Foreword To Linking Soil Structure and Soil Functions'
Foreword To Linking Soil Structure and Soil Functions'
Foreword To Linking Soil Structure and Soil Functions'
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4 authors, including:
Francesco Morari
University of Padova
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PROTINUS “PROviding new insighT into INteractions between soil fUnctions and Structure: View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Francesco Morari on 05 September 2019.
Céline Duwig , Karin Müller , Francesco Morari C, and Patrice Delmas D
Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IRD, Grenoble INP, IGE, F-38000 Grenoble, France. Email:
Plant & Food Research, Bisley Road, Hamilton 3214, New Zealand. Email:
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment, Agripolis, University of Padova, Viale
Dell’Università 16, 35020 Legnaro, Italy. Email:
Department of Computer Science, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. Email:
Soils and their protection have been recognised of paramount imaging techniques along with advances in imaging processing
importance by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) by that allow visualising water and transport processes in soil were
declaring 2015 as the International Year of Soils (Martín et al. reviewed in the special section ‘Non-invasive imaging of
2017). Soils of natural and managed ecosystems deliver processes in natural porous media’ published in Vadose
several fundamental ecosystem services which, according to Zone Journal (Li et al. 2018). The breakthrough role of
the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005), include X-ray CT in the understanding of the growth and activity of
provisioning services (e.g. production of food, fibre, fuel), microorganisms in soils and sediments was highlighted in
regulating services (e.g. contaminant filtering, carbon the special issue ‘Elucidating microbial processes in soils
sequestration, erosion control, flood protection), cultural and sediments: microscale measurements and modelling’
services (e.g. recreation, tourism) and supporting services published in Frontiers in Microbiology (Baveye et al. 2018).
(e.g. nutrient cycling processes) (Schwilch et al. 2016). This recent rich publishing activity, as also evidenced by an
The links between soil-related ecosystem services, soil analysis of papers published on the topic (Fig. 1), clearly
functions and properties have recently been reviewed by demonstrates the wide interest in X-ray CT applications and
Adhikari and Hartemink (2016). Depending on the dynamic the continuous and rapid advancement of imaging techniques.
interactions between physical, chemical and biological In comparison to the papers published only six years ago in
properties, soils generate a multitude of soil functions, which Anderson and Hopmans’ (2013) Special Issue, impressive
in turn support the delivery of ecosystem services. Among the advancements have been made in both X-ray CT technology
key soil properties and functions identified by these authors, and image processing. This highlights the potential that these
many of them are soil structure-dependant. Nowadays, it is techniques, with the exponential improvements in the
generally assumed that all processes in soils are directly or capabilities of X-ray CTs (e.g. with regard to resolution,
indirectly dependant on soil structure (Martín et al. 2017). power, and speed) and imaging approaches, can serve as
Indeed, soil structure affects retention and availability of common ground for interdisciplinary studies of the complex
water and nutrients, heat and air transport, root penetration, nature of soils.
and in turn, chemical and biological soil properties (Rabot et al. PROTINUS (PROviding new insighT into INteractions
2018). between soil fUnctions and Structure) was a project funded
In the last decade several Special Journal Issues have been between 2014 and 2018 by the European Union’s Horizon 2020
dedicated to new techniques and methods to advance the study research and innovation programme. It aimed to develop new
of soil structure, soil functions and their interactions. There is no experimental, imaging and modelling approaches in order to
research field dealing with the relations between soil structure evaluate the impact of soil structure on soil functions.
with abiotic (e.g. water, gas, particles) or biotic (e.g. roots, PROTINUS assembled a multi-disciplinary team that
microorganisms) factors, where X-ray computed tomography combined expertise in soil physics, biology and chemistry, as
(CT) has not been widely applied in the last twenty years. well as image acquisition and analysis and numerical
The special publication of the Soil Science Society of modelling.
America (Anderson and Hopmans 2013) ‘Soil–Water–Root A selection of the project’s results is presented in this Special
Processes: Advances in Tomography and Imaging’ Issue along with other related studies. The 14 papers of this
emphasised the role that X-ray CT and other imaging Special Issue contribute to improving current approaches of
techniques have played during the last 20 years in the study characterising soil structure and its evolution with internal or
of soil and root interactions. In Geoderma’s Special Issue external factors as well as discuss the effect of soil structure on
‘Structure and function of soil and soil cover in a changing functions associated to storage and filtering of water, mass and
word: characterization and scaling’ (Martín et al. 2017), authors gas transport, nutrients cycle and habitat for biological activity.
presented research on the parameterisation of structure being The scale investigated ranges from micropores to macropores,
scale-dependent and examples on how structure is related to as in these papers the main tool used to image soil structure is
processes in soils. The role of different 3D high resolution X-ray CT at micron resolution.
of the threats humanity is facing, such as improving soil Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) Living Beyond Our Means:
management to ensure food security for the world’s rising Natural Assets and Human Well-Being. A Statement from the
global population and increasing carbon storage in soils to Board, 28 pp. Available at:
documents/document.429.aspx.pdf [verified 22 August 2019].
lower the threat of climate change (Schlesinger and
Müller K, Duwig C, Tinet AJ, Gastelum Strozzi A, Spadini L, Morel MC,
Amundson 2019). It also demonstrated that X-ray CT may
Charrier P (2019a) Orchard management and preferential flow in
serve as a common ground for interdisciplinary studies in soil Andosols – comparing two kiwifruit orchards in New Zealand. Soil
soils, combining expertise in research fields only apparently far Research 57, 615–628. doi:10.1071/SR18293
from each other. Müller K, Dal Ferro N, Katuwal S, Tregurtha C, Zanini F, Carmignato S,
Wollesen de Jonge L, Moldrup P, Morari F (2019b) Effect of long-term
Conflict of interest irrigation and tillage practices on X-ray CT and gas transport derived
The authors declare no conflict of interest pore-network characteristics. Soil Research 57, 657–669. doi:10.1071/
Funding statement Ortega Ramírez MP, Oxarango L, Gastelum Strozzi A (2019) Effect
of X-ray CT resolution on the quality of permeability
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation computation for granular soils: definition of a criterion based on
programme 645717. morphological properties. Soil Research 57, 589–600. doi:10.1071/
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