.x Signature Files (OS6860/6860E Switches).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Signature Files - Displays all Signature Files downloaded/imported into OmniVista. It is also used to
download/import Signature Files.
Signature Profiles - Used to create Signature Profiles. Signature Profiles are created from a Signature File,
which contains Application Signature information in pre-configured Application Groups (groups of related
applications protocols). You create a Signature Profile by selecting one or more applications/application groups
(or creating a custom group) that contain the applications/protocols you want to monitor/control. You then assign
the Signature Profile to network switches/ports.
Summary View - Used to view information on switches configured for Application Visibility.
Settings - Used to configure Signature File update settings. Signature Files are regularly updated to either
provide new signatures, or to update existing signatures which have changed. The Settings Screen is used to
configure how often OmniVista will check the ALE Signature File Repository for updates. If an update is
available, OmniVista will automatically download the file. You can also configure how often OmniVista will check
any switches configured for Application Visibility to make sure they have the most recently downloaded Signature
File. Automatic Signature File updates are only supported for 8.x Signature Files (OS6860/6860E Switches.

Application Visibility Configuration

The Application Visibility Application supports monitoring and QoS/UNP configuration of Application traffic flows, and
performs statistics profiling on the collected data. OmniVista simplifies Application Visibility configuration for the network
by enabling you to quickly configure Application Visibility on switches throughout the network. Configuring Application
Visibility for Application Monitoring and Application Enforcement consists of the following steps:

1. Download and import Signature Files from the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) Signature File website. There are
different Signature Files for each of the supported device types. Signature Files for OS10K/6900 Switches are
developed/updated by the user and can be imported into OmniVista. Signature Files for OS6860/6860E Switches are
provided by ALE and are automatically downloaded/updated. (Signature Files Management Screen)

2. Create Signature Profiles from the Signature File. (Signature Profiles Screen)

OS10K/6900 Switches
Configure Monitoring - Using the "Create Signature Profile" Wizard. Wizard guides the user through
configuration of application monitoring groups.
Configure Enforcement - Using the "Configure UNP/QoS" Wizard. The wizard provides a link to the
PolicyView Application for creation of Application Visibility Policies/Policy Lists that are used for QoS
enforcement. The wizard also provides a link to the Unified Access Application for creation of Access Role
Profiles for UNP enforcement.
OS6860/6860E Switches
Configure Monitoring - Using the "Create Signature Profile" Wizard. Wizard guides the user through
configuration of application monitoring groups.
Configure Enforcement - Using the "Create Signature Profile" Wizard. Wizard guides the user through
configuration of application enforcement groups. User must then configure an Access Role Profile in the
Unified Access Application based on the configured enforcement groups.

3. Apply Signature Profiles to network switches/ports. (Signature Profiles Screen)

Devices Management
The Application Visibility Devices Management Screen displays all network switches that support Application Visibility.
In addition to the name, IP address, and operational status of each switch, the screen indicates whether or not an
Application Visibility Profile has been assigned to the switch. Click on a switch to display more detailed information
and/or enable/disable automatic Signature File updates. Note that the Signature File Auto-Update Feature is supported
on OS6860/6860E Switches only.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Device Information
You can view detailed information for Switches by clicking on a switch.

Name - The switch name, if applicable.

Device Version - The switch AOS build number.
Serial Number - The switch serial number.
Type - The switch model type (e.g., OS6900-X72).
Device IP - The device IP address ("Master" switch/chassis IP address for a stack or virtual chassis
MAC Address - The device MAC address ("Master" switch/chassis MAC address for a stack or virtual chassis
Signature File - The name of the Signature File assigned to the switch, if applicable.
Signature Version - The version of the Signature File assigned to the switch, if applicable.
Signature Profile - The name of the Signature Profile assigned to the switch, if applicable.
Switch Status - The switch operational status.
Sync Status - Whether or not the Signature Profile assigned to the switch is in sync with the profile stored in
OmniVista. If the Signature Profile in OmniVista is different than the one on the switch, Sync Status will indicate
"out of sync".
Auto Update (OS6860/6860E Only) - Enables/Disables (On/Off) Signature File auto update. If the "Signature
Auto Update" option is enabled on the Application Visibility Settings Screen, OmniVista automatically downloads
newer 8.x Signature File versions from the ALE Signature File Repository when they become available. If
Signature File "Auto Update" is enabled on a switch, after downloading a new Signature File version, OmniVista
first updates any Signature Profiles created with the older Signature File version. If that updated Signature
Profile is being used by the switch, OmniVista then automatically assigns the updated profile to switch.

Note that auto update only occurs on Signature Files within the same "Major" version (the first number in
the file version). For example, if version 1.1.1 is stored in OmniVista and version 1.2.1 is available in the
repository and downloaded, OmniVista will automatically update the Signature Profile(s) that are using
Signature File version 1.1.1 with version 1.2.1 and apply them to any switches with that profile. If version
2.1.1 is available and downloaded, OmniVista will download the file, but will not update any profiles using
1.x.x Signature Files switches using those profiles.

Signature File automatic update check frequency is configured on the Application Visibility Settings

Signature Files
The Application Visibility Signature Files Screen displays all imported Signature Files, and is used to upgrade/import
Signature Files. A Signature File contains application signature information that is used to create Signature Profiles.
Once you create a Signature Profile, you assign that profile to switches to monitor/control application traffic on the

Viewing Signature Files

The Signature File Management Screen displays all Signature Files in OmniVista. There are different Signature Files for
each of the supported device types. Signature Files for OS10K/6900 Switches are .txt files (e.g., 7xSignatureFile.txt)
that are developed/updated by the user and can be imported into OmniVista.
Signature Files for OS6860/6860E Switches are binary files (e.g., UAppSig.upgrade_kit_1) that are provided by
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) and are automatically downloaded/updated.

Note: When you initially install OmniVista, you must create and import 7.x Signature Files into OmniVista for
OS10K/6900 Switches. For 8.x Signature Files (OS6860/6860E Switches), you must go to the Application
Visibility Settings Screen and click on the Update Now button to upload the initial Signature File to OmniVista.
After this initial upload, if the Signature Auto Update option is Enabled on the Application Visibility Settings
Screen, OmniVista automatically downloads newer 8.x Signature File versions when they become available. Note
that the "Signature Auto Update" option is disabled by default. You must enable it for automatic updates.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Importing a Signature File

OmniVista automatically checks the ALE Signature File Repository and updates and downloads 8.x Signature Files for
OS6860/6860E Switches (see Upgrading a Signature File below). There should be no need to import these Signature
Files into OmniVista. If necessary, you can perform a manual upload by going to the Application Visibility Settings
Screen and clicking on the Update Now button.

Signature Files for OS10K/6900 Switches are .txt files (e.g., 7xSignatureFile.txt) that are developed/updated by the user
and must be imported into OmniVista. After creating/updating the file, download the file to your computer, then click on
the Import File button to import the file into OmniVista. The Import Signature File Screen will appear. Click on the
Browse button to locate the file(s) and click OK.

Upgrading a Signature File

OmniVista regularly checks the ALE Signature File Repository for newer Signature File versions (the update check
frequency is configured on the Application Visibility Settings Screen.) If OmniVista detects that a new Signature File
version is available (e.g., version 1.1.1 is stored in OmniVista and version 1.2.1 is available in the repository),
OmniVista automatically downloads the file. However, you can manually update a Signature File at any time by
selecting the file and clicking on the Upgrade button.

Note: OS6860/6860E Switches support the Signature File Auto-Update Feature. If Signature File "Auto
Update" is enabled on a switch (configured on the Devices Management Screen), after downloading the
new Signature File version, OmniVista first updates any Signature Profiles created with the older
Signature File. If a switch has "Auto Update" enabled and that Signature Profile is being used by the
switch, OmniVista then automatically assigns the updated profile to switch. Note that profiles and
switches are only automatically updated if they are using the same "Major" version of the new Signature
File (e.g., profile and switch are using version 1.1.1 and version 1.2.1 is available and downloaded by

For OS10K/6900 Switches, you must manually update the affected Signature Profile and re- assign the
profile to the switch.

Deleting a Signature File

To delete an imported Signature File from the repository, select the file in the table and click on the Delete icon . Click
OK at the confirmation prompt. Note that you cannot delete a Signature File that has been assigned to switches on the

Signature Profiles
The Application Visibility Signature Profiles Screen displays all configured Signature Profiles and is used to create,
apply, edit, clone, and delete profiles. Signature Profiles are created from a Signature File, which contains Application
Signature information for individual applications/protocols as well application groups (pre-configured groups of related
applications/protocols). You create a Signature Profile by selecting one or more applications/application groups (or
creating a custom group) that contain the applications/protocols you want to monitor/control. You then assign the
Signature Profile to network switches. Multiple Signature Profiles can be created from a single Signature File, each
containing a different combination applications/application groups. And a Signature Profile can be assigned to one or
more switches. However, a switch can be assigned only one Signature Profile.

Note: Application/protocol traffic is monitored using the Analytics Application. To view statistics on
applications/protocols you have configured in a profile, go to the "Top N Applications - Advanced" Screen
(Network - Analytics - Top N Applications - Advanced). Once you configure a profile and assign it to switches
statistics for the applications/protocols in the profile are displayed in graphical and table format.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Viewing Signature Profiles

The Signature Profiles Screen displays all configured Signature Profiles. Click on a profile to display detailed profile

Profile Name - The user-configured name for the profile.

Description - A user-configured description for the profile.
File Name - The name of the Signature File used in the profile.
File Version - The file version of the Signature file used in the profile.
Apps - Lists the applications included in the profile.
Groups - Lists the application groups included in the profile.
Devices - Lists the switches to which the profile has been assigned.

Creating a Signature Profile

Signature Profiles are created from a Signature File, which contains application signature information for individual
applications/protocols and application groups. You create a Signature Profile by selecting one or more
applications/application groups (or creating a custom group) that contain the applications/protocols you want to
monitor/control. The Signature Profile Wizard guides you through the steps to create a profile.
Because the monitoring and enforcement implementation differs depending on switch type (7.x - OS10K/6900 vs. 8.x -
OS6860/6860E), the steps within the wizard are slightly different depending on which Signature File Type you use.

For OS10K/OS6900 Switches, you configure application monitoring groups using the "Create Signature Profile" Wizard.
Application enforcement is configured using the "Configure UNP/QoS Wizard", which you access by clicking on the
Configure UNP/QoS button at the top of the Signature Profiles Screen. For QoS, the wizard guides you through the
process of configuring Application Visibility Policy Lists using Signature File Groups. You then apply the Application
Visibility Policy List to network switches/ports. For UNP, the wizard is used to enable Application Visibility UNP on switch
ports. UNP is configured separately using CLI Scripting.

For OS6860/OS6860E Switches, you configure monitoring and enforcement for individual applications or application
groups using the "Create Signature Profile" Wizard. For QoS/UNP, you then create an Application Visibility Policy List
using Signature File groups; and create an Access Role Profile using the Policy List.

The sections below detail configuring a profile for OS10K/6900 Switches and OS6860/6860E Switches.

OS10K/6900 Switches
Follow the steps below to create a Signature Profile for OS10K/6900 Switches. There must be at least one application
group in a profile. For OS10K/OS6900 Switches, the groups you use when configuring a profile are used for both
monitoring and enforcement. The "Create Signature Profile" Wizard is used to configure application monitoring. The
"Configure UNP/QoS" Wizard is used to configure application enforcement.

Configuring Application Monitoring

The "Create Signature Profile" Wizard for OS10K/OS6900 Switches guides you through creating a Signature Profile.
Click the Create icon to create a new profile. The "Create Signature Profile Wizard" appears.
Complete the screens as described below. After creating a profile, you must apply it to switches/ports in the network.
Name and Description
Enter a Profile Name. You will be using different Signature Files to create profiles for OS10K/OS6900 Switches and
OS6860/OS6860E Switches, so you should enter a name describing which profile type you are creating (e.g., 7.x
Profile, 8.x Profile). You can also enter a profile Description. Click Next.
Select File
Select a 7.x Signature File (e.g., 7xSignatureFile.txt), then click Next.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Select Groups
Click on the Choose App Groups button to select the groups you want to include in the profile, click OK, then click on
the Create Profile button. You can also create a custom Application Group to include only those applications that you
want to monitor by clicking on the Create App Group button. Enter an Application Group Name and Description,
select the applications you want to include in the group, click OK, then click on the Create Profile button.

After creating a profile, you must apply it to switches/ports in the network. Configuration is now complete for
Application Monitoring. You can view application flow information in the Analytics Application. At this point, you can
also configure application enforcement by clicking on the Configure UNP/QoS button at the top of the screen to
bring up the "Configure UNP/QoS" Wizard.
Configuring Application Enforcement
The "Configure UNP/QoS" Wizard for OS10K/OS6900 Switches guides you through configuring application enforcement
using the PolicyView and Unified Access Applications. Click on the Configure UNP/QoS button at the top of the screen
to bring up the wizard, and complete the screens as described below.
Select File
Select a 7.x Signature File (e.g., 7xSignatureFile.txt), then click Next.
Select Signature Profile
Select the 7.x Signature Profile you want to use, then click Next.
Configure QoS
If you have already configured Application Visibility Policy Lists, select the list you want to use, then click on the
Add/Remove Ports button to bring up the Ports Selection Window. The window displays all of the ports for the switches
contained in the Policy List. Select the ports to which you want to apply the policy list and click OK. Click the Apply
button to apply the QoS configuration, or click the Next button to configure UNP (optional).

Note: If you have not yet configured Application Visibility Policy Lists, click on the Go to Policy List
button to go to the Application Visibility Policy Lists Screen and configure an Application Visibility Policy
List. Click on the Add icon next to the Add Application Visibility Policies field to create an Application
Visibility Policy(ies) for the policy list. The policies must be created for the same switches to which you
applied the Signature Profile. (On the Device Selection Screen, select the same switch(es) to which you
applied the Signature Profile.) On the Set Condition Screen, select an application group.

Configure UNP
If you have already configured Unified Network Profiles (UNP), select a switch and click and click on Add/Remove
Ports button to bring up the Port Selection Window for the switch. Use the Add/Remove buttons to select the ports on
which you want to enable the UNP. Click OK. If necessary, repeat for additional switches, then click the Apply button.
The status is displayed on the Configure UNP/QoS Screen. Click OK to return to the Signature Profiles Screen.

Note: UNP is configured using the CLI Scripting application. Configuring UNP is optional. You can
configure and apply QoS without configuring UNP. If necessary, go to the CLI Scripting application to
configure UNP.

OS6860/6860E Switches
Follow the steps below to create a Signature Profile for OS6860/6860E Switches. There must be at least one
application/application group in a profile. In addition to monitoring groups, you can also create enforcement groups for
OS6860/6860E Switches using the "Create Signature Profile" Wizard. Click the Create icon to create a new profile. The
"Create Signature Profile" Wizard appears. Complete the screens as described below. After creating a profile, you must
apply it to switches/ports in the network.

For OS6860/OS6860E Switches, the wizard guides you through creating a Signature Profile containing both monitoring
groups and enforcement groups. You can create monitoring groups only, without creating enforcement groups. However
to configure enforcement, you must configure an enforcement group in the wizard. For enforcement, you then create an
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Application Visibility Policy List that you use to configure an Access Role Profile.
Name and Description
Enter a Profile Name. You will be using different Signature Files to create profiles for OS10K/OS6900 Switches and
OS6860/OS6860E Switches, so you should enter a name describing which profile type you are creating (e.g., 8.x
Profile). You can also enter a profile Description. Click Next.
Select File
Select an 8.x Signature File (e.g., UAppSig.upgrade_kit_1), then click Next.
Select Monitoring Groups and Apps
Click on Groups, then click on the Choose App Groups button and use the Add/Remove buttons to select the groups
you want to include in the Monitoring Profile, and click OK. You can also create a custom Application Group to include
only those applications that you want to monitor by clicking on the Create App Group button. Enter an Application
Group Name and Description, use the Add/Remove buttons to select the applications you want to include in the
group, and click OK. Note that will be helpful to add a descriptive name to the custom group to easily identify in it case
you want to configure application enforcement (e.g., 8,xEnforcement).

On OS6860/6860E Switches you can also configure individual applications in the profile. Click on Apps, then use the
Add/Remove buttons to select the applications you want to include in the Monitoring Profile and click OK. Note that if an
application is included in a group, you cannot configure it individually.

At this point, you can click on the Create Profile button to just create a Monitoring Profile, or click the Next
button to configure an Enforcement Profile.

Select Enforcement Groups and Apps

Click Groups, then click on the Choose App Groups button and use the Add/Remove buttons to select the groups you
want to include in the Enforcement Profile, click OK, then click the Create Profile button. You can also create a custom
Application Group to include only those applications that you want to control by clicking on the Create App Group
button. Enter an Application Group Name and Description, use the Add/Remove buttons to select the applications
you want to include in the group, click OK, then click on the Create Profile button.

The profile creation is complete and can be used to create reports for monitoring the applications in the profile using the
Analytics Application. To configure application enforcement, and create Application Count Reports in the Analytics
application, you must create an Application Visibility Policy List using Signature File Groups; and create an Access Role
Profile using the Policy List.

1. Create an Application Visibility Policy(ies) for the same switches to which you applied the Signature Profile,
using an Enforcement Group/App contained in the Signature Profile. (Configuration - PolicyView - Application
Visibility Policy)

On the Device Selection Screen, select the same switch(es) to which you applied the Signature Profile. On
the Set Condition Screen, select one of the groups or applications included in the Signature Profile. As
mentioned earlier, when creating an Enforcement Group, it is recommended that you enter a name describing
the group so it is easily identified here (e.g., 8.xEnforcement).

2. Create a Policy List containing the Application Visibility Policy(ies) you created in Step 1. (Configuration -
PolicyView - Policies & Policy Lists - Policy List).

3. Create an Access Role Profile using the Policy List you created. (Unified Access - Unified Profile - Access Role

In the Policy List field, select the Policy List you created in Step 2. (Unified Access - Unified Profile - Access
Role Profile).

4. Apply the Access Role Profile to the same switches to which you applied the Signature Profile.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Editing a Signature Profile

From the Signature Files Management Screen, click on an Upgrade Kit to display the Signature Files. Select a Signature
File and click on the Edit icon . You can edit the Profile Name, Description, and Application Groups as described
above. When you are done editing, click on the OK button. After editing the profile, you must apply it to switches/ports in
the network. Note that you cannot edit a Default Profile.

Cloning a Signature Profile

You can clone an existing profile and edit it to create a new profile. Note that when you import a Signature File, a Default
Profile is created for that file type (e.g., 7.x or 8.x) and appears in the Signature Profiles Table. These profiles contain all
of the applications/application groups for each file type. You can create a new profile from scratch as described below,
or you can clone one of the default profiles and modify it to create a new profile. To clone and modify a Default Profile,
select the profile and click on the Clone icon . The "Create Signature Profile Wizard" appears. Use the wizard to
modify the default profile to create a new one.

1. Select a Signature File and click the Clone icon .

2. Edit the profile as described above and click the OK button.

3. Apply the profile to switches/ports in the network.

Applying a Signature Profile

After creating/editing/cloning a profile, you must apply it to switches/ports in the network. Select the Signature Profile
and click on the Apply button at the top of the screen. The Apply to Devices Screen will appear.

1. Click on the Add/Remove Switches button to bring up the Device Selection window. The available switches will
be displayed on left side of the screen. Only switches without an applied Signature Profile that support the profile type
you are applying are displayed (e.g., only 8.x switches are displayed for a profile created with an 8.x Signature File).
If the profile has already been applied to a switch, the switch will already appear on the right.

2. Use the Add/Remove buttons to select the switches to which you want to apply the profile, then click OK. You will
be returned to the Device Selection window.

3. Select a switch and click on the Add Port link or the Add/Remove Monitoring Ports button to bring up the Ports
Selection window. 7.x Switches support Application Visibility configuration on link aggregates; 8.x switches do not.

4. Use the Add/Remove buttons to select the ports to which you want to apply the profile, then click on the Apply
button. The progress is displayed on the Action Results Screen. Click OK to return to the Signature Profiles Screen.

Note: You can only assign one (1) Signature Profile to a switch. Also, when you apply a Signature Profile, any
pre-existing Application Visibility configuration on a switch is erased and the new profile configuration is used,
including any Application Visibility configuration done from the CLI.

Note: To apply a new profile to a switch with an existing profile, you must first remove the old profile from the
switch before assigning the new one.

Removing a Signature Profile

As mentioned above, when applying a profile only supported switches without an assigned Signature Profile are
displayed. If you want to apply a different profile to a switch, you must first remove the old profile to apply a new one.
The process is similar to applying a profile. Select the Signature Profile you want to remove from the switch and click on
the Apply button. Click on the Add/Remove Switches button to bring up the Devices Selection window. The switches
to which the profile has been applied appear on the right side of the window. Use the Add/Remove buttons move the
switch to the left side of the screen, then click OK. Click on the Apply button.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a Signature Profile

To delete a profile, select it and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the confirmation prompt. Note that you cannot
delete a Signature Profile that has been applied to devices on the network. You must first remove the profile from any
devices before deleting it.

Summary View
The Application Visibility Summary View Screen is used to view information on switches configured for Application
Visibility. Click on a switch to view which ports are enabled for monitoring/enforcement.

Friendly Name - The device IP address.

Name - The user-configured switch name.
MAC Address - The switch MAC address.
Version - The AOS software version installed on the switch (e.g.
Location - The physical location of the switch (e.g., Lab).
Status - The administrative status of the switch (Up/Down). Type - The
switch model type (e.g., OS6860E-U28).
DNS Name - The switch DNS name.
File Name - The name of the Signature File contained in the Signature Profile (e.g., UAppSig.upgrade_kit)
File Version - The Signature File version (e.g., 1.1.2).
Profile Name - The name of the Signature Profile assigned to the switch.

The Application Visibility Settings Screen is used to configure automatic Signature File update settings. Signature Files
are regularly updated to either provide new signatures, or to update existing signatures which have changed. OmniVista
can be configured to periodically check the ALE Signature File Repository to determine if a new Signature File is
available. If "Signature Auto Update" is enabled, OmniVista will check the ALE Signature File Repository as configured
below. If a new file version is available, OmniVista will automatically download the file and update any Signature Profiles
using the older Signature File version. If "Auto Update" is enabled on a switch (configured on the Devices Management
Screen), OmniVista will automatically update the switch if it is using the updated Signature Profile.

You can also check for a recent Signature File update any time by clicking on the Update Now button. And you can click
on the Test Connection button to check if you have properly configured the URL Signature File Repository connection.

Configure the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the Save button to save the new preferences to
the OmniVista Server. Click on Revert to return a field to its previous value. Click on Default to return all values to the
default settings.

Note: Automatic Signature File updates are only supported on 8.x Signature Files
(OS6860/6860E Switches).

Audit Configuration

Audit Switch Every - How often OmniVista will check the Signature File version on Application Visibility-
configured switches, in Hours. The audit is used to verify that Signature Files contained in a Signature Profile on
a switch are in sync with the Signature Files stored in OmniVista. If the profile on a switch is out of sync with the
Signature File in OmniVista, the status for the switch will be changed to "Out of Sync". (Range = 1 - 24, Default
= 1)

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Update Configuration

Check for Every - How often OmniVista will check the Signature File Repository for updates (1 day, 7 days, 15
days, 30 days, None). If an update is available, OmniVista will automatically download the Signature Files.
OmniVista will download the latest Signature Files from the Repository when it runs the first time.
Update Time - The number of hours after a new Signature File is downloaded that OmniVista will wait before
updating the file on applicable Signature Profiles/switches.
Signature Repository - The location of the Signature File Repository (pre-filled -
User Name - The username for the Signature File Repository (pre-filled - omnivista).
Password - The password for the Signature File Repository (pre-filled).
Signature Auto Update - Enables/Disables (On/Off) automatic Signature File check/download.


If OmniVista fails to download signature files, it will retry 5 times. The interval between the retries is 5 minutes.
OmniVista will log all actions (e.g., check update, download file, update to switches) in the
"afn_autoupdate.log" file.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

5.0 Audit
The Audit application is used to monitor client and server activity, such as the date and time when a user logged
into OmniVista, when an item was added to the discovery database, when a configuration file was saved, or when a
particular application was launched. The information is contained in log files, which are organized by type (e.g.,
Network, Configuration), as shown on the Audit Home Page below.

The application enables you to view log files, search through log files, and download files. You can view current log
files or historical log files that have been archived by OmniVista. Log Files are archived based on preferences
configured on the Audit Settings Screen.

Log Files by Type

You can click on one of the tiles on the home page to view the log files in a category (e.g., Network, Configuration),
or you can click on a category on the left side of the screen to display a list of log files in the category. Click on a log
file to display the contents of the file. The log files in each category are listed below.

Note: Click on the "All Current Logs" link on the left side of the home page to display a list of all current
logs. You can then click on a log to display the contents.

Network Configuration Unified Access Security System

Analytics Predictive CLI Scripting Access Guardian 2.0 Quarantine SecureView Active MQ
Service Policy BYOD SA Security DAL Service
Analytics Service Resource Manager mDNS Configuration FTP Service
Analytics Service Resource Manager Wireless Service HSQL DB
Worker Backup Info Resource Master Poller Service
AV Audit Service Manager Mongo DB
AV Auto Update Client Service Open LDAP
AV License SIP Service OV 2500 Server
AV Service VLAN Creation Result OV Client

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Network Configuration Unified Access Security System
Call Home Service VLAN Deletion Result Redis
Discovery VLAN Service Scheduler Service
Polling Trap VLAN Service Worker Syslog
Config VXLAN Service Tomcat Catalina Tomcat
Traps Host Manager Tomcat
VM Locator OV Web Tomcat OV
VM Manager Error VM Report Tomcat Local
Manager Service Host Tomcat Local Host
Access Log Tomcat
Manager Tomcat OV
Report Tomcat OV
Web Watchdog CLI
Watchdog Service
Worker Poller Service

Note: The Log Central link displays the ngnms.log file.

Viewing Log Files

By default, when you click on a log file (e.g., discovery.log, polling.log) the most current log entries are displayed.
This "current" view is determined by the settings you configure on the Settings Screen. Once the number of entries
reaches the configured number, the log file is archived with the current date and stored in OmniVista. When viewing
a log file, the Audit application enables you to view the contents of the current selected log file, view the contents of
all log files (current and archived) for the selected log file, or a view list of archived files, which you can then open
and view.

To view a log file, click on a log file type the Home Page (e.g., Network, Configuration), or click on a log file type on
the left side of the screen to display the list of log files for that type. Click on a log file (e.g., discovery.log,
polling.log) to display the contents of the file. By default, the contents of the most current log file are displayed. This
"current" view will display all of the contents that have not been archived. To view the contents of all log files for the
selected log file (current and archived) click on the Historical button at the top of the screen.

To view a list of all log files (current and archived), click on the Browse All button at the top of the screen. A list of all
log files for the selected log is displayed. The current log file is displayed at the top (e.g., polling.log) followed by
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
all of the archived log files, identified by the date and time the file was archived (e.g., polling_04-29-
2016_061727PM.rou). Click on a log file to display the contents of the file.

You can also download the contents of any log file you are viewing by clicking on the Download button at the top of
the screen. The contents of the file can then be saved to your computer. Click on the Refresh icon to refresh the
display with the most recent log entries.

Searching Through Log Files

You can scroll through the contents of a log file using the scroll bar and arrows on the right side of the screen. You
can also search a log file by keyword. Enter the search criteria in the "Search in this page" field at the top of the log
file and click on the Search Next button. The word or phrase is highlighted in yellow throughout the file. You can
scroll through the file or click on the Search Next or Search Previous buttons to search through the file. Click on
the Cancel Search icon x at the top of the table to cancel the search.

Filtering Log File Entries

You can create and apply a filter to display specific log entries only. Click on the Filter icon to bring up the Filter
Selection window. Select an existing filter and click on the Apply button to apply the filter to the current display. You
can also click on the Add icon to create a new filter. Enter a Filter Name and Filter Description, set the conditions
for the filter and click on the Add button. Then select the filter to apply it to the current display. Click on the Reset
button to cancel the filter and return to the unfiltered view of the file.

Downloading Log Files

You can download the contents of any log file you view by clicking on the Download button at the top of the screen.
The contents of the log file will be downloaded as a text file that can be opened with any text editor.

Log Central
The Audit Log Central Screen displays the ngnms.log File. This file includes log entries from all log files in real time,
with the most recent entries at the top of the file. You can scroll through the file using the scroll bar and arrows on the
right side of the screen, or you can also search by keyword. Enter the search criteria in the "Search in this page" field at
the top of the log file and click on the Search Next button. The word or phrase is highlighted in yellow throughout the
file. You can scroll through the file or click on the Search Next or Search Previous buttons to search through the file.
Click on the Cancel Search icon x at the top of the table to cancel the search.

You can also create and apply a filter to display specific log entries only. Click on the Filter icon to bring up the Filter
Selection window. Select an existing filter and click on the Apply button to apply the filter to the current display. You can
also click on the Add icon to create a new filter. Enter a Filter Name and Filter Description, set the conditions for the
filter and click on the Add button. Then select the filter to apply it to the current display. Click on the Reset button to
cancel the filter and return to the unfiltered view of the file.

You can also download the contents of the file by clicking on the Download button at the top of the screen. The contents
of the file can then be saved to your computer. Click on the Refresh icon to refresh the display with the most recent
log entries.

The Audit Settings Screen is used to specify Audit Log File preferences. Configure a field as described below and click
the Apply button. The changes take effect immediately. If you change a field configuration, you can click on the Revert
button to revert a field to the previous setting. Click on the Default button to set all of the fields to the default settings.

Maximum Audit Entries - The maximum number of entries that can exist in any one log file (Range = 50 -
10,000, Default = 2,000). Any entry in excess of the value in this field will cause the current log file to be

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
archived. For example, if the field is set to 1,000 entries, and a log file contains 1,000 entries, when the next
entry is received the following will occur:
The current log file will be archived with 1,000 entries.
A new version of the file will be created that contains the latest entry.
Maximum Audit File Copies - The maximum number of audit files that can be created. When the audit file
reaches the configured maximum number of audit entries, the file is saved and a new file is started (Range = 0 -
100, Default = 5).
Max Log File Size - The maximum log file size, in KB (Range = 1 - 30,000, Default = 10,240). Any entry in the
file that increases the file size beyond the value in this field will cause current files to be archived. For example, if
the field is set to 5120 KB, and a file is at a file size of 5120 KB, when the next entry is received the following will
The current file will be archived with 5120 KB of information. The archive file will be located at
installation directory/data/logs.
A new version of the file will be created that contains the latest entry.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

6.0 Authentication Servers

The Authentication Servers application enables you to create, modify, and delete authentication servers in OmniVista.
An authentication server could be an LDAP, RADIUS, ACE, or TACACS+ Server. Any authentication server that you
want to use, other than the default OmniVista LDAP Server, must be added to OmniVista. Adding a server to OmniVista
basically informs OmniVista that the server exists. OmniVista does not search the network to locate available
authentication servers, so any server that you add to OmniVista should actually exist (or should exist in the near future).
When you add a server, you can also specify other information such as:

• Operating parameters for switches that will use the server for authentication, such as the number of
retries the switch will attempt while communicating with the server.
• The user name and password used to login to the server (if applicable).
• The location of the server to be used as a "backup" server if the added server becomes unavailable.

Note: OmniVista cannot manage authentication server content.

When you open the Authentication Servers application, the LDAP Server Management Screen is displayed, and links to
the LDAP, RADIUS, ACE , and TACACS+ screens are displayed on the left.

LDAP Servers
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard directory server protocol. The LDAP Server Management
Screen lists all LDAP Authentication Servers known to OmniVista. It also enables you to add, modify, and delete LDAP
Servers from the list of LDAP Servers known to OmniVista. By default, the OmniVista LDAP Server is automatically
installed with OmniVista. However, any LDAP V3 server can be added to the list of known LDAP Servers. Click here for
more information on configuring an LDAP Server.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

RADIUS Servers
Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) is a standard authentication and accounting protocol defined in
RFC 2865 and RFC 2866. A built-in RADIUS Client is available in Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise AOS Switches. A RADIUS
Server that supports Vendor Specific Attributes (VSAs) is required. VSAs carry specific authentication, authorization,
and configuration details about RADIUS requests to and replies from the server. The RADIUS Server Management
Screen lists all RADIUS Authentication Servers known to OmniVista. It also enables you to add, modify, and delete
Servers from the list of RADIUS Servers known to OmniVista. Click here for more information on configuring an
RADIUS Server.

ACE Servers
You can use a single external ACE Server for authentication of all switch access types. You are limited to a single ACE
Server, because file sdconf.rec must be FTPed from the ACE Server to the switch's /network directory, to inform the
switch of the ACE Server's IP address and other configuration information. This requirement means that the switch can
communicate with only a single ACE Server at any one time. The ACE Server Management Screen enables you to add
a single ACE Server to OmniVista. It also enables you to delete an ACE Server. An ACE Server cannot be configured
or modified from OmniVista because all configuration information is contained in sdconf.rec file. Click here for more
information on configuring an ACE Server.

TACACS+ Servers
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+) is a standard authentication and accounting protocol
defined in RFC 1321 that employs TCP for reliable transport. A built-in TACACS+ Client is available in the switch. A
TACACS+ Server allows access control for routers, network access servers, and other networked devices through one
or more centralized servers. The protocol also allows separate authentication, authorization, and accounting services.
By allowing arbitrary length and content authentication exchanges, it allows clients to use any authentication
mechanism. The TACACS+ Server Management Screen lists all TACACS+ Authentication Servers known to
OmniVista. It also enables you to add and, modify, and delete Servers from the list of TACACS+ Servers known to
OmniVista. Click here for more information on configuring a TACACS+ Server.

LDAP Server Management

The Authentication Servers LDAP Server Management Screen displays all LDAP Authentication Servers known to
OmniVista. It also enables you to add, modify, and delete LDAP Servers from the list of LDAP Servers known to
OmniVista. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard directory server protocol. The LDAP Client in
the switch is based on several RFCs: 1798, 2247, 2251, 2252, 2253, 2254, 2255, and 2256. The protocol was
developed as a way to use directory services over TCP/IP and to simplify the Directory Access Protocol (DAP) defined
as part of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) effort.
Originally, LDAP was a front-end for X.500 DAP.

The LDAP protocol synchronizes and governs the communications between the LDAP Client and the LDAP Server.
The protocol also dictates how database information, which is normally stored in hierarchical form, is searched from the
root directory down to distinct entries. In addition, LDAP has its own format that permits LDAP-enabled Web browsers
to perform directory searches over TCP/IP.

The OmniVista LDAP Server is automatically installed in OmniVista. You cannot modify or delete it. If you choose to
use the OmniVista LDAP Server, you can easily add, modify, or delete users and user privileges in the server's LDAP
database. However, if you want to use a different LDAP V3 server, you must add it to OmniVista. OmniVista only
manages the built-in LDAP Server, other authentication servers must be managed outside of OmniVista. You can
assign switches to such servers, but the Authentication Servers application does not allow you to add, modify, or delete
users and user privileges in the LDAP database of such servers. This is because an LDAP Server's database must be
configured for the specific schema used to manage users and there is no public API for configuring LDAP schemas.
Click here for more information on configuring an LDAP Server.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: LDAP Server Management supports both AOS and wireless devices; however certain attributes
may not be supported on wireless devices. See the configuration fields below for more information.

Adding an LDAP Server

As mentioned earlier, the OmniVista LDAP Server is automatically installed in OmniVista and known to OmniVista.
However, if you have configured a new LDAP Server, you must add it to the list of LDAP Servers known to OmniVista.
To add a new LDAP Server, click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are
finished, click the Create button.

Server Name - A unique name for the LDAP Authentication Server. This name will be used by
OmniVista and the switch to identify the server.
Host Name/IP Address - The name of the computer where the server is located OR the IP address of the
computer where the server is located.
Backup Host Name/IP Address - Each LDAP Server may optionally have a backup server. If you wish to
define a backup server that will be used if this server is unavailable, enter the name of the computer where the
backup server is located OR enter the IP address of the computer where the backup server is located.
Retries - The number of retries that you want the switch to attempt when trying to contact the LDAP Server
(Range = 1 - 3, Default = 3). (Not supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Timeout - The number of seconds that you want the switch to wait before a request to the LDAP
authentication server is timed out (Range = 1 - 30, Default = 2).
Password - Password used to login to the LDAP Server.
Confirm Password - Re-enter the LDAP Server password.
SSL - Set this field to True or False to inform the switch whether SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is enabled or
disabled on the LDAP authentication server. SSL can be set up on the server for additional security. (This
usually involves adding digital certificates to the server.) When SSL is enabled, the server's identity will be
authenticated. Refer to "Managing Authentication Servers" in your Network Configuration Guide and to the
instructions provided by the LDAP Server's vendor for further information on setting up SSL on the LDAP Server.
(Not supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Port - The port number used as the LDAP port address. This is the port at which the LDAP Server "listens".
By default, the port number is 389. However, note that the switch automatically sets the port number to 636
when SSL is enabled. (Port number 636 is typically used on LDAP Servers for SSL.) The port number on the
switch must match the port number configured on the server.
Admin Name - The name used to login to the LDAP Server.
Search Base - The search base in the LDAP Server where authentication information can be found (e.g.,
VRF Name - The VRF Instance associated with the LDAP Server, if applicable. An LDAP Server can be
configured on any VRF instance including the default VRF instance. However, all of the servers (for example, all
the LDAP servers) must reside on the same VRF instance. Default value is "default". Note that VRF Name is not
supported on wireless devices and will be ignored when applied to those devices.

Note: SSL communication with the LDAP Server is not supported on OS6860 Switches (AOS
8.1.1 R01).

Modifying an LDAP Server

Select an LDAP Server in the list and click on the Edit icon. Edit any necessary fields as described above, then click
on the Save button. It is important to note that you cannot modify values indiscriminately. The values must match those
of the actual LDAP Server. For example, if you want to change the LDAP port address, you must first use the tools
provided by your LDAP Server's vendor to change the port on the LDAP Server itself. You can then inform OmniVista
that the port number has changed by modifying the Port field.
Also note that you cannot edit an LDAP Server's name. You must delete it and create a new one.

Note: You cannot delete an LDAP Server that is currently being used by OmniVista.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting an LDAP Server

Select an LDAP Server in the list and click on the Delete icon . Note that deleting an LDAP server will not cause
switches that currently use that server to cease using it. Switches using the deleted LDAP Server will continue to use it
until the switches are reassigned.

Configuring an LDAP Server

As mentioned earlier, the OmniVista LDAP Server is automatically installed along with the authentication server.
However, if you want to use a different LDAP V3 server, you must add it to OmniVista. You can assign switches to such
servers, but the Authenticated Servers application does not allow you to add, modify, or delete users and user privileges
in the LDAP database of such servers. This is because an LDAP Server's database must be configured for the specific
schema used to manage users and there is no public API for configuring LDAP schemas.

Before you add an LDAP Server to OmniVista's list of available authentication servers, you must first install the LDAP
Server based on the instructions provided by the LDAP Server's vendor. You must then modify the LDAP Server's
schema to add the LDAP objects required to manage Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Switches, and configure user
accounts on the server.

Required LDAP Schema Objects

The following objects must be added to an LDAP Server's schema so that it can manage Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
Switches. To modify the schema, follow the vendor's instructions. Each LDAP vendor provides a different way of
modifying the schema.

• attribute accountfailtime oid-ataccountfailtime cis

• attribute accountstarttime oid-ataccountstarttime cis
• attribute accountstoptime oid-ataccountstoptime cis
• attribute numberofswitchgroups oid-atnumberofswitchgroups int single
• attribute switchgroups oid-atswitchgroups int
• attribute switchserialnumber oid-atswitchserialnumber cis
• attribute switchslotport oid-atswitchslotport cis
• attribute clientipaddress oid-atclientipaddress cis
• attribute clientmacaddress oid-atclientmacaddress cis
• attribute userPermissions oid-atuserPermissions int single
• attribute pm-access-priv-read-1 oid-atpm-access-priv-read-1 cis single
• attribute pm-access-priv-read-2 oid-atpm-access-priv-read-2 cis single
• attribute pm-access-priv-write-1 oid-atpm-access-priv-write-1 cis single
• attribute pm-access-priv-write-2 oid-atpm-access-priv-write-2 cis single
• attribute pm-access-priv-global-1 oid-atpm-access-priv-global-1 cis single
• attribute pm-access-priv-global-2 oid-atpm-access-priv-global-2 cis single
• attribute bop-asa-func-priv-read-1 oid-atbop-asa-func-priv-read-1 int single
• attribute bop-asa-func-priv-read-2 oid-atbop-asa-func-priv-read-2 int single
• attribute bop-asa-func-priv-write-1 oid-atbop-asa-func-priv-write-1 int single
• attribute bop-asa-func-priv-write-2 oid-atbop-asa-func-priv-write-2 int single
• attribute allowedTime oid-atallowedTime cis single
• attribute bop-asa-geo-priv-profile-number oid-atbop-asa-geo-priv-profile-number int single
• attribute bop-md5key oid-atbop-md5key cis single
• attribute bop-shakey oid-atbop-shakey cis single
• attribute bop-asa-snmp-level-security oid-atbop-asa-snmp-level-security int single

Configuring User Accounts on the Server

When you use an LDAP Server other than the OmniVista LDAP Server, you must set up all user accounts on the server
based on the instructions provided by the LDAP Server's vendor. You cannot set up user accounts from OmniVista for
any authentication server other than the OmniVista LDAP Server, which is automatically installed with the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Authentication Servers application.
LDAP Server Management Table
The LDAP Server Management Table displays information about all LDAP Servers known to OmniVista.

• Server Name - A unique name for the LDAP Authentication Server. This name will be used by
OmniVista and the switch to identify the server.
• Host Name/IP Address - The name of the computer where the server is located OR the IP address of
the computer where the server is located.
• Retries - The number of retries that you want the switch to attempt when trying to contact the LDAP
Server (Range = 1 - 3, Default = 3). (Not supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to
those devices.)
• Timeout - The number of seconds that you want the switch to wait before a request to the LDAP
authentication server is timed out (Range = 1 - 30, Default = 2).
• Admin Name - The name used to login to the LDAP Server.
• Search Base - The search base in the LDAP Server where authentication information can be found
(e.g., o=alcatel.com).
• Port - The port number used as the LDAP port address. This is the port at which the LDAP Server
"listens". By default, the port number is 389. However, note that the switch automatically sets the port
number to 636 when SSL is enabled. (Port number 636 is typically used on LDAP Servers for SSL.)
The port number on the switch must match the port number configured on the server.
• SSL - Set this field to True or False to inform the switch whether SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is
enabled or disabled on the LDAP authentication server. SSL can be set up on the server for additional
security. (This usually involves adding digital certificates to the server.) When SSL is enabled, the
server's identity will be authenticated. Refer to "Managing Authentication Servers" in your Network
Configuration Guide and to the instructions provided by the LDAP Server's vendor for further
information on setting up SSL on the LDAP Server. (Not supported on wireless devices and ignored
when applied to those devices.)
• Backup Host Name/IP Address - Each LDAP Server may optionally have a backup server. If you
wish to define a backup server that will be used if this server is unavailable, enter the name of the
computer where the backup server is located OR enter the IP address of the computer where the
backup server is located.
• VRF Name - The VRF Instance associated with the LDAP Server, if applicable. An LDAP Server can
be configured on any VRF instance including the default VRF instance. However, all of the servers (for
example, all the LDAP servers) must reside on the same VRF instance. Default value is "default".
Note that VRF Name is not supported on wireless devices and will be ignored when applied to those

RADIUS Server Management

The Authentication Servers RADIUS Server Management Screen displays all RADIUS Servers known to OmniVista. It
also enables you to add, modify, and delete RADIUS Servers from the list of RADIUS Servers known to OmniVista. A
built-in RADIUS Client is available in the switch. A RADIUS Server that supports Vendor Specific Attributes (VSAs) is
required. VSAs carry specific authentication, authorization, and configuration details about RADIUS requests to and
replies from the server. Refer to "Managing Authentication Servers" in your Network Configuration Guide for specific
information on the VSAs required. Before you add a RADIUS Server to OmniVista's list of RADIUS Servers known to
OmniVista, you must first install and configure the RADIUS Server.

Note: You cannot add, modify, or delete users and user privileges from RADIUS Servers in

Note: RADIUS Server Management supports both AOS and wireless devices; however certain attributes
may not be supported on wireless devices. See the configuration fields below for more information.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Adding a RADIUS Server

After configuring a RADIUS Server, you must add it to the list of RADIUS Servers known to OmniVista. To add a new
RADIUS Server, click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click the
Create button.

Server Name - Unique name for the RADIUS Server. This name will be used by OmniVista and the switch
to identify the Server.
Host Name/IP Address - The name of the computer where the server is located OR the IP address of the
computer where the Server is located.
Backup Host Name/IP Address - Each RADIUS Server may optionally have a backup server. If you wish to
define a backup server that will be used if this server is unavailable, enter the name of the computer where
the backup server is located OR enter the IP address of the computer where the backup Server is located.
(Not supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Retries - The number of retries that you want the switch to attempt when trying to contact the RADIUS Server
(Range = 1 - 3, Default = 3).
Timeout - The number of seconds that you want the switch to wait before a request to the RADIUS Server
is timed out (Range = 1 - 30, Default = 2).
Shared Secret - The password to the Server. (The "shared secret" is essentially the server password.) Note
that the password you enter must be configured identically on the Server.
Confirm Secret - Re-enter the Shared Secret.
Authentication Port - The port you to access the Server (Range = 1 - 65535, Default = 1812).
Accounting Port - The port for accounting information (Range = 1 - 65535, Default = 1813).
VRF Name - The VRF Instance associated with the RADIUS Server, if applicable. A RADIUS Server can be
configured on any VRF instance including the default VRF instance. However, all of the servers (for example,
all the RADIUS servers) must reside on the same VRF instance. Default value is "default". (Not supported on
wireless devices and ignored when applied to those devices.)

Modifying a RADIUS Server

Select a RADIUS Server in the list and click on the Edit icon. Edit any necessary fields as described above, then
click on the Save button. It is important to note that you cannot modify values indiscriminately. The values must match
those of the actual RADIUS Server. For example, if you want to change the RADIUS Authentication port, you must first
use the tools provided by your RADIUS Server's vendor to change the port on the RADIUS Server itself. You can then
inform OmniVista that the port number has changed by modifying the Authentication Port field.

Deleting a RADIUS Server

Select a RADIUS Server in the list and click on the Delete icon . Note that deleting an authentication server from the
list of RADIUS Servers known to OmniVista will not cause switches that currently use that RADIUS Server to cease
using it. Switches using the deleted RADIUS Server will continue to use it until the switches are reassigned.

Configuring a RADIUS Server

Before you add a RADIUS Server to OmniVista's list of RADIUS Servers known to OmniVista, you must first install and
configure the RADIUS Server, then configure user accounts on the Server.

Configuring the Server

Before you add a RADIUS Server to OmniVista's list of available authentication servers, you must first install the
RADIUS Server based on the instructions provided by the RADIUS Server's vendor. Then, you must configure the
RADIUS Server with the vendor specific attributes. These attributes carry specific authentication, authorization, and
configuration details about RADIUS requests to and replies from the server. Refer to "Managing Authentication
Servers" in your Network Configuration Guide for specific information on the VSAs required.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuring User Accounts on the Server

When you use a RADIUS Server for User Authentication, you must set up all user accounts on the server based on the
instructions provided by the RADIUS Server's vendor. However, the authorization which includes the access level
associated with each user will be controlled by the OmniVista server, based on the group a user is associated with.
You cannot set up user accounts from OmniVista for any authentication server other than the OmniVista LDAP server,
which is automatically installed with the Authentication Servers application.

Once you have installed, configured, and set up the user accounts on the RADIUS Server, you are ready to add the
server to OmniVista.

RADIUS Server Management Table

The RADIUS Server Management Table displays information about all RADIUS Servers known to OmniVista.

• Server Name - Unique name for the RADIUS Server. This name will be used by OmniVista and the
switch to identify the Server.
• Host Name/IP Address - The name of the computer where the server is located OR the IP address of
the computer where the Server is located.
• Retries - The number of retries that you want the switch to attempt when trying to contact the RADIUS
Server (Range = 1 - 3, Default = 3).
• Timeout - The number of seconds that you want the switch to wait before a request to the RADIUS
Server is timed out (Range = 1 - 30, Default = 2).
• Authentication Port - The port you to access the Server (Range = 1 - 65535, Default = 1812).
• Accounting Port - The port for accounting information (Range = 1 - 65535, Default = 1813).
• VRF Name - The VRF Instance associated with the RADIUS Server, if applicable. A RADIUS Server
can be configured on any VRF instance including the default VRF instance. However, all of the
servers (for example, all the RADIUS servers) must reside on the same VRF instance. Default value is
"default". (Not supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to those devices.)
• Backup Host Name/IP Address - Each RADIUS Server may optionally have a backup server. If you
wish to define a backup server that will be used if this server is unavailable, enter the name of the
computer where the backup server is located OR enter the IP address of the computer where the
backup Server is located. (Not supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to those

ACE Server Management

The Authentication Servers ACE Server Management Screen can be used to add or delete an ACE Server. You can
use a single external ACE Server for authentication of all switch access types. You are limited to a single ACE Server,
because file sdconf.rec must be FTPed from the ACE Server to the switch's /network directory, to inform the switch of
the ACE Server's IP address and other configuration information. This requirement means that the switch can
communicate with only a single ACE Server at any one time. The ACE Server Management Screen enables you to add
a single ACE Server to OmniVista. It also enables you to delete an ACE Server. An ACE Server cannot be configured
or modified from OmniVista because all configuration information is contained in sdconf.rec file. Note that an ACE
Server cannot be used for Layer 2 authentication or for policy.

Adding an ACE Server

Once you have installed and configured the ACE Server, you must add it to the list of ACE Servers known to
OmniVista. To add a new ACE Server, click on the Create icon . When you assign the ACE Server to switches, the
authentication server will automatically configure the switches to operate with the server.

Deleting an ACE Server

To delete an ACE Server from OmniVista, select the Server and click on the Delete icon . Deleting the ACE Servers
known to OmniVista will not cause switches that currently use that ACE Server to cease using it.
Switches using the deleted ACE Server will continue to use it until the switches are reassigned.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuring an ACE Server

Before you add the ACE Server to OmniVista, you must first install the ACE Server, based on the instructions provided
by your ACE Server's vendor. You must also set up user accounts on the ACE Server. There are no server-specific
parameters that must be configured for the switch to communicate with an attached ACE Server; however, you must
FTP the sdconf.rec file from the server to the switch's /network directory. This file is required so that the switch will
know the IP address of the ACE Server and other configuration information. For information about loading files into the
switch, see the OmniSwitch Switch Management Guide.

Note: An ACE Server stores and authenticates switch user accounts (i.e., user IDs and passwords), but
does NOT store or send user privilege information to the switch. User privileges for logins are determined
by the switch itself. When a user attempts to log into the switch, the user ID and password are sent to the
ACE Server. The server determines whether the login is valid or not. If the login is valid, the user
privileges must be determined. The switch checks its user database for the user's privileges. If the user is
not in the database, the switch uses the default privilege, which is determined by the default user account.
For information about the default user account, see the "Switch Security" chapter of the OmniSwitch
Switch Management Guide.

The ACE client in the switch is version 4.1; it does not support the replicating and locking feature of ACE 5.0, but it
may be used with an ACE 5.0 server if a legacy configuration file is loaded on the server. The legacy configuration
must specify authentication to two specific servers (master and slave). See the RSA Security ACE Server
documentation for more information.

TACACS+ Server Management

The Authentication Servers TACACS+ Server Management Screen displays all TACACS+ Authentication Servers
known to OmniVista. It also enables you to add, modify, and delete TACACS+ Servers from the list of TACACS+
Servers known to OmniVista. Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+) is a standard
authentication and accounting protocol defined in RFC 1321 that employs TCP for reliable transport. A built-in
TACACS+ Client is available in the switch. A TACACS+ Server allows access control for routers, network access
servers, and other networked devices through one or more centralized servers. The protocol also allows separate
authentication, authorization, and accounting services. By allowing arbitrary length and content authentication
exchanges, it allows clients to use any authentication mechanism.

The TACACS+ Client offers the ability to configure multiple TACACS+ Servers. When the primary server fails, the client
tries the subsequent servers. Multiple server configurations are applicable only for backup and not for server chaining.

Note: TACACS+ Server Management supports both AOS and wireless devices; however certain
attributes may not be supported on wireless devices. See the configuration fields below for more

Adding a TACACS+ Server

Once you have installed, configured, and set up the user accounts on the TACACS+ Server, you are ready to add the
server to OmniVista. To add a new TACACS+ Server, click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described
below. When you are finished, click the Create button.

Server Name - A unique name for the TACACS+ Authentication Server. This name will be used by
OmniVista and the switch to identify the server.
Host Name/IP Address - The name of the computer where the server is located OR the IP address of the
computer where the server is located.
Backup Host Name/IP Address - Each TACACS+ Server may optionally have a backup server. If you wish to
define a backup server that will be used if this server is unavailable, enter the name of the computer where the
backup server is located OR enter the IP address of the computer where the backup server is located.
Timeout - The number of seconds that you want the switch to wait before a request to the TACACS+
authentication server is timed out. Default value is 2.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Shared Secret - The password to the Server. (The "shared secret" is essentially the server password.) Note
that the password you enter must be configured identically on the Server.
Confirm Shared Secret - Re-enter the Shared Secret.
Port - The port number used to access the TACACS+ Server (Default = 49).
VRF Name - The VRF Instance associated with the TACACS+ Server, if applicable. A TACACS+ Server can
be configured on any VRF instance including the default VRF instance. However, all of the servers (for
example, all the TACACS+ servers) must reside on the same VRF instance. Default value is "default". (Not
supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to those devices.)

Modifying a TACACS+ Server

Select a TACACS+ Server in the list and click on the Edit icon. Edit any necessary fields as described above, then
click on the Save button. It is important to note that you cannot modify values indiscriminately. The values must match
those of the actual TACACS+ Server. For example, if you want to change the TACACS+ authentication port, you must
first use the tools provided by your TACACS+ Server's vendor to change the port on the TACACS+ Server itself. You
can then inform OmniVista that the port number has changed by modifying the Port field.

Deleting a TACACS+ Server

Select a TACACS+ Server in the list and click on the Delete icon . Note that deleting a TACACS+ Server will not
cause switches that currently use that TACACS+ Server to cease using it. Switches using the deleted TACACS+ Server
will continue to use it until the switches are reassigned.

TACACS+ Server Management Table

The TACACS+ Server Management Table displays information about all TACACS+ Authentication Servers known to

Server Name - A unique name for the TACACS+ Authentication Server. This name will be used by
OmniVista and the switch to identify the server.
Host Name/IP Address - The name of the computer where the server is located OR the IP address of the
computer where the server is located.
Timeout - The number of seconds that you want the switch to wait before a request to the TACACS+
authentication server is timed out. Default value is 2.
Port - The port number used to access the TACACS+ Server (Default = 49).
VRF Name - The VRF Instance associated with the TACACS+ Server, if applicable. A TACACS+ Server can
be configured on any VRF instance including the default VRF instance. However, all of the servers (for
example, all the TACACS+ servers) must reside on the same VRF instance. Default value is "default". (Not
supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Backup Host Name/IP Address - Each TACACS+ Server may optionally have a backup server. If you wish to
define a backup server that will be used if this server is unavailable, enter the name of the computer where the
backup server is located OR enter the IP address of the computer where the backup server is located.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

7.0 Captive Portal

Captive Portal authentication is mechanism by which user credentials are obtained through Web pages and
authenticated through a RADIUS server. If the authentication is successful, the RADIUS server may return a role
(policy list) that is applied to traffic from the user device. The OmniSwitch implementation supports an internal
Captive Portal mechanism. An internal Web server on the local switch presents Captive Portal Web pages to obtain
user credentials.

Internal Captive Portal authentication is a configurable option for a UNP Access Role Profile that is applied after a
user is assigned to the profile (after the initial 802.1X or MAC authentication or classification process). This type of
authentication does not change the Access Role Profile assignment for the user device. Instead, Captive Portal
provides a secondary level of authentication that is used to apply a new role (QoS policy list) to the user. An external,
guest Captive Portal authentication mechanism is provided through the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) feature,
which integrates Access Guardian with ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM).

For more information, see the "Using Captive Portal Authentication" section of the Access Guardian chapter in the
OmniSwitch Network Configuration Guide.

The Captive Portal Configuration Screen displays all configured Captive Portal global configurations and is used
to create, edit, and delete Captive Portal global Configurations.

Creating a Captive Portal Configuration

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Configuration Name, configure the fields as described below, then click on the
Create button. When you are finished, select the checkbox next to the profile and click on the Apply to Devices
button to assign the configuration to switches on the network.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide


Configuration Name - The unique name for the Configuration. This name will be used by OmniVista and
not to be assigned to the switch.
Redirect IP Address - The IP address of the Redirect Server.
Redirect Host/DNS Name - The Host Name/DNS Name of the Redirect Server.
Proxy Port - The TCP port on the proxy server.
Success Redirect URL - The Captive Portal's Redirect URL upon successful authentication.
Retries - The number of times a device can try to login before Captive Portal determines that
authentication for that device has failed (Range = 1 - 99, Default = 3).
Policy List - The Unified Policy List to apply to the authenticated user device. (You can also click on the Add
icon to go to the Unified Policy List Screen and create a Policy List.)

Editing a Captive Portal Configuration

Select a Configuration in the list and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Captive Portal Configuration
Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. Note
that you cannot edit the Configuration Name.

Assigning a Captive Portal Configuration

When you click the Apply to Devices button, the Apply to Devices Screen appears. Select the switch(es) to which
you want to assign the configuration and click on the Apply button. Click OK to return to the Configuration Screen.

Note: To "unassign" a configuration from a switch(es), select the configuration and click on the
Apply to Devices button. The Apply to Devices Screen appears. The switches to which the
configuration is assigned will appear on the right. Move the switches from which you want to
"unassign" the configuration to the left side of the screen and click the Apply button.

Deleting a Captive Portal Configuration

Select a Configuration in the list and click on the Delete icon , then click OK, at the confirmation prompt. If the
configuration has been assigned to a switch, a second prompt will appear. Click OK on the second prompt to delete
the configuration.

The Captive Portal Profile Screen displays all configured Captive Portal Profiles and is used to create, edit, and
delete Captive Portal Profiles. A Captive Portal profile is a configuration entity that provides flexible assignment of
Captive Portal configuration parameters to devices classified into specific UNP Access Role Profiles. However, this
type of profile is only valid when assigned to Access Role Profiles on which Captive Portal authentication is enabled.
When a Captive Portal profile is applied to a UNP Access Role Profile, the parameter values defined in the Captive
Portal profile override the global Captive Portal parameter values configured for the switch. If there is no Captive
Portal profile associated with an Access Role Profile, the global Captive Portal configuration is applied.

Creating a Captive Portal Profile

Click on the Create icon + . Enter a Profile Name, configure the fields as described below, then click on the Create
button. When you are finished, select the checkbox next to the profile and click on the Apply to Devices button to
assign the profile to switches on the network.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Captive Portal Profile Configuration

Profile Name - The unique name for the Captive Portal profile.
Policy List - The QoS policy list to apply when Captive Portal authentication is successful but the RADIUS
server did not return a policy list. (You can also click on the Add icon to go to the Unified Policy List Screen
and create a Policy List.)
AAA Server Profile - The AAA profile used to define specific device authentication configuration options,
such as which servers to use for Captive Portal authentication and parameter values for session timers and
RADIUS attributes. If there is no AAA profile assigned, the global AAA configuration for the switch is used.
(You can also click on the Add icon to go to the Unified Policy List Screen and create a AAA Server
Success Redirect URL Name - The Captive Portal's Redirect URL upon successful authentication.
Retries - Number of Captive Portal retries before failure is declared.

Editing a Captive Portal Profile

Select a Captive Portal Profile in the list and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Captive Portal Profile
Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. Note
that you cannot edit the Profile Name.

Assigning a Captive Portal Profile

When you click the Apply to Devices button, the Apply to Devices Screen appears. Select the switch(es) to which
you want to assign the Captive Portal Profile and click on the Apply button. Click OK to return to the Configuration

Note: To "unassign" a profile from a switch(es), select the profile and click on the Apply to Devices
button. The Apply to Devices Screen appears. The switches to which the profile is assigned will appear
on the right. Move the switches from which you want to "unassign" the profile to the left side of the
screen and click the Apply button.

Deleting a Captive Portal Profile

Select a Captive Portal Profile in the list and click on the Delete icon , then click OK, at the confirmation prompt. If
the profile has been assigned to a switch, a second prompt will appear. Click OK on the second prompt to delete the

Profile Domain Policy List

The Captive Portal Profile Domain Policy List Screen displays all configured Captive Portal Domain Profiles and is
used to create, edit, and delete Captive Portal Domain Profiles. A Captive Portal Domain Profile is used to assign a
Captive Portal Profile and QoS Policy List to users logging in from a specific domain (e.g. NA02/tut).

Creating a Profile Domain Policy

Click on the Create icon . Select a Captive Portal Profile Name from the drop-down list. (You can also click on the
Add icon to go to the Captive Portal Profile Screen to create a profile.) Configure the fields as described below,
then click on the Create button. When you are finished, select the checkbox next to the profile and click on the
Apply to Devices button to assign the configuration to switches on the network.

Profile Domain Pass Policy Configuration

Profile Name - Select a Captive Portal Profile from the drop-down menu. (You can also click on the Add
icon to go to the Captive Portal Profile Screen to create a profile.)
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Domain - A unique name for the Captive Portal Domain Policy.
Policy List - Select a Unified Policy List from the drop-down menu. This Policy List will replace the one in the
Access Role Profile upon successful Captive Portal authentication only if the domain is known. (You can also
click on the Add icon to go to the Unified Policy List Screen and create a Policy List.)
Realm - Select Suffix/Prefix. For example: Suffix: NA02/tut; Prefix: tu@alu.com.

Editing a Profile Domain Policy

Select a policy and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Profile Domain Policy List Screen. Edit the fields as
described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. Note that you cannot edit the
Profile Name.

Assigning a Profile Domain Policy

When you click the Apply to Devices button, the Apply to Devices Screen appears. Select the switch(es) to which
you want to assign the policy and click on the Apply button. Click OK to return to the Configuration Screen.

Note: To "unassign" a profile from a switch(es), select the policy and click on the Apply to Devices
button. The Apply to Devices Screen appears. The switches to which the profile is assigned will appear
on the right. Move the switches from which you want to "unassign" the profile to the left side of the
screen and click the Apply button.

Deleting a Profile Domain Policy

Select a policy and click on the Delete icon , then click OK, at the confirmation prompt. If the profile has been
assigned to a switch, a second prompt will appear. Click OK on the second prompt to delete the profile.

Domain Policy List

The Captive Portal Domain Policy List Screen displays all configured Captive Portal Domain Policy Lists to create,
edit, and delete Captive Portal Policy Lists. This screen enables you to define Policy Lists for different realms in
which the endpoints are successfully authenticated. This is similar to creating a Profile Domain Policy List without the
profile coming into play.

Creating a Captive Portal Domain Policy List

Click on the Create icon +. Enter a Profile Name, configure the fields as described below, then click on the Create
button. When you are finished, select the checkbox next to the profile and click on the Apply to Devices button to
assign the profile to switches on the network.

Captive Portal Domain Policy List Configuration

Domain - The Captive Portal Profile Authenticated Domain Name.

Policy List - The Unified Policy List to apply when Captive Portal authentication is successful but the RADIUS
server did not return a policy list. (You can also click on the Add icon to go to the Unified Policy List Screen
and create a Policy List.)
Realm - The Captive Portal Profile Authenticated Pass Realm.

Editing a Captive Portal Domain Policy List

Select a Policy List and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Domain Policy List Screen. Edit the fields as
described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. Note that you cannot edit the

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Assigning a Captive Portal Domain Policy List

When you click the Apply to Devices button, the Apply to Devices Screen appears. Select the switch(es) to which
you want to assign the Policy List and click on the Apply button. Click OK to return to the Configuration Screen.

Note: To "unassign" a Policy List from a switch(es), select the profile and click on the Apply to Devices
button. The Apply to Devices Screen appears. The switches to which the profile is assigned will appear
on the right. Move the switches from which you want to "unassign" the profile to the left side of the
screen and click the Apply button.

Deleting a Captive Portal Domain Policy List

Select a Policy List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK, at the confirmation prompt. If the profile has been
assigned to a switch, a second prompt will appear. Click OK on the second prompt to delete the Policy List.

Captive Portal Customization

The Captive Portal Customization Screen displays all Customized Captive Portal web page files and is used to
create, edit, and delete custom Captive Portal web page files. These files (e.g., html files, jpeg files) are used to
create the web pages that are presented to the user during Captive Portal Login. OmniSwitches contain a default set
of Captive Portal web page files. However, OmniVista enables you to import and then customized these files. You
can then upload these custom files to switches. When you import the files from a switch using OmniVista, all of the
necessary Captive Portal web page files are zipped together in an "archive" file. You can then customize the Captive
Portal web pages by editing individual files within this archive and then uploading the edited archive to a switch(es).
When a customized archive is uploaded to a switch, Captive Portal presents these web pages to the user, rather
than the default pages stored on the switch.

Creating a Captive Portal Customization

Click on the Create icon + to bring up the Customization Workflow Wizard. Creating a Custom Captive Portal
Customization consists of the following steps. After completing the steps as described below, click the Create button.

1. Import the Archive File

2. Download the Archive File for Editing
3. Upload the Edited Archive File
4. Apply the Archive File to Switches

Import the Archive

Enter a File Set Name for your customized set of files and an optional Description, then import the files. As
mentioned earlier, OmniVista zips all of the Captive Portal web page files into a single archive file). You can actually
import the file from a switch or import an existing archive from a local machine.

Import from a Switch - Click on the Select Switch button and select a switch from which to download the
files. Select Release Folder to import the default set of Captive Portal web page files or Custom Folder to
select a previous set of customized files, then click on the Import button. Click on the Next button to
download the file.
Import from Local Machine - If you already have an edited archive that you want to upload from a local
machine, click on the Browse button to locate the file. Click Upload to upload the file to OmniVista, then
click Next to apply the file to switches. Note that if you import the file from a local machine, Steps 2 and
3 will be skipped and you only need to apply the edited file to switches.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Download the Archive File for Editing

If you import the Archive File from a switch, click on Download button then click on the download prompt to
download the file. The file will be downloaded to your default download directory. Edit the necessary file(s) in the
archive using the editor of your choice. When you are done, click on the Next button to upload the file.

Upload the Edited File

Click on the Browse button to locate the edited Archive File, then click on the Upload button to upload the file to
OmniVista, then click the Upload button.
Apply the File to Switches
Select the switch(es) to which you want to assign the file and click on the Finish button. Note that you can also apply
existing Archives to switches by selecting the Archive in the list and clicking on the Push to Switches button. The
new Custom Archive that you apply will replace any existing Custom Archive on the switch(es).

Editing a Captive Portal Custom File

Select an Archive from the list and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Customization Workflow Wizard. You
cannot edit the File Name; however, you can edit the Archive File and apply this edited Archive File to the same
switch(es) or a different switch(es). Follow the steps a described above to apply an edited Archive File.

Applying a Captive Portal File

You can also apply existing Archives to switches. Select an Archive File in the list, click on Push to Switches button,
select the switches to which you want to apply the file, then click on the Push File button. Click OK to return to the
Configuration Screen. The new Custom Archive that you apply will replace any existing Custom Archive on the

Note: To "unassign" an Archive File from a switch, select it and click on the Push to Switches button.
The Apply to Devices Screen appears. The switches to which the field is assigned will appear on the
right. Move the switches from which you want to "unassign" the file to the left side of the screen and
click the Push File button. Note that when a file is applied to a switch, it will override existing files. The
switch will then present the default Captive Portal web pages to the user.

Deleting a Captive Portal Customization

Select a file and click on the Delete icon , then click OK, at the confirmation prompt. If the file has been assigned to
a switch, a second prompt will appear. Click OK on the second prompt to delete the file.

Captive Portal View

The Captive Portal View Screen is used to display Captive Portal configurations on specific switches. Click on the
Browse button and select a switch. The Captive Portal configuration for the selected switch is displayed -
Configuration, Profile, Profile Domain Policy List, and Domain Policy List. Click on each to view configuration details.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

8.0 CLI Scripting

The CLI Scripting application is used to connect to and configure network devices via the CLI; and to configure multiple
devices by creating CLI Script Files and applying the files to devices on the network.

The following screens are used for CLI Scripting:

Scripts - Used to create CLI Scripting Files. You can then use these text-based files to configure one or more
devices by applying the file via a Telnet or SSH session. You can also import existing text-based script files.
Scripts can be created and stored on the local client, or can saved to the OmniVista Server so they can be
available to other clients ("shared").
Logs - Displays log files of all CLI Scripts that have been applied to network devices. You can click on a log file to
view CLI Scripting results on a command-by-command basis to see if the contents of the file were successfully
applied to a device(s).
Terminal - Used to establish CLI Scripting sessions by logging in to one or more devices and configuring the
devices via supported CLI commands. Note that OmniVista CLI Scripting also supports SSHv2 enhanced

CLI Script
The CLI Scripting CLI Script Screen displays a list of all configured CLI Script Files. It is also used to create, import, edit,
and delete, script files, and send script files to network devices. A CLI Script File is a text-based file used to configure
one or more devices through OmniVista's CLI Scripting feature. CLI Scripting is especially useful in applying batch
updates or common configurations across multiple devices. When a script file is applied, each command in the file is
sent to the device. A user can create a CLI Script that is only available to that user, or can create a "shared" script that is
available to any network administrator.

Note: Before attempting to send a script, OmniVista must know the CLI/FTP user name and
password for each device being configured. If necessary, go to the Discovery application to specify
CLI/FTP user name and password. You can also specify the CLI/FTP user name and password
using the "Discovery - Edit Device" operation in the Topology application.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Pre-Configured Scripts
OmniVista includes pre-configured CLI Script Files, which are displayed in the CLI Script List (along with any user-
configured scripts). These pre-configured scripts are "shared" scripts and are available to any network administrator. A
brief description of each script, as well as the contents of the script file, are provided in the Details Panel for the script.
Click on a script in the CLI Script List to view script details.

Important Note: Use caution when using the shadmin_Ewebimageclean script. Use the
Resource Manager application to perform a full backup on the switch prior to an upgrade.

Creating a Script File

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Filename for the script (e.g., show_switch). The file extension ".script" will be
added automatically when the script file is saved. Select the Shared Admin Script checkbox to create a "shared"
script that can be used by network administrators. If you do not select the checkbox, the script will only be available to
you. When a "shared" script is created, the prefix "shadmin" is automatically assigned to the filename. To add a
description of the script that will appear in the Details Panel, enter the description as follows at the top of the script. For

/* @@Enter a description here@@*/

Enter the commands to be applied to the switch via this script in the Commands field. Enter one command per line. The
script can be a combination of both CLI commands and JavaScript. You can also define variables, or use OmniVista
built-in variables to be used in the script. Note that if a script with the same name currently exists, an error message will
appear. Re-name the script and continue as described above. Verify that the syntax of all the commands is correct, then
click the Add button. The filename will be listed in the CLI Script List in alphabetical order. Select the script in the CLI
Script List and click on the Send Script button to send the script to a network switch(es).

CLI and Java Scripts

Scripts can be a combination of both CLI commands and JavaScript. The following is an example of a CLI script
containing JavaScript:

--------- script start -------------

var devtype = cli.deviceType();
if (devtype.indexOf("OS68") > -1)
else if (devtype.indexOf("OS62") > -1)
if (devtype.indexOf("OS68") > -1)
cli.setTimeout(3, 30);
cli.sendCmd("show log swlog");
else if (devtype.indexOf("OS66") > -1)
cli.setTimeout(5, 0);
cli.sendCmd("show log swlog");
println("I got: " + cli.lastResponse() );
cli.sendCmd("ls " + "$USERVAR" ); /* user defined variable! */
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

--------- script end -------------

Notice in the above example, the usage of the variable ‘cli’ . This is a built-in variable that can be used within the
scripting blocks. CLI offers the following functions:

sendCmd( String cmd ) allows the user to send a CLI command to the switch.
lastResponse() returns a string that represents the switch output from the last command the user sent to the
switch (whether the command was sent via JavaScript or just entered as CLI in the cli script itself). deviceType()
returns the same string as can be seen via the Topology applications “Type” column.
setTimeout(minutes, seconds) allows a caller to specify a hint to the CLI Scripting application about how long it
could take for the next command to return a response. In the example above, the JavaScript specifies a timeout
of 3 minutes and 30 seconds to apply to the next command (show log swlog) if the device is something like an
OS6800-48. It specifies 5 minutes if the device is something like an OS6624. Some commands can be slow in
returning output to the CLI Scripting/SSH session, so this can help prevent the scripting session from timing out
before a response is received. Once the session is receiving a response from the command (e.g., show log
swlog), the default timeout will be automatically reset. The user specified timeout does not take affect for the
entire session, just the CLI command used after the call to setTimeout(minutes, seconds). You may specify "0"
for minutes or seconds according to what is needed. Negative numbers are converted to '0' internally, thus

If both minutes and seconds contain either "0" and/or negative numbers, the timeout request will be ignored.
Therefore the minimum timeout will be 1 second (ex: cli.setTimeout(0, 1); ).

trace( String message ) logs any arbitrary string passed as its ‘message’ argument to the CLI
Scripting Audit Log. Can be contained in a variable for instance.
expectPrompt( String prompt ) sets-up the particular script (running on whatever devices) to expect a prompt
that is not in the default collection of expected prompts. In other words, it allows the user to temporarily add to
the set of prompts that CLI Scripting is hard-coded to recognize.
deviceType() returns a string that contains the device’s type as seen in the Topology application.
cliSleep(milliseconds) allows the user to set a time, in milliseconds, before the next CLI command is
errorLog(String message) logs any ‘error’ argument to the CLI Scripting Audit Log. Can be contained in a
variable for instance.
cli.sendCmd(more) by default, the switch will stop running a command at a confirmation prompt and wait for
the user to confirm the action. The 'more' command tells OmniVista to expect a specific prompts(s) and continue
running the script. For example, the 'more' variable should be used when sending a script to reload the working
directory (reload working no rollback-timeout). In the example below, the 'more' command tells OmniVista to
expect the "Confirm Activate" and "Confirm New Activate" prompts, and to reload the switch from the Working
Directory in 10 minutes.
--------- script start -------------


cli.expectPrompt("Confirm Activate (Y/N) :");

cli.expectPrompt("Confirm New Activate (Y/N) :");

cli.sendCmd("reload working no rollback-timeout in 10:10");


--------- script end -------------

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Enter only one command per line. Operational commands that automatically issue a confirmation prompt and require
the user to type a response (such as, Y or N) are not supported in CLI script files. Examples include takeover, reload,
fsck, etc. Do not attempt to include these command types in the script file. Instead, manually issue them via the
standard CLI command line prompt. These operations can also be issued on a device-by-device basis via WebView or

Important Note: If a command that takes a long time to complete (e.g., “write memory flash- synchro” ) ,
is issued as the last command in a CLI script, the session can end right after the command is issued,
ending the session before the command is executed. To avoid this problem, either add another command
at the end of the script ( “show chassis” ), or add a tapps timeout. For example, the following command
sets a timeout of 0 minutes and 15 seconds:

<tapps> set timeout 0 15 </tapps>

Built-In Variables
OmniVista built-in variables are listed below.

$BASE_MAC - Replaced automatically with target base MAC address.

$BOOT_DIR - Replaced automatically with target boot directory (ex: working).
$CHASSIS_TYPE - Replaced automatically with target chassis type.
$IP_ADDRESS - Replaced automatically with target switch IP address.
$LOGIN_ID - Replaced automatically with target CLI/FTP User Name.
$LOGIN_PWD - Replaced automatically with target CLI/FTP Password.
$READ_PWD - Replaced automatically with target community string for SNMP reading.
$SECOND_PWD - Replaced automatically with the value of secondary password in the Discovery list item, if
applicable. The secondary password for a device is set in the Edit Discovery Manager Entry window in the
Discovery application.
$SYS_LOCATION - Replaced automatically with the location of the device as defined in sysLoction MIB-II
$SYS_NAME - Replaced automatically with the name of the device as defined in sysName MIB-II variable.
$SYSTEM_OID - Replaced automatically with target unique object ID.
$SYS_VERSION - Replaced automatically with the MPM Version of the device as displayed in
$WRITE_PWD - Replaced automatically with target community string for SNMP writing.
cli.forgetPrompt() - This CLI script directive is used to reverse the cli.expectPrompt() directive, providing
a way to ignore prompts that interfere with script execution.

Important Note: If you are using Built-In variables within a Java Script , the variable must be
contained within quotes (e.g., " $BASE_MAC" ). If you are using Built-In variables outside of a Java
Script, the quotes are not required.

Script Directives
A tag, called <tapps> allows certain directives to the CLI Scripting application. <tapps> does not use a scripting engine.
It is a set of supported commands that tell the CLI Scripting application how to handle certain actions. For example, a
user may write the following CLI script that uses all of the supported <tapps> commands:

<tapps> set timeout 5 </tapps>

qos apply
<tapps> import another.script </tapps>
<tapps> second password </tapps>

set timeout: The above script specifies a timeout for the qos apply command. It performs the same function as the
previous Java Script example, but the user does not need to specify seconds. However the user must always specify
minutes (the minutes can be "0" if the user wants to specify the timeout only in seconds).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
As shown above, to set a timeout of 5 minutes, only the minutes parameter is required:

<tapps> set timeout 5 </tapps> qos


To set a timeout of 15 seconds, you must first specify 0 minutes , then 15 seconds :
<tapps> set timeout 0 15 </tapps> qos

To set timeout of 5 minutes and 15 seconds, you would enter:

<tapps> set timeout 5 15 </tapps> qos

Note: The set timeout command only applies to the next command in the script (e.g., qos apply ).
Thereafter, the timeout reverts back to its default.

import script: The import script directive tells the CLI Scripting application to insert the commands from the specified
script at that spot in the current script. This allows re-use of scripts by other scripts. In the example above, if the CLI
Scripting application script named "another.script" contained only the command 'ls' , then 'ls' would be inserted at
runtime at that point in the current script. The log output for a running of the current script would show the command 'qos
apply' sent, followed by the command 'ls' being sent. Detection of loops takes place at strategic points in the CLI
Scripting application on both the client and server sides.

second password: The second password directive tells the CLI Scripting application to prepare to send the
password again. Some devices have a second login capability that requires the use of a second password. This
second password for a given device is set by the user via Topology when a device is selected for Editing. The value in
the Topology 'Secondary Password:' field will be used by this new <tapps> feature as the password to set when or if
the device prompts for a password.

last command: On some devices (e.g., OA5510-TE), commands such as 'reload' will 'hang' the OmniVista CLI
Scripting session because the switch session will end without closing the session with OmniVista. The 'last command'
directive, <tapps> lastcmd </tapps>, alerts OmniVista that the next command is the last command and a response may
not be received after this command. OmniVista will gather whatever response is given before reload and close the
session. For example:

cli.expectPrompt("Do you want to save config before rebooting (y/[n])");
cli.expectPrompt("Do you really want to reboot the Chassis (y/[n])");
<tapps> lastcmd </tapps> y

The expectPrompt() calls in the java scripts train the CLI Script to send the next value upon receiving the specific
prompt from the switch. Note that 'lastcmd' is used before “Y” and not reload command.

Importing a Script File

Although OmniVista allows users to manually create script files within the CLI Scripting application, existing script files
can also be imported. In other words, a file containing a set of CLI commands can be accessed from a server or local
drive and then applied to one or more devices. This allows users to maintain a library of network configurations and then
apply them to devices in their network as needed. Before importing a file to one or more devices, consider the following
important guidelines:

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Any script file being imported must be text-based (ASCII).
Although file extensions such as .txt and .ascii are supported, the file extension .script is
All CLI commands contained in the file must be supported on the device. Also, operational commands that
automatically issue a confirmation prompt and require the user to type a response (such as, Y or
N) are not supported in CLI script files. Examples include takeover , reload , fsck , etc. CLI
commands must also be entered into the text file one command per line .
Only one script file can be imported at a time.

To import a script file, click the Import Script button at the top of the screen. On the Import Script window, click on the
Browse button to locate the file. Select the file and click on the Import button, then click Finish. The script will be
imported as a "shared" script with the current date appended to the script name (e.g., new_script20161026.script).

Note: If you are browsing for a file with an extension other than .script , be sure to select Files of Type ->
All Files in the dialog box.

Editing a Script File

Select the script in the CLI Script List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the script commands and click on the Apply
button. Note that you cannot edit the script name or "shared" status. If you want to change the "shared" status of script,
delete the script and re-create it.

Important Note: When the changes are saved, the previous contents of the script file are overwritten.
To preserve the original contents of the file, be sure to make a backup copy before editing.

Sending a Script File

You can send a script file to a single device or multiple devices in the network. Select a script in the CLI Script List and
click on the Send Script button to bring up the Send Script Wizard. Complete the screens as described below.

Script Info
The name and contents of the selected script file are displayed. Click Next. (Note that you have the option of selecting a
different script. Click on the Browse button to bring up all of the scripts in the CLI Script List, select a script and click
OK, then click Next.)

Device Selection
Select an option from the drop-down menu (User Switch Picker/Use Topology) and click on the Add/Remove Devices
button to select devices..

Use Switch Picker - Select the devices and click OK. Click Next.
Use Topology - The Topology application will launch in the Physical Map view. Select the device(s),then
click on the OK button at the bottom of the Detail Panel to return to the Send Script Wizard. The devices
will appear in the list of devices. Click Next.

You can send a script immediately to the selected device(s), or schedule the script to be run at a specific time or at
regular intervals. After selecting/configuring an option, click Next.

Now - The script will be sent immediately to the selected device(s)

Periodically - Schedule the script as described below.
Start Time - Set a time to start the repeating script.
End Time - Set a time to stop the repeating script.
Simple - Select this option to configure a repeating script. Set an Interval using the
Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds fields, and enable the Repeat field to the number of times to repeat the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
script until the configured "End Time" is reached.
Cron - Select this option and use the drop down menus in each tab (e.g., Minute, Hour, Day) to
configure a repeating cron job. The cron job will continue until the configured "End Time" is reached.

Define User Variables

If there are variables within the script, the Define User Variables Screen is displayed. Click in field next to the variable
and enter value to be used. After completing all of the variable fields, click the Send Script button at the bottom of the

Deleting a Script File

Select the Script File in the CLI Script List and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the confirmation prompt. Note that
when a file is deleted, it is permanently removed from the scripting_files directory, and cannot be recovered.

CLI Script Details

The CLI Script List displays basic information about all configured CLI Scripts stored on the OmniVista Server. Click on
a script to view the commands contained in the script.

File Name - The script Filename.

Shared Admin Script - Whether or not the script is a shared script (True) or not (False).
Description - A brief description of the script.
Commands - The commands contained in the script.

The CLI Scripting Logs Screen displays a list log files of all CLI Scripts that have been applied to network devices. You
can click on a log file to view CLI Scripting results on a command-by-command basis. In other words, it displays whether
the contents of a file were successfully applied to the device. A log file also provides a record of a particular
configuration, as well as effective troubleshooting information, when applicable. The screen can be used to view, export,
or delete CLI Scripting Logs.

Note: As with the scripting files, log files are automatically stored on the OmniVista Server or local system.
File locations may vary, depending on the OmniVista installation, but can generally be found at a path
similar to the following: Alcatel OmniVista 2500\data\cli_scripting_logs. By default, log files are placed in a
directory indicating the IP address of the corresponding device.

Displaying a Log File

Click on a log file to display the contents. You can look through the file to view the application of the Log File on a
command-by-command basis. Unless an error has occurred, the log file will closely resemble the script file (i.e., it will list
only the CLI commands that were applied to the device). If an error occurs, an error notification is displayed in the log,
following the CLI command that triggered the error. You can search for a command or specific text string in the log file
by entering the text in the Search field and clicking on the Search Next or Search Previous buttons. You can also
configure a filter to view specific information by clicking on the Filter icon and creating/selecting a filter.

Exporting a Log File

You can export a log file to another location (directory). Select the file and click on the Export button. Browse to the
location to which you want to export the file and click OK.

Deleting a Log File

Select the log file(s) and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the confirmation prompt.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

The CLI Scripting Terminal Screen is used to establish a basic CLI Scripting session with a device. You can locate and
connect to a device using a Switch Picker or the Topology Map. Once you are connected to a device, log into the device
to issue CLI Scripting commands. Note that OmniVista must know the CLI/FTP user name and password for a device to
log into the device. If necessary, go to the Discovery application to specify CLI/FTP user name and password. You can
also specify the CLI/FTP user name and password using the "Discovery - Edit Device" operation in the Topology

Connecting to a Device
You can locate and connect to a device using a Switch Picker or the Topology Map.

Switch Picker
To connect to a device using the Switch Picker, select Using Switch Picker from the drop-down menu and click on the
Browse button. Select the switch you want to connect to and click OK. Click on the Telnet button or the SSH button at
the top of the screen to connect to the device. Log into the device to begin the session. To disconnect from a device,
click on the Disconnect button at the top of the screen, or enter exit at the command prompt.

Topology Map
To connect to a device using the Topology Map, select Using Topology from the drop down menu and click on the
Browse button. The Topology application will open. Select the device you want to connect to and click on the Telnet
link in the Selection Operations area on the right side of the screen. Log into the device to begin the session. To
disconnect from a device, enter exit at the command prompt.

Session Preferences
SSH (Secure Shell) provides CLI Scripting sessions with enhanced encryption and security. SSH may be mandatory for
some device types. OmniVista uses SSH by default for those devices requiring SSH. However, for AOS and other
devices where SSH is optional, standard Telnet is the default setting. To use SSH, you must specify SSH either on a
device-by-device basis, or on multiple devices using the Discovery Profile feature in the Discovery application.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

9.0 Control Panel

The Control Panel application is used to access the Watchdog, Scheduler, and Session Management features. The
Watchdog feature displays the status of all of the services used by OmniVista; and is used to start/stop services.
The Scheduler feature provides an overview of all currently Scheduled jobs (System Jobs and User-Defined Jobs),
and is used to start/stop, edit, or delete a User-Defined Job. The Scheduler feature also provides a history of all
completed Scheduler jobs. The Session Management feature displays a list of all OmniVista Client login sessions,
and can be used to log out a session.

The Control Panel Watchdog Screen displays the status of all of the services used by OmniVista
(Running/Stopped). Click on any service to view an information panel for the service (e.g., description, status,
dependencies, statistics). To start/stop a service, click on the slider control next to the service (Running/Stopped). If
you are stopping a service, click Yes at the confirmation prompt. Click on the Start All icon to start all stopped
services. To stop and restart all services, Click on the Restart All button.

You can also stop/start a service in the information panel. To stop a service, click on the Stop button, then click Yes
at the confirmation prompt. This will stop the service and all of its dependent services. To start a Service, click the
Start button to start the service and all of it s dependent services.

Warning: If you stop certain services (e.g., ActiveMQ, Apache Tomcat) or a service that these
services depend on, the web server will shut down, and you will have to restart the service
manually. You will receive a warning prompt whenever you try to shut down one of these services.

Scheduler Jobs
The Control Panel Scheduler Jobs Screen provides an overview of all currently Scheduled jobs (System Jobs and
User-Defined Jobs). System Jobs are automatically scheduled by OmniVista. System Jobs cannot be edited or
deleted. User-Defined Jobs are scheduled by users within OmniVista applications (e.g., using the Resource
Manager application to scheduled backup job). To view specific details about a job, click on the job in the table to
display job details (e.g., Start Time, End Time, Cron Description). You can also start/stop, edit , or delete a User-
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Defined Job. Note that you can only view System Jobs. You cannot start/stop, edit, or delete these jobs.

Starting/Stopping Scheduled Jobs

You can start/stop/pause a job by selecting the job and clicking on the applicable icon:

Start - Register the job in the schedule and start executing immediately if its start time is in the past.
Stop - Stop the current job. Stopped job will execute normally in the next cycle.
Pause - Stop the current execution and save its progress state. The job also is removed from the
schedule and will not be executed at next trigger. You can restart the job by selecting it and clicking on the
Start icon . The job will be started job from the last state and resume the job schedule.

Viewing Scheduler Jobs

The Scheduler Jobs Table lists all schedule System and User-Defined Jobs. Click on the applicable tab at the top of
the table to view a list of each type. The table provides the basic information. Click on a job to view detailed

Basic Information

Name - The system-generated job name.

Group - The system-generated job group. A job group is a logical grouping of related jobs grouped by
application, framework, etc. (e.g., Analytic, Poller, VM Snooping). You can sort or search on a job group in
the Scheduler Jobs Table to view related jobs.
Status - The status of the job (e.g., Scheduled, Waiting).

Detailed Information

Name - The system-generated job name.

Group - The system-generated job group. A job group is a logical grouping of related jobs grouped by
application, framework, etc. (e.g., Analytic, Poller, VM Snooping). You can sort or search on a job group in
the Scheduler Jobs Table to view related jobs.
Priority - The job priority. If jobs are initialized at the same time, the job with the higher priority will
begin first (Range = 1 - 10).
Actor - The system-generated behavior description for the job.
Overlap Policy - The Overlap Policy determines the action OmniVista will take if there is a job overlap:
Ignore When Overlap - The next run (cycle) of the job will be skipped if it is still being executed at
the scheduled time.
Replace When Overlap - The job will start fresh (restart) in the next run (cycle) if it is still being
executed at the scheduled time.
Action From Crash Policy - The Crash Policy determines the action to take if the job crashes before
Start Afresh From Crash - The job will start fresh in the next run (cycle) if it is in a failed state at the
scheduled time.
Resume From Crash - The job will resume from the failure point in the next run (cycle) if it is in a
failed state at the scheduled time.
Start Time - The configured start time for the job.
End Time - The configured end time for the job.
Schedule - The schedule type for the job:
Simple - The job repeats at specific intervals.
Interval - The repeat interval for the job (e.g., 1 Day, 1 Hour).
Repeat - The number of times the job will repeat.
Retry Count - The number of times the job will retry after a failure.
Retry Interval - The duration from failure to next retry, in seconds.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Timeout - The maximum amount of time the job will run before timing out, in seconds.
Owner - The user who created the job (e.g., admin). User-Defined Jobs only.
Cron - The job is a recurring Cron job.
Cron Description - A brief description of the Cron Job.
Retry Count - The number of times the job will retry after a failure.
Retry Interval - The duration from failure to next retry, in seconds.
Timeout - The maximum amount of time the job will run before timing out, in seconds.
Owner - The user who created the job (e.g., admin). User-Defined Jobs only.

Editing a Scheduled Job

You must be an admin user to edit a scheduled job. To edit a job, select the job in the Scheduler Jobs table and
click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described below and click on the Save button. Note that you can only
edit a "Paused" or "Waiting" Scheduler job. If necessary, select the job you want to edit and click on the Pause icon
. When you are done editing the job, click on the Start icon to activate the job.

Name - The system-generated job name. This field cannot be modified.

Group - The system-generated job group. A job group is a logical grouping of related jobs grouped by
application, framework, etc. (e.g., Analytic, Poller, VM Snooping). You can sort or search on a job group in
the Scheduler Jobs Table to view related jobs. This field cannot be modified.
Priority - The job priority. If jobs are initialized at the same time, the job with the higher priority will
begin first (Range = 1 - 10).
Actor - The system-generated behavior description for the job. This field cannot be modified.
Device Type - The type of device (All Devices, Specific Devices, Device Families). The default is "All
Devices". If you select "Specific Devices", a switch picker will appear to enable you to select specific
devices. If you select "Device Families", select one or more device families from the "Device Family" drop-
down menu. This field is only available for jobs requiring a device (e.g., Up/Down Poller Job, DAL Poller
Overlap Policy - Sets the Overlap Policy that determines the action to take if there is a job overlap:
Ignore When Overlap - The next run (cycle) of the job will be skipped if it is still being executed at
the scheduled time.
Replace When Overlap - The job will start fresh (restart) in the next run (cycle) if it is still being
executed at the scheduled time.
Action From Crash Policy - Sets the Crash Policy that determines the action to take if the job crashes
before completion:
Start Afresh From Crash - The job will start fresh in the next run (cycle) if it is in a failed state at the
scheduled time.
Resume From Crash - The job will resume from the failure point in the next run (cycle) if it is in a failed
state at the scheduled time.
Start Time - Enable this option and schedule a specific start day and time for the job. You can enter the date
and time in the field or use the drop-down calendar to select the day, and then edit the time in the field. Note
that if the start time is before the current time, the job will start immediately.
End Time - Enable option field and schedule a specific end day and time for the job. You can enter the
date and time in the field or use the drop-down calendar to select the day, and then edit the time in the
Simple - Select this radio button and schedule the job to repeat at specific intervals (e.g., Days,
Hours, Minutes, Seconds). Enable the Repeat option to limit the number of times the interval will be
Cron - Select this radio button to schedule the job as a recurring Cron job.
Retry - Enable this option and configure the job retry option: Count = how many times the job will
retry after a failure. Interval = the duration from failure to next retry, in seconds. (Count Range = 0
- 99, Interval Range = 0 - 99)
Timeout - Enable this option and configure the maximum amount of time a job will run before
timing out, in seconds (Range = 20 - 9999). If it is disabled, a job execution could run forever.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a Scheduled Job

To delete a job, select the job in the Scheduler Jobs table and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the
confirmation prompt. The job will be deleted and will no longer run.

Scheduler History
The Control Panel Scheduler History Screen displays a historical overview of all completed Scheduler jobs (e.g.,
device audit, license audit). Click on a job to view specific details about the job. You can manually remove an
event(s) by selecting the event(s) and clicking on the Delete icon . Note that you must be an "admin" user to view
the Scheduler History Screen.

Session Management
The Control Panel Session Management Screen displays a list of all OmniVista Client login sessions, and can be
used to log out a session. A single user can have multiple sessions, logging into the server from different clients.
Logging out one session will not affect other sessions of same user. To log out of a session(s), select the
session(s), click on the Logout Selected Sessions button, and click Yes at the confirmation prompt.

Session Information
The Session Management Table displays the following information about each user who logged into the server:

User Name - The user name.

Host Name - The host name of the client where this session originated. If the address cannot be
resolved to a host name, the IP address is displayed.
IP Address - The IP address of the client where this session originated.
First Name - The first name of the user.
Last Name - The last name of the user.
Description - The user description.
Login Server - The name of the Authentication Server used to authenticate the session.
Logged in Since - A timestamp of when was the session was created.
User Groups - The user group(s) to which the user belongs.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

10.0 Discovery
The Discovery application is used to discover network devices. The information gathered is used by OmniVista
applications to view and configure the network. The information includes:

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise devices in the network

The links between devices in the network. This information is used to display network links in graphical maps of
network regions
Additional link information required by OmniVista's Locator application
Third-party devices built by Cisco and Extreme
Any additional third-party devices for which support has been added.

Discovery is configured and performed using the screens below:

Discovery - Displays a list of all discovered network devices. It is also used to discover/re-discover devices.
Discovery Profile - Used to create a profile containing the parameters used for discovery (e.g., SNMP version,
Third-Party Devices - Used configure discovery parameters for third-party devices (e.g., OID, Display Name).
Inventory - Used to view inventory information (e.g., CMM, Chassis, Power Supplies) for any
discovered device.
Ports - Used to display information about ports on network devices, and is also used to enable/disable device
Link - Displays all links that were learned during the discovery process or created manually in OmniVista. It is
also used to manually create, edit, and delete manual links.
Settings - Used to configure automatic discovery frequency parameters, enable/disable IP Failover, and
configure switch monitoring.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Discovery Screen
The Discovery application Discovery Screen displays a list of all discovered network devices (default). It is also used to
discover/re-discover devices and add, clone, edit, delete, and search for devices. You can also perform certain
operations on devices such as ping/poll devices, configure traps, locate end stations, and reboot devices.

Note: Admin and Netadmin users will see all discovered network devices. For other users the devices
displayed depend on the User Role and User Group as defined in the Users and User Groups application).
Only the devices in the maps associated with a User's Role will be displayed.

Discovering/Re-Discovering Devices
You can discover new network devices or re-discover devices to update information for those devices.

Discovering Devices
OmniVista performs a discovery based on a specified IP address range and Discovery Profile. The Range specifies the
IP address range in which you want to discover devices. The Range is associated with a Discovery Profile. The
Discovery Profile contains the parameters that are used by OmniVista when performing the discovery (e.g., SNMP
version used to discover devices, FTP/Telnet passwords needed to connect to a device).

Discovering Devices Using and Existing Range

To discover devices using an existing range, click on the Discover New Devices button at the top of the screen. Any
configured ranges appear in the Ranges List. Select a range and click on the Discover Now button. When you click on
the Discover Now button, the discovery will begin and a progress screen will appear. When the discovery is complete
the discovered devices will appear on the Discovery Screen in the Inventory List.

Creating a New Range for Discovering Devices

If you want to create a new Range, click on the Discover New Devices button to bring up the Ranges List. Click on the
Create icon + and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, select the new Range in the Ranges
List and click on the Discover Now button. When you click on the Discover Now button, the discovery will begin and a
progress screen will appear. When the discovery is complete the discovered devices will appear on the Discovery
Screen in the Inventory List.

Start IP - The starting IP address of the discovery range (e.g.,

End IP - The ending IP address of the discovery range (e.g.,
Subnet Mask - The subnet mask used for the discovery range (e.g.,
Description - A description for the discovery range.
Choose Discovery Profiles - Select the Discovery Profile(s) to use for the discovery. If necessary, click on the
Add icon to go to the Discovery Profiles Screen and create a new profile. After the profile is created, return to
this screen and create a new range using the new profile(s). You must associate a discovery range with at least
one Discovery Profile to perform the discovery.

If you want to use more than one Discovery Profile for new range, drag and drop the profiles in the list to prioritize
the order in which they are used for discovery. OmniVista will first attempt to discover each device using the first
profile listed. If OmniVista cannot communicate with a device using the first profile, it will try the next profile, and
so on. If OmniVista cannot communicate with a device using any of the profiles, it will attempt to communicate
with the switch using the default profile. Once OmniVista successfully communicates with and discovers a
device, it will use that Discovery Profile for all future communications with that device (unless you edit the device
in the Inventory List).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Re-Discovering Devices
You can "re-discover" previously-discovered devices to update information about a device(s). For example, you might
wish to re-discover a device to learn VLAN information that was not gathered during the first discovery; or re-discover a
device if that device was re-configured outside of OmniVista. To re-discover a device(s), select the device(s) in the
Inventory List and click on the Rediscover button. The discovery will begin and a progress screen will appear. When
the discovery is complete the discovered devices will appear on the Discovery Screen in the Inventory List.

