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Leading Strategic Change

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Programme Directors
Ganesh N Prabhu (IIM Bangalore)
Jayashree Payyazhi (University of Wollongong in Dubai)

18-20 August, 2016


PROGRAMME DIRECTORS and the Journal of Management and Organization. She is
currently leading key research projects and has co-edited
Ganesh N Prabhu is Professor of a Case Book comprising a collection of business case
Strategy at IIMB. He did his post- studies based on UAE companies. Jayashree has won

Leading Strategic Change graduation from the Institute of Rural research awards including High Commendation Award
Management Anand and is a Fellow of for Research, UOWD (2012-13) and the Best paper award
IIM Ahmedabad. He won the Best Young in the Management Education track in the ERA ranked
Teacher Award and Best Research Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management
Paper Award from the Association of Conference, 2011. Dr Jayashree has extensive
Dates operational experience in designing and delivering open
Indian Management Schools. Since
18-20 August, 2016 1996 he teaches strategy courses across programs and customized management development workshops
and offers an elective on new product development in across businesses and in major multinational companies
the post-graduate program at IIMB. He has conducted with multicultural employee groups. She is a Certified
several senior management team visioning workshops Balanced Scorecard Professional, awarded by the
and been actively involved in mentoring aspiring Balanced Scorecard Institute and George Washington
entrepreneurs, start-ups and small firms. He was earlier University College of Professional Studies, USA. She is
a nominated member of the India Design Council. While also a Certified New Code Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner
at IIMB he has consulted on major turnaround projects and Certified NLP Coach - trained and certified by the
and prior to his doctoral studies he was an Executive Co-Creator of NLP and New Code NLP, John Grinder,
Program Overview and Stakeholder Management Assistant to the Managing Director of the Punjab Milk UK.
• Managing Personal Transitions: Modes of Interventions Federation for a year on a major turnaround project –
This program is intended for participants who aspire to Email: payyazhijayashree@uowdubai.ac.ae
• Leading Stakeholders in Strategic Change he will enhance the sessions through his own strategic
lead change effectively within their own organisations Phone: +00971-4-2781966
• Leading Strategic Turnaround change field experience.
or for those who wish to develop skills in becoming LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/payyazhi-
• Tracking and Reviewing Strategic Change and
change consultants to facilitate organisations to succeed Email: gprabhu@iimb.ernet.in jayashree-96475616
in their strategic change efforts. An integrative and Phone: +91 80 2699 3047 (o) +91 80 2699 3034 (r) Testimonial on research in Women and Leadership:
• Sustaining Strategic Change and Transformations
multidisciplinary approach will be utilised to analyse and Linkedin Profile: https://in.linkedin.com/pub/ganesh- http://www.dbwc.ae/testimonial
critique core change management issues, including the Participant Profile prabhu/10/498/8b6
processes involved in planning and implementing both Programme Directors
incremental and discontinuous changes and in reviewing Middle to senior level managers who are likely to lead or Ganesh N. Prabhu (IIM Bangalore)
be part of major change efforts within their organizations. Jayashree Payyazhi is Associate Dean
and sustaining the change. Participants will develop Jayashree Payyazhi (University of Wollongong in Dubai)
Teams leading change in companies are encouraged to (Education) and Associate Professor
insights on the process of strategic change management
join the program together – they can review the handouts (HR) at the University of Wollongong Venue:
and develop skills to deploy change in an integrated Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
and readings together during the program and engage in Dubai (UOWD). The University of
and strategic manner through conducting diagnoses
with the learning process through active and synergistic Wollongong (UOW) is the leading
with a focus on internal and external alignment issues. Last date for registration: 8 August, 2016
participation to achieve the learning outcomes for the institution in Australia and for the ninth
Participants will also learn how to manage people issues
course. year UOW is ranked in the top 1%
at every step of the change process by navigating around Programme Charges*
of universities in the world in the QS
power, politics and stakeholder management issues, Residential: Rs. 75,000/- (subject to availability of rooms
Programme Schedule World University Rankings Graduate Employers survey.
through utilising appropriate intervention strategies at on campus)
