Syjc Oc Objectives
Syjc Oc Objectives
Syjc Oc Objectives
9. 94 – 113
J. K. SHAH CLASSES S.Y.J.C – Organization Of Commerce
3 Ownership The business assets and All the family members are
properties are owned by the joint owners of business
proprietors. properties
4 Liability The liability of sole trader is Karta’s liability is unlimited.
unlimited Co-parcener’s liability is
5. Financial The financial resources are The funds are more than that
Resources available of a proprietor.
6. Stability It lacks stability since the It is comparatively more stable
existence of sole trading since after the death of Karta,
concern depends upon the the next senior family member
survival of the sole trader takes over as Karta and
continues business activities.
7. Profit and All the profit of the The profit and losses are
losses concerned belong to the sole shared by all the co-parceners.
trader and all losses are to be
borne by him.
8. Management Sole trading concern is Joint Hindu Family business is
managed by sole trader managed by Karta.
3. The sole proprietor is the owner and The management of a Co-operative
manager of the concern. society is based on the democratic
principle of management. The
managing committee is elected by the
members and acts as a representative of
the co-operative society.
4. The sole proprietor is the owner and the A minimum number of 10 members are
only member of the sole trading required for the formation of a Co-
concern. operative society.
5. Profit making is its only motive. Providing service to the members is its
main motive.
Profit and Loss Sharing
6. Profits earned belong wholly to the Profits are distributed in the form of
proprietor as his personal income. dividend. (Max 15% p.a.).
Losses, if any, are also to be borne by
7. The owner of a proprietorship firm has The liability of the members is limited
unlimited liability to the extent of the unpaid amount of
shares held by them.
Legal Status
8. A proprietorship firm doesn't have a Co-operative society has a separate
separate legal status. legal status distinct from its members.
4. There is no maximum limit on the A minimum number of 10 members are
number of members in a Joint Hindu required for the formation of a Co-
Family Business. operative society.
5. Earnings profit it its main motive. Providing service to the members is its
main motive.
6. The liability of the Karta is unlimited The liability of the members is limited
whereas the liability of all the co- to the extent of the unpaid amount of
parceners is limited. shares held by them.
Q.2. State with reasons whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Sole trading company is easiest to form.
Ans. True.
(1) Minimum legal formalities.
Unlike joint stock company, sole trading company need not follow
complicated legal formalities. There are few, simple legal formalities to be
observed. This makes the formation easy. Anybody who is a major and
normal person can start the business. It requires no special qualification.
(2) No registration.
There is no long procedure of getting the organisation registered under any
law. He can start the business as soon as the idea is born.
(3) Small size.
The business is usually of small size. There is no need to go for
establishment of strong infrastructure including machinery and modern
technology. Therefore it can be easily organised.
(4) Small capital.
The sole trading business requires small capital which can be easily
mobilised through personal sources. He need not go for public issue of
shares and debentures which require a time consuming procedure.
(5) One man show.
Every aspect of businesses individually under the control of sole trader
himself. There is no member or partner. It makes the task easy and quick.
There is no need to consult or meet anybody to take a decision.
5. A sole trader can take quick decisions and prompt action for his business
Ans. True
(a) One man show.
A sole trader enjoys a complete authority over the affairs of the business. He
invests the entire capital and become the sole authority of taking major
(b) He is superior and other employees are sub-ordinates.
He is sole owner, manager and controller of the business. There is nobody to
challenge his authority. Though he keeps assistants, they are only his sub-
ordinates who readily accepts his decisions and implement the same.
(c) Lack of accountability.
Even if the business suffers losses, there is no need for him to provide an
explanation to anybody. He is not even answerable for any action regarding
the affairs of the business.
(d) No partners to share profit and losses.
Sole trader does not allow any outsider to join his business. It is
distinctively meant for single man ownership. In the absence of partners, the
entire responsibility of investment, decision making, risk taking and
uncertainty bearing rests with him. Therefore his authority is unlimited.
(e) No meetings and consultation.
Unlike joint stock company, there is no need for sole trader to conduct
board meetings and share holder meetings to get their approval. Sole trader
is free from time consuming meetings and extensive discussions. There is
no need to consult anybody to take decisions. Therefore, he can take quick
decisions and prompt action for his business.
6. A sole trading concern can maintain complete business secrecy.
Ans. True
(a) One man show.
Being one man show he never consults anybody while taking business
decisions .There is no source to leak information. He keeps all information
and decisions close to his heart. If needed, he may not share information
with his family members also.
(b) No legal formalities
A sole trader need not publish his books of accounts. There is no statutory
requirements like publishing balance sheet, annual report, etc. Thus there is
no source of leakage. All the secrets of business remain with him.
(c) Rivals are denied information
His new ideas for business promotion are not to be known to his
competitors as he need not disclose this information to outsiders.
(d) All secrets remain within the company.
Even during crisis time no one will come to know about his position. In
case he is suffering losses, no outsider would come to know unless he is
ready to share the information. He never dares to open his mouth in this
Thus complete business secrecy can be maintained by sole trading concern.
: 12 : Forms of Business Organizations
J. K. SHAH CLASSES S.Y.J.C – Organization Of Commerce
11. Joint Hindu Family emerges out of an agreement between co-oparceners. (or)
Co-parcener are the partners of the Joint Hindu Family business.
Ans. False.
(a) Co-parcener are the members of the business, but they are not partners of the
business. Only Karta is authorized to enter into contract on behalf of the firm.
(b) Existence by law and not by agreement.
Joint Hindu Family business comes into existence due to status and not due to
contractual agreement. It has no partnership deed. It comes into existence by
the operation of Hindu Law. In the absence of agreement, the co-parceners
are not partners though they share profit.
3. International sources.
A joint stock company can raise capital in international market through Global
Depose Receipts (GDR) and American Depository Receipts (ADR).
4. Investors of all classes.
Joint stock company is in a position to sell its shares to all sections - rich,
middle etc. and poor. Since capital of the company is divided into shares of
small denominations, reaches even the poor sections of the society.
5. Incentive and options.
The features like attractive dividends, voting rights, transferability of shares
etc. act incentive to impress large size of investors.
Joint stock company provides many options to investors such as equity shares,
preferences shares, debentures etc. which suits different types of investors.
