Project Make Your Own Greek Drama
Project Make Your Own Greek Drama
Project Make Your Own Greek Drama
Your group will write and perform a play according to the structure below. You must choose a
familiar story from history or from fiction to dramatize. Remember that Greek Tragedy uses a "late
point of attack."
Everyone in the group will be an actor. You may have as many characters as you want, as long as
you never have more of them onstage at one time than you have members in your group.
The "audience" will serve as chorus.
You will make all necessary masks for your characters‹we won't worry about masks for the chorus,
but be sure the text tells us who the chorus are supposed to represent.
You must be sure that the lines for the chorus are presented clearly so that the "audience" will be able
to "perform" them without rehearsal.
We will go over proper format for scripts.
You will not be required to memorize your lines.
You are not required to use props or scenery, but if you want to do so, you will need to make or find
what is necessary.
At the completion of the project you will hand in your script, and your grade will be based both on
the script and the performance.
Note: Although of course real Tragedy always ends unhappily, it is not so easy to find familiar
stories in this day and age that don't have happy endings, so you are not required to give your play a
"tragic" ending.
You must provide copies of all of the chorus's words to hand out to the "audience." You may make
these copies yourself, or you may have me make them. However, if you want me to do it, you
MUST get them to me by the end of school on the day before the performance.