Foreign Exchange ICICI
Foreign Exchange ICICI
Foreign Exchange ICICI
Foreign Exchange is the purchase or sale of one nation’s currency in exchange for another
nation’s currency. Foreign Exchange makes possible international transactions such as imports
and exports and the movement of capital between countries.
Foreign Exchange is the money in one country for money or credit or goods or services in
another country. Foreign Exchange includes foreign currencies, foreign cheques and foreign
drafts. Foreign Exchange is the transaction of international monetary business, as between
governments or businesses of different countries.
Foreign Exchange is the negotiable bills drawn in one country to be paid in another country.
Foreign Exchange is any currency other than the local currency which is used in settling
international transactions.
Foreign Exchange is the system of trading in and converting the currency of one country into
that of another country. Foreign Exchange is the transfer of credits to a foreign country to settle
debts or accounts between residents of the home country and those of the foreign country.
-Geography Dictionary
Foreign exchange exposure and risk are important concept in the study of international finance.
It is the sensitivity of the home currency value of asset, liabilities, or operating incomes to
unanticitpated changes in the exchange rates.
Exposure exists if the home currency values on an average in a particular manner. It also exists
where numerous currencies are involved.
Foreign exchange risk is the variance of the home currency value of items arising on account
of unanticipated changes in the exchange rates.
The derivative instruments like forwards, futures and options are used to hedge against the
foreign exchange risk of the Multinational companies.
The original derivatives contract of International Finance is the ‘Forward exchange contract’.
Forward Foreign exchange is a traditional and popular risk management tool to obtain
protection against adverse exchange rate movements. The exchange rate is ‘locked in’ for a
specific date in future, which enables the person involved in the contract to plan for and budget
the business expenses with more certainty.
Forward exchange market, has since the 1960s, played the role of linking international interest
rates. Today, however, Forward contract have to share other instruments and markets for
arbitrage and for hedging. These newer derivative instruments include Futures, Options and
The world nations are increasingly becoming more interrelated global trade, and global
investment. These international result in cross country flow of world nations. Countries hold
currencies of other countries and that a market, dealing of foreign exchange results.
Foreign exchange means reserves of foreign currencies. More aptly, foreign exchange refers to
claim to foreign money balances. Foreign exchange gives resident of one country a financial
claim on other country or countries. All deposits, credits and balances payable in foreign
currency and any drafts, travelers’ cheques, letters of credit and bills of exchange payable in
foreign currency constitute foreign exchange. Foreign exchange market is the market where
money denominated in one currency is bought and sold with money denominated in another
currency. Transactions in currencies of countries, parties to these transactions, rates at which
one currency is exchanged for other or others, ramificataion in these rates, derivatives to the
currencies and dealing in them and related aspects constitute the foreign exchange (in short,
forex) market.
Foreign exchange transactions take place whenever a country imports goods and services,
people of a country undertake visits to other counties, citizens of a country remit money abroad
for whatever purpose, business units set up foreign subsidiaries and so on. In all these cases the
nation concerned buys relevant and required foreign exchange, in exchange of its currency, or
draws from foreign exchange reserves built. On the other hand, when a country exports goods
and services to another country, when people of other countries visit the country, when citizens
of the country settled abroad remit money homewards, when foreign citizens, firms and
institutions invest in the country and when the country or its business community raises funds
from abroad, the country’s currency is bought by others, giving foreign exchange, in exchange.
Multinational firms operate in more than one country and their operations involve multiple
foreign currencies. Their operations are influenced by politics and the laws of the counties
where they operate. Thus, they face higher degree of risk as compared to domestic firms. A
matter of great concern for the international firms is to analyze the implications of the changes
in interest rates, inflation rates and exchange rates on their decisions and minimize the foreign
exchange risk. The importance of the study is to know the features of foreign exchange and the
factors creating risk in foreign exchange transactions and the techniques used for managing
that risk.
To study and understand the foreign exchange in ICICI Bank Limited.
To study and analyze the revenues of the company when the exchange rates fluctuate.
To analyze income statement and find out the revenues when the dollars are converted
into Indian rupees.
To study the different types of foreign exchange exposure including risk and risk
management techniques which the company is used to minimize the risk.
To present the findings and conclusions of the company in respect of foreign
exchange risk management
Primary data:
The primary data information is gathered from Reliance Securities executives.
Secondary data:
The secondary data is collected from various financial books, magazines as part of the training
class undertaken for project.
The study is confined just to the foreign exchange risk but not the total risk.
The analysis of this study is mainly done on the income statements.
This study is limited for the year 2018-2019.
It does not take into consideration all Indian companies foreign exchange risk.
The hedging techniques are studied only which the company adopted to minimize
foreign exchange risk.
In this first chapter will provide introduction of the topic and need, scope, objectives of the
study. Project limitations and methodology of the study.
The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a worldwide decentralized
over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies. Financial centers around the
world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and
sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market
determines the relative values of different currencies.
9. The fact that weak macroeconomic fundamentals have a tendency to accentuate the
contagion effect of any adverse external development was amply demonstrated during the
May-August 2013 episode of volatility. Countries with large macroeconomic imbalances,
especially large CAD, such as, Brazil, Turkey, India, Indonesia, etc., experienced much larger
volatility as compared to other EDMEs with current account surplus/better fundamentals. In a
scenario of intense volatility, traditional monetary policy defence at times proves inadequate
as was experienced by other EDMEs like Turkey and Indonesia. Thus, a mix of measures,
including administrative measures, coupled with effective communication by central banks
helps in containing the exchange rate volatility. I feel that the main lesson from this episode of
volatility for an EMDE central bank is to have sufficient tools in its toolkit and employ them
in a flexible, proactive and pragmatic manner. In this context, having large forex reserves,
which was earlier considered wasteful on account of quasi fiscal costs, has become a new
virtue. Even the debate surrounding capital account liberalisation has decisively veered towards
having some necessary capital controls in place to protect the EMDEs from the vagaries of
international capital flows where a deluge is generally followed by sudden stops. The need for
the EMDEs to have prudent capital controls in place has been duly recognised by the ardent
votaries of full capital account liberalisation like the IMF. Unfettered capital account
liberalisation is now passé and the new mantra is having certain necessary capital controls in
place and use them proactively during episodes of heightened volatility
International Finance-Jeff Madura
Multinational Financial management-Alane C.Shaprio
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