19. The voting of the co-operative society is based on the principle of ‘one share
on vote
Ans. False
(a) Principle of equality
The voting rights of co-operative society are based on the principle of ‘One
man one vote’ Co-operative organization is based on democratic
management. In co-operative organization each member is given equal
(b) Co-operative mutual interest and not individual interest
Co-operative organization is formed with the purpose of avoiding
individual domination and to promote mutual welfare. Therefore, voting
rights are not based on number of shares.
(c) Promotes the spirit of democracy.
Unlike joint stock company the entire management body of the co-operative
organization is elected by its members. Even the chairman is elected by its
members. Thus it upheld the democratic principle.
(d) Avoids concentration of power.
In a joint stock company people who have majority shares enjoy excess power
a-d keeps management under their control. They can influence decisions in
favour of theft ideas and earn surplus profit. It leads to concentration of economic
power. In a co-operate society, individual domination is eliminated and mutual
welfare is promoted.
21. The ownership and management are not separate in joint stock company.
Shareholders can manage the business.
Ans. False
1. The company is an independent body altogether from owners(shareholders).
Being registered organization, joint stock company enjoys a separate legal status.
The members are not liable for the action of the company.
The company is an artificial person purely created by law. It can function
2. Shareholders are owners of the company.
Shareholders enjoy the ownership of the company. They do not manage company
However company cannot manage and control management activities like human
beings. Therefore shareholders elect among themselves directors who act as the in
charge of the company.
3. The staff of the company implements the decisions of the company.
The directors recruit group of executives and other employees to manage company
These managers and other staff implement the decisions: of the directors. Thus
management falls in the hands of directors an employees.
4. Shareholders do not manage the company* directly.
In a joint stock company there is complete separation of ownership and
management. A member a owner but he cannot bind company by his act. His
activities are personal and nothing to do with company affairs.
5. Shareholders can influence management indirectly.
Shareholders enjoy voting rights which can be used by them to influence
management indirectly. If shareholders are not satisfied with the performance of
directors, they can be ranged by the members. Policy decisions taken by the board
must be approved by the shareholders.
B. Write a word or phrase or a term which can substitute each one of the
(1) Organisation whose owner is the sole manager and decision maker of his
(2) Name the business organisation which can protect business secrecy to the
maximum extent.
(3) Type of organisation which suits the business based on fluctuations &
speculation requiring quick decision.
(4) The oldest and simplest form of business organisation.
(5) 'One man show' type of business organisation.
(6) The senior most members (head) of Joint Hindu Family Business
(7) The Act that provides provisions for the existence of Joint Hindu Family
(8 The members of the Joint Hindu Family
(9) A business organization in which a person inherits business and funds from
previous generation which automatically pass on from one generation to another
(10) A business organization which comes into existence by law of inheritance
(11) The name in which the business is carried on under partnership
(12) Agreement of partners (or) the document which shows the ratios on which profits
and losses are shared.
(13) A partner who gave his name to partnership firm.
(14) A partner in partnership firm who takes active participation in day to day work.
(15) Partners whose name is unknown to general public.
(16) A partner whose liability is limited to the extend of his investment.
(17) A partner who does not take active participation in day to day work of the firm.
(18) The documents containing rules and regulations laid by managing committee
of co-operative organization
(19) An elected body of members of co-operative society which is responsible for
day to day administration of the society
(20) A type of organization which has minimum 10 members
(21) The type of commercial organization which is established for provided services
A Group B Group
(i) Sole tradership (a) Owned and managed by government
(ii) Maximum secrecy (b) Sole proprietorship
(iii) Corporate Organisation (c) Joint Stock Company
(iv) Services of sole trader (d) Remotest areas
(v) Public Enterprise (e) One man business
A Group B Group
(i) Karta’s liability (a) Depends on births and deaths in the
(ii) Membership in Joint Hindu family
Family Business (b) Karta
(iii) Co-parcener liability (c) By status
(iv) Management right (d) limited
(v) Number of members (e) unlimited
(f) 50
Group A Group B
i) Unlimited liability a) Compulsory in Maharashtra
ii) Minimum Partners b) Responsible upto debt by him
iii) Limited partner c) Incase of general partnership
iv) Minor partner d) Two
v) Registration of partnership e) Limited liability
vi) Indian Partnership Act f) Unlimited liability
vii) Nominal partner g) Below 18 yeas
h) 1932
i) Lends name
A Group B Group
i) Co-operative faming a) Cash basis
ii)Voting rights co-operative b) Co-operative organization
societies c) One man one vote
iii) Service motive d) Farmers’ co-operative society
iv) Marketing co-operative e) Formed by small producers
v) Trading of co-operative f) One shares one vote
: 27 :
Sr. Point of Current Savings Account Fixed Deposit Recurring
No. Distinction Account Account Deposit
1. Meaning It is that It is that account It is that It is that
account which which is opened account where account
is maintained by individuals in a fixed sum of where
by order to save a money is depositors
businessman part of their deposited for a can regularly
and others income fixed period save fixed
who have amount for a
regular bank specific
transactions period
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Sr. Points of Cheque Bank Draft
No. Distinction
1. Meaning According to the Indian A draft is an order to pay
Negotiable Instrument Act, A money drawn by one office of a
cheque is an unconditional bank upon another office of the
order directing the banker to same bank for a sum of money
pay a certain sum of money payable to order on demand
only to the order of a certain
2. Aim It aims at facilitating It aims at facilitating immediate
businessman for effecting outstation payments.
local payments.
3. Drawer The drawer is the account The drawer is the bank itself.
holder of the bank
4. Dishonour The cheque may or may not A draft can never be
be dishonoured dishonoured as it is already
paid for.
5. Bank The bank may not charge for The bank charges a nominal
Charges issuing cheque book. amount to issue a draft.
6. Payments Payment of crossed cheques Payment of bank draft can be
cannot be obtained obtained immediately
7. Facility Cheque facility is extended to Draft facilities is extended to
extended to account holders of the bank both account holders of the
only bank as well as outsiders.
8. Reliable Cheques issued by an A bank draft is more reliable as
individual may not be cleared it is issued by the bank only
due to many reasons such as after receipt of payment.
sign not matching, post
dated, less balance, etc.
Sr. Points of Loans Overdraft
No. Distinction
1. Meaning It is arrangement under It is an arrangement under
which a certain amount is which the current account
advanced for a certain fixed holder is allowed to overdraw
period from the account.
