Section-1: Basic and Modified Vapor Compression Cycles
Section-1: Basic and Modified Vapor Compression Cycles
Section-1: Basic and Modified Vapor Compression Cycles
10-1-3 A Carnot vapor refrigeration cycle operates between thermal reservoirs at 40 o F and 100 o F. For (a) R-12, (b) R-134a, (c) water, (d) R-22 and
(e) ammonia as the working fluid, determine the operating pressures in the condenser and evaporator, in lbf/in 2 , and the coefficient of performance.
Answers: (a) 131.83 lbf/in 2 ; 51.64 lbf/in 2 ; 8.3, (b) 138.87 lbf/in 2 ; 49.87 lbf/in 2 ; 8.3, (c) 0.95 lbf/in 2 ; 0.12 lbf/in 2 ; 8.3 (d) 210.54 lbf/in 2 ; 83.15
lbf/in 2 ; 8.3 (e) 211.86 lbf/in 2 ; 73.28 lbf/in 2 8.3
10-1-4 A Carnot vapor refrigeration cycle is used to maintain a cold region at 0 o F where the ambient temperature is 75 o F. Refrigerant R-134a
enters the condenser as saturated vapor at 100 lbf/in 2 and leaves as saturated liquid at the same pressure. The evaporator pressure is 20 lbf/in 2 . The
mass flow rate of refrigerant is 12 lbm/s. Calculate (a) the compressor and turbine power, in Btu/min and (b) the coefficient of performance.
Answers: (a) 9993.44 btu/min; 1679.28 btu/min, (b) 5.59
10-1-6 Refrigerant R-134a enters the condenser of a steady-flow Carnot refrigerator as a saturated vapor at 100 psia, and it leaves as saturated liquid.
The heat absorption from the refrigerated space takes place at a pressure of 30 psia and the mass flow rate is 1 kg/s. (a) Show the cycle on a T-s
diagram relative to saturation lines, determine (b) the coefficient of performance, (c) the quality at the beginning of the heat-absorption process and
(d) the net work input.
Answers: (b) 7.42, (c) 0.22, (d) 20.99 kW,
10-1-14 An ideal vapor-compression refrigeration system operates at steady state with Refrigerant R-12 as the working fluid. Superheated vapor
enters the compressor at 25 lbf/in 2 , 10 o F and saturated liquid leaves the condenser at 200 lbf/in 2 . The refrigeration capacity is 5 tons. Determine
(a) the compressor power in horsepower, (b) the rate of heat transfer from the working fluid passing through the condenser, in Btu/min, and (c) the
coefficient of performance. (d) What-if Scenario: What would the compressor power be if the refrigeration capacity were 10 tons?
Answers: (a) 9.76 hp, (b) 1413.88 btu/min, (c) 2.41, (d) 19.52 hp
10-1-24 A vapor-compression refrigeration system for a household refrigerator has a refrigerating capacity of 1500 Btu/h and uses R-12 as the
refrigerant. The refrigerant enters the evaporator at 21.422 lbf/in 2 and exits at 5 o F. The isentropic compressor efficiency is 70%. The refrigerant
condenses at 122.95 lbf/in 2 and exits the condenser as subcooled at 90 o F. There are no significant pressure drops in the flows through the evaporator
and condenser. Determine (a) the mass flow rate of refrigerant in lb/min, (b) the compressor power input in horsepower and (c) the coefficient of
Answers: (a) 30.34 lb/min, (b) 13.92 hp, (c) 2.54
10-3-2 Ammonia is the working fluid in a vapor-compression heat pump system with a heating capacity of 25,000 Btu/h. The condenser operates at
250 lbf/in 2 , and the evaporator temperature is -10 o F. The refrigerant is a saturated vapor at the evaporator exit and a liquid is 100 o F at the
condenser exit. Pressure drops in the flows through the evaporator and condenser are negligible. The compression process is adiabatic, and the
temperature at the compressor exit is 400 o F. Determine (a) the mass flow rate of refrigerant, in lb/min, (b) the compressor power input in
horsepower, (c) the isentropic compressor efficiency and (d) the coefficient of performance.
Answers: (a) 0.6 lb/min, (b) 3.15 hp, (c) 74%, (d) 3.12