Science Investigatory Project: Rice Water and Onion Juice (For Substitutional Hair Treatment
Science Investigatory Project: Rice Water and Onion Juice (For Substitutional Hair Treatment
Science Investigatory Project: Rice Water and Onion Juice (For Substitutional Hair Treatment
The researchers would like to thank the school for allowing this research and to the teacher who coordinated
this as well. Thanks to the researchers who have studies and worked hard for this project and with the
concepts, ideas, and possibilities that they have created along the way. The researchers would like to show
their gratitude to the people who helped them by funding the project and making it into reality. Special thanks
to the reliable and credible sources in which they were able to receive information, references, and detail that
helped them in this research.
Onions are highly nutritious, being a significant source of Vitamn C which also contains sulfur, folic
acid, quercetin, biotin, iron, protein and other minerals. Rice are also highly nutritous that contains
minerals such as niacin, selenium, folic acid, B1-B6, thiamin, Vitamin B, Vitamin K and the list goes
on. The rice are served cooked usually, same as the onion but the onion, it can also be eaten raw.
Treatment is one of the medicines that can help in treating damaged hair.
The procedures are simple. First, gather the materials needed in creating the hair treatment.
Second, ferment the rice using water and wait after 12-24 hours (the longer it ferments the better).
When the rice water is done fermenting, cut the onion finely or grate it using a grater, then, using a
clean cloth, extract the onion’s juice into a bow then add lemon juice or any type of essential oil.
Using a strainer separete the rice from the water and set it aside. In another bowl, add the onion juice
w/ essential oil and the rice water. Then, using a funnel, carefully put the mixed ingredience into a
strerilized bottle. Spray it onto your scalp after washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner then
rince it after 30-60 minutes. You can use either the both ingredients, the rice water or the onion juice
since the both has the same outcome.
The Rice Water and Onion Juice Hair Treatment can be used as a substitute in treating damaged
A. Background of the Study
Onions are highly nutritious, being a significant source of Vitamin C which also contains sulfur, folic acid,
quercetin, biotin, iron, protein and other minerals. Rice are also highly nutritious that contains minerals such as
niacin, selenium, folic acid, B1-B6, thiamin, Vitamin B, Vitamin K and the list goes on. The rice are served
cooked usually, same as the onion but the onion, it can also be eaten raw. Treatment is one of the medicines
that can help in treating damaged hair.
The procedures are simple. First, gather the materials needed in creating the hair treatment. Second,
ferment the rice using water and wait after 12-24 hours (the longer it ferments the better). When the rice water
is done fermenting, cut the onion finely or grate it using a grater, then, using a clean cloth, extract the onion’s
juice into a bowl using your hands, then add lemon juice or any type of essential oil. Using a strainer separate
the rice from the water and set it aside. In another bowl, add the onion juice w/ essential oil and the rice water.
Then, using a funnel, carefully put the mixed ingredients into a sterilized bottle. Spray it onto your scalp after
washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner then rinse it after 30-60 minutes. You can use either the both
ingredients, the rice water or the onion juice since the both has the same outcome.
The Rice Water and Onion Juice Hair Treatment can be used as a substitute in treating damaged hair.
One small study published in the Journal of Dermatology indicated that applying onion juice to the scalp
might help hair regrow in some people. The study involved participants who had alopecia areata, which is a
non-scarring, patchy form of hair loss. Researchers found that hair growth started after 2 weeks of using onion
juice, which was applies to the scalp twice daily. Almost 74 percent of the participants has some hair regrowth
after 4 weeks, and at 6 weeks about 87 percent experienced hair regrowth. Both males and females
participated in the study and the hair regrowth was higher among males. Although the study did indicate
positive results, it was small with only 38 participants.
According to P&G, Rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties, the use of onion for hair truly helps
keeps hair loss at bay. Here are 10 amazing ways your hair can benefit from using onions. They are very good
at hair follicle nourishment and help restore lost nutrients to your scalp. They are rich in Sulfur, which is known
to minimize breakage and thinning. They have potent anti-bacterial properties and help fight infections of the
scalp. This in turn helps reduce hair fall as scalp infections can cause massive loss of hair. They are naturally
potent antioxidants, which is why they help reverse the effects of premature greying. This vegetable lends a
healthy shine to the hair, which can become permanent when used regularly. Research has found that they
have the ability to prevent neck and head cancer. They also make your hair uninhabitable for lice. Add volume
by using onion juice for hair. They can be used to fight dandruff owing to their rich anti-bacterial properties.