2. Eligibility Any account holder i.e. Only current account holders
current, savings, fixed deposit can gets overdraft facility
can get a loan.
3. Rate of It is lower than that of It is higher than that of loans
interest overdraft
4. Duration It is for a long period It is for a short period.
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6. Number There are many Commercial There is only one Central Bank
Bank in India. (RBI) in India.
7. Monetary The commercial banks do not The Central Bank frames the
Policy frame any Monetary Policy Monetary and Credit Policy
8. Monitoring The Commercial Bank does The Central Bank keeps a check
not keep check on the Central on the Commercial Banks.
Sr. Points of Bonded Warehouse Duty Paid Warehouse
No. Distinction
1. Meaning Bonded Warehouse is the Duty paid Warehouse is the
warehouse where imported warehouse where imported
goods on which duty is not goods on which duty is already
paid are stored. paid is stored.
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2. Location They are located within the They are located in port-town
dock area. outside the dock area.
3. Markets The imported goods stored The imported goods stored
here are mostly for the here are mostly re-exported.
domestic markets.
4. Supervision The customs authority closely These warehouses are not
supervises the working of supervised by the customs
these warehouses. authority. They are supervised
by port authority.
5. Delivery Delivery of goods is done Delivery of goods can be
after payment of Import duty. obtained after payment of the
In case of re-export, the rent charges of the warehouse.
import duty need not be paid,
only rent and service charges
need to be paid.
6. Purpose Main purpose would be that Main purpose would be that
either the importer may not the importer does not have
be in a position to pay the suitable warehousing facility or
import duty or he may not he faces any problem in the
require immediate delivery of transportation of the goods.
7. Ownership Such warehouses are owned Such warehouses may be
by public authorities. owned by private or dock
Q.2. State with reasons whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Central bank cannot accept deposit from general public.
Ans. True
(i) Bank of the government
Central bank act as the bank of the government. It accepts government
deposits. It provides loans to government. But it does accept deposits from
general public
(ii) General public cannot operate accounts with central bank
General bank does not entertain general public to open account and
operate transactions. Central Bank only facilities government transaction
not general public
(iii) Central bank does not invite deposits for commercial purpose
Central bank is the apex body of banking sector which works to promote
economic growth of the nation. It brings price stability.
(iv) Central bank does not invite deposits for commercial purpose
Central bank is the apex body of banking sector which works to promote
economic growth of the nation. It brings price stability.
Unlike commercial banks, central Bank is not profit oriented . It never
invites general public to keep deposits to earn profit.
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9. The insured must have insurable interest at the time of taking policy.
Ans. True.
i) Insurable interest means the insured should suffer financial losses if any
harm or damage happens to the property and he benefits if the insured
object is safe.
ii) Person taking the insurance must have insurable interest in the subject
matter he is going to insure.
iii) All the contracts of insurance follow this principle. If there is no insurable
interest then the contract of insurance becomes invalid.
iv) Ownership of the property at the time of taking the policy as well at time of
making the claim is essential in order for the insurer to have insurable
interest in the property.
v) A person has insurable interest in his own life and property. A wife has
insurable interest in the life of her husband. A businessman has insurable
interest in the goods and property of his business.
Thus, for an insurance contract to be valid the insured should have an
insurable interest in the subject matter at the time of taking the policy.
: 38 :
10. An individual must always tries to minimise the loss by fire as for as
Ans. True.
i) The insured must take care of the subject matter.
According to the principle of mitigation of loss, the insured should take all
necessary steps to take care of the subject matter. He should extend
protection to subject matter as of no policy is taken.
ii) The insured must minimise the loss.
It is the duty of the insured to take utmost care and precaution to prevent
damages on goods or property. He should not take it for granted in the
matter of protection. Such an approach will minimise the loss.
iii) It is his moral responsibility to protect the interest of the subject matter.
The policy holder should personally take initiative to ensure security of the
subject matter. For example, in case of fire insurance, the insured should
have all security arrangements like fire extinguisher, water facility, sand
iv) The insured must be alert to face challanges.
The insured should not have a casual attitude towards protection of the
property. If Mr. A's godown is on fire, the insured should not simply watch
the situation. He should try all possible efforts to stop fire like calling fire
brigade, pouring water on fire, calling the neighbours to join fighting etc to
stop spreading of fire.
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: 41 :
(iv) Flexibility.
Water transport enjoys the merit of flexibility. If required, sea route can be
diverted during the time of voyage.
(v) Energy saving transport.
Unlike air and road transport, ships consume less energy to operate. Thus
they save energy.
: 42 :
Q.3. A) Fill in the blanks by using appropriate word given in the bracket, (or)
Rewrite the following sentences by using proper substitute given in the
1. Deposits with a commercial bank are_________ of the banks.
(a) Liabilities (b) assets (c) borrowings
2. There is no limit on the frequency of withdrawals from a
(a) Saving account (b) fixed account (c) current account
3. ________deposits are those deposits which can be withdrawn only after
maturity of the agreed time period.
(a) Demand (b) current (c) time]
4. Over draft facility given to
(a) savings account (b) Current account (c) Fixed account
5. The account suitable for creating a saving habit is
(a) current account (b)recurring account (c) saving account
6. _________ account in which the specific amount is deposited per month
regularly is known as .
(a) fixed account (b) savings account (c) recurring account]
7. The cheque which is useful in travelling is
(a) traveller's cheque (b) crossed cheque (c) over draft)
8. Customers can withdraw money from account without any notice.
(a) saving (b) current (c) fixed
9. _____is a primary function of commercial banks.
