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Part One: Reading: 14 Points

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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

-‫ثانوية محمد الشريف بوسام – برج الغدير‬ ‫اإلختبار األول للثالثي األول في مادة اللغة االنجليزية‬
‫ ساعتان‬: ‫المدة‬ ‫السنة الثالثة لغات أجنبية‬: ‫الشعبة‬
Part one: Reading: 14 points
Read the text carefully then do the activities

Ancient Greece, the homeland of the Greek civilization that flourished in 800- 300 BC. It spread by the
Greek settlement across the Mediterranean (1050- 500 BC) and then across Asia to north- western India
through the conquest of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. Until c 500 BC its main centres were the
Greek cities on the western coast of Asia and the larger islands of the Aegean Sea; from 600 BC onward it
was the mainland city of Athens that was the hub of the Greek world. In these two focal points of Greek
civilization there developed democracy and philosophy, athletics, the theatre, tragedy and comedy, ideas of
freedom, autonomy and the practice of politics.

This civilization arose within the framework of a basic social unit, the city literally called “polis”, which
was not so much a town or city state as a citizen-community. It becomes accessible to us when writings survive
from it, first in the epic poems of Homer (written probably in the mid- 8th century BC) the religious and
practical poetry of Hesiod (dating from the late 8th century BC). The polis arose in Greece in the 8th century
BC and was certainly established by 735 BC. By 800- 750 BC, the Greeks had also invented an alphabet and
begun to be literate. However, both of these fundamental changes occurred late in history of Greek as a
language and of Greek- speakers as settlers in Greece. Their earlier history goes back another 1000 years or
so, it is known only through archaeology.

1)- The text is: (0,5 pt) a- prescriptive b- narrative c- expository

2)- Are the following statements true or false according to the text: (2 pts)
a- The Greek civilization spread through the conquest of Alexander the Great.
b- Athens was not an important city in the Greek world.
c- Democracy was practiced by the Greeks.
d- The Greek did not know writing.

3) - Answer the following questions according to the text: (3 pts)

a- What was the most important Greek city?
b- How did the Greeks call a city?
c- What were the achievements of the Greek civilization?

4) - Choose the most suitable title to the text: (0,5)

a- The Greek Civilization.
b- The Conquests of Alexander the Great.
c- Democracy in Ancient Greece.

5) - What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text: (1 pt)

a- It spread by (§1) =…………… b- Which was not (§2) =…………..
B/ Text exploration 7 points
1) - Match the words with their definitions: (1 pt)
Words Definitions
Archaeology The central and most important part of a particular place or activity.
Civilization A state of human society that is very developed and organized.
Hub That can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc
accessible The study of cultures of the past and of periods of history by examining the remains of
building and objects

2) - Give the opposites of these words by keeping the same root: (1 pt)
Words Opposites

3) - Join the following pairs of sentences using the connector between brackets and make any
necessary change: (1,5 pts)
a- The Muslims left Andalusia in 1492. The Islamic civilization remained an enriching element of the
Spanish cultural heritage. (after)
b- Athens was ruled by a king. Athens was a democratic state. (although)
c- Damascus was a fortified town. It was conquered by Alexander the Great. (despite the fact that)

4) - Use the following words to complete the sentences below: (1,5 pts) had to- used to- were able to
a- In ancient times people …………………worship stones.
b- In the past people………………travel on animals back.
c- The Egyptians …………….produce crops in the fertile soil of the Nile Valley.

5) - Ask questions on the underlined word: (1 pt)

- The Greeks brought artistic creations.

6) - Classify the following according to the pronunciation of the final ‘ed’ (1 pt)
ruled- established- provided- invented.

/t/ /d/ /id/

Part two: Written expression. Choose one of the following topics: 6 points

Topic One: Culture is an important factor in every one’s life. It’s the foundation to a prosperous lifetime. In
order to keep it alive, doing your part to preserve it as extremely necessary:
Use the following notes to write a composition of about 100 words:
- Speak your mother tongue.
- Learn about your religion.
- Attend your country’s national festivals.
- Teach your own children to practice the traditions.

Topic Two: What do you think is the importance behind studying ancient civilization?
Good luck
Correction of the First Term English Exam
level: 3
Part One: A/- Reading Interpretation (7 pts)
1)- The text is: (0,5 pt) b- narrative
2)- Are the following statements true or false according to the text: (2 pts)
a- The Greek civilization spread through the conquest of Alexander the Great. false
b- Athens was not an important city in the Greek world. false
c- Democracy was practiced by the Greeks. true
d- The Greek did not know writing. false
3) - Answer the following questions according to the text: (3 pts)
a- The most important Greek city was Athens.
b- The Greeks called a city “polis”.
c- The achievements of the Greek civilization were: they developed democracy and philosophy and
invented an alphabet and begun to be literate
4) - Choose the most suitable title to the text: (0,5)
a- The Greek Civilization.
5) - What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text: (1 pt)
a- It spread by (§1) = Ancient Greece
b- Which was not (§2)= the city/ polis
B/- Text Exploration: (7 pts)
1)- Match the words with their definitions: (1 pt)
words Definitions
hub The central and most important part of a particular place or activity.
civilization A state of human society that is very developed and organized.
accessible That can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc
archaeology The study of cultures of the past and of periods of history by examining the
remains of building and objects
2) - Give the opposites of these words by keeping the same root: (1 pt)
word opposite
certainly uncertainly
Practice unpracticed
accessible inaccessible
literate illiterate
3) - Join the following pairs of sentences using the connector between brackets and make any
necessary change: (1,5 pts)
a- After the Muslims had left Andalusia in 1492, the Islamic civilization remained an enriching element
of the Spanish cultural heritage.
b- Although Athens was ruled by a king, it was a democratic state.
c- Despite the fact that Damascus was a fortified town, it was conquered by Alexander the Great.
4)- Use the following words to complete the sentences below: (1,5 pts)
had to- used to- were able to
a- In ancient times people used to worship stones.
b- In the past people had to travel on animals back.
c- The Egyptians were able to produce crops in the fertile soil of the Nile Valley.
5)- Ask questions on the underlined word: (1 pt)
- What did the Greeks bring?

5) - Classify the following according to the pronunciation of the final ‘ed’ (1 pt)
ruled- established- provided- invented.
/t/ /d/ /id/
established ruled Provided

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