The Hamburger Ate Boy Isn't Acceptable (Odd) But The Boy Ate The Hamburger Is Hamburger Doesn't Have This Property and The Noun Boy Does
The Hamburger Ate Boy Isn't Acceptable (Odd) But The Boy Ate The Hamburger Is Hamburger Doesn't Have This Property and The Noun Boy Does
The Hamburger Ate Boy Isn't Acceptable (Odd) But The Boy Ate The Hamburger Is Hamburger Doesn't Have This Property and The Noun Boy Does
Is the study of meaning of words phrases and sentences (literal meaning or conventional
Semantic Features
Semantic Roles
Semantic roles are parts played by noun phrases that described by the sentences
- The noun phrases in the sentence describe the roles of entities such as people and
things , involved in the action
- Noun Phrase can be :
Agent and theme
Instrument and experiencer
Location , source and goal
Lexical Relation
Synonym are two or more words with very closely related meaning (or the same meaning)
- They can often be substituted for each other in sentences
Examp :
Almost/nearly, big/large. Broad/wide, buy/purchase
- But we have to keep in mind that idea of ‘sameness’ of meaning used in discussing
synonym isn’t necessarily ‘total sameness’
Examp :
1. Sandy had only one answer correct on the test (fit)
2. Sandy had only one reply correct on the test (odd)
Non gradable antonym are the relation between words such that negative of one implies the
positive of the other
- These relations are called complementary pairs or binary pairs, or non gradable antonym
Female/male , alive/dead, married/single, pass/fall
If someone is not a female, she is a male
If someone has falled on exam, he hasn’t necessarily passed it.
- non gradable antonym aren’t usually used in comparative constructions
we dont typically describe someone as deader or more female than other
- the negative of one member of a non gradable pair does imply the other member
my grandparents aren’t alive does indeed mean My grandparent are dead
hyponym is the relationship of meaning of one form with other in which meaning of one
forms is included in the meaning of another.
- Hyponym includes the meaning of more general word.
Dog/animal , carrot/vegetable, rose/flower
- The idea of Hyponym involves the concept of ‘inclusion; if an object is a rose , then the
object is necessarily a flower
- The meaning of flower is included in the meaning of rose
Rose is a hyponym of flower
- The other examp
Dog is hyponym of animal
Carrot is hyponym of vegetable
In simple way, polysemy is two or more with the same form and related meaning
Polysemy is one form that
And are all related by
Examp :
- On the top of body
- On the top ofglass
- Person at the top of a company
If we aren’t sure wheather different use of a single word are example of homonym of
polysemy , we can check in a dictionary
If the word has multiple meaning (i.e its polysemous)
Then there will be a single entry, with numbered list of the different meanings of that word
If two words are treated as homonyms, they will typically have two separate enteries
In most dictionaries, bank, mall, mole, and sole are clearly trated as homonyms whereas
face, foot,get,head and are treated as examples of polysemy
Its possible for two forms to be distinguished via homonym and for one of the forms alsonto
have various uses via polysemy
The words date (=a point in time) are homonyms
However,’ the point in time’ kind of date is polysemous in terms of:
- A particular day and month (=on a letter)
- An arranged meeting time(=an appointment=)
- A social......with someone we like )
- And every....... person we like )
Living thing
Creature plant
Poodle Asp
Besides a concept of ‘’inclusion’ hyponym has a concept of ‘a kind of’ by giving the meaning
by saying : Sedan is a kind of car
Hyponym is sometimes used to express the only thing we know about the meaning of word
and we may know nothing more about the meaning
- Poodle is a kind of dog
- Asp is a kind of snake
Prototype is an object which is held to be very TYPICAL of kind of object which can be
referred to by an expression containing the predicate
o The characteristic instance of a category
o Objects on which there would be general agreement that they were typical
examples of the class of objects described by a certain predicate
o Examp :
Bird (robin) has feathers and wings
Furniture (chair or table )
When two or more different (written) forms have the same pronounciation,they are
describe as Homophones/
o Different words, different meaning, but the same sound (pronounciation)
Common examp :
o Bare/bear , meat /meet,flour/flower, pail/pale