BIG Terminology
BIG Terminology
BIG Terminology
abdo abdomen/abdominal
ac before meals
ADLs activities of daily living
A&E accident and emergency
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AKA above knee amputation
am after midnight / before midday
angio angiogram
AV atrioventricular
Ba barium
BA bowel action
Ba Meal barium meal
BCC basal cell carcinoma
bd/BD twice a day
BGL blood glucose level
BGLs blood glucose levels
BK below knee
BKA below knee amputation
BNO bowels not opened
BO bowels opened
B/P blood pressure
BSL blood sugar levels
BWO bowels well opened
C Celsius
Ca cancer/calcium
CaBG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
Card cardiac
CCF congestive cardiac failure
CCU coronary care unit
cm centimetre
CNC clinical nurse consultant
CNS central nervous system
consult consultation
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
CSF cerebro-spinal fluid
CT computed tomography
CT scan computerised axial tomography scan
CVA cerebro-vascular accident
CWMS colour‚ warmth‚ movement‚ sensation
CXR chest X-ray
D/C discharge/discontinue
DM diabetes mellitus
DOA dead on arrival
DOB date of birth
DPC delayed primary closure
dpm drops per minute
Dr doctor / medical officer
DRG diagnostic related groups
DTs delirium tremens
DVT deep vein thrombosis
Dx (diag) diagnosis
g gram
GA general anaesthetic
GI gastrointestinal
GIT gastrointestinal tract
gm gram
GP general practioner
GTN glyceryl trinitrate
GTT glucose tolerance test
Hb haemoglobin
HDU high dependency unit
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HNPU has not passed urine
HNV has not voided
L litre
L) left
LA local anaesthetic
LAD left anterior descending (coronary artery)
lat lateral
LFT liver function tests
LL lower lobe
LLQ left lower quadrant
l/min litres per minute
L / min litres per minute
LMO local medical officer
LMP last menstrual period
LOC loss of consciousness
LP lumbar puncture
L&S BP lying & standing blood pressure
LUQ left upper quadrant
mane morning
mcg micrograms
MC&S microscopy, culture and sensitivity (tests)
Meds medications
mg milligram
mgs milligrams
mL millilitre, millilitres
mls millilitres
mls/hr millilitres per hour
mm Hg millimetres of mercury
mmol millimole, millimoles
MO medical officer (doctor)
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MS multiple sclerosis
MSSU midstream specimen of urine
MVA motor vehicle accident
O2,O2 oxygen
O2,O2 sats oxygen saturation
O/A on admission
obs observations / vital signs
OE on examination
O,‘O’ oral
op operation
OPD outpatient’s department
OT occupational therapy
P pulse
PA per axilla
PAC pressure area care
pc after meals
PCA patient controlled analgesia
PE pulmonary embolism
PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
per by
PET positron emission tomography
physio physiotherapist
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
pm after midday / before midnight
PM postmortem
PMHx past medical history
PMT premenstrual tension
POP plaster of paris
post-op post-operative
PR per rectum
pre-op pre-operative
pro re nata (derived from Latin) - as needed /
when required
pt patient
PT physiotherapy
PV per vagina
PVD peripheral vascular disease
PWB partial weight bearing
QA quality assurance
quarter in die (derived from Latin) - four times per
R right
R) right
RBC red blood cells
rehab rehabilitation
RIB rest in bed
R)LL right lower lobe
RLQ right lower quadrant
RMO resident medical officer
ROM range of movement
R/Resp rate/Resps respirations
RTW return to ward
RUQ right upper quadrant
Rx treatment/orders/prescription
U/A urinalysis
UDB urinary drainage bag
U&E urea and electrolytes
ULQ upper left quadrant
ung ointment
UR unit record‚ patient record (UR number)
URQ upper right quadrant
URTI upper respiratory tract infection
UTI urinary tract infection
UV ultra violet
VD venereal disease
Vit K vitamin K
yr year
yrs years
Terminology: forms of address
It is important that people, whether they are patients, patients’ families or staff, are addressed
appropriately in the health care setting.