(a) purchasing and selling securities (b) accepting deposits (c) safe deposit
10. Facility of E-banking is provided through
a) telephone (b) debit cards (c) internet
11. ____is not part of the functions performed by commercial banks.
a) Accepting deposits, b) Lender of the last resort, c) Lending loans and
12. Dmat account facility is useful for .
(a) retailers, (b) consumers, (c) customers dealing in sale and purchase of
13. ______deposit which receives highest rate of interest is called
(a) saving account, b) current account, c) fixed deposit account
14. Current account is operated by
(a) household (b) businessman (c) salaried people
15. Land development banks provide loans to farmers
(a) short term (b) medium term (c) long term
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Group A Group B
1. Warehousing (a) Private warehouse
2. Perishable goods (b) Imported goods
3. Bonded warehouse (c) Cold storage warehouse
4. Implant warehouse (d) Time utility
(e) cold storage facility
(f) Open ground
Group A Group B
(1) Life insurance (a) Fire insurance policy
(2) Premium (b) The life insurance policy
(3) Assignment of policy (c) Periodical payment
(4) Principle of sorogation (d) human life
(5) Reinsurance (e) covering risks against sickness
(6) Double insurance (f) insured taking life insurance policies
(7) Comprehensive policy with two or more than two companies
(8) Mediclaim policy (g) wide range of risks
(h) Transfer of risk by insurer to another
insurance company
Group A Group B
(1) Subject matter (a) Joint cover for all employees / society
(2) Age proof (b) Not application to life insurance
(3) Group insurance (c) Life insurance policy
(4) Contract of indemnity (d) Covering importers and exporters
(5) Floating policy (e) Human life
(6) Blanket policy (f) Endowment policy
(7) Voyage policy (g) Goods spread over different places
(h) Covers a specific trip from one port to
another port
Group A Group B
(1) Natural highway (a) air transport
(2) Home delivery (b) water transport
(3) Costly but luxury transport (c) road transport
(4) Sea transport (d) fastest transport
(5) air transport (e) slowest transport
(f) economical
(g) cheapest mode
(h) international trade
: 48 :
Q.1. Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the complete
1. In e-business payments have to be made _______.
a) in cash b) on credit c) online
2. The term “e-business” is derived from the terms ______ and e-commerce.
a) e-mail b) e-pay c) cash
3. The transactions under _______ are between business firms and
a) C to C b) B to C c) B to B
4. The process of contracting a business function to someone else is called as
a) e-business b) outsourcing c) trading
5. For online transaction _____ is required.
a) trading b) registration c) business
6. The online shopper can pick and drop the things in the _______.
a) shopping mall, b) shopping cart c) shopping bag
7. An electronic facility of transferring funds through the internet is _____
a) cash b) net banking c) credit
8. Credit or Debit Cards are popularly known as ‘______ Money’.
a) paper b) plastic c) polymer
9. In bigger shops situated in shopping malls or branded stores, there is a
_____ terminal.
a) SSL, b) POS, c) HTTP
10. Wedding Planning is an example of ______.
a) corporate organization, b) outsourcing c) buying and selling of goods
11. e-commerce is the ______ aspect of e-business.
a) manufacturing b) trading c) marketing
12. _____ process allows buyers and sellers to display information about their
goods on the web.
a) C to C b) B to C c) B to B
13. is involved in _____ e-business transactions.
a) C to C b) B to C c) B to B
14. _____ is a form of electronic currency that exists only in cyberspace.
a) Digital cash b) Credit cash c) Net banking
15. Visa / MasterCard / Amex are examples of ______.
a) Card Issuing Bank b) Payment
16. The e-business website / merchant website forward the information to the
a) Payment Processor b) Payment Gateway c) Card Association
Q.3. Write the word or phrase or term which can substitute each one of the
1. The term derived from the terms email and e-commerce.
2. Name the term which is used by even common man effectively while
collecting the needed information quickly.
3. Name the electronic facility of transferring funds through the internet.
4. Name the form of electronics currency that exists only in cyberspace.
5. Name the service provider which is used for payments through web.
6. Name the modern process of controlling a business function to someone else.
7. The sub – branch of e-business.
8. A well – known Payment Processor.
9. SSL stands for.
10. s-HTTP stands for.
11. This process helps in knowledge sharing between organizations.
Q.5. State with reasons whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The term E-business is derived from e-mail and e-commerce.
E-business is a broader concept than E-commerce.
Q.1. Distinguish Between: - Traditional Social Responsibility & Corporate
Social Responsibility
Sr. Basic of Traditional Social Corporate Social
No. Difference Responsibility Responsibility
1. Meaning It refers to help poor through It refers to commitment
profit made by business. business to contribute
economic development.
2. Evolution It is evolved in ancient India It is evolved after World War II.
and Pre-Christian Era
3. Concept It has philanthropic concept It refers to ethical, legal and
economic concept also.
4. Scope It is restricted at individual In considers economy as a
level. whole.
5. Type It is primitive a narrow It is global and wider approach
6. Goals It has not considered It has considered tangible as
intangible goals. well as intangible goals.
7. Nature of Business firm adopting Business firms adopting
firms traditional social corporate social responsibility
responsibility are generally are generally large firms
smaller firms. including MNCs.
8. Area This concept is operated at This concept is operated at
Coverage local level because it is national and international level
adopted by small firms. as it is adopted by large firms.
Q. 2. State with reasons whether the following statements are true or false.
The term ethics is derived from greek word 'Ethos' which means charactor.
Thus it is moral science which is a branch of social science.
(iii) Business ethics is concerned with morality in business activities.
Business ethics suggests rules or standards which a businessman must follows in
order to maintain a good conduct or charactor. It is also concerned with corporate
ethics which is"to be followed by professionals and businessman. Thus it is
concerned with moral values and not politics.
(iv) Business ethics is a code of contact
Business ethics is a code of conduct which is to be adopted by
businessman. It specifies what should be done and what should be
avoided for the welfare of the society. It creates a healthy and competitive
business atmosphere.
Q.3. A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the
1. Regular and prompt payment of wages is the responsibility towards .
(a) government (b) shareholders (c) employees
2. Businessman should always respect
(a) manufacturer (b) customer (c) retailer
3. A business organization should supply commodity of ______ quality to
their customers.
(a) inferior (b) low (c) good
4. Social responsiblities of commercial organisation towards employees adopt
_____ in the interest of the group.
a) fair wages, b) low wages, c) unfair rewards
5. Businessmen are of the society.
a) representative, b) servants, c) trustees
6. Regular and prompt payment of taxes is the responsibility of business
(a) customers (b) government (c) shareholders
7. To maintain industrial peace is the responsibility of .
(a) businessmen (b) government (c) shareholders
8. Business is a _________ activity
a) service (b) socio-economic (c) profit
9. A business organisation is part of .
(a) industry (b) governemnt (c) society
10. To earn profit is the objective of the business organisation.
(a) social (b) economic (c) moral
11. Business organisations should supply goods of quality to their
a) inferior (b) superior (c) medium
12. In modern business environment, _______ provides more opportunities and
a) Privatisation (b) Globalisation (c) specialisation.
