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SEMESTER 2 2019/2020

Experiment No. : 3.3

Experiment Title : Travel and delay studies

Section :1
Group No. :2
Lecturer’s Name : Mr. Zakwan Ramli

List of Group:
No. Name ID No.
4 LOH QI HONG CE0102849

Assessment of PO4(a) – use research method for collecting data (Rubrics) [15 marks]:
No. Criteria Total Marks Given Marks
1 Formatting and grammar/ spelling. 3
2 Introduction and objective 3
3 Procedure 4
4 5
data, figures, graphs, tables, etc.
Overall marks for PO4(a) [15 marks]

Assessment of PO4(b) - analyze and interpret data (Rubrics) [25 marks]:

No. Criteria Total Marks Given Marks
1 Analysis 10
2 Discussion 10
3 Conclusion 5
Overall marks PO4(b) [25 marks]
A travel time study determines the amount of time required to travel from one point to
another point on a given route. The starting point is at the UNITEN main gate and the
endpoint is at the roundabout near the centrum mall. Information on the location, duration,
and causes of delays in this study help traffic engineer in identifying problem location which
may require special treatment or attention to improve the overall flow of traffic on the route.

The objective of this study is to estimate the travel and delay time on a given route.

General tasks:
Moving vehicle technique
1. The locations with relatively high delays fend choose reference points are identified which
is UNITEN main gate to De Centrum’s Roundabout.
2. The test vehicle was running by making a round trip on the study section.
Tuner tasks
1. The time passing is recorded on each reference point.
2. The stopped time between the references point is recorded. It is the difference between the
times taken by the test vehicle is slowing down or stopping and the time the test vehicle is
continuing its normal running speed. It is reasonable to assume that the stopped time begins
when the test vehicle has slow down to one half of its normal speed and ends when it has
accelerated back to one-half of its normal speed.
Recorder Task
1. The number of vehicles traveling in the opposite lane is recorded.
2. The number of vehicles that overcome the test vehicle passes while traveling is recorded.
3.The number of vehicles that the test vehicles pass while traveling is recorded. Parked
vehicles are not to be counted.
4. Any event that causes the test vehicle to slow down or stop is recorded.
Table 3.31: Travel time study for elapsed journey time and stopped time.



Travel Time Study (Moving Vehicle Technique)

From: UNITEN Gate To: Roundabout De Centrum

Enumerator: Sufian, Syasya, Tamil, Hong, Zahir Date: 15/10/2019
Time: Start: 11:40 a.m. End: 11:58 a.m. Weather: Sunny
Reference Elapsed Stopped Time (min)
point Journey Traffic Turning Pedestrian Bus Others Remarks
Time Signal Traffic
X-Y 2.19 0.753 0.552 0 0 0.466 No. of run: 1
0.418 Others:
1.41 0.538 0.279 0 0 0.303 No. of run: 2
0.290 Others:
1.52 0 0.560 0 0 0.413 No. of run: 3
0.547 Others:
1.39 0 0.370 0 0 0.309 No. of run: 4
0.384 0.327 Others:
1.56 0.408 0.376 0 0 0.383 No. of run: 5
0.394 Others:
Total 8.07 1.699 2.521 0 0 3.850
Y-X 1.41 0.762 0.310 0 0 0 No. of run: 1
1.21 0.32 0.420 0 0 0 No. of run: 2
2.28 0.894 0 0 0 0 No. of run: 3
3.09 1.409 0.526 0 0 0 No. of run: 4
1.32 0.751 0.579 0 0 0 No. of run: 5

Total 9.31 7.468 1.835 0 0 0

Table 3.32: Travel time study for elapsed journey time and no of vehicles.



Travel Time Study (Moving Vehicle Technique)

From: UNITEN Gate To: Roundabout De Centrum

Enumerator: Sufian, Syasya, Tamil, Hong, Zahir Date: 15/10/2019
Time: Start: 11:40 a.m. End: 11:58 a.m. Weather: Sunny
Travel Time No. of Vehicle No. of Vehicle No. of Vehicle
Run direction/ (min) Travelling in That Overtook Overtaken by
Number Opposite Test Vehicle Test Vehicle
X-Y 2.19 27 3 1

1.41 39 2 1

1.52 45 3 0

1.39 50 4 3

1.56 52 3 7

Total 8.07 213 15 12

Y-X 1.41 14 4 0

1.21 19 1 0

2.28 27 0 0
3.09 20 3 0
1.32 24 5 0
Total 9.31 104 13 0

Volume for X-Y = 1583.643 vph

Volume for Y-X = 670 vph
Travel time for X-Y = 8.07 min
Travel time for Y-X = 9.31 min
Sample calculation
213 60𝑚𝑖𝑛
Volume for X-Y = 8.07𝑚𝑖𝑛 × 1 ℎ𝑟