Note: If a switch was discovered previously, and a new discovery is performed using a Discovery Profile
that specifies different parameters (e.g., CLI/FTP user name and password, Shell Preference), the profile
values will not overwrite the values already specified to OmniVista for that device. The values specified in
the profile will apply to newly-discovered devices only.

Adding a Device
You can manually add a device to the Inventory List. Click on the Create icon bring up the Add New Device Screen
and complete the fields as described below. After completing the fields, click on the Add button to add the device.

Note that you can "clone" an existing device to quickly add a new device. Select a device in the Inventory Table and
click on the Clone button at the top of the screen. The Add New Device Screen will appear with all of the fields
reflecting the configuration of the selected device. Enter the IP address for the new device and, if necessary, edit any
fields. After completing the fields, click on the Add button to add the device.


Device Name - The user-configured device name (display only)

IP Address - The device's primary IP address.
CLI/FTP User Name - The user name that OmniVista will use to establish CLI/FTP sessions with the
discovered devices. The user name specified will be used to auto-login to devices when CLI sessions are
established. It will also be used to perform FTP with the device when configuration files are saved and
restored (see note below).
CLI/FTP Password - The password that OmniVista will use to establish CLI/FTP sessions with the discovered
devices. The user name specified will be used to auto-login to devices when CLI sessions are established. It
will also be used to perform FTP with the device when configuration files are saved and restored (see note
Confirm CLI/FTP Password - Confirm the CLI/FTP Password.
Secondary Password - The secondary CLI/FTP Password, if applicable.
Confirm Secondary Password - Confirm the secondary CLI/FTP Password, if applicable.

Note: The CLI/FTP User Name and Password fields enable you to inform OmniVista of the device's CLI/FTP
User Name and Password. A device's CLI/FTP User Name and Password cannot be configured from
OmniVista, they must be configured directly on the device. If you do not define the CLI/FTP User Name and
Password and you attempt to save, restore, or upgrade configuration files for a device, you will be individually
prompted for the CLI/FTP User Name and Password of each individual device for which configuration files are
being saved, restored, or upgraded. Also, OmniVista will be unable to auto-login to the device when establishing
CLI Scripting sessions.


SNMP Version - The SNMP version that OmniVista will use to communicate with the device. The default
version for AOS devices is v2, but v1 and v3 are also supported.
Timeout (msec) - The time period, in milliseconds, that OmniVista will wait for a switch to respond to a
connection request before assuming that the request has timed-out (Default = 5,000).
Read Community - The device's "get" community name. The "get" community name enables
OmniVista to read information from the device (see note below).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Write Community - The device's "set" community name. The "set" community name enables
OmniVista to write information to the device (see note below).
Retry Count - The number of times that OmniVista will attempt to connect to a switch (Default = 3).
User Name (SNMP v3 Only) - The SNMP version 3 user name.
Auth Protocol (SNMP v3 Only) - The authentication protocol OmniVista will use for SNMP communication with
the device. Authentication uses a secret key to produce a "fingerprint" of the message. The fingerprint is
included within the message. The device that receives the message uses the same secret key to validate that
the fingerprint is correct. If it is, and if the message was received in a timely manner, then the message is
considered authenticated. Otherwise, the message is discarded. The fingerprint is called a Message
Authentication Code, or MAC. Note that if you are using SHA256+AES 192 or 256 authentication protocols you
must download and install the Zulu Cryptography Extension Kit (CEK) using the Preferences application
(Preferences - System Settings - Install Zulu CEK).
Context Name (SNMP v3 Only) - A unique context name for this context. An SNMP context is a collection of
management information accessible by an SNMP entity, in this case OmniVista. A context identifies a subset of
management information, in this case the management information OmniVista has about the individual device.
OmniVista, as an SNMP entity, has access to many SNMP contexts: one for each device it manages. Each
context must be identified by a unique context name and a unique context ID. Note that an item of management
information may exist in more than one context.
Technically, the Context Name and Context ID provide a means of distinguishing specific instances of
information in the MIB modules from the set of all instances of that information within the management domain.
Context ID (SNMP v3 Only) - A unique context ID for this context. As explained above, each context must be
identified by a unique context name and a unique context ID. Note that neither the Context Name nor the
Context ID are required for AOS or default third-party devices supported by OmniVista. Leave these fields blank
unless you are using a non-default third-party device that requires definition of a Context Name and Context ID.

Note: If a device's "get" and "set" community names are "public" (the default) you can leave these fields
blank (OmniVista uses the default name (public) when the field is blank. The community names are not
configurable from OmniVista, they must be configured directly on the device. Also note that when you use
SNMP Version 3, community names are ignored.

Advanced Settings

Trap Station User Name - The user name that will be used when an AOS device is configured to send traps to
OmniVista. AOS devices require that a valid device user name be specified with the trap station configuration
entry. If this field is left blank, the following switch user names will be used by default for trap station configuration
If OmniVista is configured to use SNMP version 3 with this device, the SNMP version 3 user name
entered for the device will be used as the switch user name in the trap station configuration entry.
If OmniVista is configured to use SNMP version 1 or SNMP version 2 with this device, the read
community string for the device will be used as the switch user name in the trap station configuration

When using SNMP version 1 or 2, switch user names are interchangeable with community strings as long as
community string mapping is not in use on the switch. If community string mapping is not in use, and an AOS
switch is discovered using SNMP version 1 or 2 with a default read community string of "public", or even with a
non-default read community string such as "thomas", these community strings are valid switch user names for trap
station configuration entries. In this case, no further configuration is required and this field can be left blank.
However, if community string mapping is enabled on the device, the community string with which the switch is
discovered is not guaranteed to be a valid device user name, and thus is not guaranteed to be a valid device user
name for a trap station configuration entry. In this case, you should enter a valid device user name in the Trap
Station User Name field.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• Discover Link - Specifies how OmniVista will discover the device's links to other devices (Normal, As
OEM Devices). Select As OEM Devices to enable OmniVista to automatically discovery links using
functionality from OmniVista's Locator application. This option is useful if you want to discover links on
devices that do not support adjacency protocols. If a device does not support an adjacency protocol
that enables OmniVista to discover physical links, the endstation search algorithms used by the
Locator application are invoked at each polling cycle to discover the device's links. All links discovered
are automatically displayed in Topology maps.
• This approach works well for devices located at the edge of the network that do not support adjacency
protocols. However, when a series of such switches are interconnected at the core of a network, this
approach may "discover" more links than are meaningful. As an example, consider a series of such
devices connected in a chain. Use of the Locator endstation search algorithms, without benefit of any
actual knowledge of how the switches are connected, will result in showing links between all the
devices as a "cloud" instead of a chain. Such situations can be corrected by adding explicit manual
links. For example, in the situation described, adding manual links for the actual connections will solve
the problem by giving OmniVista the knowledge it needs to show the connections accurately.
• Shell Preference - OmniVista's CLI Scripting application supports both the Telnet and SSH command
line interfaces. SSH (Secure Shell) is a Telnet-like utility that provides encryption and is far more
secure than Telnet. If you select SSH, SSH will be used as the default command line interface for the
• In addition, Secure Shell FTP will be used as the default FTP method in Resource Manager. If you
select Telnet, Telnet will be used as the default command line interface for the device and regular
FTP will be used as the default FTP method in Resource Manager. Ensure that devices are capable
of SSH before you enable the Prefer SSH checkbox. OmniVista does not verify devices' SSH
capabilities. All AOS devices are SSH-capable.
• Use Get Bulk - Enables/Disables Get Bulk Operations. The SNMP version 2 Get Bulk operation is
used for retrieving large amounts of data, particularly from large tables. The Get Bulk operation
performs continuous Get Next operations, each time requesting the number of table rows specified by
the value in the Max Repetitions field (below). For example, if the value in the Max Repetitions field
is 10, each Get Next operation will request 10 rows of table data. Note that the number of rows of data
actually returned by the device will be determined by the amount of memory the device has available
at that time. (Default = Enabled)
• Max Repetitions - The number of rows of table data that the Get Bulk operation will request in each
Get Next operation, if enabled.

Cloning a Device
You can "clone" an existing device to quickly add a new device. Select a device in the Inventory List and click on the
Clone button at the top of the screen. The Add New Device Screen will appear with all of the fields reflecting the
configuration of the selected device. Enter the IP address for the new device and, if necessary, edit any fields. After
completing the fields, click on the Add button to add the device.

Editing a Device
Select a device in the Inventory List and click on the Edit icon . Edit any fields as described above and click on the
Save button. When you edit a device, it is important to understand that you are editing OmniVista's knowledge of the
device, not the device itself.

Deleting a Device
Select a device(s) and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Searching for a Device

You can search for a device by keyword by entering the search criteria in the Search fields at the top of the Inventory
List. Enter any search criteria based on the contents found in the table and the list will change to display only those
device containing the search criteria.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Perform Device Operations

You can also perform certain operations on devices in the Inventory List such as ping/poll devices, configure traps,
locate end stations, and reboot devices. Select a device(s) in the list. Click on the Operations icon at the top of the
Inventory List and select an option from the drop-down list. Note that not all operations are supported on all devices;
and some operations can only be performed on a single device, not multiple devices. If an operation is not supported
for the selected device(s), it will be grayed out in the list.

• Ping - Immediately pings the selected device(s). Progress is shown on the Progress Screen. Click the
• Finish button to return to the Discovery Screen.
• Poll For Traps - Immediately polls the selected device(s) for traps. A message is displayed at the top
of the Discovery Screen when polling is complete. Traps can be viewed in the Notifications
• Poll Links - Immediately polls links on the selected device(s). Progress is shown on the Progress
Screen. Click the Finish button to return to the Discovery Screen.
• Configure Health Thresholds - Brings up the Configuring Devices Health Thresholds Screen in the
Discovery application. Health Thresholds are used to set limits for health traps. If a device has been
configured to send health traps, a trap will be sent whenever a monitored item's current utilization
exceeds the configured health threshold. Configure the CPU, Memory, or Temperature Threshold for
the selected device(s) and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot configure the Temperature
Threshold. The Temperature Threshold is hard coded on devices. Also note that changes made to
health thresholds will not appear until the next polling cycle (up to an hour).
• Locator - Locate End Stations - Launches the Locator application and searches for all end stations
that are attached to the selected switch. All end stations found are displayed in the Locator
application's Browse Screen.
• Webpage - Opens up a Web session with the selected device. The web session application varies
depending on the device. For example, AOS devices will open a WebView session.
• Resource Manager - Device Inventory - Launches the Inventory Screen in the Resource Manager
Application for the selected switches, which enables you to create and Inventory Report for the
selected devices.
• Resource Manager - Backup Device - Launches the Backup Wizard in the Resource Manager
Application, which enables you to perform a configuration backup of the selected devices.
• CLI Scripting - Telnet - Opens up a Telnet session with the selected device in the CLI Scripting
• Notifications - Configure Traps - Launches the Trap Configuration Wizard in the Notifications
application to enable you to configure traps for the selected devices.
• Notifications - View Traps - Opens the Notifications Home page to display traps for the selected
• Reboot - Reboots the selected device(s) You have the option of rebooting from the Working,
Certified, or Other Directory and setting a time for the reboot. Click on the Reboot operation link and
use the Reboot From drop-down to select the directory you want to reboot from. In the Reboot Delay
drop- down select when you want to reboot to occur (now, a specific number of minutes from now, or
at a specific date and time). Note that when you reboot multiple devices, there is a minimum delay of
30 seconds before the devices reboot (even if you select the Reboot now option). If you select a large
number of devices, the delay is equal to roundoff of (30 + (deviceCount/4), in seconds(e.g., if you
select 1,000 devices, the delay is 280 seconds, or 4 minutes). The delay allows time to push the
"Reboot" command to all devices.
• Copy Running/Working to Certified - Copies the contents of the working/running directory in the
primary CMM to the certified directory in the primary CMM. Note that the Copy Working to Certified
command also automatically synchronizes the switch's CMMs after the copy operation is completed.
Copy Certified to Working/Running - Copies the contents of the certified directory in the primary
CMM to the working/running directory in the primary CMM.
• Save to Running - Saves the primary CMM's current running configuration to the current running
directory of the switch. OmniVista supports the Multiple Working Directories Feature on certain
devices (e.g., OS10K, OS6900). This feature allows the user to create multiple "working" directories
on the switch that can be used to save specific switch configurations. When the Save to Running
Command is executed, the device(s) save the CMM's current running directory to the current user-
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
defined "working" directory (Running Directory). Note that if you select a group of devices and some
do not support multiple working directories, the devices will save the CMM's current running directory
to the device's current "working" directory, whether it is a user-defined directory or the Working

Discovery Displays
By default, a table containing all discovered device is displayed (Inventory List). You can also click on the Chart View
icon to view graphical charts breaking down discovered device by device type, AOS version, and physical location.

Note: The information displayed in the Inventory List is updated based on the frequency settings
configured on the Discovery Setting Frequencies Screen. You can perform an immediate poll on a
device(s) to update information by selecting the device(s) in the Inventory List and clicking on the
Rediscover button at the top of the screen.

Inventory List
The Discovery Screen Inventory List displays basic information on all discovered network devices. Click on a device
to display detailed information for the device.

Basic Information

Friendly Name - User-configured name for the device.

Name - The name of the device.
Address - The address of the device.
DNS Name - The DNS name of the device.
Type - The type of device chassis (e.g., OS6850-24).
Version - The version number of the device software (e.g., OmniVista may not be able to
determine the software version on some third-party devices. In these cases, the field will be blank. Location -
The physical location of the device (e.g., Test Lab).
FTP User Name - The CLI/FTP user name for the device.
SNMP Version - The
v1/2 Read Community - The device's SNMP v1/2 "get" community name, if applicable. v1/2
Write Community - The device's SNMP v1/2 "set" community name, if applicable. v3 User
Name - The device's SNMP v3 user name, if applicable.
Last Upgrade Status - The status of the last firmware upgrade on the device.
"Successful" - Successful BMF and Image upgrade performed. "Successful
(BMF)" - Successful BMF upgrade performed.
"Successful (Image)" - Successful Image upgrade is performed.
"Failed (BMF, Image)" - BMF and Image upgrade failed.
"Failed (BMF)" - BMF upgrade failed.
"Failed (Image)" - Image upgrade failed.
Backup Date - The date that the device's configuration and/or image files were last backed-up to the
OmniVista Server.
Backup Version - The firmware version of the configuration and/or image files that were last backed- up to
the OmniVista Server.
Last Known Up At - The date and time when the last poll was initiated on the device.
Last Reboot Time - The date and time the device was last rebooted.
Description - A description of the device, usually the vendor name and model.
Status- The operational status of the device. It displays "Up" if the device is up and responding to polls. It
displays "Down" if the device is down and not responding to polls. It displays "Warning" if the switch has sent at
least one warning or critical trap and is thus in the warning state.
Traps - The status of trap configuration for the device. "On" means that traps are enabled. "Off" means that
traps are disabled. "Not Configurable" means that traps for this device are not configurable from OmniVista.
(Note that traps may have been configured for such devices outside of OmniVista.) "Unknown" means that
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
OmniVista does not know the status of trap configuration on this device.
Seen By - The security groups that are able to view the device. OmniVista is shipped with the following pre-
defined user groups Default, Writers, Port Administrators, Network Administrators, Administrators) that have
different security permissions. Select the group(s) from the drop-down menu to define who will be able to view
the devices after they are discovered.
Running From - For AOS devices, this field indicates whether the switch is running from the Certified directory
or from the Working directory. This field is blank for all other devices. For AOS devices, the directory structure
that stores the switch's image and configuration files in flash memory is divided into two parts:
The Certified directory contains files that have been certified by an authorized user as the default
configuration files for the switch. When the switch reboots, it will automatically load its configuration files
from the certified directory if the switch detects a difference between the certified directory and the
working directory.
The Working directory contains files that may or may not have been altered from those in the certified
directory. The working directory is a holding place for new files to be tested before committing the files to
the certified directory. You can save configuration changes to the working directory. You cannot save
configuration changes directly to the certified directory.

Note that the files in the certified directory and in the working directory may be different from the running configuration of
the switch, which is contained in RAM. The running configuration is the current operating parameters of the switch,
which are originally loaded from the certified or working directory but may have been modified through CLI commands,
WebView commands, or OmniVista.

Modifications made to the running configuration must be saved to the working directory (or lost). The working directory
can then be copied to the certified directory if and when desired.

Note: OmniVista supports the Multiple Working Directories Feature available on OS10K and OS6900
Switches (AOS Release 7.2.1.R01 and later). This feature allows the user to create multiple Working
Directories on the switch that can be used to save specific switch configurations. The user can create any
name for these "Working" Directories (e.g., "Marketing Switch 05-23-15"). If the switch is running from one of
these user-created directories, the directory name is displayed in this field.

Changes - For AOS devices, this field indicates the state of changes made to the switch's
configuration. This field is blank for all other devices. This field can display the following values:
Certified - Changes have been saved to the working directory, and but the working directory has been
copied to the certified directory. The working directory and the certified directory are thus identical.
Uncertified - Changes have been saved to the working directory, but the working directory has not been
copied to the certified directory. The working directory and the certified directory are thus different.
Unsaved - Changes have been made to the running configuration of the switch that have not been
saved to the working directory.
Blank - When this field is blank for an AOS device, the implication is that OmniVista knows of no
unsaved configuration changes and assumes that the working and certified directories in flash memory
are identical.
Discovered - The date and time when OmniVista successfully pings or polls the switch for the first time.
This value remains unchanged until the switch entry is deleted. This field will remain blank if OmniVista
does not ping or poll the switch at all.
No. of Licenses Used - The total number of Core (AOS) or Third-Party licenses being used. For example, a
stack of 4 switches would require 4 licenses, a VC of 6 would require 6 licenses. If a stack splits, the number
of licenses reserved for the device before the split is maintained even though modules have been reduced to
less than 5. This way, the license counts are reserved for the stack to recover.
License Type - The type of license used by the device (e.g., AOS, Third Party).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detailed Information

Basic Information

Name - The name of the device.

Address - The address of the device.
Status- The operational status of the device. It displays "Up" if the device is up and responding to polls. It
displays "Down" if the device is down and not responding to polls. It displays "Warning" if the switch has sent at
least one warning or critical trap and is thus in the warning state.
DNS Name - The DNS name of the device.
Type - The type of device chassis (e.g., OS6850-24).
Version - The version number of the device software (e.g., OmniVista may not be able to
determine the software version on some third-party devices. In these cases, the field will be blank. Location -
The physical location of the device (e.g. Test Lab).
Description - A description of the device, usually the vendor name and model.

Security Information

FTP User Name - The user name that OmniVista will use to establish CLI/FTP sessions with the discovered
devices. The user name specified will be used to auto-login to devices when CLI sessions are established. It
will also be used to perform FTP with the device when configuration files are saved and restored.
Seen By - The security permissions that will be required for viewing the devices after they are discovered.
OmniVista is shipped with four pre-defined user groups (Port Administrators, Default, Administrators
Writers Network Administrators) that have different security permissions. Select the group(s) from the
drop-down menu to define who will be able to view the devices after they are discovered.
SNMP Version - The SNMP version that OmniVista will use to communicate with the device. The default
version for AOS devices is v2, but v1 and v3 are also supported.
Read Community - The device's "get" community name. The "get" community name enables
OmniVista to read information from the device.
Write Community - The device's "set" community name. The "set" community name enables
OmniVista to write information to the device.

License Information

No. of Licenses Used - The total number of Core (AOS) or Third-Party licenses being used. For example, a
stack of 4 switches would require 4 licenses, a VC of 6 would require 6 licenses. If a stack splits, the number
of licenses reserved for the device before the split is maintained even though modules have been reduced to
less than 5. This way, the license counts are reserved for the stack to recover.
License Type - The type of license used by the device (e.g., AOS, Third Party).

Status Information

Traps - The status of trap configuration for the device. "On" means that traps are enabled. "Off" means that
traps are disabled. "Not Configurable" means that traps for this device are not configurable from OmniVista.
(Note that traps may have been configured for such devices outside of OmniVista.) "Unknown" means that
OmniVista does not know the status of trap configuration on this device.
Running From - For AOS devices, this field indicates whether the switch is running from the Certified
directory or from the Working directory. This field is blank for all other devices.
Changes - For AOS devices, this field indicates the state of changes made to the switch's
configuration. This field is blank for all other devices. This field can display the following values:
Certified - Changes have been saved to the working directory, and but the working directory has been
copied to the certified directory. The working directory and the certified directory are thus identical.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Uncertified - Changes have been saved to the working directory, but the working directory has not been
copied to the certified directory. The working directory and the certified directory are thus different.
Unsaved - Changes have been made to the running configuration of the switch that have not been
saved to the working directory.
Blank - When this field is blank for an AOS device, the implication is that OmniVista knows of no unsaved
configuration changes and assumes that the working and certified directories in flash memory are identical.
Last Upgrade Status - The status of the last firmware upgrade on the device.
"Successful" - Successful BMF and Image upgrade performed.
"Successful (BMF)" - Successful BMF upgrade performed.
"Successful (Image)" - Successful Image upgrade is performed.
"Failed (BMF, Image)" - BMF and Image upgrade failed.
"Failed (BMF)" - BMF upgrade failed.
"Failed (Image)" - Image upgrade failed.

Other Information

Backup Date - The date that the device's configuration and/or image files were last backed-up to the
OmniVista Server.
Backup Version - The firmware version of the configuration and/or image files that were last backed- up to
the OmniVista Server.
Last Known Up At - The date and time when the last poll was initiated on the device. Discovered - The
date and time when OmniVista successfully pings or polls the switch for the first time. This value remains
unchanged until the switch entry is deleted. This field will remain blank if OmniVista does not ping or poll
the switch at all.

Graphical Views
For a graphical view of discovered devices grouped by category, click on the Chart View icon at the top of the
screen. By default, the pie chart view is shown, with the inventory information displayed by type. Click on the bar chart
option to view the information in bar chart format. Hover the mouse over a section for the number of devices in the
category. Change the view using the Group by drop-down menu:

Type - Group discovered devices by device type (e.g., OS6860-48, Aruba AP).
Location - Group discovered devices by physical location listed for the device (e.g., NMS Lab, SQA Lab).
Version - Group discovered devices by software version running on the device (e.g.,,

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Discovery Profiles
The Discovery Profiles Screen displays all configured Discovery Profiles and is used to create, edit, and delete profiles.
A Discovery Profile is used when discovering network devices. A Discovery Profile contains the parameters that are
used by OmniVista when performing a discovery (e.g., SNMP version used to discover devices, CLI/FTP passwords
needed to connect to a device).

Creating a Discovery Profile

Click on the Create icon to bring up the Create Discovery Profile Screen. Complete the fields in each section as
described below, then click on the Create button.


Name - The profile name.

CLI/FTP User Name - The CLI Scripting (Telnet)/FTP user name that OmniVista will use to establish CLI
Scripting and FTP sessions with the discovered devices.
CLI/FTP Password - The CLI scripting (Telnet)/FTP user name that OmniVista will use to establish CLI
Scripting and FTP sessions with the discovered devices. Note that the user name and password specified will
be used to auto-login to devices when CLI Scripting sessions are established. They will also be used to perform
FTP with the device when configuration files are saved and restored.
Confirm CLI/FTP Password - Re-enter the CLI/FTP Password.
Secondary Password - Optional Secondary Password used to connect to devices.
Confirm Secondary Password - Re-enter the Secondary Password.

Note: If you do not define the CLI/FTP user name and password, and you attempt to save, restore,
or upgrade configuration files for AOS devices, you will be individually queried for the FTP login name
and password of each individual switch for which configuration files are being saved, restored, or
upgraded. In addition, OmniVista will be unable to auto-login to the device when establishing CLI
Scripting sessions.


SNMP Version - The SNMP version used to discover devices (v1, v2, v3). (Default = v2)
Timeout - The time period, in milliseconds, that OmniVista will wait for a switch to respond to a
connection request before assuming that the request has timed-out.
Read Community (v1 and v2 only) - The Read Community Name, which is used to read information from a
Write Community (v1 and v2 only) - The Write Community Name, which is used to write information to a
Retry Count - The number of times OmniVista will attempt to attempt to connect to a switch.
User Name (v3 only) - The SNMP version 3 user name.
Auth and Priv Protocol (v3 only) - Select the authentication protocol OmniVista will use for SNMP
communications with the discovered switches (None, MD5, or SHA).
Auth Password (v3 only) - The password that OmniVista will use for the MD5 or SHA authentication protocol
(if applicable).
Confirm Auth Password (v3 only) - Confirm the authentication password entered above. Priv
Password (v3 only) - The password that will be used as the secret key (if applicable). Confirm
Priv Password (v3 only) - Confirm the privilege password entered above.
Context Name (v3 only) - The unique context name for this context. (An SNMP context is a
collection of management information accessible by an SNMP entity, in this case OmniVista.)
Context ID (v3 only) - The unique context ID for this context. Each context must be identified by a unique
context name and a unique context ID.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: If a device's Read and Write Community Names are "public" (Default), you can leave these fields
blank (OmniVista uses the default name, "public" when the field is blank.) Read and Write Community
Names are not configurable from OmniVista; they can only be configured by logging onto a device. Also
note that when you use SNMP v3, Read and Write Community Names are ignored.

Advanced Settings

Trap Station Name - The device user name that will be used when an AOS device is configured to send traps
to OmniVista. AOS devices require that a valid device user name be specified with the trap station
configuration entry. If this field is left blank, the following switch user names will be used by default for trap
station configuration entries:
If OmniVista is configured to use SNMP version 3 with this device, the SNMP version 3 user name
entered for the device will be used as the switch user name in the trap station configuration entry.
If OmniVista is configured to use SNMP version 1 or SNMP version 2 with this device, the read
community string for the device will be used as the switch user name in the trap station configuration
Discover Link - Specifies how OmniVista will discover the physical links associated with the discovered
devices. Links to other switches are displayed graphically on OmniVista's Topology maps.
Normally - This setting is used for devices that support adjacency protocols, such as AOS devices.
Adjacency protocols (such as XMAP and AMAP) enable OmniVista to discover the physical links
associated with specific devices.
As OEM Device - This setting enables you to use the new "end station search" functionality from the
Locator application to automatically discover links for devices that do not support adjacency protocols. If
this setting is used and the device does not support an adjacency protocol that enables OmniVista to
discover physical links, the end station search algorithms used by the Locator application are invoked at
each polling cycle to discover the device's links. All links discovered are displayed on Topology maps
Shell Preference - Specifies the default command line interface to be used for discovered devices. OmniVista's
CLI Scripting application supports both the Telnet and SSH command line interfaces. SSH (Secure Shell) is a
Telnet-like utility that provides encryption and is far more secure than Telnet. When the SSH setting is used,
SSH will be used as the default command line interface for the device. If the Telnet setting is used, Telnet will be
used as the default command line interface for the device. Ensure that devices are capable of SSH before
you use the SSH setting. OmniVista does not verify devices' SSH capabilities. All AOS devices are SSH-
Use Get Bulk - Enables (Yes)/Disables (No) the "Get Bulk' operation. When enabled, the "Get Bulk" operation is
used for retrieving large amounts of data, particularly from large tables. The Get Bulk operation performs
continuous "Get Next" operations, each time requesting the number of table rows specified by the value in the
Max Repetitions field (described below). For example, if the value in the Max Repetitions field is ten, each Get
Next operation will request 10 rows of table data. Note that the number of rows of data actually returned by the
switch will be determined by the amount of memory the switch has available at that time.
Max Repetitions - The number of rows of table data that the "Get Bulk" operation will request in each "Get
Next" operation.

Editing a Discovery Profile

Select a profile from the Existing Profiles Table and click on the Edit icon . Update any fields as described above
and click on the Update button. Note that you cannot edit a profile name.

Deleting a Discovery Profile

Select a profile(s) from the Existing Profiles Table, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Profile Information
Basic Discovery Profile information is displayed in the Existing Profiles Table. Click on a profile to display detailed

Basic Information

Name - The profile name.

SNMP Version - The SNMP version used to discover devices (v1, v2, v3). (Default = v2)
v1/2 Read Community - The SNMP v1/v2 Read Community Name, which is used to read information from a
device, if applicable.
v1/2 Write Community - The SNMP v1/v2 Write Community Name, which is used to write information to a
device, if applicable.
v3 User Name - The SNMP v3 user name, if applicable.

Detailed Information

Name - The profile name.

CLI/FTP User Name - The CLI Scripting (Telnet)/FTP user name that OmniVista will use to establish CLI
Scripting and FTP sessions with the discovered devices.
SNMP Version - The SNMP version used to discover devices (v1, v2, v3). (Default = v2) Timeout -
The time period, in milliseconds, that OmniVista will wait for a switch to respond to a connection request
before assuming that the request has timed-out.
Read Community (v1 and v2 only) - The Read Community Name, which is used to read information from a
Write Community (v1 and v2 only) - The Write Community Name, which is used to write information to a
Retry Count - The number of times OmniVista will attempt to attempt to connect to a switch.
User Name (v3 only) - The SNMP version 3 user name.
Auth and Priv Protocol (v3 only) - The authentication protocol OmniVista will use for SNMP
communications with the discovered switches (None, MD5, or SHA).
Auth Password (v3 only) - The password that OmniVista will use for the MD5 or SHA authentication protocol
(if applicable).
Confirm Auth Password (v3 only) - Confirm the authentication password entered above.
Priv Password (v3 only) - The password that will be used as the secret key (if applicable).
Confirm Priv Password (v3 only) - Confirm the privilege password entered above.
Context Name (v3 only) - The unique context name for this context. (An SNMP context is a collection of
management information accessible by an SNMP entity, in this case OmniVista.)
Context ID (v3 only) - The unique context ID for this context. Each context must be identified by a unique
context name and a unique context ID.
Trap Station User Name - The device user name that will be used when an AOS device is configured to send
traps to OmniVista. AOS devices require that a valid device user name be specified with the trap station
configuration entry. If this field is left blank, the following switch user names will be used by default for trap
station configuration entries:
If OmniVista is configured to use SNMP version 3 with this device, the SNMP version 3 user name
entered for the device will be used as the switch user name in the trap station configuration entry.
If OmniVista is configured to use SNMP version 1 or SNMP version 2 with this device, the read
community string for the device will be used as the switch user name in the trap station configuration
Discover Link - Specifies how OmniVista will discover the physical links associated with the discovered
devices. Links to other switches are displayed graphically on OmniVista's Topology maps:
Normally - This setting is used for devices that support adjacency protocols, such as AOS
devices. Adjacency protocols (such as XMAP and AMAP) enable OmniVista to discover the
physical links associated with specific devices.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
As OEM Device - This setting setting enables you to use the new "end station search" functionality from
the Locator application to automatically discover links for devices that do not support adjacency protocols.
If this setting is used and the device does not support an adjacency protocol that enables OmniVista to
discover physical links, the end station search algorithms used by the Locator application are invoked at
each polling cycle to discover the device's links. All links discovered are displayed on Topology maps
Shell Preference - Specifies the default command line interface to be used for discovered devices. OmniVista's
CLI Scripting application supports both the Telnet and SSH command line interfaces. SSH (Secure Shell) is a
Telnet-like utility that provides encryption and is far more secure than Telnet. When the SSH setting is used,
SSH will be used as the default command line interface for the device. If the Telnet setting is used, Telnet will
be used as the default command line interface for the device. .
Use Get Bulk - Enables (Yes)/Disables (No) the "Get Bulk' operation. When enabled, the "Get Bulk" operation
is used for retrieving large amounts of data, particularly from large tables. The Get Bulk operation performs
continuous "Get Next" operations, each time requesting the number of table rows specified by the value in the
Max Repetitions field (described below). For example, if the value in the Max Repetitions field is ten, each Get
Next operation will request 10 rows of table data. Note that the number of rows of data actually returned by the
switch will be determined by the amount of memory the switch has available at that time.
Max Repetitions - The number of rows of table data that the "Get Bulk" operation will request in each "Get
Next" operation.

Third-Party Devices Support

The Discovery Third-Party Devices Support Screen is used to enable discovery and support of third-party devices. The
Third-Party Devices Support Screen enables you to add support for third-party devices, edit third-party device support,
delete support for unwanted third-party devices. The Mibset List displays all configured third-party device support

Note: Support for Cisco and Extreme devices must be added manually as described below.

Adding Third-Party Device Support

To add support for a third-party device, click on the Add icon and complete the fields as described below. When you
have completed the fields, click on the Create button. The entry will appear in the Mibset List.

IOD - The device's Object ID. Enter only the portion of the OID relative to the "."
(".iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises") branch. For example, enter only '9' for Cisco devices rather than
'.', or '1916' for Extreme devices, rather than '.''. Using this vendor value (e.g., 9,
1916) will enable OmniVista to recognize all devices from the vendor. Note that you can also enter specific
vendor device values (e.g., '1916.800.') for each vendor device if you want each device to have a
different name while using the same mibset.
Display Name - The name to be used for the device.
MIB Directory Name - The directory name of the device's MIB. If you want to use MIB-2 level support for third-
party devices, enter mib-2. This generic MIB-2 directory already exists in OmniVista. If you are not using
standard MIB-2, enter a new directory name for the MIB. Note that the directory does not have to actually exist;
it will be created automatically when you import the MIB.
Enabled - Select On or Off to enable (On) or disable (Off) discovery for the device.
Icon - The generic third-party icon appears in the Icon field. If you have an icon you would like to display for
the device, click on the Choose Image button and locate the image. The image will appear in the Icon field.

Traps for Third-Party Devices

By default, OmniVista supports generic MIB-2 traps for third-party devices. If you import a new, custom MIB for a third-
party device, OmniVista will automatically scan the MIB for new traps and integrate any traps it finds. Note that MIBs do
not include synopses for traps. OmniVista will create a synopsis "on the fly" for any new trap it integrates. You can go
to the Trap Definition Screen in the Notifications application and edit the synopses or severity levels that OmniVista
assigns to new traps.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Third-Party Device Support After Discovery

Once third-party devices have been discovered, OmniVista supports the following functionality for the devices:

Web Browser - OmniVista enables you to launch web-based element managers for third-party devices using
the "Webpage" operation in the Topology application.
Telnet or SSH (as applicable) - OmniVista enables you to initiate Telnet or SSH sessions to third- party
devices using the Terminal Screen in the CLI Scripting application.
Custom MIBs - OmniVista allows you to import custom MIBs for third-party devices (as described above).
Custom Icons - OmniVista enables you to import a custom icon that will be used to represent a specific third-
party device.
Traps - By default, OmniVista supports generic MIB-2 traps for third-party devices. In addition, whenever you
import a new, custom MIB for a third-party device, OmniVista will scan the MIB for new traps and automatically
integrate any traps it finds.
Locator - OmniVista's Locator application supports third-party devices.

Editing Third-Party Device Support

Select an entry in the Mibset List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described above, then click on the
Update button. Note that you cannot edit the OID or Display Name.

Deleting Third-Party Device Support

Select an entry in the Mibset List and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Mibset List
The Mibset List displays information about configured third-party device support.

OID - The device's Object ID.

Display Name - The name that is used for the device.
MIB Directory Name - The directory that contains the device's MIB.
Enabled - "True" (enabled) indicates that the device is included in the discovery process. "False"
(disabled) indicates that the device is not included in the discovery process.

Import MIBs
The Discovery Import MIBs Screen is used to import new or updated MIB files into OmniVista. All MIB files are
imported to the OmniVista Server. Before you import MIBs, it is important to understand that the purpose of this
function is to import MIB files that reside somewhere on your local file system into OmniVista. A mibs.txt ASCII file lists
the order in which the MIBs will be compiled. Also:

All MIB files that you import must have a file extension of .mib.
If you create a new MIB directory for a new device, note that you must import a complete set of MIBs into that
directory. This means that if any proprietary MIBs you are using have imports of standard MIBs, the standard
MIBs must be included and imported into that directory as well.
For the MIBs to compile correctly, you are strongly advised to order them so that all the referenced MIB files are
compiled before the files that reference them. MIB compilers follow import references from one MIB to another
on the fly, and do not strictly require that the MIBs be compiled in any particular order. For this to work
successfully, however, the MIB filenames must match the import statements exactly, and unfortunately this is
almost never the case. To avoid these problems, as stated above, order the MIB files so that all the referenced
MIB files are compiled before the files that reference them. You can specify the order in which the MIB files will
be compiled by selecting files and using the Up and Down arrows in the Import Files to Mibset Screen, as
described in the procedure below. MIB files will be compiled in the order that the files are listed in the Import
Files to Mibset Screen.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
It is not advisable to add new MIB files to a MIB directory supplied by default with OmniVista. It is preferable to
create a separate new directory for each new third-party device you want to support. This will ensure proper
operation of the OmniVista MIB Browser. If you add a new MIB file to an existing MIB directory, you will need to
re-import the existing MIB files in order for them all to display in the OmniVista MIB Browser.
Once you have completed the MIB importation process, OmniVista does not immediately parse the MIBs. When
you discover a device with an OID that is specified for the MIB directory into which you imported the new MIBs,
OmniVista will poll the device for standard MIB-II objects. If the standard MIB-II MIBs are not included in the
directory, error messages will be written to file server.txt (which can be viewed from the Audit application). Any
proprietary MIBs that you imported into the directory will not be parsed until you load the MIB Browser for a
device with an OID that is specified for that directory.
However, if you close the OmniVista client and completely stop the OmniVista server after completing the MIB
importation process, then start the server, the MIBs will be parsed when the server starts.

Importing MIBs
Follow the steps below to import MIB files into OmniVista.

1. Select the Mibset to be updated from the drop-down box at the top of the screen (e.g., Cisco). If you entered a
new directory name in the Third-Party Device Support Screen, the name will be displayed in the drop-down menu.

2. Click on the Import button, then click on the Upload Files button.

3. Browse to the folder containing the MIBs you want to import, select all of the files and click Open. The files will
appear in the imported into the Import Files to Mibset Screen.

Note: If you are using Chrome, you will have the option of selecting an Upload Folder button in Step 2.
Select the folder containing the MIB Files to import all of the files in the folder. This option is not
supported in Firefox or Internet Explorer.
4. The MIB files will be loaded into OmniVista in the order the files are listed in the Import Files to Mibset Screen. You
can adjust this order by selecting individual files and clicking the Up and Down arrows in the upper-right corner of the
screen until files are listed in the correct order.

5. Click the Apply button. The MIB files are imported to the OmniVista Server.

The Discovery Inventory Screen is used to view inventory information (e.g., CMM, Chassis, Power Supplies) for any
discovered device. To view information for a device, select an option from the drop down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use
Topology), click on the Select Device button and select a device.

Asset Information

• Friendly Name - A user-definable name for the device. If no name was configured, the IP address of
the device is displayed.
• Module Type - The physical type of module or submodule in this physical location (e.g., Chassis, NI).
Note that the value for this field displays as "Unknown" for a brief period while a newly-installed
module or submodule is identified.
• Module Name - The manufacturer's name for the module (e.g. OS6850--C48, OS6850-BPS-PS).
Description - The user-definable description of this particular module or submodule. The module
description can be defined through SNMP.
• Serial Number - The serial number of the module or sub-module.
• Part Number - The part number of the module or sub-module.
• MAC Address - The base MAC address for the module or submodule. If not applicable, the field will
be blank.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• OS Version - The OS version number running on the module. If not applicable, the field will be blank.
• Uboot Version - The U-Boot version running on the module. If not applicable, the field will be blank.
• HW Revision - The hardware revision number for the module. If not applicable, the field will be blank.
Firmware Version - The version/revision level of the module or submodule firmware. If not applicable
(e.g., Power Supply), the field will be blank.
• Manufacturer Name - The manufacturer of the module.
• License - Additional licenses (other than the Core License) active on the module (e.g., Advanced), if
• Slot - The slot in the chassis where the module resides. If not applicable, the field will be blank.

The Discovery Ports Screen is used to display information about ports on network devices, and is also used to
enable/disable device ports. Click on the Select Devices button and use the Switch Picker or Topology option to select
the devices you want to view. You can select up to 50 devices at a time. You can also enable/disable ports by selecting
the port(s) and click on the Enable or Disable button at the top of the screen.

Port Information

Friendly Name - Displays the device label as configured in the Preferences application (e.g., device IP
address, System name, DNS name).
IP Address - The IP address of the device on which the port resides.
Name -The user-defined name for the device.
Slot/Port - The slot/port number on the device.
Port Alias - The user-defined alias for the port.
Port Description - A detailed description of the interface (e.g., Alcatel-Lucent OS6900 QNI 1/1A)
Admin Status - The administrative status of the port (Up/Down). When the admin status of a port is "Up", the
port can receive and transmit data as long as a cable is connected and no physical or operational problems
exist. When the admin status of a port is "Down", the port will not transmit or receive data even if a cable is
connected and the physical connection is operational. Note that physical or operational problems may cause a
port to be nonfunctional even when its admin status is enabled.
Operational Status - The operational status of the port (Up/Down/Unknown). If the operational status of a port
is "Up", the admin status of the port is "Up" and a cable is connected to the port and transmitting data.

Note: If an interface's Admin Status is "Down", its Operational Status will also be "Down". When the
Admin Status is changed to up, the interface's Operational Status will change to "Up" if the interface
is ready to transmit and receive packets; or the Operational Status will change to "Dormant" if the
interface is waiting for external actions; or the Operational Status will remain "Down" if there is a
fault that prevents it from going "Up".

Operational State Changed At - The date and time the operational status of the port last changed (from
"Up" to "Down" or "Down" to "Up").
Configured Speed - The configured interface line speed, in Mbps. If the port is set to "Auto", the switch
automatically sets the line speed to match the attached device.
Negotiated Speed - The actual speed of the port.
Default VLAN - The default VLAN to which the port is assigned.
Port Type - The port type (e.g., Ethernet-CSMA/CD).
Specific Type - Detailed information about the port type (e.g., LAG, Stack).
Port Properties - The port configuration properties (e.g., UNP, Mobile, LLDP)
UNP Status - Indicates whether or not UNP is Enabled/Disabled on the port.
Port Split Status - The split port status of the switch (Auto, 40GB, or 4 x 10GB). The Split Port Feature is only
supported on OS6900-Q32/X72 Switches running AOS 7.3.4.R01 and later. If the port is on a non-supported
device, the field will display "False".
VFL Port - Indicates whether or not the port is a VFL port (True/False)
PoE Status - The administrative status of PoE on the port (True=enabled, False=disabled). If the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
device/port does not support PoE, the field will display "False".
PoE Wattage - The amount of PoE power being used by the device (if applicable), in milliwatts.

Note: The Discovery Ports feature is supported on AOS devices only.

The Discovery Link Screen displays all links that were learned during the discovery process, or created manually in
OmniVista. It is also used to manually create, edit, and delete manual links. Unlike automatically- discovered Links,
which disappear from the Topology map view when they become unreachable, manual links will be persistent and
display in RED when the link goes down. This enables users to manually configure critical links, such as the network
core links (which are seldom changed), providing better monitoring capability for critical links.

Creating a Link

Click on the Create icon + and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Create button.

IP Address 1 - The IP address of one device in the link. Select an option from the drop down menu (Use
Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select Device button and select a device.
Slot/Port 1 - Select a slot/port for IP address 1 from the drop-down menu.
LAG 1 - If this is a link aggregation link, set the LAG 1 field to the Link Aggregation Number assigned by the
device above when the link aggregation group was created.
IP Address 2 - The IP address of the second device in the link. Select an option from the drop down menu
(Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select Device button and select a device.
Slot/Port 2 - Select a slot/port for IP address 2 from the drop-down menu.
LAG 2 - If this is a link aggregation link, set the LAG 2 field to the Link Aggregation Number assigned by the
device above when the link aggregation group was created.
Media Type - Select the media type for the link from the drop-down menu.
Status - Select the administrative status for the link from the drop-down menu (Up/Down). Note that you can
edit the link later if you want to change the status.

Editing a Link
Select a link in the Existing Links Table and click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described above and click on
the Apply button.

Deleting a Link
Select a link in the Existing Links Table and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.

Existing Links Table

Origin - The origin of the link (e.g., AMAP, LLDP, Manual).

IP Address 1 - The IP address of one switch in the link.
Slot/Port 1 - The slot and port that connect the link on IP address 1.
LAG 1 - If this is a link aggregation link, this field displays the Link Aggregation reference number
assigned by the first switch when the link aggregation group was created.
IP Address 2 - The slot and port that connect the link on IP address 1.
Slot/Port 2 - The slot and port that connect the link on the second switch, specified above.
LAG 2 - If this is a link aggregation link, this field displays the Link Aggregation reference number
assigned by the second switch when the link aggregation group was created.
Ring ID - The Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) ID, if applicable.
Media Type - The media type of the link (e.g., Ethernet).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Status - The status of the link (e.g., Up/Down/Unknown).

Setting Frequencies
Once the first discovery is complete, OmniVista performs automatic periodic discoveries to keep its information about
the network updated. The Discovery Setting Frequencies Screen is used to configure the frequency of automatic
periodic discoveries.

Configuring Automatic Polling

You can configure the frequency of automatic polling. Enter a value (Days, Hours, Minutes) in the applicable Automatic
Discovery Type and click on the Apply button.

Automatic Discovery Types

OmniVista performs the following automatic discoveries:
• Full Discovery
• Occasional Updates
• Regular Updates
• Frequent Updates

Full Discovery
By default, OmniVista makes a Full Discovery once every eight (8) hours. Full Discoveries include:

• Down Switch Polling

• Frequent Update Polling
• Regular Update Polling
• Auto-discovery of network devices as specified in the Discovery application.

Occasional Updates
By default, OmniVista makes Occasional Updates once every four (4) hours. Occasional Updates include:

• Down Switch Polling

• Frequent Update Polling
• Regular Update Polling

Regular Updates
By default, OmniVista makes Regular Updates once every hour. Regular Updates include:

Down Switch Polling

Frequent Update polling as described above.
Additional polling for:
Detailed chassis, module, and port information
VLAN information
Link Aggregation
Ethernet link discovery (i.e., polling AMAP tables)
MAC address column from the ARP Table
Bridge Forwarding Table

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Frequent Updates
By default, OmniVista makes Frequent Updates every five (5) minutes. Frequent Updates include:
• Down Switch Polling
• Polling the standard MIB-II scalar variables sysName and sysDescr
• For AOS devices, polling for:
• The running directory (certified or working), the certification status, and the administrative status
of all CMMs.
• The configuration change status; i.e., has the configuration changed since the last save of

IP Failover
The Discovery IP Failover Screen is used to specify whether or not OmniVista will use a device's alternate IP address
for SNMP traffic if the primary IP address fails. If IP Failover is enabled and a device fails to respond to SNMP
requests, the OmniVista Server tries to reach the switch using the alternate IP address. If the attempt is successful, all
subsequent management traffic is diverted to this new address. Use the IP Failover slider to enable (On) or disable
(Off) the feature and click on the Apply button.

Switch Monitoring
The Discovery Switch Monitoring Screen is used to configure discovery polling of "down" devices. OmniVista polls
down switches once per minute to check if the switches have come back up. Select the Always radio button if you want
this monitoring to occur all the time. Select the Only if Polling Enabled radio button if you want this monitoring to
occur only when normal OmniVista polling is enabled. After making a selection, click the Apply button. The change
takes effect immediately.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

11.0 Groups
The Groups Application enables you to create groups, which can be used in various PolicyView conditions. Groups are
stored on an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) repository that is automatically installed with OmniVista and
resides on the same device as the OmniVista server. When the switches in the network are notified to re-cache their
policy information, the firmware loads the groups referred by these policies. The Groups application enables you to
create five types of groups: MAC Groups, VLAN Groups, Network Groups, Multicast Groups, and Service Groups. You
can also configure Services and Service Ports to be used in Service Groups.

MAC Groups
The Groups MAC Groups Screen displays all configured MAC Groups. The screen is used to create, edit, and delete
MAC Groups, which can be used in creating various policy conditions, such as source MAC group condition and
destination MAC group condition.

Creating a MAC Group

Click on the Create icon. Enter a Name for the MAC Group. Enter a MAC Address and click on the Add icon .
Repeat to add additional addresses. When you are done, click on the Create button. The MAC Group will appear in
MAC Groups List. Note that you must enter at least one MAC Address.

Editing a MAC Group

Click on the MAC Group that you want to edit to view the MAC Addresses in the MAC Group. Note that you cannot edit
a MAC Group name. To edit a MAC Group name you must delete the MAC Group and create a new one.

To add a MAC Address to the Group, enter the MAC Address, then click on the Add icon . Repeat to add
additional addresses. When you are done, click on Update button.
To edit a MAC Address, click on the Edit icon , edit the address, then click on the Save icon . Repeat
to edit additional addresses. When you are done, click on the Update button.
To delete a MAC Address, click on the Delete icon next to the MAC Address you want to delete. Repeat
to delete additional addresses. When you are done, click on the Update button.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a MAC Group

To delete a MAC Group(s), select the checkbox next to the group(s) in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click OK
at the confirmation prompt.

Note: MAC Groups that are in use by policy conditions cannot be deleted. To delete these MAC groups,
remove them from the policy conditions.

VLAN Groups
The Groups VLAN Groups Screen displays all configured VLAN Groups. The screen is used to create, edit, and delete
VLAN Groups.

Creating a VLAN Group

Click on the Create icon. Enter a Name for the VLAN Group. Enter a VLAN Range and click on the Add icon .
Repeat to add additional VLAN Ranges. When you are finished, click on the Create button. The VLAN Group will
appear in VLAN Groups List. Note that you must enter at least one (1) VLAN range.

Editing a VLAN Group

Click on the VLAN Group that you want to edit to view the VLAN ranges in the VLAN Group. Note that you cannot edit a
VLAN Group name. To edit a VLAN Group name you must delete the VLAN Group and create a new one.

To add a VLAN Range to the Group, enter a VLAN Range and click on the Add icon . Repeat to add
additional ranges. When you are done, click on the Update button.
To edit a VLAN Range, click on the Edit icon , edit the range, then click on the Save icon . Repeat to edit
additional ranges. When you are done, click on the Update button.
To delete a VLAN Range, click on the Delete icon next to the VLAN Range you want to delete. Repeat
to delete additional ranges. When you are done, click on the Update button.

Deleting a VLAN Group

To delete a VLAN Group(s), select the checkbox next to the group(s) in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click
OK at the confirmation prompt.

Note: VLAN Groups that are in use by policy conditions cannot be deleted. To delete these VLAN groups,
remove them from the policy conditions.

Network Groups
The Groups Network Groups Screen displays all configured Network Groups. The screen is used to create, edit, and
delete Network Groups.

Creating a Network Group

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Name for the Network Group. Enter a Subnet IP/Subnet Mask and click on the Add
icon . Repeat to add additional subnets. When you are finished, click on the Create button. The Network Group will
appear in Network Groups List. Note that you must enter at least one Subnet IP/Subnet Mask.

Editing a Network Group

Click on the Network Group that you want to edit to view the Subnets in the Network Group. Note that you cannot edit a
Network Group name. To edit a Network Group name you must delete the Network Group and create a new one.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
To add a Subnet Address to the Group, enter a Subnet IP/Subnet Mask and click on the Add icon . Repeat
to add additional subnets. When you are finished, click on the Update button.
To edit a Subnet, click on the Edit icon , edit the address, then click on the Save icon . Repeat to edit
additional Subnets. When you are done, click on the Update button.
To delete a Subnet, click on the Delete icon next to the Subnet you want to delete. Repeat to delete
Subnets. When you are done, click on the Update button.

Deleting a Network Group

To delete a Network Group(s), select the checkbox next to the group(s) in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click
OK at the confirmation prompt.

Note: Network Groups that are in use by policy conditions cannot be deleted. To delete these
Network groups, remove them from the policy conditions.

Multicast Groups
The Groups Multicast Groups Screen displays all configured Multicast Groups. The screen is used to create, edit, and
delete Multicast Groups.

Creating a Multicast Group

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Name for the Multicast Group. Enter a Subnet IP/Subnet Mask and click on the
Add icon . To add additional subnets, click on the Add icon and enter the subnets. When you are finished, click on
the Create button. The Multicast Group will appear in Multicast Groups List. Note that you must enter at least one
Subnet IP/Subnet Mask. .

Editing a Multicast Group

Click on the Multicast Group that you want to edit to view the Subnets in the Multicast Group.

To add a Subnet Address to the Group, enter the Subnet IP/Subnet Mask, then click on the Add icon
. Repeat to add additional subnets. When you are done, click on the Update button.
To edit a Subnet, click on the Edit icon , edit the address, then click on the Save icon . Repeat to edit
additional Subnets. When you are done, click on the Update button.
To delete a Subnet, click on the Delete icon next to the Subnet you want to delete. Repeat to delete
Subnets. When you are done, click on the Update button.

Deleting a Multicast Group

To delete a Multicast Group(s), select the checkbox next to the group(s) in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click
OK at the confirmation prompt.

Note: Multicast Groups that are in use by policy conditions cannot be deleted. To delete these
Multicast groups, remove them from the policy conditions.

Service Groups
The Groups Service Groups Screen displays all configured Service Groups. The screen is used to create, edit, and
delete Service Groups.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Creating a Service Group

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Group Name for the Service Group. Select a Service(s) and click on the Create
button. If you want to create a new Service, click on the Add Icon to go to the Services Screen and create the
Service. When you click on the Create button on the Services Screen you will be returned to the Create Service Group
Screen to finish creating the Service Group. Note that you must enter at least one service. Also, you cannot use Source
and Destination Services in group.

Editing a Service Group

Click on the Service Group that you want to edit, then click on the Edit Icon . Add or remove Services from the group
as described above then click on the Update button. You cannot edit a Service Group name. To edit a Service Group
name you must delete the Service Group and create a new one.

Deleting a Service Group

To delete a Service Group(s), select the checkbox next to the group(s) in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click
OK at the confirmation prompt.

Note: Service Groups that are in use by policy conditions cannot be deleted. To delete these Service
Groups, remove them from the policy conditions.

The Groups Services Screen displays all configured Services, which are used to create Service Groups. The screen is
used to create, edit, and delete Services.

Creating a Service
Click on the Create icon . Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button.

Service Name - User-configured name for the Service.

Protocol - Select a protocol for the Service. By default, the TCP radio button is selected and TCP ports are
displayed. Click on the UDP radio button to display UDP ports.
Source Port - Select a source port from the Source Port drop-down list. The drop-down box includes a list of
well-known TCP or UDP ports. Select a port(s) from the drop down menu (you can also select "Check All" to
select all ports. Click "Uncheck All" to deselect the ports and start over). If you want to create a new port, click on
the Add Icon to go to the Service Port Screen and create a new port.
When you click on the Create button on the Service Port Screen you will be returned to the Create Service
Screen to finish creating the Service. Note that you can specify a Source Port, a Destination Port, or both.
Destination Port - Select a destination port from the Destination Port drop-down list. The drop-down box
includes a list of well-known TCP or UDP ports. Select a port(s) from the drop down menu (you can also select
"Check All" to select all ports. Click "Uncheck All" to deselect the ports and start over). If you want to create a
new port, click on the Add Icon to go to the Service Port Screen and create a new port. When you click on the
Create button on the Service Port Screen you will be returned to the Create Service Screen to finish creating the
Service. Note that you can specify a Source Port, a Destination Port, or both.

Editing a Service

Click on the Service that you want to edit, then click on the Edit Icon . Edit the field(s) as described above then
click on the Update button. You cannot edit a Service Name. To edit a Service Name, you must delete the Service
and create a new one.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a Service
To delete a Service(s), select the checkbox next to the Service(s) in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at
the confirmation prompt.

Note: Services that are in use by policy conditions cannot be deleted. To delete these Services, remove
them from the policy conditions.

Service Port
The Groups Service Port Screen displays all configured Service Ports, which are used to create Services. By default,
the TCP radio button is selected and TCP Services are displayed. Click on the UDP radio button to display UDP
Services. The screen is used to create, edit, and delete Service Ports.

Creating a Service Port

Click on the Create icon . Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button.

Name - User-configured name for the Service Port.

Port Number - Enter a Service Port number.

Editing a Service Port

Click on the Service Port that you want to edit, then click on the Edit Icon . Edit the field(s) as described above then
click on the Update button. You cannot edit a Service Port name. To edit a Service Port name you must delete the
Service Port and create a new one.

Deleting a Service Port

To delete a Service Port(s), select the checkbox next to the port(s) in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click OK
at the confirmation prompt.

Note: Service Ports that are in use by policy conditions cannot be deleted. To delete these Service
Ports, remove them from the policy conditions.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

12.0 PIM
Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM) is an IP multicast routing protocol that uses routing information provided by
unicast routing protocols. Creation of Multicast VXLAN Services requires PIM configuration on devices in the
VXLAN. The following screens are used to configure and view PIM configuration on the network:

PIM Global Configuration - Used to configure PIM configuration profiles, which can be applied to
switches on the network.
PIM Interface - Used to configure a PIM interface(s) on a switch(es).
PIM Candidate - Used to configure Candidate Bootstrap Routers (C-BSRs) and Bootstrap Routers
PIM Device View - Used to view PIM configurations on network switches.

PIM Global Configuration

The PIM Global Configuration Screen displays all configured PIM Global Profiles and is used to create, edit,
assign, and delete PIM Global Profiles. The Global Profile enables PIM on the switch, and configures basic PIM

Creating a PIM Global Profile

Click on the Create icon . Configure the profile as described below, then click on the Create button.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

IPv4 Sparse Admin State - Enables/Disables PIM-Sparse Mode (SM) protocol on the switch.
IPv4 PIM Bi Direction Status - Enables/Disables Bi-Directional PIM on the switch.

Note: You can configure up to four (4) PIM Profiles; however two profiles cannot have the same
values. For example, two profiles cannot be configured with both Sparse Mode and Bi-Directional
status enabled, or with both disabled.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Editing a PIM Global Profile

Select the profile and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Update PIM Global Configuration Screen. Edit the
fields as described above then click on the Update button to save the changes to the server. The configuration will
be applied and the status displayed on the Action Results Screen. Click the Finish button to return to the PIM
Global Configuration Screen. Note that you cannot edit the Profile Name.

Note: Two profiles cannot have the same values. For example, two profiles cannot be configured
with both Sparse Mode and Bi-Directional status enabled, or with both disabled.

Assigning a PIM Global Profile

Select a profile and click on the Apply To Devices button. Select an option (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology) and
select the switch(es) to which you want to apply the profile and click the Apply button. The configuration will be
applied and the status displayed on the Action Results Screen. Click the Finish button to return to the PIM Global
Configuration Screen.

Removing a PIM Global Profile

To remove a profile from a switch(es), select the profile and click on the Apply To Devices button. Select the
switches from which you want to remove the profile and click on the Apply button. The removal resets the values
of Spare Admin State and Bi-Direction Status to "Disable".

Deleting a PIM Global Profile

To delete a Profile(s), select the Profile(s) in the table and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the
confirmation prompt. The configuration will be applied and the status displayed on the Action Results Screen. Click
the Finish button to return to the PIM Global Configuration Screen.

Note: You can delete non-default profiles even the profile was assigned to switch. The deletion
resets the values of Spare Admin State and Bi-Direction Status to "Disable". Also note that you
cannot delete Default PIM profile, you can only remove the profile from the switches.

PIM Interface
The PIM Interface Screen is used to display information about configured PIM interfaces and to create or delete
PIM interfaces. After enabling PIM on a switch by applying a PIM Global Profile, you must configure an IP interface
as a PIM interface to enable multicast routing for VXLANs. An interface can be any IP router interface that has
been assigned to an existing VLAN.

Displaying PIM Interfaces

You can view configured PIM interfaces by searching for PIM interfaces on a device(s) or by searching for specific
PIM interface by name. Select a search option from the Search by drop-down menu (Device or Interface), then
click on the Select Devices or Select Interface button to select the device(s)/interface(s) you want to view and
click OK. If you select multiple devices, PIM interfaces common to those devices are displayed.

Creating a PIM Interface

Click on the Create icon . The Configure PIM Interface Screen appears. Select an option from the drop- down
menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology) and click on the Add/Remove Devices button and select a device(s). If
you select a single device, all IP interfaces configured on the device are displayed. If you select multiple devices,
only those interfaces common to all selected devices are displayed. Select an interface and click the Create
button. The configuration will be applied and the status displayed on the Action Results Screen. Click Finish to
return to the PIM Interface Screen.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: If there are no IP interfaces configured on a device, or no common interfaces among multiple
devices, click on the Add icon to bring up the VLANs application and configure the interface(s).

Deleting a PIM Interface

To delete an interface(s), select the interface(s) and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation

PIM Candidate
The PIM Candidate Screen displays all configured PIM Candidate Profiles and is used to create, edit, and delete
PIM Candidate Profiles. A PIM Candidate Profile is the Candidate Rendezvous Point (RP) Router and Candidate
Bootstrap Router (BSR) configured on the switch. In PIM-SM, shared distribution trees are rooted at a common
forwarding router, referred to as a Rendezvous Point (RP). The RP unencapsulates Register messages and
forwards multicast packets natively down established distribution trees to receivers. The resulting topology is
referred to as the RP Tree (RPT).

A Candidate RP Router is a PIM-enabled router that sends periodic Candidate RP advertisements to the Bootstrap
Router (BSR). When a BSR receives a Candidate RP advertisement, the BSR may include the C- RP in its RP-set.

The role of a Candidate BSR is to keep routers in the network up to date on reachable Candidate RPs. The BSR’s
list of reachable Candidate RPs is also referred to as an RP set. There is only one BSR per PIM domain. This
allows all PIM routers in the PIM domain to view the same RP set. A Candidate RP periodically sends out
messages, known as C-RP advertisements. When a BSR receives one of these advertisements, the associated
Candidate RP is considered reachable (if it has a valid route). The BSR then periodically sends its RP set to
neighboring routers in the form of a Bootstrap message.

A Candidate BSR is a PIM-enabled router that is eligible for BSR status. To become a BSR, a Candidate BSR
must become elected. A Candidate BSR sends Bootstrap messages to all neighboring routers. The messages
include its IP address, which is used as an identifier, and its priority level. The Candidate BSR with the highest
priority level is elected as the BSR by its neighboring routers. If two or more Candidate BSRs have the same
priority value, the C-BSR with the highest IP address is elected as the BSR.

Creating a PIM Candidate Profile

Click on the Create icon . Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/User Topology) and
click on the Browse button to select the device on which you want to configure the PIM Candidate Profile.
Configure the Candidate RP and Candidate BSR as described below.

Note: Devices will only be available/displayed if a PIM Interface has been configured on the
device. If no PIM Interfaces have been configured, no devices will be available to create a PIM
Candidate Profile.

Candidate RP
Candidate RP Address - The IP address that will be advertised as a Candidate-RP. The IP
address must belong to a PIM enabled interface. Only one RP address is supported per switch.
Select a PIM Interface from the drop-down list. You can also click on the Add icon to go to the
PIM Interface Screen and configure a PIM Interface.
Candidate RP Group Address/Prefix Length - The group address for which the local router will
advertise itself as a Candidate-RP and prefix length of the multicast group.
Candidate RP Bidir - Enables/Disables Bi-Directional mode.
Candidate BSR
Candidate BSR Address - The IP address of the Candidate BSR. Select a PIM Interface from
the drop-down list. You can also click on the Add icon to go to the PIM Interface Screen and
configure a PIM Interface.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Editing a PIM Candidate Profile

Select the profile and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Update PIM Candidate Screen. Edit the fields as
described above then click on the Update button to save the changes to the server, and update the profile on the

Deleting a PIM Candidate Profile

To delete a profile(s), select the Profile(s) in the table and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the
confirmation prompt to remove the profile from the server and the device(s).

PIM Device View

The PIM Device View Screen is used to view PIM configurations on network switches. To view a configuration,
select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Browse button, select a
switch, and click OK. Click on a configuration setting (e.g., PIM Global, PIM Interface) to expand the view and see
configuration details.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

13.0 License Management

OmniVista 2500 NMS licensing is based on the license purchased. A user is allowed to manage up to the maximum
number of devices allowed for that license. There are two licenses that can be purchased:

Node Mangement License - Licenses all OmniVista applications except Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).
VMM License - Licenses the VMM application.

The number of devices that can be managed with each license is determined by the License Key that the user is
given and enters at installation. A new license can be imported and activated using the Add/Import Screen. Each
License Screen (Node Management, VMM) also enables you to relicense/add a license. There are also licensing
options that can be used to demo an application before purchasing a full Production License.

Note: If no Node Management License available in OmniVista, only the Add/Import Screen is displayed.

The License Management Screen, shown below, is displayed when you access the License application. The screen
provides an overview of the number of devices being managed by the Node Management License (AOS Devices
and Third-Party Devices) and the VMM License (VMs). The total number of devices than can be managed with the
current license is shown at the top of each bar graph, and the number of devices currently being managed is
displayed. The number of days remaining before each license expires is displayed at the bottom of each bar chart.
If the number of devices currently being managed is more than 90% of the total number of devices that can be
managed with the current license, the bar graph is displayed in Red, otherwise, it is displayed in Green. If the
license is within 30 days of expiring, the license information at the bottom of the bar graph is displayed in Red;
otherwise, it is displayed in Black.

Node Management License

The Node Management License (OV2500-NM) licenses all OmniVista applications except Virtual Machine Manager
(VMM). OmniVista has been certified to manage up to 10,000 devices (includes AOS and Third-Party Devices). The
Node Management License is activated using the Node Management License Screen.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

VMM License
The VMM License (OV2500-VMM) licenses the OmniVista Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) application. VMs can
be deployed on vCenters, XenServers and Hyper-V Servers; and OmniVista supports a mixture of Hypervisor
types. The OmniVista VM Manager application supports up to 5,000 VMs. More than 5,000 Virtual Machines are
allowed, however a warning message will be displayed and an entry will be written to the VMM Log File. The VMM
License is activated using the VMM License Screen.

Add/Import a New License

New Licenses are imported and activated using the Add/Import Screen. Note that you cannot downgrade a Node
Management License or a VMM License. Also, make sure that the new license you are using will be adequate to
manage the number of devices you were managing with the older version of OmniVista. If you are managing more
devices than are allowed on your new license, you many lose some discovered devices.

OmniVista Licensing Options

There are three (3) types of OmniVista Licenses:

Starter Pack - Is free and enables you to use OmniVista/OmniVista Applications (Node Management,
VMM) on a limited basis.
Evaluation - Gives you full use of OmniVista/OmniVista Applications (Node Management, VMM,
Application Visibility), but for a limited time.
Production - Gives you full use of OmniVista/OmniVista Applications without expiration.

Node Management License Options

Starter Pack Evaluation Production
Device Count 20 Chosen at license generation Chosen at license generation
(10 AOS, 10 Third Party) (full OV functionality) (full OV functionality)
Expires No 60 Days No

VMM License Options

Starter Pack Evaluation Production
VMM Count 10 200 Chosen at license generation
(full VMM functionality)
Expires No 60 Days No

License Management
The License Management Screen provides an overview of the number of devices/VMs being managed by each license
type: Node Management License (AOS Devices and Third-Party Devices) and VMM License (VMs). The total number
of devices/VMs that can be managed with the current license is shown at the top of each bar graph, and the number of
devices/VMs currently being managed is displayed. The number of days remaining before each license expires is
displayed at the bottom of each bar chart. If the number of devices/VMs currently being managed is more than 90% of
the total that can be managed with the current license, the bar graph is displayed in Red, otherwise, it is displayed in
Green. If the license is within 30 days of expiring, the license information at the bottom of the bar graph is displayed in
Red; otherwise, it is displayed in Black.

Node Management License

The License Node Management License Screen displays information about the current Node Management License
and is used to relicense OmniVista.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Node Management License Information

The top part of the Node Management License Screen provides detailed information on the current OmniVista 2500
Node Management License. The lower portion of the screen displays usage information.

Expiration Date - The date the current Node Management License expires.
License Type - The current Node Management License type.
Product ID - The Node Management License Product ID (OV2500-NM).
Unit - The type of device managed by the Node Management License (ALE Devices, Third-Party
Max Count - The maximum number of the devices (ALE and Third-Party) that can be managed with the
current Node Management License.
Available - The number of devices still available on the current Node Management License.
Usage - The percentage of the maximum number of devices currently being managed. If the number of devices
currently being managed exceeds 90 percent of the maximum number allowed on the license, the bar graph is
displayed in Red; otherwise, it is displayed in Green.

Relicensing a Node Management License

To upgrade a Node Management License, or renew an expired license, click on the Relicense button to bring up the
License Key Screen. Enter the new License Key and click OK.

VMM License
The License VMM License Screen displays information about the current VMM License and is used to relicense VMM.
You can manage up to a total of 5,000 Virtual Machines (i.e., 5,000 VMs total on all Hypervisors).

VMM License Information

The top part of the VMM License Screen provides detailed information on the current OmniVista 2500 VMM License.
The lower portion of the screen displays usage information.

Expiration Date - The date the current VMM License expires.

License Type - The current VMM License type.
Product ID - The VMM License Product ID (OV2500-VMM).
Unit - The type of VMs managed by the VMM License (VM).
Max Count - The maximum number of VMs that can be managed with the current VMM License.
Available - The number of VMs still available on the current VMM License.
Usage - The percentage of the maximum number of VMs currently being managed. If the number of VMs
currently being managed exceeds 90 percent of the maximum number allowed on the license, the bar graph is
displayed in Red; otherwise, it is displayed in Green.

Relicensing a VMM License

To upgrade a VMM License, or renew an expired license, click on the Relicense button to bring up the License Key
Screen. Enter the new License Key and click OK.

Add or Import License

The License Add or Import License Screen is used to activate a license, either by importing a license file, or entering
a license key(s). To import a License File (.dat), download the file, then click on the Download icon locate the
file, import the file, then click on the Submit button. To activate a file using the license key, enter the license key in
the License Key field. Note that you can enter multiple license keys. Each key must be entered on a new line (after
entering a key, hit Enter to enter another license key). When you are done entering license keys, click on the Submit

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

14.0 Locator
The Locator application is a search tool within OmniVista. There are three (3) screens in the Locator application
(accessed by clicking on the link on the left side of the screen) that are used to perform different functions:

Locator's Locator screen enables you to locate the switch and slot/port that is directly connected to a user-
specified end station. You can enter the end station's IP address or Host Name, MAC address, or
Authenticated User ID to locate the switch and slot/port to which the end station is connected. Locator can
perform a "Historical" search or a "Live" search. A "Historical" search is performed by searching a database of
information that was previously established by polling network switches. A "Live" search, as its name implies,
is performed by searching network switches in real time.
Locator's Browse screen enables you to search in the "opposite direction" of the Locator screen. Instead of
entering an end station's address to locate the switch and slot/port to which the end station is connected, the
Browse screen enables you to search for and list all end stations connected to user- specified switch ports. The
end stations are located by searching the Historical database. Locator cannot perform live searches from the
Browse screen.
Locator's Poll screen is used to immediately poll all of the discovered switches in the network for the latest
Locator's Settings screen is used to set Locator timeout values and data retention policies.

Note: The Locator application supports IPv4 addresses only. IPv6 is not supported.

Locate Screen
To locate a switch, select a category from the Search by drop-down list, and enter the corresponding search criteria
below (IP Address/Host Name, MAC Address, or Authenticated User ID). Choose to perform a Historical or Live search
by clicking on the slider, then click Locate. Click here for more information on the Locator screen.

Although you can enter an end station's IP address, host name, MAC address, or Authenticated User ID to locate the
switch and slot/port that is directly connected to the end station, Locator actually searches for the end station's MAC
address. If you enter an IP address, host name, or Authenticated User ID, the first thing Locator does is find the
corresponding MAC address. This MAC address is displayed in the search results, with a time stamp. The time stamp
informs you how current the information is, which is especially important when performing historical searches. Locator
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
then uses the MAC address to search for the switches, slots, and ports associated with the MAC. These are the final
search results.

Whether performing a live search or a historical search, success in locating an end station depends on accurate
topology information about switch-to-switch links. This information can be gathered using the Discovery application to
discover new devices or re-discover existing devices; or by manually creating links using the Discovery - Link Screen.

Search Type
You can perform a Historical search or a Live search. As stated earlier, A "Historical" search is performed by searching
a database of information that was previously established by polling network switches. A "Live" search, as its name
implies, is performed by searching network switches in real time. The search process for each type is described below.

Historical Search
If a Historical search is performed, Locator first checks the list of Discovery Inventory List determine if the IP address,
host name, or MAC address entered matches that of a known switch. If it does, a message is displayed informing the
user and no further search is performed. If the IP address, host name, or MAC address entered does not to match a
known switch, Locator assumes that the address is that of an end station and continues the search.

Live Search
If a Live search is performed, Locator will find all switches/slots/ports that meet the following criteria: the address
entered was seen at the switch/slot/port, and the switch/slot/port is NOT connected to another switch device. If you
select 1st Match Only, only the first such switch/slot/port will be found. In most cases - as long as the network
administrator has confidence in the consistency of the network's configuration - this result will be sufficient to locate the
end station. If it is suspected that the first match may not be completely accurate, selecting All Matches will cause all
switches/slots/ports that meet the criteria to be found and displayed. Locator performs the search based on the search
criteria entered, as described below.

For a Live Search, the Discovery Inventory List must contain switches that are supported by OmniVista (Alcatel-Lucent
Enterprise and Third-Party). Every effort has also been made to support third-party devices, but that support is not

To successfully perform a live search for an IP address, the network's gateway device must be supported by
OmniVista. Otherwise, Locator may not be able to resolve the IP address entered to a MAC address.

Locator searches for link information in the Topology database. This database must contain information about the links
that exist between network switches. There are two methods of populating the Topology database with information
about network links:

Discover or re-discover devices using the Discovery application.

Provide link information manually using the Discovery - Link Screen.

Search Results
When the search is complete, the search results are displayed in both an ARP Results Table and a Netforward Results
Table. The ARP Results Table displays results matching the search criteria found in the ARP Table. The Netforward
Table displays results matching the search criteria found in the Bridge Forwarding Tables. Click here for more
information on search results.

Browse Screen
As stated earlier, the Browse screen enables you to search for and list all end stations connected to user- specified
switch ports. The end stations are located by searching the Historical database. Locator cannot perform live searches
from the Browse screen. To browse for a switch(es), click the Select Switches button to bring up a selection screen
and select the switch(es) you want to discover. Click here for more information on the Browse screen.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Poll Screen
The Poll screen is used to update network information by immediately performing a poll of all discovered devices. Click
here for more information on the Poll screen.

The Locator Locate Screen enables you to locate the switch and slot/port that is directly connected to a user- specified
end station. You can enter the end station's IP Address, Host Name, MAC address, or Authenticated User ID to locate
the switch and slot/port to which the end station is connected. Locator can perform a"Historical" search or a "Live"
search. A "Historical" search is performed by searching a database of information that was previously established by
polling network switches. A "Live" search, as its name implies, is performed by searching network switches in real time.

Locating a Switch
Select the type of search you want to perform and the search criteria as described below. The search results are
described below.

Search by - Select IP Address/Host Name, MAC Address, or Authenticated User ID from the drop- down
list, then enter the search criteria.
Historical/Live Search - Click on the slider to select a Historical Search or a Live Search. If you are
performing a Live search, select 1st Match Only to display only the first match found. In most cases - as long
as the network administrator has confidence in the consistency of the network's configuration - this result will
be sufficient to locate the end station. If it is suspected that the first match may not be completely accurate,
select All Matches to display all switches/slots/ports that meet the selected criteria.

Search Results
When the search is complete, the search results are displayed in both the ARP Results Table and the Netforward
Results Table. The ARP Results Table displays results matching the search criteria found in the ARP Table. The
Netforward Table displays results matching the search criteria found in the Bridge Forwarding Tables.

You can also perform certain actions on specific devices/ports in the Netforward Results Table. Select a row in the
table and click on the Action button at the top of the table and select one of the following options:

Locate On Map - Launch the Topology application and display the selected device in Topology map view.
Quarantine Manager - Launch the Quarantine Manager application for the selected MAC Address.
Port - Update the port status in the table, or enable/disable the selected port.
Show ClearPass Authentication - Launch the Authentication Records Screen in the Premium Services
(BYOD) application for the selected MAC Address. This option is only available if a ClearPass Server is
configured and connectivity can be established.
Show Access Guardian Diagnostics - Launch the Diagnostics Screen in the Unified Profile
application for the selected MAC Address.

Note: If the device you are searching for is a switch and not an end station, a notification will appear
and you can click on the Locate on Map button to launch the Topology application and display the
selected device in Topology map view.

ARP Results Table

In the ARP Results Table, Locator reports information for the end station you are searching on. Note that if you make
changes to a switch's VLAN configuration, or if you make hardware changes (such as replacing a board), the results in
the Initial Lookup area may not be correct. Before using Locator, re-poll such switches using the Poll Screen. This will
ensure that the ARP tables are populated with current information. The ARP Results Table fields are defined below.

IP Address - The IP address of the end station.

Devices IP Address - The IP address of the device directly connected to the end station.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Device Name - The name of the device directly connected to the end station.
MAC Address - The MAC address of the device directly connected to the end station.
Timestamp - The date and time the device was located.
End Station Name - The name of the end station.
VPRN ID - The VPRN ID of the device directly connected to the end station, if applicable. If multiple VRFs are
configured on the device, the VRF ID is displayed. If none are configured (and if the feature is not available on
the device), the column will display "Default", indicating that the switch is operating as a single routing instance.

Netforward Results Table

In the Netforward Results Table, Locator reports all switches/slots/ports that meet both of the following criteria: the
address entered was seen at the switch/slot/port, and the switch/slot/port is NOT connected to another switch device.
The Netforward Results Table fields are defined below. The table display will vary depending on the view option you
choose - Location (default), Classification, Data Center, or Template, which is used to create custom views. If a
ClearPass Server is configured and connected, a BYOD button will appear to enable you to view information on the
ClearPass Server.


MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station connected to the selected device.
Devices IP Address - The IP address of the device connected to the end station.
Device DNS Name- The DNS Name of the device.
Device Name - The user-configured device name.
Slot/Port - The slot/port number on which the device was learned.
Port Alias - The user-configured alias for the slot/port (configured on the device through the CLI).
Port Speed - The port speed.
Port Operational State - The port operational state (Up/Down).
Port Duplex Mode - The port duplex mode (half duplex, full duplex, or auto duplex).
Timestamp - The time the information was gathered.


MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station connected to the selected device.
Auth User - The 802.1x Authenticated User associated with the device connected to the end station, if
UNP - The User Network Profile (UNP) that the device is associated with, if applicable.
ISID - The ISID associated with the device.
Classification Source - The Classification Policy by which the device was learned.

Data Center

MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station connected to the selected device.
Service ID- The Service ID associated with the device.
ISID - The ISID associated with the device.
Classification Source - The Classification Policy by which the device was learned.

You can create an additional two (2) custom views by clicking on the Custom Template button, entering a Template
Name, selecting the fields you want to display and clicking OK. You can also change the order of the fields when you
are creating the template by dragging fields up or down in the list before clicking OK. The name of the new view will
then be displayed in a button at the top of the Netforward Results Table, and can be used to view the selected fields.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
You can configure up to 2 new views. Creating an additional view will replace one of the previous views. Custom
templates are associated with the current logged in user, so every user can have different custom templates. The
available fields are defined below.

MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station connected to the device.
Domain - The Layer 2 domain: VLAN, VPLS, SPB, EVB within the switches where the MAC is found.
Slot/Port - The slot/port number on which the device connected to the end station was learned.
Port Alias - The user-configured alias for the slot/port (configured on the device through the CLI).
Port Speed - The port speed of the device connected to the end station.
Port Duplex Mode - The port duplex mode (half duplex, full duplex, or auto duplex).
End Station Name - The name of the end station device.
Device DNS Name - The DNS name of the end station connected to the device.
Device Name - The user-configured switch system name of the device connected to the end station.
Last Updated - The last time the information in the table was updated.
Auth User - The 802.1x Authenticated User associated with the device connected to the end station, if
VRF ID- The VRF ID of the device directly connected to the end station, if applicable. If multiple VRFs are
configured on the device, the VRF ID is displayed. If none are configured (and if the feature is not available on
the device), the column will display "Default", indicating that the switch is operating as a single routing
UNP - The User Network Profile (UNP) that the device is associated with, if applicable.
Classification Source - The Classification Policy by which the device was learned.
Service ID- The Service ID associated with the device.
ISID - The ISID associated with the device.
Chassis - The chassis number for devices supporting the Virtual Chassis feature.
Device IP Address - The IP address of the end station connected to the device.
Time Stamp - The time the information was gathered.
Port Operational State - The port operational state (Up/Down).
VLAN ID- The VLAN associated with the port.
Disposition - The port disposition (e.g., Bridging/Filtering).

Available only if ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) is defined in the BYOD application and connectivity can be

User Type - The BYOD/ClearPass User Type authenticated through the device (e.g., Employee, Guest). You
can also place the mouse over the user to view detailed ClearPass user information. BYOD is only supported
on Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Switches running AOS 6.4.6.R01 and later, AOS 6.6.5.R01 and later, AOS
7.3.4.R02 and later, and AOS 8.1.1.R01 and later. Note that the connection to the CPPM Server and Database
must be configured properly in the Unified Access application to gather the necessary information for this field.
ClearPass Server - The ClearPass Server name.
IP Address - The IP address of the ClearPass Server.
User Name - CPPM endpoint authentication information on the user who has logged in.
Category - CPPM endpoint profiling information on the class of device (e.g., Computer, Smart Device, Access
Points, VoIP Phone).
Family - CPPM endpoint profiling information on the device family (e.g., Windows, Apple, Alcatel, Unix).
CP End Station Name - CPPM endpoint profiling information on the device name (e.g., Windows
Vista/7/2008, Apple iOS Device, Alcatel IP Phone, Wireless AP).
Host Name - CPPM endpoint profiling information on the Host Name.
Sponsor Name - CPPM guest information on the sponsor.
Visitor Name - CPPM guest information on the visitor's name.
Visitor Company -CPPM Guest information on the visitor's company.
Expires At - CPPM guest information on the date when authorization will end.
Cert Valid From - CPPM onboarding information of the date the certificate was issued.
Cert Valid To - CPPM onboarding information of the date the certificate will expire.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
MAC Vendor - The manufacturer of the network equipment based on the Organization Unique
Identifier (OUI).
ClearPass Time Stamp - The time of the last authentication activity recorded in Clearpass.

Locate on Map
If the device you are searching for is a switch and not an end station, a notification will appear and you can click on the
Locate on Map button to launch the Topology application and display a regional map in the Physical Network that
contains the selected device. The device is automatically selected and centered in the map display.

The Locator Browse Screen enables you to search in the "opposite direction" of the Locator screen. Instead of
entering an end station's address to locate the switch and slot/port to which the end station is connected, the Browse
screen enables you to search for and list all end stations connected to devices. The end stations are located by
searching the Historical database. Locator cannot perform live searches from the Browse screen.

To browse for a switch(es), select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/User Topology) and click the
Select Device button to select the switches you want to browse for, then click on the Browse button. The results will
appear in the Netforward Results Table.

Browse Results
The browse results are displayed in the Netforward Results Table. The Netforward Results Table fields are defined
below. The table display will vary depending on the view option you choose - Location (default), Classification, Data
Center, Layer 3, or Template, which is used to create custom views. If a ClearPass Server is configured and
connected, a BYOD button will appear to enable you to view information on the ClearPass Server.

You can also easily perform certain actions on specific devices/ports in the Netforward Results Table. Select a row in
the table and click on the Action button at the top of the table and select one of the following options:

Locate On Map - Launch the Topology application and display the selected device in Topology map view.
Quarantine Manager - Launch the Quarantine Manager application for the selected device.
Port - Update the port status in the table, or enable/disable the selected port.


MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station connected to the device.
Device IP Address - The IP address of the switch to which the end station is connected.
Device DNS Name - The DNS name of the end station connected to the device.
Device Name - The user-configured switch system name of the device connected to the end station.
Slot/Port - The slot/port number on which the device connected to the end station was learned.
Port Alias - The user-configured alias for the slot/port (configured on the device through the CLI).
Port Speed - The port speed of the device connected to the end station.
Port Operational State - The port operational state (Up/Down).
Port Duplex Mode - The port duplex mode (half duplex, full duplex, or auto duplex).
VLAN ID- The VLAN associated with the port.
Disposition - The port disposition (e.g., Bridging/Filtering).
Time Stamp - The time the information was gathered.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station connected to the device.
Auth User - The 802.1x Authenticated User associated with the device connected to the end station, if
UNP - The User Network Profile (UNP) that the device is associated with, if applicable.
VLAN ID - The VLAN that is associated with the device.
Classification Source - The Classification Policy by which the device was learned.

Data Center

MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station connected to the device.
VLAN ID - The VLAN associated with the device.
Service ID- The Service ID associated with the device.
ISID - The ISID associated with the device.

Layer 3

MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station.

IP Address - The IP address of the device connected to the end station.
VRF ID- The VRF ID of the device directly connected to the end station, if applicable. If multiple VRFs are
configured on the device, the VRF ID is displayed. If none are configured (and if the feature is not available on
the device), the column will display "Default", indicating that the switch is operating as a single routing

You can create an additional two (2) custom views by clicking on the Custom Template button, entering a Template
Name, selecting the fields you want to display and clicking OK. (You can change the order of the fields when you are
creating the template by dragging a field up or down in the list before clicking OK.) The name of the new view will then
be displayed in a button at the top of the Netforward Results Table, and can be used to view the selected fields. You
can configure up to 2 new views. Creating an additional view will replace one of the previous views. Custom templates
are associated with the current logged in user, so every user can have different custom templates. The available fields
are defined below.

MAC Address - The MAC address of the end station connected to the device.
Domain - The Layer 2 domain: VLAN, VPLS, SPB, EVB within the switches where the MAC is found.
Slot/Port - The slot/port number on which the device connected to the end station was learned.
Port Alias - The user-configured alias for the slot/port (configured on the device through the CLI).
Port Speed - The port speed of the device connected to the end station.
Port Duplex Mode - The port duplex mode (half duplex, full duplex, or auto duplex).
End Station Name - The name of the end station device.
Device DNS Name - The DNS name of the end station connected to the device.
Device Name - The user-configured switch system name of the device connected to the end station.
Last Updated - The last time the information in the table was updated.
Auth User - The 802.1x Authenticated User associated with the device connected to the end station, if
VRF ID- The VRF ID of the device directly connected to the end station, if applicable. If multiple VRFs are
configured on the device, the VRF ID is displayed. If none are configured (and if the feature is not available on
the device), the column will display "Default", indicating that the switch is operating as a single routing
UNP - The User Network Profile (UNP) that the device is associated with, if applicable.
Classification Source - The Classification Policy by which the device was learned.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Service ID- The Service ID associated with the device.
ISID - The ISID associated with the device.
Chassis - The chassis number for devices supporting the Virtual Chassis feature.
Device IP Address - The IP address of the end station connected to the device.
Time Stamp - The time the information was gathered.
Port Operational State - The port operational state (Up/Down).
VLAN ID- The VLAN associated with the port.
Disposition - The port disposition (e.g., Bridging/Filtering).

Available only if ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) is defined in the BYOD application and connectivity can be

User Type - The BYOD/ClearPass User Type authenticated through the device (e.g., Employee, Guest). You
can also place the mouse over the user to view detailed ClearPass user information. BYOD is only supported on
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Switches running AOS 6.4.6.R01 and later, AOS 6.6.5.R01 and later, AOS 7.3.4.R02
and later, and AOS 8.1.1.R01 and later. Note that the connection to the CPPM Server and Database must be
configured properly in the Unified Access application to gather the necessary information for this field.
ClearPass Server - The ClearPass Server name.
IP Address - The IP address of the ClearPass Server.
User Name - CPPM endpoint authentication information on the user who has logged in.
Category - CPPM endpoint profiling information on the class of device (e.g., Computer, Smart Device, Access
Points, VoIP Phone)
Family - CPPM endpoint profiling information on the device family (e.g., Windows, Apple, Alcatel, Unix).
CP End Station Name - CPPM endpoint profiling information on the device name (e.g., Windows
Vista/7/2008, Apple iOS Device, Alcatel IP Phone, Wireless AP)
Host Name - CPPM endpoint profiling information on the Host Name.
Sponsor Name - CPPM guest information on the sponsor.
Visitor Name - CPPM guest information on the visitor's name.
Visitor Company -CPPM Guest information on the visitor's company.
Expires At - CPPM guest information on the date when authorization will end.
Cert Valid From - CPPM onboarding information of the date the certificate was issued.
Cert Valid To - CPPM onboarding information of the date the certificate will expire.

The Locator Poll Screen is used to immediately poll all of the discovered devices in the network for the latest
information. OmniVista periodically polls the switches' Bridge Forwarding Tables to refresh the database used for
historical searches. If you wish to force an immediate poll to refresh the database before your next search, click Start

This will begin an immediate poll of the Bridge Forwarding Tables of all known switches. This will refresh the historical
data before you perform the next search. While polling is in progress, you can click Stop Polling to stop the polling
process. When polling is complete, the Stop Polling button deactivates and the Start Polling button re-activates.

Note: Multiple OmniVista clients on the same OmniVista server cannot perform Locator polling
simultaneously. Only a single OmniVista client can perform Locator polling at any one time. If a second
client attempts to start a Locator poll while one is in progress, a "Cannot Start Polling" message will

The Locator Settings Screen is used to set Locator timeout values and data retention policies. When you have
configured the value(s), click the Apply button. The change takes effect immediately.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide


Historical Requests Response Timeout - The amount of time, in seconds, that Locator will request
historical data before timing out.
Live Requests Response Timeout - The amount of time, in seconds, that Locator will request live data
before timing out.
Locator Poll Requests Response Timeout - The amount of time, in seconds, that Locator will poll a device
before timing out.
802.1q Port Filtering - This feature allows you to exclude 802.1q tagged ports from polling results and live
searches when AMAP / XMAP is not operating or a link is not present on the tagged port. Filtering modes are
described below.
Standard Mode: 802.1q Ports are included in polling and searches.
Exclude Q-Tagged Ports: 802.1q Ports are excluded from polling and searches.

Note: Virtual Machines communicate using tagged packets. If you are using VM Manager, 802.1q Port
Filtering must be set to Standard Mode so that OmniVista can detect Virtual Machines with tagged

Data Retention Policy

If Data Retention Policy is disabled, Locator will not remove data during polling and will accumulate unbounded data.
To enable Data Retention Policy, move the slider to "Enabled" and set the retention period as described below.

Data Retention Period - The number of days that Locator data will be retained (Default = 30).

Locator Data Statistics

When Data Retention is enabled, information that is older than the number of days specified in the Data Retention
Period field is automatically deleted from the database. In addition, the number of days the data has been retained as
well as the number of end station records being retained is listed. To refresh this information, click the Refresh icon. To
purge all Locator data, click the Purge All Locator Data button, then click Yes at the confirmation prompt.

Retained Locator Data in Days - The number of days Locator data has been retained.
Number of End Station Records Retained - The number of end station records retained.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

15.0 Notifications
The Notifications application is used to monitor traps and configure trap management tasks using the following screens:

Notifications Home - Displays all traps received from network switches and provides basic trap information
(e.g., severity level, date/time received). You can also use this screen to acknowledge, renounce, and clear
traps, as well as poll devices for traps.
Trap Definition - Displays a list of all supported traps, as defined in the MIBs, and provides a brief
description of each trap. You can also edit a trap's severity level and trap synopsis.
Trap Responder - Used to configure the response (if any) that you want OmniVista to take when a specified trap
is received on the OmniVista server. The trap can be specified by severity level or through the use of filters. The
response can take the form of an e-mail sent to a user-specified address and/or the execution of an external
program or script on the OmniVista Server.
Trap Configure - Used to configure traps for network devices.
Settings - Used to set trap preferences (e.g., trap port, number of traps displayed).

Notifications Home
The Notifications Home Screen displays configured traps received from network devices and provides basic trap
information (e.g., severity level, date/time received). Click on a trap to display detailed trap information. You can use this
screen to acknowledge, renounce, and delete traps, and manually poll devices for traps.

Viewing Traps
You can set the fields you want to display in the Notifications Table as well as the number of traps to display by clicking
on the Settings button at the top of the screen. You can also select viewing criteria for the display (e.g., display traps
from selected devices, display traps by severity); and you can filter the display to "fine-tune" the traps you want to

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

View Settings
Click on the Settings button and configure the fields as described below. When you are finished, click OK.

Auto Refresh of Notifications Count - The time, in minutes, to refresh the number of new notifications
received. If new notifications are received during this time period, a message will appear at the top of the screen
displaying the number of new notifications received, and giving you the option of immediately refreshing the
Notifications Table display. (Range = 1 - 15, Default = 2)
Auto Refresh of Notifications List - The time, in minutes, to automatically refresh the Notifications Table
display. The field must be enabled (On) to set this field. (Range = 1 - 15, Default = 5)
Max No. of Notifications to Display - The maximum number of notifications to display in the
Notifications Table. (Range = 1 - 10,000, Default = 1,000)
View Fields Selection - Select the fields you want to display in the Notifications Table (e.g., Name, Agent
Name, Synopsis). Click OK to save the changes. Note that the Severity, Acknowledged, and Date Time
fields are always displayed.

View Criteria
There are several display options available when viewing traps. You can view traps by network device, trap severity, or
trap acknowledgment state. Using these view criteria filters traps at the server level. Only those notifications matching
the view criteria are pulled from the server and displayed in the Notifications Table.
Select one or more options from the "View By" drop-down menus and select search criteria.

View By - Select which devices you want to view.

All - Select "All" to display configured traps from all network devices.
Device - Select "Device", then select Use Switch Picker or Use Topology then click on the
Browse button to view traps from specific devices.
Map - Select "Map" and select a map to display traps from only the devices contained in the map.
Severity - Select the Severity Level(s) of the traps you want to display: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Normal.
You can select multiple Severity Levels by clicking on each level and then clicking anywhere outside the field
box. De-select a previously-selected level by clicking on it. You can also select all levels by clicking on "Select
All at the top of the drop-down menu). If you select "Remove All" levels, all traps are displayed, regardless of
Severity Level ("0 Selected" - Default).
Acknowledged - Select whether you want to view all traps (Any), Acknowledged Traps (True), or traps that
have not been acknowledged (False).

View Filtering
After setting the view criteria as described above, you can use the "search" and "filter" functions to further filter the
Notifications Table display.

Search Bar - Enter any search criteria in the Search Field at the top of the table. The display will update to
display only those entries that contain the search criteria. Delete the search criteria or click on the "x" at the far
right of the Search Field to reset the display. Note that you do not have to click on the Search icon after
entering the search criteria. The display will update as you enter the criteria. If you enter search criteria and click
on the Search icon, click on the Search icon again to display the Search Field.
Filter - Click on the Filter icon to select a filter to display only those notifications mating the selected filter. To
remove a filter and return the display to the previous view, click on the Filter icon and de- select the filter.

Basic Trap Information

Name - The name of the trap as defined in the MIB.

Severity - The severity level assigned to the trap (Normal/Warning/Minor/Major/Critical). Note that you can edit
the severity level of a trap using the Trap Definition Screen.
Acknowledged - Indicates whether or not the trap has been acknowledged (True) or not acknowledged (False).
See Acknowledging/Renouncing/Deleting Traps for more information. Date/Time - The date and time the trap
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
was received by the OmniVista server using the OmniVista server's system clock. However, for traps received
that are "replays" of previously-generated traps, the date/time will be adjusted to the time that the original trap
was sent. This is calculated by adjusting the time received by the difference between the current upTime of the
source device and the upTime contained within the trap itself. Therefore, it is possible for new traps to be added
to the display with old timestamps. So, if the network was down for hours, you may suddenly see traps appear
from hours ago.
Agent Name - The name of the device that generated the trap.
Synopsis - A brief description of the trap.
Agent IP - The IP address of the device that generated the trap.

Note: You cannot configure traps for wireless devices from OmniVista, However, you can
configure traps on wireless devices and forward them to OmniVista for display.

Detailed Trap Information

The Detailed Information pane provides detailed information for the selected trap. If a field contains ellipsis (...), click on
the field to display all of the information.

Name - The name of the trap as defined in the MIB.

Synopsis - A brief description of the trap. When a trap has variables associated with it, the values of some or
all of the variables may appear in the synopsis. For example, in the trap synopsis "Link down on slot 6 port 2,"
the numbers "6" and "2" are trap variable values for the link down trap.
Agent IP - The IP address of the device that generated the trap.
Agent Name - The name of the device that generated the trap, if configured.
Date/Time - The date and time the trap was received by the OmniVista server, using the OmniVista server's
system clock. However, for traps received that are "replays" of previously-generated traps, the date/time will be
adjusted to the time that the original trap was sent. This is calculated by adjusting the time received by the
difference between the current upTime of the source device and the uptime contained within the trap itself.
Therefore, it is possible for new traps to be added to the display with old timestamps. So, if the network was
down for hours, you may suddenly see traps appear from hours ago.
Severity - The severity level assigned to the trap in the Notifications Application's Trap Definitions Window
(Normal/Warning/Minor/Major/Critical). Note that you can edit the severity level of a trap using the Trap
Definition Screen.
Acknowledged - Indicates whether or not the trap has been acknowledged (True) or not
acknowledged (False). See Acknowledging/Renouncing/Deleting Traps for more information.
Description - A detailed description of the trap as it appears in the MIB.
Uptime - The length of time the device that sent the trap has been up (or the amount of time since the last
reset), specified in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Source IP - The IP address of the device that forwarded the trap to OmniVista.
Trap OID - The trap object identifier number.

Note: You can click on the "Show More" link at bottom of the pane to display specific MIB variable
information contained in the trap.

Acknowledging/Renouncing/Deleting Traps
You may want to temporarily remove some traps from the display by "acknowledging" the traps. Select a trap(s) and
click on the Acknowledge button to remove the trap(s) from the display. Those traps will now only by displayed when
you select "True" from the Acknowledged drop-down menu in the View Criteria area at the top of the screen. To return
an "Acknowledged" Trap to the display, select "False" from the Acknowledged drop-down menu to display
"Acknowledged" Traps, select the trap(s), and click on the Renounce button return the trap(s) to the display.

You can also delete an individual trap(s) by selecting the trap(s) and clicking on the Delete icon . To delete all traps
from the table, click on the Clear All button at the top of the screen.

Note: Once traps are cleared or deleted, the traps are permanently removed from the OmniVista Server.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Polling Devices for Traps

To poll a device(s) for new traps click on the Device List link at the top of the screen to bring up the Poll for Traps
window. Select the device(s) you want to poll and click on the Poll Now button. The device(s) will immediately be polled
for traps.

