Testing Syllabus Ssts
Testing Syllabus Ssts
Testing Syllabus Ssts
Manual Testing
1. Importance of Software Testing
2. Introduction to Software Testing
3. Software Development Life Cycle Models
a) Waterfall Model
b) Prototype Model
c) Incremental Model
d) Spiral Model
e) V – Model
f) Agile Model
4. Introduction to Agile Scrum Methodology
a) Agile Manifesto
b) Introduction to Agile Scrum Process
c) Responsibilities of Product Owner, Scrum Master and Scrum Team
d) Ceremonies in Scrum
e) Sprint Task Board
f) Sprint BurnDown Chart
5. Software Testing Phases
a) Document Testing
b) Unit Testing
c) Integration Testing
d) System Testing
e) User Acceptance Testing
6. Software Testing Techniques
a) Static Testing Techniques
b) White Box Testing Techniques
c) Black Box Testing Techniques
d) Grey Box Testing Techniques
e) Yellow Box Testing Techniques
7. Software Testing Life Cycle
a) Requirements Analysis
b) Test Strategy Preparation
c) Test Plan Preparation
d) Test Scenarios Preparation
e) Test Cases Preparation
f) Test Data Preparation
g) Test Execution
h) Test Closure
4. Sikuli
a) Introduction
b) Sikuli Installation
c) Sikuli integration with selenium
d) File upload example
5. Reporting Tools
a) Introduction to Extent Reports
b) Test case writing with extent reports
c) Attaching Screenshots to reports
6. DB Testing
a) MySQL Introduction
b) Basic SQL Queries
c) SQL Joins
e) Writing test cases to work with DB
7. WebDriver Listeners
8. Maven
a) Introduction
b) Maven setup and Installation
c) Creating and Importing Maven projects
d) Maven Repositories
e) POM explanation
f) Maven Build Life cycle
g) Goals and plugins
h) Profiles
9. GitHub
a) Introduction
b) Downloading (cloning) a project from GitHub
c) commit, push and pull features of GitHub
10. TestNG Framework
a) Introduction
b) TestNG annotations
c) Prioritizing tests
d) TestNg Suite
e) Grouping tests
f) Dependent tests
g) Reporters and asserts
h) Parameters
i) Data Providers
j) Browser compatibility and parallel Execution
11. Page Object Model
12. Page Factory