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Over the past few years, the increasing demand for natural products in the food in-
dustry has encouraged remarkable efforts towards the development of biotechnological
processes for the production of flavour compounds. The present paper reviews the recent
major achievements reported in this field, with a special emphasis on the potential lying in
plant cell, microbial cultures and enzyme technology for the production of a wide range of
flavours. The use of solid-state fermentation as a means to improve economical feasibility
of these processes is also considered.
*Corresponding author; Phone: ++34 986 812 383; Fax: ++34 986 812 380; E-mail: sanroman@uvigo.es; Website: webs.uvigo.es/bioprocesos/
336 M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006)
Yeasts, fungi, bacteria
designed processes
ents such as sugars and aminoacids. This capability may Plant Cell Cultures
be used in two different ways:
Plant cell cultures appear as a viable method to pro-
• in situ flavour generation, as an integral part of food duce a wide range of flavours and aromas characteristic
or beverage production processes (i.e. cheese, yogurt, of their plant origin (Table 1, 7–16). This approach is based
beer, wine) which determines the organoleptic char- on the unique biochemical and genetic capacity, and the
acteristics of the final product, totipotency of plant cells (17–19). Every cell of a plant
• microbial cultures specifically designed to obtain aro- culture contains the genetic information necessary to
ma compounds that can be isolated and used later produce numerous chemical components that constitute
as additives in food manufacture. This strategy al- natural flavour. Feeding intermediates of the biosynthe-
lows the obtained flavours to be labelled as natural. tic pathway can enhance the production of flavour me-
tabolites by precursor biotransformation. Some authors
In both cases, precursors or intermediates can be ad- (20,21) summarised the advantages of plant cell culture
ded to the culture medium in order to promote the bio- technology over conventional agricultural production,
synthesis of specific flavours. Also, the information ob- pointing out the following aspects:
tained through the investigation of microbial metabolism
in food fermentation processes could be utilized to de-
velop suitable production systems for particular flavour Table 1. Flavours from plant cell cultures
additives. On the other hand, enzyme technology offers
a very promising option for natural flavour biosynthesis. Products Plant species Refe-
A number of enzymes (i.e. lipases, proteases, glucosida- rences
ses) catalyse the production of aroma-related compounds 2,3-butanedione, Agastache rugosa (7)
from precursor molecules. The use of enzyme-catalysed (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal and
reactions has the notable advantage of providing higher (E,Z)-2,6-nonadien-1-ol
stereoselectivity than chemical routes. Besides, the prod- Apple aroma Malus silvestris (8)
ucts thus obtained may possess the legal status of natu- Cinnamic acid Nicotiana tabacum
ral substances. Caryophyllen Lindera strychnifolia
Although a considerable amount of current research Basmati flavour Oryza sativa (9)
focuses on the production of food flavour and aroma Cocoa flavour Theobromo cacao (10)
compounds, at the moment only a few are obtained by
Flavanol Polygonum hydropiper (11)
biotechnological routes. The aim of this paper is to re-
view the current state of the art on bioprocesses for the Garlic Allium sativum (12)
production of food flavours. The most relevant achieve- Monoterpenes Perilla frutescens (13)
ments related to plant cell and microbial flavour pro- Onion Allium cepa (14)
duction, as well as enzyme-catalysed protocols are de-
Triterpenoid Glycyrrhiza glabra (15)
scribed. Finally, new approaches aiming to circumvent glandulifera
economic restrictions in biotechnological food aroma
Vanillin Vanilla planifolia (16)
production are analysed.
M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006) 337
In some cases, diacetyl can contribute to off-flavours tery and coconut-like flavour notes provided by these
(i.e. beer production) and strategies should be designed compounds are generally considered as desirable in dai-
to avoid their formation. Kronlof and Linko (37) pro- ry products. However, the presence of lactones may con-
posed the use of genetically modified brewer’s yeast en- tribute to the stale flavour of heated milk, although to a
coding a-acetolactate decarboxylase in immobilised yeast lesser extent than ketones. The compound 6-pentyl-2-
bioreactors for the main fermentation of beer, promoting -pyrone provides a coconut aroma, highly desired by
the direct conversion of a-acetolactate to acetoin without flavourists. It was found by Collin and Halim (42) to be
the formation of diacetyl. Also, Sandine et al. (38) assayed the major volatile constituent in cultures of the fungus
the addition of a crude diacetyl reductase from Aerobac- Trichoderma viride. Other fungi such as Tyromyces sambu-
ter aerogenes as a means to remove diacetyl and 2,3-pen- ceus and Cladosporium suaveolens efficiently generate the
tadione from beer by conversion to flavourless acetoin. coconut-flavoured lactones g-decalactone and d-dodeca-
lactone from ricinoleic acid and linoleic acid, respectively
Lactones (43,44).
