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Book of Ezra

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The Book of Ezra

1. Introduction
The book of Ezra was laid its ground foundation on the two basic words Return and Rebuilding or
reconstruction. The return of the people of God from Exile and the rebuilding of the temple which lead
to the reverse of the people to wards God. Inside the book there are two phase of return with the two
great leaders Zerubbabel and Ezra at the first and second decree of Persia King Cyrus 539 for
reconstruction of the temple and Xerxes I 458 BC for rebuilding of the people consecutively. In generally
the book of Ezra teach us how the physical reform lead to the holistic spiritual reconciliation of Jewish

2. Historical Background
The book of Ezra encompasses the historic period after fall of Judah and destruction the temple by
Babylon Empire in 586 BC up to 433 BC.

The book covers more than century history of the Judah people two historical events in different
generation the event was narrated Ezra chapter 1-6 was in the year from 586 -515 BC and the rest of the
book is of Ezra chapter 7-10 was from 458-433 BC.

The year 586 BC is the turning point for all of the book history of the southern kingdom of Judah under
Davidic monarch which able to stand last 137 years longer until the Babylonians destroyed them
completely and takes them to captivity to their city of Babylon after pre Exilic period the book not tale
about the exile period but it emphasize at the end of 70 year of the time God commanded by prophets
Jeremiah which is end of Exile period of Jew. The code Deuteronomy indicates that God blessing and
punish his people when they reverse towards God and rebellious against him due to this code of
conduct Judah rebellion against God he punish them and away from his presence under captivity of
gentile. God never lets his people he rethink them by his mercy is the core point of the book of Ezra 538
BC decree of king Cyrus of Persia show that the great mercy and grace of God for his people. After the
first return from the Exile by the leader Zerubbabel (remind some scholars say Sheshbazzar is the other
name of zerubbabel )and Joshua in 538 BC total number of people return from exile is 42,360 and settle
and they start quickly rebuilding of the temple but the work continuo only for two years the alter and
the temple foundation was finished and instantly halted due to the opposition from the people of land
which are non-Jew and the latter from king Artaxerxes . In 520 after 16 years work stopped God raise to
prophets Haggai and Zechariah to encourage the people after all the again the Jew started rebuilding of
the temple and finished in 516 BC in king Darius of Persia.

And the second return was 60 years later led by Ezra the scribe of book of law torah over 2000 people
back to their home land in 458 BC. The main purpose of the Ezra return was reconciliation of the people

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of Judah with God or in other word we say rebuilding of the people for spiritual reform. In Babylon he
was well known scribe who copies writing of torah when they are in captivity but after the exile he is
ministered as teacher of the law when we compeer his knowledge he is great scholar or maybe we can
say prophesier of Mosaic Law and torah.

2.1 About The Book In General

Ezra is leader of spiritual reform. But the book of Ezra and Nehemiah are both separate books with unity
of similarity so we can say both books are one coin to features. Both books are focus on the two words
return and rebuilding temple and the wall of Jerusalem consecutively for the greater holistic spiritual
reformation of the people lead physical reform. In the Babylon over 42,000 of people of Jew leaved
under captivity.

2.1.1 Who Wrote It

There are two conspiracy theory exist when we come to the question about the author of the book of
Ezra. Traditionally many peoples believe that the writer of this book of Ezra was Ezra himself to this
point of view to take some evidence his personality give as some clue on that is Ezra was well known
scribe of the torah at the time of exile in Babylon he has best writing skill back ground and at the post
exilic period as teacher I believe he have a large opportunity to refined as researcher to dig up have and
access the detail historic information of the time to fill the generational gap b/n the past and existing
time period of his day whenever some scholars have doubt on it.

Unity and connection with books of Chronicles and Ezra and Nehemiah the common evidence of the
practice of printing both Ezra and Nehemiah published as one book in the Jew book of Torah but after
middle 15th century separated on the other hand Chronicles and Ezra have direct connection of evidence
in continuity of overlap b/n two ends as an indication of evidence due to linguistically and theological
similarity of two on the other hand we see the indirect connection with Nehemiah and also They made
emphasis on the outline the book which is based on the shift b/n first and third person narration in the
book of Historical review (Ezra 1-6) ,Ezra memoirs part 1 (Ezra 7-10) ,Ezra memoirs part 2 (Ezra 11-13).

