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Child Safety Wearable Devices With Iot: Ms. S.Sorna Valli Mrs. A. Jasmine Sugil

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)


Ms. S.Sorna valli Mrs. A. Jasmine Sugil
Reg No: 950716621336 Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Applications Department of Computer Applications
Francis Xavier Engineering College Francis Xavier Engineering College
sornavallisubbu@gmail.com findsugil.a@gmail.com

Abstract— Now a day’s child safety is important, so we normal, energy level of child. The sensor every time
can develop the “CHILD SAFETY WEARABLE analysis of child position and health level. The device has
DEVICES”. The devices consist of a child safety. This the characteristics of high reliable, short response time and
device is programmed for daily activity in child. Any high accuracy, and can meet the requirement to ensure
dangerous or go to unknown location for child when this children’s safety. The application was implemented in PHP
device automatically send SMS on the parent mobile, enable mobile devices which support sensor. PHP:
because the device programmed for particular location Hypertext Preprocessor. Server-side scripting language is
on child daily activity. The devices very help to school used for web development.
children. It working devices, SMS based solution using
magnetic sensor to identity the child position in real time
using for temperature sensor. This work for physically
analysis of body temperature, happy, pressure etc. The
daily activity of children and also help find the child
using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth services present on the
devices, but to be an unreliable medium of
communication between child and parent, so
communicate enable to be SMS service. i.e., a child going
home, school, dance class the daily activity programmed
the devices some of time these child go unknown location
for automatically send alarm or SMS on parent mobile. Figure 1: Components of the App
This is followed some characteristics of high reliability, [1]Smart security solution for women and children
short response time, high accuracy. The requirements safety based on GPS using IOT, the threats against women
enable to children’s safety. and children using smart device based on IOT. The system
Keyword—IOT, Sensor, Children. intends to a wireless technique in the form of embedded
devices. This issue of women safety they developed a
I. INTRODUCTION prototype which is easy to use and efficient to provide help
In present time increase in number of kidnapping to that victim. So when the victim press kits button, collect
cases to child. So we implement on “child safety wearable user information to send notification to registered phone
devices” using IOT. The Internet of Think (IOT) refers to number with link of capture image. The case of children
the set of devices and system that stay interconnected with security the system proposes a speed monitoring and
real-world sensor and to the internet. IOT using many type location tracking facilities using GPS, GPRS, and GSM. [2]
of project system likes as self-driver car, home automation Design and implementation of child safety
system which are used to world. There are two types of monitoring system approach of security application of
aspects to the IOT the devices themselves and the server- child. There is a severe rise in number of kidnapping and
side architecture that support them. The devices motivation road accident circumstances. In existing system SMS based
for increasing safety for children. The child to the parent via solution using GPS system to aid parent to track their
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, but some time unreliable source to children location in real time. The system acquires GPS and
transfer information, so send SMS text enable GSM based system are used to track the location of children
communication between child and parent. health monitoring heartbeat, pressure etc., [3]
SMS services used when phone do not support A Mobile Safety Monitoring System for Children,
internet connectivity in enable send text message or exact (MCSM) based on android mobiles to help guardian to
location in the parent mobile. The magnetic sensor using for acquire whether the children safe or not. MCSM implements
child position. The sensor using the different types of the software hand function and the danger zone function for
application: position, presence, fluid level, speed, safety two typical safety scenarios, i.e., going outside with their
etc., and then using for temperature sensor. This work for guardians and without their guardians respectively. The
physically analysis of body temperature, happy, pressure software hand function can keep children in guardian’s view
etc., this not only using identity child location, analysis for by using Bluetooth near field communication, and the safety
child health level and temperature, happy, blood pressure zone function can make guardians know children’s location

ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717 23 Vol.4, Issue.11, November 2018

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

timely by using GPS sensors, acceleration sensors, and

mobile GIS(Geographic Information System). Experiments
shows the system has the characteristics of high reliability,
short response time and high accuracy, and can meet the
requirements to ensure children’s safety. [4]
Child Safety and Tracking Management System
technology is growing rapidly and providing all essential
and effective solutions for every requirement. Today child
safety is an important area of concern. This ideal is
developed to resolve the worries of parents regarding their
kid safety. In this scenario, our system ensures maximum
security and ensures live tracking for their kids because
parent feels anxious. This paper suggested a model for child
safety through smart mobiles that provides the option to
track the location of their children as well as in case of
emergency kids is able to send a fast message and its current
location via Short Message Services. This proposed system
is validated by testing on the Android platform. [5]
IOT wearable devices for the safety and security of
women and girl child to create a wearable IOT device for
the security and shielding of women, girl children. This is
accomplished by the examination of physiological signs in
concurrence with body gestures. The symptoms are
analyzed and body temperature is measured by galvanic
skin resistance. This work compacts with body temperature
and stress and skin resistance and connection between them.
By applying the records, activities people’s position is
analyzed. The devices make an analysis of skin resistance
and body temperature to analyze the position of the person. Figure 1: Architecture Diagram for the device