Trap Definition
The Notifications Trap Definition Screen displays a list of all the supported traps as defined in the MIBs, and provides
basic trap information (e.g., severity level, date/time received). Click on a trap to display detailed trap information. You
can also edit a trap or reset a trap to the installation defaults.

Viewing Trap Definitions

The Trap Definitions List displays basic trap information (e.g., name, severity level). Click on a trap to display detailed
trap information. You can also search for traps by entering a search criteria (e.g., Name, Severity) in the "Search" field.
Only those traps matching the search criteria are displayed. You can also filter the traps displayed, export the table to a
.csv file, or print a copy of the table.

Basic Trap Information

Name - The name of the trap as defined in the MIB.

Severity - The severity level assigned to the trap in the Notifications Application's Trap Definitions Window
Synopsis - A brief description of the trap.
Definition - The trap definition.

Detailed Trap Information

The Detailed Information pane provides detailed information for the selected trap. If a field contains ellipsis (...), click on
the field to display all of the information.

Name - The name of the trap as defined in the MIB.

Trap OID - The trap object identifier number.
Generic ID - The Generic Trap ID number. Only SNMPv1 traps make use of a generic ID. For SNMPv2 and
SNMPv3 traps, this field will show a value of zero.
Specific ID - Trap specific ID number. Only SNMPv1 traps make use of a specific ID. For SNMPv2 and SNMPv3
traps, this field will show a value of zero.
Severity - The severity level assigned to the trap (Normal/Warning/Minor/Major/Critical).
Synopsis - A brief description of the trap. When a trap has variables associated with it, the values of some or
all of the variables may appear in the synopsis. For example, in the trap synopsis "Link down on slot 6 port 2,"
the numbers "6" and "2" are trap variable values for the link down trap.
Agent IP - The IP address of the device that generated the trap.
Definition - The trap definition.
Description - A detailed description of the trap as it appears in the MIB. Click on the "Show More" link to
display s detailed MIB description.

Editing a Trap
You can edit a trap Severity Level or Synopsis. To edit a trap, select the trap in the Trap Definition List and click on the
Edit icon . Edit the Severity Level and/or Synopsis and click on the Save button. To return the field(s) to the default
settings, select the trap in the Trap Definition List, click on the Reset button, then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Trap Responder
The Notifications Trap Responder Screen displays all configured trap responders, and is used to create, edit, or delete
Trap Responders. A Trap Responder enables you to specify a response (if any) that you want OmniVista to take when
specified traps are received by OmniVista. You can specify the traps to which OmniVista will respond by IP address
range and trap type. OmniVista can make the following responses to receipt of a specified trap:

OmniVista can send an e-mail to any address you specify. You can specify the information you want included
in the e-mail through the use of variables. Variables exist for information such as the trap name, synopsis,
description, etc.
Execute an external program or script on the OmniVista Server
Forward traps to a specific IP address.

Creating a Trap Responder

Click on the Create icon to open the Trap Responder Wizard. Complete the configuration as described below to
configure the Agent, Trap Type, and Response. Only traps originating from the specified Agent and Trap Type will
trigger the configured response. After completing all of the screens in the Wizard, click on the Create button.

The Agent is the IP address range for the Responder. The Responder will only respond to traps received from this IP
address range. Enter an Agent Start IP Address and Agent End IP Address to specify the range. When you are
finished, click the Next button to go the Trap Type window.

Trap Type
The Trap Type fields enable you to specify the traps to which OmniVista will respond by severity level; or, you can
specify the traps to which OmniVista will respond using filters. Note that you can specify traps by severity level or filters,
but you cannot specify traps using both severity levels and filters. (In other words, you cannot "AND" specified severity
levels and specified filters to create an expression.) If you create a trap responder that specifies both severity level and
filters, the trap responder will respond to all traps with the specified severity (even if they do not match the filter), and all
traps that match the specified filters (even if they do not have the specified severity).

Severity Level
To select a severity level(s), move the corresponding slider to "Respond". OmniVista will send a response for any trap
matching the selected severity level(s).

To use a filter, select "Any selected filter" (default) from the Must Match drop-down menu, then click on the Filter button
to bring up the Filter Selection window and select a filter(s). OmniVista will send a response for any trap that matches
any selected filter. If you select "All selected filters" from the Must Match drop-down menu, OmniVista will send a
response for any trap that matches all of the selected filters.

To create a new filter, click on the Filter button to bring up the Filter Selection window, then click on the Add icon .
Enter a Filter Name and optional Filter Description, then click on the "Add new condition" link to add a filter condition.
Click on the "Add new condition" link to add additional conditions, if necessary. When you are finished, click on the Add
button to add the new filter. The following conditions can be configured for filters:

Agent Name
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
SNMP Variables

When you are finished configuring the Trap Type, click the Next button to go the Response window.

Complete the fields as described below to configure the Response action to any traps matching the configured criteria.

Enable Responder - Enable (On)/Disable (Off) the Responder.

Description - Enter a description for the Responder.
Action - Select the action that the Responder will take if the configured criteria is met, then configure the
applicable fields as described below.
Send an E-Mail - Responder will send an e-mail as configured below. Be sure to configure the configure
the E-Mail settings in the Preferences application (Preferences - System Settings - Email). OmniVista will
not send an E-Mail Responder unless these settings have been configured.
E-Mail To - Enter an e-mail address(es). Multiple e-mail addresses must be separated by a semi-
colon (e.g., john.smith@al-enterprise.com; jane.sullivan@al-enterprise.com).
E-Mail Subject - By default, the following is included in the E-Mail Subject Line: "OmniVista: Trap(s)
Received $TrapSeverityCount$" (explained in the Trap Variables section below).
You can also enter any additional information you want to include in the subject line.
E-Mail Body - By default the variable $Details$ (explained in the Trap Variables section below) is
included in the body of the e-mail. The variable automatically includes trap details in the body of the
e-mail. You can also enter any additional information you want to include in the e-mail.
Run an Application on the Server- Responder will run an application on the OmniVista Server as
configured below.
Command - The command to be executed.
Arguments - The arguments to the command specified the Command field, or accept the default
argument - the variable $Synopsis$ (explained in the Trap Variables section below). Start
Directory - The directory in which the command will be executed.
Standard Input - The standard input for the command in the Standard Input field, or accept the
default standard input, the variable $Details$ (explained in the Trap Variables section below).
Forward Traps -Responder will forward traps to the specified IP address .
Destination IP - The destination IP address. Only one IP address can be entered per
Responder. However, you can create multiple Responders to forward the trap to multiple
Destination Port - The destination UDP port number (Default = 162).

When you are finished, click the Next button to go the Summary window.

Trap Variables
You can use the following variables when you configure an automatic trap responder. There are two types of variables:
generic variables (which currently apply only to traps) and trap-specific variables.

Generic Variables

For traps, this variable is equivalent to the following combination of text and trap-specific variables (trap- specific
variables are described in the following section):

Trap Received: $TrapName$

Severity: $TrapSeverity$
Synopsis: $TrapSynopsis$
Agent: $TrapAgent$ Variables:

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Output Example:
Trap Received: portPartitioned
Severity: Minor
Synopsis: Port jabber on slot 7 frtrunking port 1 instance 156 (port state alternated between enabled and disabled
more than 50 times in 200 ms)

For traps, this variable is equivalent to the trap-specific variable $TrapSynopsis$, which is a brief description of the

Output Example: Port jabber on slot 7 frtrunking port 1 instance 156 (port state alternated between enabled and
disabled more than 50 times in 200 ms)

Trap Specific Variables

The name of the trap (as defined in the MIB)

Output Example: portPartitioned

A brief description of the trap.

Output Example: Port jabber on slot 7 frtrunking port 1 instance 156 (port state alternated between enabled and
disabled more than 50 times in 200 ms)

A detailed description of the trap (as it appears in the MIB)

Output Example: A portPartitioned trap occurs when the physical port has transitioned through
enable/disable states faster than 10 times in the past second...indicative of a flaky cable.
The severity level assigned to the trap in the Notifications application's Trap Definitions pane. The severity level can
be Normal, Warning, Minor, Major, or Critical.

Output Example: Minor

A summary of the trap severity counts.

Output Example: (2 Critical)

The severity level assigned to the trap in the Notifications application's Trap Definitions pane, expressed as an
integer. The severity level integer can be 1 (Normal), 2 (Warning), 3 (Minor), 4 (Major), or 5 (Critical).

Output Example: 3

The version of the trap request, either 1 (version 1) or 2 (version 2).

All traps sent with SNMP version 1 protocol are "version 1" trap requests. All traps sent with SNMP versions 2, 2c, or
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
3 protocol are "version 2" trap requests. There are actually two different types of trap requests (not three). The
message packet in which trap requests are sent can be one of four different versions: 1, 2, 2c, or
3. When you use the AOS CLI to create a version 1 trap station, version 1 traps in version 1 protocol are sent to that
station. When you use the AOS CLI to create a version 2 trap station, version 2 traps in version 2c protocol are sent to
that station. When you use the AOS CLI to create a version 3 trap station, version 2 traps in version 3 protocol are sent
to that station. The version 2 trap request itself is identical whether wrapped in a version 2 or version 3 packet.

Output Example: 1

The IP address of the switch that generated the trap.

Output Example:

The length of time the switch that sent the trap has been up (or the amount of time since the last reset).

Output Example: 21 hours, 35 minutes, 49 seconds

The IP address of the SNMP agent.

Output Example:

The enterprise name. This only applies to SNMP Version 1 traps.

Output Example: .

The generic trap number. This only applies to SNMP Version 1 traps.
Output Example: 6

The enterprise trap number. This only applies to SNMP Version 1 traps.

Output Example: 10

Describes all of the variables in the trap.

$TrapVariable[1]$, $TrapVariable[2]$...
Accesses the first (second, etc.) variable in the trap.

Accesses the trap variable by its name.

The Summary window displays the Responder configuration. Click on the Create button to create the Responder. If
necessary, click on the Back button to make any changes before creating the Responder.

Editing a Trap Responder

Select the Responder in the Trap Responder List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the Agent and Trap Type as
described above, then click on the Apply button.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a Trap Responder

Select the Responder(s) in the Trap Responder List, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation

Viewing Trap Responders

The Trap Responder List displays basic trap responder information (e.g., trap type, response description). Click on a
trap responder to display more detailed formation.

Agent - The network region or IP address range configured for the Responder. The Responder will only respond
to traps received from this region or IP address range.
Trap Type - The severity level(s) or filter(s) configured for the Responder. The Responder will only respond to
traps with this (these) severity level(s) or filter(s). You can also create filters for any or all of the Responder
Response Description - The user-configured Response Description.
Enable Responder - Indicates whether or not the Responder is enabled (True) or disabled (False).

Trap Configuration
The Notifications Trap Configuration Screen brings up the Trap Configuration Wizard, which is used to configure
network devices to send traps to the OmniVista Server. Until you configure traps, you will not be able to receive or view
any trap notifications on the Notifications Home Screen. Configuring traps is a two- part process: first you select the
devices for which you want to configure traps, then you specify the traps you want to be sent to the OmniVista Server.
At the end of the process, OmniVista displays a summary of all the switches and traps you selected, and indicates
whether the configuration was successful or not.

Device Selection
The Device Selection window is used to select the devices for which you want to configure traps.

Server Information

IP Address (Read Only) - The IP address of the OmniVista Server. This is automatically filled based on the
OmniVista Server address you entered during installation.
Trap Port (Read Only) - The destination trap port number on the OmniVista Server that receives alarms and
traps. This field is automatically filled based on the Trap Port you configure on the Settings Screen.

Device Selection

Available Device Type - Select the device type for which you want to configure traps. This will limit the available
devices displayed for selection to the selected device type. Note that, no matter which type you choose, only
devices that are "available" (Up) are displayed.
All - All available network devices are displayed.
AOS - Only AOS devices (pre-7x) are displayed.
AOS 7x/8x - Only AOS 7x/8x devices are displayed.
6200 - Only OS6200 devices are displayed.
Available Devices - Use the Switch Picker (Default) or the Topology application to select the specific devices
for which you want to configure traps.

Note: You cannot configure traps for wireless devices from OmniVista, However, you can
configure traps on wireless devices and forward them to OmniVista for display.

When you are finished, click the Next button to go the Configure Traps window. Click on the Reset Trap Configuration
button to delete the configuration and start over.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configure Traps
The Configure Traps window is used to select the traps you want to configure for the selected devices. The traps
available for each device type are different. Depending on the device(s) selected, you will have the option to configure
traps for each device type.

Click on a trap type to open the Trap Configuration pane for that device type (AOS, AOS 7x/8x, 6200); then configure the
trap information fields at the top of the pane:

• Trap Subscription State

o On - The OmniVista Server will be notified about traps (Default).

o Off - The OmniVista Server will not be notified about traps.
o Delete - Deletes the trap configuration information previously saved to the switch. Use the Delete
option when the OmniVista Server has been moved to a different computer and now has a different
IP address.

• Save
o All - Saves all trap configuration information specified, including port number, server IP address,
selected switches, selected traps, state, and protocol.
o Port Only - Saves only the port number and no other trap configuration information. Use this save
option after configuring the OmniVista Server to receive traps on a different port. Note that the port
number can be changed using the Settings Screen.
o State Only - Saves only the state information (On, Off, or Delete) and no other trap configuration
information. If Delete is selected, the entry for the OmniVista server is removed from the trap
configuration table for the selected switches.
o Traps Only - Saves only the trap information specified. Does not save Port or State information.
Protocol Only - Saves only the protocol used to send traps to the NMS server (SNMPv1,
SNMPv2, or SNMPv3). Applies only to AOS Switches.

Note: If you select one of the "Only" Save options (Port Only, State Only, Traps Only, or Protocol Only), and
no trap information had previously been configured for the specified device, when you click Finish, the entire
configuration will be saved. This is comparable to doing a Save "All."

• Protocol - Select the protocol used to send traps to the NMS server (SNMPv1, SNMPv2, or SNMPv3).
(Default = SNMPv3) Applies only to AOS/6200 Switches).

Select the traps you want to enable in the Select Traps to Enable area. Click on additional trap types and repeat the
above steps to configure traps for additional device types. When you are finished, Click on the Next button to go to the
Summary window. Click on the Reset Trap Configuration button to delete the configuration and return to the Devices
Selection window and start over.

The Summary window displays the traps you configured each device type. Click on a device type (AOS, AOS 7x/8x,
6200) to review the configuration. If necessary, click on the Back button to return to the Configure Traps window and
make any updates. When you are finished, click on the Finish button. Click on the Reset Trap Configuration button to
delete the configuration and return to the Devices Selection window and start over.

The Notifications Settings Definition Screen is used to configure Notifications and Trap E-Mail settings. After making a
change to one or more of the settings as described below, click on the Apply button.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Notification Configuration

Max No. of Notifications to Store at Server - The maximum number of received traps that can be stored on
the OmniVista Server. When a trap is received that exceeds the value in this field, the newly- received trap
overwrites the oldest trap stored on the server. (Range = 1,000 - 300,000).
Trap Port Number - The destination trap port number on the OmniVista Server that receives alarms and
traps. The number entered in the Trap Port Number field must match the port number that the switch is
configured to send traps to (Default = 162).
Use Trap Replay Polling - If enabled (On), OmniVista will poll all discovered devices for missing traps at
startup, and will continue to periodically poll devices for missing traps Default = On).
Generate OmniVista Switch Up/Down Traps - If enabled (On), OmniVista will send Switch Up/Down traps
(Default = On).
Use OmniVista Trap Absorption - If enabled (On), similar traps received from non-AOS devices during the trap
absorption period are "absorbed," and a 'trapAbsorbtionTrap' trap is generated similar to existing AOS traps.
This trap contains details, such as the total number of 'sufficiently-similar' traps received since the original trap.
For example, if OmniVista receives a 'ChassisTrapsAlert' trap from a switch, OmniVista will 'absorb' all of the
traps it receives from the same switch that are 'sufficiently similar' to 'ChassisTrapsAlert', until the trap absorption
period expires. Note that two traps are considered to be "sufficiently similar" when their names, agent IP
address, trap OID, severity, and enterprise OID (if defined) are same, and all their trap variables (if any) are also
same. (Default = Off)
Absorption Period - The amount of time, in seconds, OmniVista will "absorb" similar traps. OmniVista extends
the trap absorption period when a 'trapAbsorbtionTrap' trap is generated. For example, if a trap absorption
period is set to 15 seconds and a 'sufficiently-similar' trap is received on the 8th second, the period for that trap
is extended for another 15 seconds. If no 'sufficiently-similar' traps for a trap are received during the trap
absorption period, the trap absorption period expires for that trap. (Range = 0 - 600, Default = 15)

Trap E-Mail Configuration

The Trap E-Mail configuration fields are used to define the default values for OmniVista "trap responder" e- mails. Trap
responder e-mails are e-mails that OmniVista generates automatically when specified traps are received from network
devices. The Trap Responder Screen is used to configure OmniVista to send an e- mail when a specified trap is
received. (Traps can be specified by severity level, or by use of a filter.) However, to prevent e-mail storms that would
result from receipt of multiple traps, OmniVista does NOT send one e-mail per trap received. Rather, OmniVista
"combines" responder e-mails to prevent storms. By default, OmniVista will send a "combined" responder e-mail when:
one minute has passed since the first trap was received for which an e-mail was not generated, OR 100 traps have
been received.

Maximum Trap Limit - The number of received traps that will trigger a trap responder e-mail. Enter the number
of received traps that will trigger a trap responder e-mail.
Maximum Time Limit - The maximum time period, in seconds, that can elapse before a trap responder e-mail is
triggered. The time period begins when a trap is received for which an e-mail was not generated.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

16.0 PolicyView
The PolicyView application enables you to create Quality of Service (QoS) policies that specify QoS for network
traffic. Policy rules are stored in a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) repository that is automatically
installed with OmniVista and resides on the same device as the OmniVista Server. QoS- qualified devices in the
network are notified when new or modified Policy rules are available on the LDAP repository via an SNMP interface.
Software resident in the switch is responsible for retrieving the Policy rules from the LDAP repository, interpreting
the Policy rules, and enforcing them on the switch.

When you first open the PolicyView application, links to the following options are displayed: Create Policies for
Users and Groups, Create Policies for Resources, Create One Touch Policies, View/Modify Policies and Policy
Lists, Expert Mode, and Create Policies for Applications.

The PolicyView application provides wizards to enable you to create specific QoS policy types (e.g., Application,
Resource); and an "Expert" option that enables you to create more complex QoS Policies. These policies can be
applied to all QoS-enabled devices in the list of All Discovered Devices or to selected QoS- enabled devices. These
policies are created by associating a "Condition" with an "Action." A condition specifies criteria that, when true, will
cause traffic to flow as specified by the associated action. A condition can specify criteria such as the following (a
limited example):

A source MAC address or a source IP address or a source VLAN ID, so that the condition applies to
traffic originating from that source only
A destination MAC address or a destination IP address or a destination VLAN ID, so that the condition
applies to traffic flowing to that destination only.

An action specifies the treatment traffic is to receive when the criteria specified by the condition are true. This
treatment may include the priority and bandwidth to be allocated to the traffic, its minimum and maximum output
rates, and the manner in which packets are tagged upon egress from the switch (if at all).

The PolicyView application also provides a simplified "One Touch" mode that enables you to create QoS policies for
data traffic and Access Control Lists (ACLs) with minimal effort and maximum simplicity. If you use the One Touch
option to create QoS policies for your network, there is no need to understand the underlying QoS definitions and
constructs. The One Touch modes enable you to create QoS policies without bothering with the normal complexity
associated with QoS. All QoS policies created using One Touch Policies are automatically applied to all QoS-
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
enabled devices in the list of All Discovered Devices (Topology application).

The PolicyView application supports Provisioned QoS actions. By default, Provisioned QoS provides best- effort
QoS in the switch. A Provisioned QoS action enables you to provide traffic with QoS other than best effort and to
define the network resources, such as bandwidth and priority, to be made available to the traffic. When the criteria
defined by the associated condition are true, traffic will be assigned to a queue that delivers the QoS specified by
the action.

Important Note: Enabling Open Flow will consume all available TCAM resources. If Open Flow is
enabled, you will be unable to configure QoS Policies. Any policies created before Open Flow is
enabled will still function. However, you will be unable to create new policies.

Creating Policies for Users and Groups

The Users and Groups Policy is used to create/edit Unified Access Policies. Unified Policies are QoS Policies that
can be applied to both wireline and wireless devices. For more information on creating Resources, click here.

Creating Policies for Resources

The Resource Policy option is used to create/edit system resources for QoS Policies. Although you can use Policy
View Expert Mode to create Policies for User Network Profiles (UNP), this can be time consuming.
The Resource Policy option can be used to quickly create resources and resource groups that can be turned into
Policies and added to Policy Lists. For more information on creating Resources, click here.

Creating One Touch Policies

PolicyView provides a One Touch option that enables you to create One Touch Data and One Touch ACL Policies
for traffic with minimal effort and maximum simplicity. One Touch Data policies enable you to assign a desired
quality of service - Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze - to all traffic flowing to, and originating from, specific data
servers. One Touch ACL Policies enable you to create ACL Policies to all traffic flowing to, and originating from,
specific Network Groups. For more information on One Touch Policies, click here.

View/Modify Policies and Policy Lists

This option enables you to view and modify all Policies and Policy Lists stored in the LDAP Server. To view the
policies, click on the Select Devices button to open the Device Selection Wizard and select the switches you want
to view. The devices will appear in the Selected Devices Table. Select a device in the table to display the Policies
and Policy Rules for the selected device. For more information, click here.

Expert Mode
In the Expert mode, conditions and actions are not created automatically; and the user defines the devices to which
the policies are assigned. The Expert mode enables you to create conditions and actions manually, by specifying
each individual parameter. In the Expert mode, you can create conditions that specify MAC addresses, IP address,
protocols, VLAN IDs, specific DSCP or TOS values, or specific 802.1 priority values. For more information on
creating policies on the Expert mode, click here.

Creating Policies for Applications

This option enables you to create Application Visibility Policies and Policy Lists for Application traffic flows. For more
information on Application Visibility Policies, click here.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

QoS-Qualified Devices
A QoS-qualified device is a device that can support the PolicyView application and provisioned QoS. AOS devices
are qualified devices. QoS-qualified devices are identified during the discovery process. The list of QoS-qualified is
available and can be displayed on Expert Mode Screen.

Saving Changes to the Switch

When PolicyView is executed, it writes the address of the LDAP repository to each QoS-qualified switch in the
Inventory List in the Discovery application. The LDAP address is written to the running configuration of the switch.
For this reason, once PolicyView has executed, all switches are left with their running configuration in the "Unsaved"
state (indicating that the running configuration has changes that have not been saved to the working directory).
When a switch reboots, its running configuration is lost, so it is important to save the running configuration, and then
to save the running configuration to the certified directory after PolicyView has executed. To do this, follow the steps

Note: All changes made to the switch configuration will be saved, including any changes made via
the CLI, WebView, or other OmniVista applications, in addition to the changes made by the
PolicyView application.

1. Go to the Discovery applicaiton to view all discovered devices in the Inventory List.

2. Scroll right to the "Changes" column and sort the list according to the switch configuration state.

3. Select all switches with "Unsaved" changes. Click on the Operations at the top of the list and select Save to
to Running. The "Changes" field will display "Uncertified" when the changes are saved to the Running directory.

4. Select all switches with "Uncertified" changes. Click on the Operations at the top of the list and select
Copy Working/Running to Certified. The "Changes" column will go blank when the Working/Running
Directory is saved to the Certified Directory (this may take a few minutes).

Note: You could also perform the operation above using the operations in the Topology

Required Traps
You must configure the switches in the network to send OmniVista the traps that are needed by the PolicyView
application. To configure traps for one or more devices, go to the Topology application, select the device(s) and
select Notifications - Configure Traps from the Operations panel. The Trap Configuration Wizard appears with the
selected switches. PolicyView requires the following traps:

8 - policyEventNotification

Note: See the Topology application help for step-by-step instructions for configuring traps.

Policy Precedence and Conflicts

PolicyView enables you to define the precedence of policies created in PolicyView. A policy rule's precedence
determines which policy will take effect in the rare case of a conflict. QoS policies can be created through the CLI,
through WebView, and through SNMP MIB browsers as well as through PolicyView. Policies created through the
CLI, WebView, or MIB browsers are not written to the LDAP repository and are not manageable through the
PolicyView application.

Note: It is highly recommended that network administrators who use PolicyView to create policies do
NOT use any outside management tools for creating policies, conditions, or actions.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Policies created in PolicyView are assigned a precedence value between 30001-65535. However, precedence
values 30001-65535 are not reserved for PolicyView policies. Policies can also be created using the CLI, WebView,
or a MIB browser, and these policies can be assigned any precedence value between 0- 65535. Therefore, it is
possible to assign these policies the same precedence that is assigned to policies created through the PolicyView
application. For this reason, if you are creating policies using PolicyView as well as outside management tools
(which is NOT recommended), do not assign precedence values between 30001-65535 to any policies created
outside of the PolicyView application.

One Touch Voice policies have precedence values between 45000 and 65535.
One Touch Data policies have precedence values between 40000 and 44999.
Expert Mode policies have precedence values between 30000 and 39999.

Creating Policies for Users and Groups

The Users and Groups Policy is used to create/edit Unified Access Policies. Unified Policies are QoS Policies that
can be applied to both wireline and wireless devices.

Unified Policies
The PolicyView Unified Policies Screen application displays all configured Unified Policies and is used to create,
edit, delete, and view Unified Policies. Unified Policies are QoS Policies that can be applied to both wireline and
wireless devices. Unified Policies are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to
create the Policy and apply the Policy to devices in the network.

Note: Unified Policies are only displayed in the Unified Policies Table. They are not displayed with
other configured QoS Policies in the Expert Mode Existing Policies Table.

Creating Unified Policy

Unified Policies are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to create the policy
and apply the policy to devices in the network. To create a Unified Policy, click on the Create icon . The wizard will
then guide you through the following screens:

Configuration - Basic policy configuration (e.g., Policy Name, Precedence)

Device Selection - Specify the devices to which you will apply the policy
Set Condition - Specify the conditions that must be true before traffic will be allowed to flow. Set
Action - Specify parameters for the traffic that will flow.
Validity Period - Specify the time period for the policy to be effective.
Review - Review the policy details before creating the policy.

Note: As you configure a policy, conditions and actions are verified against the devices selected for
the policy. If a condition or action is not supported by one of the selected devices, and error message
will appear indicating the error and corrective action to be taken.

Applying a Unified Policy to the Network

After configuring and saving a policy(ies), you must apply the policy(ies) by notifying the switches in the network.
When you click on the Notify All button, all of the policies listed in the Existing Unified Policies Table are applied to
all of the devices configured for each policy. To apply the policy(ies) only to certain devices, select an option from
the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select Device button and select the device(s);
then click the Notify Selected button.

After notifying the devices, you can view the status of the re-cache operation, by clicking on the Status button to
view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you can view the success or failure of the re-cache
operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit application, including an indication of any error that may
have occurred. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate thread and may take some
time. Any errors that occur will also be reported in the server.txt file, in the Audit application.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Note: When you notify network switches, all QoS-enabled switches flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP repository, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and
time. It is recommended that you review all policies that you have created and apply them at the
same time to minimize switch downtime.

Editing a Unified Policy

To edit a policy, select the policy in the Existing Unified Policies Table and click on the Edit icon . Use the wizard
to make any edits. When you are done, apply the edited policy to the network.

Note that if you modify a policy and select different device types at the Device Selection Step (AOS/Wireless), a
warning dialog will be displayed if the condition in the policy is not supported on one of the selected device types.
For example: “Condition mis-match: condition (L2 MACs and L4 Service) is not valid for selected device. Do you
want to remove the mis-match conditions?” If you select Yes, the mis-matched conditions will be removed from
edited policy. Otherwise, the newly selected devices will be removed from Device Selection list.

Deleting Unified Policy

To delete a policy(ies), select the policy(ies) in the Existing Unified Policies Table and click on the Delete icon then
click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Policy Information
The Existing Unified Policies Table displays information for all configured Policies. You can also click on a policy to
view detailed information about the Policy (e.g., Condition, Action).

Policy Name - The name of the Policy.

Scope - The scope of the Policy (e.g., IP Filtering, Provisioned).
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Status - Indicates whether or not the Policy has been saved to the LDAP Server.
Enable - Indicates whether or not the Policy is enabled.
Save - Indicates whether or not the rule will be recorded during a snapshot command.
Log Matches - Indicates whether or not matches to this rule are logged in the QoS Log.
Reflexive - Indicates whether or not the Policy is reflexive. Reflexive Policy Rules allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied (Yes/No).
Default List- Indicates whether or not the Policy is saved to the Default Policy List. By default, a Policy Rule
is added to this list when it is created. A Policy Rule remains a member of the Default List even when it is
subsequently assigned to additional Policy Lists.
SLA Policy Trap - Indicates whether or not an SLA Policy Trap is configured for the policy.

Config for Policy

The Unified Policies Config for Policy Screen is used to configure basic Policy parameters. When you have
completed all of the parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Device Selection on
the left side of the screen to move to the next step.

Name - The Policy name.

Precedence - The Policy precedence. By default, the precedence field is pre-filled with the lowest
unused precedence value (Range = 0 - 65535).

Click on Show Advanced Options to display and configure the options below:

Default List - Adds the rule to the QoS Default Policy List. Default is No
Enabled - Enables the policy. Default is Yes
Save - Marks the policy rule so that it may be captured as part of the switch configuration. Default is
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Log Matches - Configures the switch to log messages about specific flows coming into the switch that match
this policy rule. Default is Yes
Send Trap - Enables traps for the Policy. Default is No
Reflexive - Enables support for the Reflexive for the policy. Reflexive policies allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied. Default is Ignore.

Note: The Config for Policy Screen for Unified Policies is similar to Config for Policy Screen in
Expert mode. However, Unified Policies created for Wireless Controllers will accept the "No
Reflexive" option.

Device Selection
The Unified Policies Device Selection Screen is used to select the switches to which you want to apply the Policy.
Select an option (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), and select the device(s). Click on the Next button at the bottom
of the screen or click on Set Condition on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can
also click the Back button to return to the screen and add/delete devices.

Note: In Expert Mode, you can only select AOS Devices for Policy creation. However, you can
select wireline and wireless devices when creating Unified Policies. Also note that you cannot
select IAP Devices when creating Unified Policies.

Set Condition
The Unified Policies Set Condition Screen contains a list of Conditions that you can configure for the Policy (e.g.,
MAC Condition, IP Condition). When you create a Condition, the Condition(s) you configure must be true before
traffic is allowed to flow. Click on a Condition to display the configuration options for the Condition. (Click again on
the Condition to close the configuration options.) When you have completed all of the parameters for the
Condition(s), click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Set Action on the left side of the screen to
move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back button to return to the screen.

A brief description of each Condition is provided below. Click the hyperlink for each Condition for detailed
configuration instructions.

L2 MACs - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic originating from a MAC
address/group/range or to traffic flowing to a MAC address/group. (Note that for Wireless Controllers,
MAC Addresses cannot contain wildcard characters).
L3 IPs - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic originating from an IP address/network group or
to traffic flowing to an IP address/network group. (Note that any IP address can be masked). L3 DSCP/TOS
- Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic with a specified value in either the DSCP (Differentiated
Services Code Point) byte or in the IP TOS (IP Type of Service) byte. Both DSCP and IP TOS are
mechanisms used to convey QoS information in the IP header of frames.
L4 Services - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic flowing between two TCP or UDP ports,
or to all traffic originating from a TCP or UDP port, or to all traffic flowing to a TCP or UDP port. You can
also create a Condition using an existing service/service group.

Note: AOS Devices support most of above Conditions. However, Wireless Controllers do not.
Please refer to detailed notes of each condition below for supported conditions.

A MAC Condition applies the Policy to traffic flowing from/to a MAC Address/Group. Note that Layer 2 Conditions
(conditions that specify MAC Addresses) are "lost" when traffic passes through a router. For this reason, it may be
advisable to specify other types of Conditions (such as a Layer 3 Condition, which specifies IP Addresses) when
traffic is expected to travel more than one router hop.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox. Click on Single to configure a
single MAC Address or Group to configure a MAC Group, then enter a MAC address or select a MAC Group from
the drop-down menu. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a new MAC

Source MAC Address/MAC Group - Configuring a Source MAC Address/Group Condition restricts the
policy to traffic that flows from this MAC Address/Group only. If you do not select this option, you are
effectively stating that the Source MAC Address/Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.
Destination MAC Address/MAC Group - Configuring a Destination MAC Address/Group Condition
restricts the policy to traffic that flows to this MAC Address/Group only. If you do not select this option, you
are effectively stating that the Destination MAC Address/Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.

Source MAC Range - Configuring a Source MAC Range Condition restricts the policy to traffic that flows
from this MAC Range only. If you do not select this option, you are effectively stating that the Source MAC
Range traffic is not a criterion for the policy.


Conditions that specify both a source and a destination MAC address may be rejected by some
switch platforms as invalid. However, if you wish to create policies for both source and
destination traffic, you can create one policy for the source traffic and a second policy for the
destination traffic.
MAC addresses may contain the wildcard character *. However, one * character must be
entered for each individual hex digit in the MAC address: for example, 00435C:******, not
The following MAC address ranges are assigned to Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise voice devices and
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise IP phones. You can create Conditions specifying these address
ranges using the MAC Address tab.
Voice Devices
00809F3A0000 -
00809F3B0000 -
00809F3C0000 -
IP Phones
00809F3D0000 -
Multi-Media Devices
00809F3E0000 -
00809F3F0000 - 00809F3FFFFF
Source MAC Range is not supported on AOS Devices.
Source MAC Group and Destination MAC Address/MAC Group are not supported on
Wireless Controllers.
MAC Conditions are not supported on IAP Devices.

L3 IPs
An IP Condition applies the Policy to traffic originating from, or flowing to, an IP Address/Network group. Any IP
Address can be masked. Note that a Condition that specifies both a Source and Destination IP Address/Network
Group will be rejected by the switch as invalid. However, if you wish to create policies for both Source and
Destination traffic, you can create one policy for the Source traffic and a second policy for the Destination traffic.

Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox. For Source/Destination IP
Address, click on Single to configure a single IP Address (and Shorthand or Subnet Mask, if applicable), or click on
Group to configure a Network Group, then enter an IP Address or select a Network Group from the drop-down
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
menu. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a new Network Group.)

Fragment (not available for Wireless controllers) - Select this checkbox to restrict the policy to TCP
packet fragments.
Source IP Address/Network Group - Configuring a Source IP Address/Network Group Condition restricts
the policy to traffic that flows from this IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network Group only. If you do not select
this option, you are effectively stating that the Source IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network Group traffic is
not a criterion for the policy.
Destination IP Address/Network Group - Configuring a Destination IP Address/Network Group
Condition restricts the policy to traffic that flows to this IP Address/Network Group only. If you do not
select this option, you are effectively stating that the Destination IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network
Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.
Multicast IP Address Range (not available for Wireless Controllers) - Configuring a Multicast IP
Address/Group Condition restricts the policy to traffic that flows to this IP Multicast Address Group only. If
you do not select this option, you are effectively stating that the Destination IP Multicast Address or Subnet
Mask/Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.


When configuring an IP Address Condition, you can also click either the Shorthand Mask or
Subnet Mask button to configure a Subnet Mask. If you are using a Shorthand Mask, select a
value from the Shorthand Mask drop-down list. If you are using a full Subnet Mask, enter the
mask in the IP Subnet Mask field. Note that the * wildcard character is not allowed in IP
Short hand Mask and Group are ignored when applying Unified Policies to Wireless
Source Group, Destination Group and Multicast are not supported on Wireless Controllers.

Important Note: When creating an IP Condition for a NAT Action you must specify a Network
Group in the Condition. NAT will only work when both the Condition and Action specify network
groups. To create a "One-to-Many" Condition and action, create a Network Group with a single
entry for the Condition.

A DSCP/TOS Condition applies the Policy to incoming traffic that has a specified value in either the DSCP
(Differentiated Services Code Point) byte or in the TOS (Type of Service) byte. Both DSCP and TOS are
mechanisms used to convey QoS information in the IP header of frames. DSCP and TOS are mutually exclusive -
you can use either DSCP or TOS but not both. Click on the applicable button (DSCP or TOS) and enter a value.

DSCP - Defines the QoS treatment a frame is to receive from each network device. This is referred to as
per-hop behavior. If you are using DSCP, you can define any value in the range 0 - 63 as the DSCP value in
the IP header of the frame. Traffic that contains this value will match this condition.
TOS - A TOS value creates a condition that applies the policy to traffic that has the specified TOS value in
the IP header of frames. Enter any value from 0 - 7 to specify the value of the precedence field in the TOS
byte that will match this condition. A value of 7 has the highest precedence and a value of 0 has the lowest.


Please refer to the Switch Release Notes for information on the specific QoS functions
available on various current platforms and combinations of hardware/firmware.
You cannot create a policy condition based on DSCP or TOS values for Wireless
Controllers/IAPs. DSCP/TOS conditions are ignored when applying Unified Policies to
Wireless Controllers/IAPs.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

L4 Services
A Service Condition applies the policy to Service Protocol traffic (TCP or UDP) flowing from/to two TCP or UDP
ports, or to traffic flowing from/to a TCP or UDP Service or Service Group. Select a type of Service Condition you
want to configure, then configure the parameter(s) as described below.

Protocol Only - Select TCP or UDP to create a condition for a Service Protocol only.
Port(s) - To configure the Condition for a specific Service Port, select a Source and Destination Port from
the drop-down menu to specify a specific port for the service you selected. You can also click on the Add
icon to go to the Groups application and create new Service Ports.
Service - Select a Service from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the Add icon to go to the
Groups application and create a new Service.
Service Group - Select a Service Group from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the Add icon to
go to the Groups application and create a new Service Group.


Wireless Controllers do not have source and destination ports. They only contain a unique
service port. Therefore, you cannot specify both Source and Destination port for Wireless

Set Action
The Unified Policies Set Action Screen contains a list of Actions that you can configure for the Unified Policy (e.g.,
QoS, NAT). A Policy Action enables you to specify the treatment traffic is to receive when it flows. This includes the
priority the traffic will receive, its minimum and maximum output rates, and the values to which specified bits in the
frame headers will be set upon egress from the switch. When the Conditions specified by the Policy Condition are
true, traffic will flow as specified by the Policy Action.

Click on an Action to display the configuration options for the Action. (Click again on the Action to close the Action.)
When you have completed all of the parameters for the Action(s), click the Next button at the bottom of the screen
or click on Validity Period on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the
Back button to return to the screen.

A brief description of each Action is provided below. Click the hyperlink for each Action for detailed configuration

QoS - Create an Action to specify QoS actions to impose on traffic that meets the configured policy
condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the policy
action. Quality of Service applies to Session Type for wireless devices. Quality of Service is not supported
on IAP devices and is ignored when applied to those devices.
TCM - Create an Action to specify Tri-Color Marking (TCM) actions to impose on traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). TCM provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by limiting the rate at
which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. TCM meters traffic based on user- configured packet
rates and burst sizes and "marks" the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based on whether the traffic
meets the configured rates. This "color marking" determines the packet's precedence when congestion
occurs. TCM is not supported on wireless devices and is ignored when applied to those devices.

The QoS Policy Action option enables you to specify QoS actions to impose on traffic that meets the configured
policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the policy

Disposition - Set the Action to Accept or Drop traffic that meets the configured condition(s). Quality of
Service (QoS) Parameters - Specify the QoS priority the traffic will receive if it meets the configured
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Platinum priority provides the highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 7).
Gold provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 5).
Silver provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 3).
Bronze provides the same quality of service as best effort (and maps to a firmware priority of 1). A
separate egress queue is maintained in the hardware for traffic of each different priority.
Output Flow Setting (not supported on IAP Devices and is ignored when applied to those devices) Max
Output Rate (kbits/sec) - Specify the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits-per-second, which is
guaranteed to be transmitted from the port. Even if no other traffic exists, the output will be limited to
the rate specified here.
Set Color of Packet - Enables/Disables Three Color Marking (TCM) for output traffic flows. This
parameter is not supported on wireless devices and is ignored when applied to those devices.
Output Mapping (not supported on IAP Devices and is ignored when applied to those devices) 802.1p
Priority Level - If you want outgoing packets tagged with an 802.1p priority level, set the 802.1p
Priority Level field to any value between 0 to 7 to specify the desired outgoing 802.1p priority for the
traffic. A value of 7 indicates the highest priority and a value of 0 indicates the lowest priority. Note
that for ports that are configured for 802.1q, this value is used in the 802.1q header and indicates the
outgoing priority of the frame. When a frame is de-queued for transmission, it is assigned the priority
of the queue and mapped to the outgoing 802.1p priority. This priority is combined with the VLAN
group ID to create the 802.1p/q header for transmission.

Note that if traffic matches the criteria specified by the policy condition, but the outgoing port does not
support 802.1p tagging, the policy action will fail.
DSCP/TOS - Enable/Disable DSCP/TOS Precedence. The TOS byte is defined in RFC 791. This byte
contains two fields. The precedence field is the three high-order bits (0-2) and is used to indicate the
priority for the frame. The type of service field (bits 3-6) defines the throughput, delay, reliability, or
cost for the frame; however, in practice these bits are not used. If you enable the TOS Precedence
radio button, set the associated field to any value from 0-7 to specify the value that will be inserted into
the precedence field of the TOS byte upon egress from the switch. A value of 7 has the highest
precedence and a value of 0 has the lowest precedence. Note that you can enable either the DSCP or
the TOS Precedence radio button to specify the mechanism you want to use (if any) to convey QoS
information in the IP header of frames. DSCP and TOS are mutually exclusive. You can use either
DSCP or TOS, but not both.

The TCM Policy Action option enables you to specify Three-Color Marking (TCM) actions action to impose on traffic
that meets the configured policy condition(s). TCM provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by limiting the
rate at which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. TCM meters traffic based on user- configured packet
rates and burst sizes and "marks" the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based on whether the traffic meets
the configured rates. This "color marking" determines the packet's precedence when congestion occurs. TCM is not
supported on IAP Devices and is ignored when applied to those devices.

Committed Traffic Policing

Committed Information Rate - The maximum amount of bandwidth, in kbits-per-second, for all
traffic that ingresses on the port.

Validity Period
The Unified Policies Validity Period Screen enables you to add a validity period to a condition by specifying the time
periods when the policy is active and enforced. Four pre-configured policy validity periods are provided in the drop-
down list in the Policy Validity Periods pane. They are AllTheTime, Weekdays, Weekends, and WorkingDay.
You can also create Custom validity periods that are enforced during a specific timeframe.

When you have completed all of the parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on
Review on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back button to
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
return to the screen.

Note: The pre-configured validity period AllTheTime is the default and is automatically assigned to the
condition when the Ignore Validity Period in defining Policy Condition checkbox is checked. You
can configure a validity period when configuring and IP Condition or Service Condition. If you do not
specify an IP or Service Condition, the configured period is not applied for Wireless Controllers.

Advanced Wireless Settings

For Wireless Controllers, you can specify an absolute period or a periodic period.

Absolute- Specifies an absolute time range, with a specific start and/or end time and date.
Periodic - Specifies a recurring time range. Specify the start and end time and all days or selected days
of the week.
The Unified Policies Review Screen is used to review the Policy configuration before saving the Policy. After
reviewing the Policy, click the Create button to save the policy to the LDAP Server. You can also click the Back
button to return to a previous screen.

Unified Policy List

The PolicyView Unified Policy List Screen displays all configured Unified Policy Lists, including the Unified Policies
included in each list, and is used to create, edit, delete, view and apply Unified Policy Lists. A Unified Policy List is a
set of Unified Policies that are grouped together and assigned to devices as a group. A Unified Policy List can be
applied to an AOS Switch or ClearPass Server. A Unified Policy List can be applied to wireless devices as part of an
Access Role Profile. Access Role Profiles are configured in the Unified Access application (Unified Access - Device
Config - Access Role Profile).

Unified Policy List Information

The following information is displayed for each Unified Policy contained in the Unified Policy List. (Click on a
Unified Policy List to display the Unified Policies contained in the list.)

Name - The name of the Unified Policy.

Condition - The Unified Policy Condition information (e.g., IP Policy Condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Action - The Unified Policy Action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Unified Policy (0 - 65535).
Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Unified Policy.

Creating a Unified Policy List

Click on the Create icon + . The Create Unified Policy List Wizard appears. Complete the screens as described
below, then click on the Create button.

Config for Policy List

Enter a Name for the Unified Policy List and select the Unified Policies you want to include in the list from the
Add Unified Policies drop-down menu. (All of the currently-configured Unified Policies appear in the list. You can
also click the Add icon to go to Unified Policies Screen and create a new Unified Policy(ies) to add to the list.)
When you select a Unified Policy from the drop-down menu, the Unified Policy will appear in a table below, so you
can review the Unified Policy and modify the Precedence value, if needed.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
If your are assigning a Policy List to both wired and wireless devices, select an option from the drop- down menu at
the bottom of the table to override the default behavior of the devices. The default behavior for traffic that does not
match a policy is different for wired and wireless devices. For wired devices, the default behavior is to "accept" the
traffic. For wireless devices, the default behavior is to "deny" the traffic. For example, if you create a Source IP
Policy for a single IP address, by default wired devices would accept traffic that does not come from that IP address
while wireless devices would drop the traffic. If your are assigning a Policy List to both wired and wireless devices,
select an option from the drop-down menu to override device default behavior. All devices that the policy is assigned
to will then follow this default behavior.

OV-L3-AcceptAllPolicy - Traffic that does not match any of the policies will be accepted on all
OV-L3-DenyAllPolicy - Traffic that does not match any of the policies will be denied on all devices.
Device-Default - Traffic that does not match any of the policies will be accepted/denied according to the
device's default behavior. If you do not make a selection from the drop-down menu, this option is
automatically used.

Review the Policy List configuration(s) in the table, then click the Create button. The new Unified Policy List will
appear on the Unified Policy Lists Screen.

Note: The Wireless User Role contains a QoS rule and an Access List, which is a set of ACLs. For
User Role, Wireless Controllers support two (2) QoS attributes - Bandwidth Contract - Upstream
and Downstream. However, OmniVista only supports configuring Downstream Bandwidth.
Additionally, the User Role can contain only a single Bandwidth Contract. So if the Unified Policy
List contains more than one QoS Rule, OmniVista will display an error message: "Unified Policy List
can’t contain more than one QOS Action."

Device Selection
Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select Devices
button and select the device(s) to which you want to apply the Policy List.

Applying a Unified Policy List to the Network

After configuring and saving a Unified Policy List, you must apply the list by notifying the devices in the network. A
Unified Policy List can be assigned to AOS Switches and/or ClearPass Servers. When you click on the Notify All
button, all of the configured Policy Lists are applied to all of the devices configured for each policy. To apply a list
only to certain devices, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the
Select Devices button and select the device(s); then click the Notify Selected button.

Note: A Unified Policy List can be applied to wireless devices as part of an Access Role Profile.

After notifying the devices, you can view the status of the re-cache operation, by clicking on the Status button to
view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you can view the success or failure of the re-cache
operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit application, including an indication of any error that may
have occurred. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate thread and may take some
time. Any errors that occur will also be reported in the server.txt file, in the Audit application.

Note: When you notify network switches, all QoS-enabled switches flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP repository, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and
time. It is recommended that you review all policies that you have created and apply them at the
same time to minimize switch downtime.

Editing a Unified Policy List

You can edit the Unified Policies included in a Unified Policy List or edit the Precedence value of any Unified Policy
in the list. Select a Unified Policy List and click on the Edit icon . The Edit Unified Policy List Screen appears.
Click on the Add Unified Policies drop-down menu . (All of the currently-configured Unified Policies appear in the list.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

You can also click the Add icon to go to Unified Policies Screen and create a new Unified policy(ies) to add to the
list.) Select/unselect Unified Policies to add/remove them from the Unified Policy List. When you are finished editing
the Unified Policy, click the Update button. The updated Unified Policy List will appear on the Unified Policy Lists

Deleting a Unified Policy List

To delete a Unified Policy List(s), select the list(s), click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation
prompt. Note that you cannot delete a Unified Policy List that is associated with an Access Role Profile. To delete
the list, you must first remove it from associated Access Role Profile.

Unified Policy List Information

Click on a Unified Policy List to display the information about the Policies contained in the list. The following
information is displayed for each Unified Policy contained in the Unified Policy List.

Policy Name - The name of the Policy.

Action - The Policy Action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS Accept/Drop)
Condition - The Policy Condition information (e.g., IP Policy Condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.

Resource Policies
The PolicyView Create Policy for Resources option enables you to configure Resource/Resource Group QoS
Policies. Although you can use the QoS Expert Mode option to create Policies for User Network Profiles (UNP), this
can be time consuming. Resources and Resource Groups can be used to quickly create Resources that can be
turned into Policies and added to Policy Lists.

When you select "Create Policy From Resources" from the main PolicyView screen, the Add To Policy List Screen
appears. You can use this screen to create a policy using an existing Resource/Resource Group and add it to a
Policy List. If necessary, you can click on the Resource or Resource Group link on the left side of the screen to
create a new Resource or Resource Group.

Add to Policy List

The PolicyView Add to Policy List Screen is used to create a policy from Resource or Resource Group and assign
the policy to a Policy List.

Creating a Resource Policy

Click the checkbox next to the Resource or Resource Group Field and select an existing Resource or Resource
Group from the drop-down menu (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Resource or Resource Group
screen and create a new Resource/Resource Group, before returning to this screen to select it.) Configure the
remaining fields as described below, then click the Create button.

Precedence - Set the Precedence for the Policy.

Action - Set the action to be taken for the traffic if the conditions match the policy:
Accept - Accept the traffic.
Drop - Drop the traffic
Platinum - Apply Platinum Precedence to the traffic.
Gold - Apply Gold Precedence to the traffic.
Silver - Apply Silver Precedence to the traffic.
Bronze - Apply Bronze Precedence to the traffic.
Policy List - Select an existing Policy List from the drop-down menu to associate with the Policy. You can
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
also click the Add icon to go to the Policy List screen and create a new Policy List, before returning to
this screen to select it.

After creating the Resource Policy, click on the Notify All button to add the Resource/Resource Group to the Policy
List and notify the switches in the network. To view the status of the re-cache operation, click on the Status button
to view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you can view the success or failure of the re-cache
operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit application, including an indication of any error that may
have occurred. Any errors that occur will also be reported in the server.txt file, in the Audit application. Note that the
re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate thread and may take some time.

Important Note: Clicking the Notify All button causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy
tables and reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources
and time. Any switch to which the Policy List has already been assigned will also re- cache its policy

The PolicyView Resource Screen displays information for all configured Resources, and is used to create, edit, or
delete a Resource. A Resource is created by specifying a name, Destination IP/Subnet, and/or a Service Group for
the Resource.

Creating a Resource
Click on the Create icon . Enter a Name for the Resource then. Select the Destination IP Address checkbox and
enter a Destination IP and Destination Subnet, and/or select the Destination Service Group checkbox and
select an existing Service Group from the drop-down menu. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the
Groups application and create a new Service Group for the Resource). Click OK to save the Resource

Once the Resource is defined and saved, the corresponding LDAP Policy Rules, with a default initial precedence
value of “50000” (which can be modified), an action of “Accept” and validity period of “AllTheTime”, is created and
saved to the LDAP Server.

Editing a Resource
To edit parameters for an existing Resource, select the Resource in the Resource List and click on the Edit icon .
Edit the Destination IP Address and/or Destination Service Group parameter(s), then click OK. You cannot edit the
Resource Name, you can only delete the Resource and create a new one.

Deleting a Resource
To delete a Resource, select the Resource(s) in the Resource List and click on the Delete icon , then click
OK at the confirmation prompt.

Resource Group
The PolicyView Resource Group Screen displays information for all configured Resource Groups, and is used to
create, edit, or delete a Resource Group from existing Resources.

Creating a Resource Group

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Name for the Resource Group and select a Resource(s) from the list of
Resources. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Resource Screen and create a new Resource, before
returning to this screen to select it.) Click OK to save the Resource Group configuration.

Once the Resource Group is defined and saved, the corresponding LDAP Policy Rules, with a default initial
precedence value of “50000” (which can be modified), an action of “Accept” and validity period of “AllTheTime”, is
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
created and saved to the LDAP Server.

Editing a Resource Group

To edit parameters for an existing Resource Group, select the Resource Group in the Resource Group List and click
the Edit icon . Add/delete Resources to/from the Resource group, then click OK. You cannot edit the Resource
Group Name, you can only delete the Resource Group and create a new one.

Deleting a Resource Group

To delete a Resource Group, select the Resource Group(s) in the Resource Group List and click on the Delete icon
, then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

One Touch Policies

The PolicyView QoS One Touch option enables you to quickly create One Touch Data, ACL, and Voice Policies for
network traffic. One Touch Data Policies enable you to assign a desired quality of service - Platinum, Gold, Silver, or
Bronze - to all traffic flowing to, and originating from, specific Data Servers. One Touch ACL Policies enable you to
create ACL Policies for all traffic flowing to, and originating from, specific Network Groups. All policies created are
applied to all QoS-enabled devices in the List of All Discovered Devices. (You can use the Expert mode if you need
to assign a different priority to any server.)

When you select "One Touch Policy" from the main PolicyView screen, the One Touch Data Screen appears. Click
on the One Touch ACLs link on the left side of the screen to configure One Touch ACL Policies. Click the One
Touch Voice link on the left side of the screen to configure One Touch Voice Policies.

One Touch Data Policies

The PolicyView One Touch Data Screen displays all of the Data Servers that have been configured with a One
Touch Data Policy and the status of the policy on the LDAP Server:

Saved - The policy has been successfully written to the LDAP Server.
Unsaved - The new policy, or modified policy has not been saved to the LDAP Server
Error - An error condition has made it impossible to write the policy to the LDAP Server.

The screen is used to create, edit, or delete one of the following One Touch Data Policies:

Platinum - provides the highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 7) Gold
- provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 5) Silver -
provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 3)
Bronze - provides the same quality of service as best effort (and maps to a firmware priority of 1)

Creating a One Touch Data Policy

Select a Priority from the drop-down menu, then click on the Create icon . . Enter the IP address of the Data Server
in the Server IP Address field, and click Create. The Data Server will appear in the table with the Status
"Unsaved". Click on the Save icon to save the Policy to the LDAP Server. The Priority selected will be applied to
all Data Servers in the table. When you are finished, click on Notify All to apply the policy to all of the switches in
the network.

Important Note: Clicking the Notify All button causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy
tables and reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources
and time. If any One Touch Data policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that you
have created and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Applying a One Touch Data Policy

When you click the Notify All button, the policy(ies) is applied to all switches in the network. To view the status of
the re-cache operation, click on the Status button to view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you
can view the success or failure of the re-cache operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit
application, including an indication of any error that may have occurred. Any errors that occur will also be reported in
the server.txt file, in the Audit application. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate
thread and may take some time.

Editing a One Touch Data Policy

Select a Priority from the drop-down menu. The status of all of the Data Servers in the table will change to
"Unsaved". Click on the Save icon to save the Policy to the LDAP Server. The Priority selected will be applied to
all Data Servers in the table. When you are finished, click on Notify All to apply the policy to all of the switches in
the network.

Important Note: Clicking the Notify All button causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy
tables and reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources
and time. If any One Touch Data policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that you
have edited and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

Deleting One Touch Data Policy

To delete a One Touch Data Policy(ies), select the server(s) in the table and click on the Delete icon , then click
OK at the confirmation prompt. When you click the OK button:

All One Touch Data policies for the servers you selected are removed from the LDAP Server.
All One Touch Data policies for the servers you selected are removed from switch attributes in the
LDAP "role" objects.
The server(s) are removed from the table.
A confirmation message is displayed when the LDAP Server has been successfully updated. The
success of the operation is also reported in the policy.log file in the Audit application.
An SNMP message is sent to each QoS-qualified device in the List of All Discovered Devices, informing that
the information in the LDAP repository has changed and commanding the devices to update their cached
policies with the current information from the LDAP repository. Note that the re-cache operation for each
switch occurs in a separate thread and may take some time. Be sure to check the policy.log file in the Audit
application for the re-cache status of each switch.

Example of a New One Touch Policy (or Edit Policy) Operation

Let's say Platinum was selected as the priority for the following two Server IP addresses:

When saved, the following policies are created and written to the LDAP Server:

Condition specifies traffic originating from source IP address
Action specifies Platinum QoS for this traffic

Condition specifies traffic transmitted to destination IP address
Action specifies Platinum QoS for this traffic

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Condition specifies traffic originating from source IP address
Action specifies Platinum QoS for this traffic

Condition specifies traffic transmitted to destination IP address
Action specifies Platinum QoS for this traffic

Please note that the names beginning with "OneTouchDR" are the names used for the policies in the LDAP Server.
Within the PolicyView QoS application, all One Touch Data policies are referred to by the generic composite name
OneTouchDR, no matter how many individual One Touch Data policies have been written to the LDAP Server. One
Touch Data rules that have been created automatically by PolicyView can be viewed in the Expert mode window.

One Touch ACL Policies

The PolicyView One Touch ACLs Screen displays all of the Network Groups that have been configured with a One
Touch ACL Policy, as well as the Accessibility configured for the policy (Accept/Drop), and status of the policy on
the LDAP Server.

Saved - The policy has been successfully written to the LDAP Server.
Unsaved - The new policy, or modified policy has not been saved to the LDAP Server
Error - An error condition has made it impossible to write the policy to the LDAP Server.

The screen is used to create, edit, or delete a One Touch ACL Policy for a Network Group.

Creating a One Touch ACL Policy

Click on the Create icon . Select an existing Network Group from the ACL IP Server Group drop-down menu, and
an Accessibility option for the group (Accept/Drop), and click Create. The One Touch ACL Policy will appear in the
table with the Status "Unsaved". Click on the Save icon to save the Policy to the LDAP Server. The Priority
selected will be applied to all Data Servers in the list. When you are finished, click on the Notify All button to apply
the policy to all of the switches in the network.

Important Note: Clicking the Notify All button causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy
tables and reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources
and time. If any One Touch ACL Policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that you
have created and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

Note: You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a new
Network Group, before returning to this screen to select it.

Applying a One Touch ACL Policy

When you click the Notify All button, the policy(ies) is applied to all switches in the network. To view the status of
the re-cache operation, click on the Status button to view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you
can view the success or failure of the re-cache operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit
application, including an indication of any error that may have occurred. Any errors that occur will also be reported in
the server.txt file, in the Audit application. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate
thread and may take some time.

Editing a One Touch ACL Policy

Select the policy and click the Edit icon . Edit the Accessibility Field (Accept/Drop), click Update. The policy will
appear in the table with the Status "Unsaved". If necessary, repeat to edit additional entries in the list. You cannot
edit the ACL IP Server Group. When you are finished, click on the Save icon to save the update(s) to the LDAP
Server, then click on the Notify All button to apply the policy to all of the switches in the network.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Important Note: Clicking Notify All causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and
time. If any One Touch ACL policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that
you have edited and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

Deleting a One Touch ACL Policy

To delete a policy(ies), select the policy(ies) in the table and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the
confirmation prompt. When you click the OK button:

All One Touch ACL policies for the ACL IP Network Group(s) you selected are removed from the LDAP
All One Touch ACL policies for the ACL IP Network Group(s) you selected are removed from switch
attributes in the LDAP "role" objects.
The Network Groups are removed from the table.
A confirmation message is displayed when the LDAP Server has been successfully updated. The
success of the operation is also reported in the policy.log file in the Audit application.
An SNMP message is sent to each QoS-qualified device in the List of All Discovered Devices, informing them
that the information in the LDAP Server has changed and commanding the devices to update their cached
policies with the current information from the LDAP Server. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch
occurs in a separate thread and may take some time. Be sure to check the policy.log file in the Audit
application for the re-cache status of each switch.

Example of a One Touch ACL Policy Creation

Let's say we have selected Data Center Switches as the Network Group and Accept as the accessibility option.
When saved, the following policies are created and written to the LDAP Server:

OneTouchAR$SData Center Switches

Condition specifies traffic originating from source IP Network group 'data center switches'
Action specifies accept as the disposition for this traffic

OneTouchAR$DData Center Switches

Condition specifies traffic transmitted to destination IP Network group 'data center switches'
Action specifies accept as the disposition for this traffic

Note: Names beginning with "OneTouchAR" are the names used for the One Touch ACL policies in
the LDAP repository.

One Touch Voice Policies

The PolicyView One Touch Voice Policies enable you to easily assign the highest quality of service to all voice
traffic that is destined for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise devices. There are four QoS priority queues supported by
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise devices: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Platinum provides the highest QoS and
Bronze provides the lowest QoS. One Touch Voice Policies enable you to assign Platinum QoS to voice traffic. You
can assign the policies by IP Subnet or MAC Address:

One Touch Voice IP Policies - Create Platinum Layer 3 Policies for all voice traffic flowing to, and originating
from, an IP subnet.
One Touch Voice MAC Policies - Create Platinum Layer 2 Policies for all voice traffic flowing to, and
originating from, devices for a specific vendor by entering a range of MAC Addresses for the vendor.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

One Touch Voice IP Policies

The PolicyView One Touch Voice IP Policies Screen displays all of the One Touch Voice IP Policies that have been
configured and the status of the policy on the LDAP Server:

Saved - The policy has been successfully written to the LDAP Server.
Unsaved - The new policy, or modified policy has not been saved to the LDAP Server
Error - An error condition has made it impossible to write the policy to the LDAP Server.

The screen is used to create, edit, or delete One Touch Voice IP Policies for all voice traffic flowing to, and
originating from, an IP subnet.

Creating a One Touch Voice IP Policy

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Subnet IP and Subnet Mask and click Create. The Network Subnet will appear
in the table with the Status "Unsaved". If necessary, click on the Create icon to create additional policies. When
you are finished, click on the Save icon to save the Policy(ies) to the LDAP Server. Next, click on the Notify All
button to apply the policy to all of the switches in the network. Note that when you create a One Touch Voice IP
Policy, two policies are created for each subnet entered - one for traffic originating from the subnet, and one for
traffic flowing to the subnet.

Important Note: Clicking Notify All causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time.
If any One Touch Voice IP Policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that you
have created and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

Applying a One Touch Voice IP Policy

When you click the Notify All button, the policy(ies) is applied to all switches in the network. To view the status of
the re-cache operation, click on the Status button to view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you
can view the success or failure of the re-cache operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit application,
including an indication of any error that may have occurred. Any errors that occur will also be reported in the
server.txt file, in the Audit application. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate thread
and may take some time.

Editing a One Touch Voice IP Policy

Select a Subnet from the One Touch Voice IPs List and click the Edit icon . Edit the Subnet Mask, click Update,
then click on the Save icon to save the update to the LDAP Server. If necessary, repeat to edit additional entries
in the list. You cannot edit the IP Subnet you can only delete it and create a new one.

When you are finished, click on the Notify All button to apply the policy to all of the switches in the network.

Important Note: Clicking Notify All causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time.
If any One Touch Voice IP Policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that you
have created and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

Deleting a One Touch Voice IP Policy

To delete a policy(ies), select the Subnet IP in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation
prompt. When you click the OK button, all One Touch Voice IP Policies for the IP Subnet(s) you deleted are
removed from the LDAP Server (both Layer 2 and Layer 3 Policies). When you are finished, click on the Notify All
button to apply the deletion to all of the switches in the network. .

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Important Note: Clicking Notify All causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time.
If any One Touch Voice IP Policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that you
have created and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

One Touch Voice MAC Policies

The PolicyView One Touch Voice MAC Policies Screen displays all of the One Touch Voice MAC Policies that have
been configured and the status of the policy on the LDAP Server:

Saved - The policy has been successfully written to the LDAP Server.
Unsaved - The new policy, or modified policy has not been saved to the LDAP Server
Error - An error condition has made it impossible to write the policy to the LDAP Server.

The screen is used to create, edit, or delete One Touch Voice MAC Policies for all voice traffic flowing to, and
originating from, a specific vendor by entering a range of MAC Addresses for the vendor.

Creating a One Touch Voice MAC Policy

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Vendor Name and MAC Prefix and click Create. The policy will appear in the
One Touch Voice MACs List with the Status "Unsaved". If necessary, click on the Create icon to create additional
policies. When you are finished, click on the Save icon to save the Policy(ies) to the LDAP Server.
Next, click on the Notify All button to apply the policy to all of the switches in the network.

Note that when you create a One Touch Voice MAC Policy, two policies are created for each MAC Address entered
- one for traffic originating from the MAC Address, and one for traffic flowing to the MAC Address.

Important Note: Clicking Notify All causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time.
If any One Touch Voice MAC Policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that
you have created and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

Applying a One Touch Voice MAC Policy

When you click the Notify All button, the policy(ies) is applied to all switches in the network. To view the status of
the re-cache operation, click on the Status button to view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you
can view the success or failure of the re-cache operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit
application, including an indication of any error that may have occurred. Any errors that occur will also be reported
in the server.txt file, in the Audit application. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate
thread and may take some time.

Editing a One Touch Voice MAC Policy

Select a Policy from the One Touch Voice MACs List and click the Edit icon . Edit the MAC Prefix, click Update,
then click on the Save icon to save the update to the LDAP Server. If necessary, repeat to edit additional entries
in the list. You cannot edit the Vendor Name. You can only delete it and create a new one. When you are finished,
click on the Notify All button to apply the policy to all of the switches in the network.

Important Note: Clicking Notify All causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time.
If any One Touch Voice MAC Policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is
assigned will also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that
you have created and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a One Touch Voice MAC Policy

To delete a policy(ies), select the Policy in the list, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation
prompt. When you click the OK button, all One Touch Voice MAC Policies you deleted are removed from the LDAP
Server (both Layer 2 and Layer 3 Policies). When you are finished, click on the Notify All button to apply the
deletion to all of the switches in the network.

Important Note: Clicking Notify All causes all QoS-enabled switches to flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP Server, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time. If any
One Touch Voice MAC Policy has already been defined, the switch(es) to which the policy is assigned will
also re-cache its policy tables. It is recommended that you verify all policies that you have created
and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

View/Modify Policies and Policy List

The PolicyView View/Modify Policies and Policy List option enables you to view existing Policies, view/create/modify
Policy Lists, and view Policies for specific switches.

The Policies Screen displays all configured Policies. You can also click on a policy to view detailed
information about the Policy (e.g., Condition, Action).
The Policy Lists Screen displays all configured Policy Lists, along with their Policies, and is used to
add/edit/delete Policy Lists.
The Policies by Switch Screen enables you to view Polices for specific switches in the network.

The PolicyView Policies Screen displays basic information for all configured Policies. You can also click on a policy
to view detailed information about the Policy (e.g., Condition, Action).

Policy Information
The list below defines all of the possible fields that can be displayed in the table. Not all of the fields below are
displayed in the Default view. However, you can click on the Select All button to display all fields; or click on the
Custom button to create a custom view to display only specified fields. (Click on the Custom button, then click on
the Custom Template button, select the fields you want to display, then click OK.) After creating a custom view,
you can just click on the Custom button to display that custom view. You can change the custom view at any time
for a different display.

Policy Name - The name of the Policy.

Scope - The scope of the Policy (e.g., IP Filtering, Provisioned).
Status - Indicates whether or not the Policy has been saved to the LDAP Server (Saved/Unsaved).
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Enabled - Indicates whether or not the Policy is enabled (Yes/No).
Save - Indicates whether or not the rule will be recorded during a snapshot command (Yes/No).
Log Matches - Indicates whether or not matches to this rule are logged in the QoS Log (Yes/No).
Reflexive - Indicates whether or not the Policy is reflexive. Reflexive Policy Rules allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied (Yes/No).
Default List - Indicates whether or not the Policy is saved to the Default List. A Default Policy List always
exists in the switch configuration. By default, a Policy Rule is added to this list when the rule is created. A
rule remains a member of the Default List even when it is subsequently assigned to additional lists
SLA Policy Trap - Indicates whether or not an SLA Policy Trap is configured for the policy.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detailed Policy Information

Policy Rule - The name of the Policy Rule and the Policy Rules configured for the Policy. Policy
Condition - The Policy condition information (e.g., IP Policy condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Policy Action - The Policy action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS
Policy Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.
Policy Roles - The switches to which the Policy has been assigned.

Policy Lists
The PolicyView Policy Lists Screen displays all configured Policy Lists, including the Policies Rules included in each
list, and is used to create, edit, and delete Policy Lists. You can click on a Policy List to display the Policies
contained in the list. A Policy List is a set of Policies that are grouped together and can be assigned to switches as a
group. The QoS/ACL Policies that you add to a Policy List can be defined using the PolicyView Application. You can
also include Resources or Resource Groups in a Policy using the "Resources - Add to Policy" Screen.

Creating a Policy List

Click on the Create icon . The Create Policy List Screen appears. Enter a Name for the Policy List and select the
Policies you want to include in the list from the Add Policies drop-down menu. (All of the currently- configured
Policies appear in the list. You can also click the Add icon to go to Expert Mode and create a new policy(ies) to
add to the list.) When you select a Policy from the drop-down menu, the Policy will appear in a table below, so you
can review the Policy and modify the Precedence value, if needed. When you are finished reviewing the Policy(ies),
click the Create button. The new Policy List will appear on the Policy Lists Screen.

Editing a Policy List

You can edit the Policies included in a Policy List or edit the Precedence value of any Policy in the list. Select a
Policy List and click on the Edit icon . The Edit Policy List Screen appears. Click on the Add Policies drop-down
menu . (All of the currently-configured Policies appear in the list. You can also click the Add icon to go to Expert
Mode and create a new policy(ies) to add to the list.) Select/unselect Policies to add/remove them from the Policy
List. When you are finished editing the Policy, click the Update button. The updated Policy List will appear on the
Policy Lists Screen.

Note: Adding/deleting a policy to/from a policy list will automatically update any switch roles that
contain this policy list with the updated policies.

Deleting a Policy List

To delete a Policy List(s), select the list(s), click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.
Note that you cannot delete a Policy List that is associated with a User Network Profile (UNP). To delete the list, you
must first remove it from the UNP.

Policy List Information

Click on a Policy List to display the Policies contained in the list. The following information is displayed for each
Policy contained in the Policy List.

Name - The name of the Policy.

Condition - The Policy Condition information (e.g., IP Policy Condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Action - The Policy Action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS Accept/Drop)
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Policies by Switch
The PolicyView Policies by Switch Screen enables you to view Policies configured on specific devices. To view
Policies for specific devices, click on the Select Device button to bring up the Selection Wizard. Select the device(s)
you want to display, then click OK. Device information and Policy Status for each device is displayed. Select a
device to display Policy and Policy List information for the device.

Device Information
The following information is displayed for each selected device:

Name - The user-configured name for the device.

Address - The IP Address of the device.
DNS Name - The DNS name of the device, if applicable.
Device Type - The device model (e.g., OS6850-48, OS6900-X20).
Version - The AOS software version running on the device (e.g.,. 732.344.R01).
Policy Status - Indicates whether or not the switch has re-cached its Policy information to contain the
Policy. After a Policy is created and saved on the LDAP Server, the user assigns the Policy to the switch.
This causes the switch to flush its Policy Tables and reload the latest Policies from the LDAP Server.

Policy Information
The following Policy information is displayed when you click on a device (click on a Policy to display detailed
information about the Policy):

Name - The name of the Policy.

Scope - The scope of the Policy (e.g., IP Filtering, Provisioned).
Status - Indicates whether or not the Policy has been saved to the LDAP Server (Saved/Unsaved).
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Enabled - Indicates whether or not the Policy is enabled (Yes/No).
Save - Indicates whether or not the rule will be recorded during a snapshot command (Yes/No).
Log Matches - Indicates whether or not matches to this rule are logged in the QoS Log (Yes/No).
Reflexive - Indicates whether or not the Policy is reflexive. Reflexive Policy Rules allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied (Yes/No).
Default List - Indicates whether or not the Policy is saved to the Default List. A Default Policy List always
exists in the switch configuration. By default, a Policy Rule is added to this list when the rule is created. A
rule remains a member of the Default List even when it is subsequently assigned to additional lists
SLA Policy Trap - Indicates whether or not an SLA Policy Trap is configured for the policy.

Detailed Policy Information

The following information is displayed when you click on a Policy:

Policy Rule - The name of the Policy Rule configured for the Policy.
Policy Condition - The Policy condition information (e.g., IP Policy condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Policy Action - The Policy action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS
Accept/Drop)Policy Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.
Policy Roles - The switches to which the Policy has been assigned.

Policy List Information

The following Policy List information is displayed when you click on a device:

Name - The Policy List name.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Policies - The Policy Rules configured for the Policy.

Expert Mode
The PolicyView Expert Mode option is used to create, edit, delete, and view custom QoS Policies. Custom Policies
are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to create the Policy and apply the
Policy to switches in the network. All currently-configured Policies are listed in the Existing Policies Table. You can
view basic information about a Policy in the table or click on a specific policy to view more detailed information.

Note: You cannot create, delete, or edit a One Touch Policy in the Expert mode. You must use the
applicable One Touch option (Data, ACL, Voice) to create, delete, or edit a One Touch policy.

Creating a Custom Policy

Custom Policies are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to create the policy
and apply the policy to switches in the network. To create a Custom Policy, click on the Create icon . The wizard
will then guide you through the following screens:

Configuration - Basic policy configuration (e.g., Policy Name, Precedence)

Device Selection - Specify the devices to which you will apply the policy
Set Condition - Specify the conditions that must be true before traffic will be allowed to flow. Set
Action - Specify parameters for the traffic that will flow.
Validity Period - Specify the time period for the policy to be in effect.
Review - Review the policy details before creating the policy.

Note: As you configure a policy, conditions and actions are verified against the devices selected for
the policy. If a condition or action is not supported by one of the selected devices, and error message
will appear indicating the error and corrective action to be taken.

Applying a Custom Policy to the Network

After configuring and saving a policy(ies), you must apply the policy(ies) by notifying the switches in the network.
When you click on the Notify All button, all of the policies listed in the Existing Policies Table are applied to all of
the switches configured for each policy. To apply the policy(ies) only to certain devices, select an option from the
drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select Device button and select the device(s);
then click the Notify Selected button.

After notifying the switches, you can view the status of the re-cache operation, by clicking on the Status button to
view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you can view the success or failure of the re-cache
operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit application, including an indication of any error that may
have occurred. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate thread and may take some
time. Any errors that occur will also be reported in the server.txt file, in the Audit application.

Note: When you notify network switches, all QoS-enabled switches flush their policy tables and reload
policies from the LDAP repository, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time. It is
recommended that you review all policies that you have created and apply them at the same time to
minimize switch downtime.

Editing a Custom Policy

To edit a policy, select the policy in the Existing Policy Table and click on the Edit icon . Use the wizard to make
any edits. When you are done, apply the edited policy to the network.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a Custom Policy

To delete a policy(ies), select the policy(ies) in the Existing Policies Table and click on the Delete icon , then click
OK at the confirmation prompt.

Policy Information
The Existing Policies Table displays basic information for all configured Policies. You can also click on a policy to
view detailed information about the Policy (e.g., Condition, Action). Note that Unified Policies are not displayed in
the Expert Mode Existing Policies Table. They are only displayed in the Existing Unified Policies Table.

Basic Information

Policy Name - The name of the Policy.

Scope - The scope of the Policy (e.g., IP Filtering, Provisioned).
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Status - Indicates whether or not the Policy has been saved to the LDAP Server.
Enable - Indicates whether or not the Policy is enabled.
Save - Indicates whether or not the rule will be recorded during a snapshot command.
Log Matches - Indicates whether or not matches to this rule are logged in the QoS Log.
Reflexive - Indicates whether or not the Policy is reflexive. Reflexive Policy Rules allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied (Yes/No).
Default List- Indicates whether or not the Policy is saved to the Default Policy List. By default, a Policy Rule
is added to this list when it is created. A Policy Rule remains a member of the Default List even when it is
subsequently assigned to additional Policy Lists.
SLA Policy Trap - Indicates whether or not an SLA Policy Trap is configured for the policy.

Detailed Information

Policy Rule - The name of the Policy Rule and the Policy Rules configured for the Policy. Policy
Condition - The Policy condition information (e.g., IP Policy condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Policy Action - The Policy action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS
Policy Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.
Policy Roles - The switches to which the Policy has been assigned.

Config for Policy

The Expert Mode Config for Policy Screen is used to configure basic Policy parameters. When you have completed
all of the parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Device Selection on the left side of
the screen to move to the next step.

Name - The Policy name.

Precedence - The Policy precedence. By default, the precedence field is pre-filled with the lowest
unused precedence value (Range = 0 - 65535).

Click on Show Advanced Options to display and configure the options below. By default, these options are set to

Default List - Adds the rule to the QoS Default Policy List.
Enable - Enables the policy.
Save - Marks the policy rule so that it may be captured as part of the switch configuration.
Log Matches - Configures the switch to log messages about specific flows coming into the switch that match
this policy rule.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Send Trap - Enables traps for the Policy.
Reflexive - Enables support for the Reflexive for the policy. Reflexive policies allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied.

Device Selection
The Expert Mode Device Selection Screen is used to select the switches to which you want to apply the Policy.
Select an option (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), and select the device(s). Click on the Next button at the bottom
of the screen or click on Set Condition on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can
also click the Back button to return to the screen and add/delete devices.

Set Condition
The Expert Mode Set Condition Screen contains a list of Conditions that you can configure for the Policy (e.g.,
Interface Condition, MAC Condition). When you create a Condition, the Condition(s) you configure must be true
before traffic is allowed to flow. Click on a Condition to display the configuration options for the Condition. (Click
again on the Condition to close the configuration options.) When you have completed all of the parameters for the
Condition(s), click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Set Action on the left side of the screen to
move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back button to return to the screen.

A brief description of each Condition is provided below. Click the hyperlink for each Condition for detailed
configuration instructions.

L1 Interfaces - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic flowing from a specific source
interface type or to traffic flowing to a specific destination interface type.
L2 MACs - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic originating from a MAC address/group or to
traffic flowing to a MAC address/group. (Note that any MAC address may contain wildcard characters).
L2 VLANs - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic flowing from a source VLAN to a
destination VLAN, or to traffic flowing from one source VLAN to any destination VLAN, or to traffic
flowing from any source VLAN to one destination VLAN.
L2 802.1P - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic with a specified 802.1 priority value. L3 IPs
- Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic originating from an IP address/network group or to
traffic flowing to an IP address/network group. (Note that any IP address can be masked). L3 DSCP/TOS -
Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic with a specified value in either the
DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) byte or in the IP TOS (IP Type of Service) byte. Both DSCP and
IP TOS are mechanisms used to convey QoS information in the IP header of frames.
L3 TCP Flags - Creates a Condition that applies the policy to traffic based on TCP values.
L4 Services - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic flowing between two TCP or UDP ports,
or to all traffic originating from a TCP or UDP port, or to all traffic flowing to a TCP or UDP port. You can
also create a Condition using an existing service/service group.
L7 Applications - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic associated with a specific
Application Group.
Application Visibility - Create a condition that applies the policy to traffic associated with a specific
Application Group. Application Name Conditions are not supported at this time.
VXLAN - Create a VM Snooping Condition that applies to incoming VXLAN packets.

Note: Please refer to the switch Release Notes for information on the specific QoS functions
available on various platforms and combinations of hardware/firmware.

L1 Interfaces
An Interface Condition applies the Policy to a traffic flowing from/to an interface type. Select the parameter(s) you
want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox, then select an option from the drop-down menu.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Source Interface - Selecting a Source Interface type, restricts the policy to a traffic type that flows from that
interface type only. If you do not select this option, you are effectively stating that the source traffic type is not
a criterion for the Policy.
Destination Interface - Selecting a Destination Interface, restricts the policy to a traffic type that flows to
that interface type only. If you do not select this option, you are effectively stating that the destination traffic
type is not a criterion for the policy.
Other Type - Entering an Ethernet Type, restricts the policy to this type of ethernet traffic. If you do not
select this option, you are effectively stating that the ethernet type is not a criterion for the policy.

A MAC Condition applies the Policy to traffic flowing from/to a MAC Address/Group. Note that Layer 2 Conditions
(conditions that specify MAC Addresses) are "lost" when traffic passes through a router. For this reason, it may be
advisable to specify other types of Conditions (such as a Layer 3 Condition, which specifies IP Addresses) when
traffic is expected to travel more than one router hop.

Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox. Click on Single to configure a
single MAC Address or Group to configure a MAC Group, then enter a MAC address or select a MAC Group from
the drop-down menu. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a new MAC

Source MAC Address/MAC Group - Configuring a Source MAC Address/Group Condition restricts the
policy to traffic that flows from this MAC Address/Group only. If you do not select this option, you are
effectively stating that the Source MAC Address/Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.
Destination MAC Address/MAC Group - Configuring a Destination MAC Address/Group Condition
restricts the policy to traffic that flows to this MAC Address/Group only. If you do not select this option, you
are effectively stating that the Destination MAC Address/Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.


Conditions that specify both a source and a destination MAC address may be rejected by some
switch platforms as invalid. However, if you wish to create policies for both source and
destination traffic, you can create one policy for the source traffic and a second policy for the
destination traffic.
MAC addresses may contain the wildcard character *. However, one * character must be
entered for each individual hex digit in the MAC address: for example, 00435C:******, not
The following MAC address ranges are assigned to Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise voice devices and
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise IP phones. You can create Conditions specifying these address
ranges using the MAC Address tab.
Voice Devices
00809F3A0000 - 00809F3AFFFF
00809F3B0000 - 00809F3BFFFF
00809F3C0000 - 00809F3CFFFF
IP Phones
00809F3D0000 - 00809F3DFFFF
Multi-Media Devices
00809F3E0000 - 00809F3EFFFF
00809F3F0000 - 00809F3FFFFF

A VLAN Condition applies the Policy to traffic flowing from/to a VLAN/VLAN Group. You can also create an Inner
Source VLAN Condition for a stacked VLAN network, and a Condition based on Virtual Routing and Forwarding
(VRF) name (OS10K).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox. For VLANs/VLAN Groups, click
on Single to configure a single VLAN or Group to configure a VLAN Group, then enter a VLAN or select a VLAN
Group from the drop-down menu. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a
new VLAN Group.)

Source VLAN/VLAN Group - Configuring a Source VLAN/VLAN Group Condition restricts the policy to
traffic that flows from this VLAN/VLAN Group only. If you do not select this option, you are effectively stating
that the Source VLAN/VLAN Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.
Destination VLAN/VLAN Group - Configuring a Destination VLAN/VLAN Group Condition restricts the
policy to traffic that flows to this VLAN/VLAN Group only. If you do not select this option, you are effectively
stating that the Destination VLAN/VLAN Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.
Inner Source VLAN - An Inner Source VLAN Condition is applied to double-tagged VLAN Stacking traffic
and is used to classify such traffic based on the inner VLAN ID tag, also known as the customer VLAN ID.
Configuring an Inner Source VLAN Condition restricts the policy rule to all double-tagged traffic for that
VLAN. If you do not select this option, you are effectively stating that the Inner Source VLAN traffic is not a
criterion for the policy.
VRF Name - Configuring a VRF Name Condition restricts the policy to traffic that flows to this VRF only. If
you do not select this option, you are effectively stating that VRF traffic is not a criterion for the policy. Note
that by default, QoS Policy Conditions are not associated with any specific VRF instance. The Policy applies
across all instances.

L2 802.1P
An 802.1P Condition applies the Policy to traffic that has a specified 802.1 priority value in the header of the frame.
802.1p is the IEEE extension of 802.1d and is a standard for the use of MAC-layer bridges in filtering and expediting
multicast traffic. 802.1p prioritizes traffic through the insertion of a three-bit priority value into the header of the
frame. An 802.1 priority value of 7 provides the highest priority, and an 802.1 priority value of 0 provides the lowest
priority. Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox, then enter a priority

802.1 Priority Level - Set the field to the desired priority value (0-7). This will restrict the policy to incoming
traffic that has that 802.1 Priority value in the frame header. A value of 7 provides the highest priority and a
value of 0 provides the lowest priority. If you do not select this option, you are effectively stating that the
802.1P Priority Level is not a criterion for the Policy.
Inner 802.1 Priority Level - Set the field to the desired priority value (0-7). This will restrict the policy to
incoming traffic that has that Inner 802.1 Priority value in the frame header. A value of 7 provides the highest
priority and a value of 0 provides the lowest priority. If you do not select this option, you are effectively
stating that the Inner 802.1P Priority Level is not a criterion for the Policy.

Note: Please refer to the Switch Release Notes for information on the specific QoS functions available
on various platforms and combinations of hardware/firmware. Also note that if an 802.1p value is
specified, a DSCP value or a ToS value may not be specified. This restriction does not apply to the
OmniSwitch 6800 series switches.

L3 IPs
An IP Condition applies the Policy to traffic originating from, or flowing to, an IP Address/Network group. Any IP
Address can be masked. Note that a Condition that specifies both a Source and Destination IP Address/Network
Group will be rejected by the switch as invalid. However, if you wish to create policies for both Source and
Destination traffic, you can create one policy for the Source traffic and a second policy for the Destination traffic.

Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox. For Source/Destination IP
Address, click on Single to configure a single IP Address (and Shorthand or Subnet Mask, if applicable), or click
on Group to configure a Network Group, then enter an IP Address or select a Network Group from the drop-down
menu. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a new Network Group.)

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Fragment - Select this checkbox to restrict the policy to TCP packet fragments.
Source IP Address/Network Group - Configuring a Source IP Address/Network Group Condition restricts
the policy to traffic that flows from this IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network Group only. If you do not select
this option, you are effectively stating that the Source IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network Group traffic is
not a criterion for the policy.
Destination IP Address/Network Group - Configuring a Destination IP Address/Network Group
Condition restricts the policy to traffic that flows to this IP Address/Network Group only. If you do not
select this option, you are effectively stating that the Destination IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network
Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.
Multicast IP Address Range - Configuring a Multicast IP Address/Group Condition restricts the policy to
traffic that flows to this IP Multicast Address Group only. If you do not select this option, you are effectively
stating that the Destination IP Multicast Address or Subnet Mask/Group traffic is not a criterion for the

Note: When configuring an IP Address Condition, you can also click either the Shorthand Mask or
Subnet Mask button to configure a Subnet Mask. If you are using a Shorthand Mask, select a value
from the Shorthand Mask drop-down list. If you are using a full Subnet Mask, enter the mask in the IP
Subnet Mask field. Note that the * wildcard character is not allowed in IP addresses.

Important Note: When creating an IP Condition for a NAT Action you must specify a Network
Group in the Condition. NAT will only work when both the Condition and Action specify network
groups. To create a "One-to-Many" Condition and action, create a Network Group with a single
entry for the Condition.

A DSCP/TOS Condition applies the Policy to incoming traffic that has a specified value in either the DSCP
(Differentiated Services Code Point) byte or in the TOS (Type of Service) byte. Both DSCP and TOS are
mechanisms used to convey QoS information in the IP header of frames. DSCP and TOS are mutually exclusive -
you can use either DSCP or TOS but not both. Click on the applicable button (DSCP or TOS) and enter a value.

DSCP - Defines the QoS treatment a frame is to receive from each network device. This is referred to as
per-hop behavior. If you are using DSCP, you can define any value in the range 0 - 63 as the DSCP value in
the IP header of the frame. Traffic that contains this value will match this condition.
TOS - A TOS value creates a condition that applies the policy to traffic that has the specified TOS value in
the IP header of frames. Enter any value from 0 - 7 to specify the value of the precedence field in the TOS
byte that will match this condition. A value of 7 has the highest precedence and a value of 0 has the lowest.

Note: Please refer to the Switch Release Notes for information on the specific QoS functions available on
various current platforms and combinations of hardware/firmware.

L3 TCP Flags
A TCP Flags Condition applies the Policy to traffic based on TCP values. Typically, the TCP Flags Policy Condition
is used in combination with Source IP, Destination IP, Source Port, Destination Port, Source TCP Port, or
Destination TCP Port conditions. Note that even though a TCP Flag condition can be used with most action
parameters, it is mainly intended for ACL use. Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the
applicable checkbox, then configure the parameter(s) as described below.

Match Established TCP Sessions

On - Apply the policy to traffic in an established TCP session.
Off - Do not apply the policy to traffic in an established TCP session.
Modify The Way TCP Flags Are Matched
All - Apply the policy to traffic that matches all of the TCP Flags configured in the TCP Flag Bits
Any - Apply the policy to traffic that matches any of the TCP Flags configured in the TCP Flag Bits
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Match TCP Flags Bits
Mask Bits - Enter one or more TCP Flags after the any or all keyword to indicate that the value of the
flag bit must be set to one to qualify as a match.
Match Bits - Enter one or more TCP Flags to indicate which TCP Flags to match. If a TCP Flag is
specified as part of the mask but does not have a corresponding match, a value of zero is assumed as
the match value.

L4 Services
A Service Condition applies the policy to Service Protocol traffic (TCP or UDP) flowing from/to two TCP or UDP
ports, or to traffic flowing from/to a TCP or UDP Service or Service Group. Select a type of Service Condition you
want to configure, then configure the parameter(s) as described below.

Protocol Only - Select TCP or UDP to create a condition for a Service Protocol only.
Port(s) - To configure the Condition for a specific Service Port, select a Source and Destination Port from
the drop-down menu to specify a specific port for the service you selected. You can also click on the Add
icon to go to the Groups application and create new Service Ports.
Service - Select a Service from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the Add icon to go to the
Groups application and create a new Service.
Service Group - Select a Service Group from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the Add icon to
go to the Groups application and create a new Service Group.

L7 Applications
An Application Condition is used to create a SIP Condition that applies to SIP traffic. To create a SIP Condition,
select the checkbox and select a Media Type for the Condition ( Voice / Video / Other ). Selecting a Media Type,
restricts the policy to that type of SIP traffic.

Application Visibility
An Application Visibility Condition applies the policy to traffic associated with a specific Application Group. Click on
the App Group button and select an Application Group from the drop-down menu.

Note: App Name Conditions are not supported at this time.

A VXLAN Condition creates a VM Snooping Condition that applies to incoming VXLAN packets. VXLAN policy
conditions are used to filter VXLAN packets received on VM Snooping ports. VM Snooping must be enabled on a
port, and at least one parameter must be configured for a condition.

VXLAN VNI - The VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). This parameter is required to configure a VM Snooping
policy condition. The VXLAN header contains the VNI that is associated with the source MAC address of the
Ethernet frame that is encapsulated in a VXLAN packet. The VNI represents the VXLAN segment ID to
which the packet belongs.
MAC Address - The source MAC address of the VXLAN packet (source MAC address of the inner
Ethernet frame of the encapsulated VXLAN packet).
MAC Mask - The VXLAN Source MAC mask.
IP Address - The source IP address of the packet (source IP address of the inner Ethernet frame of the
encapsulated VXLAN packet). You can specify an IP v4 address/mask or an IPv6 address.
VXLAN Port - The UDP destination port number. This number is found in the outer IP header of an
encapsulated VXLAN packet. (Range = 0 - 65535, Default = 4789)
IP Protocol - The IP protocol number (IP protocol of the inner Ethernet frame of an encapsulated
VXLAN packet). (Range = 0 - 255)
L4 Source Port - The Layer 4 (UDP or TCP) source port (Layer 4 port of the inner Ethernet frame of an
encapsulated VXLAN packet). (Range = 0 - 65535)
L4 Destination Port - The Layer 4 (UDP or TCP) destination port (Layer 4 port of the inner Ethernet
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
frame of an encapsulated VXLAN packet). (Range = 0 - 65535)

Set Action
The Expert Mode Set Action Screen contains a list of Actions that you can configure for the Policy (e.g., QoS, NAT).
A Policy Action enables you to specify the treatment traffic is to receive when it flows. This includes the priority the
traffic will receive, its minimum and maximum output rates, and the values to which specified bits in the frame
headers will be set upon egress from the switch. When the Conditions specified by the Policy Condition are true,
traffic will flow as specified by the Policy Action.

Click on an Action to display the configuration options for the Action. (Click again on the Action to close the Action.)
When you have completed all of the parameters for the Action(s), click the Next button at the bottom of the screen
or click on Validity Period on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the
Back button to return to the screen.


A brief description of each Action is provided below. Click the hyperlink for each Action for detailed
configuration instructions.

QoS - Create an Action to specify QoS actions to impose on traffic that meets the configured policy
condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the
policy action.
NAT - Create an Action to specify Network Address Translation actions to impose on traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as
specified by the policy action.
PBR - Create an Action to specify the default IP address to be used for Policy Based Routing on traffic that
meets the configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will
flow as specified by the policy action.
TCM - Create an Action to specify Tri-Color Marking (TCM) actions to impose on traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). TCM provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by limiting the rate at
which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. TCM meters traffic based on user- configured packet
rates and burst sizes and "marks" the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based on whether the
traffic meets the configured rates. This "color marking" determines the packet's precedence when
congestion occurs.
Ports - Create an Action to specify QoS actions to impose on ports carrying traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as
specified by the policy action.
SIP - Create an Action to specify QoS actions to impose on ports carrying traffic that meets the configured
policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the
policy action.
BYOD - Create an Action to specify the BYOD Redirect Module for traffic that meets the configured policy
condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the policy

The QoS Policy Action option enables you to specify QoS actions to impose on traffic that meets the configured
policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the policy

• Disposition - Set the Action to Accept or Drop traffic that meets the configured condition(s).
• Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters - Specify the QoS priority the traffic will receive if it meets
the configured condition(s).
o Platinum priority provides the highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 7).
o Gold provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 5).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
o Silver provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 3).
o Bronze provides the same quality of service as best effort (and maps to a firmware priority of
1). A separate egress queue is maintained in the hardware for traffic of each different priority.
• Output Flow Settings
o Max Output Rate (kbits/sec) - Specify the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits-per-second,
which is guaranteed to be transmitted from the port. Even if no other traffic exists, the output will
be limited to the rate specified here.
o Set Color of Packet - Specify
• Output Mapping
o 802.1p Priority Level - If you want outgoing packets tagged with an 802.1p priority level, set
the 802.1p Priority Level field to any value between 0 to 7 to specify the desired outgoing
802.1p priority for the traffic. A value of 7 indicates the highest priority and a value of 0
indicates the lowest priority. Note that for ports that are configured for 802.1q, this value is
used in the 802.1q header and indicates the outgoing priority of the frame. When a frame is
de-queued for transmission, it is assigned the priority of the queue and mapped to the
outgoing 802.1p priority. This priority is combined with the VLAN group ID to create the
802.1p/q header for transmission. Note that if traffic matches the criteria specified by the
policy condition, but the outgoing port does not support 802.1p tagging, the policy action will
o DSCP/TOS - Enable/Disable DSCP/TOS Precedence. The TOS byte is defined in RFC 791.
This byte contains two fields. The precedence field is the three high-order bits (0-2) and is
used to indicate the priority for the frame. The type of service field (bits 3-6) defines the
throughput, delay, reliability, or cost for the frame; however, in practice these bits are not
used. If you enable the TOS Precedence radio button, set the associated field to any value
from 0-7 to specify the value that will be inserted into the precedence field of the TOS byte
upon egress from the switch. A value of 7 has the highest precedence and a value of 0 has
the lowest precedence. Note that you can enable either the DSCP or the TOS Precedence
radio button to specify the mechanism you want to use (if any) to convey QoS information in
the IP header of frames. DSCP and TOS are mutually exclusive. You can use either DSCP
or TOS, but not both.

The NAT Policy Action option enables you to specify Network Address Translation actions to impose on traffic that
meets the configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as
specified by the policy action.

Source Rewrite IP Address - To include Source Rewrite IP in the NAT Policy condition, select Network
Group to be used for policy condition from the Source Rewrite IP Address drop-down menu. You can also
click on the Add icon to go to the Network Groups Screen and create a Network Group. Destination
Rewrite IP Address - To include Destination Rewrite IP in the NAT Policy condition, select Network Group
to be used for policy condition from the Destination Rewrite IP Address drop- down menu. You can also
click on the Add icon to go to the Network Groups Screen and create a Network Group.

Note: Remember, when creating a condition (e.g., MAC, IP) for a NAT action you must specify a
group in the condition. NAT will only work when both the condition and the action specify groups. To
create a "one-to-many" condition and action, create a group with a single entry for the condition. Also
note that the NAT Policy Action is not supported on OS6860, OS6900, or OS10K Switches.

The PBR Policy Action option enables you to specify the default IP address to be used for Policy Based Routing on
traffic that meets the configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will
flow as specified by the policy action.

Permanent Gateway IP - To set a Permanent Gateway IP address for traffic that meets the condition(s),
enter the default IP address in the PBR Permanent Gateway IP Address field. Alternate Gateway IP - To
specify an alternate IP address for traffic that meets the policy condition(s), enter the alternate IP address in
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
the PBR Alternate Gateway IP Address field.

Note : The OmniSwitch 6800/7000/8000/9000 series switches support the 802.1 priority, DSCP, and
TOS. However, 6600 series switches do not. Please refer to the switch Release Notes for information
on the specific QoS functions available on various current platforms and combinations of

The TCM Policy Action option enables you to specify Tri-Color Marking (TCM) actions action to impose on traffic
that meets the configured policy condition(s). TCM provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by limiting the
rate at which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. TCM meters traffic based on user- configured packet
rates and burst sizes and "marks" the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based on whether the traffic meets
the configured rates. This "color marking" determines the packet's precedence when congestion occurs.

Committed Traffic Policing

Committed Information Rate - The maximum amount of bandwidth, in bits-per-second,
for all traffic that ingresses on the port.
Committed Burst Size - The maximum burst size, in bits-per-second, for all traffic that
ingresses on the port.
Peak Traffic Policing
Peak Information Rate - The maximum amount of bandwidth, in bits-per-second, for all traffic that
ingresses on the port.
Peak Burst Size - The maximum burst size, in bits-per-second, for all traffic that ingresses on the port.

The Ports Policy Action option enables you to specify QoS actions to impose on ports carrying traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by
the policy action. Select the applicable checkbox as described below and configure the mirroring slot/port.

Slot/Port Mirroring
The Slot/Port Mirroring fields are used to mirror ingress, egress, or both ingress and egress packets that match the
policy condition to the specified port. Note that only one MTP session is supported at any given time. As a result, all
mirroring policies should specify the same MTP port.
Slot/Port Mirroring - For a non-Virtual Chassis (VC) Switch, enter the mirroring Slot and Port number and
select the Traffic Direction from the drop-down menu (Ingress, Egress, Ingress/Egress).
Chassis/Slot/Port Mirroring for VC Devices - For a VC Switch, enter mirroring Chassis ID , Slot, and
Port, and select the Traffic Direction from the drop-down menu (Ingress, Egress, Ingress/Egress).