They improve blood circulation which is another way to contribute to hair growth.
There are also other treatments that has been used using the onion.
According to Live Science, "Onions are super-healthy," said Victoria Jarzabkowski, a nutritionist with the
Fitness Institute of Texas at the University of Texas at Austin. "They are excellent sources of vitamin C,
sulphuric compounds, flavonoids and phytochemicals."
Phytochemicals, or phytonutrients, are naturally occurring compounds in fruits and vegetables that are able
to react with the human body to trigger healthy reactions. Flavonoids are responsible for pigments in many
fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that they may help reduce the risk of Parkinson's
disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke.
A particularly valuable flavonoid in onions is quercetin, which acts as an antioxidant that may be linked to
preventing cancer. “It also might have heart health benefits, though more studies need to be done,” said
Angela Lemond, a Plano, Texas-based registered dietitian nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics.
Rice (Oryza sativa) is very much accepted for its medicinal purposes. According to OMICS International,
there are so many ways that Rice (Oryza sativa) had been used as a herbal medicine frequently used by any
country in the world. In Philippines, rice polishing the bran is extracted and used as very good source of
Vitamin B to avert and cure beri-beri. In Malaysia, The Medicinal publication of Malayan surgery prescribes
boiling the rice "greens" as an eye lotion and for use with acute inflammation of the inner body tissues. The
publication furthermore recommends applying a blend of dried, powdered rice on certain skin ailments. In
Cambodia, the hulls (husk) of mature rice plants are advised helpful for treating dysentery. The hulls of a three-
month vintage rice vegetation are considered to be diuretic. In ceramic, dehydrated sprouted rice grains were
one time imported from Malaysia and utilized as an external medicine to aid in digestion, give pitch to muscles,
and expel gas from the stomach and intestines. The Chinese accept as true rice reinforces the spleen, as well
as "weak stomach," increases appetite, and therapies indigestion, and in India, rice water (a decoction of rice)
is prescribed by the Pharmacopoeia of India as an ointment to counteract inflamed exterior.
According to Medical News (2017),Heart disease includes heart attacks and strokes, and is one of the
leading causes of death worldwide.
Observational studies have linked the consumption of whole grains with reduced risk of death from heart
One study followed 86,190 men for 5.5 years. Those who consumed one serving or more of whole-grain
breakfast cereals every day had 20% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease than those who never or
rarely consumed whole grains.
Another study followed 75,521 women for 10 years. High whole grain intake was found to be linked with a 30%
reduction in cardiovascular disease risk compared to low intake
Whole grains may also have beneficial effects on body weight and diabetes, effects that are closely associated
with cardiovascular disease.
Keep in mind that all of these studies are observational. They show an association between whole grains and
health, but cannot prove causation.
One thing is clear, whole grain brown rice contains a number of heart healthy components, such as minerals,
antioxidants, lignans, and dietary fiber.
A randomized controlled trial in 21 Korean men and women, half of which were obese, studied the effect of
high-fiber rice on risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Eating high-fiber rice as a substitute for white rice led to weight loss, accompanied with a decrease
in cholesterol in the obese subjects.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica (2018), Many cultures have evidence of early rice cultivation,
including China, India, and the civilizations of Southeast Asia. However, the earliest archaeological evidence
comes from central and eastern China and dates to 7000–5000 BCE. With the exception of the type
called upland rice, the plant is grown on submerged land in the coastal plains, tidal deltas, and river basins of
tropical, semitropical, and temperate regions. The seeds are sown in prepared beds, and when the seedlings
are 25 to 50 days old, they are transplanted to a field, or paddy, that has been enclosed by levees and
submerged under 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) of water, remaining submerged during the growing season.
In the 1960s, the so-called Green Revolution, an international scientific effort to diminish the threat of world
hunger, produced improved strains of numerous food crops, including that known as miracle rice. Bred for
disease resistance and increased productivity, this variety is characterized by a short, sturdy stalk that
minimizes loss from drooping. Poor soil conditions and other factors, however, inhibited its anticipated
widespread success.