Lactones are cyclic esters of primarily g- and d-hy- Yeasts such as Candida tropicalis or Yarrowia lipolytica
droxy acids, and they are ubiquitously found in food, degraded ricinoleic acid to C16, C14 and C12 acids and,
contributing to taste and flavour nuances such as fruity, interestingly, accumulated d-decalactone, which exhibits
coconut-like, buttery, creamy, sweet or nutty. The possi- fruity and oily notes important in the formulation of
bility of producing a lactone using a biotechnological peach, apricot or strawberry aromas. However, the yields
route was discovered in the 1960s by the group of Okui of this biotransformation are commonly poor, and they
(39,40) during the investigation of hydroxyacid catabo- rarely reach concentrations over 4 to 5 g/L in the fer-
lism by several organisms. Dimick et al. (41) stated in mentation broth (45). Wache et al. (46) investigated the
their review that raw milk does not contain free lac- enzymes involved in g-decalactone production by Yarro-
tones, which only appear after heating. The milky, but- wia lipolytica, and encountered the reasons for low yields.
M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006) 339
duction (62). To enhance the productivity of the biocon- metabolism of ferulic acid in some microorganisms has
version of 2-phenylalanine by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a also been investigated (80,81).
novel in situ product recovery strategy was proposed by
Serp et al. (64). An organic solvent (dibutyl sebacate) Benzaldehyde
was entrapped within a polyethylene matrix, in order to
It is the second most important molecule after vanil-
form a highly absorbent, chemically and mechanically
lin for its use in cherry and other natural fruit flavours.
stable composite resin. The use of this technique in-
The world consumption of benzaldehyde amounts to
creased twofold the volumetric productivity of 2-phe-
approximately 7000 tonnes per year (82). Natural benz-
nylethanol and significantly facilitated downstream pro-
aldehyde is generally extracted from fruit kernels such
cessing. Fabre et al. (65) screened 21 yeast strains for
as apricots, leading to the undesirable formation of the
2-phenylethanol production. Amongst the different 2-phe-
toxic hydrocyanic acid. Nowadays, the fermentation of
nylethanol producers, Kluyveromyces marxianus was out-
natural substrates is an alternative route to the produc-
standing, which makes this strain a promising candidate
tion of benzaldehyde without harmful by-products. How-
to be applied in an industrial process. Moreover, K. mar-
ever, benzaldehyde is toxic towards microbial metabo-
xianus has several advantages such as (66):
lism and its accumulation in the culture medium may
• it shows optimal production characteristics (65),
strongly inhibit cell growth (83). For this reason, only a
• 2-phenylethanol production depends on the medium few microorganisms have been reported as benzalde-
and temperature used (67), hyde producers. Amongst them, the bacterium Pseudo-
• K. marxianus is Crabtree-negative, which is an ad- monas putida (84–86) and the white rot fungi Trametes
vantage for scale production processes, because the suaveolens, Polyporus tuberaster, Bjerkandera adusta and
production of toxic by-products (i.e. ethanol) under Phanerochaete chrysosporium (87–90) are mentioned as
aerobic conditions can be avoided (68). biocatalysts in the biosynthesis of benzaldehyde from
phenylalanine. Park and Jung (91) proposed the use of
Vanillin calcium alginate-encapsulated whole-cell enzymes from
P. putida for the production of benzaldehyde from ben-
Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) is a uni-
zoylformate. This allowed the accumulation of benzal-
versally appreciated flavour chemical that occurs in Va-
dehyde in the capsule core, minimising its subsequent
nilla planifolia beans. It is widely used in foods, bever-
transformation to benzyl alcohol by the action of alcohol
ages, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, and in various medical
dehydrogenase, and thus providing continuous produc-
industries (69).
tion of benzaldehyde until reactant exhaustion.
Chemically synthesized vanillin accounts nowadays
for more than 99 % of the total market share (70), but
Methyl ketone
there is an increasing demand for natural vanillin. Di-
rect extraction from vanilla beans is expensive and lim- The methyl ketones, 2-heptanone, 2-nonanone, and
ited by plant supply, which makes this compound a pro- 2-undecanone, are the largest contributors to stale fla-
mising target for biotechnological flavour production. vour in UHT milk (92). Moio et al. (93) similarly report
Vanillin is an intermediate in the microbial degradation that 2-heptanone and 2-nonanone are the most powerful
of several substrates, such as ferulic acid, phenolic stil- odorants in UHT milk. These methyl ketones are aromas
benes, lignin, eugenol and isoeugenol. The conversion of employed in a wide range of flavouring applications, es-
natural eugenol and isoeugenol from essential oils into pecially those related to blue cheese and fruit flavours
vanillin has been investigated using microbial and enzy- (94). There is not much information on microbial pro-
matic biotransformations (71–75). Strains including Pseu- duction of these compounds, although Janssens et al. (3)
domonas putida, Aspergillus niger, Corynebacterium glutami- mention in their review the methyl ketone-producing
cum, Corynebacterium sp., Arthrobacter globiformis and Serratia ability of Agaricus bisporus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium
marcescens (69) can also convert eugenol or isoeugenol to roqueforti and Trichoderma viride TS.