Slot/Port Redirection
The Slot/Port Redirection fields are used to redirect all traffic (flooded, bridged, routed, and multicast) matching a
the policy condition to the specified port instead of the port to which the traffic was originally destined. Note that
when redirecting routed traffic from VLAN A to VLAN B, the redirect port must belong to VLAN B (tagged or default
VLAN). Also, routed packets (from VLAN A to VLAN B) are not modified after they are redirected; the source and
MAC address remain the same. In addition, if the redirect port is tagged, the redirected packets will have a tag from
the ingress VLAN A.

Slot/Port Redirection - For a non-Virtual Chassis (VC) Switch, enter the Slot and Port number to
which you want the traffic re-directed.
Chassis/Slot/Port Redirection for VC Devices - For a VC Switch, enter the Chassis ID and Slot/Port
or Link Aggregate, for the slot/port or link aggregate to which you want the traffic re-directed.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Port Disable Rule Match
Enable this option to administratively disable the source port of the traffic matching the policy condition(s).

The SIP Policy Action option enables you to specify QoS actions to impose on ports carrying traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by
the policy action.

RTCP Monitoring - Enables/Disables monitoring of RTCP Marked traffic. If Enabled, traffic meeting the
configured condition(s) will be subjected to RTCP Monitoring.
RTCP DSCP - The RTCP DSCP number i s used as a prioritizing rate number for SIP PDUs. To apply an
RTCP-DSCP number to traffic meeting the configured condition(s), enter a value (Range = 0 to 63, Default
= 46).
Trust DSCP - If Enabled, traffic meeting the configured condition(s) will have the "Trust DHCP" function

Note: The SIP feature is only supported on the following devices running AOS 6.4.5.R02 and
later: 6850E (C24/24x/48/48X, P24/24X/48/48X,U24X), 6855 (U24x), 9700E (C-24/48, P24,
U2/6/12/24), 9800E (C24/48, P24, U2/6/12/24).

The BYOD Policy Action option enables you to specify the BYOD Redirect Module for traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s) (None, QMR, Captive Portal, Unauthorized BYOD).

Validity Period
The Expert Mode Validity Period Screen enables you to add a validity period to a condition by specifying the time
periods when the policy is active and enforced. Four pre-configured policy validity periods are provided in the drop-
down list in the Policy Validity Periods pane. They are AllTheTime, Weekdays, Weekends, and WorkingDay . You
can also create Custom validity periods that are enforced during a specific timeframe.

When you have completed all of the parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Review
on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back button to return to
the screen.

Note: The pre-configured validity period AllTheTime is the default and is automatically assigned to
the condition when the Ignore Validity Period in defining Policy Condition checkbox is checked.

The Expert Mode Review Screen is used to review the Policy configuration before saving the Policy to the LDAP
Server. After reviewing the Policy, click the Create button to save the policy to the LDAP Server. You can also click
the Back button to return to a previous screen.

The PolicyView Application Visibility option enables you to create Application Visibility Policies and Policy Lists for
Application traffic flows. When you select "Create Policy for Applications" from the main PolicyView screen, the
Application Visibility Policies Screen appears. You can configure Application Visibility Policies from this screen or
click the Application Visibility Policy List link on the left side of the screen to configure Application Visibility Policy
Lists. Click on the Application Visibility Policies link to return to the Application Visibility Policies Screen.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Application Visibility Policies

The PolicyView Application Visibility Policies Screen displays and is used to create, edit, delete, and view
Application Visibility Policies. The Policies are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps
needed to create the Policy and apply the Policy to switches in the network. As shown below, all currently-
configured Policies are listed in the Existing Policies Table. You can view basic information about a Policy in the
table or click on a specific policy to view more detailed information.

Note: Application Visibility Policies are configured using Application Groups configured as part a
Signature Profile created in the Application Visibility Application. The drop-down menu on the Set
Condition Screen in the wizard is populated with the Application Groups contained in the Signature
Profile for the selected switch(es). You must configure and apply a Signature Profile to a switch
before creating an Application Visibility Policy.

Creating an Application Visibility Policy

Application Visibility Policies are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to
create the policy and apply the policy to switches in the network. To create an Application Visibility Policy, click on
the Create icon . The wizard will then guide you through the following screens:

Configuration - Basic policy configuration (e.g., Policy Name, Precedence)

Device Selection - Specify the devices to which you will apply the policy
Set Condition - Specify the conditions that must be true before traffic will be allowed to flow.
Set Action - Specify parameters for the traffic that will flow.
Validity Period - Specify the time period for the policy to be in effect.
Review - Review the policy details before applying the policy to the network.

Applying an Application Visibility Policy to the Network

After configuring and saving a policy(ies), you must go to the PolicyView Expert Screen to notify the switches. The
policy(ies) you created will appear in the Existing Policies Table. Click on the Notify All button to notify all switches in
the network; or click on the Select Devices button to notify specific switches. When you click on the Notify All button,
all of the policies listed in the Existing Policies Table are applied to all of the switches configured for each policy. To
apply the policy(ies) only to certain switches within the configured group of switches, click on the Select Devices
button and use the Device Selection Wizard to select specific devices (select the device(s) and click OK; then click
the Notify Selected button).

After notifying the switches, you can view the status of the re-cache operation, by clicking on the Status button to
view the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you can view the success or failure of the re-cache
operation for each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit application, including an indication of any error that may
have occurred. Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate thread and may take some
time. Any errors that occur will also be reported in the server.txt file, in the Audit application.

Note: When you notify network switches, all QoS-enabled switches flush their policy tables and
reload policies from the LDAP repository, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and
time. It is recommended that you review all policies that you have created and apply them at the
same time to minimize switch downtime.

Editing an Application Visibility Policy

To edit a policy, select the policy in the Existing Application Visibility Policies Table and click on the Edit icon
. Use the wizard to make any edits. When you are done, apply the edited policy to the network.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting an Application Visibility Policy

To delete a policy(ies), select the policy(ies) in the Existing Application Visibility Policies Table and click on the
Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.
Policy Information
The Existing Application Visibility Policies Table displays basic information for all configured Policies. You can also
click on a policy to view detailed information about the Policy (e.g., Condition, Action).

Basic Information

Policy Name - The name of the Policy.

Scope - The scope of the Policy (e.g., IP Filtering, Provisioned).
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Status - Indicates whether or not the Policy has been saved to the LDAP Server.
Enable - Indicates whether or not the Policy is enabled.
Save - Indicates whether or not the rule will be recorded during a snapshot command.
Log Matches - Indicates whether or not matches to this rule are logged in the QoS Log.
Reflexive - Indicates whether or not the Policy is reflexive. Reflexive Policy Rules allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied (Yes/No).
Default List- Indicates whether or not the Policy is saved to the Default Policy List. By default, a Policy Rule
is added to this list when it is created. A Policy Rule remains a member of the Default List even when it is
subsequently assigned to additional Policy Lists.
SLA Policy Trap - Indicates whether or not an SLA Policy Trap is configured for the policy.

Detailed Information

Policy Rule - The name of the Policy Rule and the Policy Rules configured for the Policy. Policy
Condition - The Policy condition information (e.g., IP Policy condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Policy Action - The Policy action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS
Policy Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.
Policy Roles - The switches to which the Policy has been assigned.

Config for Policy

The Application Visibility Policy Config for Policy Screen is used to configure basic Policy parameters. When you
have completed all of the parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Device Selection
on the left side of the screen to move to the next step.

Name - The Policy name.

Precedence - The Policy precedence. By default, the precedence field is pre-filled with the lowest
unused precedence value (Range = 0 - 65535).

Click on Show Advanced Options to display and configure the options below. By default, these options are set
to Ignore.

Default List - Adds the rule to the QoS Default Policy List.
Enable - Enables the policy.
Save - Marks the policy rule so that it may be captured as part of the switch configuration.
Log Matches - Configures the switch to log messages about specific flows coming into the switch that
match this policy rule.
Send Trap - Enables traps for the Policy.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Reflexive - Enables support for the Reflexive for the policy. Reflexive policies allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied.

Device Selection
The Application Visibility Policy Device Selection Screen is used to select the switches to which you want to apply
the Policy. Select an option (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), and select the device(s). Only switches with an
assigned Signature Profile are available. Click on the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Set
Condition on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back button to
return to the screen and add/delete devices.

Set Condition
The Application Visibility Policy Set Condition Screen is used to select the Application Group/Application for the
Policy. When you create a Condition, traffic matching this Application Group/Application will be subject to the Action
that you configure. Click on the App Group button and select a Group for the condition.

Note that the drop-down menus are populated with the Application Groups/Applications contained in the
Signature Profile for the selected switch. If you select multiple switches, only those Application
Groups/Applications common to all switches will be displayed. Also note that the App Name button will not be
displayed if you select any OS6900 Switches, as this option is not offered for these devices. If all of the selected
switches are OS6860 devices, both the App Group and App Name buttons are displayed.

When you have selected the Application Group/Application, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or
click on Set Action on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back
button to return to the screen.

Set Action
The Application Visibility Policy Set Action Screen contains a list of Actions that you can configure for the Policy
(e.g., QoS, NAT). A Policy Action enables you to specify the treatment traffic is to receive when it flows. This
includes the priority the traffic will receive, its minimum and maximum output rates, and the values to which
specified bits in the frame headers will be set upon egress from the switch. When the Conditions specified by the
Policy Condition are true, traffic will flow as specified by the Policy Action.

Click on an Action to display the configuration options for the Action. (Click again on the Action to close the Action.)
When you have completed all of the parameters for the Action(s), click the Next button at the bottom of the screen
or click on Validity Period on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the
Back button to return to the screen.

A brief description of each Action is provided below. Click the hyperlink for each Action for detailed configuration

QoS - Create an Action to specify QoS actions to impose on traffic that meets the configured policy
condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the
policy action.
NAT - Create an Action to specify Network Address Translation actions to impose on traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as
specified by the policy action.
PBR - Create an Action to specify the default IP address to be used for Policy Based Routing on traffic that
meets the configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow
as specified by the policy action.
TCM - Create an Action to specify Tri-Color Marking (TCM) actions to impose on traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). TCM provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by limiting the rate at
which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. TCM meters traffic based on user- configured packet
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
rates and burst sizes and "marks" the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based on whether the
traffic meets the configured rates. This "color marking" determines the packet's precedence when
congestion occurs.
Ports - Create an Action to specify QoS actions to impose on ports carrying traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as
specified by the policy action.
SIP - Create an Action to specify QoS actions to impose on ports carrying traffic that meets the configured
policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the
policy action.

The QoS Policy Action option enables you to specify QoS actions to impose on traffic that meets the configured
policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the policy

• Disposition - Set the Action to Accept or Drop traffic that meets the configured condition(s).
• Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters - Specify the QoS priority the traffic will receive if it meets
the configured condition(s).
o Platinum priority provides the highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 7).
o Gold provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 5).
o Silver provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 3).
o Bronze provides the same quality of service as best effort (and maps to a firmware priority of
1). A separate egress queue is maintained in the hardware for traffic of each different priority.
• Output Flow Settings
o Max Output Rate (kbits/sec) - Specify the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits-per-second,
which is guaranteed to be transmitted from the port. Even if no other traffic exists, the output will
be limited to the rate specified here.
o Set Color of Packet - Specify
• Output Mapping
o 802.1p Priority Level - If you want outgoing packets tagged with an 802.1p priority level, set
the 802.1p Priority Level field to any value between 0 to 7 to specify the desired outgoing
802.1p priority for the traffic. A value of 7 indicates the highest priority and a value of 0
indicates the lowest priority. Note that for ports that are configured for 802.1q, this value is
used in the 802.1q header and indicates the outgoing priority of the frame. When a frame is
de-queued for transmission, it is assigned the priority of the queue and mapped to the
outgoing 802.1p priority. This priority is combined with the VLAN group ID to create the
802.1p/q header for transmission. Note that if traffic matches the criteria specified by the
policy condition, but the outgoing port does not support 802.1p tagging, the policy action will
o DSCP/TOS - Enable/Disable DSCP/TOS Precedence. The TOS byte is defined in RFC 791.
This byte contains two fields. The precedence field is the three high-order bits (0-2) and is
used to indicate the priority for the frame. The type of service field (bits 3-6) defines the
throughput, delay, reliability, or cost for the frame; however, in practice these bits are not
used. If you enable the TOS Precedence radio button, set the associated field to any value
from 0-7 to specify the value that will be inserted into the precedence field of the TOS byte
upon egress from the switch. A value of 7 has the highest precedence and a value of 0 has
the lowest precedence. Note that you can enable either the DSCP or the TOS Precedence
radio button to specify the mechanism you want to use (if any) to convey QoS information in
the IP header of frames. DSCP and TOS are mutually exclusive. You can use either DSCP
or TOS, but not both.

The NAT Policy Action option enables you to specify Network Address Translation actions to impose on traffic that
meets the configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as
specified by the policy action.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Source Rewrite IP Address - To include Source Rewrite IP in the NAT Policy condition, select Network
Group to be used for policy condition from the Source Rewrite IP Address drop-down menu. You can also
click on the Add icon to go to the Network Groups Screen and create a Network Group. Destination
Rewrite IP Address - To include Destination Rewrite IP in the NAT Policy condition, select Network Group
to be used for policy condition from the Destination Rewrite IP Address drop- down menu. You can also
click on the Add icon to go to the Network Groups Screen and create a Network Group.

Note: Remember, when creating a condition (e.g., MAC, IP) for a NAT action you must specify a
group in the condition. NAT will only work when both the condition and the action specify groups. To
create a "one-to-many" condition and action, create a group with a single entry for the condition. Also
note that the NAT Policy Action is not supported on OS6860, OS6900, or OS10K Switches.

The PBR Policy Action option enables you to specify the default IP address to be used for Policy Based Routing on
traffic that meets the configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will
flow as specified by the policy action.

Permanent Gateway IP - To set a Permanent Gateway IP address for traffic that meets the condition(s),
enter the default IP address in the PBR Permanent Gateway IP Address field. Alternate Gateway IP - To
specify an alternate IP address for traffic that meets the policy condition(s), enter the alternate IP address in
the PBR Alternate Gateway IP Address field. (Not supported on OS6860 or OS6900 Switches.)

Note: The OmniSwitch 6800/7000/8000/9000 series switches support the 802.1 priority, DSCP, and
TOS. However, 6600 series switches do not. Please refer to the switch Release Notes for information
on the specific QoS functions available on various current platforms and combinations of

The TCM Policy Action option enables you to specify Tri-Color Marking (TCM) actions action to impose on traffic
that meets the configured policy condition(s). TCM provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by limiting the
rate at which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. TCM meters traffic based on user- configured packet
rates and burst sizes and "marks" the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based on whether the traffic meets
the configured rates. This "color marking" determines the packet's precedence when congestion occurs.

Committed Traffic Policing

Committed Information Rate - The maximum amount of bandwidth, in bits-per-second, for all
traffic that ingresses on the port.
Committed Burst Size - The maximum burst size, in bits-per-second, for all traffic that ingresses on
the port.
Peak Traffic Policing
Peak Information Rate - The maximum amount of bandwidth, in bits-per-second, for all traffic that
ingresses on the port.
Peak Burst Size - The maximum burst size, in bits-per-second, for all traffic that ingresses on the port.

The Ports Policy Action option enables you to specify QoS actions to impose on ports carrying traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by
the policy action. Select the applicable checkbox as described below and configure the mirroring slot/port.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Slot/Port Mirroring
The Slot/Port Mirroring fields are used to mirror ingress, egress, or both ingress and egress packets that match
the policy condition to the specified port. Note that only one MTP session is supported at any given time. As a
result, all mirroring policies should specify the same MTP port.

Slot/Port Mirroring - For a non-Virtual Chassis (VC) Switch, enter the mirroring Slot and Port number and
select the Traffic Direction from the drop-down menu (Ingress, Egress, Ingress/Egress).
Chassis/Slot/Port Mirroring for VC Devices - For a VC Switch, enter mirroring Chassis ID , Slot, and
Port, and select the Traffic Direction from the drop-down menu (Ingress, Egress, Ingress/Egress).

Slot/Port Redirection
The Slot/Port Redirection fields are used to redirect all traffic (flooded, bridged, routed, and multicast) matching a
the policy condition to the specified port instead of the port to which the traffic was originally destined. Note that
when redirecting routed traffic from VLAN A to VLAN B, the redirect port must belong to VLAN B (tagged or default
VLAN). Also, routed packets (from VLAN A to VLAN B) are not modified after they are redirected; the source and
MAC address remain the same. In addition, if the redirect port is tagged, the redirected packets will have a tag from
the ingress VLAN A.

Slot/Port Redirection - For a non-Virtual Chassis (VC) Switch, enter the Slot and Port number to
which you want the traffic re-directed.
Chassis/Slot/Port Redirection for VC Devices - For a VC Switch, enter the Chassis ID and Slot/Port
or Link Aggregate, for the slot/port or link aggregate to which you want the traffic re-directed.

Port Disable Rule Match

Enable this option to administratively disable the source port of the traffic matching the policy condition(s).

The SIP Policy Action option enables you to specify QoS actions to impose on ports carrying traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by
the policy action.

RTCP Monitoring - Enables/Disables monitoring of RTCP Marked traffic. If enabled, traffic meeting the
configured condition(s) will be subjected to RTCP Monitoring.
RTCP DSCP - The RTCP DSCP number is used as a prioritizing rate number for SIP PDUs. To apply an
RTCP-DSCP number to traffic meeting the configured condition(s), enter a value (Range = 0 to 63, Default
= 46).
Trust DSCP - If enabled, traffic meeting the configured condition(s) will have the "Trust DSCP" function

Note: The SIP feature is only supported on the following devices running AOS 6.4.5.R02 and
later: 6850E (C24/24x/48/48X, P24/24X/48/48X,U24X), 6855 (U24x), 9700E (C-24/48, P24,
U2/6/12/24), 9800E (C24/48, P24, U2/6/12/24).

Validity Period
The Application Visibility Policy Validity Period Screen enables you to add a validity period to a condition by
specifying the time periods when the policy is active and enforced. Four pre-configured policy validity periods are
provided in the drop-down list in the Policy Validity Periods pane. They are AllTheTime, Weekdays, Weekends,
and WorkingDay. You can also create Custom validity periods that are enforced during a specific timeframe.

When you have completed all of the parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on
Review on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back button to
return to the screen.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Note: The pre-configured validity period AllTheTime is the default and is automatically assigned to
the condition when the Ignore Validity Period in defining Policy Condition checkbox is checked.

The Application Visibility Policy Review Screen is used to review the Policy configuration before saving the Policy to
the LDAP Server. After reviewing the Policy, click the Create button to save the policy to the LDAP Server. You can
also click the Back button to return to a previous screen.

Application Visibility Policy Lists

The PolicyView Application Visibility Policy Lists Screen displays all configured Application Visibility Policy Lists,
including the Policy Rules included in each list, and is used to create, edit, and delete Policy Lists. You can click on
a Policy List to display the Policy Rules contained in the list. A Policy List is a set of Policies that are grouped
together and can be assigned to switches as a group. The QoS/ACL Policies that you add to a Policy List can be
defined using the PolicyView Application. You can also include Resources or Resource Groups in a Policy using the
"Resources - Add to Policy" Screen.

Note: Application Visibility is supported on OS10K Switches (AOS 7.3.4.R01 and later), OS6900
Switches (AOS 7.3.4.R02 and later) and OS6860/6860E Switches (AOS 8.2.1.R01 and later). It is also
supported in a virtual chassis of OS6860/OS6860E Switches where at least one OS6860E is present.

Note: Application Visibility Policy Lists can only be configured on OS6900 Switches (AOS 7.3.3.R01
and later). The Application Enforcement feature in the Application Visibility application is only
supported on OS6860 Switches (AOS 8.1.1.R01 and later). However, Application Enforcement can
be configured on OS6900 Switches by creating Application Policy Lists, and using them to create a
QoS Application Policies for application enforcement.

Policy List Information

The following information is displayed for each Policy contained in the Policy List. (Click on a Policy List to display
the Policies contained in the list.)

Name - The name of the Policy.

Condition - The Policy Condition information (e.g., IP Policy condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Action - The Policy Action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS Accept/Drop)
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.

Creating a Policy List

Click on the Create icon . The Create Policy List Screen appears. Enter a Name for the Policy List and select the
Policies you want to include in the list from the Add Policies drop-down menu. (All of the currently- configured
Policies appear in the list. You can also click the Add icon to go to Application Visibility Policies Screen and
create a new policy(ies) to add to the list.) When you select a Policy from the drop-down menu, the Policy will
appear in a table below, so you can review the Policy and modify the Precedence value, if needed. When you are
finished reviewing the Policy(ies), click the Create button. The new Policy List will appear on the Policy Lists Screen.

Editing a Policy List

You can edit the Policies included in a Policy List or edit the Precedence value of any Policy in the list. Select a
Policy List and click on the Edit icon . The Edit Policy List Screen appears. Click on the Add Policies drop-down
menu . (All of the currently-configured Policies appear in the list. You can also click the Add icon to go to
Application Visibility Policies Screen and create a new policy(ies) to add to the list.) Select/unselect Policies to
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
add/remove them from the Policy List. When you are finished editing the Policy, click the Update button. The
updated Policy List will appear on the Policy Lists Screen.

Note: Adding/deleting a policy to/from a policy list will automatically update any switch roles that contain
this policy list with the updated policies.

Deleting a Policy List

To delete a Policy List(s), select the list(s), click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.
Note that you cannot delete a Policy List that is associated with a User Network Profile (UNP). To delete the list, you
must first remove it from the UNP.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

17.0 Preferences
The Preferences Application is used to set OmniVista preferences for the web GUI. All Preferences have appropriate
default values, so there is no need to change Preference settings unless you wish to. When a Preference is changed,
the change takes effect immediately.

The following preferences can be configured. Any user can update their User settings; however a user must be
assigned to the Account Admin Role to configure System settings.

User Settings - These settings can be configured for each user.

Locale - Used to set a system-wide language, and time/date format.

Theme - Used to set the color scheme and look of OmniVista.
Inactivity Timeout - Used to set the Inactivity Timer. If there is no user activity within this timeframe, the user is
logged off.
Table/List View Mode - Used to set the default display layout for all table/list screens in OmniVista.
Temperature Unit - Used to set the temperature unit that will be displayed, when applicable, in OmniVista
(e.g., Centigrade or Fahrenheit).
Device Naming - Used to specify how devices are identified and displayed in OmniVista (e.g., IP address,
Device Name, DNS Name).
Colors - Used to configure the colors displayed in Dashboard Widgets for Network Status, Alarms,
Quarantine Manager, and ProActive Lifecycle Management.

System Settings - These settings are system-wide settings that are configured for all users.

Branding - Used to change the logo displayed on the OmniVista user interface and the logo displayed on
reports created in the Report application.
Proxy - Used to configure a Proxy for the OmniVista Client.
ProActive Lifecycle Management - Used to enable/disable ProActive Lifecycle Management and
manually upload information.
Videos - Used to specify the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise YouTube Demo Playlist that will play when the
"Videos" link at the top of the OmniVista screen is clicked.
Email - Used to specify the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server that you want to use to send e-
mails generated by OmniVista.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Install Zulu CEK- Used to install the Zulu Cryptography Extension Kit (CEK).

The Preferences Locale Screen is used to set a system-wide language, and time/date format. When you have
configured a parameter, click the Apply button. The changes take effect immediately.

Language - The language that will display (Default = English)

Date Format - The date format that will display:
Full - Day and Date (e.g., Wednesday, August 20, 2014) Medium -
Abbreviated Month, Day, Year (e.g., Aug 20, 2014) Long - Full Month,
Day Year (e.g., August 20, 2014)
Default - Medium format (abbreviated Month, Day, Year (e.g., Aug 20, 2014)
Time Format - The time format that will display:
Short - Hours:Minutes - AM-PM (e.g., 3:15 PM)
Full - Hours:Minutes:Seconds - AM-PM - Timezone (e.g., 3:15:50 PM PST)
Medium - Hours:Minutes:Seconds - AM-PM (e,g, 3:15:50 PM)
Long - Hours:Minutes:Seconds - AM-PM - Timezone (e.g., 3:15:50 PM PST)
Default - Medium format (Hours:Minutes:Seconds - AM-PM (e.g., 3:15:50 PM)

The Preferences Theme Screen is used to set the color scheme and look of OmniVista. When you have selected a
theme, click the Apply button. The change takes effect immediately. The available themes are shown below.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Inactivity Timeout
The Preferences Inactivity Timeout Screen is used to set the Inactivity Timer. If there is no user activity within this
timeframe, the user is logged off. Enter a time, in minutes. You can also use the +/- symbols to increase/decrease the
time by 5 minute increments, or use the slider for larger increments. When you have configured the time, click the
Apply button. The change takes effect immediately. (Range = 15 - 525,600 (1 Year), Default = 15).

Table/List View Mode

The Preferences Table/List View Mode Screen is used to set the default display layout for all table/list screens in
OmniVista. Note that you can always change the view on a table/list screen using the view option icons at the top of the
screen. Select a display mode (Table or List) and click on the Apply button. The changes take effect immediately.

Temperature Unit
The Preferences Temperature Unit Screen is used to set the temperature unit that will be displayed, when applicable, in
OmniVista. From the Temperature Unit drop-down menu, select "Centigrade" or "Fahrenheit" and click on the Apply
button. The change takes effect immediately.

Device Naming Pattern

The Preferences Device Naming Pattern Screen is used to specify how devices are identified and displayed in
OmniVista (e.g., IP address, Device Name, DNS Name). This preference sets the device naming style for all
applications within OmniVista. Select an option from the Device Naming Pattern drop-down menu and click on the
Apply button. The change takes effect immediately.

Network Status Color Preferences

The Preferences Network Status Color Preferences Screen is used to set the colors that display in the Topology
application and Network Status widget on the Dashboard. You can change colors by clicking on a color and using the
color picker; or you can enter a color using RGB Hexadecimal format (e.g., #2ca02c). When you have configured a
setting, click the Apply button. The change takes effect immediately.

Alarms Color Preferences

The Preferences Alarms Color Preferences Screen is used to set the colors for alarm notifications that display in the
Notifications application (and in the Topology application). You can change colors by clicking on a color and using the
color picker; or you can enter a color using RGB Hexadecimal format (e.g., #2ca02c). When you have configured a
setting, click the Apply button. The change takes effect immediately.

Quarantine Manager Color Preferences

The Preferences Quarantine Manager Color Preferences Screen is used to set the notification colors that display in the
Quarantine Manager widget on the Dashboard. You can change colors by clicking on a color and using the color picker;
or you can enter a color using RGB Hexadecimal format (e.g., #2ca02c). When you have configured a setting, click the
Apply button. The change takes effect immediately.

ProActive Lifecycle Management Color Preferences

The Preferences ProActive Lifecycle Management Color Preferences Screen is used to set the colors that display for
each status in the ProActive Lifecycle Management widget on the OmniVista Dashboard. Each status level (e.g.,
Supported, Not Supported) in the widget pie charts is also assigned a level number. For example, Level 0 corresponds
to "Supported", Level 1 corresponds to "Support to End", and Level 2 corresponds to "Not Supported. (You can hover
over a section of a pie chart to see the Level number that corresponds to a status level.) To change the color that will be
displayed for a status level, change the corresponding Level number color on the Preferences Screen.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
To configure a color, click on the color box next to a level, then use the color picker or enter a color using RGB
Hexadecimal format (e.g., #2ca02c) to change the color. When you have configured a color, click the Apply button.
The change takes effect immediately. Click on the Restore Default Colors button to return all colors to their default

The Preferences Branding Screen is used to change the logo displayed on the OmniVista user interface and the logo
displayed on reports created in the Report application. By default, the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise logo is displayed.
However, you can upload a custom logo to be displayed. To upload a custom logo, click on the "Upload Custom Logo"
link to locate and upload the logo. The logo must conform to the size and dimensions shown. You can also select a dark
or light background for the logo. Click on the applicable option to view how it will be displayed.

After uploading the file and selecting a background, click on the Apply button. The new logo will immediately appear in
the upper left corner of the screen, replacing the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise logo; and will appear on any reports you
create. At any time, you can click on the "Use Default Logo" link and click the Apply button to return to the default
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise logo.

The Preferences Proxy Screen is used to configure a web proxy for the Asset Management (Call Home) and
Application Visibility Signature File Update Features. To configure a proxy, complete the fields and click on the Apply
button. The change takes effect immediately.

ProActive Lifecycle Management

The Preferences ProActive Lifecycle Management (PALM) Screen is used to configure PALM preferences. The PALM
Feature periodically gathers detailed inventory information for all discovered devices on your network (e.g., device
name, MAC address, AOS version, NIs, power supplies) and uploads the information to the PALM web portal. The
information can assist Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in helping you manage your inventory and your network; and is also
available to you through a widget that can be displayed on the OmniVista 2500 NMS Dashboard for easy reference.

After updating any preferences, click on the Apply button. The change(s) take effect immediately.

OV ID - The ID displayed is the PALM ID automatically assigned to your OmniVista Server at

installation and is used to identify your system. It is not configurable.
Backend URL - This is the URL for the PALM web portal. There is no need to change the URL unless directed
to do so by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.
ProActive Lifecycle Management - Enables/Disables the PALM Feature. When you install OmniVista 2500
NMS, the PALM option is selected by default on the License Agreement Screen. If you accept the default, PALM
is automatically enabled following installation. If you opt out of the feature at installation and need to enable it
later, click on the ProActive Lifecycle Management slider to select Enabled. Accept the License Agreement
and click the Accept Button. To disable the feature, click on the ProActive Lifecycle Management slider to
select Disabled. If enabled, you can click on the Upload Now button to perform an immediate upload of PALM
Inventory Status - Displays the time and date of the last successful upload of PALM data, and the time and
date of the next scheduled upload. Until the first successful upload, the field will display "Never".
After an initial upload at installation, updated information is sent to the web portal every two (2) weeks. PALM
Widget Status - Displays the time and date of the last successful sync with the ProActive Lifecycle
Management widget displayed on the Dashboard, and the time and date of the next scheduled sync. Until the
first successful sync, the field will display "Never".

Note: You will be prompted to enable the PALM Feature whenever you add/relicense an OmniVista
Core License in the License application. If necessary, you can always enable the feature on this

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

The Preferences Videos Screen is used to specify the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise YouTube Demo Playlist that will play
when the "Videos" link at the top of the screen is clicked. Enter the YouTube Playlist ID. (You can view the widow in
the Preview window for confirmation.) Click on the Apply button to set the playlist.

The Preferences Email Screen is used to specify the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server that you want to
use to send e-mails generated by OmniVista. You can also specify the "From" address that will be used for these e-
mails. Complete the fields and click on the Apply button. The change takes effect immediately.

SMTP Server - The Host Name or IP address of the SMPT Mail Server to be used for e-mails
generated by OmniVista.
"From" Address - The "From" address to be used in e-mails generated by OmniVista.
SMTP Authentication - Enables (On) / Disables (Off) SMTP Authentication.
"To" Address To Test - Enter an e-mail address to send a test e-mail and click on the Send Test E- Mail

Note: All of the fields in the must be filled or the e-mails you define will not be sent. Mail servers usually
require the "From" address to be a valid e-mail address. If it is not, the mail server is likely to discard the

Note: OmniVista can be configured to generate and send an e-mail upon receipt of user-specified traps.
This can be configured from the Automatic Trap Responders window in the Notifications application. The
"To" address for Trap Responder e-mails is specified in the Automatic Trap Responders window. The
"From" address and the mail server to be used are specified as shown above.

Install Zulu CEK

The Preferences Install Zulu CEK Screen is used to install the Zulu Cryptography Extension Kit (CEK), which is
required to support SNMPv3 with AES 192 and 256 authentication protocols. Click on the link to read through "Zulu
Terms of Use". Click on the "Download the Zulu CEK" link and download the CEK Zip File. The Zip File contains a
README.txt file, a License file, a Disclaimer file and two ".jar" files (local_policy.jar and US_export _policy.jar). Click on
the Browse button to locate and select the two (2) ".jar" files. Click on the Upload button to upload and install the files.

ProActive Lifecycle Management Overview

The ProActive Lifecycle Management (PALM) Feature periodically gathers detailed information for all discovered
devices on your network and periodically uploads the information to the PALM web portal. Basic inventory information is
also available through a widget that can be displayed on the OmniVista 2500 NMS Dashboard for easy reference.
When you install OmniVista 2500 NMS, the PALM option is selected by default on the License Agreement Screen. If
you accept this default, the feature is enabled and information is gathered and sent to the web portal. After the initial
upload, updated information is sent to the web portal every two (2) weeks.

Note: You must have a PALM account set up before using the feature. Contact your Business Partner or
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Customer Support for more information. Also note that if you choose not to
enable the PALM Feature at installation, you can enable it at a later time in the Preferences application.

Setting Up ProActive Lifecycle Management

After installing OmniVista you must enable PALM (if necessary), and add the ProActive Lifecycle Management Widget
on the OmniVista Dashboard.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Enabling PALM
During OmniVista 2500 NMS installation, users have the option to enable PALM on the License Agreement Screen. If
you enabled PALM at installation, go to Adding the ProActive Lifecycle Management Widget.
Otherwise, follow the steps below to enable the feature.

1. Go to the Preferences - System Settings - ProActive Lifecycle Management Screen.

2. Click on the ProActive Lifecycle Management slider to enable the feature. Accept the License
Agreement and click the Apply Button.

3. After clicking Apply, a "Verify Proxy Configuration" link will appear to enable you verify/update your proxy settings.
If necessary, click on the link to go to the Preferences - System Settings - Proxy Screen to view/change proxy

Note: In addition to the PALM option presented during OmniVista 2500 NMS installation, you will be
prompted to enable PALM whenever you add/relicense an OmniVista Core License in the License

Adding the ProActive Lifecycle Management Widget

The PALM Widget can be displayed on the OmniVista 2500 NMS Dashboard. The widget provides basic inventory
information. Follow the steps below to add the widget to the Dashboard.

1. On the OmniVista 2500 NMS Dashboard, click on the Settings icon and select Add Widget.

2. Scroll down the list of widgets, select ProActive Lifecycle Management and click OK. The widget will appear on
the Dashboard.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: The ProActive Lifecycle Management Widget is activated after the initial data upload, which occurs
within two weeks of installation. Once the initial upload is complete, information is displayed in the widget.

Viewing Information
Information is displayed in the ProActive Lifecycle Management Widget. A series of pie charts provide an overview of
devices on your network. For a more detailed view, you can click on the widget to go to the PALM web portal.

ProActive Lifecycle Management Widget

The ProActive Lifecycle Management Widget includes a series of pie charts that provide a quick overview devices on
your network. The example below shows the Operating System Release Screen. Hover over a section to view basic
information (e.g., number of network devices supported/not supported). Click on the arrows (>>) to scroll through the
different screens. Click on a pie chart to go to the PALM web portal for a more detailed view. The information in each
pie chart is defined below.

Operating System Release – Provides an overview of network devices running AOS software by displaying
the percentage and number of network devices running supported and unsupported AOS software. "Not
Supported" indicates that the software version running on a device is no longer supported by Alcatel-Lucent
Hardware Lifecycle - Provides a "lifecycle" overview of network devices. "Not Supported" indicates a device
has passed its End of Life date.
Warranty Status - Provides an overview of the warranty status of network devices. "Not Supported"
indicates that a device has past the warranty end date.
Support Service – Provides an overview of the Support Agreement status of network devices. "Not
Supported" indicates that a device no longer has a valid Support Service (maintenance) agreement.

PALM Web Portal

The ProActive Lifecycle Management web portal provides detailed information for your network devices. Click on any of
the pie charts in the ProActive Lifecycle Management Widget to go to the web portal (login is required the first time you
access the portal). The initial screen displays the same pie charts displayed on the OmniVista Dashboard. Click on any
of the pie charts and scroll down to the bottom of the screen to view detailed information.

Manually Uploading Information

After the initial data upload, OmniVista 2500 NMS sends updated information to the PALM web portal every two weeks.
However, you can manually initiate a data upload at any time on the ProActive Lifecycle Management Screen in the
Preferences Application. Go to the Preferences - System Settings - ProActive Lifecycle Management Screen and click
on the Upload Now button.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detailed Information
The table below provides a list of the specific information gathered and uploaded by the PALM Feature.

Information Category Description

OV Server Version of OmniVista
MAC Address of OmniVista
OmniVista ID
OmniVista License Key
Device Device Name
Device License Key
Device Model
Device MAC Address
Device Modules
Device Last Known Update Time
Device Chassis
Chassis ID
Chassis Serial Number
Chassis Administrative Status
Chassis Operational Status
Modules Module MAC Address
Module Serial Number
Module Name
Module Description
Module Uboot Version
Module Index
Module Hardware Version
Module Model
Module Firmware Version
Module Software Version

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

18.0 Quarantine Manager

The Quarantine Manager application enables the network administrator to quarantine devices to protect the network
from attacks. The application works with an external Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), such as Fortinet, or a network
device, such as an Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise AOS switch, which sends either a Syslog message or SNMP trap to
Quarantine Manager containing the IP or MAC address of the offending device. (If an IP address is received,
Quarantine Manager uses its Locator function to determine the device's MAC address.) These messages trigger
Quarantine Manager Rules. Depending on the rule that is written for the event, the device can be immediately
quarantined or placed in a Candidate List that can be reviewed by the Network Administrator for further action.

The application also includes the optional Quarantine Manager Remediation (QMR) feature. QMR is a switch-
based application that interacts with Quarantine Manager to restrict network access of quarantined clients and
provide a remediation path for these clients to regain their network access.

Note: Quarantine Manager cannot quarantine any devices on the EMP subnet because the EMP port has no
mobility feature.

Quarantine Manager is configured using the following screens, which can be accessed from the Quarantine
Manager Home Page or by clicking on the links on the left side of any Quarantine Manager screen.

Candidates - Displays a list of devices that have been flagged by an IPS or switch. The Network
Administrator can release a device from the list, ban a device, or configure a device to never be
Banned - Displays a list of all devices that have been banned and isolated from the network.
Never Banned - Displays a list of devices that have been configured never to be banned (e.g., mail servers,
IPS). Note that all switches discovered by OmniVista are implicitly on the Never Banned List even though
they are not displayed.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Disabled Ports - Displays a list of all devices whose ports have been disabled.
Rules - Used to configure the conditions that will trigger Quarantine Manager notifications and actions.
Configuration - Used to configure the "Quarantine" VLAN and MAC group, as well as the action that will be
taken for the event. It is also used to configure the optional Remediation Server.
Responders - Used to specify the responses, such as run an audio program or send an e-mail to the MIS
director, based on the conditions given. Quarantine Manager Logs
Traffic Anomaly Detection (TAD) - Used to configure the TAD feature. TAD is a network monitoring feature
that detects anomalies in the network traffic by monitoring the difference in the rate of ingress and egress
packets on a port, matching a specific traffic pattern.
Settings - Used to specify SysLog settings for Quarantine Manager. The Audit application can be used to
access the Quarantine log and Syslog. The logs contain detailed information about Quarantine Manager and
Syslog events.

The following sections detail Quarantine Manager requirements and basic Quarantine Manager configuration.

Quarantine Manager Requirements

The following sections detail hardware/software and basic configuration requirements for Quarantine Manager.

Hardware/Software Requirements

OmniVista Hardware/Software
Quarantine Manager is sported on AOS6250, 6350, 6400, 6450, 6850, 6855, 6860, 9000, and 10K Switches, as well
as Aruba. Fortinet software version 2.3 is supported.

External Notification Device

An external device must be set up to send notifications to the Quarantine Manager application. The application works
with an external Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), such as Fortinet, or a network device, such as an Alcatel-Lucent
Enterprise AOS switch, which sends either a Syslog message or SNMP trap to Quarantine Manager containing the IP
or MAC address of the offending device.

For example, a Fortinet IPS device must be set up to send Syslog messages to Quarantine Manager. This set up
includes specifying the IP address of the OmniVista server and the port address for the OmniVista Syslog daemon
(preset default is 514); and specifying what events received by the IPS will generate a Syslog Message. The message
(either Syslog message or trap) must include the IP or MAC address of the offending device.

Remediation Server (Optional)

You can set up a Remediation Server that will work with Quarantine Manager to notify the user when a device is placed
into the Banned List. The feature can also be configured to utilize programs/patches to debug the device and restore
network access.

Quarantine Manager Remediation (QMR) is a switch-based application that interacts with Quarantine Manager to
restrict network access of quarantined clients and provide a remediation path for these clients to regain their network
access. A Network Administrator can set up a Remediation Server that will work with Quarantine Manager to notify the
user when a device is placed into the Banned List. The feature can also be configured to utilize programs/patches to
debug the device and restore network access.

When Quarantine Manager quarantines a client, the client MAC address is added to the MAC address group on the
LDAP server. QMR pulls the MAC addresses from this group to populate the "Quarantined" MAC address group on the
switch. At this point, network access for these clients is restricted to communication with the designated Remediation
Server, and exception subnet if configured (and essential protocols such as ARP, DHCP, and DNS), until the client's
quarantined status is corrected
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
When a client has corrected its quarantined state, Quarantine Manager updates the MAC address group on the LDAP
server to remove the MAC address of the client. QMR will then restore network access to that client the next time QMR
checks the LDAP MAC address group. For more information, click here.

Note: Configuring QMR and QoS inner VLAN or inner 802.1p policies is mutually exclusive. QMR
overlays the inner VLAN tag, thus creating a conflict with related QoS policies. This is also true with QMR
and VLAN Stacking services.

Configuration Requirements
Quarantine Manager is configured using the Configuration and Rules Screens as described below. Detailed
instructions for each screen are provided in the on-line help for the screen.

Quarantine VLAN and MAC Group

A basic "Quarantine" VLAN is pre-configured on OmniVista. You customize this "basic" Quarantine VLAN using the
Configuration Screen. You must also configure a "Quarantine MAC Group using the Groups application. After
configuring the Quarantine VLAN and MAC Group, you apply the configuration to devices you want to monitor using
Quarantine Manager.

Quarantine Manager Rules

Quarantine Manager Rules are configured for dealing with Syslog events and SNMP traps. The easiest way to use
Quarantine Manager is to enable one of the Built-in Rules. The Rules determine which events from an external IPS or
switch are propagated through the network. For example, when the IPS notices an attack, it generates a Syslog event.
After receiving a Syslog message, Quarantine Manager uses the rules to determine what device generated the event
and whether or not the offending device is immediately quarantined (Banned) or placed on the Candidate List to be
reviewed by the Network Administrator. The way in which a device is quarantined depends on the action that is
configured for the rule.

If a device is placed in the Candidate list, all traffic to the suspect device continues. The Network Administrator
reviews each event in the Candidate List and decides what action to take. If a device is placed in the Banned list, it is
quarantined until it is manually removed by the Network Administrator.

Note: There are a number of important devices in a network that a Network Administrator will never want to be
quarantined. Use the Never Ban List to ensure that important devices are never quarantined.

Creating Quarantine Subnets (Optional)

If a device is banned either by the Network Administrator if Quarantine Manager, the ban is applied to all devices in the
network. However, you can segment your network by creating a logical "Quarantine" network. This will limit Quarantine
Manager actions to only those switches in the "Quarantine" subnetwork(s). To create "Quarantine" subnet(s) create a
map in the Topology application "Quarantine". You then create Quarantine subnets under the Quarantine network.

The Quarantine Manager Candidates Screen displays all devices that have been placed in the Candidates Quarantine
List. When an external Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), such as Fortinet, detects a possible attack on the network, it
generates either a Syslog Event or an SNMP Trap. A Quarantine Manager rule can be configured (Configuration
Screen) to trigger an action based on these events. The action will either immediately quarantine the offending device,
or place the device on the Candidates Quarantine List. If the device is placed on the Candidates List, traffic to and from
that device will continue until the Network Administrator decides what action should take place. The Network
Administrator can:

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Release the Device from the Candidates List - To remove a device from the Candidates list, select the device
and click the Release button. The device is removed from the list. A device may return to the list if another event
triggers a configured quarantine rule.
Ban the Device - To ban a device from the network, select the device and click the Ban button. The device
is removed from the network and placed in the Banned Quarantine List.
Place the Device on the List of Devices to Never be Banned - To place a device in the Never Banned list,
select the device and click the Never Ban button. The device is placed in the Never Banned list. An event will
never trigger a quarantine rule for a device in the Never Banned Quarantine List.

Candidates Quarantine List

MAC Address - The device's MAC address. Quarantine Manager Rules extract the IP address of the device.
Quarantine Manager then uses the OmniVista Locator Function to determine the MAC address. IP Address -
The device's IP address. All Quarantine Manager Rules must extract the IP address from the Syslog Message
or SNMP Trap. If the IPS sends a MAC address, the IP address will have a value of
Timestamp - The date and time the event occurred.
Reason - The reason the event triggered a Quarantine Manager rule. For all Fortinet-generated events, select
the event in the table and right-click to access a detailed description of the event. Click here for more
Incident Count - The number of times an anomaly has been seen for the candidate device.

Fortinet Web Site

You can access the Fortinet web site for a detailed description of any Fortinet event. To access the description:

1. Click on the event in the Candidates Quarantine List to highlight it; then right-click on the event. The
Reason window will appear.

2. Click on the Fortinet web address button at the bottom of the Reason window. A Fortinet In-Depth Analysis page
will appear describing the event in detail and providing any recommended actions.

The Quarantine Manager Banned Screen displays a list of all devices than have been quarantined, either by a
Quarantine Manager rule, or by the Network Administrator. When a device is placed in the Banned Quarantine List, it is
quarantined from the rest of the network. Devices can automatically be added to the Banned List based on a
Quarantine Manager rule or manually placed in the list by the Network Administrator. Once a device is placed in the
Banned List, it remains quarantined until the Network Administrator manually releases it.

A Network Administrator can add a device to the list, edit a device on the list, release a device from the list, retry adding
a device to the list, or re-poll the network for banned devices.

Note: DHCP requests from a banned device are sent to the Quarantine VLAN. The Network
Administrator can direct banned traffic from the Quarantined VLAN to a Remediation Server that will
provide the user with information explaining why their device was banned and what steps to take to
connect to the network.

Note: Quarantine Manager can ban devices connected to an OmniAccess WLAN device using the
device's "Blacklist" feature. However, the 'enable' password of the device must be entered in the
Secondary Password field for the device using the "Discovery - Edit Device" Operation in the Topology

Note: Quarantine Manager uses a "Fast Re-Cache" mechanism. With this mechanism, the switch will
look through LDAP only for the existence of quarantine MAC groups. The contents of the MAC group are
added to the quarantine settings without flushing any other policies. This feature is only available on the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
6400, 6850, 6855 and 9000 Series Switches running 6.3.1.R01 or later.

Adding a Device to the Banned List

In addition to automatically quarantining devices based on a Quarantine Rule, you can also manually quarantine a
specific device by adding it to the Banned List. Click on the Create icon . Select the IP Address or MAC Address
option, enter the IP address (or Host Name) or MAC address. Enter an optional explanation in the Reason field and
click on the Create button. The device will appear in the list.

Editing a Device on the Banned List

Certain information about a banned device may not be picked up by a QM Rule. A Network Administrator is allowed to
edit the IP Address and Reason for an entry in the Banned List to make it more closely match what the Network
Administrator knows to be the best information about a banned device. Select the device in the list and click on the Edit
icon . Edit the field(s) and click on the Apply button.

Releasing a Device from the Banned List

To release a device from the Banned List, select the device(s) in the list and click on the Release button. Click OK at
the confirmation prompt.

To retry a failed operation (e.g., release device from the Banned List), select the device in the Banned List and click on
the Retry button.

Re-Polling for Banned Devices

Click on the Redo Ban button to poll the network for banned switches. This is useful if you have banned switches
without first creating a Quarantine VLAN or MAC Group.

Banned Quarantine List

MAC Address - The device's MAC address. Quarantine Manager Rules extract the IP address of the device.
Quarantine Manager then uses the OmniVista Locator function to determine the MAC Address. IP Address -
The device's IP address or the host name. All Quarantine Manager rules must extract the IP address from the
Syslog Message or SNMP Trap.
Timestamp - The date and time the event occurred.
State - The state of the banning action: Scheduled to
be Banned (Ban is in process) Completed (Ban
is complete)
Partially Banned (Ban not completed for all devices) Scheduled
to Be Released (Release is in process) Partially Released
(Release not completed for all devices).
Reason - The reason the event triggered a Quarantine Manager rule. For all Fortinet-generated events, select
the event in the table and right-click to access a detailed description of the event. Click here for more
Partial Results - The devices where the ban has either succeeded, or for which the user has not
configured/enabled Quarantine Manager. You can click on an entry to display a detailed view listing the
switches that are included in the quarantine of the banned device.
VLAN Name - The user-configured name for the Quarantine VLAN.
MAC Group Name - The user-configured name for the Quarantine MAC Group.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Never Banned
The Quarantine Manager Never Banned Screen displays a list of devices that have been specified by the Network
Administrator never to be banned (e.g., mail servers, IPS). The screen is used to add a device to the list, edit a device
description on list, and delete a device from the list. A device placed on the Never Banned list can never be banned,
either manually or automatically by Quarantine Manager. Important network servers should be placed in the Never
Banned Quarantine List.

Note: The OmniVista Server and all switches discovered by OmniVista are implicitly placed in the Never
Banned list. Even though these devices do not appear in the list, they cannot be banned.

Adding a Device to the Never Banned List

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Create button.

Address - Select the applicable tab and enter the device's IP Address (or host name) or MAC Address. Note
that you can enter the host name only if the IP Address radio button is selected. If you ban a device by the
MAC address, the IP address will display a value of If you ban a device by its IP address, Quarantine
Manager will use its Locator function to determine the MAC address.
Reason - Enter a reason for placing the device on the Never Banned List.

Editing a Device on the Never Banned List

You can edit the Reason field for a device in the Never Banned List. Click on the Edit icon . Edit the field(s) as
described above and click on the Apply button.

Deleting a Device from the Never Banned List

Select a device in the Never Banned List and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the Confirmation prompt.

Never Banned Quarantine List

The Never Banned Quarantine List provides basic information for all devices on the list. Click on a device to display
more detailed information.

MAC Address - The device's MAC address.

IP Address - The device's IP address or host name. If an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) sends a MAC
address, the IP address will have a value of
Timestamp - The date and time the device was placed on the Never Banned list.
Reason - The reason the device is in the Never Banned list.

Disabled Ports
The Quarantine Manager Disable Ports Screen displays a list of all devices whose ports have been disabled, either by
a Quarantine Manager Rule or by the Network Administrator. The screen is used to release a device from the list, edit a
device description on list, and retry a failed port operation. When a port is disabled, an entry appears in the Disabled
Ports List table. If you attempt to ban multiple MAC addresses for the same switch's slot/port, multiple entries will
appear in the table.

Note: If you disable a port that was already disabled, there will be two entries in the table. The first entry
will contain the MAC address of the offending end station. The second entry will contain a null (possibly
000000:000000) MAC address. The reason for this second entry is that when you use the Banned
Screen to release a MAC address, the port will not be re-enabled. The Network Administrator will have to
manually re-enable the port by releasing the port from the Disabled Ports List.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: When you release an entry from the Disabled Port List, the item will be removed. If it is the last item with
the specified IP address and slot/port combination, then that port will be enabled. That is, the port will not be
enabled until every device that caused it to be banned has been released.

Release a Device from the Disabled Port List

Select a device(s) in the list and click on the Release button. Click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Edit a Device in the Disabled Port List

You can edit the Reason and the Timestamp fields for a device in the Disabled Ports List. Select a device in the list and
click on the Edit icon . Edit the field(s) and click on the Apply button.

Retry a Port Operation

To retry a failed operation during the enabling/disabling of a port, select the device in the Disabled Ports List and click
on the Retry button.

Disabled Port List

Switch Address - The device's IP address. Quarantine Manager Rules extract the IP address from Syslog
Message or SNMP trap.
Port - The disabled slot/port number.
Timestamp - The date and time the event occurred.
MAC Address - The device's MAC address. Quarantine Manager Rules extract the IP address of the device.
Quarantine Manager then uses the OmniVista Locator function to determine the MAC address. State - The
state of the disabling or enabling action:
Completed (Disabling is complete)
Failed (Disabling/enabling of a port failed)
Reason - The reason a port was disabled.

The Quarantine Manager Rules Screen displays all configured Quarantine Manager Rules and is used to configure the
conditions that will trigger Quarantine Manager notifications and actions. Quarantine Manager Rules determine which
Syslog events or SNMP traps cause a device to be placed in the Candidates List or Banned List, or released. You can
create, edit, delete, enable/disable, and import rules.

Quarantine Manager Rule Overview

Quarantine Manager Rules determine the conditions that will trigger Quarantine Manager notifications and actions. A
rule contains:

A trigger expression that specifies the event or trap that will trigger an action
An extraction expression that is used to extract the source address from the event or trap
An action to be taken when the event or trap is received (device is placed in the Candidates List or Banned
List, or released).

Note: Banned rules have precedence over Candidate rules. If an event matches more than one rule,
Quarantine Manager will match the first rule that places a device on the Banned list. If there is no rule that
places the item on the Banned list, Quarantine Manager will match the first rule that places the device on
the Candidate list.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Rule Types
There are two types of rules: Built-In Rules and Custom Rules. The Built-In Rules cannot be deleted (although they can
be modified or disabled). Custom Rules are rules that the Network Administrator creates.

Built In Rules
There are thirteen (13) Built-In Rules that come with Quarantine Manager. Built-In Rules are initially configured in the
Disabled state. You must edit these rules to change the "Enabled" status to "True" to enable these rules. The default
action configured for all of the Built-In Rules is to send the device to the Candidates list for review by the Network
Administrator. Although the rules are pre-configured, the Network Administrator can modify the them. The Built-In
Rules are:

Alcatel DOS Trap Rule - Triggers an action based on an AOS DOS trap (AlaDosTrap). The rule triggers an
action in response to a Teardrop, Ping of Death, or Port Scan attack. You can use Regular Expressions to
create rules for additional AOS DOS traps.
Brick - Triggers an action on a Brick Anomaly Event.
Fortinet Anomaly - Triggers an action on a Fortinet Attack Anomaly Event. Ignores Anomaly attacks
configured to "Pass" on Fortigate.
Fortinet Signature - Triggers an action on a Fortinet Syslog Signature event. Ignores Signature attacks
configured to "Pass" on Fortigate.
Fortinet Virus - Triggers an action on a Fortinet Virus Detection event. Only triggers on sub-type
HTTP Server DOS Attack Trap - Triggers an action when a "Denial of Service" Trap is received from an HTTP
OA SafeGuard Malware Cleared - Triggers and action when SafeGuard clears malware.
OA SafeGuard Malware Detected - Triggers and action when SafeGuard detects malware.
OA WLAN Containment on AP - Containment has been enabled for a suspected rogue AP because the
confidence level for that AP equals or exceeds the configured value for that setting.
OA WLAN Potential Rogue AP - An AP has been detected with conditions that may cause it to be
classified as a rogue or suspected rogue.
OA WLAN: Rogue AP Active - Triggers an action when the switch classifies an Access Point as a "Rogue
OA WLAN: Rogue AP Detected - Triggers an action when the Access Point detects an active "Rogue AP."
OA WLAN: Station w/ Rogue AP - Triggers an action when the Access Point detects traffic from a client
through a "Rogue AP."

Fortinet Anomaly and Signature attack events include a "status=" attribute that can be "clear_session","pass_session",
"dropped", "reset", or "detected". When Fortigate is configured to allow a particular attack (using the GUI to set its
action to "Pass"), a Syslog event is still sent out for that attack, but its status is "detected"; meaning it is detected but
not acted upon. Our built-in triggers are therefore designed to act on any value of "status=" EXCEPT for "detected".
This means you can use the Fortigate control panel to selectively enable or disable attack actions and Quarantine
Manager will behave consistently, without the need to change any of these triggers.

The Canned rules in Quarantine Manager for Fortigate have been modified as such, in both the anomaly and signature


The [^p] was added to exclude any Syslog message starting with a "p" character, as well as a "t" character. This
prevents quarantine for both "detected" and "pass_session" status.

The "pass_session" state was previously unknown.

Note: Built In Rules cannot be deleted, however, they can be edited and enabled/disabled.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: The Audit application can be used to access the Quarantine log and Syslog. The logs contain
detailed information about Quarantine Manager and Syslog events.

Custom Rules
The Network Administrator can create Custom Rules using Regular Expressions to configure the trigger event and
extraction expression. The rules can be based on an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) event or an AOS SNMP trap
notification. Custom Rules can be created, edited, deleted, enabled/disabled, and imported.

Note: You must be careful when creating a rule since a mis-configured rule could cause an
important service to be inadvertently banned.

Regular Expressions Overview

Trigger Expressions
As stated earlier, a Trigger Expression is a regular Java expression that is used to determine if a Syslog message or
SNMP Trap should trigger a quarantine action. If a Syslog Message or SNMP Trap matches this regular expression,
the action is performed. For example, let's say that we are interested in a Fortinet Syslog Event that looks something

Fortinet Anomaly 03-08-200 14:09:34 device_id=FG36002805033253 log_id=0421073001 type=ips

subtype=anomaly pri=critical attack_id=102039582 src= dst= src_port=2370
dst_port=139 src_int=internal dst_int=external status=dropped proto=6 service=139/tcp msg="netbios:

Many Syslog messages appear similar. However, each message may have a different date, device ID, source and
destination address, etc. What is unique about each Syslog message is the log_id value. If you are interested in all
Fortinet Syslog messages with a log_id of 0421073001, then the regular expression is easy - you can simply search
for any message that contains the String log_id=0421073001. In the Trigger Expression Field you would type the


Extraction Expressions
As stated earlier, an Extraction Expression is a regular Java expression that specifies the source address of the
offending device. Once a Syslog message matches a Trigger Expression, Quarantine Manager must extract the source
address of the suspect end station from the message. In the Fortinet example above, the source address is preceded
by the string "src=" and then an IP address. An IP address consists of 4 sets of numbers separated by the "."
character. Each set is 1 to 3 characters in length and the numbers are decimal (0-9) digits. One way to express this is
with the regular expression


Because we are only interested in the IP address and not the characters "src=", place ( ) around the IP address to
indicate which part you want to capture. The [0-9] means any single character from 0-9, the {1,3} means that you are
looking for a set of 1 to 3 numbers. The \. says that you are looking for a "." character.
The backslash is an escape character that says take the "." literally (normally "." is a special character that means any

Often there are a number of regular expressions that you can use to achieve the same results. In the Fortinet example
above, there is the string "src=" followed by the IP address, followed by either a space or a tab character. The regular
expression for getting the IP address could be

src=([^ ]*)

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
The characters between the [ ] are ^, a space character and a tab character. This expressions says: the string "src="
followed by a sequence of characters that are not spaces or tabs. This expression works well, but it can be difficult to
read because the space and tab character are not "visible".

Another way to extract the IP address would be src=([0-9.]*)

This says, the string "src=" followed by a sequence of characters that contain only numbers and the "." ( a "." inside of
[ ] does not need to be escaped).

Note: If an extraction expression is not working, check the server.txt file to troubleshoot the problem.

Useful Operators for Quarantine Manager Rules

^ the "not" operator

[ start of character list

] end of character list

( beginning of an expression
) end of an expression

[.] useful for escaping characters used as operators in regular expressions

Basic Regular Expressions

. Matches any single character

[...] Matches any one of the characters enclosed between the brackets. If the first character is a circumflex (^), then it
matches any one character Not enclosed between the brackets. A hyphen (-) is used to indicate a range of characters.

\ Escape the special character that follows.

* Matches any number (including none) of the single character that immediately precedes it.

+ Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding regular expression.

? Matches zero or one occurrences of the preceding regular expression. For


[abc] Matches either an 'a', 'b' or 'c' [a-

z] Matches all lower case letters [a-

zA-Z] Matches all letters

[0-9a-fA-F] Matches all hex digits

[^0-9] Matches any character that is not a digit

AOS DOS Trap Configuration

In addition to the Built-In Rule for AOS DOS Traps (0, 2, 6), you can configure a Rule for other AOS DOS traps. For
example, the built-in rule for AOS DOS Traps is:

This triggers a response on AOS DOS Trap type 0, 2, and 6.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
To trigger on types 0, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, you would enter:

The ( ) form a group

Inside the group are basically two parts separated by a vertical bar | which means either or so we
The first part (A) is
The square brackets [ ] mean match a single character from the list. The vertical bar | means or. So this
expressions says either a 0 or 2 or 6 or 9.

The second part (B) is

which means a 1 followed by either a 0 or a 1 or a 2 or a 3
That expression could have been written as

The dash - is a special character which is used to express a range.

Note that we could not have written the expression as alaDoSType=[0-13] to match all 13 types. This
expression says a 0 through 1 or a 3. so it would match:

Creating a Quarantine Manager Rule

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are done, click on the
Create button.

Name - The user-defined name for the rule.

Description - The user-defined description for the rule.
Trigger Expression - A regular Java expression that is used to determine if a Syslog message or SNMP trap
should trigger a quarantine action. If a Syslog message or SNMP Trap matches this regular expression, the
action is performed. The regular expressions used by OmniVista are very similar to those used by programs
such as PERL and AWK. Click here for more information on Regular Expressions.
Extraction Expression - A regular Java expression that specifies the source address of the suspect device.
Use the ( ) expression to capture the source IP or MAC address. (Quarantine Manager also supports the hex
form of IP addresses.) Once Quarantine Manager receives a Syslog message or SNMP trap that matches a
Trigger Expression, it must extract from it the source address of the suspect end station. Click here for more
information on Regular Expressions.
Action - The action to be taken when the rule is triggered:
Candidate List - The device is added to the Candidates list. The device can still send and receive traffic.
The Network Administrator reviews the list and determines what action to take (e.g., remove the device
from the list, ban the device)
Quarantine - The device is moved to the Quarantined VLAN and/or MAC Group, and added to the
Banned list. While on the Banned list, the device cannot send or receive traffic. The device remains on
the list until it is manually removed by the Network Administrator.
Release - The device is released from the Quarantined VLAN and/or MAC Group. This can be used to
allow an external system (e.g., Trouble Ticket System) to send a syslog message or trap to OmniVista to
automatically release a quarantine without having to access OmniVista. Note that the Quarantine VLAN
or MAC group must be properly set up for traffic to be quarantined. If you do not first configure a
Quarantine VLAN or MAC group, even a device on the Banned list could still pass traffic. The Quarantine
VLAN or MAC group is configured in the Configuration Screen.
Event Type - The type of triggering event (Syslog or Trap).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Enabled - Administrative state of the rule:
On - The rule is enabled.
Off - The rule is disabled.

Editing a Quarantine Manager Rule

Select a rule in the list and click on the Edit icon . Edit the field(s) as described above and click on the
Apply button. Note that you cannot edit a rule name.

Deleting a Quarantine Manager Rule

Select the rule(s) in the list that you want to delete and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.

Enabling/Disabling a Quarantine Manager Rule

To enable/disable a rule(s), select the rule(s) in the list and click on the Enable/Disable Rules button.

Importing a Quarantine Manager Rule

You can import a new rule from Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise without having to update the Quarantine Manager code. New
rules are sent by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise as .xml files.

1. Save the .xml file on your machine.

2. Click on the Import button.

3. Browse to the .xml file that you saved, select the rule and click OK. The Import window will close and the new rule
will appear in the Rules table. A sample of an imported .xml file is shown below.

Note: Imported rules are initially configured in the Disabled state. You must change the "Enabled" status to "True"
to enable the rules.

.xml import file sample:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE quarantineRules[
<!ELEMENT quarantineRules (quarantineRule)*>
<!ELEMENT quarantineRule (desc, trigger, extract)>
<!ELEMENT trigger (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT extract (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST quarantineRule name CDATA #REQUIRED
eventType (syslog | snmptrap) #REQUIRED
type (standard |custom) "standard"
enabled (true | false) "false"
action (ban | candidate | release) "candidate"

<!-- Forntinet Syslog IDS Signature Event -->

<quarantineRule name="test Signature" eventType="syslog">

<desc>test IDS Signature</desc>

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide


Quarantine Manager Rule List

The Rule List displays information about all Quarantine Manager Rules stored in OmniVista.

Name - The user-defined name for the rule.

Description - The user-defined description for the rule.
Trigger Expression - A regular Java expression that is used to determine if a Syslog message or SNMP trap
should trigger a quarantine action. If a Syslog message or SNMP Trap matches this regular expression, the
action is performed. The regular expressions used by OmniVista are very similar to those used by programs
such as PERL and AWK. Click here for more information on Regular Expressions.
Extraction Expression - A regular Java expression that specifies the source address of the suspect device.
Use the ( ) expression to capture the source IP or MAC address. (Quarantine Manager also supports the hex
form of IP addresses.) Once Quarantine Manager receives a Syslog message or SNMP trap that matches a
Trigger Expression, it must extract from it the source address of the suspect end station. Click here for more
information on Regular Expressions.
Action - The action to be taken when the rule is triggered:
Candidate List - The device is added to the Candidates list. The device can still send and receive traffic.
The Network Administrator reviews the list and determines what action to take (e.g., remove the device
from the list, ban the device)
Quarantine - The device is moved to the Quarantined VLAN and/or MAC Group, and added to the
Banned list. While on the Banned list, the device cannot send or receive traffic. The device remains on
the list until it is manually removed by the Network Administrator.
Release - The device is released from the Quarantined VLAN and/or MAC Group. This can be used to
allow an external system (e.g., Trouble Ticket System) to send a syslog message or trap to OmniVista to
automatically release a quarantine without having to access OmniVista. Note that the Quarantine VLAN
or MAC group must be properly set up for traffic to be quarantined. If you do not first configure a
Quarantine VLAN or MAC group, even a device on the Banned list could still pass traffic. The Quarantine
VLAN or MAC group is configured in the Configuration Screen.
Event Type - The type of triggering event (Syslog or Trap).
Enabled - Administrative state of the rule:
On - The rule is enabled.
Off - The rule is disabled.

The Quarantine Manager Configuration Screen id used to configure Quarantine Manager, including the Quarantine
VLAN, Quarantine MAC Group, and the optional Quarantine Manager Remediation (QMR) feature. By default, the
name of the Quarantine VLAN is "Quarantined". A basic "Quarantine" VLAN is pre- configured on OmniVista
("Quarantined"). You customize this "basic" Quarantine VLAN using the Configuration Screen.

When a Quarantine Rule extracts an IP address from a device, OmniVista uses the Locator function to determine the
MAC address of the device. The device is then automatically added to the Quarantined MAC group. When devices are
banned, either through a Quarantine Manager rule or by the Network Administrator, they are added to the Quarantined
VLAN and/or Quarantined MAC group. These devices no longer route traffic to any other devices in the network
(although you can create a logical "Quarantine" subnet to limit Quarantine Manager actions to a specific set of switches
on the network.). The devices remain in the Banned list until removed by the Network Administrator.

Note: Quarantine Manager has the ability to ban devices connected to an OmniAccess WLAN device
using the device's "Blacklist" feature.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Quarantined Manager Remediation (QMR)

Quarantine Manager Remediation (QMR) is a switch-based application that interacts with Quarantine Manager to
restrict network access of quarantined clients and provide a remediation path for these clients to regain their network
access. A Network Administrator can set up a Remediation Server that will work with Quarantine Manager to notify the
user when a device is placed into the Banned List. The feature can also be configured to utilize programs/patches to
debug the device and restore network access.

When Quarantine Manager quarantines a client, the client MAC address is added to the MAC address group on the
LDAP server. QMR pulls the MAC addresses from this group to populate the "Quarantined" MAC address group on the
switch. At this point, network access for these clients is restricted to communication with the designated Remediation
Server, and exception subnet if configured (and essential protocols such as ARP, DHCP, and DNS), until the client's
quarantined status is corrected

When a client has corrected its quarantined state, Quarantine Manager updates the MAC address group on the LDAP
server to remove the MAC address of the client. QMR will then restore network access to that client the next time QMR
checks the LDAP MAC address group.

Note: Configuring QMR and QoS inner VLAN or inner 802.1p policies is mutually exclusive. QMR
overlays the inner VLAN tag, thus creating a conflict with related QoS policies. This is also true with QMR
and VLAN Stacking services.

Configuring Quarantine Manager

Configuring Quarantine Manager on network devices consists of the following steps:

• Setting Up Quarantine Manager

• Configuring Quarantine Manager
• Assigning Quarantine Manager to Devices.

Setting Up Quarantine Manager

As mentioned earlier, a basic "Quarantine" VLAN is pre-configured on OmniVista. You customize this "basic"
Quarantine VLAN using the Configuration Screen. The initial Quarantine Manager setup consists of the following

Creating the Quarantine MAC Group

Creating the Quarantine MAC Group Policy

Creating the Quarantine MAC Group

As shown in the Quarantine Configuration List, the pre-configured OmniVista Quarantine VLAN is associated with the
"Quarantine" MAC Group. However, this MAC Group is not yet configured. You must got to the Groups application and
create the Quarantine MAC Group using the MAC Groups Screen. The name must match the MAC Group name
associated with the Quarantine VLAN. ("Quarantined").

Note: If after creating the Quarantined MAC group you modify the name (either using the Groups
application, CLI, or WebView), you must also modify the Quarantined MAC group name using the
Configuration Screen and poll the switch for the change to take effect.

Creating the Quarantine MAC Group Policy

After creating the Quarantine MAC Group, you must create go to the PolicyView application and create a MAC Group
Policy that will deny any traffic originating from the Quarantine MAC Group (PolicyView - Users & Groups - Unified
Policies). On the Set Condition Screen of the Create Policy Wizard, create an L2 Source MAC Address Group
condition for the "Quarantined" MAC Group; then on the Set Action Screen, set the disposition to "Drop".

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Configuring Quarantine Manager

After creating and configuring the Quarantine MAC Group, select the Quarantine VLAN in the Quarantine VLAN List
and click on Edit icon and complete the fields as described below to complete the configuration. When you are
finished, click on the Apply button.

VLAN Name - The Quarantine VLAN name (Default = Quarantined).

MAC Group Name - The Quarantine MAC Group Name (Default - Quarantined).
Remediation URL (Optional) - The URL of the Remediation Server (e.g., http://alaremediation.com). If the
Remediation Server is running on a port other than the default port for the browser (e.g., 8080), the port needs
to be included in the Remediation URL (e.g., (http://alaremediation.com:9090).
Remediation IP (Optional) - The IP Address of the Remediation Server in the field. You must add the
Remediation Server IP address to the Allowed Subnet List.
HTTP Proxy Port - If there is a firewall/proxy configured for the network, enter the HTTP Proxy Port used by
the network (e.g., 8080).
Default QMR Page - Enables/Disables the default Quarantine Manager Remediation Web Page. If enabled, the
page is automatically presented to the user if a Remediation Server is not configured. Allow Port Disabling -
Enables/Disables the Port Disabling feature. You can enable or disable a port rather than a device. By default,
this checkbox is disabled. If the checkbox is checked, it means that you want to disable the port when a
Quarantine rule is matched. Please note that you must turn on port disabling for each device in addition to
turning on global port disabling. Go to the Discovery application, select the device in the Inventory List and click
on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Discovery Manager Entry Screen. In the Advanced Settings Section set
"Allow Port Disabling" to "Yes". You can also edit a device by going to the Topology application, selecting the
device, and clicking on the "Discovery - Edit Device" to bring up the Edit Discovery Manager Entry Screen. Note
that port disabling looks for Locator Live Search information and does not look for historical information.
Subnets - You can create an "Allowed Subnet List". This is a reserved QoS network group that includes the
Remediation Server and any subnets to which a quarantined client is allowed access. Click on the Create icon
and enter up to three (3) subnets. When you are finished, click on the Create button.

Note: You must add the Remediation Server IP address/subnet mask to the "QMR Allowed Subnets"
Group, so that a quarantined client can communicate with the Remediation Server. You can optionally
add additional subnets to which quarantined devices will have access.

Assigning Quarantine Manager to Network Devices

After completing the Quarantine Manager configuration, you must assign the configuration to network devices. Select
the Quarantined VLAN in the Quarantine Configuration List and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select an option
from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology) to select network devices and click on the Assign button.

Creating Quarantine Subnets (Optional)

If a device is banned either by the Network Administrator if Quarantine Manager, the ban is applied to all devices in the
network. However, you can segment your network by creating a logical "Quarantine" network. This will limit Quarantine
Manager actions to only those switches in the "Quarantine" subnetwork(s). To create "Quarantine" subnet(s) you use
the Maps feature in the Topology application to create a Logical network called "Quarantine". You then create
Quarantine subnets by creating subnetworks under the Quarantine network.

Configuring Quarantine Manager on OmniAccess WLAN Devices

Quarantine Manager can ban wireless devices connected to an OmniAccess WLAN device by placing them in the
OmniAccess "Blacklist". If wireless device(s) is found in a Quarantine Segment, the MAC address of the Quarantined
device is placed in the blacklist. Due to limitations in the current OmniAccess device's SNMP implementation, the
banned device is placed on the blacklist using SSH to send CLI commands to OmniAccess. SSH must be able to login
to the OmniAccess device. In addition, the OmniAcess device's 'enable' command must be executed and a secondary
password is required to entry the privileges commands necessary to perform the blacklist. To enable automatic login,
configure a valid user name and password for the OmniAccess device using the Discovery application.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Go to the Discovery application, select the device in the Inventory List and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit
Discovery Manager Entry Screen. In the General Section enter a CLI/FTP User Name and Password (if necessary) and
enter a Secondary CLI/FTP User Name and Password. You can also edit a device by going to the Topology
application, selecting the device, and clicking on the "Discovery - Edit Device" to bring up the Edit Discovery Manager
Entry Screen.

The Quarantine Manager Responders Screen displays all configured Quarantine Manager automatic event
responders, and is used to create, edit, and delete event responders. The screen is used to specify the response, such
as external emails or scripts to be run (if any) that you want OmniVista to provide when quarantine actions are taken.
This provides a method to integrate with trouble-ticket systems. OmniVista can make the following responses to the
receipt of a specified event:

Send an e-mail to any address you specify. You can use variables to specify the information you want to
include in the e-mail. Variables exist for information, such as action, reason, MacAddress, etc.
Execute an external program or script on the OmniVista server.

Creating a Quarantine Manager Responder

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Create button.

Banned - Select whether or not you want OmniVista to respond when a device is banned
Released - Select whether or not you want OmniVista to respond when a device is released from the Banned
List (Respond/Ignore).
Response Description - An optional description for the Responder.
Response Action - The response you want OmniVista to take.
Send an E-Mail - If you set the Respond Action to "Send an E-Mail", complete the fields as
described below. It is important to note that all fields on the E-Mail Screen in the Preferences
application must be complete, or the emails you define will not be sent.
E-Mail To - The address to which the e-mail will be sent. (The "From" address in the responder
emails is determined from the entry in the Use "From" Address field in the E-mail window of the
Preferences application.)
E-Mail Subject - The subject of the e-mail, which will appear in the e-mail Subject Line.
E-Mail Body - Enter the body of the e-mail in the E-mail Body field by typing in the desired text
and/or the desired variables. The variables you can use are explained in the Event Variables
section below. You can also accept the default email body, which is the variable
$Details$ (explained below).
Run an Application on the Server - If you set the Respond Action to "Run an Application on the Server",
complete the fields as described below.
Command - Enter the command(s).
Arguments - Enter the arguments to the command specified above, or accept the default
argument, which is the variable $MacAddress$ (explained in the Event Variables section below).
Start Directory - The directory in which the command should be executed.
Standard Input - Enter the standard input for the command, or accept the default standard input,
which is the variable $Details$ (explained in the Event Variables section below).

Event Variables
When sending an e-mail, you can specify the following variables in the E-Mail Body Filed to automatically include the
specified information:

$Action$ - The action being taken, a ban or a release.

$Reason$ - The Reason field from the QM object.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
$MacAddress$ - The MAC address of the device being banned or release.
$IpAddress$ - The IP address of the device being banned or release. If the IP address is unknown it will be
displayed as
$VlanName$ - The name of the VLAN that the device was banned to or released from.
$MacGroupName$ - The MAC group that the device was banned to or released from.
$Details$ - Contains a message with the Action, Mac, IP address, Vlan, and MacGroupName.

Editing a Quarantine Manager Responder

Select a Responder in the Automatic Event Responders List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the field(s) as
described above and click on the Apply button.

Deleting a Quarantine Manager Responder

Select a Responder in the Automatic Event Responders List and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the
Confirmation prompt.

Automatic Event Responders List

The Automatic Event Responders List provides information on all configured Quarantine Manager Responders.

Banned - The Response OmniVista takes when a device is banned (Respond/Ignore). Released -
The Response OmniVista takes when a device is released from the Banned List (Respond/Ignore).
Response Description - An optional description for the Responder.
Response Action - The response OmniVista takes if the Responder is set to "Respond (Send an E-
Mail/Run an Application).
E-Mail To - The address to which the e-mail is sent, if applicable.
E-Mail Subject - The subject of the e-mail, which will appear in the e-mail Subject Line, if applicable.
E-Mail Body - The body of the e-mail, if applicable.
Command - Application command(s), if applicable.
Arguments - Arguments to the command, if applicable.
Start Directory - The directory in which the command should be executed, if applicable.
Standard Input - The standard input for the command, if applicable.

TAD Profile
The Quarantine Manager Traffic Anomaly Detection (TAD) Profile Screen displayed all configured TAD Profiles, and is
used to create, edit, delete, and assign TAD Profiles. TAD is a network monitoring feature that detects anomalies in the
network traffic by monitoring the difference in the rate of ingress and egress packets on a port, matching a specific
traffic pattern. TAD monitors these packets at configured intervals, counts the packets matching certain patterns, and
applies anomaly detection rules configured by the user when an anomaly exceeds user-defined thresholds (e.g., log
the event, send a trap, quarantine a port).

Creating a TAD Profile

Click on the Create icon + and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the Create
button. You can create up to 32 monitoring-groups. After creating the group, you then configure the anomaly you want
to detect, configure a rule to execute when the anomaly is detected, and assign a port or set of ports to the TAD Group.

Group Name - The name of the TAD Monitoring Group (up to 32 characters)
Anomaly Type - The type of the anomaly to be enabled or disabled.
All (all) - All anomaly types are monitored.
ARP Address Scan (arpaddrscan) - Occurs when a host sends a burst of ARP requests for
multiple IP addresses.
ARP Flood (arpflood) - Occurs when a host receives a burst of ARP request packets.
ARP Failure (arpfailure) - Occurs when ARP queries do not elicit ARP responses.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
ICMP Address Scan (icmpaddrscan) - Occurs when multiple hosts receive ICMP echo request
packets at the same time.
ICMP Flood (icmpflood) - Occurs when a host receives a burst of ICMP echo request packets. ICMP
Unreachable (icmpunreachable) - Occurs when a host receives a flood of ICMP Unreachable
TCP Port Scan (tcpportscan) - Occurs when a host receives a burst of TCP SYN packets for
multiple TCP ports.
TCP Address Scan (tcpaddrscan) - Occurs when multiple hosts receive TCP SYN packets at the same
SYN Flood (synflood) - Occurs when a host receives a burst of TCP SYN packets on the same TCP
SYN Failure (synfailure) - Occurs when a host receives fewer SYNACKs than SYNs it sent out. SYN-
ACK Scan (synackscan) - Occurs when a host receives more SYNACKs than SYNs it sent out.
Fin Scan (finscan) - Occurs when a host receives a burst of FIN packets.
Fin-Ack Diff (finackdiff) - Occurs when a host sees more or fewer FINACK packets than it sent.
Rst Count (rstcount) - Occurs when a host receives a flood of RST packets.
Count - The number of packets that must be seen during the monitoring period to trigger anomaly detection.
The valid range is 1 - 100,000. Supported anomalies and the default count for each are listed below:
all - NA
arpaddrscan - 50
arpflood - 90
arpfailure - 6
icmpaddrscan -30
icmpflood -90
icmpunreachable - 20
tcpportscan - 20
tcpaddrscan - 30
synflood - 90
synfailure - 10
synackcan - 2
finscan - 6
finackdiff - 5
rstcount - 50
Sensitivity - Sensitivity of anomaly detection to deviation from the expected traffic pattern. The valid range
is 1 - 100. (Default = 50)
Period - The time duration to observe traffic pattern, in seconds. The valid range is 5 to 3,600. (Default
= 30)
Anomaly State - Enables/Disabled anomaly detection.
Log - Enables/Disables logging of detected anomalies. If enabled, the anomaly information will be written to a
syslog if the anomaly is detected at configured levels (Count/Sensitivity/Period). (Default = Disabled)
Trap - Enables/Disables the sending of a trap when an anomaly is detected. If enabled, a trap is sent if the
anomaly is detected at configured levels (Count/Sensitivity/Period). (Default = Disabled) Quarantine -
Enables/Disables quarantining of the port on which an anomaly is detected. If enabled, a port is quarantined if
the anomaly is detected at configured levels (Count/Sensitivity/Period). (Default = Disabled)

Assigning a TAD Profile

After configuring the monitoring group, you must assign the ports that you want to monitor to that group. TAD applies
the rules to match the specific packets when a port is in a monitoring-group. These rules exist as long as the port is a
member of any monitoring-group. Select a TAD Monitoring Group in the Monitoring Group List and click on the Apply
to Devices button. Configure the fields as described below, then select the device(s) to which you want to assign the

Group Name - Pre-filled with the selected monitoring group.

Action - Select "Assign" (default) from the drop-down menu to assign the profile. You can also remove the
selected profile, or assign the selected profile and remove any others assigned to the device(s).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Force Port Override - Enables/Disables port override (On/Off). Select "On" to assign all selected ports to this
TAD Group (and remove them from any previously assigned groups, if applicable).
Select Devices - Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology) and click on
the Add/Remove Devices button to select devices. After selecting devices, click on a device and click on the
Add/Remove Ports button to select ports. Repeat for additional selected devices. Click on the Apply button
to assign the profile to devices/ports.

Editing a TAD Profile

Select a Monitoring Group in the Monitoring Group List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the field(s) as described
above and click on the Apply button.

Deleting a TAD Profile

Select a Monitoring Group in the Monitoring Group List and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the Confirmation

Monitoring Group List

The TAD Monitoring Group List provides information on all configured TAD Profiles.

Group Name - The name of the TAD Monitoring Group (up to 32 characters)
Anomaly Type - The type of the anomaly to be enabled or disabled.
Anomaly State - Administrative state of Anomaly Detection (Enabled/Disabled).
Log - Enables/Disables logging of detected anomalies. If enabled, the anomaly information will be written to a
syslog if the anomaly is detected at configured levels (Count/Sensitivity/Period). (Default = Disabled)
Trap - Enables/Disables the sending of a trap when an anomaly is detected. If enabled, a trap is sent if the
anomaly is detected at configured levels (Count/Sensitivity/Period). (Default = Disabled) Quarantine -
Enables/Disables quarantining of the port on which an anomaly is detected. If enabled, a port is quarantined if
the anomaly is detected at configured levels (Count/Sensitivity/Period). (Default = Disabled)
Count - The number of packets that must be seen during the monitoring period to trigger anomaly
detection. The valid range is 1 - 100,000.
Sensitivity - Sensitivity of anomaly detection to deviation from the expected traffic pattern. The valid range is
1 - 100. (Default = 50)
Period - The time duration to observe traffic pattern, in seconds. The valid range is 5 to 3,600. (Default
= 30)

TAD View
The Quarantine Manager TAD View Screen is used to view TAD configurations and anomaly statistics for specific
switches in the network. Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology) and click on the
Select a Device button to select a device to view. The following information is available.

Monitoring Groups Port

Ranges Statistics Port
Statistics Anomaly Traffic Statistics
Anomaly Summary

Monitoring Groups
The Monitoring Groups Table displays information for TAD Monitoring Groups configured on the selected switch.

Group Name - The name of the TAD Monitoring Group.

Anomaly Type - The type of the anomaly to be enabled or disabled. Supported anomalies are described
Anomaly State - Anomaly detection administrative status (Enabled/Disabled).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Log - Anomaly detection logging state (Enabled/Disabled). (Default = Disabled)
Trap - Anomaly detection trap state (Enabled/Disabled). (Default = Disabled)
Quarantine - Anomaly detection quarantine state (Enabled/Disabled). (Default = Disabled)
Count - Configured Count parameter. This is the number of packets that must be seen during the monitoring
period to trigger anomaly detection. The valid range is 1 - 100,000.
Sensitivity - Configured Sensitivity parameter. This is the anomaly detection to deviation from the expected
traffic pattern. The valid range is 1 - 100. (Default = 50)
Period - Configured monitoring time period. The time duration to observe traffic pattern, in seconds. The valid
range is 5 to 3,600. (Default = 30)

Port Ranges
The Port Ranges Table displays information on ports being monitored by a TAD Monitoring Group.

Group Name - The name of the TAD Monitoring Group.

Start Slot/Port - The first slot/port number in the range of ports being monitored.
End Slot/Port - The last slot/port number in the range of ports being monitored.

Statistics Port
The Statistics Port Table displays anomaly pattern counts on ports belonging to TAD Monitoring Groups.

Slot/Port - The slot/port being monitored.

Packet Type - The type of packet being monitored.
Last In - The number of incoming anomaly packets observed during the last 5 seconds.
Last Out - The number of outgoing anomaly packets observed during the last 5 seconds.
Total In - The total number of incoming anomaly packets observed since monitoring was enabled.
Total Out - The total number of outgoing anomaly packets observed since monitoring was enabled.

Statistics Anomaly Traffic

The Statistics Anomaly Traffic Table displays the anomaly counts on ports belonging to TAD Monitoring Groups.

Slot/Port - The slot/port being monitored.

Anomaly - The type of anomaly.
Packet Type - The type of packet being monitored.
Current In - The number of incoming anomaly packets observed.
Current Out - The number of outgoing anomaly packets observed.
Last In - The number of incoming anomaly packets observed during the last 5 seconds.
Last Out - The number of outgoing anomaly packets observed during the last 5 seconds.

Statistics Anomaly Summary

The Statistics Anomaly Summary Table displays the anomaly check summary.

Slot/Port - The slot/port being monitored.

Anomaly - The type of anomaly.
Observed - The number of times an anomaly was observed on this port since monitoring was enabled.
Detected - The number of times an anomaly was detected on this port since monitoring was enabled (the
number of times the anomaly exceeded monitoring limits.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

The Quarantine Manager Settings Screen is used to specify the port number used for SysLog messages. SysLog
messages are used by Quarantine Manager to configure network responses. Configure a field(s) as described below
and click on the Apply button.
SysLog Listener

SysLog Port Number: The port number of the SysLog Listener (Default = 514).

SysLog Generator Target

SysLog IP Address: The IP address of the device that will receive the syslog messages.
SysLog Port Number: The port number on the receiving device that will receive the syslog messages.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

19.0 Report
The Report Application enables you to create and schedule reports in certain OmniVista applications (e.g., Discovery,
Locator, Analytics). These reports are generated and stored as PDF documents. So in addition to viewing information
in real-time in OmniVista (e.g., Discovery Inventory List, Analytics Utilization Reports), you can generate PDFs of the
screens. When a report is generated, it takes a current snapshot of the application information. These reports can be
generated immediately or you can schedule them to be generated at regular times/intervals (e.g., Daily, Weekly). You
can also configure a report to be e-mailed when it is generated. The Report Configuration Screen is used to
create/configure a report. These generated reports are then displayed on the Report List Screen, where they can be
downloaded and viewed as PDFs.

Report Configuration
The Report Configuration Screen is used to create, edit, and delete Reports. These reports are PDF versions of tables
and reports generated in certain OmniVista applications (e.g., Discovery, Locator, Analytics). Basically, in addition to
viewing information in real-time in OmniVista (e.g., Discovery Inventory List, Analytics Utilization Reports), you can
generate PDFs of the screens. When a report is generated, it takes a current snapshot of the application information.
These reports can be generated immediately or you can schedule them to be generated at regular times/intervals (e.g.,
Daily, Weekly). You can also configure a report to be e- mailed when it is generated. These generated reports are then
displayed on the Report List Screen, where they can be downloaded and viewed as PDFs.

Creating a Report
There are two steps to creating a report. First you must configure the report in the Report Application (report name,
schedule, e-mail), then you must go to an application that supports the Report Feature (e.g., Discovery, Locator,
Analytics), click on the Add to Report button at the top of a screen, and link that report to a Report Configuration.

1. Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. After completing the fields, click on the
Create button.

Report Title - Enter a title for the report.

Schedule Settings
Purging Policy - The report purging frequency. Select an option from the drop-down menu. The report
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
will be removed from the server at the selected interval. Select "None" to never purge the report.
Schedule - The report creation schedule. Select the "Now" radio button to generate a single report
immediately. Select the "Periodically" radio button to create the report at specific times/intervals (an initial
report will also immediately be generated). The "Simple" option enables you to schedule the report
generation every "x" number of days, hours, minutes, seconds (e.g., every 5 days, every 5 minutes). The
"Cron" option enables you schedule the report generation as a cron job (e.g., every minute, every hour,
every year).
E-Mail - Enter an address to e-mail an attached PDF of a report as configured in the Schedule field above.
Each time a report is generated, an attached PDF of the report will be sent to the recipient. You can designate
only one (1) e-mail recipient. Note that the E-Mail Preferences (Preferences - System Settings - E-Mail) must
be configured for OmniVista to generate report e-mails.
Other Settings - Click on this button to set optional report print parameters (e.g., page size,
orientation). You can also add a description to the report.

2. After creating the report, go a supported application (e.g., Discovery, Locator, Analytics) and click on the Add to
Report button at the top of the screen. The Add to Report Window will appear with the report/report view displayed
in the Widget Name field (e.g., Inventory, Top N Ports Utilization Report Widget). Select the Report you configured
in Step 1 from the Report Configuration drop-down list and click OK. A report for that screen will now be generated
according to that report configuration.

You can generate reports for other applications based on the same report configuration by going to those
applications and clicking on the Add to Report button and selecting the report from the Report Configuration drop-
down list.

Note: The first time you configure a report (Step 1), a blank report is automatically generated and appears in the
Report List. The report is blank because you have not yet associated the report with an application (Step 2).
Once you complete Step 2, reports will be generated for that application based on the report configuration.

Note: You can also manually generate a report at any time by selecting the report and clicking on the
Generate Report button on the Report Details Screen. You can only manually generate a report
configured with the Schedule set to "Now". You cannot manually generate a report configured with a
"Periodic" schedule.

Editing a Report
Select the report and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Report Configuration Screen. Edit the fields as
described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. Note that you cannot edit the report
title. You can edit the Report Settings, and/or click on the Other Settings button to edit the print parameters. You can
also remove a report from this Report Configuration by clicking on the "X" next to the field.

Deleting a Report
Select a report and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt. At the prompt, you have the
option of deleting all reports associated with the report configuration. To delete them, select the "Also delete all
generated reports" checkbox.

Report List
The Report List Screen displays all generated reports. Reports are displayed with the report creator's user name, report
title, the date the report was created, and the version number of the generated report if applicable. For example, if a
report was created by the "admin" user titled Daily Users Report", on August 8, 2016, the report file name would be
"admin_ Daily Users_Report_20160808.pdf". Subsequent scheduled or manually-generated reports would have a
version number added to the end of the filename (e.g., admin_ Daily Users_Report_20160808_1.pdf, admin_ Daily

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
To download/view a report in PDF format, select the report and click on the Download button. You can open the report
for viewing or save the report. To delete a report(s), select the report(s) and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at
the confirmation prompt. Note that you can only delete finished reports. You cannot delete a report in the "Generating"

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

20.0 Resource Manager

The Resource Manager application enables you to manage the firmware configuration files on network devices. Click
on the applicable link, as described below, to carry out specific operations.

Backup/Restore - Backup the current firmware configuration files in network devices to the OmniVista Server,
and restore the configuration files to the devices when desired. You can also compare Configuration Backup
Files on the same device or different devices, edit an existing backup and save the changes as a new
backup file (AOS Devices).
Upgrade Image - Import new or upgraded image and firmware files into OmniVista, and install the new files in
network devices when desired. (Note that all new image files must be provided by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
Customer Service.)
Inventory - Run Inventory Reports on network devices that enable you to examine a device's
configuration before performing the functions described above.
Auto Configuration - Configure the Automatic Remote Configuration Feature. This feature provides
automatic configuration or upgrade of an OmniSwitch without user intervention.
Switch File Set - Assign customized Banner and Captive Portal Web Interface files to devices in the
Settings - Used to set the amount of space that must be available on the CMM before an upgrade is
Summary View - Provides a summary of all stored backups.

The Resource Manager Backup Screen displays a list of all backups that currently exist on the server. The screen
used to backup configuration files for a network device. It is also used to schedule regular backups, edit a
Configuration Backup File (boot.cfg), or delete a backup from the OmniVista Server. Backups can be used to restore
configuration files to the network devices from which they were originally taken. You can also compare Configuration
Backup Files on the same device or different devices.

Note: OmniVista supports the Multiple Working Directories Feature available on OS10K (AOS Release
7.2.1.R02 and later), OS6900 Switches (AOS Release 7.2.1.R01 and later), and OS6860 Switches (AOS
Release 8.1.1.R01 and later). When performing Configuration-Only or Full Backup on these devices, only
the configuration or image files in the current running directory are backed up instead of the hard-coded
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
“working” directory, in addition to the Certified Directory. The running directory can be any user-specified
directory, including the Working Directory.

Performing a Backup
Click on the Backup button at the top of the screen to initiate a backup. Complete the screens as described below to
backup one or more network devices. When you have completed all of the screens, click on the Backup button at the
bottom of the screen to initiate the backup.

Backup Method
Select an option to choose a device selection method:

Backup by Devices - To select specific devices from a list of discovered devices.

Backup by Maps - To select a map(s) to backup all devices in the map(s). This option is used to backup
all devices in the selected map(s). You cannot backup selected devices. To backup select devices, select
the Backup By Devices option.

Note: If some devices in a map are not on-line, a dialog box will pop up warning you of the condition. Click
Yes to continue the backup. Click Cancel to cancel the backup.

Devices/Maps Selection
The options on this screen will depend on the Backup Method selected above.

Backup by Devices - Select the device(s) you want to backup from the list.
Backup by Maps - Click on the Maps Selection button and select the map(s) containing the devices you
want to back up.

This screen is used to configure the type of backup performed (e.g., Full, Configuration Only, Images Only) and to
schedule regular backups. Backup options (e.g., which directories to include, which files to include) vary according to
the backup type. See the applicable section below for details on each backup type.

Full Backup
A Full Backup backs up both configuration files and image files. For AOS devices, all files in the Certified and Working
directories are backed up. This includes all configuration-related files (user credentials, banner, time zone, etc.), and
image files. If you are performing a Full Backup, select the directory(ies) to be backed up (Certified or All).

Note: AOS image files will not be FTPed from the switch. OmniVista will only record file version(s).
Therefore, before Restore is to proceed, the required image file set must be stored in the Upgrade
Image Repository. If the required images are not in the Repository, they will need to be imported using
the Upgrade Image Screen in Resource Manager. Also note that if the image file info retrieved from the
switch does not contain a file version, the file be physically copied from the switch.

If you are performing a Full Backup, select the directory(ies) to be backed up.

Certified - Back up files in the Certified Directory.

All - Back up files from the Working, Certified, Switch, and Network Directories.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Include Diagnostic and Dump Files
If you are performing a Full Backup on all files, you have the option to include/exclude Diagnostic and Dump Files. By
default, Diagnostic and Dump files are not included in the backup. To include these files in the backup, set the Include
Diagnostic and Dump Files slider to "On".

Enter an optional description for the backup.

Configuration Only Backup

A Configuration Only Backup backs up all configuration-related files in all directories (including user credentials,
banner, time zone, etc.). If are performing a Configuration Only backup, you will not have the option of selecting
directories since all configuration-related files in all directories are backed up. However, on AOS devices you will have
the option to include/exclude Security Files from the backup for security reasons.

Include Security Files

If you are performing a Configuration Only backup, you will not have the option of selecting directories since all
configuration-related files in all directories are backed up. However, on AOS devices you will have the option to
exclude Security Files from the backup for security reasons. By default, Security Files are included in the backup. If
you do not want to include Security Files in the backup, set the Include Security Files slider to "Off".

Enter an optional description for the backup.

Images Only Backup

An Images Only Backup backs up image files only. AOS image files will not be FTPed from the switch. OmniVista will
only record file version(s). Therefore, before Restore is to proceed, the required image file set must be stored in the
Upgrade Image Repository. If the required images are not in the Repository, they will need to be imported using the
Upgrade Image Screen in Resource Manager. Note that if the image file info retrieved from the switch does not contain
a file version, the file be physically copied from the switch.

Enter an optional description for the backup.

Schedule Setting
Complete the applicable fields below to schedule a backup for a later time or to schedule regular backups.

Incremental - If the Incremental option is set to "On", Resource Manager will initiate a scheduled backup
only when there are changes in switch configuration files since the last Configuration only backup. The first
incremental backup will be treated as a normal ‘Configuration Only' backup and any successive incremental
backups will be ‘Configuration Only – Incremental' backups.
Start Time - If you want to schedule a single backup at a later date and time, set the slider to "On" and set the
date and time to initiate the backup.
End Time - If you are scheduling regular backups (Simple or Cron), set the slider to "On" and set the date
and time for the backups to end. The backups will occur as scheduled until the End Time.
Simple - Select the Simple radio button to schedule regular backups at a specific interval (e.g., every day,
every 7 days). Set the Repeat slider to "On" to repeat the schedule backup.
Cron - Select the Cron radio button to create a regular backup cron job.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

The Review Screen enables you to review your backup configuration before initiating/scheduling the backup. If
necessary, click on the Back button to make changes to the configuration. When you have verified the backup
configuration, click on the Backup button to initiate/schedule the backup.

Note: If the CLI/FTP username and password for a device was not previously defined to
OmniVista, you will be prompted to enter them before the backup can proceed.

Editing a Configuration Backup File

You can edit the contents of a Configuration Only Backup File (boot.cfg file). This file will be stored in the OmniVista
Server and displayed in the Backup Table as "Backup" Select a Configuration Only Backup file in the Backup Table
and click on the Edit icon . In the Select boot.cfg in drop-down menu, select the directory of the file you want to edit
(working or certified) and click on the Get button. The contents of the file will appear in the File Content area. Edit the
file and click on the Save button.

Deleting a Backup
Select the backup(s) you want to delete and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Backup Information
The Backup Table displays basic information about all backups stored on the OmniVista Server. Click on a backup to
view detailed backup file information.

Basic Information

Device Name - The user-configured name of the device.