The principal rice-producing countries are China, India, Japan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, and
Myanmar (Burma). Other important producers are Vietnam, Brazil, South Korea, the Philippines, and
the United States. In the late 20th century the world rice crop averaged between 800 billion and 950 billion
pounds annually and was cultivated on an average of about 358 million acres (145 million hectares
Overall, the research gap that this study wants to bridge-in as identified by the researchers in the numerous
studies presented is the benefits of the plants that were stated which are the Onion (Allium cepa) and Rice
(Oryza sativa).
Procedure in Making
In making the Rice Water
a. Gather the materials needed
b. Ferment the rice using the water in a small bowl for 12-24 hours (You will know if it’s ready when you mix it,
it will form a cloudy texture)
c. Strain the rice from the water and keep the fermented rice water at the side or put it in a spray bottle.
Using a clean cloth, extract the juice into a bowl using your hands (recommend to use the pestle in in
smashing the onion in the cloth first before extracting it using your hands to extract more juice)
Mixing the two ingredients
Add essential oil to the Onion juice mixture then mix
Mix the two ingredients together
Using a funnel, carefully put the mixed ingredients into a sterilized bottle.
C. Procedure in Testing
a. Grab the product and put some on a cotton (sterilized)
b. Do a patch- test on the arm of the person who will use it to know if it has side effects. If side effects may
occur such as redness, itching, and swellness. Do not use the product.
Wash your hair with Shampoo and Conditioner then rinse.
Spray the Hair treatment onto your scalp then massage and leave it for 30-60 minutes.
After 30-60 minutes, rinse it thoroughly using water.
SCENT Onion Juice scent is not noticeable
rice water moldy scent is not noticable.
Mixed scent of onion, and rice and
unnoticeable due to the essential oil.
COLOR Cloudy-white
SCENT Scent has not changed.
COLOR Color has not changed.
HAIR TEXTURE Frizzy, dry, oily, Slightly frizzy, slightly Frizz free, shiny,
rough, abusive dry, soft, slightly soft, minimal amount of
amount dandruff enough amount of dandruff, thick,
Can easily fall dandruff hair fall-free
Can easily fall
1720 iv
HAIR LENGTH Short Grew a centimetre The same as day 2
HAIR COLOR Light brown with Faded black No sign of brown and
Bronx Slightly turning ash bronze pigment
Light black brown thick black
The researchers wants to identify if the Rice Water and Onion Juice as Hair Treatment is a great substitute in
treating hair.
Based on the results, the researchers have discussed that in only two-days you can see results clearly. From
the frizzy, dry, and oily hair texture it become a frizz free, shiny, and thick amount of hair just in two days.
Based on the research it actually takes up to 7 days to take effect depending on the hair structure here’s an
example that Dr. Debbie William showed according to her research.
In conclusion, the researchers have gathered data in which it helped the investigatory more appropriate and
concise. Thus, that in the days that they have tested its partial outcome, it shows that the facts came from the
sources are proved to be appropriate and not a falsity move. With the findings that the general objective of this
research is to show that Onion Juice and Rice Water can be proved to be a substitute in treating your hair is a
great recommendation to the people who are in need of it.
The use of its minerals have been important to its great purpose. Sulphur, it helps in hair growth, its strength
and elasticity, also fight dandruff and extends the Anagen stage the hair which is found in the Onion. Rice
Water also contains minerals that helps the hair in treating itself. Selenium and Magnesium which helps
sustain its hair self-development which concludes how fast the recovery of the hair in its tests. These are the
following benefits of the onion that helped in treating the hair.
This research is 100% organic which means there is no other preservatives added to make this product. This
product might prove to be a sales-worthy item depending on the person who will acquire. It doesn’t have a bad
odour nor does it also have an interesting scent of mixed essential oil and onion. Regarding on the different
kinds of hair-types, the researchers have concluded that it depends on how well the person who will use this
product can have the same results as of the tests. The product only lasts for 7-10 days depending on the
temperature which makes it a pocket-worthy product.
The researchers would like to recommend to use the product as soon as possible before it gets spoiled, putting
it inside the refrigerator when not in use to prolong its storage-life, and massage the scalp when applying the
product. It is also recommendable to use a spray bottle than using ordinary bottles in making storage of your
product to make it easier in applying the product to your scalp.
The researchers recommend the product’s odor to be improved in order to make the people more interested to
use it. Furthermore study about Rice Water and Onion Juice is beneficial to the citizens in our country.
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