A two-step bioconversion process using filamentous
Enzyme-Catalysed Reactions
fungi was developed by Lesage-Meessen et al. (76,77) to
transform ferulic acid into vanillin. First, Aspergillus ni- Chemical synthesis of food aromas is nowadays un-
ger transformed ferulic acid to vanillic acid, and then der question, due to drawbacks such as poor reaction
vanillic acid was reduced to vanillin by Pycnoporus cin- selectivity leading to undesirable side reactions, low
nabarinus. Bonnin et al. (78) showed that the yield of va- yields, pollution, high manufacturing costs, and impos-
nillin may be significantly increased by adding cellobi- sibility of labelling the resulting products as natural. Be-
ose to P. cinnabarinus culture medium, due to the decrease sides, many compounds used for flavouring exist as op-
in oxidative decarboxylation of vanillic acid. tical isomers with different flavour characteristics, and
The importance of ferulic acid as precursor of va- resolution of racemic mixtures is usually difficult to
nillin has brought about a number of efforts in the in- achieve chemically. On the other hand, the use of en-
vestigation of its production. Feruloyl esterase has been zyme-catalysed reactions circumvents many of these pro-
identified as the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of fe- blems, due to the substrate specificity, regio- and enan-
rulic acid, and some researchers have studied the pro- tioselectivity of these biocatalysts, which can be utilized
duction of this enzyme in microbial cultures of several at mild reaction conditions. By choosing the suitable en-
fungi grown on different pretreated cereal brans, such as zymes, enantiomerically pure flavour compounds can be
wheat, maize, rice bran and sugar cane bagasse (79). The obtained in one step, thus increasing process efficiency
M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006) 341
and lowering downstream costs. Moreover, flavours ob- good results for lipases from Rhizomucor miehei, Aspergil-
tained through biocatalysis can be considered as natural lus niger and Aspergillus javanicus. The reaction conditions
products. (i.e. temperature and lyophilizing pH) were optimized
A number of enzymes may directly produce flavour in isooctane, and the kinetic parameters determined.
molecules by hydrolysis of larger progenitors. Also, re- Also, Candida rugosa lipase was selected to catalyse the
cent developments on biocatalysis in unconventional esterification of L-menthol with long-chain unsaturated
media have made possible the utilisation of hydrolytic fatty acids in a solvent-free system in order to moderate
enzymes to specifically catalyse the synthesis of a num- its strong flavour. The enzyme acted strongly on L-men-
ber of valuable compounds (95). This strategy can be ap- thol and very weakly on D-menthol (101). On the other
plied for the production of food aromas, as is the case of hand, some lipases show only moderate enantioselecti-
ester synthesis by lipases in low water-content media. vity, as is the case of Candida antarctica lipase fraction B
The most commonly used enzyme applications related towards chiral short-chain carboxylic acids (97).
to the production of aroma compounds are described Kinetics of lipase-catalysed esterification and trans-
below in some detail. esterification reactions has been investigated in detail by
some authors. The synthesis of geranyl acetate by trans-
esterification catalysed by immobilised Mucor miehei lipase
Lipolytic enzymes
in supercritical carbon dioxide and n-hexane appeared
One of the most promising applications of enzyme to follow a ping pong bi bi model with inhibition by ex-
technology in the food aroma field is the use of reversed cess of geraniol (102,103). A ping pong bi bi model with
lipolysis in low water-content systems (95) in order to competitive substrate inhibition and dead-end inhibition
carry out esterification or transesterification reactions for by acetic acid was also reported for geranyl acetate for-
the production of esters from inexpensive raw materials mation by Candida cylindracea lipase-catalysed esterifica-
(i.e. fatty acids and alcohols). A number of lipases have tion in organic solvent (104,105).