When caring for a patient, ask them what they would like to be called. Some people will want
to be called by their given names (Ruth, Ai Lin, Jack, Witold) while others will prefer a more
formal form (Ms Drummond, Mr Klar, Mrs Tran).
Do not call anyone ‘luv’, ‘luvie’ or ‘dear’. You may hear others address patients in this
manner but it does not show respect.
Construction of typical Australian names
In Australia, there are typically 4 parts to a person’s name (in this order):
•title (Ms, Mrs, Miss, Mr, Dr, Rev)
•given name (also called ‘first’ name, ‘forename’, or sometimes ‘Christian’ name. Examples
of first names include Gregory, Antonia, Trang, Mike, Mandy, Christos)
•middle name (some people have no middle name, more than one middle name, or use an
initial; e.g. a person with a middle name of Francis may use the initial F)
•family name (also called ‘last name ’ or ‘surname’. Examples of family names include Ong,
Johnson, Smith, Hassan, Zadoroznyj)
Titles for women
Women generally have three possible titles: Ms, Miss or Mrs.
Ms is the female equivalent of Mr. It does not designate marital status and is commonly used
(e.g. Ms Thach). Miss and Mrs are more traditional titles but many women still prefer them.
Miss is a term of address for a single woman or a girl (e.g. Miss Ingham). Mrs is a term of
address for a married woman (e.g. Mrs Vozzo).
Women should be asked which title they prefer (e.g. Ms, Miss or Mrs).
If the woman is a doctor or has a PhD, she should be addressed as Dr + family name (e.g. Dr
Titles for men
Men are generally called Mr (mister). If the man is a doctor or has a PhD, he should be
addressed as Dr + family name (e.g. Dr Weitz).
Name order
Generally, when using both the given and family names, the given name precedes the family
name; for example:
Mr [title] John [given name] McDonald [family name].
When you are talking to someone, the given name is not used when the title is used. You
would say, for example:
Mr McDonald (not Mr John McDonald)
Ms Neil (not Ms Ruth Neil)
Dr Lee (not Dr Jenny Lee).
Cultural variations
There are many cultural variations in names. For example, the order of a Japanese or Chinese
name is family name and then given name. It is acceptable to address using a title (Mr, Ms,
Mrs) and the last name. A Chinese man named Chen Ming could be addressed as Mr Chen.
If in doubt about the right order of a name, ask the patient what they would prefer to be called
and note their preference in the patient documentation.
Nursing student to patient
Penting bagi orang-orang, apakah mereka pasien, keluarga atau staf pasien, ditangani dengan
tepat di tempat perawatan kesehatan.
Saat merawat pasien, tanyakan pada mereka apa yang ingin mereka panggil. Beberapa orang
pasti ingin dipanggil dengan nama mereka (Ruth, Ai Lin, Jack, Witold) sementara yang lain
akan memilih bentuk yang lebih formal (Ms Drummond, Mr Klar, Nyonya Tran).
Jangan menyebut siapa pun 'luv', 'luvie' atau 'dear'. Anda mungkin mendengar orang lain
menghubungi pasien dengan cara ini tapi tidak menunjukkan rasa hormat.
Di Australia, biasanya ada 4 bagian untuk nama seseorang (dalam urutan ini):
• judul (Ms, Nyonya, Miss, Mr, Dr, Pendeta)
• nama yang diberikan (juga disebut nama 'first', 'forename', atau kadang-kadang 'Christian'.