Device Address - The IP address of the switch that was backed up.
Device Type - The device/model type (e.g., OS6850E-P24X).
Date - The date and time that the backup was initiated.
Backup Type - The type of backup performed. The Backup type can be Full Backup (both configuration files
and image files were backed up), Configuration Only (only configuration files were backed up), or Image
Only (only image files were backed up).
Version - The software version of the backup files (e.g.,
Description - The user-configured description for the backup, if applicable.

Detailed Information

Name - The name of the individual file that was backed up and is currently stored on the OmniVista Server.
Directory - The directory where the file was stored on the device (e.g., /flash/certified).
Version - The firmware version of the file.
Description - Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise provided description of the file.
Date - The date the file was loaded into the switch.
File Size - The size of the file, in bytes.

Important Facts About Backing Up

When performing a backup, firmware configuration files are FTPed from the switch to the OmniVista server. To gain
access to the switch, the FTP user name and password must to known to OmniVista. You can specify FTP user
names and passwords via the Edit Discovery Manager Entry window. (See the Topology help for further information.) If
you did not define FTP Logic names and passwords via the Edit Discovery Manager Entry window, and you attempt to
save or restore configuration files, you will be queried for the FTP username and password for each individual device

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
for which files are being saved or restored. If the FTP username and password are not supplied to OmniVista, the FTP
process will return errors and the device will not be backed up. The process of backing up other switches will continue.
Firmware is automatically copied and restored via FTP, and any errors that can occur when performing these tasks
outside of OmniVista are also possible when using OmniVista.

If a backup operation fails in the middle of the backup operation (which could occur if a device goes down between the
server and the target switch), no files are saved on the server. If the full complement of files are not saved, any initial
files that were saved are deleted from the server.

Backups of AOS devices include the contents of the certified directory and working directory. Only files in the flash
memory of the primary MPM module are saved. No files are saved that end with .err , .dmp , /.. , or /. , as these files
are either temporary or will cause problems during the FTP process due to conflict with system file names.

Important Notes: The configuration files saved are those in flash memory and are not necessarily the
configuration files that the switch is currently running. The files are not zipped to save disk space on the
OmniVista Server. The user may perform multiple backups on the same day, if so desired.

Users should not attempt to copy configuration files saved on the OmniVista Server to other machines. The saved files
contain binary configuration information, including the IP address/MAC address of the source machine, and using
these files on another machine could bring the network down.
Note: SFTP will be used when a device is configured in OmniVista to use SSH. If a device is configured to use
SSH in OmniVista, SSH must be enabled on the device itself.

The Resource Manager Restore Screen displays a list of all device backups and is used to restore the configuration to
the device from a previous backup. You can only restore the configuration to the original device from which the backup
was taken. (Backups cannot be restored to other switches, because doing so would cause mismatched IP addresses
and other network problems.)

Performing a Restore
Files Selection
Click on the Add/Remove Backup Files button. (If you are performing the restore from the Master Dashboard, select
a customer network from the drop-down list.). A list of devices that were backed up is displayed in the Backup File
Selection window. Select the device(s) on which you want to perform the restore and click OK. Note that you can click
on a device to view a list of all of the files that will be restored. By default, all of the backed up files are selected and
will be restored. However, you can de-select files you do not want to include in the restore. Click on the Next button to
go to the Configuration Screen.


AOS Switch(es) Only

If the selected switch(es) is an AOS 6.x Switch, and you selected files only in the Certified Directory, you have the
option of restoring files to the Working Directory or storing the files to both the Working and Certified Directories. Select
the Restore to Working Directory or Restore to Working & Certified Directory radio button to specify the
directory(ies) to which you want the backup restored. If you select files in only the Working Directory or in both the
Certified and Working Directories, you will not have this option. The files will be restored to their respective directories.
Also note that this option is not available for AOS 7.x or 8.x switches.

Note: OmniVista supports the Multiple Working Directories Feature available on OS10K (AOS Release
7.2.1.R02 and later), OS6900 Switches (AOS Release 7.2.1.R01 and later), and OS6860 Switches (AOS
Release 8.1.1.R01 and later). When performing Configuration-Only or Full Backup on these devices, only
the configuration or image files in the current running directory are backed up instead of the hard-coded
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
“working” directory, in addition to the Certified Directory. The running directory can be any user-specified
directory, including the Working Directory.

Select the options to be taken if the following changes are detected on the device:

Continue to restore when chassis has changed - Select this option if you want to continue the restore even
if it is found that the chassis contents, or the chassis type, has changed since the backup. If you do not enable
this checkbox, the restore will not take place if the chassis has changed.
Continue to restore when detected new image files - Select this option if you want to continue the restore
even if it is found that a new image file resides on the device (i.e., a file that was not previously backed up). If
you do not enable this checkbox, the restore will not take place if a new image file is found on the device.

Click on the Restore button to initiate the restore. When the restore has successfully completed, you will be prompted
to reboot the device to load the restored configuration into flash memory.

The Resource Manager Compare Screen enables you to compare Configuration Backup Files on the same device or
different devices using a "Diff" Utility to view any differences between the files on a line for line basis. You can
compare files on different devices or compare files on the same device . You can also use the utility to compare text
files on the local file system .

Note: The "boot.cfg" file is the target of this utility, however you can use it to compare any text- based files. You
cannot use the utility to compare any binary files (e.g., .img, jpg, jar).

Selecting Files
The File Diff Screen is used to select the files you want to compare. To compare backup files from different devices or
backups from the same device, select "Backup File" from the Select From File drop-down menu on the left side of the
screen. Click on the Browse button to bring up a list of current backups. Select a backup to bring up a list of files
contained in the backup. Select the file you want to compare, and click OK. Repeat the steps to select a backup file on
the right side of the screen. When you have selected both files, click on the Compare button. The file comparison is
displayed in the File Diff Window.

Note: To compare text files on the local file system, select "Local" from the from the Select From File drop-down
menu. Click on the Browse button and browse to the files on the local system.

Comparing Files
The File Diff Window displays the files side-by-side with all of the differences highlighted (Changed, Inserted, Deleted).
You can use the Arrow keys at the top of the screen on the right side of the window to jump to each change; or you
can select a specific change from the Select to Jump drop-down menu. You can also use the scroll bars to scroll
through the documents and view changes.

Upgrade Image
The Resource Manager Upgrade Image Screen displays all of the Software and Firmware Files stored in the Upgrade
Image Repository on the OmniVista Server. These files are used to upgrade software, firmware, and FPGA files on
network devices. Once you download the files from the Customer Support Web Site, you can import the files into the
Upgrade Image Repository, and install the upgrade software and firmware on devices on the network. Note that FPGA
upgrade is only supported on OS9000, OS6450, and OS6250 Switches running AOS 6.6.4.R01 and later.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: OmniVista supports the Multiple Working Directories Feature available on OS10K (AOS Release
7.2.1.R02 and later), OS6900 Switches (AOS Release 7.2.1.R01 and later), and OS6860 Switches (AOS
Release 8.1.1.R01 and later). On these devices, the Upgrade operation installs the files to the user-
specified directory instead of the hard-coded Working Directory.

CAUTION: Never attempt to import or install firmware files or upgrade packages acquired from any
source other than Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Customer Service. Image and Firmware files are specially
packaged by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Customer Service for important into OmniVista, and contain an
LSM file that describes the package contents to OmniVista. Resource Manager will prevent unsupported
upgrades. When such an attempt is made, an error message is displayed informing the user that the
upgrade has been rejected. This message also displays details of the versions of the switch software
required to successfully perform the upgrade.

WARNING: If you are performing an image file upgrade and a U-Boot/Miniboot upgrade, you
must complete the image file upgrade before upgrading the U-Boot and Miniboot files.

Importing the Upgrade Files

All upgrade files supplied by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Customer Service are packaged as WinZip executables and
have a *.zip file extension. Do not attempt to unzip the firmware files manually. When you Import the WinZip
executable, OmniVista will automatically unzips the executable as part of the import process. Once the file is imported,
the File Set (which contains all of the individual files) appears in the File Sets Table.

Upgrade files are available on the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Customer Service website. Download the file to your PC
from the website. After downloading the file, click on the Import button to locate and import the file to OmniVista.

Note: You can delete a file from the File Sets Table by selecting the file(s), clicking on the delete icon ,
then clicking OK at the Confirmation Prompt.

Installing the Upgrade Files

Remember, if you are performing an image file upgrade and a U-Boot/Miniboot upgrade, you must complete the
image file upgrade before upgrading the U-Boot and Miniboot files. Select a File Set in the File Sets Table and click
on the Install button. The Install Upgrade Image Software Wizard guides you through the upgrade process. Each
screen in the wizard is detailed below.

Note: The switch FTP timeout default is 5 minutes, so the upgrade will fail if the time to transfer files from
OmniVista to a switch is over 5 minutes. It is recommended that you increase the FTP timeout in switches you
are upgrading to a higher value to make sure there is enough time to transfer files (CLI command: session
ftp timeout <time>).

Firmware File Selection

All of the files in the File Set that you selected are displayed in the File Detail area. (The name of the imported Zip File
is displayed in the File Name field.) Select the file(s) you want to install and click Next to go to the Devices Selection

Devices Selection
All devices that qualify for installation of the selected files are displayed in the Select Devices area. Select the
device(s) in which you want to install the file(s), then click Next to go to the Software Installation Screen.

Note: The lowest supported AOS version for OS6855P-14 devices is AOS The lowest
supported AOS version for OS6450 devices is AOS The highest supported AOS version
for OS6400 devices is AOS

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Software Installation
Select the installation options as described below.

Installation Options

Upgrade BMF Files - Upgrade the BootROM, MiniBoot, or FPGA files (AOS switches only).
Upgrade Images Files - Upgrade the image files on the switch(es) (Default) .
U-Boot Upgrade on all NIs - Perform u-boot upgrade for all the NIs on the switch(es) (9000 series
switches only).
In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) - Upgrade the image files on redundant CMMs with minimal data
interruption. This option is available (and displayed) for OS10K and OS6900 (7.3.1.R01 and later) and OS6860
(8.1.1.R01 and later). ISSU support for the OS10K is for both standalone and virtual chassis; ISSU support for
the OS6900 and OS6860 is for Virtual Chassis configuration only. Click here for more information on ISSU.
Directory - The Directory field is enabled when the Upgrade Image Files checkbox is selected and the images
are for devices supporting the Multiple Working Directories Feature - OS10K (7.1.1.R01 and later), OS6900 (
7.2.1.R01 and later) OS6860 - 8.1.1.R01 and later). The directory path must be either an absolute path (e.g.
/flash/myimagedir) or a relative path to the flash (“/flash/” will be prefixed in this case). Validations will be done
to ensure the directory path is valid before the images are sent to the switches. Note that if the user-specified
directory does not exist on the switch, it is automatically created. Once the images are uploaded to the switch,
if the user-specified directory does not contain any boot.cfg file, it is copied from the current running directory
of the switch.

Note: The ISSU upgrade procedure for upgrading AOS from 8.1.1.xxx to on OS6860 and
OS6860E Switches is different than the regular ISSU upgrade procedure. OmniVista does not support
this ISSU upgrade path, please refer to APPENDIX C of the Release Notes for detailed
instructions on the upgrade procedure.

6200 Devices Options

6200 Series Installation Options (6200 Devices Only). If you are upgrading a stack of devices, the
following options will be enabled:

Upgrade Master Unit Only - Upgrade the image files on the master switch in the stack.
Upgrade All NIs in Stack - Upgrade the image files on all switches in a stack.

When you have configured all of the applicable installation options, click on the Install Software button to initiate the
upgrade process.

ISSU Upgrade
The In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) feature is used to upgrade the CMM images running on supported devices
with minimal disruption to data traffic. The CMM images can be upgraded only on fully synchronized, certified, and
redundant systems. A minimum of size of mandatory images + 3MB flash space must be present in the device to
accommodate the image files that are used to upgrade existing image files. The ISSU upgrade process is the same as
the upgrade process detailed above. However, you cannot select individual files from the File Set. All of the files will be
installed. You cannot select individual files in the File Details area. The following CMM images are ISSU capable.

Prior to FTPing the images to switches, Resource Manager performs the following checks to make sure the selected
device is ready for ISSU:

Ensures the device is redundant, fully certified, and synchronized.

Ensures that sufficient flash space is available on the primary CMM (a minimum of size of mandatory images
+ 3MB flash file system space is required for the upgrade).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: Although Resource Manager will make certain that the switch is ISSU capable, it will not perform any
check whether selected ISSU images are compatible with the particular software version running on the switch.
This information will be provided to customers by Customer Support when a new ISSU package is released.

If any of these checks fail for a device, Resource Manager logs the error message, and continues with the next device.
Otherwise, Resource Manage checks for the existence of the /flash/issu directory on the primary CMM, and creates
the directory if it is not present. If the directory already exists and is not empty, Resource Manager removes all files in
the directory before replacing them with the new images.

When Resource Manager finishes issuing the ISSU command to the selected devices, the user is asked to perform
"Copy Working to Certified" for each device. Make sure you also perform: "Flash-Synchro" for each device.

ISSU Upgrade Paths

AOS Release 7

AOS Release 8

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Important Information About Upgrades

If FTP User Names/Passwords are Undefined

If the FTP user names and passwords for the devices were not previously defined to OmniVista, the FTP User Name
Password window displays. To supply the FTP user name and password for a device, select the device in the FTP
User Name Password window and click the Edit button. Enter the FTP user name and password for the selected
device in the appropriate fields. If the user name and password you enter also apply to the other devices, click the
Same for all Unspecified checkbox. Then click the OK button.

If necessary, continue to enter FTP user names and passwords until they have been specified for all devices listed.
When all user names and passwords have been specified, click Yes at the installation confirmation prompt to initiate
the installation process.

If Version Numbers are Older

If the image files being installed have an older version number (or the same version number) than the image files
currently resident on a device, a warning message will appear. Note that installing older versions of image files may
result in a loss of functionality or, in the case of OmniStack devices, the resetting of device parameters. Click Yes if
you wish to perform the installation anyway. Click No to cancel the installation.

When the Installation Completes

When the install has successfully completed, you will be prompted to reboot the switches. Remember that image files
are installed into the working directory of AOS devices. After the installation completes, you should reboot AOS
devices. You may also want to save the working directory to the certified directory.

File Sets Information

The individual upgrade files are contained in File Sets for each device type. The File Sets Table displays all of the File
Sets stored in the Upgrade Image Repository on the OmniVista Server. The table displays basic information. Click on
a file set to display detailed information for the files contained in the File Set.

Basic Information

Type - The upgrade file set device type (e.g., Omniswitch6860).

Date - The date the file set was imported into OmniVista.
Version - The firmware version of the file set (e.g.,
Description - The file set description (e.g., AOS

Detailed Information

File Name - The name of the file (e.g., Uos.img).

Version - The firmware version of the file set (e.g.,
Description - The file description (e.g., Alcatel-Lucent OS).
Date - The date the file was created.
File Size - The file size, in bytes.

The Resource Manager Inventory Screen is used to create Inventory Reports on network devices that enable you to
examine a device's configuration. A Switch Inventory Report includes system information, detailed module information,
chassis data, and health information for an individual switch. You can request an Inventory Report for a single device
or for multiple devices simultaneously.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Creating an Inventory Report

Select the type of report you want to create from the Report Type drop-down menu:

Condensed Content - Generates a smaller, condensed report that is displayed when it is generated. If you
select this option, click on the Browse button and select the device(s) for which you want to create the report,
then click on the Create button.
Detailed Content - Generates a larger, detailed report. This report is not immediately displayed. The report is
generated as an HTML file and a link is displayed to access the report. The report is available for two (2) days
before it is purged. If you select this option, enable any specific information that you want to include in the report
(e.g., System Information, Chassis Information, 8021AB Information). Click on the Browse button and select
the device(s) for which you want to create the report, then click on the Create button.

Auto Configuration
The Resource Manager Auto Configuration Screen is used to configure the Automatic Remote Configuration Feature.
This feature provides automatic configuration or upgrade of an OmniSwitch without user intervention by pushing an
Instruction File to the device. The Instruction File contains all of the information required to automatically locate and
download all of the necessary files to configure a new device/upgrade an existing device on the network. When a
device is initially deployed in a network, the Instruction File is sent to the device to download the applicable Image,
Configuration, Debug, and Script Files from remote servers to bring the device online in the network. The Auto
Configuration Screen displays all configured Instruction Files. It is also used to create, edit, and delete Instruction Files.

Note: The Automatic Remote Configuration feature is supported on OmniSwitch 6400, 6850, 6855,
9000, and 9000E devices.

Auto Configuration Overview

The Auto Configuration Feature automatically configures a new switch and brings it online in the network. In addition,
the feature can be used to automatically upgrade a switch with new Firmware, Configuration. and Debug files. As
shown below, the Auto Configuration Feature requires a Default DHCP Server, a TFTP Server (the OmniVista Server)
that contains the Instruction File, and a remote FTP/SFTP Server that contains the Firmware, Configuration, Debug,
and Script Files.

DHCP Server - Provides the switch with an IP address as well as the location of the TFTP Server and the
name of the Instruction File. The switch must have at least one port with connectivity to the DHCP Server
through Default VLAN 1.
TFTP Server - Resides on the OmniVista Server and contains the Instruction File, which contains the file
names and locations of the Firmware, Configuration, Debug, and Script Files stored on the FTP/SFTP
Server. The OmniVista 2500 TFTP Server Code Library transfer limit file size is 4GB, per RFC 2347.
FTP/SFTP Server - Contains the Firmware, Configuration, Debug, and Script files. (A Remote
FTP/SFTP Server is optional. You can also store the files on the TFTP Server.)

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Auto Configuration on a New Switch

New OmniSwitches are shipped without a boot.cfg file. When the new switch is connected to the network as a new
device with no boot.cfg file in the working directory, the Automatic Remote Configuration process is initiated. First, a
DHCP client is automatically created on VLAN 1 on the switch and the switch obtains an IP address as well as the
address of the TFTP Server and the name of the Instruction File. The switch then downloads the Instruction File. The
Instruction File contains the file names and locations of the Firmware, Configuration, Debug, and Script Files which are
then downloaded from the FTP/SFTP Server and saved as the boot.cfg file in the /flash/working directory. The DHCP
Client on VLAN 1 is removed and the Script File is launched to configure the switch and the switch is automatically
rebooted to load the image files from the
/flash/working directory.

Note: You must create an Instruction File for each switch model on your network. When the switch sends
its initial request to the DHCP Server, the model name (e.g., 6850, 9000) is included in the Vendor Class
Identifier Field (Option 60 Field). The DHCP Server will then return the Instruction File corresponding to
the model listed in the field.

Automatic Configuration Updates

In addition to automatically configuring new switches on the network, the Auto Configuration Feature can be used to
automatically update existing network switches upon reboot. To enable a switch to be automatically configured with the
latest image files and configuration files on reboot, remove the boot.cfg file from the
/flash/working directory. When the switch reboots and the network detects that there is no boot.cfg file, the Automatic
Remote Configuration process is initiated. The Automatic Configuration software compares the current firmware
version on the switch with the version stored on the FTP/SFTP Server. If the version on the switch is older than the
version on the FTP/SFTP Server, the Automatic Configuration process is launched, as described above.

Automatic Configuration Files

The files downloaded during the Automatic Configuration Process are detailed below.

Instruction File - The initial file required for the automatic remote configuration process to occur. The file
contains the names and location of the Firmware, Configuration, Debug and Script files, which are stored on
a remote FTP/SFTP Server.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Firmware Files - Image files that are used to initially configure or upgrade a switch. The firmware files, which
differ for different OmniSwitch platforms, contain the executable code, which provides support for the system,
Ethernet ports, and network functions.
Configuration File - Bootup configuration information for the switch (network configuration
Debug Configuration File - Default debug configuration.
Script File - This file contains the commands to be performed on the switch so that appropriate actions can be
taken on the downloaded files (Firmware, configuration and Debug Files). The Script File can be created using
CLI commands, which are performed in the order in which they appear in the script. A Script File example is
shown below:

reload working no rollback-timeout

copy working certified flash-synchro

Note: If a 'write memory' command is used in the script file, it overwrites the boot.cfg file. The Script
File should not contain the write memory command if it is downloaded along with the configuration
file. For more information on configuring the Script File, See the "Managing Automatic Remote
Configuration" chapter in the Network Configuration Guide.

Quick Steps for Automatic Remote Configuration

The steps below give a quick overview of configuring a switch for Auto Configuration. Follow the steps below to
configure Automatic Remote Configuration for you network. Detailed instructions, including Script File Syntax and
examples can be found in the "Managing Automatic Remote Configuration Download" chapter of the Switch
Management Guide.

Note: The switch must have at least one port with connectivity to the DHCP Server through default

1. Configure the default network DHCP Server with the TFTP Server address (Option 66) and Instruction File
name (Option 67). For example

Option 66: (TFTP Server address. This is the OmniVista Server address)
Option 67: os6900.alu (name of the Instruction File on the OmniVista Server).

Note: For details on how to configure the DHCP server, see the "Configuring DHCP Server"
chapter in the Network Configuration Guide .

2. Configure a Script file. See the "Managing Automatic Remote Configuration Download Chapter" in the
Network Configuration Guide .

3. Store the Firmware, Configuration, Debug and Script Files on the FTP/SFTP Server.

4. Create the Instruction File.

Creating an Instruction File

The Instruction File contains all of the information needed by a device to locate and download the applicable Image,
Configuration, Debug, and Script Files from remote servers. The Firmware, Configuration, Debug and Script files,
differ for different OmniSwitch platforms. You must create an Instruction file for each switch model on your network
(e.g., 9000, 6850, 6855) . When a new switch comes online, the switch type is sent to the DHCP Server using Option
60 to select the Instruction File for that device type. To create an Instruction File, click on the Create icon and
complete the Instruction Fields as described below.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Header/File Servers

Instruction File Path - The Instruction File directory path. The Instruction File is stored on the OmniVista
Server in the root\data\resourcemanager\instructionfiles\ directory. Enter the directory of the Instruction File on
the Server (e.g., os6855).
Instruction File Name - The Instruction File name. You can create multiple Instruction Files (e.g., Instruction
Files for different models - 9000, 6850, 6855). When a new switch comes online, the switch model is sent to the
DHCP Server using in the Vendor Class Identifier Field. The DHCP Server will then return the TFTP Server
Address and Instruction File path for the corresponding Instruction File based on the information configured in
the Option 66 Field. You must use the ".alu" extension for any Instruction Files you create (e.g.,
Instruction File Header - User-configured header for the Instruction File. This may contain any user
information such as switch ID, file version, etc.
Primary File Server
Primary Server IP Address - The IP address of the Primary FTP/SFTP Server.
Primary Server Protocol - The protocol used to communicate with the Primary Server (FTP,
Primary Server User - The user name of the primary user (e.g., admin).
Secondary File Server (Optional)
Secondary Server IP Address - The IP address of the Secondary FTP/SFTP Server. If OmniVista is
unable to connect to the Primary Server after three (3) retries, OmniVista logs the error and connects to
the Secondary File Server. A Secondary Server is not required. If you do not want to add a Secondary
Server, make sure all of the Secondary Server fields are empty. The IP Address and User Fields must be
empty and the Protocol Field must be set to "None".
Secondary Server Protocol - The protocol used to communicate with the Secondary Server, if
applicable (e.g., FTP). If a Secondary Server is not configured, this field must be set to "None".
Secondary Server User - The user name of the secondary user (e.g., admin). If a Secondary Server
is not configured, this field must be empty.

Software and Config Files

The only required fields in this section are the Firmware Version and Firmware Location fields. The remaining fields
are not required and the fields can be left empty.

Firmware Version - The version of the firmware to be downloaded from the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g.,
OS_6_4_6_101_R01). You must use the format shown in the example.
Firmware Location - The directory location of the firmware on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g.,
Config File Name - The name of the Configuration File (e.g., boot.cfg).
Config Location - The location of the Configuration File on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g., /ftproot/config).
Debug File Name - The name of the Debug File on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g., AlcatelDebug.cfg).
Debug Location - The location of the Debug File on the on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g., /ftproot/debug).
Script File Name - The name of the Script File on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g., OS6850_script.txt). If a script file
is not specified in the Instruction File, or if it is not properly downloaded, the Automatic Remote Configuration
Manager software automatically initiates a "reload working no rollback-timeout" command after firmware or
bootup configuration files are downloaded.
Script File Location - The location of the Script File on the FTP/SFTP Server, if applicable (e.g.,
License File Name - The name of the License File on the FTP/SFTP Server.
License File Location - The location of the Script File on the FTP/SFTP Server, if applicable (e.g.,
/ftproot/ license).

Note: Since many of the fields for different Instruction Files will be the same (e.g., File Server Address,
Firmware Location), a shortcut to creating additional Instruction Files is to select an existing file in the
Instruction File List, click on the Create icon and change only the fields that are different for the new
file (e.g., Instruction File Path, Instruction File Name).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Editing an Instruction File

Select the file in the Instruction Files List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the necessary fields as described above,
click on the Apply button, then click OK at the confirmation prompt to update the Instruction File on the TFTP Server.

Deleting an Instruction File

Select the file(s) in the Instruction Files List, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

The Instruction Files List

The Instruction Files List displays information about all Instruction Files stored on the OmniVista Server.

Instruction File Path - The Instruction File directory path. The Instruction File is stored on the OmniVista
Server in the root\data\resourcemanager\instructionfiles\ directory. Enter the directory of the Instruction File on
the Server (e.g., os6855).
Instruction File Name - The Instruction File name. You can create multiple Instruction Files (e.g., Instruction
Files for different models - 9000, 6850, 6855). When a new switch comes online, the switch model is sent to the
DHCP Server using in the Vendor Class Identifier Field. The DHCP Server will then return the TFTP Server
Address and Instruction File path for the corresponding Instruction File based on the information configured in
the Option 66 Field. You must use the ".alu" extension for any Instruction Files you create (e.g.,
Instruction File Header - User-configured header for the Instruction File. This may contain any user
information such as switch ID, file version, etc.
Primary Server IP Address - The IP address of the Primary FTP/SFTP Server.
Primary Server Protocol - The protocol used to communicate with the Primary Server (FTP, SFTP).
Primary Server User - The user name of the primary user (e.g., admin).
Secondary Server IP Address - The IP address of the Secondary FTP/SFTP Server. If OmniVista is unable to
connect to the Primary Server after three (3) retries, OmniVista logs the error and connects to the Secondary
File Server. A Secondary Server is not required. If you do not want to add a Secondary Server, make sure all of
the Secondary Server fields are empty. The IP Address and User Fields must be empty and the Protocol Field
must be set to "None".
Secondary Server Protocol - The protocol used to communicate with the Secondary Server, if applicable
(e.g., FTP). If a Secondary Server is not configured, this field must be set to "None".
Secondary Server User - The user name of the secondary user (e.g., admin). If a Secondary Server is not
configured, this field must be empty.
Firmware Version - The version of the firmware to be downloaded from the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g.,
OS_6_4_6_101_R01). You must use the format shown in the example.
Firmware Location - The directory location of the firmware on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g.,
Config File Name - The name of the Configuration File (e.g., boot.cfg).
Config Location - The location of the Configuration File on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g., /ftproot/config).
Debug File Name - The name of the Debug File on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g., AlcatelDebug.cfg).
Debug Location - The location of the Debug File on the on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g., /ftproot/debug).
Script File Name - The name of the Script File on the FTP/SFTP Server (e.g., OS6850_script.txt). If a script file
is not specified in the Instruction File, or if it is not properly downloaded, the Automatic Remote Configuration
Manager software automatically initiates a "reload working no rollback-timeout" command after firmware or
bootup configuration files are downloaded.
Script File Location - The location of the Script File on the FTP/SFTP Server, if applicable (e.g.,
License File Name - The name of the License File on the FTP/SFTP Server.
License File Location - The location of the Script File on the FTP/SFTP Server, if applicable (e.g.,
/ftproot/ license).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Switch File Set

The Resource Manager Switch File Set Screen is used to create a command prompt Login Banner and/or Captive
Portal Web Page file and assign the file to devices on the network. A Banner file is a .txt file that is displayed when a
user first logs into a network device using the command line interface. Banner files can be customized to display a
unique command line banner for all devices on the network. Captive Portal, a web- based user authentication option
within the Access Guardian application. A Captive Portal file is an HTML file that is presented to the user with a web
page for authentication. A Switch File Set contains Banner or Captive Portal files that can be assigned to network
devices to be presented to users when they login to a device.
The Switch File Set Screen displays all configured Switch File Sets and is used to create, edit, delete, and assign
Switch File Sets.

Note: Before assigning Banner or Captive Portal files to all devices in the network, it is recommended
that you customize the file(s) and send the file(s) to a single switch on the network for verification. When
you are satisfied with the customized file(s), you can then push the files to the network. Any subsequent
changes to the files can be made on that same switch, and the new files imported and pushed to the

Below are a list of Banner and Captive Portal file names. These files are stored in OmniVista and will be the Banner
and Captive Portal Web files (e.g., Login Page, Help Pages) that you will customize for your network. The files you
create must use these file names. For example, if you create a Captive Portal Login Page, the file must be named
cpLoginWelcome.inc . Once you have created all of the necessary files and verified them on a network device, you can
then import those files from that device and "push" them other devices on the network. The file names and their use
are described below.

banner.txt - A Banner file is a .txt files that is displayed when a user first logs into a network device using
the command line interface.
background.gif/.jpg/.png - Use this file to provide a page background image that Captive Portal will display
on all pages.
cpLoginHelp.html - Use this file to customize the Captive Portal login help page. A question-mark ("?") button
links to this HTML help page, which is displayed in a separate browser window
cpLoginWelcome/cpStatusWelcome/ cpFailWelcome/cpBypassWelcome.inc - Use these files to
customize the welcome message for the Captive Portal login, successful status, fail status, and bypass status
cpPolicy.html - The User Acceptable Policy HTML file that is linked to the Captive Portal login page. The
link provided opens a new browser window to display the policy information.
logo.gif/.jpg/.png - Use these files to provide a company logo that Captive Portal will display on all pages.

Note: Create custom logo and background pages using the .gif, .jpg, or .png formats. Captive Portal
checks the flash/switch directory on the switch for a .gif file, then a .jpg file, and finally a
.png file. Whichever file type Captive Portal encounters first is the file used to display the custom logo
or background.

The .inc files, which are used to present customized welcome messages, are partial HTML files that can include
only text or text and other HTML tags, such as links. Note that these .inc files are wrapped in a paragraph HTML
tag within the body of a Captive Portal default page.

Banner Files
A Banner file is a .txt file that is displayed when a user first logs into a network device using the command line interface
(e.g., a company name, device name). You must first create the file, then assign ("push") the file to devices on the

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Captive Portal Files

Captive Portal is a configurable option within the Access Guardian application that allows web-based clients to
authenticate through switch using 802.1x or MAC authentication via a RADIUS Server. When the Captive Portal option
is invoked, a Web page is presented to the user device to prompt the user to enter login credentials.

Creating a Switch File Set

A Switch File Set contains Banner or Captive Portal files that can be assigned to network devices to be presented to
users when they login to a device. To create a Switch File Set, click on the Create icon to bring up the Create Switch
File Set window. Enter a File Set Name and File Set Description and select the File Set Type from the drop-down
menu (Captive Portal/Banner). All of the default files for that File Set Type are displayed in the Files Table. Select the
file(s) you want to include in the Switch File Set and click on the Create button.

You can add custom files to the Switch File Set by adding files from your PC or importing the files from a network
device. To add files from your PC, click on the Add button, locate the file(s), and click OK. To import files from a
network device, click on the Import icon, select the switch from which you want to import the files, and click on the
Import button. The files you add or import will appear in the Files Table. You can then select that file (or files) and add
them to the Switch File Set. Remember, the files you add must have the same file name (e.g., banner.txt).

Once you have created the Switch File Set, you must assign it to device(s) on the network.

Assigning a Switch File Set

Select the Switch File Set that you want to assign from the Switch File Set Table and click on the Assign button.
Select the device(s) to which you want to assign the Switch File Set, click the Apply button, then click OK.

Note: Before assigning Banner or Captive Portal files to all devices in the network, it is recommended
that you customize the file(s) and send the file(s) to a single switch on the network for verification. When
you are satisfied with the customized file(s), you can then push the files to the network. Any subsequent
changes to the files can be made on that same switch, and the new files imported and pushed to the

Editing a Switch File Set

Select the Switch File Set that you want to edit and click on the Edit icon . You can edit the File Set Description
and File Set Type. When you are done editing, click on the Apply button. You can then assign the File Set to network

Deleting a Switch File Set

Select the Switch File Set(s) that you want to delete and click on the Delete icon . Click OK at the confirmation

The Resource Manager Settings Screen is used to set the amount of space that must be available on the CMM before
an upgrade is allowed, and specify Trivial File Transport Protocol (TFTP) parameters that apply to all TFTP file
transfers performed from OmniVista.

Backup Retention Policy

These settings are used to specification of a maximum number of days and a minimum number of backups to keep per

Minimum Backups - The minimum number of backups you want to retain per switch. (Range = 1 -
Backup Retention Period - The maximum number of days that you want to retain those backups.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
(Range = 1 - 3,650)

If a backup for a switch is older than the maximum number of days, and the total number of backups is at least the
minimum number specified, older backups will be deleted in accordance with the retention policy. The backup
retention policy is applied when a new backup is successfully created.

BMF Upgrade Settings

Minimum Space - The amount of space that must be available on the CMM before an upgrade is
allowed. (Default = 4.5 MB)

TFTP Settings

Retry Count - The number of times OmniVista is allowed to retry packet transmission.
Timeout - The time period, in milliseconds, that OmniVista will wait for a switch to respond with a data packet
before assuming the request has timed out.

Summary View
The Resource Manager Summary View provides a summary of all backups stored on the OmniVista Server. The
Backup area displays information about all backups stored on the server. The Switch File Set area displays information
about all Upgrade Switch File Sets.

The Backup Files Table displays basic information about all backups stored on the OmniVista Server. Click on a
backup to view detailed backup file information.

Basic Information

Device Address - The IP address of the switch that was backed up.
Device Type - The device/model type (e.g., OS6850E-P24X).
Date - The date and time that the backup was initiated.
Backup Type - The type of backup performed. The Backup type can be Full Backup (both configuration files
and image files were backed up), Configuration Only (only configuration files were backed up), or Image
Only (only image files were backed up).
Status - The backup status (BACKUP_SUCESS, BACKUP FAIL).
Description - The user-configured description for the backup, if applicable.
Message - The backup status message. Indicates whether or not the backup was successful (Backup
Successful) or failed. If “failed” additional information is provided.

Detailed Information

Name - The name of the individual file that was backed up and is currently stored on the OmniVista Server.
Directory - The directory where the file was stored on the device (e.g., /flash/certified).
Version - The firmware version of the file.
Description - Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise provided description of the file.
Date - The date the file was loaded into the switch.
File Size - The size of the file, in bytes.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Switch File Set

The individual upgrade files are contained in File Sets for each device type. The Switch File Sets Table displays all of
the File Sets stored in the Upgrade Image Repository on the OmniVista Server. The table displays basic information.
Click on a file set to display detailed information for the files contained in the File Set.

Basic Information

File Set Name - The name of the file (e.g., KFbase.img).

File Set Description - The file set description (e.g., AOS e.g.,
File Set Type - The upgrade file set device type (e.g., Omniswitch625x).
File List - The files contained in the file set.

Detailed Information

File Name - The name of the file (e.g., KFbase.img).

Version - The file version number (e.g.,
Description - The file description (e.g., Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Base Software).
Date - The date the file was created.
File Size - The file size, in bytes.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

21.0 SIP
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an IETF-defined signaling protocol widely used for controlling communication
sessions such as voice and video calls over Internet Protocol (IP). The protocol can be used for creating, modifying and
terminating media sessions. SIP addresses the key challenge of real-time delivery and monitoring requirements for
media streams from SIP devices. SIP Snooping prioritizes voice and video traffic over non-voice traffic. The OmniVista
SIP Application automatically detects SIP data packets and enables you to configure SIP Profiles and apply QoS
parameters for SIP packets; and monitor SIP traffic and create traps to alert you to SIP events. SIP Snooping:

Identifies and marks the SIP and its corresponding media streams. Each media stream contains Real Time
Protocol (RTP) and Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) flows. Marking is done using the DSCP field in the IP
Provides user configured QOS treatment for SIP/RTP/RTCP traffic flows based on its marking.
Calculates QOS metric values of delay, jitter, round trip time, R factor and MOS values of media streams
from its corresponding RTCP.

Note: The SIP snooping functions and the QOS actions require that the network paths used by the SIP
signaling messages and the RTP/RTCP flows are the same and are “symmetric”.
Therefore, MC-LAG, ECMP routing and VRRP topologies are not supported.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
SIP monitoring and configuration functions are accessed by clicking on one of the widgets on the Home Page or links
on the left side of the screen.

Active Calls - The Active Calls Screen displays call data for any active calls on the network.
Ended Calls - The Ended Calls Screen displays call data for any ended calls on the network.
SIP Configuration - SIP Configuration Screens are used to configure global SIP parameters and custom SIP
Profiles. One or more of the following sub-profiles profiles can be included in a custom SIP Profile.
One Touch Profile - The One Touch Profile Screen is used to configure all parameters for SIP packets
with a single command.
SIP Profile - SIP Profile Screens are used to configure custom SIP Profiles and assign the profiles to
switches/ports in the network to specify how SIP traffic is handled.
Global Param Profile - Used to configure global SIP Profile parameters (e.g., DSCP
marking, call thresholds) and enable/disable SIP Snooping.
Trusted Servers Profile - Used to configure the IP addresses of the Trusted Servers. If a Trusted
Server is configured, only the calls initiated through those servers are supported. If no Trusted
Servers are configured, all SIP based calls using any call server are supported.
Threshold Profile - Used to configure SIP Snooping threshold parameters (e.g., jitter, packet loss).
SOS Profile - Used to configure SOS call strings.
TCP Port Profile - Used to configure a TCP port(s) for SIP Snooping.
UDP Port Profile - Used to configure a UDP port(s) for SIP Snooping.
Device View - The Device View Screen displays SIP Profile configuration for any SIP-enabled switch
in the network.
Settings - The Settings Screen is used to enable/disable and configure data retention parameters for SIP

SIP Overview
Ever increasing applications and their need for network resources keep demand on networks high. Critical applications
like real-time voice, video and mission critical data applications continue to grow, and bandwidth needs are growing at a
faster pace than the network technologies that need to address them. Therefore it is essential to differentiate traffic,
based on application, user and context, and provide applicable service levels for each. Voice and video traffic should be
prioritized over non-voice traffic; and mission critical data traffic should be provided bandwidth guarantees for better
performance. SIP is used for creating, modifying, and terminating media sessions; and applying QoS parameters to SIP

The SIP Snooping feature snoops voice quality metrics of media streams from their corresponding control packets and
displays them to the user with knowledge of media reception quality in real time and helps to diagnose the problems on
their quality. In addition, traps can be generated when voice/video/data quality parameters cross user configured

Active Calls
The SIP Active Calls Screen is used to display Active Call Record data for selected SIP-enabled switches. To display
Active Call Records, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker or Use Topology), then click on the
Select Devices button to select the switches you want to view. The Active Call Records for the selected switches will be
displayed in the table.

By default, the aggregated call records are displayed. The data is an aggregate of all Active Calls on SIP- enabled
switches. You can also click on the View Detailed Call button at the top of the table to display detailed call records the
selected switches.

Viewing Active Call Records

As described above, you can display aggregated or detailed call records in the table. You can also click on a switch(es)
in the table to display a graphical representation of the call records.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Aggregated Records
Aggregated Records are call data for any active calls on the network. The data is an aggregate of all active calls on SIP-
enabled switches.

Device - The device name.

Start Time - The call start date and time.
Calls Count - The total number of calls processed for SIP Snooping.
RTCP Packet Count - The total number of Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) packets received by device.
RTP Packet Count - The total number of Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet received by device.
Avg Pkt Loss - The average number of SIP packet received by device.
Avg Jitter - The average jitter, in milliseconds.
Avg RTD - The average Round Trip Delay (RTD).
Avg RFactor - The average RF Facto.
Avg MOS - The average MOS.

Detailed Records
Detailed Records are detailed call data for any active calls on the network. The tab provides detailed data for each
Active Call.

• Device - The Device name.

• Call ID - The call ID.
• Tag A - The call tag for call direction A to B.
• Tag B - The call tag for call direction B to A.
• IP Addr A Type - The IP type for call direction A to B type (e.g., IPv4).
• IP Addr A - The IP address for call direction A to B.
• IP Addr B Type - The IP type for call direction B to A type (e.g., IPv4).
• IP Address B - The IP address for call direction B to A.
• L4 Port A - The call L4 port for call direction A to B.
• L4 Port B - The call L4 port for call direction B to A.
• SIP Medial Type - The SIP Media Type (e.g., Voice, Video)
• Start Time - The call start date and time.
• RTP Count A - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction A to B.
• RTCP Type A - The call Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) packet count for call direction A to B.
• Rule Name A - The policy rule name for call direction A to B.
• RTP Count B - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction B to A.
• RTCP Count B - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction B to A.
• Rule Name B - The policy rule name for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Violations A - The call RTCP jitter violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Violations B - The call RTCP jitter violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• RTD Violation A - The call round trip delay violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• RTD Violation B - The call round trip delay violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Violations A - Call packet loss violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Violations B - The call packet loss violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• MOS Violations A - The call MOS violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• MOS Violations B - The call MOS violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Violations A - The call RF Factor Violation (%) for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Violations B - The call RF Factor Violation (%) for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Max A - The call maximum jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Min A - The call minimum jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Avg A - The call average jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Max B - The call maximum jitter for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Min B - The call minimum jitter for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Avg B - The call average jitter for call direction B to A.
• RTD Max A - The call maximum round trip delay for direction A to B.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• RTD Min A - The call minimum round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Avg A - The call average round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Max B - The call maximum round trip delay for direction B to A.
• RTD Min B - The call minimum round trip delay for direction B to A.
• RTD Avg B - The call average round trip delay for direction B to A.
• Pkt Loss Max A - The call maximum packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Pkt Loss Min A - The call minimum packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Pkt Loss Avg A - The call average packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Pkt Loss Max B - The call maximum packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• Pkt Loss Min B - The call minimum packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• Pkt Loss Avg B - The call average packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Max A - The call maximum RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Min A - The call minimum RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Avg A - The call average RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Max B - The call maximum RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Min B - The call minimum RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Avg B - The call average RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• MOS Max A - The call maximum MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Min A - The call minimum MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Avg A - The call average MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Max B - The call maximum MOS for call direction B to A.
• MOS Min B - The call minimum MOS for call direction B to A.
• MOS Avg B - The call average MOS for call direction B to A.

Graphical View
You can view a graphical representation of Active Call Records by selecting a switch or switches in the table. By default,
the data for "Jitter" is displayed in bar chart format. However, you can select a different variable from the Variable drop-
down menu; and also change the display to a pie chart by selecting the "Pie" radio button in the Chart Type area.

Ended Calls
The SIP Ended Calls Screen is used to display Ended Call Record data for selected SIP-enabled switches. To display
Ended Call Records, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker or Use Topology), then click on the
Select Devices button to select the switches you want to view. You can also configure a Start Time and End Time to
only display records from a specific time period.

By default, the aggregated call records are displayed. The data is an aggregate of all Active Calls on SIP- enabled
switches. You can also click on the View Detailed Call button at the top of the table to display detailed call records the
selected switches.

Viewing Ended Call Records

As described above, you can display aggregated or detailed call records in the table. You can also click on a switch(es)
in the table to display a graphical representation of the call records.

Aggregated Records
Aggregated Records display call data for any ended calls on the network. The data is an aggregate of all ended calls on
SIP-enabled switches.

Device - The device name.

Start Time - The call start date and time.
End Time - The call end date and time.
Calls Count - The total number of calls processed for SIP Snooping.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
RTCP Packet Count - The total number of Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) packets received by device.
RTP Packet Count - The total number of Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet received by device.
Avg Pkt Loss - The average number of SIP packet received by device.
Avg Jitter - The average jitter, in milliseconds.
Avg RTD - The average Round Trip Delay (RTD).
Avg RFactor - The average RF Facto.
Avg MOS - The average MOS.

Detailed Records
Detailed Records are detailed call data for any ended calls on the network. The tab provides detailed data for each
ended call. The data is an aggregate of all ended calls.

• Device - The Device name.

• Call ID - The call ID.
• Tag A - The call tag for call direction A to B.
• Tag B - The call tag for call direction B to A.
• IP Address A - The IP address for call direction A to B.
• IP Address B - The IP address for call direction B to A.
• Port A - The call L4 port for call direction A to B.
• Port B - The call L4 port for call direction B to A.
• Medial Type - The SIP Media Type (e.g., Voice, Video)
• Start Date - The call start date and time.
• End Date - The call end date and time.
• RTP Count A - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction A to B.
• RTCP Count A - The call Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) packet count for call direction A to B.
• Rule Name A - The policy rule name for call direction A to B.
• RTP Type B - The RTP type for call direction B to A.
• RTCP Count B - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction B to A.
• Rule Count B - The call Real Time Protocol (RTP) packet count for call direction B to A.
• Rule Name B - The policy rule name for call direction B to A.
• End Reason - The end call reason.
• Jitter Violation A - The call RTCP jitter violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Violation B - The call RTCP jitter violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• RTD Violation A - The call round trip delay violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• RTD Violation B - The call round trip delay violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Violation A - The call packet loss violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Violation B - The call packet loss violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• MOS Violation A - The call MOS violations (%) for call direction A to B.
• MOS Violation B - The call MOS violations (%) for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Violation A - The call RF Factor Violation (%) for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Violation B - The call RF Factor Violation (%) for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Max A - The call maximum jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Min A - The call minimum jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Avg A - The call average jitter for call direction A to B.
• Jitter Max B - The call maximum jitter for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Min B - The call minimum jitter for call direction B to A.
• Jitter Avg B - The call average jitter for call direction B to A.
• RTD Max A - The call maximum round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Min A - The call minimum round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Avg A - The call average round trip delay for direction A to B.
• RTD Max B - The call maximum round trip delay for direction B to A.
• RTD Min B - The call minimum round trip delay for direction B to A.
• RTD Avg B - The call average round trip delay for direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Max A - The call maximum packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• Packet Loss Min A - The call minimum packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Avg A - The call average packet loss (%) for call direction A to B.
• Packet Loss Max B - The call maximum packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Min B - The call minimum packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• Packet Loss Avg B - The call average packet loss (%) for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Max A - The call maximum RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Min A - The call minimum RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Avg A - The call average RF Factor for call direction A to B.
• RF Factor Max B - The call maximum RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Min B - The call minimum RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• RF Factor Avg B - The call average RF Factor for call direction B to A.
• MOS Max A - The call maximum MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Min A - The call minimum MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Avg A - The call average MOS for call direction A to B.
• MOS Max B - The call maximum MOS for call direction B to A.
• MOS Min B - The call minimum MOS for call direction B to A.
• MOS Avg B - The call average MOS for call direction B to A.

Graphical View
You can view a graphical representation of Active Call Records by selecting a switch or switches in the table. By default,
the data for "Jitter" is displayed in bar chart format. However, you can select a different variable from the Variable drop-
down menu; and also change the display to a pie chart by selecting the "Pie" radio button in the Chart Type area.

One Touch Profile

The SIP One Touch Profile Screen displays all configured SIP One Touch Profiles, and is used to create, edit, delete,
and apply One Touch Profiles. A Custom SIP Profile can be created and applied to switches on the network using the
SIP Profile Tab. However, a SIP One Touch Profile is an easy way to automatically apply a default SIP Profile to traffic
on SIP-enabled switches.

SIP One Touch Profile Parameters

When a SIP One Touch Profile is created and applied to a switch on the network, the following SIP configuration is
applied to that switch:

Edge Devices

The SIP Snooping Status is set to "Enabled" and the SOS Call Number values configured based on Media
Voice - SOS Call Number 1 Field for the SOS Call Number. Video
- SOS Call Number 2 Field for the SOS Call Number. Other - SOS
Call Number 2 Field for the SOS Call Number.
The Port Mode for all ports on the switch is set to "Automatic". The
Port Status for all ports on the switch is set to "Enabled".
A One Touch Policy Rule is created on the switch.

Non-Edge Devices

The SIP Snooping Status is set to "Enabled" and the SOS Call Number values configured based on Media
Voice - SOS Call Number 1 Field for the SOS Call Number.
Video - SOS Call Number 2 Field for the SOS Call Number.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Other - SOS Call Number 2 Field for the SOS Call Number.
A One Touch Policy Rule is created on the switch.
The user will have to manually set the Port Mode to Force-Edge/Force-Non-Edge from the CLI or by creating
and assigning a custom SIP Profile using the SIP Profile Screen.

One Touch Policy Rule

The One Touch Policy Rule for different media types is detailed below.

Policy Condition - sip audio
Policy Action - dscp 46
Policy Rule - OneTouchSIPRule$Voice condition OneTouchSIPCondition$Voice action
Policy Condition - sip video
Policy Action - dscp 34
Policy Rule - OneTouchSIPRule$Video condition OneTouchSIPCondition$Video action
Policy Condition - sip other
Policy Action - dscp 24
Policy Rule - OneTouchSIPRule$Other condition OneTouchSIPCondition$Other action

SIP One Touch Policy Rule Precedence

PolicyView enables you to define the precedence of policies created in PolicyView. A policy rule's precedence
determines which policy will take effect in the rare case of a conflict.

One Touch SIP Voice Policy Precedence is fixed at 50000. One

Touch SIP Video Policy Precedence is fixed at 44000. One
Touch SIP Other Policy Precedence is fixed at 44001.

Note the following for SIP Policies:

Precedence for two policies can be the same.

SIP Voice Precedence should be higher than Video/Other precedence. SIP
Voice Precedence can overlap in One Touch Voice range.

Note See the PolicyView Help for more information on Policy Precedence and Conflicts.

Creating a SIP One Touch Profile

SIP One Touch Profiles must be unique. You cannot create two profiles with the same name; and you cannot create
duplicate profiles. Two profiles are considered duplicate if they have the same SIP Media Type and SOS Call Number.
To create a SIP One Touch Profile, click on the Create icon . Click on one or more Media Types (Video, Voice, Other)
and enter an SOS Call Number. When you are finished, click on the Create button. The profile will be created and
stored in OmniVista.

After creating a profile, select the profile in the One Touch Profile List and click on the Apply to Devices button to
apply the profile to specific network switches. The profile will be assigned to all ports on the selected switches.

Note: The SIP snooping features allow the detection of emergency calls based on the “to” URI in the
invite message. The SOS string must be the exact URI to be matched in the ‘to” URI; regular expressions
are not supported.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Editing a SIP One Touch Profile

You can edit the SOS Call Numbers for a profile. Select a profile in the One Touch Profile List and click on the Edit icon
. Edit the SOS Call Number(s) and click on the Apply button. The edited profile will be applied to any assigned
switches/ports. Note that you cannot edit the profile name.

Deleting a SIP One Touch Profile

Select a profile in the One Touch Profile List, click on the Delete icon then click OK at the Confirmation Prompt. The
profile will be deleted from the One Touch Profile List and from all assigned switches/ports.

Removing a SIP One Touch Profile

To remove an assigned One Touch Profile from specific switches/ports, select the profile in the SIP List and click on the
Apply to Devices button. Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker or Use Topology) and click on
the Add/Remove Devices button to select the switch(es) from which you want to remove the profile. Move the
switch(es) from the Selected column and click on the Apply button.

Note: Removing a SIP One Touch Profile from a switch does not change the global SIP Snooping Status,
SOS call number, or port parameters.

Applying a SIP One Touch Profile

Select a profile in the One Touch Profile List and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select an option from the drop-
down menu (Use Switch Picker or Use Topology) and click on the Add/Remove Devices button to select the switch(es)
to which you want to apply the profile. Select a Device Type from the drop-down menu (Edge or Non Edge) and click on
the Apply button. The profile will be assigned to all ports on the selected switches.

Note: You can only apply one (1) One Touch Policy to a switch. Only switches without an applied One
Touch Policy will be available for selection. If you want to apply a new One Touch Policy to a switch, you
must first remove the existing policy.

Note: SIP Snooping is not supported in a Multi-Chassis configuration. If Multi-Chassis is configured on a

9000E Series device, that device will not be visible in the device list. If a device is configured in a Multi-
Chassis configuration after opening the SIP application, assigning the device will result in an error
Message. If Multi-Chassis is not configured and a device is not visible in the device list, the device must be
polled so that its status is updated and it will appear in the list.

Viewing SIP One Touch Profiles

The One Touch Profile List displays information for all configured One Touch Profiles. Click on a profile in the list to
display profile details, including the switches to which the profile was assigned, if applicable.

Profile Name - The user-configured name for the profile

Video SOS Call - The SOS Call Number for Video, if configured for the profile.
Voice SOS Call - The SOS Call Number for Voice, if configured for the profile.
Other SOS Call - The SOS Call Number for other media types, if configured for the profile.

SIP Profile
The SIP Profile Screen displays all configured SIP Profiles and is used create, edit, and delete SIP Profiles and apply
profiles to switches/ports in the network. A SIP Profile is basically a "Master" Profile made up of "sub-profile" parameters
configured using Global Params, Trusted Servers, Threshold, Threshold, TCP Port, UDP Port, and SOS Profile

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Creating a SIP Profile

To create a SIP Profile, click on the Create icon and enter a SIP Profile Name. Click on the "Add More Profiles" and
select any sub-profile types you want to include. Select a sub-profile from a drop-down. If necessary, click on the "Add
New" link to go to a sub-profile page and create a new profile, then select the profile form the drop-down list. When you
are finished, click on the Create button. The profile will be created and stored in OmniVista.

Global Params Profile - Used to configure global SIP Profile parameters (e.g., DSCP marking, call
thresholds) and enable/disable SIP Snooping.
Trusted Servers Profile - Used to configure the IP addresses of the Trusted Servers. If a Trusted Server is
configured, only the calls initiated through those servers are supported. If no Trusted Servers are configured, all
SIP based calls using any call server are supported.
Threshold Profile - Used to configure SIP Snooping threshold parameters (e.g., jitter, packet loss).
SOS Profile - Used to configure SOS call strings.
TCP Port Profile - Used to configure a TCP port(s) for SIP Snooping.
UDP Port Profile - Used to configure a UDP port(s) for SIP Snooping.

After creating a profile, select the profile in the SIP Profile List and click on the Apply to Devices button to apply the
profile to specific network switches/ports.

Note: You can only have one of each sub-profile type in a SIP Profile. In other words you cannot have
two (2) different Trusted Server Profiles or two (2) different SOS Profiles.

Editing a SIP Profile

You can add/remove sub-profiles to/from a SIP Profile. Select a profile in the SIP Profile List and click on the Edit icon
. You can select different sub-profiles, click on the Add More Profiles Link to add additional sub- profiles to the SIP
Profile, or click on the "Remove" link next to a sub-profile to remove it from the SIP Profile. When you are finished,
click on the Apply button. The profile will be updated and re-applied to any assigned switches/ports.

Deleting a SIP Profile

Select a profile in the SIP Profile List, click on the Delete icon then click Yes at the Confirmation Prompt. The profile
will be deleted from the SIP Profile List and from all assigned switches/ports.

To remove an assigned SIP Profile from specific switches/ports, select the profile in the SIP List and click on the Apply
to Devices button. Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker or Use Topology) and click on the
Add/Remove Devices button to select the switch(es) from which you want to remove the profile. Move the switch(es)
from the Selected column and click on the Apply button.

To remove the profile from specific ports, click on a switch and click on the Add/Remove Ports button to select the ports
from which you want to remove the profile. Move the port(s) from the Selected column and click on the Apply button.

Applying a SIP Profile

Select a profile in the SIP Profile List and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select an option from the drop-down
menu (Use Switch Picker or Use Topology) and click on the Add/Remove Devices button to select the switch(es) to
which you want to apply the profile. Click on a switch and click on the Add/Remove Ports button to select the ports to
which you want to apply the profile. (You can also click on the "Add Port" link to bring up a list of ports for selection.)

By default, the Port Mode is set to "Automatic". To change the port mode, click on the "Device Config" Link for the
switch to bring up the Device Configuration window and select a different Port Mode:

Automatic - The port Edge/Non-Edge mode is derived from the switch based on LLDP received on the port.
Force Edge - Media TCAM entries are created for dialogs that transverse the port.
Force Non-Edge - Media TCAM entries are note created for dialogs that transverse the port.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note that a port on a device will be considered as an Edge Port if it is” not connected through a link to any other port.

It is connected through a link to another port on which LLDP is disabled.

It has LLDP enabled and is connected through a link to another port on which LLDP is enabled and the remote
capability advertised by that port is "None".

A port on a device will be considered as a Non-Edge Port if:

It has LLDP enabled and is connected through a link to another port on which LLDP is enabled and the remote
capability advertised by that port is either "Bridge" or "Router".

When you are finished, click on the Apply button. The profile will be applied to the selected switch ports.

Note: You can only apply one (1) SIP Policy to a switch. Only switches without an applied One Touch
Policy will be available for selection. If you want to apply a new SIP Policy to a switch, you must first
remove the existing policy.

Note: SIP Snooping is not supported in a Multi-Chassis configuration. If Multi-Chassis is configured on a

9000E Series device, that device will not be visible in the device list. If a device is configured in a Multi-
Chassis configuration after opening the SIP application, assigning the device will result in an error
Message. If Multi-Chassis is not configured and a device is not visible in the device list, the device must be
polled so that its status is updated and it will appear in the list.

Viewing SIP Profiles

The SIP Profile List displays information for all configured SIP Profiles. Click on a profile in the list to display profile
details, including the switches to which the profile was assigned, if applicable.

SIP Profile Name - The user-configured name for the SIP Profile.
SIP Profile Status
In Snyc - The sub-profiles contained in the SIP Profile have not changed since the profile was created.
Out of Sync - A sub-profile contained in the SIP Profile as been edited since it was initially included in
the SIP Profile. Any switches/ports to which the profile was initially applied will retain the original SIP
Profile configuration until the profile is re-applied to the switches/ports.
Unassigned - The SIP profiled has not yet been applied to switches/ports.
Global Params Profile - The name of the Global Parameters Profile contained in the SIP Profile. Global
Parameters include SIP Snooping Enable/Disable, DSCP Marking, and Call Thresholds. Trusted Servers
Profile - The name of the Trusted Servers Profile contained in the SIP Profile. A Trusted Server Profile contains
IP addresses of Trusted Servers. If a Trusted Server is configured, only the calls initiated through those servers
are supported. If no Trusted Servers are configured, all SIP based calls using any call server are supported.
UDP Ports Profile - The name of the UDP Ports Profile contained in the SIP Profile. A UDP Ports Profile
contains TCP Ports configured for SIP Snooping.
TCP Ports Profile - The name of the TCP Ports Profile contained in the SIP Profile. A TCP Ports Profile
contains TCP Ports configured for SIP Snooping.
Threshold Profile - The name of the Threshold Profile contained in the SIP Profile. A Threshold Profile contains
SIP Snooping threshold parameters (e.g., Jitter, Packet Loss).
SOS Profile - The name of the SOS Profile contained in the SIP Profile. An SOS Profile contains a list of SOS
call strings.

Note: The SIP Profile Name only displays if a SIP Profile exists on the switch that completely matches the applied
profile configuration; otherwise the SIP Profile Name field is blank.

Global Params Profile

The SIP Global Params Profile Screen displays all configured SIP Global Parameters Profiles and is used create, edit,
and delete Global Parameter Profiles. A Global Parameters Profile can then be included in a SIP Profile and assigned to
switches/ports in the network.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Creating a Global Parameters Profile

Global Parameter Profiles must be unique. You cannot create two profiles with the same name; and you cannot create
duplicate profiles. Two Global Parameter Profiles are considered duplicate if they have the same DSCP Number, SOS
Call DSCP Number, and Threshold Number of Calls values. To create a Global Parameters Profile, click on the Create
icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the Create button.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name (up to 32 characters).

DSCP Number- The SIP Snooping DSCP number. By default, the packet gets its priority as normal packet
(Range = 0 to 63). If the DSCP Number field is set to "0", the value is set as "NA" on switch. SOS Call
DSCP No. - The SIP Snooping SOS Call DSCP No. (Range = 0 to 63)
Threshold No. of Calls - The Number of call records that can be stored in flash (Range = 50 to 500)
Reserved Hardware Resource - Reserved hardware resources required to program ACLs for media entries.
Each value is a multiple of the default reserved hardware resources.
SIP CPU Rate Limit - The rate limit of SIP PDUs trapping toward CPU (not applicable to SIP PDUs going
towards network port).
SIP Snooping Status - Use the drop-down menu to Enable/Disable SIP Snooping.
Clear Stats - If set to "Yes", when the profile is assigned, existing SIP Statistics are cleared.

Editing a Global Parameters Profile

Select a profile in the Global Params Profile List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described above and
click on the Apply button (note that you cannot edit the profile name). If you edit a Global Parameters Profile that is part
of a SIP Profile, the SIP Profile will be labeled as "Out of Sync" on the SIP Profile Screen. Any device(s)/port(s) that the
now-edited SIP Profile was applied to will retain its current SIP configuration until the SIP Profile is re-applied to those

To apply the edited SIP Profile, go to the SIP Profiles Screen, select the SIP Profile that includes the edited Global
Parameters Profile, and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select the device(s)s/port(s) to which you want to re-
apply the updated SIP Profile, and click on the Apply button.

Deleting a Global Parameters Profile

Select a profile in the Global Params Profile List, click on the Delete icon then click Yes at the Confirmation Prompt.
Note that you cannot delete a Global Parameters Profile that has been applied to a switch as part of a SIP Profile. You
must first remove the SIP Profile from the switch.

Viewing Global Parameters Profiles

The Global Params Profile List displays information for all configured Global Parameter Profiles.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

DSCP Number- The SIP Snooping DSCP number. By default, the packet gets its priority as normal packet
(Range = 0 to 63). If the DSCP Number field is set to "0", the value is set as "NA" on switch.
SOS Call DSCP No. - The SIP Snooping SOS Call DSCP No. (Range = 0 to 63)
Threshold No. of Calls - The Number of call records that can be stored in flash (Range = 50 to 500)
Clear Stats - If set to "Yes", when the profile is assigned, existing SIP Statistics are cleared. Reserved
Hardware Resource - Reserved hardware resources required to program ACLs for media entries. Each value is
a multiple of the default reserved hardware resources.
SIP CPU Rate Limit - The rate limit of SIP PDUs trapping toward CPU (not applicable to SIP PDUs going
towards network port).

Trusted Servers Profile

The SIP Trusted Servers Profile Screen displays all configured Trusted Servers Profiles and is used create, edit, and
delete Trusted Servers Profiles. If a Trusted Server is configured, only calls initiated through those servers are
supported. If no Trusted Servers are configured, all SIP based calls using any call server are supported. You can
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
configure up to eight (8) IP Addresses. A Trusted Server Profile can be included in a SIP Profile and assigned to
switches/ports in the network.

Creating a Trusted Servers Profile

When creating a Trusted Servers Profile, the Profile Name, and at least one IP Address are required. Profiles must be
unique. You cannot create two (2) profiles with the same name; and you cannot create duplicate profiles. Two Trusted
Server Profiles are considered duplicate if they have the same IP Addresses in the same IP Address field. For example,
if Profile 1 was created with IP Address 1 and IP Address 2 specified as and; and Profile 2 was created with IP Address 1 and IP Address 2 specified as and;
and Profile 3 was created with IP Address 2 and IP Address 3 specified as and; Profile 1 and Profile
2 would be duplicate profiles, but Profile 1 and Profile 3 would not.

Note: When you apply a new Trusted Servers Profile as part of a SIP Profile it completely removes
the previous Trusted Servers configuration on the switch and configures the Trusted Server IP
Addresses provided in the new profile.

To create a Trusted Servers Profile, click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you
are finished, click on the Create button.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name (up to 32 characters).

IP Address List - Enter a Trusted Server IP address and click on the Add icon . Repeat to add additional
servers. You can configure up to eight (8) IP Addresses. At least one IP Address is required for the profile.
“” is considered as an invalid Trusted Server IP Address.

Editing a Trusted Servers Profile

Select a profile in the Trusted Servers Profile List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described above and
click on the Apply button (note that you cannot edit the profile name). If you edit a Trusted Servers Profile that is part of
a SIP Profile, the SIP Profile will be labeled as "Out of Sync" on the SIP Profile Screen. Any device(s)/port(s) that the
now-edited SIP Profile was applied to will retain its current SIP configuration until the SIP Profile is re-applied to those

To apply the edited SIP Profile, go to the SIP Profiles Screen, select the SIP Profile that includes the edited Trusted
Servers Profile, and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select the device(s)s/port(s) to which you want to re-apply
the updated SIP Profile, and click on the Apply button.

Deleting a Trusted Servers Profile

Select a profile in the Trusted Servers Profile List, click on the Delete icon then click Yes at the Confirmation Prompt.
Note that you cannot delete a Trusted Servers Profile that has been applied to a switch as part of a SIP Profile. You
must first remove the SIP Profile from the switch.

Viewing Trusted Servers Profiles

The Trusted Servers List displays information for all configured Trusted Servers Profiles.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

IP Address List - IP addresses of Trusted Servers included in the profile.

Threshold Profile
The SIP Threshold Profile Screen displays all configured Threshold Profiles and is used create, edit, and delete
Threshold Profiles for SIP Snooping (e.g., jitter, packet loss). A Threshold Profile can be included in a SIP Profile and
assigned to switches/ports in the network. (e.g., jitter, packet loss).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Creating a Threshold Profile

When creating a Threshold Profile, the Profile Name, at least one (1) medium (e.g., Audio, Video Other), and at least
one of the performance parameter fields (e.g., Jitter, Packet Loss) are required. Profiles must be unique. You cannot
create two profiles with the same name; and you cannot create duplicate profiles. Two Threshold Profiles are
considered duplicate if they have the same values in the performance parameter fields (e.g., Jitter, Packet Loss). Follow
the steps below to create a Threshold Profile.

To create a Threshold Profile, click on the Create icon and complete the fields for one or more medium as described
below. When you are finished, click on the Create button.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name (up to 32 characters).

Jitter - The Jitter Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 to 300, Defaults = Audio - 50, Video - 100, Other -
Packet Loss - The Packet Loss Threshold, in % (Range = 0 to 99, Defaults = Audio - 10, Video - 20, Other -
Round Trip Delay - The Round Trip Delay Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 to 500, Defaults = Audio -
80, Video - 250, Other - 250).
R Factor - The R-Factor Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 - 100, Defaults = Audio - 70, Video - 80, Other -
MOS - The MOS Value Threshold (Range = 0 - 5, Defaults = Audio - 3.6, Video - 3.0, Other - 3.0). Note that the
previous MOS range was 0 - 50. The current range of 0 - 5 represents 1/10th of the previous values.

Note: Applying a new Threshold Profile will modify the threshold values for the specified performance parameter

Editing a Threshold Profile

Select a profile in the Threshold Profile List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described above and click on
the Apply button (note that you cannot edit the profile name). If you edit a Threshold Profile that is part of a SIP Profile,
the SIP Profile will be labeled as "Out of Sync" on the SIP Profile Screen. Any device(s)/port(s) that the now-edited SIP
Profile was applied to will retain its current SIP configuration until the SIP Profile is re-applied to those devices.

To apply the edited SIP Profile, go to the SIP Profiles Screen, select the SIP Profile that includes the edited Threshold
Profile, and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select the device(s)s/port(s) to which you want to re-apply the
updated SIP Profile, and click on the Apply button.

Deleting a Threshold Profile

Select a profile in the Threshold Profile List, click on the Delete icon then click Yes at the Confirmation Prompt. Note
that you cannot delete a Threshold Profile that has been applied to a switch as part of a SIP Profile. You must first
remove the SIP Profile from the switch.

Viewing Threshold Profiles

The Threshold Profile List displays information for all configured Threshold Profiles.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

Jitter - The Jitter Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 to 300, Defaults = Audio - 50, Video - 100, Other -
Packet Loss - The Packet Loss Threshold, in % (Range = 0 to 99, Defaults = Audio - 10, Video - 20, Other -
Round Trip Delay - The Round Trip Delay Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 to 500, Defaults = 1Audio -
80, Video - 250, Other - 250).
R Factor - The R-Factor Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 - 100, Defaults = Audio - 70, Video - 80, Other -
MOS - The MOS Value Threshold (Range = 0 - 5, Defaults = Audio - 3.6, Video - 3.0, Other - 3.0). Note that the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
previous MOS range was 0 - 50. The current range of 0 - 5 represents 1/10th of the previous values.

SOS Profile
The SIP SOS Profile Screen displays all configured SOS Profiles and is used create, edit, and delete SOS Profiles for
SIP Snooping. A SOS Profile can be included in a SIP Profile and assigned to switches/ports in the network. (e.g., jitter,
packet loss).

Creating an SOS Profile

When creating an SOS Profile, the Profile Name, and at least one SOS Call Number are required. Profiles must be
unique. You cannot create two profiles with the same name; and you cannot create duplicate profiles. Two SOS Profiles
are considered duplicate if they have the same SOS Call Number in the same SOS Call Number field. For example, if
Profile 1 was created with SOS Call Number 1 and SOS Call Number 2 specified as abcd and 1234; and Profile 2 was
created with SOS Call Number 1 and SOS Call Number 2 specified as abcd and 1234; and Profile 3 was created with
SOS Call Number 2 and SOS Call Number 3 specified as abcd and 1234; Profile 1 and Profile 2 would be duplicate
profiles, but Profile 1 and Profile 3 would not.

Note: When you apply a new SOS Profile it completely removes the previous SOS Call Number
configuration on the switch and configures the SOS Call Numbers provided in the new profile.

To create an SOS Profile, click on the Create icon and complete the fields for one or more medium as described
below. When you are finished, click on the Create button.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name (up to 32 characters).

SOS Call Number List - Enter a call string for the profile and click on the Add icon . Repeat to add additional
numbers. The SIP Snooping features allow the detection of emergency calls based on the “to” URI in the invite
message. You can configure up to Configuration allows up to 4 SOS call strings. The string must be the exact
URI to be matched in the ‘to” URI; regular expression is not supported. By default, no SOS number is configured
for SIP Snooping. (Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, @.)

Note: If the SOS Call Number field is left blank, when the profile is assigned to a switch, OmniVista will erase
that SOS Call Number on the switch, if it existed previously.

Editing an SOS Profile

Select a profile in the SOS Profile List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described above. Click on Add
icon and enter a number to add an additional number. Click on the Delete icon to remove an existing number.
When you are finished, click on the Apply button (note that you cannot edit the profile name).

If you edit an SOS Profile that is part of a SIP Profile, the SIP Profile will be labeled as "Out of Sync" on the SIP Profile
Screen. Any device(s)/port(s) that the now-edited SIP Profile was applied to will retain its current SIP configuration until
the SIP Profile is re-applied to those devices.

To apply the edited SIP Profile, go to the SIP Profiles Screen, select the SIP Profile that includes the edited SOS Profile,
and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select the device(s)s/port(s) to which you want to re- apply the updated SIP
Profile, and click on the Apply button.

Deleting an SOS Profile

Select a profile in the SOS Profile List, click on the Delete icon then click Yes at the Confirmation Prompt. Note that
you cannot delete an SOS Profile that has been applied to a switch as part of a SIP Profile. You must first remove the
SIP Profile from the switch.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Viewing SOS Profiles

The SOS Profile List displays information for all configured SOS Profiles.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

SOS Call Number List - The SOS number(s) configured for the profile.

TCP Port Profile

The SIP TCP Port Profile Screen displays all configured TCP Port Profiles and is used create, edit, and delete TCP Port
Profiles. A TCP Port Profile can be included in a SIP Profile and assigned to switches/ports in the network. You can
configure up to eight (8) TCP Ports on SIP Snooping devices.

Creating a TCP Port Profile

When creating a TCP Port Profile, the Profile Name, and at least one TCP Port are required. Profiles must be unique.
You cannot create two profiles with the same name; and you cannot create duplicate profiles. Two TCP Port Profiles are
considered duplicate if they have the same TCP Port Number in the same TCP Port field. For example, if Profile 1 was
created with TCP Port 1 and TCP Port 2 specified as 30 and 40; and Profile 2 was created with TCP Port 1 and TCP
Port 2 specified as 30 and 40; and Profile 3 was created with TCP Port 2 and TCP Port 3 specified as 30 and 40; Profile
1 and Profile 2 would be duplicates, but Profile 1 and Profile 3 would not.

Note: When you apply a new TCP Port Profile it completely removes the previous TCP Ports
configuration on the switch and configures the TCP Ports provided in the new profile.

To create a TCP Port Profile, click on the Create icon and complete the fields for one or more medium as described
below. When you are finished, click on the Create button.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name (up to 32 characters).

TCP Port List - Enter a TCP Port Number for the profile and click on the Add icon . Repeat to add additional
ports. You can configure up to eight (8) TCP Ports on SIP Snooping devices (Port Range 0 - 65535).

Editing a TCP Port Profile

Select a profile in the TCP Port Profile List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described above. Click on
Add icon and enter a port to add an additional port. Click on the Delete icon to remove an existing port. When you
are finished, click on the Apply button (note that you cannot edit the profile name).

If you edit a TCP Port Profile that is part of a SIP Profile, the SIP Profile will be labeled as "Out of Sync" on the SIP
Profile Screen. Any device(s)/port(s) that the now-edited SIP Profile was applied to will retain its current SIP
configuration until the SIP Profile is re-applied to those devices.

To apply the edited SIP Profile, go to the SIP Profiles Screen, select the SIP Profile that includes the edited TCP Port
Profile, and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select the device(s)s/port(s) to which you want to re-apply the
updated SIP Profile, and click on the Apply button.

Deleting a TCP Port Profile

Select a profile in the TCP Port Profile List, click on the Delete icon then click Yes at the Confirmation Prompt. Note
that you cannot delete a TCP Port Profile that has been applied to a switch as part of a SIP Profile. You must first
remove the SIP Profile from the switch.

Viewing TCP Port Profiles

The TCP Port Profile List displays information for all configured TCP Port Profiles.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
TCP Port List - The TCP Port(s) configured for the profile.

UDP Port Profile

The SIP UDP Port Profile Screen displays all configured UDP Port Profiles and is used create, edit, and delete UDP
Port Profiles. A UDP Port Profile can be included in a SIP Profile and assigned to switches/ports in the network. You can
configure up to eight (8) UDP Ports on SIP Snooping devices.

Creating a UDP Port Profile

When creating a UDP Port Profile, the Profile Name, and at least one UDP Port are required. Profiles must be unique.
You cannot create two profiles with the same name; and you cannot create duplicate profiles. Two UDP Port Profiles are
considered duplicate if they have the same UDP Port Numbers in the same UDP Port field. For example, if Profile 1 was
created with UDP Port 1 and UDP Port 2 specified as 30 and 40; and Profile 2 was created with UDP Port 1 and UDP
Port 2 specified as 30 and 40; and Profile 3 was created with UDP Port 2 and UDP Port 3 specified as 30 and 40; Profile
1 and Profile 2 would be duplicates, but Profile 1 and Profile 3 would not.

Note: When you apply a new UDP Port Profile it completely removes the previous UDP Ports
configuration on the switch and configures the UDP Ports provided in the new profile.

To create a UDP Port Profile, click on the Create icon and complete the fields for one or more medium as described
below. When you are finished, click on the Create button.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name (up to 32 characters).

UDP Port List - Enter a UDP Port Number for the profile and click on the Add icon . Repeat to add additional
ports. You can configure up to eight (8) UDP Ports on SIP Snooping devices (Port Range 0 - 65535).

Editing a UDP Port Profile

Select a profile in the UDP Port Profile List and click on the Edit icon . Edit the fields as described above. Click on
Add icon and enter a port to add an additional port. Click on the Delete icon to remove an existing port. When you
are finished, click on the Apply button (note that you cannot edit the profile name).

If you edit an UDP Port Profile that is part of a SIP Profile, the SIP Profile will be labeled as "Out of Sync" on the SIP
Profile Screen. Any device(s)/port(s) that the now-edited SIP Profile was applied to will retain its current SIP
configuration until the SIP Profile is re-applied to those devices.

To apply the edited SIP Profile, go to the SIP Profiles Screen, select the SIP Profile that includes the edited UDP Port
Profile, and click on the Apply to Devices button. Select the device(s)s/port(s) to which you want to re-apply the
updated SIP Profile, and click on the Apply button.

Deleting a UDP Port Profile

Select a profile in the UDP Port Profile List, click on the Delete icon then click Yes at the Confirmation Prompt. Note
that you cannot delete a UDP Port Profile that has been applied to a switch as part of a SIP Profile. You must first
remove the SIP Profile from the switch.

Viewing UDP Port Profiles

The UDP Port Profile List displays information for all configured UDP Port Profiles.

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

UDP Port List - The UDP Port(s) configured for the profile.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Device View
The SIP Device View Screen displays the SIP Profile configuration and SIP statistics for any SIP-enabled switch in the
network. Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology) and click on the Select Device
button to select a switch. Click on a profile type to view configuration information. The following SIP configuration
information is displayed for the selected switch.

SIP Profile
TCP Port Profile UDP
Port Profile Global
Param Profile
Trusted Server Profile
Threshold Profile SOS
SIP Statistics

SIP Profile

SIP Profile Name - The user-configured name for the SIP Profile.
SIP Profile Status
In Snyc - The sub-profiles contained in the SIP Profile have not changed since the profile was created.
Out of Sync - A sub-profile contained in the SIP Profile as been edited since it was initially included in
the SIP Profile. Any switches/ports to which the profile was initially applied will retain the original SIP
Profile configuration until the profile is re-applied to the switches/ports.
Unassigned - The SIP profiled has not yet been applied to switches/ports.
Global Params Profile - The name of the Global Parameters Profile contained in the SIP Profile. Global
Parameters include SIP Snooping Enable/Disable, DSCP Marking, and Call Thresholds. Trusted Servers
Profile - The name of the Trusted Servers Profile contained in the SIP Profile. A Trusted Server Profile contains
IP addresses of Trusted Servers. If a Trusted Server is configured, only the calls initiated through those servers
are supported. If no Trusted Servers are configured, all SIP based calls using any call server are supported.
UDP Ports Profile - The name of the UDP Ports Profile contained in the SIP Profile. A UDP Ports Profile
contains TCP Ports configured for SIP Snooping.
TCP Ports Profile - The name of the TCP Ports Profile contained in the SIP Profile. A TCP Ports Profile
contains TCP Ports configured for SIP Snooping.
Threshold Profile - The name of the Threshold Profile contained in the SIP Profile. A Threshold Profile contains
SIP Snooping threshold parameters (e.g., Jitter, Packet Loss).
SOS Profile - The name of the SOS Profile contained in the SIP Profile. An SOS Profile contains a list of SOS
call strings.

TCP Port Profile

Profile Name - User-configured TCP Port Profile name.

TCP Port List - The TCP Port(s) configured for the profile.

UDP Port Profile

Profile Name - User-configured UDP Port Profile name (up to 32 characters).

UDP Port List - The UDP Port(s) configured for the profile.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Global Param Profile

Profile Name - User-configured Global Parameter Profile name.

DSCP Number- The SIP Snooping DSCP number. By default, the packet gets its priority as normal packet
(Range = 0 to 63). If the DSCP Number field is set to "0", the value is set as "NA" on switch.
SOS Call DSCP No. - The SIP Snooping SOS Call DSCP No. (Range = 0 to 63)
Threshold No. of Calls - The Number of call records that can be stored in flash (Range = 50 to 500)
Clear Stats - If set to "Yes", when the profile is assigned, existing SIP Statistics are cleared.
Reserved Hardware Resource - Reserved hardware resources required to program ACLs for media entries.
Each value is a multiple of the default reserved hardware resources.
SIP CPU Rate Limit - The rate limit of SIP PDUs trapping toward CPU (not applicable to SIP PDUs going
towards network port).

Trusted Server Profile

Profile Name - User-configured Trusted Server Profile name.

IP Address List - IP addresses of Trusted Servers included in the profile.

Threshold Profile

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

Jitter - The Jitter Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 to 300, Defaults = Audio - 50, Video - 100, Other -
Packet Loss - The Packet Loss Threshold, in % (Range = 0 to 99, Defaults = Audio - 10, Video - 20, Other -
Round Trip Delay - The Round Trip Delay Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 to 500, Defaults = 1Audio -
80, Video - 250, Other - 250).
R Factor - The R-Factor Threshold, in milliseconds (Range = 0 - 100, Defaults = Audio - 70, Video - 80, Other -
MOS - The MOS Value Threshold (Range = 0 - 5, Defaults = Audio - 3.6, Video - 3.0, Other - 3.0). Note that the
previous MOS range was 0 - 50. The current range of 0 - 5 represents 1/10th of the previous values.

SOS Profile

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

SOS Call Number List - The SOS number(s) configured for the profile.

SIP Statistics

• Total calls processed - Total calls processed for SIP Snooping.

• Total audio streams - Total audio streams.
• Total video streams - Total video streams.
• Total other streams - Total other streams.
• Total audio streams that crossed threshold - Total audio streams that exceeded threshold.
• Total video streams that crossed threshold - Total video streams that exceeded threshold.
• Total other streams that crossed threshold - Total other streams that exceeded threshold.
• Number of active calls - Number of active calls.
• Number of active audio streams - Number of active audio streams.
• Number of active video streams - Number of active video streams.
• Number of active other streams - Number of active other streams.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
• Number of SIP packet received by hardware - Number of SIP packets received by hardware.
• Number of SIP packet received by software - Number of SIP packets received by software.
• Number of SIP packet received by per method - Method by which the SIP packet was received
(Invite, Ack, Bye, Update and Prack).
• Number of SIP response packet received - Number of SIP response packets received.
• Number of discarded/malformed/unsupported SIP packets - Number of discarded, malformed or
unsupported SIP packets.
• Number of discarded SIP packets not from/to trusted servers - Number of discarded SIP packets
not from or to trusted servers.
• Number of dropped SIP packets due the software error - Number of SIP packets dropped due the
software error. (e.g., NI overflow, NI/CMM, CMM overflow).
• Total Emergency Calls - Total number of Emergency Calls.

SIP Settings
The SIP Settings Screen is used to enable/disable and configure data retention parameters for SIP data. Configure a
field and click on the Apply button. The change takes effect immediately. Note that you can click on Revert button
before applying a change to return a field to its previous value. The definitions below apply to both Detailed and
Aggregate Records Data.

Exclude Authorization Call - Use the slider to configure whether or not to include (On) or exclude (Off)
Authorization Calls when collecting SIP data.
Enable Data Retention Policy - Use the slider to Enable/Disable data retention. When Data Retention is
enabled, information that is older than the number of days specified in the "Days To Retain" field is automatically
deleted from the database. In addition, the number of days the data has been retained is listed. If Data Retention
is disabled, OmniVista will not remove detailed/aggregated data from database and will accumulate unbounded
data. To purge all call record data, click the Purge All button, then click Yes at the confirmation prompt. To
refresh the data display with the most recent information, click on the Refresh icon .
Days to Retain - Set the number of days to retain SIP Data. Default for Detailed Data is 30 Days. Default
for Aggregate Data is 365 Days.
Number of Records - The total number of records since the last data purge. Note that when the number of
records exceeds 100,000, the color of the “Number of Records" text will change to RED to indicate that a
change in database retention policy should be made to reduce the number of records.
Days Retained - The number of days the data has been retained since the last data purge.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

22.0 Topology
The Topology application enables you to view the topology of devices in the network, view information about a specific
device and perform certain operations on those devices (e.g., edit a device, telnet to a device, reboot a device). You can
view devices in a topology map in various ways. For example, you can view all discovered devices in the Physical
Network Map (default), and you can create custom maps that enable you to group and display devices in a way that is
meaningful for your individual network configuration. You can also highlight specific devices or links, and re-arrange
devices in a map and save that new map view. The figure below provides an overview of some of the functions that can
be performed in the Topology application. Specific functions available when working with maps are detailed below.

The Physical Network Map (shown above) is the default map view. It displays all network devices. The
devices/maps you can see depend on your Role and permissions as configured in the Users and User Groups
application (Security - Users and User Groups). You can also create Custom Maps, or configure Dynamic Logical
Maps. These maps are logical maps created from devices in the Physical Network Map.

Note: Devices must first be discovered using the Discovery application before they are displayed in

Working with Maps

The Topology application not only provides an overview of the network, it can also be used to perform many functions
that you can use to view and configure network devices. These functions are detailed in the following sections:

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Working with Topology Maps
Viewing Map Information
Map Clusters
Customizing Maps
Customizing Map Colors
Changing the Map Layout
Selecting Devices
Highlighting Devices/Links/Alarms
Searching for Devices/Links
Creating/Cloning/Editing/Deleting Maps
Viewing Different Maps
Working with Network Devices Viewing
Device Information Performing
Device Operations Creating a
New Device

Working with Topology Maps

There are a number of options for viewing Topology maps in OmniVista. You can highlight devices or links by different
criteria (e.g., device type, device admin state, link admin state, alarm severity), change the map layout, search for
specific devices in the map, or create custom logical maps. Note that the maps that you can view and the tasks you can
perform in Topology (e.g., creating maps, creating devices) depend on your User Role and User Group (e.g.,
Administrator, Network Administrator) as defined in the Users and User Groups application).

Viewing Map Information

Topology maps provide a visual representation of the network. The administrative status of the device or link is
indicated by color (described below), and detailed information can be displayed by clicking on device or link.

Each device type is displayed with a unique symbol as shown in the table below. Device status (e.g., Up, Down) is
displayed in the small circle to the left of the device label (e.g., IP address, device name). Notifications status is
displayed in a small circle in the upper-right corner of the device. This indicates the status of device traps received (e.g.,
Normal, Minor). Note that this Notifications status is only displayed if traps have been configured on the device. Click on
a device to view detailed information about the device (e.g., device type, software version).

Symbol Device
OS9000/ 9000E

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Symbol Device
OS9700/ 9700E



Wireless Controller

Access Point


Third-Party Device

Device Status
Device status is displayed in the small circle to the left of the device label (e.g., IP address, device name).

Green = Up (Device is up)

Orange = Warning (indicates that traps have been received on the device. The highest level of trap received by
the device is displayed (Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) in the Notifications Status).
Red = Down (Device is down)

Note: The colors above are the default Device Status colors. You can change the colors using the Network Status
Screen in the Preferences application (Preferences - User Settings - Colors - Network Status).

Notifications Status
Notifications status displayed in the small circle in the upper right corner of the device. When a device status is "Major"
(Yellow), it indicates that traps have been received on the device; and the highest level of trap received by the device is

No Circle = Alarm status is Normal.

Green = Alarm status is Warning.
Purple = Alarm status is Minor.
Yellow = Alarm status is Major.
Red = Alarm status is Critical.

Note: The colors above are the default Notifications colors. You can change the colors using the Alarms
Screen in the Preferences application (Preferences - User Settings - Colors - Alarms).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Links between devices are displayed as a single line, whether there is a single link or multiple links. "Blue" indicates the
link is up. (If there are multiple links, blue indicates all of the links are up.) "Red" indicates the link is down. (If there are
multiple links and even one of the links is down, the link will display Red.)

To display detailed link information, move the mouse over the link until the pointer turns into a finger and click. Link
information is displayed on the right side of the screen as shown below. If there is a single link, the information is
displayed for that link (as shown on the left below). If there are multiple links, a list of the links is displayed (as shown on
the right). Click on a link to display details for the link. Click on the "Back" link to return to the list of links.

The information displayed varies depending on the link type.

Origin - The origin of the link (LLDP, AMAP, Manual).

Local IP - The IP address of the first device in the link.
Local Port - The slot and port that connect the link on the first device, specified above.
Local LAG ID - If this is a link aggregation link, this field displays the Link Aggregation reference number
assigned by the first device when the link aggregation group was created.
Remote IP - The IP address of the second device in the link.
Remote LAG ID - If this is a link aggregation link, this field displays the Link Aggregation reference number
assigned by the second device when the link aggregation group was created.
Type - The media type of the link.
Status - The status of the link (Up, Down, Unknown).

Map Clusters
When you zoom out for an overview of the network, devices are grouped into clusters, as shown below. Devices are
grouped based on their proximity to each other in the map. Each cluster displays the status of devices in the cluster and
the number of devices in the cluster, along with a Trap Status indicator at the top of the cluster.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

If all devices in a cluster are "Up", the cluster circle displays in Blue. If any device in the cluster is "Down", the cluster
circle displays in Red. Click on a cluster to display all of the devices in the cluster in the Detail Panel. You can then click
on a device to view device details or perform an operation on the device. The small circle at the top of the cluster
displays the status of the highest severity trap generated by any device in the cluster. For example, if the highest level
severity trap for any device in the cluster is "Critical", the circle will be Red. If the highest level severity trap for any
device in the cluster is "Warning", the circle will be Green. If all traps generated by all devices in a cluster are "Normal",
the Trap Status circle will not be displayed. The default trap status colors are shown below.

No Circle = Alarm status is Normal.

Green = Alarm status is Warning.
Purple = Alarm status is Minor.
Yellow = Alarm status is Major.
Red = Alarm status is Critical.

Note: You can change the default colors using the Alarms Screen in the Preferences application
(Preferences - User Settings - Colors - Alarms).

Customizing Maps
You can customize the map display (e.g., map background, device/link status colors) and map layout.

Customizing Map Display

You can change the default map, map colors (link up/down, device label, map background) by clicking on the
Configuration icon at the top right corner of the map to bring up the Configuration Window (shown below).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Favorite Map - Used to set the default map displayed when you log into OmniVista. Select a map from the
drop-down menu to set the default map. By default, the Physical Network Map is displayed.
Color - Click on the arrow next to a field to configure a different color, click Choose, then click on the
Save button. The changes take effect immediately.
Link Priority - Used to set the order in which links are displayed in the Details Panel when a multiple link is
selected on a map.

Note: You can change the information e.g., IP address, Device Name, DNS Name) displayed under
device on a map using the Device Naming Screen in the Preferences application (Administrator -
Preferences - User Settings - Device Naming). This changes the how devices are identified and displayed
in all applications in OmniVista.

Changing the Map Layout

You can change the basic layout of a map by clicking on one of the Map Layout options in the lower left corner of the
screen, as described below:

Circular Layout - Arranges all of the devices in a circular pattern.

Aligned Layout (Default) - Arranges all of the devices in rows.
Circularize Connected Nodes - Select a device in the map and click on this option to display all nodes
connected to the selected device in a circular pattern.

You can also change the layout of a map by selecting a device and dragging it to a new location. You can also select
multiple devices and move them. (Note that there is a minimum distance required between devices. If a device snaps
back to its original position, you must move it further from its neighboring devices.) Click on the Save icon at the top
of the map to save the layout changes. You can also zoom in or out on a map using the Zoom control at the bottom of
the map; and you can move an entire map on the screen by clicking anywhere outside the map and dragging the map to
a new location on the screen.

Note: If try to leave a map view or leave the Topology application without saving the new layout, you will be
prompted to save it. Click Save at the confirmation prompt to save the new layout. The map will appear with the
new layout the next time it is opened.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Selecting Devices
You can select a single device in a map to perform an operation by clicking on the device. If you want to select multiple
devices for an operation, enable the Multiple On slider at the top of the map and click and drag to select a group of
devices. The devices will appear in a list in the Detail Panel on the right side of the screen (click on the Remove button
to remove a device from the list). You can then select an operation (e.g., Copy Devices to Map, Poll for Traps, Reboot)
to perform on the devices. Note that the operations available depend on the device type(s) selected and whether or not
you select a single device or multiple devices. You can also select all devices in a map by clicking on the Select All
checkbox at the top of the map.

Highlighting Devices/Links/Alarms
You can highlight a devices or links in a map by selecting one or more of Highlight criteria on the left side of the screen
(Highlight Device, Highlight Link, Highlight Alarm). When you select one or more of the criteria (e.g., Status Up, Stack,
Critical Alarm), only those devices/links matching the all of the selected criteria are displayed in the map. To return to
the original map view, click on the selection criteria again to de-select it. You can highlight devices/links based on the
following criteria.

• Highlight Device
o Status
 Up
 Down
 Warning
o Type
 Stack
 Virtual Chassis
o Configuration
 Need Certify
 Unsaved
o Synchronization
 Need Synchronize
• Highlight Link
o Status
 Up
 Down
o Type
 Aggregate
 Manual Link
 Discovered Link
• Highlight Alarm
o Critical
o Major
o Minor
o Warning
o Normal

Searching for Devices/Links

You can search for a device(s) or link(s) in the currently displayed map, or search in all maps. At the top of the map,
select "Current Map" or "All Maps" from the drop-down menu. Click on the "Search" area to see a list of search criteria
that you can search on (e.g., IP address, MAC address, Link Title, Local IP). Enter the search information. Any
device(s)/link(s) matching the criteria will be displayed in a list below the Search area. Click on an item to highlight the
device/link in the map. Click on the x in the "Search" area to delete the search criteria and begin a new search.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Creating/Cloning/Editing/Deleting Maps
The Physical Network Map view (Default) displays all network devices. You can also create Custom Maps, or configure
Dynamic Logical Maps. These maps are logical maps created from devices in the Physical Network Map. You can
create multiple maps (Custom and Dynamic), and a device can be included in multiple maps.

Note: Admin and Netadmin Users can create/edit/delete maps.

Creating Maps

Click on the New Map button at the top of the screen. The Create Custom Map window will appear. Complete the fields
as described below to create either a Custom Map or a Dynamic Map. When you are finished, click on the Create
button to create the map.

Map Name - Enter a unique name for the map. You cannot duplicate the name of an existing map.
Background - If you want to change the default background for the map, select an image option, then select
the background from the drop-down menu:
Upload New - Click on the Browse button to locate a new background image, then select the image
from the drop-down menu.
Existing Images - Select an existing image from the drop-down menu.
Dynamic Map (to create a Dynamic Map) - You can use a filter to create a map that will dynamically
add/remove devices from a map. Set the Dynamic Map slider to "On". Click on the Filter button to bring up the
Filter Selection Window, and select a filter to apply to the map. If necessary, click on the Create icon to
create a new filter. (You can create a filter for IP address, Device Type, AOS Version, or Device Location.)
Devices will now be added to/removed from the map dynamically based on the applied filter.
Devices (to create a Custom Map) - You can also create a Custom Map to include specific devices. Use the
switch picker to select the devices you want to include the Custom Map.

Note: You can also copy devices from one map to another using the "Copy Device to Map"
operation. See Performing Device Operations for more information.

Note: If there are performance issues in rendering larger maps, you can reduce the number of devices
in the map to improve performance.

Cloning Maps
You can also "clone" an existing map to quickly create a new Custom Map. Select a map that you want to clone from
the drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Click on the Clone Map button. The Clone Map window will appear with
all of the devices in the map you are cloning pre-selected. Enter a Map Name and complete the fields as described
above to create a new Custom Map.

Editing Maps
Click on the Edit icon in the upper-right corner of the screen and edit any fields as described above. You cannot edit
the map name. You cannot change a Custom Map to a Dynamic Map or a Dynamic Map to a Custom Map; or edit the
filter for a Dynamic Map.

Deleting Maps
Go to the map you want to delete by selecting it from the Map drop-down menu at the top-left corner of the screen.
When the map appears, click on the Delete icon in the upper-right corner of the screen, then click OK at the
confirmation prompt. Note that you cannot delete the Physical Network Map.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Changing Maps

The Map drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of the screen displays the name of the current map. To change to a
different map, select the map from the drop-down menu.

Working with Network Devices

You can view detailed information about a device or perform certain operations on a device by clicking on the device in
the map. Operations can be performed on a single device or multiple devices. See Selecting Devices for instructions on
selecting single of multiple devices. After selecting a device(s), you can perform one of the operations displayed in the
Operations area. Note that the operations available depend on the device type(s) selected and whether or not you
select a single device or multiple devices.

Note: The operations you can perform in Topology (e.g., performing backups, creating inventory reports)
depend on your User Role and User Group configured in the Users and User Groups application.

Viewing Device Information

Click on a device to display detailed device information. The information displayed may vary depending on the device.
You can only view information for a single device. Device information is not displayed if you select multiple devices.

Address - The IP address of the device.

MAC Address - The MAC address of the device.
Type - The device type/model (e.g., OS6900-X20)
Status - The administrative status of the device:
Up - Device is up and responding to polls.
Warning - Device has sent at least one warning or critical trap and is thus in the warning state.
Down - Device is down and not responding to polls.
Version - The software version installed on the device (e.g., 7.x.x.317.R01). OmniVista may not be able to
determine the software version on some third-party devices. In these cases, the field will be blank.
Location - The physical location of the device.
System Contact - Contact information for the person responsible for the device.
Name - The device name.
DNS Name - The device DNS name, if applicable.
Last Upgrade Status - The status of the last firmware upgrade on the switch:
Successful - Successful BMF and Image upgrade performed.
Successful (BMF) - Successful BMF upgrade performed.
Successful (Image) - Successful Image upgrade is performed.
Failed (BMF, Image) - BMF and Image upgrade failed.
Failed (BMF) - BMF upgrade failed.
Failed (Image) - Image upgrade failed.
Backup Date - The date that the device's configuration and/or image files were last backed-up to the
OmniVista Server.
Backup Version - The firmware version of the configuration and/or image files that were last backed- up to the
OmniVista Server.
Last Known Up At - The date and time when the last poll was initiated on the device.
Description - A description of the device, usually the vendor name and model.
Traps - The status of trap configuration for the device
On - Traps are enabled.
Off - Traps are disabled.
Not Configurable - Traps for this device are not configurable from OmniVista. (Note that traps may have
been configured for such devices outside of OmniVista.)
Unknown - OmniVista does not know the status of trap configuration on this device. OmniVista will read
the switch's trap configuration when traps are configured for the switch via the Configure Traps Wizard.
Number of Licenses - The total number of Core (AOS) or Third-Party licenses being used. For example, a
stack of 4 switches would require 4 licenses, a VC of 6 would require 6 licenses. If a stack splits, the number of
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
licenses reserved for the device before the split is maintained even though modules have been reduced to less
than 5. This way, the license counts are reserved for the stack to recover.
License Type - The type of license used by the device (e.g., AOS, Third Party).
Running From - For AOS devices, this field indicates whether the switch is running from the certified directory
or the working directory. This field is blank for all other devices. For AOS devices, the directory structure that
stores the switch's image and configuration files in flash memory is divided into two parts:
Certified Directory - Contains files that have been certified by an authorized user as the default
configuration files for the switch. When the switch reboots, it will automatically load its configuration files
from the certified directory if the switch detects a difference between the certified directory and the working
Working Directory - Contains files that may or may not have been altered from those in the certified
directory. The working directory is a holding place for new files to be tested before committing the files to
the certified directory. You can save configuration changes to the working directory. You cannot save
configuration changes directly to the certified directory.