13. Business organisation should try to make _________ utilisation of natural
a) minimum (b) maximum (c) optimum
14. Location of industries should be in zones.
a) Residential (b) Industrial (c) commercial
15. For economic growth and national security, ________ stability is required.
a) Political (b) Social (c) Natural
16. Business organisation is a part of
a) Industry (b) Government (c) Society
Q.1. State with the reasons whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Consumer Movement aims at the protection of consumer interest.
(or) Consumer protection act is the blessing for the consumers.
(or) Main object of consumer movement is to protect the rights of the consumers.
Ans. True.
(a) To put pressure on business community.
Consumer movement started to protect consumer interest in the market by putting
consumers pressure on business community. The Consumer Protection Act. 1986 was
passed in the interest of the consumers.
(b) To create awareness.
Consumer movement enables consumers to have better knowledge and information
regarding the price structure, sizes, designs and quality of the various products
available in the market Consumer protection Act creates awareness about basic rights
like right to choose, safety choice, to be heard, redress etc. among consumers.
(c) To fight for consumer justice.
Individually the capacity of a consumer is limited to fight and get justice. Consumer
protectic-act will help the consumer to get quick justice and protect all his rights.
Consumer organisation! can provide a supporting hand in matters like filing cases,
guidance and advice in facing lega disputes etc.
(d) To protect consumers from exploitation.
Consumers are exploited and cheated through malpractices and advertising. Most of
the consumers in countries like India are ignorant and illiterates who have no idea of
consume rights. Consumer organisation effectively uses the consumer protection Act
to protect such consumers from great injustice and large scale exploitation.
(e) To assure fair treatment.
Many household appliances, equipment, electrical and mechanical devices sold in the
market are defective in functioning. Consumer movement aims at helping such
2. Consumer movement is a political movement.
Ans. False.
(a) Social movement.
Consumer movement is a social movement aiming at creating awareness among
consumers who have no knowledge of their rights. Its main objective is to fight for
the rights of the of consumers. It is not a political movement.
(b) Legal assistance.
The movement helps the consumer to fight and get justice through legal links. It helps
them in filing cases, facing legal disputes etc. Thus there is clear objective of
consumer welfare.
: 66: Consumer Protection
Q.2. A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the
1. District forum will entertain complains for which the value of goods or
services and the compensation does not exceed rupees_______ .
(a) Rs. 20 lakhs (b) Rs. I crore (c) Rs. 10 lakhs
2. State commission will entertain complains for which the value of goods or
services and the compensation does not exceed rupees_______________.
(a) Rs. 10 lakhs (b) Rs. I crore (c) Rs. 20 lakhs
3. National commission will entertain complains for which the value of
goods or services and the compensation exceeds rupees____________.
(a) Rs. 2 crores (b) Rs. I crore (c) Rs. 20 lakhs
4. The chairman/head of the District Forum is a _____________
(a) District judge (b) Central minister of law (c) Supreme court judge
5. The Chairman of the National Commission is a___________.
(a) Supreme court judge (b) High court judge (c) District judge
6. The consumer protection Act came into force on___________
(a) 15th April 1986 (b) 15th April 1987 (c) 1st April 1986
7. A person who is not satisfied with the order of National Commission can
go for appeal to_____________
(a) President of India (b) Supreme court (c) Government of India
8. The maximum period of membership of the District Forum is___________.
(a) two (b) three (c) five
9. Consumer movement is_________ in nature.
(a) political (b) religious (c) social
10. The tenture of Central Consumer Protection Council is_______ years.
(a) five (b) four (c) three (March 09)
11. National commission is established by___________.
(a) Central Government (b) State Goverment (c) Zilla Parishad)
12. State Commission is established by______________
(a) central government (b) state government (c) supreme court
13. District forum is established by__________________
(a) central government (b) state goverment (c) district collector
14. Consumer protection Act 1986 provides a _____ system to look after the
complaints of consumers.
a) two tier (b) three tier (c) five tier
15. Consumer protection act was passed in the year_____________
a) 1985 (b) 1986(c) 1987
16. ______is the Father of consumer movement.
a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Ralph Nader (c) John F- Kennedy
17. ______ is the first country to start country to start consumer movement.
a) U.S.A. (b) Japan (c) Briton
19. Under the consumer protection act 1986, there is a_________quasi judicial
consumer redressal machinary for solving the complaints of the
a) Tow-tier (b) Five - tier (c) Three tier
20. Amendments were introduced to Consumer Protection Act in the year
1993 and_______
a) 1998 b) 2000 c) 2002
21. Any person who does not agree with the decision of State Commission
can appeal to the____________
a) Supreme Court (b) High Court (c) National commission
22. Right to ________ restricts monopolistic tendencies in the market.
a) information (b) choose (c) safety
23. The Government has established__________to settle the consumer disputes
by compromise.
a) Lok Adalat (b) District forum (c) Supreme court
24. National Commission has __________members in addition to the
a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4
B. Write a word or a phrase or a term which can be suitable for each one of the
following statements.
1) State the name of commission which settles the claims of the consumers of
more than Rs. 1 crore.
2) State the name of commission which settles the claims of the consumers of
less than crore but more than 20 lakhs.
3) State the name of commission which settles the claims of the consumers of
less than 20 lakhs.
4) The right of a consumer which allows him to express his views.
5) The right of a consumer which creates an awareness in him about his
6) Non-profit non-political independent groups working for a definit cause.
: 73: Consumer Protection
Q.1. A State with reasons whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Taylor is called the father of scientific managements.
Ans. True.
(i) Taylor introduced scientific methods.
Fredrick Winsloco Taylor, an American engineer is the first expert who
advocated scientfo methods of management. According to him every
element or movement of work and the performance of the worker must be
scientifically analysed. This will help to frame a scientific approach in
determining standard time, standard method of doing work with
maximum efficiency.
(ii) Taylor favoured science to tradition.
Taylor never favoured traditional methods of management. According to him
the decisiom of how to produce and how much to produce should not be
decided on the basis of will and wish of the manager. The manager must
adopt a scientific approach to determine standard time, production target
and how many workers required to complete the job etc.
(iii) Observations and experience.