been tested for their ability to promote ester synthesis in Ester synthesis reactions are carried out in low-wa-
low-water content media, such as those from Candida ter content media. The most commonly used systems
cylindracea, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Mucor miehei, Asper- are organic solvents such as n-hexane (97,99,102,103,106–
gillus sp., Rhizopus arrhizus and Candida rugosa, amongst 110), n-heptane (111), cyclohexane (112) or isooctane (100,
others. The influence of variables such as reagent or en- 105). The choice of solvent has been found to be signifi-
zyme characteristics and concentrations, temperature, wa- cant, and a relationship was suggested between solvent
ter content or solvent properties have been thoroughly polarity, expressed in terms of log P, and reaction con-
studied in many cases. Also, the improvement of en- version. Highly hydrophobic solvents are preferred be-
zyme substrate specificity and the use of new solvents cause they do not penetrate the water layer surrounding
are under investigation. the enzyme surface, which favours maintenance of its
Lipases are usually highly specific, which makes es- active stereoconfiguration (104,111). However, although
terification between carboxylic acids and alcohols de- high reaction yields can be obtained in the presence of
pendent on alcohol and/or acid chain length. Kumar et organic solvents, mass transfer limitations often result in
al. (96) studied the esterification of fatty acids of differ- relatively low reaction rates.
ent chain lengths with isoamyl alcohol with three differ- An important aspect to consider when esterification
ent commercial lipases. Candida antarctica lipase fraction reactions are carried out in organic solvents is the fact
B showed substrate specificity involving both acids (short- that water is produced during the reaction and its accu-
-chain fatty acids having linear and branched chain struc- mulation could cause a progressive decrease in yields.
tures, as well as unsaturated fatty acids), and alcohols Although small amounts of water are required to main-
(n-butyl, isopentyl, 2-phenylethyl and geraniol) when tain the active conformation of the enzymes, low water
the synthesis of esters in n-hexane was considered (97). activities are necessary to promote ester synthesis reac-
The conversion rate for isoamyl acetate, propionate, bu- tions. Some strategies have been proposed to remove ex-
tyrate and octanoate synthesis with crude hog pancreas cess water from the reaction media, such as the applica-
lipase under solvent-free conditions and in supercritical tion of salt hydrates (113), circulation of the reaction
carbon dioxide increased with increasing carbon chain mixture through a packed column filled with water-ad-
length for even-carbon acids, and higher yields were sorbing materials (114), pervaporation (115), sparging of
found for isoamyl propionate (98). Macedo et al. (99) dry inert gas (116) or continuous water removal by het-
found that the size of the aliphatic chain from the acyl ero-azeotropic distillation (117).
donor was important for conversion rate, when produc- Enzymatic synthesis of esters can also be carried out
tion of citronellyl esters by direct esterification and trans- in solvent-free systems, in which the reaction medium
esterification catalysed by a novel microbial lipase from involves a reactant itself (i.e. an alcohol) as a solvent.
a locally isolated Rhizopus sp. strain was assessed. The avoidance of the organic solvent is of great interest
As indicated above, enantiomeric selectivity of the for food applications, since the costs and toxicity prob-
enzymes can be an important feature for the synthesis of lems associated with its recovery could be eliminated.
food aromas. For instance, only the (S)-form of 2-me- Some works illustrate the feasibility of solvent-free sys-
thylbutanoic acid methyl ester (main flavour component tems for lipase-catalysed ester synthesis reactions, and
of apple or strawberry) has the characteristic fruit fla- high yields have been reported (96,98,99,101,118–121).
vour. Kwon et al. (100) investigated the ability of a num- Nevertheless, mass transfer limitations and the subse-
ber of lipases to catalyse enantiomeric selective synthe- quent low reaction rates may also occur in this case, due
sis of (S)-2-methylbutanoic acid methyl ester, and found to the characteristic heterogeneity of the reactions (li-
342 M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006)
pases are insoluble in organic solvents, including alco- mum formulation of the sol-gel solution for enzyme activ-
hols). ity was investigated, and excellent thermal and opera-
Supercritical fluids are defined as fluids above their tional stability of the immobilised biocatalyst were found.
critical temperature and pressure, having liquid-like den- The esterification reaction between geraniol and acetic
sities and gas-like diffusivities. Therefore, they appear as acid in anhydrous hexane was assayed. Lipase coating
suitable solvents for enzymatic reactions with mass- with surfactants (i.e. Span 85) as a means to facilitate re-
-transfer limitations, allowing increased conversions for covery and repeated use of the enzyme, due to the de-
very low enzyme loadings and substrate concentrations. creased solubility in organic solvents, was also assessed
Also, the solubilities of reactants and products are de- for the catalysis of geranyl acetate formation by esteri-
pendent on pressure and temperature of the system, fication (104,105).