Note that the files in the certified directory and in the working directory may be different from the running configuration of
the switch, which is contained in RAM. The running configuration is the current operating parameters of the switch,
which are originally loaded from the certified or working directory but may have been modified through CLI commands,
WebView commands, or OmniVista. Modifications made to the running configuration must be saved to the working
directory (or lost). The working directory can then be copied to the certified directory if and when desired.

Note: OmniVista supports the Multiple Working Directories Feature available on OS10K and OS6900 Switches
(AOS Release 7.2.1.R01 and later). This feature allows the user to create multiple Working Directories on the
switch that can be used to save specific switch configurations. The user can create any name for these "Working"
Directories (e.g., "Marketing Switch 05-23-15"). If the switch is running from one of these user-created directories,
the directory name is displayed in this field.

Changes - For AOS devices, this field indicates the state of changes made to the switch's configuration. This
field is blank for all other devices. Information in the Changes field will be accurate as long as OmniVista has
polled the switch since the last change was made (through any interface). Note that it is possible a switch
could be in a state where it is both Unsaved and Uncertified. In this situation "Unsaved' displays in the
Changes field. This field can display the following values:
Unsaved - Changes have been made to the running configuration of the switch that have not been
saved to the working directory.
Uncertified - Changes have been saved to the working directory, but the working directory hasn't been
copied to the certified directory. The working directory and the certified directory are thus different.
Blank - When this field is blank for an AOS device, the implication is that OmniVista knows of no unsaved
configuration changes and assumes that the working and certified directories in flash memory are
Synchronized Status - Indicates whether the primary CMM module's working directory is identical to the
working directory on the other CMM module (if present):
Synchronized - The primary CMM module's working directory is identical to the working directory on the
other CMM module.
Need Synchronize - The primary CMM module's working directory is not identical to the working
directory on the other CMM module.
Not Applicable - Only one CMM module is installed.
Unknown - The synchronization state is unknown.

Performing Device Operations

You can perform the following operations on any device in a map. To execute one of the operations, click on the device
and select an operation from the Operations area in the lower-right corner of the screen. Note that the operations
available are different for single device selection and multiple device selection. Available operations will also vary if you
select different types of devices in multiple selection mode.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Overlay View - Provides detailed information for wireless, virtual chassis, and stack devices. Topology maps
display a single icon for Virtual Chassis, Stacks, and Wireless devices. For example, topology maps display only
the Master Chassis in a virtual chassis. You can select the device in the map and click on "Overlay View" to
display the other the virtual chassis or stack. The following information is displayed:
Virtual Chassis Overlay - Displays the devices and links between them. Click a node/link to view
chassis/VFL link detail information.
Chassis Node - Oper Chas ID, Role, Chas Status, Oper Status, Cfg Chas ID, Oper Priority, Group,
MAC Address, Model.
VFL Link - Local Port, Remote Port, Link Status.
Stack Overlay - Displays each slot (chassis), and the links between them. Click on a node/link to view
slot/link detail information.
Slot - Slot NI, Role, Slot Status, Oper Status, Saved NI Number, MAC Address, Model. Link -
Local Slot NI, Local Port, Remote Slot NI, Remote Port, Link Status.
Wireless Device Overlay - Displays logical links between Controller and Access Points (APs). The
following information is displayed:
Controller Nodes - Controller IP, MAC Address, Controller Status, Master IP (IP address of master
AP), Model, Version, Name, Location, DNS Name.
AP Nodes - AP MAC Address, AP IP Address, AP Name, AP Model, AP Location, AP Status.
Discovery - Copy as New Device - Takes you to the Discovery application's "Add New Device" Screen,
where you can add a new device based on the configuration (e.g., CLI/FTP Password, SNMP configuration) of
selected device.
Copy Device to Map - Copies the selected device(s) from the current map to a different map. Select a
device(s), click on the "Copy Device to Map" operation link, then select the new map location from the Map
drop-down at the top-left of the screen. When the new map appears, click on the Add devices to this map
button. The device(s) will appear in the new map.
Locator - Locate End Stations - Launches the Locator application and searches for all end stations that are
attached to the selected switch. All end stations found are displayed in the Locator application's Browse Screen.
Poll for Traps - Causes an immediate poll of the selected devices for traps. Traps are reported in the
Notifications application.
Notifications - Configure Traps - Launches the Trap Configuration Wizard in the Notifications
application to enable you to configure traps for the selected devices.
Resource Manager - Device Inventory - Launches the Inventory Screen in the Resource Manager Application
for the selected switches, which enables you to create and Inventory Report for the selected devices.
Resource Manager - Backup Device - Launches the Backup Wizard in the Resource Manager
Application, which enables you to perform a configuration backup of the selected devices.
CLI Scripting - Telnet - Opens up a Telnet session with the selected device in the CLI Scripting
Discovery - Ping Device - Causes an immediate ping of the selected device(s), and launches the
Discovery Screen in the Discovery Application to display the results.
Discovery - Poll Device - Causes an immediate poll of the selected device(s), and launches the
Discovery Screen in the Discovery Application to display the results.
Discovery - Poll Link - Causes an immediate poll of any links on the device(s) switches, and launches the
Discovery Screen in the Discovery Application to display the results.
Reboot - Reboots the selected device(s) You have the option of rebooting from the Working, Certified, or Other
Directory and setting a time for the reboot. Click on the Reboot operation link and use the Reboot From drop-
down to select the directory you want to reboot from. In the Reboot Delay drop- down select when you want to
reboot to occur (now, a specific number of minutes from now, or at a specific date and time). Note that when you
reboot multiple devices, there is a minimum delay of 30 seconds before the devices reboot (even if you select
the Reboot now option). If you select a large number of devices, the delay is equal to roundoff of (30 +
(deviceCount/4), in seconds(e.g., if you select 1,000 devices, the delay is 280 seconds, or 4 minutes). The delay
allows time to push the "Reboot" command to all devices.
Copy Running/Working to Certified - Copies the contents of the working/running directory in the primary
CMM to the certified directory in the primary CMM. Note that the Copy Working to Certified command also
automatically synchronizes the switch's CMMs after the copy operation is completed. Copy Certified to
Working/Running - Copies the contents of the certified directory in the primary CMM to the working/running
directory in the primary CMM.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Save to Running - Saves the primary CMM's current running configuration to the current running directory of
the switch. OmniVista supports the Multiple Working Directories Feature on certain devices (e.g., OS10K,
OS6900). This feature allows the user to create multiple "working" directories on the switch that can be used to
save specific switch configurations. When the Save to Running Command is executed, the device(s) save the
CMM's current running directory to the current user-defined "working" directory (Running Directory). Note that if
you select a group of devices and some do not support multiple working directories, the devices will save the
CMM's current running directory to the device's current "working" directory, whether it is a user-defined directory
or the Working Directory.
Notifications - View Traps - Launches the Notifications Home Screen in the Notifications Application to display
traps for the selected device.
Webpage - Opens up a Web session with the selected device. The web session application varies
depending on the device. For example, AOS devices will open a WebView session.
Discovery - Edit Device - Opens up the Edit Discovery Manager Screen in the Discovery application for the
selected device.
Delete Device - Deletes the selected device from the current map.
Discovery - Configure Health Thresholds - Opens the Configure Device Health Thresholds Screen in the
Discovery application for the selected device. Thresholds are used to set limits for health traps. If a device has
been configured to send health traps, a trap will be sent whenever a monitored item's current utilization exceeds
the configured health threshold. Configure the CPU, Memory, or Temperature Threshold for the selected
device(s) and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot configure the Temperature Threshold. The
Temperature Threshold is hard coded on devices.

Creating a New Device

You can create a new device and add it to the map by clicking on the New Device button at the top of the screen. This
will take you to the Discovery Application's "Add New Device" Screen, where you can add a new device to the map.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

23.0 Unified Access

The Unified Access Application provides unified wirleline/wireless device configuration of security functions for Edge
Ports and Access Points (APs) on OmniAccess Wireless devices. In addition to device authentication and
classification, you can create Access Role Profiles (similar to User Network Profiles) to configure network access
controls for one or more user devices. Unified Access contains applications that work together with the Authentication
Servers application to seamlessly authenticate and configure QoS for both device types. It is configured using the
following applications:

Unified Profile - Provides unified security functions for Edge Ports for supported wireline and wireless
Unified Policy - Used to configure Unified Policies and Policy Lists, which enable the user to configure QoS
policies for both wireline and wireless devices.
Multimedia Services (mDNS) - Used to configure the Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) protocol. mDNS
is used by "Zero Configuration Networking" solutions such as Apple's Bonjour, Avahi LGPL, and Linux NSS-
mDNS. mDNS is a resolution service that is used to discover services on a LAN.
Premium Services (BYOD) - Used to configure the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) feature. BYOD leverages
Access Guardian features along with ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) to allow a wired or wireless guest,
device, or authenticated user to connect to the network through an OmniSwitch edge device using the CPPM
Server for unified authentication.

Unified Profile
The Unified Access Unified Profile application provides unified security functions for Edge Ports and AOS WLAN
Devices. In addition to device authentication and classification, you can create Access Role Profiles (similar to User
Network Profiles) to configure network access controls for one or more user devices. This is achieved using both Layer
2 and Layer 3 Authentication and Classification. Layer 2 Authentication and Classification provides the initial user
authentication and Access Role Profile assignment. Layer 3 Authentication and Classification can dynamically change
the QoS Policy List/Role for a user already authenticated and classified into the network. Based on the Access Role
Profile (UNP) into which the user is initially classified, the user may undergo Quarantine Manager and Remediation
(QMR), RADIUS based MAC Check Blacklisting, and Location or Time based validations that can restrict a user's
network access or assign different Policy Lists/Roles to the user.

Unified Profile is configured using the links on the left side of the screen. An overview of each configuration function is
provided below.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Authentication and Classification

Unified Profile provides network access and Quality of Service on a per user basis. This is achieved using both Layer 2
and Layer 3 Authentication and Classification.

Layer 2 Authentication and Classification

Unlike regular Layer 2 bridging, all users are learned through software. The user is learned "forwarding" or "filtering"
based on Layer 2 authentication mechanisms configured on the port. The authentication mechanisms supported are
802.1x and MAC based authentication. Access Classification rules can also be used to learn a user in the forwarding
state if no authentication mechanism is configured. Apart from determining the forwarding or filtering state, this stage
also determines the UNP and VLAN to be assigned to the user. The UNP and VLAN assigned to the user do not
change. The UNP provides an initial QoS Policy list/role to be assigned to the user.

A user is first authenticated using 802.1x or MAC based authentication (MAC authentication is used only if 802.1x
authentication is disabled or the user is not a supplicant.) If the user passes authentication, and the RADIUS server
returns a valid UNP name, the user is mapped to that Access Role Profile (UNP name) and VLAN. The RADIUS server
may also return an explicit policy list name, which overrides the policy list associated with the UNP.

If authentication is not enabled or fails, or the Authentication Server does not return a valid UNP, and classification is
enabled, the user is classified based on one of the following Access Classification Rules - Port, Group ID, MAC, LLDP,
Authentication Type, IP Address - and assigned a Default UNP.

Configuring Unified Profile

Unified Profile can be configured using Workflow windows and/or Templates. Unified Profile is configured using the
links on the left side of the screen.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Workflow - OmniVista provides guided workflows for configuring Unified Profile. These workflows can be used
for an initial Unified Profile setup, which can then be fine tuned using the Unified Profile Templates and Device
Config editing. You can use the workflows to:
Classify network traffic based on Access Classification Rules. Use
RADIUS Servers to authenticate users using 802.1X.
User RADIUS Servers to authenticate users using 802.1X or MAC Address.
User RADIUS Servers to authenticate users using MAC Address or Captive Portal
Use ClearPass to authenticate users using 802.1X, MAC Address or Web-based credentials.
Template - Unified Profile Templates are used to configure Unified Profiles (e.g., Access Auth Profiles, Wireless
Profiles) and apply them to multiple network devices.
Device Config - Device Config screens enable you to view, edit, and delete Unified Profiles on specific network
Profile Polling - Used to set the polling interval at which device configuration information is updated, and
perform immediate polls to update Unified Profile information.

Unified Profile Workflows are guided workflows you can use to configure Unified Profile. These workflows can be used
for setting up initial Unified Profiles on devices for specific use cases, which can then be fine tuned using the Unified
Profile Templates and Device Config editing. You can use the workflows to:

Traffic Based on Classification Rules - Classify network traffic based on Access Classification Rules.
802.1X Authentication - Use RADIUS Servers to authenticate users using 802.1X.
802.1X and MAC Authentication - User RADIUS Servers to authenticate users using 802.1X or MAC
MAC Authentication and Captive Portal - User RADIUS Servers to authenticate users using MAC
Address or Captive Portal
802.1x MAC Authentication and Captive Portal with ClearPass - Use ClearPass to authenticate users using
802.1X, MAC Address or Web-based credentials. Note that when you apply this workflow to a device, the
ClearPass IP address will be automatically configured on the device based on the "unp redirect-server"
configured on the device. If you want to change the ClearPass Server, go to the ClearPass Screen (Unified
Access - Premium Services - BYOD - ClearPass) to create a new ClearPass Server and apply it to the device.

Unified Profile Templates

Unified Profile Templates are used to configure Unified Access Profiles, which provide unified security functions for
Edge Ports and AOS WLAN Devices. In addition to device authentication and classification, you can create Access
Role Profiles (similar to User Network Profiles) to configure network access controls for one or more user devices. This
is achieved using both Layer 2 and Layer 3 Authentication and Classification. Layer 2 Authentication and Classification
provides the initial user authentication and Access Role Profile assignment. Layer 3 Authentication and Classification
can dynamically change the QoS Policy List/Role for a user already authenticated and classified into the network.
Based on the Access Role Profile (UNP) into which the user is initially classified, the user may undergo Quarantine
Manager and Remediation (QMR), RADIUS based MAC Check Blacklisting, and Location or Time based validations
that can restrict a user's network access or assign different Policy Lists/Roles to the user.

The first step in configuring Unified Profile is to configure an Access Auth Profile and assign it to ports/linkaggs on the
network. You then configure Access Role Profiles and AAA Server Profiles to which a user is assigned based on the
Access Auth Profile. The following links are used to access Unified Profile Templates:

Access Auth Profile - An Access Auth Profile contains all of the UNP properties to be enabled on an Edge
Port. The template can be applied to a port or linkagg to enable UNP Edge Port status and set the
parameters for the authentication process for the port. The Access Auth Profile configures 802.1x and MAC
authentication, Access Classification, the AAA Server Profile to be used for authentication specifying the
default Access Role Profile (UNP), etc.
Wireless Profiles - Used to configure authentication parameters for wireless devices and include those
parameters in Unified Access Authentication Profiles.
SSID Profile - An SSID Profile can be created and included in an Access Authentication Profile that can
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
be assigned to wireless devices on the network to enable the authentication process for that SSID.
AP Group - Used to configure an Access Point (AP) Group on a Controller and then associate the group
with APs attached to that controller.
AAA Server Profile - In addition to the global AAA configuration included in an Access Auth Profile, you can
also create a AAA Server Profile that can be applied on a per Port/Linkagg basis. This enables you to configure
different RADIUS Servers for different users on different ports and apply different RADIUS client attributes to
them. AAA Server Profiles are only supported on 8.x and Wireless devices. 6.x and
7.x devices use Global AAA Configuration.
Access Role Profile - Contains the various UNP properties, including the QoS Policy List attached to the
UNP and Captive Portal Authentication for users assigned to into this UNP.
Access Classification - Used to configure Access Role Profile Classification Rules.
Customer Domain - Used to configure Customer Domains. Customer Domains provide an additional method for
segregating device traffic. A Customer Domain is identified by a numerical ID, which can be assigned to UNP
ports and Access Classification Rules.
SPB Profile - Used to create an SBP Profile. An SPB Profile contains SBP parameters that can be
mapped to an Access Role Profile.
Far End IP - Used to create Far End IP Lists. A Far End IP List is assigned to an Access Role Profile through
the mapping of VXLAN service parameters to the profile. This allows multiple far-end nodes to be associated
with the service created for the VXLAN Network ID (VNID) specified in a VXLAN Profile. Static Service - Used to
configure a Static Service Profile. This can be used to configure the mapping of an existing SPB or VXLAN
service ID to an Access Role Profile.
VXLAN Profile - Used to configure a VXLAN Profile that can be mapped to an Access Role Profile. Global
Configuration - Used to create global AAA Profiles. Global AAA Profiles are applied in the absence of a
template's AAA Profile for 8.x devices.

Access Auth Profile

The Unified Profile Access Auth Profile Screen displays all configured Access Auth Profiles and is used to create, edit,
and delete Access Authentication Profiles. An Access Auth Profile enables you to assign a pre- defined UNP port
configuration to a port or linkagg, or specify them individually on each port to enable UNP port status and set the
parameters for the authentication process for the port. For IAP devices, an Access Auth Profile can be assigned to a
WLAN identified by the SSID Profile. For wireless controller devices, an Access Auth Profile can be assigned to Virtual
AP Profile, which is used to configure WLAN. The Access Auth Profile configures 802.1X and MAC authentication for
both wired and wireless devices, Access Classification and the default AAA Server and/or UNP Profile to be used once
a user is authenticated. The basic configuration for each configured Access Auth Profile is displayed. You can also
click on a profile for a configuration view.

Creating an Access Auth Profile

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Profile Name and configure the profile as described below, then click on the
Create button. When you are finished, select the checkbox next to the profile and click on the Apply to Devices button
to assign the profile to switches/ports or wireless devices/virtual APs on the network.

Default Settings
This section is used to configure basic settings for the profile.

AAA Server Profile - The AAA Server Profile used to authenticate users on the port. Select a profile from the
drop-down list or click on the "Add New" link to go to the AAA Server Profile Screen and create a new profile.
Port Bounce - Enables/Disables Port Bounce. Always Enabled on wireless devices and AOS 6x switches.
This feature is required to handle scenarios where a client is switched from one VLAN to other after COA. If
port bounce is enabled, the port will be administratively shut down. This is to trigger DHCP renewal and re-
authentication, if necessary.
MAC Auth - Enables/Disables MAC Authentication for the port. Wireless devices do not contain this attribute in
their configuration table. MAC Pass Alt attribute in the next section No Auth/Failure/Alternate is used for MAC
Authentication on wireless devices.
802.1X Auth - Enables/Disables 802.1X Authentication. Wireless devices do not contain this attribute in their
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
configuration table. 802.1X Pass Alt attribute in the next section No Auth/Failure/Alternate is used for 802.1X
Authentication on wireless devices.
Dynamic Service - Select a dynamic mapping method for the profile, if applicable (SPB, VXLAN). Customer
Domain ID - Select a Customer Domain ID for the profile, if applicable. If necessary, click on the "Add New" link
to go to the Customer Domain Screen and create a Customer Domain.

No Auth/Failure/Alternate
This section is used to configure the actions taken if a device assigned to the profile fails authentication.

Trust Tag - Enables/Disables whether or not to trust the VLAN ID of a tagged packet to determine how the
packet is classified. Enabling the trust VLAN ID tag option provides an implicit method of VLAN tag
classification that will accept tagged traffic without the need to create specific classification rules for those
Access Classification - Enables/Disables device classification. Always Enabled on wireless devices (Default =
Default Access Role Profile - The Default Access Role Profile that users are assigned to if authentication or
classification methods fail to match traffic with any role. This is the last-resort role. Select a profile from the
drop-down list or click on the "Add New" link to go to the Access Role Profile Screen and create a new profile.
Note that for IAP devices the default Access Role Profile name must match the SSID Profile name in order for
it to take effect.
802.1X Pass Alt - The user shall be assigned a Pass-Alternate UNP in case the 802.1X authentication does
not result in a valid UNP for the pass branch. Select a profile from the drop-down list or click on the "Add New"
link to go to the Access Role Profile Screen and create a new profile.
Bypass Status - Enables/Disables 802.1X bypass. When 802.1X bypass is enabled, the user's 802.1X
authentication method is skipped. The user enters directly mac-authentication or Access Classification based on
the configuration on the UNP ports/Linkaggs. On wireless devices, this attribute corresponds to another attribute
named l2-auth-fail-through, and this attribute must be combined with the MAC Allow EAP attribute to make l2-
auth-fail-through attribute work (Default = Disabled) .
Bypass Status with ENABLED status combined with None MAC Allow EAP will disable 802.1X
authentication, and l2-auth-fail-through is not ENABLED
Bypass Status with ENABLED status combined with Fail MAC Allow EAP will enable l2-auth-fail-
Other configurations of Bypass Status and MAC Allow EAP cause l2-auth-fail-through to be
ignored on wireless devices.
Failure Policy - The authentication method used if 802.1X authentication fails.
MAC Pass Alt - The Access Role Profile the user is assigned to after passing authentication.
MAC Allow EAP - Enables/Disables Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).

Advanced Settings
This section is used to configure advanced 802.1X authentication settings for the profile.

802.1X Tx Period Status - Enables/Disables 802.1X Authentication Tx Period (Default = Disabled).

802.1X Tx Period - Access Auth Profile 802.1X Tx period, in seconds.
802.1X Supp Timeout Status - Enables/Disables802.1X Supp Timeout (Default = Disabled).
802.1X Supp Timeout - 802.1X Authentication Supp Timeout, in seconds.
802.1X Request Status - Enables/Disables 802.1X Authentication Max Request (Default = Disabled).
802.1X Request - 802.1X Authentication Max Request number.
Port Controlled Directions - Configures whether network access control is applied to both incoming and
outgoing traffic, or only applied to incoming traffic (In/Both, Default = Both).

Wireless Settings
This section is used to configure a Virtual AP Profile (i.e., "wireless device" profile) and associate it with the Access
Auth Profile.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Virtual AP Name - User-configured name for the Virtual AP Profile.
SSID Profile - The SSID Profile you want to associate with the Virtual AP Profile. Select a profile from the
drop-down list or click on the "Add New" link to go to the SSID Profile Screen and create a new profile.
User Derivation Rules - Select a User Derivation Rules from the drop-down list to specify a user attribute
profile from which the user role or VLAN is derived. The user role can be derived from user attributes upon the
client’s association with an AP (this is known as a user-derived role). You can configure rules that assign a user
role to clients that match a certain set of criteria. For example, you can configure a rule to assign the role VoIP-
Phone to any client that has a MAC address that starts with bytes xx:yy:zz. User-derivation rules are executed
before client authentication. Note that only wireless classification rules are listed in the drop-down menu.
Virtual AP Enable - Enables/Disables the Wireless Authentication Profile.
Forward Mode - Controls whether data is tunneled to the controller using generic routing encapsulation (GRE),
bridged into the local Ethernet LAN (for remote APs), or using a combination of both depending on the
destination (e.g., corporate traffic goes to the controller, and Internet access remains local). All forwarding
modes support band steering, TSPEC/TCLAS enforcement, 802.11k and station blacklisting.
Tunnel - The AP handles all 802.11 association requests and responses, but sends all 802.11 data
packets, action frames, and EAPOL frames over a GRE tunnel to the controller for processing. The
controller removes or adds the GRE headers, decrypts or encrypts 802.11 frames, and applies firewall
rules to the user traffic as usual. Both remote and campus APs can be configured in tunnel mode.
Bridge - 802.11 frames are bridged into the local Ethernet LAN. When a remote AP or campus AP is in
bridge mode, the AP (and not the controller) handles all 802.11 association requests and responses,
encryption/decryption processes, and firewall enforcement. The 802.11e and 802.11k action frames are
also processed by the AP, which then sends out responses as needed.
Split Tunnel - 802.11 frames are either tunneled or bridged, depending on the destination (e.g.,
corporate traffic goes to the controller, and Internet access remains local).
Decrypt Tunnel - Both remote and campus APs can be configured in decrypt-tunnel mode. When an AP
uses decrypt-tunnel forwarding mode, that AP decrypts and decapsulates all 802.11 frames from a client
and sends the 802.3 frames through the GRE tunnel to the controller, which then applies firewall policies
to the user traffic.
Allowed Band - The band(s) on which to use the Virtual AP:
a - 802.11a band only (5 GHz)
g - 802.11b/g band only (2.4 GHz)
all - Both 802.11a and 802.11b/g bands (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz). (Default).
Band Steering - Enables/Disables Band Steering. Band Steering encourages dual-band capable clients to stay
on the 5GHz band on dual-band APs. This frees up resources on the 2.4GHz band for single band clients like
VoIP phones. The feature supports both campus APs and remote APs that have a virtual AP profile set to
tunnel , split-tunnel or bridge forwarding mode. Note, however, that if a campus or remote APs have virtual AP
profiles configured in bridge or split-tunnel forwarding mode but no virtual APs in tunnel mode, those APs will
gather information about 5G-capable clients independently and will not exchange this information with other
APs that only have bridge or split-tunnel virtual APs configured.
Steering Mode - Band steering supports the following three band steering modes.
Force-5GHz - The AP will try to force 5Ghz-capable APs to use that radio band.
Prefer-5GHz -The AP will try to steer the client to 5G band (if the client is 5G capable) but will let the
client connect on the 2.4G band if the client persists in 2.4G association attempts. (Default) Band
Balancing - The AP tries to balance the clients across the two radios in order to best utilize the available
2.4G bandwidth. This feature takes into account the fact that the 5Ghz band has more channels than the
2.4 GHz band, and that the 5Ghz channels operate in 40MHz while the 2.5Ghz band operates in 20MHz.
Dynamic Multicast Optimization - Enables/Disables Dynamic Multicast Optimization.
Dynamic Multicast Optimization Threshold - The maximum number of high-throughput stations in a multicast
group beyond which dynamic multicast optimization stops. (Range = 2 - 255, Default = 5) Drop All Broadcast
or Multicast Traffic - If "Enabled", broadcast and multicast traffic is dropped. Do not enable this option for
Virtual APs configured in bridge forwarding mode. This configuration parameter is only intended for use for
Virtual APs in tunnel mode. In tunnel mode, all packets travel to the controller, so the controller is able to drop
all broadcast traffic. When a Virtual AP is configured to use bridge forwarding mode, most data traffic stays local
to the AP, and the controller is not able to filter out that broadcast traffic.
Convert Broadcast ARP Requests To Unicast - If "Enabled", all broadcast ARP requests are converted to
unicast and sent directly to the client. This configuration parameter is only intended for use for virtual APs in
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
tunnel mode. In tunnel mode, all packets travel to the controller, so the controller is able to convert ARP
requests directed to the broadcast address into unicast.

Assigning an Access Auth Profile

When you click the Apply to Devices button, the Access Auth Profile Assignments Screen appears. Click on the
Add/Remove Devices button to bring up the Device Selection window. Select the switch(es)/wireless device(s) and
click OK. The switch(es)/wireless device(s) will appear in the "Assign Switch" area.

Wired Switch - To assign the profile to a wired switch (e.g., OmniSwitch Device),click on the switch, then click
on the Add Remove Ports button to bring up the Port Selection window. Select the port(s) to which you want to
assign the profile.
Wireless Device - To assign the profile to a wireless device (e.g., OmniAccess Device), click on the device.
Enter a VLAN to apply the Virtual AP Profile inside the Access Auth Profile. Each Virtual AP Profile can be
assigned to multiple VLANs. Select an AP Group to assign to the Access Auth Profile. Only AP Groups that
have been assigned to the selected device are displayed.

Click on the Apply button. The configuration will be applied and the assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to
the Access Auth Profile Screen.

Editing an Access Auth Profile

Select the profile in the Access Auth Profile Screen and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Access Auth
Profile Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server.
(Note that you cannot edit the Access Auth Profile Name.) If the Access Auth Profile has been applied to any devices,
you will have to re-apply the profile to those devices. You can also go to the Device Config - Access Auth Profile
Screen to edit a profile on any device.

To "unassign" an Access Auth Profile from a device, go the Device Config - Access Auth Profile Screen and delete the
profile from the device. To "unassign" a profile from specific device ports, go the Device Config - Access Auth Profile
Screen and delete the profile from the device. Then return to the Access Auth Profile Screen, select the profile and re-
assign it to the device, selecting only those ports to which you want to assign the profile.

For example, if you had assigned Access Auth Profile 1 to ports 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 on a device and you want to
remove it from ports 1/3 and 1/4. You would go to the Device Config - Access Auth Profile Screen and delete Access
Auth Profile 1 from the device. Then return to the Access Auth Profile Screen, select Access Auth Profile 1 and re-
assign it to the device, selecting only ports 1/1 and 1/2 on the Device Selection Screen.

Deleting an Access Auth Profile

Select the profile in the Access Auth Profile Screen and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation
prompt. This removes the profile from the server. If the profile has been assigned to any devices, go to the Device
Config - Access Auth Profile Screen to remove the profile from the device(s). Select the applicable device(s) in the
Devices - Access Auth Profile Table, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Wireless Profile Overview

The Unified Profile Wireless Profile feature is used to configure Virtual Access Point (AP) Profiles to enable
authentication of wireless devices. APs advertise Wireless LANs (WLAN) to wireless clients by sending out beacons
and probe responses that contain the WLAN's SSID and supported authentication and data rates. When a wireless
client associates to an AP, it sends traffic to the AP's Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) which is usually the AP's
MAC address. In a wireless network, an AP uses a unique BSSID for each WLAN. Thus, a physical AP can support
multiple WLANs. The WLAN configuration applied to a BSSID on an AP is called a Virtual AP. You can configure and
apply multiple virtual APs to an AP group or to an individual AP by defining one or more Virtual AP profiles.

The Wireless Profile feature enables you to configure multiple Virtual AP Profiles to provide different network access or
services to users on the same physical network. For example, you could configure a WLAN to provide access to guest
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
users, and another WLAN to provide access to employee users through the same AP. You can configure the following
authentication parameters for wireless devices and include these parameters in Access Authentication Profiles.

SSID Profile - Used to configure SSID Profiles.

AP Group - Used to configure AP Groups.

SSID Profile
The Unified Profile SSID Profile Screen displays all configured SSID Profiles and used to create, edit, assign, and
delete SSID Profiles. An SSID Profile can be created and included in an Access Authentication Profile that can be
assigned to wireless devices on the network.

Creating an SSID Authentication Profile

Click on the Create icon . Configure the Profile as described below, then click on the Create button.

SSID Authentication Profile

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

ESSID - User configured name that uniquely identifies a wireless network (up to 32 characters). If the ESSID
includes spaces, you must enclose it in quotation marks.
Hide SSID - Enables/Disables the SSID name in beacon frames. Note that hiding the SSID does very little to
increase security. (Default = Disabled)
Enable SSID - Enables/Disables the SSID Profile.
Encryption - The layer-2 authentication and encryption type used on this ESSID. DYNAMIC_WEP - WEP with
dynamic keys.
OPENSYSTEM - No authentication and encryption.
STATIC_WEP - WEP with static keys.
WPA_AES - WPA with AES encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1X.
WPA_PSK_AES - WPA with AES encryption using a preshared key.
WPA_PSK_TKIP - WPA with TKIP encryption using a preshared key.
WPA_TKIP - WPA with TKIP encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1X.
WPA2_AES - WPA2 with AES encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1X.
WPA2_PSK_AES - WPA2 with AES encryption using a preshared key.
WPA2_PSK_TKIP - WPA2 with TKIP encryption using a preshared key.
WPA2_TKIP - WPA2 with TKIP encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1X.

Editing an SSID Authentication Profile

Select the Profile in the SSID Authentication Profile Screen and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit SSID
Authentication Profile Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Save button to save the changes to
the server. Note that you cannot edit the profile name. .

Assigning an SSID Profile

When you click the Apply To IAP Devices button, the SSID Profile Assignments Screen appears. Click on the
Add/Remove button to select device(s) and click the Apply button. The configuration will be applied and the
assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to the SSID Profile Screen.

Deleting an SSID Authentication Profile

To delete a Profile(s), select the Profile(s) in the table and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation
prompt. If the profile is associated with an Access Authentication Profile, you will be presented with warning prompt
that you must remove the SSID Profile(s) from the Access Authentication Profile before it can be deleted. Remove the
SSID Profile(s) from the Access Authentication Profile, and then delete the profile(s).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

AP Group
The Unified Profile AP Group Screen displays all configured AP Groups and used to create, edit, assign, and delete AP

Creating an AP Group
Click on the Create icon . Configure the Group as described below, then click on the Create button.

Group Name- User-configured name for the group.

Access Auth Profiles - The Access Authentication Profile(s) associated with the group. Selecting an Access
Auth Profile will allow for association of the AP Group to the correct Virtual AP Profile inside the Access Auth
Profile. Select an Access Auth Profile from the drop-down menu or click on the Add icon to go to the Access
Auth Profile Screen and create a new one.

Editing an AP Group
Select the group in the AP Group Screen and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit AP Group Screen. Edit the
fields as described above then click on the Save button to save the changes to the server. Note that you cannot edit
the group name.

Assigning an AP Group
You must first assign an AP Group to a controller, then associate the group with APs attached to that controller. First,
select a group and click on the Apply To Wireless Controllers button. The AP Group Assignments Screen appears.
Click on the Add/Remove button to select controller(s) and click the Apply button. The configuration will be applied
and the assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to the AP Group Screen. Second, select an AP Group and
click on the Associate to APs button. The Associate to APs Screen appears. Select APs and click on the Apply

Deleting an AP Group
To delete a group(s), select the group(s) in the table and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation

AAA Server Profile

The Unified Profile AAA Server Profile Screen displays all configured AAA Server Profiles and is used to create, edit,
and delete AAA Server Profiles for AOS 8.x Switches and Server Groups for Wireless Controllers. AAA Server Profiles
are used to define specific AAA parameters that can be used in an Access Auth Profile or Captive Portal Profile.

Note: When an AAA Server Profile is assigned to a UNP Edge port/virtual AP through an Access Auth
Profile, the parameter values defined in the profile will override any existing global AAA configuration for
users authenticating on that port/virtual AP.

Creating an AAA Server Profile

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Profile Name and configure the Profile as described below, then click on the
Create button.

Authentication Servers

802.1X Primary - Select a Primary 802.1X Authentication Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on
the Add icon to go to the Authentication Servers Application and create a new server. The Link takes you to
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
the RADIUS Server Management Screen in the Authentication Server application.
You can click on one of the other links on the left side of the screen to create a different Authentication Server
type (LDAP, ACE, TACACS+).

For wireless devices, 802.1x Primary and Secondary Server configurations will help you to create 802.1x
Authentication Server Group which will be used by Access Auth Profiles (Wireless AAA Server Profiles).

Captive Portal Primary - Select a Primary Captive Portal Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary,
Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on the Add icon
to go to Authentication Servers Application and create a new Server. The Link takes you to the RADIUS
Server Management Screen in the Authentication Server application. You can click on one of the other links on
the left side of the screen to create a different Authentication Server type (LDAP, ACE, TACACS+).

Note: Captive Portal Primary and Secondary Server configurations are ignored for wireless

MAC Primary- Select a Primary MAC Authentication Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary,
Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on the Add icon
to go to Authentication Servers Application and create a new Server. The Link takes you to the RADIUS
Server Management Screen in the Authentication Server application. You can click on one of the other links on
the left side of the screen to create a different Authentication Server type (LDAP, ACE, TACACS+).

Note: For wireless devices, MAC Primary and Secondary Server configurations will help you to
create a MAC Authentication Server Group that will be used by Access Auth Profiles (Wireless
AAA Server Profiles). For IAP Devices, there is not a separate server for MAC Authentication.
802.1x Primary and Secondary Servers are used instead.

Accounting Servers

802.1X Primary - Select a Primary 802.1X Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary,
Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on the "Add
New" link to go to the RADIUS Server Management Screen and create a new Server. Captive Portal Primary
- You can also select Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.
You can also click on the "Add New" link to go to the RADIUS Server Management Screen and create a new
MAC Primary - Select a Primary MAC Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary,
Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on the "Add
New" link to go to the RADIUS Server Management Screen and create a new Server.

Note: For wireless devices, Accounting Servers will help you to create an Accounting Radius
Server Group that will be used in Access Auth Profiles (Wireless AAA Server Profiles). Captive
Portal Primary and Secondary Servers are ignored. Wireless Devices only accept Radius servers
for Accounting. If you select another type, an error will occur when you try to apply the configuration
to Wireless Controllers.

Advanced Settings
Advanced settings are not supported on wireless devices and will be ignored when applied to those devices.

MAC Auth

Session Timeout Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust Radius option for
MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled, the switch will use the Session Timeout attribute received from the
Authentication Server in an Accept-Accept message. If Disabled, the switch uses the locally configured

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
timeout interval value (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout option for MAC Authenticated users. If
Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Session Timeout Interval.
(Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Interval - The Session Timeout value, in seconds. When the Session Timeout value is
reached, the authenticated users are logged out and the MAC address for each logged out user device is
flushed. Note that when the Session Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing
authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again (Range = 12000 -
86400, Default = 43200).
Inactivity Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Inactivity Timeout option for MAC Authenticated users. If
Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Inactivity Timeout Interval
(Default = Disabled).
Inactivity Timeout Interval - The Inactivity Timeout value, in seconds. Make sure the configured value is value
greater than the MAC address aging time for the switch. If the Timeout Value is exceeded, the user is not
logged out of the network if the MAC address aging time expires before the configured timeout value. Also note
that when the Inactivity Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated
users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.(Range = 60 - 1200, Default = 600)
Accounting Interim Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust Radius option for
MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS server overrides
the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the new value does not
apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for MAC
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Syslog Accounting Server IP Address - The IP address of the Syslog Accounting Server. Syslog
Accounting Server UDP Port - The port used to communicate with the Syslog Accounting Server (Default
= 514).
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).


Re-Authentication Timeout Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust Radius
option for 802.1x Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Session-Timeout attribute value received from the
RADIUS server overrides the locally configured value for the switch. (Default = Disabled).
Re-Authentication Timeout - Enables/Disables the automatic re-authentication of authenticated 802.1X
users (Default = Disabled).
Re-Authentication Interval - The amount of time the switch waits, in seconds, before triggering re-
authentication of 802.1X users. Note that when the re-authentication time interval is changed, the new value
does not apply to existing authenticated 802.1X users until the user is flushed out or when the user is
authenticated again. Any new 802.1X users are re-authenticated based on the current time interval setting.
(Range = 600 - 7200, Default = 3600)
Accounting Interim Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust Radius option for
802.1X authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS server
overrides the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the new value
does not apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for 802.1x
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Syslog Accounting Server IP Address - The IP address of the Syslog Accounting Server. Syslog
Accounting Server UDP Port - The port used to communicate with the Syslog Accounting Server (Default
= 514).
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Captive Portal

Session Timeout Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust Radius option for
Captive Portal Authenticated users. If Enabled, the switch will use the Session Timeout attribute received
from the RADIUS server in an Accept-Accept message. If Disabled, the switch to use the locally configured
timeout interval value (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout option for Captive Portal
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the
configured Session Timeout Interval. (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Interval - The Session Timeout value, in seconds. When the Session Timeout value is
reached, the authenticated users are logged out and the MAC address for each logged out user device is
flushed. Note that when the Session Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing
authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again (Range = 12000 -
86400, Default = 43200).
Inactivity Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Inactivity Timeout option for Captive Portal Authenticated
users. If Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Inactivity Timeout
Interval (Default = Disabled).
Inactivity Timeout Interval - The Inactivity Timeout value, in seconds. Make sure the configured value is value
greater than the MAC address aging time for the switch. If the Timeout Value is exceeded, the user is not
logged out of the network if the MAC address aging time expires before the configured timeout value. Also note
that when the Inactivity Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated
users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Accounting Interim Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust Radius option
for Captive Portal Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS
server overrides the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the
new value does not apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is
authenticated again.
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for Captive Portal
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Syslog Accounting Server IP Address - The IP address of the Syslog Accounting Server. Syslog
Accounting Server UDP Port - The port used to communicate with the Syslog Accounting Server
(Default = 514).
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).


NAS Port ID - The RADIUS client NAS-Port attribute for authentication and accounting sessions. A text string
(up to 31 characters) is used to define a NAS-Port identifier for the NAS-Port attribute. "Default" sets the NAS-
Port attribute value to the chassis/slot/port of the user. The NAS-Port attribute value specified with this
command is used in Account-Request messages and in Accounting-Request messages.
NAS ID - The RADIUS client NAS-Identifier attribute for authentication and accounting sessions. A text string
(up to 31 characters) is used to identify the switch (RADIUS client) in the NAS-Identifier attribute. "Default" sets
the NAS-Identifier attribute to the system name of the switch. The NAS-Identifier attribute value specified with
this command is used in both Account-Request and Accounting-Request messages.
Username Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a RADIUS Server User Name.
Password Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a RADIUS Server
Calling Station Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a Calling Station ID.
Called Station Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a Called Station ID.
Username Case - Indicates if the RADIUS Server User Name must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Password Case - Indicates if the RADIUS Server Password must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Calling Station ID Case - Indicates if the Calling Station ID must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Called Station ID Case - Indicates if the Called Station ID must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.

Editing an AAA Server Profile

Select the profile in the AAA Server Profile Screen and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit AAA Server Profile
Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. Note that
if the AAA Server Profile has been applied to any devices through an Access Auth Profile or Captive Portal Profile, you
will have to re-apply the associated Access Auth Profile or Captive Portal Profile to those devices to update the profile
on the device(s).

Deleting an AAA Server Profile

Select the profile in the AAA Server Profile Screen and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation

If the profile has not been associated with an Access Auth Profile or Captive Portal Profile, the update will be
applied and the status displayed. Click OK to return to the AAA Server Profile Screen.
If the profile has been associated with an Access Auth Profile or Captive Portal Profile, the "Delete AAA Server
Profile" confirmation prompt will appear listing any associated profiles. You must delete the AAA Server Profile
from any associated profile(s) before returning to the AAA Server Profile Screen to delete the AAA Profile.

Access Role Profile

The Unified Profile Access Role Profile Screen displays all configured Access Role Profiles and is used to create, edit,
and delete Access Role Profiles. An Access Role Profile contains the various UNP properties (e.g., QoS Policy List
attached to the UNP, Captive Portal Authentication) for users assigned to the profile. In a wireless-centric network, an
Access Role Profile is considered as a user role with which every client in the wireless-centric network is associated.

Creating an Access Role Profile

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Profile Name and configure the profile as described below, then click on the
Create button. When you are finished, select the checkbox next to the profile and click on the Apply to Devices button
to assign the profile to switches/wireless devices on the network.

Note: You can select a device type from the Highlight drop-down menu at the top of the screen to
highlight configuration parameters for specific device types (6x, 7x, 8x).

Access Role Profile Attributes

Auth Flag - Enables/Disables authentication (not supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied
to those devices).
Mobile Tag Status - Enables/Disables classification of tagged packets received on mobile ports (not
supported on wireless devices and ignored when applied to those devices).
Redirect Status - Enables/Disables Captive Portal Redirect (not supported on wireless devices and ignored
when applied to those devices). Note that if Redirect Status is enabled, the Access Role Profile can only map to
a VLAN when applying the profile to a device.
Policy List - An Access Role Profile can also be configured with an existing Unified Policy List. The set of rules
within the Unified Policy List are then applied to the traffic that passes though switches/wireless devices. Only
one Unified Policy List is allowed per profile, but multiple profiles may use the same Policy List. Select a Unified
Policy List for the profile from the drop-down menu. You can also click the "Add New" link to go to the Unified
Policy Lists Screen to create a new one.
Captive Portal Auth - Enables/Disables Captive Portal Authentication (not supported on wireless
devices and ignored when applied to those devices).
Captive Portal Profile - A Captive Portal Profile can be applied to AOS devices. Only one Captive Portal
Profile is allowed per profile, but multiple profiles may use the same Captive Portal Profile. Select a Captive
Portal Profile for the profile from the drop down menu. You can also click the "Add New" link to go to the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Captive Portal Profile Screen to create a new one. (Not supported on wireless devices and ignored when
applied to those devices.)
Inactivity Interval - The amount of time, in seconds, before an authenticated device is automatically logged
out of the network due to inactivity (MAC address for the device has aged out). This timer value applies only to
devices learned in the profile.
Max Ingress Bandwidth - The maximum bandwidth limit allocated for ingress traffic on UNP ports
assigned to the profile. If the maximum ingress bandwidth value is set to zero, all ingress traffic is allowed
on the UNP port. (Not supported on AOS 7.3.4 switches and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Max Egress Bandwidth - The maximum bandwidth limit allocated for egress traffic on UNP ports assigned
to the profile. If the maximum egress bandwidth value is set to zero, all egress traffic is allowed on the UNP
port. (Not supported on AOS 7.3.4 switches and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Max Ingress Depth or Max Default Depth (AOS 6) - The maximum ingress depth value that is applied to
traffic on UNP ports that are assigned to the profile. This value determines how much the traffic can burst over
the maximum ingress bandwidth rate. The maximum ingress depth value is configured in conjunction with the
maximum ingress bandwidth parameter. When the ingress depth value is reached, the switch starts to drop
packets. (Not supported on AOS 7.3.4 switches and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Max Egress Depth - The maximum egress depth value that is applied to traffic on UNP ports that are
assigned to profile. This value determines how much the traffic can burst over the maximum egress
bandwidth rate. The maximum egress depth value is configured in conjunction with the maximum egress
bandwidth parameter. When the egress depth value is reached, the switch starts to drop packets. (Not
supported on AOS 7.3.4 switches and ignored when applied to those devices.)

ClearPass Attributes

Redirect URL - The URL for the login page presented to a Guest user for Authentication using the Unified
Access application (ClearPass). The URL is the path to the specific login page on the ClearPass Server that
the user is directed to after initial authentication (e.g., Employee, Guest) (e.g.,
http://clearpassuser.employee.page). Note that this field is only available if a ClearPass Server is configured
and connectivity has been established.

There are two (2) types of Enforcement Profiles created in ClearPass for each OmniVista Access Role

RADIUS CoA Enforcement Profile - created in ClearPass with ‘Radius_CoA' as the Type and ‘CoA' as the
Action. It will have at least two (2) RADIUS IETF attributes: Calling-Station-ID and Filter-ID. If a Redirect-URL
is specified, the attribute called Alcatel-Redirection-URL is added to the URL in the OmniVista Access Role
Standard RADIUS Enforcement Profile - created in ClearPass with ‘Radius' as the Type and ‘Accept' as the
Action. If a Redirect-URL is specified, the attribute called Alcatel-Redirection-URL is added to the URL in the
OmniVista Access Role Profile.

Wireless Settings

Upstream Bandwidth Contract kbit/s - The maximum bandwidth for traffic from the switch to the client.
Downstream Bandwidth Contract kbit/s - The maximum bandwidth for traffic from the client to the switch.

Assigning an Access Role Profile

When you click the Apply To Devices button, the Access Role Profile Assignments Screen appears. Select a VLAN
Mapping Associate Method and/or Profile Policy, then assign the profile to switches/wireless devices on the network.
Note that a VLAN must exist on a switch/wireless devices to configure VLAN Mapping.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Select Mapping Methods
You can map the Access Role Profile to a specific VLAN or service. Select a Mapping Method, then make a selection
from the drop-down menu. Note that you can only use one mapping method for a profile.

Map to VLAN - Maps the profile to a specific VLAN on network devices devices.
Map to SPB - Maps the profile to an SPB Profile.
Map to VXLAN - Maps the profile to a VXLAN Profile.
Map to Static Service - Maps the profile to a Static Service.

Select Devices
After configuring the Mapping Method, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology)
and click on the Add/Remove Devices button to select devices. The devices presented will vary according to your
Mapping Method. For example, if you selected VLAN Number 3, only those devices on which VLAN 3 is configured
would be displayed. After selecting devices, click on the Apply button to assign the Access Role Profile.

Note: You can also assign an Access Role Profile to a ClearPass Server. If a ClearPass Server is
configured and connectivity established, the server will appear in the Device Selection Window in Blue.

Editing an Access Role Profile

Select the profile in the Access Role Profile List and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Access Role Profile
Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. (Note that
you cannot edit the Access Auth Profile Name.) If the Access Role Profile has been applied to any devices, you will
have to re-apply the profile to those devices. You can also go to the Device Config - Access Role Profile Screen to edit
a profile on any device.

Deleting an Access Role Profile

Select the profile in the Access Role Profile Screen and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation
prompt. This removes the profile from the server. If the profile has been assigned to any devices, go to the Device
Config - Access Role Profile Screen to remove the profile from the device(s). Select the applicable device(s) in the
Devices - Access Role Profile Table, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Access Classification
The Unified Profile Access Classification Screen displays all Access Classification Rules configured for Access Role
Profiles and is used to create edit, and and delete Access Classification Rules (Access Classification Rules in AOS
Switches and User Rules in wireless devices). Access Classification Rules are defined and associated with an Access
Role Profile to provide an additional method for classifying a device into an Access Role Profile. If authentication is not
available or does not return a profile name for whatever reason, Access Classification rules are applied to determine
the profile assignment.

Creating an Access Classification Rule

Click on the Create icon . Select a Rule Type from the drop-down menu. Configure the Rule as described below,
select the Access Role Profile for which you want to configure the rule, then click on the Create button. When you are
finished, click on the Apply to Devices button to assign the Rule to switches/ports on the network.

Access Classification Rules

MAC Rule (Both AOS and Wireless Devices) - Defines a MAC Address Access Classification Rule for the
specified UNP Access Role Profile. If the source MAC address of the device traffic matches the MAC address
defined for the rule, the specified Access Role Profile is applied. Note that when a MAC Access Classification
Rule is removed or modified, all MAC addresses classified with that rule are flushed.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Name - User-configured name for the MAC Rule.
MAC Address - The MAC address to be used for the rule. If the source MAC address of the device
traffic matches the MAC address defined for the rule, the specified Access Role Profile is applied.
VLAN Tag - An optional VLAN Tag. If configured, traffic must also match this VLAN Tag in
addition to the source MAC address.
Customer Domain ID - An optional Customer Domain ID to which this rule will apply. When a
customer domain ID is configured for this rule, the rule is applied only to traffic received on UNP ports
that are associated with the same domain ID. All UNP ports are automatically assigned to customer
domain 0 at the time the port is configured as a UNP port.
Access Role Profile - Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
MAC Range Rule (AOS Devices only) - Defines a MAC Address Range Access Classification Rule for the
specified UNP Access Role Profile. If the source MAC address of the device traffic matches any of the MAC
address within the range of MAC addresses, the specified profile is applied. Note that when a MAC Access
Classification Rule is removed or modified, all MAC addresses classified with that rule are flushed.
MAC Low Address - MAC address that defines the low end of the range (e.g.,
MAC High Address - MAC address that defines the high end of the range (e.g.,
VLAN Tag - An optional VLAN Tag. If configured, traffic must also match this VLAN Tag in
addition to the source MAC address.
Customer Domain ID - An optional Customer Domain ID to which this rule will apply. When a
customer domain ID is configured for this rule, the rule is applied only to traffic received on UNP ports
that are associated with the same domain ID. All UNP ports are automatically assigned to customer
domain 0 at the time the port is configured as a UNP port.
Access Role Profile - Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
IP Address Rule (AOS Devices only) - Defines an IP Address Access Classification Rule for the
specified UNP Access Role Profile. If the source IP address of the device traffic matches the IP address
defined for the rule, the specified Access Role Profile is applied.
IP Network Address - The IPv4 network address (e.g.,,, IP
Mask - An IP address mask to identify the IP subnet for the interface (supports class-less masking).
VLAN Tag - An optional VLAN Tag. If configured, traffic must also match this VLAN Tag in
addition to the source MAC address.
Customer Domain ID - An optional Customer Domain ID to which this rule will apply. When a
customer domain ID is configured for this rule, the rule is applied only to traffic received on UNP ports
that are associated with the same domain ID. All UNP ports are automatically assigned to customer
domain 0 at the time the port is configured as a UNP port.
Access Role Profile - Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
VLAN Tag Rule - Defines a VLAN Tag for the specified Access Classification Rule. If the source VLAN Tag of
the device traffic matches the VLAN Tag defined for the rule, the specified Access Role Profile is applied.
VLAN Tag - The VLAN Tag used for the rule.
Tag Position (7x only) - The VLAN Tag position - Inner Tag (Default), Outer Tag.
Customer Domain ID - An optional Customer Domain ID to which this rule will apply. When a
customer domain ID is configured for this rule, the rule is applied only to traffic received on UNP ports
that are associated with the same domain ID. All UNP ports are automatically assigned to customer
domain 0 at the time the port is configured as a UNP port.
Access Role Profile - Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
Location (Wireless Devices only) - Defines a Location rule for the specified Access Role Profile. The
specified Access Role Profile will be applied if the user location (AP name) matches with the value defined in
the rule.
Name - The rule name.
Location - The AP location.
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
ESSID (Wireless Devices only) - Defines an Extended Service Set Identifier (ESSID) for the specified Access
Role Profile. The specified Access Role Profile will be applied if the ESSID of AP (which client is associating)
matches with the defined ESSID in the rule.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Name - The rule name.
ESSID Value - The ESSID of AP.
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
DHCP Option (Wireless Devices only) - Defines a DHCP signature ID rule for the specified Access Role
Name - The rule name.
Signature ID - The DHCP signature ID.
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
DHCP Option 77 (Wireless Devices only) - Defines a DHCP Option 77 rule for the specified Access Role
Profile. The specified Access Role Profile will be applied if the user class identifier returned by DHCP server
matches with the value defined in the rule.
Name - The rule name.
Value - The user class identifier returned by DHCP server.
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
Encryption Type (Wireless Devices only) - Defines an Encryption Type rule for the specified Access Role
Profile. The specified Access Role Profile will be applied if the encryption type used by the client matches with
the value defined in the rule.
Name - The rule name.
Encryption Type - The encryption type used by the client (e.g., WPA/WPA2 AES, Dynamic WEP).
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.

Editing an Access Classification Rule

Select the profile in the Classification Profile List and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Access
Classification Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the
server. Note that if the Access Role Profile has been applied to any devices, you will have to re-apply the profile to
those devices. You can also go to the Device Config - Access Classification Screen to edit a profile on any device.

Note: You cannot edit an Access Role Profile Name.

Assigning an Access Classification Rule

When you click the Apply To Devices button, the Access Classification Assignments Screen appears. Select a VLAN
Mapping Associate Method and/or Profile Policy, then assign the profile to switches/wireless devices on the network.
Note that a VLAN must exist on a switch/wireless devices to configure VLAN Mapping.

Select Mapping Methods

You can map the Access Classification Rule to a specific VLAN or service. Select a Mapping Method, then make a
selection from the drop-down menu. Note that you can only use one mapping method for a profile.

Map to VLAN - Maps the profile to a specific VLAN on network devices.

Map to SPB - Maps the profile to an SPB Profile.
Map to VXLAN - Maps the profile to a VXLAN Profile.

Select Devices
After configuring the Mapping Method, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology)
and click on the Add/Remove Devices button to select devices. The devices presented will vary according to your
Mapping Method. For example, if you selected VLAN Number 3, only those devices on which VLAN 3 is configured
would be displayed. After selecting devices, click on the Apply button to assign the Access Classification Rule.

Note: During assignment of Extended Rule, port selection is offered, but it is optional. The rule can only
be assigned to UNP Ports. Select Port Range and use the From Port and To Port options to assign the
rule to a port(s). A port range can only be populated with consecutively higher numbered ports. Select
Group Port to assign the rule to a port group, instead of a port(s).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Deleting an Access Classification Rule
To delete a rule(s), select the Rule(s) in the table and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation
prompt. This removes the profile from the server. If the profile has been assigned to any devices, go to the Device
Config - Access Classification Screen to remove the profile from the device(s). Select the applicable device(s) in the
Devices - Classification Profile List, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Customer Domain
The Unified Profile Customer Domain Screen displays all configured Customer Domains create, edit, and delete
Customer Domains. Customer Domains provide an additional method for segregating device traffic. A Customer
Domain is identified by a numerical ID, which can be assigned to UNP ports and Access Classification Rules. By
default, all UNP ports (bridge and access) and profile rules are assigned to the domain. The main benefits of Customer
Domains is that they provide the ability to group physical UNP ports or link aggregates into one logical domain. Once a
UNP port is assigned to a specific Customer Domain ID, only classification rules associated with the same ID are
applied to that port.

An example of using customer domains would be to group UNP ports carrying traffic for a specific customer into the
same domain (all Customer A ports assigned to Domain 2). Then assign VLAN and/or service profiles tailored for that
customer to the same Domain ID (all profiles for Customer A assigned to Domain 2).

Creating a Customer Domain

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Create button.

Customer Domain ID - An ID number for the Customer Domain.

Customer Domain Description - A description for the Customer Domain Profile.

Editing a Customer Domain

Select the profile in the Customer Domain List and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Customer Domain
Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. Note that
if the Customer Domain Profile has been applied to any devices through an Access Classification Profile, you will have
to re-apply the associated Access Classification Profile to those devices to update the profile on the device(s).

Deleting a Customer Domain

Select the profile in the Customer Domain List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation
prompt. If the Customer Domain Profile has been applied to any devices through an Access Classification Profile, you
will have to re-apply the associated Access Classification Profile to any devices to update the profile on the device(s).

If the Customer Domain has not been associated with an Access Classification Profile, the update will be
applied and the status displayed. Click OK to return to the AAA Server Profile Screen.
If the Customer Domain has been associated with an Access Classification Profile, the "Delete" confirmation
prompt will appear listing any associated profiles. You must delete the Customer Domain Profile from any
associated profile(s) before returning to the Customer Domain Screen to delete the Customer Domain Profile.

SPB Profile
The Unified Profile SPB Profile Screen displays all configured Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) Profiles and is used to
create, edit, and delete SPB Profiles. When you create an SPB Profile, you configure the parameters that can be
mapped to an Access Role Profile. When a device is dynamically assigned to the profile through authentication or
classification, and SPB Service Access Point (SAP) is automatically created using the specified profile parameters.
Traffic from the device is then forwarded on the SAP.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Creating an SPB Profile
Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Create button.

SPB Profile Name - The SPB Profile name.

Tag Value - The VLAN tag information from classified traffic used to create the Service Access Point (SAP) for
the traffic. If the traffic is untagged, the SAP is created with 0 as the encapsulation value (for example, 1/12:0).
ISID - A service instance identifier (ISID) that is used to identify an SPB service in a provider backbone bridge
(PBB) network. The valid range is 256 - 16777214.
BVLAN - The VLAN ID number of an existing SPB backbone VLAN (BVLAN).
VLAN Translation - Enables/Disables egress VLAN translation for the service.
Multicast Mode - Select the multicast mode from the drop-down menu:
Headend - Specifies the head-end replication mode for the service.
Tandem - Specifies the tandem replication mode for the service.

Editing an SPB Profile

Select the profile in the SPB Profile List and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit SPB Profile Screen. Edit the
fields as described above then click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit the profile name.

Deleting an SPB Profile

Select the profile in the SPB Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Far End IP
The Unified Profile Far End IP Screen displays all configured Far End IP Lists and is used to create, edit, and delete
Far End IP Lists. Each IP address in a list is assigned to the Loopback0 interface of a far-end VXLAN node. The list
name is assigned to an Access Role Profile through the mapping of VXLAN service parameters to the profile. This
allows multiple far-end nodes to be associated with the service created for the VXLAN Network ID (VNID) specified in a
VXLAN Profile.

Creating a Far End IP List

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Apply button.

Name - The Far End IP List name

IP Address - Enter an IP address and click on the Add icon . Repeat to add additional IP addresses. Click
on the Delete icon to remove an IP address.

Editing a Far End IP List

Select the list in the Far End IP Table and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Far End IP Screen. Edit the IP
Address field as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes. Note that you cannot edit the
profile name.

Deleting a Far End IP List

Select the profile in the Far End IP Table and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Static Service
Screen displays all configured Static Service mapping and is used to create, edit, and delete Static Service mapping.
When you configure a Static Service, it is used to configure the mapping of an existing SPB or VXLAN service ID to an
Access Role Profile. This type of profile mapping is only valid if the specified SPB or VXLAN service is already
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
configured; the switch does not dynamically create the service. The specified service ID is then used to dynamically
create a service access point (SAP) based on the specified tag value.

Creating a Static Service

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Add button.

Name - The SPB Profile name.

Tag Value - The VLAN tag information from classified traffic used to create the Service Access Point (SAP) for
the traffic. If the traffic is untagged, the SAP is created with 0 as the encapsulation value (for example, 1/12:0).
Service ID - An existing (statically configured) numerical value that identifies a specific SPB or VXLAN service.
The valid service ID range is 1–32767.

Editing a Static Service

Select the profile in the Static Service List and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Screen. Edit the fields as
described above then click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit the profile name.

Deleting a Static Service

Select the profile in the Static Service List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

VXLAN Profile
The Unified Profile VXLAN Profile Screen displays all configured VXLAN Profiles and is used to create, edit, and delete
VXLAN Profiles. When you create a VXLAN, you configure the parameters that can be mapped to an Access Role
Profile. When a device is dynamically assigned to the profile through authentication or classification, a VXLAN service
access point (SAP) is automatically created using the specified profile parameters. Traffic from the device is then
forwarded on the SAP.

Creating a VXLAN Profile

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Create button.

Name - The VXLAN Profile name.

Tag Value - The VLAN tag information from classified traffic used to create the Service Access Point (SAP) for
the traffic. If the traffic is untagged, the SAP is created with 0 as the encapsulation value (for example, 1/12:0).
VNID - The VXLAN network identifier that identifies the VLAN segment form where the frames originate.
This value is used to create the VXLAN service that is required to dynamically create the SAP.
Far End IP - Select a Far End IP that contains the IP addresses for the far end VXLAN Tunnel End Points
(VTEPs). The IP addresses in this list are used to dynamically create service distribution points (SDPs) for the
VXLAN service.
Multicast IP Address - The multicast IP address of the group to which this service will join.
VLAN Translation - Enables/Disables egress VLAN translation for the service.
Multicast Mode - Select the multicast mode from the drop-down menu:
Headend - Specifies the head-end replication mode for the service.
Tandem - Specifies the tandem replication mode for the service.
Hybrid - Specifies the hybrid replication mode for this service. This mode uses both the headend and
tandem methods.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Editing a VXLAN Profile
Select the profile in the VXLAN Profile List and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit VXLAN Profile Screen.
Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes. Note that you cannot edit the
profile name.

Deleting a VXLAN Profile

Select the profile in the VXLAN Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Global Configuration - AAA

The Unified Profile Global Configuration AAA Screen displays all configured Global AAA Profiles and used to create,
edit, delete, and assign a Global AAA Profile. AAA Profiles are used to define specific AAA parameters that can be
used in an Access Auth Profile or an Captive Portal Profile. This Global AAA Profile can be assigned and automatically
applied to all UNP ports which have not been assigned an AAA Profile. In the absence of port template's AAA profile,
the Global AAA Profile will be applied on AOS 8.x Switches.

Creating a Global AAA Server Profile

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Profile Name and configure the Profile as described below, then click on the
Create button.

Authentication Servers

802.1X Primary - Select a Primary 802.1X Authentication Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on
the click on the "Add New" link to go to the Authentication Servers Application and create a new Server. (The
Link takes you to the RADIUS Server Management Screen. You can click on one of the other links to create a
different server type (LDAP, ACE, TACACS+).

Note: For wireless devices, 802.1x Primary and Secondary Server configurations will help you to
create 802.1x Authentication Server Group which will be used by Access Auth Profiles (Wireless
AAA Server Profiles).

Captive Portal Primary - Select a Primary Captive Portal Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on
the click on the "Add New" link to go to the Authentication Servers Application and create a new Server. (The
Link takes you to the RADIUS Server Management Screen. You can click on one of the other links to create a
different server type (LDAP, ACE, TACACS+).

Note: Captive Portal Primary and Secondary Server configurations are ignored for wireless

MAC Primary- Select a Primary MAC Authentication Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary,
Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on the click on
the "Add New" link to go to the Authentication Servers Application and create a new Server. (The Link takes
you to the RADIUS Server Management Screen. You can click on one of the other links to create a different
server type (LDAP, ACE, TACACS+).

Note: For wireless devices, MAC Primary and Secondary Server configurations will help you to
create a MAC Authentication Server Group that will be used by Access Auth Profiles (Wireless
AAA Server Profiles).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Accounting Servers

802.1X Primary - Select a Primary 802.1X Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary,
Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on the click on
the "Add New" link to go to the RADIUS Server Management Screen and create a new Server.
Captive Portal Primary - Select a Primary Captive Portal Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on
the click on the "Add New" link to go to the RADIUS Server Management Screen and create a new Server.
MAC Primary - Select a Primary MAC Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary,
Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. You can also click on the click on
the "Add New" link to go to the RADIUS Server Management Screen and create a new Server.

Note: For wireless devices, Accounting Servers will help you to create an Accounting Radius
Server Group that will be used in Access Auth Profiles (Wireless AAA Server Profiles). Captive
Portal Primary and Secondary Servers are ignored. Wireless Devices only accept Radius servers
for Accounting. If you select another type, an error will occur when you try to apply the
configuration to Wireless Controllers.

Advanced Settings

Advanced settings are not supported on wireless devices and will be ignored when applied to those devices.

MAC Auth

Session Timeout Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust Radius option for
MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled, the switch will use the Session Timeout attribute received from the
Authentication Server in an Accept-Accept message. If Disabled, the switch uses the locally configured
timeout interval value (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout option for MAC Authenticated users. If
Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Session Timeout Interval.
(Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Interval - The Session Timeout value, in seconds. When the Session Timeout value is
reached, the authenticated users are logged out and the MAC address for each logged out user device is
flushed. Note that when the Session Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing
authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again (Range = 12000 -
86400, Default = 43200).
Inactivity Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Inactivity Timeout option for MAC Authenticated users. If
Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Inactivity Timeout Interval
(Default = Disabled).
Inactivity Timeout Interval - The Inactivity Timeout value, in seconds. Make sure the configured value is value
greater than the MAC address aging time for the switch. If the Timeout Value is exceeded, the user is not
logged out of the network if the MAC address aging time expires before the configured timeout value. Also note
that when the Inactivity Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated
users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.(Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust Radius option for
MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS server overrides
the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the new value does not
apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.
(Default = Disabled)
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for MAC
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Calling Station ID Type -The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP address of
the user).


Re-Authentication Timeout Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust
RADIUS option for 802.1x Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Session-Timeout attribute value received
from the RADIUS server overrides the locally configured value for the switch. (Default = Disabled).
Re-Authentication Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the automatic re-authentication of
authenticated 802.1X users (Default = Disabled).
Re-Authentication Timeout Interval - The amount of time the switch waits, in seconds, before triggering re-
authentication of 802.1X users. Note that when the re-authentication time interval is changed, the new value
does not apply to existing authenticated 802.1X users until the user is flushed out or when the user is
authenticated again. Any new 802.1X users are re-authenticated based on the current time interval setting.
(Range = 600 - 7200, Default = 3600)
Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS option for
MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS server overrides
the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the new value does not
apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.
(Default = Disabled)
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for 802.1x
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Calling Station ID Type -The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).

Captive Portal

Session Timeout Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust RADIUS option for
Captive Portal Authenticated users. If Enabled, the switch will use the Session Timeout attribute received from
the RADIUS server in an Accept-Accept message. If Disabled, the switch to use the locally configured timeout
interval value (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout option for Captive Portal
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the
configured Session Timeout Interval. (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Interval - The Session Timeout value, in seconds. When the Session Timeout value is
reached, the authenticated users are logged out and the MAC address for each logged out user device is
flushed. Note that when the Session Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing
authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again (Range = 12000 -
86400, Default = 43200).
Inactivity Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Inactivity Timeout option for Captive Portal
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the
configured Inactivity Timeout Interval (Default = Disabled).
Inactivity Timeout Interval - The Inactivity Timeout value, in seconds. Make sure the configured value is value
greater than the MAC address aging time for the switch. If the Timeout Value is exceeded, the user is not
logged out of the network if the MAC address aging time expires before the configured timeout value. Also note
that when the Inactivity Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated
users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS option
for Captive Portal Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS
server overrides the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the
new value does not apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is
authenticated again. (Default = Disabled)
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for Captive Portal
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Calling Station ID Type -The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).


NAS Port ID - The RADIUS client NAS-Port attribute for authentication and accounting sessions. A text string
(up to 31 characters) is used to define a NAS-Port identifier
for the NAS-Port attribute. "Default" sets the NAS-Port attribute value to the chassis/slot/port of the user. The
NAS-Port attribute value specified with this command is used in Account-Request messages and in
Accounting-Request messages.
NAS ID - The RADIUS client NAS-Identifier attribute for authentication and accounting sessions. A text string
(up to 31 characters) is used to identify the switch (RADIUS
client) in the NAS-Identifier attribute. "Default" sets the NAS-Identifier attribute to the system name of the
switch. The NAS-Identifier attribute value specified with this command is used in both Account- Request and
Accounting-Request messages.
Username Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a RADIUS Server User Name.
Password Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a RADIUS Server
Calling Station Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a Calling Station ID.
Called Station Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a Called Station ID.
Username Case - Indicates if the RADIUS Server User Name must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Password Case - Indicates if the RADIUS Server Password must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Calling Station ID Case - Indicates if the Calling Station ID must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Called Station ID Case - Indicates if the Called Station ID must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.

Editing a Global AAA Server Profile

Select the profile in the AAA Server Profile Screen and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit AAA Screen. Edit
the fields as described above then click on the Apply button.

Note: You cannot edit the Profile Name.

Assigning a Global AAA Server Profile

When you click the Apply To Devices button, the AAA Assignment Screen appears. Click on the Add/Remove button
to select the switch(es)/wireless device(s) and click the Apply button. The configuration will be applied and the
assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to the AAA Screen. The Override button is used for most of the cases
as Apply button. It is used to force assign the selected objects to the selected devices whether or not the objects exist
on the device(s).

Deleting a Global AAA Server Profile

Select the Global AAA Profile in the AAA Screen and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation

Device Config
Unified Profile Device Config Screens enable you to edit and delete Unified Profiles on specific network devices. When
you select a profile on the left side of the screen (e.g., Access Auth Profile, Access Role Profile), all of the devices to
which that profile type has been assigned are displayed. You can select a device and edit the profile parameters on the
device, or select a device(s) and delete the profile from the device(s). The following screens are available:

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Access Auth Profile - Edit/Delete Access Authentication Profiles. An Access Auth Profile enables you to assign
a pre-defined UNP port configuration to a port or linkagg, or specify them individually on each port to enable
UNP port status and set the parameters for the authentication process for the port.
Wireless Profiles (SSID, AP Group, Virtual AP) - Edit/Delete wireless profiles. Wireless Profiles can be created
and included in an Access Authentication Profile that can be assigned to wireless devices on the network.
AAA Server Profile - Edit/Delete AAA Server Profiles. AAA Server Profiles are used to define specific AAA
parameters that can be used in an Access Auth Profile or Captive Portal Profile.
Access Role Profile - Edit/Delete Access Role Profiles. An Access Role Profile contains the various UNP
properties (e.g., QoS Policy List attached to the UNP, Captive Portal Authentication) for users assigned to
the profile.
Access Classification - Edit/Delete Access Classification Rules. Access Classification Rules are defined and
associated with an Access Role Profile to provide an additional method for classifying a device into an Access
Role Profile. If authentication is not available or does not return a profile name for whatever reason, Access
Classification rules are applied to determine the profile assignment.
Far End IP - Edit/Delete Far End IP Lists. Far End IP Lists allow multiple far-end nodes to be associated with
the service created for the VXLAN Network ID (VNID) specified in a VXLAN Profile. Diagnostics - The
Diagnostics Screen displays Unified Profile information for an end station which can be used to diagnose UNP
Profile problems.
Global Configuration (AAA Profile) - Edit/Delete Global AAA Profiles. AAA Profiles are used to define specific
AAA parameters that can be used in an Access Auth Profile or an Captive Portal Profile.

Device Config - Access Auth Profile

The Unified Profile Device Config Access Auth Profile Screen displays information about all devices to which an
Access Auth Profile has been assigned. You can edit the Access Auth Profile on a device, or delete the profile from a
device(s). By default, all devices are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting Devices from
the View By drop-down menu an selecting specific devices.

Editing an Access Auth Profile

Select a device in the Access Auth Profile List and click on the Edit icon to edit the field(s) as described below.
When you are finished, click on the Apply button. Note that support for different parameters varies by device type. You
can select an option from the "Highlight" drop-down menu at the top of the screen to highlight the parameters
supported by specific devices (6x, 7x, 8x)

Default Settings
This section is used to configure basic settings for the profile.

AAA Server Profile - The AAA Server Profile used to authenticate users on the port.
Port Bounce - Enables/Disables Port Bounce. Always Enabled on wireless devices. This feature is required
to handle scenarios where a client is switched from one VLAN to other after COA. If port bounce is enabled,
the port will be administratively put down. This is to trigger DHCP renewal and re- authentication, if
MAC Auth - Enables/Disables MAC Authentication for the port. Wireless devices do not contain this attribute in
their configuration table. MAC Pass Alt attribute in the next section No Auth/Failure/Alternate is used for MAC
Authentication on wireless devices.
802.1X Auth - Enables/Disables 802.1X Authentication. Wireless devices do not contain this attribute in their
configuration table. 802.1X Pass Alt attribute in the next section No Auth/Failure/Alternate is used for 802.1X
Authentication on wireless devices.
Dynamic Service - Select a dynamic mapping method, if applicable (SPB, VXLAN).
Customer Domain ID - Select a Customer Domain ID for the profile, if applicable.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
No Auth/Failure/Alternate
This section is used to configure the actions taken if a device assigned to the profile fails authentication.

Trust Tag - Enables/Disables whether or not to trust the VLAN ID of a tagged packet to determine how the
packet is classified. Enabling the trust VLAN ID tag option provides an implicit method of VLAN tag
classification that will accept tagged traffic matching any of the existing UNPs without the need to create
specific classification rules for those profiles.
Access Classification - Enables/Disables device classification. Always Enabled on wireless devices
(Default = Disabled).
Default Access Role Profile - The Default Access Role Profile that users are assigned to after
authentication. Note that for IAP devices the default Access Role Profile name must match the SSID Profile
name in order for it to take effect.
802.1X Pass Alt - The user shall be assigned a Pass-Alternate UNP in case the 802.1X authentication does
not result in a valid UNP for the pass branch.
Bypass Status - Enables/Disables 802.1X bypass. When 802.1X bypass is enabled, the user's 802.1X
authentication method is skipped. The user enters directly mac-authentication or Access Classification based
on the configuration on the UNP ports/Linkaggs. On wireless devices, this attribute corresponds to another
attribute named l2-auth-fail-through, and this attribute must be combined with the MAC Allow EAP attribute to
make l2-auth-fail-through attribute work (Default = Disabled).
Bypass Status with ENABLED status combined with None MAC Allow EAP will disable 802.1X
authentication, and l2-auth-fail-through is not ENABLED
Bypass Status with ENABLED status combined with Fail MAC Allow EAP will enable l2-auth-fail-

Other configurations of Bypass Status and MAC Allow EAP cause l2-auth-fail-through to be
ignored on wireless devices.
Failure Policy - The authentication method used if 802.1X authentication fails.
MAC Pass Alt - The Access Role Profile the user is assigned to after passing authentication.
MAC Allow EAP - Enables/Disables Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).

Advanced Settings
This section is used to configure advanced 802.1x authentication settings for the profile.

802.1X Tx Period - Access Auth Profile 802.1x Tx period, in seconds. 802.1X

Supp Timeout - 802.1X Authentication Supp Timeout, in seconds. 802.1X
Request - 802.1X Authentication Max Request number.
Port Controlled Directions - Configures whether network access control is applied to both incoming and
outgoing traffic, or only applied to incoming traffic.

Deleting an Access Auth Profile

Select a profile(s) in the Access Auth Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation

Device Config - SSID Profile

The Unified Profile Device Config SSID Profile Screen displays information about all devices to which an SSID Profile
has been assigned. You can edit the SSID Profile on a device, or delete the it from a device(s). By default, all devices
are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting Devices from the View By drop-down menu an
selecting specific devices.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Editing an SSID Profile

Select a device in the SSID Profile List and edit field(s) as described below. When you are finished, click on the Apply

Profile Name - User-configured profile name.

ESSID - User configured name that uniquely identifies a wireless network (up to 31 characters). If the ESSID
includes spaces, you must enclose it in quotation marks.
Hide SSID - Enables/Disables the SSID name in beacon frames. Note that hiding the SSID does very little to
increase security. (Default = Disabled)
Enable SSID - Enables/Disables the SSID Profile.
Encryption - The layer-2 authentication and encryption type used on this ESSID.
DYNAMIC_WEP - WEP with dynamic keys.
OPENSYSTEM - No authentication and encryption.
STATIC_WEP - WEP with static keys.
WPA_AES - WPA with AES encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1X.
WPA_PSK_AES - WPA with AES encryption using a preshared key.
WPA_PSK_TKIP - WPA with TKIP encryption using a preshared key.
WPA_TKIP - WPA with TKIP encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1X.
WPA2_AES - WPA2 with AES encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1X.
WPA2_PSK_AES - WPA2 with AES encryption using a preshared key.
WPA2_PSK_TKIP - WPA2 with TKIP encryption using a preshared key.
WPA2_TKIP - WPA2 with TKIP encryption and dynamic keys using 802.1X.

Deleting an SSID Profile

Select a device(s) in the SSID Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Device Config - AP Group

The Unified Profile Device Config AP Group Profile Screen displays information about all devices to which an AP
Group Profile has been assigned. You can edit the AP Group Profile on a device, or delete the it from a device(s). By
default, all devices are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting Devices from the View By
drop-down menu an selecting specific devices.

Editing an AP Group Profile

Select a device in the AP Group List and edit field(s) as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Apply button.

Access Auth Profiles - Select an Access Auth Profile from the drop-down list.

Deleting an AP Group Profile

Select a device(s) in the SSID Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Device Config - Virtual AP

The Unified Profile Device Config Virtual AP Screen displays information about all devices to which a Virtual AP Profile
has been assigned. You can edit the Virtual AP Profile on a device, or delete the it from a device(s). By default, all
devices are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting Devices from the View By drop-down
menu an selecting specific devices.

Editing a Virtual AP Profile

Select a device in the Virtual AP List and edit field(s) as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Apply button.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Access Auth Profile - The Access Auth Profile associated with the Virtual AP Profile.
VLAN - The VLAN the to which the profile is assigned.
SSID Profile - The SSID Profile associated with the Virtual AP Profile.
Allowed Band - The band(s) on which to use the Virtual AP:
a - 802.11a band only (5 GHz)
g - 802.11b/g band only (2.4 GHz)
all - Both 802.11a and 802.11b/g bands (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz). (Default).
Band Steering - Enables/Disables Band Steering. Band Steering encourages dual-band capable clients to stay
on the 5GHz band on dual-band APs. This frees up resources on the 2.4GHz band for single band clients like
VoIP phones. The feature supports both campus APs and remote APs that have a virtual AP profile set to
tunnel , split-tunnel or bridge forwarding mode. Note, however, that if a campus or remote APs have virtual AP
profiles configured in bridge or split-tunnel forwarding mode but no virtual APs in tunnel mode, those APs will
gather information about 5G-capable clients independently and will not exchange this information with other
APs that only have bridge or split-tunnel virtual APs configured.
Dynamic Multicast Optimization - Enables/Disables Dynamic Multicast Optimization.
Dynamic Multicast Optimization Threshold - The maximum number of high-throughput stations in a multicast
group beyond which dynamic multicast optimization stops. (Range = 2 - 255, Default = 5)
Drop All Broadcast or Multicast Traffic - If "Enabled", broadcast and multicast traffic is dropped. Do not
enable this option for Virtual APs configured in bridge forwarding mode. This configuration parameter is only
intended for use for Virtual APs in tunnel mode. In tunnel mode, all packets travel to the controller, so the
controller is able to drop all broadcast traffic. When a Virtual AP is configured to use bridge forwarding mode,
most data traffic stays local to the AP, and the controller is not able to filter out that broadcast traffic.
Convert Broadcast ARP Requests To Unicast - If "Enabled", all broadcast ARP requests are converted to
unicast and sent directly to the client. This configuration parameter is only intended for use for virtual APs in
tunnel mode. In tunnel mode, all packets travel to the controller, so the controller is able to convert ARP
requests directed to the broadcast address into unicast.
Forward Mode - Controls whether data is tunneled to the controller using generic routing encapsulation (GRE),
bridged into the local Ethernet LAN (for remote APs), or using a combination of both depending on the
destination (e.g., corporate traffic goes to the controller, and Internet access remains local). All forwarding
modes support band steering, TSPEC/TCLAS enforcement, 802.11k and station blacklisting.
Tunnel - The AP handles all 802.11 association requests and responses, but sends all 802.11 data
packets, action frames, and EAPOL frames over a GRE tunnel to the controller for processing. The
controller removes or adds the GRE headers, decrypts or encrypts 802.11 frames, and applies firewall
rules to the user traffic as usual. Both remote and campus APs can be configured in tunnel mode.
Bridge - 802.11 frames are bridged into the local Ethernet LAN. When a remote AP or campus AP is in
bridge mode, the AP (and not the controller) handles all 802.11 association requests and responses,
encryption/decryption processes, and firewall enforcement. The 802.11e and 802.11k action frames are
also processed by the AP, which then sends out responses as needed.
Split Tunnel - 802.11 frames are either tunneled or bridged, depending on the destination (e.g.,
corporate traffic goes to the controller, and Internet access remains local).
Decrypt Tunnel - Both remote and campus APs can be configured in decrypt-tunnel mode. When an AP
uses decrypt-tunnel forwarding mode, that AP decrypts and decapsulates all 802.11 frames from a client
and sends the 802.3 frames through the GRE tunnel to the controller, which then applies firewall policies
to the user traffic.
Steering Mode - Band steering supports the following three band steering modes.
Force-5GHz - The AP will try to force 5Ghz-capable APs to use that radio band.
Prefer-5GHz -The AP will try to steer the client to 5G band (if the client is 5G capable) but will let the
client connect on the 2.4G band if the client persists in 2.4G association attempts. (Default) Band
Balancing - The AP tries to balance the clients across the two radios in order to best utilize the available
2.4G bandwidth. This feature takes into account the fact that the 5Ghz band has more channels than the
2.4 GHz band, and that the 5Ghz channels operate in 40MHz while the 2.5Ghz band operates in 20MHz.
Virtual AP Enable - Enables/Disables the Wireless Authentication Profile.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a Virtual AP Profile

Select a device(s) in the Virtual AP List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Device Config - AAA Server Profile

The Unified Profile Device Config AAA Server Profile Screen displays information about all devices to which an AAA
Server Profile has been assigned. You can edit the AAA Server Profile on a device, or delete the profile from a
device(s). By default, all devices are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting Devices from
the View By drop-down menu an selecting specific devices.

Editing a AAA Server Profile

Select a device in the AAA Server Profile List and click on the Edit icon to edit the field(s) as described below.
When you are finished, click on the Apply button.

Authentication Servers

802.1X Primary - Select a Primary 802.1X Authentication Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.

For wireless devices, 802.1x Primary and Secondary Server configurations will help you to create 802.1x
Authentication Server Group which will be used by Access Auth Profiles (Wireless AAA Server Profiles).

Captive Portal Primary - Select a Primary Captive Portal Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.

Note: Captive Portal Primary and Secondary Server configurations are ignored for wireless devices.

MAC Primary- Select a Primary MAC Authentication Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.

Note: For wireless devices, MAC Primary and Secondary Server configurations will help you to
create a MAC Authentication Server Group that will be used by Access Auth Profiles (Wireless AAA
Server Profiles). For IAP Devices, there is not a separate server for MAC Authentication. 802.1x
Primary and Secondary Servers are used instead.

Accounting Servers

802.1X Primary - Select a Primary 802.1X Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.
Captive Portal Primary - Select a Primary Captive Portal Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also
select Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server. MAC Primary
- Select a Primary MAC Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary, Tertiary, and
Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.

Note: For wireless devices, Accounting Servers will help you to create an Accounting Radius Server
Group that will be used in Access Auth Profiles (Wireless AAA Server Profiles). Captive Portal
Primary and Secondary Servers are ignored. Wireless Devices only accept Radius servers for
Accounting. If you select another type, an error will occur when you try to apply the configuration to
Wireless Controllers.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Advanced Settings

Advanced settings are not supported on wireless devices and will be ignored when applied to those devices.

MAC Auth

Session Timeout Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust Radius option for
MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled, the switch will use the Session Timeout attribute received from the
Authentication Server in an Accept-Accept message. If Disabled, the switch uses the locally configured
timeout interval value (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout option for MAC Authenticated users. If
Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Session Timeout Interval.
(Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Interval - The Session Timeout value, in seconds. When the Session Timeout value is
reached, the authenticated users are logged out and the MAC address for each logged out user device is
flushed. Note that when the Session Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing
authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again (Range = 12000 -
86400, Default = 43200).
Inactivity Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Inactivity Timeout option for MAC Authenticated users. If
Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Inactivity Timeout Interval
(Default = Disabled).
Inactivity Timeout Interval - The Inactivity Timeout value, in seconds. Make sure the configured value is value
greater than the MAC address aging time for the switch. If the Timeout Value is exceeded, the user is not
logged out of the network if the MAC address aging time expires before the configured timeout value. Also note
that when the Inactivity Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated
users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.(Range = 60 - 1200, Default = 600)
Accounting Interim Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust Radius option for
MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS server overrides
the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the new value does not
apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for MAC
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Syslog Accounting Server IP Address - The IP address of the Syslog Accounting Server.
Syslog Accounting Server UDP Port - The port used to communicate with the Syslog Accounting Server
(Default = 514).
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).


Re-Authentication Timeout Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust Radius
option for 802.1x Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Session-Timeout attribute value received from the
RADIUS server overrides the locally configured value for the switch. (Default = Disabled).
Re-Authentication Timeout - Enables/Disables the automatic re-authentication of authenticated 802.1X
users (Default = Disabled).
Re-Authentication Interval - The amount of time the switch waits, in seconds, before triggering re-
authentication of 802.1X users. Note that when the re-authentication time interval is changed, the new value
does not apply to existing authenticated 802.1X users until the user is flushed out or when the user is
authenticated again. Any new 802.1X users are re-authenticated based on the current time interval setting.
(Range = 600 - 7200, Default = 3600)
Accounting Interim Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust Radius option for
802.1X authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS server
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
overrides the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the new value
does not apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for 802.1x
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Syslog Accounting Server IP Address - The IP address of the Syslog Accounting Server.
Syslog Accounting Server UDP Port - The port used to communicate with the Syslog Accounting Server
(Default = 514).
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).
Captive Portal

Session Timeout Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust Radius option for
Captive Portal Authenticated users. If Enabled, the switch will use the Session Timeout attribute received
from the RADIUS server in an Accept-Accept message. If Disabled, the switch to use the locally configured
timeout interval value (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout option for Captive Portal
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the
configured Session Timeout Interval. (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Interval - The Session Timeout value, in seconds. When the Session Timeout value is
reached, the authenticated users are logged out and the MAC address for each logged out user device is
flushed. Note that when the Session Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing
authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again (Range = 12000 -
86400, Default = 43200).
Inactivity Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Inactivity Timeout option for Captive Portal
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the
configured Inactivity Timeout Interval (Default = Disabled).
Inactivity Timeout Interval - The Inactivity Timeout value, in seconds. Make sure the configured value is value
greater than the MAC address aging time for the switch. If the Timeout Value is exceeded, the user is not
logged out of the network if the MAC address aging time expires before the configured timeout value. Also note
that when the Inactivity Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated
users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Accounting Interim Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust Radius option for
Captive Portal Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS
server overrides the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the
new value does not apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is
authenticated again.
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for Captive Portal
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Syslog Accounting Server IP Address - The IP address of the Syslog Accounting Server. Syslog
Accounting Server UDP Port - The port used to communicate with the Syslog Accounting Server (Default
= 514).
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC - sets the
Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP address of the user).


NAS Port ID - The RADIUS client NAS-Port attribute for authentication and accounting sessions. A text string
(up to 31 characters) is used to define a NAS-Port identifier for the NAS-Port attribute. "Default" sets the NAS-
Port attribute value to the chassis/slot/port of the user. The NAS-Port attribute value specified with this
command is used in Account-Request messages and in Accounting-Request messages.
NAS ID - The RADIUS client NAS-Identifier attribute for authentication and accounting sessions. A text string
(up to 31 characters) is used to identify the switch (RADIUS client) in the NAS-Identifier attribute. "Default" sets
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
the NAS-Identifier attribute to the system name of the switch. The NAS-Identifier attribute value specified with
this command is used in both Account-Request and Accounting-Request messages.
Username Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a RADIUS Server User Name.
Password Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a RADIUS Server
Calling Station Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a Calling Station ID.
Called Station Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a Called Station ID.
Username Case - Indicates if the RADIUS Server User Name must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Password Case - Indicates if the RADIUS Server Password must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Calling Station ID Case - Indicates if the Calling Station ID must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Called Station ID Case - Indicates if the Called Station ID must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Deleting a AAA Server Profile
Select a device(s) in the AAA Server Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation

Device Config - Access Role Profile

The Unified Profile Device Config Access Role Profile Screen displays information about all devices to which a Access
Role Profile has been assigned. You can edit the Access Role Profile on a device, or delete the profile from a
device(s). By default, all devices are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting Devices from
the View By drop-down menu an selecting specific devices.

Editing an Access Role Profile

Select a device in the Access Role Profile List and click on the Edit icon to edit the field(s) as described below.
When you are finished, click on the Apply button. Note that support for different parameters varies by device type.
You can select an option from the "Highlight" drop-down menu at the top of the screen to highlight the parameters
supported by specific devices (6x, 7x, 8x).

Access Role Profile Attributes

Policy List - An Access Role Profile can also be configured with an existing Unified Policy List. The set of rules
within the Unified Policy List are then applied to the traffic that passes though switches/wireless devices. Only
one Unified Policy List is allowed per profile, but multiple profiles may use the same Policy List. Select a Unified
Policy List for the profile from the drop-down menu.
Max Ingress Bandwidth - The maximum bandwidth limit allocated for ingress traffic on UNP ports
assigned to the profile. If the maximum ingress bandwidth value is set to zero, all ingress traffic is allowed
on the UNP port. (Not supported on AOS 7.3.4 switches and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Max Egress Bandwidth - The maximum bandwidth limit allocated for egress traffic on UNP ports assigned
to the profile. If the maximum egress bandwidth value is set to zero, all egress traffic is allowed on the UNP
port. (Not supported on AOS 7.3.4 switches and ignored when applied to those devices.)
Max Ingress Depth or Max Default Depth (AOS 6) - The maximum ingress depth value that is applied to
traffic on UNP ports that are assigned to the profile. This value determines how much the traffic can burst over
the maximum ingress bandwidth rate. The maximum ingress depth value is configured in conjunction with the
maximum ingress bandwidth parameter. When the ingress depth value is reached, the switch starts to drop
packets. (Not supported on AOS 7.3.4 switches and ignored when applied to those devices.)

Deleting an Access Role Profile

Select a device(s) in the Access Role Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Device Config - Access Classification

The Unified Profile Device Config Access Classification Screen displays information about all devices to which a
Access Classification Profile has been assigned. You can edit the Access Classification Rule on a device, or delete the
profile from a device(s). By default, all devices are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting
Devices from the View By drop-down menu an selecting specific devices.

Editing an Access Classification Profile

Select a device in the Access Classification Profile List and edit the field(s) as described below. When you are finished,
click on the Apply button. Note that the parameters you can edit depend on the Access Classification Profile assigned
to the device.

MAC Rule (Both AOS and Wireless Devices) - Defines a MAC Address Access Classification Rule for the
specified UNP Access Role Profile. If the source MAC address of the device traffic matches the MAC address
defined for the rule, the specified Access Role Profile is applied. Note that when a MAC Access Classification
Rule is removed or modified, all MAC addresses classified with that rule are flushed.
Name - User-configured name for the MAC Rule.
MAC Address - The MAC address to be used for the rule. If the source MAC address of the device
traffic matches the MAC address defined for the rule, the specified Access Role Profile is applied.
VLAN Tag - An optional VLAN Tag. If configured, traffic must also match this VLAN Tag in
addition to the source MAC address.
Customer Domain ID - An optional Customer Domain ID to which this rule will apply. When a
customer domain ID is configured for this rule, the rule is applied only to traffic received on UNP ports
that are associated with the same domain ID. All UNP ports are automatically assigned to customer
domain 0 at the time the port is configured as a UNP port.
Access Role Profile - Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
MAC Range Rule (AOS Devices only) - Defines a MAC Address Range Access Classification Rule for the
specified UNP Access Role Profile. If the source MAC address of the device traffic matches any of the MAC
address within the range of MAC addresses, the specified profile is applied. Note that when a MAC Access
Classification Rule is removed or modified, all MAC addresses classified with that rule are flushed.
MAC Low Address - MAC address that defines the low end of the range (e.g.,
MAC High Address - MAC address that defines the high end of the range (e.g.,
VLAN Tag - An optional VLAN Tag. If configured, traffic must also match this VLAN Tag in
addition to the source MAC address.
Customer Domain ID - An optional Customer Domain ID to which this rule will apply. When a
customer domain ID is configured for this rule, the rule is applied only to traffic received on UNP ports
that are associated with the same domain ID. All UNP ports are automatically assigned to customer
domain 0 at the time the port is configured as a UNP port.
Access Role Profile - Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
IP Address Rule (AOS Devices only) - Defines an IP Address Access Classification Rule for the
specified UNP Access Role Profile. If the source IP address of the device traffic matches the IP address
defined for the rule, the specified Access Role Profile is applied.
IP Network Address - The IPv4 network address (e.g.,,,
IP Mask - An IP address mask to identify the IP subnet for the interface (supports classless masking).
VLAN Tag - An optional VLAN Tag. If configured, traffic must also match this VLAN Tag in
addition to the source MAC address.
Customer Domain ID - An optional Customer Domain ID to which this rule will apply. When a customer
domain ID is configured for this rule, the rule is applied only to traffic received on UNP ports that are
associated with the same domain ID. All UNP ports are automatically assigned to customer domain 0 at
the time the port is configured as a UNP port.
Access Role Profile - Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
VLAN Tag Rule - Defines a VLAN Tag for the specified Access Classification Rule. If the source VLAN Tag of
the device traffic matches the VLAN Tag defined for the rule, the specified Access Role Profile is applied.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
VLAN Tag - The VLAN Tag used for the rule.
Tag Position (7x only) - The VLAN Tag position - Inner Tag (Default), Outer Tag.
Customer Domain ID - An optional Customer Domain ID to which this rule will apply. When a customer
domain ID is configured for this rule, the rule is applied only to traffic received on UNP ports that are
associated with the same domain ID. All UNP ports are automatically assigned to customer domain 0 at
the time the port is configured as a UNP port.
Access Role Profile - Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
Location (Wireless Devices only) - Defines a Location rule for the specified Access Role Profile. The
specified Access Role Profile will be applied if the user location (AP name) matches with the value defined in
the rule.
Name - The rule name.
Location - The AP location.
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
ESSID (Wireless Devices only) - Defines an Extended Service Set Identifier (ESSID) for the specified Access
Role Profile. The specified Access Role Profile will be applied if the ESSID of AP (which client is associating)
matches with the defined ESSID in the rule.
Name - The rule name.
ESSID Value - The ESSID of AP.
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
DHCP Option (Wireless Devices only) - Defines a DHCP signature ID rule for the specified Access Role
Name - The rule name.
Signature ID - The DHCP signature ID.
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
DHCP Option 77 (Wireless Devices only) - Defines a DHCP Option 77 rule for the specified Access Role
Profile. The specified Access Role Profile will be applied if the user class identifier returned by DHCP server
matches with the value defined in the rule.
Name - The rule name.
Value - The user class identifier returned by DHCP server.
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.
Encryption Type (Wireless Devices only) - Defines an Encryption Type rule for the specified Access Role
Profile. The specified Access Role Profile will be applied if the encryption type used by the client matches with
the value defined in the rule.
Name - The rule name.
Encryption Type - The encryption type used by the client (e.g., WPA/WPA2 AES, Dynamic WEP).
Access Role Profile -Select the Access Role Profile to use for the rule.

Deleting an Access Classification Profile

Select a device(s) in the Access Classification Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the
confirmation prompt.

Device Config - Far End IP

The Unified Profile Device Config Far End IP Screen displays information about all devices to which a Far End IP List
has been assigned. You can edit the Far End IP List on a device, or delete the it from a device(s). By default, all
devices are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting Devices from the View By drop-down
menu an selecting specific devices.

Editing a Far End IP List

Select a device in the Far End IP List and edit the field(s) as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Apply button.

IP Address - Enter an IP address and click on the Add icon to add an address. Repeat to add
additional IP addresses. Click on the Delete icon to remove an IP address.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a Far End IP List

Select a device(s) in the Far End IP List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Device Config - Diagnostic

he Unified Profile Device Config Diagnostics Screen displays Unified Profile information for an end station connected to
UNP Ports which can be used to diagnose UNP Profile problems. You can view information for a device by IP Address
or MAC Address by selecting the applicable Search by criteria, entering the address and clicking on the Locate

Diagnostic List

Device Address - The IP address of the device.

Port - The slot/port on which the device was learned.
MAC Address - The MAC address of the device.
Access Timestamp - The login timestamp of the device.
User Name - The name used to authenticate the device.
IP Address - The IP address from which the device is sending packets.
VLAN - The device VLAN.
Classification Source - The Classification policy under which the device was learned.
Authentication Type - The authentication type used to authenticate the device (e.g., MAC).
Authentication Status - The status of authentication:
In Progress
Failed Timeout Failed
No Server Failed No
IP Address Type - The user IP address type. Currently, only IPv4 is supported.
Auth Server IP Used- The IP address of the Authentication Server used to authenticate the device.
Auth Server IP Type - The Authentication Server IP address type. Currently, only IPv4 is supported.
UNP Used - The UNP used to classify the device.
User Role - The UNP used to classify the device role.
User Role Source - The UNP user role source.
Auth Fail Reason - The authentication failure reason.
Auth Fail Retry Count - The authentication failure retry count (number of times re-authentication is
attempted after an authentication failure).
Classif Profile Rule - The Classification Policy from which the device was learned.
Rest Access Status - The MAC VLAN user Authentication Server status.
Role Rule - The Classification Policy Rule used to classify the device.
Loc Policy Status - The Location Policy status (Not Applicable/Pass/Fail).
Time Policy Status - The Time Policy status (Not Applicable/Pass/Fail).
Cap Portal Status - The Captive Portal status (Not Applicable/Pass/Fail).
Auth Server Used - The name of the Authentication Server name used for the latest authentication session
of the device.
Server Message - The RADIUS server message displayed to the user.
Redirection URL - The Redirect Server URL.
UNP From Auth Server - The UNP returned by the Authentication Server for the device.
QMR Status - The QMR status (Enabled/Disabled).
MC LAG Learning - The Multi-Chassis Link Aggregate status (Enabled/Disabled).
SIP Call Type - The SIP Call Type for the device (Normal Call/Emergency Call/Not In Call).
SIP Media Type - The SIP Media Type for the device (Other/Audio/Video/None).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Device Config - Global Configuration - AAA

The Unified Profile Device Config Global Configuration - AAA Screen displays information about all devices to which a
Global Configuration - AAA Profile has been assigned. You can edit the profile on a device, or delete the it from a
device(s). By default, all devices are displayed. However, you can display specific devices by selecting Devices from
the View By drop-down menu an selecting specific devices.