Most of the ideas of Taylor are based on his own observation and
experience. Taylor himself adopted a scientific approach by introducing
new techniques and principles, the methods must be tried to reach the best
one. The method which exploits maximum resources with minimum cost
must be selected. All such scientific techniques resulted! increasing
productivity of workers and best performance.
(iv) Standardisation.
Taylor advocated pre-determined standards in connection with material,
method, quality and time. He insisted on the application of scientifically
developed standard tools and equipments. He advocated standardised
working conditions and standard time. All sin syggestions are scientific in
(v) Scientific training.
Taylor insisted that workers must be selected through a standard
procedure to ensure right person for the right job. It must be followed up
by scientific training. A well trained worker can assure perfection in his
Thus all his ideas and methods are based on scientific approach. Therefore
he is rights ailed the father of scientific management.
: 74 : Principles of Management
: 75 : Principles of Management
: 76 : Principles of Management
: 77 : Principles of Management
Q.3. A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the
(i) Management Principles are _________ in nature.
(a) static (b) limited (c) universal
(ii) Henry Fayol has suggested _____________ principles of management.
(a) 14 (b) 12 (c) 16
(iii) __________ is the principle of specialisation.
(a) Division of work (b) Centralisation (c) Discipline
(iv) Management principles influence ___________
(a) human behaviour (b) organisation (c) government
(v) Concentration of power of authority is started in the principles of
(a) Centralisation (b) Remunarisation (c) Equity
(vi) According to the principles of __________ all employees should be
given same treatment
(a) Authority (b) Discipline (c) Equity
(vii) Technique of study of ____________ concentrates on the movements of the
(a) Motion (b) Time (c) Organisation
(viii) F.W. Taylor is called as the father of ____________ management
(a) Modern (b) Scientific (c) Technical
(ix) Technique that focuses on complete change in the attitude of the employee
and employer is known as the principle of _____________
(a) attitude change (b) scientific management (c) mental revolution
: 78 : Principles of Management
C. Write a word or a phrase or a term which can be suitable for each one of the
following statements:
(1) State the name of the expert who put 14 principle of management
(2) Name the person who is the father of scientific management
(3) The principle of management relates to justice and kindness.
(4) Father of modern management
(5) The principle of management which says unity is strength
(6) The principle of management that says the work should be divided in to
(7) The principle of management explaining the importance of fair payment
to workers
(8) The principle of management which explain the use of scientific method to
determine the activity performed by the employee.
(9) The technique of scientific management which talk about the change in
the attitude of the employees.
(10) The statements of fundamental truth of management
: 79 : Principles of Management
Q.1. State with reasons whether the following Statements are TRUE or FALSE.
1. Functions of managements have no role to play in success or failure of an
Ans. This statement is FALSE
a) The functions of management are forecasting and planning, organizing,
commanding, coordinating and controlling.
b) George Terry has given much importance to Planning, Organizing,
Directing and Controlling. These functions are called the basic functions of
c) Manager needs to perform many activities in order to manage daily tasks.
These are termed as functions of management.
d) If all functions are performed effectively, and efficiently then organization
can achieve its aims and objectives.
e) Hence functions of management have significant role to play in success or
failure of an organization.
: 80 : Functions of Management
: 82 : Functions of Management
: 84 : Functions of Management
: 85 : Functions of Management
: 86 : Functions of Management
Q.2. A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the
1) ______ function designs the future course of action.
(a) planning (b) directing (c) staffing
2) ______ process helps recruiting the right persons for the right places.
(a) planning (b) directing (c) staffing
3) The function of ______ establishes relationship of different people within the
__________ organisation.
(a) organising (b) directing (c) staffing
4) ________ function takes group efforts to bring together different units and
departments within the organisation.
(a) organising (b) directing (c) co-ordination
5) The process of management starts with__________function.
(a) planning (b) controlling (c) co-ordinating
6) _________ involves all aspects of business
(a) planning (b) cntrolling (c) directing
7) Staffing is concerned with____________
(a) physical factor (b) financial factor (c) human factor
8) Planning is__________
(a) neutral process (b) basic function (c) forward looking
9) Planning is________
(a) Advanced Function (b) Primary Function (c) End Function
10) Division of work is involved in__________at function.
(a) Planning (b) Organising (c) Directing
11) Directing is initiated at________ level.
(a) Top (b) Middle (c) Lower
12) Staffing function is a__________activity
(a) Basic (b) Continuous (c) Neutral
13) A process to establish harmony among different activities to achieve desired
results is__________
(a)Controlling (b) co-ordinating (c) co-operation
14) The last function in managerial process is______
(a) Co-ordinating (b) Controlling (c) Motivating
15) Unification, integration and synchronization of the efforts of group members
so as to achieve common goals is a ________ function.
(a) planning (b) organising (c) co-ordinating
16) Controlling measures the_______ of actual performance from the standard
performance and helps in correction action.
(a) Action (b) Deviation (c) Objective
17) Directing is a responsibility of___________at all levels.
(a) Manager (b) Worker (c) People
18) Physical, financial and human resources to develop productive relationship is
________a function.
(a) Organising (b) Directing (c) Staffing
: 87 : Functions of Management
(1) Planning (a) Individual Taste
(2) organizing (b) Directly related to Human Beings
(3) Staffing (c) Bridges the gap between where
(4) Directing we are now and where we want
(5) Controlling to go
(d) All the people are employed
(e) Not directly related to Human being
(f) Identify and grouping the work to be
(g) corrective Action taking
(h) Right people at Right Jobs
(i) Taking action against employees
(j) Aims only at organizational Goals
C) Write a word or a phrase or a term which can be suitable for each one of the
following statements.
(1) The first and basic function of management determing objectives and
future course of action.
(2) The function of management which organises people and resources and
concerned with a division of work among managers-and staff.
(3) The function of management concerned with providing man power with
required skills.
(4) The function of management which is concerned with guiding, instructing
and inspiring people with the aim of putting in action the administrative
(5) The function of management which involves harmonization or balancing
of group efforts.