which would help to integrate reaction and downstream The use of enzymes produced by thermotolerant or
processing into a single step. Supercritical carbon diox- thermophilic microorganisms could also help to dimin-
ide (SC-CO2) presents a number of advantages, such as ish the costs associated with the biocatalysts in this kind
low cost, inflammability, nontoxicity, near-ambient criti- of process, since the enzymes provided by these strains
cal temperature (31.1 °C) and moderate critical pressure usually have extremely high thermostability and toler-
(73.8 bar). In view of all this, a number of researchers ance to organic solvents. Alvarez-Macarie and Baratti
have investigated the efficiency of several lipases to ca- (126) assessed the ability of a novel thermostable este-
talyse esterification and/or transesterification reactions in rase from the thermotolerant strain Bacillus licheniformis,
SC-CO2, and in some cases the results were successfully cloned in E. coli, to catalyse the formation of short-chain
compared to those obtained when the reaction was car- flavour esters (ethyl caproate) in n-heptane. The effect
ried out in the presence of organic solvents or in sol- on reaction yield of enzyme concentration, added water,
vent-free systems (96,98,102,103,122). Anyhow, the spe- fatty acid chain length specificity (higher for mid-chain
cific equipment required to operate with supercritical length fatty acids), solvent, substrate concentration and
fluids still hinders extensive commercial application of temperature was investigated. The operational stability
this approach. of the enzyme (i.e. repeated use) was assessed. Also, the
Also, some authors have focused on the location of ability of some Thermus strains to produce thermophilic
enzymes that could be able to synthesize commercially lipolytic enzymes has been reported (127–129). These
interesting esters in aqueous media, thus avoiding the enzymes showed good tolerance to high temperatures
problems associated with organic, solvent-free or super- and organic solvents, which indicates promising charac-
critical systems. Chang et al. (123) confirmed the ability teristics for their application in ester synthesis.
of wild-type and mutant lipases from Staphylococcus epi-
dermidis to catalyse the synthesis of various flavour es- Proteases
ters in aqueous media, and studied the optimum reac-
tion conditions. The enzymes were found to be strongly Oligopeptides are receiving increasing attention due
inactivated by n-hexane, and showed promising speci- to their organoleptic properties and biological activity.
ficity for the synthesis of medium-chain esters, geranyl Relatively short oligopeptides play an important role in
esters and unsaturated esters, although further genetic the sensory appreciation of food, and different sequen-
engineering could be considered to provide activity to- ces can be used to recreate the four basic taste sensa-
wards the synthesis of short-chain esters. tions (sweet, bitter, sour and salty) (130,131).
One of the main drawbacks for industrial applica- Peptides can be obtained by protease-mediated hy-
tion of enzyme-catalysed ester synthesis is the relatively drolysis of proteins. The influence of the original protein
high cost of the biocatalyst. Therefore, enzyme immobi- source and the protease utilized for its hydrolysis on the
lisation strategies have been considered, which would range of obtained peptides and their taste characteristics
allow recovery and reuse of the biocatalyst, and in some has been studied (131). Sawhill (132) reported the pro-
cases would help to increase enzyme thermostability and duction of a nonallergenic peptide product by enzyma-
tolerance to organic solvents. Lipases from several sour- tic hydrolysis of whey protein concentrates with a fun-
ces were immobilised on supports such as Celite 545 gal protease in a two-stage process. The product did not
(122), silica gel 60 (123), nylon (106) or macroporous an- have the bitter taste typically associated with peptides,
ionic resins (102,103), and their efficiency in the catalysis and its potential application for milk replacement prod-
of esterification and/or transesterification reactions in ucts or other food applications was proposed. However,
aqueous, organic, solvent-free or supercritical media was hydrolysis of proteins often results in the formation of
assessed. The characteristics of the immobilisation sup- hydrophobic bitter peptides, which limits the use of pro-
port (i.e. hydrophobicity) were reported to have an in- tein hydrolysates in food products. This bitterness can
fluence on ester synthesis reaction rates in organic sol- be reduced by masking, extraction of bitter peptides or
vents (112). Some novel immobilisation techniques have further hydrolysis with exopeptidases (133).