Editing a Global AAA Profile

Edit the field(s) as described below. When you are finished, click on the Apply button. Note that the fields vary
depending on the device selected.

Authentication Servers

802.1X Primary - Select a Primary 802.1X Authentication Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.

Note: For wireless devices, 802.1x Primary and Secondary Server configurations will help you to
create 802.1x Authentication Server Group which will be used by Access Auth Profiles (Wireless
AAA Server Profiles).

Captive Portal Primary - Select a Primary Captive Portal Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.

Note: Captive Portal Primary and Secondary Server configurations are ignored for wireless

MAC Primary- Select a Primary MAC Authentication Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.

Note: For wireless devices, MAC Primary and Secondary Server configurations will help you to
create a MAC Authentication Server Group that will be used by Access Auth Profiles (Wireless
AAA Server Profiles).

Accounting Servers

802.1X Primary - Select a Primary 802.1X Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select
Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.
Captive Portal Primary - Select a Primary Captive Portal Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also
select Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.
MAC Primary - Select a Primary MAC Accounting Server for the Profile. You can also select Secondary,
Tertiary, and Quaternary Backups, however each must be a different server.

Note: For wireless devices, Accounting Servers will help you to create an Accounting Radius
Server Group that will be used in Access Auth Profiles (Wireless AAA Server Profiles). Captive
Portal Primary and Secondary Servers are ignored. Wireless Devices only accept Radius servers
for Accounting. If you select another type, an error will occur when you try to apply the
configuration to Wireless Controllers.

Advanced Settings
Advanced settings are not supported on wireless devices and will be ignored when applied to those devices.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
MAC Auth

Session Timeout Trust Radius Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust Radius option for MAC
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the switch will use the Session Timeout attribute received from the Authentication
Server in an Accept-Accept message. If Disabled, the switch uses the locally configured timeout interval value
(Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout option for MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled,
the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Session Timeout Interval. (Default =
Session Timeout Interval - The Session Timeout value, in seconds. When the Session Timeout value is reached,
the authenticated users are logged out and the MAC address for each logged out user device is flushed. Note that
when the Session Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated users until the
user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again (Range = 12000 - 86400, Default = 43200).
Inactivity Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Inactivity Timeout option for MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled,
the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the configured Inactivity Timeout Interval (Default =
Inactivity Timeout Interval - The Inactivity Timeout value, in seconds. Make sure the configured value is value
greater than the MAC address aging time for the switch. If the Timeout Value is exceeded, the user is not logged out
of the network if the MAC address aging time expires before the configured timeout value. Also note that when the
Inactivity Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated users until the user is
flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.(Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust Radius option for MAC
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS server overrides the locally
configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing
authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again. (Default = Disabled)
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for MAC accounting
sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP address of
the user).


Re-Authentication Timeout Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust
RADIUS option for 802.1x Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Session-Timeout attribute value received
from the RADIUS server overrides the locally configured value for the switch. (Default = Disabled).
Re-Authentication Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the automatic re-authentication of
authenticated 802.1X users (Default = Disabled).
Re-Authentication Timeout Interval - The amount of time the switch waits, in seconds, before triggering re-
authentication of 802.1X users. Note that when the re-authentication time interval is changed, the new value
does not apply to existing authenticated 802.1X users until the user is flushed out or when the user is
authenticated again. Any new 802.1X users are re-authenticated based on the current time interval setting.
(Range = 600 - 7200, Default = 3600)
Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS option for
MAC Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS server overrides
the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the new value does not
apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again.
(Default = Disabled)
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for 802.1x
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Captive Portal

Session Timeout Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout Trust RADIUS option for
Captive Portal Authenticated users. If Enabled, the switch will use the Session Timeout attribute received from
the RADIUS server in an Accept-Accept message. If Disabled, the switch to use the locally configured timeout
interval value (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Session Timeout option for Captive Portal
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the
configured Session Timeout Interval. (Default = Disabled).
Session Timeout Interval - The Session Timeout value, in seconds. When the Session Timeout value is
reached, the authenticated users are logged out and the MAC address for each logged out user device is
flushed. Note that when the Session Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing
authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again (Range = 12000 -
86400, Default = 43200).
Inactivity Timeout Status - Enables/Disables the Inactivity Timeout option for Captive Portal
Authenticated users. If Enabled, the user is automatically logged out of the network based on the
configured Inactivity Timeout Interval (Default = Disabled).
Inactivity Timeout Interval - The Inactivity Timeout value, in seconds. Make sure the configured value is value
greater than the MAC address aging time for the switch. If the Timeout Value is exceeded, the user is not
logged out of the network if the MAC address aging time expires before the configured timeout value. Also note
that when the Inactivity Timeout Interval is changed, the new value does not apply to existing authenticated
users until the user is flushed out or when the user is authenticated again. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS Status - Enables/Disables the Accounting Interim Trust RADIUS option
for Captive Portal Authenticated users. If Enabled, the Accounting Interim value received from the RADIUS
server overrides the locally configured value. Note that when the Accounting Interim Interval is changed, the
new value does not apply to existing authenticated users until the user is flushed out or when the user is
authenticated again. (Default = Disabled)
Accounting Interim Interval - The amount of time between each interim accounting update for Captive Portal
accounting sessions, in seconds. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default - 600)
Calling Station ID Type - The RADIUS Calling Station ID attribute for MAC accounting sessions (MAC
- sets the Calling Station ID to the MAC address of the user. IP - sets the Calling Station ID to the IP
address of the user).


NAS Port ID - The RADIUS client NAS-Port attribute for authentication and accounting sessions. A text string
(up to 31 characters) is used to define a NAS-Port identifier
for the NAS-Port attribute. "Default" sets the NAS-Port attribute value to the chassis/slot/port of the user. The
NAS-Port attribute value specified with this command is used in Account-Request messages and in
Accounting-Request messages.
NAS ID - The RADIUS client NAS-Identifier attribute for authentication and accounting sessions. A text string
(up to 31 characters) is used to identify the switch (RADIUS
client) in the NAS-Identifier attribute. "Default" sets the NAS-Identifier attribute to the system name of the
switch. The NAS-Identifier attribute value specified with this command is used in both Account- Request and
Accounting-Request messages.
Username Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a RADIUS Server User Name.
Password Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a RADIUS Server
Calling Station Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a Calling Station ID.
Called Station Delimiter - The delimiter character used to separate fields within a Called Station ID.
Username Case - Indicates if the RADIUS Server User Name must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Password Case - Indicates if the RADIUS Server Password must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Calling Station ID Case - Indicates if the Calling Station ID must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
Called Station ID Case - Indicates if the Called Station ID must be in Upper Case or Lower Case.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting a Global AAA Profile

Select a device(s) in the AAA Profile List and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Profile Polling
The Unified Profile Profile Polling Screen is used to set the interval for polling devices the latest Unified Profile
configurations. The current configured interval is displayed at the top of the screen. To change the interval, click on the
"Reconfigure Poll Interval" link, set the new interval and click on the Apply button. (Range = 10 minutes to 24 hours,
Default = 1 Hour).

You can also perform an immediate poll of devices. Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use
Topology) and click on the Select Devices button to choose the devices you want to poll. Click on the Poll Now button
to poll the devices. When polling is complete, OmniVista will be updated with the latest Unified Profile information. Note
that when polling is complete, you can click on the on the "Show More" link, then click on the "Details" link next to a
device for detailed information on the polling operation.

Unified Policies
The PolicyView Unified Policies Screen application displays all configured Unified Policies and is used to create, edit,
delete, and view Unified Policies. Unified Policies are QoS Policies that can be applied to both wireline and wireless
devices. Unified Policies are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to create the
Policy and apply the Policy to devices in the network.

Note: Unified Policies are only displayed in the Unified Policies Table. They are not displayed with
other configured QoS Policies in the Expert Mode Existing Policies Table.

Creating Unified Policy

Unified Policies are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to create the policy and
apply the policy to devices in the network. To create a Unified Policy, click on the Create icon . The wizard will then
guide you through the following screens:

Configuration - Basic policy configuration (e.g., Policy Name, Precedence)

Device Selection - Specify the devices to which you will apply the policy
Set Condition - Specify the conditions that must be true before traffic will be allowed to flow.
Set Action - Specify parameters for the traffic that will flow.
Validity Period - Specify the time period for the policy to be effective.
Review - Review the policy details before creating the policy.

Note: As you configure a policy, conditions and actions are verified against the devices selected for the
policy. If a condition or action is not supported by one of the selected devices, and error message will
appear indicating the error and corrective action to be taken.

Applying a Unified Policy to the Network

After configuring and saving a policy(ies), you must apply the policy(ies) by notifying the switches in the network. When
you click on the Notify All button, all of the policies listed in the Existing Unified Policies Table are applied to all of the
devices configured for each policy. To apply the policy(ies) only to certain devices, select an option from the drop-down
menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select Device button and select the device(s); then click the
Notify Selected button.

After notifying the devices, you can view the status of the re-cache operation, by clicking on the Status button to view
the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you can view the success or failure of the re-cache operation for
each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit application, including an indication of any error that may have occurred.
Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate thread and may take some time. Any errors that
occur will also be reported in the server.txt file, in the Audit application.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Note: When you notify network switches, all QoS-enabled switches flush their policy tables and reload
policies from the LDAP repository, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time. It is
recommended that you review all policies that you have created and apply them at the same time to
minimize switch downtime.

Editing a Unified Policy

To edit a policy, select the policy in the Existing Unified Policies Table and click on the Edit icon . Use the wizard to
make any edits. When you are done, apply the edited policy to the network.

Note that if you modify a policy and select different device types at the Device Selection Step (AOS/Wireless), a
warning dialog will be displayed if the condition in the policy is not supported on one of the selected device types. For
example: “Condition mis-match: condition (L2 MACs and L4 Service) is not valid for selected device. Do you want to
remove the mis-match conditions?” If you select Yes, the mis-matched conditions will be removed from edited policy.
Otherwise, the newly selected devices will be removed from Device Selection list.

Deleting Unified Policy

To delete a policy(ies), select the policy(ies) in the Existing Unified Policies Table and click on the Delete icon
then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Policy Information
The Existing Unified Policies Table displays information for all configured Policies. You can also click on a policy to
view detailed information about the Policy (e.g., Condition, Action).

Policy Name - The name of the Policy.

Scope - The scope of the Policy (e.g., IP Filtering, Provisioned).
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Status - Indicates whether or not the Policy has been saved to the LDAP Server.
Enable - Indicates whether or not the Policy is enabled.
Save - Indicates whether or not the rule will be recorded during a snapshot command.
Log Matches - Indicates whether or not matches to this rule are logged in the QoS Log.
Reflexive - Indicates whether or not the Policy is reflexive. Reflexive Policy Rules allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied (Yes/No).
Default List- Indicates whether or not the Policy is saved to the Default Policy List. By default, a Policy Rule is
added to this list when it is created. A Policy Rule remains a member of the Default List even when it is
subsequently assigned to additional Policy Lists.
SLA Policy Trap - Indicates whether or not an SLA Policy Trap is configured for the policy.
Config for Policy
The Unified Policies Config for Policy Screen is used to configure basic Policy parameters. When you have completed
all of the parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Device Selection on the left side of
the screen to move to the next step.

Name - The Policy name.

Precedence - The Policy precedence. By default, the precedence field is pre-filled with the lowest unused
precedence value (Range = 0 - 65535).

Click on Show Advanced Options to display and configure the options below:

Default List - Adds the rule to the QoS Default Policy List. Default is No
Enabled - Enables the policy. Default is Yes
Save - Marks the policy rule so that it may be captured as part of the switch configuration. Default is
Log Matches - Configures the switch to log messages about specific flows coming into the switch that match
this policy rule. Default is Yes
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Send Trap - Enables traps for the Policy. Default is No
Reflexive - Enables support for the Reflexive for the policy. Reflexive policies allow specific return
connections that would normally be denied. Default is Ignore.

Note: The Config for Policy Screen for Unified Policies is similar to Config for Policy Screen in Expert
mode. However, Unified Policies created for Wireless Controllers will accept the "No Reflexive" option.

Device Selection
The Unified Policies Device Selection Screen is used to select the switches to which you want to apply the Policy.
Select an option (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), and select the device(s). Click on the Next button at the bottom of
the screen or click on Set Condition on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also
click the Back button to return to the screen and add/delete devices.

Note: In Expert Mode, you can only select AOS Devices for Policy creation. However, you can select
wireline and wireless devices when creating Unified Policies. Also note that you cannot select IAP
Devices when creating Unified Policies.

Set Condition
The Unified Policies Set Condition Screen contains a list of Conditions that you can configure for the Policy (e.g., MAC
Condition, IP Condition). When you create a Condition, the Condition(s) you configure must be true before traffic is
allowed to flow. Click on a Condition to display the configuration options for the Condition. (Click again on the Condition
to close the configuration options.) When you have completed all of the parameters for the Condition(s), click the Next
button at the bottom of the screen or click on Set Action on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If
necessary, you can also click the Back button to return to the screen.

A brief description of each Condition is provided below. Click the hyperlink for each Condition for detailed configuration

L2 MACs - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic originating from a MAC address/group/range
or to traffic flowing to a MAC address/group. (Note that for Wireless Controllers, MAC Addresses cannot
contain wildcard characters).
L3 IPs - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic originating from an IP address/network group or to
traffic flowing to an IP address/network group. (Note that any IP address can be masked).
L3 DSCP/TOS - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic with a specified value in either the DSCP
(Differentiated Services Code Point) byte or in the IP TOS (IP Type of Service) byte. Both DSCP and IP TOS
are mechanisms used to convey QoS information in the IP header of frames.
L4 Services - Create a Condition that applies the policy to traffic flowing between two TCP or UDP ports, or
to all traffic originating from a TCP or UDP port, or to all traffic flowing to a TCP or UDP port. You can also
create a Condition using an existing service/service group.

Note: AOS Devices support most of above Conditions. However, Wireless Controllers do not.
Please refer to detailed notes of each condition below for supported conditions.

A MAC Condition applies the Policy to traffic flowing from/to a MAC Address/Group. Note that Layer 2 Conditions
(conditions that specify MAC Addresses) are "lost" when traffic passes through a router. For this reason, it may be
advisable to specify other types of Conditions (such as a Layer 3 Condition, which specifies IP Addresses) when traffic
is expected to travel more than one router hop.

Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox. Click on Single to configure a
single MAC Address or Group to configure a MAC Group, then enter a MAC address or select a MAC Group from the
drop-down menu. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a new MAC Group.)
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Source MAC Address/MAC Group - Configuring a Source MAC Address/Group Condition restricts the policy
to traffic that flows from this MAC Address/Group only. If you do not select this option, you are effectively stating
that the Source MAC Address/Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.
Destination MAC Address/MAC Group - Configuring a Destination MAC Address/Group Condition restricts
the policy to traffic that flows to this MAC Address/Group only. If you do not select this option, you are
effectively stating that the Destination MAC Address/Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.
Source MAC Range - Configuring a Source MAC Range Condition restricts the policy to traffic that flows from
this MAC Range only. If you do not select this option, you are effectively stating that the Source MAC Range
traffic is not a criterion for the policy.


Conditions that specify both a source and a destination MAC address may be rejected by some
switch platforms as invalid. However, if you wish to create policies for both source and destination
traffic, you can create one policy for the source traffic and a second policy for the destination traffic.
MAC addresses may contain the wildcard character *. However, one * character must be
entered for each individual hex digit in the MAC address: for example, 00435C:******, not
The following MAC address ranges are assigned to Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise voice devices and
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise IP phones. You can create Conditions specifying these address ranges
using the MAC Address tab.
Voice Devices
00809F3A0000 - 00809F3AFFFF
00809F3B0000 - 00809F3BFFFF
00809F3C0000 - 00809F3CFFFF
IP Phones
00809F3D0000 - 00809F3DFFFF
Multi-Media Devices
00809F3E0000 - 00809F3EFFFF
00809F3F0000 - 00809F3FFFFF
Source MAC Range is not supported on AOS Devices.
Source MAC Group and Destination MAC Address/MAC Group are not supported on
Wireless Controllers.
MAC Conditions are not supported on IAP Devices.

L3 IPs
An IP Condition applies the Policy to traffic originating from, or flowing to, an IP Address/Network group. Any IP
Address can be masked. Note that a Condition that specifies both a Source and Destination IP Address/Network
Group will be rejected by the switch as invalid. However, if you wish to create policies for both Source and Destination
traffic, you can create one policy for the Source traffic and a second policy for the Destination traffic.

Select the parameter(s) you want to configure by selecting the applicable checkbox. For Source/Destination IP
Address, click on Single to configure a single IP Address (and Shorthand or Subnet Mask, if applicable), or click on
Group to configure a Network Group, then enter an IP Address or select a Network Group from the drop-down menu.
(You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a new Network Group.)

Fragment (not available for Wireless controllers) - Select this checkbox to restrict the policy to TCP packet
Source IP Address/Network Group - Configuring a Source IP Address/Network Group Condition restricts the
policy to traffic that flows from this IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network Group only. If you do not select this
option, you are effectively stating that the Source IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network Group traffic is not a
criterion for the policy.
Destination IP Address/Network Group - Configuring a Destination IP Address/Network Group Condition
restricts the policy to traffic that flows to this IP Address/Network Group only. If you do not select this option,
you are effectively stating that the Destination IP Address or Subnet Mask/Network Group traffic is not a
criterion for the policy.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Multicast IP Address Range (not available for Wireless Controllers) - Configuring a Multicast IP
Address/Group Condition restricts the policy to traffic that flows to this IP Multicast Address Group only. If you
do not select this option, you are effectively stating that the Destination IP Multicast Address or Subnet
Mask/Group traffic is not a criterion for the policy.


When configuring an IP Address Condition, you can also click either the Shorthand Mask or
Subnet Mask button to configure a Subnet Mask. If you are using a Shorthand Mask, select a
value from the Shorthand Mask drop-down list. If you are using a full Subnet Mask, enter the mask
in the IP Subnet Mask field. Note that the * wildcard character is not allowed in IP addresses.
Short hand Mask and Group are ignored when applying Unified Policies to Wireless
Source Group, Destination Group and Multicast are not supported on Wireless Controllers.

Important Note: When creating an IP Condition for a NAT Action you must specify a Network Group
in the Condition. NAT will only work when both the Condition and Action specify network groups. To
create a "One-to-Many" Condition and action, create a Network Group with a single entry for the


A DSCP/TOS Condition applies the Policy to incoming traffic that has a specified value in either the DSCP
(Differentiated Services Code Point) byte or in the TOS (Type of Service) byte. Both DSCP and TOS are mechanisms
used to convey QoS information in the IP header of frames. DSCP and TOS are mutually exclusive - you can use
either DSCP or TOS but not both. Click on the applicable button (DSCP or TOS) and enter a value.

DSCP - Defines the QoS treatment a frame is to receive from each network device. This is referred to as per-
hop behavior. If you are using DSCP, you can define any value in the range 0 - 63 as the DSCP value in the IP
header of the frame. Traffic that contains this value will match this condition.
TOS - A TOS value creates a condition that applies the policy to traffic that has the specified TOS value in the
IP header of frames. Enter any value from 0 - 7 to specify the value of the precedence field in the TOS byte that
will match this condition. A value of 7 has the highest precedence and a value of 0 has the lowest.


Please refer to the Switch Release Notes for information on the specific QoS functions
available on various current platforms and combinations of hardware/firmware.
You cannot create a policy condition based on DSCP or TOS values for Wireless
Controllers/IAPs. DSCP/TOS conditions are ignored when applying Unified Policies to
Wireless Controllers/IAPs.

L4 Services
A Service Condition applies the policy to Service Protocol traffic (TCP or UDP) flowing from/to two TCP or UDP ports,
or to traffic flowing from/to a TCP or UDP Service or Service Group. Select a type of Service Condition you want to
configure, then configure the parameter(s) as described below.

Protocol Only - Select TCP or UDP to create a condition for a Service Protocol only.
Port(s) - To configure the Condition for a specific Service Port, select a Source and Destination Port from
the drop-down menu to specify a specific port for the service you selected. You can also click on the Add icon
to go to the Groups application and create new Service Ports.
Service - Select a Service from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the Add icon to go to the Groups
application and create a new Service.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Service Group - Select a Service Group from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the Add icon to go
to the Groups application and create a new Service Group.


Wireless Controllers do not have source and destination ports. They only contain a unique
service port. Therefore, you cannot specify both Source and Destination port for Wireless

Set Action
The Unified Policies Set Action Screen contains a list of Actions that you can configure for the Unified Policy (e.g.,
QoS, NAT). A Policy Action enables you to specify the treatment traffic is to receive when it flows. This includes the
priority the traffic will receive, its minimum and maximum output rates, and the values to which specified bits in the
frame headers will be set upon egress from the switch. When the Conditions specified by the Policy Condition are true,
traffic will flow as specified by the Policy Action.

Click on an Action to display the configuration options for the Action. (Click again on the Action to close the Action.)
When you have completed all of the parameters for the Action(s), click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or
click on Validity Period on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back
button to return to the screen.

A brief description of each Action is provided below. Click the hyperlink for each Action for detailed configuration

QoS - Create an Action to specify QoS actions to impose on traffic that meets the configured policy
condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the policy
action. Quality of Service applies to Session Type for wireless devices. Quality of Service is not supported on
IAP devices and is ignored when applied to those devices.
TCM - Create an Action to specify Tri-Color Marking (TCM) actions to impose on traffic that meets the
configured policy condition(s). TCM provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by limiting the rate at
which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. TCM meters traffic based on user- configured packet
rates and burst sizes and "marks" the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based on whether the traffic
meets the configured rates. This "color marking" determines the packet's precedence when congestion occurs.
TCM is not supported on wireless devices and is ignored when applied to those devices.


The QoS Policy Action option enables you to specify QoS actions to impose on traffic that meets the configured policy
condition(s). When the conditions specified by the policy are true, traffic will flow as specified by the policy action.

Disposition - Set the Action to Accept or Drop traffic that meets the configured condition(s).
Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters - Specify the QoS priority the traffic will receive if it meets
the configured condition(s).
Platinum priority provides the highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 7).
Gold provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 5).
Silver provides the next-highest quality of service (and maps to a firmware priority of 3).
Bronze provides the same quality of service as best effort (and maps to a firmware priority of 1). A
separate egress queue is maintained in the hardware for traffic of each different priority.

Output Flow Setting (not supported on IAP Devices and is ignored when applied to those devices)
Max Output Rate (kbits/sec) - Specify the maximum amount of traffic, in kilobits-per-second, which is
guaranteed to be transmitted from the port. Even if no other traffic exists, the output will be limited to the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
rate specified here.
Set Color of Packet - Enables/Disables Three Color Marking (TCM) for output traffic flows. This
parameter is not supported on wireless devices and is ignored when applied to those devices.
Output Mapping (not supported on IAP Devices and is ignored when applied to those devices)
802.1p Priority Level - If you want outgoing packets tagged with an 802.1p priority level, set the 802.1p
Priority Level field to any value between 0 to 7 to specify the desired outgoing 802.1p priority for the
traffic. A value of 7 indicates the highest priority and a value of 0 indicates the lowest priority. Note that
for ports that are configured for 802.1q, this value is used in the 802.1q header and indicates the
outgoing priority of the frame. When a frame is de-queued for transmission, it is assigned the priority of
the queue and mapped to the outgoing 802.1p priority. This priority is combined with the VLAN group ID
to create the 802.1p/q header for transmission.
Note that if traffic matches the criteria specified by the policy condition, but the outgoing port does not
support 802.1p tagging, the policy action will fail.
DSCP/TOS - Enable/Disable DSCP/TOS Precedence. The TOS byte is defined in RFC 791. This byte
contains two fields. The precedence field is the three high-order bits (0-2) and is used to indicate the
priority for the frame. The type of service field (bits 3-6) defines the throughput, delay, reliability, or cost
for the frame; however, in practice these bits are not used. If you enable the TOS Precedence radio
button, set the associated field to any value from 0-7 to specify the value that will be inserted into the
precedence field of the TOS byte upon egress from the switch. A value of 7 has the highest precedence
and a value of 0 has the lowest precedence. Note that you can enable either the DSCP or the TOS
Precedence radio button to specify the mechanism you want to use (if any) to convey QoS information in
the IP header of frames. DSCP and TOS are mutually exclusive. You can use either DSCP or TOS, but
not both.

The TCM Policy Action option enables you to specify Three-Color Marking (TCM) actions action to impose on traffic
that meets the configured policy condition(s). TCM provides a mechanism for policing network traffic by limiting the rate
at which traffic is sent or received on a switch interface. TCM meters traffic based on user- configured packet rates and
burst sizes and "marks" the metered packets as green, yellow, or red based on whether the traffic meets the
configured rates. This "color marking" determines the packet's precedence when congestion occurs. TCM is not
supported on IAP Devices and is ignored when applied to those devices.

Committed Traffic Policing

Committed Information Rate - The maximum amount of bandwidth, in kbits-per-second, for all traffic
that ingresses on the port.

Validity Period
The Unified Policies Validity Period Screen enables you to add a validity period to a condition by specifying the time
periods when the policy is active and enforced. Four pre-configured policy validity periods are provided in the drop-
down list in the Policy Validity Periods pane. They are AllTheTime, Weekdays, Weekends, and WorkingDay. You
can also create Custom validity periods that are enforced during a specific timeframe.

When you have completed all of the parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Review
on the left side of the screen to move to the next step. If necessary, you can also click the Back button to return to the

Note: The pre-configured validity period AllTheTime is the default and is automatically assigned to the
condition when the Ignore Validity Period in defining Policy Condition checkbox is checked. You can
configure a validity period when configuring and IP Condition or Service Condition. If you do not specify an
IP or Service Condition, the configured period is not applied for Wireless Controllers.

Advanced Wireless Settings

For Wireless Controllers, you can specify an absolute period or a periodic period.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Absolute- Specifies an absolute time range, with a specific start and/or end time and date. Periodic -
Specifies a recurring time range. Specify the start and end time and all days or selected days of the week.

The Unified Policies Review Screen is used to review the Policy configuration before saving the Policy. After reviewing
the Policy, click the Create button to save the policy to the LDAP Server. You can also click the Back button to return
to a previous screen.

Unified Policy List

The PolicyView Unified Policy List Screen displays all configured Unified Policy Lists, including the Unified Policies
included in each list, and is used to create, edit, delete, view and apply Unified Policy Lists. A Unified Policy List is a
set of Unified Policies that are grouped together and assigned to devices as a group. A Unified Policy List can be
applied to an AOS Switch or ClearPass Server. A Unified Policy List can be applied to wireless devices as part of an
Access Role Profile. Access Role Profiles are configured in the Unified Access application (Unified Access - Device
Config - Access Role Profile).

Unified Policy List Information

The following information is displayed for each Unified Policy contained in the Unified Policy List. (Click on a Unified
Policy List to display the Unified Policies contained in the list.)

Name - The name of the Unified Policy.

Condition - The Unified Policy Condition information (e.g., IP Policy Condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Action - The Unified Policy Action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Unified Policy (0 - 65535).
Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Unified Policy.

Creating a Unified Policy List

Click on the Create icon . The Create Unified Policy List Wizard appears. Complete the screens as described below,
then click on the Create button.

Config for Policy List

Enter a Name for the Unified Policy List and select the Unified Policies you want to include in the list from the
Add Unified Policies drop-down menu. (All of the currently-configured Unified Policies appear in the list. You can
also click the Add icon to go to Unified Policies Screen and create a new Unified Policy(ies) to add to the list.)
When you select a Unified Policy from the drop-down menu, the Unified Policy will appear in a table below, so you
can review the Unified Policy and modify the Precedence value, if needed.

If your are assigning a Policy List to both wired and wireless devices, select an option from the drop- down
menu at the bottom of the table to override the default behavior of the devices. The default behavior for traffic that
does not match a policy is different for wired and wireless devices. For wired devices, the default behavior is to
"accept" the traffic. For wireless devices, the default behavior is to "deny" the traffic. For example, if you create a
Source IP Policy for a single IP address, by default wired devices would accept traffic that does not come from that IP
address while wireless devices would drop the traffic. If your are assigning a Policy List to both wired and wireless
devices, select an option from the drop-down menu to override device default behavior. All devices that the policy is
assigned to will then follow this default behavior.

OV-L3-AcceptAllPolicy - Traffic that does not match any of the policies will be accepted on
all devices.
OV-L3-DenyAllPolicy - Traffic that does not match any of the policies will be denied on all devices. Device-
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Default - Traffic that does not match any of the policies will be accepted/denied according to the device's
default behavior. If you do not make a selection from the drop-down menu, this option is automatically used.

Review the Policy List configuration(s) in the table, then click the Create button. The new Unified Policy List will
appear on the Unified Policy Lists Screen.

Note: The Wireless User Role contains a QoS rule and an Access List, which is a set of ACLs. For
User Role, Wireless Controllers support two (2) QoS attributes - Bandwidth Contract - Upstream and
Downstream. However, OmniVista only supports configuring Downstream Bandwidth. Additionally, the
User Role can contain only a single Bandwidth Contract. So if the Unified Policy List contains more
than one QoS Rule, OmniVista will display an error message: "Unified Policy List can’t contain more
than one QOS Action."

Device Selection
Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select Devices
button and select the device(s) to which you want to apply the Policy List.

Applying a Unified Policy List to the Network

After configuring and saving a Unified Policy List, you must apply the list by notifying the devices in the network. A
Unified Policy List can be assigned to AOS Switches and/or ClearPass Servers. When you click on the Notify All
button, all of the configured Policy Lists are applied to all of the devices configured for each policy. To apply a list only
to certain devices, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select
Devices button and select the device(s); then click the Notify Selected button.

Note: A Unified Policy List can be applied to wireless devices as part of an Access Role Profile.

After notifying the devices, you can view the status of the re-cache operation, by clicking on the Status button to view
the Devices Pending Notification Table. In addition, you can view the success or failure of the re-cache operation for
each switch in the policy.log file of the Audit application, including an indication of any error that may have occurred.
Note that the re-cache operation for each switch occurs in a separate thread and may take some time. Any errors that
occur will also be reported in the server.txt file, in the Audit application.

Note: When you notify network switches, all QoS-enabled switches flush their policy tables and reload
policies from the LDAP repository, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time. It is
recommended that you review all policies that you have created and apply them at the same time to
minimize switch downtime.

Editing a Unified Policy List

You can edit the Unified Policies included in a Unified Policy List or edit the Precedence value of any Unified Policy in
the list. Select a Unified Policy List and click on the Edit icon . The Edit Unified Policy List Screen appears. Click on
the Add Unified Policies drop-down menu . (All of the currently-configured Unified Policies appear in the list. You can
also click the Add icon to go to Unified Policies Screen and create a new Unified policy(ies) to add to the list.)
Select/unselect Unified Policies to add/remove them from the Unified Policy List. When you are finished editing the
Unified Policy, click the Update button. The updated Unified Policy List will appear on the Unified Policy Lists Screen.

Deleting a Unified Policy List

To delete a Unified Policy List(s), select the list(s), click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.
Note that you cannot delete a Unified Policy List that is associated with an Access Role Profile. To delete the list, you
must first remove it from associated Access Role Profile.
Unified Policy List Information
Click on a Unified Policy List to display the information about the Policies contained in the list. The following information
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
is displayed for each Unified Policy contained in the Unified Policy List.

Policy Name - The name of the Policy.

Action - The Policy Action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS Accept/Drop)
Condition - The Policy Condition information (e.g., IP Policy Condition would display the
Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.

The Unified Access mDNS application is used to configure the Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) protocol.
mDNS is used by "Zero Configuration Networking" solutions such as Apple's Bonjour, Avahi LGPL, and Linux NSS-
mDNS. mDNS is a resolution service that is used to discover services on a LAN. mDNS allows the resolution of host
names to IP addresses within small networks without the need of a conventional DNS server. The mDNS protocol uses
IP multicast User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets and is implemented by Apple Bonjour, Avahi (LGPL), and Linux
NSS-mDNS. In a BYOD network, mDNS is leveraged by providing wireless guests and visitors access to network
devices, such as printers.

mDNS Flow
mDNS is configured on an OmniSwitch by creating a GRE Tunnel between the OmniSwitch and a Wireless LAN
Controller. The following figure below provides a sample mDNS workflow setup. The wireless clients connected to
Access point 1 (AP1) or Access Point 2 (AP2) request the mDNS service offered.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

The mDNS feature is enabled on the OmniSwitch to support the mDNS service. A Layer 2 GRE tunnel interface is
configured from the WLAN controller to the OmniSwitch to relay the mDNS messages. The mDNS message from
the Bonjour capable wired service device is encapsulated and relayed from the OmniSwitch to the configured
WLAN controller over the GRE tunnel. The WLAN controller then relays the mDNS messages received via the
OmniSwitch GRE tunnel to the APs over the AP GRE tunnels.

Note that the WLAN controller uses a multicast optimization algorithm and forwards Bonjour response messages to
targeted user devices, instead of all devices on all APs. This limits the unnecessary flooding of the Bonjour/mDNS
traffic to improve the Wi-Fi performance.

mDNS Configuration Screen

The mDNS Configuration Screen is used to create, edit, delete, and view mDNS configuration on your network. Only
one mDNS configuration per device is supported.

Configuring mDNS for a Device

Before you begin, configure the GRE tunnel interface before attempting to associate the interface with the mDNS
tunnel relay. The GRE tunnel must also be configured on the OmniAccess WLAN controller. An IP address is required
to bring the interface up; if necessary, specify a dummy IP address when configuring the interface. Follow the steps
below to configure a switch for mDNS.

1. Click the Create icon to go to the "Add mDNS Configuration" Screen.

2. Click on the Select Devices button to bring up a list of switches that are available for mDNS configuration.

3. Select a switch and click OK. You will be returned to the Add mDNS Configuration Screen and the switch you
selected will appear in the Switch field.

4. Complete the fields as described below:

Switch - The IP address of the selected switch is pre-filled in this field.

Select OAW Controller - Select an OmniAccess WLAN Controller to which you want to connect.
mDNS GRE Tunnel - Select a GRE Tunnel to be used to forward packets to the selected OmniAccess WLAN
Controller. This is the GRE Tunnel from the OmniSwitch to the OmniAccess Controller. (Only Layer 2 GRE
tunnels are supported.)
mDNS Admin Status - The mDNS administrative status (Enabled/Disabled).
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Router IP Address - The router IP address.
Router IP Mask - The router IP mask.
Tunnel Source IP Address - The source IP address of the GRE Tunnel from the switch to the
controller. This field is pre-filled with the IP address of the selected switch.
Tunnel Dest IP Address - The destination IP address of the GRE Tunnel from the switch to the
controller. This field is pre-filled with the IP address of the selected OAW Controller.
VRF ID - The VRF of the GRE Tunnel. This field will only be visible if the device supports the Multiple VRF
feature and SNMPv3 was used for discovery.

5. Click OK. The switch will appear in the list of switches on the mDNS Configuration Screen.

Editing an mDNS Configuration

To edit and mDNS configuration on a switch, select the switch in the mDNS Configuration Table and click on the Edit
icon to bring up the "Edit mDNS Configuration" Screen. Edit the allowable fields as described above and click OK.
The new configuration will be displayed in the mDNS Configuration Table.

Deleting an mDNS Configuration

To delete an mDNS Configuration, select the switch in the mDNS Configuration Table, click on the Delete icon , then
click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Viewing mDNS Configurations

The mDNS Configuration Table displays all switches currently configured for mDNS. The fields are defined below.

Name - The user configured name for the device.

Device - The IP address of the device.
mDNS GRE Tunnel - The name of the GRE Tunnel to be used to forward packets to the OmniAccess WLAN
mDNS Admin Status - The mDNS administrative status (Enabled/Disabled).
mDNS Oper Status - The mDNS operational status (Up/Down).
Router IP Address - The router IP address.
Router IP Mask - The router IP mask.
Admin Status - The router administrative status (Enabled/Disabled).
Tunnel Source IP Address Type - Currently, only IPv4 is supported.
Tunnel Source IP Address - The source IP address of the GRE Tunnel from the switch to the
controller. This field is pre-filled with the IP address of the selected switch.
Tunnel Dest IP Address Type - Currently, only IPv4 is supported.
Tunnel Dest IP Address - The destination IP address of the GRE Tunnel from the switch to the
controller. This field is pre-filled with the IP address of the selected OAW Controller.

Premium Services
The Unified Access Premium Services application includes the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniSwitch implementation
of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). BYOD leverages Access Guardian features along with ClearPass Policy Manager
(CPPM) to allow a wired or wireless guest, device, or authenticated user to connect to the network through an
OmniSwitch edge device using the CPPM Server for unified authentication.

Note BYOD is only supported on Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Switches running AOS 6.4.6.R01 and later, AOS
6.6.5.R01 and later, AOS 7.3.4.R02 and later, and AOS 8.1.1.R01 and later. OmniVista supports CPPM
Manager 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4. Additional configuration of the CPPM Server per CPPM's documentation is required
for the BYOD solution to work.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

BYOD/ClearPass Overview
The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniSwitch implementation of BYOD leverages Access Guardian features along with
ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) to allow a wired or wireless guest, device, or authenticated user to connect to the
network through an OmniSwitch edge device using the CPPM Server for unified authentication. The Unified Access
application in OmniVista is used to connect to and configure the CPPM Server as a RADIUS Server. Device
authentication and network access policies are configured on the ClearPass Server through the ClearPass software
and directed to the desired network resources using the UNP feature in the Access Guardian application. The
OmniSwitch BYOD solution comprises of the following main components:

The network infrastructure consisting of both wireless and wireline network. OmniSwitch leverages the Access
Guardian features such as 802.1x supplicants, non-supplicant MAC authentication, and User Network Profiles
(UNP) to support the BYOD solution.
The CPPM interacts with both wireless and wireline networks acting as a RADIUS server or RADIUS server
proxy. The CPPM provides policy management, guest access, onboarding, and posture checking capabilities.

The figure below provides a high-level view of a typical BYOD Network configuration. The BYOD/ClearPass setup is
detailed below.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

BYOD Authentication Process Overview

This section describes the basic BYOD process with respect to the OmniSwitch and its interaction with the ClearPass

Authentication for Registered Devices (802.1x)

The BYOD solution provides the following authentication process for registered devices (for example, IT issued
employee devices):

1. When an 802.1x enabled port on OmniSwitch detects the user the authentication process is triggered to classify
the user.
2. The OmniSwitch sends a request to the ClearPass Server, which authenticates the user based on the user
credentials and returns the Role/UNP configured on the ClearPass Server.
3. The ClearPass Server authenticates the user based on the user credentials, and returns the Role/UNP
configured on the server to the OmniSwitch.
4. The OmniSwitch assigns the user to the UNP obtained from the ClearPass Server.

Authentication for Network Devices (MAC Authentication)

The BYOD solution provides the following MAC authentication process for network devices such as IP phones,
printers, or access points.

1. When MAC authentication is enabled on a port and the OmniSwitch detects the device, MAC
authentication process is triggered to classify the device.
2. The OmniSwitch sends a request to the ClearPass Server that authenticates the device based on the devices
MAC address and the profiles and policies configured on the ClearPass Server.
3. ClearPass classifies the device to a UNP and returns the UNP information to the OmniSwitch.
4. The OmniSwitch assigns the device to the UNP obtained from the ClearPass Server.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Authentication for Guest Devices and Employees Onboarding

The BYOD solution provides the following authentication process for guest devices and employee personal devices:

1. When MAC authentication is enabled on a port and the OmniSwitch detects the device, the MAC
authentication process is triggered to classify the device.
2. ClearPass initially classifies the device to a temporary UNP and returns a redirection URL that allows for guest
registration or employee onboarding.
3. OmniSwitch assigns the user to the specified UNP. Since redirection is also set, all DHCP or DNS traffic is
allowed but HTTP traffic from the user is redirected towards the URL returned in the UNP.
4. The user is presented with a guest login page or an onboarding page to enter user credentials.
5. ClearPass determines the appropriate role of the user after doing registration and sends the final UNP to the
OmniSwitch through a CoA request or RADIUS packet for the case of onboarding.

BYOD/ClearPass Setup
As mentioned earlier, the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniSwitch implementation of BYOD leverages Access Guardian
features on the OmniSwitch along with ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) to authenticate users onto the network. The
first step in configuring BYOD is to set up the ClearPass Server. The following key points must be considered when
configuring the CPPM Server and OmniSwitch for BYOD integration:

ClearPass Policies and the ClearPass Database must be configured on the CPPM Server using the
ClearPass Policy Manager Application.
The CPPM Server connection, including ClearPass Database login information must be configured in
OmniVista so that OmniVista can connect to the CPPM Server and access the CPPM Database.
The UNP Profile Name configured in OmniVista must be the same as the Enforcement Policy name
configured in ClearPass.
The Insight Database must be enabled on the ClearPass Server for OmniVista to gather Locator information. In
the CPPM Application go to: Administration - Server Configuration, then click on the Server in the table to
bring up the following screen. Make sure the Enable Profile and Enable Insight checkboxes are checked.

Note: ClearPass Policies are configured on the ClearPass Server using the CPPM application web
interface. The CPPM web interface can be accessed by entering the CPPM Server IP address into a
browser or configuring the CMMP Server connection in OmniVista and clicking the Launch button. The
procedures below provide steps to configure OmniVista to interface with the CPPM Server to direct
users to the proper UNP following ClearPass authentication. Detailed ClearPass Policy configuration
instructions are included in the ClearPass online help. An overview of BYOD and sample ClearPass
policy configurations are available in Chapter 43 - “Configuring Access Guardian”, in the OmniSwitch
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Network Configuration Guide.

Quick Steps to Configure OmniVista for BYOD

Both the Unified Access application and the Access Guardian application (UNP) are used to configure OmniVista for
BYOD. You first use the BYOD application to configure the ClearPass Server connection to OmniVista, and to
configure the ClearPass Server as a RADIUS Server. You then use the Access Guardian Application to create UNP
policies to provide the user with access to the proper network resources. The sections below provide "quick steps" to
initially configure OmniVista for BYOD. For more detailed procedures, click here.

Unified Access Configuration

After setting up the ClearPass Server, follow the steps below to configure the OmniVista connection to the CPPM
Server (Management and Database Sections) and to configure the ClearPass Server as a RADIUS Server. You can
also configure a Redirect URL for Guest user login.

Note: Some key fields on the "Add ClearPass Server" screen are pre-filled with default values. It is
recommended that you do not change the pre-filled values.

1. In the Unified Access Application, click on the ClearPass Link, then click on the Create icon to bring up
the" Add ClearPass Server" screen.

2. In the Management fields, enter the IP Address, User Name, and Password of the CPPM Server. The
remaining fields are pre-filled with the default values.

3. In the Database fields, enter the Database Password (the password should match the one configured when the
Database Connection was set up in ClearPass). The remaining fields are pre-filled with the default values.

4. In the Radius Server fields, enter the CPPM Server Shared Secret (with confirmation). You can also complete
the Backup IP Address/Host Name field, if applicable.

5. For web authentication, complete the Redirect Options fields to specify Proxy Server Port and add the
Allowed Server IP address and mask.

6. When you have completed all of the fields, click the Apply button. The Server will now appear in the
ClearPass list of servers.

7. Select the server and click the Apply to Devices button at the top of the screen to assign the server to specific

8. Configure the fields on the Assignment Screen as described below.

ClearPass: The name and IP address of the CPPM Server (informational only, not configurable). Vendor
Name: Select a vendor to automatically enable the RADIUS dictionary associated with that vendor. Note that
the IETF dictionary containing the standard the set of RADIUS attributes is always loaded and is generally
used. (Default = IETF)
CoA Port: The UDP port used to send CoA actions (Default = 3799).

9. Select the switch(es) to which you want to assign the CPPM Server, then click the Apply button.

Note: The "Available Switches" area will be populated with all of the switches available on the network.
However, BYOD is only supported on Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Switches running AOS 6.4.6.R01 and
later, AOS 8.1.1.R01 and later.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Access Guardian Configuration

After configuring the ClearPass Server, go to the Access Guardian application to create UNP policies to provide
authenticated users access to the proper network resources.

1. On the Edge Profile Screen, create an Edge (UNP) Profile (e.g., UNP-employee). The Profile Name must match
the profile name configured in the Enforcement Profile Screen in ClearPass. If required for the policy, select a Policy
List from the Policy List Name drop-down field.

2. Enable Redirect Status to allow users to be redirected by CPPM while in this UNP.

The BYOD ClearPass Screen displays all configured ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) Servers and is used to
configure the connection to the CPPM Server, configure the CPPM server as a RADIUS Server, and assign the CPPM
server to switches on the network. The screen is also used to edit and delete servers.
Once the CPPM Server is configured, you can also launch the ClearPass Policy Manager Web interface by
selecting a server and clicking on the Launch button.

ClearPass provides Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) access to the network. The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise BYOD
solution integrates with ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM), using the RADIUS (RFC 3576) Change of Authorization
(CoA) to achieve this functionality. OmniVista 2500 NMS supports some portions of the configuration to facilitate the
solution, including:

Providing access to end device information from CPPM using Locator.

Pairing CPPM and switches to enable RADIUS authentication request/response and RADIUS CoA
messages between switches and CPPM.
Setting up authentication servers for 801.1x, MAC, and Accounting Servers on switches to point to the CPPM
Enabling switches to accept a Redirection URL contained inside the returned RADIUS message so that
HTTP/HTTPS traffic can be redirected to a guest registration/onboard portal.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Enabling switches to accept the Redirection URL not just from the CPPM Server, but from other remediation
portals for host integrity compliance on AOS 8.1.1 Switches using the Allowed Server(s) configuration.

Configuring a ClearPass Server

Click on the Create icon . Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button. When you are
finished, select the checkbox next to the server and click on the Apply to Devices button to assign the server to
switches on the network. Note that certain key fields are pre-filled with default values. It is recommended that you use
the default values for these fields.


Server Name: The CPPM Server name (pre-filled with the default ClearPass Server).
IP Address: The IP address of the CPPM Server.
User Name: The Administrative login for the CPPM Server.
Password: The password for the CPPM Server.
Poll Interval: The number of Minutes/Hours/Days to poll the CPPM Server for information (pre-filled with
default of 30), and the poll interval unit: Minutes/Hours/Days (pre-selected with default Minutes).


Database Port: The port used to connect to the CPPM Database (pre-filled with default 5432).
Database Name: The CPPM Server Database name (pre-filled with default insightdb).
Database User ID: The CPPM Server Database username (pre-filled with default appexternal).
Database Password: The CPPM Server Database password.


Shared Secret: The CPPM Server Shared Secret.

Confirmed Shared Secret: Re-enter the CPPM Server Shared Secret.
Backup IP Address/Host Name: The CPPM Server can optionally have a backup server. If you wish to
define a backup server that will be used if this server is unavailable, enter the IP address OR Host name of
the backup server.
Timeout: The number of seconds a switch will wait before a request to the CPPM Server is timed out.
Retries: The number of retries a switch will attempt when trying to contact the CPPM Server.
Authentication Port: The port you to access the server.
Accounting Port: The port used for accounting information.

Redirect Options
The redirect option is only supported on OS6860 Switches (AOS 8.1.1.R01 and later).

Proxy Server Port: The HTTP proxy port number to use for redirection for Guest user login. (Range = 1024–
49151, Default = 8080)
Allowed Server: The In addition to the CPPM server, other servers can be added to the 'Allowed Server'
list to enable additional redirections for Health and Posture checks.

Note: The Insight Database must be enabled on the ClearPass Server for OmniVista to gather Locator
information. In the CPPM application, go to: Administration - Server Configuration, then click on the Server in
the table to bring up the following screen. Make sure the Enable Profile and Enable Insight checkboxes are

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Assigning a ClearPass Server

OmniVista will configure CPPM as a RADIUS Server on the selected switches. It also sets 802.1x authentication, MAC
authentication, and accounting to point to the CPPM RADIUS Server entry. It also sets Redirect Server to be the
CPPM Server, allowing the switch to accept redirect messages from the RADIUS Server for Captive portal (Web)
authentication with CCPM. On CPPM, the selected switches will be added to the list of Network Access Devices (NAD)
with the CoA flag and CoA port. The result is the successful pairing of the CPPM Server and the switches. If specified,
Allowed Servers are also configured on AOS 8.1.1 switches.

When you click the Apply to Devices button, the Assignment Screen appears. Configure any options, as described
below, then use the "Assign Switch" Add/Remove buttons to select the switch(es) and click Apply or Override.
("Override" will override any previous configurations.)

ClearPass: The name and IP address of the CPPM Server (informational only, not configurable). Vendor
Name: Select a vendor to automatically enable the RADIUS dictionary associated with that vendor. Note
that the IETF dictionary containing the standard the set of RADIUS attributes is always loaded and is
generally used. (Default = IETF)
CoA Port: The UDP port used to send CoA actions (Default = 3799).
Enable Endpoint Profiling - Enables/Disables the IP Helper function on switches assigned to a ClearPass
Server so DHCP request information can be forwarded to ClearPass for endpoint profiling.

Editing a ClearPass Server

Select the ClearPass Server you want to edit and click on the Edit icon to bring up the "Edit ClearPass Server"
Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Save button to save the changes to the server.

Deleting a ClearPass Server

To delete a ClearPass Server(s), select the server(s) in the table and click on the Delete icon , then click
OK at the confirmation prompt.

Launching the ClearPass Web Interface

Once the connection to the CPPM Server has been configured, click on the Launch button to launch the ClearPass
Policy Manager web interface. This is where you will configure ClearPass authentication and network access policies.
See the ClearPass Policy Manager On-Line Help for ClearPass configuration information.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Consistency Check
To validate BYOD configuration, the Consistency Check Screen is used to ensure that switches configured for
ClearPass have all UNPs and Policy Lists required to provide authenticated users with access to the proper network
resources. When a Consistency Check is performed, OmniVista searches through list of configured switches and
enables the user to run a consistency check on each switch. When the check is complete, a summary screen appears
listing any missing UNPs or Policy Lists.

Note: For 8.1.1 switches, which support Policy List overwrite, OmniVista will check to see if the switches
have all of the same UNPs and Policy lists as the ClearPass Server. For 6.4.6 switches, which do not
support Policy List overwrite, OmniVista will only check to see if the switch has the same UNPs.

Performing a Consistency Check

To perform a consistency check, select a ClearPass Server in the ClearPass IP drop-down menu, then click on the
Browse button to display any configured switches for that ClearPass Server. Select a switch from the Device Selection
window and click OK. Click on the Check button to run the Consistency Check. OmniVista will search the selected
switch and display any ClearPass UNPs and/or Policy Lists that are missing/unassigned on the switch. You can click
on the "Create" link next to a parameter to go to the Edge Profile and/or Unified Policy List configuration pages for
create a profile/policy list; or click on the "Assign" link to assign the profile/policy list to a switch.

Authentication Records
The BYOD Authentication Records Screen displays ClearPass Authentication Records. The screen can be accessed
from the Locator application by selecting a MAC Address in the Netforwarding Table to view records for that MAC
Address. You can also to view records for a specific MAC Address by clicking on the Configuration button at the top of
the page and entering the applicable information.

Authentication Record Fields

Timestamp - The date and time the information was gathered.

User Name - The name used to authenticate.
Authentication Status - The status of authentication.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Enforcement Profile - The name of the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) Enforcement Profile.
MAC Address - The MAC address of the device directly connected to the end station.
IP Address - The IP address of the endpoint.
Services - CPPM's components that serve specific types of requests (e.g., 802.1X Wired, MAC
Authentication, Web-based Authentication).
Role - The CPPM role assigned to the authenticated user.
Authentication Source Used - The type of authentication user (e.g., Local User, Guest User).
NAD IP - The IP address of the Network Access Device (NAD) sending network access requests to CPPM
Policy Manager.
NAD Port ID - The NAD port sending network access requests to CPPM Policy Manager.
NAS Port Type - The Network Access Server Port type used to authenticate subscribers (e.g., async, cable,
NAS Identifier - String identifying the device originating the access request to the CPPM Server.
SSID - The wireless network name.
VLAN - The device VLAN.
Error Code - The authentication error code.
Protocol - The protocol used to authenticate (e.g., RADIUS or Application) .
SPT - System Posture Token - token returned as the evaluation of health of the client:
Healthy - Client is compliant: there are no restrictions on network access.
Checkup - Client is compliant; however, there is an update available. This can be used to
proactively remediate to healthy state.
Transient - Client evaluation is in progress; typically associated with auditing a client. The
network access granted is interim.
Quarantine - Client is out of compliance; restrict network access, so the client only has access to the
remediation servers.
Infected - Client is infected and is a threat to other systems in the network; network access should
be denied or severely restricted.
Unknown - The posture token of the client is unknown.
Session ID - The session identification of authentication.

Authentication Records Configuration

The BYOD Authentication Records Configuration Screen is used to view ClearPass Authentication Records for a
device/MAC Address. Enter the IP address of the ClearPass Server in the Server Field, select IP Address or MAC
Address in the Search By field, enter the address in the IP Address/MAC Address field, and click on the Apply
button. You will be returned to the Authentication Records Table with the information for the selected device displayed.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

24.0 Users and User Groups

The Users and User Groups application enables you to control user access to OmniVista and to network devices.
Access to OmniVista is controlled through the definition of user logins and passwords. Access to network switches
is controlled through the use of User Groups, which have specified levels of access to switches. You can further
define access with the User Role feature, which can be used to specify read/write access to specific OmniVista
applications and network devices. All OmniVista users must be assigned to at least one User Group, which
defines the access rights and roles for its members. User Groups and user logins are configured from the Users
and User Groups application, and constitute one level of network security. Other levels of security are
summarized below.

User Groups, Users, and User Roles are configured using the following screens:

• Role Management - Used to configure User Roles to restrict user access/rights to specific devices
and OmniVista applications.
• Group Management - Used to configure User Groups to define access to OmniVista, network
devices. A User Role is associated with a User Group to specify read/write access to specific devices
and OmniVista applications.
• User Management - Used to configure users and assign the user to a User Group.
• Authentication Server - Used to specify the OmniVista Login Server.
Note: A User Role is an option that enables you to provide user access/rights to specific applications
and network devices. For the most part, configuring Users and User Groups is all that will be required.

Security Levels
Security levels are configured in the Users and User Groups application, and through the Command Line Interface

SNMP Get and Set Community Names - Get and Set Community names act as read and write passwords
that define whether any OmniVista user is allowed to read or write the switch's configuration information. Get
and Set Community names are configurable only from the switch itself. Configured through the Console Port
or CLI.
OmniVista User Groups - User Groups in OmniVista provide different level of access to switches. An
OmniVista user's access rights are based on the access rights of his/her assigned User Group. Configured in
the Users and User Groups application.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Default Groups, Users, Roles

OmniVista security uses a combination of user logins, User Groups, and User Roles to control access to OmniVista,
network switches, and applications. OmniVista is shipped with the pre-configured user logins, passwords, and User
Groups described below. The Users and User Groups application enables you to modify these User Groups, Users, and
passwords, or create new ones. Note that the pre-configured user admin is the only user that has permission to change
the user logins and User Groups defined by the Users and User Groups application. The pre-configured User Groups,
Users, and Roles shipped with OmniVista are as follows:

Group User Role Access

Administrators admin Account Full administrative rights to all devices in the network and full
Admin administrative rights to the following features. These features are only
available to this user:
• User Management
• License Management
• Write Operations of System Settings
• Control Panel Watchdog, Scheduler Management, and Session
The default password for his user is switch.
Network netadmin Network Full administrative rights to all devices in the network. The default
Administrators Admin password for this user is switch.
Writers writer Write Read/Write access to all devices in the network. The default password
for this user is switch.
Default user Read Read access to all devices in the network. The default password for this
user is switch.

Note: A User Role is an option that enables you to provide user access/rights to specific OmniVista
applications and network devices. For the most part, configuring Users and User Groups is all that will be
required. The User Roles feature is configured on the Role Management Screen. This feature enables you
to specify access to specific applications, as well as devices using Topology maps. You can also limit user
access to specific devices for VLAN and VXLAN configuration. You create a User Role to specify user
access, associate it with a User Group, and then create a user in that User Group.

Working with User Groups, Users, and User Roles

You can use one of the pre-configured User Groups or use the Group Management Screen to create a new group
or edit one of the pre-configured groups. You can use one of the pre-configured users or use the User
Management Screen to create a new user or one of the edit pre-configured users. And you can use the Role
Management Screen to create a new role.

Note: All pre-configured users have the same default password, switch. At a minimum, it is recommended
that you redefine the passwords.

The User Role feature allows you to limit users to specific network devices and applications. For example, OmniVista
users with Admin rights can view and manage every device in the network, and have read/write access for all
applications. With the User Role feature, you can limit the devices a user can manage and the applications the user can
configure by creating a User Role with access to a specific Topology map.

To utilize the User Role feature, you create a User Role with access to a specific Topology map and read/write access
to a specific application(s). You then create a User Group and associate that group with that User Role. And finally, you
create a user and associate it with that User Group. The user would then have full administrative rights to the specified
applications for all devices in the specified map.

For example, you could create a User Role (User Role 1) with access to devices in Map 1 and read/write access to the
Application Visibility application. A user with this role would be able to access all devices in Map 1 and configure
Application Visibility on those devices. And since a user can have multiple roles, you could create a second User Role
(User Role 2) with access to Map 2 and read/write access to the CLI Scripting and assign it to the same user. That user
could now configure Application Visibility on devices in Map 1, and CLI Scripting on devices in Map 2.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Role Management
The Users and User Groups Role Management Screen displays all currently-configured User Roles. The screen is used
to create, edit, or delete User Roles. The User Role feature enables you to specify user rights for specific OmniVista
applications and devices. A User Role is associated with a User Group to define access for users assigned to the
group. OmniVista is shipped with four pre-configured User Roles:

Account Admin - This User Role can access all maps and has full administrative access rights to all devices
in the network. This User Role also has full administrative rights to edit the groups and users defined in the
Users and Groups Application.
Network Admin - This User Role can access all maps and has full administrative access rights to all devices in
the network. This User Role can only perform "Edit" operations on Topology maps, and does not have
administrative rights to edit the groups and users defined in the Users and Groups Application.
Write - This User Role can access all maps and has Read/Write access to all devices in the network.
Read - This User Role can access all maps and has Read access to all devices in the network.

Note: Specific rights for each OmniVista application for the above system-defined Roles can be viewed
by clicking on a Role in the Existing Roles Table to view the Details window.

Creating a User Role

Click on the Create icon to launch the Role Management Wizard and configure and create a User Role. Complete the
fields as described below. Click on the Next button to move to the next window. When you are finished, click on the
Create button.

Role Info and Map Access

Complete the fields below to specify which Topology maps a user can access.

Role Name - Enter a name for the User Role.

Description - Enter an optional description for the User Role.
Accessible Maps - Select an option from the drop-down menu to specify the maps the user can access.
The user will only have access to devices in the selected map(s).
All Maps - The user can access all maps.
No Maps - The user cannot access any maps. The user will only have access to non-network
OmniVista applications (e.g., Audit, Preferences).
Selected Maps - Select this option, then click on the Add/Remove Maps button to select maps the user
can access.

Application Access Control

Select the OmniVista application access for the user. Only those applications you configure (either Read or Write
access) will be available to the user. By default, Read access is pre-selected for Topology (if map access is configured),
System Preferences and Users and User Groups. Read/Write access is pre-selected for User Preferences and Report.

Object Restrictions
Specify the VLANs and or VXLANs the user can access for VLAN/VXLAN configuration. The user will be able to
perform VLAN/VXAN operations on these VLANs/VXLANs for devices specified in the Role Info and Map Access
window above. This parameter is optional.

Review the configuration. Click on the Back button to make any changes.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Editing a User Role

Click on a User in the Existing Users Table and click on the Edit icon . Edit any fields as necessary and/or edit the
User Groups at the bottom of the screen to re-assign the User to a different User Group. When you are done, click
Apply. You will be returned to the User Management Screen. Note that you cannot edit the User Login field. Note that
you cannot edit a system-defined User Role.

Deleting a User Role

Select a User(s) in the Existing Users Table, click on the Delete icon , then click OK. Note that you cannot delete a
system-defined User Role.

Existing Roles Table

The Existing Roles Table displays all configured Users. Click on a User Role in the table for more details.

Role Name - Role Name.

Description - Role Description.
System Defined - Whether the role is a system-defined role or a user-defined role.
Accessible Maps - The maps a user assigned to this role can access.
Access Control - The access/rights to OmniVista applications for a user assigned to this role.

User Role Feature

Basically, the User Role feature allows you to limit users to specific network devices and OmniVista applications. For
example, OmniVista users with Admin rights can view and manage every device in the network, and have read/write
access for all applications. With the User Role feature, you can limit the devices a user can manage and the
applications the user can configure by creating a User Role with access to a specific Topology map and write access to
specific applications.

To utilize the User Role feature, you create a User Role with access to a specific Topology map and read/write access
to a specific application(s). You then create a User Group and associate that group with that User Role. And finally, you
create a user and associate it with that User Group. The user would then have full administrative rights to the specified
applications for all devices in the specified map.

For example, you could create a User Role (User Role 1) with access to devices in Map 1 and read/write access to the
Application Visibility application. A user with this role would be able to access all devices in Map 1 and configure
Application Visibility on those devices. And since a user can have multiple roles, you could create a second User Role
(User Role 2) with access to Map 2 and read/write access to the CLI Scripting and assign it to the same user. That user
could now configure Application Visibility on devices in Map 1, and CLI Scripting on devices in Map 2.
The table below provides some use case samples for assigning multiple User Roles to a User.

Scenario User Role 1 User Role 2 User Role 3 Device/Application Access

Using Topology Maps Map 1 Read Access Map 2 Write Access Map 3 Read Access Read Access for devices in Maps
to limit access to for Topology for Topology for Topology 1 and 3. Write Access for devices
devices in Map 2
Using a combination Map 1 Read Access Map 2 Read Access Map 3 Write Access Read Access for Application
of Topology Maps for Application for Application for Application Visibility for devices in Maps 1
and an application, Visibility Visibility Visibility and 2. Write Access for
such as Application Application Visibility for devices in
Visibility. Map 3.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Scenario User Role 1 User Role 2 User Role 3 Device/Application Access
Using a combination Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Read Access for Application
of Topology Maps VLAN 10 VLAN 20 VLAN 30 Visibility for devices in Maps 1
and an Object Read Access for Read Access for Write Access for and 2; and VLAN configuration
(VLAN) Application Visibility Application Visibility Application Visibility allowed on those devices in
VLANs 10 and 20. Write Access
for Application Visibility for
devices in Maps 1 and 2; and
VLAN configuration allowed on
those devices in VLAN 30.

Group Management
The Users and User Groups Group Management Screen displays all currently-configured User Groups (along with a
brief description). You can click on a User Group in the list for more information about the group. The screen is used to
create, edit, or delete User Groups; and add or delete Users from a User Group. OmniVista is shipped with four pre-
configured User Groups:

Administrators - This User Group has full administrative access rights to all devices in the network AND full
administrative rights to edit the groups and users defined in the Users and Groups Application.
Network Administrators - This User Group has full administrative access rights to all devices in the network.
Members of this group are the users who are responsible for management of parts of the network (Site
Administrators). This group can manually add, delete, or modify devices.
Writers - This User Group has Read/Write access to all devices in the network.
Default - This User Group has Read access to all devices in the network.

Note: Specific rights for each OmniVista Application for the above system-defined Groups can be viewed by
clicking on a Group in the Existing Groups Table to view the Details window.

Creating a User Group

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the
Create button.

Name - Enter a name for the group.

Description - Enter an optional description for the group.
Assigned Roles - Select a User Role for the group.
User Members - Select a User(s) for the group.

Note that users may belong to more than one group at a time, in which case their access rights are defined by the most
privileged group to which they belong. Also note that you do not have to add users to the User Group at this time. When
you create a user, you can add them to any existing User Group as a member. You can also edit a User Group later to
add members.

Editing a User Group

Click on a Group on the Group Management Screen to bring up the User Group Detail Screen. Click on the Edit icon
. You can edit the Description, Assigned Roles, and User Members fields. When you are done, click the Apply
button. You will be returned to the Group Management Screen. Note that you cannot edit the Group Name field. Also
note that you can only edit the Description field of the Administrators Group.

Deleting a User Group

Select a User Group(s) on the Group Management Screen by clicking in the checkbox, click on the Delete icon , then
click OK. Note that you cannot delete the Administrators Group or the Default Group.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Existing Groups Table

The Existing Groups Table displays all configured User Groups. Click on a group in the table for more details.

Name - Group Name.

Description - Group Description.
Assigned Roles - The User Roles assigned to the group.

User Management
The Users and User Groups User Management Screen displays all currently-configured Users by login name (along
with a brief description). The screen is used to create, edit, or delete Users. Note that a User's access rights are
determined by the User Group in which the user is a member. OmniVista is shipped with four pre- configured Users and
four pre-configured User Groups. The default password for all four pre-configured Users is switch. For security
reasons, it is recommended that you redefine the default passwords. The default Users and their default pre-configured
User Group memberships are as follows:

admin - This user belongs to the Administrators User Group and has full administrative rights to all switches on
the network AND full administrative rights to the Users and Groups Application. The default password for this
user is switch.
netadmin - This user belongs to the Network Administrators User Group and has full administrative rights to
all devices in the network. The default password for this user is switch.
writer - This user belongs to the Writers User Group and has Read/Write access to all devices in the
network. The default password for this user is switch.
user - This user belongs to the Default User Group and has read access to all devices in the network. The
default password for this user is switch.

Note: Specific rights for each OmniVista Application for the above system-defined Users can be viewed
by clicking on a User in the Existing Users Table to view the Details window.

Creating a User
Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. The User Login and Password fields are
mandatory. The user will use this User Login and Password to log into OmniVista. You can complete additional fields
(e.g. Name, Description) to provide a more detailed description of the User. Select one of the User Groups at the
bottom of the screen to assign the User to a specific User Group and click on the Create button. Note that users may
belong to more than one User Group at a time, in which case their access rights are defined by the most privileged
group to which they belong.

Editing a User
Click on a User in the Existing Users Table and click on the Edit icon . Edit any fields as necessary and/or edit the
User Groups at the bottom of the screen to re-assign the User to a different User Group. When you are done, click
Apply. You will be returned to the User Management Screen. Note that you cannot edit the User Login field.

Deleting a User
Select a User(s) in the Existing Users Table, click on the Delete icon , then click OK. Note that you cannot delete the
user admin.

Existing Users Table

The Existing Users Table displays all configured Users. Click on a user in the table for more details.

Login - User login.

Description - User Description.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Assigned Roles - The User Roles assigned to the user. This tab also displays the Application Access Control
configuration for the user (the user's read/write access for OmniVista applications).
Assigned Groups - The User Group(s) to which the user belongs.

Authentication Server
The Users and User Groups Authentication Server Screen is used to select the Login Authentication Server. You can
select the local OmniVista Server (Local) or a remote RADIUS Server. Select the server from the Authentication
Server drop-down list and click on the Apply button. If necessary, click on the Add icon to go the RADIUS Server
Management Screen and configure a remote RADIUS Server. (After creating the server you will automatically be
returned to the Authentication Server Screen.)


Currently, only RADIUS and Local Servers can be used for OmniVista login. If a remote authentication server is
selected, and that remote server and the remote backup server are not available, users can login from the local
OmniVista Server.
If the admin user changes the Login Server, the current users will remain logged in. However, if the users
attempt to login/re-login, they will be logged in using the changed login server.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

25.0 VLAN Manager

The VLAN Manager Screen displays a list of all configured network VLANs; and is used to is used to create, edit,
copy, and delete VLANS. It is also used to perform certain actions on a VLAN (e.g., enable/disable VLANs, view/edit
Spanning Tree parameters, view/configure an IP Router, and view VLAN details). Links on the left side of the screen
are used to view/configure MVRP and IP interfaces; and poll network devices.

Note: The VLAN Manager application is supported on AOS Switches and OAW Controllers.

VLAN Overview
One of the main benefits of using VLANs to segment network traffic is that VLAN configuration and port assignment is
handled through software. This eliminates the need to physically change a network device connection or location
when adding or removing devices from the VLAN broadcast domain.

The initial configuration for all Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) switches consists of a default VLAN 1 and all device
ports are initially assigned to this VLAN. If additional VLANs are not configured on the switch, then the entire switch is
treated as one large broadcast domain. All ports will receive all traffic from all other ports.

In compliance with the IEEE 802.1Q standard, each VLAN is identified by a unique number, referred to as the VLAN
ID. The user specifies a VLAN ID to create, modify or remove a VLAN and to assign switch ports to a VLAN. When a
packet is received on a port, the VLAN ID for that port is inserted into the packet. The packet is then bridged to other
ports that are assigned to the same VLAN ID. In essence, the VLAN broadcast domain is defined by a collection of
ports and packets assigned to its VLAN ID.

The operational status of a VLAN remains inactive until at least one active switch port is assigned to the VLAN. This
means that VLAN properties, such as Spanning Tree and/or router interfaces, also remain inactive. Ports are
considered active if they are connected to an active network device. Non-active port assignments are allowed, but do
not change the VLAN's operational state.

When using the OmniVista VLAN Manager application to configure VLANs in your network, consider the following:
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

There is no staging of VLAN configuration changes. When you make a change to a VLAN, changes are sent
directly to the device and are processed in real time.
If an error occurs when changes are applied to a device, any changes successfully made to that point are
maintained and not backed out of the switch configuration.
The parameter values displayed in the VLANs Table, except for the VLAN ID field, are the values obtained
from the switch polled that has the lowest IP host address. For example, if VLAN 5 exists on three different
switches with IP addresses of,, and and each instance of the VLAN has a different
description, the VLAN 5 description from switch is displayed in this window.
When you modify VLAN parameters, however, the changes are applied across all switches in the
topology that have this VLAN configured. For example, if you selected VLAN 10 and changed the
description to "Marketing Department", all switches that contain VLAN 10 would receive this new
description value.

VLANs Table
The VLANs Table displays all VLANs configured on the network. By default, VLANs configure on all devices are
displayed. However, you can filter the view by selecting "Devices" from the View by drop-down menu and selecting
specific devices. Only VLANs configured on the selected device(s) will be displayed. The VLANs Table displays basic
information about each VLAN as shown below. To view detailed information about a VLAN, double click on the VLAN
in the VLANs Table or select the VLAN and click the View Details button at the top of the VLANs Table.

VLAN ID - In compliance with the IEEE 802.1Q standard, each VLAN is identified by a unique number,
referred to as the VLAN ID. This number is assigned by the user at the time the VLAN is created and is not a
modifiable parameter. When a network device packet is received on a port, the port's VLAN ID is inserted into
the packet. The packet is then bridged to other ports that are assigned to the same VLAN ID. In essence, the
VLAN broadcast domain is defined by a collection of ports and packets assigned to its VLAN ID. (Range = 1 -
Description - A text string up to 32 characters. This parameter defaults to the VLAN ID number (e.g., VLAN
10) if a description is not specified at the time the VLAN is created.
Admin Status - The administrative status of the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). By default, the administrative
status is enabled when a VLAN is created. When a VLAN is administratively disabled, static port and dynamic
mobile port assignments are retained but traffic on these ports is not forwarded. However, VLAN rules remain
active and continue to classify mobile port traffic for VLAN membership.
Oper Status - The VLAN operational status (Active/Inactive). This parameter is not modifiable; switch
software determines if the VLAN is operationally active or inactive and sets the appropriate field value. A
VLAN's operational status remains inactive until at least one active switch port is assigned to the VLAN and
the VLAN's administrative status is enabled. This means that VLAN properties, such as Spanning Tree or
router ports, also remain inactive. Ports are considered active if they are connected to an active network
device. Non-active port assignments are allowed, but do not change the VLAN's operational state.
VLAN Type - The type of VLAN is determined at the time the VLAN is created (e.g., Standard, BVLAN, Control
Spanning Tree Status - The Spanning Tree Status (Enabled/Disabled) for the VLAN. When a VLAN is created,
an 802.1D standard Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STP) instance is enabled for the VLAN by default.
STP evaluates VLAN port connections to determine if there are redundant data paths between the same VLAN
on other switches. If a redundant path does exist, STP determines which path to block in order to provide a
loop-free network topology. In this manner, STP ensures that there is always only one active data path between
any two switches (VLANs). When a change occurs, such as a path is disconnected or a path cost change, the
Spanning Tree Algorithm activates the blocked path to restore the network connection.
Router Protocol - The protocol for the VLAN virtual router port. If no router port is configured for the VLAN,
then "none" appears in this field. A VLAN is available for routing when a virtual router port is defined for that
VLAN and at least one active port has joined the VLAN. If a VLAN does not have a router port, its ports are
in essence firewalled from other VLANs.

Note: The basic information displayed in the VLANs Table, except for the VLAN ID field, is the
information obtained from the switch polled that has the lowest IP host address. For example, if VLAN

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
9 exists on three different switches with IP addresses of,, and and each
instance of the VLAN has a different description, the VLAN 9 description from switch is displayed in this window. You can view detailed information on each device in the VLAN by
double-clicking on a VLAN in the VLANs Table, or selecting a VLAN and clicking on the View Details
button at the top of the VLANs Table.

Creating a VLAN
VLANs are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to create the VLAN. To create a
VLAN(s), click on the Create icon . The Create VLAN Wizard will then guide you through the following screens:

Device Selection - Basic VLAN configuration parameters (e.g. VLAN ID, Description, administrative status)
and device selection.
VLAN Configuration - Review VLAN device selection and review/modify VLAN administrative status.
Default Ports Assignment - Configure VLAN Ports on selected device(s).
Q-Tagged Ports Assignment - Configure Q-Tagged Ports on selected device(s).
Review - Review VLAN configuration and create VLAN.

Note: When creating a VLAN, you can select up to 200 devices. If necessary, once the VLAN is
created you can edit the VLAN to add additional devices. Again, for each edit, you can add up to 200
devices. Repeat to add additional devices. Also note that you can use the wizard to create a single
VLAN or multiple VLANs.

Editing a VLAN
To edit a VLAN, select the VLAN in the VLANs Table and click on the Edit icon . The Edit VLAN Wizard appears.
Use the wizard to make any edits. When you are done, go the Review Window in the wizard and click on the Apply
button to update the VLAN. Note that you cannot edit the VLAN ID.

Copying a VLAN
You can save time creating a new VLAN by copying an existing VLAN and modifying the configuration. Select a VLAN
in the VLANs Table and click on the Copy icon . The Create VLAN Wizard will appear. Enter a new VLAN ID and
use the wizard to create the new VLAN.

Deleting a VLAN
You can delete a VLAN(s) completely - delete the VLAN(s) and delete them from all devices; or you can delete a
VLAN(s) from specific devices.

To delete a VLAN(s) completely, make sure the View by drop-down menu is set to "All". Select the VLAN(s)
in the VLANs Table, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt. The VLAN(s) will be
removed from OmniVista and from all network devices to which it was assigned.
To delete a VLAN(s) from specific devices, select "Devices" from the View by drop-down menu and select the
device(s). Select the VLAN(s) in the VLANs Table, click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the
confirmation prompt. The VLAN(s) will be removed from the selected devices. Note that you can also delete a
VLAN from a specific device by editing the VLAN and removing the device(s) from the VLAN.

Note: You cannot delete a VLAN from more than 200 devices at a time.

VLAN Actions
You can perform the following actions on VLANs by selecting a VLAN in the VLANs Table and clicking on the Actions
button at the top of the screen: enable/disable VLANs, view/modify Spanning Tree parameters, view/configure an IP
Router, and view VLAN details.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Enabling/Disabling VLANs
To enable/disable a VLAN(s), select one or more VLANs in the table, click on the Actions button and select Enable or
Disable. The Results Screen displays the operation results. Click OK to return to the VLAN Manager Screen.

Viewing/Modifying Spanning Tree

The Spanning Tree Screen in the VLANs application is used to view Spanning Tree configuration information for
devices in a VLAN, and to modify Spanning Tree Bridge or Port Parameters. To view/edit Spanning Tree information
for a VLAN, select the VLAN in the VLAN's Table, then select Spanning Tree from the Actions drop-down menu at
the top of the screen.

Viewing/Configuring IP Routers
The IP Router Screen in the VLANs application is used to view/configure IP Routers on a VLAN. To configure an IP
router for a VLAN, select the VLAN in the VLAN's Table, then select IP Router from the Actions drop- down menu at
the top of the screen. The IP Router Screen will appear. Click on the Create icon to create an IP router for the

VLAN Details
The VLAN Manager Screen displays all VLANs configured on the network. By default, VLANs configure on all devices
are displayed. However, you can filter the view by selecting "Devices" from the View by drop- down menu and
selecting specific devices. Only VLANs configured on the selected device will be displayed. The VLANs Table displays
basic information about each VLAN. To view detailed information about a VLAN, select the VLAN, click on the View
Details button at the top of the VLANs Table.

Basic Information
The VLANs Table displays basic information about each VLAN.

VLAN ID - In compliance with the IEEE 802.1Q standard, each VLAN is identified by a unique number,
referred to as the VLAN ID. This number is assigned by the user at the time the VLAN is created and is not a
modifiable parameter. When a network device packet is received on a port, the port's VLAN ID is inserted into
the packet. The packet is then bridged to other ports that are assigned to the same VLAN ID. In essence, the
VLAN broadcast domain is defined by a collection of ports and packets assigned to its VLAN ID. (Range = 1 -
Description - A text string up to 32 characters. This parameter defaults to the VLAN ID number (e.g., VLAN
10) if a description is not specified at the time the VLAN is created.
Admin Status - The administrative status of the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). By default, the administrative
status is enabled when a VLAN is created. When a VLAN is administratively disabled, static port and dynamic
mobile port assignments are retained but traffic on these ports is not forwarded. However, VLAN rules remain
active and continue to classify mobile port traffic for VLAN membership.
Oper Status - The VLAN operational status (Active/Inactive). This parameter is not modifiable; switch
software determines if the VLAN is operationally active or inactive and sets the appropriate field value. A
VLAN's operational status remains inactive until at least one active switch port is assigned to the VLAN and
the VLAN's administrative status is enabled. This means that VLAN properties, such as Spanning Tree or
router ports, also remain inactive. Ports are considered active if they are connected to an active network
device. Non-active port assignments are allowed, but do not change the VLAN's operational state.
VLAN Type - The type of VLAN is determined at the time the VLAN is created (e.g., Standard, BVLAN,
Control BVLAN).
Spanning Tree Status - The Spanning Tree Status (Enabled/Disabled) for the VLAN. When a VLAN is
created, an 802.1D standard Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STP) instance is enabled for the VLAN by
default. STP evaluates VLAN port connections to determine if there are redundant data paths between the
same VLAN on other switches. If a redundant path does exist, STP determines which path to block in order to
provide a loop-free network topology. In this manner, STP ensures that there is always only one active data
path between any two switches (VLANs). When a change occurs, such as a path is disconnected or a path
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
cost change, the Spanning Tree Algorithm activates the blocked path to restore the network connection.
Router Protocol - The protocol for the VLAN virtual router port. If no router port is configured for the VLAN,
then "none" appears in this field. A VLAN is available for routing when a virtual router port is defined for that
VLAN and at least one active port has joined the VLAN. If a VLAN does not have a router port, its ports are
in essence firewalled from other VLANs.

Detailed Information
The Detail Screens provide detailed information about devices in the selected VLAN. Click on a link at the top of the
screen to display Device, Port, or Link Aggregate information.

Device View

Friendly Name - The IP address of the device.

Device Name - The user-configured name for the device.
Device IP Address - The IP address of the device.
Device MAC Address - The MAC address of the device.
Device Version - The version number of the device software. OmniVista may not be able to determine the
software version on some third-party devices. In these cases, the field will be blank.
Device Location - The physical location of the device (user-defined, up to 255 characters). If the user did not
specify a location the field displays "Unknown".
Device Status - This field displays the operational status of the device: Up -
Device is up and responding to polls.
Down - Device is down and not responding to polls.
Warning - Device has sent at least one warning or critical trap
Device Type - The device model (e.g., OS6900-X72).
VLAN ID - The VLAN ID number (e.g., VLAN 10).
VLAN Description - A text string up to 32 characters. This parameter defaults to the VLAN ID number (e.g.,
VLAN 10) if a description is not specified at the time the VLAN is created.
VLAN Admin Status - The administrative status of the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). By default, the administrative
status is enabled when a VLAN is created. When a VLAN is administratively disabled, static port and dynamic
mobile port assignments are retained but traffic on these ports is not forwarded. However, VLAN rules remain
active and continue to classify mobile port traffic for VLAN membership.
VLAN Type - The type of VLAN is determined at the time the VLAN is created (e.g., Standard, BVLAN, Control
Spanning Tree Status - The Spanning Tree Status for the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). When a VLAN is
created, an 802.1D standard Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STP) instance is enabled for the VLAN by
default. STP evaluates VLAN port connections to determine if there are redundant data paths between the
same VLAN on other switches. If a redundant path does exist, STP determines which path to block in order to
provide a loop-free network topology. In this manner, STP ensures that there is always only one active data
path between any two switches (VLANs). When a change occurs, such as a path is disconnected or a path
cost change, the Spanning Tree Algorithm activates the blocked path to restore the network connection.
Mobility - The mobile status for the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). On AOS switches, mobility is not enabled or
disabled at the VLAN level. Instead, switch ports are designated as mobile or non-mobile.
Oper Status - The VLAN operational status (Active/Inactive). This parameter is not modifiable; switch
software determines if the VLAN is operationally active or inactive and sets the appropriate field value. A
VLAN's operational status remains inactive until at least one active switch port is assigned to the VLAN and
the VLAN's administrative status is enabled. This means that VLAN properties, such as Spanning Tree or
router ports, also remain inactive. Ports are considered active if they are connected to an active network
device. Non-active port assignments are allowed, but do not change the VLAN's operational state.
Authentication - The authentication status for the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). By default, authentication is
disabled when a VLAN is created. Once authentication is enabled on a VLAN, however, then only
authenticated mobile port devices can join the VLAN after completing the appropriate log-in process.
Layer 2 authentication uses VLAN membership to grant access to network resources. Authenticated VLANs
control membership through a log-in process; this is sometimes called user authentication. A VLAN must have
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
authentication enabled before it can participate in the Layer 2 authentication process. Voice Status -
Administrative status (Enabled/Disabled) of voice usage for the current VLAN (only supported on 6.x devices).
Router Protocol - The protocol for the VLAN virtual router port. If no router port is configured for the VLAN,
then "none" appears in this field. A VLAN is available for routing when a virtual router port is defined for that
VLAN and at least one active port has joined the VLAN. If a VLAN does not have a router port, its ports are
in essence firewalled from other VLANs.

Port View

Device Friendly Name - The IP address of the device.

Device IP Address - The IP address of the device.
Port - The VLAN slot/port number.
Port Type - The Port Type parameter indicates how the port assignment to the current VLAN was made.
Default - The port is a fixed port that was statically assigned to the VLAN, which is now the
configured default VLAN for the port.
Q Tagged - The port is a fixed port that was statically assigned to the VLAN using the 802.1Q tagging
feature. The VLAN is a static secondary VLAN assignment for the 802.1Q tagged port. Mobile - The
port is a mobile port that was dynamically assigned to the VLAN when traffic received on the port
match traffic rules defined for the VLAN. The VLAN is a dynamic secondary VLAN assignment for the
mobile port.
Port State - The the status of the VLAN port assignment.
Forwarding - Port is active and forwarding traffic on this VLAN.
Inactive - Port is not active (administratively disabled, down, or nothing is connected to the port).
Blocking - Port is active, but not forwarding any traffic on this VLAN.
Filtering - Mobile port traffic is filtered for the VLAN; only traffic received on the port that matches VLAN
rules is forwarded. Occurs when a mobile port's VLAN is administratively disabled or the port's default
VLAN status is disabled. Does not apply to fixed ports.

Link Aggregate View

Friendly Name - The IP address of the device.

Device IP Address - The IP address of the device.
Link Aggregate ID - The ID of the link aggregate group of ports. This number was assigned when the
aggregate was created.
Link Aggregate - An optional textual description (up to 32 characters) for the link aggregate. Port Type
- The Port Type parameter indicates how the port assignment to the current VLAN was made.
Default - The port is a fixed port that was statically assigned to the VLAN, which is now the
configured default VLAN for the port.
Q Tagged - The port is a fixed port that was statically assigned to the VLAN using the 802.1Q tagging
feature. The VLAN is a static secondary VLAN assignment for the 802.1Q tagged port. Mobile - The
port is a mobile port that was dynamically assigned to the VLAN when traffic received on the port
match traffic rules defined for the VLAN. The VLAN is a dynamic secondary VLAN assignment for the
mobile port.
Description - The standard MIB name for this dynamic aggregate group.

Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) provides a mechanism for dynamic maintenance of the contents of
dynamic VLAN registration entries for each VLAN, and for propagating the information they contain to other bridges.
This information allows MVRP-aware devices to dynamically establish and update their knowledge of the set of VLANs
that currently have active members, and through which ports those members can be reached. The main purpose of
MVRP is to allow switches to automatically discover some of the VLAN information that would otherwise have to be
manually configured.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
To configure MVRP, click on the link on the left side of the screen. The MVRP Configuration Wizard guides you
through the steps to configure MVRP on network switches/ports.

IP Interface
Network device traffic is bridged (switched) at the Layer 2 level between ports that are assigned to the same VLAN.
However, if a device needs to communicate with another device that belongs to a different VLAN, you must configure
an IP interface on a device in the VLAN to enable Layer 3 routing to transmit traffic between VLANs. A VLAN is
available for routing when at least one IP interface is defined for that VLAN and at least one active port is associated
with the VLAN. If a VLAN does not have an IP interface, the ports associated with that VLAN are in essence firewalled
from other VLANs.

The IP Interface Screen in the VLANs application is used to view and configure IP interfaces on devices.

Network devices are polled every 30 minutes for VLAN information update. The VLAN Manager Poll Screen can be
used at any time to manually poll devices. Once the selected devices are polled, VLAN information displayed in the
VLAN Manager application is be updated for the selected devices.

Spanning Tree
The VLAN Manager Spanning Tree Screen is used to view Spanning Tree configuration information for devices in a
VLAN; and to edit Spanning Tree Bridge and Port parameters. By default, a Summary view is displayed. Click on the
Bridge or Port link at the top of the to view bridge or port information.

Summary View
The Summary View displays a summary of the Spanning Tree information for devices in the selected VLAN.

Device Friendly Name - The user-defined name for the device.

Device IP - The IP host address that identifies the switch within the management IP network. It is not the
same IP host address defined as a virtual IP router port for the selected VLAN, unless the VLAN is part of the
management network. In addition, an IP host address appears in this field even if an IP virtual router port
does not exist for the VLAN on that particular switch.
Protocol - The VLAN spanning tree algorithm protocol. The algorithm determines the state and role of a port
within the spanning tree topology:
STP (802.1D) - Standard Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (Default).
RSTP (802.1W) - Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol. RSTP is based on the 802.1D standard
algorithm and is designed to provide quick recovery in the event of a link, port or device failure.
MSTP (802.1S) - Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol. MSTP is an enhancement to 802.1Q Common
Spanning Tree Instance (CST). When the switch is running in Flat Mode, a single Spanning Tree
instance is applied across all VLAN port connections. MSTP allows the configuration of Multiple
Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI) in addition to the CST instance. Each MSTI is mapped to a set of
VLANs. As a result, Flat Mode can now support the forwarding of VLAN traffic over separate data paths.
Note that MSTP in VLAN spanning tree view is only displayed for Instance 0 under VLAN 1. None of the
other instances will be displayed.
Priority - The bridge priority value (0 - 65535) for the VLAN. The lower the number, the higher the priority
value. The bridge priority value is used by the spanning tree algorithm to determine which VLAN should serve
as the root of the spanning tree. (Default = 32768)
Maximum Age - The amount of time, in seconds, that spanning tree information learned from BPDUs
received on VLAN ports is retained. When this information has aged beyond the maximum age value, the
information is discarded. (Range = ( 6- 40, Default = 20)
Path Cost - The cost of the path to the root for this Spanning Tree instance.
Mode - The Spanning Tree operating mode for the switch:

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Flat Mode (Single Spanning Tree) - The Spanning Tree Algorithm is applied across all VLANs. For
example, if a port belonging to VLAN 10 and a port belonging to VLAN 20 both connect to the same
switch, then Spanning Tree Algorithm will block one of these ports.
1x1 (One Spanning Tree per VLAN) - A single Spanning Tree instance is enabled for each VLAN
configured on the switch. For example, if there are five VLANs configured on the switch, then there are
five separate Spanning Tree instances. In essence, a VLAN is a virtual bridge in that it will have its own
bridge ID and configurable STP parameters, such as protocol, priority, hello time, max age and forward
delay. Note: By default, the Spanning Tree operating mode is set to One Spanning Tree Per VLAN
(available only on AOS switch platforms).
Bridge ID - The bridge identifier for this Spanning Tree instance. Consists of the bridge priority value (in
hex) concatenated with the bridge MAC address.
Root ID- The bridge identifier of the root of the spanning tree as determined by the Spanning Tree
Algorithm and Protocol.
Loopback - A loopback interface configured for testing.
Time Since Last Topology Change - The amount of time, in hundredths of a second, since the last
topology change was detected by this Spanning Tree instance.
Total Topology Change - The number of topology changes detected by this spanning tree instance since
the management entity was last reset or initialized.
Root Port - The port that offers the lowest cost path from this bridge to the root bridge for this Spanning Tree
Next Best Root Cost - The cost of the next best root port for this Spanning Tree instance.
Next Best Root Port - The port that offers the next best (second lowest) cost path to the root bridge for this
Spanning Tree instance.
Network Maximum Age - The Maximum Age time value for the root bridge.
Network Hello Time - The Hello Time value for the root bridge.
Network Hold Time - The amount of time, in hundredths of a second, in which this spanning tree
instance can transmit no more than two Configuration Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDU).
Network Forward Delay - The forward delay time value for the root bridge.

Bridge View
The Bridge View List displays a Spanning Tree bridge information for devices in the selected VLAN.

Device Friendly Name - The user-defined name for the device.

Device IP - The IP host address that identifies the switch within the management IP network. It is not the
same IP host address defined as a virtual IP router port for the selected VLAN, unless the VLAN is part of the
management network. In addition, an IP host address appears in this field even if an IP virtual router port
does not exist for the VLAN on that particular switch.
Protocol - The VLAN spanning tree algorithm protocol. The algorithm determines the state and role of a port
within the spanning tree topology:
STP (802.1D) - Standard Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (Default).
RSTP (802.1W) - Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol. RSTP is based on the 802.1D standard
algorithm and is designed to provide quick recovery in the event of a link, port or device failure.
MSTP (802.1S) - Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol. MSTP is an enhancement to 802.1Q Common
Spanning Tree Instance (CST). When the switch is running in Flat Mode, a single Spanning Tree
instance is applied across all VLAN port connections. MSTP allows the configuration of Multiple
Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI) in addition to the CST instance. Each MSTI is mapped to a set of
VLANs. As a result, Flat Mode can now support the forwarding of VLAN traffic over separate data paths.
Note that MSTP in VLAN spanning tree view is only displayed for Instance 0 under VLAN 1. None of the
other instances will be displayed.
Priority - The bridge priority value (0 - 65535) for the VLAN. The lower the number, the higher the priority
value. The bridge priority value is used by the spanning tree algorithm to determine which VLAN should serve
as the root of the spanning tree. (Default = 32768)
Maximum Age - The amount of time, in seconds, that spanning tree information learned from BPDUs
received on VLAN ports is retained. When this information has aged beyond the maximum age value, the
information is discarded. (Range = ( 6- 40, Default = 20)
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Hello Time -The Hello Time value for the root bridge.
Forward Delay -The forward delay time value for the root bridge.
Port View
The Port View List displays a Spanning Tree port information for devices in the selected VLAN.

Device Friendly Name - The user-defined name for the device.

Device IP - The IP host address that identifies the switch within the management IP network. It is not the
same IP host address defined as a virtual IP router port for the selected VLAN, unless the VLAN is part of the
management network. In addition, an IP host address appears in this field even if an IP virtual router port does
not exist for the VLAN on that particular switch.
Port - The slot/port number.
Priority -The port priority value for the VLAN. The lower the number, the higher the priority value. The port
priority is used to determine which port offers the best path to the root when multiple paths have the same
path cost. If the priority values are the same for all ports in the path, then the port with the lowest physical
switch port number is selected. (Range = (0 - 15, Default = 7)
Oper Status - The operational state of the port as determined by the spanning tree algorithm:
Disabled - Physical port is down or administratively disabled.
Blocking or Discarding - Port does not transmit or receive data to prevent a network loop.
Listening - Port is preparing to transmit data.
Learning - Port is learning MAC addresses seen on the port.
Forwarding - Port is transmitting and receiving data.
Admin Status - The Spanning Tree status for the port (Enabled/Disabled). If disabled, the port state is set to
forwarding for the VLAN Spanning Tree instance. This status value, however, is ignored if Spanning Tree is
disabled for the associated VLAN. By default, Spanning Tree is enabled on all switch ports.
Path Cost - The path cost value for the port. This value specifies the contribution of a port to the path cost
towards the root bridge that includes the port. If the path cost is set to 0, then a default value based on link
speed is used. (Range = ( 0 - 65535).
Manual Mode - The mode used for managing the port's state:
Blocking or Forwarding (Manually Set) - If the port state is manually set to Blocking or
Forwarding, the port remains in that state until it is changed and does not participate in the
spanning tree algorithm.
No (Dynamic) - Dynamic mode defers configuration of the port state to the spanning tree
algorithm. By default, this parameter is set to No (Dynamic).
Admin Connection - The port's administratively set connection type. This parameter is used by the 802.1w
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) to determine if a port is eligible for rapid transition to the forwarding
No Point to Point - Port connects to multiple switches.
Point to Point - Port connects directly to another switch.
Auto Point to Point - Connection type is automatically defined to No Point to Point or Point to Point
based on the port's operational status. (Default)
Edge Port - Port is at the edge of a bridged LAN, does not receive BPDU, and has only one MAC
address learned. Edge ports, however, will operationally revert to a No Point to Point connection type if a
BPDU is received on the port.
Port Role - The role of the port for this Spanning Tree instance (e.g., Root, Designated, Alternate,
Oper Connection - The operational connection type for the port:
No Point to Point - Port connects to multiple switches.
Point to Point - Port connects directly to another switch.
Auto Point to Point - Connection type is automatically defined to No Point to Point or Point to Point
based on the port's operational status. (Default)
Edge Port - Port is at the edge of a bridged LAN, does not receive BPDU, and has only one MAC
address learned. Edge ports, however, will operationally revert to a No Point to Point connection type if a
BPDU is received on the port.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Editing an STP Configuration

You can edit Spanning Tree Bridge or Port parameters on switches in a VLAN. Select the VLAN in the VLANs Table,
then select Spanning Tree from the Actions drop-down menu at the top of the screen to bring up the Spanning Tree
Summary View Table for the VLAN. Click on the Bridge or Port link at the top of the table to bring up the Bridge or Port
Table. Select a switch/port in a table then click on the Edit icon . Edit the Bridge or Port parameters as described
below and click on the Apply button. Repeat to edit additional Bridge or Port parameters.

Note: Spanning Tree software is active on all switches by default. As a result, a loop-free network
topology is automatically calculated based on default Spanning Tree switch, VLAN (bridge), and port
parameter values. It is only necessary to configure Spanning Tree bridge parameters to change how the
topology is calculated and maintained.

STP Bridge Parameters

Protocol - The VLAN spanning tree algorithm protocol. The algorithm determines the state and role of a port
within the spanning tree topology:
STP (802.1D) - Standard Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (Default).
RSTP (802.1W) - Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol. RSTP is based on the 802.1D standard
algorithm and is designed to provide quick recovery in the event of a link, port or device failure.
MSTP (802.1S) - Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol. MSTP is an enhancement to 802.1Q Common
Spanning Tree Instance (CST). When the switch is running in Flat Mode, a single Spanning Tree
instance is applied across all VLAN port connections. MSTP allows the configuration of Multiple
Spanning Tree Instances (MSTI) in addition to the CST instance. Each MSTI is mapped to a set of
VLANs. As a result, Flat Mode can now support the forwarding of VLAN traffic over separate data paths.
Note that MSTP in VLAN spanning tree view is only displayed for Instance 0 under VLAN 1. None of the
other instances will be displayed.
Priority - The bridge priority value (0 - 65535) for the VLAN. The lower the number, the higher the priority
value. The bridge priority value is used by the spanning tree algorithm to determine which VLAN should serve
as the root of the spanning tree. (Default = 32768)
Maximum Age - The amount of time, in seconds, that spanning tree information learned from BPDUs
received on VLAN ports is retained. When this information has aged beyond the maximum age value, the
information is discarded. (Range = ( 6- 40, Default = 20)
Hello Time -The Hello Time value for the root bridge.
Forward Delay -The forward delay time value for the root bridge.

STP Port Parameters

Priority -The port priority value for the VLAN. The lower the number, the higher the priority value. The port
priority is used to determine which port offers the best path to the root when multiple paths have the same
path cost. If the priority values are the same for all ports in the path, then the port with the lowest physical
switch port number is selected. (Range = (0 - 15, Default = 7)
Admin Status - The Spanning Tree status for the port (Enabled/Disabled). If disabled, the port state is set to
forwarding for the VLAN Spanning Tree instance. This status value, however, is ignored if Spanning Tree is
disabled for the associated VLAN. By default, Spanning Tree is enabled on all switch ports.
Path Cost - The path cost value for the port. This value specifies the contribution of a port to the path cost
towards the root bridge that includes the port. If the path cost is set to 0, then a default value based on link
speed is used. (Range = ( 0 - 65535).
Admin Connection - The port's administratively set connection type. This parameter is used by the 802.1w
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) to determine if a port is eligible for rapid transition to the forwarding
No Point to Point - Port connects to multiple switches.
Point to Point - Port connects directly to another switch.
Auto Point to Point - Connection type is automatically defined to No Point to Point or Point to Point
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
based on the port's operational status. (Default)
Edge Port - Port is at the edge of a bridged LAN, does not receive BPDU, and has only one MAC
address learned. Edge ports, however, will operationally revert to a No Point to Point connection type if a
BPDU is received on the port.

