Power It Refers To The Ability To Have One's Will Carried Out Despite The Resistance of Others
Power It Refers To The Ability To Have One's Will Carried Out Despite The Resistance of Others
Power It Refers To The Ability To Have One's Will Carried Out Despite The Resistance of Others
It refers to the ability to have one’s will carried out despite the resistance of others.
It is independent and informal in nature derived from charisma and status. It is an acquired ability that
comes from knowledge and expertise. It is the right to control other’s actions, decisions and
Power is not hierarchical, i.e. it can flow in any direction like it can flow from superior to subordinate
(downward) or junior to senior (upward), or between the persons working at the same level, but different
departments of the same organization (horizontal), or between the persons working at different levels
and departments of the same organization (diagonal). In this way, it is not confined to any boundaries.
Moreover, the element of politics is usually attached to it.
Informational Power
Informational power is where a person possesses needed or wanted information. It comes from access to and
control over information. This is a short-term power that doesn’t necessarily influence or build credibility.
For example, a project manager may have all the information for a specific project and that will give him/her
“informational power.”
But it’s hard for a person to keep this power for long, and eventually, this information will be released.
This should not be a long-term strategy.
Connection Power
It is where a person attains influence by gaining favor or simply acquaintance with a powerful person.
This power is all about networking. If I have a connection with someone that you want to get to, that’s going to
give me power.
People employing this power build important coalitions with others. It is a natural ability to forge such connections
with individuals and assemble them into coalitions gives him/her strong connection power.
Political Power
This power comes from the support of a group. It arises from a leader’s ability to work with people and social
systems to gain their allegiance and support.
It develops in all the state-owned organizations, especially when a certain political party holds power and their
supporters show power in many aspects in the organizations.
By using political power, leaders can influence others and get some facilities from the organization.
Charismatic Power
Charismatic power is really an extension of referent power stemming from an individual’s personality and
interpersonal style.
Charismatic leaders get others to follow them because they can articulate an attractive vision, take personal
risks, demonstrate environmental and follower sensitivity, and are willing to engage in behavior that most others
consider unconventional.
But many organizations will have people with charismatic qualities who, while not in formal leadership positions,
nevertheless are able to exert influence over others because of the strength of their heroic qualities.
The above-mentioned bases/types of power are normally practiced in many organizations. But it is true that all
the powers are not seen in a single organization. The uses of powers vary organization to organization, time to
time, person to person, situation to situation etc.
After reviewing the above points, it is quite clear that power and authority are two
different things, where power has nothing to do with level or management or position. On
the other hand, authority completely depends on these two, i.e. the position level
determines the level of authority a person has. In addition to this, the authority
relationships, i.e. the relationship between superior and subordinate are depicted on the
organisational chart. Conversely, the power relationship is not shown in the organisation