been proposed, such as magnetic polysiloxane-polyvinyl Protease-catalysed hydrolysis can also influence the
alcohol particles (124), and lipase-containing organic-in- occurrence of other flavour-related compounds. Baek
organic hybrid sol-gel matrices within the pores of poly- and Cadwallader (134) investigated protease treatment
vinyl formal resin plates (125). The former showed high of crayfish-processing byproducts to obtain flavour con-
activity recovery during the covalent immobilisation pro- centrates, and found that the enzymatic treatment al-
cess, and reaction conditions, including substrate selec- lowed an increase in the concentration of benzaldehyde
tivity towards organic acids and alcohols, were studied and pyrazines. Aaslyng et al. (135) studied protease-me-
using heptane as solvent. With respect to the latter, opti- diated catalysis as an alternative for the production of
M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006) 343
Solid-State Fermentation SSF was carried out using coffee husk as a substrate by
this strain. Compounds such as acetaldehyde, ethanol,
Numerous microorganisms are capable of synthesiz- ethyl acetate (the major compound produced), ethyl iso-
ing potentially valuable flavour compounds and en- butyrate, isobutyl acetate, isoamyl acetate and ethyl-3-
zymes used in flavour manufacturing. However, yields -hexanoate were identified in the headspace of the cul-
are often disappointingly low, which hampers extensive tures. The addition of leucine increased ethyl acetate and
industrial application. In the last decades there has been isoamyl acetate production, and then a strong odour of
an increasing trend towards the utilisation of the solid- banana was detected. Bramorski et al. (173) and Christen
-state fermentation (SSF) technique to produce several et al. (174) described the production of volatile com-
bulk chemicals and enzymes. SSF has been known from pounds such as acetaldehyde and 3-methylbutanol by
ancient times (approximately 2600 BC), and typical ex- the edible fungus Rhizopus oryzae during SSF on tropical
amples of this technique are traditional fermentations agroindustrial substrates.
such as Japanese »koji«, Indonesian »tempeh« and French The production of 6-pentyl-a-pyrone (6-PP), an un-
»blue cheese«. saturated lactone with a strong coconut-like aroma, was
SSF is defined as any fermentation process per- studied using liquid and solid substrates by de Araujo
formed on a nonsoluble material that acts both as physi- et al. (197). Sugarcane bagasse was adequate for growth
cal support and source of nutrients in absence of free and aroma production; it has been demonstrated that,
flowing liquid (148). This technique reproduces natural by solid-state fermentation process, it is possible to pro-
microbiological processes like composting and ensiling. duce 6-PP at higher concentration than that reported in
The low moisture content means that fermentation can literature for submerged process.
only be carried out by a limited number of microorgan- Kluyveromyces marxianus produced fruity aroma com-
isms, mainly yeasts and fungi, although some bacteria pounds in SSF using cassava bagasse or giant palm bran
have also been used (149). In recent years, SSF has re- (Opuntia ficus indica) as a substrate (198). In this report,
ceived more and more interest from researchers, since several parameters were studied such as initial substrate
several studies on enzymes (150), flavours (151), colou- pH, addition of glucose, cultivation temperature, initial
rants (152) and other substances of interest to the food substrate moisture and inoculum size. The analysis
industry have shown that SSF may lead to higher yields showed the production of nine and eleven compounds
or better product characteristics than submerged fer- from palm bran and cassava bagasse substrate, respec-
mentation (SmF). In addition, costs are much lower due tively, including alcohols, esters and aldehydes. In both
to the efficient utilisation and value-addition of wastes cases, two species remained unidentified, and ethyl ace-
(153). The main drawback of this type of cultivation con- tate, ethanol and acetaldehyde were the major com-
cerns the scaling-up of the process, largely due to heat pounds produced. Similar aroma composition was de-
transfer and culture homogeneity problems (154). How- tected in solid-state cultures of K. marxianus in a packed
ever, research attention has been directed towards the de- bed column bioreactor. Cassava bagasse was found to be
velopment of designs such as mixed solid-state bioreac- a suitable substrate for this yeast culture in the biore-
tor (155), rotating drum bioreactor (156) and immersion actor. The influence of the aeration rate on the produc-
bioreactor (157), which overcome these difficulties. tion of volatiles and the correlation between growth and
Food and agricultural wastes are produced in huge volatile compound generation were demonstrated (165).
amounts, and since they are rich in carbohydrates and SSF was found to be very suitable for the produc-
other nutrients, they can serve as a substrate for the pro- tion of pyrazines. Besson et al. (170) and Larroche et al.
duction of bulk chemicals and enzymes using SSF tech- (171) studied the biosynthesis of 2,5-dimethylpyrazine
nique. The nature of the solid substrate employed is a (2,5-DMP) and tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) using SSF cul-
very important feature. However, the solid substrate not tures of Bacillus subtilis on soybeans. Production of dairy
only supplies the nutrients to the culture but also serves flavour compounds, such as butyric acid, lactic acid and
as an anchorage site for the microbial cells, and other diacetyl in mixed cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus and
factors such as particle size and moisture level/water Pediococcus pentosaceus growing on a semisolid maize-
activity are critical (158–161). SSF could be potentially -based culture, has been reported (164). Soccol et al. (199)
useful for the production of flavour compounds (162, studied the synthesis of lactic acid by Rhizopus oryzae in
163). Feron et al. (151) reviewed the prospects of micro- SSF with sugarcane bagasse as a support. They obtained
bial production of food flavours and the recommended a slightly higher productivity than in submerged culti-
SSF processes for their manufacture. vation. Moreover, lactic acid production by lactic acid
Several researchers have studied SSF production of bacteria Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus amylophi-
aroma compounds by several microorganisms (Table 3, lus GV6 under SSF conditions using sweet sorghum and
164–195), such as Neurospora sp. (167), Zygosaccharomyces wheat bran as both support and substrate, respectively,
rouxii (168) and Aspergillus sp. (172), using pre-gelati- have been investigated (200–202).