IP Router
The VLAN Manager IP Router Screen displays all configured IP router interfaces for the selected VLAN. It is also used
to create, edit, and delete IP router interfaces on devices in the VLAN. Network device traffic is bridged (switched) at
the Layer 2 level between ports that are assigned to the same VLAN. However, if a device needs to communicate with
another device that belongs to a different VLAN, you must configure an IP router interface on a device in the VLAN to
enable Layer 3 routing to transmit traffic between VLANs. A VLAN is available for routing when at least one IP router
interface is defined for that VLAN and at least one active port is associated with the VLAN. If a VLAN does not have a
router interface, the ports associated with that VLAN are in essence firewalled from other VLANs.

Creating an IP Router Interface

Click on the Create icon to create an IP router interface on a device in a VLAN. Complete the fields as described
below, then click on the Create button.

Device - Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology) and click on the Select
Device button. A list of devices that are members of the VLAN is displayed. Select the device on which you
want to create an IP router interface and click OK.
Router IP Address - The IP address of the IP router interface. Router interface IP addresses must be
unique. You cannot have two router interfaces with the same IP address.
Router IP Mask - The IP router subnet mask value. The default value for this field is based on which
network class range the IP address falls within; Class A, B, or C. (,, or
IP Encapsulation - The IP router interface frame encapsulation value (Ethernet 2 or SNAP). The frame
encapsulation determines the framing type the router interface uses when generating frames that are
forwarded out VLAN ports. Select an encapsulation that matches the encapsulation of the majority of IP VLAN
traffic. (Default = Ethernet 2)
IP Forwarding - The router interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). A forwarding router interface
sends IP frames to other subnets. A "no forwarding" router interface acts as a host only. It receives IP
frames from other router interfaces. (Default = Enabled).
Interface Name - The user-defined interface name (up to 20 characters).
VRF ID - The VRF ID. If configured, select a VRF from the drop-down menu to assign the interface to a
configured VRF instance (by default all interfaces are assigned to the Default VRF). You can assign a new
interface to a VRF; however, you cannot edit the VRF ID of an existing interface. If the feature is not available
on the device, the column will display "Default", indicating that the switch is operating as a single routing
instance. VRF instances are created on the switch through the CLI or WebView application. Click here for
more information on the Multiple VRF Feature. See the "Configuring Multiple VRF" Chapter in the applicable
OmniSwitch AOS Network Configuration Guide for detailed instructions on configuring VRF instances.

Editing an IP Router Interface

To edit an IP router interface on a device, select the interface in the IP Router Table and click on the Edit icon . Edit
any fields as described above and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit the Interface Name or VRF

Deleting an IP Router Interface

To delete an IP router interface, select the interface in the IP Router Table, click on the Delete icon, then click OK at
the Confirmation Prompt.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Viewing IP Router Interfaces

The Router Screen displays all configured IP router interfaces for the selected VLAN. The fields are defined below.

Device Name - The user-configured name for the device on which the interface is configured.
Device Friendly Name - The IP address of the device.
Device IP Address - The IP address of the device.
Router IP Address - The IP address of the IP router interface.
Router IP Mask - The IP router subnet mask value. The default value for this field is based on which
network class range the IP address falls within; Class A, B, or C. (,, or
IP Encapsulation - The IP router interface frame encapsulation value (Ethernet 2 or SNAP). The frame
encapsulation determines the framing type the router interface uses when generating frames that are
forwarded out VLAN ports. Select an encapsulation that matches the encapsulation of the majority of IP VLAN
traffic. (Default = Ethernet 2)
IP Forwarding - The router interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). A forwarding router interface
sends IP frames to other subnets. A "no forwarding" router interface acts as a host only. It receives IP
frames from other router interfaces. (Default = Enabled).
Interface Name - The user-defined interface name (up to 20 characters).
VRF ID - The VRF ID. If multiple VRFs are configured on the device, the VRF ID is displayed. If none are
configured, or if the feature is not available on the device, the column will display "Default", indicating that
the switch is operating as a single routing instance.

VLAN Details
The VLAN Details Screens provide detailed information about devices in the selected VLAN. By default, the Device
View is displayed. Click on a link at the top of the screen to display Device, Port, or Link Aggregate information.

Device View

Friendly Name - The IP address of the device.

Device Name - The user-configured name fo the device.
Device IP Address - The IP address of the device.
Device MAC Address - The MAC address of the device.
Device Version - The version number of the device software. OmniVista may not be able to determine the
software version on some third-party devices. In these cases, the field will be blank.
Device Location - The physical location of the device (user-defined, up to 255 characters). If the user did not
specifiy a location the field displays "Unknown".
Device Status - This field displays the operational status of the device: Up -
Device is up and responding to polls.
Down - Device is down and not responding to polls.
Warning - Device has sent at least one warning or critical trap
Device Type - The device model (e.g., OS6900-X72).
VLAN ID - The VLAN ID number (e.g., VLAN 10).
VLAN Description - A text string up to 32 characters. This parameter defaults to the VLAN ID number (e.g.,
VLAN 10) if a description is not specified at the time the VLAN is created.
VLAN Admin Status - The administrative status of the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). By default, the administrative
status is enabled when a VLAN is created. When a VLAN is administratively disabled, static port and dynamic
mobile port assignments are retained but traffic on these ports is not forwarded. However, VLAN rules remain
active and continue to classify mobile port traffic for VLAN membership.
VLAN Type - The type of VLAN is determined at the time the VLAN is created (e.g., Standard, BVLAN, Control
Spanning Tree Status - The Spanning Tree Status for the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). When a VLAN is
created, an 802.1D standard Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STP) instance is enabled for the VLAN by
default. STP evaluates VLAN port connections to determine if there are redundant data paths between the
same VLAN on other switches. If a redundant path does exist, STP determines which path to block in order to
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
provide a loop-free network topology. In this manner, STP ensures that there is always only one active data
path between any two switches (VLANs). When a change occurs, such as a path is disconnected or a path
cost change, the Spanning Tree Algorithm activates the blocked path to restore the network connection.
Mobility - The mobile status for the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). On AOS switches, mobility is not enabled or
disabled at the VLAN level. Instead, switch ports are designated as mobile or non-mobile. Oper Status - The
VLAN operational status (Active/Inactive). This parameter is not modifiable; switch software determines if the
VLAN is operationally active or inactive and sets the appropriate field value. A VLAN's operational status
remains inactive until at least one active switch port is assigned to the VLAN and the VLAN's administrative
status is enabled. This means that VLAN properties, such as Spanning Tree or router ports, also remain
inactive. Ports are considered active if they are connected to an active network device. Non-active port
assignments are allowed, but do not change the VLAN's operational state.
Authentication - The authentication status for the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled). By default, authentication is
disabled when a VLAN is created. Once authentication is enabled on a VLAN, however, then only
authenticated mobile port devices can join the VLAN after completing the appropriate log-in process. Layer 2
authentication uses VLAN membership to grant access to network resources. Authenticated VLANs control
membership through a log-in process; this is sometimes called user authentication. A VLAN must have
authentication enabled before it can participate in the Layer 2 authentication process.
Voice Status - Administrative status (Enabled/Disabled) of voice usage for the current VLAN ( supported on
6.x devices only).
Router Protocol - The protocol for the VLAN virtual router port. If no router port is configured for the VLAN,
then "N/A" appears in this field. A VLAN is available for routing when a virtual router port is defined for that
VLAN and at least one active port has joined the VLAN. If a VLAN does not have a router port, its ports are
in essence firewalled from other VLANs.

Port View

Device Friendly Name - The IP address of the device.

Device IP Address - The IP address of the device.
Port - The VLAN slot/port number.
Port Type - The Port Type parameter indicates how the port assignment to the current VLAN was made.
Default - The port is a fixed port that was statically assigned to the VLAN, which is now the
configured default VLAN for the port.
Q Tagged - The port is a fixed port that was statically assigned to the VLAN using the 802.1Q tagging
feature. The VLAN is a static secondary VLAN assignment for the 802.1Q tagged port.
Mobile - The port is a mobile port that was dynamically assigned to the VLAN when traffic received on
the port match traffic rules defined for the VLAN. The VLAN is a dynamic secondary VLAN assignment
for the mobile port.
Port State - The status of the VLAN port assignment.
Forwarding - Port is active and forwarding traffic on this VLAN.
Inactive - Port is not active (administratively disabled, down, or nothing is connected to the port).
Blocking - Port is active, but not forwarding any traffic on this VLAN.
Filtering - Mobile port traffic is filtered for the VLAN; only traffic received on the port that matches VLAN
rules is forwarded. Occurs when a mobile port's VLAN is administratively disabled or the port's default
VLAN status is disabled. Does not apply to fixed ports.

Link Aggregate View

Friendly Name - The IP address of the device.

Device IP Address - The IP address of the device.
Link Aggregate ID- The ID of the link aggregate group of ports. This number was assigned when the
aggregate was created.
Link Aggregate - An optional textual description (up to 32 characters) for the link aggregate. Port Type -
The Port Type parameter indicates how the port assignment to the current VLAN was made.
Default - The port is a fixed port that was statically assigned to the VLAN, which is now the
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
configured default VLAN for the port.
Q Tagged - The port is a fixed port that was statically assigned to the VLAN using the 802.1Q tagging
feature. The VLAN is a static secondary VLAN assignment for the 802.1Q tagged port.
Mobile - The port is a mobile port that was dynamically assigned to the VLAN when traffic received on
the port match traffic rules defined for the VLAN. The VLAN is a dynamic secondary VLAN assignment
for the mobile port.
Description - The standard MIB name for this dynamic aggregate group.

Device Selection
The Device Selection Screen is used to configure basic VLAN configuration parameters and select devices to be
included in the VLAN. You can create a single VLAN or create multiple VLANS. When you have completed all of the
parameters, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on VLAN Configuration on the left side of the
screen to move to the next step.

VLAN ID - The VLAN ID number (Range = 2 - 4094). To create a single VLAN, enter a single VLAN ID and
click on the Add icon . Repeat to create multiple VLANS, or enter a range of VLANs (e.g., 500-
505) and click on the Add icon . Note that you cannot enter a VLAN ID for a VLAN that has already been
created. If you want to add additional devices to an existing VLAN, return to the VLANs Table and edit the VLAN
to add the additional devices.
Description - Enter an optional description for the VLAN. If you do not enter a description, the VLAN ID is
VLAN Configuration Template - The VLAN Configuration Template contents are applied to all
selected devices, subject to availability of ports on devices. Users can override these settings.
Admin Status - The administrative status of the VLAN (Enabled/Disabled).
Default VLAN ID (Multiple VLAN Configuration Only) - If you are configuring multiple VLANs, enter
one of the VLAN ID of one of the VLANs. This will be the default VLAN for the configured ports.
Default Ports Template - Used to configure default (untagged) ports for all selected devices. The
configuration will be added to selected devices if the port is available on device. For example , if you
enter port 1/5 as a default port when creating VLAN 100, port 1/5 will be added as a default port for all
devices having port 1/5. If a selected device does not have port 1/5, the default port will not be created
on the device. Ports or Link Aggregates must be entered in the format shown (e.g., LAG-1, lag-1, 1/1,
1/2a, 1/1-1/7, 1/1/1, 1/1/1a, 1/1/1-1/1/7 ). Note that you will be able to add additional ports (or remove
ports) on the Default Ports Assignment Screen later in the wizard.
Q Tagged Ports Template - Used to configure Q-Tagged ports for all selected devices. The
configuration will be added to selected devices if the port is available on device. For example , if you
enter port 1/3 as a Q-Tagged Port when creating VLAN 100, port 1/3 will be added as a Q- Tagged port
for all devices having port 1/3. If a selected device does not have port 1/3, the Q- Tagged port will not be
created on the device. Ports or Link Aggregates must be entered in the format shown (e.g., LAG-1, lag-
1, 1/1, 1/2a, 1/1-1/7, 1/1/1, 1/1/1a, 1/1/1-1/1/7 ). Note that you will be able to add additional ports (or
remove ports) on the Q-Tagged Ports Assignment Screen later in the wizard. Also note that for wireless
devices, Q-Tagged Port configuration is supported on trunk ports.
Device Selection - Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/ Use
Topology) and click Add Remove Device button to select devices for the VLAN.

Note: When creating a VLAN, you can select up to 200 devices. If necessary, once the VLAN is
created you can edit the VLAN to add additional devices. Again, for each edit, you can add up to
200 devices. Repeat to add additional devices.

VLAN Configuration
The VLAN Configuration Screen is used to review VLAN device selection and review/modify VLAN administrative
status. If necessary, click the Back button to modify the device selection, or click on the Admin state configuration
button to change the VLAN administrative state. When you are finished, click the Next button at the bottom of the
screen or click on Default Ports Assignment on the left side of the screen to move to the next step.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Default Ports Assignment

The Default Ports Assignment Screen is used to configure ports on the selected device(s) to be included in the VLAN.
Click on a device in the list and click on the Add Ports for Device ... button (or just click on the "Add Port" link under a
device) to bring up the Port Selection Window. Select the device ports to be included in the VLAN and click OK.
Repeat to add ports for additional devices.

Note that ports added on the Device Selection Screen of the wizard in the VLAN Configuration Template will be "pre-
selected" on the Default Ports Selection window. You can add additional ports or remove ports. Also note that Q-
Tagged Ports will not be available for selection.

After selecting ports for each device, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Q Tagged Ports
Assignment on the left side of the screen to move to the next step.

Q Tagged Ports Assignment

The Q Tagged Ports Assignment Screen is used to configure Q-Tagged Ports on the selected device(s) to be included
in the VLAN. Click on a device in the list and click on the Add Q Tagged Ports for Device ... button (or just click on
the "Add Port" link under a device) to bring up the Port Selection Window. Select the device ports to be included in the
VLAN and click OK. Repeat to add ports for additional devices.

Note that ports added on the Device Selection Screen of the wizard in the VLAN Configuration Template will be "pre-
selected" on the Tagged Ports Selection window. You can add additional ports or remove ports. Also note that ports
selected on Default Port Assignment Screen will not available for selection.

After selecting ports for each device, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen or click on Review on the left
side of the screen to move to the next step.

The Review Screen is used to review the VLAN configuration. VLAN Configuration Template information is displayed
at the top of the window; and a list of switches contained in the configured VLAN is displayed. By default the List of
Switches displays device configuration information. Click on a link at the top of the table to display Port, or Link
Aggregate information.

After reviewing the configuration, click the Create button to create the VLAN. You can also click the Back
button to return to a previous screen and modify the configuration before returning to this screen to create it.

MVRP Overview
Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) provides a mechanism for dynamic maintenance of the contents of
dynamic VLAN registration entries for each VLAN, and for propagating the information they contain to other bridges.
This information allows MVRP-aware devices to dynamically establish and update their knowledge of the set of VLANs
that currently have active members, and through which ports those members can be reached. The main purpose of
MVRP is to allow switches to automatically discover some of the VLAN information that would otherwise have to be
manually configured.

MVRP acts as a Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) application, sending and receiving MVRP information
encapsulated in an ethernet frame on a specific MAC address. MVRP allows both end stations and bridges in a
bridged local area network to issue and revoke declarations relating to membership of VLANs. Each MVRP device
that receives the declaration in the network creates or updates a dynamic VLAN registration entry in the filtering
database to indicate that the VLAN is registered on the reception port. For more information, see the "Configuring
MVRP" Chapter in the applicable OmniSwitch Network Configuration Guide.

The MVRP Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to configure MVRP on network switches/ports. Note
that the MVRP feature is supported only in STP flat mode. If MVRP is configured in the system with STP flat mode,
STP mode cannot be changed to per-VLAN mode. When a topology change is detected by STP, MAC addresses for
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
the dynamic VPAs learned by MVRP is also deleted.

Summary View
The Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) Summary View Screen displays an overview of MVRP switch and
port configuration on the network. MVRP provides a mechanism for dynamic maintenance of the contents of dynamic
VLAN registration entries for each VLAN, and for propagating the information they contain to other bridges. This
information allows MVRP-aware devices to dynamically establish and update their knowledge of the set of VLANs that
currently have active members, and through which ports those members can be reached. The main purpose of MVRP
is to allow switches to automatically discover some of the VLAN information that would otherwise have to be manually

MVRP acts as an MRP application, sending and receiving MVRP information encapsulated in an ethernet frame on a
specific MAC address. MVRP allows both end stations and bridges in a bridged local area network to issue and
revoke declarations relating to membership of VLANs. Each MVRP device that receives the declaration in the network
creates or updates a dynamic VLAN registration entry in the filtering database to indicate that the VLAN is registered
on the reception port.

Switches List
The Switches List provides an overview of MVRP configuration on network switches.

Device Friendly Name - The IP address of the device.

Device IP - The IP address of the device.
MVRP Status - The MVRP administrative status on the switch (Enabled/Disabled)
Transparent Switch - The administrative status of MVRP transparent switching on the switch. If enabled,
when MVRP is globally disabled on the device, MVRP frames are flooded transparently. If disabled, the
device will discard received MVRP frames. (Default = Disabled)
Max VLAN Limit - The maximum number of dynamic VLANs that can be created by MVRP on the
switch. (Range = 32 - 4094, Default = 256)
Registration Protocol - The registration protocol running on the switch (MVRP/GVRP). (Default =

Ports Configuration
Click on a switch in the Switches List to view MVRP port information for the switch.

Port - The slot/port number of the MVRP interface. MVRP can be enabled on switch ports regardless of
whether it is globally enabled on the switch. However, for the port to become an active participant in the MVRP
operation, MVRP must be enabled globally on the switch. When MVRP is globally enabled on the switch and is
not enabled on the port, that port is excluded from the MVRP protocol operation.
MVRP Status - MVRP status for the port (Enabled/Disabled). MVRP can be enabled on switch ports
regardless of whether it is globally enabled on the switch. However, for the port to become an active
participant in the MVRP operation, MVRP must be enabled globally on the switch. When MVRP is globally
enabled on the switch and is not enabled on the port, that port is excluded from the MVRP protocol operation.
Note: MVRP can be enabled only on fixed ports, 802.1 Q ports, aggregate ports, and VLAN Stacking Network
ports. Other ports (e.g., mirroring ports, VLAN Stacking User ports) do not support MVRP.
Registrar Mode - The MVRP Registration Mode of the port:
Normal - Specifies that both registration and de-registration of VLANs is allowed. VLANs can be
mapped either dynamically (through MVRP) or statically (through management application). (Default)
Fixed - Specifies that only static mapping of VLANs is allowed on the port, but de-registration of
previously created dynamic or static VLANs is not allowed.
Forbidden - Specifies that dynamic VLAN registration or de-registration is not allowed on the port.
Any dynamic VLANs created earlier are de-registered.
Applicant Mode - The Applicant Mode of the port. This configures whether MVRP PDU exchanges are
allowed on the port, depending on the port's Spanning Tree state:
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Participant - MVRP PDU exchanges are only allowed when the port is in the STP forwarding state.
Non-Participant - MVRP PDUs are not sent in this mode, and PDUs received are processed as
Active - MVRP PDU exchanges are allowed when the port is in the STP forwarding state or STP
blocking state.
Periodic Timer - The MVRP periodic-timer time interval, in seconds, for dynamically registering VLANs on the
switch. The default timer setting is used unless there is a compelling reason to change the settings. Modifying
timers to inappropriate values can cause an imbalance in the operation of MVRP. (Default = 1).
Periodic Transmission - The periodic transmission status on the port (Enabled/Disabled). (Default =

Global Parameters
The MVRP Configuration Wizard Global Parameters Screen is used to configure global MVRP parameters on a
switch. You can apply the existing global configuration to switches by selecting the Keep Existing Global
Configuration radio button or you can select the Apply New Configuration radio button and change the global
MVRP parameters as described below. When you are finished, click on the Next button or select Port Parameters on
the left side of the screen to move to the next screen.

Note: To view the current global configuration, click on the Apply New Configuration radio button.

Global Parameter Fields

MVRP Status - Enables/Disables MVRP globally on the switch. To enable MVRP on a port, MVRP must
be enabled on the switch. Disabling MVRP globally deletes all VLANs learned through MVRP. MVRP is
supported only when the switch is operating in the flat Spanning Tree mode.
Transparent Switching - Enables/Disables transparent switching for MVRP. If enabled, when MVRP is
globally disabled on the device, MVRP frames are flooded transparently. If disabled, the device will discard
received MVRP frames. (Default = Disabled)
Max VLAN Limit - The maximum number of dynamic VLANs that can be created by MVRP. The Max VLAN
Limit can be configured even if MVRP is not enabled on the switch. However, MVRP must be enabled on the
switch for creating dynamic VLANs. If you set the VLAN limit to less than the current number of dynamically
learned VLANs, the new configuration takes effect only after MVRP is disabled and re-enabled on the switch.
The VLANs learned earlier are retained if this operation is not performed. (Range = 32 - 4094, Default = 256)
Registration Protocol - The registration protocol running on the switch (MVRP/GVRP). (Default =

Port Parameters
The MVRP Configuration Wizard Port Parameters Screen is used to configure global MVRP port parameters. You can
apply the existing MVRP port parameters to switches by selecting the Keep Existing Port Configuration radio button
or you can select the Apply New Configuration radio button and change the MVRP port parameters as described
below. When you are finished, click on the Next button or select Devices/Ports on the left side of the screen to move
to the next screen.

Note: To view the current MVRP port parameters, click on the Apply New Configuration radio

Port Parameter Fields

MVRP Status - The MVRP port status (Enabled/Disabled). MVRP can be enabled on switch ports regardless
of whether it is globally enabled on the switch. However, for the port to become an active participant in the
MVRP operation, MVRP must be enabled globally on the switch. When MVRP is globally enabled on the
switch and is not enabled on the port, that port is excluded from the MVRP protocol operation. Note that MVRP
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
can only be enabled on fixed ports, 802.1 Q ports, aggregate ports, and VLAN Stacking Network ports. Other
ports (e.g., mirroring ports, VLAN Stacking User ports) do not support MVRP.
Registrar Mode - The MVRP Registration Mode of the port:
Normal - Both registration and de-registration of VLANs is allowed. VLANs can be mapped either
dynamically (through MVRP) or statically (through management application). (Default)
Fixed - Only static mapping of VLANs is allowed on the port, but de-registration of previously
created dynamic or static VLANs is not allowed.
Forbidden - Dynamic VLAN registration or de-registration is not allowed on the port. Any dynamic
VLANs created earlier are de-registered.
Applicant Mode - The Applicant Mode of the port. This configures whether MVRP PDU exchanges are
allowed on the port, depending on the port's Spanning Tree state:
Participant - MVRP PDU exchanges are only allowed when the port is in the STP forwarding state.
Non-Participant - MVRP PDUs are not sent in this mode, and PDUs received are processed as
Active - MVRP PDU exchanges are allowed when the port is in the STP forwarding state or STP
blocking state. (Default)
Periodic Timer - The MVRP periodic-timer time interval, in seconds, for dynamically registering VLANs on the
switch. Use default timer setting unless there is a compelling reason to change the settings.
Modifying timers to inappropriate values can cause an imbalance in the operation of MVRP. (Default = 1)
Periodic Transmission - Enables/Disables the periodic transmission status on the port. (Default =

The MVRP Configuration Wizard Devices/Ports Screen is used to apply the MVRP global/port parameters to specific
switches/ports). In the Devices area, select an option from the drop-down menu to select switches, then click on the
Add/Remove Devices button. The selected switches will be listed. Select a switch in the list and click on the
Add/Remove Ports button to select specific ports on the switch. Repeat the process for additional switches.

When you are finished, click on the Next button or select Review on the left side of the screen to move to the next

The MVRP Configuration Wizard Review Screen is used to review your MVRP configuration before applying it to the
selected switches/ports. If necessary, click on the Back button to return to a screen to make any changes to the
configuration. When you are finished, click on the Apply button to apply the configuration.

The operation will be displayed on the Results Screen. Click OK to return to the top of the MVRP Configuration

IP Interface
The VLAN Manager IP Interface Screen is used to view configured IP interfaces on a device; and to create, edit, and
delete IP interfaces on devices You can configure up to eight (8) IP interfaces per VLAN on OS6800/6850/9000/9000E
Switches (Release 6.1.1 and later); and up to sixteen (16) IP interfaces per VLAN on OS6860, OS6900 (Release 7.2.1
and later), OS9900, and OSOS10K Switches (Release 7.1.1 and later).

Creating an IP Interface
To create an IP interface on a device, click on the Create icon , complete the fields as described below, then click on
the Create button.

Name - The user-configured interface name.

IP Address - The IP address of the IP interface.
Subnet Mask - The IP interface subnet mask value. The default value for this field is based on which
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
network class range the IP address falls within; Class A, B, or C. (,, or
MTU - The Maximum Transmission Unit size set for the interface.
Device Type - The type of device bound to the interface:
Unbound - No device is bound to the interface.
VLAN - Associates a VLAN with the interface. You must enter the VLAN ID in the VLAN ID field.
EMP - The Ethernet Management Port is bound to the interface.
Loopback - A loopback interface configured for testing.
GRE Tunnel - A GRE Tunnel is configured for the interface. You must enter the Tunnel Source and
IPIP Tunnel - An IPIP Tunnel is configured for the interface. You must enter the Tunnel Source and
VRF - The VRF ID. If the device supports the Multiple VRF feature, select a VRF from the drop-down menu to
assign the interface to a configured VRF instance (by default all interfaces are assigned to the Default VRF).
You can assign a new interface to a VRF; however, you cannot edit the VRF ID of an existing interface. If the
feature is not available on the device, the column will display "Default", indicating that the switch is operating
as a single routing instance. VRF instances are created on the switch through the CLI or WebView application.
Click here for more information on the Multiple VRF Feature. See the "Configuring Multiple VRF" Chapter in
the applicable OmniSwitch AOS Network Configuration Guide for detailed instructions on configuring VRF
IP Encapsulation - The IP interface frame encapsulation value (Ethernet 2 or SNAP). The frame
encapsulation determines the framing type the interface uses when generating frames that are forwarded out
VLAN ports. Select an encapsulation that matches the encapsulation of the majority of IP VLAN traffic. (Default
= Ethernet 2)
Admin State - The administrative state of the interface (Enable/Disabled). (Default = Enabled)
IP Forward - The interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). A forwarding interface sends IP frames
to other subnets. A "no forwarding" interface acts as a host only. It receives IP frames from other
interfaces. (Default = Enabled).
Local Proxy ARP - Local Proxy ARP status (Enabled/Disabled). The Local Proxy ARP feature is an extension
of the Proxy ARP feature, but is enabled on an IP interface and applies to the VLAN bound to that interface.
When Local Proxy ARP is enabled, all ARP requests received on VLAN member ports are answered with the
MAC address of the IP interface that has Local Proxy ARP enabled. In essence, all VLAN traffic is now routed
within the VLAN instead of bridged. (Default = Disabled)
Primary Interface - If set to "True", designates the IP interface as the primary interface for the VLAN. If set to
"False", the first interface bound to the VLAN becomes the primary by default. (Default = False)
Devices - Use the Switch Picker or Topology application to select the device on which you want to
configure the interface.

Editing an IP Interface
To edit an IP interface, select the interface in the IP Interface List and click on the Edit icon . Edit any fields as
described above and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit the Interface Name, Device Type, or VRF

Deleting an IP Interface
To delete an IP interface, select the interface in the IP Interface List, click on the Delete icon , then click OK
at the Confirmation Prompt.

Viewing IP Interfaces
The Interface List displays basic information for all configured IP interfaces for a selected device. To view IP interfaces
on a device, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology) and click on the Select
Device button. Select a device and click OK. Information for all IP interfaces configured on the device is displayed in
the IP Interface List as described below. Click on an entry in the list to view detailed information about an interface.
Basic Information
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Name - The user-configured interface name.

IP Address - The IP address of the IP interface.
Subnet Mask - The IP interface subnet mask value.
Admin State - The administrative state of the interface (Enable/Disabled).
Oper State - The operational state of the interface.
Device Type - The type of device bound to the interface:
Unbound - No device is bound to the interface.
VLAN - Associates a VLAN with the interface. You must enter the VLAN ID in the VLAN ID field.
EMP - The Ethernet Management Port is bound to the interface.
Loopback - A loopback interface configured for testing.
GRE Tunnel - A GRE Tunnel is configured for the interface. You must enter the Tunnel Source and
Destination. The GRE Tunnel devices are supported only on OS10K Switches.
IP Forward - The interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). A forwarding interface sends IP frames
to other subnets. A "no forwarding" interface acts as a host only. It receives IP frames from other
interfaces. (Default = Enabled).
MTU - The Maximum Transmission Unit size set for the interface.

Detailed Information

Name - The user-configured interface name.

IP Address - The IP address of the IP interface.
Subnet Mask - The IP interface subnet mask value. The default value for this field is based on which
network class range the IP address falls within; Class A, B, or C. (,, or
Admin State - The administrative state of the interface (Enable/Disabled). (Default = Enabled)
Device Type - The type of device bound to the interface:
Unbound - No device is bound to the interface.
VLAN - Interface is associated with a VLAN. (The VLAN ID will be displayed in the next field.)
EMP - The Ethernet Management Port is bound to the interface.
Loopback - A loopback interface configured for testing.
GRE Tunnel - A GRE Tunnel is configured for the interface. (The GRE Tunnel Source and
Destination will be displayed in the next field.)
IP Forward - The interface forwarding status (Enabled/Disabled). A forwarding interface sends IP frames
to other subnets. A "no forwarding" interface acts as a host only. It receives IP frames from other
interfaces. (Default = Enabled).
IP Encapsulation - The IP interface frame encapsulation value (Ethernet 2 or SNAP). The frame
encapsulation determines the framing type the interface uses when generating frames that are forwarded out
VLAN ports. Select an encapsulation that matches the encapsulation of the majority of IP VLAN traffic. (Default
= Ethernet 2)
VRF - VRF ID - The VRF ID. If multiple VRFs are configured on the device, the VRF ID is displayed. If none
are configured, or if the feature is not available on the device, the column will display "Default", indicating that
the switch is operating as a single routing instance.
MTU - The Maximum Transmission Unit size set for the interface.
Local Proxy ARP - Local Proxy ARP status (Enabled/Disabled). (Default = Disabled)
Primary Interface - If set to "True", designates the IP interface as the primary interface for the VLAN. If set to
"False", the first interface bound to the VLAN becomes the primary by default. (Default = False)
Oper State - The operational status of the router interface; Active or Inactive. An IP router interface is not
operationally active until at least one active switch port is assigned to the VLAN. This is not a configurable
parameter; switch software automatically determines the operational status of the VLAN and router interface.
Oper Reason - An explanation of the operational state. If the interface is up the field will indicate
"Interface Up". If the interface is down, an explanation is displayed:
Unbound - No device is bound to the interface.
Device Down - Device bound to the interface is down.
Admin Down - The admin state of the interface is down.
No Such Device - Device does not exist.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
No Router MAC - No MAC address available for the interface.
Tunnel Source Invalid - The source IP address of the tunnel is invalid.
Tunnel Destination Unreachable - The destination IP address of the tunnel is not reachable.
Router MAC - The switch MAC address assigned to the interface. Each interface assigned to the same VLAN
shares the same switch MAC address.
Broadcast Address - The default broadcast address value. The default value for this field is based on the
default network class range of the IP address assigned to the router interface. For example, a class A IP
address, such as, has a default broadcast address of A class C address, such as, has a default broadcast address of
Actual Primary - Indicates if the interface is the configured and/or actual primary interface for the device

Network devices are polled every 30 minutes for VLAN information update. The VLAN Manager Poll Screen can be
used at any time to manually poll devices VLAN updates. Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch
Picker/User Topology), click on the Select Devices button, then click on the Start Polling button. A Result Screen will
appear to indicate if the poll was successful. Click OK to return to the Poll Screen. VLAN information displayed in the
VLAN Manager application will be updated for the selected devices.

Note: You can poll a maximum of 200 devices at a time.

Multiple Virtual Routing and Forwarding

The Multiple Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) feature allows the user to configure separate routing instances on
the same switch. Similar to using VLANs to segment Layer 2 traffic, VRF instances are used to segment Layer 3
traffic. Each VRF instance is in essence a virtual LAN for Layer 3 traffic. Some of the benefits of using the Multiple
VRF feature include:

Multiple routing instances within the same physical switch. Each VRF instance is associated with a set of IP
interfaces and creates and maintains independent routing tables. Traffic between IP interfaces is only routed
and forwarded to those interfaces that belong to the same VRF instance.
Multiple instances of IP routing protocols, such as static, RIP, IPv4, BGPv4, and OSPFv2 on the same
physical switch. An instance of each type of protocol may operate within one or more VRF instances. The
ability to use duplicate IP addresses across VRF instances. Each VRF instance maintains its own IP address
space to avoid any conflict with the service provider network or other customer networks.
Separate IP routing domains for customer networks. VRF instances configured on the Provider Edge (PE)
are used to isolate and carry customer traffic through the shared provider network.

This implementation of VRF functionality does not require a BGP/MPLS configuration in the provider network.
Instead, VRF instances can route and forward IP traffic between customer sites using point-to-point Layer 3
protocols, such as IP-IP or GRE tunneling.

Note: SNMPv3 is required to discover and manage VRF instances; SNMPv1 and v2 are not
supported. If OmniVista finds Multiple VRFs configured on a device using SNMPv2 during
Discovery polling, OmniVista warns the user about presence of Multiple VRFs and logs the

Configuring the Multiple VRF Feature

VRF instances are created using the Command Line Interface (CLI) or WebView application. Configuring the Multiple
VRF feature consists of creating a VRF instance, assigning one or more IP interfaces to the instance, and configuring
routing protocols to operate within a specific instance.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
The initial configuration of an Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise switch consists of a default VRF instance, which is always
active when the switch starts up and is not removable from the switch configuration. Any subsequent configuration of
switch applications applies only to the default instance. To provide multiple, independent IP routing domains on the
same switch, configuring additional VRF instances is required.

Creating a VRF Instance Using the CLI

Use the CLI vrf command to create a VRF instance. A VRF instance is identified by a name, which is specified at the
time the instance is configured. For example, the following command creates the IpOne instance:

-> vrf IpOne

Use the vrf command to configure additional instances on the switch. Once you configure VRF instances, they
will appear in the VRF ID drop-down field on the View/New IP Router Panels.

Note: See the "Configuring Multiple VRF" Chapter in the applicable OmniSwitch AOS
Network Configuration Guide for detailed instructions on configuring VRF instances.
Creating a VRF Instance Using the WebView Application
Go to Networking - IP - VRF to bring up the Virtual Routing and Forwarding Instances Table. Use this page to create
a new VRF instance or select an existing instance for configuration.

Note: See WebView Help for detailed instructions on configuring VRF instances using the WebView

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

26.0 VM Manager
Virtualization allows multiple Virtual Machines to run in isolation, side-by-side on the same physical machine (Host
Server). Each virtual machine can interact independently with other devices, applications, data and users as though it
were a separate physical resource. This enables much more efficient and reliable use of server resources because
different Virtual Machines can run different operating systems and multiple applications while sharing the resources of a
single physical machine. And because each Virtual Machine is isolated from other Virtual Machines, if one crashes, it
does not affect the others. Moreover, Virtual Machines can dynamically migrate between Hosts to better utilize server

Virtual Machines are configured using third-party software (VMware's vSphere, Citrix XenServer, or Microsoft Hyper-V).
The OmniVista Virtual Machine (VM) Manager application interfaces with vSphere, XenServer, or Hyper-V to provide a
single GUI interface to easily monitor Virtual Machines, including tracking Virtual Machines and their network
associations if the machines move to a different Host on the network. Moreover, VM Manager interfaces with the
Universal Network Profile (UNP) feature within OmniVista's Access Guardian application to shape Virtual Machine traffic
based on user-configured UNP rules (e.g., VLAN Tag Rules, IP Rules, MAC Range Rules). Click here for an overview of
Virtualization and VM Manger's role in managing Virtual Machines.

Note: VM Manager supports a mixture of vCenters, XenServers and Hyper-V Servers in the same configuration.
You can manage up to a total of 5,000 Virtual Machines (i.e., 5,000 VMs total on all Hypervisors).

Note: The OmniVista Server can run on a Virtual Machine. However, Virtual Machine movement can cause
OmniVista to lose UDP traffic (e.g., SNMP Queries or Traps).

The VM Manager application is configured by clicking on one of the following tiles on the Home Page or links on the left
side of the screen

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Hypervisor Systems - Used to configure a Hypervisor (vCenter, XenServer, or Hyper-V).
VM Locator – Enables the user to search and browse for VM Host Machines and Virtual Machines, and view
Host Machine and Virtual Machine configurations.
Exclude VLAN – Enables the user to configure a list of VM VLANs that VM Manager can ignore when polling
Virtual Machine configurations.
VM VLAN Configuration – Enables the user to configure VM VLANs and associate those VLANs with
Universal Network Profiles (UNP) to monitor and manage Virtual Machines on the network.
VLAN Notification - This panel displays a list of instances where Virtual Machines are mis-configured.
VMM Devices List - Used to display information for switches connected to a Host Machine. Switches on this list
are polled by VM Manager for VM Locator updates. Any switches connected to a Host Machine should be added
to the VM Devices List to ensure the latest VM Locator information.
Settings - Used to configure VM Polling and SBP configuration.

Virtualization/VM Manager Overview

The following sections provide an overview of virtualization and VM Manager's role in monitoring and managing Virtual
Machines on the network. Click here for VM Manager configuration steps.

Virtualization is a way to use software (e.g., VMware) to create multiple Virtual Machines on a single Host Server to
make better use of storage and server resources (CPU power, memory). These Virtual Machines run in isolation, side-
by-side on the same physical machine. Each virtual machine can interact independently with other devices, applications,
data and users as though it were a separate physical resource. This enables much more efficient and reliable use of
server resources because different virtual machines can run different operating systems and multiple applications while
sharing the resources of a single physical machine. And because each virtual machine is isolated from other virtualized
machines, if one crashes, it does not affect the others. Moreover, Virtual Machines can dynamically migrate between
Hosts to better utilize server resources.

Virtualization has a profound impact on the efficiency of the server farm. Without virtualization technology, the average
server usage is about 10-20%, with virtualization, the average usage goes up to 40 - 60%. The introduction of
virtualization in the data center has had a transforming effect on the way server farms are designed and operated. It also
has implications for the network infrastructure.

VM Manager and Virtualization

vCenter, XenServer, and Hyper-V provide a central location to monitor and manage Virtual Machines. OmniVista's VM
Manager interacts with them to provide a unified view of virtual machines on the network. Although similar in operation,
their configurations are slightly different. The sections below provide a high- level overview of their configuration and
operation within the context of OmniVista's VM Manager. For detailed vCenter or XenServer configuration instructions,
refer to the applicable vendor documentation.

VMware vCenter
As shown below, the VM Manager application interfaces with VMware's vCenter to provide a unified view of Virtual
Machines, their configurations, and designated switch configurations that, together enable proper traffic flows. Virtual
Machines are configured on physical Host Servers that provide computing resources for the Virtual Machines. VMware's
vCenter is a central service configured on its own physical server that interfaces with multiple Host Servers and the
OmniVista Server through an OS6900 Switch. The diagram below shows a configuration with a single vCenter. VM
Manager will support up to two (2) vCenters.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

The diagram below provides a high-level view of an OmniVista/vCenter network configuration.

Citrix XenServer
The VM Manager application interfaces with XenServer to provide a unified view of Virtual Machines, their
configurations, and designated switch configurations that, together enable proper traffic flows. Virtual Machines are
configured on physical Host Servers that provide computing resources for the Virtual Machines. However, the
XenServer is a central service that can be configured on any one of the Host Servers. OmniVista interfaces with a
"Master" Host Server (Master XenServer), which provides the centralized view of the Virtual Machine configuration. The
Master XenServer hosts Virtual Machines and can be connected to up to fifteen (15) "Slave" XenServers, which also
host Virtual Machines. The Master XenServer then interfaces with Slave Servers and the OmniVista Server through an
OS6900 Switch. The diagram below shows a configuration with a single Master XenServer. VM Manager will support up
to two (2) Master XenServers.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

The diagram below provides a high-level view of an OmniVista/XenServer network configuration.

Microsoft Hyper-V
The VM Manager application interfaces with Hyper-V to provide a unified view of Virtual Machines, their configurations,
and designated switch configurations that, together enable proper traffic flows. Virtual Machines are configured on
physical Host Servers that provide computing resources for the Virtual Machines.

VM Manager and Traffic Shaping

VM Manager also interfaces with the Universal Network Profile (UNP) feature within OmniVista's Access Guardian
application. The UNP Tag Rule feature enables you to assign VM VLANs to traffic shaping profiles based on UNP
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Classification Rules or Policy Lists. Any traffic matching the UNP Tag rule will have a UNP profile applied, and will be
forwarded to a VLAN.

To utilize the VM Manager application, you first create Virtual Machine Port Groups inside the Host’s networking
configuration. The Virtual Machine Port Group is assigned a VLAN (VM VLAN) per your specification. Using UNP Tag
rules on the switches, you can then associate VM VLANs with different UNPs (and their VLANs). Once a Virtual
Machine is assigned a Virtual Machine Port Group, its network traffic is tagged with a VLAN number and the switch will
know how handle the tagged packets based on the UNP Tag rule. This rule translates a VM VLAN to its corresponding
UNP profile and VLAN on the switch.

If UNP Tag rules are consistently defined on all of the switches that carry VM network traffic, a Virtual Machine can
move between Hosts connected to different switches without changes to its switch VLAN and traffic shaping
parameters. The new switch will pick up the VM VLAN tag and know how to properly handle the VM network traffic. To
help with consistency, the VM Notifications feature within VM Manager monitors Virtual Machine configurations and
sends a notification in the event that a Virtual Machine configuration is missing.

Note: It is recommended that ‘Management Network’ that used to handle traffic for Host management, VM
movement (vMotion), NFS, etc. be on a separate physical switch port and a separate UNP Tag rule or that the
VLAN is defined differently from those defined for Virtual Machines. This requires a Host server with multiple NIC
cards. This way, mis-configurations on a Virtual Machines’ switch port will not cause any interruptions VMware’s
vCenter, Host Server, or OmniVista communications, and you can still use vSphere Client to manage Virtual

When Virtual Machines are created, you must also create a VLAN Tag for that machine. (Any traffic originating from
that Virtual Machine will be tagged with that VLAN tag). To utilize the VM Manager application, you first create a UNP
with a VLAN Tag Rule. Any traffic matching that VLAN tag is then routed to the VLAN associated with that UNP. You
then create a VM VLAN and associate it with that UNP Profile and VLAN.

Configuring VM Manager
OmniVista's VM Manager application interfaces with a Hypervisor System (vCenter, XenServer, Hyper-V) to enable you
to monitor Virtual Machines on your network. VM Manager also utilizes the Universal Network Profile (UNP) feature
within OmniVista's Access Guardian application to apply UNP Rules to VM traffic.
These UNP rules, which can be associated with QoS Policy Lists, are applied to UNP VLANs, and the traffic is then
assigned to the applicable VLAN.

VM Manager Configuration Quick Steps

Configure Virtual Machines and vCenter as instructed by VMware. When you configure a Virtual Machine you must
configure a VLAN Tag for the machine to enable VM Manager to monitor the machine and manage VM traffic. After
configuring Virtual Machines and vCenter, follow the Quick Steps below to configure OmniVista's VM Manager.
Generally, VM Manager configuration should use the following guidelines:

Virtual Machines are tagged.

Configure one UNP per VM VLAN.
Configure a VLAN Tag Rule for each VM VLAN. (You can configure additional Classification Rules UNP or
associate the UNP with Policy List, to further shape traffic.)

Note: VM Manager requires that the link discovery protocol be turned off on the port connecting the
Hypervisor (ESXi Server/XenServer), or on the Hypervisor itself. Some Hypervisors may introduce LLDP
packets which make it seem to have another physical bridging device, rather than an end station.

The recommended way to manage Virtual Machines in a data center using VM Manager is to have the Virtual
Machines communicate using tagged VLAN packets, and provisioning the network using UNP VLAN Tag Classification
rules over UNP Ports. Once all Virtual Machines are associated by VLAN tag with VM VLANs, any Virtual Machine
movement will not require further adjustment to the configuration. This also ensures that OmniVista will notify the user
through VM VLAN Notifications when a Virtual Machine and its VM VLAN are mis-configured.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

1. In the VM Manager application, go to the Hypervisor Systems Screen to configure VM Manager's

connection to a Hypervisor (vCenter, XenServer, Hyper-V).

Important Note: The system time on all hypervisors must be correctly set and synchronized with the time
on the OmniVista Server.

2. Go the Unified Access application and create a VXLAN Mapping Template (Unified Access - Unified Profile -
Template - VXLAN Mapping).

3. In the Unified Access application, create an Access Classification Rule for the VLAN (Unified Access - Unified
Profile - Template - Access Classification).

4. Assign the UNP Policy to network switches.

Hypervisor Systems
The VM Manager Hypervisor Systems Screen displays a list of all VM Servers connected to OmniVista; and is used to
configure the connection from OmniVista to a VM Server. You can also edit and delete VM Servers. OmniVista supports
VMware's vCenter, Citrix XenServer, and Microsoft Hyper-V.

If no VM Servers have been configured, the Hypervisor Systems Table is not displayed. Click on a link (VMware's
vCenter, Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V) at the top of the screen to bring up the Create Hypervisor Systems
Screen to create a VM Server.

Important Note: The system time on all hypervisors must be correctly set and synchronized with the time
on the OmniVista Server.

Creating a VM Server
To configure the connection from OmniVista to a VM Server, click on the Create icon and complete the fields as
described below. The fields differ slightly depending on the server type selected (VMware's vCenter, Citrix XenServer,
Microsoft Hyper-V). When you have finished completing the fields, click on the Create button.

Note: You can test the connection to the VM Server before creating it by clicking on the Test
Connection button after completing the fields.

VMware vCenter

VM Server Type - Select VMware vCenter from the drop-down menu).

URL - The IP address of the VM Server. For a vCenter Server, enter the IP address, followed by "/sdk" (e.g.,
Name - User-configured name for the VM Server.
User - Administrator's User Name.
Password - The password needed to access the VM Server.
Re-Type Password - Re-Type password needed to access the VM Server.

Citrix XenServer

VM Server Type - Select Citrix XenServer from the drop-down menu).

URL - The IP address of the VM Server. You must add (e.g.,
Name - User-configured name for the VM Server.
User - Administrator's User Name.
Password - The password needed to access the VM Server.
Re-Type Password - Re-Type password needed to access the VM Server.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Microsoft Hyper-V

VM Server Type - Select Microsoft Hyper-V from the drop-down menu). The server type you selected on the
previous screen will automatically be selected. However, you can also select a different server type from this
drop-down menu.
IP Address - The IP address of the VM Server (e.g.,
Name - User-configured name for the VM Server.
Domain - The Hyper-V Domain.
User - Administrator's User Name.
Password - The password needed to access the VM Server.
Re-Type Password - Re-Type password needed to access the VM Server.

Editing a VM Server
Select a VM Server in the table and click on the Edit icon . Edit the field(s) as described above and click on the
Apply button. You can only edit the server password.

Deleting a VM Server
Select a VM Server(s) in the table, click on the Delete icon then click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.

Hypervisor Systems Table

The Hypervisor Systems Table displays a list of all VM Servers connected to OmniVista.

Name - User-configured name for the VM Server.

URL - The IP address of the VM Server.
VM Server Type - The VM Server type (VMware's vCenter, Citrix XenServer, and Microsoft Hyper-V).
User - Administrator's User Name.
Status - The administrative status of the Server (Up, Down, Unknown).

VM Locator - Host Networks

The VM Manager Host Networks Screen is used to search for and display information on the Host Machines on which
the Virtual Machines reside. You can view information for all Host Machines or enter search criteria to view specific Host
Machines. The information displayed is based on the most recent search. To refresh the information with the most
recent data, repeat the search.

Searching for Host Machines

Select an option from the Search By drop-down menu (e.g., Host MAC Address, Host IP Address) and enter the search
criteria. (You can also just select "All Hosts" to search for all Host Machines.) By default, OmniVista will conduct an
historical search. If you want to do a live search, set the Live Search slider to Enabled. You can also enable "Stop after
1st Match" to stop the search after finding the first match. When you are done, click on the Apply button. The results are
displayed in the Host Networks Table.

Note: If you enable the "Stop after 1st Match" option, OmniVista will stop searching after at least one
match is found; however more than one match may be displayed.

Host Network Table

The Host Networks Table displays basic information about all configured VM Server networks. To view detailed
information, click on an entry in the table.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Basic Information

Hypervisor Host - The user-configured name for the Host Machine. If none is configured, the IP address
of the Host is displayed.
VM Server - The user-configure name of the VM Server (vCenter, XenServer, Hyper-V).
IP Address - The Host Machine IP address.
Network Mask - The corresponding network mask of the Host Machine.
Network Name - The VM VLAN that the Virtual Machine’s network interface is associated with. The network
traffic for a Port Group may be tagged or untagged.
Number of Networks - The number of networks (also known as Physical Interfaces (PIFs) on the Host Machine.
Switch IP Address - The IP address of the switch to which the Host Machine is connected.
Slot/Port - The slot/port of the switch to which the Host Machine is connected.
Port VLAN - The VLAN or SPB Service ID that the switch uses to classify Virtual Machine network traffic.
UNP - The UNP associated with the Host Machine‘s interface.
Locator Time - The time the Virtual Machine’s network traffic was detected on the switch port.
Last Update - The date and time the Host Machine configuration was last updated.

Detailed Information

Hypervisor Host - The user-configured name for the Host Machine. If none is configured, the IP address
of the Host is displayed.
VM Server - The user-configure name of the VM Server (vCenter, XenServer, Hyper-V).
IP Address - The Host Machine IP address.
Network Mask - The corresponding network mask of the Host Machine.
Network Name - The VM VLAN that the Virtual Machine’s network interface is associated with. The network
traffic for a Port Group may be tagged or untagged.
Number of Networks - The number of networks (also known as Physical Interfaces (PIFs) on the Host Machine.
Switch IP Address - The IP address of the switch to which the Host Machine is connected.
Slot/Port - The slot/port of the switch to which the Host Machine is connected.
Port VLAN - The VLAN or SPB Service ID that the switch uses to classify Virtual Machine network traffic.
UNP - The UNP associated with the Host Machine ‘s interface.
Locator Time - The time the Virtual Machine’s network traffic was detected on the switch port.
Last Update - The date and time the Host Machine configuration was last updated.
Uptime - The amount of time the Host Machine has been up (time since last reboot).
CPU Count - The number of processors on the Host Machine.
CPU Model - The model name of the Host Machine CPU.
Service ID - The Service ID that the switch uses to classify Virtual Machine network traffic.
ISID - The ISID that the switch uses to classify Virtual Machine network traffic.
Port Status - The operational status of the Host port connected to the switch.
Port Speed - The speed of the Host port connected to the switch.
Duplex - The duplex mode (half duplex, full duplex, or auto duplex) of the Host port connected to the switch.
Disposition - The switch port’s disposition (Bridging/Filtering).
Classification Source - The Classification Policy under which the device was learned.
Data Center - The name of the Data Center to which the Virtual Machine is assigned.
Cluster - The Cluster in which the Virtual Machine resides.
Memory Usage - The amount of RAM currently being used by the Host Machine, in MB.
Vendor - The Manufacturer of the Host Machine (e.g., HP).
Status - The administrative status of the Host Machine.
VM Motion Enabled - Whether or not VM Motion is enabled. If enabled, Virtual Machines can be moved
from one Host to another and the VM configuration will be dynamically updated.
CPU - The speed of the Host Machine CPU, in MHz.
Memory Size - The amount of RAM on the Host Machine, in MB.
Num of CPU Pkgs - Number of physical CPU packages on the Host Machine.
Num of Threads - The number of threads.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Num of HBAs - The number of Host Bus Adapters (HBA).
CPU Usage - The amount of CPU currently being used by the Host Machine, in MHz.
Power - The Power status of the Host Machine (Powered On, Powered Off, Suspended).
DNS Name - The name of the DNS associated with the Host Machine (if applicable).

VM Locator - VM Networks
The VM Manager VM Networks Screen is used to search for and display information on the Virtual Machines residing on
the Host Machine. You can view information for all Virtual Machines or enter search criteria to view specific Virtual
Machines. The information displayed is based on the most recent search. To refresh the information with the most
recent data, repeat the search.

Searching for Virtual Machines

Select an option from the Search By drop-down menu (e.g., VM MAC Address, VM IP Address) and enter the search
criteria. (You can also just select "All VMs" to search for all Virtual Machines.) By default, OmniVista will conduct an
historical search. If you want to do a live search, set the Live Search slider to Enabled. You can also enable Stop after
1st Match to stop the search after finding the first match. When you are done, click on the Apply button. The results are
displayed in the VM Networks Table.

Note: "Live Search" locates the most recent location of VMs by doing live query against known switches.
If a location is found for a VM's MAC address, information is displayed with the latest timestamp. If a live
search does not result in a match, the last historical location and past timestamp is displayed. Historical
location will produce multiple results from the past for tracing purposes. Historical search results can also
display "false positive" information. For example, a non-uplink port used to connect an end station that
has become an uplink port can still be displayed. Furthermore, uplink status that may be learned later
will not be used to determine location. This condition will correct itself but historical data will be persistent
regardless. Use the Locator timestamp to determine if the information is noteworthy.

Note: If you enable the "Stop after 1st Match" option, OmniVista will stop searching after at least one
match is found; however more than one match may be displayed.

VM Networks Table
The VM Networks Table displays basic information about all configured Virtual Machines. To view detailed information,
click on an entry in the table. As indicated below, the information varies slightly depending on server type (vCenter,
XenServer, Hyper-V).

Basic Information

VM Name - The user-configure Virtual Machine name.

DNS Name - The name of the DNS associated with the Virtual Machine (if applicable).
MAC Address - The MAC address of the Virtual Machine.
IP Address - The IP address of the Virtual Machine.
Network Name - The VM VLAN that the Virtual Machine’s network interface is associated with. The network
traffic for a Port Group may be tagged or untagged.
VM Server - The user-configure name for the VM Server.
Hypervisor Host - The IP address of the Host Machine on which the Virtual Machine resides.
Switch IP Address - The IP address of the switch to which the Host Machine is connected.
Slot/Port - The slot/port of the switch to which the Host Machine is connected.
VM VLAN - The Tag Value for the VM VLAN in the Host System.
UNP - The UNP associated with the Virtual Machine.
Locator Time - The time the Virtual Machine’s network traffic was detected on the switch port.
Last Update - The date and time the Host Machine configuration was last updated.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Detailed Information

VM Name - The user-configure Virtual Machine name.

DNS Name - The name of the DNS associated with the Virtual Machine (if applicable).
MAC Address - The MAC address of the Virtual Machine.
IP Address - The IP address of the Virtual Machine.
Network Name - The VM VLAN that the Virtual Machine’s network interface is associated with. The network
traffic for a Port Group may be tagged or untagged.
VM Server - The user-configure name for the VM Server.
Hypervisor Host - The IP address of the Host Machine on which the Virtual Machine resides.
Switch IP Address - The IP address of the switch to which the Host Machine is connected.
Slot/Port - The slot/port of the switch to which the Host Machine is connected.
VM VLAN - The Tag Value for the VM VLAN in the Host System.
UNP - The UNP associated with the Virtual Machine.
Locator Time - The time the Virtual Machine’s network traffic was detected on the switch port.
Last Update - The date and time the Host Machine configuration was last updated.
Address Type - The Virtual Machine address type (Assigned/Unassigned).
Guest OS - The operating system of the Virtual Machine.
Power - The Power status of the Virtual Machine (Powered On, Powered Off, Suspended).
Up Time - The amount of time the Virtual Machine has been up (time since last reboot).
Port VLAN - The VLAN that the switch uses to classify Virtual Machine network traffic.
Service ID - The SPB Service ID that the switch uses to classify Virtual Machine network traffic.
ISID - The ISID that the switch uses to classify Virtual Machine network traffic.
Port Status - The operational status of the Virtual Machine port connected to the Host Machine.
Port Speed - The speed of the Virtual Machine port connected to the Host Machine.
Duplex - The duplex mode (half duplex, full duplex, or auto duplex) of the Virtual Machine port connected
to the Host Machine.
Disposition - The switch port’s disposition (Bridging/Filtering).
Classification Source - The Classification Policy under which the device was learned.
Status - The operating status of the Virtual Machine.
Network Usage - The percentage of network resource being used by the Virtual Machine.

Exclude VLAN
The VM Manager Exclude VLAN Screen displays a list of all Exclude VM VLANs. It is also used to create, edit and
delete Exclude VLANs. When OmniVista polls a VM Server, it checks the Virtual Machine configuration and sends a
notification to VM Manger if there is a problem with the configuration (displayed on the VLAN Notifications Screen). The
Exclude VLAN Screen is used to define VM VLANs that should be ignored by OmniVista when conducting VM polling
(e.g., the VM Network Management VLAN). VLANs listed here will be ignored during support checks.

Creating an Exclude VLAN

Create icon and complete the fields as described below.

VLAN ID - Enter a VLAN ID, multiple VLAN IDs or a range of VLANs.

Description - Enter a description for the Exclude VLAN(s).

Editing and Exclude VLAN

Select a VLAN in the Exclude VLAN List and click on the Edit icon . You can only edit the "Description" field. Edit the
field and click on the Apply button.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Deleting an Exclude VLAN

Select a VLAN(s) in the Exclude VLAN List, click on the Delete icon , the click on OK at the Confirmation prompt.

Exclude VLAN List

The Exclude VLAN List displays all configured Exclude VLANs.


Description - User configured description for the VLAN.

VM VLAN Configuration
The VM Manager VM VLAN Configuration Screens are used to associate VM VLANs with Universal Network Profiles
(UNP), and enable MVRP Ports and One-Touch SPB on network switches/ports.

The recommended way to manage Virtual Machines in a data center using VM Manager is to have the Virtual Machines
communicate using tagged VLAN packets, and provisioning the network using UNP VLAN Tag Classification rules over
UNP Ports. Once all Virtual Machines are associated by VLAN tag with VM VLANs, any Virtual Machine movement will
not require further adjustment to the configuration. This also ensures that OmniVista will notify the user through VM
VLAN Notifications when a Virtual Machine and its VM VLAN are mis-configured.

Note: SPB is supported on OS10K and OS6900 Switches running AOS 7.3.1.R01 and later, with an Advanced
License. To support a mixture of devices using the same screen, OmniVista only pushes configurations which
are applicable for specific device types, skipping the rest. For SPB-capable devices, all attributes are
applicable. For non-SPB devices, SPB-specific attributes will be skipped and only regular bridging UNP
changes will be updated.

VM VLAN Configuration - Apply UNP VLAN

The VM Manager Apply UNP VLAN Screen is used to apply VLAN Tag Rules to network switches/ports. The
recommended way to manage Virtual Machines in a data center using VM Manager is to have the Virtual Machines
communicate using tagged VLAN packets, and provisioning the network using UNP VLAN Tag Classification rules over
UNP Ports. Once all Virtual Machines are associated by VLAN tag with VM VLANs, any Virtual Machine movement will
not require further adjustment to the configuration. This also ensures that OmniVista will notify the user through VM
VLAN Notifications when a Virtual Machine and its VM VLAN are mis-configured.

Complete the fields as described below and click on the Apply button to apply VLAN Tag Rules to network

Select VLAN Tag Rules - Select an existing VLAN Tag Rule(s) from the drop-down list. You can also click on
the Add icon to go to the Access Guardian application and create a new rule(s).
Enable UNP Ports - Enables/Disables UNP on the selected ports. By default, UNP Ports are enabled when
you create UNP Port Policies.
Select UNP Port Policy - Select as UNP Port Policy from the drop-down menu. You can also click on the Add
icon to go to the Access Guardian application and create a new policy. You can only select one policy.
Select Devices - Select an option from the drop-down menu "Use Switch Picker" or "Use Topology" and click
on the Add/Remove Devices button to select the device(s) on which you want to apply the VLAN Tag
Select Ports - Click on a device and click on the Add/Remove Ports button to select the port(s) on which
you want to apply the VLAN Tag Rule(s).

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

VM VLAN Configuration - Enable MVRP Ports

The VM Manager Enable MVRP Ports Screen is used to enable MVRP Ports on network switches. Select an option
from the drop-down menu "Use Switch Picker" or "Use Topology" and click on the Add/Remove Devices button to
select the device(s) on which you want to enable MVRP Ports. Then select a device and click on the Add/Remove
Ports button to enable MVRP on those ports.

VM VLAN Configuration - Enable One-Touch SPB

The VM Manager Enable One-Touch SPB Screen is used to enable SPB Interfaces on network switches. One-Touch
SPB configures switches for backbone communication to transport VM traffic that is classified to service domain using
UNP for SPB. UNP for SPB specifies which Service Access Port and which Policy List will be used. Subsequently, it will
determine the correct layer 2 domain for VM data.

Select an option from the drop-down menu "Use Switch Picker" or "Use Topology" and click on the Add/Remove
Devices button to select the device(s) on which you want to enable MVRP Ports. Then select a device and click on the
Add/Remove Interfaces button to enable SPB on those interfaces.

VLAN Notification
The VM Manager VLAN Notification Screen displays VM VLAN Notifications generated by the VMM Service for missing
VLAN/UNP configuration on a switch slot/port where VMs are connected. The notifications briefly describe the problem
and enable you to resolve it. Ideally, you want to have no notifications in this panel. You can also resolve configuration
problems using the Resolve Feature. There are two links on the screen:

Active Notifications - Displays all active notifications. Note that a user can move a notification to the Ignored
Notifications List selecting the notification(s) in the Active Notifications List and clicking on the Ignore Button.
Ignored Notifications - Displays any notifications that the user has moved to the tab because they may describe
alternate configurations that are known by the user to work. Generally, a user will move notifications to the
Ignored List because they have alternate configurations (e.g., MAC, MAC Range, IP) which are known to work, in
addition to the supported UNP VLAN Tag configurations. Note that a user can also move the Ignored
notifications back to the Active list by highlighting the notification(s) on the Ignored Tab and clicking on the
Activate Button.

You can also select the notification and click on the Resolve button to open the UNP VLAN Wizard and resolve
the problem.

Resolving a VM Configuration Problem

When a mis-configuration notification appears in the VLAN Notification window, select the notification and click the
Resolve button to bring up the UNP VLAN Configuration Wizard. Use the Wizard to correct the configuration problem
described in the notification (e.g., missing tag rule, slot/port).

If a VM discovered on a UNP or SPB access port and OmniVista’s VLAN tag rule has not been created on the
switch(es), OmniVista create an entry in the Active Notifications List. The "Resolve" button will guide you through the
necessary configuration steps to resolve the problem and clear the Notification.

For SPB configurations, OmniVista may generate a new profile with an ISID derived from the VM VLAN and associate
this value into one of the 4 pre-configured SBP BVLANs, if it has not been created. This profile is used to classify the
VLAN’s traffic into a the provider backbone’s BVLAN. OmniVista uses a round-robin mechanism to associate BVLAN to
a VM VLAN and pushes these parameters into an SPB profile. A VM VLAN will have a uniquely associated ISID created
by adding the VM VLAN ID to the starting ISID number defined in SPB Settings Screen.

If a VLAN Tag rule already exists as it may pertain to regular bridging UNP, OmniVista will append an additional SPB
Profile name using the corresponding SPB Profile, which was auto-generated for the VLAN. With that in mind, "ag
Position’ will be specified as "Outer" and the SPB Profile will be the one generated based on the VM VLAN. The
Customer Domain ID will be based on the ports’ Customer Domain ID. For example, If VLAN 31 is detected on SPB
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
ports with Customer Domains of 1 and 2, 2 entries of UNP VLAN will be created - VLAN 31, Customer Domain 1> and
VLAN 31, Customer Domain 2 - and corresponding SPB Profiles will be created in Access Guardian.

UNP Profiles with blank policy lists will be created if necessary to resolve a UNP VLAN tag rule and the rule will be
specified in the UNP VLAN List. If the UNP Profile already exists, it will be automatically picked up in creating UNP
VLAN List entry. Auto-generated UNP Profiles have the name UNP XX where XX is the VLAN ID. The Default UNP
Profile is named UNP1 and its VLAN ID is 1. This UNP will be used to resolve "Default UNP" notifications for regular
UNP ports.

Note: In both cases where bridging-domain UNP Profiles or SPB Profiles are generated, the Policy List is left
blank. Having these profiles will only facilitate connectivity. You can later decide to modify the UNP Profile to that
rule by clicking on Edit button and reassigning the policy list.

Note: SPB Profiles that are auto-generated using the Resolve function require that "One Touch SPB" is
configured successfully on the switch(es) and the same default configuration parameters exist that existed when
"One Touch SPB" was first configured. If this configuration has changed, "One Touch SPB" needs to be re-

Notification List
The following fields are displayed on both the Active and Ignored Notifications Lists.


Host Name - The name of the Host Machine hosting the Virtual Machine.
Switch - The switch connected to the Host Machine.
Slot/Port - The slot/port number of the port connecting the Host Machine to the switch.
Missing Configuration - A brief description of the configuration problem.
Missing Configuration Slot/Port - The port(s) missing from the configuration.
Port Groups - The port groups missing from the configuration.
Last Update - The time the notification was last updated.
Create Time - The time the notification was created.

VMM Devices List

The VM Manager VMM Devices List Screen displays information for switches connected to a Host Machine. Switches
on this list are polled by VM Manager for VM Locator updates. Any switches connected to a Host Machine should be
added to the VM Devices List to ensure the latest VM Locator information. You can add/remove switches from the list by
clicking on the Select Devices button at the top of the screen and selecting devices for the list.

VMM Devices List

Friendly Name - User-configured name for the device.

Name - The name of the device.
Address - The address of the device.
Status- The operational status of the device. It displays "Up" if the device is up and responding to polls. It
displays "Down" if the device is down and not responding to polls. It displays "Warning" if the switch has sent at
least one warning or critical trap and is thus in the warning state.
DNS Name - The DNS name of the device.
Type - The type of device chassis (e.g., OS6850-24).
Version - The version number of the device software (e.g., OmniVista may not be able to
determine the software version on some third-party devices. In these cases, the field will be blank.
Location - The physical location of the device (e.g., Test Lab).
NOD - Whether or not the device is an NOD device (Yes/No).
Activated Licenses - Activated optional licenses on the device.
FTP User Name - The CLI/FTP user name for the device.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
SNMP Version -The SNMP version that OmniVista uses to communicate with the device.
v1/2 Read Community - The device's SNMP v1/2 "get" community name, if applicable.
v1/2 Write Community - The device's SNMP v1/2 "set" community name, if applicable.
v3 User Name - The device's SNMP v3 user name, if applicable.
Last Upgrade Status - The status of the last firmware upgrade on the device.
"Successful" - Successful BMF and Image upgrade performed. "Successful
(BMF)" - Successful BMF upgrade performed.
"Successful (Image)" - Successful Image upgrade is performed.
"Failed (BMF, Image)" - BMF and Image upgrade failed.
"Failed (BMF)" - BMF upgrade failed.
"Failed (Image)" - Image upgrade failed.
Backup Date - The date that the device's configuration and/or image files were last backed-up to the
OmniVista Server.
Backup Version - The firmware version of the configuration and/or image files that were last backed- up to the
OmniVista Server.
Last Known Up At - The date and time when the last poll was initiated on the device.
Description - A description of the device, usually the vendor name and model.
Traps - The status of trap configuration for the device. "On" means that traps are enabled. "Off" means that
traps are disabled. "Not Configurable" means that traps for this device are not configurable from OmniVista.
(Note that traps may have been configured for such devices outside of OmniVista.) "Unknown" means that
OmniVista does not know the status of trap configuration on this device.
Seen By - The User Groups that are able to view the device. OmniVista is shipped with the following pre-
defined user groups Default, Writers, Network Administrators, Administrators) that have different security
Running From - For AOS devices, this field indicates whether the switch is running from the Certified directory or
from the Working directory. This field is blank for all other devices. For AOS devices, the directory structure that
stores the switch's image and configuration files in flash memory is divided into two parts:
The Certified directory contains files that have been certified by an authorized user as the default
configuration files for the switch. When the switch reboots, it will automatically load its configuration files
from the certified directory if the switch detects a difference between the certified directory and the
working directory.
The Working directory contains files that may or may not have been altered from those in the certified
directory. The working directory is a holding place for new files to be tested before committing the files to
the certified directory. You can save configuration changes to the working directory. You cannot save
configuration changes directly to the certified directory.

Note that the files in the certified directory and in the working directory may be different from the running
configuration of the switch, which is contained in RAM. The running configuration is the current operating
parameters of the switch, which are originally loaded from the certified or working directory but may have been
modified through CLI commands, WebView commands, or OmniVista.
Modifications made to the running configuration must be saved to the working directory (or lost). The working
directory can then be copied to the certified directory if and when desired.

Note: OmniVista supports the Multiple Working Directories Feature available on OS10K and OS6900
Switches (AOS Release 7.2.1.R01 and later). This feature allows the user to create multiple Working
Directories on the switch that can be used to save specific switch configurations. The user can create any
name for these "Working" Directories (e.g., "Marketing Switch 05-23-15"). If the switch is running from one of
these user-created directories, the directory name is displayed in this field.

Changes - For AOS devices, this field indicates the state of changes made to the switch's
configuration. This field is blank for all other devices. This field can display the following values:
Certified - Changes have been saved to the working directory, and but the working directory has been
copied to the certified directory. The working directory and the certified directory are thus identical.
Uncertified - Changes have been saved to the working directory, but the working directory has not been
copied to the certified directory. The working directory and the certified directory are thus different.
Unsaved - Changes have been made to the running configuration of the switch that have not been

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
saved to the working directory.
Blank - When this field is blank for an AOS device, the implication is that OmniVista knows of no
unsaved configuration changes and assumes that the working and certified directories in flash memory
are identical.
Discovered - The date and time when OmniVista successfully pings or polls the switch for the first time.
This value remains unchanged until the switch entry is deleted. This field will remain blank if OmniVista
does not ping or poll the switch at all.
No. of Licenses Used - The total number of Core (AOS) or Third-Party licenses being used. For example, a
stack of 4 switches would require 4 licenses, a VC of 6 would require 6 licenses. If a stack splits, the number of
licenses reserved for the device before the split is maintained even though modules have been reduced to less
than 5. This way, the license counts are reserved for the stack to recover.
License Type - The type of license used by the device (e.g., AOS, Third Party).

Settings - VM Polling
The VM Manager VM Polling Screen is used to set the interval at which OmniVista will poll VM Servers. The interval you
set should be determined based on the number of Virtual Machines you are managing. The more machines you are
managing, the more resource-intensive the operation will be. The Polling Interval should generally be the same as the
interval set for "Regular Updates" in the Setting Frequencies Screen in the Discovery Application.

Select an option from the drop-down menu (Minutes, Hours, Days), enter a Polling Interval and click on the Apply
button. You can also click on the Poll Now button to perform an immediate poll of all connected VM Servers.

Settings - SBP
The VM Manager Settings Screen enables you to modify the default "One Touch SPB" configuration. You can overwrite
the system-chosen starting ISID and create a value unique to an OmniVista Server. This enables you to create different
L2 tunneling domains for Virtual Machines (VMs). VMs associated with the same VLAN/Network in the Hypervisor’s
environment but placed on different ISIDs will not communicate with each other. Other attributes can also be
customized, including Control BVLAN, BVLANs 2 - 4, and ECT ID 1 - 4, which are tie-breaking algorithms. Update any
fields as described below and click on the Apply button.

Starting ISID - Used in the auto-generation of SPB Profiles to resolve any notification that is raised when the
user clicks on the "Resolve" button in the VM Manager VLAN Notification node. To keep consistent mappings
of VLAN-to-ISID, the VM VLAN number is added to the starting ISID number to determine the ISID for each
Control BVLAN - One of the four (4) BVLANs created in "One-Touch SPB" to take advantage of shortest
path bridging topology from the source. Used for traffic as well as control information.
ECT ID 1 - Cost Tree Identifier (ECT ID) assigned to Control BVLAN. The ECT ID assigns a tie-
breaking algorithm to the BVLAN that is used for Shortest Path Tree (SPT) calculations
Additional BVLAN 2 - One of the four (4) BVLANs created in "One-Touch SPB" to take advantage of shortest
path bridging topology from the source. Used only for traffic.
ECT ID 2 - Cost Tree Identifier (ECT ID) assigned to BVLAN 2. The ECT ID assigns a tie-breaking
algorithm to the BVLAN that is used for Shortest Path Tree (SPT) calculations
Additional BVLAN 3 - One of the four (4) BVLANs created in "One-Touch SPB" to take advantage of shortest
path bridging topology from the source.
ECT ID 3 - Cost Tree Identifier (ECT ID) assigned to BVLAN 3. The ECT ID assigns a tie-breaking
algorithm to the BVLAN that is used for Shortest Path Tree (SPT) calculations
Additional BVLAN 4 - One of the four (4) BVLANs created in "One-Touch SPB" to take advantage of shortest
path bridging topology from the source.
ECT ID 4 - Cost Tree Identifier (ECT ID) assigned to BVLAN 4. The ECT ID assigns a tie-breaking
algorithm to the BVLAN that is used for Shortest Path Tree (SPT) calculations.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

27.0 VXLANs
Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) is a network virtualization scheme tailored to address the evolving trends such as
server virtualization and cloud computing in the current data center deployments. Legacy Layer 2 (L2) bridging using
VLANs to segregate user traffic is no longer sufficient to meet the scale of current and future requirements. VXLAN uses
a L2 over L3 encapsulation technique to overlay L2 network segments on L3 network infrastructure. Basically, a MAC
frame received is encapsulated in an IP packet with a UDP header and sent out over the L3 network. Use of L3 as the
transport network automatically allows use of ECMP routes, thus increasing utilization of the network infrastructure that
cannot be matched by bridged networks using STP.

VXLAN supports up to 16 million virtualized L2 segments called VXLAN segments. Only servers, or more precisely VMs
residing in the servers, that are attached to the same VXLAN segment can communicate with each other. Each VXLAN
segment is identified by a 24 bit segment ID called VXLAN Network Identifier (VNI). The VNI identifies the scope of the
inner MAC frame originated by the individual VM. Thus, we can have overlapping MAC addresses across segments but
never have traffic "crossover" since the traffic is isolated using the VNI. The VNI is in an outer header which
encapsulates the inner MAC frame originated by the VM. The VMs themselves are completely unaware of the VXLAN
and VNI and communicate with each other as if connected directly over a VLAN-based L2 network.

Note: VXLANs are only supported on OS6900-Q32 and OS6900-X72 Switches.

VXLAN Service
The VXLAN Service Screen displays all configured VXLAN Services, and is used to create, edit, and delete VXLAN
Services. A VXLAN Service defines a Virtual Forwarding Instance (VFI) that is capable of learning device MAC
addresses from the access side and from the network side and then switching the traffic based on this information. Each
VXLAN Service is basically an VFI that is capable of learning customer MAC addresses from the access side (Service
Access Points - SAP) and from the network side (mesh Service Distribution Point - SDP) and then switching traffic
based on this information.

Creating a VXLAN Service

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below to create the VXLAN Service.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
Service Name - The name of the VXLAN Service (up to 32 characters).
VNID - The Virtual Network Identifier (VNID) is a 24-bit segment ID (also referred to as a VXLAN Segment ID)
that is used to identify encapsulated frames. A VNID is bound to a VXLAN Service when the service is created.
OmniVista will auto-generate a unique VNID for VXLAN Service if VNID is set to zero (0).
VXLAN Network Profile - The VXLAN Network Profile associated with the VXLAN Service. The profile specifies
the UDP Port and VRF Name. If necessary, create a VXLAN Network Profile.
VLAN Translation - Enables/Disables egress VLAN translation for all SAPs associated with the VXLAN
Service. Enabling translation at the service level is only applicable if the corresponding access ports for the
SAPs also have VLAN translation enabled.
Admin Status - Enables/Disables the administrative status of the VXLAN Service. Disable the
administrative status of the service and any associated SAPs and SDPs before deleting a service.

Note: The Reapply button is enabled and can be used (in certain cases) when a VXLAN Service
create/edit fails. Click here for more information.

Creating a VXLAN Network Profile

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below to create the VXLAN Network Profile.

Profile Name - The VXLAN Network Profile Name. Select a profile from the drop-down menu, or click on the Add
icon to go to the Screen and create a profile. A “Default” profile with default parameters is available. This
profile cannot be modified or deleted; however if a VXLAN Service is deleted, this profile will be deleted if no
other service is using it.
VRF Name - The VRF instance associated with the profile.
UDP Port - The UDP Port used by the VXLAN Service.

Creating an Service Distribution Point (SDP) Tunnel

Click on the Create icon . Complete the fields as described below to create an SDP Tunnel. You can configure a
Unicast or Multicast tunnel. Note that you can only configure a tunnel on a device configured with Loopback0 interface.
If necessary, click on the Create Loopback0 button to open the VLANs application and create a Loopback0 interface on
a device. You can create either a Unicast or Multicast Tunnel. Select the corresponding button and complete the fields
as described below. Click on the Browse button to create the tunnel on available devices. Note that only supported
devices with a Loopback0 interface and the selected VXLAN Network Profile or no profile assigned will be available for
selection during SDP tunnel configuration.

SDP Name - The name of the SDP Tunnel.

Device IP (Unicast) - The Unicast IP address of the far-end node to which customer traffic will be
Group Address (Multicast) - The PIM Multicast Group for the SDP Tunnel. Note that all neighbor nodes
have to participate in the same multicast group to receive the VXLAN tunnel traffic from other members of
the group.
Direction (Unicast) - Traffic direction (Bidirectional/Unidirectional). When the service is assigned to switches,
note that for Unidirectional mode, OmniVista will create SDP(s) on selected switches on the Device IP. For
Bidirectional mode, OmniVista will create SDP(s) on switches selected on both the Device IP and Far End IPs.
There will be one SDP created on all switches in the Far End IPs list.
Far End IPs (Unicast) - The Unicast IP address(es) of the far-end node(s) to which customer traffic will be
Device IPs (Multicast) - The devices to include in the Multicast Tunnel. If the one or more devices selected for
Multicast tunnel do not have PIM IPv4 sparse admin state enabled and PIM Bi-Direction enabled, a warning
will appear listing any devices that need to be configured for PIM. Click on Yes, to apply the default PIM
configuration profile to those devices. If you select No, a second warning will appear prompting you to either
configure PIM on the devices or remove the devices from the configuration before proceeding.

Note: Creation of Multicast VXLAN Services requires PIM configuration on devices in the VXLAN.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Re-Applying a VXLAN Service

The Reapply button is enabled and can be used (in certain cases) when a VXLAN Service create/edit fails. The process
of creating a VXLAN Service involves several steps (creating the SDP Tunnel, applying the VXLAN Network Profile,
creating a VXLAN, binding the SDP with the VXLAN). The Reapply button is activated and can be used to re-apply the
configuration if one of the intermediate steps fails during the process. Complete failure scenarios are not considered for
re-apply. For example:

In a Multicast Configuration - If a user applies the configuration to 3 devices, and SDP creation succeeds but
VXLAN Service creation fails, the Reapply button will be enabled. But if the configuration succeeds on 2
devices completely, but the initial configuration (e.g., SDP) fails on the 3rd device, the third device will be
removed from list and the Reapply button will not be enabled.
In a Unicast Configuration - If a user configures a device and list of far end IPs, and SDP and VXLAN
configuration succeed on the far end IPs but fail on the device IP, the Reapply button will be enabled. If
configuration fails on the far end IP, the far end IP will be removed from list and the Reapply button will not be

Editing a VXLAN Service

Select the service and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit VXLAN Service Screen. Edit the fields as described
above then click on the Save button to save the changes to the server.

If the edited VXLAN Service has not yet been assigned to switches/ports, the update will be applied and the
status displayed. Click OK to return to the VXLAN Service Screen.
If the edited profile has already been assigned to switches/ports, a confirmation prompt will appear (you can click
on Devices to view the switches/ports). Click on the Update button. The update will be applied and the status
displayed. Click OK to return to the VXLAN Service Screen.

Note: You cannot edit the Service Name. To edit the name, delete the service and re-configure the
service with a new name.

Deleting a VXLAN Service

Select the service and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

SAP Profile
The VXLAN Service Access Point (SAP) Profile Screen is used to create, edit, delete, and assign SAP Profiles to
switches/ports on the network. The SAP Profile is associated with a VXLAN service. A SAP ID is comprised of a
customer-facing port (referred to as an access port) and an encapsulation value that is used to identify the type of
network traffic to map to the associated service. You can configure up to eight (8) SAPs per port on a switch.

Creating a SAP Profile

Click on the Create icon + . Complete the fields as described below and click on the Create button.

Profile Name - A unique name for the profile (up to 32 characters)

VXLAN Service - The VXLAN Service associated with the profile.
Trusted - Sets the Trust Mode for the SAP Profile. If set to "True", the SAP port uses the priority value obtained
from tagged packets received on the port. Untagged packets use the default port priority value. If set to "False",
the priority value is set to the value configured in the Priority fields for tagged and untagged packets received on
the port. (Default = Trusted)
Priority - The priority value to set for tagged and untagged packets received on an untrusted SAP. (Range
= 0 (lowest priority) to 7 (highest priority)).
Description - A user-defined description for the SAP.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

Assigning a SAP Profile

After creating a profile, select the profile and click on the Apply to Devices button to assign the profile to switches/ports
on the network. Specify only ports or link aggregates that are configured as service access ports (see service access).
This command does not apply to network ports.

After selecting the ports, configure the encapsulation value for the port(s) and select an Access Port Profile to associate
with the SAP Profile (if applicable):

Encapsulation Values - Configure the encapsulation value for the port(s). Only traffic matching this
encapsulation value will be mapped to the SAP Profile.
:0 - Specifies a null encapsulation value. Only untagged traffic is mapped to the profile. (Default)
:all - Specifies a wildcard SAP. All tagged traffic that is not classified into another profile is
mapped to the wildcard profile.
:qtag[-qtag2] - Specifies a VLAN ID tag for ingress traffic on the access port. Only traffic with this tag is
mapped to this profile.
:outer_qtag.inner_qtag - Specifies an outer VLAN ID tag and an inner VLAN tag for ingress traffic on the
access port. Only double-tagged (QinQ) traffic with the specified outer and inner tags is mapped to this
Access Port Profile - Click on the Browse button and select an Access Port Profile to associate with the SAP
Profile. Note that ports that have been already assigned to one Access Port Profile, cannot be assigned another
profile unless all SAP profile assignments on the port are removed.

When you have completed the assignment configuration, click on the Apply button. The configuration will be applied
and the assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to the SAP Profile Screen.

Editing a SAP Profile

Select the profile and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit SAP Profile Screen. Edit the fields as described
above then click on the Update button to save the changes to the server. Note that you can only edit the Priority and
Description Fields. Note that if any devices are assigned to a profile, the following prompt will appear - "Update also
synchronizes the changes to the device". When you click OK, the profile is edited and changes are synced to devices.

Deleting a SAP Profile

Select a profile and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt. Note that this will also delete all
the corresponding SAPs on devices assigned to the profile.

Access Port Profile

The VXLAN Access Port Profile Screen is used to create, edit, and delete Access Port Profiles. An Access Port Profile is
a Layer 2 Profile that is applied to an access (customer facing) port. This profile is used to specify how to process Layer
2 control frames ingressing on the access port. If an Access Port Profile is not associated with an access port, the
default access profile is used to process control packets that ingress on the port. An Access Port Profile is associated
with a SAP Profile using the SAP Profile Screen.

Creating an Access Port Profile

Click on the Create icon . Complete the fields as described below and click on the Create button.

Profile Name - A unique name for the profile (up to 32 characters)

VLAN Translation - Enables/Disables egress VLAN translation for all Service Access Points (SAPs)
associated with the profile. Enabling translation at the service level is only applicable if the corresponding
access ports for the SAPs also have VLAN translation enabled.
L2 Profile Name - A Layer 2 profile name for the Access Port Profile. You cannot use the default profile name
("default", "def-access-profile").
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
L2 Profile Attributes - The Layer 2 attributes (e.g., STP BDU, L2 802.1x) are listed with the available behavior
for each traffic type (Tunnel, Drop, Peer). The default configuration for each traffic type is pre- selected. Select
the Layer 2 attributes for the profile by clicking on the desired behavior.

Editing an Access Port Profile

Select the profile and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Access Profile Screen. Edit the fields as described
above then click on the Update button to save the changes to the server. Note that you cannot edit the Profile Name or
L2 Profile Name fields. Note that if any devices are assigned to a profile, the following prompt will appear - "Update also
synchronizes the changes to the device". When you click OK, the profile is edited and changes are synced to devices.

Deleting an Access Port Profile

Select a profile and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

VXLAN Device View

The VXLAN Device View Screen is used to view the VXLAN configuration for devices in the network. Select and option
from the drop-down menu (User Switch Picker/User Topology) and click on the Select a Device button to select the
device you want to view. The VXLAN configuration for the switch is displayed.

VXLAN Information
The following VXLAN information is displayed for the selected switch: Network Profile, VXLAN Services, SDP Tunnels,
SDP Binding, SAP).

Network Profile
Displays VXLAN Network Profile information for the switch.

VRF Name - The VRF instance associated with the profile.

UDP Port - The UDP Port used by the VXLAN Service.
Loopback 0 - The Loopback 0 address for the VRF.

VXLAN Services
Displays general information about the VXLAN Services configured on the switch.

VNID - The Virtual Network Identifier VNID is a 24-bit segment ID (also referred to as a VXLAN Segment ID)
that is used to identify encapsulated frames. A VNID is bound to a VXLAN Service when the service is created.
OmniVista will auto-generate a unique VNID for VXLAN Service if VNID is set to zero (0).
Service ID - The VXLAN Service ID number.
Type - The type of VXLAN Service (SPB or VXLAN is supported).
Description - An optional, user-configured description for the VXLAN Service.
Multicast Mode - The multicast replication mode for the VXLAN Service (Headend, Tandem, or Hybrid).
Admin Status - The administrative status (Enabled/Disabled) of the VXLAN Service.
VLAN Translation- The administrative status (Enabled/Disabled) of VLAN translation for all Service Access
Points (SAPs) associated with the VXLAN Service. VLAN translation at the service level is only applicable if the
corresponding access ports for the SAPs also have VLAN translation enabled.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

SDP Tunnels
Displays the Service Distribution Point (SDP) configuration for the VXLAN Service.

ID - The SDP identification number.

Far End ID - The IP address (loopback0) or multicast group IP address associated with the far-end VXLAN
node of the SDP.
Description - An optional user-configured description for the SDP Tunnel.
Admin Status - The administrative state of the SDP (Up or Down).
TTL - The Time-to-Live (TTL) value for the SDP.

Displays the SDP binding configuration for the switch.

Service ID - The ID number of the VXLAN Service that is bound to the SDP.
SDP Bind ID - The unique SDP identification number that is bound to the VXLAN Service ID.

Displays the configuration information for the specified Service Access Point (SAP) associated with the VXLAN Service.

SAP ID - The access port and encapsulation associated with the VXLAN Service.
Service ID - The VXLAN Service ID number.
Description - An optional description configured for the SAP. By default, the description is blank.
Trusted - Whether or not the SAP is trusted (Yes or No).
Priority - The 802.1p priority assigned to traffic mapped to this SAP. Applied only when the SAP is not trusted
and a priority is specified.

Service Access Ports

Displays Service Access Port information for the switch.

Port - The slot/port number of the service access port.

VLAN Translation - The administrative status of VLAN translation for the port (Enabled/Disabled).
L2 Profile Name - The Layer 2 profile name for the Access Port Profile.

VM Snooping Overview
The Virtual Machine (VM) Snooping feature detects and identifies Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) traffic by inspecting
packets to determine if they are VXLAN encapsulated packets. Once VXLAN traffic is identified, VM Snooping collects
and stores information about the VM flows in a database on the local switch. In addition to monitoring VM traffic, you can
apply QoS policy list rules to the identified flows and generate SNMP traps when a new VM is learned.

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide

To enable VM Snooping, you must create a VM Snooping Profile and assign it to switches/ports on the network. VM
information can then be displayed on the VM Snooping Statistics Screen. You can also view VM Snooping Profile
information for specific switches using the Device View Screen.

VM Snooping Profile
The VM Snooping Profile Screen displays all configured VM Snooping Profiles, and is used to create, edit, assign, and
delete VM Snooping Profiles. A VM Snooping Profile contains global VM Snooping parameters. When a profile is
created and assigned to switches/ports, VM Snooping is enabled on those switches/ports with the configured global

Creating a VM Snooping Profile

Click on the Create icon . Enter a Profile Name and configure the profile as described below, then click on the Create
button. When you are finished, select the checkbox next to the profile and click on the Apply to Devices button to
assign the profile to switches/ports on the network.

Profile Name - User-configured name for the profile.

Trap Status - Enables/Disables traps for VM discovery or timeout. If Enabled, a trap is sent to the trap
manager when a new VM is learned, or when a VM ages out and is removed from the system (Default
= Disabled).
Policy Mode - The policy lookup mode:
Basic - VXLAN UDP Port, VNI, inner source MAC, and inner IPv4 address are used for lookup
Advanced - VXLAN UDP Port, VNI, inner IPv4 source address, IP protocol, and L4 source and
destination ports are used for policy lookup. In advanced IPv6 mode, VXLAN UDP Port, VNI, inner IPv6
source address, and L4 source and destination ports are used for lookup.
Policy Resource - Used for configuring the hardware resources for VM Snooping:
Default - Specifies the default number of VM Policies.
Extended - Doubles the number of VM Policies.
VM Inner Header - Optional inner header parameter used to specify if the header of the inner VM packet
(Tagged, Untagged, Default). If you select "Default", the inner header option is set to the following values

OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
based on the current Policy Mode: Basic Mode - untagged and tagged VM packet header; Advanced Mode
- tagged VM packet header.
Aging Timer - The aging time value, in seconds, for VMs learned on the switch. Once a VM is discovered, it is
added to the VM Snooping Database. If no flows are detected from a VM during the aging timer period, the VM is
deleted from the VM Snooping Database. Information from this VM will no longer be available for display on the
VM Snooping Statistics Screen (until flows are again detected and the VM is added to the VM Snooping
Database. (Range = 60 - 86400, or 0 - if set to "0" VMs will never age out, Default = 300).
Trap Threshold - The threshold percentage at which the switch generates a trap to indicate that VM
Snooping has utilized the specified level of system resources (Range = 60 - 90, Default = 80).
UDP Destination Port - The UDP destination port number(s) to look for when the switch inspects packets
received on VM Snooping ports. This value is used to identify VXLAN encapsulated packets. The default port
number is 4789. You can configure up to seven (7) additional UDP ports, however, configuring multiple UDP
ports may slow down the VM Snooping process. Avoid using the well-known UDP ports that are already
reserved by IANA for other applications.

Assigning a VM Snooping Profile

Select a profile and click on the Apply To Devices button. Select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch
Picker/Use Topology and click on the Add Remove Switch button. Select the switch(es) to which you want to assign
the profile. If VM Snooping has not already been enabled on the switch, a message will appear ("VM snooping is not
enabled on ports") along with an "Add Port' link. Click on the link to bring up the port picker and select the ports to which
you want to assign the profile and click OK. Repeat to assign the profile to additional switches/ports (select the switch,
click on the Add/Remove Ports button, select the ports to which you want to assign the profile and click OK). When you
have selected all of the switches/ports, click the Apply button. The Apply To Devices Results Screen will appear,
displaying the status of the operation.
Click OK to return to the Profile Screen.

Editing a VM Snooping Profile

Select the profile and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit VM Snooping Profile Screen. Edit the fields as
described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server.

If the edited profile has already been assigned to switches/ports, the "Update VM Snooping Profile"
confirmation prompt will appear (you can click on the Device link to view the devices). Click OK to apply the
update. The update will be applied and the status displayed. Click OK to return to the Profile Screen.

Note: You cannot edit the Profile Name. To edit the name, delete the profile and configure a new one.

Deleting a VM Snooping Profile

Select the profile and click on the Delete icon , then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

If the edited profile has already been assigned to switches/ports, the "Update VM Snooping Profile" confirmation
prompt will appear (you can click on Device link to view the devices). Click OK to delete the profile. The update
will be applied and the status displayed. Click OK to return to the Profile Screen.

Removing a VM Snooping Profile From a Switch/Port

To remove a VM Snooping Profile from a switch, select the profile in the table and click on the Apply To Devices button.
The switches to which the profile has been assigned will appear in the Assigned Switches area. Click on the
Add/Remove Switches button to bring up the switch picker. The switches to which the profile has been assigned will
appear on the right. Remove the switch(es) from the right-hand column and click OK. You will be returned to the Profile
Screen. Click the Apply button. The configuration will be applied and the assignment status displayed. Click OK to return
to the Profile Screen.

To remove a VM Snooping Profile from a port, select the profile in the table and click on the Apply To Devices button.
The switches to which the profile has been assigned will appear in the Assigned Switches area. Select a switch and
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
click on Add/Remove Ports button to bring up the port picker. The ports to which the profile has been assigned will
appear on the right. Remove the port(s) from the right-hand column and click OK then click on the Apply button. The
configuration will be applied and the assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to the Profile Screen.

VM Snooping Statistics
The VM Snooping Statistics Screen is used to display VM Snooping information for Virtual Machine (VM) traffic flows
on a VM Snooping port or link aggregate. Once VM Snooping is enabled on ports, the packets flowing from the
configured ports are snooped and upon matching configured UDP port, flow details are written to the VM Snooping
Database. The VM Snooping Statistics Screen enables you to search for and display VM snooping information based
on VM IP Address, VM MAC Address, VXLAN VNI, Destination Port, or Policy Name.

Note: OmniVista collects VM Snooping statistics from a device via an FTP session. The Telnet/FTP User
Name and Password must be configured on a device for OmniVista to collect statistics. If necessary, go to
the Topology application, right-click select a device(s), right click and select Edit to configure the
Telnet/FTP User Name and password. If the “Prefer SSH” option is enabled in Device properties, statistics
will be collected via SFTP.

Also note that by default there is a scheduler job performed every 15 minutes for collecting VM
Snooping statistic data from the all supported switches (VSnoop Purge Scheduler). You can modify the
interval time on the Scheduler Jobs Screen.

Searching for VM Information

You can search for VM information from a number of different sources and for different time periods. Enter the search
criteria as described below, then click on the Search button. The information will be displayed in the Statistics Data

From Date - The start date for the VM information you want to view.
To Date - The end date for the VM information you want to view.
Search By - The search option to use. Select a search option, then enter the specific search criteria (e.g.,
VM IP Address, MAC Address).
VM IP Address - The VM IP address you want to search for.
MAC Address - The MAC address you want to search for.
VXLAN VNI - The VXLAN VNI you want to search for.
Destination Port - The destination port you want to search for.
Policy Name - The QoS Policy you want to search for.
Limit - The number of rows of data to display (Range = 500 - 5,000, Default = 1,000).

VM Information
By default, all of the columns defined below appear in the Statistics Data Table. However, you can configure Custom
Templates to view specific information. To configure a template, click on the Configuration icon next to one of the
templates (Custom Template 1, Custom Template 2), select the column headings you want to display for that
template, and click OK. You can configure two (2) Custom Templates. The headings you select when you configure a
template will be displayed until you change them again.

Chassis/Slot/Port - The physical port on which snooping is performed.

VTEP Source IP - The VXLAN Tunnel end point source IP address.
VTEP Destination IP - The VXLAN Tunnel end point destination IP address.
VXLAN VNI - The VXLAN network identifier.
VTEP VLAN - The VXLAN Tunnel end point VLAN.
VM Source MAC - The source MAC of VM that is participating in the flow.
VM Source IP - The source IP Address of VM that is participating in the flow.
VM Source Port - The source port of the VM that is participating in the flow.
VM Destination MAC - The VM destination MAC address.
OmniVista 2500 NMS-E 4.2.1.R01 (MR 1) User Guide
VM Destination IP - The VM destination IP address.
VM Destination Port - The VM destination port.
VM IP Protocol - The protocol that is being used by VMs in the flow (IPv4/IPv6).
Flow Learned Time - The time at which the VM was identified during snooping.
Flow Update Time - The most recent time verified, whether the flow is live or not.
Policy Name - The name of the QoS policy rule applied to the VM flow.
Policy List - The flow that is passing through by matching indicated policy list.
VM VLAN - The VLAN on which the VM is learned and forwarded.
Sampled Packets - The number of packets considered for snooping.

Device View
The VM Snooping Device View Screen is used to view VM Snooping Profile and port information for switches in the
network. Click on the Browse button to select a switch then click OK. The VM Snooping configuration for the switch is

VM Snooping Profile Information

Displays VM Snooping Profile information for the selected switch.

Trap Status - The VM discovery/timeout trap status. If Enabled, a trap is sent to the trap manager when a
new VM is learned, or when a VM ages out and is removed from the system (Default = Disabled).
Policy Mode - The policy lookup mode:
Basic - VXLAN UDP Port, VNI, inner source MAC, and inner IPv4 address are used for lookup
Advanced - VXLAN UDP Port, VNI, inner IPv4 source address, IP protocol, and L4 source and
destination ports are used for policy lookup. In advanced IPv6 mode, VXLAN UDP Port, VNI, inner IPv6
source address, and L4 source and destination ports are used for lookup.
Policy Resource - Used for configuring the hardware resources for VM Snooping:
Default - Specifies the default number of VM Policies.
Extended - Doubles the number of VM Policies.
VM Inner Header - Optional inner header parameter used to specify if the header of the inner VM packet
(Tagged, Untagged, Both) (Default = Both). By default, the inner header option is set to the following
values based on the current policy lookup mode: Basic Mode—untagged and tagged VM packet header;
Advanced Mode—tagged VM packet header.
Aging Timer - The aging time value, in seconds, for VMs learned on the switch. Once a VM is discovered, it is
added to the VM Snooping Database. If no flows are detected to/from a VM during the aging timer period, the VM
is deleted from the VM Snooping Database. Information from this VM will no longer be available for display on the
VM Snooping Statistics Screen (until flows are again detected and the VM is added to the VM Snooping
Database. (Range = 0 - 86400, Default = 300). If set to "0", VMs will never age out.
Trap Threshold - The threshold percentage at which the switch generates a trap to indicate that VM
Snooping has utilized the specified level of system resources (Range = 60 - 80, Default = 80).
UDP Destination Port - The UDP destination port number(s) to look for when the switch inspects packets
received on VM Snooping ports. This value is used to identify VXLAN encapsulated packets. The default port
number is 4789. You can configure up to seven (7) additional UDP ports, however, configuring multiple UDP
ports may slow down the VM Snooping process. Avoid using the well-known UDP ports that are already
reserved by IANA for other applications.
Hardware Allocation Status - The hardware resource allocation status for VM Snooping.

Enabled VM Snooping Port Information

Displays basic information for VM Snooping-enabled ports for the selected switch.


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