Jayashree received her PhD in Organisational Behaviour
individual, group and organisational levels. Strategic Non-residential: Rs. 69,000/-
Participants are requested to arrive at IIMB on the from Delhi University, India and her areas of specialisation
changes often fail due to inadequate measurement
previous day as sessions will start at 9.00 am on day one include Change Management, Human Resource Early bird cut-off date: 28-July-16
processes and the program will help participants
and will end at 5.00 pm on day three. There will be fifteen Development and Performance Management. With an Residential: Rs. 71,250/-
understand how to use integrated and strategic tools
sessions of 75 minutes duration over the three days with outcome-centred approach to teaching, Jayashree Non-residential: Rs. 65,550/-
throughout the change process, to ensure continuous
five sessions per day. Participants may plan to leave only has won several Teaching Awards including ITC Award
strategic alignment. A case-based and outcome Please Note: *Please add service tax at prevailing rates
after 5.00 p.m. on the third day. Do not book return flights for Excellence in Teaching and Related Duties (2010-
centered approach will be utilized to deliver the sessions to the programme fee.
that depart earlier than 8.30 pm on the last day as it takes 11), Excellence in Teaching Award, UOWD (2009-10),
with a focus on developing skills to become reflective
about two hours to reach the Bangalore airport from IIMB and Highly Commended in Recognition of Excellence in Group discount (10%) may be availed for a group of 5 or
practitioners of change.
campus. Teaching and Related Duties by ITC group of Companies, more participants from an organization for a programme,
Themes Covered a UOW Enterprise (2008). Dr Jayashree’s research on upfront payment before the start of the programme.
interests are in the areas of Managing and Measuring
Strategic Change and Women in Leadership and she All enrollments are subject to review and approval by the
• Strategic Thinking for Leading Strategic Change
has won both National and International Research programme director. Joining Instructions will be shared
• Recognizing the Need for Change and Starting the
Grants including the UAE National Research Foundation with the organization if sponsored or to the participants
Change Process
– Industry Research Collaboration Award 2015-16. She on selection. Kindly do not make your travel plans
• Diagnosing Change to Assess Strategic Alignment
has presented several scholarly and practitioner papers unless you receive the offer letter from IIMB.
• Preparing and Planning to Implement: Power, Politics
at reputed national and international conferences and her A certificate of participation will be awarded
work has been published in leading journals including the to the participant by IIMB on completion of the
International Journal of Human Resource Management programme.
The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) has been ranked for the eighth successive year as
the No. 1 Business School in Central Asia by Eduniversal, a French Consultancy Group. IIMB has obtained the
European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) accreditation awarded by the European Foundation for Management
Development (EFMD). Established in 1973, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore today offers a range of post-
graduate and doctoral level courses as well as executive education programmes. With a faculty body from amongst
the best universities worldwide, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore is fast emerging as a leader in the area of
management research, education and consulting.

IIMB’s distinctive feature is its strong focus on leadership and entrepreneurial skills that are necessary to succeed in
today’s dynamic business environment.

IIMB has been ranked among the Top-50 global schools by the Financial Times Executive Education Rankings 2015.
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore is the only B-school from India to figure in this elite list.


Please logon to IIMB website www.iimb.ernet.in/eep

for registering online. Do feel free to get back to us if
you should have any clarification.

Executive Education Programmes

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560 076
Phone: +91 - 80 - 2699 3264 / 3475
Fax: +91 - 80 - 2658 4004 / 4050

E-mail: openpro@iimb.ernet.in

For more details on IIMB Executive Education,

please visit:
The programme fee should be received at the Executive
Education Office before the programme commencement
date. In case of cancellations, the fee will be refunded only
if a request is received at least 15 days prior to the start of
the programme. If a nomination is not accepted, the fee will
be refunded to the person / organization concerned.


Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560 076
Phone: +91-80-2699 3264/3475 | Fax: +91-80-2658 4004/4050
E-mail: openpro@iimb.ernet.in Go to IIMB website

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