= 1583.643 vph
104 60𝑚𝑖𝑛
Volume for Y-X =9.31𝑚𝑖𝑛 × 1 ℎ𝑟

= 670 vph
Travel time for X-Y = 8.07 min
Travel time for Y-X = 9.31 min

Based on the results in table 3.31, the X-Y route for most of the run experienced the
same reasons. The test vehicle slows down due to traffic signal which is traffic light, turning
traffic or junction and roundabout. The total elapsed time for 5 runs in 8.07 minutes. The
longest stopped time for run 1 is due to the roundabout which is 0.884 minutes and the
elapsed time for run 1 is 2.19 minutes. The longest stopped time for run 2 is due to the
roundabout which is 0.593 minutes and the elapsed time for run 2 is 1.41 minutes. The
longest stopped time for run 3 is due to the roundabout which is 0.960 minutes and the
elapsed time for run 3 is 1.52 minutes. The longest stopped time for run 4 is due to the
roundabout which is 0.636 minutes and the elapsed time for run 4 is 1.56 minutes. The
longest stopped time for run 5 is due to the roundabout which is 0.777 minutes and the
elapsed time for run 5 is 1.56 minutes. In conclusion, The XY route was delayed by
roundabout for 3.850 minutes.
Based on the results in table 3.31, the Y-X route for most of the run experienced the same
reasons. The test vehicle slows down due to the traffic signal which is traffic light and turning
traffic. The total elapsed time for 5 runs in 9.31 minutes. The longest stopped time for run 1
is due to traffic signal which is 1.102 minutes and the elapsed time for run 1 is 1.41 minutes.
The longest stopped time for run 2 is due to traffic signal which is 0.77 minutes and the
elapsed time for run 2 is 1.21 minutes. The longest stopped time for run 3 is due to traffic
signal which is 2.280 minutes and the elapsed time for run 3 is 2.280 minutes. The longest
stopped time for run 4 is due to traffic signal which is 2.564 minutes and the elapsed time for
run 4 is 3.09 minutes. The longest stopped time for run 5 is due to traffic signal which is
0.751 minutes and the elapsed time for run 5 is 1.32 minutes. In conclusion, The YX route
was delayed by traffic signal for 7.468 minutes.
Based on the results shown in table 3.32, The total travel time XY for 5 runs in 8.07 minutes.
The highest number of vehicles travelling in the opposite direction is 52 vehicles which are in
run 5 for 1.56 minutes. The highest number of vehicles that overtook test vehicles are 4
vehicles which are in run 5 for 1.56 minutes. The highest number of vehicles overtaken by
test vehicles is 7 vehicles which are in run 5 for 1.56 minutes. The total number of vehicles
travelling in the opposite direction is 213 vehicles for 5 runs. The total number of vehicles
that overtook test vehicle is 15 vehicles. The total number of vehicles overtaken by test
vehicles is 12 vehicles.
Based on the results shown in table 3.32, The total travel time YX for 5 runs in 9.31 minutes.
The highest number of vehicles travelling in the opposite direction is 27 vehicles which are in
run 3 for 2.28 minutes. The highest number of vehicles that overtook test vehicles are 5
vehicles which are in run 5 for 1.32 minutes. The total number of vehicles travelling in the
opposite direction is 104 vehicles for 5 runs. The total number of vehicles that overtook test
vehicle is 13 vehicles.

Based on the results in table 3.31, the total elapsed time route XY for 5 runs in 8.07
minutes. The XY route was delayed the most is by roundabout which delays the travel by
3.85 minutes for 5 runs. This is because of the vehicles must slow down as they approach the
roundabout and watch the upcoming car to prevent the collision. Number of cars in the
opposite direction is increasing at each run and the total number of cars in the opposite
direction for route XY is 213. This is due to lunch hour time and people go out from their
office to have some meals at the nearby mall which is De Centrum Mall or IOI Putrajaya
Mall. Furthermore, the road is also used by Uniten student which cause an increase in the
number of vehicles from 11:40 a.m. to 11:58 a.m. due to their classes is started at 12 noon.
The total elapsed time route YX for 5 runs in 9.31 minutes. The YX route was
delayed the most is by traffic signal which the time taken is 7.468 minutes for 5 runs. This is
due to the T- junction with the traffic signal which takes the time for the traffic light to turn
green is longer. Number of cars in the opposite direction is increasing at each run and the
total number of cars in the opposite direction for route YX is 104.
Based on the results, the volume for route X-Y using the total number of vehicles for
5 runs is calculated to be 1583.643 vph. The volume for route Y-X using the total number of
vehicles for 5 runs is calculated to be 670 vph.

In conclusion, the total travel time for the route from Uniten gate (X) to roundabout
De Centrum (Y), X-Y is 8:07 minutes and Y-X is 9:31 minutes. The highest delay time
throughout the route X-Y caused by the roundabout which is 3.850 minutes. The highest
delay time throughout the route Y-X caused by the traffic signal which is 7.468 minutes.
Number of cars in the opposite direction is increasing at each run and the total number of cars
in the opposite direction for route XY is 213. The total number of cars in the opposite
direction for route YX is 104. This is due to lunch hour time and people go out from their
office to have some meals at the nearby mall which is De Centrum Mall or IOI Putrajaya
Mall. The volume per hour for route X-Y is 1583.643 vph and the volume per hour for route
Y-X is 670 vph.

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