Contoh nama depan termasuk Gregory, Antonia, Trang, Mike, Mandy, Christos)
• nama tengah (beberapa orang tidak memiliki nama tengah, lebih dari satu nama tengah, atau
gunakan awal; misalnya seseorang dengan nama tengah Francis dapat menggunakan F awal)
• nama keluarga (juga disebut 'nama belakang' atau 'nama keluarga'. Contoh nama keluarga
termasuk Ong, Johnson, Smith, Hassan, Zadoroznyj)
Wanita umumnya memiliki tiga judul yang mungkin: Ibu, Nyonya atau Nyonya
Ibu adalah perempuan yang setara dengan Pak. Ini tidak menunjuk status perkawinan dan
biasanya digunakan (misalnya Ms Thach). Nona dan Nyonya adalah judul yang lebih
tradisional tapi banyak wanita masih memilih mereka. Nona adalah istilah alamat untuk
wanita lajang atau perempuan (misalnya Miss Ingham). Nyonya adalah istilah alamat untuk
wanita yang sudah menikah (misalnya Nyonya Vozzo).
Wanita harus ditanya judul mana yang mereka sukai (misalnya Ms, Miss atau Nyonya).
Jika wanita tersebut adalah seorang dokter atau memiliki gelar PhD, dia harus ditangani
sebagai nama keluarga Dr + (misalnya Dr Green).
Nama pesanan
Umumnya, bila menggunakan nama keluarga dan keluarga, nama yang diberikan mendahului
nama keluarga; sebagai contoh:
Saat Anda berbicara dengan seseorang, nama yang diberikan tidak digunakan saat judul
digunakan. Anda akan mengatakan, misalnya:
Ada banyak variasi budaya dalam nama. Misalnya, urutan nama Jepang atau Cina adalah
nama keluarga dan kemudian diberi nama. Hal ini dapat diterima untuk alamat menggunakan
judul (Mr, Ms, Mrs) dan nama belakang. Seorang pria China bernama Chen Ming bisa
dialamatkan sebagai Tuan Chen.
Jika ragu tentang urutan nama yang benar, mintalah pasien apa yang mereka inginkan untuk
dipanggil dan catat preferensi mereka dalam dokumentasi pasien.
Pelajar perawat untuk sabar
This quiz is an exercise for students to familiarize with the English Terminology of anatomy
and physiology in human.
1. Thin sheets of muscle between each rib that expand (when air is inhaled) and contract
(when air is exhaled) : Intercostal muscle
2. A flap of cartilage that prevents food from entering the trachea (or windpipe) : Epiglottis
4. Located at the entrance of the nose, these hairs trap large particles that are inhaled: Nose
6. Interior area of the nose; lined with a sticky mucous membrane and contain tiny, surface
hairs called cilia : Nasal cavity
7. Bones attached to the spine and central portion of the breastbone, which support the chest
wall and protect the heart, lungs, and other organs in the chest : Rib
8. The main muscle used for breathing; separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity :
9. Covering the lung and lining the chest cavity, this membrane has two thin layers : Pleural
11. The two main air passages into the lungs : Bronchi
12. Tube through which air passes from the nose to the lungs (also known as the windpipe) :
Kuis ini merupakan latihan bagi siswa untuk mengenal Bahasa Inggris Terminologi anatomi
dan fisiologi manusia.
1. Lembaran tipis otot di antara masing-masing tulang rusuk yang melebar (saat udara dihirup)
dan berkontraksi (saat udara dihembuskan)
2. Flap tulang rawan yang mencegah makanan memasuki trakea (atau tenggorokan)
3. Kotak suara
4. Terletak di pintu masuk hidung, rambut ini menjebak partikel besar yang terhirup
5. Ruang udara di dalam tengkorak
6. Tabung melalui udara yang melewati dari hidung ke paru-paru (juga dikenal sebagai
batang tenggorokan
7. Interior area hidung; Dilapisi dengan selaput lendir yang lengket dan mengandung sedikit,
rambut permukaan yang disebut silia
8. Tulang yang menempel pada tulang belakang dan bagian tengah tulang dada, yang
menopang dinding dada dan melindungi jantung, paru-paru, dan organ lainnya di dada.
9. Otot utama digunakan untuk bernapas; memisahkan rongga dada dari rongga perut
10. Meliputi paru-paru dan melapisi rongga dada, membran ini memiliki dua lapisan tipis
11. Area otak yang mengontrol pernapasan
12. Dua saluran udara utama masuk ke paru-paru