: 88 : Functions of Management
: 89 : Functions of Management
Q.1. A) Select the proper options given from the options given below and rewrite
the completed sentences:
1. The word ‘entrepreneur’ is derived from the _______ word ‘entreprende’
a) Japanese b) English c) French
2. ‘Entreprende’ means to _______.
a) undertake b) enterprise c) businessman
3. The oxford English dictionary defines an entrepreneur as the ______ of a
a)secretary b) employee c) director
4. The term entrepreneur was first used by ______.
a) J. Schumpeters b) R.Cantilon c) A.H.Cole
5. 13 functions of an entrepreneur was enumerated by _______
a)J.Scumpeter b) R.Cantilon c) Kilby Peter
6. The inner urge of a person to do something is ______
a) initiative b) hard work c) creativity
7. Entrepreneurial _______ is measured in terms of the individual’s attitude
toward opportunity recognition.
a) value b) attitude c)motivation
8. The basic element of the process of ______ is motive, behavior and goal.
a)value b) motivation c) attitude
9. Entrepreneur are referred to as __________ ‘factor of production’.
a) Fourth b) Fifth c) Sixth
10. Enterprise is an organization which is involved in some ________ activity.
a) Political b) economic c) social
11. ________ among the employees of the enterprise will have great effect on
the success of the company.
a) Co – ordination b) Positive c) Negative
12. The mental abilities of an entrepreneur consist of creative thinking and
a) Intelligence b) dullness c) pessimistic attitude
13. ________ attitude is very important for the success of an enterprise.
a) Pessimistic b) Positive c) Negative
14. ________ is a pre-requisite ti innovation.
a) Intelligence b) Positive attitude c) Creativity
15. Entrepreneur observes and waits for the best opportunity for their enterprise as
they have the competency of being _________ .
a) Persuasive b) Opportunity seeker c) Optimistic
16. EDP was first introduced in ________ in 1970.
a) Maharashtra b) Tamil Nadu c) Gujarat
: 90 : Entrepreneurship Development
C) Write a word or phrase or a term which can substitute each one of the
1. An undertaking or adventure involving uncertainty and risk and requiring
2. A function of creating something new for an economic activity
3. A person who is an innovator who innovator who introduces new
combinations of means of production.
: 91 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q.2. State with reason whether the following statements are ‘true’ or ‘false’
1. Training broadens the vision of entrepreneurs.
Ans.: This statement is TRUE.
a. Training means the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an
employee or dong a particular job.
b. Training implies activities that teach employees how to perform their
present job better. It is the training that prepares people to perform their
present jobs better. In short, training prepares people to perform their
present jobs more efficiently.
c. Training teaches employees required skills, knowledge or attitude and
helps them in improving performance by improving new skills, new
technique of doing the work and by improving their work habits.
d. Training is thus aimed at improving performance of personnel in their
present position or jobs.
e. Thus, training broadens the vision of entrepreneurs.
setbacks, get out from comfort zone can put an entrepreneur in the right
mindset for achieving entrepreneurial success.
e. Thus attitudes build an entrepreneur.
: 93 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below
and rewrite the sentences :
(C) Write a word a phrased or a term which can substitute each of the following
statements: (5)
(1) The business organization which has minimum ten members.
(2) The type of warehouse where early perishable goods are stored.
(3) An activity motivated by profit.
(4) Father of scientific management.
(5) A function where right people are given right jobs.
: 94 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q.4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False
(Any THREE) : (15)
(1) The main purpose of a cooperative organization is to earn profit.
(2) Transport is useful in raising standard of living
(3) It is easy to set up e-business as compared to traditional business.
(4) Management should avoid worker’s participation while making decisions.
(5) Co-ordination is needed at all the levels of management.
Q.6. Define Joint stock company. Explain its merits and demerits. (10)
: 95 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below (5)(15)
and rewrite the sentences :
(C) Write a word a phrased or a term which can substitute each of the following
statements: (5)
(1) ‘One man show’ type of business organization.
(2) A set of principles of right conduct.
(3) A consumer dispute redress all agency that handles claims upto rupees twenty lakhs ( `
(4) The principle of management which says ‘unity is strength’.
(5) A process where managers instruct, guide and communicate with employees.
: 96 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q.4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False
(Any THREE) : (15)
(1) Planning has vital importance in the management process.
(2) Business ethics is not applicable to all business organizations.
(3) A Joint Stock Company can raise huge capital
(4) The principle of indemnity is applicable to life insurance.
(5) Consumer Protection Act is a blessing for the consumers.
Q.6. Define a Sole Trading Concern. Explain its merits and demerits. (10)
: 97 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below (5)(15)
and rewrite the sentences :
(1) Indian Partnership Act was passed in the year_________
(a) 1932 (b) 1923 (c) 1942
(2) In India railways are owned and managed by___________
(a) Private companies (b) Government (c) Individuals
(3) Staffing is concerned with___________
(a) Physical factor (b) financial factor (c) Human factor
(4) Businessmen are__________ of the society.
(a) Representative (b) Members (c) Trustees
(5) National Commission has _________members in addition to the chairman.
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4
(C) Write a word a phrased or a term which can substitute each of the following
statements: (5)
(1) A partner who give only his name to the partnership firm.
(2) The term derived from the terms ‘e-mail’ and ‘e-commerce’.
(3) The right of consumer which allows him to express his views.
(4) The principle of management explaining about fair payment to workers.
(5) The form of electronic currency that exists only in cyberspace.
: 98 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q.4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False
(Any THREE) : (15)
(1) In partnership the liability of partners of a firm is unlimited
(2) Cash can be withdrawn from ATM at any time.
(3) Business organization is not responsible to control pollution.
(4) In India Consumer Protection Act is not required.
(5) Training broadens the vision of entrepreneurs.
Q.6. Define ‘partnership firm’. Explain its merits and demerits. (10)
Define ‘planning’. Explain its importance.
: 99 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below (5)(15)
and rewrite the sentences :
(1) A sole trading concern ensures____________ business secrecy.
(a) minimum (b) maximum (c) limited
(2) For online transaction ______________is required.
(a) trading (b) registration (c) business
(3) Credit or Debit cards are popularly knows as ___________money.
(a) paper (b) plastic (c) polymer
(4) To make timely payment of proper taxes is the responsibility of organization towards the
(a) shareholders (b) customers (c) government
(5) Under the Consumer Protection Act 1986, there is a ________quasi judicial consumer
dispute redressal machinery for solving the complaints of consumers.
(a) two-tier (b) five-tier (c) three-tier
(C) Write a word a phrased or a term which can substitute each of the following
statements: (5)
(1) The type of commercial organization established for providing services to its members.
(2) Getting good quality products is the basic right of this group of society.