II. THEORY The application was implemented in PHP enable

We have implemented the devices of child safety mobile devices which support Sensor. The application
wearable devices. The devices help for child safety. A child support two type of module these for child and parent. The
wearable devices inside be the magnetic sensor. The work application programmed for particular four or five zones,
for analysis the child position, using four types of zones. the child go to unknown location for send SMS or alarm on
The zones outside go to another location or unknown parent mobile with display for current location. This
location for automatically send a alarm or SMS on the application used to four zones in a single parent application.
parent mobile. The programmed write the particular location Parents can monitor their child moment as each five second
of daily activity of child doing regular work. as they are receiving the information of their child
Fig1 The devices possible to school student or movement from their devices, because each five second
child. Sensor is useful for tracking child and also provides automatically update the location on the parent mobile, so
the information where the child is currently located as well easy to analysis the current location.
as it also informs the parents how long his child is far away <meta http-equiv="refresh"content="5">
from his parents. SMS services used when smart phones do The devices are using the sensor, so we using the
not support internet connectivity in this case child is able to update the each five second. Then last zone using for
send a text message or exact location in the parents. This unknown location, it not using track, because using the
system is going to help the parents to track the location of refresh the location.
their children without informing them because their In developing this application for parents, we
movement is displayed on the parent mobile. required sensor enable smart phones which are used to track
the child’s location and for developing Arduino based
applications. The child sends location coordinate by using
sensor updates to the server and the updates saved in the
database on the server. The reason for selecting Arduino
operating system is that now days millions of users are
using smart phones.

ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717 24 Vol.4, Issue.11, November 2018

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)

III. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS children that will serve the purpose of alerts and way of
communicating with secure channels and it update the
A. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP current location through IOT. Safety device with wearable's
The usage of device find the corresponding location on which help track the daily activity of children and also help
missing child. If any danger for send the text message or find the child using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth services present on
alarm on parent mobile. The hardware and software the device. The child sends location coordinate by using
requirement are sensor updates to the server and the updates saved in the
 ATMEGA 328 database on the server. An ATmega328p micro-controller
controls the system architecture of the wearable with an
 MAGNETIC SWITCH Arduino boot-loader.
 BUFFER The system architecture of the wearable is based
 GSM MODEM and controlled by an ATmega328p micro-controller with an
Arduino is a software stack for mobile devices that Arduino UNO boot-loader.
includes an Operating system, middleware and key B. Experimental Results
application. We use a MySQL Database along with PHP.
The solution for tracking and a missing child is done with
the help of sensor. There are two main services are used for
this application that is sensor and SMS. For location
services is sensor and telephony services is SMS. Generally
the selected operating system is Arduino to over all the
features. SMS is used for connecting between child side and
parent side. The application developed to make a user-
friendly approach on both sides, we require PHP. Parent’s
side used SMS and Sensor server for communicating with
child’s mobility, automatically update the child location on
the parent mobile.
Fig 2: The below diagram is block diagram of child
safety. That measures the child location show on the parent
mobile. The short messages are used for child to send Figure .3: Receiver
current location and update to his parent. The SMS is
important services of the purpose of the devices. The
application stores the last update location in database server

Figure .4: Transmitter

Figure 2: Work flow diagram
The short messages are used for child to send
Fig 4: This is devices on location. It consist the
current location and update to his parent. The SMS is
four zones; one is home, second of garden, third of
important services of the purpose of the devices. The
swimming pool and final for out of range. A child goes to
application stores the last update location in database server.
unsafe location or unknown location, and then message with
Fig 3: GSM Modem searches the corresponding
alarm sent to parent mobile.
location on the travel the child, that using the GSM
Modem with SIM. The proposed system intends to a device
wireless technique in the form of embedded device for

ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717 25 Vol.4, Issue.11, November 2018

International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)


In conclusion, this application is designed for trace
to missing child. The result represented in this paper takes
the advantages of smart phones which offer rich features
like Sensor, IOT, and SMS etc. Some past works on SMS
based tracking which is not supportive to get an accurate
location in our proposed system we have provided real time
In future it can be developed the security devices
using GPS. GPS is checking the location on each every
movement. Which focuses on children safety, tracking of
school bus and exact location of school bus with the help of
longitude and altitude positioning of GPS and sending
information through SMS.

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ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717 26 Vol.4, Issue.11, November 2018

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