pigeons were observed throughout the summers of and study of the biomass increase of nestlings of two
our study period 2003-2005. of the human associated bird species. M.Sc. thesis,
Kinnaird College for Women Lahore, 2001)
New summer record recorded first arrival of Koel in Lahore at Jallo
Blossom headed parakeet Psittacula Recreational Park on 9th April 2001.
cyanocephala is a winter visitor to Lahore and the One female koel was seen in the lawn of a
vicinity. A flock of this parakeet was observed in bungalow at Mayo Gardens on 17th July 2004. It
June 2004 and July 2004 at Mayo Gardens and was drinking water from the tap sitting beside it in
another flock was observed at Jallo Recreational the lawn. This observation is contrary to the
Park. There is a possibility that these birds might observations of whistler (Handbook of Indian Birds.
have dispersed from their breeding areas to Lahore Cosmo Publications, New Delhi. pp. 1-438, 1986)
and vicinity. Their presence in this season is and Roberts (The birds of Pakistan. vol. l.
unusual. Passeriformes. Oxford University Press, Karachi,
1992) that koel never descends down to the ground.
Early record for a summer migrant
Koel, Eudynamys scolopacea, is a spring and Acknowledgments
summer visitor to Lahore. Its arrival is recorded in Thanks are due to Dr. Abdul Aleem
early April though most of the population arrives in Chaudary for reviewing this communication.
May (Roberts, The birds of Pakistan. vol. 1.
Passeriformes. Oxford University Press, Karachi, Department of Environmental Sciences UZMA SAEED
1992). During the last five years of fieldwork in Kinnaird College for Women NIDA MASOOD
Lahore Z.B. MIRZA
ornithology at Kinnaird College, it has always been
first recorded in mid April. This note records its first (Received 20 February 2006, revised 11 January 2007)
arrival on 18th March 2005. Najam (Dispersal
pattern of avian biodiversity in one of the
southeastern and eastern suburban areas of Lahore