(3) a consumer dispute redressal agency that handles claims more than ` 1(one) crore.
(4) The statements which disclose fundamental truth of management.
(5) A process wherein the manager instructs, guides and communicates with employees.
Q.4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False
(Any THREE) : (15)
(1) Maximization of profit is the main motto of co-operative society.
(2) E-business allows you to work across the globe in any field.
(3) Business organisaion has various types of social responsibilities.
(4) ‘Lok Adalat’ is one of the effective ways to resolve consumer problems.
(5) Principles of management are rigid.
Q.6. Define a sole trading concern. Explain its merits and demerits. (10)
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below (5)(15)
and rewrite the sentences :
(1) The maximum number of partners for a firm carrying on banking business is ________
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 7
(2) Door-to-door service is offered by _________ transport.
(a) Rail (b) Road (c) Air
(3) Business organization is a part of _________
(a) Industry (b) Government (c) Society
(4) In modern competitive market consumer is regarded as ____________
(a) King (b) Agency (c) Superintendent
(5) Planning is _________function.
(a) advanced (b) basic (c) end
(C) Write a word a phrased or a term which can substitute each of the following
statements: (5)
(1) ‘One man show’ type of business organization.
(2) A bank which is known as bankers bank.
(3) Name the modern process of controlling a business function to someone else.
(4) Name the employees organization protecting their rights.
(5) Principle of management that says that any work should be divided into small parts.
Q.4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False
(Any THREE) : (15)
(1) The ownership and management is not separated in Joint Stock Company.
(2) Reserve Bank of India cannot accept deposits from public.
(3) Post offices provide money remittance services.
(4) Management should avoid worker’s participation while making decisions.
(5) The Consumer Protection Act was passed in the interests of the sellers.
Q.6. Define Co-operative Society. Explain its merits and demerits of Co-operative
Society (10)
Define ‘Controlling’. Explain its importance.
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the options given below (5)(15)
and rewrite the sentences :
(C) Write a word a phrased or a term which can substitute each of the following
statements: (5)
(1) The senior most family members of a Joint Hindu family firm.
(2) Getting good quality products is the basic right of the group of society.
(3) A consumer disputes redressal forum working at state level.
(4) Father of Modern Management
(5) A function of management directly related to human beings.
Q.4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False
(Any THREE) : (15)
(1) Co-operative society differs from other forms of commercial organisations.
(2) e-business allows you to work across the globe in any field.
(3) Business organization does not have various types of social responsibilities.
(4) ‘Lok Adalat’ is one of the effective ways to resolve consumer problems.
(5) Principles of management are rigid.
Q.6. Define a partnership firm. Explain its merits and demerits. (10)
Define Life Insurance. Explain the types of Life Insurance policies.
Q.1. (A) Select the proper option from the possible question given below and rewrite
the complete statements: (5)
(1) The Karta in a Joint Hindu family business has _________ liability.
(a) Unlimited (b) limited (c) Joint
(2) Perishable goods are stored in _________
(a) bonded warehouse
(b) duty paid warehouse
(c) Cold storage warehouse
(3) The process of contracting a business function to someone else is called as
(a) e-business (b) outsourcing (c) trading
(4) Businessmen are______________ of the society.
(a) representatives (b) members (c) trustees
(5) Government has established _________to settle consumers disputes by
(a) Lok Adalat (b) District forum (c) Supreme Court.
(C) Write only ‘one’ word or phrase or term which can substitute the following
statements : (5)
(1) A partner who give the name to a partnership firm.
(2) Geeting products of better quality is the basic right of this group of society.
(3) A Consumer dispute redressal agency that handles claims upto rupees
twenty lakhs.
(4) The Principles of management which advocates that work should be divided
into small Sub-parts.
(5) One of the functions of the management to considered as a base for all
: 106 : Entrepreneurship Development
Q. 4.State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False (Any THREE) :
(1) Maximisation of profit is the object of a co-operative society
(2) e – business means using the internet to connect people and processes.
(3) Businesws organization have various types of social responsibilities.
(4) Consumer protection Act is not a blessing for the Consumers.
(5) Principles of management improves the efficiency of Employees.
Define Fire Insurance? Explain the various types of fire insurance policy.
(C) Write a word, Phrase or term which can substitute the following statements:
(1) One man show’’ type of business organisation.
(2) Non Profit and non-political independent groups workings for definite cause
(3) The principle of management explaining the importance
(4) The court established by Government to settle consumer disputes by mutual
(5) A function of management where right people are given right job
: 266 :
Q.4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False
(Any THREE): (15)
(1) Maximum number of members in a joint hindu family firm is 20.
(2) e – business allows you to work across the globe in any field
(3) Business should not disclose their records to investors
(4) Consumer being the king of the market does not have any responsibilities
(5) Principles of management improve the efficiency of employees.
: 265 :
: 267 :
(C) Write only a word or a phrase or a term which can substitute the following
Statements: (5)
1) A partner who gives only his name to the partnership firm.
2) Name the form of electronic currency that exists only in cyberspace.
3) A consumer dispute redressal agency that handles claims of more than Rs. 1
(one) crore.
4) Father of modern management.
5) An end function where the performance is evaluated in according with the
Q. 4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False (ANY
THREE): [15]
1) In a partnership firm, the liability of partners is unlimited.
2) Business organizations do not have various types of social responsibilities
3) Lok Adalat can rightly be described as “people’s court”.
4) According to Taylor, there should be scientific selection and training of employees.
5) Planning has no vital importance in the process of management.
Q. 6. Define ‘Joint Hindu family firm’. Explain the features of a Joint Hindu family firm.
OR [10]
Define ‘bank’. Explain different types of banks.
(C) Write only a word or a phrase or a term which can substitute the following
Statements: (5)
(1) One man show* type of business organization.
(2) The principle of insurance under which the insurer and insured must show
complete faith towards each other.
(3) Duties, obligations of business organization directed towards welfare of
(4) A consumer dispute redressal agency that handles claims up to ` 20 lakhs.
(5) A process where managers instruct, guide and communicate with
Q. 4. State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False (ANY
THREE): [15]
1) There is no limit for membership in Joint Hindu Family Business.
2) Overdraft facility is given to savings account holder.
3) Credit cards are mostly used for online payment.
4) Consumer, being the king of the market does not have any responsibilities.
5) Principles of management are rigid.