nised rice, miso and cellulose fibres, respectively. Bra- It is known that several methylketones such as 2-un-
morski et al. (196) compared fruity aroma production by decanone, 2-nonanone and 2-heptanone are produced at
Ceratocystis fimbriata in solid-state cultures using several commercial scale by SSF from Aspergillus niger using co-
agroindustrial wastes (cassava bagasse, apple pomace, conut fat as substrate with a yield of 40 % (3). Several
amaranth and soybean), and found that the medium methods have been developed in order to enable vanil-
with cassava bagasse, apple pomace or soybean pro- lin and furanone or pyranone derivatives of natural ori-
duced a strong fruity aroma. Soares et al. (169) also re- gin to be produced from agricultural wastes (Fig. 2). The
ported the production of strong pineapple aroma when basic process combines enzyme degradation of plant cell
M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006) 345
Substrates Microorganisms Product
Aroma compounds
Semisolid maize Pediococcus pentosaceus Butter flavour (164)
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Cassava bagasse and giant palm bran Kluyveromyces marxianus Fruity aroma (165)
Cassava bagasse, apple pomace, amaranth Ceratocystis fimbriata Fruity aroma (166)
and soybean
Pre-gelatinized rice Neurospora sp. Fruity aroma (167)
Miso Zygosaccharomyces rouxii HEMF (168)
Coffee husk Ceratocystis fimbriata Pineapple aroma (169)
Soybeans Bacillus subtilis Pyrazine (170,171)
Rice koji Aspergillus oryzae Volatile compounds (172)
Tropical agroindustrial substrates Rhizopus oryzae Volatile compounds (173,174)
Coconut coir pith Aspergillus niger b-glucosidase (175)
Cranberry pomace Lentinus edodes b-glucosidase (176)
Wheat straw Neurospora crassa b-glucosidase (177)
Sugar beet pulp Aspergillus niger Feruloyl esterase (178)
Wheat bran, maize bran, rice bran and Aspergillus flavipes Feruloyl esterase (79)
sugarcane bagasse Phanerochaete sp.
Trametes sp.
Corn cobs Sporotrichum thermophile Feruloyl esterase, and (179)
p-coumaroyl esterase
Wheat bran, rice husk, saw dust, Vibrio costicola L-glutaminase (180)
coconut oil cake
Olive cake and sugar cane bagasse Rhizopus rhizopodiformis Lipase (181)
Rhizomucor pusillus
Babassu oil cake Penicillium restrictum Lipase (182)
Barley bran, triturated nut Yarrowia lipolytica Lipase (183)
Coconut oil cake Candida rugosa Lipase (184)
Coconut oil cake, groundnut and sesame, Aspergillus sp. Lipase (185)
bombay rawa, soya beans, wheat rawa
Gingelly oil cake Aspergillus niger Lipase (186)
GYP medium Aspergillus oryzae Lipase (187)
Peanut press-cake Neurospora sitophila Lipase (188)
Rhizopus oligosporus
Soy cake Penicillium simplicissimum Lipase (189)
Vegetable oil refinery residue Penicillium citrinum Lipase (190)
Wheat bran Penicillium candidum Lipase (191)
Wheat straw Penicillium pinophilum Phenolic acid esterase (192)
Green gram husk Bacillus circulans Protease (193)
Soy cake Bacillus subtilis Protease (194)
Wheat bran, rice husk, rice bran, spent Aspergillus oryzae Protease (195)
brewing grain, coconut oil cake, palm
kernel cake, sesame oil cake, jackfruit
seed powder and olive oil cake
walls and fungal fermentations. Ferulic acid (precursor) cinnabarinus to obtain vanillin from vanillic acid. Several
is released from agricultural wastes using polysaccha- wastes such as beet pulp and cereal bran (maize, wheat)
ride-degrading enzymes and specific ferulic acid ester- have been examined (79,203).