In some way other scholars also say the writer is unspecified or unknown it is collection of different

Generally I also believe on this theory even the writer of Chronicles and Ezra and Nehemiah was scribe
Ezra which means the second theory if full file on it.

2.1.2 When It Was Written

It is difficult to know the exact time of the book of Ezra was written so the scholars suppose to predict
the time by creating the time line connection of different puzzles in general the book cover the overall
history of post-exilic period from return from exile to rebuilding of the temple reconciliation of the
people to God due to this as more than one century history was written know we have some clue to
make decision to conclude if the time 458 was the time Ezra come to Jerusalem and under consideration
the unity b/n Nehemiah and Ezra and the return of Nehemiah is 446 BC. Indeed all of this under
consideration 430-400 BC is the time book Ezra was written.

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2.1.3 To whom it was written
It was written for the people of Jew community living in Judah around Jerusalem who come from the
exile and for all next generation Yehudi. The book reminds for his audience God grace for his people and
he never let his covenantal promise fulfillment Jeremiah 27:21-22 .

3. Outline or Structure the book

I. Return from Babylon led by Zerubbabel , Ezra chapter 1-6
a. Zerubbabel return, Ezra 1:1-2:70
b. Temple rebuild, Ezra 3:1-6:22
II. Return from Babylon led by Ezra, Ezra chapter 7-10
a. Return under Ezra, 7:1-8:36
b. Problem of mixed marriage, 9:1-10:44

4. Approach of the Message

4.1 Theological Approach
Based on Eskinazi analysis the theme indicate the time period of Ezra and Nehemiah witness the
transformation from the time of elite leader, narrow holiness and oral authority to a time of community,
spreading holiness and authority of written document.

1st Old Testament specialized in charismatic individual like Abraham, mosses, David and denial are jest a
hand full examples. Indeed Ezra and Nehemiah striking character Ezra willingly and Nehemiah
reluctantly in to the community. It is the community that accomplished the task of rebuilding the temple
and the wall of Jerusalem and its show peoples how to return to wards to the lord elegance at the end.

2nd holiness is no longer restricted to a certain place. This theme is clear when the temple is rebuilt.it is
the goal of return when the structure is finished and consecrated however house of God is not build
once the temple is finished.

3rd shift from oral to written authority amazing role of written document in the book. The letter from
king initiate and stop action on both level of actual event and story. The most important written
document does not have human origin but is torah of Yahweh.

On my point of view the book shows how God care for his people and his promises Ezra 1:1-11 to
strengthen the faith in God it began with “….. ,the lord made what he had said through the prophet
Jeremiah come true……” and also the decree of Cyrus indicate the mighty power of God and to fulfil the
prophetic word be reality he rise king Cyrus of Persia Empire purposefully by giving duty with
responsibility of building temple and to relieve Jew from captivity he can use any one any time. Indeed
king commanded the people to help the and prove them by giving gifts gold and silver for rebuilding of
the temple and he also prove himself by give back all the treasure of temple. The theological message is
no matter who you are, no matter where you come from and no matter what you look like you are
under Gods supernatural leadership all over as cause inside his Kingdom he is the one and only one led
as, protect as and rebuild as for his glory.

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4.2 Approach to New Testament
Jesus Christ who teat the separation of the wall first he separate the tears apart that separate the holy
of holiness from the rest of creation second he demolish the division of humanity that separate Jews
from gentile.

Ezra chapter 2 is start with genealogy and lists of those who returned from Exile the first return was led
by Zerubbabel the son of last king of Judah towards the towns of their ancestors the mission of the
return is rebuilding of the temple of God and after arrival suddenly they began reconstruction of the
temple inside opposition the temple is the presence of God and his glory never less it halted for 16 years
God plan come true and finished today we in new testament our body is the temple of God whenever
inside and out we face any tribulation and opposition get in pass we have to show his presence and
glorify son of God Jesus Christ by running the race up to the next coming of Christ by faith until fulfil his
heavenly Kingdome promise. God is holy his glory direct transparent his holiness holy sprite the
counselor is always with as he teach and lead as he led our primitive fathers.

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1. [Introduction to the new testament by Dillard, Raymond B, Grand Rapids: Michigan, Zondervan
publishing house, 1995.]
2. Bridge bible commentary by Don Fleming
3. www.Bile.org
4. www.blueletterbinle.org
5. www.3rd millennium ministry.org
6. www.dailybreaduniversty.org

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