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1) Abhor, Detest, Loathe, Hate, Dislike, Despise, Abominate

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1) Abhor, Detest, Loathe, Hate, Dislike, Despise, Abominate

Abhor to hate sth, for example a way of behaving or thinking, especially for moral reasons
She abhors any form of cruelty towards animals.

Detest to hate sb/sth very much

They detested each other on sight.

Loathe to dislike sb/sth very much

I loathe modern art.
They loathe each other.

Hate to dislike sth very much

I hate spinach.
I hate Monday mornings.

Despise to dislike and have no respect for sb/sth

She despised gossip in any form.
He despised himself for being so cowardly.

Abominate to feel hatred or disgust for sth/sb

the conqueror should not abominate the defeated enemy

2) Bigot Narrow-Minded, Prejudiced Person

Bigot a person who has very strong, unreasonable beliefs or opinions about race, religion or
politics and who will not listen to or accept the opinions of anyone who disagrees
a religious/racial bigot

Prejudiced Person having an unreasonable dislike of or preference for sb/sth, especially based
on their race, religion, sex, etc.
Few people will admit to being racially prejudiced
I was a little prejudiced against him because of his background.
I think it's an excellent article, but then I'm prejudiced—I wrote it.

3) Counterfeit, Fake, False

Made to look exactly like sth in order to trick people into thinking that they are getting the real
thing, not genuine; imitating something superior
He was arrested for attempting to sell counterfeit watches.
Are you aware these notes are counterfeit?
4) Enfranchise, Give Voting Rights

Enfranchise to give sb the right to vote in an election.

Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century

5) Hamper, Hinder, Obstruct

Hamper to prevent sb from easily doing or achieving sth

Our efforts were severely hampered by a lack of money.

Hinder to make it difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen

These killings have seriously hindered progress towards peace.
These laws will hinder rather than help progress.

Obstruct sth to block a road, an entrance, a passage, etc. so that sb/sth cannot get through, see
past, etc.
You can't park here; you're obstructing my driveway.
First check that the accident victim doesn't have an obstructed airway.
The pillar obstructed our view of the stage.

6) Kindle, To Start A Fire

to start burning; to make a fire start burning

We watched as the fire slowly kindled.

(sth) to make sth such as an interest, emotion, etc. start to grow in sb; to start to be felt by sb
It was her teacher who kindled her interest in music.

7) Noxious, Harmful, Poisonous, Lethal

Noxious poisonous or harmful

noxious fumes

Lethal causing or able to cause death

The snake's venom is rarely lethal to humans

8) Placid, Calm, Peaceful

Placid calm and peaceful, with very little movement.

Or (of a person or an animal) not easily excited or irritated.
A placid baby/horse
The cattle are placid, so easy to work with.
The river sparkled placidly in the sun.
9) Remuneration, Payment for Work Done

an amount of money that is paid to sb for the work they have done
Generous remuneration packages are often attached to overseas postings.

10) Talisman, Lucky Charm ‫تعویز‬

an object that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.
An ornaments or piece of jewelry usually hung about the neck and thought to be a magical
protection against evil or disease.

11) Abrasive, Rough, Coarse, Harsh

abrasive an abrasive substance is rough and can be used to clean a surface or to make it
abrasive kitchen cleaners
Rub down with fine abrasive paper.
Throughout his career he was known for his abrasive manner
The cleaner has a mildly abrasive action

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