ases. Then, ferulic acid is directly converted to vanillin The usefulness of SSF in the field of food aroma ma-
by a selected basidiomycete, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, or nufacturing does not only concern the direct microbial
by a two-step process using first Aspergillus niger to trans- synthesis of these compounds, but also the production
form the ferulic acid into vanillic acid, then Pycnoporus of biocatalysts that could be used in alternative enzy-
346 M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006)
matic synthesis methods (Table 3). One of the limitations bioreactors and molasses-supplemented medium were
for extensive industrial application of microbial enzymes 30 % higher than in tray-type reactor.
is their cost, which is determined by the production Few researchers, though, have investigated the syn-
yields, downstream processing requirements and en- thesis of lipases by yeasts using this culture mode.
zyme stability (204). Therefore, it is of interest to in- Amongst them, Bhusan et al. (210) reported lipase pro-
crease the productivity of the fermentation processes by duction in SSF system by an alkalophilic yeast strain be-
optimisation of culture conditions. Since the raw materi- longing to Candida sp. Rice bran and wheat bran, oiled
als employed in the culture medium contribute to the with different concentrations of rice bran oil, were used
total production costs (205), the reduction in the sub- as substrates, and the former was found to provide
strate expenditure would be a suitable strategy to in- higher lipase yields. Rao et al. (211) determined that the
crease the productivity of the process. SSF has been C/N ratio of the medium is an important parameter for
shown to be particularly suitable for the production of lipase production by the yeast Candida rugosa in solid-
enzymes by filamentous fungi, since it reproduces the -state culture. Benjamin and Pandey (184,212–214) culti-
natural living conditions for such microorganisms. Thus, vated C. rugosa on coconut oil cake for lipase production
SSF holds tremendous potential for the production of using SSF and SmF systems, obtaining higher enzyme
enzymes. Viniegra-González et al. (206) compared the production in the former. Recently, Domínguez et al. (183)
productivity of the production for three fungal enzymes, reported a great potential of food and agroindustrial
using SSF and SmF techniques. They reported that the wastes (ground nut and barley bran) as support-sub-
higher titres found in SSF, compared to SmF, were due strates for lipase production in solid-state cultures of the
to the fact that SSF cultivation works as a fed batch cul- yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, since they led to much higher
ture with fast oxygenation but slow sugar supply and, activities than those found using an inert support.
in addition, has the added advantage of being a static
process without mechanical energy expenditures. Glucosidases are also relevant enzymes for the pro-
duction of food flavours. Many fungi have been found
As previously described, lipolytic enzymes are out- to be capable of producing β-glucosidases during solid-
standing in terms of their applicability to flavour pro- -state fermentation on lignocellulosic wastes (215–217).
duction (i.e. esters). In recent years, increasing attention
In an attempt to find a food-grade β-glucosidase capable
has been paid to the conversion of processing industry
of efficiently hydrolyzing bound phenolic compounds,
wastes into lipase by solid-state cultures. There are sev-
Zheng and Shetty (176) reported cranberry pomace as a
eral reports dealing with extracellular lipase production
potential substrate for producing food-grade phenolics
by fungi such as Rhizopus sp., Aspergillus sp. and Peni-
and fungal β-glucosidase by Lentinus edodes during solid-
cillium sp. on different solid substrates such as gingelly
-state fermentation. The L. edodes β-glucosidase showed
oil cake, babassu oil cake, olive cake, soy cake and sugar
good stability and tolerance to low pH and therefore has
cane bagasse (181,182,185,186,189,190,207). Comparative
potential applications in wine and juice processing for
studies between SmF and SSF systems for lipase produc-
aroma and flavour enrichment through enzymatic hy-
tion by fungi (187,207,208) showed that enzyme yields
drolysis of glucoside precursors.
were higher and more stable in SSF. Moreover, Castilho
et al. (205) performed a detailed economic analysis of the Several researchers have investigated the produc-
production of Penicillium restrictum lipase in both SmF tion of proteases by bacteria and fungi in SSF cultures.
and SSF. This study pointed out that the great advan- In a recent report, Sandhya et al. (195) demonstrated the
tage of SSF processes resides in their low cost. Recently, superiority of SSF over SmF in protease production by
this research group has determined the cultivation con- Aspergillus oryzae. Various agroindustrial residues (wheat
ditions and operation of tray and packed-bed bioreac- bran, rice husk, rice bran, spent brewing grain, coconut
tors for lipase production by Penicillium simplicissimum oil cake, palm kernel cake, sesame oil cake, jackfruit seed
under SSF using babassu cake as a basal medium (209). powder and olive oil cake) were tested for protease pro-
Maximum lipase activities obtained using packed-bed duction, wheat bran being the best substrate. In the opti-
M.A. LONGO and M.A. SANROMÁN: Production of Food Aroma Compounds, Food Technol. Biotechnol. 44 (3) 335–353 (2006) 347
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